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"^EAPOLIS ST. FACI. AND SAULT STE. MARIE. VcrfKT *J JTvoV J131.512 SSI.4S3 $129.00} w«* £ -\OT--\ OT --- £££jsis 1.3?4.543 1.9»1.556 Ja!y 1 » " yoj^tK AND WESTERN. . „_, 1.561 1.5T.1 I.KS Seal** ii^- ". $".n- 122 K2K.S-U t24^«7 rW''\. is -- ; c.l*.-.35. 5.7-C.r*« 4.600.006 '•• ?1 '" ' p«)BIA AND EASTERN. V OV j4.'"i: 547.301© X T%% l!.:»-." 530.6» CIT.3-r> ?t5.710 FERE MAROUETTE. . \u0084„, 1.76« 1.766 1.662 Mjrr.serc- ra.*e*— ---- 5414,5; »352.V» 5143.411 P.Tx-r :'"•'\u25a0\u25a0 7,«04.11» 723.326 6^10.911 ftE. \ f '* IOCS AND SAX FRANCISCO. ,"_••« 1.69: 1.401 1.253 >-a=ber cf =-«; $414.1*2 *552.5G* J14P.2-S9 r--.-"*«Vr. - 7^55.555 6.400.45S tt.430.577 : & '°^ o^ r)Ot imam* AND WESTERN. ". •.-« 24S 2-iS 24S y = *l*r .--'?•• pjg pgJS pmm IWA* NN 7 "\u25a0•" 4»'.e:e 423.027 404.26S -' ' ! ' ' * PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE. JUS* of^"""-" 1^ JBT3 3r.4 $562 f 528.818 3i7 -™ aa4 -* Bl __ | JS2B.IM lISS -" 5 IWIH "»i^ 1 " S °~ J4 968.44S $4 203.617 f3.BPS.SJH gJJLS^^wi 2 360.74= 2.7i: .614 2.608.009 (strs.CngC3iJe.Je "' ' Krt ear=lr.SS saaa. J2.0C5.708 ?"..461.903 11.055.753 ' " "' ALLEGHENY VALLEY. September. N!iwmonths. I «~'ngs IXc- «3734 Inc. $239 068 fZ2StS~~ Pefe-lai^a *»*\u25a0 13.304 X?t earrlnps tie- 510.539 tee. 8252.362 UJOM ISLAND RAILROAD. September. Three months. .__ „— "rs I=c. J39.454 I=C. 1254.576 o£ra-:^ ' 'exr^-s-s Inc.JO^ Inc. 82 780 yet earrings Inc. MM Inc. *i7i.796 QUARTERLY STATEMENTS. {FSei with the F.a'.lrca-" Commissioners.) PCHT JEP-VIS. MONTICELLO AND NEW-YORK. A-ar-er-r.-':" Serrt. SO 1901. 1900. Changes. 'tosT^nSW" ...$22,712 522.8 M Dec J142 5^ £ - -.- ... -. 4.0«2 «8 61 Inc. 1X123 Prtdt ..-t 372 12.397 Dec 12.025 \u25a0jßdßor Val"«T Quarter esfled Sejrterr.ber 30: o^as eamizes, f1'?7.743; act eerr.ln^. $44. S4": other ia- --.!•- HO. 785. Northern Pacific Railway Company Retirement of Preferred Stock. To the Holders of Preferred Etcck cf the >ORTHER\ PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Notice hereby Is given that in exercise of the power re- served by the Northern Pacific Railway Company and speclf.cally declared in every outstanding stock certificate, the Company has duly mined to retire the preferred stock, and the same will be retired, in whole, at par. upon the first day of January. 1902. Accordingly each and every holier Of preferred stock Is notified to present and to surrender his certificate '\u25a0- such preferred stock at the office of the Northern Pacific Railway Company. 49 Wall Street. In the Cltr at New York, on ir.d after the first day cf January. ISOi and upon such surrender to receive pay- ment in cash of the par amount thereof. For Use purpose of euch retirement, the transfer books of the Northern Pacific Railway rr.par.>• wili cloee at three o'clock P. M —. Tuesday. December 10. 1301. and the transfer bocks of the common atodk will reopen Thurs- day. January 2. 190"-. at ten o'clock A. M. By order at the Board of Director? 1 . GEORGE H. EARL. Secretary.. Dated November 13. 180 L LAKETVOOD, VL J. T^l LIAISES Mill ©IF WB3HW HE LMEf i!D IHJJDTEL, VIRGINIA. TTIRGrNTAHOT SPRINGS. * EXHILARATING FALL MOUNTAINRESORT ON CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAT. The Virginia Hotel and Cottages will acoonxaodata patrons pending completion of magnificent hotel ' - sproat business. Finest bathing establishment in America. Per- fect climate and incomparable autuin:i scenery. Golf course of 6.000 yards s«?cond to cone. Firs; class livery and good roads. Comportment sleeper without chanse Tuesdays and -days. . Excursion tickets C. i O. onto*. 3«2 Broadway, and offices Pe=nay.-. Railroad. Addres» FRED STERRY. Manager. Hot Springs. Bath Ceu. Va. REAL ESWETRUST OF NEW YORK, No. 30 Nassau Street. CAPITAL, SLRPLLS AND LSOIVIOti) PROFITS 21,000,000. DESIGNATED LEGAL. DEPOSITORY. Allows Interest on deposits. Acts aa Executor. Trustee. Guardian, Trans* ter Ajfent. Registrar. Ac. TRUSTEES: HENRY C. SWORDS. President. H. H. CAMiIANN. Vlce-Presideat. James M Vamum. Douslas Rooinson. Charles C. Burke. Charles 6. Brown. Horace S. Ely. decree G. De Witt. Llspenard Stewart. Henry K. Pcmroy, Henr>- Lewis Morris. Percy Chubb, Edwin A CrulJcshank. Franklin B. Lord. Charles A. Peab-xiy, J. Roosevelt Roosevelt. Charles A. 'ichermernorn. Lansciaie Bcardman. James I. Raymond. Harrlscn E. Gawtry. Joel F. Freeman. Frank S. Witherbee. HENiIY W. REIGHLEY. Secretary. (Dccan £iieamcrs OPENS TO-DAY. OLD POINT COMFORT. VA. •R-DTr-WT t."11-t >r Fall and winter months delight- BRIGHT VIEW. rj . , or drtvtnK boa tint, and golf. Large country house, not- water heat: modem Improvements . moderate raxas; Il- lustrated circular. >TOTICE Is hereby glren to The hoiders of the Six per cent 60 year Gold Debentures at the St. Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Company, that said u-der nrovlslOM mr.tair.ed in The Indenture b-S-Vrl said Railway Company and the Standard "Vast Company of New York, as Trustee, made July 1. I*>l. elects *o recVe-r. and retire said I>b«itures on January -" 190* at arvd after which lim* interest thereon shall ci*s« and on pr*>ser.taticn of said Debentures th» same at the rate of 105 per centum for each bond with ac- crued iwirUt to January 1. IMS will be paid at the office cf said Company at 51 East 44th "Street, New York \u25a0:\u25a0 D**e£ New York. October SO. 190 J. FRANK C SMITH. Secretary. \u25a0 pI/ a or WATER A\n "LIGHT BONDS ! 3/2 tO O B and dividend paying stocks a specialty. IHchfst I>j»iil» reference". Send for list. ROUT. K.STRAHORN. Spokane, Wash. Lakewood Is a world renowned "Winter resort for wealth and fashion, and The Lakewoo.'. its principal hotel, Is a superbly equipped hostelry, in luxurious accommodations for the comfort, convenience and entertainment at its patrons, not surpassed by any hotel In America. The cni»!ce and «»n-ic« equal those of the celebrated restau- rant's of New York and Paris. rure) Baths remain Tmder The Hydrotherzpeutlc (water cure) Baths remain \u25a0oncer the direction of the house physician. W'ite for Illustrated booklet and diagram of rooms- JAS. N. BERRY, Mgr. Bankers an& CroKrrs SOCTH CAROLTSA. Fill FoiEiT tan PINE FORSST INN. wmomrnnam S. C. 22 VCe» from Charleston. Opens Nov. 20th. !9<il Easy of access by 9m. Rrcay. A. C. L.. P. 3.. and Clyde Use Steamer*. Delightful climate. Hotel is handsomely appointed and strictly modem. Elegar.. Golf Links (13 Hate) and fins hunting. Write fcr Booklet. F. W. WAGSNBR i CO., Proprietor*. BERSTCDA, BERMUDA. THB QUEEN OF WtNTEK RZSO2.TS. THE HAMILTON. ITS LEADINGHOTEL. OPEN* DECEMBHP. TO MAT. Sr3ND FOR ILLCSTRATEO BOOKLST. A. C- BROOKS. \u25a0\u25a0» OFFICERS! LEVI P. MOBTOX. President THOMAS F. RYAN. Vice-President JAMES K. CORBIERE. 2d VJee-Prest H.M. FRANCIS. Secretary EIGE\E E. VARET. Asst. Secretary G. L. WILMERDIXG. Asst. Secretary H. B. BERRY, Trust Officer DIRECTORS: John Jacob Astor. Joseph 'Larocqne, George F. Baker. D. O. Mills. Edward J. Benrind. l.erl P. Morton. Frederic Cromwell. Richard A. McCnrdTt. James B. Duke. W. G. Oakman. Henry M. Flasl'r. George Foster Peabodj*. G. G. Haven. Samuel Rea. Joseph C. Flendrlx. Oihn Root. Abram S. Hewitt, Thomas F. Ryan, James N. Jarrie. Jacob H.Schlff, Walter S. Johnston. John Sloane. -». Jui'.Uard. TVHUam C. "KTiltßey.' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: LEVI P. MOUTOS. THOMAS F. RTAH. EDWARD J. BEHWiND. G. G. HAVEN. JOSEPH C. HF.NDRIX. JAMES V JARVIE. GEORGE FOSTER PEABODT, JACOB H. SCHIFF. WILLIAMC WHITXEY. 38 NASSAU STREET. Opita!. Surplus &Undivided Profits. $4 000,000 lakz*tocd. NEW JERSSY. KKJTDTEIL ftJSSKKS LIBERAL MANAGEMENT. TABLE AND SSRVICa CNSIHIPASSED. L. B. PARENT. THE TOWERS. LAKEWOOD. NEW JEP.SST. Refurp.'.shed an," under new management. Superior tae!* and service. Address the Ml.-ses BURKE Uormerly oi Newman Cottage. Plttsfleld. Mass.). ISLu/AaUuljU U^LraUiJLl^)^^) ALL APPOINTMENTS STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. NO OVERCROWDING. To Wi?^T HiilfßlH!?® the Spanish Main the WES II OlAj uJJ "Q and Mexico. FROM N. Y. JAN 4 & FEB. S. 1802. 5. IMEbITEBBABBiEAfiB552 DRIEnT FROM N. V . JAN*. 22. 1902. SiEiiTSIHiAIKIiAi, black SEA MMEA km casjubasus FROM N. Y. MARCH 12. 1902. BY THE WELL-KNOWN STEAMERS Anjruste Victoria and Prinzcssln Victoria Luise. For DamphJets. itineraries, rates, etc. apply Hamburg-American Line, 37 B'way, N.Y. LAKEW^QOD. N. J. THE LEXINGTON. opp. Lanr«M House. OPEN all the year. Sunny room*. open ?.r-s. private batbs. steam h-at. el^-rtc ;:ght. R*:e. (2.^0 per day and up. A. S. LARRABEE; PROPR. HOTEL DEltfltflS. Atlantic City N. J. Open all the year. Directly raring the ocean: hot and cola sea ard fresh water baths. Golf, Vestibule trains via N. J. Central and Penna. P. R. WALTER J. BL-ZBY. Issue Travellers' LETTERS OF CREDIT available throughout the world. Philadelphia. GRAHAM. KERR & CO. Chicago: 304 THE ROOKERY. Redmond, m^ Q Kerr & CO. Investment bamckrs. y ) Securities 41 WALL ST.. N\ T. I JWWUI IIIWO Lilt of <mrrent cfrr.-g-j teat om app".ica::sa. Trtrsait a general baakiag; :B«:m». B«celre deposits snbject to draft. Diridendi tad fcterest call^cted and resitted. Act as Fiscal Arrnta for and negotiate and lisa* loans of rail- road*. street rsllwiys. gas companies, etc. Securi- ties boccht ai«i sold ob cooiiniuiac. Members at K«w Zerk Slock Kxctsnge. Citri Sfftcla. TTDQis. ©OQE(LS[ES\ ? WEST 23D ST.. :*SW TORS. EUROPEAN PLAN. ABSOLUTELY FIBEPROOF. REASONABLE RATES. US(!DII¥OQ (£^^^:X^ (LILOTOD- FAST EXPRESS SZP.VICZ. PLYMOUTH— BREMEN. Kals»r Ncv. 19 10 A.M. ; :- -• r:r.z Jan. 4. noon Kronprlnr...Dec. 3. 10 A M ! Kaiser Jan. 2V 10 A_M_. Kaiser. ...Dec. M 10 A.M. Kronprir.z Feb. 4. noon P>r .''C North Rlv#- Oanwvocrt St. TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER .-EF.VICE^ SOUTHAMPTON— LONDON «PARIS)— BREMEN. K. Luis*.. Nov. 2S. 11 A.M. I Barbarossa-.D^c -8. 10 A.M. Bremen .. . Dec. 5. nooniK. lltSI Jan. 2. 10 A_il- Plor foot of 3.1 St.; Hcbnk^n N. J. OELRICHS i CO.. NO. 3 BP.OADWAY. Louis H. Meyer 43 South Third St.. Pnila. .financial iilcchngs. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. n'HE undersigned, as the bolder of at least eighty per cent in value of the capital stork of Th« Railroad Dumrl"S Car Company, a corporation created under the laws of West Virginia, and as the Secretary cf said corporation, hereby cails a meeting cf •\u25a0-.» ?tccithold- ers of the taid corporation, to t-e held at the ofHce of the Campaar. No 53 Broad-way. Boom 601. in the City and State .• New York, SB th« twenty-ninth day of Novem- ber. 1901. \u25a0*.'\u25a0-\u25a0' o'clock A. M.. at which meeting. which srin be a general me*:inc of the stockholders, any business rr.a- be trar.jact'd which may proper come be- fore the stockholders In general meeting. JOHN R. L. BNITFKM. JOHN R. L. SNIFFEN. Secretary. ATLANTIC CITY. K}©lT[E[L liSKlDOßiniDa, OPXN ALT TEE YEAR. One of the best equipped Hote:». Steam teat, eleraton to ail floors: hot and cold baths. Rooms with privat* bath. Fine table. Sea view. Ocean end of Virginia. Aye. MRS. N. R. HAINHS. Owner and Proprietor. Notice of Summons. HOTEL, LURAT. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OPEN PAVILION AND HEATED SUN PARLOR. DI- RECTLY OVER BOARDWALK. Porches on a level with and Joined to Boardwalk. Sea and treat) priva:« baths. Golf privilege*. C JOSIAH WHITE it SON. TRADE IX CHICAGO. CMeagc. Nor. " (Special).— There \u25a0k-es \u25a0weakness •- w-eat '\u25a0'-\u25a0 tie ' r?t few rillllUa and «• dip cf H3'~i s irc~ Tuescay = close; bsst the last prices •were MM 6 better than yesterda>"*s. December cpe-iefl st Z:t»=. soli between TlHc and 72c, and clsasd E . TI 7 *c: May closed at To^c bid. Cables were c- ot :_ r a sr=a:: '**"-*-*". although there had been * decade here the cay previous of l"»o- Com -was error? e^cng-a to help wheat. Th* Pattens, who had said Moncty an<! Tuesday, covered and went loos fcra:-. Clearances were SUN hushels. Outside sariets did as well a* this. Early there was a p>od deal of MUlas by Phillips, the lettfuc po of a Iszg Use of possibly T50.000 bushels. There was son:« farther December liquidation, and the De- cember OJscoaat at one time was ZHc. Wall Street kought \u25a0wheat; most of the his eoraniEsion people •wer« bcyers finally Harris notably. Primary re- celtr-.i were 1.050.000 bushels, against ?31.000 bushels i:st fmtr. the Northwestern cars. 614. against SSI- There was nothics sold for shipment: but the sea- board reported farty-eight loads. Com lea the grain advance, gaining Vie and closing at the top. December opened at R*«c, sold bera-een i^-^c ar.d BS*«c, and closed at EB^c the Jt*y dosed at C s «c sellers. The shipping position ira» tie factor: sales here about 450,000 bushel*. The dem&r.c irom the seaboard improved, and a large b'ssisess was done with the West and Booth. Kansas City took com here, paying about 4-? freight •* ret It. There was a better demand from Piliacelphia. There were only 57 cars here; only 105 cars estimated for Thursday. Primary receipts were less than half cf that of last year. Patten bsxirp was \u25a0 feature in the futures. There was i—i'iiin r auying of May by Schwartz-Dupee. wso have been pilingup a line lor somebody for a week. l liven was cS only l fraction, although there tad been a crop here the day before cf over 1c a bushel The seaboard reported ten loads for ex- pert. The significant circumstances Is that cash ccm conditions are reversed, the West this year reQ-'-rlr-g rather than furnishing com to \u25a0 this mark'?-. Oats advanced "-:r3 5 ., c. Cash oats were at the De- cember price and mixed oats, free on board, were £l=ost up to the May price. The December closed at Kfcc and the May ax 4C*vc. Shipping sales were made in every direction— seaboard. New-England ar.i:'-' 5 -_*.-" Sales here -were about 300,000 bush- els. There were 128 cars; the estimate for to-mor- row 170 cars. Flaxseed was quiet; prices barely steady: the cash and November SI 47. and the December, $1 44 bid. At the three points there were 2SS cars, against I£6 cars last -.ear Prsv-sions kept within narrow limits;ribs and lard declined slightly; pork holding. Kog receipts keep \u25a0mvy— head here in two days; but they are running- !;eht in weigtit. and the heavy bogs are no cheaper. The buying of tmurea is about as good ac the gelling; the sentiment much mixed. HOTEL TRAY MORE, ATLANTICCITY. N. J. ''pen throughout tr-e ye-jr Under new management. Ntn t and cold sea water baths in house, and every other modem comfort ar.i appointment. Illustrated booklet mailed on request. Capacity. 450. Golf privileges. TRAYMORE HOTEL CO. HOWARD WHITE. Jr., ITgr. D. S. WHITQ. President. Kountze Brothers, BANKERS, Broat!wa> & Cedar St. NEW YORK TRANSACT A General Foreign. a.nd Domestic Banking Business. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. W.R.KOUGHTALING&OO, Members >»<r York Stock Exchange, 52 BROADWAY, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Investment Securities. Telephone 300* Broad. 3nsirnrtion. in ttest «th st. © W a (yJ/nl'JuiilLS) 111 TTEST «TH ST. Qi) I] C Viil/fTltiV/U Is^i/ FIREPROOF. -te-l CONSTRUCTION. Ucfumlafced apartments by the year. Table d'Hote $1.00, 8 to 7:30 P. M. CHARLES H- DEDERER, Proprtetar. Also for the past 20 years of the Peninsula Hems*. SeaSright. S.i. SQDGP-CCClin S-TIS?3 Xl s J3r. BROADWAY. COR. WEST 71ST 3T. AMERICAN PLAN. Strictly a fair'.!y hotel: choice suites, furnished or na- furnUheJ, to rent by the season Si year. Culsln» aad service of the highest order. Rates reasonable. Loc*2oa Cssvaciest to aU part* of tflo city. WALTER LAW3SNCS. ~~' BOSTON. IT HE [LHKKID2L BOTT.J!TON AND EXETER STREETS. ' '•A NHW YORK HOTEL IN 303T0NV* . Strictly Fireproof European ? an. N"EARE?T HOTEL TO CAMBRIDGE. Accommodations for the HARVARD-YALE GAME. Rooks should be ecg.r»l in advance- Check bajrjra*' to Back Bay Svatlao. THREE MINUTES TO TTOQIE iL[Er\!i©S ? URIAH -rncH. Boston. BOSTON ComTr^ctreaJth OOdDTTLELL WlSseSOtE Moat beautifully and conveniently situated of any lead- Ing hotel in the city; patronage unexcelled. Thoroughly remodelled: lons distance telephone In every suit*. Abso- lutely free from dust or noise from steam and trolley cars. " C. H. GREENLEAF A CO. For Tounff Ladles City. I7T>-DERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS. Jtv f"a«i»es now formins. Fr«^ Scholarship fllmlte Bvenine classes. Writs Tor particulars. Z. A. CUTTEN, ;.r' Met. Temple. "th Aye. and 14th St. ESTABLISHED 1833. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK. 162 & 184 BROADWAY. DIHECTOES. ESWIN GOULD. EDWARD B. THOMAS. IVM. NELSON CROMWELL. ALESANDE3i MCDONALD. BA3CUEL THOMAS. WILLIAMH. TAYLOR. R. W. JONES. Jr.. HUGH KSLLY. WILLIAM F. CARLTON. CEARLES E. LEVY. CRAWFORD FAIRBANKS. zr*v:v GOULD, Presliert, \u25a0wiLLI.»-i: H. TAYLOR, V.ce-PreslCer.:. ByWTABO R. THOiIAS, Viee-Preslfiect. E. "W. JONEs, Jr.. v.ce-Pre»ident and Cashier. GEO. W. ADAMS. Asst. Cashier. EULUVAN & OUUHWJEUU Gaassad Counsel. PITTSBURG, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO. UTICA & BLACK RIVER. UTICA, CHENANGO &SUSQUEHANNA. DEALT IN BY JOSEPH WALKER & SONS, 33 Wall St. and 15 nrontl St.. >• Y. City. Members Sen York -tork Lirhnnßf. " "BRANCH OFFICE. 5 WFST 27TH STREET. MISS KELLER'S DAY SCHOOLS. MAIN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 25 WEST 53TH ST. BOYS' COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. «74 MADISON AVENUE (NEAR «'.?T ST.) Head Master. J. W. OANSON .Harvard '«». TUXEDO PARK SCHOOL. TUXEDO PARK. N. T. Winter Course. OctODer fl'h to June. Schools offer complete course. Kindergarten to CoHere. 1--!*!1 -'-!*! with manual training. For enrolment apply 25 West BBtfe st. Miss Eleanor I. Keller. Pd. M.. Principal. MIES MURPHY BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Foreign travel. 160 and 117 Weit SRts fit. MISS B\"EP.PEI.L'3 CL.^SSE3 FOR OIRLS. KINDERGARTEN IN FRENCH. S3 West 45?* Street. MISS ANNE BROWN. I>JL Boarding and Par School for Gtrla. 711-713-713-717 FIFTH AVEM'K. Snrrcgotes* Jfctxcta. Bank & Trust Co. Stocks DEALT IS. CL.HVTOIV GILBERT 2 \VALI> ST. Dirifirnfi Xoiiccs. VTEW YORK SUPREME COURT— Trial de- " «i-»i in New York County. R. T«mp:« G. Klrk- U»7rtsc^Plalatilt a»a:n»! Charlotte M. Buiim-iniw John nJ'lwlnke! ' \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 Wllllaron and Mary Williams, his wl'e (th» narr.e Miry be:: ftctitlous. the true ChrHtlan nin-'e of sai.l del«B<Unt t' :o the PfatiaUa unknown), \u0084\u25a0'\u25a0,, Cis-sovb . Thorr.a« Lenox. John A. CUBCtty, J*me» TJ ••"\u25a0-.•.„ , \u25a0.**--.-\u25a0 Plimpton. Edni .-\u25a0 '. erst* Carrte STronmentto- *• executrix of tae last a... and ;+r:a.rTitT.; fr-a'-les L. Stnbnenftr. Jr., <i^»a.«*-i: Joeej Jacob.. 7a— « F McKeraon J»m<>s T. Fttrvatnck. Ma.«or.s' Sup- Cor.'»-'y Chrl«tl»a Schr»twie«»r and Jacob Schrat- wiVsi-r Delendar.ts. Secor.d men tal bamaom. To •he above n^rr.ed Defendants: You »r. hereby eurn- moW to aawrer the •- -.; an -- ' »mpla -• ta this ac'-on and to ten" £- your ar.swer oa the Plair.- ti';: Attorney* within tweaty I*7* after th» service cf th's mmmons. exr!-s!ve at the O*jr of service, and la cam .: your failure to appear or answer. judgment will I* tikes, aga' you by default, tor the relief demanded 1- the complaint. 26th. l»l Dated Sertsmk* l " 25th. 15*01. NASH * JONB& '\u25a0^ v NASH ft JONES. PlalntlfT's Attorneys, Offl'-e and Po*tcfT;c» Addreaa, No. «3 Wall St.. Borough of " \f. safan City of New York. To Charlotte M. Bnl *• ->.•:. John H. Bollwiakal. John W'.iurs .'.- \u25a0 star? William*, bis *"\u25a0"''" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 name Mary b*irsr fictitious •\u25a0\u25a0 - "\u25a0" fhrl»t!j.n tame cf said de- '•idart beats to tn« p:ilr.ti3 unknown). Thomas Lenox. Eilmcr.d Huer«tel ar.,l Jarr^s T. Fill it! dt:endi.i:»: The foregoing second supplemental summons is »»rv . upon you tr pubßc«.tloo. purruant to an order of the Honorable •;- rE« P. Andrews, a Justice of the >..- Court cf the Stare cf New York, dated the second day cf Octot" 1901, ani filed with the complaint In the oflJee of 'he .-. cf the County >r New York, at the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the- City. County and State of New York. ' Dated New York. October 2i. 16<"'l. & NASH t JONBS, Plaintiff's Attorneys. (SUPREME COURT.— Dora Mittenthal. Plaln- v - tlfT amlr.»t Joseph Mittenthal. Defendant.— destTen trial to be ha-1 in the City ar..l County of Sew fotk.— Sommons. Ac:lnn for Absolute Divorce. To t!ie tbove r.anit.l Der»ndar.t: You are hereby summoned to \u25a0.nvwer the corr.piamt in th'.s act] and to servi a copy or your answer at the Plaintiffs Attorney within twenty -lave* alter the s«>rvic» of this \u25a0 ir.::: \u25a0!.. exc!u«lv» rf •\u25a0. i ' and !r. Life of \u25a0• ' fa I 10 appear or anstrsr Judgment will tr ' Ken aj-alnst jou by drfault fo* the -, ... demanded h the complaint. r>a-<-: Kew York. November i. 1901. ...... STEUER. PUInUJTs Attorney. OSic «nd Post Office Address. 21:0 Broadway, New York City. To the Defendant. \u25a0-;- Mittenthal: Th» fmegolng summons s»r\»'l upon you by publication, pursuant to an r,r-'.<-r \u25a0' Hon. [enry Blschoft Jr.. a Justice of the Supreme Court of th<> State of New York, date-! the lit* day of •.-...- 1901. and t'led with the complaint (.p. that day In th<? nfflce cf the r]«-rk of the County of N»n- York, at the '\u25a0 ::••••\u25a0 Court House. In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. Dited Sew York. November 12th. 1&01. MAX D. STECEB Attcrn»y for Plaintiff. Office and Post OfS<-e -. Idresi 320 Broadway, New York City. Borough of Manhattan. \u25a0" : - - : \u25a0 -\-? ~ y;\ T. EN-SCREW EXPRESS SERVICE. PLYMOUTH—CHERBOURG HAMBURG. Deutschland. D»-r. 12, T A. M- I TWIN-SCREW PASFKNGER SERVICE. ! Q wry Saturday tn rLYMOVTH— CHFr.nOrP.G— HAMBURG _ •Phoenicia ...Nov. \*,. s AM ' r^nnsvlvanta r.Dee. •*• ; A^i Patricia . N -;-.-. 23.2 PM! Pretoria D *'- -:. ifm WaMersee . . .Nov. 30. AM[ Thatr.icia rWu -S. •am •PalAtU Dec. T. 2 PMI Patricia Jan. 4.IPM •Tn Hambont direct. _/_ M '4. 1 KAMBURO-AamRICAN LINE. 37 BROADWAY. N. Y. iiiVfiGE. •HAMBURG-AMERICAN TNORTTI-GKRMAN LINE. to LLOYD. r . r^ r , r . NAPLES AND GENOA VIA GIBRALTAR & ALGIERS BY EXPRESS STEAMERS. Steamers Alier Trave. Lar.r.. and Hohenzallern do cot <-ail a- A'.s'.e"' _ \u25a0tHoh'niollem Nov. 18 -Columbia Dec 10 •F. Bismarck Nov. 23: tLahn •!>«=. 14 rTrar* Nov. 30 tHohensotlcrn Dec. 2S tAßer Dtc - 2 P. M.,'F. Blsrr.arcii Jan. \u25a0* Sa'.llrrs at 10 AM _^ _ FOR ALEXANDRIA (ESGYFT). JAN. 4. IS. 30. MCH. 29. Return tickets a -;i:. fw the steamers of either ur.» from Naples, O«ooa. Gibraltar, Hamburg. Bremen. Lan- <;\u25a0"-. Southampt -.. Paris, acd Cherbourg „, HAMBURG-AMERICAN i NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. LINE >ELRJCHS & CO.. Agents. 37 BROADWAY. N. Y. | S RP.OADWAY. N. Y. Hamburg stearoen from First St.. Hoboken. N. J. Lloyd ft»-an-.»rs from Amity St.. Brooklyn. | HAWAIIAN AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. ! OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. S. CO. TOYO RISEN KAISHA. Between Fan Francisco. Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe, \u25a0 Nagasaki. Shanghai. Hor.y Kong. Steamers leave San Francisco at 1 P. M. i CHINA Nor. PRU Dec 19 DORIC .. Dec. 3 COPTIC D«c. U NIPPON MAR 1 ' Dec. 11 AM MARL Jan. 4 For freight, passace and general Informatica apply to ! 849 Broadway, or 1 Battery Place. Washington Building. \ and 297 Broadway. 1 SEKJDGS" £QJlirDJ]Ki]ra_ ¥ffiDPSo j , A few days can be pl»«santly spent In a trip via the dD!UJD QD(DE IQdDEH ILDIS3tS l:a .^ " " TO LD MM OiiFiST, VlffiGOjflSA BEACH, WA. f BB ?^^l^Ti^. I. G. FINE MODERN STEAMSHIPS SAIL DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. AT 3 P. 11. FROM PIER 26. NORTH RIVER. SEW YORK. WHERE TICK- j I ET3 AND STATEROOMS CAN BB OBTAINED. i ROUND TRIP TICKETS. 513 AND UPWARD. •Telephone 1380 Franklin. I ODJ.QD DDG9IOS!D(DO ILQR3II DAILY SERVICE. For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's ; Point and Newport News. Va.. connecting for Peterstjrg. i Richmond. Vircinla Beach. Washington. D. C. and entire i South and West. Freight and Passenger steamers sail from Pier 161 N. R. fxit of Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M. H. B. WALKER. TrarTic Manager. jVTALLORY STEAMSHIP LINES. *^ Frcm New-York Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays. FOR TEXAS. GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. STRAIGHT and ROUND TRIP Tickets issued to all I points in Texaa. Colorado. Arizona. California. M'Ttco, I &c. Georgia. Florida. &c. Delightful Excursions. Write for our 60-paee "Pocket Guide"' (mailed free). C. H. MALLORY & CO.. Gen. Acts.. Pier 20. E. R.. N. T. Mrr DORR'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR OIRLS AND CHILDREN.— Home School. 303 W. lOfltfi St.; Day School. 303 W. 102 d St. Hours from 9 to 1:13. rpHE MISSES TVREAKS. 12 East 73d Street. J. Thoroughly graded School for Girls. College pre- paratory class. Special students. Resident perils. TjUNHAM. JAMES H.—la pursuance of aa or^e- of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of th» Cou-.ty New Ycrk. notice !s hereby given to a..: persona having claims against James H. Dunham. lata of th« County of New York, deceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to th» subscriber, at his place of trans- ac'.inc bueiness, at the office of his atton-eys. Massrs. GouM i *v::if.e. No. 2 Wall ?tieet. Borough of Manhat- tan. In the City of New York, on or before th» second day of Jar nary. 1902. Dated New York, th*ICth day cf June. 1901. THEODORE W. LULJNG. ESecntor. GOULD A WILKIE. Attorneys for the Executor. 2 Wan Street. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. MISS ROBERT^. SfrCRSSOR TO MISS WALKER. SCHOOL FOR «*:iRL. c " Clas.««»s for r .- Kindergarten. Exceptional acVva**- tas<»s cf home life lx special stiidents. 148 MADISON AVENUE. ©tcan stcamcr3. ST. LOtIS AXD SAX FR_4..VCISCO RArLROAD CO3IPAXV. „, November 7. 19C1. ?fHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com- \ - 3>tr taa Seclared a quarterly dlvidenS of 1%. out of ti»r.r;. ea.-r.:t:cs of this Company, payable on I>ecen-.- b«r 2. > I to the holders of the Second Preferred Stock of this Cc = -arv of record at the ciop« of business on »w»mb»r IS 1801 The transfer books of the Second Weired Stoci will cose at 3 P. M. on November 15. W, and tr:.: remain ciosei until 10 A. K. D^cemter 2. aiS. Chec/jes will be mailed by the Continental Trust Casapary of the City cf New York. - FREDERICK STRAUSS. Aeslstant Secretary. 0c and after December I ISOI. the Voting Trustees 4 .!: *»5-ti^-r to pay the above di-.-52«ui to holders of otlng »\u25a0» CerJsrat« for Second Pr«2 erred Stock of record a. th» dsse of business or. November 15. 1901. at the oriT.ce « tt« CoctlE?r.-.a; Trust Company of Lfc* City -' New Tark, S& so Broad Street. N< ,- York City, on pre«trta- Sea *T the.- of their Voting True-. CertiScates for ex- e^*Cf» tcr Stock C«rUScates. . __ J. KENNEDY TOD & CO- Agents of -..- YoUng Trustees. HOMESTAKE MlM><i COMPAXY. I*—.-,.- BUILDING. 13 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK. November L-th. 1901. TH* -•\u25a0 .^'"M'-Nil-LY DIVIDEND. .yjfcTT-FIVE -25; CENTS PER SHARE. *— been O^l^Tw^BVe «» Cents, payable at the same ti =f_ sad tlace. Uißsfer txioks dc»e oa the 2TftSijft- , ._ nt « LOUNSBERY & CO.. Trar.tfer Afen^ SOUTHER* PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. New York. November 13. »»• •pHE COMPANY baa this day declared from NSW YORK." .i,V P^efer^d Btockhclcers af n^crd to Sr'-SrtTiLa « it*^DEUTSCHE BANK BERLIN, to the Pref-rrei Stockholder, of record »a Berlin **^1^??; I=S ci tie transfer books at 3 o'clock P. M en December la. ..« : -Northern Pacific RaJlvray < r T on o j!?f' ~. .- Sy CEOUGE H. EARL, ggcretarr- DETROIT I MTED BAILW-iV. 1901 _ I>»Trolt. Mich.. Nov. ll^lS^l. T^£ regular qnarterly dividend of ONE PER .„. <T - V^- ca the capital stock of this Company has, been ." '"'^ pty»bC« December 2. 1901. at the office of K-ar.. k «* Cortiadt & Co.. 26 Naeeau Street. N>w York. ttjj dDastfer books or th« Company willbe closed No- Tfr. 11 * 1 *>• M 3 c" clock P. M-. and will be reopened De- 3. « •. o'doci A. 34. J. C HUTCKINS. Tim riM and Treasurer. cr3^SOLH>ATZD OIL COMPANIES OF CALIFORNIA. rr, ITr . -^ Kan FraneUeo. Nov. 12th. 1901- ]---•- BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com- m mm ppr"p * r '"' have thi# day d»-clared from the net earnlrißS « Uvidead of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER il~ T - «> the capital etock. payable November 25th. 190 t? r .5 t iso:s of recotd at the close of business on the vJVi * N ••--"ber. 1801 -\u25a0i? th * "wn»os« cf such dlvWead the transfer books will so i" i*"* N "" " American Trust Co.. In New York, at L" -I- November lOch. 1&01. and r.--t>en at 10 A M. on •*«-eiEorr anh. I*ol \u25a0'?\u25a0' I HARRISON A. JONES. Secretary. OFFICE OF TEE &ARNEY * SMITH CAR CO . ,-_-,_ . Dayton. Ohio. November 12th. l»01. X---- REGULAR QCAHTERLY DIVIDEND «__Jr } v Per cent \u25a0»•«» this & *r declared upon the Pre- C**- iSJl 0 * < Ujl » Company. payable t>ecember second. Sit '"• !S *Jer books willcl?»« in New York November v *, .^" "~j*r. .rr.-»r ****** (Jr^cicß en New York [ i. T. KIEFA2ER, As» I Sec'X and Trea*. - V milE MISSKS RATPON JL Boarding aid Day School for Girls. Small C!*»se«. Advanced Courses In Literature and Languages. College preparation. 178. ITS. 180 West Ts:h St. DEALER IN American Brass Stock Frederic H. Hatch, JO. 3O BROAD STREET. Telephone 1922 Broad. rrjHE OOMSTOCK SCHOOL. «2 West 40th-«t. X BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. S9th year Mls» DAT. Principal. Miss BOTD. Associate Principal. THE VELTIN SCHOOL POR OTKLS. Number of dupils limited to twelve In each e'.aaa. Fireproof Bulldtnr. Elevato- Coller- preparation. 180 and 142 West T4ta St. TN pursuance of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate c." the C-ir.t- of New York. Notice 1* hereby given to all persons havtsy claims aialnst Kathartn« D. Cailahaa. late of the County of yew York, deceased, to present the same- with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting buslne*». No 3 Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan, la the Oty of New York, on or before the Sth day of April Dated New York, the 3<J day of S<"pt»:sa»r. I9OL EDWARD J. DUNPHY. Executor of Katharine D. "»::».-.aa. deceased. JAMES Z. PEAR SAT. I. Attorney for Executor. S Broad St.. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. f red'k f \u2666 ttlarquand 35-37 BKOAD STREET. STOCKS cfc BONDS For Investment or on margin. Book: of railway «tntl»tic» on apitlicatloa. Corre»Dondence aollcited. IJIKKCT WIRE TO EXCHANGE FLOOR. LF©[p LP©[pG© LFSBGBGDa Ptean-.shlps of the RED "D" LINE will sail for San Juan direct as follows: fc\ S. CARACAS Saturday. Nov. 16. Noon S. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday Nov. 30. Noon For freight or passage apply to BOULTON. BLISS & DALLETT. General Managers. 135 Front-et. GBQDODQS^ EaD!L[ES <i irLi^BQtE[ES Cairo to Luxor and First Cataract. Rameses the Great.. -Dec. 3jßamests 111 Dec 17 Amasls Dec 10 rriitlfinithe (ir»at. . D»c. 2* and weekly thereafter, connecting with service for Second Cataract. Khartoum, etc. In addition, an Express steamer sails every Tuesday and Saturday. Dahabeahs and special steamers for families and private partle*. THOS. COOK & SON. 261' & 11S6 Broadway. N. Y. For Boys and Yow.g Men T~" AS A pOrGHKEEP?IE. N. V.. AND THB Lj POUGHKEKPSIE. X V.. ANT> THB NEW YORK BUSINESS INSTITUTE. The most celebrated business schools in America. Tft«y train for practical work and always SECT.RE SITUA- TIONS for craduates of complete Course. Day and eveo- lnic sessions. Call or write for free catales-i 1 "- Addr»»s CLEMENT C GAINES. M. A.. B. L.. Pra«t. 81 East 125 th St.. New York. V. Y. I F. MEAD. T. H. CURTIS. I. F. Mead & Co. 44 * 46 BROADWAY. IS. Y. Tw«n-y-nve -earl' membership In N. Y. StocH Exch. STOCKS &. BONDS Sought and sold lor *•" or on znarftn. T'LMAN. MORRIS S.—ln pursuance of an or- <ser of Hon. Afcner C. Thomas, a Sarrnyar* of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Morris S. ""'.roan, lace of t*M County of New York, deceased, to present th» same. with rouchera thereof, to the subscribers, at their piac» of transacting* business, viz.: at the oSce of Carter M Ledyard. No. 34 Wall Street. Bcrouga of Manhattan. City of New Yorlt. on or before the 20 th day of March. 1902. Dated. New Yorfe. the 12ti: day of September. 1001. JOE S ULMAN. JCLIEN STEVEX3 ITLMAN. ExecotaMk jur. o. i.x^- ALICE M. ULMAN. Executrix. CARTER * LEDYARD Attorneys for Executors. No. 54 Wall Street. Borocfh of Manhattan. New York City. IRV:NG SCHOOL. L. D. RAY. 33 -West 84th St. NOW OPEN. Over seventy graduates fltti-d successfully for «>!>»• \u25a0lnce ISOu. Primary Department. Tear Book on request. AMERICAN LINE. . . / - r *- NEA.V YORK—SOUTHAMPTON— LONDON. St Paul Nov. 20. 10 a- m.i St. Paul Dec. 11. 10 a. m. Haverford ...Nov. 27. noon, Si. Louis Dec. 18. 10 a. m. Philadelphia. Dec. 4. 10 a. m. ! Philadelphia. Dec. 2.". 10 a. m. RED STAR LINE. NEW YORK— ANTWERP— PARIF. •Vad^'land .. Nov. 20. noonI 'Zeeland Dec. 4. noon Haverford Nov. 27, nooniFrtesland Dec. 11. noon \u25a0Mm Twin Screw Steamers calling at Cherbourg-. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. " Piers 14 and 45. N. It. Office. T3 Broadway. •.o^notTis \u25a0. Gorbam. John B. Yon Schaick. I ri»3«> & 5U3' Cortlandt. Cable Tarpolenm. VAN SCHAICK & CO. 5. Y. Slock ExchanßC. MEMBFUS OF Produce Exchange, and ME3IBW " Chicago Board of Trade. 7 WALL. STREET. Baltimore. S2l East German St. •RED "D" LINE. For La Guayra. Puerto Cabello. Caracao and Mara- calbo. via Curacao Calling also at San Juan. P. R. From Roberts Pier. Brooklyn. S. S CARACAS - Saturday. Nov. 16. Noon S. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday Nov. 30. Noon These vessels have superior accommodations for pas— •engers. BOULTON. BLISS & DALLETT. BOULTON. BLISS A DAVuETT, General Managers. 135 Front-»t. TN PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC. Thomas, a Surrogate of th» County at New York. Votlce Is her»by given to all persons havtr* claims a^Lntt Jobi Elmer Ellis, late of tee County of New York. Sensed to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subicrlbir at his place cf transacting- business. No. 211 S^es£Ut la the City of Schenectady. Stats of N«w y£" oaVr before the 19th d»v of April next. * Dated New York, the Sth day of October. M Dated r»ew icr», w AXj:>^ zo p ST RONG. As' E*«rutor of the last willa.-.d testament of John Efcn«r ElUs. deceased. \ _ WHITE BTA;R LINE. \u25a0**\u25a0" YEW YORK— QUEENS-BbwN— LIVERPOOL. Teutonic Nov a), noon Majestic Dec. 4. noon cSSr. ::.*£. ksa m. v^. 10. 5 a. m. Gertna-ic Nov. 57. noon j Oceanic Dec. 11. A. M. For "passage, frrtrht and itfnwra: Information apply to * F WHITE STAR LINE. Pier 43. North River. Office, 0 Broadway. N. Y. FAST ITALIAN LINE. X "LA VELOCE." \u25a0Vavtrazl"tie Itallar.a a %"ar«re to Nij<!»k. G<-nea. REGULAR U. 9. MAIL SERVICE EVERY WEEK. Clt'a di Torino Nov. 19INord America Dec 17 Lar*e cabins. Dlninc saloon on promenade deck. BOLOGNESL HARTFIELD A CO.. 20 Wail St. Glssxgncr Notices. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND 40 Wall Street. <28 Chestnut Street, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. „,_,.„, O f the Xew-York and Philadelphia ?. v V«h«neei. Our offices l>eln X con. nested by private telegraph, order- in either mar Wet i-rtl be promptly executed. * CUNABD LINE. **"• TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN. \u0084,»n )aNov 16. S:80 A. M. Lmbna Dec. T. 2 P. M S£SSr* Kov 23 2P M. Lurania Pec. 14. 7A. M. CaSpaVla^N-vaO S :30 A.M. E:rurla Dec. 21. IP. M. VEJ&OV H BROWN & CX> . O-n Agents. U & BROADWAY. NEW-YORK, TTOLLAND- AMERICA LINE. -*-*\u25a0 yew-York-Rotterdam vi» Boulcgne-sur-Mer. AMSTERDAM Saturday, Nov. 18. 10 A. M. Tw!r.-S<-rew F. B. 10 500 tons ' STATE.VDAM Eaturcay, Nov. 23, 10 A. M. Twia-ScVew S. S. 13.000 tons j RYNDAM <;,,,,^ av Xov 30 10 A. M. AW. 89 B'way. K. T. J_ Arply'to Oen'l Fnsr»nF-r Arency. 8C B'way. N. Y.^ W22: E. Nichols & Co Bank Stocks, Cvirb Securities. 15 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE '.3*3 CORTLANPT. (feadicrg. A EVERETT STONE (Tale ana Columbia). 318 West jflL. 86th St. Tutor for all colleges; lon* experience. DR. TV G. NO WELi., orlvate tutcr. at ttudUs" homes or at 11" E. 82d-st. Two pupils received la family. dancing 3.casemi£B. TTrERNANDO'S DANCING CLASSES.— AIso Brtvat. ls»- X? sons any hour. All dances taught rapidly. 117 W. «2d- »C KNICKERBOCKER School for Danclr.e. 44 B. 14th St. (Union Square, n'r B"way). Private and class lessens dally, lend for circular. J. MARK MACDOXALP. Prln. T. GEORGE 1 2 I R: E H AST 4.H-H ST. CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS. Established in 1843. For Both Sexes MIPS CARRIER'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 52 E 30th St.—Reopens Oct. id. Mar.ual training and kindergarten. French a *jeclalty. rTKF: BERLITZ SCHOOL. OF LANGUAGES. X Madison Ekjuare. New- York. 73 Ceurt-s: .. Brooklyn. "The Berlitz Method Is the systematized form of learn- ing a foreign language In a forelirn country by Its actual cse." Trial lessons free. Frea lectures weekly Inall lan- tuagea. Four Medals at Paris Exposition. 1000. S-l SECURES 6 oAlntlnr or drawing lessoos. N. C, 108 «?_L E. 114-h-st^ Brooklyn. FRENCH Spanish. German. Italian.— Prof. *»H«rta t School Laniuages. 126 West "34.- New-Tor*. Brmaca. 77 Ceurt-st.. Brooklyn. For Boys and Young- Country. UrAPLBWOOD. Coneordrtlle. Pa.—Successful f**^; M one of the best to infuse energy, to ««»-=P *"• ; to duties of life: prepared for bus ;*"f.^ v iTiy *!' under 13 years. $244 I^aTlon b-sutlfiil elevst^ h««..BT. r.o tobacco J. SHORTLJDGE (Yale). A. M- Pria. M ONTCL.UR JOHN O. MACVICAR. Head Mast>r J. School (Xgcnctea. a inmrriv AND FOREIGN TEACHERS" AGEJJCY A M .^pne\ N Wof«soS? and Famllleß. Apply to .tc. to J f c | ot - NO . FUI>TO N. 23 Calon Sonars I -v-EW YORK SUPREME COURT, NEW -*^ -rtvatc COUNTY.— Ia the matter of the final account- „- «f Thfmai G- Knight and Robert F. Setffert. as a«- M niL 7>ft?V estate of John Frick. on a ceneral tss!gm- \u25a0^T^ the benefit of creditors, the People of the St*t» E . v.L Till to all persons Interested in the estate of John Frickt issued to Thomas G Knight and Robert i- s.£srtT for the benefit of creditors, send greeting: Tno^chot too are hereby cited and required pre- ISJil?? to be and appear at a special term Part I of th» S^i^e CourtTto be held In and for tie County of New SuprejE« thVcounty Court House to the Borongs of Mia- JSI it 1. :30 o'clock A. M.. then and there to show SSlm why a final settlement or tie account of Thorns* and Robert F. S-lSert. assignees cf the abov» JohnFrlclc. insolvent debtor, should not be bad. S5T* Boeius. &• «hown. then "I *"•»<» the final ««t:le- Smt erthe assignee* account, to testimony whweoc-J ££? caused xfm\t»l o.' the said Supreme Court of nW s^lt ?m»nty to be hereunto afixed. ANDRES. T wittSf- HO.V. GEORGE P. A-fDREWS. jnirtlc* o«" th« Susrem. Court, this 7th day of Octatar. o TATIIR (SeaD. . "WM. SOHiTEK. Clerk. WBEK3** HA3KEU- Arrys for assignee. T. G- Knight, 213 Monta«u« Str»«t. Borou«S of Brooklj-a. X. X. AEVT-RTISESiENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune A reelved at their Uptown Office No. 1.242 Broadway. rirt T,, h „.' . ,j» Colurr.bds-av«.. r.ear West 66th »'-• 1 08 W«t «2d-.T. "ear Bth-av..: «2 Eaj, 14th-t. : 2ST *«< 42o>£t_ S>e-wien 7th and Bth aye*.: 188 East 47:h-st. : 1.358 l^:. beTweeV 76th and .77th at..: I.OW 3d-*ve.. iw*r \u0084«,_., . i to* lst-ave.. near 69th-st.: 756 Tr«mont-»>- 690 3S"-ive.'. n«r 41.t-.t-: SM.Sd-tv*.: 210 BNdnMl-S 323 Bitec'Kcr-st. ALBERT FREEMAN Yo-k Ct.s< lldate-i Stork Excaant'e. Mtm 'dkSaU STREtT. SEW YORK BRANCH O««OT:J|^« «B^J--^rBSaSS:. Wf- nSlldSw. BOSTON BRANCH. 4 Post Bousr.r and Sold ,-s»4^««silll»** anfwered. DitiDeni Xoticca. Crnsi Companies. (Ernst Companies. XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1001. SEW-JERSET. Stnttnnn ftrsona. SEW-JEBSETi. 3.ntirmn Brscnrts. AMERICAS EXPRESS COMFAST. -j£ SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF THREE "*\u25a0 ($3.00) Dollars per share baa been declared payable in New-Tort January 2. I'.VJ. to the shareholders of rec- ord at tie close of business November 30, 1901; also an extra dividend of One <$1.0u) Dollar per share out of the earnings of the Compacv from it» Investments. CHAS. G. CLARK. Treasurer. New-Tcrk. November 13. IML ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. Treasurer's CCice. N. T.. Nov. 13. 1901. ("THE Transfer Books of this Company -trill be dosed from 2 o'clock P. 11. Nov. 15. to the morning of Dec. 2. . B. IV. ROWS. Trea.6. .financial. Golf, Polo, and all out-door diversions are -universally enjoyed . £JT LAKE"WOOD... THE LAUREL IN THE PINES WILL OPEN NOV. 16 DAVID B. PLUMER, Mana ;er FRAXKS F. HUTE, Assistant Manager NEW JERSEY'S POPULAR RESORT FOR AUTUMN Guaranty Trust Co* of New York* NASSAU, CORNER CEDAR STREET. LOXDOX OFFICES: 33 LOHBARD ST.. 2. C. 60 ST. JAKES ST.. S. W. Capita! $2,000,000. Surplus \u25a0 \u25a0 $4,000,000. INTEREST ALLOWED OX DEPOSITS snTJsil to cheque or on certificate. Acts aj Trustee far Corporations. Firms & Indlvl finals; and as Guardian. Executor & Administrator; Takes entire charge cf Real and Personal Estates; carefully selected securities offered far Investment. TRAVELERS* LETTERS OK CREDIT available in all parts of the world. ALSO COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED. DRAFTS en all parts cf Great Britain. France, and Germany BOI'GHT and SOLD. •WALTER O. OAKMAN, President. ADRIAN ISELIN. JR.. Vice-President. GEORGE R. TURNBCLL. 23 Vice-Presldent. HENRY A. MURRAY. Si Vice-President. WM. C. EDWARDS. Treasurer. JOHN GAUL:. Manner Foreign Department. E. C. HEBBARD. Secretary. T. C. HARRIMAN. Assistant Treasurer. R. C. NEWTON, Trust Officer. DIRECTORS: Samuel p. Babcock. Walter R. Gillette. Adrian Iselln, Jr. Alexander E. Oit. G~>r«e P. Baker. G. O. Haven. Augustus D. Juilliard. Walter G. Oakman. <j»?r?e a Bowdoln, E. H. Harriman. James N. Jarvie Henry H Rogers. •JJ* Belmont. R. Soraers Hayes. Richard A. McCurdr. H. McK. Twombly. Frederick Crtir.weU. Charles R. Henderson. Lev! p. Morton Frederick W. VanJerbllt _ _ _ Harry Payne Whitney. London Committee-: ARTHUR J. FRASER. Chairman; LEV"! P. MORTON*. DONALD C HALDEMAN. 11 Banks.

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1901-11-14 [p 11] · Prtdt..-t 372 12.397 Dec 12.025 \u25a0jßdßor Val"«T —

Mar 18, 2020



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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1901-11-14 [p 11] · Prtdt..-t 372 12.397 Dec 12.025 \u25a0jßdßor Val"«T —


VcrfKT *J JTvoV J131.512 SSI.4S3 $129.00}w«* £ -\OT--\OT

---£££jsis 1.3?4.543 1.9»1.556

Ja!y 1» " yoj^tK AND WESTERN.. „_, 1.561 1.5T.1 I.KSSeal** o£ ii^-". $".n- 122 K2K.S-U t24^«7rW''\.is

--; c.l*.-.35. 5.7-C.r*« 4.600.006'••?1

'" 'p«)BIA AND EASTERN.VOV j4.'"i: 547.301©

XT%% l!.:»-." 530.6» CIT.3-r> ?t5.710FERE MAROUETTE.. \u0084„, 1.76« 1.766 1.662

Mjrr.serc- ra.*e*—----

5414,5; »352.V» 5143.411

P.Tx-r :'"•'\u25a0\u25a0 7,«04.11» 723.326 6^10.911ftE. \ f


,"_••« 1.69: 1.401 1.253>-a=ber cf =-«; $414.1*2 *552.5G* J14P.2-S9r--.-"*«Vr.

- 7^55.555 6.400.45S tt.430.577:& '°^o r)Ot imam* AND WESTERN.

". •.-« 24S 2-iS 24Sy=*l*r .--'?•• pjg pgJS pmmIWA*NN


4»'.e:e 423.027 404.26S-' '!'' *PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE.

JUS* of^"""-"1^JBT3 3r.4 $562 f528.818

3i7-™ aa4 -*Bl__| JS2B.IM lISS-"5 IWIH

"»i^ 1"S°~J4 968.44S $4 203.617 f3.BPS.SJHgJJLS^^wi 2 360.74= 2.7i:.614 2.608.009

(strs.CngC3iJe.Je "' '

Krt ear=lr.SS•saaa. J2.0C5.708 ?"..461.903 11.055.753'" "'

ALLEGHENY VALLEY.September. N!iwmonths.

I«~'ngs IXc- «3734 Inc. $239 068

fZ2StS~~ Pefe-lai^a *»*\u25a0 13.304

X?t earrlnps tie- 510.539 tee. 8252.362UJOM ISLAND RAILROAD.

September. Three months..__ „—"rs I=c. J39.454 I=C. 1254.576o£ra-:^

''exr^-s-s Inc.JO^ Inc. 82 780

yet earrings Inc. MM Inc. *i7i.796

QUARTERLY STATEMENTS.{FSei with the F.a'.lrca-" Commissioners.)


—1901. 1900. Changes.

'tosT^nSW" ...$22,712 522.8 M Dec J1425 £

--.- . . . -. 4.0«2 «8 61 Inc. 1X123Prtdt ..-t 372 12.397 Dec 12.025

\u25a0jßdßor Val"«T—

Quarter esfled Sejrterr.ber 30:o^as eamizes, f1'?7.743; act eerr.ln^. $44. S4": other ia---.!•- HO.785.

Northern Pacific Railway CompanyRetirement of Preferred Stock.

To the Holders of Preferred Etcck cf the


Notice hereby Is given that in exercise of the power re-served by the Northern Pacific Railway Company andspeclf.cally declared inevery outstanding stock certificate,

the Company has duly mined to retire the preferredstock, and the same will be retired, in whole, at par.

upon the first day of January. 1902. Accordingly each and

every holier Of preferred stock Is notified to present and

to surrender his certificate '\u25a0- such preferred stock at the

office of the Northern Pacific Railway Company. 49 WallStreet. In the Cltr at New York, on ir.d after the first day

cf January. ISOi and upon such surrender to receive pay-

ment incash of the par amount thereof.

For Use purpose of euch retirement, the transfer books

of the Northern Pacific Railway rr.par.>• wilicloee at

three o'clock P. M —. Tuesday. December 10. 1301. andthe transfer bocks of the common atodk willreopen Thurs-day. January 2. 190"-. at ten o'clock A. M.

By order at the Board of Director? 1.GEORGE H. EARL. Secretary..

Dated November 13. 180 LLAKETVOOD, VL J.




ON CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAT.The Virginia Hotel and Cottages will acoonxaodata

patrons pending completion of magnificent hotel'-

sproatbusiness. Finest bathing establishment inAmerica. Per-fect climate and incomparable autuin:i scenery. Golfcourse of 6.000 yards s«?cond to cone. Firs; class liveryand good roads. Comportment sleeper without chanseTuesdays and -days. .Excursion tickets C.iO. onto*.3«2 Broadway, and offices Pe=nay.-. Railroad. Addres»FRED STERRY. Manager. Hot Springs. Bath Ceu. Va.




Allows Interest on deposits.Acts aa Executor. Trustee. Guardian, Trans*

ter Ajfent. Registrar. Ac.TRUSTEES:

HENRY C. SWORDS. President.H. H. CAMiIANN.Vlce-Presideat.

James M Vamum. Douslas Rooinson.Charles C. Burke. Charles 6. Brown.Horace S. Ely. decree G. De Witt.Llspenard Stewart. Henry K. Pcmroy,Henr>- Lewis Morris. Percy Chubb,Edwin A CrulJcshank. Franklin B. Lord.Charles A. Peab-xiy, J. Roosevelt Roosevelt.Charles A. 'ichermernorn. Lansciaie Bcardman.James I. Raymond. Harrlscn E. Gawtry.Joel F. Freeman. Frank S. Witherbee.

HENiIY W. REIGHLEY. Secretary.

(Dccan £iieamcrs OPENS TO-DAY.

OLD POINT COMFORT. VA.•R-DTr-WT t."11-t>r Fall and winter months delight-BRIGHT VIEW. rj. ,or drtvtnK boa tint, and

golf. Large country house, not-water heat: modem Improvements . moderate raxas; Il-

lustrated circular.

>TOTICE Is hereby glren to The hoiders of theSix per cent 60 year Gold Debentures at the St.

Lawrence and Adirondack Railway Company, that said u-der nrovlslOM mr.tair.ed in The Indentureb-S-Vrl said Railway Company and the Standard "VastCompany of New York, as Trustee, made July 1. I*>l.elects *o recVe-r. and retire said I>b«itures on January-"

190* at arvd after which lim* interest thereon shallci*s« and on pr*>ser.taticn of said Debentures th» sameat the rate of 105 per centum for each bond with ac-crued iwirUt to January 1. IMS will be paid at theoffice cf said Company at 51 East 44th "Street, New York

\u25a0:\u25a0 D**e£ New York. October SO. 190J.FRANK C SMITH. Secretary.

\u25a0 pI/ a or WATER A\n "LIGHT BONDS!3/2 tO O B and dividend paying stocks aspecialty. IHchfst I>j»iil» reference". Send

for list. ROUT.K.STRAHORN. Spokane, Wash.

Lakewood Is a world renowned "Winter resort for wealthand fashion, and The Lakewoo.'. its principal hotel, Is asuperbly equipped hostelry, in luxurious accommodations

for the comfort, convenience and entertainment at its

patrons, not surpassed by any hotel In America. The

cni»!ce and «»n-ic« equal those of the celebrated restau-

rant's of New York and Paris.rure) Baths remain TmderThe Hydrotherzpeutlc (water cure) Baths remain \u25a0oncer

the direction of the house physician.W'ite for Illustrated booklet and diagram of rooms-


Bankers an& CroKrrs


FillFoiEiT tanPINE FORSST INN. wmomrnnam S. C. 22 VCe»

from Charleston. Opens Nov. 20th. !9<il Easy of accessby 9m. Rrcay. A. C. L.. P. 3.. and Clyde Use Steamer*.Delightful climate. Hotel is handsomely appointed andstrictly modem. Elegar.. Golf Links (13 Hate) and finshunting. Write fcr Booklet.

F. W. WAGSNBR iCO., Proprietor*.





A. C- BROOKS. \u25a0\u25a0»


LEVIP. MOBTOX. PresidentTHOMAS F.RYAN. Vice-PresidentJAMES K.CORBIERE. 2d VJee-Prest

H.M. FRANCIS. Secretary

EIGE\E E. VARET. Asst. Secretary

G. L. WILMERDIXG. Asst. Secretary

H.B.BERRY, Trust Officer


John Jacob Astor. Joseph 'Larocqne,

George F. Baker. D. O. Mills.Edward J.Benrind. l.erl P. Morton.

Frederic Cromwell. Richard A. McCnrdTt.James B.Duke. W. G. Oakman.

Henry M. Flasl'r. George Foster Peabodj*.

G. G. Haven. Samuel Rea.

Joseph C. Flendrlx. Oihn Root.

Abram S. Hewitt, Thomas F. Ryan,

James N.Jarrie. Jacob H.Schlff,

Walter S. Johnston. John Sloane.-». Jui'.Uard. TVHUam C."KTiltßey.'








Surplus &Undivided Profits. $4 000,000

lakz*tocd. NEW JERSSY.





Refurp.'.shed an," under new management. Superior tae!*and service. Address the Ml.-ses BURKE Uormerly oiNewman Cottage. Plttsfleld. Mass.).



To Wi?^T HiilfßlH!?® the Spanish Mainthe WES II OlAjuJJ "Q and Mexico.

FROM N. Y. JAN 4 & FEB. S. 1802.

5. IMEbITEBBABBiEAfiB552DRIEnTFROM N. V. JAN*. 22. 1902.

SiEiiTSIHiAIKIiAi,black SEAMMEA km casjubasus

FROM N. Y. MARCH 12. 1902.


andPrinzcssln Victoria Luise.

For DamphJets. itineraries, rates, etc. apply

Hamburg-American Line, 37 B'way, N.Y.LAKEW^QOD. N. J.

THE LEXINGTON.opp. Lanr«M House. OPEN all the year. Sunny room*.open ?.r-s. private batbs. steam h-at. el^-rtc ;:ght. R*:e.(2.^0 per day and up. A. S. LARRABEE; PROPR.

HOTEL DEltfltflS.Atlantic City N. J. Open all the year. Directly raring

the ocean: hot and cola sea ard fresh water baths. Golf,

Vestibule trains via N. J. Central and Penna. P. R.WALTER J. BL-ZBY.

Issue Travellers'LETTERS OF CREDITavailable throughout the world.Philadelphia. GRAHAM. KERR & CO.Chicago: 304 THE ROOKERY.

Redmond, m^Q

Kerr &CO. Investmentbamckrs.

y ) Securities41 WALL ST.. N\ T. I JWWUIIIIWO

Liltof <mrrent cfrr.-g-j teat om app".ica::sa.Trtrsait a general baakiag; :B«:m».

B«celre deposits snbject to draft. Diridendi tadfcterest call^cted and resitted. Act as FiscalArrnta for and negotiate and lisa* loans of rail-road*. street rsllwiys. gas companies, etc. Securi-ties boccht ai«i sold ob cooiiniuiac. Members atK«w Zerk Slock Kxctsnge. Citri Sfftcla.





PLYMOUTH— BREMEN.Kals»r Ncv. 19 10 A.M.; :- • -• r:r.z Jan. 4. noonKronprlnr...Dec. 3. 10 A M!Kaiser Jan. 2V 10 A_M_.Kaiser. ...Dec. M 10 A.M. Kronprir.z Feb. 4. noon

P>r .''C North Rlv#- Oanwvocrt St.TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER .-EF.VICE^

SOUTHAMPTON—LONDON «PARIS)— BREMEN.K. Luis*..Nov. 2S. 11 A.M.IBarbarossa-.D^c -8. 10 A.M.Bremen ... Dec. 5. nooniK. lltSI Jan. 2. 10 A_il-

Plor foot of 3.1 St.; Hcbnk^n N. J.OELRICHS iCO.. NO. 3 BP.OADWAY.

Louis H. Meyer 43 South Third St.. Pnila.


n'HE undersigned, as the bolder of at leasteighty per cent in value of the capital stork of Th«

Railroad Dumrl"S Car Company, a corporation createdunder the laws of West Virginia, and as the Secretary cfsaid corporation, hereby cails a meeting cf •\u25a0-.» ?tccithold-ers of the taid corporation, to t-e held at the ofHce of theCampaar. No 53 Broad-way. Boom 601. in the City andState .• New York, SB th« twenty-ninth day of Novem-ber. 1901. \u25a0*.'\u25a0-\u25a0' o'clock A. M.. at which meeting.which srin be a general me*:inc of the stockholders, any

business rr.a- be trar.jact'd which may proper come be-

fore the stockholders In general meeting.



OPXN ALT TEE YEAR.One of the best equipped Hote:». Steam teat, eleraton

to ail floors: hot and cold baths. Rooms with privat*bath. Fine table. Sea view. Ocean end of Virginia. Aye.

MRS. N. R. HAINHS.Owner and Proprietor.

Notice of Summons.



Porches on a level with and Joined to Boardwalk. Seaand treat) priva:« baths. Golf privilege*.C JOSIAH WHITE it SON.


" (Special).—There \u25a0k-es \u25a0weakness•- w-eat '\u25a0'-\u25a0 tie

'r?t few rillllUa and «• dip cf

H3'~is irc~ Tuescay = close; bsst the last prices

•were MM6 better than yesterda>"*s. Decembercpe-iefl st Z:t»=. soli between TlHc and 72c, andclsasd E.TI7*c: May closed at To^c bid. Cables werec- ot:_r a sr=a:: '**"-*-*".although there had been* decade here the cay previous of l"»o- Com -waserror? e^cng-a to help wheat. Th* Pattens, who hadsaid Moncty an<! Tuesday, covered and went loosfcra:-. Clearances were SUN hushels. Outside

sariets did as well a* this. Early there was ap>od deal of MUlas by Phillips, the lettfuc po of aIszg Use of possibly T50.000 bushels. There wasson:« farther December liquidation, and the De-cember OJscoaat at one time was ZHc. Wall Streetkought \u25a0wheat; most of the his eoraniEsion people

•wer« bcyers finally Harris notably. Primary re-celtr-.i were 1.050.000 bushels, against ?31.000 bushelsi:st fmtr. the Northwestern cars. 614. against SSI-There was nothics sold for shipment: but the sea-board reported farty-eight loads.

Com lea the grain advance, gaining Vie andclosing at the top. December opened at R*«c, soldbera-een i^-^c ar.d BS*«c, and closed at EB^c theJt*y dosed at Cs«c sellers. The shipping positionira» tie factor: sales here about 450,000 bushel*. Thedem&r.c irom the seaboard improved, and a largeb'ssisess was done with the West and Booth.Kansas City took com here, paying about 4-?freight •* ret It. There was a better demand fromPiliacelphia. There were only 57 cars here; only105 cars estimated for Thursday. Primary receiptswere less than half cf that of last year. Pattenbsxirp was \u25a0 feature in the futures. There wasi—i'iiin

rauying of May by Schwartz-Dupee. wsohave been pilingup a line lor somebody for a week.lliven was cS only lfraction, although there

tad been a crop here the day before cf over 1c abushel The seaboard reported ten loads for ex-pert. The significant circumstances Is that cashccm conditions are reversed, the West this yearreQ-'-rlr-g rather than furnishing com to \u25a0 thismark'?-.

Oats advanced "-:r35.,c. Cash oats were at the De-cember price and mixed oats, free on board, were£l=ost up to the May price. The December closedat Kfcc and the May ax 4C*vc. Shipping sales weremade in every direction— seaboard. New-Englandar.i:'-' 5 -_*.-" Sales here -were about 300,000 bush-els. There were 128 cars; the estimate for to-mor-row 170 cars.

Flaxseed was quiet; prices barely steady: the cashand November SI47. and the December, $1 44 bid.At the three points there were 2SS cars, against I£6cars last -.ear

Prsv-sions kept within narrow limits;ribs and larddeclined slightly;pork holding. Kog receipts keep\u25a0mvy— head here in two days; but they arerunning- !;eht in weigtit. and the heavy bogs are nocheaper. The buying of tmurea is about as good acthe gelling; the sentiment much mixed.


''pen throughout tr-e ye-jr Under new management.

Ntn t and cold sea water baths in house, and every othermodem comfort ar.i appointment. Illustrated bookletmailed on request. Capacity. 450. Golf privileges.


D. S. WHITQ. President.

Kountze Brothers,BANKERS,

Broat!wa> & Cedar St. NEW YORK


A General Foreign. a.ndDomestic Banking Business.


W.R.KOUGHTALING&OO,Members >»<r York Stock Exchange,


Stocks, Bonds andInvestment Securities.

Telephone 300* Broad.


in ttest «th st. © W a (yJ/nl'JuiilLS)111 TTEST «TH ST. Qi) I]C Viil/fTltiV/UIs^i/FIREPROOF. -te-l CONSTRUCTION.

Ucfumlafced apartments by the year.Table d'Hote $1.00, 8 to 7:30 P. M.

CHARLES H- DEDERER, Proprtetar.Also for the past 20 years of the Peninsula Hems*.

SeaSright. S.i.


AMERICAN PLAN.Strictly a fair'.!y hotel: choice suites, furnished or na-

furnUheJ, to rent by the season Si year. Culsln» aadservice of the highest order. Rates reasonable. Loc*2oaCssvaciest to aU part* of tflo city.





Strictly Fireproof European ? an.N"EARE?T HOTEL TO CAMBRIDGE.

Accommodations for the

HARVARD-YALE GAME.Rooks should be ecg.r»l in advance-

Check bajrjra*' to Back Bay Svatlao.


TTOQIE iL[Er\!i©S?



BOSTON ComTr^ctreaJth

OOdDTTLELL WlSseSOtEMoat beautifully and conveniently situated of any lead-

Ing hotel in the city; patronage unexcelled. Thoroughlyremodelled: lons distance telephone In every suit*. Abso-lutely free from dust or noise from steam and trolley cars."


For Tounff Ladles City.

I7T>-DERGARTEN TRAINING CLASS.Jtv f"a«i»es now formins. Fr«^ Scholarship fllmlteBvenine classes. Writs Tor particulars. Z. A. CUTTEN,

;.r' Met. Temple. "th Aye. and 14th St.



162 & 184 BROADWAY.


zr*v:vGOULD, Presliert,

\u25a0wiLLI.»-i: H. TAYLOR, V.ce-PreslCer.:.ByWTABO R. THOiIAS, Viee-Preslfiect.E. "W. JONEs, Jr.. v.ce-Pre»ident and Cashier.GEO. W. ADAMS. Asst. Cashier.EULUVAN&OUUHWJEUU Gaassad Counsel.



JOSEPH WALKER & SONS,33 Wall St. and 15 nrontl St.. >• Y. City.

Members Sen York -tork Lirhnnßf.""BRANCH OFFICE. 5 WFST 27TH STREET.




Winter Course. OctODer fl'h to June.Schools offer complete course. Kindergarten to CoHere.

1--!*!1-'-!*! with manual training. For enrolment apply25 West BBtfe st.

Miss Eleanor I. Keller. Pd. M.. Principal.


160 and 117 Weit SRts fit.


S3 West 45?* Street.

MISS ANNE BROWN.I>JL Boarding and Par School for Gtrla.

711-713-713-717 FIFTH AVEM'K.Snrrcgotes* Jfctxcta.

Bank &Trust Co.Stocks



Dirifirnfi Xoiiccs.

VTEW YORK SUPREME COURT—Trial de-"«i-»i in New York County. R. T«mp:« G. Klrk-

U»7rtsc^Plalatilt a»a:n»! Charlotte M. Buiim-iniw JohnnJ'lwlnke! '

\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 Wllllaron and Mary Williams, his

wl'e (th» narr.e Miry be:: ftctitlous. the true ChrHtlannin-'e of sai.l del«B<Unt t' :o the PfatiaUa unknown),

\u0084\u25a0'\u25a0,, Cis-sovb . Thorr.a« Lenox. John A. CUBCtty, J*me»TJ

••"\u25a0-.•.„ , \u25a0.**--.-\u25a0 Plimpton. Edni .-\u25a0 '. erst* CarrteSTronmentto- *• executrix of tae last a... and ;+r:a.rTitT.;

r« fr-a'-les L. Stnbnenftr. Jr., <i^»a.«*-i: Joeej Jacob..

7a—« F McKeraon J»m<>s T. Fttrvatnck. Ma.«or.s' Sup-Cor.'»-'y Chrl«tl»a Schr»twie«»r and Jacob Schrat-

wiVsi-r Delendar.ts. Secor.d tupf.itmen tal bamaom. To

•he above n^rr.ed Defendants: You »r. hereby eurn-moW to aawrer the •- -.; an

-- '»mpla -• ta this

ac'-on and to ten" £- your ar.swer oa the Plair.-ti';: Attorney* within tweaty I*7*after th» service cf

th's mmmons. exr!-s!ve at the O*jr of service, and lacam .:your failure to appear or answer. judgment will

I* tikes, aga' you by default, tor the relief demanded

1- the complaint.26th. l»lDated Sertsmk* l

" 25th. 15*01.NASH * JONB&

'\u25a0^ v NASH ft JONES.PlalntlfT's Attorneys,

Offl'-e and Po*tcfT;c» Addreaa, No. «3 Wall St.. Borough of"\f. safan City of New York.

To Charlotte M. Bnl *• ->.•:. John H. Bollwiakal. John

W'.iurs .'.- \u25a0 star? William*, bis *"\u25a0"''" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 name Mary

b*irsr fictitious •\u25a0\u25a0-

"\u25a0" fhrl»t!j.n tame cf said de-'•idart beats to tn« p:ilr.ti3 unknown). Thomas Lenox.

Eilmcr.d Huer«tel ar.,l Jarr^s T. Fill it! dt:endi.i:»:The foregoing second supplemental summons is »»rv.upon you tr pubßc«.tloo. purruant to an order of the

Honorable •;- rE« P. Andrews, a Justice of the >..-

Court cf the Stare cf New York, dated the second day cf

Octot" 1901, ani filed with the complaint In the oflJee of'he .-. cf the County >r New York, at the County

Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the- City.County and State of New York.'

Dated New York. October 2i. 16<"'l.&NASH t JONBS,

Plaintiff's Attorneys.

(SUPREME COURT.— Dora Mittenthal. Plaln-v-

tlfT amlr.»t Joseph Mittenthal. Defendant.—destTen trial to be ha-1 in the City ar..l County of Sewfotk.—Sommons. Ac:lnn for Absolute Divorce. To t!ietbove r.anit.l Der»ndar.t: You are hereby summoned to

\u25a0.nvwer the corr.piamt in th'.s act] and to servi acopy or your answer at the Plaintiffs Attorney withintwenty -lave* alter the s«>rvic» of this \u25a0 ir.::: \u25a0!.. exc!u«lv»rf •\u25a0. i

' • and !r. Lifeof \u25a0•' fa I 10 appear

or anstrsr Judgment will tr 'Ken aj-alnst jou by drfault

fo* the -, ... demanded h the complaint.r>a-<-: Kew York. November i. 1901....... STEUER. PUInUJTs Attorney.

OSic «nd Post Office Address. 21:0 Broadway, New YorkCity.

To the Defendant. \u25a0-;- Mittenthal: Th» fmegolngsummons i« s»r\»'l upon you by publication, pursuant to anr,r-'.<-r \u25a0' Hon. [enry Blschoft Jr.. a Justice of theSupreme Court of th<> State of New York, date-! the lit*day of •.-...- 1901. and t'led with the complaint (.p.

that day In th<? nfflce cf the r]«-rk of the County ofN»n- York, at the '\u25a0 ::••••\u25a0 Court House. In the Borough ofManhattan. City of New York.

Dited Sew York. November 12th. 1&01.MAX D. STECEB Attcrn»y for Plaintiff.

Office and Post OfS<-e -. Idresi 320 Broadway, New YorkCity. Borough of Manhattan.

\u25a0" :- -

: \u25a0 -\-?~y;\



Deutschland. D»-r. 12, T A. M-I TWIN-SCREW PASFKNGER SERVICE.! Q wry Saturday tn


•Phoenicia ...Nov. \*,.s AM' r^nnsvlvanta r.Dee. •*•;A^iPatricia . N-;-.-. 23.2 PM!Pretoria D*'

WaMersee ...Nov.30. AM[Thatr.icia rWu -S. •am•PalAtU Dec. T. 2 PMIPatricia Jan. 4.IPM

•Tn Hambont direct. _/_ M'4.1 KAMBURO-AamRICAN LINE. 37 BROADWAY. N. Y.



BY EXPRESS STEAMERS.Steamers Alier Trave. Lar.r.. and Hohenzallern do cot

<-ail a- A'.s'.e"'_

\u25a0tHoh'niollem Nov. 18 -Columbia Dec 10•F. Bismarck Nov. 23: tLahn

—•!>«=. 14

rTrar* Nov. 30 tHohensotlcrn Dec. 2StAßer Dtc

-2 P. M.,'F. Blsrr.arcii Jan. \u25a0*

Sa'.llrrs at 10 AM_^


Return tickets a-;i:. • fw the steamers of either ur.»from Naples, O«ooa. Gibraltar, Hamburg. Bremen. Lan-<;\u25a0"-. Southampt -.. Paris, acd Cherbourg „,


37 BROADWAY. N. Y. | S RP.OADWAY. N. Y.Hamburg stearoen from First St.. Hoboken. N. J.

Lloyd ft»-an-.»rs from Amity St.. Brooklyn.



Between Fan Francisco. Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe, \u25a0

Nagasaki. Shanghai. Hor.y Kong.Steamers leave San Francisco at 1 P. M. i


'Dec. 11 AM MARL Jan. 4

For freight, passace and general Informatica apply to

! 849 Broadway, or 1 Battery Place. Washington Building.

\ and 297 Broadway.

1 SEKJDGS"£QJlirDJ]Ki]ra_ ¥ffiDPSo

j ,A few days can be pl»«santly spent Ina trip via the






•Telephone 1380 Franklin. I


For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth. Pinner's;Point and Newport News. Va.. connecting for Peterstjrg.iRichmond. Vircinla Beach. Washington. D. C. and entirei South and West.

Freight and Passenger steamers sail from Pier 161N. R. fxit of Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M.

H. B. WALKER. TrarTic Manager.

jVTALLORY STEAMSHIP LINES.*^Frcm New-York Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays.


Ipoints in Texaa. Colorado. Arizona. California. M'Ttco,I&c. Georgia. Florida. &c. Delightful Excursions.

Write for our 60-paee "Pocket Guide"' (mailed free).C. H. MALLORY & CO.. Gen. Acts.. Pier 20. E. R.. N. T.


St.; Day School. 303 W. 102 dSt. Hours from 9 to 1:13.

rpHE MISSES TVREAKS. 12 East 73d Street.J. Thoroughly graded School for Girls. College pre-

paratory class. Special students. Resident perils.

TjUNHAM. JAMES H.—la pursuance of aaor^e- of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate of th»

Cou-.ty New Ycrk. notice !s hereby given to a..: personahaving claims against James H. Dunham. lata of th«County of New York, deceased, to present the same, withvouchers thereof, to th» subscriber, at his place of trans-ac'.inc bueiness, at the office of his atton-eys. Massrs.GouM i*v::if.e. No. 2 Wall ?tieet. Borough of Manhat-tan. In the City of New York, on or before th» second dayof Jar nary. 1902.

Dated New York, th*ICth day cf June. 1901.THEODORE W. LULJNG. ESecntor.

GOULD A WILKIE. Attorneys for the Executor. 2 WanStreet. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York.



Clas.««»s for r .- Kindergarten. Exceptional acVva**-tas<»s cf home life lxspecial stiidents.


©tcan stcamcr3.


November 7. 19C1.

?fHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com- \-3>tr taa Seclared a quarterly dlvidenS of 1%. out of

ti»r.r;. ea.-r.:t:cs of this Company, payable on I>ecen-.-b«r 2. >I to the holders of the Second Preferred Stockof this Cc=-arv of record at the ciop« of business on»w»mb»r IS 1801 The transfer books of the SecondWeired Stoci willcose at 3 P. M. on November 15.W, and tr:.: remain ciosei until 10 A. K. D^cemter 2.aiS. Chec/jes willbe mailed by the Continental TrustCasapary of the City cf New York. -

FREDERICK STRAUSS.Aeslstant Secretary.

0c and after December IISOI. the Voting Trustees4.!:

*»5-ti^-r to pay the above di-.-52«ui to holders of otlng

»\u25a0» CerJsrat« for Second Pr«2 erred Stock of record» dsse of business or. November 15. 1901. at the oriT.ce« tt« CoctlE?r.-.a; Trust Company of Lfc* City -' NewTark, S& so Broad Street. N<,-York City, on pre«trta-Sea *T the.- of their Voting True-. CertiScates for ex-

e^*Cf» tcr Stock C«rUScates. . __J. KENNEDY TOD & CO-Agents of -..- YoUng Trustees.


NEW YORK. November L-th. 1901.

TH* -•\u25a0 .^'"M'-Nil-LY DIVIDEND..yjfcTT-FIVE -25; CENTS PER SHARE. *—been

O^l^Tw^BVe «» Cents, payable at the sameti=f_sad tlace.• Uißsfer txioks dc»e oa the 2TftSijft- , ._

nt«LOUNSBERY & CO.. Trar.tfer Afen^

SOUTHER* PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.New York. November 13. »»•

•pHE COMPANY baa this day declared from

NSW YORK." .i,VP^efer^d Btockhclcers af n^crd to

Sr'-SrtTiLa «it*^DEUTSCHE BANK BERLIN, tothe Pref-rrei Stockholder, of record »a Berlin **^1^??;

I=S ci tie transfer books at 3 o'clock P. M en Decemberla. ..«:

-Northern Pacific RaJlvray <rT

onl£oj!?f'~. .- Sy CEOUGE H. EARL, ggcretarr-

DETROIT IMTED BAILW-iV. 1901_I>»Trolt. Mich.. Nov. ll^lS^l.T^£ regular qnarterly dividend of ONE PER

.„.<T-V^- ca the capital stock of this Company has, been

." '"'^ pty»bC« December 2. 1901. at the office of K-ar..k«* Cortiadt &Co.. 26 Naeeau Street. N>w York.ttjjdDastfer books or th« Company willbe closed No-

Tfr.11*1*>• M3 c"clock P. M-. and willbe reopened De-3.« •. o'doci A. 34.

J. C HUTCKINS. TimriM and Treasurer.

cr3^SOLH>ATZD OIL COMPANIES OF CALIFORNIA.rr,ITr. -^ Kan FraneUeo. Nov.12th. 1901-]---•- BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com-m mm


have thi# day d»-clared from the net earnlrißS«Uvidead of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER


«> the capital etock. payable November 25th. 190t?r.5t iso:s of recotd at the close of business on the

vJVi*N ••--"ber. 1801-\u25a0i? th*"wn»os« cf such dlvWead the transfer books willso i"i*"*N """ American Trust Co.. In New York, atL" -I- November lOch. 1&01. and r.--t>en at 10 A M. on•*«-eiEorr anh. I*ol

\u25a0'?\u25a0'I HARRISON A. JONES. Secretary.

OFFICE OF TEE &ARNEY * SMITH CAR CO .,-_-,_ . Dayton. Ohio. November 12th. l»01.X---- REGULAR QCAHTERLY DIVIDEND«__Jr }v Per cent \u25a0»•«» this &*rdeclared upon the Pre-C**- iSJl0

* < Ujl» Company. payable t>ecember second.Sit '"•!S*Jer books willcl?»« in New York November

v *, .^" "~j*r.—

.rr.-»r ******(Jr^cicß en New York

[ i.T. KIEFA2ER, As» ISec'X and Trea*.- V

milE MISSKS RATPONJL Boarding aid Day School for Girls. Small C!*»se«.Advanced Courses In Literature and Languages. Collegepreparation.

178. ITS. 180 West Ts:h St.


American Brass StockFrederic H. Hatch,

JO. 3O BROAD STREET.Telephone 1922 Broad.


S9th yearMls» DAT. Principal. Miss BOTD. Associate Principal.

THE VELTIN SCHOOL POR OTKLS.Number of dupils limited to twelve In each e'.aaa.

Fireproof Bulldtnr. Elevato-Coller- preparation. 180 and 142 West T4ta St.

TN pursuance of an order of Hon. Abner C.Thomas, a Surrogate c." the C-ir.t- of New York.

Notice 1* hereby given to all persons havtsy claimsaialnst Kathartn« D. Cailahaa. late of the County ofyew York, deceased, to present the same- with vouchersthereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting

buslne*». No 3 Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan, lathe Oty of New York, on or before the Sth day of April

Dated New York, the 3<J day of S<"pt»:sa»r. I9OLEDWARD J. DUNPHY.

Executor of Katharine D. "»::».-.aa. deceased.JAMES Z. PEAR SAT.I. Attorney for Executor. S

Broad St.. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York.

fred'k f\u2666 ttlarquand35-37 BKOAD STREET.

STOCKS cfc BONDSFor Investment or on margin.

Book: of railway «tntl»tic» on apitlicatloa.Corre»Dondence aollcited.


LF©[p LP©[pG© LFSBGBGDaPtean-.shlps of the RED "D" LINE will sail for San

Juan direct as follows:fc\ S. CARACAS Saturday. Nov. 16. NoonS. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday Nov. 30. Noon

For freight or passage apply toBOULTON. BLISS & DALLETT.

General Managers. 135 Front-et.

GBQDODQS^ EaD!L[ES <iirLi^BQtE[ESCairo to Luxor and First Cataract.

Rameses the Great.. -Dec. 3jßamests 111 Dec 17Amasls Dec 10 rriitlfinithe (ir»at. .D»c. 2*and weekly thereafter, connecting with service for Second

Cataract. Khartoum, etc. In addition, an Express steamersails every Tuesday and Saturday. Dahabeahs and specialsteamers for families and private partle*.

THOS. COOK & SON. 261' & 11S6 Broadway. N. Y.

For Boys and Yow.g Men—


NEW YORK BUSINESS INSTITUTE.The most celebrated business schools in America. Tft«ytrain for practical work and always SECT.RE SITUA-TIONS for craduates of complete Course. Day and eveo-lnic sessions.

Call or write for free catales-i 1"- Addr»»sCLEMENT C GAINES. M. A.. B. L.. Pra«t.

81 East 125 th St.. New York. V. Y.


I. F. Mead & Co.44 * 46 BROADWAY. IS. Y.

Tw«n-y-nve -earl' membership In N. Y. StocH Exch.

STOCKS &. BONDSSought and sold lor *•" or on znarftn.

T'LMAN. MORRIS S.—ln pursuance of an or-<ser of Hon. Afcner C. Thomas, a Sarrnyar* of the

County of New York, notice is hereby given to allpersonshaving claims against Morris S. ""'.roan, lace of t*MCounty of New York, deceased, to present th» same.with rouchera thereof, to the subscribers, at their piac»of transacting* business, viz.: at the oSce of Carter MLedyard. No. 34 Wall Street. Bcrouga of Manhattan. Cityof New Yorlt. on or before the 20th day of March. 1902.

Dated. New Yorfe. the 12ti: day of September. 1001.JOE S ULMAN. JCLIEN STEVEX3 ITLMAN. ExecotaMkjur.o. i.x^- ALICE M. ULMAN. Executrix.CARTER * LEDYARD Attorneys for Executors. No.

54 Wall Street. Borocfh of Manhattan. New YorkCity.IRV:NG SCHOOL. L. D. RAY. 33 -West 84th St.

NOW OPEN.Over seventy graduates fltti-d successfully for «>!>»•

\u25a0lnce ISOu. Primary Department. Tear Book on request.

AMERICAN LINE. .. /-r*- NEA.V YORK—SOUTHAMPTON—LONDON.St Paul Nov.20. 10 a- m.iSt. Paul Dec. 11. 10 a. m.Haverford ...Nov. 27. noon,Si. Louis Dec. 18. 10 a. m.Philadelphia. Dec. 4. 10 a. m.!Philadelphia. Dec. 2.". 10 a. m.


•Vad^'land .. Nov. 20. noonI'Zeeland Dec. 4. noonHaverford Nov. 27, nooniFrtesland Dec. 11. noon

\u25a0Mm Twin Screw Steamers calling at Cherbourg-.

INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY."Piers 14 and 45. N. It. Office. T3 Broadway.

•.o^notTis \u25a0. Gorbam. John B. Yon Schaick.I ri»3«> & 5U3' Cortlandt. Cable Tarpolenm.

VAN SCHAICK & CO.5. Y. Slock ExchanßC.

MEMBFUS OF Produce Exchange, andME3IBW"

Chicago Board of Trade.

7 WALL. STREET.Baltimore. S2l East German St.

•RED "D" LINE.For La Guayra. Puerto Cabello. Caracao and Mara-

calbo. via Curacao—

Calling also at San Juan. P. R.From Roberts Pier. Brooklyn.

S. S CARACAS- Saturday. Nov. 16. Noon

S. S. PHILADELPHIA Saturday Nov. 30. NoonThese vessels have superior accommodations for pas—


General Managers. 135 Front-»t.

TNPURSUANCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC.Thomas, a Surrogate of th» County at New York.

Votlce Is her»by given to all persons havtr* claims

a^Lntt Jobi Elmer Ellis, late of tee County of New York.Sensed to present the same with vouchers thereof to the

subicrlbir at his place cf transacting- business. No. 211

S^es£Ut la the City of Schenectady. Stats of N«wy£" oaVr before the 19th d»v of April next.*

Dated New York, the Sth day of October. MDated r»ew icr», w AXj:> zo p STRONG.As' E*«rutor of the last willa.-.d testament of John Efcn«r

ElUs. deceased.


\u25a0**\u25a0" YEW YORK—QUEENS-BbwN— LIVERPOOL.Teutonic Nov a), noon Majestic Dec. 4. nooncSSr. ::.*£.ksa m. v^. 10. 5 a. m.Gertna-ic Nov. 57. noon jOceanic Dec. 11. <» A. M.

For"passage, frrtrhtand itfnwra: Information apply to*F WHITE STAR LINE.

Pier 43. North River. Office, 0 Broadway. N. Y.FAST ITALIAN LINE.X "LA VELOCE."

\u25a0Vavtrazl"tie Itallar.a a %"ar«re to Nij<!»k. G<-nea.REGULAR U. 9. MAIL SERVICE EVERY WEEK.

Clt'a di Torino Nov. 19INord America Dec 17Lar*e cabins. Dlninc saloon on promenade deck.BOLOGNESL HARTFIELD A CO.. 20 Wail St.

Glssxgncr Notices.

DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND40 Wall Street. <28 Chestnut Street,

NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA.„,_,.„,O f the Xew-York and Philadelphia?. v V«h«neei. Our offices l>eln X con.

nested by private telegraph, order- in eithermar Wet i-rtl be promptly executed.


TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN.\u0084,»n )aNov 16. S:80 A. M. Lmbna Dec. T. 2 P. M

S£SSr* Kov 23 2P M. Lurania Pec. 14. 7A. M.CaSpaVla^N-vaO S :30 A.M. E:rurla Dec. 21. IP. M.

VEJ&OV H BROWN & CX> . O-n Agents.U


TTOLLAND-AMERICA LINE.-*-*\u25a0 yew-York-Rotterdam vi» Boulcgne-sur-Mer.

AMSTERDAM Saturday, Nov. 18. 10 A. M.

Tw!r.-S<-rew F. B. 10 500 tons'

STATE.VDAMEaturcay, Nov. 23, 10 A. M.

Twia-ScVew S. S. 13.000 tons j RYNDAM<;,,,, av Xov 30 10 A. M.

AW. 89 B'way. K. T.J_Arply'to Oen'l Fnsr»nF-r Arency. 8C B'way. N. Y.^

W22: E.Nichols &CoBank Stocks,

Cvirb Securities.15 WALL STREET, NEW YORK.



A EVERETT STONE (Tale ana Columbia). 318 WestjflL.86th St. Tutor for allcolleges; lon* experience.

DR. TV G. NOWELi., orlvate tutcr. at ttudUs" homes orat 11" E. 82d-st. Two pupils received la family.

dancing 3.casemi£B.TTrERNANDO'S DANCING CLASSES.— AIso Brtvat. ls»-X? sons any hour. Alldances taught rapidly. 117 W. «2d- »C

KNICKERBOCKER School for Danclr.e. 44 B. 14th St.(Union Square, n'r B"way). Private and class lessens

dally, lend for circular. J. MARK MACDOXALP. Prln.



CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS.Established in 1843.

For Both Sexes—

MIPS CARRIER'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS.52 E 30th St.—Reopens Oct. id. Mar.ual training

and kindergarten. French a *jeclalty.

rTKF: BERLITZ SCHOOL. OF LANGUAGES. •X Madison Ekjuare. New-York. 73 Ceurt-s: .. Brooklyn.

"The Berlitz Method Is the systematized form of learn-ing a foreign language In a forelirn country by Its actualcse." Triallessons free. Frea lectures weekly Inall lan-tuagea. Four Medals at Paris Exposition. 1000.

S-l SECURES 6 oAlntlnr or drawing lessoos. N. C, 108«?_L E. 114-h-st^


FRENCH Spanish. German. Italian.—Prof. *»H«rtat School Laniuages. 126 West "34.- New-Tor*. Brmaca.77 Ceurt-st.. Brooklyn.

For Boys and Young- Country.

UrAPLBWOOD. Coneordrtlle. Pa.—Successful f**^;M one of the best to infuse energy, to ««»-=P *"•;to duties of life: prepared for bus;*"f. v

iTiy *!'under 13 years. $244 I^aTlon b-sutlfiil elevst^ h««..BT.

r.o tobacco J. SHORTLJDGE (Yale). A. M- Pria.



School (Xgcnctea.a inmrriv AND FOREIGN TEACHERS" AGEJJCYAM.^pne\NWof«soS? and Famllleß. Apply to

Jfc|ot-NO.FUI>TON. 23 Calon Sonars I

-v-EW YORK SUPREME COURT, NEW-*^-rtvatc COUNTY.—Ia the matter of the finalaccount-

„-«f Thfmai G- Knight and Robert F. Setffert. as a«-MniL 7>ft?Vestate of John Frick. on a ceneral tss!gm-

\u25a0^T^ the benefit of creditors, the People of the St*t»E.v.L Till to all persons Interested in the estate of

John Frickt issued to Thomas G Knight and Roberti- s.£srtT for the benefit of creditors, send greeting:Tno^chot too are hereby cited and required pre-

ISJil?? to be and appear at a special term Part Iof th»S^i^e CourtTto be held In and for tie County of NewSuprejE« thVcounty Court House to the Borongs of Mia-

JSI it 1. :30 o'clock A. M.. then and there to showSSlm why a final settlement or tie account of Thorns*

and Robert F. S-lSert. assignees cf the abov»JohnFrlclc. insolvent debtor, should not be bad.S5T* Boeius. &•«hown. then "I*"•»<» the final ««t:le-

Smt erthe assignee* account, to testimony whweoc-J££? caused xfm\t»l o.' the said Supreme Court of nWs^lt ?m»nty to be hereunto afixed.

ANDRES.TwittSf- HO.V. GEORGE P. A-fDREWS.jnirtlc*o«" th« Susrem. Court, this 7th day of Octatar.

o TATIIR(SeaD. . "WM. SOHiTEK. Clerk.WBEK3**HA3KEU- Arrys for assignee. T. G- Knight,

213 Monta«u« Str»«t. Borou«S of Brooklj-a. X. X.

AEVT-RTISESiENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune

A reelved at their Uptown Office No. 1.242 Broadway.

•rirt T,,h „.'. ,j» Colurr.bds-av«.. r.ear West 66th »'-• 108

W«t «2d-.T. "ear Bth-av..: «2 Eaj, 14th-t.:2ST *«<42o>£t_ S>e-wien 7th and Bth aye*.: 188 East 47:h-st.:1.358l^:.beTweeV 76th and .77th at..: I.OW 3d-*ve.. iw*r\u0084«,_., . ito* lst-ave.. near 69th-st.: 756 Tr«mont-»>-690 3S"-ive.'. n«r 41.t-.t-: SM.Sd-tv*.: 210 BNdnMl-S323 Bitec'Kcr-st.

ALBERT FREEMANYo-k Ct.s< lldate-i Stork Excaant'e.


BRANCH O««OT:J|^« «B^J--^rBSaSS:.Wf-™

nSlldSw. BOSTON BRANCH. 4 Post

Bousr.r and Sold ,-s»4^««silll»**anfwered.

DitiDeni Xoticca. Crnsi Companies. (Ernst Companies.



Stnttnnn ftrsona.SEW-JEBSETi.

3.ntirmn Brscnrts.


($3.00) Dollars per share baa been declared payableinNew-Tort January 2. I'.VJ. to the shareholders of rec-ord at tie close of business November 30, 1901; also anextra dividend of One <$1.0u) Dollar per share out of theearnings of the Compacv from it» Investments.

CHAS. G. CLARK. Treasurer.New-Tcrk. November 13. IML

ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY.Treasurer's CCice. N. T.. Nov. 13. 1901.

("THE Transfer Books of this Company -trill bedosed from 2 o'clock P. 11. Nov. 15. to the morning

of Dec. 2. . B. IV. ROWS. Trea.6.


Golf, Polo, and all out-door diversions are-universally enjoyed




FRAXKS F. HUTE, Assistant Manager



Guaranty Trust Co* of New York*NASSAU, CORNER CEDAR STREET.


Capita! • • • $2,000,000. Surplus \u25a0 \u25a0• • $4,000,000.

INTEREST ALLOWED OX DEPOSITS snTJsil to cheque or on certificate.

Acts aj Trustee far Corporations. Firms & Indlvlfinals; and as Guardian. Executor & Administrator;Takes entire charge cf Real and Personal Estates; carefully selected securities offered far Investment.TRAVELERS* LETTERS OK CREDIT available in all parts of the world.

ALSO COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED.DRAFTS en all parts cf Great Britain. France, and Germany BOI'GHT and SOLD.

•WALTER O. OAKMAN,President. ADRIAN ISELIN. JR.. Vice-President.GEORGE R. TURNBCLL. 23 Vice-Presldent. HENRY A. MURRAY. Si Vice-President.WM. C. EDWARDS. Treasurer. JOHN GAUL:. Manner Foreign Department.

E. C. HEBBARD. Secretary. T. C. HARRIMAN. Assistant Treasurer.R. C. NEWTON, Trust Officer.

DIRECTORS:Samuel p. Babcock. Walter R. Gillette. Adrian Iselln, Jr. Alexander E. Oit.G~>r«e P. Baker. G. O. Haven. Augustus D. Juilliard. Walter G. Oakman.<j»?r?e a Bowdoln, E. H. Harriman. James N. Jarvie Henry H Rogers.•JJ* Belmont. R. Soraers Hayes. Richard A. McCurdr. H. McK. Twombly.Frederick Crtir.weU. Charles R. Henderson. Lev! p. Morton Frederick W. VanJerbllt_ _ _ Harry Payne Whitney.London Committee-:


