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4/7/14 An Open Letter to New York Parents 1 New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter to Parents of Children throughout New York State Regarding Grade 3-8 Testing Dear Parents, We are the principals of your children’s schools. We serve communities in every corner of New York State — from Niagara County to Clinton, Chautauqua to Suffolk. We come from every size and type of school, with students from every background. We thank you for sharing your children with us and for entrusting us to ensure that they acquire the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their dreams and your hopes for them. This year, many of your children experienced the first administration of the newly revised New York State Assessments. You may have heard that teachers, administrators, and parents are questioning the validity of these tests. As dedicated administrators, we have carefully observed the testing process and have learned a great deal about these tests and their impact. We care deeply about your children and their learning and want to share with you what we know — and what we do not know — about these new state assessments. Here’s what we know: 1) NYS Testing Has Increased Dramatically: We know that our students are spending more time taking State tests than ever before. Since 2010, the amount of time spent on average taking the 38 ELA and Math tests has increased by a whopping 128%! The increase has been particularly hard on our younger students, with third graders seeing an increase of 163%! 2) The Tests were Too Long: We know that many students were unable to complete the tests in the allotted time. Not only were the tests lengthy and challenging, but embedded field test questions extended the length of the tests and caused mental exhaustion, often before students reached the questions that counted toward their scores. For our Special Education students who receive additional time, these tests have become more a measure of endurance than anything else. 3) Ambiguous Questions Appeared throughout the Exams: We know that many teachers and principals could not agree on the correct answers to ambiguous questions in both ELA and Math. In some schools, identical passages and questions appeared on more than one test and at more than one grade level. One school reported that on one day of the ELA Assessment, the same passage with identical questions was included in the third, fourth AND fifth grade ELA Assessments. 4) Children have Reacted Viscerally to the Tests: We know that many children cried during or after testing, and others vomited or lost control of their bowels or bladders. Others simply gave up. One teacher reported that a student kept banging his head on the desk, and wrote, “This is too hard,” and “I can’t do this,” throughout his test booklet. 5) The Low Passing Rate was Predicted: We know that in his “Implementation of the Common Core Learning Standards” memo of March 2013, Deputy Commissioner Slentz stated that proficiency scores (i.e., passing rate) on the new assessments would range between 30%37% statewide. When scores were released in August 2013, the statewide proficiency rate was announced as 31%.

New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools ...New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter to Parents

Mar 18, 2020



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Page 1: New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools ...New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter to Parents

4/7/14                                                                                                                                                                                                                      An  Open  Letter  to  New  York  Parents   1  


New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools

An Open Letter to Parents of Children throughout New York State

Regarding Grade 3-8 Testing  Dear  Parents,      We  are  the  principals  of  your  children’s  schools.  We  serve  communities  in  every  corner  of  New  York    State  —  from  Niagara  County  to  Clinton,  Chautauqua  to  Suffolk.  We  come  from  every  size  and  type  of  school,  with  students  from  every  background.  We  thank  you  for  sharing  your  children  with  us  and  for  entrusting  us  to  ensure  that  they  acquire  the  skills  and  knowledge  they  need  to  achieve  their  dreams  and  your  hopes  for  them.    This  year,  many  of  your  children  experienced  the  first  administration  of  the  newly  revised  New  York  State  Assessments.  You  may  have  heard  that  teachers,  administrators,  and  parents  are  questioning  the  validity  of  these  tests.  As  dedicated  administrators,  we  have  carefully  observed  the  testing  process  and  have  learned  a  great  deal  about  these  tests  and  their  impact.  We  care  deeply  about  your  children  and  their  learning  and  want  to  share  with  you  what  we  know  —  and  what  we  do  not  know  —  about  these  new  state  assessments.  

 Here’s  what  we  know:  

 1) NYS  Testing  Has  Increased  Dramatically:  We  know  that  our  students  are  spending  more  time  

taking  State  tests  than  ever  before.  Since  2010,  the  amount  of  time  spent  on  average  taking  the  3-­‐8  ELA  and  Math  tests  has  increased  by  a  whopping  128%!  The  increase  has  been  particularly  hard  on  our  younger  students,  with  third  graders  seeing  an  increase  of  163%!  

2) The  Tests  were  Too  Long:  We  know  that  many  students  were  unable  to  complete  the  tests  in  the  allotted  time.  Not  only  were  the  tests  lengthy  and  challenging,  but  embedded  field  test  questions  extended  the  length  of  the  tests  and  caused  mental  exhaustion,  often  before  students  reached  the  questions  that  counted  toward  their  scores.  For  our  Special  Education  students  who  receive  additional  time,  these  tests  have  become  more  a  measure  of  endurance  than  anything  else.  

3) Ambiguous  Questions  Appeared  throughout  the  Exams:  We  know  that  many  teachers  and  principals  could  not  agree  on  the  correct  answers  to  ambiguous  questions  in  both  ELA  and  Math.  In  some  schools,  identical  passages  and  questions  appeared  on  more  than  one  test  and  at  more  than  one  grade  level.  One  school  reported  that  on  one  day  of  the  ELA  Assessment,  the  same  passage  with  identical  questions  was  included  in  the  third,  fourth  AND  fifth  grade  ELA  Assessments.  

4) Children  have  Reacted  Viscerally  to  the  Tests:  We  know  that  many  children  cried  during  or  after  testing,  and  others  vomited  or  lost  control  of  their  bowels  or  bladders.  Others  simply  gave  up.  One  teacher  reported  that  a  student  kept  banging  his  head  on  the  desk,  and  wrote,  “This  is  too  hard,”  and  “I  can’t  do  this,”  throughout  his  test  booklet.  

5) The  Low  Passing  Rate  was  Predicted:  We  know  that  in  his  “Implementation  of  the  Common  Core  Learning  Standards”  memo  of  March  2013,  Deputy  Commissioner  Slentz  stated  that  proficiency  scores  (i.e.,  passing  rate)  on  the  new  assessments  would  range  between  30%-­‐37%  statewide.  When  scores  were  released  in  August  2013,  the  statewide  proficiency  rate  was  announced  as  31%.  


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6) The  College  Readiness  Benchmark  is  Irresponsibly  Inflated:  We  know  that  the  New  York  State  Education  Department  used  SAT  scores  of  560  in  Reading,  540  in  Writing  and  530  in  mathematics,  as  the  college  readiness  benchmarks  to  help  set  the  “passing”  cut  scores  on  the  3-­‐8  New  York  State  exams.  These  NYSED  scores,  totaling  1630,  are  far  higher  than  the  College  Board’s  own  college  readiness  benchmark  score  of  1550.  By  doing  this,  NYSED  has  carelessly  inflated  the  “college  readiness”  proficiency  cut  scores  for  students  as  young  as  nine  years  of  age.  

7) State  Measures  are  Contradictory:  We  know  that  many  children  are  receiving  scores  that  are  not  commensurate  with  the  abilities  they  demonstrate  on  other  measures,  particularly  the  New  York  State  Integrated  Algebra  Regents  examination.  Across  New  York,  many  accelerated  eighth-­‐graders  scored  below  proficiency  on  the  eighth  grade  test  only  to  go  on  and  excel  on  the  Regents  examination  one  month  later.  One  district  reports  that  58%  of  the  students  who  scored  below  proficiency  on  the  NYS  Math  8  examination  earned  a  mastery  score  on  the  Integrated  Algebra  Regents.  

8) Students  Labeled  as  Failures  are  Forced  Out  of  Classes:  We  know  that  many  students  who  never  needed  Academic  Intervention  Services  (AIS)  in  the  past,  are  now  receiving  mandated  AIS  as  a  result  of  the  failing  scores.  As  a  result,  these  students  are  forced  to  forgo  enrichment  classes.  For  example,  in  one  district,  some  middle  school  students  had  to  give  up  instrumental  music,  computer  or  other  special  classes  in  order  to  fit  AIS  into  their  schedules.  

9) The  Achievement  Gap  is  Widening:  We  know  that  the  tests  have  caused  the  achievement  gap  to  widen  as  the  scores  of  economically  disadvantaged  students  plummeted,  and  that  parents  are  reporting  that  low-­‐scoring  children  feel  like  failures.    

10) The  Tests  are  Putting  Financial  Strains  on  Schools:  We  know  that  many  schools  are  spending  precious  dollars  on  test  prep  materials,  and  that  instructional  time  formerly  dedicated  to  field  trips,  special  projects,  the  arts  and  enrichment,  has  been  reallocated  to  test  prep,  testing,  and  AIS  services.    

11) The  Tests  are  Threatening  Other  State  Initiatives:  Without  a  doubt,  the  emphasis  on  testing  is  threatening  other  important  State  initiatives,  most  notably  the  implementation  of  the  Common  Core  State  Standards  (CCSS).  Parents  who  see  the  impact  of  the  testing  on  their  children  are  blaming  the  CCSS,  rather  than  the  unwise  decision  to  implement  high  stakes  testing  before  proper  capacity  had  been  developed.  As  long  as  these  tests  remain,  it  will  be  nearly  impossible  to  have  honest  conversations  about  the  impact  of  the  CCSS  on  our  schools.  


Here’s  what  we  do  not  know:      

1) How  these  Tests  will  Help  our  Students:  With  the  exception  of  select  questions  released  by  the  state,  we  do  not  have  access  to  the  test  questions.  Without  access  to  the  questions,  it  is  nearly  impossible  to  use  the  tests  to  help  improve  student  learning.  

2) How  to  Use  these  Tests  to  Improve  Student  Skills  or  Understanding:  Tests  should  serve  as  a  tool  for  assessing  student  skills  and  understanding.  Since  we  are  not  informed  of  the  make-­‐up  of  the  tests,  we  do  not  know,  with  any  level  of  specificity,  the  content  or  skills  for  which  children  require  additional  support.  We  do  not  even  know  how  many  points  were  allotted  for  each  question.  

3) The  Underlying  Cause  of  Low  Test  Scores:  We  do  not  know  if  children’s  low  test  scores  are  actually  due  to  lack  of  skills  in  that  area  or  simply  a  case  of  not  finishing  the  test  —  a  problem  that  plagued  many  students.  


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4) What  to  Expect  Next  Year:  We  do  not  know  what  to  expect  for  next  year.  Our  students  are  overwhelmed  by  rapidly  changing  standards,  curriculum  and  assessments.  It  is  nearly  impossible  to  serve  and  protect  the  students  in  our  care  when  expectations  are  in  constant  flux  and  put  in  place  rapidly  in  a  manner  that  is  not  reflective  of  sound  educational  practice.  

5) How  Much  this  is  Costing  Already-­‐Strained  Taxpayers:  We  don’t  know  how  much  public  money  is  being  paid  to  vendors  and  corporations  that  the  NYSED  contracts  to  design  assessments,  nor  do  we  know  if  the  actual  designers  are  educationally  qualified.  

 Please  know  that  we,  your  school  principals,  care  about  your  children  and  will  continue  to  do  everything  in  our  power  to  fill  their  school  days  with  learning  that  is  creative,  engaging,  challenging,  rewarding  and  joyous.  We  encourage  you  to  dialogue  with  your  child’s  teachers  so  that  you  have  real  knowledge  of  his  skills  and  abilities  across  all  areas.  If  your  child  scored  poorly  on  the  test,  please  make  sure  that  he  does  not  internalize  feelings  of  failure.  We  believe  that  the  failure  was  not  on  the  part  of  our  children,  but  rather  with  the  officials  of  the  New  York  State  Education  Department.  These  are  the  individuals  who  chose  to  recklessly  implement  numerous  major  initiatives  without  proper  dialogue,  public  engagement  or  capacity  building.  They  are  the  individuals  who  have  failed.    As  principals  of  New  York  schools,  it  is  always  our  goal  to  move  forward  in  a  constant  state  of  improvement.  Under  current  conditions,  we  fear  that  the  hasty  implementation  of  unpiloted  assessments  will  continue  to  cause  more  harm  than  good.  Please  work  with  us  to  preserve  a  healthy  learning  environment  for  our  children  and  to  protect  all  of  the  unique  varieties  of  intelligence  that  are  not  reducible  to  scores  on  standardized  tests.  Your  child  is  so  much  more  than  a  test  score,  and  we  know  it.      Warmly,      Sharon  Fougner  


Principal,  E.M.  Baker  Elementary    

Carol  Burris,  Ed.D.    

 Principal,  South  Side  High  School  

Peter  DeWitt,  Ed.D.    


Principal,  Poestenkill  Elementary    

Tim  Farley    

Principal,  Ichabod  Crane  Middle  School  

   Sean  C.  Feeney,  Ph.D.  

Principal,  The  Wheatley  School    

   Andrew  Greene    

   Principal,  Candlewood  Middle  School  

   Elizabeth  Phillips    


Principal,  P.S.  321    

   Katie  Zahedi,  Ph.D.    

   Principal,  Linden  Avenue  Middle  School    


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Signed  by  557  Principals  Across  New  York  State  (Updated  21  April  2014)    

Voice  your  support  at    

Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Joseph  Witazek   Lynch  Literacy  Academy   Albany   Amsterdam  City  SD  Dave  Ksanznak   Hamagrael  Elementary   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD  Heidi  Bonacquist   Slingerlands  Elementary   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD  Mark  Perry   Harmony  Hill  School   Albany   Cohoes  City  SD  Peter  Brabant   Altamont  Elementary   Albany   Guilderland  CSD  Allan  Lockwood   Guilderland  Elementary   Albany   Guilderland  CSD  Christopher  Sanita   Pine  Bush  Elementary   Albany   Guilderland  CSD  Beth  Bini   Westmere  Elementary   Albany   Guilderland  CSD  Candace  Lobdell   Forts  Ferry  School   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD  Russ  Moore   Shaker  Junior  High  School   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD  Claudia  Verga   A.W.  Becker  Elementary   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD  Pamela  Black   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  MS   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD  William  Dollard   Shaker  Road  Elementary   Albany   South  Colonie  CSD  Kyle  Faulkner   Fillmore  Central  School   Allegany   Fillmore  CSD  Brian  Edmister   Genesee  Valley   Allegany   Genesee  Valley  CSD  Sue-­‐Ann  Rosch   Community  School  for  Social  Justice   Bronx   New  York  City  Nancy  Mann   Fannie  Lou  Hamer  Freedom  HS   Bronx   New  York  City  John  O'Reilly   Academy  of  Arts  &  Letters   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Anna  Allanbrook   Brooklyn  New  School  PS  146   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Alyce  Barr   Brooklyn  School  for  Collaborative  Studies   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Wanda  Vazquez   El  Puente  Academy   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Taeko  Onishi   Lyons  Community  School   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Brian  De  Vale   P.S.  257   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Eva  Irizarry   P.S.  414   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Jill  Smith   P.S.  516   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Jill  Bloomberg   Park  Slope  Collegiate   Brooklyn   New  York  City  William  Jusino   PROGRESS  High  School   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Maria  Nunziata   PS  130   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Mary  McDonald   PS  139   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Sharon  Fiden   PS  230   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Lorenzo  Chambers   PS  279   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Dennis  Jeffers   PS  289   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Rebecca  Fagin   PS  29   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Anita  de  Paz   PS  39   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Deirdre  Keyes   PS/IS  206   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Joeletha  Ferguson   PS/IS  262   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Elizabeth  Culkin   PS176   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Maria  Vera-­‐Drucker   Public  School  376   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Seth  Phillips   Public  School  8   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Jodi  Radwell   Secondary  School  for  Journalism   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Annabell  Martinez   Silas  B.  Dutcher   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Arthur  Mattia   The  Children's  School   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Nedda  deCastro   The  International  HS  @  Prospect  Heights   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Catherine  Costa   W.E.B.  Du  Bois  High  School   Brooklyn   New  York  City  Noreen  Dolan   Benjamin  Franklin  Elementary   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD  Melissa  Shade   Glenwood  Education  Center   Broome   Broome-­‐Tioga  BOCES  Roland  Doig   Richard  T  Stank   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  David  Smith   Gowanda  Middle  School   Cattaraugus   Gowanda  CSD  John  White   East  View  Elementary   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD  Barbara  Lias   Olean  High  School   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD  Gerald  Trietley   Olean  Intermediate  Middle   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD  Andrew  Ludwig   Fredonia  Middle  School   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD  Scott  Burdick   Pine  Valley  Elementary   Chautauqua   Pine  Valley  CSD  James  Walters   Greene  High  School   Chenango   Greene  CSD  Bryan  Ayres   Greene  Intermediate  School   Chenango   Greene  CSD  James  Walters   Greene  Middle  School   Chenango   Greene  CSD  Scott  Ryan   Norwich  Middle  School   Chenango   Norwich  City  SD  Jennifer  Post   Perry  Browne  IS   Chenango   Norwich  City  SD  Jennifer  Post   Perry  Browne  IS   Chenango   Norwich  City  SD  John  Douchinsky   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  Elementary  School   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD  Nancy  Jean  Osborn   Bailey  Avenue  Elementary   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD  Mark  Brenneman   M  C  Smith  Intermediate  School   Columbia   Hudson  City  SD  Tim  Farley   Ichabod  Crane  Elementary   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD  Tim  Farley   Ichabod  Crane  MS   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD  Cliff  Kostuk   Randall  School   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD  Brady  Fister   Noxon  Road  Elementary   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD  Richard  Wert   Netherwood  Elementary   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD  Sandra  Intrieri   Millbrook  High  School   Dutchess   Millbrook  CSD  Phyllis  Amori   Millbrook  Middle  School   Dutchess   Millbrook  CSD  Kenneth  Sauer   Webutuck  High  School   Dutchess   Northeast  CSD  Katie  Zahedi   Linden  Avenue  Middle  School   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD  Erin  Hayes   Mill  Road  Elementary   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD  Roy  Paisley   Red  Hook  High  School   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD  Mary  Bish   Kinry  Road  Elementary   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD  Jim  Daley   Shaefe  Road  Elementary   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD  Todd  Esposito   Akron  Elementary   Erie   Akron  CSD  Nora  Trincanati   Frederick  Law  Olmsted  School  #64   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD  Gretchen  Cercone   JFK  Middle  School   Erie   Cheektowaga-­‐Sloan  UFSD  Kevin  Kazmierczak   John  F.  Kennedy  Sr.  High  School   Erie   Cheektowaga-­‐Sloan  UFSD  Mark  Mambretti   East  Aurora  Middle  School   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD  Marc  Graff   Eden  Elementary   Erie   Eden  CSD  Michael  Gallagher   Hamburg  High  School   Erie   Hamburg  CSD  Amy  Stanfield   Iroquois  Intermediate   Erie   Iroquois  CSD  Kevin  Kruger   Franklin  Middle  School   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD  Maureen  Fernandez   Martin  Road  Elementary   Erie   Lackawanna  City  SD  Michael  Retzlaff   Springville-­‐G.I.  Middle  School   Erie   Springville-­‐Griffith  Inst  CSD  John  McKenna   Fletcher  Elementary   Erie   Tonawanda  City  SD  Marge  Borchert   Allendale  Elementary   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD  Charles  Galluzzo   Maple  West  Elementary   Erie   Williamsville  CSD  Selma  Friedman   Catskill  High  School   Greene   Catskill  CSD  Marielena  Davis   Catskill  Middle  School   Greene   Catskill  CSD  Russell  Kissinger   Mount  Markham  High  School   Herkimer   Mount  Markham  CSD  Brennan  Fahey   Owen  D.  Young   Herkimer   Van  Hornesville  CSD  Frank  Sutliff   West  Canada  Valley  Jr-­‐Sr  HS   Herkimer   West  Canada  Valley  CSD  Troy  Decker   Indian  River  High  School   Jefferson   Indian  River  CSD  Mary-­‐Ann  MacIntosh   Burton  Street   Madison   Cazenovia  CSD  Jean  Regan   Cazenovia  Middle  School   Madison   Cazenovia  CSD  William  Simmons   North  Broad  Street  School   Madison   Oneida  City  SD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Julie  Zuckerman   Castle  Bridge  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Lindley  Uehling   Central  Park  East  1  Elem.  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Naomi  Smith   Central  Park  East  II   Manhattan   New  York  City  Jean  McTavish   Edward  A.  Reynolds  West  Side  HS   Manhattan   New  York  City  Peter  Karp   Institute  for  Collaborative  Education   Manhattan   New  York  City  Jane  Hsu   P.S.  116  Manhattan   Manhattan   New  York  City  Tara  Napoleoni   P.S.  183   Manhattan   New  York  City  Lisa  Siegman   P.S.  3  -­‐  Charrette  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Bessie  Ng   P.S.2   Manhattan   New  York  City  Robert  Bender   PS  11   Manhattan   New  York  City  Katy  Rosen   PS  199   Manhattan   New  York  City  Adele  Schroeter   PS59  Beekman  Hill  International   Manhattan   New  York  City  Katherine  Banucci-­‐Smith   Special  Music  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Antonio  Hernandez   The  Lexington  Academy  /  PS72M   Manhattan   New  York  City  Dyanthe  Spielberg   The  Neighborhood  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Herb  Mack   Urban  Academy  Laboratory  HS   Manhattan   New  York  City  William  Klann   Vanguard  High  School   Manhattan   New  York  City  Brian  Bartalo   Hilton  HS   Monroe   Hilton  CSD  Winton  Buddington   Bay  Trail  Middle  School   Monroe   Penfield  CSD  Karl  Thielking   Pittsford  Mendon  High  School   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD  Rick  DeRose   Lincoln  Park  School  #44   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD  Ned  Dale   Cosgrove  Middle  School   Monroe   Spencerport  CSD  David  Ziskin   Amsterdam  High  School   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD  Elizabeth  Donovan   Fonda-­‐Fultonville  5-­‐8  School   Montgomery   Fonda-­‐Fultonville  CSD  Catherine  Brucker   Harry  Hoag  Elementary   Montgomery   Fort  Plain  CSD  Bernice-­‐Theresa  Acevedo   Lenox  School   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD  Echele  May   Meadow  Elementary  School   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD  Mark  Gray   Plaza  Elementary   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD  Lori  Presti   Steele  School   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD  David  Seinfeld   Calhoun  HS   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District  Michael  Harrington   W.C.  Mepham  HS   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District  Steven  Furrey   Central  Boulevard  Elementary   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD  Angelita  Cintado   Charles  Campagne  Elementary   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD  Susan  Folkson   Rushmore  Avenue  School   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD  Kurt  Simon   West  Side  School   Nassau   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD  Timothy  Silk   Centre  Avenue  Elementary   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD  Laura  Guggino   Rhame  Avenue   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD  James  Bloomgarden   North  Side  School   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD  Sean  Feeney   The  Wheatley  School   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD  Stephen  Kimmel   Willets  Road  School   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD  Joe  Valentine   Albany  Ave   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD  Glen  Zakian   Farmingdale  HS   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD  Luis  Pena   Howitt  MS   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD  Elizabeth  Garavuso   Northside  Elementary   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD  Gil  Torossian   Polk  Street  Elementary   Nassau   Franklin  Square  UFSD  Valerie  Mazzone   Washington  Street  School   Nassau   Franklin  Square  UFSD  Paula  Lein   Archer  Street   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD  Amanda  Muldowney   Leo  F.  Giblyn  School   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD  Nanine  McLaughlin   Garden  City  High  School   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD  Peter  Osroff   Garden  City  Middle  School   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD  Audrey  Bellovin   Hemlock  School   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Suzanne  Viscovich   Homestead   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD  Linda  Norton   Stewart  School   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD  Rosemarie  Sekelsky   Connolly  School   Nassau   Glen  Cove  City  SD  Aviva  Vegon   E.M.BAKER.   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Sharon  Fougner   EM  Baker  Elementary   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Bernard  Kaplan   Great  Neck  North  HS   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Anael  Alston   Great  Neck  North  MS   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  James  Welsch   Great  Neck  South  MS   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Nathan  Cohn   John  F.  Kennedy   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Phyllis  Feldman   Lakeville   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Debbie  Shalom   Parkville   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Eric  Nezowitz   Saddle  Rock  Elementary  School   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD  Richard  Brown   Front  Street  School   Nassau   Hempstead  UFSD  Brennen  Bierwiler   Center  Street  Elementary   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD  Mary  Louise  Haley   Denton  Avenue  School   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD  Jane  Modoono   Herricks  High  School   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD  Joan  Keegan   Herricks  Middle  School   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD  Elizabeth  Guercin   Searingtown   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD  Theodore  Fulton   George  W.  Hewlett  High  School   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD  Stephanie  Stam   Lee  Avenue   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD  Roger  Bloom   Island  Trees  Memorial  MS   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD  Penny  Fisher   J.  Fred  Sparke  Elementary   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD  Allison  Ackerman   Stokes  Elementary  School   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD  Tony  Sinanis   Cantiague  Elementary  School   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD  Benny  D'Aquila   George  A.  Jackson  Elementary   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD  Donald  Gately   Jericho  Middle  School   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD  Ivy  Sherman   Robert  Seaman  Elementary   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD  Cindy  Lee   number  two  school   Nassau   Lawrence  UFSD  Susan  Hendler   Gardiners  Avenue  School   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  John  Zampaglione   Jonas  E  Salk   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  Anthony  Goss   Lee  Road  Elementary   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  Kathleen  Valentino   MacArthur  High  School   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  Frank  Mortillaro   Northside  School   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  John  Avena   Wisdom  Lane  Middle  School   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD  Scott  McElhiney   Bayville  Elementary  School   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD  Sophia  Gary   Locust  Valley  Elementary   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD  Howard  Hogan   Locust  Valley  Middle  School   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD  Sean  Murray   East  Elementary   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD  Karen  Sauter   Lindell  Elementary   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD  Michele  Natali   Long  Beach  Middle  School   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD  Joseph  Rainis   Lynbrook  High  Schoool   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD  Sean  Fallon   Lynbrook  North  Middle  School   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD  Lucille  McAssey   Waverly  Park  School   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD  Alison  Puliatte   West  End   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD  Steven  Gilhuley   Howard  T.  Herber  MS   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD  Vincent  Romano   Malverne   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD  Dean  Schlanger   Manhasset  High  School   Nassau   Manhasset  UFSD  Dean  Schlanger   Manhasset  Junior  High   Nassau   Manhasset  UFSD  Edward  Escobar   Mineola  High  School   Nassau   Mineola  UFSD  Matthew  Gaven   Mineola  Middle  School   Nassau   Mineola  UFSD  James  Svendsen   Garden  City  Park  School   Nassau   New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  UFSD  

Diane  Weiss   Manor  Oaks-­‐Wm.  R,  Bowie   Nassau  New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  UFSD  

Faith  Skelos   John  G.  Dinkelmeyer  School   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD  Frances  Bennett   Martin  Avenue  School   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD  Marilyn  Hirschfield   Newbridge  Road   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD  Laura  DeLuca   Old  Mill  Road   Nassau   North  Merrick  UFSD  Lori  Nimmo   Glen  Head  School   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD  Bridget  Finder   Glenwood  Landing  School   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD  Marc  Ferris   North  Shore  Middle  School   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD  Christopher  Zublionis   Sea  Cliff  Elementary  School   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD  Beth  Castiello   Oaks  School  #3   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD  Dennis  O'Hara   Oyster  Bay  High  School   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD  Emily  O'Brien   Eastplain  School   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD  Carol  Muscarella   John  H  West   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD  Robert  Amster   Plainedge  High  School   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD  Anthony  DeRiso   Plainedge  Middle  School   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD  Dean  Mittleman   H.  B.  Mattlin  Middle  School   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD  Paulette  Miller   Pasadena  Elementary   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD  James  Murray   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  JFK  HS   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD  Alison  Clark   Stratford  Road  School   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD  Thomas  Ricupero   Francis  F.  Wilson  Elementary   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Elizabeth  Pryke   Hewitt  Elementary   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Tricia  Bock   Riverside  School   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Carol  Burris   South  Side  High  School   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Shelagh  McGinn   South  Side  Middle  School   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Joan  Waldman   Watson  School   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Darren  Raymar   William  S.  Covert   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD  Melissa  Krieger   East  Hills   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD  Scott  Andrews   Roslyn  High  School   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD  Jack  Palmadesso   Roslyn  Middle  School   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD  Scott  Bersin   Seaford  High  School   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD  Daniel  Smith   Seaford  Middle  School   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD  John  Capozzi   Elmont  Memorial  High  School   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District  Kathleen  Sottile   Floral  Park  Memorial  HS   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District  Valerie  Angelillo   H.  Frank  Carey   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District  Richard  Faccio   New  Hyde  Park  Memorial  HS   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District  Debra  Lidowsky   Sewanhaka  High  School   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District  Lisa  Greiner   Baylis  Elementary  School   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Joanne  Mannion   Berry  Hill   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  James  Kassebaum   HB  Thompson  MS   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Michelle  Burget   South  Woods  Middle  School   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Giovanni  Durante   Syosset  High  School   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Jeffrey  Kasper   Village  Elementary   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Chad  Snyder   Walt  Whitman  Elementary   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  James  Connolly   Willits  Elementary   Nassau   Syosset  CSD  Florence  Simmons   Uniondale  High  School   Nassau   Uniondale  UFSD  Linda  Friedman   Walnut  Street  School   Nassau   Uniondale  UFSD  Anthony  Mignella   Memorial  JHS   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District  Joseph  Pompilio   Valley  Stream  Central  HS   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District  Cliff  Odell   Valley  Stream  North  HS   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Carolyn  Breivogel   Wantagh  High  School   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD  Dan  Rehman   West  Hempstead  HS   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD  Gloria  Dingwall   Park  Avenue  School   Nassau   Westbury  UFSD  Manuel  Arias   Westbury  High  School   Nassau   Westbury  UFSD  Andrew  Auer   Intermediate  Education  Center   Niagara   Lewiston-­‐Porter  CSD  Janet  Matyevich   Meadow  Elementary   Niagara   North  Tonawanda  City  SD  Michael  Tambroni   Ohio  Elementary   Niagara   North  Tonawanda  City  SD  Vicki  Pohlman   Spruce  Elementary   Niagara   North  Tonawanda  City  SD  Bonnie  Stafford   Fricano  Primary   Niagara   Starpoint  CSD  Alicia  Perez-­‐Katz   Baruch  College  Campus  HS   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Alan  Cheng   City-­‐As-­‐School   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Alison  Hazut   Earth  School   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Laura  Garcia   Ella  Baker   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Erin  Carstensen   EssexStreet  Academy   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Alex  White   Gotham  Professional  Arts  Academy   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Phyllis  Tam   MS  131   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Laura  Scott   P.S.  10   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Elizabeth  Garraway   P.S.  118   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Everlidys  Robles   P.S.  38   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Veronica  Najjar   PS  89   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Terri  Ruyter   PS/IS276  Battery  Park  City  School   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Darlene  Cameron   STAR  Academy   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Maggie  Siena   The  Peck  Slip  School   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Samantha  Kaplan   Yorkville  Community  School/PS  151   NYC  Central   New  York  City  Sharon  Kirch   North  Bay  Elementary   Oneida   Camden  CSD  Michael  Spost   New  York  Mills   Oneida   NY  Mills  UFSD  Rene  Wilson   New  York  Mills   Oneida   NY  Mills  UFSD  Zane  Mahar   Sauquoit  Valley  HS   Oneida   Sauquoit  Valley  CSD  Henry  Frasca   Kernan  Elementary   Oneida   Utica  City  SD  Tony  Cardamone   Harry  E  Elden  Elementary   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD  Grenardo  Avellino   ESM  Central  HS   Onondaga   East  Syracuse-­‐Minoa  CSD  Paul  Gasparini   Jamesville-­‐DeWitt  HS   Onondaga   Jamesville-­‐DeWitt  CSD  Diane  Ellsworth   Onondaga  Nation  School   Onondaga   LaFayette  CSD  Mary  Ann  Murphy   Tully  Junior  Senior  High  School   Onondaga   Tully  CSD  Maureen  Mulderig   Cherry  Rd  Elementary   Onondaga   Westhill  CSD  Mary  Szlosek   Victor  Intermediate  School   Ontario   Victor  CSD  Yvonne  O'Shea   Victor  Senior  High  School   Ontario   Victor  CSD  Leslie  Hyatt   Chester  Academy   Orange   Chester  UFSD  Cindy  Walsh   Chester  Elementary   Orange   Chester  UFSD  Paul  Dombal   Minisink  Valley  Intermediate   Orange   Minisink  Valley  CSD  Jeffrey  Finton   Orange  Ulster  BOCES   Orange   Orange-­‐Ulster  BOCES  Aaron  Hopmayer   Pine  Bush  HS   Orange   Pine  Bush  CSD  Brett  Cancredi   Anna  S.  Kuhl  Elementary   Orange   Port  Jervis  City  SD  Linda  Korycki   HBE-­‐Port  Jervis   Orange   Port  Jervis  City  SD  Jayme  Ginda-­‐Baxter   Valley  Central  High  School   Orange   Valley  CSD  Richard  Linkens   Warwick  Valley  High  School   Orange   Warwick  Valley  CSD  Steve  Kiel   Round  Hill  Elementary   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD  Mark  Kruzynski   Medina  High  School   Orleans   Medina  CSD  Walter  Baskin   Valleyview  Elementary   Otsego   Oneonta  City  SD  TheriJo  Climenhaga   Richfield  Springs   Otsego   Richfield  Springs  CSD  Joseph  Castagnola   Brewster  High  School   Putnam   Brewster  CSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Frank  Zamperlin   C.V.  Starr  Intermediate  School   Putnam   Brewster  CSD  Michelle  Gosh   Wells  Middle  School   Putnam   Brewster  CSD  Brent  Harrington   Haldane  Elementary/Middle  School   Putnam   Haldane  CSD  Brian  Alm   Haldane  High  School   Putnam   Haldane  CSD  Adam  Pease   Mahopac  High  School   Putnam   Mahopac  CSD  Gerald  Martori   Benjamin  Cardozo  HS   Queens   New  York  City  Sam  Sochet   Martin  Van  Buren  HS   Queens   New  York  City  Angela  Green   Middle  School  8   Queens   New  York  City  Karyna  Tejeda   PS  110   Queens   New  York  City  Patricia  Mitchell   PS  48   Queens   New  York  City  Sari  Latto   The  Crocheron  School   Queens   New  York  City  

Damon  McCord  The  Metropolitan  Expeditionary  Learning  School   Queens   New  York  City  

Colleen  Gomes   Averill  Park  High  School   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD  Peter  DeWitt   Poestenkill  Elementary   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD  Karen  Lederman   Tamarac  Elementary   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD  James  Wager   Rensselaer  Park  Elementary   Rensselaer   Lansingburgh  CSD  Christine  Arlt   Bardonia   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD  Harry  Leonardatos   Clarkstown  HS  North   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD  Martha  Ryan   Congers  Elementary   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD  Jonathan  Schatz   Felix  Festa  Determination  MS   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD  Mi  Jung  An   Little  Tor  Elementary  School   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD  Benito  Herrero   Haverstraw  Elementary   Rockland   Haverstraw-­‐Stony  Point  CSD  Mary  Esposito   West  Haverstraw  Elementary   Rockland   Haverstraw-­‐Stony  Point  CSD  Roger  Guccione   A.  MacArthur  Barr  M.  S.   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD  Gina  Cappiello   Valley  Cottage  Elementary   Rockland   Nyack  UFSD  Patrick  Breen   Suffern  High  School   Rockland   Ramapo  CSD  Brian  Fox   Suffern  Middle  School   Rockland   Ramapo  CSD  Karen  Ramirez   Cottage  Lane  Elementary   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD  Karen  Tesik   South  Orangetown  MS   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD  William  Lee   Tappan  Zee  Elementary   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD  Jennifer  Amos   Tappan  Zee  High  School   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD  Nora  Polansky   William  O.  Schaefer   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD  Jennifer  Ross-­‐Steimle   Corinth  Elementary  School   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD  Lisa  Meade   Corinth  Middle  School   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD  Lisa  Mickle   Okte  Elementary  School   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD  Colleen  Wolff   O'Rourke  Middle  School   Schenectady   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD  Andrea  Conover   Duanesburg  Elementary   Schenectady   Duanesburg  CSD  Victoria  Day   East  Side  Elementary   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD  Bryan  Harmer   Madrid-­‐Waddington  Jr/Sr  HS   St.  Lawrence   Madrid-­‐Waddington  CSD  Michael  Siebert   Dana  Lyon  Middle  School   Steuben   Bath  CSD  Al  Cirone   Babylon  Junior-­‐Senior  HS   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD  LaQuita  Outlaw   Bay  Shore  Middle  School   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD  Regina  Vorwald   Brook  Avenue  Elementary   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD  Carlton  Brown   Gardiner  Manor  School   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD  Johnna  Grasso   South  Country  School   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD  Gaurav  Passi   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  High  School   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD  Eileen  Haggerty   Brentwood   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Richard  Loeschner   Brentwood  High  School   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  John  Callan   East  Middle  School   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Eric  Snell   Laurel  Park  Elementary   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Patrick  Morris   North  Elementary   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Michele  Rogers   Oak  Park  Brentwood   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Bergre  Escorbores   South  Middle  School   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Lisa  Calderaro   Southeast  Elementary   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Robert  McCarthy   Twin  Pines  Elementary   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Jennifer  Polychronakos   Boyle  Road  Elementary   Suffolk   Brookhaven-­‐Comsewogue  UFSD  Michael  Fama   John  F.  Kennedy  MS   Suffolk   Brookhaven-­‐Comsewogue  UFSD  Leah  Anesta   Norwood  Ave.  Elementary   Suffolk   Brookhaven-­‐Comsewogue  UFSD  Edward  Casswell   Center  Moriches  High  School   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD  Brenda  Jackson   Cordello  Elementary   Suffolk   Central  Islip  UFSD  Elizabeth  Ceccarini   Early  Childhood  Center   Suffolk   Central  Islip  UFSD  Jay  Matuk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  Jr-­‐Sr  HS   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD  Lynn  Herschlein   Goosehill  Primary  School   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD  Valerie  Massimo   Lloyd  Harbor   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD  Rhonda  Pratt   Burr  Intermediate   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  Catherine  Nolan   Commack  High  School   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  Anthony  Davidson   Commack  Middle   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  Brian  Simpson   Indian  Hollow  Primary   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  Michelle  Tancredi   Mandracchia-­‐Sawmill   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  Michelle  Collison   Wood  Park   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD  April  Victor   Terryville  Elementary   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD  Lisa  Farrell   Helen  B.  Duffield   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD  Denise  Toscano   Idle  Hour  Elementary   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD  Charles  Morea   Ronkonkoma  Middle  School   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD  John  Delio   Slocum  Elementary   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD  Stuart  Pollak   Sycamore  Avenue   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD  Andrew  Lagnado   Copiague  Middle  School   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD  James  Cummings   Deer  Park  High  School   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD  Susan  Bonner   John  F  Kennedy   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD  Christine  Criscione   John  Quincy  Adams  Primary   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD  Alicia  Konecny   May  Moore  Primary   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD  Eliana  Levey   Robert  Frost  Middle  School   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD  Danielle  Naccarato   Ruth  C.  Kinney  Elementary   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD  Robert  Long   East  Quogue  Elementary   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD  John  Christie   Dayton  Avenue  School   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD  Joseph  Steimel   Eastport  South  Manor  Jr.-­‐Sr.  HS   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD  Hugh  Gigante   Elwood  Middle  School   Suffolk   Elwood  UFSD  Vincent  Mulieri   Elwood-­‐John  H.  Glenn  HS   Suffolk   Elwood  UFSD  Andrew  Greene   Candlewood  Middle  School   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD  Jeffery  Woodberry   Half  Hollow  Hills  HS  East   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD  Joanne  Giordano   Oldfield  Middle  School   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD  Maureen  Kelly   Washington  Drive  Primary  School   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD  George  Gagliardi   Bretton  Woods  Elementary   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD  Kristen  Reingold   Forest  Brook  Elementary   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD  Maryann  Fletcher   Hauppauge  Middle  School   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD  Claudine  Di  Muzio   Pines  Elementary   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD  Carmela  Leonardi   Huntington  HS   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD  John  Amato   J.  Taylor  Finley  MS   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD  Marsha  Neville   Washington  Primary   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD  Jeannette  Feminella   Commack  Road  Elementary   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD  Eileen  Rossman   Islip  High  School   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Timothy  Martin   Islip  Middle  School   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD  Linda  Domanico   Daniel  Street  Elementary   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD  Brian  Chamberlin   Harding  Avenue  Elementary   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD  Daniel  E.  Giordano   Lindenhurst  HS   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD  Frank  Naccarato   Lindenhurst  Middle  School   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD  Linda  Cornigans   Charles  E.  Walters  Elementary  School   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD  Levi  McIntyre   Longwood  Jr  High  School   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD  Janine  Rozycki   Ridge  Elementary   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD  Ken  Gutmann   Eugene  Auer  Elementary   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD  Glen  Rogers   Jericho  Elementary   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD  Lisa  Contarino   New  Lane  Memorial  Elementary   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD  Scott  Graviano   Newfield  High  School   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD  Laura  Gewurz   Andrew  Muller  Primary  School   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD  Catherine  Honeyman   Laddie  A.  Decker  Sound  Beach  School   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD  Kevin  Slavin   Miller  Place  High  School   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD  Matthew  Clark   North  Country  Road  MS   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD  Valerie  Jackson   Belmont  Elementary  School   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Kerry  Larke   Marion  G  Vedder  Elementary   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Drew  Olson   Parliament  Place  Elementary   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Kathleen  Hartnett   Robert  Moses  MS   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Norann  McManus   William  E  Deluca  Jr.   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Steven  Golub   Woods  Road  Elementary   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD  Irene  McLaughlin   Northport  High  School   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD  Judith  Soltner   Barton  Elementary   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Randy  Rusielewicz   Patchogue-­‐Medford  High  School   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Manuel  Sanzone   Saxton  Middle  School   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Linda  Pickford   South  Ocean  Middle  School   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Joey  Cohen   Tremont   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Danielle  Gabriellini   Tremont  Ave  and  High  school   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD  Philip  Kent   Aquebogue  Elementary   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD  David  Densieski   Pulaski  Street  School   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD  Andrea  Pekar   Riverhead  MS   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD  Thomas  Payton   Roanoke  Avenue  Elementary   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD  Scott  O'Brien   Rocky  Point  Middle  School   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD  Denise  Kleinman   Gatelot  Avenue  Elementary   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD  Patti  Trombetta   Sagamore  Middle  School   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD  James  Horan   Samoset  Middle  School   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD  Gemma  Salvia   Seneca  Middle  School   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD  Laura  Amato   Tecumseh  Elementary   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD  Lisa  Ihne   Cherry  Avenue  Elementary   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD  Ronald  Hoffer   Sayville  HS   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD  Thomas  Murray   Sayville  Middle  School   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD  Rose  Castello   Sunrise  Drive  Elementary   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD  Linda  Anthony   Albert  G.  Prodell  Middle  School   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD  Louis  Parrinello   Briarcliff  Elementary   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD  Stephen  Donohue   Wading  River  School   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD  Paul  McNeil   Accompsett  Middle  School   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Ireen  Westrack   Branch  Brook  Elementary   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  John  Scomillio   Great  Hollow  Middle  School   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Joseph  Lerano   Mt.  Pleasant  Elementary   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Kevin  Simmons   Nesaquake  Middle  School   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Janine  Lavery   Smithtown  Elementary   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Edwin  Thompson   Smithtown  High  School  East   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Mary  Grace  Lynch   St.  James  Elementary   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Allyn  Leeds   Tackan  Elementary   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD  Travis  Davey   Brookhaven   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD  Stefanie  Rucinski   Frank  P.  Long  IS   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD  Sean  Clark   Kreamer  St.  Elementary   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD  Brian  Zahn   Southampton  High  School   Suffolk   Southampton  UFSD  Ellen  O'Neill   Southold  Elementary  School   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD  William  Galati   Southold  Junior-­‐Senior  High  School   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD  Theresa  Scrocco   South  Grove   Suffolk   Syosset  CSD  Brian  Biscari   Minnesauke  Elementary   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD  Vincent  Vizzo   Murphy  JHS   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD  Nathalie  Lilavois   Setauket  Elementary   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD  Gus  Hueber   Three  Village  Academy   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD  Alan  Baum   Ward  Melville  High  School   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD  Gregg  Cunningham   JFK  Elementary  School   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD  Eleanor  Levy   Santapogue  Elementary   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD  JoAnn  Scott   South  Bay  School   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD  Charles  Germano   Tooker  Avenue  School   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD  Scott  Payne   West  Babylon  JHS   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD  Andrew  O'Farrell   Beach  Street  Middle  School   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD  Jack  Maniscalco   Oquenock  Elementary   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD  Christopher  Herr   Westhampton  Beach   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD  Lisa  Slover   Westhampton  Beach   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD  Charisse  Miller   Westhampton  Beach  MS   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD  Toni  Komorowski   Tangier  Smith  Elementary   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD  Edward  Plaia   William  Paca  MS   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD  Darlene  White   Dr.  Martin  L.  King  Jr.  Elementary   Suffolk   Wyandanch  UFSD  Paul  Sibblies   Wyandanch  High  School   Suffolk   Wyandanch  UFSD  Jack  Strassman   Liberty  MS/HS  School   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD  Allan  Lipsky   Pawling  Middle  School   Sullivan   Pawling  CSD  Margaret  Tenbus   Sullivan  West  High  School   Sullivan   Sullivan  West  CSD  Kathleen  Lawrence   Owego  Elementary   Tioga   Owego-­‐Apalachin  CSD  Willard  Cook   Tioga  Middle  School   Tioga   Tioga  CSD  David  Mastrantuono   Chemung  Elementary   Tioga   Waverly  CSD  Stacia  Felicello   Chambers   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD  Errin  Parese   Robert  Graves   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD  RoseAnne  Collins-­‐Judon   Marlboro  Central  HS   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD  Marie  Toombs   Marlboro  Elementary   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD  Debra  Clinton   Marlboro  Middle  School   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD  Susan  Gies   Cahill  School   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD  Debbie  Hall   Big  Cross  Elementary   Warren   Glens  Falls  City  SD  Francis  Cocozza   Lake  George  Jr.-­‐Sr.  HS   Warren   Lake  George  CSD  Todd  Gonyeau   Hudson  Falls  Middle  School   Washington   Hudson  Falls  CSD  David  St.  Germain   Whitehall  Elementary   Washington   Whitehall  CSD  C.  Zbynek  Gold   Bedford  Hills  Elementary   Westchester   Bedford  CSD  Todd  Richard   Blind  Brook  MS   Westchester   Blind  Brook  UFSD  Susan  Howard   Briarcliff  Middle  School   Westchester   Briarcliff  Manor  UFSD  Nadine  McDermott   Todd  Elementary   Westchester   Briarcliff  Manor  UFSD  Jeffrey  Capuano   Eastchester  High  School   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  Theresa  Sullivan   Greenvale   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD  Devan  Ganeshananthan   Edgemont  Jr-­‐Sr  High  School   Westchester   Edgemont  UFSD  Marc  Baiocco   Alexander  Hamilton  Jr-­‐Sr  HS   Westchester   Elmsford  UFSD  Dawn  Mair-­‐Male   Early  Childhood   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD  Gary  Mastrangelo   Highview  Elementary   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD  Patricia  Simone   Lee  F  Jackson  School   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD  Marguerite  Clarkson   Richard  J  Bailey   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD  Brodrick  Spencer   Woodlands  MS   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD  Robert  Kalman   Purchase  School   Westchester   Harrison  CSD  Jeremy  Barker   Samuel  J.  Preston  Elementary   Westchester   Harrison  CSD  Gail  Kipper   Farragut  Middle  School   Westchester   Hastings-­‐on-­‐Hudson  UFSD  Louis  Adipietro   Hastings  High  School   Westchester   Hastings-­‐on-­‐Hudson  UFSD  Laura  Sullivan   Hillside  Elementary   Westchester   Hastings-­‐on-­‐Hudson  UFSD  David  Sottile   Irvington  Middle  School   Westchester   Irvington  UFSD  Patricia  Moore   Benjamin  Franklin  Elementary   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD  Karen  Gagliardi   Thomas  Jefferson   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD  Susan  Strauss   Walter  Panas  High  School   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD  Seth  Weitzman   Hommocks  Middle  School   Westchester   Mamaroneck  UFSD  Frances-­‐Ann  Lightsy   Grimes  Elementary   Westchester   Mount  Vernon  City  SD  Danielle  Davis-­‐Marrow   Pennington  School   Westchester   Mount  Vernon  City  SD  Christine  Leamon   Edenwald  School   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD  Judith  Fucci   HCKS  Little  School   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD  Keith  Schenker   Westlake  High  School   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD  Robert  Hendrickson   Westlake  Middle  School   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD  Franco  Miele   Willam  B.  Ward  Elementary   Westchester   New  Rochelle  City  SD  Fred  Hutchinson   Peekskill  High  School   Westchester   Peekskill  CSD  Jeannine  Clark   Pelham  Memorial  High  School   Westchester   Pelham  UFSD  Robert  Roelle   Pelham  Middle  School   Westchester   Pelham  UFSD  Vivian  Ossowski   Pleasantville  Middle  School   Westchester   Pleasantville  UFSD  Stan  Steele   Pocantico  Hills   Westchester   Pocantico  Hills  CSD  Angela  Grille   Midland  School   Westchester   Rye  City  SD  JoAnne  Nardone   Milton   Westchester   Rye  City  SD  Angela  Garcia   Osborn  School   Westchester   Rye  City  SD  Patricia  Taylor   Rye  High  School   Westchester   Rye  City  SD  Ann  Edwards   Rye  Middle  School   Westchester   Rye  City  SD  Margaret  Longabucco   F.  E.  Bellows  Elementary   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD  Barbara  Ferraro   Rye  Neck  HS   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD  Eric  Lutinski   Rye  Neck  Middle  School   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD  Scott  Houseknecht   Edgewood  School   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Duncan  Wilson   Fox  Meadow  Elementary   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Gerry  Young   Greenacres  Elementary   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Robyn  Lane   Quaker  Ridge  School   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Kenneth  Bonamo   Scarsdale  High  School   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Michael  McDermott   Scarsdale  Middle  School   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD  Clement  Ceccarelli   Southern  Westchester  BOCES   Westchester   Southern  Westchester  BOCES  Timothy  Mundell   Tuckahoe  Middle  School   Westchester   Tuckahoe  UFSD  Carol  Conklin-­‐Spillane   Sleepy  Hollow  HS   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns  Elizabeth  Lopez   Sleepy  Hollow  Middle  School   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns  Matthew  Curran   Kensico  School   Westchester   Valhalla  UFSD  Darrell  Stinchcomb   Church  Street  School   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD  Ellen  Doherty   White  Plains  High  School   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD  

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Name   Name  of  School   NYS  County   School  District  M  Digneo   Enrico  Fermi   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD  Cynthia  Eisner   School  16   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD  Paul  Clark   Attica  Middle  School   Wyoming   Attica  CSD  


Learn  more  at      

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In  addition  to  the  557  New  York  State  Principals  indicated  on  the  previous  pages,  we  have  received  the  support  of  nearly  3,500  friends  (as  of  21  April  2014).  

 Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Tim  Arnold   Albany   Albany  City  SD   After  School  Teacher  for  ESL  Brette  Bateman   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Amy  Brozio-­‐Andrews   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Vanessa  Cayford   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Gillian  Flynn   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Lisa  Levine   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Lucy  Menard   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Linda  Neenan   Albany   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Debra  Lackmann   Albany   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Jaime  Cornell   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Gretchen  Coyner   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Elizabeth  Edgar   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Rachel  Kimmelblatt   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Hope  Perlman   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Peter  Rawitsch   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Teacher  Weatherly  Webb   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  Wissing   Albany   Bethlehem  CSD   Parent  Tara  Molloy-­‐Grocki   Albany   Guilderland   Parent  Tara  Molloy-­‐Grocki   Albany   Guilderland   Teacher  Leslie  Abel   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Teacher  Molly  Fanning   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Parent  Molly  Fanning   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Teacher  Monica  Kounter   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Parent  Diane  Mariniano   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Grandparent/retired  teacher  Beth  Tidd   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Former  teacher  Larry  Tuxbury   Albany   Guilderland  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Horaczek   Albany   Menands  UFSD   Teacher  Perry  Berkowitz   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Professor  Alison  Bianco   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Joanne  Dennis   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Teacher  Jholee  Magee   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Christopher  McCabe   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Samantha  McCabe   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Anna  O'Donnell   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   School  Psychologist  Kelly  Razzano   Albany   North  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Debra  Baer   Albany   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Julie  Bullard   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Parent  Catherine  Colitsas   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Grandparent  Sarah  Engel   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Parent  Bridget  Engelhardt   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Teacher  Patricia  Grogan   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Parent  Denise  Kozlowski   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Parent  Marlene  McTigue   Albany   Ravena-­‐Coeymans-­‐Selkirk  CSD   Parent  Marilyn  Held   Albany   Rensselaer  City  SD   Teacher  Nadine  Cragon   Albany   South  Colonie   Parent  Angela  Gordon   Albany   South  Colonie  CSD   Parent  David  Picard   Albany   South  Colonie  CSD   Psychologist  Shari  Sauter   Albany   South  Colonie  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Jaime  Chismark   Albany   Voorheesville  CSD   Parent  Mary  Alice  Hipwell   Albany   Watervliet  City  SD   Teacher  Kristelle  Sage   Allegany   Alfred  Almond  CSD   Parent  Karen  Martin   Allegany   Bolivar-­‐Richburg  CSD   Parent  Nicole  McIntosh   Allegany   Canaseraga  CSD   Parent  Todd  Chadwick   Allegany   Friendship  CSD   Teacher  Alexandra  Miletta   Bronx   College/University   Professor  Alexandra  Miletta   Bronx   College/University   Professor  Maureen  Barwinski   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Veronica  Brugman   Bronx   New  York  City   Parent  Abigail  Cadle   Bronx   New  York  City   Prospective  Teacher  Latanya  Duhaney   Bronx   New  York  City   Parent  Susan  Finnegan   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Michael  Flanagan   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Michael  Flanagan   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Michael  Flanagan   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Donald  Freeman   Bronx   New  York  City   Principal  (Ret.)  Amy  Horowitz   Bronx   New  York  City   Teacher  Louise  Ibrahim   Bronx   New  York  City   Early  Childhood  Social  Worker  Sabine  Krusche   Bronx   New  York  City   Parent  Dagmar  Rojas   Bronx   New  York  City   Parent  Susan  Schutt   Bronx   New  York  City   Assistant  Principal  Alan  Siege   Bronx   New  York  City   Parent  Alan  Aja   Brooklyn   College/University   Professor  Jennifer  Abramshe   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Alan  Aja   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Alan  Aja   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent/Professor  Portia  Armstrong   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  (Ret.)  Mariana  Aslan   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Veronica  At  in   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Christiane  Baker   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Barbara  Barnes   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Professor  Ariane  Ben  Eli   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Beth  Benzaquin   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Laurence  Bilotta   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lydia  Bonilla   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Iwona  Borys   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Clara  Bouillon   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Gloria  Brandman   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  David  Bruder   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Jesse  Burris   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Retired  teacher  David  Cameron   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Janet  Campano   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Theresa  Claire   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Theresa  Claire   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lauren  Cohen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Tamar  Cohn-­‐Popkin   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Michael  Cooper   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Heather  Cristol   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Cecelia  Cutler   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Barbara  Dassaro   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Emily  Dennis   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Shoshana  Dentz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Rosalina  Diaz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Professor  Rosalina  Diaz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Professor  David  Dobosz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   retired  teacher  Patricia  Dobosz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Tim  Dubnau   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Nathan  Dudley   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Network  Leader  (30  Schools)  Katrina  Elliott   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Elizabeth  Elsass   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lorna  Feeney   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Olga  Garcia-­‐Kaplan   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Melanie  Gazer   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Keri  Goldberg   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Michael  Gonchar   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Corinne  Goodman   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Former  Music  Teacher  Lee  Gough   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Allison  Greene   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Lorri  Gumanow   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lorri  Gumanow   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Sarah  Habibi   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Quinn  Hanratty   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Erica  Herman   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Kevin  Jacobs   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Kemala  Karmen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  I  Kats   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Rachel  Kline  Brown   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Doreen  Korniewicz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lucy  Koteen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Sheryle  Lau   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Jocelyn  Lee   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Kate  Levin   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Alyson  Levy   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Professor  Linda  Littlefield   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Patricia  Madlangbayan   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Linda  Mandracchia   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Retired  Teacher  Kathy  McCullagh   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Heather  Miller   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Jamie  Mirabella   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Alexander  Mitsuda   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Mary  Elizabeth  Moss   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Mary  Beth  Moss   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Robin  Muskin   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Dea  Naranjo   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Lisa  North   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Deirdre  OKeeffe   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Jose  Luis  Orbegozo   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Tom  Owen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   grandparent  Chris  Gordon  Owen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   grandparent,  citizen  Lindsay  Portnoy   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Professor  Allison  Prete   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Jenara  Prieto   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  sandye  renz   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Monika  Reyes   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Benita  Rivera   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Grandparent  Liz  Rosenberg   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Stacy  Roupas   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Director  Cindy  Santora   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Melissa  Scott   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Tracey  Scronic   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Anna  Sellinger   Brooklyn   New  York  City   SLT  member  Alan  Singer   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Educator  Janine  Sopp   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Katherine  Sorel   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Amy  Sumner   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Coordinator  Anna  Van  Lenten   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Ninja  von  Oertzen   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Angela  Walker   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Faye  White-­‐Willinger   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Rachael  Wilde   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Diane  Wohland   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Teacher  Melanie  Woods   Brooklyn   New  York  City   F  Status  Supervisor  Nancy  Workman   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Alisa  Yalan-­‐Murphy   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Natallia  Yelina   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Erica  Zielinski   Brooklyn   New  York  City   Parent  Ruth  Fisher   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Teacher  Douglas  Green   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Principal  (Ret.)  Gerald  Lynch   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Assistant  Principal  Julia  O'Connell   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Parent  Julia  O'Connell   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Parent  Shelly  Stover-­‐Ling   Broome   Binghamton  City  SD   Parent  Lizabeth  Cain   Broome   Binghamton  CSD   Parent  Laurie  Hahl   Broome   Broome-­‐Tioga  BOCES   Teacher  Tami  Crane   Broome   Chenango  Forks  CSD   Teacher  Emily  Lux   Broome   Chenango  Forks  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  Pepples   Broome   Chenango  Valley  CSD   Parent  Gabrielle  Rutherford   Broome   Maine-­‐Endwell  CSD   Teacher  Teresa  Steflik   Broome   Maine-­‐Endwell  CSD   Parent  Laura  Aleksivich   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Donald  Blenco   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Lorraine  Buckley   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Daniel  Fitzgerald   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Rita  Foran   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Ford   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Terri  Howard   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Sharon  Rowe   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Teresa  Steflik   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Bonnie  Travis   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Cory  Valentine   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Connie  Ziemski   Broome   Susquehanna  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Deborah  Darling   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Cheryl  Davis   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Elle   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Teacher  Christina  Evans   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Parent  Janice  Staruss   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Professor  Amy  Walsh   Broome   Union-­‐Endicott  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Burdick   Broome   Vestal  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Kolesar   Broome   Vestal  CSD   Parent  Denise  Lacey-­‐Corcoran   Broome   Vestal  CSD   Parent  Karin  Mann   Broome   Waverly  CSD   Teacher  Rosemarie  Dorn   Cattaraugus   Cattaraugus  Little  Valley   Parent  Karen  Wieland   Cattaraugus   College/University   Professor  Michelle  Acierno   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Laura  Berlinski   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Jennifer  Crawford   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Loran  Fox   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Daniel  Freeman   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Jacqueline  Giardini   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Speech-­‐Languge  Pathologist  susan  Hamed   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  William  Hughey   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Larry  Jodush   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Suzanne  Kallenbac   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Danielle  Keis   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  David  Lasky   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Melanie  Meyers   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Christina  Raimondi   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Marie  Rakus   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Katie  Ralston   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Marcie  Richmond   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Director  of  Special  Ed.  Kristine  Ring   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Rachael  Schreiber   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Dylan  Shaw   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Bruce  Silvers   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Christine  Stavish   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Katie  Stuckey   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Nancy  Sullivan   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Jackie  Thomas-­‐Eustis   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Matthew  Threehouse   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Sally  Ventura   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Lou  Ventura   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Katie  Wolfgang   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Csobanka  Woodworth   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Director  of  Technology  Sheila  Yaffe   Cattaraugus   Olean  City  SD   Teacher  Tammy  Martin   Cattaraugus   Portville  CSD   Parent  Alethea  Marsh   Cattaraugus   Randolph  CSD   Parent  Lori-­‐Anne  Schmeltz   Cattaraugus   Randolph  CSD   Parent  Dawn  Noble   Cayuga   Auburn  City  SD   Parent  Colleen  Cawley   Cayuga   Broome-­‐Tioga  BOCES   Teacher  Todd  Kacur   Cayuga   Cato-­‐Meridian  CSD   Board  Member  Jennifer  Hares   Cayuga   Moravia  CSD   Parent  Autumn  Boardman   Chautauqua   Chatham  CSD   Parent  Scott  Boardman   Chautauqua   Chatham  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Nancy  Baker   Chautauqua   Dunkirk  City  SD   Teacher  Nancy  Payne   Chautauqua   Falconer  CSD   Teacher  Mary  Bradford   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Kara  Christina   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Parent  Marie  Fagan   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Greenough   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Lauer   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Katrina  McQuiggan   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Kim  Powell   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Gladys  Sedota   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Substitute-­‐retired  teacher  Karin  Snyder   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Kevin  Way   Chautauqua   Fredonia  CSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Blanchard   Chautauqua   Frewsburg  CSD   Parent  Krystle  Haglund   Chautauqua   Frewsburg  CSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Witherow   Chautauqua   Sherman  CSD   Parent  Irene  Cramer   Chautauqua   Silver  Creek  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Kehrer   Chautauqua   Silver  Creek  CSD   Parent  Lin  Shevlin   Chautauqua   Silver  Creek  CSD   Parent  Donna  Estes   Chemung   Elmira  City  SD   Teacher  Carolyn  Martone   Chemung   Elmira  City  SD   Parent  Rachel  Mirando   Chemung   Elmira  City  SD   Parent  Charles  Niles   Chemung   Elmira  City  SD   Parent  Colleen  Hassen   Chemung   Horseheads  CSD   Teacher  Sue  Johnson   Chemung   Horseheads  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Six   Chemung   Horseheads  CSD   Parent  Julee  Cowen   Chenango   Norwich  City  SD   Secretary  Kathleen  Hodge   Chenango   Oxford  Academy  &  CSD   Teacher  Jeffrey  Barry   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Kathryn  Barth   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Julie  Bigger   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Parent  Jacque  Buddenhagen   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Anne  Caton   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Colf   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Jackie  Craine   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Sue  Cross   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Dreyer   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Heather  Dunshee   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Anthony  French   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Antoinette  Halliday   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Art  Hammond   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Peg  Jessup   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   school  nurse  Heidi  Johnson   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Dale  Kenyon   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Stephanie  Marrone   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Margaret  McDowell   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Moore   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Charles  Moore-­‐[email protected]   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Parent  Austin  Mullen   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Parent  Craig  Nourse   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Craig  nourse   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Donald  Parks   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   School  Psychologist  Anne  Parks   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Kathryn  Sands   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Robert  Schutt   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Kelly  Smith   Chenango   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   Teacher  Mike  Moore   Chenango   Unadilla  Valley  CSD   Parent  Kathryn  Brown   Clinton   Chazy  UFSD   Teacher  Kevin  Mulligan   Clinton   Chazy  UFSD   Retired  Superintendent  Diane  Sabourin   Clinton   Chazy  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Doug  Selwyn   Clinton   College/University   Teacher  Brooke  LaValley   Clinton   Northeastern  Clinton  CSD   Parent  Jerry  LaValley   Clinton   Northeastern  Clinton  CSD   Parent  Tammy  Brown   Clinton   Northern  Adirondack  CSD   Parent  Dana  Atwood   Clinton   Peru  CSD   Teacher  Jody  Desso   Clinton   Peru  CSD   Parent  Julia  Miller   Clinton   Peru  CSD   Teacher  Eileen  Roach   Clinton   Peru  CSD   Concern  Community  Member  Emily  Sullivan   Clinton   Peru  CSD   Teacher  Christy  Bezrutczyk   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Christy  Bezrutczyk   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Laurie  Dubay   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Margarita  Garcia-­‐Notario   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Margarita  Garcia-­‐Notario   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Margarita  Garcia-­‐Notario   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Anne  Martin   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Kathaleen  Miller   Clinton   Plattsburgh  City  SD   Parent  Elise  Beaulieu   Clinton   Saranac  CSD   Teacher  Cheryl  Lussier   Clinton   Saranac  CSD   Parent  Lucas  Christensen   Columbia   Chatham  CSD   Teacher  Alexi  Stagno   Columbia   Germantown  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Clark   Columbia   Hudson  City  SD   Teacher  Pam  Clark   Columbia   Hudson  City  SD   Teacher  Pam  Gower   Columbia   Hudson  City  SD   Parent  Peter  Rupp   Columbia   Hudson  City  SD   Crisis  Intervention  Worker  Lori  Drumm   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Jeff  Drumm   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Marianne  Noll   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Teacher  Katherine  Perito   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Nicole  Seipp   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Craig  Shull   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Robin  Siter   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Robin  Siter   Columbia   Ichabod  Crane  CSD   Parent  Robert  McCloskey   Columbia   Kinderhook  CSD   Director  of  Special  Education  Melissa  Murray   Columbia   Kinderhook  CSD   Parent  Bruce  Naramore   Columbia   Kinderhook  CSD   Board  Member  Helen  Regina  Rose   Columbia   Kinderhook  CSD   Parent  Dale  Tuczinski   Columbia   Kinderhook  CSD   School  Counselor  Rosemary  Davis   Columbia   Taconic  Hills  CSD   Parent  Donna  Davis-­‐Howard   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD   Parent  Melissa  Davis-­‐Howard   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD   Parent  &  Board  Member  Eileen  Fitzgerald-­‐Spiehs   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD   Teacher  

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4/7/14                                                                                                                                                                                                                      An  Open  Letter  to  New  York  Parents   23  


Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Eileen  Fitzgerald-­‐Spiehs   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD   Teacher  Susan  Williams   Cortland   Cortland  City  SD   Parent  Krysta  Austen   Cortland   Homer  CSD   Parent  Leigh  MacDonald-­‐Rizzo   Cortland   Homer  CSD   Parent  Michele  Piotti   Cortland   Homer  CSD   Teacher  Kelly  Randolph   Cortland   Homer  CSD   Parent  Patrick  Randolph   Cortland   Homer  CSD   Parent  Julie  Carr   Cortland   Retired   Teacher  (Ret.)  Caitlyn  Davey   Delaware   Delhi  CSD   Parent  Paul  Vetrone   Delaware   Hancock  CSD   Grandparent  Mary  Rouleau   Delaware   Roxbury  CSD   Teacher  Darcee  Lewis   Delaware   Sidney  CSD   Parent  

Carissa  Neubert   Delaware   Sidney  CSD  School  Based  Health  Center  Physician  Assistant  

Lisa  Barnes   Delaware   Stamford  CSD   retired  teacher  Cathy  Popp-­‐McKenna   Delaware   Stamford  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Ackerly   Delaware   Walton  CSD   Teacher  Lori  Connolly   Delaware   Walton  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Davila   Delaware   Walton  CSD   Parent  Sherri  Price   Delaware   Walton  CSD   Teacher  Alison  Abbruzzese   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Michele  Anderson   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Teacher  Andrea  Berardo   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Coniglio   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  David  DiMeo   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Kerry  DiMeo   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Regina  Ellis   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Taxpayer  David  Gordon   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Lauren  Guiliano   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Elaine  Ignal   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Jackson   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Corrina  Kelley   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Joeseph  Kelley   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Keith  Koonin   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Lori  Leal   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Michele  Mahoney   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Pauline  Maloney   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Pauline  Maloney   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Betsy  Marshall   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Teacher  Tamara  Richards   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Rogers   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Teaching  Assistant  David  Whalen   Dutchess   Arlington  CSD   Teacher  Deanna  Davis   Dutchess   Beacon  City  SD   Parent  Vicki  Fox   Dutchess   Beacon  City  SD   Parent  Suzanne  Hockler   Dutchess   Beacon  City  SD   Parent  Glen  Morris   Dutchess   Beacon  City  SD   Teacher  Glen  Morris   Dutchess   Beacon  City  SD   Teacher  Alicia  Civiok   Dutchess   Dover  CSD   Teacher  Nicholas  Sowul   Dutchess   Dover  CSD   Teacher  Ashley  Bolio   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Former  Student  Jennifer  Brady   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Stephen  Brady   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Linda  Freiermuth   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Mary  Guip   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Justin  Guip   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  James  Holt   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Teacher  Donna  Lackner-­‐Horn   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Susan  Lee   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Maryann  Mullen   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Teacher  Andrea  Osterhoudt   Dutchess   Hyde  Park  CSD   Parent  Jane  Gangi   Dutchess   Newburgh  Enlarged  City  SD   Professor  Sung  Moy   Dutchess   Pawling  CSD   Parent  Donna  Phillips   Dutchess   Pawling  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Rivas   Dutchess   Pawling  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Kathleen  Dorney   Dutchess   Poughkeepsie  City  SD   Parent  Alan  Van  Ness   Dutchess   Red  Creek  CSD   Retired  Teacher  Deborah  Beam   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Jillaine  Berardi   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Oniese  Bourbeau   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Julie  Budd   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Ryan  Butch   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Steven  Chaikin   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Retired  principal  Amy  Cornwall-­‐Robinson   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Mackenzie  Dabo   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Suanne  Decker   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Stephen  Dunda   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Dina  Fennell   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Leslie  Fisher   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Cindy  Flamenhaft   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  and  Parent  Linda  Gall   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Bonnie  Goad   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Christina  Goldman   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Allison  Gould   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Mara  Goulette   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Elise  Hagen   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Rebecca  Hansen   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Mary  Hare   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Emily  Houpt   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Jones   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Kaiser   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Caren  Kane   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Nancy  Keeney   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Kristen  Kramer   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Seth  Kramer   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Cindy  Kubik   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Christine  Kurlander   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Tricia  Levine   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Arlene  London   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Angela  May   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  McArthur   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Laura  McCarthy   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Annette  Mergendahl   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Patti  Messmer   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Tara  Miller   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  April  Montgomery   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Denise  Morett   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Maryann  Mullen   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Murray   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Murray   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Murray   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  

Gail  Nussbaum   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD  Former  teacher,  community  member  

Alicia  O'Shea   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Mary  Anne  OMalley   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   PARENT  Ruth  Oxenberg   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Diana  Pena  Perez   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Perconti   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Kate  Peterson   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Eleanor  Prior   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Tricia  Reed   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Barbara  Rhynders   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Rohrmeier   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Susan  Rohrmeier   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Kerry  Russell   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Lorelei  Shavelle   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Peggy  Stork   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   grandmother  Denise  Sullivan   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Janet  Synan   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Billie  Teixeira   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Frances  Thompson   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Dawn  Valentine   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Vosburgh   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Parent  Diane  Zduniak   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Marcy  Zweig   Dutchess   Red  Hook  CSD   Teacher  Cindy  Binnie   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Mia  Cha   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Veronique  Guccione   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Nicholas  Guccione   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Deedra  Kaake   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Teacher  Kristen  Lengyel   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Andrea  Pyros   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Toussaint   Dutchess   Rhinebeck  CSD   Parent  Jeffrey  Bogen   Dutchess   Spackenkill  UFSD   Parent  Sandra  Liguercio   Dutchess   Spackenkill  UFSD   Parent  Anna  Shah   Dutchess   Spackenkill  UFSD   Parent  Nancy  Badger   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Allison  Conti   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Franzen   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Kaira  Grundig   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Keane-­‐Williams   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Lauren  Kearney-­‐Chitty   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Lauren  Kearney-­‐Chitty   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Joanne  Lundstedt   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Teresa  Luongo   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Christine  Ramondo   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Stephanie  Renino   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Maureen  Ryan   Dutchess   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Dana  Baker   Erie   Alden  CSD   Parent  Dana  Bialecki   Erie   Alden  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Ostrach   Erie   Alden  CSD   Parent  &  Teacher  Amy  Wiewiorski   Erie   Alden  CSD   Parent  Julie  Furlong   Erie   Amherst  CSD   Teacher  Jodi  Hitchcock   Erie   Amherst  CSD   Parent  Brian  Hitchcock   Erie   Amherst  CSD   Parent  Tandy  Braid   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Teacher  Peter  Brancato   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Parent  Peter  Brancato   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Teacher  Sara  Call   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Assistant  Principal  Colleen  Jakubowski   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Parent  Bonnie  Kirisits   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   social  worker  Cathleen  March   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Professor  Elizabeth  Martina   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Grandparent  John  McTigue   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Teacher  Kristen  Mendoza   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Teacher  Gabrielle  Morquecho   Erie   Buffalo  City  SD   Assistant  Principal  Elizabeth  M  Dunne   Erie   Clarence  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Wilcox   Erie   Clarence  CSD   Parent  June  Bosworth   Erie   Depew  UFSD   Parent  June  Bosworth   Erie   Depew  UFSD   Parent  Lindsay  Balikowski   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Bosela   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Melissa  Denny   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Natalie  Dutton   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Daniel  Edholm   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Margaret  Gerstung   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Amy  Gipe   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Parent  Robert  Gipe   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Larry  Grisanti   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Todd  Hathaway   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Alissa  Nanna   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Kelly  Seibold   Erie   East  Aurora  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Feasley   Erie   Eden  CSD   Parent  Pamela  Cournyea   Erie   Erie  2  Chatauqua  Cattaraugus  BOCES   Teacher  Vanessa  Rehac   Erie   Frontier  CSD   Parent  Cherie  Scherbarth   Erie   Frontier  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Siskar   Erie   Frontier  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Asher-­‐Knipfing   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Mark  Babcock   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Teri  Bebak   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Biddle   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Pamela  Bierl   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Christne  Bosinski   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Chris  Cerrone   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Cyrek   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Diane  Feasley   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Firth   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Parent  Linda  Gegenfurtner   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Shanna  Gordon   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  gretchen  greulich   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Erin  Holstein   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Cheryl  Langendorfer   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Lawrence  Murtha   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  James  quinones   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Parent  Jill  Reese   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Parent  Judy  Shaughnessy   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Diva  Steiner   Erie   Hamburg  CSD   Teacher  Natalie  Dutton   Erie   Holland  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Strong   Erie   Holland  CSD   Teacher  Marilou  Bebak   Erie   Independent   Teacher  Eric  Benoit   Erie   Iroquois  CSD   Parent  Bonnie  Benoit   Erie   Iroquois  CSD   Parent  Amy  Gipe   Erie   Iroquois  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Cavarello   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Parent  Joi  Chimera   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Teacher  Eric  Mihelbergel   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Morrow   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Napierala   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Teacher  Katherine  Sacco   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Teacher  Larry  Scott   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   School  Psychologist  Kathy  Vittum   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   School  Counselor  Jodi  Weinert   Erie   Kenmore-­‐Tonawanda  UFSD   Parent  Mary  M.  Hoffman   Erie   Lackawanna  City  SD   Assistant  Principal  Kim  Pulinski   Erie   Lackawanna  City  SD   Parent  Carol  ann  Beckman  CSW   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Blair   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Tracy  Diegelman   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Haen   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Haen   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Heidi  Indelicato   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Julie  Kaska   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Cathy  Kurtz   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Neupert   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Beverly  Shamblin   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Karen  Walkowiak   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Alathia  Yuhnke   Erie   Lancaster  CSD   Parent  Carrie  Craven   Erie   Maryvale  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Cyrek   Erie   North  Collins  CSD   Parent  Kimberly  Cirillo   Erie   Orchard  Park  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Carole  Dwyer   Erie   Orchard  Park  CSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Kathleen  Knauth   Erie   Orchard  Park  CSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Renee  Newlove   Erie   Orchard  Park  CSD   Parent  Julie  Szczublewski   Erie   Orchard  Park  CSD   Parent  Chris  Cerrone   Erie   Springville-­‐Griffith  Inst  CSD   Parent  Julie  Francisco   Erie   Springville-­‐Griffith  Inst  CSD   Parent  Kathyn  Werner   Erie   Springville-­‐Griffith  Inst  CSD   Assistant  Principal  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Kelly  Neumann   Erie   Tonawanda  City  SD   Parent  Mandy  Sampson   Erie   Tonawanda  City  SD   Parent  Ronald  Sesnie   Erie   Tonawanda  City  SD   Teacher  Kristy  Barber   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Jeremy  Barber   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Molly  Dana   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Sandra  Internicola   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  pamela  kessler   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Mancuso   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Kim  Parzymieso   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Teacher  Kathy  Weidmann   Erie   West  Seneca  CSD   Parent  Juia  Culkin   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Katie  DeStefano   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Gina  Fisher   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Gina  Fisher   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Anne  Kubiniec   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Teacher  Eve  Laettner   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Carolyn  Owen   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Parent  Katherine  Sacco   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Teacher  &  Parent  Rose  Smith   Erie   Williamsville  CSD   Teacher  Ruth  Martin   Essex   Ausable  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Jenn  Cantwell   Essex   Lake  Placid  CSD   Teacher  LaDelle  Dautremont   Essex   Minerva  CSD   Parent  Angela  Nolan   Essex   Schroon  Lake  CSD   Parent  Jodi  Bowen   Franklin   Brushton-­‐Moira  CSD   Teacher  Aimee  Lashomb   Franklin   Brushton-­‐Moira  CSD   Parent  Carrie  Blair-­‐Wilcox   Franklin   Chateaugay  CSD   Teacher  Kristin  Barkman   Franklin   Malone  CSD   Teacher  Don  Carlisto   Franklin   Saranac  Lake  CSD   Teacher  Jeffrey  Carey   Fulton   Broadalbin  Perth  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  DuFresne   Fulton   Broadalbin  Perth  CSD   Social  Worker  Tracey  Halloran   Fulton   Broadalbin-­‐Perth   Parent  Anita  Stabrowski   Fulton   Broadalbin-­‐Perth  CSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  DeRosa   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Teacher  Carla  J  Folts   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Parent  Michael  Griesemer   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Parent  Kimberly  Miller   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Teacher  Becky  Montano   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   retired  teacher  Kim  Pepper   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Teacher  Peter  Stearns   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   concerned  person  Catherine  Stearns   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Teacher  Theresa  Stock   Fulton   Gloversville  City  SD   Parent  Scott  Chamberlain   Fulton   Johnstown  City  SD   Teacher  Bobbi  Jo  Etherton-­‐Haverly   Fulton   Johnstown  City  SD   Parent  Susanne  Fitzgerald   Fulton   Johnstown  City  SD   Parent  Mary  Ephraim   Fulton   Mayfield  CSD   Teacher  Glenna  Hinkson   Genesee   Batavia  City  SD   Teacher  Stacy  Malone   Genesee   Batavia  City  SD   Parent  John  Mangefrida   Genesee   Batavia  City  SD   Teacher  Deborah  Riggi   Genesee   Elba  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Riggi   Genesee   Elba  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Jean-­‐Marie  Cody   Greene   Cairo-­‐Durham  CSD   Parent  Arline  Patterson   Greene   Cairo-­‐Durham  CSD   Parent  Charles  Daly   Greene   Catskill  CSD   Teacher  Celeste  Edwards   Greene   Catskill  CSD   Teacher  Aide  James  Maccaline   Greene   Catskill  CSD   Parent  Pam  Germain-­‐Asam   Greene   Greenville  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Levine   Greene   Greenville  CSD   Teacher  Carli  Gazoorian   Greene   Hunter-­‐Tannersville  CSD   Parent  Sue  Ellen  McCullar   Greene   Windham-­‐Ashland-­‐Jewett  CSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Briggs   Herkimer   Central  Valley  CSD   Parent  Joy  Rankins   Herkimer   Dolgeville  CSD   Concerned  Parent  Gene  Rankins   Herkimer   Dolgeville  CSD   Parent  Joy  Rankins   Herkimer   Dolgeville  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  Stone   Herkimer   Dolgeville  CSD   Teacher  Shirley  Randazzo   Herkimer   Frankfort  Schuyler  CSD   Parent  

Kelly  Britton   Herkimer   Frankfort-­‐Schuyler  CSD  Parent/Parent  Representative  Special  Education  

Rebecca  Cristman   Herkimer   Herkimer  CSD   Parent  and  retired  Teacher  Colleen  Petucci   Herkimer   Herkimer  CSD   Parent  Charlotte  Pitcher   Herkimer   Herkimer  CSD   grandparent  Deanna  Simpson   Herkimer   Herkimer  CSD   Parent  Jessica  Gallt   Herkimer   Little  Falls  City  SD   Parent  Deana  Ennett   Herkimer   Mount  Markham  CSD   Parent  Nathan  Lyndaker   Jefferson   Carthage  CSD   Teacher  Grace  Sauter   Jefferson   Carthage  CSD   Teacher  Adam  Staab   Jefferson   Carthage  CSD   Teacher  Staci  Thornton   Jefferson   Carthage  CSD   parent  &  teacher  Deborah  Reddick   Jefferson   Indian  River  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Struchen   Jefferson   Indian  River  CSD   Teacher  Bill  Dermady   Jefferson   Thousand  Islands  CSD   Concerned  Citizen  &  taxpayer  Debbie  Dermady   Jefferson   Thousand  Islands  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Van  Houten   Jefferson   Thousand  Islands  CSD   Teacher  Sandra  Bardsley   Jefferson   Watertown  CSD   Parent  Coral  Grenier   Lewis   Adirondack  CSD   Parent  Lesa  Wilbert   Lewis   Adirondack  CSD   Teacher  Cinda  Suiter   Lewis   Lowvill  Academy  &  CSD   Parent  Todd  Cole   Livingston   Geneseo  CSD   Teacher  Tammy  Cole   Livingston   Geneseo  CSD   Teacher  Sandra  Peters   Livingston   Geneseo  CSD   Parent  Tammy  Cole   Livingston   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Willard  Heller   Livingston   Warsaw  CSD   Professor  Dennis  Showers   Livingston   York  CSD   Professor  Jeni  Duell   Madison   Canastota  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Kneeskern   Madison   Chittenago  CSD   Parent  Ann  Woody   Madison   Chittenago  CSD   Community  member  John  Orth   Madison   Hamilton  CSD   husband  of  teacher  Michelle  Morgillo   Madison   Morrisville-­‐Eaton  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Cavanagh   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Teacher  Hedy  Durante   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Retired  Teacher  Maria  Erdo   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Teacher  Dona  Fiedler   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Lori  Fromey   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Parent  Debra  Longnecker   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Teacher  Kristin  Robinson   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Teacher  Margaret  Schoeneck   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Parent  Julie  Titus   Madison   Oneida  City  SD   Parent  Mary  Jo  Rose   Madison   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   School  Psychologist  Mary  Jo  Rose   Madison   Sherburne-­‐Earlville  CSD   School  Psychologist  Jacqueline  Ancess   Manhattan   College/University   Teacher  Linda  Metnetsky   Manhattan   College/University   Professor  Denny  Taylor   Manhattan   College/University   Professor  YVONNE  ANDERSON-­‐Bill   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Edith  Baltazar   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Andrew  Bergen   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  SAMUEL  BILL   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Annika  Cameron   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Mireia  Castillo-­‐Martin   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Sally  Caswell   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Nancy  Cauthen   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Cindy  Chau   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Debbie  Chun   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Alexis  Danzig   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Kelly  Deadmon   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Anna  Dell'Olio   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Carolyn  Escoffery   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Cari  Fershing   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Meire  Fickel   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Liberty  Frank   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Theodora  Frazer   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Nancy  Freeman-­‐Carroll   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Jodi  Friedman   Manhattan   New  York  City   Assistant  Principal  Paul  Godwin   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Jolle  Greenleaf   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Hank  Heijink   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Jillian  Hollmann   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Mary  Illes   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Jeremy  Jacobs   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Daniel  Jewel   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Sharon  Kaplan   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  nguyen  karan   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Jessie  Klein   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Robert  Klein   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Anna  Kostova   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Robert  Kulesz   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Danielle  Lazarin   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Thuan  Le   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Jia  Lee   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Elizabeth  Lesnick   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Denise  Levine   Manhattan   New  York  City   Principal  (Ret.)  Jocelyn  Lieu   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Amy  Little   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Lea  Mansour   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Gretchen  Mergenthaler   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Debbie  Meyer   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Amy  Murray   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Amy  Murray   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Kari  Nealis   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Eric  Nolan   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Kate  O'Hara   Manhattan   New  York  City   Professor  Keren  Ohayon   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Katarina  Pederson   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  lisa  polen   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Juan  Rivera   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Juan  Rivera   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Babette  Roberts   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Susan  Rubin   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Gil  Schmerler   Manhattan   New  York  City   Professor  Eric  Sheffer-­‐Stevens   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  sylke  simons   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Mollie  Slaton   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Rachel  Sommer   Manhattan   New  York  City   Teacher  Laura  Stein   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Michelle  Stern   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Laurel  Sturt   Manhattan   New  York  City   retired  teacher  Daiyu  Suzuki   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Christopher  Swift   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Dao  Tran   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Kimberlie  Trueblood   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Lori  Uysal   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Myriam  Varela   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Clare  Warburton   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Linda  Weiss   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Carmen  Williams  Robert   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Anastasia  Woodworth   Manhattan   New  York  City   Parent  Cynthia  Gowan   Monroe   Brighton  CSD   Parent  Angela  Possemato   Monroe   Brighton  CSD   Teacher  Nancy  Ramsay   Monroe   Brighton  CSD   Parent  Tonya  Krueger   Monroe   Brockport  CSD   Parent  Peggy  Mcgowan  Brown   Monroe   Churchville-­‐Chili  CSD   Parent  Jeannine  Tantalo   Monroe   East  Irondequoit  CSD   Teacher  Margaret  Carlston   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Parent  Alan  Gordon   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Parent  JA  Mitchell   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Moorehead   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Parent  Benjamin  Murphy   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Parent  Lawrence  Wirth   Monroe   Fairport  CSD   Parent  John  Kotrides   Monroe   Gates-­‐Chili  CSD   Parent  Dana  Akers   Monroe   Greece  CSD   Parent  Lynn  Olear   Monroe   Greece  CSD   Parent  Nicholas  Pietropaolo   Monroe   Hilton  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Pietropaolo   Monroe   Hilton  CSD   Parent  Anthony  Pisani   Monroe   Hilton  CSD   Parent  Katherine  Pittaway   Monroe   Hilton  CSD   grandparent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  David  Turner   Monroe   Honeoye  Falls-­‐Lima  CSD   TAX  PAYER  Kara  Reidy-­‐Vedder   Monroe   Monroe  2  Orleans  BOCES   Teacher  Donald  Bartalo   Monroe   Monroe  County   Instructional  Coach  Frank  Abreau   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Psychologist  Lori  Bays   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Mary  Bostwick   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  JoAnn  Boyce   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Rachel  Bruzee   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  John  Burke   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Russ  Byer   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Marie  Cinti   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Parent  Jeanne  Crowther   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Helen  Gage   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Geraci   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Timothy  Giannetti   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Graham   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Margaret  Herman   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Parent  Lisa  McGinn   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Connie  Motsenbocker   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Randall  Nellist   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Pray   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Mary-­‐Frances  Saylor   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Kevin  Swartz   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Sandy  Thorp   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Teresa  Tone   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Wilson   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Teacher  Judy  Zornow   Monroe   Penfield  CSD   Paraprofessional  Kathryn  Agnew  Relyea   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Andrew  Balch   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Rebecca  Berardino   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Biehl-­‐Narvaez   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Black   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Geoffrey  Bones   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Psychologist  Bret  Burrows   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Sunny  Campbell   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   School  Psychologist  Len  Chaput   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Tammy  Cole   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Dangler   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Renee  DeRue   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Renee  DeRue   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jolene  DiBrango   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jude  Dietz   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Kristen  Dolan   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Lynne  Drake   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Holli  Englerth   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Mercedes  Fredericksen   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Mercedes  Fredericksen   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Gerby   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Gerby   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Carolyn  Giambrone   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  MaryLynn  Gleason   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Marie  Graziano   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   School  Counselor  Teresita  Guillemin  Laborne   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Margie  Hart   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Gregg  Herman   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jenna  Hogan   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jenna  Hogan   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Annemarie  Inzana   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Iserson   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Karen  Kalinowski   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   College/Career  Center  coordinator  Deborah  Keeley   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Kramer   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Kutny   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Kate  Lane   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  David  Larson   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Mauger   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Margaret  McCann   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Sue  Ann  McGrath   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Pamela  Metzler   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Montgomery   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Holly  Nathan-­‐Colon   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Emily  Natoli-­‐Burns   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Mary  Beth  Nerone   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Michael  Nerone   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Victor  Northrup   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Shelly  Osinski   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Patmore   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Polvino   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Beth  Quattrociocchi   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Brian  Regan   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  John  Sacchitella   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Karie  Schroer  Templeton   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Ron  Shaw   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Julie  Shaw   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  AND  Parent  Laura  Smith   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Smith   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Smith   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Sandra  Stein   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Jeanne  Strazzabosco   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Raina  Sulzbach   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Sherry  Tontarski   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Paulette  VanSice   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Jill  Wahl   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Parent  Lindsay  Wegman   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Cynthia  Wilson   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Community  member  Kathleen  Winghart   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Jessica  Wojcik-­‐Rounds   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Wood   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Stephanie  Zigrossi   Monroe   Pittsford  CSD   Teacher  Rachel  Dobbs   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Parent  Michelle  Fayett   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Teacher  Jackie  Ferris   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Glenn  Longabucco   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Teacher  Kara  Reidy-­‐Vedder   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Parent  Katie  VanHaverbeke   Monroe   Rochester  City  SD   Teacher  Dana  Akers   Monroe   Rush-­‐Henrietta  CSD   Teacher  Bradley  Crooks   Monroe   Rush-­‐Henrietta  CSD   Teacher  Heather  Kelly   Monroe   Rush-­‐Henrietta  CSD   Parent  Dawn  Pixley   Monroe   Rush-­‐Henrietta  CSD   Teacher  Jenna  Hogan   Monroe   Spencerport  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Ingerick   Monroe   Spencerport  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Patmore   Monroe   Spencerport  CSD   Parent  Eric  Dahlstrom   Monroe   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Dowdall   Monroe   Webster  CSD   Teacher  Andy  Mitchell   Monroe   Webster  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Socash   Monroe   Webster  CSD   Parent  Valerie  Lessard   Monroe   West  Irondequoit  CSD   Parent  Eric  Young   Monroe   Wheatland-­‐Chili  CSD   Parent  Eugene  Agresta   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Patricia  DeLorme   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Matt  Flint   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Parent  Diana  Foote   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Linda  Haile   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Theresa  Jordan   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Denise  Krohn   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Amy  Liverio   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Parent  Beth  Menzie   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Richard  Peters   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Carla  Relkin   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Irene  Sinicropi   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Richard  VonEhr   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Anne  Walrath   Montgomery   Amsterdam  City  SD   Teacher  Andrew  LaCoppola   Montgomery   Canajoharie  CSD   Parent  Irene  Sinicropi   Montgomery   Fonda-­‐Fultonville  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Arcuri   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Brenner   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Lely  Cardace   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Parent  maura  cavassa   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Meredith  Einsohn   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Margaret  Kiernan   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Jack  Lenson   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Scott  Peritz   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Scott  Peritz   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Peters   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Platt   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Suzanne  Ryan   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Angela  Temple   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Victoria  Teta   Nassau   Baldwin  UFSD   Teacher  Karyn  Dietrich   Nassau   Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Jessica  Freeman   Nassau   Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  David  Reilly   Nassau   Bellmore  UFSD   Teacher  Sean  Arresto   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Teacher  Ken  Levy   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Neal  Madnick   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Teacher  Neal  Madnick   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Teacher  Mindy  Stecklow   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Parent  Mark  Steinberg   Nassau   Bellmore-­‐Merrick  CHS  District   Teacher  Danielle  D'Aponte   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD   Parent  Joe  Fina   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD   Parent  Darlene  Flaherty   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Sarube   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD   PTA/SEPTA  Member  Deborah  Sarube   Nassau   Bethpage  UFSD   Teacher  Kristin  Biggin   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Bowen   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  Maddalena  Buffalino   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Chen   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Lynda  Cohen   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Neil  Connolly   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Neil  Connolly   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Principal  Emeritus  Neil  Connolly   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Principal  Emeritus  Toni  Deninno   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  James  Fisher   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Barbara  Guidi   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  BettyAnn  Huysman   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Eileen  Mazaroski   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  Eileen  Mazaroski   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Robert  Mazroski   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  Mike  Nicoll   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Leslie  Rubenstein   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Elizabeth  Schaefer-­‐Fokas   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  John  Strassenreiter   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Kenneth  Wagner   Nassau   Carle  Place  UFSD   Parent  Elaine  Ajello   Nassau   College/University   Professor  Vanessa  Canner   Nassau   College/University   Graduate  Student  Arnold  Dodge   Nassau   College/University   Professor  Rachel  Amodeo   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Ilene  Ballato   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Ilene  Ballato   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  MaryAnn  Bartlett   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Teacher  Jeanne  Brennan   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Janet  Dieso   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Joanne  Dolan  Wallace   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Goldstein   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Erin  Herlihy   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Gail  Kurpisz   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Jodi  Luce   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Colette  Paul   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   School  Psychologist  Alicia  Piazza-­‐Coffey   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Elisabeth  Sobel   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Allison  Street   Nassau   East  Meadow  UFSD   Parent  Edgar  Arguello,  Jr.   Nassau   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Lee  Araoz   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Jeanine  Araoz   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Lee  Araoz   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Keith  Gamache   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Gicewicz   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Betsy  Kennedy   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   grandparent  Randi  O'Moore   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Stacy  Sommer   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Laura  Whitehouse   Nassau   East  Rockaway  UFSD   Parent  Frank  Bannerman   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Bartscherer   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Audra  Beberman   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Joyce  Bernstein   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Brigitte  Bodnar   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Jenna  Boyd   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  David  Burke   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Daniel  Burke   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Patrick  Clarke   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  John  Coyne   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Jane  Creighton   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   retired  teacher  Muriel  Delabar   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Nancy  Dillon   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Kelly  Donohue   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Meredith  Fagan   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Fatone   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Fezza   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Assistant  Steve  Fitzko   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Meryl  Fordin   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Danielle  Gately   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Director  Denise  Giuliano   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Paul  Gold   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Pamela  Goldstein   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Caroline  Goodman   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Michael  Haig   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Ellen  Holzman   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Karen  Homer   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Ilkiw   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Julie  Jacobson   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Tina  Kosel   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Parent  Ellen  Lazarow   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Marjorie  Mayerson   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Retired,  Administrator  Natalia  McMillan   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Minerva   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Sarah  Mizrahi   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Parent  Jill  Mooney   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Special  Ed  Teaching  Assistant  Jeanne  O'Connor   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   speech/langauge  pathologist  Robert  Owen   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Daria  Reid   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Ashley  Rogala   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Leslie  Rubin   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Soliman   Nassau   East  Williston  UFSD   Teacher  Katherine  Henriquez   Nassau   Elmont  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Bernstein   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Best   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Stacy  Cabrera   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Eileen  Cochran   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Cogliano   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Janet  Dieso   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Emily  Geiger   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Esther  Hernandez-­‐Kramer   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Kennedy   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Ann  Kusterer   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Rosalie  Longo   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  McCoskey   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Maria  Napolitano   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Dean  Carolyn  Noonan   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Lucy  O'Flaherty   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Podbielak   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Shafi  Rahman   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Sarni   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Patty  Schick   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Sokolowski   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Sokolowski   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Erica  Weisfelner   Nassau   Farmingdale  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Colbert   Nassau   Floral  Park-­‐Bellerose  UFSD   Parent  Kelly  Daddino   Nassau   Franklin  Square  UFSD   Parent  Katherine  Ziolo   Nassau   Franklin  Square  UFSD   Parent  Tammy  Abreu   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Future  teacher  Paulette  Acquavito   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Donna  Bellacosa   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Caccioppoli   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Jacqueline  Capobianco   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Mayra  Espina   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Leeanne  Fisher   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Parent  Christina  Giaquinto   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Meri  Masin   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Sherrie  Papayanopoulos   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   teacher  assistant  Desiree  Peart   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Parent  Noreen  Puppo   Nassau   Freeport  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Alkin   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Kelly  Boccafola   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Brandewiede   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Catherine  Butler   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Castoro   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Teacher  Kerry  DeLuca   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Valerie  DiCaprio   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Rosemary  Dirks   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Freese   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  Kaiserman   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Bruce  Kaiserman   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Lee   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Lisa  Malaszczyk   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Teacher  Theresa  Murtagh   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Sam  Myers   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Kevin  Pollitt   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Julie  Psaki   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Annette  Rathgeber   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Janice  Ryan   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Patricia  Sproat   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Jacqueline  Straus   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Carol  Wisell   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   grandparent/taxpayer  Stacey  Young   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Greg  Young   Nassau   Garden  City  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Ferguson   Nassau   Glen  Cove  City  SD   Parent  Matthew  Rottino   Nassau   Glen  Cove  City  SD   Teacher  Kimberly  Velentzas   Nassau   Glen  Cove  City  SD   Parent  Melissa  Abbate   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Margaret  Aloi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Staff  Sherly  Aminzadeh   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  David  Aminzadeh   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Andreadis   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Barbara  Andrews   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Kathleen  Andrews   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Laura  Annello   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  J  Astrof   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Fredric  Axelrod   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Fredric  Axelrod   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Lauren  Banyon   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Leslie  Benjamin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Ed  Benjamin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jeff  Bernstein   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Julie  Bikhman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Bloom   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jonathan  Bloom   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Mark  Boschen   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Paul  Bott   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Kasi  Bowen   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Diane  Boylan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Brenner   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Ellen  Bronheim   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Frank  Bua   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Jane  Callaghan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Nancy  Carman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Danielle  Carroll   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Jane  Chatelain   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Cheung   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Leslie  Chou   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Irene  Choy   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teaching  Assistant  Carol  Cohen   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Leslie  Cohen   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Anne  Terese  Colao   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Collins   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Sally  Coons   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Arielle  Cooperman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Matthew  Corrigan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Cottone   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Patti  Crisafulli   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Joanna  Cronin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Board  Member  Jo-­‐AnnEyre  Cruz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Guidance  Counselor  Cristina  Cummo   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Tali  Damaghi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  David  Damaghi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Honey  Damaghi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Haleh  Damaghi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  James  Daszenski   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Mike  Dea   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Debbie  Doustan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  John  Duggan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Alicia  Edgar   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  richard  ehrlich   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Dorit  Eilon   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Danielle  Fagan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Zhao  Fang   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Catherine  Faraone   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  natalie  faraz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Abe  Fard   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Diane  Fein   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Geraldine  Finazzo   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Eileen  Fleshel   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Eamonn  Flood   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Anne  Fogarty   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Eric  Friedman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Kokchin  Fu   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Arlene  Gerber   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Andrea  Gerstenblatt   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  William  Giannone   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Gitman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Cheryl  Gluzband   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Goldberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   School  psychologist  Susan  Goldstein   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Mahrou  Golsaz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Grandparent  Ponteah  Golsaz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Ellen  Goltzer   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Craig  Gootman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Psychologist  Cynthia  Gorney   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Catherine  Graybosch   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Brian  Greben   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Greenberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Joan  Greenberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Social  Worker  Jennifer  Greenspoon   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Kieran  Griffin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Stacy  Grimm   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  William  Groel   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  April  Gruder   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Mona  Haber   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Kamyar  Haimof   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Alexandra  Han   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Janice  Han   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Shahram  Hassid   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Osnat  Hassid   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Bita  Hendizadeh   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Pedram  Hendizadeh   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Carol  Hersh   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Robin  Hoorwitz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  S  Hope   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Michele  Israel   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Julia  Jadidian   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Evelyn  Jaw-­‐Laufer   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Olga  Kagan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Byung  Kang   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Amy  Kaplan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Amy  Kase   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Ruth  Kashanian   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Giorgia  Kashi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Lena  Kavakeb   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Kadir  Kaya   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Angela  Keller   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Miri  Kessar   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Gail  Keyes   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Stacey  Khan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  dina  Khani   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  YouJin  Jenny  Kim   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Nicole  Kinsey   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Carrie  Kittenplan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Jackie  Klein   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Miriam  Kobliner   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Andrea  Kohlmier   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Judith  Kohn   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   social  worker  Steven  Kossover   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Donna  Kramer   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Daniel  Krauz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Bradley  Krauz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Anthony  Lacovelli   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   School  Psychologist  Marisa  Lastres   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Luci  Legotti   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Paige  Lenga   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Stuart  Lerner   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Cecily  Leung   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Eric  Leung   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Angela  Leung   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Alicia  Lev   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Pamela  Levy   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Opher  Lichter   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Janet  Lichter   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Melissa  Lipetz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Scott  Luka   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Barbara  Magloire   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Debrah  Malater   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  and  Professor  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Lisa  Malfi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Gale  Manfred   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Grandparent  Tiana  Manfred   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  David  E.  Manuel   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   English  Department  Head  Orly  Maslavi   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Kathy  McAleer   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  McGurk   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  geoffrey  mead   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Nazli  Melamed   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Paz  Menjivar   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Daniel  Meyers   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Cara  Meyers   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Blanka  Miano   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Ivy  Miller   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Sarah  Mooney   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Maritza  Morales   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Meredith  Moss   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  John  Motchkavitz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Herbert  Munshine   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Musmeci   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Norine  Nagle   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Ruth  Nassir   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Shohreh  Nazarian   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  jeanette  neuwirt   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Michael  Norberto   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Donna  Nystrom   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Courtney  O'Neill-­‐Venticinque   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Edna  Ohebshalom   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Irina  Olkhovetsky   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  P   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Cynthia  Pan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Andrew  Patrick   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Heather  Peretz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Heather  Peretz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Kirsi  Phillips   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  John  Piteris   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  donna  profeta   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Racsko   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Stacey  Rapp   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Claudia  Re   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Debra  Rich   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Martha  Ripp   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Andrea  Roenblume   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Lauren  Rook   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Sherri  Rosenberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Joseph  Rutkowski   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Anna  Ryvkov   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Schatz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jessica  Schatz  Brennan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Alan  Schwartz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  gail  schwartz   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Sheila  Scimone   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Ramona  Sedaghat   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Liat  Seiger-­‐Gardner   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Professor  Shirley  Shaoolian   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jessica  Shapiro   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Chen  Shoshani   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Wendy  Shulman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  ellen  Siegel   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Elissa  Siony   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Snyder   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Robin  Stein   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Marcia  Stone   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Joanne  Strongin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Karishma  Sukhdeo-­‐Ramphul   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Aileen  Sullivan   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Sweberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Todd  Sweberg   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Professor  Michele  Tabaroki   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Tamari   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Samantha  Tarantola   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Tamara  Toro   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Tricario   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Miranda  Tso   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Rachel  Uhr   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Gayle  Ulmann   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Gabrielle  Verkman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Verwys   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Shahriar  Victory   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Kathryn  Villecco   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Amina  Virani   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Theresa  Walter   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Naomi  Wasserman   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Erin  Wilder   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Christopher  Wilson   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  James  Wu   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Theresa  Wygand   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Wysoki   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Diane  Yellis   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Linda  Zarin   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Annie  Zhang   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  John  Zhuang   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Laura  Zirinsky   Nassau   Great  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Roy  Hutchinson   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   Teacher  Sarah  Kammerdener   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   Teacher  Laura  Latham   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Meier   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Lisa  Parisi   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   Teacher  Alan  Semerdjian   Nassau   Herricks  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Cairo   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Csorba   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Marisa  DePalma-­‐Galindez   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Stephanie  Fleming   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Melissa  Gates   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Board  Member  David  Hess   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Thomas  Johnson   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Kufta   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Brenna  Leighton   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Stacy  Mauriello   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Kristin  Muse   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Ron  Remick   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Scallan   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Parent  Gregg  Solnick   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Ric  Stark   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Nina  Stile   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Dina  Weiss   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Ilene  Wlaker   Nassau   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Steven  Gilhuley   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD   Parent  Jonna  Spychalsky   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD   Parent  Christina  Tuohey   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Whitacre   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD   Parent  Chad  Wyman   Nassau   Hicksville  UFSD   Teacher  Dean  Bacigalupo   Nassau   Island  Park  UFSD   Teacher  Vincent  Randazzo   Nassau   Island  Park  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  Marckesano   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Marckesano   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD   Parent  Rocio  Napolitano   Nassau   Island  Trees  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Mesnick   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD   Parent  Lauren  Rosenblatt   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD   Parent  Daniel  Salzman   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Ivy  Sherman   Nassau   Jericho  UFSD   Teacher  Dyan  Harris   Nassau   Lawrence  UFSD   Retired  Marianne  Adrian   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Sharon  Aniano   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Coreen  Desabato   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Valerie  Dillon   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  kristine  farrell   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Esther  Feingold   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Duane  Feingold   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Angela  Feuring   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Jane  Finkelstein   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Diane  Furlong   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  Kara  Gallagher   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Marianne  Ganga   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  James  Ganga   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Patricia  Jerabeck   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   grandparent  Patricia  Jerabeck   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Grandparent  Jacqueline  Katz-­‐Rabinoff   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  Beth  Klingler   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Gerard  Klingler   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Eric  Leroy   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Kathy  Mundy   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Musco   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Bridget  Neuer   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Shari  Nocera   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Vaiano   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Vaiano   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Teacher  Melissa  Valencia   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Frances  Villao   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Maureen  Williams   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Maureen  Williams   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Garrett  Wyckoff   Nassau   Levittown  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Capodiferro   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  M  Constantino   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  Pamela  Halpin   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  John  Hellyer   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  Maureen  Liantonio   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  Michael  LoGerfo   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Dorothy  McManus   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Kari  Storaekre   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Parent  Amy  Watson   Nassau   Locust  Valley  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Sherri  Fackler   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Parent  Steve  Freeman   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Teacher  Steve  Freeman   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Teacher  Denise  Menelao   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Teacher  Debra  Rivera   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Parent  PJ  Terkoski   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Labor  Relations  Specialist  Sarah  Wiener   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Retired    ESL  teacher/Grandparent  Mark  Wiener   Nassau   Long  Beach  City  SD   Retired  principal/grandparent  Nicole  Aroksaar   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Aroksaar   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Julie  Bergin   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Drew  Bidart   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Denise  Deputy   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Debra  Doyle   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Ehrlich   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Tara  Festa   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  j  g   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Gamrat   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Computer/Library  Aide  Kim  Herrmann   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  /  Parent  Moira  La  Barbera   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Nanette  Lavin   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  James  Lavin   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Christy  Mansfield   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Margaret  Marchell   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Principal  Secretary  Jeanette  Meszaros   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Jaclyn  Miller   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Maria  Morrongiello   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Patricia  Murphy   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Sean  Murray   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Doreen  Papa   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Dale  Pescitelli   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Quaranta   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  Annmarie  Rudolph   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Tom  Sena   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   Teacher  Carol  Woehr   Nassau   Lynbrook  UFSD   social  worker  Joyce  Berry   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD   Parent  Jan  Kasal   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Messina   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kathleen  Nolan-­‐Kasal   Nassau   Malverne  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Donohue   Nassau   Manhasset  UFSD   Parent  Amy  Agovino   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Margaret  Averill   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  William  Bach   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Dan  Bacheller   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Matthew  Bernstein   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Judith  Bertalon   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   grandparent  Richard  Bertalon   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   grandparent  Lisa  Brzezinski   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Dorothea  Carney   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Toni  Chu   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Nicole  Cody   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Beverley  Del  Greco   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Danielle  Duryea   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Concerned  citizen  Karen  Ellinger   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Dahlia  Evans   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  maria  gargano   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Nichole  Greene   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Harkin   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Angela  Insinga   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Amy  Italiano   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Meredith  Johnson   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Patti  Krakoff   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  and  parent  Christine  Liardi   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Jason  Liardi   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Marie  LoBuglio   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Tara  Mathers   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Thomas  McBride   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Shari  Mehm   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Dawn  Muscarnera   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Dawn  Muscarnera   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Adam  Muscarnera   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Georgia  Panzavecchia   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Pavlides   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Laura  Siegel   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Tomia  Smith   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Upton   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Chere  Urgo   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Joseph  Vaglio   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Rene'  Vecchione   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Rene  Vecchione   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Lori  Verdone   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Sherri  Vozzo   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Lynn  Walsh   Nassau   Massapequa  UFSD   Parent  Alyssa  Allison   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Traci  Colfer   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Comito   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Wendy  Countryman   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Julie  Gilliam   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Stacy  Grossman   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Parent  Meaghan  Kassnove   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Kelly  Larson   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Lori  Marr   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Cindy  Michaels   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Molloy   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Jill  Nashtatik   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Parent  Mindy  Seltzberg   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Deborah  Solomon   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Parent  Scott  Tramantano   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Teacher  Christian  Wolf   Nassau   Merrick  UFSD   Parent  Suzanne  Kenney   Nassau   Mineola  UFSD   Parent  Kieran  Griffin   Nassau   New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  UFSD   Parent  Ralph  Ratto   Nassau   New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  UFSD   Teacher  Gina  Singh   Nassau   New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  UFSD   Parent  Val  Unger   Nassau   New  Hyde  Park-­‐Garden  City  Park  UFSD   Teacher  Nadine  Colon   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Tina  Correa   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Susanne  Dahlhaus   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Michelle  Gamache   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Joseph  Grasso   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Jennifer  Hinderstein   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  michele  marcus   Nassau   New  York  City   Teacher  Claudia  Rico   Nassau   New  York  City   Teacher  Domenico  Romano   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Jennifer  Sawyer   Nassau   New  York  City   Parent  Jeanette  Deutermann   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Adam  Greaves   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Jean  Greaves   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Markwalter   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   counselor  Sandra  McGovern   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Giovanni  Migliaccio   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Teresa  Reardon   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  George  Schroeder   Nassau   North  Bellmore  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Malone   Nassau   North  Merrick  UFSD   Parent  Maria  Hoyle   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD   Parent  Elvira  Ickowicz   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD   Parent  Eileen  Murphy   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD   Parent  Pooja  Vira   Nassau   North  Shore  CSD   Parent  Christine  Agrusos   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Barteldt   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Bruno   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Teacher  Marybeth  Healy   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Guidance  Counselor  marybeth  healy   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Marybeth  Healy   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Marybeth  Healy   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  M  Kenn   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Laura  Lisi   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Catherine  Modzelewski   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  and  Teacher  Jennifer  Monsour   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Matthew  Prendergast   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Pamela  Rakeman   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   retired  teacher/grandparent  Emily  Santamarina   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Jill  Schweizer   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Lydia  Warner   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Wolfe   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Teacher  Helaina  Wolkoff   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Xuereb   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Parent  Megan  Zarchy   Nassau   Oceanside  UFSD   Teacher  Sara  Cuniglio   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD   Teacher  Regina  D'Orio   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Fountaine   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD   Teacher  Nicole  Pienkos   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD   Teacher  Mark  Rutkowski   Nassau   Oyster  Bay-­‐East  Norwich  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Andes   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Liliana  Birkert   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Busso   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Candela   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Elayne  Candiotte   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Maureen  Chiolo   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Jamie  Christy   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Donna  Ciolino   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Kathy  Diamond   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  SangMi  Fahnestock   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Barbara  Feder-­‐Murdock   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Rachel  Formisano   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Erin  Graham   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Matt  Grzybowski   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Carol  Hough   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  James  Karp   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Kellie  Kuntz   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Madison   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Guidance  Counselor  Jayne  Mann   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  Jayne  Mann   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  Sara  Marshall   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Tara  McLaughlin-­‐Whyte   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  Patricia  Molfetta   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Kathy  Morris   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Andrew  Orgonik   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Scott  Orland   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Scott  Orland   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Laura  Pokorny   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Pravata   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Prochilo   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Karl  Siewertsen   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Deana  Simonetti   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Emily  Smith   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  Yarmeisch   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Jeannine  Zappia   Nassau   Plainedge  UFSD   Teacher  Dennis  Baer   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Debra  Baer   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Gary  Bettan   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Board  Member  lorin  bocian   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Michael  Bruno   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Jody  Bruno   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Michael  Bruno   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Jody  Bruno   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Michael  Bruno   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Melanie  Bucholtz   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Delia  Cabanilla   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Anthony  Campagna   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Jodi  Campagna   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Teacher  Eileen  Chasan   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Alan  Chasan   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Teacher  Michele  Cohen   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Michele  Cohen   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Michele  Cohen   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Meredith  Einsohn   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Cara  Fitzgerald   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Teacher  Stacy  Hitsky   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  David  Hitsky   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Caterina  Kirschner   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Amy  Klein   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Ruth  Lanton   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Luci  Legotti   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Carla  Loeven   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Teacher  Tracy  Miniman   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Stefanie  Nelkens   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  David  Robinson   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Marcy  Rosenbaum   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Miriam  Rosenthal   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Brett  Rosenthal   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Thomas  Slabowski   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Cindy  Slabowski   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Janine  Szenes   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  suzanne  Theocharidis   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Allison  Wasserman   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Caryn  Wolin   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  Helen  Basedow   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  UFSD   Parent  Richard  Klein   Nassau   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Brooks   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Brooks   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Barbara  Cohen   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Contino   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Corsitto   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Philip  DePaolo   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Fried   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Jason  Goldstein   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Cari  Huszar   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  James  Kinsey   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Scott  Livingston   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Pamela  McDonough   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Nanette  Melkonian   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Nanette  Melkonian   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Donna  Meth   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Marion  Rosenbaum   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Rosenberg   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Scott  McBride   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Silberg   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Dina  Thomas   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Dara  Underberg   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Diane  Venezia   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Robert  Vernola   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Katie  Weinstein   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Ross  Weinstein   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Allison  White   Nassau   Port  Washington  UFSD   Parent  Nancy  Aranda   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   tax  payer  patricia  barkwill   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Naomi  Bisk   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Maureen  Bodkin   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Brown   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Rosemarie  Cammarata   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Karen  Campbell   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Victor  Cisario   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Corrigan   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Ann  DeGregoris   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   School  Nurse  Liz  Dion   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Cristie  Favata   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Daniel  Ferrick   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Maribeth  Frankini   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Connie  Gibney   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Hamilton   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Hennessey   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Thomas  Hessel   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Barbara  Horowitz   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Carla  Jones   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Counselor  Susan  kahan   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  melissa  kenny   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Lodico   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Andrea  Logios  Webster   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Maria  Marinelli   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Tammy  MCWAlters   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Morris   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  patti  mullooly   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  James  Muooly   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  john  Murphy   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Megan  O'Brien   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Chris  Pellettieri   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Assistant  Superintendent  Loreen  Peritz   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Scott  Peritz   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Scott  Peritz   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Maria  Pisani   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Krystin  Prastil   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Substitute  Scott  Quasha   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Psychologist  Joseph  Rachmuth   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Student  Joseph  Rachmuth   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Katherine  Rica  fort   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  David  Roberts   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Psychologist  Jonathan  Rocafort   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Kristen  Ryan   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Schmidt   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   retired  teacher  Jennifer  Sedler   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   social  worker  Stephanie  Seifert   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Virginia  Southwick   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Sullivan   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Patricia  Wagner   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Francesca  Wasserman   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Christopher  Webster   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Zindman   Nassau   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Parent  Joseph  Dragone   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD   Assistant  Superintendent  Alissa  Karp   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD   Parent  Mitchell  Rubinstein   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Rubinstein   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD   Parent  Erica  Rubrum   Nassau   Roslyn  UFSD   Parent  Janice  Acar   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Laura  Latham   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Kevin  McLaughlin   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Brian  Moeller   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Rebaudo   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Jocelyn  Reeves   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  justine  routledge   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Heather  Umhafer   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Heather  Umhafer   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Maria  Wingert   Nassau   Seaford  UFSD   Parent  Andrea  Caligiuri   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Parent  Bernadette  Cataldi   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Parent  Christopher  Colbert   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Parent  Marybeth  Healy   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Guidance  Counselor  marybeth  healy   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   GuidanceCounselor  John  Kenny   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Assistant  Principal  Rosanne  Mamo   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Teacher  Angela  Palumbo   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Counselor  Heather  Robertson   Nassau   Sewanhaka  CHS  District   Teacher  Monika  Bhatia   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Kevin  Bonanno   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Elizabeth  Brozek   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Teacher  Neil  Connolly   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Charlie  Farrell   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Teacher  Julie  Gould   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Beth  Haft   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Janie  Innamorato   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Courtney  Kane   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Teacher  Joseph  LaMelza   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Assistant  Superintendent  Lauren  Miller   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Victoria  Palumbo   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Passero   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Grandparent  Margaret  Rhee   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  MaryEllen  Schwartz   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Teacher  Maureen  Sheerin   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Molly  Wang   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Erica  Weisfelner   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Shira  Weiss   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Marlene  Woska   Nassau   Syosset  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Greenstein   Nassau   Uniondale  UFSD   Teacher  Bette  Milano   Nassau   Uniondale  UFSD   Teacher  Cathy  Dusel   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Kalb   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Joanne  Lionetti   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Retired  teacher  Douglas  Mashkow   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Danielle  McCarren   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Ries   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Yolanda  Ruzbarsky   Nassau   Valley  Stream  13  UFSD   Parent  Doreen  Fryling   Nassau   Valley  Stream  24  UFSD   Parent  John  Zamorano   Nassau   Valley  Stream  24  UFSD   Parent  Richard  Adams   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Angela  Adams   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Assistant  Alberto  Anaya   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Christopher  Baker   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Marianne  Barbera   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  jeanne  battaglia   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   guidance  counselor  Linda  Bianculli   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Parent  Renee  Bobe   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Lorene  Bossong   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Tim  Boyens   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Nancy  Bresnan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Susan  Brodsky   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Paul  Brower   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  John  Bruzzo   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Jessica  Buffalin   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Lorraine  Burnett   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Laureann  Candreva   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Laureann  Candreva   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Brian  Case   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Justine  Chan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  consuelo  choinski   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   school  nurse  Douglas  Coleman   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Luis  Correa   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Parent  Rosemarie  Cuccia   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Mary  Dalton   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Jennifer  Darougar   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Patrice  Davidson   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Mike  DeMario   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Santo  Di  Sclafani   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Carla  Diaz   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Marisa  Diaz  y  Diaz   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Lisa  Dichiara   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Jennifer  DiMaio   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Peter  DiThomas   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Laura  Dunham   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Carmen  Durdaller   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Assistant  Kristine  Edgar   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Karen  Ehrlich   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   social  worker  Elizabeth  Escobar   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Julian  Farrell   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Janine  Ferranti   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Connie  Ferri   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Susan  Filoteo   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Leonardo  Fiorentino   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Shelly  Fisher   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Roni  Fornabia-­‐Kropf   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Remona  Foster   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Parent  Michael  Frazer   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  David  Fritz   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Deirdre  Gordon   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  maria  grace   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   school  counselor  Gina  Grande   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Suzanne  Greene   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Carol  Gresham   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Kathleen  Hardy   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   PPS  Lisa  Heimerle   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Richard  Hoffman   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  F.  Howell   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Helen  Kontoleon   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Elizabeth  Kott   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Gloria  Kramer   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   TA  susan  krause   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Angela  LaMonica   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Donna  Lankford   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  steven  laquidara   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Kelly  Leftwich   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Barbara  Liotti   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Dolores  Lois   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Paulette  Lowe   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Thomas  Maddock   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Barbara  Madigan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Counselor  Joan  Mahoney   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Gary  Mandell   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Parent  Christopher  Mannino   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Salvatore  Marino   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kristin  Martine   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Kristi  Massaro   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Peter  Mastrota   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Margaret  McConnell   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Social  Worker  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Michael  McQuillan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Eileen  Milazzo   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Allan  Nafte   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Patrick  Naglieri   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   President.  VSTA  Amy  Neuner   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Catherine  Norton   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Catherine  Norton   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Catherine  Norton   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Haydee  O'Connor   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Kelli  O'Donohue   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Danielle  Oliver   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Kathleen  Paolillo   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Mike  Paolillo   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Mark  Peterson   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Psychologist  Mark  Peterson   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   School  Psychologist  Katharine  Plett   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Katharine  Plett   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Madeline  Plinto   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teaching  Assistant  lynne  pravda   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Erin  Primm   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Janine  Puglissi   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Ronald  Rini   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Counselor  Ronald  Rini   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Jason  Robbins   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Alison  Rudin   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Daniel  Ryan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Cecilia  Sanossian   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Elsie  Santiago   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Parent  Robert  Santoro   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   School  Counselor  Jennifer  Scallan   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Corey  Seeley   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Angelo  Stanco   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Maritza  Suarez  Liriano   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Benjamin  Tangney   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Sue  Teich   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   social  worker  Malyssa  Thorngren   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Patrick  Tirino   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Daniel  Tronolone   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  chris  viggiano   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Laurie  Whalen-­‐McCarthy   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  david  wolfstein   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Tara  Zamorano   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Jessica  Zwicker   Nassau   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  Danielle  Avena   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Robert  Beck   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Pat  Clark   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Grandma  Jennifer  Freedman   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Gina  Lee   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Gina  Lee   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Ira  Marks   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   grandparent  Louise  Radzicki   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Mara  Thole   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Lori  Valdez   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Juan  Valdez   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Lori  Valdez   Nassau   Wantagh  UFSD   Parent  Joseph  Cirnigliaro   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Susan  Ehrlich   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Parent  Gene  Heikkila   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Kunz   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Teacher  Michael  Silberman   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Teacher  Barbara  Stern   Nassau   West  Hempstead  UFSD   Teacher  Carmen  Ostolaza   Nassau   Westbury  UFSD   Teacher  Renee  Askins   Niagara   Barker  CSD   Parent  Douglas  Regan   Niagara   College/University   Adjunct  Professor  Denis  Scinta   Niagara   Lewiston-­‐Porter  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Scott   Niagara   Medina  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Lehning   Niagara   Niagara  Falls  City  SD   Parent  Maria  Pedulla   Niagara   Niagara  Falls  City  SD   Teacher  Gerard  Chimera   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Patrick  Creamer   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Lou  Di  Censo   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Golias   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Melinda  McNamara   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Parent  Wendy  Lee  Reddy   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Rae  Anne  Roggow   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Weber   Niagara   Niagara  Wheatfield  CSD   Teacher  Rebecca  Silverberg   Niagara   North  Tonawanda  City  SD   Teacher  Becky  Albright   Niagara   O/N  BOCES   Board  Member  Rachel  Diel   Niagara   Royalton-­‐Hartland  CSD   Parent  Lori  Moskaluk   Niagara   Starpoint  CSD   Parent  Luke  Vogel   Niagara   Starpoint  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Thomas  Wrate   Niagara   Starpoint  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Munnikhuysen   Niagara   Wilson  CSD   Parent  Julie  Vajda   NYC  Central   Independent   Parent  Arelis  Almonte  Fernandez   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Olugbemisola  Amusashonubi-­‐Perkovich   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Rachel  Attia   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Edith  Baltazar   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  

Lisa  Bowstead   NYC  Central   New  York  City  owner,  Independent  Tutoring  Center  

Stacey  Calcano   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Mabel  Chung   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Rozella  Clyde   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Retired  NYC  teacher  Lynda  Costagliola   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Selin  Emre   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Tory  Frye   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Christina  Fuentes   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Principal  (Ret.)  Natalie  Gallo   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Leonie  Haimson   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Advocate  Lisa  Hirsch   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Mary  Hughes   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Hebatalla  Ibrahim   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Board  Member  Richard  Kaplan   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Sarah  Kay   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Sally  Langer   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Katie  Lapham   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Julia  Lyakhovich   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Mary  Madden   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Frank  McGarry   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Ingrid  Menendez   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Ingrid  Menendez   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Ann  Napolitano   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Taina  Pintor   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Seth  Rader   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Gaby  Rattner   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Dave  Rimington   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Dave  Rimington   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Alison  Ritz   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Eizabeth  Rose   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Carley  Ross   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Jamillah  Salahuddin   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Wendy  Schnierow   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Jaye  Bea  Smalley   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Jessica  Smith   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Daiyu  Suzuki   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Nada  Taib   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Ally  Tubis   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Anthony  Voulgarides   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Paula  Washington   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Terry  Weber   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Landon  Westbrook   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Parent  Teresa  Willis   NYC  Central   New  York  City   Teacher  Lorna  DeSantis   Oneida   Adirondack  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Putnam   Oneida   Mount  Markham  CSD   Parent  Jeffrey  Badgley   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Badgley   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Pamela  Howe   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Pamela  Howe   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Jessica  McNair   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Tracy  Moger   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Kim  Reale   Oneida   New  Hartford  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Grenier   Oneida   Oneida  BOCES   Teacher  Dayna  Franz   Oneida   Oriskany  CSD   Parent  Sabrina  Skinner   Oneida   Oriskany  CSD   Parent  Cheri  Hewko   Oneida   Rome  City  Schools   Teacher  Tami  Battin   Oneida   Rome  City  SD   Parent  

Carolyn  Lee   Oneida   Rome  City  SD  Grandparent/Former  Board  Member  

Joan  Lomery   Oneida   Rome  City  SD   retired  teacher/substitute  Patricia  Nisiewicz   Oneida   Rome  City  SD   Teacher  Trisha  Romano   Oneida   Rome  City  SD   Teacher  Steve  Shrey   Oneida   Sauquoit  Valley  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Steven  Shrey   Oneida   Sauquoit  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Pamela  Allen   Oneida   Utica  City  SD   Teacher  Kimberly  Devins   Oneida   Utica  City  SD   Parent  Lorraine  Eady   Oneida   Utica  City  SD   Parent  Morgen  vierow   Oneida   Vernon-­‐Verona-­‐Sherrill  CSD   Parent  David  Cognetti   Oneida   Waterville  CSD   Teacher  Laureen  Fuess   Oneida   Waterville  CSD   PTA  member  Christine  Golden   Oneida   Westmoreland  CSD   Parent  Cheri  Hewko   Oneida   Whitesboro  CSD   Parent  Alyssa  Mittiga   Oneida   Whitesboro  CSD   Parent  Patrick  Moore   Oneida   Whitesboro  CSD   Parent  MaryEllen  Allen   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Parent  Mary  Ellen  Allen   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  Andrea  Barnhart   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Parent  Beth  Chetney   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  Ericka  Garcia   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  Diane  Johnson   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   retired  Cheryl  Meany   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  Patricia  Mullaney   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Pickard   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  James  Tapia   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Professor  Kathryn  vecchiarelli   Onondaga   Baldwinsville  CSD   Teacher  John  Laverty   Onondaga   College/University   Professor  Teresa  McKenney   Onondaga   East  Syracuse-­‐Minoa  CSD   Teacher  Carol  Borg   Onondaga   Fayetteville-­‐Manlius  CSD   Teacher  Michele  Krause   Onondaga   Fayetteville-­‐Manlius  CSD   Parent  Robert  Polak   Onondaga   Fayetteville-­‐Manlius  CSD   Parent  David  Schreiber   Onondaga   Fayetteville-­‐Manlius  CSD   Parent  Laura  Fiorenza   Onondaga   Jamesville-­‐Dewitt   Parent  Laura  Fiorenza   Onondaga   Jamesville-­‐DeWitt  CSD   Parent  Holly  Piselli   Onondaga   Jamesville-­‐DeWitt  CSD   Parent  David  Amidon   Onondaga   LaFayette  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Leitch   Onondaga   Liverpool  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Merlino   Onondaga   Liverpool  CSD   Teacher  Kelly  Michalski   Onondaga   Liverpool  CSD   Parent  Maureen  Patterson   Onondaga   Liverpool  CSD   Assistant  Superintendent  

Robert  Ruth   Onondaga   Liverpool  CSD  School  District  resident,  parent  of  graduate  

Dana  Derrick   Onondaga   Marcellus  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Warren   Onondaga   North  Syracuse  CSD   Parent  Brian  Fay   Onondaga   OCM  BOCES   Teacher  James  Perkins   Onondaga   Oneida  City  SD   Teacher  Sheryl  Sonnacchio   Onondaga   Onondaga  CSD   Teacher  Tanya  Galvin   Onondaga   Solvay  UFSD   Parent  Lena-­‐Rose  Orlando   Onondaga   Solvay  UFSD   Board  Member  Debra  Adler   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  Erin  Alsid   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  Ronnie  Bell   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Corinne  Driscoll   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Handler   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teaching  Assistant  Rebecca  Jackson   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Former  Teacher/Now  Volunteer  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Mary  Mahan   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  Christina  Petragnani   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Jennifer  Polak   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Seth  Rutledge   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Heather  Ryder   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Marisa  Schinto   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Katie  Sojewicz   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Sharon  Spear   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Parent  Gina  Terzini   Onondaga   Syracuse  City  SD   Teacher  Judy  Griffith   Onondaga   West  Genesee  CSD   Parent  Judy  Griffith   Onondaga   West  Genesee  CSD   Parent  Judy  Griffith   Onondaga   West  Genesee  CSD   Parent  Tonya  Wilson   Onondaga   West  Genesee  CSD   Parent  Jeanne  Albanese   Onondaga   Westhill  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Rienhardt   Onondaga   Westhill  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Starowicz   Onondaga   Westhill  CSD   Parent  Ann  Alden   Ontario   Bloomfield  CSD   Teacher  Lauren  Bolonda   Ontario   Canandaigua  City  SD   Teacher  Amy  Birch   Ontario   Canaseraga  CSD   Parent  Karla  Bucklin   Ontario   Geneva  City  SD   Parent  Beverly  Burrall   Ontario   Geneva  City  SD   Parent  Andrea  FitzGerald   Ontario   Geneva  City  SD   Parent  Amy  Moracco   Ontario   Geneva  City  SD   Parent  Melinda  Schillinger   Ontario   Geneva  City  SD   Parent  Heidi  Gibson   Ontario   Phelps-­‐Clifton  Springs  CSD   Teacher  Carrie  Becker   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Brion   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Carla  Clark   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Shelly  Collins   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Darlene  Cowles   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Denise  Dillman   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Joshua  Doyle   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Lori  Isham   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Parent  Dawn  Landes   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Magierski   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Parent  Michael  Modleski   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  April  Pettee   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Parent  Amy  Smith-­‐Faczan   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Teacher  Bethanie  Swartz   Ontario   Victor  CSD   Parent  Elle  Key   Orange   Chester  UFSD   Parent  Ernest  VanderKruik   Orange   Florida  UFSD   Teacher  Tim  Healy   Orange   Goshen  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  W.  Skeels   Orange   Goshen  CSD   Parent  Leigh  Ann  Tully   Orange   Goshen  CSD   Teacher  Holly  Weldon   Orange   Greenwood  Lake   Parent  Adrianne  Cordova   Orange   Middletown  City  SD   Parent  Gregory  Farina   Orange   Middletown  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  McElroy   Orange   Middletown  CSD   Parent  Wendy  Fisher   Orange   Minisink  Valley  CSD   Parent  Edward  Garcia   Orange   Minisink  Valley  CSD   Parent  Marc  Turof   Orange   Monroe  Woodbury  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Justin  Brown   Orange   Newburgh  Enlarged  City  SD   Teacher  Christina  Brozycki   Orange   Newburgh  Enlarged  City  SD   Parent  Deb  Flynn   Orange   Newburgh  Enlarged  City  SD   Parent  Robbyn  McCauley   Orange   Newburgh  Enlarged  City  SD   Parent  Colleen  Naclerio   Orange   Pine  Bush  CSD   Parent  cynthia  Benedict   Orange   Port  Jervis  City  SD   Assistant  Superintendent  Donna  Muro   Orange   Port  Jervis  City  SD   Director  Curric./Data  Matthew  Wentworth   Orange   Port  Jervis  City  SD   Assistant  Principal  Cristina  Autry   Orange   Valley  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Behr   Orange   Valley  CSD   Teacher  Maria  Circosta   Orange   Valley  CSD   Teacher  Joe  DiMaio   Orange   Valley  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Casey  Doty   Orange   Valley  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Doty   Orange   Valley  CSD   Teacher  Adrienne  Lindine   Orange   Valley  CSD   Parent  Karen  Schaper   Orange   Valley  CSD   Parent  Allison  Corbalis   Orange   Warwick  Valley  CSD   Parent  Kathy  Brown   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Teacher  Laurie  Bunning   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Parent  Karen  Edwards   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Parent  Karen  Edwards   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Parent  Karen  Edwards   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Lombardo   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Parent  Mark  Rosengarten   Orange   Washingtonville  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Smith   Orleans   Albion  CSD   Parent  Kellie  Burke   Orleans   Brockport  CSD   Teacher  Heather  Colella   Orleans   Holley  CSD   Parent  Chrystal  Gantman   Orleans   Holley  CSD   Parent  Debbie  Patt   Orleans   Holley  CSD   Parent  Elaine  Ryan   Orleans   Holley  CSD   Parent  Robin  Shea   Orleans   Medina  CSD   Teacher  Denise  O'Brien   Ostego   Oneonta  City  SD   Retired  tchr,  grandma  Renee  Ames   Oswego   Central  Square  CSD   Parent  Cherie  Harrington   Oswego   Central  Square  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Taylor   Oswego   Central  Square  CSD   Parent  Traci  Thompson   Oswego   Fulton  City  SD   Pre-­‐service  teacher  and  parent  Donna  Loveland   Oswego   Hannibal  CSD   Parent  Kristie  Derby   Oswego   Mexico  Academy  CSD   Parent  Amy  Jones   Oswego   Mexico  Academy  CSD   Teacher  John  Sheffield   Oswego   Oswego  City  SD   Parent  Tina  Dowlearn   Oswego   Sandy  Creek  CSD   Parent  Sandra  Bliss   Otsego   Cooperstown  CSD   Community  Member  Danielle  Boudet   Otsego   Morris  CSD   Parent  Kim  Baskin   Otsego   Oneonta  City  SD   Teacher  Sara  Gyukeri   Otsego   Oneonta  City  SD   Parent  Joanne  Lentner   Otsego   Oneonta  City  SD   Parent  Jessica  Phillips   Otsego   Oneonta  City  SD   Parent  Linda  Collins   Otsego   Richfield  Springs  CSD   Parent  William  Collins   Otsego   Richfield  Springs  CSD   Parent  Penny  Harrington   Otsego   Richfield  Springs  CSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Deanna  Simpson   Otsego   Richfield  Springs  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Stacey  Serdy   Otsego   Worcester  CSD   Parent  Debbie  Balestra   Outside  of  NY   Brevard   Teacher  Renee  Nelson   Outside  of  NY   California   Parent  Denise  Postle   Outside  of  NY   California   Teacher  Cooper  Zale   Outside  of  NY   California   Parent  Rick  Ellis   Outside  of  NY   College/University   Professor  

Dan  Greaney   Outside  of  NY   College/University  Former  teacher,  principal,  now  University  outreach  

Jocelyn  Weeda   Outside  of  NY   College/University   Professor  Adam  Silver   Outside  of  NY   Connecticut   Special  Ed  Teacher  Mary  Bunk   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Teacher  Linda  Evans   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Teacher  (Ret.)  Leslie  Frantz   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Parent  Michelle  Hamlyn   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Teacher  Patricia  Henriquez   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Caring  person  Julie  Rowley   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Teacher  Sandy  Stenoff   Outside  of  NY   Florida   Parent  Leslie  Shaw   Outside  of  NY   Indiana   Parent  Kathleen  Callaghan   Outside  of  NY   Maryland   Teacher  Adell  Cothorne   Outside  of  NY   Maryland   Education  Consultant  Beth  Herman   Outside  of  NY   Maryland   Teacher  Christopher  Buttimer   Outside  of  NY   Massachusetts   Graduate  student/former  teacher  Linda  Murdock   Outside  of  NY   Massachusetts   Principal  Jennifer  Kangas   Outside  of  NY   Michigan   Parent  Terri  McCormick   Outside  of  NY   Michigan   Teacher  Andrea  McCoy   Outside  of  NY   Michigan   Teacher  Robin  Randall   Outside  of  NY   Michigan   Parent  Octavia  Pitts   Outside  of  NY   Missouri   Parent  Thomas  Marshall   Outside  of  NY   New  Jersey   Principal  Amanda  Burns   Outside  of  NY   New  Mexico   Principal  Rachel  Gordon   Outside  of  NY   New  York  City   Teacher  Matthew  Ray   Outside  of  NY   North  Carolina   Parent  Cynthia  Reilly   Outside  of  NY   North  Carolina   Parent  Pam  Fink   Outside  of  NY   Ohio   Parent  Kent  Minor   Outside  of  NY   Ohio   Retired  Franki  Dennison   Outside  of  NY   Oregon   Teacher  Kimberly  Finn   Outside  of  NY   Oregon   Parent  Shannon  Smith   Outside  of  NY   Oregon   Teacher  Pamela  Harbin   Outside  of  NY   Pennsylvania   Parent  Tracey  Lambe   Outside  of  NY   Pennsylvania   Parent  Joy  Robison   Outside  of  NY   Pennsylvania   Parent  Elaine  Rybski   Outside  of  NY   Pennsylvania   Parent  

Kirsten  Hill   Outside  of  NY   Philadelphia  Ph.D.  student  and  school  volunteer  

Marliece  Newman   Outside  of  NY   Temecula  Valley  Unified  SD   Teacher  Holly  Copado   Outside  of  NY   Vanlue  School   Parent  Susan  Ohanian   Outside  of  NY   Vermont   concerned  citizen  Jim  Ghormley   Outside  of  NY   Washington   Parent  Dana  Persson-­‐Zora   Outside  of  NY   Washington   Teacher  Amanda  Martin   Outside  of  NY   West  Virginia   Teacher  Amy  Mizialko   Outside  of  NY   Wisconsin   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Andrea  Stanek   Outside  of  NY   Wisconsin   Teacher  Michelle  Hamlyn   Outside  of  NYS   Florida   Teacher  Elizabeth  Wilkes   Outside  of  NYS   Fulton  County  Schools   Concerned  Student  Polly  Hughes   Outside  of  NYS   Wisconsin   Teacher  (Ret.)  Daniel  Gaffney   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Teacher  Sara  Goetschkes   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Teacher  Deb  Healy   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Parent  Debra  Ann  Hvolbeck   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Maselli   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Zirkelbach   Putnam   Brewster  CSD   Parent  Jaclyn  Andersen   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Future  parent  Ann  Flynn   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Teacher  MaryAnn  Gaizo   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Parent  Rosemary  Gebhardt   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Retired  teacher  Jack  Gestri   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Retired  teacher  Susan  Gin   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Lichwick   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Teacher  Salvatore  Paci   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  Rettus   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Parent  Cathleen  Rossetti   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Teacher  Ava  Sanel   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Parent  Joan  Santoriello   Putnam   Carmel  CSD   Social  Worker  Kimberly  Schauffler   Putnam   Garrison  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Hafemann   Putnam   Mahopac  CSD   Teacher  David  Krebs   Putnam   Mahopac  CSD   Parent  David  Krebs   Putnam   Mahopac  CSD   Parent  Amy  Morrison   Putnam   Mahopac  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Cestaro   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Jamie  Martino   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Helene  Solinga   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Concerned  citizen  Helene  Solinga   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Concerned  citizen  Helene  Solinga   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Concerned  citizen  Debra  Sperling   Putnam   Putnam  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Fay  Casatuta   Putnam   Wappingers  CSD   Parent  Neil  Connolly   Queens   College/University   Professor  Neil  Connolly   Queens   College/University   Professor  Cynthia  Roma   Queens   Independent   Teacher  Christine  Anglim   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Anastasia  Athanasiou   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Diane  Baptiste   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Lisa  Bottitta   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Lisa  Bottitta   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Tracy  Cohen   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Cynrhia  Cohen   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Susan  Coronel   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Thalia  Douglas   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Don  Doyle   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Michele  Feuerstien   Queens   New  York  City   Assistant  Principal  Francine  Field   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Debbie  Fine   Queens   New  York  City   Assistant  Principal  Jennifer  Franz   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  M  Friedman   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Barbara  Garcia   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Pauline  Georgiadis   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Liel  Golan   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Arthur  Goldstein   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Beth  Haft   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Suzanna  Kakivelis   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Emily  Kraft   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Penny  Laforest   Queens   New  York  City   Teacher  Kara  Leone   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Daniel  Lim   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Daniel  Lim   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Laura  Marks   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Kathrine  Mueller   Queens   New  York  City   Grandparent  Nancy  Nisselbaum   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Rachel  Paster   Queens   New  York  City   Board  Member  Marie  Pollicino   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Cassandra  Restivo   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Aaron  Samuelson   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Dawn  Schiavone   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Karen  Schumacher   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Sergio  Silveira   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Jacquelene  Toma   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Joanne  Villar   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  David  Wees   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Dora  Workman   Queens   New  York  City   Parent  Maria  Walker   Rensselaer   Albany  City  SD   Parent  Lori  Antilock   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Bergmann   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  James  Colton   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Colwill   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Serafina  Deo   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Sarah  Diamond   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Nicole  Eddy   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Julie  Ernest   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Foster   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Veronica  Gaboury   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Sara  Gazoorian   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Christopher  Hammond   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Resident  Stefanie  Harrington   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Tara  Higgins-­‐Pascucci   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Elizabeth  Hough   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Jeschke   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Karen  Juneau   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Gordon  Kaedy   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Konieczny   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Merry  Kraft   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Laferriere   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Jeff  McLane   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   School  Psychologist  Valerie  McMahon   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Elisa  McNeil   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Trish  Miller   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Stephanie  O'Connell   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Oliver   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Karen  Opalka   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Amy  Perala   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Shannon  Premo   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Colleen  Reilly   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Carly  Rogers   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Kerri  Sage   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Doriann  Salisbury   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Board  Member  Susan  Schaefer   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Smead   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Julianne  Strano   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Claudia  Tamayo   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Jessica  Tobey   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Johanna  Trahan   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Votra-­‐Brown   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Dennis  Weatherwax   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Parent  Melissa  Weatherwax   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Vicki  Weaver   Rensselaer   Averill  Park  CSD   Teacher  Eileen  Alston   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Matthew  Cipperly   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  MaryMargaret  Corcoran   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Parent  MaryMargaret  Corcoran   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Kelly  Hindes   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Mary  McNeice   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Eric  Olson   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Ryanne  Phillips   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Place  (Fallon   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Riley   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Angelica  Roddy   Rensselaer   Brunswick  (Brittonkill)  CSD   Teacher  Nancy  Cassidy   Rensselaer   East  Greenbush  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Dimenno   Rensselaer   East  Greenbush  CSD   Parent  James  Leyhane   Rensselaer   East  Greenbush  CSD   former  Board  Member  Jessica  Slawson   Rensselaer   East  Greenbush  CSD   Parent  Sandra  VanAuken   Rensselaer   East  Greenbush  CSD   Parent  Jill  Casey   Rensselaer   Lansingburgh  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  Eaton   Rensselaer   Lansingburgh  CSD   Parent  Linda  Townsend   Rensselaer   Lansingburgh  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  McIntosh   Rensselaer   Schodack  CSD   Parent  Laurie  Anderson   Rensselaer   Troy  CSD   Parent  Tommy  Carroll   Rensselaer   Troy  CSD   Teacher  Margaret  Doyle   Rensselaer   Wynantskill  UFSD   Future  Mother  and  Aunt  Meredith  Gavin   Rensselaer   Wynantskill  UFSD   Parent  Michelle  Marte   Rensselaer   Wynantskill  UFSD   Parent  Mervete  Ardolic   Richmond   New  York  City   Parent  Rakela  Catalfumo   Richmond   New  York  City   Parent  Cristina  Diaz   Richmond   New  York  City   Parent  Kerri  Ettinger   Richmond   New  York  City   Teacher  Marie  Friedman   Richmond   New  York  City   Aunt  Pam  Salem   Richmond   New  York  City   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Tammy  Amiel   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Michele  Berzon   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Sheila  Corcoran   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  Coyle   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Vincent  DeFalco   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  janice  DeFalco   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Arnold  Fucci   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kevin  Horan   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Licht   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Greg  Licht   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Laurie  McDermott   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Shari  McDonald   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Mercurio   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Wanda  Octaviano   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Richard  Poulin   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Rachel  Shinder   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Maureen  Tighe   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Kristin  Ventry   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Denise  Waletzky   Rockland   Clarkstown  CSD   Parent  Diane  M  Bronico   Rockland   Haverstraw-­‐Stony  Point  CSD   retired  teacher  Lauren  Schimko   Rockland   Haverstraw-­‐Stony  Point  CSD   Teacher  Christopher  Campanella   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Teacher  Jeannine  Guerci   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Parent  Elisa  Marsico   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Parent  Keith  McGarry   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Parent  Patricia  McGarry   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Triana   Rockland   Nanuet  UFSD   Teacher  Jansen  Barron   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Teacher  Margret  Evangelista   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Parent  Edward  Garcia   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Edward  Garcia   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Joseph  Lloyd   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Jennifer  Luongo   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Judith  Matarazzo   Rockland   North  Rockland  CSD   retired  teacher  Heather  Cornell   Rockland   Nyack  UFSD   Parent  Shari  Davis   Rockland   Nyack  UFSD   Parent  James  Ross   Rockland   Nyack  UFSD   Parent  Debbra  Stolarik   Rockland   Nyack  UFSD   Taxpayer  Geri  Sumprer   Rockland   Pearl  River  UFSD   Grandparent  Joline  Jozokos-­‐Bookman   Rockland   Ramapo  Central   Parent  Laura  Goldhamer   Rockland   Ramapo  CSD   tax  payer  Kathleen  Ryan-­‐Triola   Rockland   Rockland  BOCES   Assistant  Principal  Gene  Thompson-­‐Grove   Rockland   SOCSD   Prof  development  Ivanya  Alpert   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Parent  Margaret  Cavanaugh   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Teacher  Jessica  Kesselman  Bertoli   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Parent  Dimitri  Laddis   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Parent  Ken  Mitchell   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Superintendent  Na  Navedo   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   parent  Glenn  Spiegelman   Rockland   South  Orangetown  CSD   Teacher  Amanda  Bywater   Saratoga   Ballston  Spa  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Judi  Krause   Saratoga   Ballston  Spa  CSD   Parent  Jeralee  Mornhinweg   Saratoga   Ballston  Spa  CSD   Parent  Katie  Caccamo   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Tricia  Farmer   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Bernadette  Hagadorn   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Victoria  Lizor   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Victoria  Lizor   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Kristin  Trapini   Saratoga   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Teacher  Statia  Darrah   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  Maureen  Kuntz   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Teacher  Melissa  Sandwick   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  Melissa  Sandwick   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  Alan  Spieldenner   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  Alan  Spieldenner   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Teacher  Matthew  Welch   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Wells   Saratoga   Corinth  CSD   Parent  LeAndra  Bruno   Saratoga   Mechanicville  City  SD   Parent  Jesika  Christiansen   Saratoga   Mechanicville  City  SD   Parent  Christina  Morrison   Saratoga   Mechanicville  City  SD   Parent  

Agnes  Gavin   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD  Licensed  Speech/Language  Pathologist  

Christine  Gravina   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD   Parent  Heather  Hoke   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD   Parent  Karalee  Nix   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD   Parent  Christine  Paige   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD   Both  Parent  and  Professor  Judy  Soukup   Saratoga   Saratoga  Springs  City  SD   Parent  Jamie  Burleigh   Saratoga   Schuylerville  CSD   Teacher  Hannah  Christopher   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Parent  Joseph  Christopher   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Parent  andrea  doiron   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Forrester   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Parent  Leslie  Javarone   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Teacher  Melissa  Smith   Saratoga   Shenendehowa  CSD   Parent  Sue  Pantea   Saratoga   Waterford-­‐Halfmoon  elem   Teacher  Barbara  Amirault   Schenectady   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Jeremy  Kergel   Schenectady   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Adam  Hoffman   Schenectady   Niskayuna  CSD   Parent  Christine  Murphy   Schenectady   Niskayuna  CSD   Parent  Kimberly  Rickard   Schenectady   Rotterdam-­‐Mohonasen  CSD   Parent  Ronald  Cadieux   Schenectady   Schenectady  City  SD   Teacher  Tracy  Cimino   Schenectady   Schenectady  City  SD   Parent  Julie  Foster   Schenectady   Schenectady  City  SD   Teacher  Leah  Lembo   Schenectady   Schenectady  City  SD   Union  Noelle  Falvo   Schenectady   Scotia-­‐Glenville  CSD   Parent  Angeline  Morris   Schenectady   Scotia-­‐Glenville  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Schips   Schenectady   Scotia-­‐Glenville  CSD   Parent  Colleen  Condolora   Schenectady   South  Colonie  CSD   Parent  Jodi  Barnes   Schoharie   Middleburgh  CSD   Parent  Carmella  Smith   Schoharie   Middleburgh  CSD   Parent  Martin  Messner   Schoharie   Schoharie  CSD   Teacher  Martin  Messner   Schoharie   Schoharie  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Krista  Easton   St.  Lawrence   Brasher  Falls  CSD   Teacher  Gena  Ladouceur   St.  Lawrence   Canton  CSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Buell   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD   Teacher  Pamela  Mahay   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD   Teacher  Kathy  Palmer   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD   Teacher  Connie  Tubbs   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD   Teacher  Patricia  Williams   St.  Lawrence   Gouverneur  CSD   Teacher  Tammy  Manley   St.  Lawrence   Massena  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Brockway   St.  Lawrence   Norwood-­‐Norfolk  CSD   Teacher  Martha  Greene   St.  Lawrence   Norwood-­‐Norfolk  CSD   Teacher  Wendy  Rufa   St.  Lawrence   Ogdensburg  City  SD   Teacher  Samantha  Wedd   Steuben   Addison  CSD   Parent  Julianne  Merry   Steuben   Arkport  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Decker   Steuben   Bath  CSD   Parent  Bret  Ryan   Steuben   Bath  CSD   Teacher  Saunseray  Benjamin   Steuben   Burnt  Hills-­‐Ballston  Lake  CSD   Parent  Marilyn  Adusei-­‐Poku   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Sharon  Campbell   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Teacher  Vicki  Clark   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Stephanie  Doughty   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Tim  Doughty   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Denise  Duell   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Teachers  Assistant  Candice  Hill   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Tammy  Huff   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Julie  Judd   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Kristen  Klemenz   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Jodi  Kohli   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Lynn  Leonard   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Stephen  Leonard   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Donna  Seyler   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Mary  Ann  Tozer   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Jodi  Walker   Steuben   Corning-­‐Painted  Post  Area  SD   Parent  Mary  Mauro   Steuben   Hornell  City  SD   Teacher  Charles  Martine   Suffolk   Amityville  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  DeMauro-­‐Scharff   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Elaine  DiGiacomo   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   School  Social  Worker  Lisa  Drance   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Elizabeth  Foster   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Charles  Leech   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  John  Michele   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Claire  Reilly   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Christopher  Ryan   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Michael  Santaly   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Monica  Santaly   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Angela  Turk   Suffolk   Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Robert  Bieringer   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD   Mathematics  Consultant  Robert  C  Bieringer   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD   Retired  Math  Director  K-­‐12  Carol  Dworkin   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Kelly  Molloy   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Tomasino   Suffolk   Bay  Shore  UFSD   Teacher  Tricia  Abruzzo   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  of  graduate/  speech  path  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  for  school-­‐aged  students  

Denise  Connolly   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  James  Cottone   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Teacher  Kristine  Curran   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  David  Heins   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Murphy   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  Rosemary  Pearce   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Teacher  Rosemary  Pearce   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Teacher  Nicole  Teufel   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Teufel   Suffolk   Bayport-­‐Blue  Point  UFSD   Parent  Vincent  Autera   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Denise  Braun   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Jody  Bruno   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Toni  Chu   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Nicole  Conti   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Parent  Margaret  Gregory   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Eileen  Haggerty   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Staff  Eileen  Haggerty   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Assistant  Pamela  Heim   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Tammy  Jaggi   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Lynch-­‐Loscalzo   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Kristen  Masotto   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Jean  McIver   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Nancy  Petschauer   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Reitan   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  

Ismaru  Reyes   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD  Elementary  Library  Clerk  and  Parent  

Donna  Rohrbacker   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   Teacher  Denise  Spagnuolo   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   slp  Eileen  Welch   Suffolk   Brentwood  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Craig  Charvat   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD   Teacher  Taryn  Glynn   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD   Teacher  Monika  Moses   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Pettit   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD   Parent  Sherry  Turpin   Suffolk   Center  Moriches  UFSD   Teacher  David  Ehrhardt   Suffolk   Central  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  Dali  Rastello   Suffolk   Central  Islip  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Michael  Roethgen   Suffolk   Central  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  Dina  Chase   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Genevieve  Cimino   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Helen  Daly   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   President,  Central  Parents  Council  Wendi  DeSchutter   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Nichole  DiNoto   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Stephanie  DiNozzi   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Jacqueline  Eckstein   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Beth  Fagin   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Lori  Farkash   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Janice  Farynick   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Ganz   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Ruth  Guirguis   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Hauser   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Tina  McGowan   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Kieran  McGowan   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Terry  Sajewski   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Stacey  Sica   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Despina  Tenedorio   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Michael  Tenedorio   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Eileen  Varacchi   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Parent  Kimberly  Williams   Suffolk   Cold  Spring  Harbor  CSD   Teacher  Maryann  Hamilton   Suffolk   College/University   Professor  Frank  Agovino   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Amy  Biblow   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Justine  Buonovolonta   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Evelyn  Cardenas  Smith   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Jill  Cella   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Anne  Chimelis   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Anne  Chimelis   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Stephanie  Composto   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Carolyn  Correll   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Laura  Cosentino   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Harry  Cuff   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Sari  Farber   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Corey  Fein   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   School  Psychologist  Ann  Marie  Ferreri   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Lead  Teacher  Debra  Finkel   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Tina  Florentino   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Emily  Greco   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Hancock   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Infante   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kristen  Kornweiss   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Renee  Landsman   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Rochelle  Levenson   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Carmela  Lombardi   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   teacher  assistant  Jon  Macaluso   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Director  Amy  Martin   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Barbara  McFadden   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Connie  Nonnenmacher   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Nicholas  Nonnenmacher   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Rachel  O'Boyle   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Alison  Offerman-­‐Celentano   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Carla  Powers   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Robinson   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Paul  Rosengarten   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Schmelter   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Linda  St.Pierre   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Speech-­‐Language  Pathologist  Julie  Staskowski   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Orna  Szenczy   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Terrell   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  Pamela  Verity   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Parent  Kerry  Vitola   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Erica  Walerstein   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   Teacher  LauraAnne  Weiss   Suffolk   Commack  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Theresa  Etts   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Debbie  Foster   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Teacher  Ali  Gordon   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Board  Member  Emily  Leary   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Teacher  Audrey  Nilsen   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   District  Administrator  for  PPS  Robert  Pearl   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Parent  Gail  Ports   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Teacher  Joseph  Rella   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Superintendent  Sophia  Rennard   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Grandparent  Richard  Rennard   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Grandparent  Rick  Rennard   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Parent  Justin  Seifert   Suffolk   Comsewogue  UFSD   Teacher  Kendra  Fairless   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Nicholas  Ferraioli   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Claudette  Gerdjunis   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Claudette  Gerdjunis   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Claudette  Gerdjunis   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Krista  Heaney   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Robert  Heizman   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Kennedy   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Kennedy   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Jon  Kessel   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   retired  teacher  Steven  Lubrino   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Michael  Lulo   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Eileen  Panico   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Eileen  Panico   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Jill  Pellegrino   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Linda  Pennington   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Pennington   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Teacher  Jo  Ann  Piccininni   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  JoAnna  Rewkowski   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Cynthia  Roesler   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Pamela  Talbot   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Adriana  Wetzel   Suffolk   Connetquot  CSD   Parent  Todd  Andrews   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Assistant  Superintendent  Deborah  Balunas   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Lori  Beloff   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Teressa  Brown   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Monica  Csorny   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Jeanne  Beth  Demott   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Jacquelin  Espinal   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Marie  Fodera   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Franzone   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Tim  Gavin   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Wendy  Hrzich   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Kinney   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Staff  Developer  Paul  Kounadis   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Carly  Lamson   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Miller   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  P  Newman   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  K  Ostrofsky   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Kirsten  Ostrofsky   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Theresa  Pisano   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Ashley  Price   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Sarah  Rowan   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Neil  Schweitzer   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Christine  Sklar   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Effie  Sofos   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Kristina  Sudano   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Swenson   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Julia  Tedeschi   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Retired  Teacher  Linda  Walsh   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  Larry  Wurtzel   Suffolk   Copiague  UFSD   Teacher  (Ret.)  Keri  Delargy   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Eising   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Parent  Debbie  Leon   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Parent  Debbie  Leon   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Parent  Vera  Papa   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Parent  Kerry  Saviano   Suffolk   Deer  Park  UFSD   Teacher  Anne  Mittendorf   Suffolk   East  Hampton  UFSD   Teacher  Stefanie  Baranek   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Eileen  Egbert   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  Judith  Fischer   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  GiGi  Guiliano   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Parent  John  Guiliano   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Kat  Lichter   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Rachel  O'Boyle   Suffolk   East  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Cerino   Suffolk   East  Moriches  UFSD   Parent  Iris  Agudelo   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Buono   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Cathy  Cornell  Wagner   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Brian  Danowski   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Laura  Devito   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  D  Dorn   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Liana  Forseth   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Kimberly  Galway   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Kevin  Gilvary   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Jeanne  Gordon   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Brian  Gordon   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Bianca  Hebberd   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Sara  Marino   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Linda  Mautone   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Cynthia  McNamara   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Colleen  Nill   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Gina  Presutti   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Carolyn  Terry   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Kelly  Tureski   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Shari  Vetter   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Karolina  Vuik   Suffolk   East  Quogue  UFSD   Parent  Sheila  Ducos   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Parent  Teri  Harling   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Parent  Sharon  Klune   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Karen  Koliadko   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Stephanie  Lengyel   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Parent  Christine  Rubin   Suffolk   Eastport-­‐South  Manor  CSD   Parent  Nicole  knorr   Suffolk   Elwood  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Wenzel   Suffolk   Farmingdale  UFSD   Parent  Philip  Tamberino   Suffolk   Fire  Island  UFSD   Teacher  Jeffrey  Ryvicker   Suffolk   Great  Neck  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Linda  Wallace   Suffolk   Greenport  UFSD   Parent  Melissa  Otero   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills   Parent  Virginia  Barry   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Nancy  Byrne   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Gerald  Byrne   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  DeBenedittis   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  DeBenedittis   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  DeBenedittis   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Jean  Dougherty   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Teacher  Ian  Dunst   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Caryn  Kelhoffer   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Karen  Kenny   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Erica  LaChant   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Barbara  Lazcano   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Robet  Newton   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Melissa  Otero   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Leslie  Pilgrim   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Rossi   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Jill  Savini   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Teacher  Yu-­‐chi  von  Bartesch   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Lori  Walsh   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Cliff  Walsh   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Lori  Walsh   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Cliff  Walsh   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Parent  Allison  Zusmer   Suffolk   Half  Hollow  Hills  CSD   Teacher  Julie  Lofstad   Suffolk   Hampton  Bays  UFSD   Parent  Sharon  Wheeler   Suffolk   Hampton  Bays  UFSD   Parent  Denise  Flowers   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   Parent  Rob  Gadamowitz   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   Parent  Thomas  Gellert   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Jennifer  Gioe  Peper   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   Parent  Soosan  Happel   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   Parent  Theresa  Walter   Suffolk   Harborfields  CSD   Parent  Elisabeth  Anziano   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Courtney  Autino   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Baumann   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Blankenship   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Michele  Byrne   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Holli  Cirone   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Paul  Cirone   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Kimberly  Crawford-­‐Arbocus   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  and  Parent  Karen  DeMaio   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Christa  Fabian   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Danielle  Faggioni   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Amy  Faicco   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Brian  Gillen   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Dorothy  Graf   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Joanne  Jacobsen   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Gina  Koch   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Lauren  Kurrass   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Beth  LaManna   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Olive  Makris   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Mallalieu   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Linda  Mallalieu   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Eileen  Mass   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Board  Member  Christopher  Michael   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Rose  Morales   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Laura  Mulligan   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Kathryn  Nonnenmacher   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Dawn  Ann  Raccuglia   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Kirsten  Reisfield   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Carina  Riat-­‐Ventola   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Carol  Russo   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Cara  Russo   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Jessica  Sellitto   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Nicole  Smith   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Melissa  Solomon   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Debra  Steinman   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Beth  Tiedemann   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Robert  Vitulano   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Teacher  Amy  Vivinetto   Suffolk   Hauppauge  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Finn   Suffolk   Hewlett-­‐Woodmere  UFSD   Teacher  Paul  Brendel   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Hanna   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Greg  Wagner   Suffolk   Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Denis  DaPuzzo   Suffolk   Independent   Teacher  Angela  Alfred   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Christine  Barbara   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Russ  Barbara   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Ursula  Camenzuli   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Danielle  Flora   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Philip  Flora   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   Parent  Dillon  Tamke   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   student  Shane  Tamke   Suffolk   Islip  UFSD   student  James  Brannigan   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Conte   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Teacher  Thomas  Edge   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Eskin   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Beth  LaFantano   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Teacher  Catherine  Moonis   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Debra  Morsello   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Thomas  Nally   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Teacher  Jessica  Osnato   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Teacher  M  Reyling   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Janice  Tabone   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Ann  Weir   Suffolk   Kings  Park  CSD   Parent  Scott  Beloff   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Parent  Barbrina  Ertle   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Professor  Bruce  Hoffman   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Krista  Jones-­‐Danseglio   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Parent  Krista  Jones-­‐Danseglio   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Parent  Tracey  Miller   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Teacher  Karen  Shanley   Suffolk   Lindenhurst  UFSD   Parent  Penelope  Blizzard-­‐McGrath   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Christina  Brown   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Christina  Brown   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Tara  Fodrowski   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Tara  Fodrowski   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Robert  Frole   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Kathleen  Herron   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Ifferte   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Noelle  Kouris   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Teacher  Alison  Krieb   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Leggio   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Kerri  Licciardi   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Joseph  Licciardi   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Timothy  Macdowall   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Lori  Nowosielski   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Florence  Olson   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Grandparent  Pat  Perkins   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Grandmother  Debbie  Ryan   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Valerie  Sappelsa   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Kenneth  Spegele   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Teacher  Maria  Toth   Suffolk   Longwood  CSD   Parent  Ron  Basirico   Suffolk   Massapequa  UFSD   Teacher  Tammie  Hildesheim   Suffolk   Mattituck-­‐Cutchogue  CSD   Parent  Jill  Tapper   Suffolk   Mattituck-­‐Cutchogue  CSD   Teacher  Donna  Palma   Suffolk   MCCSD  Middle  Country   Parent  Regina  Azzara   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Theresa  Budd   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Valerie  Capriotti   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Teacher  Debra  Commesso   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Connolly   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Brenda  Delvalle   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Laura  Farina   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Teacher  Roberta  Gerold   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Superintendent  Bettina  Giannino   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Maggie  Gryciuk   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Marie  Harned   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Radoika  Jorge-­‐  Blake   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Ann  Kessel   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   retired  teacher  Michele  Leekin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Michele  Leekin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Joel  Leekin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Joel  Leekin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Christina  Marin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Doris  Marrero   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Doris  Marrero   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Laura  Martin   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Teacher  Angela  Marzocca   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Robert  Marzocca   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Linda  Murdock   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Katie  Noonan   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Teacher  Donna  Palma   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Joanne  Pisciotti   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Keith  Rennard   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Carol  Serapiglia   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Sirico   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Strong   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Tina  Trezzo   Suffolk   Middle  Country  CSD   Parent  Dina  Phillips   Suffolk   middle  country  school  district   Parent  Jessica  Phelps   Suffolk   Middle  Country  SD   Parent  Vivian  Tilford   Suffolk   Middle  County   Parent  Jane  Adamo   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Teacher  J  Brischler   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Lynn  Contursi   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  and  Teacher  Lisa  Gonyea   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  kathy  herron   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Herron   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Patricia  Isenberg   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Teacher  Tami  Lapp   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  JoAnn  Luisa   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Karla  Maroney   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Maria  Elena  Mazza   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Maria  Elena  Mazza   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Johanna  Testa   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Elizabeth  Travers   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Denise  Ventiquattro   Suffolk   Miller  Place  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Martinsen   Suffolk   Montauk  UFSD   Parent  J  Philip  Perna   Suffolk   Montauk  UFSD   Superintendent  Gail  Simons   Suffolk   Montauk  UFSD   Parent  Virginia  Veltri   Suffolk   Montauk  UFSD   Teacher  Ursula  Costanzo   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Ursula  Costanzo   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Cumings   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Candace  Donin   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Lang   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Amy  Larusso   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Donna  Mikolanda   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Cynthia  Nardiello   Suffolk   Mount  Sinai  CSD   Parent  Heather  Anderson   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Anderson   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Michael  Biesiadecki   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Carol  Cianti   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Speech/language  Therapist  Diana  Decker   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Felisa  Di  Nunzio   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Joseph  DiTroia   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Selina  Durio   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Ellen  Kresic   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  John  Lazarek   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  John  Lazarek   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Barbara  Lombardi   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   grandparent  Kim  Lowenborg-­‐Coyne   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kenneth  Luna   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Kristy  Middleton   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Mary  NOLL   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  gerri  piazzolla   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Gerri  Piazzolla   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Jodi  Rosengarten   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Deborah  Serino   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  John  Sofos   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Pamela  Sylvester   Suffolk   North  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Caryn  Fusaro   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Emily  LaGiglia   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Teacher  Joanne  Loring   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Eric  Loring   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Peter  Magnuson   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Allison  Noonan   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Wenla  Petry   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  Schatz   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Deborah  Sherman   Suffolk   Northport-­‐East  Northport  UFSD   Parent  Diana  Andrade   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Diana  Andrade   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Teresa  Baldinucci-­‐Greenberg   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Cataldo   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Tara  Cataldo   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Marie  Cataldo   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   student  Danielle  Gabriellini   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Anthony  Gabriellini   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Danielle  Gabriellini   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Tina  Gruber   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Tina  Gruber   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Rose  Halliday   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Loraine  Halliday   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Ida   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Stephanie  Ida   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Teacher  Suzanne  Logiudice   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  James  Lyston   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Patty  Mccaffrey   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Rhona  Meier   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Karen  O'Sullivan   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Professor  Karen  O'Sullivan  Seifert   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Mitchell  Papele   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Rahana  Schmalacker   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Shwonik   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Stock   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Dawn  Wassmer   Suffolk   Patchogue-­‐Medford  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Greenblatt   Suffolk   Plainview-­‐Old  Bethpage  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Pamela  Kern   Suffolk   Remsenburg-­‐Speonk  UFSD   Parent  Steve  Corso   Suffolk   Retired   Teacher  (Ret.)  Jacqueline  Adla   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Athena  Angerhauser   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  John  Barona   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Michelle  Baumann   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Joan  Becht   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   School  Nurse  Claire  Belmonte   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Mindy  Benze   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Danielle  Bergin   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Birong   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Allyson  Brodsky-­‐Matwey   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Christopher  Butterfield   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Theresa  Carr   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Emily  Chizever   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Brian  Cunningham   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Theresa  Curry   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Cynthia  Dacunto   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Kerry  Deschamps   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Devlin   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Rosaleen  Dorsogna   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Darren  Dunn   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Darren  Dunn   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Tinaann  Ehrhart   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Bob  Fallot   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Feuerman   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Lindsey  Fuhs   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Danielle  Good   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Goulding   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Nadine  Greenberg   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Deborah  Hermann   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Kathleen  Horn   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Lonnie  Hughes   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Ivins   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Karen  Ivins   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Jennie  Jaeger   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Anselma  Jimenez   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Kanter   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Ellen  Knieriemen   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Nina  Laight   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Juliet  Lake-­‐Carlson   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Robert  Maccone   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Marsicano   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Janine  Mastropaolo   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Social  Worker  Theresa  Messina   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Monahan   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Matthew  Moorman   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Cheryl  Mustacchio   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Jane  Nentwich   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  John  Nobile   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   School  Psychologist  Patricia  Passanante   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Michelle  Paterno   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Ann  Priapi   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Emily  Puccio   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Melissa  Ries   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Judith  Rosica   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Marica  Sidik   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  David  Spinella   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Debra  Spinelli   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Shelley  Sprung   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Colleen  Stalter   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Jeanne  Stearns   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Keri  Stromski   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Talmage   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Yolanda  Thompson   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Stacy  Tuohy   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Kimann  Ulmet   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Kimann  Ulmet   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Donna  Verbeck   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Janine  Weber   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  John  Wevers   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Sandra  Wicklund   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Parent  Donna  Wilson   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Claire  Yannacone   Suffolk   Riverhead  CSD   Teacher  Michael  Casamassima   Suffolk   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Vincent  Gazzo   Suffolk   Rockville  Centre  UFSD   Teacher  Nancy  Hunter   Suffolk   Rocky  Point   Teacher  Dawn  Callahan   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Teacher  Dawn  Callahan   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Teacher  Kathi  Heggers   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Parent  Jessica  Sternkopf   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Parent  Katie  Trentowski   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Parent  Bruce  Wolper   Suffolk   Rocky  Point  UFSD   Parent  Elizabeth  Benimoff   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Mary  Calamia   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Social  Worker  Elizabeth  Comito   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Janet  Daniello   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Paula  DeFilippo   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Teacher  Bonnie  Faust   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Margot  Fezza   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Richard  Hermann   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Donna  Hudson   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Thomas  Lipani   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Teacher  Irene  Malfa   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Donna  Midwick  Hiltz   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Rubinstein   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Kevin  Tougher   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Teacher  Celeste  Vasquez   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Wandling   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Brian  Wasson   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Parent  Jonathan  Weston   Suffolk   Sachem  CSD   Teacher  Janice  D'Angelo   Suffolk   Sag  Harbor  UFSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Gregory  D'Angleo   Suffolk   Sag  Harbor  UFSD   Parent  Victoria  Kuss   Suffolk   Sag  Harbor  UFSD   Parent  Kelly  Cummings   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Patricia  Di  Brico   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Beth  Dieterle   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Sharon  Donnelly   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Kim  Franzese   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Frontino   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Emily  Geiger   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Barbara  Hall   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Brigid  Marino   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Patricia  Mclary   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   SLP  Susan  Metzler   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Donna  Morisie   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Mayra  Robayo   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Walter  Schartner   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Superintendent  Tim  Southerton   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Nicole  Teufel   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Kateri  Volpe   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Melony  White   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Parent  Kristi  Woerner   Suffolk   Sayville  UFSD   Teacher  Kimberly  Costello   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Marie  Darcey   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   tax  payer  Terry  Kalb   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   retired  sp  ed  teacher  Heather  Leo   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Stephanie  Lynch-­‐Loscalzo   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Tammi  Michaelson   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Anthony  Nobre   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Florence  Olson   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Grandparent  Alicia  Zilinskis   Suffolk   Shoreham-­‐Wading  River  CSD   Parent  Colleen  Albano   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Tony  Albano   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Colleen  Albano   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Chris  Ann  Ambery   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Glenn  Bermam   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Stacy  Berman   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Glenn  Berman   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Beutel   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  James  Brannigan   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Camilleri   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   PTA  PRESIDENT/PARENT  Kate  Carey   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Joseph  Cosentino   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Patricia  Cosgrove   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Julie  Costello   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Dawn  Dillon   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Kris  Drago   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Matthew  Drago   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Esposito   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  maria  Falcone   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Farrell   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Charlie  Farrell   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Michelle  Farrell   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Charlie  Farrell   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Farrell   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Dawn  Georgiadis   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Amy  Hennig   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Lynda  LaCour   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Anthony  Laurino   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   President-­‐-­‐CAS  Daniel  McCabe   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Stacey  McKee   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Sean  McKeon   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Christine  Merlino   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Melissa  Michel   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  Murnane   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  suzanne  murnane   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  cari  negri   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Allison  Nucci   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Suzanne  O'malley   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Lauren  Perrone   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Steve  Pfeufer   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Katherine  Podair   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Tiffany  Reeder   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  JoAnne  Romanelli   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Jacqueline  Rooney   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Deborah  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Deborah  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   PTA  President  Daniel  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   student  Samantha  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   student  Samantha  Sarube   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   student  Elise  Setteducati   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Stacey  Siegelson   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Suzanne  Smith   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Roger  P  Smith   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Spencer   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  John  Staudt   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Professor  Max  Strieb   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Stacy  Trebing   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Steve  Trebing   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Lorie  Van  Riel   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Debra  Vernice   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Volpicella   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  sharon  weissman   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Whalen   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Christy  Youllar   Suffolk   Smithtown  CSD   Parent  Danielle  Aiello   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Nicole  Albrecht   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Belford   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Claudine  Burkhardt   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Parent  Tara  Cataldo   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Kristin  Christie   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  MIchelle  Drucker   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Diane  Etzel   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Linda  Freiband   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Kevin  Glynn   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Anthony  Griffin   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Parent  Jolene  Leonardi   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Jeni  McCarthy   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Marnie  Papele   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Parent  David  Perkins   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Lisa  Rant   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Tara  Reustle   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Rupolo   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Parent  Theresa  Tietjen   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Terry  Vatalaro   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Aimee  Volk   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Melony  White   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  S.  Winslow   Suffolk   South  Country  CSD   Teacher  Laurie  Condon   Suffolk   South  Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Tania  Johnson   Suffolk   South  Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Jacqueline  Kurtzberg   Suffolk   South  Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Jennifer  Parlante   Suffolk   South  Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Todd  Winch   Suffolk   South  Huntington  UFSD   Parent  Karen  Braune   Suffolk   Southampton  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Wright   Suffolk   Southampton  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Malynda  Boyle   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD   Parent  David  Gamberg   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD   Superintendent  Samantha  Heidtmann   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD   Parent  Rene  Suprina   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Rene  Suprina   Suffolk   Southold  UFSD   Teacher  Darlene  Gaffney   Suffolk   Suffolk  County   Teacher  Colleen  Ammann   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Anderson   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Michelle  Casteleiro   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Mary  Coonerty   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  Sean  Dowling   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  jonathan  ferrante   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Barbara  Forbes   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Grandparent  Barbara  Forbes   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   grandparent  Jennifer  Frole   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Gironda   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Amy  Gironda   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Sarajane  Ilamathi   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  Sarajane  Ilamathi   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  Laurie  Jarrett   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Teacher  Ellen  Krakow   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Steven  Meyer   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Thomas  Resnick   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Student  Dominick  Volpicella   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Kerrin  Welch   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Robert  Wilder   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  Donna  Wilder   Suffolk   Three  Village  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Rachel  Mahler   Suffolk   Valley  Stream  CHS  District   Teacher  David  Cunningham   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Giovanni  DiStefano   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Kelly  Durkin   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Anna  Elias-­‐Bonet   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Autumn  Matthews   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Teacher  Deborah  Morris   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Librarian  Nicole  Narducci-­‐Farr   Suffolk   West  Babylon  UFSD   Parent  Kristen  Finnegan   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  Maureen  Lenowicz   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD   Teacher  Tara  O'connor   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Parson   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Parson   Suffolk   West  Islip  UFSD   Parent  Corinne  Arrasate   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Parent  Bryan  Bookamer   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Patricia  Capon   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Teacher  Carmella  DeFichy   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Teacher  Betsy  Doyle   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Teacher  Susan  Geraci   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Parent  William  Hempfling   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Teacher  Doria  Hughes   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   parent  Francine  Iannone   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Kearns   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Teacher  Mary  Alyce  Rogers   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Weeks   Suffolk   Westhampton  Beach  UFSD   Parent  Valerie  Berini   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Parent  Caroline  Ceglio   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Teacher  Crystal  DeMeo   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Parent  Rose  Marie  Joskow   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Resident  Kelly  Lehane   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Parent  Kathleen  Pantaleo   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Teacher  Darla  Ramos   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Parent  Melissa  Tiedemann   Suffolk   William  Floyd  UFSD   Parent  Thomas  Hill   Suffolk   Wyandanch  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Davies   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Teacher  Shawn  Davis   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Dean  of  Students  Sandra  Deckelman-­‐Davis   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Parent  Ernie  Feasel   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Teacher  Stacy  Feasel   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Teacher  Daniel  McConnell   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Teacher  Richard  Schacher   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Colleen  Tenbus   Sullivan   Liberty  CSD   Teacher  Claire  Coleman   Sullivan   Livingston  Manor  CSD   Parent  Patrick  McCarthy   Sullivan   Sullivan  BOCES   Teacher  John  Ogozalek   Sullivan   Sullivan  West  CSD   Teacher  Sarah  Brooks   Tioga   Newark  Valley  CSD   Parent  Judith  Hawkins   Tioga   Owego-­‐Apalachin  CSD   Teacher  Patricia  Berry   Tompkins   Groton  CSD   Teacher  Teresa  Dovi   Tompkins   Groton  CSD   Teacher  Stephanie  Hume   Tompkins   Groton  CSD   Teacher  Stephanie  Hume   Tompkins   Groton  CSD   Teacher  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Scott  Weeks   Tompkins   Groton  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Cronin   Tompkins   Ithaca  City  SD   Parent  Ife  Scott   Tompkins   Ithaca  City  SD   Parent  Christine  Landon   Tompkins   Newfield  CSD   Parent  Douglas  Leonard   Ulster   College/University   Professor  Lynn  Peck   Ulster   Ellenville  CSD   Teacher  Kristine  Lee   Ulster   Highland  CSD   Parent  Dora  Navarro   Ulster   Highland  CSD   grandparent  Linda  Nelson   Ulster   Highland  CSD   Parent  Bridget  Ferrer   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Cheryl  Finnegan   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Teacher  Lucas  Fox   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Teacher  Allison  Garelick   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Rebecca  Lanier   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Rebecca  Lanier   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Terri  Lemister-­‐Snyder   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Teaching  Asst.  Maria  Maritsas   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Mary  McClellan   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   School  Counselor  Erin  Newcomb   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Crystal  Parese   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Teacher  Natalie  Pelella   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Nicole  Rogers   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Thomas  Stalter   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  Kathy  Werner   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Literacy  Coach  Essi  Zahedi   Ulster   Kingston  City  SD   Parent  matthew  gallagher   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Teacher  Anne  Loupe   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Parent  Jamie  Moran   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Teacher  Lucinda  Retcho   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Teacher  Melissa  Slimak   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Parent  Susan  Steinberg  Smith   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Parent  Andrea  Viviani-­‐Moujib   Ulster   Marlboro  CSD   Teacher  John  Burdick   Ulster   New  Paltz  CSD   community  member/taxpayer  Justin  Finnegan   Ulster   New  Paltz  CSD   Teacher  Eileen  McElroy   Ulster   New  Paltz  CSD   Parent  Jon  Stern   Ulster   New  Paltz  CSD   Teacher  Bianca  Tanis   Ulster   New  Paltz  CSD   Parent  Katie  Love   Ulster   Onteora  CSD   Concerned  Parent  Bobbi  Schnell   Ulster   Onteora  CSD   Principal  (Ret.)  Nancy  Ebel   Ulster   Rhinebeck  CSD   Teacher  Laurie  Giardino   Ulster   Rondout  Valley  CSD   Teacher  Gregory  Peck   Ulster   Rondout  Valley  CSD   Parent  Melissa  Gallagher   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD   Parent  Jacqueline  Hayes   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD   Teacher  Jessica  McCaig   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD   Teacher  Amy  Michaels   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD   Teacher  Luz  Mooney   Ulster   Saugerties  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Bender   Ulster   Wallkill  CSD   Speech-­‐Language  Pathologist  Lisa  Boggs   Ulster   Wallkill  CSD   Parent  Jodi  Davis   Ulster   Wallkill  CSD   Parent  Kathy  Morales   Ulster   Wallkill  CSD   Parent  

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Derek  Java   Warren   Glens  Falls  City  SD   Parent  Shelley  Morrissey   Warren   Glens  Falls  City  SD   Parent  Raquel  Speers   Warren   Glens  Falls  City  SD   Parent  Frann  Flatley   Warren   Lake  George  CSD   Parent  Jennifer  Metivier   Warren   Lake  George  CSD   Parent  Lisa  Bruzual   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   former  teacher  Mary  Charles   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Lisa  Fedele   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Joanne  McDonough   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Edward  Miller   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Heather  Taylor   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Victoria  Vanier   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Andrea  Whalen   Warren   Queensbury  UFSD   Parent  Susan  Pidgeon   Washington   Argyle  CSD   Teacher  Layla  Carnahan   Washington   Greenwich  CSD   Parent  Dorothea  Casey   Washington   Greenwich  CSD   Parent  Susan  Pruiksma   Washington   Greenwich  CSD   Parent  Victoria  Vanier   Washington   Hartford  CSD   Teacher  Sharon  Farrell   Washington   Hudson  Falls  CSD   Teacher  Laura  Caler   Washington   Odessa  CSD   Teacher  Susan  Lane   Wayne   Clyde-­‐Savannah  CSD   Teacher  Elliott  Butt   Wayne   Gananda  CSD   Teacher  Christopher  Potter   Wayne   Gananda  CSD   Teacher  Barbara  Smith   Wayne   Gananda  CSD   Parent  Paul  Wallach   Wayne   North  Rose-­‐Wolcott  CSD   Teacher  Charles  Cook   Wayne   Red  Creek  CSD   Teacher  Mike  Herlan   Wayne   Sodus  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Marx   Westchester   Ardsley  UFSD   Parent  theresa  vita   Westchester   Bedford  Central   Parent  Jennifer  Kothari   Westchester   Bedford  CSD   Parent  Susan  Polos   Westchester   Bedford  CSD   Teacher  Tom  Vita   Westchester   Bedford  CSD   Parent  Michael  Diamente   Westchester   Briarcliff  Manor  UFSD   Teacher  Stacy  Halper   Westchester   Briarcliff  Manor  UFSD   Parent  of  former  students  Joanne  Milch   Westchester   Chappaqua  CSD   Parent  Joseph  Montuori   Westchester   Chappaqua  CSD   Teacher  Patricia  Zamperlin   Westchester   Croton  Harmon  UFSD   Teacher  Lisa  Cohen   Westchester   Croton-­‐Harmon  UFSD   Parent  Kira  Herbert   Westchester   Croton-­‐Harmon  UFSD   Teacher  Joseph  Merriam   Westchester   Croton-­‐Harmon  UFSD   Teacher  Michelle  Antenucci   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD   Parent  Christopher  Antenucci   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD   Parent  merrie  daitch   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD   Teacher  Colette  Donato   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD   School  Psychologist  Cindy  Tolomeo   Westchester   Eastchester  UFSD   Teacher  Angela  White   Westchester   Elmsford  UFSD   Parent  Alyssa  Constant   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD   Parent  Shelley  Crossen   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD   Parent  Renee  Pritchard   Westchester   Greenburgh  CSD   Parent  Claudia  Milne   Westchester   Harrison  CSD   Teacher  Colleen  Hamburger   Westchester   Hastings-­‐on-­‐Hudson  UFSD   Parent  

Page 83: New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools ...New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter to Parents

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Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Nate  Morgan   Westchester   Hastings-­‐on-­‐Hudson  UFSD   Teacher  Marcia  Bailey   Westchester   Hendrick  Hudson  CSD   Teacher  Gabriel  Beinart-­‐St.  John   Westchester   Hendrick  Hudson  CSD   Teacher  Nancy  Tucci   Westchester   Hendrick  Hudson  CSD   Parent  David  DiMeo   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Teacher  Dana  Doyle   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Child  Development  Specialist  Vicki  Fox   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Teacher  Jenn  Kender   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Teacher  Elizabeth  Merriam   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Parent  Christina  Recine   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Parent  Frank  Yanoti   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Assistant  Principal  Gale  Zadoff   Westchester   Lakeland  CSD   Counselor  Rachel  Piven   Westchester   Mamaroneck  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Andrews   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD   Parent  Patti  Costanza   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD   Parent  Marie  Wayne   Westchester   Mt.  Pleasant  CSD   Parent  Martin  Daly   Westchester   New  Rochelle  City  SD   Teacher  Anne  De  Nigris   Westchester   New  Rochelle  City  SD   Parent  Tania  Syriaque   Westchester   New  Rochelle  City  SD   Teacher  Scott  Lenhart   Westchester   North  Salem  CSD   Teacher  Sarah  Speers   Westchester   North  Salem  CSD   Parent  Rene  Artale   Westchester   Ossining  UFSD   Parent  F  Schnecker   Westchester   Ossining  UFSD   Board  Member  Mary  Boyle   Westchester   Peekskill  CSD   Teacher  Dawn  Hoagland   Westchester   Peekskill  CSD   Teacher  Isabel  Pipolo   Westchester   Peekskill  CSD   Parent  Terry  Hongell   Westchester   Pocantico  Hills  CSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Vizcaino   Westchester   Pocantico  Hills  CSD   Parent  Virginia  Ellis   Westchester   Port  Chester-­‐Rye  UFSD   Teacher  Edward  Kliszus   Westchester   Port  Chester-­‐Rye  UFSD   Superintendent  Jennifer  Fall   Westchester   Rye  City  SD   Teacher  Lisa  Inguanti   Westchester   Rye  City  SD   Teacher  Cadence  Barbery   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Jennifer  Fall   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Parent  John  Fall   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Parent  Carl  Fazio   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Valerie  Feit   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   District  Chair  /  Supervisor  Kris  Karam   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Francescsa  Kayan   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Linda  Kurtz   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Suzanne  Losito   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Anne  Palombo   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Allison  Reynolds   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Janine  Rocchio   Westchester   Rye  Neck  UFSD   Teacher  Lawrence  Chatzinoff   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Mary  Beth  Evans   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Parent  Mary  Beth  Evans   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Parent  Dorothy  Golden   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Teacher  Diane  Greenwald   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Parent  Rochelle  Hauge   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Tracy  McCarthy   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Parent  

Page 84: New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools ...New York State Principals New York State’s High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter to Parents

4/7/14                                                                                                                                                                                                                      An  Open  Letter  to  New  York  Parents   84  


Name   NYS  County   School  District   Position  Amy  Nadasdi   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Parent  Sue  Peppers   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  Christopher  Renino   Westchester   Scarsdale  UFSD   Assistant  Principal  John  Griffiths   Westchester   Somers  CSD   Parent  Kelly  Krug   Westchester   Somers  CSD   Parent  Brenda  OShea   Westchester   Somers  CSD   Teacher  Christine  Clayton   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  &  Professor  Barbara  Fischer   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Rachelle  Gebler   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Heather  Hewett   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Kathryn  Kitt   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Tanya  Monier   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Ann  Neilsen   Westchester   UFSD-­‐Tarrytowns   Parent  Deborah  Torres   Westchester   Valhalla  UFSD   Parent  Caroline  Furry   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD   Parent  Shannon  Nella   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD   Parent  Kendra  Raffington   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD   Parent  Laura  Reidy   Westchester   White  Plains  City  SD   Parent  Erica  Adamson-­‐Carroll   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Ava  Brown   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Kerrie  Butler   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Parent  Christine  Callace   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Elaine  Cristello   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Diane  DeFeo   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   parent  and  teacher  Barb  Dempsey   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Laura  Malone   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Jane  McGonnigle   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Parent  Michele  Morello   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Jennifer  Samaniego   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Nancy  Vigliotti   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Tiffany  Woodberry   Westchester   Yonkers  City  SD   Teacher  Janine  Gibney   Westchester   Yorktown  CSD   Teacher  Lori  Embt   Wyoming   Attica  CSD   Parent  Linda  Smith   Wyoming   Attica  CSD   Parent  Andrew  Beigel   Yates   College/University   Professor  Denise  Love   Yates   College/University   Professor  


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