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¦MSW'YÜKK DAILY TRIBUNE. ¡H ' McBLRA« OFFICE, TRIBUNB Bl [LDIiVOS, PIVI POLLARD a «flAf. »«»t. Vit. «go. »3 >1VA40IK 1KID41 ¦.WfTMtJ», Jll.v J IMf, »t.liUr tO. I9IO '- ¦«»«»-v-»w»»»xvo»xa»»a»^nim^^MM»MBMM^^ ., . . M....¦.«saMBa [NEW-YORK J RUN INE. -«.»HrtA-ToRR DA1LYTRIRI MHE« y\ . V MORNI* II, a, M. u ' Xi P.PTKD «t the Trinnne Hulldli g», eomer of «.procr and «leaeno atrreiB, eppeallr« the < It» Hall. sod delivered to CMj seMsBMBMM for 12* C,«Tt per ¿week or. wben they prefer they c»,,p»y In «dva-c at r ihe l)'ee» 'or i'x« o, » year »I IMe »line rale W tell- <."."»... Two CBBTa Mall «.íhecrir-.r. Pl-a l__ Uri »ei aaai nv advance, and ih» rai»er 1b bo Mao J. I tlK» time f.» which iiU paid, teh- r Krtpuont later for t t SSOTlMe. Ttr«« DolstrS tn ad- vsrce required in a ex, «-»nges with Ctsnstry News- .tr-rs Pa « papen received al thl» "»ce »»¦* . »re ktoatw than BkOOB «»f Th« T»'»« SB, are not atewedsayetttoeeee. t __*.**» t Tllll o, »ti»«»Tia|et.-ftW Amx*.coj _ pivf Liare, «t I'se- P rsttoeertee..»..£ /T* « ear* i i ¦ ..;> .. JJeVrT-rnU-e. ¿ta- ;.., £.&.«¦* k_rk .»:' .ecuem lr«erl!«»n wklch "'»V _J1 ,*«., Jay or .««ce. .wie« o, th-ee. times Z rrntt a ll»r» a»iark,«iir.«opk:kin"'i'» «o»»'1- «'r I TUR BM_*at-«WKBaavJ.l TRIBl'NJC 1 ..-'.,»» v . irnlng« 1 « Ckip'etfo, |5 .»KM-VOKK WtiKlV TKIBI NB. A VERY LABOR riv-KK POB THE COUNTRY, i Motaiao. at the ok» ;,r.. » ».'t."«'« ".", t" »"¦*'- Ifeeoplea foi * or ï ,«."««' «.¦¦'_ iSE.V-YORK rRlBUNE. [^ Th.« B ;.r.'«.:it;it;.,o's of N.» Biirp.e lie a" Wed ¡loo J K OtddlapS tte Uie of ttie.r . «y «verilrt; i«»t lor tb< IpaWpaM g| d.'llv. r HI a lecture pga« o>' ectl .p w»« rriadi. er.-J withdrawn ty a La foco rut ruler, who (tniod Ibe »i Dee of Ite Home" ._,¦¦¦ (J" A'IKr l! BTBBBI mate I.a« been «jtefea i. t»grl:v»r the IIBttUI 'oi tin- «.. »aion "f the ,-el, t.mtl n of car Hi .. »t ftlbany, I.wiest Iront »léxico. Cufi » .1 the N O Com ir.ercial I ifiie« V KSA CM I June Gl<l UMiv ..,. . 1!M,. i, ei». »»ur»>. party Irofn th« train whii li hod halted «ad ¦etkeuriy expmtiog a renewal ol me attack (roso the Btii'-ai « who w. re gathering in lbs mad and chappi- ral«a«-«0 .n targe I ateek was made saddealy Hot fey aaeaell pirty. upon M adrarjO» »l |.»rty «,l drag.ioui. who Willi Colon» Statin ... tin- "liiinaiidi o ot the) eteort. were tt hall in. »a¿ is 'lilis party, well mounted Hi) »,.. -...:. t'.-Kte 1 or lei!'«.!; upon tin- lllair. b<«iy l«-l..r. »u iu!--.t.i I'.ret) ol Mexican* an occur- Mfeea, li" '.t"l toe talud during ihi» war. end I timer»- ly In ,i. may '*: Ih' la»t »... tttu« Inspired with coatdeeee t«»"k ad «t it,.- couluakiu produce 1 hi. I i.voi in.» th« taaapeea saaeh p .. apee the wagoni and ¡in... i. va I,,. n w.-r.-it," t. ! »-d along a dlltaiire ol BOBM HS, im'.. » »i 1 w> re »-jar 'I e. .nt It" ir whole lias by pe not rl irjdred.many .in,,., ,i ,.,,. rásate i.»rwtiJ tar ftteta etere ie (fee bebt, leaving large »».< lions ol th« train entirely un- prtrWctati Ite con».-.j,« a .. »m, that twenty right Wagon» »oil t *.. n ite' Iiuiidr».! »nil tWB bundr. d n».'t uiui.» became to»- |" je rty id the guernllst. Ite troto toit Beete 1* with one hundred and thirty- two » «ei.. and rom live lo sia hundred packed trrulea . ',.,», will otaerve ite ¡«>»» lorni* a very larg. (.- (e.itai«- «m k-l»l to taeia '-y » tatter whu-h liare i men iroso M»j Deneeil Ite Paymaas» r who had rimr.-«- -, wl leb went up in ttie trHiti, that not one til th» »««..n« containing tni GovernmeoJ wo«token. aJitaiiogb a cootidersble sum belonging lo ofioexi "... l»Vrn in tie- (loi- rent benage weg o » The mnot imieirtant «¡f l«ir«. « were the ordnance »tyre» with which sume it th« raptured wagon« were |y«drd Aboel *ix or »utht <.» oai est n feed beea kill» J. sad s»»rri.i h'teeti or twer.'y wourid»«d during the engage ¦Ml» ate Mexican loss suppoted lo fee' »realer What ha» hajipi Bed »nice C.,1 Hank* Ms» an.I tae(or»U.n.. odwallader reavoewd the gmund. is a matt-r Bl gaep interest, not 10 say «ppr. hension Tin- coi fi ¿»ore naturally mringing trom th»v diacovery that the Ani»ri -an» an- not lovlnclbl -, hss di ubtleavi indue» J hu enewsl ol Ike altsc ft, in which ikw I huí ata! Bühout hope that the n ,.u!»t. n ol Ike Amerleea «rnu « a 'u Ij ma n'aiiii d A great »»util ha» beea committed with reler. di e t«. thiiiriu It left the city with »u teuaatotoal esoort, » two hundred caralrr were lytoa here, raterp, or »ly t" in o- on the same i.««! If a tri sel v Itwcy their prep«r»ttofit» ti.inl h»v. I.eer. hat'i fed at Irait twenty lour hour», ami ti" Irate CvaM kan detair.. »t i. »»t »n equal length ..! time 'Jim tint w»« aotdone will. laecy become a matter ol future »r tvuniaiiiiity. i'iipie»«Hiittt.oie« to., seeearraet,teucb- Itw It.e t.a',11* and condition hi a particular jtinttti"- ,' SB important personage »Itoched to the escort, 'ibis. Bilk other matters, will presume. I or m h siil.ject for Ihe investigation ol B < '»mrt Martial Snd a more dir-, t rrferetii--t.. It M ¦?totter,wxrfeldbelosproprr Ihe lltukwe« made al Kl l'aso de la« ()v. ja«, t/iii sido ol the Nati *al Bridge, not beyond it It it .»i i itiat the road now t<» lay MMftted and k.crn »led in »,1 it» mor« Steftste pa*»««*, l.y th»- Mexiran troop«, lion lh. ma« Marl» mi, Intrepid otrlc» r of the «was... ..«..p. well known lor hi» gallant defence ol k.vetatl... reported to bovt . «_ 111 hundred nun un¬ der him, with wh' in be toteada t ., copy ('erro fjordo .gain, aiitited. ii t.specti to '.- by geerrUtos, wte ran l»> gethered arourid h:m at a few hours'rutiee. In rase» of emergency. But even It the».» report« prove trs». that road cannot !.»¦ closed by Mrxicnn troopi i.-...ral Scott can .let», ho division »I »uy hour, which would sweep all such obstacle« away lor th.- BBO Stssl «od. if he had '.hi Ir,».;.« wiurli tlgure »o *atitl«. totily lo the Acjutaul (iener'al a repetí lie could guaní te ruad t ftertively. by occupying with hut owu men tin- sstoas ret.rrtd t-. Thl«. it true, would ntjulro« tood many »oldler«. but It a matter ot very great «BporUiH-e, and the »ervice «utters Irom Inability to Sett Ism inclined to believe that the limera! lntt-uds to esta the road lo Pueble, leading through Ori/abs sod Curdiva. as it soenis to otter some advantages over that vaJslapa By taking possession ot those two cities be MaM strike M tte .It th»-guerrilla evil, by control tag t" a great extent, the m luntoiu tioidei lroin which Misc'e.00 of Kildli-ri ii principally tnkt'D. It li believed that th.- belt relulti Would follow the if.i.tjg and occupation ol tin» mid. and the (loner». Ski m-elvi-d r»s»ur»nce that the leellng ot the termer» tad wealthy citlreti» is strongly favorable M Ihe Am. ¡i Ms« bavmg tieen madiaed «<i by the depredations ol fee iielike heeds ot guerrilla« The country along tin» Red t». mi. m- ly rick sa it» pioducti iboM varied ate tfteip !h. climate kealtby and delightlnl, ait» r Bavin»' San Juan and I'almtllai and the roadt are good am tea«, m o the year. It u alio a thorter root« to tVMetheii that through Jalapa. A grt at ijuautlty ot lobecoa '. prt»duced In the neigh hwhood oi C.rdova and Orizaba, the manufacture ot etateh. Into cigar«, a government monopoly, the leaf «ti»g pun-baaed ot the groweta fet B fixed price. Thl» Raton the quantity tat. n ly the Government aCor tkivo. o.oi.uuled to elwhl thousand balee, tel Oeveriin.. nt property, It Is liable tosetoare by the Amcr BaBi wh: priVoM propclly held BBCTad Tax tobacco has beeti returned to tt..- piodoc-r« to told u".t.. tta manulacture »'¡in !»»¦ tat-ly cointneuced Tke*e i-ight thtiutau.i beles sr.« worth nearly half s mil too of doll».a, and would hud a ready aal«i They are lea« til/ 11 .vtttinit-ut pro)» rty. and ¦. inch Would be a lajtlyio. t.. cur trim In Orizaba too, en limn, u».- .¡ p»j»»-r very vsluahle. sod, like the tobacco, tW prop, rty ot the (i .vernment Thut you wii ¦ tacott might pick up »million nl dollars or So, UC|fett.'.» y y i hanging »lightly hli hue ol COUimUnlC« soot »hi,.. tucb a cbai »un- ¡uiaut-ui at! «BjMfeBSover that at pre, Pksreta S report Bat ta li in the mule pen» that « ft» ot «... i,illas bars mede Bdeeoeal upon tn.- m.»e zed l»4biiig»,i tin. k. 'h t Bed made ot! with one tel .1 atlr» have u t time | out and see» Ham tho truth *vtfe»n.»tter the Kdith nearly ready to movo, snd Isvattgi't ,,v 1. tt. r on t»«rd «. ioon as teossible. The Mta tie not hall a ml!« Iron th»» City wallt \. ur», very retpectltilly, IBD1CATOB. tkoa Mm, .. The H.-tH-l hat a Teletrrai'liic «tajttiti Philadelphia announcing the arrival t.| «wttettner Kdith «t N"w Orleans trom Vers Cruz, with «.Mrsfruea tte CBj el Mi alt ta the M In it iWy MeeBtaa that SaaM Aaaa had withdrawn hi« let ¦»Wrvaigo.ii.u under ike apprekension that it would .'starbt,,! I., eptti . -, tented as being to s .w>.t complete confusl « and aaarekj *°*V \t ha«» !.. n t»l. n ,t!y the City aga n.t ¦. «ppr.«, h ,,| ». .r tt «ipa. It i. prt.ioned that I .en »tt». ,,,. .,, ...j ,. ..;.4.j,.»t ,.| H».i» of the «klBUa.Me. A it., |r, .. Vera Crui »litl farther Bnirai.i.,.t theatiokh upou Col Mcletoafc's trata ate JM ¦'¦. ., r wu.u Klla.k.vd !«> iiitittor lor»«! " Bev.,-,!,, r,ir»»i» ,)viii», >,.. ...... ... i. .. l-rea'Ä the ÏZr»1"1*"* J' A ^^ *" It m talle ved tbot sVott intends on».».. . . OfUBb. and Cordova '" UUI« * r"at Arough The t r»|i», tVr. .Vhixii... ... rCAii laCucbtt-K«j«Mtei ¦*B»»e»eeo. tvuj ti. y t,,,,, whit wc ha.. ¦earn >.! ihe conitioit ol Ihe Wheat ol this count] w, W^rticl.nrttotiie optaioa that there will u-a "crtm We pa»»»-d thr.ti^h «e». ral .1 Me I «oet.» o! the county l»»t w.. X M » of whl.'b, w aeeptuoui otM)vr tw. t)«;d«th«t bod N-a n parti« v _taxr«U»»d, thegroio lo»A,.J exoeteiagly well. And w». »e .earn, n u.0 ra» iu .ther part« ei Uio county n v Ivcruser, June i 4sr__,M °* QkA"lj Ulv,it -Wfe are HoMBBMJ t>v | JJ"0»*-'-»ho resides st I.raiitl River that the Wheat ) ¡ErJf»«»e»;tk>n n. ver looked roore promUIng He JJJwBere wer« i ur trri., wwa Mt j.., wt,_ .BtoVwi tb?,JI°*x b*«for«» 7he prospect ^ the surp us «»M ttt.l fea ».relie the a laality of lh« p«»t Seaion. .ivt.-oit Daily Adv, ruser frkhxi F..v.h.ii .j>,.,,( ¡e |,tvc uUon llCRrd .,, tatJ.K ^ brl°* '"ual mnb[u . wh,rl andiuch bBmToI '*' bat W" ^"'^.U,I>'. »rry t»'W h«V| .Ba«W.T' '*f*IVlnl '«und oevrAfw an >*g Tbtry rou«t .te _h. ,,'(UM' !*' ra bow |, , ti., flrtt ^Vta aturdty 1U, M w. m M ,,,,,,. uIj a anatelw a'*" . ** An»c»¡uc daugbt.rol Mr Kar «W_,i°*"I 0l "¦" .UWB ot Clinton, to IhU a_!S i-iî! 'li, a_ _* Wttk:h w~ iouod v' coat-a ^LZÍl,'," ."!. »* that of a partridge per «e««r!£? "** n"TU>« "h»«l «hsll. It wo« a «ingu ^aiuT.dT.rt,i'r?,um<s "». W1*'il ÜUM tocurkiu« ^ ww tod it hard to account fur 11 [Poggkteepsle Eagle. M IHM K. Interraftn«, Uclrntlfir Intelligence. ("alesued for The Trl'.ji.. !- m .. .'.at .. P'ovti ¦.< MM Mm ' A leit inthe Bostón Bnataty Ol N itérai History stated th»t there had la .a haï, .a api atoa at «rt:.y matt«" r ranchea ot ataca which w»r» .>. i ¡o ta-..- teen ta1: - atoantes, ta ttie tatatet t r.t the Nfa«i«et>n v .¦: sia N J »ii.i tal D B «t Ii l.iri BBsd have baaa asada la «ever«! ¦. Gray wm la iiuc.-d t examine th. l to hint Tbe » l.t'. t¦¦. oui- two and tl yem I old, brühen, «¡jiili ¦ 'i, rv a -.¦, I then, trace» ol the hark r«-tea ntn| "ri tbe it ¦.¦ 1 The wood WM not at al. Ira ... d »lid »a« ut » Ight y decayed -, -, *' .U I "! It." tr: iln ftael u ,i. I'rol. .' ral ha than to a time ptna Th'»'ni» rerjee ta mat by in«' aavtatahataim al rein « natal the arood ny toa I n--wood) iiMe mm ver« baaatttally aad dJttlactly marked with tin- circular disk* that « einölt rou* wend. 1 he tti urtur- iiuile p«r!«rty vtllh tn»t 1U iimiler litainh.iT» ol the r, I., ii.. k IprBOt / J'.',,/./Oi,/rii< Ti Hit of ehoaphui terminad rery earefally ty.M va-aa (.end t. be 111] Th- phniphoru* »«inii'd t«e uttered with wat» r »nd eonttantly win a ci oi ng withi'tt tin* precaution it tiny remain «o Jilv in| m it mper«turn ritel to »''.ut 104 Th«- rat" ot eo. ling ot the »nlid and pboaphorui betwri-ii the»«- two potnti » I- I the il.:!-r:'Ut »Ute* ail'iatall'i- Sea Mimerait -M DtLRBSB,of FrajEica dis coven I and reported on a new mineral -Bmrmttit in feat popper unite» it Lesoto«, o m toa Mtai Hirtatninr. al Chatty mar I,yon», al Temper.ti i in I laeatiy. and at mreral athai Earopata iocthltan. Thai mineral i* a bydi n - e ', pel IB luti» it cryiUluei In bl'iuh radiating needle» «lei h-,- ¦¦ aianty 330 Accordm, lo lb« »nalyii« ot M Deli »- tl ol earl oati a oxi-1'- oi «ine 3d .' iiriu- -i.: orntde ol tmrnpt r aV4>a\ »at"r |S A'jmni'iiii hat .-eri din Krageti in Norway . cm.^ with loBla 'i'¡¡- toar nul mua it ri IBMllllia koUta in i'ry»thlirie tonn lui «i." ....'., a^a» al\ I ti.'- t|i.'cifi- grnvi«y 'j T«i4 lu eompOtBttofl H differ* little lullte, affording »llie» alumina mai'itesi« a trac ta irre-. aratoBaVSa et Iran, tratar, and traoa id ananas Ii. hav. i. n «r -ii red ua th «an: Rita two in w rimerait named fflaatW ami l'ulint. eBBBI ring m grumte Canon- haï a vitrimi« lu«t>-r ai. r «BJjh »urtare «ni U trni»)'ar> nt mil eolorle«!, with two tl I donato refract! n «nd two etnavttet ineHaed »t an «angle ni .-« or .1'degrees. It lu»e* »till itilliculty be¬ fore th-« tiiownino to a limpid, oolortam glu*, colorios in. ."!.-M.'i BtBM red ("ompoiiiii.n. aeeordiiig to I'rol I'i.att.vk u. »l tea. alum n a. peroxi.1.- "t l'on, va ni. tr «aie» ol manganese, lithia With trace« r,' potom let *"da I'otliii resemble» cewor in rry«t«logr- phlc ami physical character« txnepl them are onlj baent oi cleavage and the »pi So gravRy toawwfeBt tost Uaatedtaatatbe, watai dlaangaand Beton the blow- pnitoedanaare rounded lo a ble'iby enamel and it colon the antarloi llame reddiali yellow. It contain« till'», poU»b in la. uni wau-r. Mr». S *. m Finland m,A Dew mark.A MetoürntOftOnl InWjeJaBtoa ha« been )nl«'ly torin-ad at II. Uinne r«. M. Kupier write», the prin¬ cipal object ol watehttb Befen obeervaijon« apon the Urn»- ol (low. ring and fraOttBetttOB In that high Northern latitude M Qm »»let, w thing troin Bium-li mi tbl» sub feet, «do. that M <E»*ie.i rntiaally at that plana proposed iblieh n similar AmotttBot 'tor the observation ot periodtctl pariioiaent. but especially unies ol talwareo cem m Ilentn.irk ; Watts itsktaai "" ¦'.' ProncM <i Ik» III,«.I. b* Harm lltr-hgh I'aired Tulitt.A lean'ile »nd n'iU"U« tpu ieati ni Ha-ve) « t<iii'ii dltooverj tlm I .' "I vulve« in g the blood through the Tttlkt. BM be» n .UaU -tel y a en letpir if.-nt ot the l.t'lidol, . .."). ii'aiinly, tin' raising ol water from the ai t. '.y ih" ia*h -t th.« wave* through ralred tobet tot rneervolr* ob h huh level .-for the teqnlattton, at eoarta, nl an unlimited »upply of water poWl r to bfl turned to ui.y r. i(Ui«.:e pin pont. Th» inn l.t or proposai lo tr*t lleabinry ol thU kind ol Water-Ram on Boatfe- a ¦* iii«iii Bagma I ..¦«..Under this title, a recent Paris journal coiilmiu *n account of a »ingular »nbtlaiice iiiH'iutartiircii IB Iranee, of peculiar proparti« » 1 he Button A',n*. «anona; kta lori igu anana, tranilate» the de tartpttoa ot this intereltlng eurioaiiy M follow« It mi dtaOOVered several year» »Inen. and an interfiling |i«j«*-r upon it wm read helor« th»- Irutitut-e Batet ttieii ita inainitaoiiiira. tar hum being ali«-i'l"tieil. as many »up ¡."»ed. hu (»«en sllfintly un-i"rt< mi inprovemetSt, arni n cet, ti y ., Company hu« been toiined tur it* inanulae tur«. It it now termed mineral oil Bj nieant at n"W Bad very ingeni lnslrument« ami liiachinery, tiiey obtain an oil Iraniparent at the purett water ThU r. niai kal.le lii|Uid »aid to have thu great advantage. ot not »taining by eoatact, and ol giving an admirable light by the lixedneii and cleitrnnt ot the tliin.- Th.. Company poa»e«»<-i in AutunnnU ' inexhauittbli- ited» ot the mineral from which ihn oil extracted, ai well «avérai other productions, parafhne. miner»! tar, a new kind nl manure, invaluable lor exhausted lend, hri.i many other« However mu-h we may be surprised, adds the jaurnal trom which am ib'rivo ttiii ind rmatinu, at ». ring a vile and despised rock thu» yielding a variety ot prerloui matters, then« ii no room lor tu to doubt the tact. It only proveí that the icience ol ('hemiilry is in IU Infancy, and that no one can atiign any limita to ill progress When the tir*t attempt» were made to burn bitumtnon» coal, who then would bave be¬ lieved in »uch retulU gat light it« application to the g.ii.t atioti ol »team, or the bright future in reierve tor to humille a mineral I And vet. are not lite mines il An/in ne re « aiiatil* to tin u proprietor* than the BUlt I Mim i ot both Hie lndiei Mi. tfflass'l «Tlilanjajra.Mr. Allrotl i«inee. wim has nil «lung attributed the potato BstaSBS to t:. ntflfeS " lately placed I0BM M ihoet !n#»ct» on a healthy plant, which they dettroyed. with symptom! preeiiely »mular la those which atiei ted Bat crop last year all etc; l.urope EwtUumtng Util faatiUt,.A liutn»n bodw. aal balined by Oenai, in Perl«, in IMi, wat recently ex- luitii. I hi *r»> kj t'haite in the pn seiice "I »evetal eminent phyticlHtii, and tmiuil to be in a »tat.- ot Porfecl preaervaliori thu* «»Ulilubliig the repuUtion o| this re BOtar« ot a lost art. '¦!¦'.¦¦ The t- lio« tofj sstTaniiliBBfy oa> u«ion u described by a corre*potidetit of the il'allr Journa, de* ¡>e)<alf ( in IndayUit, betWt en ck in the morning the weather bfltofl cold and atoar and while the tun «m ruing brtl .lanllv we taerw-ld a nnragaa I rom the point ol th«' .aVeple ol »ata l «medra, el Ufen ro»»- a narrow lay ..( * dark « .r «.neat veilica. va un u «.la'tit ,n. ..i.a itneWeet B>i t - v lb« latage orthe upper half "t the Steep.e ot '..:¦ H fl a. de, | C" ».'ill IU tower» Bad all the nuiili roim Bad .Ii lente tndhíe or n iliieiits »liieli ,tt comte it on all »hie* Ibis iinaart! WM mi correct that It wight have BM B mutaktIB 1er a repre D ktm in "t> j"- t »'ht Ltnei thti ¿«ti» i" men. ti mmt ii'iie»l«'ij Such an optical t¦:'., et at unexampled m tint touiitr) in S im..Prof S.- iiav BBflJt it u aniioiiiiceil ha» made a di»covery which is making a great ...inatimi in tlertnany. ThU dutin auithed rriteiior who Invented Oaa-Cottoa ha» »t ditcovertnl a method tor immediately cu woundi Tbit Invention, in ronnection with that ot In .etuibllity prodnaad by Bther, will e'toct a complete Batajsaa in Batanea A Hungarian «.'lieuuit lilt iliieoaei, il a in, II»--«J ol pr.'dueing lirai without lut! Ile pUiei'.ti contact two iron pitta« and a ooppei I tuin.tig m »n «mi at the ead >f t level »«. ghl at tato «tafear «m) to Baeptawatataa in contact »l.n by nieani et a veiy simple BBfaWatai ant ti.ll.ig eaeili'i. a gio».iig led tit at may be pro liucd in live» and maintain! d »ilii a-ase. I'n.: lio! M. ol frine'' hat lep attad to the «ural'i* a flattai ot experiment« I acid uliie ra«lic. HltBllate ot ammonia may be readily obtained froto the t t j. iry etato Bflordn 9 to 4 par aast M Cwapil ha« .I.«c.o. ra-I thai th. eoajTOntOfl ol the BaTOSaflnSfltod Lad lato a crystallite, mass dms BOt lake place unit.» Ifeor« fro« »«M preiriiL Thu is an ImpoiUnt fact, as tho i '. ctyitn a BOtBBaOBrt »* a* a distinguishing character .Citric MM lour..I in the tofeaaaa plant hut in a very small iiuantity. tio other orgaLic BBl could be Ijuod. . l\,l r, '' v"laf ' I ity sutil Viiliiine ot Ifefl .IriArrr* it ftarmucir a. hu« aa Kmy ou thu «abji it Lint ., yield» a hrownlah v«rnuh thu u to . long time In watt r containing afeita and tin- nab] « snaattatl Baaaal as Msaadh J and the acd not allowed t'o act le- \- kkBatl AtlMtatub .lax'- Wfetoh *«...d.:i"* '-. . *.» w»«t.. | ¦, ¡ 1 tut tulitUi. BOt «drtere fei the ting, Il plMtic. die'« not nrll by it »hen heated »tnklu.'ly resemble» catiatchouc .c»p«xtlaily in other and »uipuuret ol carbon tuipa-utine IVa i,ut r.u.1 pi 11 . k »wSRfl ot Oil caoutchouc I. given-Wheü llnaaod-otl Ii b.tlel with halla pint ot »u.phur. m t«a>n M the U-mpenture reache* a carta.-. a :..... m ,.n, rt( j ¿J, . . ..UlK,u# ma« ,.. »outchouc dilata nitro-Vid coa vert* all the lu pour tato .ulphurlc ^iJ the re.Uue hau . brick red coior it. howe.r u 0l>, .|a4llc *kt tmmmmi «jf F W$ Car* rcruù.-Prof Demll« ot ata tetante«* .-,¦ :>ty o: i «ru e bas «ubmitled « it-' , , many pariiculari with ratanaot ta th.. i,und Mid ^ »eiited t the Soci-ty . tep 'graph' «i rhart ot u The Nal ol logo u ;! ?'.»> metr«-i air ralher root» than 1) ling .ah m '.« in h:ght. Il ilaii.'» .u t | BBBtai ol a baaa,tic i rater riaïug 1 uXIJ inetre* « .illle BMWfl than above it« b««e. The t wall» extend entire half way around to to tona « .omt circular crett. On the broken »Id« there are nu DirTuiii tflBtia conea thrown up at the eruptions ol 1788 to IT i< when »11 that -lank ol tbe Uland wm covered with lara. Xcvty- diicerrtre/d l'*f* ,tf the SuttflnKtr.Toute most experlenc-'! fe] Him cultivation of th.« plant are ¡ sanguine that, win a proper toil tad proper cultlrituo. ir u more prujuabl* than tcheat «vr "ten The t»edt er» more oleacliniut thaï) th., bine Me qualifiée lor li>/r *. without its m f, ii laid by peintrr* who fcar- ¦ad M II m '. 'a; 1 »«y |a «preadmr Bad :,t í-omin.. a murh d.-n«-r eo»t |'rvp»r»d »nd eat-n »a art1cbnk«i the M H - i-i i»r the »'. ft* ere. h.-mp or ri.x »i. 1 Mr bee paotarepe ttaeoeait ¦ I»i.t y i-.ctn,rf trofii its .... a n»«ta- rtas -. -»ni m-»t honey Aw- »aya H will yi» Id on SB »verav.. lab.'Is of swnd I Bg pi i nvrs» m. aad ndlan core Bettered ¦ -, y Ib Taraat i S) » »i wher» th» cult; l «t r. .... tad so far as atxive asierti ' IBM tte prêt ; te i * cow» ei[r»cl»l!y when Ite b-ed in o.r peiture« n «. ... r . «t »»arcity an 1 dr ,'h W. genera !y com m'itre plucking them in July, taliru tne lower leavet tlrtt, and tosaftog th. m .ut at night or If the tcarcity gn »t M tie o- turning them fr'im their yard« V. . ate lot at the «i- «« i '.»v ... tool f - latter in The i> »'.i ot th« Sui a , -.» i Utry wholly «uper»»- Hag An ! i \! .«. k leatii. hai inv. afead i new p ». npt n : chair, lor which he he! pmoircj a patent Badet tr." rial.'.- k .-. lu do. is to m d.wn »i i r-.i-X i. EBSelf, Wfeee 'V tte- taeapleM not Maarp ta Ite w, a i Ma Mea porfene ai tor bow »u.try .liter is lun air ." The I) f s/ . in s braaMi reaaries ¦ beery .' :. ».pa'tin. al »».'. J usa apaa * Grotto del Cane.' aadlbMao danger lo la etorlag Me spartan i.t,! s ,-» a i».»nd up riwht bal !h;i n .... In f»ct, as carbon to seid it rtned n "I !.»r OB] l it m r thon ail t. tnperatare, or, in otl er wi "l« »¦, secordlngly,ssyi tar ', it ascend* with tt »,. ,! tt.e apartM»»l. » eaiioas a ii limaltaos order !o burn aad lo 00 tea ¡t. tii'itt have -it takei tbti trom th- air to lorrn sally uu plot"-, »».that to tte coarse ol areryafeert ttane, U ee .¡rc-i be,1 o the... ii.tiatiiiices SO Inimical t I I lun,.. o! the ail become« thoroughly vitiate I, peftefe 'Utcrmg the »partnictit Wou.d J.'i ... s Workt M '. sTBOfeP. sided by In lets, is actively engaged w:t,i ÜM S000«tut ol his tin portant I »nd the teadesw] »; ti(leeros baa taeea efeareedtoedi a aaeeaaaaei atyla al pabft-rMoe .M KarsaaLoioli oeeapsod with th. Pass c dtaefesd on tte lets . »p..,),.],,n uiiilei Mi 1.1« ndort... tin A M UaUUMaMR b»i ready lor pabUeetioa an eat, n ..: tne ,e,,v.:, -.1 t lb« nm'le in hit dilVr- :.t journey» ihr. u_o th- partm.-nl» ida. I'aKtea. Pskor, m. Petersburgk Norgorod Tver, Moeoow Toele hi»;, aga aad Orel ate in ite Summer of 1845, te made a tour tnt -acI.i, ate I ' wity in ordt r to empare hi« remit« with Ite tact» thi re presented i.i.d give gn «ter coapletoaeea to Mi deecilp m ii ,. North» rn .... Parta tatam MMa thit lie»- Mr proeeceting ina Ufa« mantel arte gn »t «¦ t.» ny. tate in t.r.-Ht Briten »o 1 on tt:.- t'oiitli,.!,; At »!¦ Itog ta Péris .-t th.» Committee ..t DepnM loatht n ot Algeria. Ma CMtafPMBB M da lo. .( JeVllle. -poke ..t ». bariag girea raliiabtol .'. a la Uaerit aad peld bin Ma. high cumplí nent« ... Mr HtMitorT our Minliterto tegUod, tin.I jutt ¡elt I'nns .r I,..ii Ion. Ht the last BO- teturn in s Ir« mouth» in ..tdi t" the ¦. »enrol .-. he hn» foiniii. iifi .1 ;n Me Ardor, i there _lion Mr iMBfeaau h«« geas to BraaaeM trom Paita, lupptwi'd with ioiini (cieutttic aim. CITV ITl'.Ml«. IsTtMfeMaT, July !. Tur. Hbw AbsbSAI... Tlio eOstafef I edlhce il to laid on Monday next (¡en .»tortni hai laaaad MtlMttaaa to fee preaaal aa this ooeettte, to ite r tin- mem .-i« the I.cgi«!»ture M Beta York. .'. non Council and the military generally. They a',- to Hitcititile at the State Ari.nal M 1 rMiikünit. ot 3 M Tbt« new Arienal 11 M bfe iltutted at the junction o! ifth-avenue and Sixty-fourth *t. | XT' Wfe Copy tin« UlotTiai 'r""l tilt' C'"irii-r \ U.Í« liloinni.. to xpt» .. our entire «gre-- ment with it* suggestion» The tubject it one ol very gr«;«t Importance, and ha« been overlooked ttxi long. 1 Uter 'if the Courur a'id E-iquirer Thi« mortiiug in Hroadway I taw titling on s MfeOp ¦» a .men. liigf/ing ol liiern had »face so lull ot blotobe« to tie irighttul. hideous to look upon.the otlier with a child in one arm had the nitor tarad M the reit/r, th»; better to ihow a déferadtp which ootetated in a lar... l.irnp ol t!e»h in place ,,| the ruht baud and which wtta ,,ne ..I the moat disgusting et ginahle. Now we most have all tho>' et taropé, fby the way iteae avara Qenaaaaj eaMtatooai City, l* there no mean» by Wfeick it may at a, » v.-nt« be kept »mt ot Bight, particularly ot ladle« lo whom such . asay proi as, ». wo» so- lUklly the I'll.' a short to. »,». IV gOO enough to call th« att.-.n.... ,.f the pr.ip.-r aal «^whoever they may be t tnt in. p runt but t.»i math neglected matter 1 MaotCBI. ¡vii-Kisi.>MrM POR C xTiarT. A Crist. Bfecj h aaaafeaa ta Ma i»r el this City, ol rath.-r huh ttand Ing, liai been Committed, v».- unJeratan.! Prison '»n process out of the Court of Chan- conti nipt in not paying over a conitdcrtMe turn o! money which h»1 Be» The ¡notion tor ittochmeru on which Mr C wsi ar re-ted «m |..r contempt In hit n»it ptving M t client Mr With' urn eaihier tif the Dry ¡lock M«nk up word of |1300 lie bad eclleotod efeawi II aseatas ape ii a foredoturo tun. The praeaM M th.- (toertt »». ti -t t/Hilit'le. and it! term! are. we fteBeVQ, that Vlr e thai) be d. tatr.d tl!I he payi the t«:d am.'tint, with eafeta Mr C i > :ne t:m«. at Brookrya bfe was exudtdate Ibf Mayor, snd lor Jtfeetel ; Kip . .. At IIiKar.Y',', rrr tajM >'/.!' I ait nifht efts t:t ',«t'-! with a canal t«.at in t».w while fMWf fe» Mm S rth H when «'«I the r.ited att»te» ti«- ne o'lice .»tne very near running over a small boat with rive troys in her ftolB 10 «nd I'J ye»r« ot sge The txiy« were «o much t-unt eied that they all jumped overboard two ol them it «Hitaidgol on hoard th». Pike, ate it it tear».1 th» altera aera drowned. Mr. Boaper towed th« small boat int.» Whik-haii «Up. flic bad received no damage. I', t -A l.Kskel ni i." tt> Mr II. J Kipi f.H Jani.-llt Wei y- it t.. i saaaho] »t tte« rasrM rterl ate chatnou, W"iii«i: w.rtaft.o latte bfefetetMan ial itnrti tog.ther » . ¦ cried with Mr. svipperly saaaae. i tit sraaaafeafea tier man »migrant, named Jete LMtt who ar rind in thi» City on 1-riday le»t. from Antw. -, «i lbs iireen 1 ree at.en..:au :,o«r,lin< hou»e. >i, «VaaMtagleaVM *»ptbys man named iri» I r.-bbed «.ii j-i»tarJ»y ot |i -o .n ó tranc ; lue money MM attataa ¡roui his tiuua. while m the sbov« ntine.l h.u»<- The tOn-l neaped I wo m«ii. one about M M k», » i rather bsld an »'t-utleiuany oppearance with the t,.-e» n-, t-oat cut tit tied with a reooii trie other » : year« ot age. wun a dark c tuplexioo. and xiving hli name »i \V:,items, are goia»* turough tne up)«-r part ol the ciiy. asking money uod.-r pretence l r a te_p.T H ¦. » tasty !!a.1. k ana. .t They- y ester a Mr Qeerpa n dtrords m tiroadway » .... them thr»'»- dollar«. up»>n a l:»t »igned by «.¦me -t lb« moat re«pecl»h.e perx.«ii« up town. Mr .»wo.-J. uot perfectly sériel mediately wcol to Nstunsl liall. where ne a. ed that no taMpereaea aaatetj «u betd, tni that theie t- 'Wi were :inpO«ton. The puhilr ha»! te-tt»- treware snd it the temperance collecton «re not c»re IJ they will very MfeR ^nJ MaMMMtel bl the clutches M the I'tilice_bateen Camming» o! the lia » Bee ai.d Mct'ori ot th.- | |Bfe Ward t.-..i ra «TBtag ar nilnl three J.-ck htnli on ¡oard the itetmer Colum- but natued l.awrenc M»a;»y and Krown chsrg«»i with bevlng yeiti rlay -»t». y »tioulted tß«- mat' iteamer l»m !«r wh;rh they were held to bail to t_*wer I.NvjfiST«.Coroner Walton was> evening called to bold tu inuuelt at 4-1 Pearl »' | ol Calhanne Maulan, s native of Irelsnd. aged wh rsme to her desto by disease s tea viivage Verdict »ccorJmgly_TbeC roner wm oiso called yetterday to hold an lo«)ue«t «t the City !!¦. pita! upon the body .! I far.» » « n«tiv- land aged MU year«, who in th« delirium of lever jumped out M » tnird »tory window and tell upon the ground. . dMttare el t >rty leet eoaMag Mi d- »tc :n tbiny mln- ule» Ha «tt. mpled to throw the nurse out with him. who with great difficulty extr.cst'-d her*, .i ¡r, in li ¡(rasp. Verdict feeOM It?" We MtVfl that KM F«-'« it CaxtUVn a clely in tun city have given an lntilalloii to Krv Henry Word fWcbt-r to become As*^late l'ost r witû Ht-,. Mr. Alken ol that chsreh. Mr Beeeher Is DOW Pastor ot a church In Indianapolis, Indien», aad ¡otead», we hear, to remain there, if the health ut bis wife will per mit of It, but If compelled to leave ¡adionipwll*. he will probably accept the initiation ot «om« church at the East [Bosteo Whig. Intltun sTtaMfeMSTC of Amertrnn Tnrn.lrr». lfi!..rmati» n hai ; ti ,-t L « PtV» li.. .,._. A .-. .S !. whom th»y t. k terw«- He 'late-* Uiat th'l t. I . .- ,wn by Bravata, n ' m »r i cn»rgt-.g »h jeD y éteeathe t.»r . Metrsad :.-' '.-.''. 1 "e . n ... with tt to OB u». .-»dingthii me« wa. pern.::- g beee preeeetod BTtM a »¦ n i t«. trata a rartb a f»w w., ¦» taaea Mfkea Be A rai . herd made a »tarn « 1; wa» t. that t a .teat I war»i a ;,.i a we.- party kgainit the MMa bare recently taken tt. »War« MOtafe [4?- i ». 1 Mm 8l « ¦ srfea that thera :ia*»acre near V\ a.nut _ y 1 v. « day MM tw. f«rn - :.g .,' ten or rtMrra w.-re Blutera «t. . Meas, with which tribe they ». rmr where. In ¦ dt»tnjlic«l dai. «, tteil « ... the 111 .lian sgest th» - i.» . VVinu» .aifie-a in council, «nd it a iuppo*«d tn»i 1 . imtcably settled wre. h It cha' «, Il tn. I : have tad to the massacre 1,1 these t* ... « -t !.. Republican, Ji.:. w lean by Bar Il ne' in Attleboro'. was burnt d ,v»i, betweeata1 lei sad thai m the flame* . [Boston Journal. June 'to general Xoticco. XV »4 nlrr-( tir :, 17 Bond-it. N I . . ... '0- ». a »r.l»,-. -, ,k , » ... 1 »»a. »J,»1er c- n-ay, by 1 | a tee taeadftaeel r a tree »watet hex a aryStf g £#_*_. LETTERS am. NEWSPAPERS A_M »»»bbbIMsb». pQg KOKI.M.N HIKT-. «*».*»» XV 1.,'lleea Una» toe ". V I 1 T- ' . T "el, I P rt- . «inri let! aewspa » . » lea wti:»iw»yi » te » ) i- ret] . T 1 .:»( »run«av.t li » R. MOaVBB Baa « . . »1, ri need ead e-t. - 1 » . raaeetol .v. » ;., .' . 8»C» I ... » a Wl . . '-n. I,|v»n»,r>! tiisagow I reread, iiav- '«tr»-.| as Itiasiertaat R-»- -nen, Haestw.i Vslparalsa R'i»rot Ayree.Uregot M»,ir p. «1 7 I IBB, Havana. tro.11 . A M l!.. M P. M XV Teller« anil N»-\t .pu per« a HI be reetosed el S for l-e peeiettb'p bavaria Cart Howe, whl »»it for Havr» . it the »»me a--. Letton ate !»cle...h.p NrlV WORLD t.;o K.S «t»l » lu. n Milt fa 1 intt. V . .. . i.-t S I ««¦- I.etler» gad IBNOBICK HUOION, ft last j>.' XV 1'rofeealoniil >oiioe.-.l I). VV'iuri.r.« v. 11: make oui ti'.rf« (or those iii», of in» pri..»n!on who fron, the m .- caaeoteeara toe liase, or era » ill» rva . . nts a long lavsstlgsitoa of tos a.»a . TV A Cnrd..To it.» bofetee set OeoUaesse Mew r.ark aad Bra Uyaasd drstctolty, ny Mrt CU AKHIN ofB... v; ¦ C. who tea bad a toae »n,i saeeeeaMI prsctic» «,., . . ' . .¦.»»lion with all . ¦-.ninrnpiion. Inflammitlon of at, bronchitis, sell rheum, lyseotery.eoetraetiot ..f cord». .Irtpepti«. .|»('lllty. iptri«' arleciior'. n-rv.. ,. a mm«, a.i'i'tia seadtoe, beeaache,fct»eMeeae, BCroojl». humor«. i.e. ic l!«r pr.. »t.». beee sesiasatly saeeeetaal, havtDg aae- »¦¦!», anl nio»t »ener» -;cla»i of saeta Ion,; it», ling aststera .-»«rt of it.» m,.»i »llllful phvilcian». All of which ran be »ee«i :r"-n the lOSpOCtabM refer»t,r»» whlrh itie ran »how at her rootri, i'7 Rroadwsy, Iddeei from K » 1 »t Those wn 1 weatM be basM «BBS! con» qulctiv or Mrs. i »k .,..,,,,» v, aere -«s is rrntm to be pM Into reo..:» ... » U dotar. Jet lino« XV Weatern l.niul Axenry, Ur.TtoiT, Ml hlgst. toroM their si- 1 ttebaatoeaaet MM aagaafep.rM The pereaaes an ) »a > of Kea. Bstofct, the ayment of taxes, reclsitniiig lands BoU for late», the BBBCteaa of land» al lax »ale«, ' «t'.at» or Government laad». the evatnlriatioii and ttttog of stes.toastet city » age property a Ic - . »- ¦ .. -g'.-.n.ii. mortgages ai. 1 iMI »r ».. !». cos .( debt, u.» purchase and . vt ., a ,.. , tilitoe They bava a.-' and intsiworthy Agsois at toe --< ..»-. ..»an md Iowa. « | That all basterea eetraeted to ih»:r »r» «:.-»- - prompt anl attention, they refer you to ihe.,.. lok» tag a-eri.einen, for whom tb.-y have transacted htisinoss XV Orhce oppo»iieltie " Michigan Kxckaiigr. JefTertoB » - »,. Otosce P. Mt.r. MACY i. ORI.,ir_l VViLi lax s Deiees. XV '.> II Hx i.HiiP. S3 Merchants' Exchange, Is tH ¡» D IB New Vor« «rri « .Veré-Veri iVv- P'»l«r!c Hr- BOOB, F.KJ. OsBlel Lord.Jr. rt.--. lamín P. B a » R.uler. P.k; Mesers l> V A k tigs and Co. Meair» Iload.ey, Phe.p» Besan re fe I liltvsC llernng. .(l(aiay-l;r'.r¿i.|)»»»..:. .. ell Bs ftstoj v i Meews Bat tn ,«1.1.1, Meeeri a..» .. haft. . í D. Errjer. E»r] Me,,r» Il.y»» J, Jolinw-n vf... .John N. Ran>,,.ir.K«_VV VV D»nBt«.Ki«| Rkxlittielpkut, Pa. Meiirt. Uri).-r. Teppm k Co. v i -C. L. Tracy » « hit., .v smtri. KiCj. M a Y.*a. ¡AiKHimbui gt. .V. V..Sidney I), biullh, Ktu. Chauncey K*u. HiUtnn. V. V-A!ex C Mitchell, Beg /*r-.,.r \ltek. .M»»»r». (»ray k l.e*i». Uav:d St'tart. Eaq Mai T ». BBat II ufncUin. Dde.H B, VV m tVeod Ortiga Toledo, tmio. ll.c.-jyl M-tl, Bee. Huitfnrd, o««. H L. M »r. Ktq. Alexander, \. Y -I). VV ToBuinson, Uta, mil law I) ismv.vy.uvif TO THE PUBLIC XV I . Byrreater, met < n»»iri»rn snd Rntiih u . has rt ferr Wsltaer *t near Ctaryssto M It» . »¡orn»r» . r»l, that IB] . ». of l»».- 1 Ka»l Rr.ia.lws) », rfLVCeTE«.. otyT I .- . Walker s-. N. Y ff Pr. Hrtnnlna'« Hady Hrrtce it an erte-ieni re resftanssnt IBs Ttttrat lung» «pin» s . a »- tpopols « es, wiih w»e« -.. . J 1: 1-«. w»»t -. g- w » s .. tplna. SBbjecW » - J- «'..»! with luir Mea Bateastaa given 10 taaoy dUllr^uishe.1 clergyni»n. » , .. '.een re», ued from «uper»ii»i»i ,c. kills P»¡: . as a s bsd at toe <t Broadway. A » » «: -. .«¦ - .a'.»,. ufeieJif XV Ttar lte«ioi.tlve I ordtol, -, rssBrol by C I TarrylowQ.i 10 roe: raid for B.leviai'Dg B»r- .looi, to wtnra fe-ua.ea ate pascu.iariy » , . a ..-. r. sad pe rein rurisg dyi Miel . V B D a.,» - I M; sold all » , R- » « a. .. 1 A»; -I ..- .- n a 1 17 Cast Brote «rt Ba loos ». a- .;. Pr-re pa-r tatito. n.y.'l >utw;.' XV I rotaa 11 owe ntlo t enio per IO*.t.-Coo- a . . . -a I ». ,»».l»ge lo exasBtie tfee Hose monufsei -.:.'. . -- » warrant»...,'.' towBMtol » IB AT PfeOPBIETOBS . m .... .n «t»cb ¦ manner ». - » oy In-« ..»»i. stack w .»e: Mita fjianu- facaitea-.-J 1 » w >rt:.''ai:»r,;t we-T»au-d T »1 LL v ¡».VlAáT.» r. » «t- and .' lissent _ sari aad Ctattaa Ma rr*" The t.enulne Rreato «»eep-li sckaow-.»» lotrotri- . I » I Sosp mine wor.d. i; matea » - fa - ..a» ».»._. » a a 1 - ALBK.KT L. VVI.NslIlP, t:iemi»t «.- 1 Ar «rar y. ^_"77 hlu; Rrotdway. re*"I oeareoe !»prina.eirr-J..'. re »:v«d fresh from ike« -; oad i_i«rt uj arj » ... v AiiBrlRT _ VV INáHIP. 5 '"--. B-oadwsy. ryiieonlee Mnnrlem oil-l»aported direct from f,f^..ho.e.eieacdLÄ:,wiNsH,p ^tf wwsv.cjr. Mk/ket-sl. j D 'A HEELER, Xtr l emsBlaalener for (be «líate« y N-w fart -ctlrnt Ta-«««*- ' » *' " ¦ Ik «IT 11 llOMk-P AUREN!» t.-.» we.l toowa Psats I or' ¿vt Aa'a-aL ha» loieiy r.reei»eJ ore, Itv. piece« 'l7r- and Linea«, of wn'.ca be malee Ponto tu Orrr0fU;rJeBir,h,índ l^ Cj-tejOB. aad Dxaa» .. .j :- ...a. - « warrsniedr -od or no sato. . waai P«.:i. wi_ do w«J u CBU at^AM- it je» *w U Ri pail rHi Fakm..Iminedittely ra;n» d*y wnen trie and taoaefe ästete at wetness »stu . «ny w rk u; r*. » hsving rethinf. partie| , | th» mad three ol the in, q . -audio« and rake the .ovate itrsws - .rid the Ita« ¦de, «ad m rri'ich *. ; «»» r.g al« t whne .1 i»ke »h. v,-.t »nd term the -ale ; >n«tb r law« It .r t the at heap r field aa may belt tutt th-purpoee «t VA nere tj *tr»w. M on tome ia»n.« » in- brat RI p M B .n<l the -d w'th r«;n «ad . aw is at ..... «tal lor roa I.« n-«r farm *ti « :. «Vlttl . »nd awMatti. and with i to eawnt :h« W«'.-» a V V - . n with tne uiud-hi.u will malo »uch «'-,¦¦. a r a XirctTjorKB. MONTI.ul.KIKH», - Fir* B4 l-Tbll ... a . I «1 , a -a. ' wariantrd fir« work* of IABBRTBB m 1 HO .1 a a .. dir« »tie the Thenlr« t ........ . F" I K r. Il M H ! M K h V* Il II h - .r K re». raa . . « a in»rke¡ «r. a « bel a . .a- a -a»" [l-a -| a ¦. a a HAMMER '. ili'H 4 . .nul BRILLIANT FIREWORKS Tire faff »a.e »l . a a r rewo-i«. w-'. c, they wtll *eil M .nw .. »nv .eher manu- a . a t ' ». Mtliurv »nd Civic , .. a -t. wir- ¦ ' V Í,11 Ith Wlllth«. . «un and M of all titea rVorkl .i-teri .»¦.. at w .a .'ail l'y iii-nv»::! i. v.iiN'i -.. ia. . . .Ctiiscclldnaïua. ICECREAM ICECREAM' ti Lia »V " a. 101J | 'a - tun v tu» ira le and rems a MOU *i. Tb« I i tnoii *- i'".-, ledi laaaaauitoeol «..->ru. vi h_ aOMEter"Tôr"chest diseases r|virs VALUABLE INVENTION iafeteStael »aleara,a I'la. .'.. Il Unie eaed m p .-l-*a m, «nd ai, ¦al r':aca«ei ti l)t W ARKIN'IT iS a . of 11 »ni dally liral.'.i.eit advice will lir given lu Ihe it.Hir f, « »..» »cd Prtahya ¡ell I" _ Ml DM IL hl.M Till! ITY.-Ur. AM BRI II t ta . ii.''i an Improved krattie, hy means of wl a powerful cur- ,i . lain« the ill) -.. . a::.' .L I)» A a M a a -.fn' In t\\* treat .' of«.«i«e« p.- , . . . a . a . ». lepiy. n»-r» « . . ild« '.and '.'.t.y uiher acme and caret k « I l I . I alwaji a of a medic* DM tr.tlamatory cun miic-i injury It». a' - of naiure. Cha ,... for application tad »iv.c- '»'cenia C^AM'KK»! t'AM'fKKM:-Perioni at«, c a --ate ran '»t« n aipmdy and El more :¦» (l.-aiid t No pay retj « ¡-«rferi « a W!l j »:e ., l* Will bfl I bat. 1RAU. PKAZKtt, \f tut, who doctor» oa ibe ladtaa moda of nr» at id» | Hotel, r - .'. In lite third w- » - ' fir Hi« »essoa. when »pernHfl « ¦' a "a a\ e ».»¦-. a av» »¦¦..«. '«y Dr f. of Ti » n y «it i.n- I kit. A >IIII{Ot>K, v. . » I r. end« mllef lo . - in d-iy . lag» Hi» ireaimeni mil i aud etfficuclou«, and charge» .rery moderate. I Cbamb«ra-«t S door» from Broadway. Im*_ A»l HI'l.lH I I UK for at, Katen.ive r vli Mr Ka» il««'« Paierai a bad ai to» Pa- :-r.i-l a I Si PUllOB-t '«II« Piorpwrt, BrooB yn. lienitemea'i Ütilru male io order and warrauaed m Si teil Im' HVlIKfll'.vflíV. TTTNïwTyork H.vdri.paihtc et- 'ii.enl I* no» la MCAWteAll operation ii-id-r Ike rare of iBambsertl r », m: Ponrteeait M. m-ar (Jeioa a ti.oe ih- .e.t r-i.-i1111-a for treatment aro »fToided, log'tiier witli a good abycielogleal die« -.' I«'_K I) riRBSOlf, M I) OI «Hi OF ItKI/l «.K. -Tu- i,.an.-ri> vitirng dav for« Bad'..ri« of tba children al the ahove liiiiiiju.iu will i.e n itipooe-l Iroiu Monday. Itie j.h. M lav IBB l.'th Of July,It -li-" «furrio .n By order I n ¡an riitwlima RAlBL WOOD I ".riiendeoL l,"nl KI'll Of It l.t : riSBlMO ^The ri.ers I ana bayt aboaad wtth weak Bat !¦»... i>ue hah. sheeps .-a '. I , streams in ihe uiiiiie.ini.« vlnnliy . i .h. kc . ¦r«, now eemp am, ríanle!« '. »vicio If. . of «e V IV w ' ,rTi |h 'an who r ng rir-viou» to nr on ih» OlurtetM It we m . - . a tloe» all who may lavor m with a entl for anything In our liar. IMIS J. BKUlV'N V CO. Jyl V' - . I.. Ki l.e »i near Na<» III TO IKhl.AM». Tie Iri.h R.IWC.milltar« - «drier, wh»re at. », a-"- ." '. .a ». ifiank- fully received »r,d forwarded o ihe Ceiiti». C"inuilltee of cly ut K.-i-ll'i» li [) '.. JAMKS Kh.yflrRM. Treaairer. jyl 1W_U BouUi WUlBtw «i. h.»IOVAl,-T B. OUNN1NO. Dmttat, 'im »mil lit from corner of Cham'er«.»L an 1 Broad w»y'.. rt uve Ire* K le F,U\>Kl.lca »4I.T WITH« HATH, .Nonn»ld Balh 1* now opea for ll ae»*.in. »r\er .e. i»rg. >te mealr U bow ready for the receptlofl "f La-i.ei an 1 ileatletueQ. and ihe puijll.- | » a Kvery alienlion will he paid lo rtillnri. Seaaon rietet* ri«-ure.l a: Ihe -I »irkti I it S4U ATOI.A MIMIK IL WtTHtl» l Spitngi, »I ¦ -. - art of l|,e cuy ftee of ojpenM, hy UAaSNtK k tOUtiO, Ottmmr*. .. »Chi »'"-it. CUOTON llltal .i.nlye».» Paient Me I her,for «ale the Newark Indu I Ma . i warn . no u»e. -. itbar firm f-renc» over a. IBer» Per« .rn diulrloj an art » a a -d '.y he«t nr . i i.»:i.e ; »i o¦..- a. r- Ma leu-lane, Wew-TorB. Jyl PARRER S OOFFEB H0ÜSB, ;«o. 81 Or.r »r. 'r-.a»*ai.r or Ji.m»-«t.) Maw ¥ .»* «It fieri' « j BB.ITIMH »KM. DOPB.( S rtoHv-ABaar- . '.ns »r- a ..'.,.. «.-»ir.n ir-Ktlng or har'-ortng «ny . .e,,» M | .:..',it uf iheir cotiiraciiag -a -, ¿- .. -.1 » v. j T TvPat urr *.'ith-tt C'Al'TltlM.The »crew of rfea br .1 a - v .VILLIAM. No a tin or J M M Trift y I Souih»U C' 41 'IT ON T , l to truit the -. m no denis of iheir con- a -a . e ' McMi'KKtV coi .'.h tu RKII OH t-KM II. I hlllK Till VKl.-lri* mberr . « a .ure Ihe anove «nice for the pr-uerv» « -. goodi. Ac from ihe in*. . al their mar. if« « -a- » . ._Tr. - tfl DKLANO t-tvTUllli ttff tlllllUKKl HIU » 4 1.K.-The >-.:-¦ a - i.altul retail er a-|. r a . ramaoa- . - .-nut.oaaaattoattonto STKPHEN «A'illkts. *,. . »a: 1 t. t M VOW KK TO I.B.T a? roajtru Bal »l-a«y power.corner of Bea.-h *u «od* STfe, A »I Pott Bat row ». f rweniy rtfinut )e¿l lia* aftlO miit TO l.OA > on morigsge, to New-V-x« v ¦-.)'' ' " » on by -, -i J B RON»tS, s Wa.. at C'AwTOR FKA MK» I - yiaia ....ti.». for «ale a. Biirlr-g *. LLClLStlART. ., ate rl ,»nu.*i k H»ri It AlhK PlrillKKa-Briuiai. A tier i rv «««.-. ttxee. waaafaci Bato a -a«- ail relai. a. ft «.'.p. hy .an k Hart. En l.i.l-lt »IIKfcr IKON . ¦-.* isKirlcai num . lIron I a » sHERMAM k MORRIS. 76 Brood-eL 2.000 ¿ïdL'BV».'. riKLIJkCo. K ' ¿ . '7 11 tM.IVl. PAPBht,-VVh'.u. rown. ou« . nan foTMle try CYRL S W HKLD k CO S ,_1 Mnrllnar-an J Burllr g-sll» FUI.MT><; fAfbK.-A MU »Moruneai in siore. ta -r ny ... «"-Silp « <KA»» KOI'I «VAPtTBUi - '.¦.-. ahebt-neat 4 1a. CTsWB W riELUkCU. It Puu«L HAUUWAHK ANO kNVRI.Ur-R fAfEK ti Lhft hijBI QUaLlIT '«-T .«.. "'* uuUim C YftLS W riELD k CO. 9 Burling, t;;p BINUYKJ-»' B«»AKDta)..All n-mtieu for saU by V-aii w C V Bt'B W. ft ELD k CO. i BurlWg-.ijo. 1>U tAM^KIAI^K .MAHRUrA-im pican of India M.M.e-U-t» . . t\ AW ÉBRAÜ-Araojl in loot lo food ordar, í r mus by UeUj M I. U tdJJLN 4 CO. ta W'sei-st. HlcbicincM. SANDS'S SARàAPAHILLA, ,«-« m, aaaaeei ... .<..*.», cvafe »r safe tfefe« saisi ai,, »a. re » »e »or »T»T« .r « »- T- »... . ,rs, » I raafSue «r htwr« A'«í Kaeaeaanr«» aV.rmar -a.«,». ». >.|rwa_i. f»e»f.ri»- J*vuri.irt »a«tr r«ea h.»v»,.< ! Um Ck-tmv «.-.. ate ... O et» o >...¦ -a. Hr._. «,'n.ergeaem.« »m.1 Pjvh »' rA« Honet esta jotnii. St+mOorn l umo-if, .A Intrate* n im», fV-eat BH . »fr-.-» , |k» . »«>«.» »/ ..,rr .¡^« T » » » taaesre, a.-.-i every Jay ihe leW ». -». I ig It a a m and .'.«.»'.» . » pe» It is hiptaly » . . .- « -.i . . j . . v. eta i on «a . . Vlunln» rM : . t ne of o ... . . . . -. w l»*'r lo drag a gx loa Mistare, « » » eeefekMod ifie » » vam» k i « gieoi chain of iee'..mouy '.j . kd and beeon« v ,. « . Ntw-Yox« April Jo, Ir-lT Nll'U. »A a; ».- iftniunze.. iMtCI ».) »»¦'.- ge -a .- :. -a-».-»a. at of apfiet le. Ve. and receiving t.-lieneM fioni me vartaaSS ren edi«i fire- . . . -a a,.,,.,. , ,, . -.»v» :r,epra»ore »«/ lll- hopple« raltstores itth.s-d ita lastetat le Sdl my teetlmor.v lo lile BM . «, « iafed| p«>«se«l of :t» Dier'.ia, a . .. ( farther tal (it.aii n, I » ... - » « « of my cote »vi ne effects »>f Uli» « » -:g il . How- ery. New-Yore, v, VSIT V-INTI1-4H Thl» cert.nes thai M ta J »i to U I OWi 1.111» a f the I itaad « . of con- ». BPENCK.B !'. -a yterts . » .' Ag»nta thowi III va. BeBCeOQ tat PtXaB SaWW vt. V" , IS, I » »4 al ,".r Mors a f taraape ¦«:..! was then ... . a »t el. -a-es- 1 , .-¦ . re of lot g .tending'aasay rlgtatog My pfeystoftaaa tveetaed ni« have l'» amputated laying II waa lha v ni-e . likely Ui pre»»- » » I, I -el I Uied ;i et 1 w IS » . hn«ln. 'I "».! hniab»! ih« f.fU't». ft » I vutiariv si I tasto hese. I han . »..¦-.-¦. under Pro'videnr«. of aaviog my mo, ar I I .«. 1 t s -a. aril- Your«, 111. wl r»*pect..,::y, JAM KM MIU.tlR » » ¦¦< U VI .. rv 'iiti. a ,'-v. «¦ t- in tetaerara Coeaty rieotaataees :i»eif w to» nil trlj »rrlicie.» K » t . N V »Ian. .re 10, »,r»f.r«w., By wtfe boa ui . r «oui Bai sBpsrlHs. which I - ear aaaetsta toM pi»-«. from wblek she lias recel »».1 such special lienetii ihal I >add mínelo - ab lam tea ,,, be pio.Hr la lav ir of 't* m».In'nal vtriu»! Her faitirr, » r other r stives save ffellsa vtt> püon. and It waa iupp. «el thai the t«»,, sitia . a wej Me bad seraral wmiut ral»l'.» a. «. »'I Ira! her life wee deopetred ffi sr today vv« were m- W try y.'ut ««»r»ap«ii. a, '.»for» ui»ir.l,'lieo from - ,»¦¦ if « r bsaltb baa beea »eatored, ae Mm Mr t.» past v»ar *h» ha« «tatole MMM M her utual do- j Cl'« IHIIN H INl.RtllAM. Por fariner part.cmor», and rone ,«¦.. « evict,re of lit . apeno, vs m sat sstcacj. « «a paai su, wl ita uiay bs ohtamet! of Agent« gratii Prepared «ad sold by A n v .> > iNDS. Drongute, hxi t M .-..ruer of \V :. lam, N-w Y,.-x »old alto at ."7.1 Kr ia.!w»v a-i ' 77 Vaat Br.w.,1 Arny. »rid by druggists genera in United latas, Yi Sal per ''.'. .' Ml '.' f ÍJREAT AMEkh-AN KfMEl Y wst.ra« sew-vox« COlXBel Of hsalTH, »7 MS IB ST. OR C. VAl'oNN» vT 1.TiRI.K LITHnNTRlP- TIC ADV.'RT irM.'.T t '- I ««17 I ¦'.me, I 9am, / f ,, » r mo« .»«vi Mi e'tic Diseeao has ere'ytelded to Its tl pow -r Whore .- is 1 », sndl ..h.\;u« rt. a P.ngl» ha 1 t"e pr.. /».' - <>ii 11 » »long . . ..»«.» »1 .. prluci, » iy be ta eera 10 yrvu, nut lbs rei'iit ta » . talMMctillf I you s1« ,e»t rasas . WHO Ih« propii-l." Th« ".«,« 1. n- its ^ Itiltnrt regetabie «asoctas each livid us ,u m ,i«o yir. 1,. istri lie iloa « at .-ting with ..¦ BJtaOl .«upound -»o»h root m»«««li| eWB rjre.ant! a«« .. lysasav, -i -' wa lie work whir!, net aw» »»«r fi'a» e»i»i.- ltalied, 1.'lie ¦!-1 it »ho,. !.. iiofte», an ..,;.¦¦. s. a«d 1 leo do« c .i.stil'.l »n I) o ' «.in ebaiactoti « e eteaptotery »ndicaied 1 i a .» « -i »g-,.l 1 . « llt»a» « .nil «how ie«i!mony ofi_ure». t> ,<«..«:.! ill .-oaipia'nis of 1/1« unnx/v urgons, foru; a,«.« Me CaeBS of great luler- , » VioBBtrs taTNoarurric baa aeealred no «ru«i « fie - »u'iiry by toe cesas Unas wade to Mta Iislisssing !««« >f af:,-..,,,.» 9ofi>n«d H saeeu, to i'ili », tbei U ha* llws atl ¦«.-..¦ ih« notic« >r,,r « of ou., xJpniillcaii.ui In Uo lha November number, I", : Monthly Review of Medical and Hur/tcel feetanne te srtlea rstoetoes tils- »»»».. . . .'»e wrK'-r, a/l.-r Botictog that Ifie Kagttsfa l|ov»rnin.-.l OOCO ptirrhoiej 0 inrrel remedy, a-i a:».» i.,ti m^ ine i.iirclia»« tn 1*.J, of . »ecrel rsrasdr, bv Me Lejrtsleuirs ifNsw Y .rt, .'...» pay» iru. Bto to tawroate rrftn» Medirla« ** Why «soasM eat, K»i>r» Boetsalvoeto atateseesal A«a*i'uuiy eoaveaedi .;, '»/ ,;ei sud ditto,ve -. « ' » ,«:lrv. hy »n« pure»«»», of Vemhri . .»¿»iai.1« l.llh»nlrlpiic, Han srblcb bo sol reel since toe da . I y h»i p.w»«»»ed 'it»» fame »" He»' 1 » a periodteal of bird afeMsteg. aa'know.edce.l tarougfeoei . i»rge *»»:ilon of tht» tod |oon a.« of ih« kind M Ike Oeted fetales, »t -ha-i^ii / ». Ita ih» » t«ntlne worst Bf BMOpe lo Oil Ceriilln IrelWoaUg«. «JlkraJ hy AusllS Fllni. M. U a..d eoeuibutavd tn , tora of ih- hlgaoet pro taaMeeel SfeBMr. ihui iteppmg e»|.1» lo notice s '-se- ret remedy ' I oa will M eaea ut_.ler«taod 00 unkuown aod erortkleas toeinua. coo Id ihm »xt.iri s rommeni frota «o nt^h » i)u«r!«r -»...| eoosaoBoeliy un.ess 11 directly eordneied wIM Iba practica Ike lacully, H mu»i have li««n ts g'eai 1»' wrrtri ».a» «»used II to receive thl* pass'ng n«.lice Kid :->y Js»ases. eealuessof ihe iia»k 1 » .»-'.. sod soi sreesed Menstrua Hon. BuorolOui. onl tn.« »nitre oiiinlt'reteil train of evllt » .; .f.low . lit rl»e.| lySBSSB. »re 01 tuce, relieved hy toe medicina, Bead fo, peiur»h,«i* from »¿«nil, sad fu wi.i ted ortateee of the valie of the l.tiboiiirlpil. mere put forth. A* ¦ remedy for ike trregijlarltka» of ihe female tytu-in. It has In the coiup«, »nd « " roof which hot heen resorie.1 lo la the Norih of EBTO| e for s sure cur* for this comp aim. a'"I ¦ r-«i».r«r of thw health of lie em;re lyMQBk t..ver cambpistol (Siudlce, htltoas di« sesss. fee, ere Instantly reHwvad P pi» «'the West will Sod liiho uniy'¦ « - coinplaioii.a« well «sfevo, ana ague. Ta»re M ae reMsfey like Ik aae no eelemelor cjutnlne forint »ny part of thii inlrt'i'« fin tn)ury wtll re. . , t in ill ui«, and Ita octtve propedi«! are ti.anlfetied IB - .a» of » Hug;» B «t ",i; «-. /" fare, am a, » loo« d!«oraer«. take no inner med'r n«. Rr,«uinol!»tp, gout, wt.l find 1-, Tn» « a sTll » ¦eMMBB »pont.,e tod will cnaugt Ihe d'aease.which OiigteesBs la ih« l.l.ri I-ill't » .rllt»» « , ,W. y»p«p»le, led ,-.ii,ci. lt.- stobt to s law dey . usa iif this naadlflae lu- . .... aleo, hsaeve, faeed leite». Bi infMls. arTMpetoa poe«, inflamed eyoo. aUeaaeetbyi . | ifels article toe rsa edy. The «y«ien. c, nipl»t«ly a. tad upon l.y Ibe twenty- iwo different pi . < ,- -land re¬ stored.a« a paru«, «are wl SOI f ..ow T'« iralr, of common complaints a of ilto »lee.i «ici he».) ». -l boobs aWangeeasel oftoeeyetaai and tola grsei restore, fee '.. work. The prouuae» set foro, u, Hi« »,Iv»rn»erL«ni, »re nosed jpuo Urn pr »if of whoi 11 no« lo'.e t-j 11.» pa»» fo-.r yea,« «Ae wrliie», t««ilioony of IJbM agent». In Canada in« bulled Slai«as. lag «wd Bed tiuili Ainerl. a. In ilia Poaeee » proprle. ,r -and caa I.» BOOB ny oil Irilereited. 1 aauffirie^i l»e,«. lairaiion that It '. the taeei ni«dlrine x"r offerci 10 ta« World. U»t ihe, mj a'.udy '.he principle» lh»r« laid lowt, of..»,« »,r »! ,' ,r- i*ut up ta *> os. Baratea al il. U sa ju si fel eoeb.the .¡i iwo «me.! iioii.eo. leroS ' ', Y. »ry 'Mi'.Ue " Vs'igbn s v»g«ui»i« UihnetMpte Mixuir»' btawa »«. - iignature of " «i c. Viugta'' on the dl'ertloos and "(I C Vaegfefe laftrsteJ tump¬ ed ;Q .. e ,ri "a .r.» , , «.e. Prepared hy Or. O C. Vaaghn, an! «o.d ai the principal office, giî hf«l,i St Buffilo. al MfeafeJSSte ar.d retoli No ollemtint, :*»n 1.1 »o^-rt uol^o« po»Pp»..!.order« from regu.orly . tgwets eeeepted. Poet peld Iwttevx . omtnuntroi'.on» s | kdrtoe, protnpuy attended le gretto Orfee« j»y ii»xi exrpisiv» y to ine to'» of lütt snlrie '.4SdAl «T. NHWÏ..KK CITY, Aià ttosex-et Mut snd'»y ihe prtncipa. lr.j»-g!ils ihroughoqt the United fetale« «o.I Csnodk. as ad vert,ted tn Ms papers. Ageola In «.hi» C.ty -(.'.e» II Itog. lg Biuatwag. ear. John-si ; f vt wer, tot Oraed «i Wyatt BBterteaB !«l P'llioa «I J la I ¿«»ddtngtoo. *0 liudauo . 1., Wm R. r.agar, cor. of Hilt ¦ ar¿,J L»«ro»rd at« (I. 'I. Monroe, cor ModU.n and Janieo «Is Dr ». Hsrt, JUS Broedwoy. »Jn,yAg»nttn I . -r i. '»VI ar«it . 1. Irilv Ag«et »B R">«»«lvo Vfr». H«v»« ''' t . StTTa V 1.11 iff« ii a .a y v) r ... . .- e. a.,rtT, Ike a. «¦.» low« eure. Hr a alUi. 131 Pwrylfe St, was »fflict_ad «ev»n year» wi.b cooeumpiloo. Tot» m.licine cured hiin. We » « . / u»e. Re- wa-e ».f eesMtarealM. Retnernrier » rs»-w mod» a. «' -.« .- Deeikuion-ei. t>y lha pro- r_ [______ Matron _'»'4 rjni» ,»»»IK HVK IIIM!|I rtM«i¡M|_ t* ai.o-Porta- ; i4i rec«|»eU. ». y per. ,-. w!»»'»« 10 r,arei s good MWgaio In o gt-ud tn»trutn-ni. me y wt,, II « -rn Biooalwsy -.> i (.HARi.P.S HOl.TJr ^MRm^'K MAI.K at toe «M itonu f4o 7 Bar r- -AiaJ_Z^B' »T .«- oppoa'.ie Ihe Aim' rlo'Aae a varie«' 1 I I 1 F] ' il «nd 7 «lAv« Plaao Porte«, o. i * «t J «îevery vart-iy 4 .atiera «r.ih aJ ib« r.ydirr. isprovemeeis, to rtweecid and neoogaay ce»»« »»rrxnied In every retpect to give saJ«f tritori or no tal» «lease »n \¡¡a-o. J AM£a THOMPSON. -'' '»'_uiieTtllmet. k Bandeü. ,«^arateCa»__|l'l 4>(» FüKTK *umka<t¥« SdMjZJt1!^! .P».loo si eaaitide Rroavlway- 1 4 R >1 PlAa «h:ire;y Bew art'.rl«. wirraotwd oupe- J ' ¦ f U rlor m tone aod tu keep M lune much longer ¦ 1 »o. made wRk a pecultar k«rp fraesa, efe» .:.!,. petal»» A written gu»r- soiy w. » , . ,",,n..-nt sol wtteu «ny » . . lyaktnl in»y he wiirtOei nntti «uch duubt» »r» reni wed ei.NNr.rf fc KUI/P.R4, j-14 if Hi Pajuna-«!, eeet »Id« Broadway. fl A.*4U rURTKn 01 very pneea.- Perwiti» aearui parchootng P'-otoe will 6oí U 10 thatr odtaontagw toe.1 at B.Oieaa A _Co.sManaJsei.iry.iji Fa.toi.-st. tweet al IroodwayT A général «seonreect of Msh g.r.y sr»i Rose. wood Pianos roostacUy oa hand ¦___ "'.¦ '¦» bal ! low few .un or approved paper. Dealers »applied on lloerel ter_s MtXI t. BUÍNM k CO. 1st F_i00-s» ~_____.'f ^«»ttniTni. 4t>i. ft«.»!.«. RAM F. I l4AtifR.-At-»nuVVM-.ed«tr Naa»éatî.Z The rar'! aale ,4 Well.'. Lew»«r ao.1 Bokk««..,., . 1 «te. ot Hew.Veri «el C.m*"iil loo «et» ika« pie« h«vlcf luaa* sold ta a few weekt.) bava .1 ice-1 m ¦ '..«u« . Oreiiar work for New J«r»ey. wkiek may lu re.lad «patn m corren and Uaral It will l>a **ofv- »tied at N«w»rk. N J J».y 4 AeúT9 -^aou CBO BWwt f'orrt B"WI U'S: "»moaih In ' !l It « wort went dollar« to everv sian o' ««jMa.-a BatrpU eoeUa - «eran 11 |t Nmmu at Harald BalMtn« at whk-t p «c«ii>fiulmfavihe»u9ecrit»»f. JOHN C WELLS J|I44-_ 1R.'A*«TKI» Br . »infle geolleakaa, two fcraue*rl V* r.a-r.« with or wiihoul havard The *ui)t*n*a»^ womA rr»»>r living for the «are byglvUg low-ur am In Miuir »rd toa Brea to gouge The Bvut **rt»fa«trary r«dW- etcee run bfl given Addraw» hv lettaar, 't PC Mataer* . l (in :.ia Kl Broadway JTl lw* V4 .4>TKll Hv a rearvaw-UM» v.*u«f woraau 1 alma ,«t «r» >¦» and wati'af or general k»-a«a. work in a *m*'l i'r'v»t. famtlv.U an «acaileei naefem and tr. after N>- o- ecuon to go t «kort «'*i*e<a taut ika e.'u-i'rv i'.' --i rrferaoca. App.y »1 ill Ureaee-««. ..' WtaiTRtD- Bv * Taain» man a m aaaaaaaee. clerk r 1er »ho« llore having «aaaen rrtana « » der» -f CO. ».» n . »no.« eur» navtag n*»n raenager '. , -a«'.r «airr» Tear», pawftarilv iBdarnandtbU ¦¦ itl-aaaM and would taake hltvteaaf asentí m sa eesaioyw stl w»nt ..! «n IUII1111 Applv 10 W. R si Mr J 1) reset*» I! taneten-et c.imer of Po»*»th-«i. Ul ft« At" % NTH ft A d-tig c erk. c impeteat u< auend t ratal! 44 . .. ««ii.iVi >ry refaietja-ea reast-a-d. Noo« otaar » a 4,1 treat« " Pru.f1*..' TitiSiir« oltka». Aa A«v»-*tr«n ,r«ferr».!. Jyl *. VV*NTKI» -A »i-iai'.ar tt» *n Attta-T'caa rott-i» *aaa. fT -. V»«»» ,i',ga at -'«B» man in « private fatal.y. or "«ar and nuke ti mMlf useful Oa-od rar»r-*ea-» |1v »o V'».. «1 ..'tOrail «t. Jyl tV U_fA*4TB9. Kaa -, ran aiwaya he «upplUai with w -ri'v »nd retpetuhl« help, let c tv »nd «-«tiniry, at the office ¿it i»r«nd it Bulwrrtpitou «t> ceou ru» veer. OT . »: yeai > IJyllf] vv 4TTA_ Al.hlTa 4* ANTRO Juti-auhlUkaad. Wet... luw yer and Iwl keeper This hook is fot ap etttrBMly m Mve who buy 11 froat coruulünf law./««-», Ne .:-« m expenie have been Iparal to »take H vala a«<|e 10 everv «»te. I. cnau'n« It» new CoBClliattoe aed forms a lapieal 10 tt T'i» rapid M.e of ti ka» tadared aa l vet lltierraaaivp-ai. and reduce the rarVa t.v TTJ teils With .air agent* we are very .literal, and we Bar» Mettrai who an» mak'ng «!.» . rn.mth lia> iginu »«ated tor ihu a - ¦. »a a Naaaa a. M .1 t V ting je« 4t-MTrS_JOHN C. vVRLLS V\ ANTINl. Pl.A« RUA compute aaMsymaat of " he m.att tpprove-1 m-vbpu tube rolled luieili-eaee tlfh-e*. 4.4 H- a'»..«-! o Hat*»» r«tm» »saily tairucrtpisen.toctniotfeararata 81 Oto N 8 -All persoea «eil front the«* .irfice« «re warraaied boneel ¦É av > C MASON. i%'»>TKll t ¦.. t tn an i.fn.-ea-aout IT or II years of " age He !«n«i rr «luce u idoubted lea'.toionlal« fo» h'n-aiv »nd todu«try Apply to A O BAOLRT A CO. je*i lw- «a Br,ta«WBT. ' . M I öoatöirip. I »il 4 HOI M. Suit« of rvxKB* lo let. fVjrBlsheal or aa IV »* '«bed with or wltri.tut board In a re«p»<UbU Fag- i*u tauii.v London, wrier» cleaollnaaaa aed comfort can beeajeyad. Alee two or three «tngu gtot.emen can lae *i ciHfirtiixiaied with pleawau' room«, with r>r»akfa»ia«4 lea II reuu.r»a|. Baltl r.a'Bl lu Hie ., use r..r i|.« « roatrao dation.«'. .ii-s'iu App v at Mrs MEPIU'RST S, Ml Ho,,,,,,,,., .r Mr MKUHl RUT. H Moldea aa«. jyl III* tllKD With taanjt fumished if req.iirwl naay ha ok- tat' e l y »pp.y tug »l il North Moor» «t. a rà»w «oora l> an Varlrk Jyl lw» IT«! tklil^l'*-Can he tu' In a healihy aed e»Btran«> I'canoa, larga and coniBwdi.u» tta-OM, pl-a«aai .rma. Wttb »kower. cold and hail »»1er '«llhl. «I IAS Moll-«!. I»e- ur-ii O-an.1 »ml Broairu» ils. Terre» mod»r»le Retar* . eirhenged. j«*Si) Tt* BO 4 HOI Mi IN KAtT BUOAUWaV.^-Two .-en' »men Bad ihelr *>*»ci« tie «ccooirBodsled with oar t «lid p.eoaani ro.inn. ipanirle« silacae.1.1 «i.o a Inw ungí- genieaieo. Apt- . »I itf>ai >'.».' Bnulwiy ¡ut¡ le" BlltKIII M. A g «i i.mi,an 1 lad) or a few an.g » leattaama am« aneaajaflntaaanl with atotaaM room« BBd baaed si «o VV bue il Also a few day ttaardets ai the *aril» p »a e. |all «w« |>OAHlT|> KAMT HttOAim At. A ,ru lernan I' tnd hit wife, to two or ifitee *iugle grn.ieoi-n. eaa be ac''orrr«'o.laia»t »lib plraiani apanmenu and toard tu tnplytofl at SB Km Brndway Reference« aaBntajanjI jei) 1m* ' IHHKIIIM; With private fa-nlly, and ato of plane I f forre if required, ei McDiaigalut Jel I let 'I'll I.KT, »ulioi »iilio.n hoard, furnltbtad par. ta and 1 badrteam» at MB canal*«. R"f»i l. e. »»¦ .-.i ; ,«-tii tuf MNKCOMMBT IIOl »R. Tb»'subscriber taw eared tat ewlttaiice of Captain Char'es H Mtllsr, wrioa" «rest e»,.neuen In ihe uisuagemeai of knial« well known lo ih Mttatadl »bo have cot <y«d the bea»At In the D»l-v»n Honte. Albany, and Kinilre H out», Byrl- Au'l lien tfM nuuy frienl» Oe met while »liba Latí, el Stale» Hotel. B'Uton The baaaa will be open for the reception of com «any ea .1 la ¡Beata »heu he hope« 10 ha pslruuued ac- the menu of the etla'iltihim'nt. Tin» plaoB u unturpaMad for sra-t>aiblB«, cool and re- frei it'ig taneaaa, tUhing, fowling, BBWOto bard and Uvel road« for drive.. V I A »tage win leave dally for Ball River, la lime for the «¦Órala*] oar« f.r Ho*lon and «leatuar for Providence, re- Strategen the art Ival of ihe Mine In the evening. Com- Biu'.lcailon bl *uge In New Bedford every Monday, Wed* ..».. lav art KrldtT reluming on aoernale day« Per «II iii'orinai on In regard lo lit« S«*coon«l llotlM, p.ea*ecallat in« l'. S Hotel. Boaloo. JOS KP H COR. Little ('.million. Jir.e 3. IA4T Jell .meodltlp» NEW-LEBANON 8PRINCJS, M T Pr.RSONB vuiting il,', wsieilu- place will li«d tt il.elr lalereMtO utelhecar* al Albany for Caoaaa Knur turner«, where a line of *Ug»> run* dir eel IT W I*eO- arion In conaecllon will ilia car». By tht| rouie. p«r«ufU Ie«v1ig New York 'n Ihn morning will arrive «I lbs Spring» «t K o'cioc» In in» avaakBfl of me ssine d«f P*M«o«em will lie itcleleal ibrough from Allisny bi Lebaaon f ¦. Al IS. Tul* vtllt of courte make il the thorletl. nnul «tpeallilr-u« ¦nd rli»«|i-i«t rouie hv which iravelert can reach liabanoo from Hie Cllv of NewVork. PaamBflar« arfeo leav« New-Turk In the nlfh« boat wUI arrive, liy ihu toute, a'. Lebanon Bl If) o'cl.ick the sett il.ig There are but «even tiilUt of «ttgtng by Ikl« roite, over . pleMant road, wiih good team» »nd «a»r cache« Tra.elef* win ibsrefure ha on lhair guard aoa not be deceived by ihe agent» of any other hoe. or aoler any conveyance pretending lo run lo Lebaaon, aarepi ata one recommended a'iovn. '. -* I.- 'a- -.. Mi.r'r ... Jim« ». «17 JAMK.IO HUNT, Ageat, ("«uaa rnar Oofa. .85 Ml j IV KiHiui h do Lebaooa Spring« i i _i tftmf? TIIK I K»» HOOT» HAT- -^.^ h .NT The proprietor of Dae 'Bl A My- LI ^~^w atl'i Paleta, aod ihe other paleoU BBBB »nnw-»naa^iann> i,, ata production ofthaaa alMtle aod BflBR c iin'oriBlii» U ol» and "lio»*, Iim completed hll arrange tnenii for ihedltpoclti« o'lhe Pi'enlii.d the Introdurtlooof toe invention lo ihe riluno» iff New York, and nuw glvaa notice that ihe uer*oo*and firm* whiuename* are «ppeod ed. «re .u«ei «nd ih«t no other peraoo» are adlhrtrited. lo manufacture ant vend Ihe Congruw Boou and Saoea ri New Ymk Cliy Any olher MUhllahounu that u fil tur« obuln rlghu. will added lo ihla Hit aed publtnhed by HORACC H. DAY. AMlfaaeof Datant V HytH's Patent, ei Corilaad «t J II. D'il"n,i mi Brosdway L Walsh k Brouters,«Aoa. Henry, ». Pml.m il VVtn. Lane, i. Bayard-«C P (.«i'.ijteaux. 611 B'dway VVm. Weed «ft Bowery. N A. Raia-ai« It Ou. *. i " 'Samuel CaaUall, SSI Sew« Ri.t Wel.ber, *«T ry. Hunt A Hunter l«*1l («r»ril Daniel Croólo, Agent, M W m Ag»u*. 114 Bowwy. BaflBBB »I John Mr.C innacnto, HI Cmi JoMpb Quiet, cor. Broad Bruadwsy way and Wall »t W M Jeden, Tj do. J -«i»d, i At.iiat. K.ugenn PerrU. 44 NM*«u-*t|Samu«l O Acton, t9t Broad- l) S. VA.itin». T GaasMVfctB. way. J L VV'aiklnt, 114 Pillion, .lisorge Conrad, 17 Mai- Henry V Rldaf.cur Duich| chants' Pichanga. and Pulton *i* VV laali w I. Whltlog. ti. Bread war. and Cha« Otbora, fnV) Orandul hsve biraghl rights. Bad both eoncerM are BOW rtlly authorized lo manufactura the CoogreM Boou «ret Sfeont fair wholesale and reuii. N H y- I."n B «a Pi u/o-*t-U no longer »utkaw- lawd i" ate or vend Uta Cotigreti Boou R. M. D. Ne» York June tt. 1447 Jell tt LOOK AT Till» I-adte«, genH«men, ._, M uses «nd children, ail thai are In« aal of a line article of Bool* or Sh.-M, call at M7 Broad- . it, where you will And tie urge»« aaaonraaal end itiiu«»«iln Itili )l|T, nbnleml» end lettll N. B.-VraneB laaa "i-«l B-n* R< D«w lat |_M t: A HILL HOVNhTn. HONNfe'Tet:.The larjnns ..tu -m of f»*r tawebta B ir.r.-i« arar otaead ta Uli» city s tor »ale. «i a »aerifica of 30 per coot lo r.loM the t, iai.-i-»a for Ihn mir« Tb» BtWttC it «et.erai 1* -.!."(. i lnvlt«ai to call al WARNSLKT'B Cne*p Htore. g) ? «r'r.» »L between EMI BineSwap and ilenrwtC_Jalllw ¦ Il »PHI NI. trA»ltlONf«"HATS. TÏÂTS-l'arU Bit an e.atn bau « S. »qial to ih"»» »old by «»thar* ^^81. a...., .a. -..-.,..«#. itiaodBf I*.»«. ,*¦' ¦' la«4««atnd iulsh lo iikw» ia m«oy place« at fed , Beat hau at 8* 8 Mureb will t»e flattant to «e» kit frier, 1a al lilt* MialnUbiueoA. I»I Im- OR0R0B f H BROWN Canal-el KAIMONf», IIATTHM, 11« Canal it". Ma» . fraatt e*»in h«i «i ihe low pur« ot >i m tal, a in qaalltv, «lyI« aod finUh t>4-no* ¦nuu would do wall lo ran an i examine h aleo a m path article for 8* IB, and *«*u>» m low m alao a *»ry large ai. 1 varied at.«ck of geou'. youth«' mad liifaou' Suata««' Hau »nd Cap*. lisviag jo«i opeoaS, »ay Kork U fall »tad frMh. Tne «d v»r.ugt» f Mieciiag froin tuet wu«l be ot- non* io «11. EMMONS PMhl.roahle Hauer. , al im'_ _ IMCaoal-at arar Hadeoa. ."IM Ma17b_ iTllBÂP toe iwi- korm warra'.ieal sound, good traveler.wt. (tant wlth- afoi lying. Alto wagao eaarly aew, totSaaS top, i.e. In good cooalliaou. AI«ohar-w-M. «lelgt, tuUt, butTale r,-»» and many »rtlcle uf hotuaboid furniura Apalyi « . aalair t, «...le... -ntl tf ril«»»lf»4l>'» PKkSlI II TUtMM. làC^adV' a ''.: rWvBW iy J R B^-nUiulu ll Bataamanul. ^awJL^^df » unlvB'Moy approved of by in» Medic il Pa- r"*^ ¦. « a. «in .eu .., as ita prsawure «an lu graduated from ooe to f fly pound» on the rap ure wuho'ii a baca pad, which doM wbivI Uj«- r> i, ,o- *p'.r.a, c.aualug we«uueau aod pa.n u Ua Back a -. ., -. .a.-., »pioal dtaaaat Six «ays* kraal g.vru, «nd if «ot perfectly tatufaciory. avuey reaarn- ed A to. ihn mo»', approve* Shiaa.der lilr-t|M Bnada» . _pato latan* UK. «.I.OtKK » NRW TKt -»M u it.a i'imi bow in «... praeatara may he greta- «led t>i a. ih» cama. TbU in«* n«ver.fajj« io gtre »*av r.nifo'i »nd aaAny to We wear w-.i Inw H u ine cbeapaet aed k>«ai Tium taai eaa he 'i'i'.'l Dr 0. U praeucu.iy acaraalnied wlintiuogted ap piyiar Tr.,**e* to svwy «lad of rupiiar«. Me atoe boene Sta »'.'. feiBBla »upporwr». Bad a fetaele In anmSance. »alt ¦¦,.!¦. lattlM at ibetr rMtdeoce lo ti Wem - Offut» i Abb-w _r»»S lat* «ILL 5o5 M FRENCH DBBBBMAKBB. AH cHAbMAILLE «Mid lafjrw abelatatm ta Mew- V .rk that »he til Met trr.»e-l fr ,r*i Part« wtlb all ihe «t-.i Pint raahtona, ant U now prepared lo til all o'der» inai thn may ba favored with «nd prouipüy auoaded lo at ktta-W _ fmit !¦* M 4 O 4 M IfiLLlBtTl-ti Si»lat-BJ of Drew Mais« u laugiii anal pat la pracit-e daily ai ta Ckaattwrtet a «ra U.i.e* a.-einvtiedio call and wiumm iu superlo»«» a ',« id method«. Tarou for uuirueilo« o»y .**- *ad paitara Altad tin óu ceala. Urne« Malt-« «a «*. r«»i «ci m »si atataknBBtataatjrla oe r--a«vBa«.u imim- a few good Mwert wt.. b-tatagaiMad T'»»y»MW eat a*am. aeai .s Making for . few weak» awuianr« » BB> .*=» li..-_

[NEW-YORK J ¦MSW'YÜKK DAILY TRIBUNE. Naa»éatî.Z · Redtfteip t». mi. m-ly rick sa it» pioducti iboM varied

Jan 11, 2020



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Page 1: [NEW-YORK J ¦MSW'YÜKK DAILY TRIBUNE. Naa»éatî.Z · Redtfteip t». mi. m-ly rick sa it» pioducti iboM varied


»«»t. Vit. «go. »3>1VA40IK 1KID41 ¦.WfTMtJ», Jll.v J IMf, »t.liUr tO. I9IO'- ¦«»«»-v-»w»»»xvo»xa»»a»^nim^^MM»MBMM^ .̂, . . M....¦.«saMBa


y\ . V MORNI* II, a, M. u ' Xi P.PTKD

«t the Trinnne Hulldli g», eomer of «.procrand «leaeno atrreiB, eppeallr« the < It» Hall.

sod delivered to CMj seMsBMBMM for 12* C,«Tt per¿week or. wben they prefer they c»,,p»y In «dva-c atr ihe l)'ee» 'or i'x« o, » year »I IMe »line rale

W tell- <."."»... Two CBBTa Mall «.íhecrir-.r. Pl-a l__Uri »ei aaai nv >» advance, and ih» rai»er 1b bo MaoJ. I tlK» time f.» which iiU paid, teh-

r Krtpuont later for t t SSOTlMe. Ttr«« DolstrS tn ad-

vsrce required in a ex, «-»nges with Ctsnstry News-

.tr-rs Pa « papen received al thl» "»ce »»¦*

. »re ktoatw than BkOOB «»f Th« T»'»« SB, are not

atewedsayetttoeeee. t __*.**» tTllll o, »ti»«»Tia|et.-ftW Amx*.coj


pivf Liare, «t I'se- P rsttoeertee..»..£/T*«ear* i i ¦ ..;> ..

JJeVrT-rnU-e. ¿ta- ;.., £.&.«¦*k_rk .»:' .ecuem lr«erl!«»n wklch "'»V _J1,*«., Jay or .««ce. .wie« o, th-ee. times Z rrntt a ll»r»

a»iark,«iir.«opk:kin"'i'» «o»»'1- «'r I

TUR BM_*at-«WKBaavJ.l TRIBl'NJC1 ..-'.,»» v . irnlng«

1 « Ckip'etfo, |5


i Motaiao. at the ok» ;,r.. »

».'t."«'« ".", t" »"¦*'- Ifeeoplea foi * or ï,«."««' «.¦¦'_

iSE.V-YORK rRlBUNE.[^ Th.« B ;.r.'«.:it;it;.,o's of N.»

Biirp.e lie a" Wed ¡loo J K OtddlapS tte Uie of ttie.r. «y «verilrt; i«»t lor tb<IpaWpaM g| d.'llv. r

HI a lecture

pga« o>' ectl .p w»« rriadi. er.-J withdrawn ty a Lafoco rut ruler, who (tniod Ibe »i Dee of Ite Home"._,¦¦¦

(J" A'IKr l! BTBBBI mate I.a« been «jtefea i.

t»grl:v»r the IIBttUI 'oi tin- «.. »aion "f the ,-el, t.mtl n

of car Hi .. »t ftlbany,I.wiest Iront »léxico.

Cufi » .1 the N O Com ir.ercial I ifiie«V KSA CM I June

Gl<l UMiv ..,. . 1!M,. i,

ei». »»ur»>. party Irofn th« train whii li hod halted «ad¦etkeuriy expmtiog a renewal ol me attack (roso theBtii'-ai « who w. re gathering in lbs mad and chappi-ral«a«-«0 .n targe I

ateek was made saddealy Hot fey aaeaell pirty.upon M adrarjO» »l |.»rty «,l drag.ioui. who Willi Colon»Statin ... tin- "liiinaiidi o ot the) eteort. were tt hall

in. »a¿ is 'lilis party, well mountedHi) »,.. -...:. t'.-Kte 1 or lei!'«.!; upon tin- lllair.

b<«iy l«-l..r. »u iu!--.t.i I'.ret) ol Mexican* an occur-

Mfeea, li" '.t"l toe talud during ihi» war. end I timer»-ly In ,i. may '*: Ih' la»t

»... tttu« Inspired with coatdeeee t«»"k ad«t it,.- couluakiu produce 1 hi. I i.voi in.» th«

taaapeea saaeh a» p .. apee the wagoni and¡in... i. va I,,. n w.-r.-it," t. ! »-d along a dlltaiire ol BOBMHS, im'.. » »i 1 w> re »-jar 1» 'I e. .nt It" ir whole lias by

pe not rl !¦,,., ,i ,.,,. rásate i.»rwtiJ tar ftteta etere ie(fee bebt, leaving large »».< lions ol th« train entirely un-

prtrWctati Ite con».-.j,«a .. »m, that twenty rightWagon» »oil t *.. n ite' Iiuiidr».! »nil tWB bundr. dn».'t uiui.» became to»- |" je rty id the guernllst.Ite troto toit Beete 1* with one hundred and thirty-

two » «ei.. and rom live lo sia hundred packed trrulea. ',.,», will otaerve ite ¡«>»» lorni* a very larg. (.- '¦

(e.itai«- «m k-l»l to taeia '-y » tatter whu-h liarei men iroso M»j Deneeil Ite Paymaas» r who had rimr.-«-

n« -, wl leb went up in ttie trHiti, that not one tilth» »««..n« containing tni GovernmeoJ wo«token.aJitaiiogb a cootidersble sum belonging lo ofioexi "...

l»Vrn in tie- (loi- rent benage weg o »

The mnot imieirtant «¡f l«ir«. « were the ordnance»tyre» with which sume it th« raptured wagon« were

|y«drd Aboel *ix or »utht <.» oai est n feed beea kill» J.sad s»»rri.i h'teeti or twer.'y wourid»«d during the engage

¦Ml» ate M» Mexican loss m« suppoted lo fee'»realer What ha» hajipi Bed »nice C.,1 Hank* Ms» an.I

tae(or»U.n.. odwallader reavoewd the gmund. is a matt-r

Bl gaep interest, not 10 say «ppr. hension Tin- coi fi

¿»ore naturally mringing trom th»v diacovery that theAni»ri -an» an- not lovlnclbl -, hss di ubtleavi indue» J hu

enewsl ol Ike altsc ft, in which ikw I huí ata!Bühout hope that the n ,.u!»t. n ol Ike Amerleea «rnu

« a 'u Ij ma n'aiiii dA great »»util ha» beea committed with reler. di e t«.

thiiiriu It left the city with »u teuaatotoal esoort,» two hundred caralrr were lytoa here, raterp, or

»ly t" in o- on the same i.««! If a tri sel v

Itwcy their prep«r»ttofit» ti.inl h»v. I.eer. hat'i fed at

Irait twenty lour hour», ami ti" Irate CvaM kandetair.. .Ï »t i. »»t »n equal length ..! time 'Jim tint w»«

aotdone will. laecy become a matter ol future »r

tvuniaiiiiity. i'iipie»«Hiittt.oie« to., seeearraet,teucb-Itw It.e t.a',11* and condition hi a particular jtinttti"- ,'

SB important personage »Itoched to the escort, 'ibis.Bilk other matters, will presume. I orm h siil.ject forIhe investigation ol B < '»mrt Martial Snd a more dir-, t

rrferetii--t.. It M ¦?totter,wxrfeldbelosproprr Ihelltukwe« made al Kl l'aso de la« ()v. ja«, t/iii sido olthe Nati *al Bridge, not beyond it

It it .»i i itiat the road i» now t<» lay MMftted and k.crn

»led in »,1 it» mor« Steftste pa*»««*, l.y th»- Mexiran

troop«, lion lh. ma« Marl» mi, Intrepid otrlc» r of the«was... ..«..p. well known lor hi» gallant defenceol k.vetatl... I« reported to bovt . «_ 111 hundred nun un¬der him, with wh' in be toteada t ., copy ('erro fjordo.gain, aiitited. ii t.specti to '.- by geerrUtos, wteran l»> gethered arourid h:m at a few hours'rutiee. Inrase» of emergency. But even It the».» report« provetrs». that road cannot !.»¦ closed by Mrxicnn troopi

i.-...ral Scott can .let», h o division »I »uy hour,which would sweep all such obstacle« away lor th.- BBOStssl «od. if he had '.hi Ir,».;.« wiurli tlgure »o *atitl«.totily lo the Acjutaul (iener'al a repetí lie could guaníte ruad t ftertively. by occupying with hut owu men tin-sstoas ret.rrtd t-. Thl«. it 1» true, would ntjulro«tood many »oldler«. but It I« a matter ot very great«BporUiH-e, and the »ervice «utters Irom Inability toSettIsm inclined to believe that the limera! lntt-uds to

esta the road lo Pueble, leading through Ori/abs sodCurdiva. as it soenis to otter some advantages over thatvaJslapa By taking possession ot those two cities beMaM strike M tte .It th»-guerrilla evil, by controltag t" a great extent, the m luntoiu tioidei lroin whichMisc'e.00 of Kildli-ri ii principally tnkt'D.

It li believed that th.- belt relulti Would follow theif.i.tjg and occupation ol tin» mid. and the (loner».Ski m-elvi-d r»s»ur»nce that the leellng ot the termer»tad wealthy citlreti» is strongly favorable M Ihe Am. ¡iMs« bavmg tieen madiaed «<i by the depredations olfee iielike heeds ot guerrilla« The country along tin»Red t». mi. m- ly rick sa it» pioducti iboM varied atetfteip !h. climate t» kealtby and delightlnl, ait» r

Bavin»' San Juan and I'almtllai and the roadt are goodam tea«, m o the year. It u alio a thorter root« totVMetheii that through Jalapa.A grt at ijuautlty ot lobecoa '. prt»duced In the neigh

hwhood oi C.rdova and Orizaba, the manufacture otetateh. Into cigar«, i« a government monopoly, the leaf«ti»g pun-baaed ot the groweta fet B fixed price. Thl»Raton the quantity tat. n ly the GovernmentaCor tkivo. o.oi.uuled to elwhl thousand balee, tel o«

Oeveriin.. nt property, It Is liabletosetoare by the AmcrBaBi wh: .¦ priVoM propclly I« held BBCTadTax tobacco has beeti returned to tt..- piodoc-r« to

told u".t.. tta manulacture »'¡in !»»¦ tat-ly cointneucedTke*e i-ight thtiutau.i beles sr.« worth nearly half s miltoo of doll».a, and would hud a ready aal«i They are

lea« til/ 11 .vtttinit-ut pro)» rty. and ¦. inch Would be a

lajtlyio. t.. cur trim In Orizaba too, 1» en limn, u».-

.¡ p»j»»-r very vsluahle. sod, like the tobacco,tW prop, rty ot the (i .vernment Thut you wii¦ tacott might pick up »million nl dollars or So,UC|fett.'.» y y i hanging »lightly hli hue ol COUimUnlC«soot »hi,.. tucb a cbai -« .¦ »un- p» ¡uiaut-ui at!«BjMfeBSover that at pre,Pksreta S report Bat ta li in the mule pen» that «

ft» ot «... i,illas bars mede Bdeeoeal upon tn.- m.»e zedl»4biiig»,i tin. k. 'h t Bed made ot! with one tel .1atlr» have u t time | out and see» Ham tho truth*vtfe»n.»tter h» the Kdith t» nearly ready to movo, sndIsvattgi't ,,v 1. tt. r on t»«rd «. ioon as teossible. TheMta tie not hall a ml!« Iron th»» City wallt

\. ur», very retpectltilly, IBD1CATOB.tkoa Mm, .. The H.-tH-l hat a Teletrrai'liic

«tajttiti Philadelphia announcing the arrival t.|«wttettner Kdith «t N"w Orleans trom Vers Cruz, with«.Mrsfruea tte CBj el Mi alt ta the M In itiWy MeeBtaa that SaaM Aaaa had withdrawn hi« let

¦»Wrvaigo.ii.u under ike apprekension that it would.'starbt,,! I., eptti . -, tented as being to s.w>.t complete confusl « and aaarekj*°*V \t ha«» !.. n t»l. n ,t!y the City aga n.t¦. «ppr.«, h ,,| ». .r tt «ipa. It i. prt.ioned that I .en»tt». ,,,. .,, ...j ,. ..;.4.j,.»t ,.| m« H».i» of the«klBUa.Me. A it., |r, .. Vera Crui »litl fartherBnirai.i.,.t theatiokh upou Col Mcletoafc's trata ateJM ¦'¦. ., r wu.u Klla.k.vd !«> iiitittor lor»«!

" Bev.,-,!,, r,ir»»i» ,)viii», >,.. ...... ... i. ..

l-rea'Ä the ÏZr»1"1*"* J' A ^^*"It m talle ved tbot sVott intends on».».. . .

OfUBb. and Cordova '" UUI« * r"at AroughThe t r»|i», tVr.

.Vhixii... ... rCAii laCucbtt-K«j«Mtei¦*B»»e»eeo. tvuj ti. y t,,,,, whit wc ha..¦earn >.! ihe conitioit ol Ihe Wheat ol this count] w,

W^rticl.nrttotiie optaioa that there will u-a"crtm We pa»»»-d thr.ti^h «e». ral .1 Me I

«oet.» o! the county l»»t w.. X M » of whl.'b, waeeptuoui otM)vr tw. t)«;d«th«t bod N-a n parti« v

_taxr«U»»d, thegroio lo»A,.J exoeteiagly well. Andw». »e .earn, n u.0 ra» iu .ther part« ei Uio county

n v Ivcruser, June i

4sr__,M °* QkA"lj Ulv,it -Wfe are HoMBBMJ t>v| JJ"0»*-'-»ho resides st I.raiitl River that the Wheat) ¡ErJf»«»e»;tk>n n. ver looked roore promUIng He

JJJwBere wer« i ur trri., wwa Mt j.., wt,_.BtoVwi tb?,JI°*x b*«for«» 7he prospect ^ the surp us

«»M ttt.l fea ».relie the a laality of lh« p«»t Seaion..ivt.-oit Daily Adv, ruser

frkhxi F..v.h.ii .j>,.,,( ¡e |,tvc uUon llCRrd .,,

tatJ.K ^ brl°* '"ual mnb[u . wh,rl andiuchbBmToI '*' bat W" ^"'^.U,I>'. »rry t»'W h«V|.Ba«W.T' '*f*IVlnl '«und oevrAfw an >*g Tbtry rou«t.te _h. ,,'(UM' !*' ra bow |, , ti., flrtt^Vta aturdty 1U, M w. m M ,,,,,,. uIj


anatelw a'*" .** An»c»¡uc daugbt.rol Mr Kar

«W_,i°*"I 0l "¦" .UWB ot Clinton, to IhUa_!S i-iî! 'li, a_ _* Wttk:h w~ iouod v' coat-a^LZÍl,'," ."!. »* that of a partridge per«e««r!£? "** n"TU>« "h»«l «hsll. It wo« a «ingu^aiuT.dT.rt,i'r?,um<s "». W1*'il ÜUM tocurkiu«^ ww tod it hard to account fur 11

[Poggkteepsle Eagle.


Interraftn«, Uclrntlfir Intelligence.("alesued for The Trl'.ji.. !- m .. .'.at ..

P'ovti ¦.< MM Mm ' A leit intheBostón Bnataty Ol N itérai History stated th»t there had

la .a haï, .a api atoa at «rt:.ymatt«" r rancheaot ataca which w»r» .>. i ¡o ta-..- teen

ta1: - atoantes, ta ttie tatatet t r.t the Nfa«i«et>nv .¦: sia N J »ii.i tal

D B «t Ii A» l.iri BBsdhave baaa asada la «ever«! ¦. Gray wm laiiuc.-d t examine th. l to hint Tbe» l.t'. t¦¦. oui- two andtl yem I old, brühen, «¡jiili

¦ 'i, rv a -.¦, I then,trace» ol the hark r«-tea ntn| "ri tbe it ¦.¦ 1 The woodWM not at al. Ira ... d »lid »a« ut » Ight y decayed

-, -, *' .U I "! It." tr: iln ftael u ,i. I'rol.


ral ha than to a time ptna Th'»'ni» rerjee ta

mat by in«' aavtatahataim al rein « natal the arood ny toaI n--wood) iiMe mm ver« baaatttally aad

dJttlactly marked with tin- circular disk* that «

einölt rou* wend. 1 he tti urtur-iiuile p«r!«rty vtllh tn»t 1U iimiler litainh.iT» ol the

r, I., ii.. k IprBOt/ J'.',,/./Oi,/rii< TiHit of

ehoaphui terminad rery earefally ty.Mva-aa (.end t. be 111] Th- phniphoru*

»«inii'd t«e uttered with wat» r »nd eonttantlywin a ci oi ng withi'tt tin* precaution it tiny remain

«o Jilv in| m it mper«turn ritelto »''.ut 104 Th«- rat" ot eo. ling ot the »nlid and

pboaphorui betwri-ii the»«- two potnti »

I- I the t» il.:!-r:'Ut »Ute*ail'iatall'i-

Sea Mimerait -M DtLRBSB,of FrajEica discoven I and reported on a new mineral -Bmrmttitin feat popper unite» it Lesoto«, o m toa Mtai Chatty mar I,yon», al Temper.ti i in I laeatiy. and atmreral athai Earopata iocthltan. Thai mineral i* a

bydi n - e ', pel IBluti» it cryiUluei In bl'iuh radiating needle»

«lei h-,- ¦¦ aianty 330 Accordm, lo lb«»nalyii« ot M Deli »- tl ol earl oati a

oxi-1'- oi «ine 3d .' iiriu- -i.: orntde ol tmrnpt r aV4>a\»at"r |S A'jmni'iiii hat .-eri dinKrageti in Norway . cm.^ with loBla 'i'¡¡-toar nul mua it ri IBMllllia koUta in i'ry»thlirie tonn

lui «i."....'., a^a» al\ I ti.'-t|i.'cifi- grnvi«y 'j T«i4 lu eompOtBttofl H differ* lullte, affording »llie» alumina mai'itesi« a tracta irre-. aratoBaVSa et Iran, tratar, and traoa id ananas

Ii. "¦ hav. i. n «r -ii red ua th «an:

Rita two in w rimerait named fflaatW ami l'ulint. eBBBIring m grumte Canon- haï a vitrimi« lu«t>-r ai. r «BJjh»urtare «ni U trni»)'ar> nt mil eolorle«!, with two tl Ioí donato refract! n «nd two etnavttet ineHaed »t an

«angle ni .-« or .1'degrees. It lu»e* »till itilliculty be¬fore th-« tiiownino to a limpid, oolortam glu*, coloriosin. ."!.-M.'i BtBM red ("ompoiiiii.n. aeeordiiig to I'rolI'i.att.vk u. »l tea. alum n a. peroxi.1.- "t l'on, va ni. tr «aie»ol manganese, lithia With trace« r,' potom let *"daI'otliii resemble» cewor in rry«t«logr- phlc ami physicalcharacter« txnepl them are onlj baent oi cleavageand the »pi So gravRy toawwfeBt tost Uaatedtaatatbe,watai i« dlaangaand Beton the blow- pnitoedanaarerounded lo a ble'iby enamel and it colon the antarloillame reddiali yellow. It contain« till'», poU»b in la.uni wau-r.

Mr». S *. m Finland m,A Dewmark.A MetoürntOftOnl InWjeJaBtoa ha« been )nl«'lytorin-ad at II. Uinne r«. a» M. Kupier write», the prin¬cipal object ol watehttb Befen obeervaijon« apon theUrn»- ol (low. ring and fraOttBetttOB In that high Northernlatitude M Qm »»let, w thing troin Bium-li mi tbl» subfeet, «do. that M <E»*ie.i rntiaally at that plana proposed

iblieh n similar AmotttBot 'tor the observation otperiodtctl pariioiaent. but especially unies ol talwareocem -¦ m Ilentn.irk ;

Watts itsktaai "" ¦'.' ProncM <i Ik» III,«.I. b*Harm lltr-hgh I'aired Tulitt.A lean'ile »nd n'iU"U«

tpu ieati ni Ha-ve) « t<iii'ii dltooverj tlm I .' "Ivulve« in g the blood through the Tttlkt. BM be» n

.UaU -tel y a en letpir if.-nt ot the l.t'lidol,. .."). ii'aiinly, tin' raising ol water from the

ai t. '.y ih" ia*h -t th.« wave* through ralred tobet totrneervolr* ob h huh level .-for the teqnlattton, at eoarta,nl an unlimited »upply of water poWl r to bfl turned toui.y r. i(Ui«.:e pin pont. Th» inn l.t or proposai lo tr*t

lleabinry ol thU kind ol Water-Ram on Boatfe-a ¦* iii«iii Bagma I

..¦«..Under this title, a recent Parisjournal coiilmiu *n account of a »ingular »nbtlaiiceiiiH'iutartiircii IB Iranee, of peculiar proparti« » 1 heButton A',n*. «anona; kta lori igu anana, tranilate» the de

tartpttoa ot this intereltlng eurioaiiy M follow« It midtaOOVered several year» »Inen. and an interfiling |i«j«*-rupon it wm read helor« th»- Irutitut-e Batet ttieii itainainitaoiiiira. tar hum being ali«-i'l"tieil. as many »up¡."»ed. hu (»«en sllfintly un-i"rt< mi inprovemetSt, arnin cet, ti y ., Company hu« been toiined tur it* inanulaetur«. It it now termed mineral oil Bj nieant at n"W

Bad very ingeni u« lnslrument« ami liiachinery, tiieyobtain an oil a« Iraniparent at the purett water ThUr. niai kal.le lii|Uid I» »aid to have thu great advantage.ot not »taining by eoatact, and ol giving an admirablelight by the lixedneii and cleitrnnt ot the tliin.- Th..Company poa»e«»<-i in AutunnnU ' inexhauittbli-ited» ot the mineral from which ihn oil i» extracted, ai

well a» «avérai other productions, a» parafhne. miner»!tar, a new kind nl manure, invaluable lor exhaustedlend, hri.i many other« However mu-h we may besurprised, adds the jaurnal trom which am ib'rivo ttiiiind rmatinu, at ». ring a vile and despised rock thu»yielding a variety ot prerloui matters, then« ii no roomlor tu to doubt the tact. It only proveí that the icienceol ('hemiilry is in IU Infancy, and that no one can atiignany limita to ill progress When the tir*t attempt» weremade to burn bitumtnon» coal, who then would bave be¬lieved in »uch retulU a» gat light it« application to theg.ii.t atioti ol »team, or the bright future in reierve torto humille a mineral I And vet. are not lite mines ilAn/in ne re « aiiatil* to tin u proprietor* than the BUlt IMim i ot both Hie lndiei

Mi. tfflass'l «Tlilanjajra.Mr. Allrotl i«inee. wimhas nil «lung attributed the potato BstaSBS to t:.ntflfeS " lately placed I0BM M ihoet !n#»ct» on a healthyplant, which they dettroyed. with symptom! preeiiely»mular la those which atiei ted Bat crop last year alletc; l.uropeEwtUumtng Util faatiUt,.A liutn»n bodw. aal

balined by Oenai, in Perl«, in IMi, wat recently ex-luitii. I hi *r»> kj t'haite in the pn seiice "I »evetaleminent phyticlHtii, and tmiuil to be in a »tat.- ot Porfeclpreaervaliori thu* «»Ulilubliig the repuUtion o| this re

BOtar« ot a lost art.

'¦!¦'.¦¦ The t- lio« tofj sstTaniiliBBfy oa>u«ion u described by a corre*potidetit of the

il'allr Journa, de* ¡>e)<alf ( in IndayUit, betWt en

ck in the morning the weather bfltoflcold and atoar and while the tun «m ruing brtl.lanllv we taerw-ld a nnragaa I rom the point ol th«'

.aVeple ol »ata l «medra, el Ufen ro»»- a narrow lay

..( * dark « .r «.neat veilica. va un u «.la'tit ,n. ..i.a

itneWeet B>i t - v lb« latage orthe upperhalf "t the Steep.e ot '..:¦ H fl a. de, | C" ».'illIU tower» Bad all the nuiili roim Bad .Ii lente tndhíe or

n iliieiits »liieli ,tt comte it on all »hie* Ibis iinaart! WMmi correct that It wight have BM B mutaktIB 1er a repre

D ktm in "t> j"- t »'ht Ltnei thti¿«ti» i" men. ti mmt ii'iie»l«'ij Such an optical t¦:'., et atunexampled m tint touiitr)

inS im..Prof S.- iiav

BBflJt it u aniioiiiiceil ha» made a di»covery which ismaking a great ...inatimi in tlertnany. ThU dutinauithed rriteiior who Invented Oaa-Cottoa ha» »tditcovertnl a method tor immediately cu

woundi Tbit Invention, in ronnection with that ot In.etuibllity prodnaad by Bther, will e'toct a completeBatajsaa in Batanea

A Hungarian «.'lieuuit liltiliieoaei, il a in, II»--«J ol pr.'dueing lirai without lut!Ile pUiei'.ti contact two iron pitta« and a ooppei I

tuin.tig m »n «mi at the ead >f t level»«. ghl at tato «tafear «m) to Baeptawatataa

in contact »l.n by nieani et a veiy simple BBfaWataiant ti.ll.ig eaeili'i. a gio».iig led tit at may be proliucd in live» and maintain! d »ilii a-ase.

I'n.: lio! M. ol frine''hat lep attad to the «ural'i* a flattai ot experiment« I

acid uliie ra«lic. HltBllateot ammonia may be readily obtained froto the t

t j. iry etato Bflordn 9 to 4 par aast M Cwapilha« .I.«c.o. ra-I thai th. eoajTOntOfl ol the BaTOSaflnSfltod

Lad lato a crystallite, mass dms BOt lake placeunit.» Ifeor« I» fro« »«M preiriiL Thu is an ImpoiUntfact, as tho i '. ctyitn a :« BOtBBaOBrt »*

a* a distinguishing character .Citric MM i«lour..I in the tofeaaaa plant hut in a very small iiuantity.tio other orgaLic BBl 1» could be Ijuod.. l\,lr, '' v"laf ' I

ity sutil Viiliiine ot Ifefl .IriArrr* it ftarmucira. hu« aa Kmy ou thu «abji it Lint

., yield» a hrownlah v«rnuhthu u to . long time In watt r containingafeita and tin- nab] « snaattatl Baaaal as Msaadh J andthe acd not allowed t'o act le- \- kkBatl AtlMtatub.lax'- i« Wfetoh *«...d.:i"* '-. .

*.» w»«t.. | ¦, ¡ 1 tut tulitUi.BOt «drtere fei the ting, r» Il plMtic. die'« not nrll by it

»hen heated »tnklu.'ly resemble» catiatchouc.c»p«xtlaily in other and »uipuuret ol carbon

tuipa-utine IVa i,ut r.u.1 pi11 . k »wSRfl ot Oil

caoutchouc I. given-Wheü llnaaod-otl Ii b.tlel withhalla pint ot »u.phur. m t«a>n M the U-mpenture reache*a carta.-. a :..... m ,.n, rt( j ¿J, . . ..UlK,u#ma« ,.. »outchouc dilata nitro-Vid coavert* all the lu pour tato .ulphurlc ^iJ the re.Uue hau. brick red coior it. howe.r u 0l>, .|a4llc

*kt tmmmmi «jf F W$ Car*rcruù.-Prof Demll« ot ata tetante«* .-,¦ :>ty o:i «ru e bas «ubmitled « it-' , ,many pariiculari with ratanaot ta th.. i,und Mid^»eiited t the Soci-ty . tep 'graph' «i rhart ot u TheNal ol logo u ;! ?'.»> metr«-i air ralher root» than 1)ling .ah m '.« in h:ght. Il ilaii.'» .u t | BBBtai ol abaaa,tic i rater riaïug 1 uXIJ inetre* « .illle BMWfl than

above it« b««e. The t

wall» extend entire half way around to a« to tona «

.omt circular crett. On the broken »Id« there are nuDirTuiii tflBtia conea thrown up at the eruptions ol 1788to IT i< when »11 that -lank ol tbe Uland wm coveredwith lara.

Xcvty- diicerrtre/d l'*f* ,tf the SuttflnKtr.Toutemost experlenc-'! fe] Him cultivation of th.« plant are ¡sanguine that, win a proper toil tad proper cultlrituo.

ir u more prujuabl* than tcheat «vr "ten The t»edt er»more oleacliniut thaï) th., .¦

bine Me qualifiée lor li>/r *.

without its mf, i» ii laid by peintrr* who fcar-

¦ad M II m '. 'a; 1»«y |a «preadmr Bad :,t í-omin.. a murh

d.-n«-r eo»t |'rvp»r»d »nd eat-n »a art1cbnk«i the

M H - i-i i»r the »'. ft* ere.h.-mp or ri.x »i. 1 Mr bee paotarepe ttaeoeait ¦I»i.t y i-.ctn,rf trofii its ....a n»«ta-rtas -. -»ni m-»thoney Aw-»aya Hwill yi» Id on SB »verav..

lab.'Is of swnd I

Bg "« pi i nvrs» m. aadndlan core Bettered



y Ib Taraat i

S) » »i wher» th» cult; l «t r..... tad so far as

atxive asierti '

IBM tte prêt ; te i *

cow» ei[r»cl»l!y when Ite b-ed in o.r peiture«n «. ... r . «t »»arcity an 1 dr ,'h W. genera !y comm'itre plucking them in July, taliru tne lower leavettlrtt, and tosaftog th. m .ut at night or If the tcarcity

i» gn »t M tieo- turning themfr'im their yard« V. . ate '¦ lot at the«i- «« i '.»v ... tool f - latter in

The i> »'.i ot th« Sui a ,

-.» i .« ;¦ Utrywholly «uper»»- HagAn ! i \! .«. k

leatii. hai inv. afead i new p ». npt n : chair, lor whichhe he! pmoircj a patent Badet tr." rial.'.- k

.-. lu do. is to m d.wn »i i r-.i-X i. EBSelf, Wfeee 'Vtte- taeapleM not Maarp ta Ite w, a i Ma Mea porfene

ai tor bow »u.try.liter is lun

air ."

The I)f s/ .

in s braaMi reaaries a» ¦ beery .':. ».pa'tin. al »».'. J usa apaa

* Grotto del Cane.' aadlbMao danger i« lola etorlag Me spartan i.t,! s (» ,-» a i».»nd up

riwht bal !h;i n ....

In f»ct, as carbon to seid it rtnedn "I !.»r OB] l it m

r thon ailt. tnperatare, or, in otl er wi "l«»¦, secordlngly,ssyi tar ', it ascend*

with tt »,. ,! tt.e apartM»»l. » eaiioasa ii limaltaos

order !o burn aad lo 00 tea ¡t. tii'itt have-it takei tbti trom th- air to lorrn

sally uu plot"-,»».that to tte coarse ol areryafeert ttane, U ee .¡rc-ibe,1 o the... ii.tiatiiiices SO Inimical t

I I lun,.. o! the ail become« thoroughly vitiate I,peftefe 'Utcrmg the »partnictit Wou.d

J.'i ...s WorktM '. sTBOfeP. sided by

In lets, is actively engaged w:t,i ÜM S000«tut ol his tin

portant I»nd theteadesw] »; ti(leeros baa taeea efeareedtoedia aaeeaaaaei atyla al pabft-rMoe .M KarsaaLoioli

oeeapsod with th. Pass c dtaefesd on tte lets. »p..,),.],,n uiiilei Mi 1.1« ndort... tin AM UaUUMaMR b»i ready lor pabUeetioa an eat, n

..: tne ,e,,v.:, -.1 t lb«nm'le in hit dilVr- :.t journey» ihr. u_o th- M» partm.-nl»

ida. I'aKtea. Pskor, m. Petersburgk NorgorodTver, Moeoow Toele hi»;, aga aad Orel ate in iteSummer of 1845, te made a tour tnt -acI.i, ate I '

wity in ordt r to empare hi« remit« with Ite tact» thi re

presented i.i.d give gn «ter coapletoaeea to Mi deecilpm ii ,. North» rn

....Parta tatam MMa thit lie»- Mri« proeeceting ina Ufa« mantel arte gn »t «¦ t.» ny. tatein t.r.-Ht Briten »o 1 on tt:.- t'oiitli,.!,; At »!¦

Itog ta Péris .-t th.» Committee ..t DepnM n ot Algeria. Ma CMtafPMBB M da lo. .( JeVllle.-poke ..t ». bariag girea raliiabtol

.'. a la Uaerit aad peld bin Ma.high cumplí nent« ... Mr HtMitorT our MinlitertotegUod, tin.I jutt ¡elt I'nns .r I,..ii Ion. Ht the last teturn in s Ir« mouth» in ..tdi t"the ¦. »enrol .-. he hn» foiniii. iifi .1 ;n Me Ardor, i there_lion Mr iMBfeaau h«« geas to BraaaeM trom Paita,lupptwi'd with ioiini (cieutttic aim.

CITV ITl'.Ml«.

IsTtMfeMaT, July !.Tur. Hbw AbsbSAI... Tlio eOstafef I

edlhce il to bö laid on Monday next (¡en .»tortni hailaaaad MtlMttaaa to fee preaaal aa this ooeettte, to r tin- mem .-i« the I.cgi«!»ture M Beta York.

.'. non Council and the military generally. Theya',- to Hitcititile at the State Ari.nal M 1 rMiikünit. ot 31» M Tbt« new Arienal 11 M bfe iltutted at the junctiono! ifth-avenue and Sixty-fourth *t.

| XT' Wfe Copy tin« UlotTiai 'r""l tilt' C'"irii-r \U.Í« liloinni.. to xpt» .. our entire «gre--

ment with it* suggestion» The tubject it one ol verygr«;«t Importance, and ha« been overlooked ttxi long.1 Uter 'if the Courur a'id E-iquirerThi« mortiiug in Hroadway I taw titling on s MfeOp

¦» a .men. liigf/ing ol liiern had »face so lullot blotobe« h» to tie irighttul. hideous to look upon.theotlier with a child in one arm had the nitor tarad M thereit/r, th»; better to ihow a déferadtp which ootetatedin a lar... l.irnp ol t!e»h in place ,,| the ruht baud andwhich wtta ,,ne ..I the moat disgusting etginahle. Now we most have all tho>' ettaropé, fby the way iteae avara Qenaaaaj eaMtatooaiCity, l* there no mean» by Wfeick it may at a, » v.-nt«

be kept »mt ot Bight, particularly ot ladle« lo whom such. asay proi as, ». wo» so-

lUklly the I'll.' a short to. »,». IV gOOenough to call th« att.-.n.... ,.f the pr.ip.-r aal«^whoever they may be t tnt in. p runt but t.»i mathneglected matter 1 MaotCBI.

¡vii-Kisi.>MrM POR C xTiarT.A Crist. Bfecjh aaaafeaa ta Ma i»r el this City, ol rath.-r huh ttandIng, liai been Committed, v».- unJeratan.!Prison '»n process out of the Court of Chan-conti nipt in not paying over a conitdcrtMe turn o!money which h»1 Be»The ¡notion tor ittochmeru on which Mr C wsi ar

re-ted «m |..r contempt In hit n»it ptving M t clientMr With' urn eaihier tif the Dry ¡lock M«nk upword of |1300 lie bad eclleotod efeawi II aseatas ape

ii a foredoturo tun. The praeaM M th.- (toertt »».ti -t t/Hilit'le. and it! term! are. we fteBeVQ, that Vlr e

thai) be d. tatr.d tl!I he payi the t«:d am.'tint, witheafeta Mr C i > :ne t:m«. at Brookrya

bfe was exudtdate Ibf Mayor, sndlor Jtfeetel ; Kip . ..

At IIiKar.Y',', rrr tajM >'/.!'I ait nifht efts t:t ',«t'-! with

a canal t«.at in t».w while fMWf fe» Mm S rth Hwhen «'«I the r.ited att»te» ti«- ne o'lice .»tne very near

running over a small boat with rive troys in her ftolB10 «nd I'J ye»r« ot sge The txiy« were «o much t-unteied that they all jumped overboard two ol them it

«Hitaidgol on hoard th». Pike, ate it it tear».1 th»altera aera drowned. Mr. Boaper towed th« small boatint.» Whik-haii «Up. flic bad received no damage.

I', i» t -A l.Kskel ni i." tt> MrII. J Kipi f.H Jani.-llt Wei y- itt.. i saaaho] »t tte« rasrM rterl ate chatnou,

W"iii«i: w.rtaft.o latte bfefetetManial itnrti tog.ther » . ¦ cried withMr. svipperly saaaae. i tit sraaaafeafea

tierman »migrant, named Jete LMtt who arrind in thi» City on 1-riday le»t. from Antw. -,

«i lbs iireen 1 ree at.en..:au :,o«r,lin< hou»e.>i, «VaaMtagleaVM *»ptbys man named iri» Ir.-bbed «.ii j-i»tarJ»y ot |i -o .n ó tranc ;lue money MM attataa ¡roui his tiuua. while mthe sbov« ntine.l h.u»<- The tOn-l neapedI wo m«ii. one about M M k», » i rather bsldan »'t-utleiuany oppearance with the t,.-e» n-,

t-oat cut tit tied with a reooii trie other » :

year« ot age. wun a dark c tuplexioo. and xiving hliname »i \V:,items, are goia»* turough tne up)«-r part olthe ciiy. asking money uod.-r pretence l r a te_p.TH ¦. » tasty !!a.1. k ana. .t They- y ester

a Mr Qeerpa n dtrords m tiroadway» .... them thr»'»- dollar«. up»>n a l:»t »igned by«.¦me -t lb« moat re«pecl»h.e perx.«ii« up town. Mr.»wo.-J. uot perfectly sérielmediately wcol to Nstunsl liall. where ne a.

ed that no taMpereaea aaatetj «u betd, tni thattheie t- 'Wi were :inpO«ton. The puhilr ha»! te-tt»-treware snd it the temperance collecton «re not c»re

IJ they will very MfeR ^nJ MaMMMtel bl the clutchesM the I'tilice_bateen Camming» o! the lia »

Bee ai.d Mct'ori ot th.- | |Bfe Ward t.-..i ra «TBtag ar

nilnl three J.-ck htnli on ¡oard the itetmer Colum-but natued l.awrenc M»a;»y and Krown chsrg«»iwith bevlng yeiti rlay -»t». y »tioulted tß«- mat'iteamer l»m !«r wh;rh they were held to bail to t_*wer

I.NvjfiST«.Coroner Walton was>evening called to bold tu inuuelt at 4-1 Pearl »'

| ol Calhanne Maulan, s native of Irelsnd. agedwh rsme to her desto by disease

s tea viivage Verdict »ccorJmgly_TbeC roner wm

oiso called yetterday to hold an lo«)ue«t «t the City !!¦.pita! upon the body .! I far.» » « n«tiv-

land aged MU year«, who in th« delirium of lever jumpedout M » tnird »tory window and tell upon the ground.. dMttare el t >rty leet eoaMag Mi d- »tc :n tbiny mln-ule» Ha «tt. mpled to throw the nurse out with him.who with great difficulty extr.cst'-d her*, .i ¡r, in li

¡(rasp. Verdict feeOM

It?" We MtVfl that KM F«-'« it CaxtUVn a

clely in tun city have given an lntilalloii to Krv HenryWord fWcbt-r to become As*^late l'ost r witû Ht-,.Mr. Alken ol that chsreh. Mr Beeeher Is DOW Pastorot a church In Indianapolis, Indien», aad ¡otead», wehear, to remain there, if the health ut bis wife will permit of It, but If compelled to leave ¡adionipwll*. he willprobably accept the initiation ot «om« church at the

East [Bosteo Whig.

Intltun sTtaMfeMSTC of Amertrnn Tnrn.lrr».lfi!..rmati» n hai ; ti ,-t L «

PtV» li.. .,._.

A .-. .S

!. whom th»y t. kterw«- He 'late-* Uiat th'l t.

I ..- ,wn by

Bravata, n'

m »r icn»rgt-.g »h jeD y éteeathe t.»r . Metrsad

:.-' '.-.''. 1 "e. n ...

with tt to OBu».

.-»dingthii me«tec'» .it wa.

pern.::- g beee preeeetod BTtM a

»¦ n i t«.trata a rartb a f»w

w., ¦» taaea Mfkea BeA

rai. herd made a »tarn

« 1; wa» t.that t a

.teat Iwar»i a ;,.i a we.- party kgainit the

MMa bare recently taken tt.»War« MOtafe[4?- i ». 1 Mm 8l «

¦ srfea that thera:ia*»acre near V\ a.nut


y 1 v. «

day MM tw. f«rn- :.g .,' ten or

rtMrra w.-re Blutera «t.

. Meas, with which tribe they». I» rmr

where. In ¦ dt»tnjlic«l dai. «, tteil«


the 111.lian sgest th» - i.» .

VVinu» .aifie-a in council, «nd it a iuppo*«d tn»i1. .« imtcably settled

wre. h It cha'«, Il tn. I : have tad to the

massacre 1,1 these t* ... «

-t !.. 1« Republican, Ji.:.

w lean by BarIl ne' in Attleboro'. was

burnt d ,v»i, betweeata1 leisadthai m the flame*


[Boston Journal. June 'to

general Xoticco.XV »4 nlrr-( tir :, 17 Bond-it. N

I .. ... '0- ». a »r.l»,-.-,,k ,

» ... 1 »»a. »J,»1er c- n-ay, by 1 |a tee taeadftaeel r a tree »watet hex a aryStfg £#_*_. LETTERS am. NEWSPAPERS A_M»»»bbbIMsb». pQg KOKI.M.N HIKT-. «*».*»»

XV 1.,'lleea Una» toe ".

V I 1 T- '. T "el, I P rt- .¦ . «inri let!

aewspa » . » lea wti:»iw»yi » te») i- ret] . T 1 .:»( »run«av.t li

» R. MOaVBB Baa« . . »1, ri need ead e-t.

- 1 ». raaeetol.v. » ;., .' .

8»C» I ... » a Wl.

. '-n. I,|v»n»,r>!tiisagow Ireread, iiav- '«tr»-.| as Itiasiertaat R-»--nen, Haestw.i Vslparalsa R'i»rotAyree.Uregot M»,ir p. ,¦ .» «1 7 .» I

IBB, Havana.tro.11 . A M l!.. M P. M

XV Teller« anil N»-\t .pu per« a HI be reetosed elS for l-e

peeiettb'p bavaria Cart Howe, whl »»it forHavr»

. it the »»me a--. Letton ate!»cle...h.p NrlV WORLD t.;o

K.S «t»l » lu. n Milt fa 1 intt.V . .. . i.-t S I ««¦- I.etler» gad

IBNOBICK HUOION,ft last j>.'

XV 1'rofeealoniil >oiioe.-.l I). VV'iuri.r.« v. 11:make oui ti'.rf« (or those iii», of in» pri..»n!on whofron, the m .- caaeoteeara toe liase, or era» ill» rva . . nts a long lavsstlgsitoa of tosa.»a .

TV A Cnrd..To it.» bofetee set OeoUaesse oí Mewr.ark aad Bra Uyaasd drstctolty, ny Mrt CU AKHINofB...

v; ¦ C. who tea bad a toae »n,i saeeeeaMI prsctic» «,.,. .

'. .¦.»»lion with all

. ¦-.ninrnpiion. Inflammitlon ofat, bronchitis, sell rheum, lyseotery.eoetraetiot ..f

cord». .Irtpepti«. .|»('lllty. iptri«' arleciior'. n-rv.. ,. a

mm«, a.i'i'tia seadtoe, beeaache,fct»eMeeae,BCroojl». humor«. i.e. ic

l!«r pr.. »t.». beee sesiasatly saeeeetaal, havtDg aae-»¦¦!», anl nio»t »ener»

-;cla»i of saeta Ion,; it», ling aststera.-»«rt of it.» m,.»i »llllful phvilcian». All

of which ran be »ee«i :r"-n the lOSpOCtabM refer»t,r»»whlrh itie ran »how at her rootri, i'7 Rroadwsy, Iddeeifrom K » 1 :¦ »tThose wn 1 weatM be basM «BBS! con» qulctiv or Mrs.

i »k .,..,,,,» v, aere -«s is rrntm to be pMInto reo..:» ... » U dotar. Jet lino«

XV Weatern l.niul Axenry, Ur.TtoiT, Ml hlgst.toroM their si-

1 ttebaatoeaaet MM aagaafep.rM The pereaaesan ) »a > of Kea. Bstofct, the ayment of taxes, reclsitniiiglands BoU for late», the BBBCteaa of land» al lax »ale«,

' «t'.at» or Governmentlaad». the evatnlriatioii and ttttog of stes.toastet city» age property a Ic -

. »- ¦ .. -g'.-.n.ii.mortgages ai. 1 iMI »r ».. !». cos .( debt, u.» purchase and. vt ., a ,.. , tilitoeThey bava a.-' and intsiworthy Agsois at toe

--< ..»-. ..»an md Iowa.« |

That all basterea eetraeted to ih»:r »r» «:.-»- -

prompt anl attention, they refer you to ihe.,..lok» tag a-eri.einen, for whom tb.-y have transacted htisinossXV Orhce oppo»iieltie " Michigan Kxckaiigr. JefTertoB

» - -« »,.

Otosce P. Mt.r. MACY i. ORI.,ir_lVViLi lax s Deiees.XV '.> II Hx i.HiiP. S3 Merchants' Exchange, Is

tH ¡» D IB New Vor««rri «

.Veré-Veri iVv- P'»l«r!c Hr- BOOB, F.KJ. OsBlel Lord.Jr.rt.--. lamín P. B a » R.uler. P.k;

Mesers l> V A k tigs and J» Co. Meair» Iload.ey, Phe.p»Besan re fe I liltvsC llernng.

.(l(aiay-l;r'.r¿i.|)»»»..:. .. ellBs ftstoj v i Meews Bat tn J» ,«1.1.1, Meeeri a..»

.. p»haft. . í D. Errjer. E»r] Me,,r» Il.y»» J,

Jolinw-nvf... .John N. Ran>,,.ir.K«_VV VV D»nBt«.Ki«|

Rkxlittielpkut, Pa. Meiirt. Uri).-r. Teppm k Co.v i -C. L. Tracy » «

hit., .v smtri. KiCj.M a Y.*a.

¡AiKHimbui gt. .V. V..Sidney I), biullh, Ktu. ChaunceyK*u.

HiUtnn. V. V-A!ex C Mitchell, Beg/*r-.,.r \ltek. .M»»»r». (»ray k l.e*i». Uav:d St'tart. Eaq

Mai T ». BBatII ufncUin. Dde.H B, VV m tVeodOrtigaToledo, tmio. ll.c.-jyl M-tl, Bee.Huitfnrd, o««. H L. M »r. Ktq.Alexander, \. Y -I). VV ToBuinson, Uta,mil law I) ismv.vy.uvif

TO THE PUBLICXV I . Byrreater, met < n»»iri»rn snd Rntiih

u . has rt ferr Wsltaer *t near Ctaryssto M It». »¡orn»r» . r»l, that

IB] . ». -» of l»».-1 Ka»l Rr.ia.lws) »,

rfLVCeTE«..otyT I .-

. Walker s-. N. Yff Pr. Hrtnnlna'« Hady Hrrtce it an erte-ieni re

resftanssnt IBs Ttttrat lung» «pin» s . a

»- tpopols « es, wiih w»e«-.. . J 1: 1-«. w»»t -. g- w

» s.. tplna. SBbjecW » - J- «'..»! with luir

Mea Bateastaa given 10 taaoy dUllr^uishe.1 clergyni»n.» , .. '.een re», ued from «uper»ii»i»i ,c. !¦

kills P»¡: .

as a s bsd at toe <tBroadway. A » » «: -. .«¦ - .a'.»,. ufeieJif

XV Ttar lte«ioi.tlve I ordtol, -, rssBrol by C ITarrylowQ.i 10 roe: raid for B.leviai'Dg B»r-

-¦ .looi, to wtnra fe-ua.ea ate pascu.iariy »

, . a ..-. r. sad perein rurisg dyi Miel

. V B !» D a.,» - I M; sold all» , R- » « a. .. 1 A»; -I ..- .-

n a 1 17 Cast Brote «rt Ba loos ». a-

.;. Pr-re t» pa-r tatito. n.y.'l >utw;.'

XV I rotaa 11 owe ntlo t enio per IO*.t.-Coo-a.. . -a I ». ,»».l»ge

lo exasBtie tfee Hose monufsei -.:.'. . -- »

warrant»...,'.' a» towBMtol »

IB AT PfeOPBIETOBS . m.... .n «t»cb ¦ manner a« ».

.» - » oy In-« ..»»i. stack w .»e: Mita fjianu-facaitea-.-J 1 » w >rt:.''ai:»r,;t we-T»au-d

T »1 LL v ¡».VlAáT.» r. » «t- and.' lissent


sari aad Ctattaa Marr*" The t.enulne Rreato «»eep-li sckaow-.»»

lotrotri- . I » I Sosp mine wor.d. i; matea »- fa - ..a» ».»._. » a a

1 .» -

ALBK.KT L. VVI.NslIlP, t:iemi»t «.- 1 Ar «rar y.^_"77 hlu; Rrotdway.

re*"I oeareoe !»prina.eirr-J..'. re »:v«d freshfrom ike« -; oad i_i«rt '¦ uj arj

»... v AiiBrlRT _ VV INáHIP.5 '"--. B-oadwsy.

ryiieonlee Mnnrlem oil-l»aported direct from

f,f^..ho.e.eieacdLÄ:,wiNsH,p^tfwwsv.cjr. Mk/ket-sl.

j D 'A HEELER,Xtr l emsBlaalener for (be «líate« y N-w fart

-ctlrnt Ta-«««*- ' » *' "

¦Ik «IT 11 llOMk-P AUREN!» t.-.» we.l toowa PsatsI ?» or' ¿vt Aa'a-aL ha» loieiy r.reei»eJ ore, Itv. piece«

'l7r- and Linea«, of wn'.ca be malee Ponto tu

Orrr0fU;rJeBir,h,índ l^K« Cj-tejOB. aad Dxaa».. .j :- ...a. - « warrsniedr -od or no sato.

. waai o¡ P«.:i. wi_ do w«J u CBU at^AM-it je» *w

U Ri pail rHi Fakm..Iminedittelyra;n» d*y wnen trie and .» taoaefe ästete at wetness »stu

. «ny w rk u; r*. » hsving rethinf.partie| , | th» mad t« three ol the in, q

. -audio« and rake the .ovate itrsws- .rid the Ita«

¦de, «ad m rri'ich *.

; «»» r.g al« t whne.1 i»ke »h. v,-.t »nd term the -ale ; >n«tb r

law« It .r t theat heap r field aa may belt tutt th-purpoee «t

VA neretj *tr»w. M on tome

ia»n.« » in- brat RI p M B .n<l the-d w'th

r«;n «ad. aw is at

.....«tal lor roa I.« n-«r

farm *ti « :. «Vlttl .

»nd awMatti. and with i to eawnt :h«W«'.-» aV V

- . n with tne uiud-hi.u will malo »uch

«'-,¦¦. a r a

XirctTjorKB.MONTI.ul.KIKH», - Fir* B4 l-Tbll


a . I «1, a


' wariantrd fir« work* ofIABBRTBB m 1 HO

.1 a a .. dir« »tie the Thenlr«t ........ .

F" I K r. V» Il M H .» ! M K h V* Il II h -

.r K re». raa . .

« a

in»rke¡ «r. a « bel a .

.a- a -a»" [l-a -| a ¦. a a

HAMMER '. ili'H 4 . .nul


Tire faff »a.e »l .

a a

r rewo-i«. w-'. c, they wtll *eil M .nw .. »nv .eher manu-a . a


». Mtliurv »nd Civic, .. a -t. wir-

¦ ' V

Í,11 Ith Wlllth«. .

«un and M of all titearVorkl .i-teri

.»¦.. at w .a .'ail l'yiii-nv»::! i. v.iiN'i -.. ia. . .

.Ctiiscclldnaïua.ICECREAM ICECREAM'

ti Lia» V " a. 101J

| 'a -

tun v tu» ira le and remsa MOU

*i. Tb« I .¦ i tnoii b«*- i'".-, ledi laaaaauitoeol «..->ru.

vi h_aOMEter"Tôr"chest diseasesr|virs VALUABLE INVENTION iafeteStael »aleara,a

I 'la. .'.. Il Unie.¦ eaed m p .-l-*a m, «nd ai,

¦al r':aca«ei til)t W ARKIN'IT iS a .

of 11 »ni dally liral.'.i.eit advice will lir given lu Iheit.Hir f, « »..» »cd Prtahya

¡ell I"_

Ml DM IL hl.M Till! ITY.-Ur. AM BRI IIt ta . ii.''i an Improved

krattie, hy means of wl a powerful cur-,i. lain« the

ill) -.. . a::.' .L I)» Aa M a a -.fn' In t\\* treat.' of«.«i«e« p.- , . . .a . a

. ». lepiy. n»-r» «

. . ild« '.and '.'.t.y uiher acme and caret k« I l .« I .

I alwaji a

of a medic* DM tr.tlamatorycun miic-i injury It». a' - of u»naiure. Cha ,... for application tad »iv.c- '»'cenia

C^AM'KK»! t'AM'fKKM:-Perioni at«, c

a --ate ran '»t« n aipmdy andD» El

more :¦» (l.-aiid t No pay i» retj « ¡-«rferi« a W!l j »:e ., l* Will bfl

I bat. 1RAU. PKAZKtt,\f tut, who doctor» oa ibe ladtaa moda of nr»at id» | Hotel, '¦ r - .'. In lite

third w- » - '

fir Hi« »essoa. when »pernHfl « ¦' a "a a\ e ».»¦-.

a av» »¦¦..«. '«y Dr f. ofTi » n y «it i.n-

I kit. A >IIII{Ot>K, v. . »

I r. end« mllef lo . - in d-iy. lag» Hi» ireaimeni I» mil i aud etfficuclou«, and charge».rery moderate. I Cbamb«ra-«t S door» from Broadway.

Im*_A»l HI'l.lH I I UK for at, Katen.ive r vli Mr Ka»

il««'« Paierai a bad ai to» Pa-:-r.i-l a I Si PUllOB-t '«II« Piorpwrt, BrooByn. lienitemea'i Ütilru male io order and warrauaed m

Si teil Im'

HVlIKfll'.vflíV. TTTNïwTyork H.vdri.paihtc 'ii.enl I* no» la MCAWteAll operation ii-id-r Ike

rare of iBambsertl r », m: Ponrteeait M. m-ar (Jeioaa ti.oe ih- .e.t r-i.-i1111-a for treatment aro »fToided,

log'tiier witli a good abycielogleal die«-.' I«'_K I) riRBSOlf, M I)

OI «Hi OF ItKI/l «.K. -Tu- i,.an.-ri> vitirngdav for« Bad'..ri« of tba children al the

ahove liiiiiiju.iu will i.e n itipooe-l Iroiu Monday. Itie j.h.M lav IBB l.'th Of July,It -li-" «furrio .n By order

I n¡an riitwlima RAlBL *¦ WOODI ".riiendeoL

l,"nl KI'll Of It l.t : riSBlMO ^The ri.ersI ana bayt aboaad wtth weak Bat !¦»... i>ue hah. sheeps.-a '. I , streams in ihe uiiiiie.ini.« vlnnliy

. i .h. kc .

¦r«, i« now eemp am, ríanle!«'. »vicio If.

. I» of «e V IV w ' ,rTi |h 'an

who r ng rir-viou» to nr on ih» OlurtetMIt we m .

- . a

tloe» t» all who may lavor m with a entl for anything Inourliar. IMIS J. BKUlV'N V CO.Jyl V' - . I.. Ki l.e »i near Na<»

III TO IKhl.AM». Tie Iri.h R.IWC.milltar«- «drier, wh»re

at.», a-"- e« ." '. .a ». ifiank-fully received »r,d forwarded o ihe Ceiiti». C"inuilltee of

cly ut K.-i-ll'i» li [) '..JAMKS Kh.yflrRM. Treaairer.

jyl 1W_U BouUi WUlBtw «i.

h.»IOVAl,-T B. OUNN1NO. Dmttat, 'im »mil litfrom corner of Cham'er«.»L an 1 Broad w»y'.. rt

uve Ire*K

leF,U\>Kl.lca »4I.T WITH« HATH, .Nonn»ldBalh 1* now opea for ll

ae»*.in. »r\er .e. i»rg. >te mealr U bow readyfor the receptlofl "f La-i.ei an 1 ileatletueQ. and ihe puijll.-| » a

Kvery alienlion will he paid lo rtillnri. Seaaon rietet*ri«-ure.l a: Ihe -I »irkti I it

S4U ATOI.A MIMIK IL WtTHtl» li» Spitngi, »I

¦ -. - art of l|,e cuyftee of ojpenM, hy UAaSNtK k tOUtiO, Ottmmr*.

.. »Chi »'"-it.

CUOTON llltal .i.nlye».» Paient MeI her,for «ale the Newark Indu I

Ma . i warn . no u»e.-. itbar firm

f-renc» over a. IBer» Per« .rn diulrloj an art »

a a -d '.y he«t nr. i

i.»:i.e ; »i o¦..- a. r- Ma leu-lane,Wew-TorB. Jyl


;«o. 81 Or.r »r. 'r-.a»*ai.r or Ji.m»-«t.)Maw ¥ .»* «It fieri' « j

BB.ITIMH »KM. DOPB.( S rtoHv-ABaar-. '.ns »r- a ..'.,.. «.-»ir.n ir-Ktlng or har'-ortng «ny

. .e,,» M | .:..',it uf iheir cotiiraciiag-a -, ¿- ..

-.1 » v. j T TvPat urr *.'ith-tt

C'Al'TltlM.The»crew of rfea br .1 a - v .VILLIAM. Noa tin or

J M M Trift y I Souih»U

C' 41 'IT ON T , l to truit the.« -. m no denis of iheir con-

a -a . e

' McMi'KKtV coi .'.h tu

RKII OH t-KM II. I hlllK Till VKl.-lri*mberr . « a .ure Ihe anove «nice for the

pr-uerv» « -. goodi. Ac from ihe in*.. al their mar. if« « -a- » .

._Tr. - tfl DKLANO

t-tvTUllli ttff tlllllUKKl HIU » 4 1.K.-The>-.:-¦ a - i.altul retail

er a-|. r a . ramaoa-. - .-nut.oaaaattoattonto STKPHEN «A'illkts.

*,. .

»a: 1 t. t M VOW KK TO I.B.Ta? roajtru Bal »l-a«y power.corner of '»

Bea.-h *u «od*

STfe, A »I Pott Bat row». f rweniy rtfinut )e¿l lia*

aftlO miit TO l.OA > on morigsge, to New-V-x«v ¦-.)'' ' '¦ " » on by

-, -i J B RON»tS, s Wa.. at


yiaia ....ti.». for «ale a.

Biirlr-g * LLClLStlART.., ate rl ,»nu.*i k H»ri

It AlhK PlrillKKa-Briuiai. A tier irv «««.-. ttxee. waaafaci Bato a -a«-

ail relai. a. ft «.'.p. k Hart.

En l.i.l-lt »IIKfcr IKON . ¦-.* isKirlcai num. lIron I a .« »

sHERMAM k MORRIS. 76 Brood-eL

2.000 ¿ïdL'BV».'. riKLIJkCo.K ' ¿ . '7

11 tM.IVl. PAPBht,-VVh'.u. rown. ou«.nan foTMle try CYRL S W HKLD k CO

S ,_1 Mnrllnar-anJ Burllr g-sll»

FUI.MT><; fAfbK.-A MU »Moruneai in siore.

ta -r ny... «"-Silp

« <KA»» KOI'I «VAPtTBUi - '.¦.-. ahebt-neat4 1a.

CTsWB W riELUkCU. It Puu«L

HAUUWAHK ANO kNVRI.Ur-R fAfEK tiLhft hijBI QUaLlIT '«-T .«.. "'*

uuUim C YftLS W riELD k CO. 9 Burling, t;;p

BINUYKJ-»' B«»AKDta)..All n-mtieu for saU byV-aiiw C V Bt'B W. ft ELD k CO. i BurlWg-.ijo.

1>U tAM^KIAI^K .MAHRUrA-im pican of IndiaM.M.e-U-t» . .

t\AW ÉBRAÜ-Araojl in loot lo food ordar, í r

mus by UeUj M I. U tdJJLN 4 CO. ta W'sei-st.


,«-« m, aaaaeei ... .<..*.», cvafe »r safe tfefe«saisi ai,, »a. re » »e »or »T»T« .r

« »- T- »... . ,rs, » IraafSue «r htwr« A'«í Kaeaeaanr«» aV.rmar -a.«,».

». >.|rwa_i. f»e»f.ri»- J*vuri.irt »a«tr r«ea h.»v»,.< ! UmCk-tmv «.-.. ate ... O et» o >...¦ -a. Hr._.«,'n.ergeaem.« »m.1 Pjvh »' rA« Honet esta jotnii. St+mOorn

l umo-if, .AIntrate* n im», fV-eat BH . »fr-.-» , |k»

. »«>«.» »/ ..,rr .¡^«

T » » .» » taaesre, a.-.-ievery Jay ihe leW ». -». I ig It aa m and .'.«.»'.»

. »

pe»It is hiptaly »


. .- « -.i .

. j . . v. etai on «a .» . .

Vlunln» rM : . t ne of o... . . .

. -. w l»*'rlo drag a gx loa Mistare, « » » eeefekMod ifie» » vam»

ki « gieoi chain ofiee'..mouy '.j . kdand beeon«

v ,. « .

Ntw-Yox« April Jo, Ir-lTNll'U. »A a; ».- iftniunze.. iMtCI

».) »»¦'.- ge -a .- :. -a-».-»a. at of apfiet le. Ve.and receiving t.-lieneM fioni me vartaaSS ren edi«i fire-. . . -a

a,.,,.,. , ,, . -.»v» :r,epra»ore »«/ lll-

hopple« raltstores itth.s-d ita lastetat leSdl my teetlmor.v lo lile BM . «, « iafed| p«>«se«lof :t» Dier'.ia, a . .. ( farther tal (it.aii n, I» ... - » « « of my cote »vi neeffects »>f Uli» « » -:g il . How-ery. New-Yore, v,

VSIT V-INTI1-4HThl» cert.nes thai M ta J »i to U I OWi 1.111»

a» a m» f the I itaad« .

of con- ». BPENCK.B!'. -a yterts

. » .' 1» Ag»ntathowi III va. BeBCeOQ tat PtXaB SaWW

vt.V" , IS, I» »4 al ,".r Mors a f taraape ¦«:..! was

then ... .a »t el. -a-es-1 ,

.-¦ . re of lot g

.tending'aasay rlgtatog My pfeystoftaaa tveetaed ni« u»

have l'» amputated laying II waa lha v ni-e .

likely Ui pre»»- » »

I,I -el h» I Uied;i et 1 w IS » .

hn«ln. 'I "».! hniab»! ih« f.fU't». ft » Ivutiariv si I tasto hese. I han

.»..¦-.-¦.under Pro'videnr«. of aaviog my mo, ar I I .«. 1

a« t s -a. aril-

Your«, 111. wl r»*pect..,::y, JAM KM MIU.tlR» » ¦¦< U VI .. rv 'iiti. a ,'-v.

«¦ t- in tetaerara Coeaty rieotaataees :i»eif wto» nil trlj »rrlicie.» K » t . N V »Ian. .re 10,

»,r»f.r«w., By wtfe boa ui . r «oui

Bai sBpsrlHs. which I - ear aaaetsta toM pi»-«.from wblek she lias recel »».1 such special lienetii ihal I

>add mínelo - ab lam tea ,,,

be pio.Hr la lav ir of 't* m».In'nal vtriu»! Herfaitirr, » r other r stives save ffellsa vtt>

püon. and It waa iupp. «el thai the t«»,,

sitia . a wej Me bad seraral wmiutral»l'.» a. «. »'I Ira!

her life wee deopetred ffi sr today vv« were m-

W try y.'ut ««»r»ap«ii. a, a» '.»for» ui»ir.l,'lieo from- ,»¦¦ if « r bsaltb baa beea »eatored, ae Mm Mr

t.» past v»ar *h» ha« «tatole MMM M her utual do-j Cl'«IHIIN H INl.RtllAM.

Por fariner part.cmor», and rone ,«¦.. « evict,re of lit.apeno, vs m sat sstcacj. « «a paai su, wl ita uiay bsohtamet! of Agent« gratiiPrepared «ad sold by A n v .> > iNDS. Drongute, hxi

t M .-..ruer of \V :. lam, N-w Y,.-x»old alto at ."7.1 Kr ia.!w»v a-i ' 77 Vaat Br.w.,1 Arny. »rid

by druggists genera in United latas,Yi Sal per ''.'. .' Ml '.' '» f

ÍJREAT AMEkh-AN KfMEl Ywst.ra« sew-vox« COlXBel Of hsalTH, »7 MSIB ST.

OR (» C. VAl'oNN» vT 1.TiRI.K LITHnNTRlP-TIC ADV.'RT irM.'.T t '- I ««17 I ¦'.me, I

9am, / f ,, » r I» mo« .»«vi Mie'tic Diseeao has ere'ytelded to Its

tl pow -r Whore .- is 1 », sndl ..h.\;u«rt. a P.ngl» ha 1 t"e pr.. /».'

- <>ii 11 » »long. . ..»«.» »1 ..

prluci, » iy be ta eera 10

yrvu, nut lbs rei'iit ta » . talMMctillf Iyou s1« ,e»t rasas . WHOIh« propii-l." Th« ".«,« 1. n- its ^ Itiltnrtregetabie «asoctas each livid us ,u m ,i«o yir.

1,. istri lie iloa « at .-ting with ..¦

BJtaOl .«upound -»o»h root m»«««li| eWB rjre.ant! a««.. lysasav, -i -' wa

lie work whir!, net aw» »»«r fi'a» e»i»i.-ltalied, 1.'lie ¦!-1 it »ho,. iú !.. iiofte», an ..,;.¦¦. s. a«d

1leodo« c .i.stil'.l »n I) o

' «.in ebaiactoti « e eteaptotery »ndicaied1 i a . » « -i »g-,.l 1

. « llt»a» «

.nil «how ie«i!mony ofi_ure». t> ,<«..«:.! ill .-oaipia'nisof 1/1« unnx/v urgons, foru; a,«.« Me CaeBS of great luler-

, » VioBBtrs taTNoarurric baa aeealred no «ru«i« fie - »u'iiry by toe cesas Unas wade to Mta

Iislisssing !««« >f af:,-..,,,.» 9ofi>n«d H saeeu, to i'ili», tbei U ha* llws atl ¦«.-..¦ ih« notic« >r,,r « of ou., xJpniillcaii.ui In Uo lha November number, I",: Monthly Review of Medical

and Hur/tcel feetanne te srtlea rstoetoes tils-»»»».. . . .'»e wrK'-r, a/l.-r Botictogthat Ifie Kagttsfa l|ov»rnin.-.l OOCO ptirrhoiej 0 inrrelremedy, a-i a:».» i.,ti m^ ine i.iirclia»« tn 1*.J, of . »ecrelrsrasdr, bv Me Lejrtsleuirs ifNsw Y .rt, .'...» pay» iru.Bto to tawroate rrftn» Medirla« ** Why «soasM eat, K»i>r»Boetsalvoeto atateseesal A«a*i'uuiy eoaveaedi .;, '»/ ,;ei

sud ditto,ve -. « ' » ,«:lrv. hy»n« pure»«»», of Vemhri . .»¿»iai.1« l.llh»nlrlpiic, Hansrblcb bo solreel since toe da . I y h»i p.w»«»»ed

'it»» fame »" He»' 1 -» » a periodteal of birdafeMsteg. aa'know.edce.l tarougfeoei . i»rge *»»:ilon of tht»

tod |oon a.« of ih« kindM Ike Oeted fetales, »t -ha-i^ii / ». Ita ih» » t«ntlne worstBf BMOpe lo Oil Ceriilln IrelWoaUg«. «JlkraJ hy AusllSFllni. M. U a..d eoeuibutavd tn , tora of ih- hlgaoet protaaMeeel SfeBMr. ihui iteppmg e»|.1» lo notice s '-se-ret remedy ' Ioa willM eaea ut_.ler«taod 00 unkuown

aod erortkleas toeinua. coo Id ihm »xt.iri s rommeni frota«o nt^h » i)u«r!«r -»...| eoosaoBoeliy un.ess 11 directlyeordneied wIM Iba practica Ike lacully, H mu»i haveli««n ts g'eai f» 1»' wrrtri ».a» «»used II to receive thl*pass'ng n«.lice Kid :->y Js»ases. eealuessof ihe iia»k

1 » .»-'.. sod soi sreesed MenstruaHon. BuorolOui. onl tn.« »nitre oiiinlt'reteil train of evllt» .; .f.low . lit rl»e.| lySBSSB. »re 01 tuce, relievedhy toe medicina, Bead fo, peiur»h,«i* from »¿«nil, sadfu wi.i ted ortateee of the valie of the l.tiboiiirlpil.mere put forth. A* ¦ remedy for ike trregijlarltka» of ihefemale tytu-in. It has In the coiup«, »nd « " roof which hotheen resorie.1 lo la the Norih of EBTO| e for ssure cur* for this comp aim. a'"I ¦ r-«i».r«r of thw health oflie em;re lyMQBk t..ver cambpistol (Siudlce, htltoas di«sesss. fee, ere Instantly reHwvad P pi» «'the West willSod liiho uniy'¦ « - coinplaioii.a« well «sfevo,ana ague. Ta»re M ae reMsfey like Ik aae no eelemelorcjutnlne forint »ny part of thii inlrt'i'« fin tn)ury wtll re.

. , t in ill ui«, and Ita octtve propedi«! are ti.anlfetied IB- .a» of » Hug;» B «t ",i; «-. /" fare, am a, »

loo« d!«oraer«. take no inner med'r n«. Rr,«uinol!»tp,gout, wt.l find 1-, -Í Tn» « a sTll » ¦eMMBB »pont.,e

tod will cnaugt Ihe d'aease.which OiigteesBs la ih«l.l.ri I-ill't » .rllt»» « , ,W. I» y»p«p»le, led,-.ii,ci. lt.- stobt to s law dey. usa iif this naadlflae lu-

..... aleo, hsaeve,faeed leite». Bi infMls. arTMpetoa poe«, inflamed eyoo.aUeaaeetbyi . | ifels article toe rsaedy. The «y«ien. c, nipl»t«ly a. tad upon l.y Ibe twenty-iwo different pi . < ,- -land re¬

stored.a« a paru«, «are wl SOI f ..ow T'« iralr, ofcommon complaints ,» a of ilto »lee.i «ici he».)

».-l boobs aWangeeaseloftoeeyetaai and tola grsei restore, *¦ fee '.. work.The prouuae» set foro, u, Hi« »,Iv»rn»erL«ni, »re nosedjpuo Urn pr »if of whoi 11 no« lo'.e t-j 11.» pa»» fo-.r yea,««Ae wrliie», t««ilioony of IJbM agent». In Canada in«bulled Slai«as. lag «wd Bed tiuili Ainerl. a. In ilia Poaeee

» proprle. ,r -and caa I.» BOOB ny oil Irilereited.1 aauffirie^i l»e,«. lairaiion that It '. the taeei ni«dlrinex"r offerci 10 ta« World. U»t ihe, mj a'.udy'.he principle» a» lh»r« laid lowt, of..»,« »,r »! ,' ,r-

i*ut up ta *> os. Baratea al il. U sa ju si fel eoeb.the.¡i iwo «me.! iioii.eo. leroS

' ', Y. »ry 'Mi'.Ue" Vs'igbn s v»g«ui»i« UihnetMpte Mixuir»' btawa

»«. - iignature of " «i c. Viugta''on the dl'ertloos and "(I C Vaegfefe laftrsteJ tump¬ed ;Q .. e ,ri "a .r.» , , «.e. Preparedhy Or. O C. Vaaghn, an! «o.d ai the principal office, giîhf«l,i St Buffilo. al MfeafeJSSte ar.d retoli No ollemtint,:*»n 1.1 »o^-rt uol^o« po»Pp»..!.order« from regu.orly

. tgwets eeeepted. Poet peld Iwttevx .

omtnuntroi'.on» s | kdrtoe, protnpuy attended legrettoOrfee« j»y ii»xi exrpisiv» y to ine to'» of lütt '.4SdAl «T. NHWÏ..KK CITY, Aià ttosex-et"» Mut snd'»y ihe prtncipa. lr.j»-g!ils ihroughoqtthe United fetale« «o.I Csnodk. as ad vert,ted tn Ms papers.Ageola In «.hi» C.ty -(.'.e» II Itog. lg Biuatwag. ear.

John-si ; f vt wer, tot Oraed «i WyattBBterteaB !«l P'llioa «I J la I ¿«»ddtngtoo. *0 liudauo. 1., Wm R. r.agar, cor. of Hilt ¦ ar¿,J L»«ro»rd at« (I.'I. Monroe, cor ModU.n and Janieo «Is Dr ». Hsrt, JUSBroedwoy.»Jn,yAg»nttn I . -r i. '»VI ar«it . 1.

Irilv Ag«et »B R">«»«lvo Vfr». H«v»« ''' t .

StTTa V 1.11 iff« ii a .a y v) r ... . .- e. a.,rtT, Ikea. «¦.»

low« eure. Hr a alUi. 131 Pwrylfe St, was »fflict_ad «ev»n

year» wi.b cooeumpiloo. Tot» m.licine cured hiin. We» « . / 1« u»e. Re-

wa-e ».f eesMtarealM. Retnernrier » rs»-wmod» a. «' -.« .- "» Deeikuion-ei. t>y lha pro-r_ [______ Matron _'»'4 rjni»

,»»»IK HVK IIIM!|I rtM«i¡M|_t* ai.o-Porta- ; i4i rec«|»eU.

». y per. ,-. w!»»'»« 10 r,arei s goodMWgaio In o gt-ud tn»trutn-ni. me y wt,,

II« -rn Biooalwsy-.> i (.HARi.P.S HOl.TJr

^MRm^'K MAI.K at toe «M itonu f4o 7 Barr- -AiaJ_Z^B' »T .«- oppoa'.ie Ihe Aim' rlo'Aae a varie«'1 I I 1 F] '

il «nd 7 «lAv« Plaao Porte«, o.i * «t J «îevery vart-iy 4 .atiera «r.ih aJ ib«r.ydirr. isprovemeeis, to rtweecid and neoogaay ce»»«»»rrxnied In every retpect to give saJ«f tritori or no tal»«lease »n \¡¡a-o. J AM£a THOMPSON.

-'' '»'_uiieTtllmet. k Bandeü.

,«^arateCa»__|l'l 4>(» FüKTK *umka<t¥«SdMjZJt1!^! .P».loo si eaaitide Rroavlway-1 4 R >1 PlAa «h:ire;y Bew art'.rl«. wirraotwd oupe-J ' ¦ f U rlor m tone aod tu keep M lune much longer

¦ 1 »o. made wRk a pecultar k«rp fraesa, efe».:.!,. petal»» A written gu»r-

soiy w. » , . ,",,n..-nt sol wtteu «ny» .. lyaktnl in»y he

wiirtOei nntti «uch duubt» »r» reni wedei.NNr.rf fc KUI/P.R4,

j-14 if Hi Pajuna-«!, eeet »Id« Broadway.fl A.*4U rURTKn 01 very ,« pneea.-Perwiti» aearui parchootng P'-otoe will 6oíU 10 thatr odtaontagw toe.1 at B.Oieaa A

_Co.sManaJsei.iry.iji Fa.toi.-st. tweet alIroodwayT A général «seonreect of Msh g.r.y sr»i Rose.wood Pianos roostacUy oa hand ¦___ "'.¦ '¦» bal ! low few.un or approved paper. Dealers »applied on lloerel ter_s

MtXIt. BUÍNM k CO. 1st F_i00-s»


^«»ttniTni. 4t>i. ft«.»!.«.RAM F. I l4AtifR.-At-»nuVVM-.ed«tr Naa»éatî.Z

The rar'! aale ,4 Well.'. Lew»«r ao.1 Bokk««..,.,. 1 «te. ot Hew.Veri «el C.m*"iil loo «et» ika«

pie« h«vlcf luaa* sold ta a few weekt.) bava k».1 ice-1 m ¦ '..«u« . Oreiiar work for New J«r»ey. wkiekmay lu re.lad «patn m corren and Uaral It will l>a **ofv-»tied at N«w»rk. N J J».y 4 AeúT9 -^aou CBO BWwt

f'orrt B"WI U'S: "»moaih In ' !l It I» « wortwent dollar« to everv sian o' ««jMa.-a BatrpU eoeUa

- «eran 11 |t Nmmu at Harald BalMtn« at whk-tp «c«ii>fiulmfavihe»u9ecrit»»f. JOHN C WELLSJ|I44-_

1R.'A*«TKI» Br . »infle geolleakaa, two fcraue*rlV* r.a-r.« with or wiihoul havard The *ui)t*n*a»^ womArr»»>r living for the «are byglvUg low-ur am In Miuir»rd toa Breato I.angouge The Bvut **rt»fa«trary r«dW-etcee run bfl given Addraw» hv lettaar, 't PC Mataer*

. l (in :.ia Kl Broadway JTl lw*V4 .4>TKll Hv a rearvaw-UM» v.*u«f woraau 1 alma

,«t «r» >¦» and wati'af or general k»-a« in a *m*'l i'r'v»t. famtlv.U an «acaileei naefemand tr. after N>- o- ecuon to go t «kort «'*i*e<a taut ikae.'u-i'rv i'.' --i rrferaoca. App.y »1 ill Ureaee-««.


WtaiTRtD- Bv * Taain» man a m aaaaaaaee.clerk r 1er -» »ho« llore having «aaaen rrtana

« » der» -f CO. ».» n . »no.« eur» navtag n*»n raenager'. , -a«'.r «airr» Tear», pawftarilv iBdarnandtbU

¦¦ itl-aaaM and would taake hltvteaaf asentí m sa eesaioywstl w»nt ..! «n IUII1111 Applv 10 W. R si Mr J

1) reset*» I! taneten-et c.imer of Po»*»th-«i. Ul ft«At" % NTH ft A d-tig c erk. c impeteat u< auend t ratal!44 . .. ««ii.iVi >ry refaietja-ea reast-a-d. Noo« otaar

» a 4,1 treat« " Pru.f1*..' TitiSiir« oltka». AaA«v»-*tr«n ,r«ferr».!. Jyl *.

VV*NTKI» -A »i-iai'.ar tt» *n Attta-T'caa rott-i» *aaa.fT

-. V»«»» ,i',ga at -'«B» man in « private fatal.y. or"«ar and nuke ti mMlf useful Oa-od rar»r-*ea-» |1v

»o V'».. «1 ..'tOrail «t. Jyl tVU_fA*4TB9. Kaa -, ran aiwaya he «upplUai withV« w -ri'v »nd retpetuhl« help, let c tv »nd «-«tiniry, atthe office ¿it i»r«nd it Bulwrrtpitou «t> ceou ru» veer. OT

. »: yeai > IJyllf] vv 4TTA_Al.hlTa 4* ANTRO Juti-auhlUkaad. Wet... luw

yer and Iwl keeper This hook is fot ap etttrBMlym Mve who buy 11 froat coruulünf law./««-», Ne

.:-« m expenie have been Iparal to »take H valaa«<|e 10 everv «»te. I. cnau'n« It» new CoBClliattoe aedforms a lapieal 10 tt T'i» rapid M.e of ti ka» tadared aal vet lltierraaaivp-ai. and reduce the rarVa t.v TTJ teilsWith .air agent* we are very .literal, and we Bar» Mettraiwho an» mak'ng «!.» . rn.mth lia> iginu »«ated tor ihua - ¦. »a a Naaaa a. M .« .1 t V tingje« 4t-MTrS_JOHN C. vVRLLS

V\ ANTINl. Pl.A« RUA compute aaMsymaat of"

he m.att tpprove-1 m-vbpu tube rolled luieili-eaeetlfh-e*. 4.4 H- a'»..«-! o Hat*»» r«tm» »sailytairucrtpisen.toctniotfeararata 81Oto N 8 -All persoea«eil front the«* .irfice« «re warraaied boneel¦Éav > C MASON.

i%'»>TKll t ¦.. t tn an i.fn.-ea-aout IT or II years of" age He !«n«i rr «luce u idoubted lea'.toionlal« fo»h'n-aiv »nd todu«try Apply to A O BAOLRT A*i lw- «a Br,ta«WBT.'

.M I

öoatöirip.I »il 4 HOI M. Suit« of rvxKB* lo let. fVjrBlsheal or aaIV »* '«bed with or wltri.tut board In a re«p»<UbU Fag-i*u tauii.v London, wrier» cleaollnaaaa aed comfortcan beeajeyad. Alee two or three «tngu gtot.emen canlae *i ciHfirtiixiaied with pleawau' room«, with r>r»akfa»ia«4lea II reuu.r»a|. Baltl r.a'Bl lu Hie ., use r..r i|.« « roatraodation.«'. .ii-s'iu App v at Mrs MEPIU'RST S, MlHo,,,,,,,,., .r Mr MKUHl RUT. H Moldea aa«. jyl III*tllKD With taanjt fumished if req.iirwl naay ha ok-tat' e l y »pp.y tug »l il North Moor» «t. a rà»w «oora

l> an Varlrk Jyl lw»

IT«! tklil^l'*-Can he tu' In a healihy aed e»Btran«>I'canoa, larga and coniBwdi.u» tta-OM, pl-a«aai .rma.Wttb »kower. cold and hail »»1er '«llhl. «I IAS Moll-«!. I»e-ur-ii O-an.1 »ml Broairu» ils. Terre» mod»r»le Retar*

. eirhenged. j«*Si) Tt*

BO 4 HOIMi IN KAtT BUOAUWaV.^-Two.-en' »men Bad ihelr *>*»ci« tie «ccooirBodsled with

oar t «lid p.eoaani ro.inn. ipanirle« silacae.1.1 «i.o a Inwungí- genieaieo. Apt- . »I itf>ai >'.».' Bnulwiy ¡ut¡ le"

BlltKIII M. A g«i i.mi,an a» 1 lad) or a few an.g »

leattaama am« h» aneaajaflntaaanl with atotaaM room«BBd baaed si «o VV bue il Also a few day ttaardets ai the*aril» p »a e. |all «w«

|>OAHlT|> KAMT HttOAim At. A ,ru lernanI' tnd hit wife, to two or ifitee *iugle grn.ieoi-n. eaabe ac''orrr«'o.laia»t »lib plraiani apanmenu and toard tutnplytofl at SB Km Brndway Reference« aaBntajanjI

jei) 1m*' IHHKIIIM; With private fa-nlly, and ato of plane

I f forre if required, ei McDiaigalut Jel I let'I'll I.KT, »ulioi »iilio.n hoard, furnltbtad par. ta and1 badrteam» at MB canal*«. R"f»i l. e. »»¦ .-.i

; ,«-tii tuf

MNKCOMMBT IIOl »R. Tb»'subscriber taweared tat ewlttaiice of Captain Char'es H Mtllsr,wrioa" «rest e»,.neuen In ihe uisuagemeai of knial«

'« well known lo ih Mttatadl »bo have cot <y«d the bea»AtIn the D»l-v»n Honte. Albany, and Kinilre H out», Byrl-

Au'l lien tfM nuuy frienl» Oe met while »liba Latí,el Stale» Hotel. B'UtonThe baaaa will be open for the reception of com«any ea

.1 la ¡Beata »heu he hope« 10 ha pslruuued ac-the menu of the etla'iltihim'nt.

Tin» plaoB u unturpaMad for sra-t>aiblB«, cool and re-frei it'ig taneaaa, tUhing, fowling, BBWOto bard and Uvelroad« for drive.. V IA »tage win leave dally for Ball River, la lime for the

«¦Órala*] oar« f.r Ho*lon and «leatuar for Providence, re-

Strategen the art Ival of ihe Mine In the evening. Com-Biu'.lcailon bl *uge In New Bedford every Monday, Wed*..».. lav art KrldtT reluming on aoernale day«Per «II iii'orinai on In regard lo lit« S«*coon«l llotlM,

p.ea*ecallat in« l'. S Hotel. Boaloo. JOS KP H COR.Little ('.million. Jir.e 3. IA4T Jell .meodltlp»


Pr.RSONB vuiting il,', wsieilu- place will li«d tt l«il.elr lalereMtO utelhecar* al Albany for Caoaaa

Knur turner«, where a line of *Ug»> run* dir eel IT W I*eO-arion In conaecllon will ilia car». By tht| rouie. p«r«ufUIe«v1ig New York 'n Ihn morning will arrive «I lbs Spring»«t K o'cioc» In in» avaakBfl of me ssine d«f P*M«o«emwill lie itcleleal ibrough from Allisny bi Lebaaon f ¦. Al IS.Tul* vtllt of courte make il the thorletl. nnul «tpeallilr-u«¦nd rli»«|i-i«t rouie hv which iravelert can reach liabanoofrom Hie Cllv of NewVork.PaamBflar« arfeo leav« New-Turk In the nlfh« boat wUI

arrive, liy ihu toute, a'. Lebanon Bl If) o'cl.ick the il.ig There are but «even tiilUt of «ttgtng by Ikl«roite, over . pleMant road, wiih good team» »nd «a»rcache« Tra.elef* win ibsrefure ha on lhair guard aoanot be deceived by ihe agent» of any other hoe. or aolerany conveyance pretending lo run lo Lebaaon, aarepi ataone recommended a'iovn.

'. -* I.- 'a- -.. Mi.r'r ... Jim« ». «17JAMK.IO HUNT, Ageat, ("«uaa rnar Oofa.

.85 Ml j IV KiHiui h do Lebaooa Spring«i i _i

tftmf? TIIK I K»» HOOT» HAT-]» -^.^ h .NT The proprietor of Dae 'Bl A My-LI ^~^w atl'i Paleta, aod ihe other paleoU BBBB»nnw-»naa^iann> i,, ata production ofthaaa alMtle aod BflBR

c iin'oriBlii» U ol» and "lio»*, Iim completed hll arrangetnenii for ihedltpoclti« o'lhe Pi'enlii.d the Introdurtloooftoe invention lo ihe riluno» iff New York, and nuw glvaanotice that ihe uer*oo*and firm* whiuename* are «ppeoded. «re .u«ei «nd ih«t no other peraoo» are adlhrtrited.lo manufacture ant vend Ihe Congruw Boou and Saoeari New Ymk Cliy Any olher MUhllahounu that u filtur« obuln rlghu. will n» added lo ihla Hit aed publtnhed

by HORACC H. DAY. AMlfaaeofDatant V HytH's Patent, ei Corilaad «t

J II. D'il"n,i mi Brosdway L Walsh k Brouters,«Aoa.Henry, ». Pml.m il VVtn. Lane, i. Bayard-«CP (.«i'.ijteaux. 611 B'dway VVm. Weed «ft Bowery.N A. Raia-ai« It Ou. *. i " 'Samuel CaaUall, SSI Sew«Ri.t Wel.ber, *«T ry.Hunt A Hunter l«*1l («r»ril Daniel Croólo, Agent, MW m Ag»u*. 114 Bowwy. BaflBBB »IJohn Mr.C innacnto, HI Cmi JoMpb Quiet, cor. BroadBruadwsy way and Wall »tW M Jeden, Tj do. J -«i»d, i At.iiat.K.ugenn PerrU. 44 NM*«u-*t|Samu«l O Acton, t9t Broad-l) S. VA.itin». T GaasMVfctB. way.J L VV'aiklnt, 114 Pillion, .lisorge Conrad, 17 Mai-Henry V Rldaf.cur Duich| chants' Pichanga.and Pulton *i*VV laali w I. Whltlog. ti. Bread war. and Cha« Otbora,

fnV) Orandul hsve biraghl rights. Bad both eoncerM areBOW rtlly authorized lo manufactura the CoogreM Boou«ret Sfeont fair wholesale and reuii.N H y- I."n B «a Pi u/o-*t-U no longer »utkaw-

lawd i" ate or vend Uta Cotigreti Boou R. M. D.Ne» York June tt. 1447 Jell


LOOK AT Till» I-adte«, genH«men,._, M uses «nd children, ail thai are In« aal of a

line article of Bool* or Sh.-M, call at M7 Broad-. it, where you will And tie urge»« aaaonraaal enditiiu«»«iln Itili )l|T, nbnleml» end lettll N. B.-VraneBlaaa "i-«l B-n* R< D«w lat |_M t: A HILL

HOVNhTn. HONNfe'Tet:.The larjnns a»..tu -m of f»*r tawebta B ir.r.-i« arar otaead taUli» city s tor »ale. «i a »aerifica of 30 per cootlo r.loM the t, iai.-i-»a for Ihn mir« Tb» BtWttC

it «et.erai 1* -.!."(. i lnvlt«ai to call al WARNSLKT'BCne*p Htore. g) C» ? «r'r.» »L between EMI BineSwapand ilenrwtC_Jalllw¦ Il »PHI NI. trA»ltlONf«"HATS. TÏÂTS-l'arUBit an e.atn bau « S. »qial to ih"»» »old by «»thar* a«

^^81. a...., .a. -..-.,..«#. itiaodBf I*.»«.,*¦' ¦' la«4««atnd iulsh lo iikw» ia m«oy place« at fed ,

Beat hau at 8* 8 a» Mureb will t»e flattant to «e» kitfrier, 1a al lilt* MialnUbiueoA.

I»I Im- OR0R0B f H BROWN 4« Canal-el

KAIMONf», IIATTHM, 11« Canal it". Ma» .

fraatt M» e*»in h«i «i ihe low pur« ot>i m tal, a in qaalltv, «lyI« aod finUh t>4-no*

¦nuu would do wall lo ran an i examine h aleo a m patharticle for 8* IB, and *«*u>» m low m 8» alao a *»ry largeai. 1 varied at.«ck of geou'. youth«' mad liifaou' Suata««'Hau »nd Cap*. lisviag jo«i opeoaS, »ay Kork U fall »tadfrMh. Tne «d v»r.ugt» f Mieciiag froin tuet wu«l be ot-non* io «11. EMMONS PMhl.roahle Hauer.

, al im'_ _

IMCaoal-at arar Hadeoa.."IM Ma17b_ iTllBÂP "Ä toe iwi- kormwarra'.ieal sound, good traveler.wt. (tant wlth-afoi lying. Alto wagao eaarly aew, totSaaS top,

i.e. In good cooalliaou. AI«ohar-w-M. «lelgt, tuUt, butTaler,-»» and many »rtlcle uf hotuaboid furniura Apalyi« . aalair t, «...le...-ntl tf

ril«»»lf»4l>'» PKkSlI II TUtMM.làC^adV' a ''.: rWvBW iy J R B^-nUiulu ll Bataamanul.^awJL^^df » unlvB'Moy approved of by in» Medic il Pa-

r"*^ ¦. « a. «in .eu .., as ita prsawure«an lu graduated from ooe to f fly pound» on

the rap ure wuho'ii a baca pad, which doM wbivI Uj«-r> i, ,o- *p'.r.a, c.aualug we«uueau aod pa.n u Ua Backa -. ., -. .a.-., »pioal dtaaaat Six «ays*kraal g.vru, «nd if «ot perfectly tatufaciory. avuey reaarn-ed A to. ihn mo»', approve* Shiaa.der lilr-t|M Bnada»

. .» _pato latan*UK. «.I.OtKK » NRW TKt -»M u it.a

i'imi bow in «... praeatara may he greta-«led t>i a. ih» cama. TbU in«* n«ver.fajj«io gtre »*av r.nifo'i »nd aaAny to We wear

w-.i Inw H u ine cbeapaet aed k>«ai Tium taai eaa he'i'i'.'l Dr 0. U praeucu.iy acaraalnied wlintiuogted appiyiar Tr.,**e* to svwy «lad of rupiiar«. Me atoe boeneSta »'.'. feiBBla »upporwr». Bad a fetaele In anmSance.

»alt ¦¦,.!¦. lattlM at ibetr rMtdeoce lo ti Wem -

Offut» i Abb-w _r»»S lat*




AH cHAbMAILLE «Mid lafjrw abelatatm ta Mew-V .rk that »he til Met trr.»e-l fr ,r*i Part« wtlb all ihe

«t-.i Pint raahtona, ant U now prepared lo til all o'der»inai thn may ba favored with «nd prouipüy auoaded lo at


fmit !¦*

M 4 O 4 M IfiLLlBtTl-ti Si»lat-BJ of Drew Mais«u laugiii anal pat la pracit-e daily ai ta Ckaattwrtet

a «ra U.i.e* a.-einvtiedio call and wiumm iu superlo»«»a ',« id method«. Tarou for uuirueilo« o»y .**- *ad paitara Altad tin óu ceala. Urne« Malt-« «a «*.

r«»i «ci m »si atataknBBtataatjrla oe r--a«vBa«.u imim- a

few good Mwert wt.. b-tatagaiMad T'»»y»MW eat a*am.

aeai .s Making for . few weak» awuianr« » a» BB>.*=» li..-_