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ajanlaiaiey. Meaa (K>-). V, aro (lh ) ^JJfJJ*** (111.1 lx'eWa, Nlblrt-k. IVxm e,., d'et ... I'rytm Pbrlpa.P.'rter. Frror, Faah. UiirW. Kejiw. Hi^g,. BobUaaon (lil), »««, EUartlXiant.,.. S'.r,..' !nn*i.-.,n Baaftb (Va.) Badth V « » S-.-enaer. Htole. Sf.-ot. Btrallon 1 .*l«r Th;Tr.- Thoinaa, I Kh-ixa-ood, Ynltaiidi-hiin. VatMO, Whitely, Wln.low, and tYrl-ht-lxfl. 1' uffi Ua h 1. rn <V\ >.. M W (>.c ). Vt. .1., W llaoli, Tk aV,x. aliordi h fak indi.-atkn of the othot yeo and nav VOtO on Ihe BoVR la ."¦'. Mr. QROW raported a biD to pronde foratem- IMcary JWieriraent for Nevada. Mr.' CLABK (hta.) Mr. Grow yktfing tkiBoor lempon.rilT raoved to ttrike oat ibe Ai.i.-Miiv, ry Dievin,., »nd ina, rl one ol a Affcrent i bara. li r. Mr MOrSTON (I>em., Aia) objkrted to any RjBJMRJBMM """, Mr. 1'iow ehouid vield tha faOOT ul- |4*eth«r. He waa oppoaed to tBMJ btVrgOjBaMf Ottttbe Mr. OROW ac.ep'ed th, "tro"d IMBl of Mr. lvl- i fll.) aBowing tbe pcopk ofthe organtaed Terrb .vh'ti.Il tbek oficerr, He moved thal Ihe j.iil bo eoaratted ta tho Cofluaittea of Um WaMao oa tlo- Sta'c <'f tbe tJnion. Mr. HOPBTON moved to tabk tbe bill. Mi. GROW. 1 withdraw my motion. Mr. HOTJBtTOH 1 don't wttbdraw mine. 'ihe lat;. r aaotka waa agraed to.88 agaital "4. Mr. UlIOW r. portedbiik to provbk lemp aary gOT« » i. foi kraoaa and Dak h, on motion if Mr. THATKB, were BereraBy tabkd. Alaoabttl go otw^trdaoateaporary gi rarnmea foi t bippowa. Mr. ITKT1S Ke]i.,"Iowa) naid ihci-e whh a mimn- ajwataaaaatag with regard to organlitag bomo of Urmo Tcrrit'irie-. Tbonaandowere couUnnallj iioaoing the BtataoeJrl river ito tha patpooe of aaking bomea weet i.t Um Ix'xkv Mouiitiiu.-. Tboysothitk rwrtboathtw lo j rolool tl'.em, whkh it in Ibeduty oftbe govornaoal t.. BJMtd, Mr. CKAIG (Mo. aaked whetber the gentleman -would taaert the proviaion Uat tbe peo] le of Um Boath ahoiild takr th. ir pn m r:\ w ith th, m. Mr. CUKT18," not the twgroea, hrd whhe inen wnnled nrotwtion. He war aorrj ihat the Slav- .-rv qaeetJon had been tatrodueed in connextion with thi- tahject. Imtend "f overtkaxjtdng all tbew billr, be deaired that thi v ahoald be cnlaly cn-.d.-r.-d. Mr. BAKK8DALE Dea., Miaa.] waa willmg to OTgi niae \ri7"n:i with n fair bill, bat he nixx no ii.-.e. OHt for »he otyanhation of ».. many. Ifr, GOOCfl |Ixe|... M: -r.i "eim'.etit.d OR the ,-ouree afhaa ...llea^ite [Mr. ThayerJ andar wbooe laad the ]5eni04-r»tic atdeof tbe H.-r.-f vot..! to l.iy th.e biDa ta Ibe tabk Tbere were two aaeas preraknt; on- taal tbe T< rritorka ahall be governed bi Uoajrreaa, und tha other that tbe Territonea c'l.'iild be kft open to aqawtter oovereignty. Thoee wbo voted tot.iob tbe billoluid derkred for tbe kttor. Tbe peopk ©f tbe Territork i ntjopoot dtabt orj aaked, xv, w livfag nnder H" t> hiW. and Vavi BO li'.'h'to emi-'itiitf Courtr and (otberhfral bmbbi of prtitection. Mr. PHELP8 (Dea., Mo.) wkhedtoknoii whetber tlieri- we:. any paoj h- in i hippewa. Mr. co<»< Il replkd thal all tbeTerritorka ahonld Ik- under K'-.n e oTgankation. He did jk4 regard tbe jiundtri.f inhiihiiii,:!-. Did tba gfntlciua'.ic.niimcnd tbe poll . I Mr. I'iiKM'S asid Ihk warahill to eRtablbhthe < au.ent off Uppewa. Hiaopinkn waa tba) tbora vi e ind d \\hit peraona tbere, Mr. OOOf HfTrepeated the qneatkn whetber Mr. J'hel| - a)-pit-vidot tbe pt.hx-yoi {aawfag the Territorka iit.d.r -, bm organiaati m. Mr. I'lll' I don't opproToofthctMbllM. Mr. GOOCH.Doe* tbe gentkaaa approve of the T'o'llCT ' Mr. PHELPS.Toor poliey k to nrepere hilk yoa bi .xx wotaxtaotvoti for. Raa whkn yoa know the {r-ei.Mte nnd Kxeeiitive wil! nol aaaetkm. I aa wUling t<> brgunke Territorial Governmenta on Ihe pr"|>,-:- l aa aaTwiukf ta paa billa xxhii b exdode u.y COOttittM-Qtafrom emii rating with their property. Mr. GOOCH aaid the geuUt-man bad notanawered bl* ()TH-rti4lTl. Mr. PHELT8 inquired whetber the gentleman and Ido tn< nda wonld ro<i oatl tbe obkctwnabk Anti- Mav. iv icature.'l tbeae HBa; and whetber the gentle- -.ot at Um lai" tetaion rote to lay tbe Jerferaon aid Avizona TerritorkJ bilk on tbe bjJ>le. Were th ra iii't peoik in both ten loriea at Ual I me I Mr. (;<.('('II replkd that the gentkman wooid rath- tr tu-k BBeotkaa than Bjarwer tbean. Bai he agata i-rXtri wh-th. rl. j'pi'.'Ve.i of Um pi-lox of proriding a, GoTarnacnt for all Ibe Territori t afthie Cnited Mr. KLITT. Will yon voto tho Wilmol ProvMO c^t Mr. pnri.I'S- The r-erhmen frOB WaMtafhlltflil ti a !."' ai.-wtr that qaeotioa. Mr. CLABK (Mo. DM yon nol vote againM eatab- llaliing g"Xfiiuat-t-,t.-*« Jefferaon and trixonel Moa, in whkh tbtr.- were Bkore peopk than in tbe 'J. ii.loi .¦- -1 v prop, H-l to be orgauixed ? Mr. GOOCH.The gentknaa on the clbat akk .r axeaatfoi tnek votoa to-day agaioat Umm billa. !I.hUght(r.j Mr. ( l.ALK Mo.) -That OJRMBOl BtaTWM the qucs- I ..41. Mr. GOOCH ¦. id tbe roeotd wfll ahow how he .roted. [Lojaghter.] But be never voted againai the ..lin.ioi Territoiieaiaa whok. He pniceeded I i: war tb duty of Congn aa t-. . xi tode Maxirv ;he intereat ol tbe country requu-ing it Otr. THAYEB war agafaat orgamkinjr a gorern- BAeat where tbere waa not tbrae bandrcd white raen. Ileeonti oded ihal all g iverntTMtatodjerivetheir powen from tbe exi-...M .-ti1. goTerned, aa aH forth k Um j>e(luatioii of lndei Hk eoueague [Gooeh vanttd lo knd a belpkg bandtopolitkuna. tl l b bavetk rkbtand powertogoverBtheaaelvea,Rai ihi-n-f.¦!¦.. r.houl'i in 1.1: ; b ..' and aeaondly, hia oob 1 agu«-. u any body 4 ated froa in- t«Tleiiiip Wl'fl Ik III. Mr. GOOCH expkinod hia vkwa ia to kgii for tbe ittittotke. Mr.THAVKK leaamed oeeB^akaaByexeftkg fatenae bingbti-i bj btarephattohkcolkagne. Hewiabed.he aaid, to reaove Bavi ry contantkn Itob Congraea, and tkamrjcad Congretaional interventkn aa a hurobug. On hie.. otioB.the Cbip] . imTiytrhorklWD waa tabkd. A (¦.. i on >xaa reeeived froa the fJkaj- aaadant ol the Waahii gton >:¦.¦¦v-Yard. krhing aaa* oa Mooday, the roeepttaa of Ihe dapiti. ae Bahaaay. Mr. COLVAX (Bep., Ind.. traoted Ual batfaaa axoabl nol k intermpted by adjounting over aaeroly to wit'n * Ihe knding ol an i lubeaay. Mr BHANCH regarded h m a greaf aveat ta the roi i... r.;-.! il nol m Ibe poHtkal, bbjory of tbaeawa- try, ;,t.d beneatltoaajbl Um day ahoald be aaajcatj Bk- Mr WABHBUjUI (lop., BL) aab] they rouM ill ¦rBordtakae the tin* He waattod lo aat aptho Bhree iu,d Ilarl^ir bill. Mr. 8JOBB18 (Bep., Pa.) akid Ual Uiereception woulii be moal fatereetiug, and B war due that tk- Leakbttore abouk the Exi ttve braachol the Goternuent to 00 honot to the Emhaayy, wbo .(Ten onr oonntry the piefcroaaM fora vktt Mr. ('( .Oak araaoppoaad tathaeapoiv i re .li" . . , ,. ,1 ivnding the quoatK.n to aeeept Um iavitalioaa, taa Jli.tie* Brfjourned. "-a»- tJofM/i iWaRftTraVB BM Koutc to tlie .lll- ca.-o i iHivi'Mlloii. lt: u ixo, Priday, May il. l8*^- r. Morgan taw^'l ihiouah the tity thkovecuag <u iwaaa ke Ua k^bkoojoCoBveatka Ba.waa ro- ,,,xfi.,t tbe ¦!. p<.t wtUtaaaaate, aaal aa)rjrtad *&* u Hot, and h rk by Uoapany 1> ol Ibe 7«tk , i.:, anu tbe Conuoon Counnl. i-a»- The WiaSaaOalM . iiiiferener. i;, .i ... hr, 1.,- Maj II. lobv. Th.- taaeh UMC'onfetauceto-day waatk ruoerajterri. BadjopWaugb. Befon ibehourarrivedfortk wiiinMUcemenl oftbe JZL. Ibe i.rt.f <'...'i.r-...-.r waa caBed. aad pe- titioiuinponvarioB .«.. l'r.'.'" '' '/ vbi.hw. .-¦ in farorofand twenty Rgaiwtacku^e *Tf tbe>!.«...y r.i!., I'.il tw.'i.r threo tgtbttlkttM cf tobaeto bj , , ,. , e ,. Daring tk |«ro .. ingn ol tbe earber part oftb r-^io.., ih. ,...u,l.. nnd vx). n tk I »<h! arr.x.dthe bai a fjkd wiih aa api.itci.itiv. andknee. ,-,. xx.,. ..;..,"! by cougreg Ing, foDowed hy un ekqa. nl and aj.; '*-1 .-''''' l"'lV'' l.y tba Bi .-. Dr. Dubin, and the reading ol tl irJilm. and tbe ttbcti pt la f>rintaana, bytbe lvev. l»r. !'. ix. a.'i'l ..ii- nnithag in aiatber aong ol Ik x"" ih' I- Bat... |. Morrit pwaeded ta d.- |;x. ii ll.ort illipnaeixf and el'.u.i.-nt r"Ml"'l OH the j,,,,. w er of thi Board ol Bi ikaa, Bkbop Wangh, *r..-u Ibe texl of Ibe i.M Corinthiana, lltJi im.jter. 28tti veifi " B -' thiuga atc. Tb iiei.eial lltiii' of tiie direourne waa Paul and hin buc- C4 aeorr, it, w hi' h thi Biabop .iiiiii d 10 iu.l.i ~t upon Um mindaofthe aliitalij thak dmy lo iuiiuit- l'aul 1*0 2..1 aahe luiitated (b'riet. Tbe dkeoana wae lkteaed t" throngliout with Ibe iindividid kttentkn of the BBalkara, nnd aVawfaarth tb«- arknt aptdaaae <-f teera froa aany. e toncludiug ex.n-iaea were eonducMd by tlu l>v. Mi Cartwnght, aud cuuatuucd the renutiuder ol the M-anion. a- *V« ailn v Keiiort. 8r ,loa>'a. B *' Ma> il, it a m.-NMU bk W Uxnrlnj 8avd. Tbi> i ScrcillHlc to fcciialor Bcll. Pmii aiu.i raiA, Friday, Maj 11, 1^0. A mretintr, w an bfW thin evefrrBg nt tbe f nnatitn- lioiial Htaadrjaartera. After aifB***aae hy the lalnalia ol Ihe late Convention, n proe« fceion wiih fonnej, beaded bya aaad, waaah ptoiaaaid ta tln- l/ipiorre Htroae to niaratde Beaator BeQ. Mr. Ball waa intro- (lne, d lrom the liiileouv by Joaaph K. laarcraoll, wbo rul. gi«d the paaniniity ofthe ConveafJoa aad thei an- didl t( p prentnl. Mr. lb II WM reri i\t d with ebceTB, Ile aakl il would be contrarr to hainen rtntnre rfbedtd not iWldeeply c, n>ibkt ot th.- bonor pald bun, b .t be alao feli thal ike :p mi'hige BJM inainlv lo BpptBTe of the intion of tbe CoavtaaaBB. iu- did not aaBaatf ta Maha aapeeeh arontbe polkieal fopiea oftna aay, bai loattefhta tbankaforthe praaooi manifoatBtioii. Ile aOaard ta thafatnotowbich ledto Ihe Coeveration -it boingtba dkdroal of both the 1). mocratic and Id publican purtiee. He tm«icd tl nt tbe pnriv to BBeeeed then wonld be a BBftV ofthe l-nion nnd tlie CoTiPtitution of the ronn- try, 'ihe conditiin ofthe country recjiired thepeopla to i. ii;c rbrth in tlu ir ar/igbt, aad araaroBat a doteratina- ti.iitorull biick tbe eountry to ibe true objecla ofthe inptitiuiona ol a I' OovarnBaBBt, nnd not ex- 11., -t ita cf; IfpV I ii. i.i'rtiinlioiip. It i- Baardfeat ilmt the pablk eonfldence in the BtabiH- ty (f tbe RcpuMie haa deteriontvd withia the lant rwenti yeara. ibe Convention tberefore arkwly baa* kd.ed from rtaei ludderatrOBaili xi i'if' "pi.p. tbat have pi ntti rc.l (li«1rn"i bOtWfaa tbe Nnrih and Sonth, know- iiif; ilat il cotihl 1. ;.<! to no pnhlk good. l'lmt tlu- t'mi- \' nttt ii ibongbt iii, BBBong aaeh n boal of wotthiea. to M h-ityoiir apesker, bi a eoraphnent of whi.h I fcel inv rery anwortl ba aa. "Ile eoiuluded l.y triiptinff that the partv foanded with fii.h aiippii-ioua barniony nnd good feelina would be piueeKpfitl in eatnl liphinpn new ern. und if *>, tha Coiivi ntion ebnll not bave bibored in vnin. Hkfaana for the liiPl twciity y. ;;rr WM¦ wt-llknown.aiid il would I, Baedbaa to refer ta it. Agahi thanking tke rrowd for ibe bonor conferred "ii bun. Mr. lb II retir- d iiniid bii.i'v, ihoagh not guaral, tbeeiiug, From oeea* ,-i, interrnptiona and reaporaaa ta Beatbaeatant- tirnl. it waeerkleal ihnt ibe rrowd traa partly eota- poaed of Bnarauaneona partiea eMaaeted byearweity, and ii Bt the frienda ol the anaa bave liardly had t-Bta tO gH tbeir entliUMit-in to fever betit yct. -.#>- Siiikiii£ of tlic K. T. Lns*, itinl Lo** of lalfC. MiMiiu-, Kii.lav, May 11, 1989. The alei-.iner R. T. Ldtaa, C;ipt.' l'hilipp, witb 150 i-ii-p ngen from New-Orteana lo I im ii.tmii, Bnaaawd aml i'iik 60 im il- i below thi* plaee liiet nigbt. The boiii i,nd enro;o are n total lope. Hra, Jiiinc T. Lindany of New-Orkauat, bfra. Kata Whitenandeoa of Latlayette, Ind., Mr*. H. <-. Heel and daoghu-r of Parkeraourg, Va.. Mre, Waa. Hnrri*, Ho.. .iiibii Pankey of IWnoia, Klinauan of lowa, Wm. VYil.-oii of 1 iii. iuiitii, I'hnrlep Alh ndale of Ry. n.iii-e, Obio, Eranriaand VVbb, Bveretl of Loaiabtaa, ¦. Ireroan. a pora r, und thraa aervanta, are buowa ta be l.i-t. Tbe ofaVera nnd ibe raat of Iha eaaia paa ¦:. n « are BBved. ? IMrc Bl Brihlol. R. l.--f.o-a of a\lfc. BBtaroL, R. I.. Kriday. May 11. l^efi. Th" nttideine of diiiiiep [ Ile \\'"li wan deatroyBJ hj fiii carlv thia inoining, nrd th- faHing rhimneyi t'i:.-bed a tintul er of men. The aVod bodSea of Lea ip Waldroa nnd Mr. Hortoo have beea tiken froai tbe lniiip. Seven or eib'bt other poraona were badly buraed and brnkred, bat it ip boped none rataOy. The prop* rtj \mip mteiied for |1'J,000, but th.- Iom eseeoda ihi.t BBM "Id. -a» Tlic PaTBtaffatfC of lh«* Tariir Bill. bVbabtob, l'n., Kiiiiiiy, May 11.1860. One htrndred and Hve gnni aere Dred tbip afternoon npon ibe reeeipl of Ibe nowa of the paaaagd of tha TuiitTliill in tbe Bonaa. A BM (tinr is for MondaV veofalg, and prepiira- inii.-iiit beingaTMkde foi a grand denionutration. I'oliticul I>t-iiiotie.tralinii<aat Dctroil. DlTBOIT, Frniav. May 11, 186V, Orjelnnadred nnd fitty-ilin-e k""- were Ired ihip rveninfl oa tha i>ecaaioa of theretorn of u Baatbataf tbe Mk-bigan Dekgnttoa lo (ba;!"-;. A birge ma-- meeiing waa uIm. beld to ezpreaa ap] robatbai ut tbeir (om-eiii p.iPlaininK Mr. Doflfriaa. 'Ibe fjienda of 11.11 and liv teit tir.d 34gaaabi Iu nor of tln ir lii'tiiiniiii"!! at Baltiinore. Itroulli TlifotiRlioul ^i'W-i:ii_liiu<l. BOOTOB, Fri.lay. Mav 11. 1*0. ExeaaaivaaVaath tbroaghont New-Engktnd iaoana» ing'freat trotible t" dir'.. wbo iu hi>bv parta of Nea.HarapablTe drive (nttle raaa1 aiilaa lar water, Kin h ra the waada nre hIpo mvitti bt aaaay loeolafaaa, Al ll\aiiiiir-, oa tbe Cupe, yeaterday,a flre ipread ovor i.iiie thoaaasdl aeroa of woodaaad, an i wa-< aiili e.\- tit.ilii g. a> Tirc in llannibal, Ho. Ooincr, 111.. Prkbty, May 11, I80a\ A liobroba fjrrj in Hannihal, Mo.. tbta aaornktg, oa Mark't atreet, mreading in every di ectton, and i*on- l-two (ii it. blorka Loaabetween |3O,OO0 nd ji 10,000. ('.np7id( rable cv. rtemenl pr. r/afli ruBong tlie rititena, wbo bave eoaaaanieed bnrnhtg all boaaeayhe ii.iiiiti h of wbich are lappcaod i" bat e Ired Ibe bnUd- bjg] roBBBined thia tnorning. >'" lartbof j.nrti. ulara nn y. t n reiv.d. Italilifation Tlocliii', at Kalliniort'. ll riaoi i. Priday, May II. 1860. Tbe ratifientioii aioothuj ip poaiaooo4 uH afondaj liiijbt, owing to tha atorat. We bave bad a irciueiidiii'H raiii--,"ri.' all nigi I. '! be rnin ia itill fallrng, tbougbit baa aontewbal abal I. There ia a great ftood on the Fall-, aad the atreeta in t!. Ve tiiy i'tc rerfloWB. It is f..i .1 ibat »..Hr-:-!«t- able daniagi haabc-endoni al>ove. :f ji. m..Tbe flood haa ahoul -"i-b-.l. Bo far no ariont danauje baa been done, beyond tbe nlHngof nnmerom reliafa, and i'.liuu ile- lower Roriet ol biiildinga in portionaol HoDidar, Saratoga, Jaj ion R "'-. aad the maik.-t apaee. In bobbi tla- water la fromfbar to neven feet defp. 8o fn, bo aerions daT**age lare] rted itrddeof tbe eky, berond earrying oi i-me-.. eto. No darnagei r¦¦- i. ob tbo Obio road, aad tiakw are rnnning with* ti I'tion. f'aplurc or tt Siippnai'tl !*ilavcr. H,,-i.-s, ind, v, May 11, l*». A rhjraitiahbrig, amipfBad to be a Ruver, waabrongbt intoProvincetown taai evenins by Mr. llifl.r*tiond ii iit.- of tln- Bcboooer Iti-und, wnicb 111 in wkh bor al nn. S.e bnd all p.t. NO oin \\iu. on board "1 Iit. Bbe wbb fBxniabed with large qaantbjeo of wa* Irr ri>eF ptf% boana, bread, lab, aaid beef, aad bad !.'.'. a brge i.inoiiii! of rambef for i rJave-deek. Bbe waa probahry from Ilavana for Africa. \ r.-. t., boaribad ihe worda I5nr' !>"" Jaaa" VNli u" °° ):- -a»- ]>calli ol'a liank Frcaitlt'iil. Oodbbbbi aa, K. V.. Priday, Ray 11, vw. AagBMne Cbapnian, l*rraidenl oi he UaweKatchie Bankof Ob* rxabarr, di.-d iaatk taty suddmly taaa lniinii.g, Bt hipKPidciiK in MaBffiataWB. __-?-- Tcvtiiuoiiinl l<» Tom tkmjtn, TOBOMTO. Kii'l-.V. Ma> II. I1"'". A aafathTagkeoJIed Ibrto-nlghl ta take atapsta pra> aent n ttrtinioi iul to T< m BBjera. The Vmerkan Rearaer Bay Btate, whb*hwent prdiore on an kdand oalrdde of Torouto ItarboraB Wedneeday morning, atill reekrta all atK mpta to get ber .ti, bebig now in a woiaa poahJiaitBaBM riret. -*a>- Tlic Wt'llatul f aiial. Bt, CATHABIBB*!, C.W., Fri.lay. Mavll. IMO. Tbe 1' lock in tbeWelkualCanalierepairad, :.. e navigation wax reaoaaed thia inoi-ning. 0)- Firc al I.cxinmon, Ho. Bt. 11¦! ia. Fiid iv. May 11, lH'»f». A Hi' :,t t>xr*4aton, Mo., (aal nignt, dkatroyi d f .¦¦¦ ral aton - Bnd dW niweh dairtage to tbe gooda tontakaad in in. i Loaa g&,0BBi ii'";- Hy rnaarred. .-a>- raffatrtne Plhantriri. rToBfOLB. lhu.p.lav. MuV 11, J8tK). A h,i,'. el,ipipapl."ie".l BooToa, I-ii'b'V. Mni 11, laRR IWarboonei Ranger, at Kgerton, repori ¦ hooner from IliilaoVlpbia for Boaton. aabora offCen- ircvillc Shc had bat a wauiaii, nntned .Inniea Morton, by the awaaiping ofa boal. TboEWae-W.M boaotoff. |H ("li, r rnlav. M.o 11, I^,J'' Tbe tin.tell.r l'r.iii n- Mai- lor ( M' nabarff, with a full rarnoof Bonr, rnn on a r<->\' in tbe Btraite ol Mackii." on Wcdjaaday morning, nnd wuih nnn di ai'lv. Tbe ertra and paaaengeni tvora MTOa. HO fnrtuer particubtra rw'dved. .--m- Knllroad Avt iilcnt. i;.,i-i I'oim. iTiday, May 11, M6*o\ Tbr DiitManaer truin from here lo Montreal raa over tl! v eveni-.K- Tbe bagguge «r waa thrown ,NV aneinbu.iknicnl.alid jThV'MeHenry, bdWago- I;,;,!,,.; ^rioaalyl. Tha irain waa aoraewiMtda> tain.ii, I'.it thaaa wae M "il"' mjury. I>t IcKitlc. M K«Tulc for »MM I'diu Jebvib. Fnday, May 11, IHOO. Tha II.a. .Iup Kdlv, tbe llon. David Dmlley 1 i.ld, .1." A c'lm-. «.5 bov«« .*. 'I'-K^Moihe , ibl,',:,,(..nVci.l.on, are ,m. *|-« W.ith- .'xpreea ,r,!:, ol tb. Nea -> o,k and tifc Kn'I"""' kMIMhaf, cn foata lor CLitugo, Cieortiiu Polille*. AoeroTA.Ga.. l'tiduv. May II, leajaa, Tl i Tion. A. H. Siephiiir (aia writ- n RMttal in re- ply io leveral grtoUaatnol btaeea, ia irhkfl hoaaa- laitn ibe prfaripfi - of noii-i-itervrnlion, OjaappfOVOa of !leM'("i"ii at ibe <'h:-rh rton CoBVt ation, nnd paO- ('lnini-ndt that oVIagBtoa be -ent to llaliniore. PEM80NAL. o Mra, fJrOre, UM novcli-t, who f.>r BBBM tiine parl hat. I e. ii i.llli.n.l with hhii.ine--, haa jntt RBanWJRBM Oa OperBttOa, whi. h, il M boa 8, xxiilevc'iiullyreetore her tO kBgbt They ora to have o aaw Btaay pia in Baajbad. The folloxx tag the gencinl deaigBl Oae akk eontaiiiH ii jort rnit of the Qaeen, OTOt tho aboabkn a BBBrf, ,lnhioi.lered with ihe raa, thi-tle, ¦ad Baaaataah, 1 iii v thnwn. The hMMapUoa i", " Vi.-toria, I). G. liiit. Bop V. P." lirittania ap|w"4rn 00 the iwaajMB, r4 at. d on a io. k, not on the ahtokl, 08 k the pn-f-nt coin; lui the IgBTO har bOOa iei DOdjaV .1, and ihe BM hOa 11-« ii introdi.. i .1, w iih n rhip on 000 BJOR of the ligitte and a Bghtbonae on UmoUmt. Tbo taacriplioa k, "One l'fi-.ny. 1888." Tt.-lib i'- of taMfjoooa ir riti.l to ba Irnthful, her Mi.ji -ty hitving BOOMTOd Mr. Wyea wfth teveral BkUaga, The rxMaraBBba of tha rofa la, 8f rarta ratatar, I afae, Sfhv Thi- ¦bmrbbror> tion ajbawa u thin m wafl m ii MMJfl rafa, and tho aaw peany ir aol brmo. aOJgarthoa tha btaaaa Iwo-aoai BMCOR of Ktllii.e. -.BeBariat, theweaVhaoiil trotatof of Dtaajoe, i-i at pie-eni engaged in . xm htin*r n monnment in honor cfLnthar, tahoeeaatedlM taaat bbbm haaaadbM ta bo ¦JMMedotk It ir io ionri-t of a ttBtOJ ti BM gMBj Beformer, i kvi a feari Ugh, ta braxaa, lo ba pta< ad oa a hd'ty | etV ttal broi ntl.-.l by in i -; tbe taejatal havfag oa tba plnif'.rtn Mataea ofFroderfcl of Baxony, J'hilip tle Maaraxafaat,¦-, Mataalh.aad Bctuehtfa; ako, OR the r-tl-pr b-adi'¦; tfl UM platfoi B, alh -_-..ri. al tik'HP I Of rexeiul lOWl iin ludiui.' Mau'dehitrif, Spirt-, und A Rgabarg, At t be tbat c< noRH ora t.. bt aseaad Ig uat of llitre. Snv.'imi'da, WtaRak, and lYjahaaT All the atatiu r, lik. ihat of I.iiiher, m to ba in aaWMMa .Mot loag ai/o a eoldiei inStraabonrg, aacended to tho iop ofthe Cajjadtal Rpire, and botrmbmsI aMvoaai gyMnaaaMR, Oraarairora in.niediaiely gtvaa by Ita ptdii,- to prt \int the tej etiticn of any .-.icli proceedlng, hat,rooaaftoi,thasatat ¦aa, who waa fonaartya ajiilor .,n board tin lh-lle Pook, eludi d UM viplancc of tbe Ruaiiliaua by durgubung him.-elf. nnd with aiaeal ajhw ? aaa aaeended lo tbe bufora, froa which tba hjiieri-.r. \\ 1, li ll.eie, lir ill* l/lini' lefilred to f,( n the donr of ihe-taiir lciidiiie l.i ihe iop, the ex- a. iloi cliu.ed n| tho bat of the Bghtntag coodoatar, and ao reaebed tha waathereoeh agafa. He than atripped ofl dkguke, fiiini.' it d"wn t.> lha tqaare, and weat throngh o MJoel BxyoUBk progrunae, eooa^acflajj by Btandtag on hk bead oa the waalkitcmk Whsa he ili-Kiei.d.-d, bowever, 1 e foaad a twaRBaaaary of bbbbjr in WBCUng, littended lo. a Iih- of nddiei-, xx BO took ii to (iirt'itly for x riolatfag the lagOXttbRM of UM town. .A pktare of Um " Boty Fuiudy. by BetRMttaa d.-l l'ioini". whkh h-ii, ju-t beea r-"l>l byaaeUooa tbe public tah t"iaaa in Ihe Baa Droaot, waa pari u;.at 8,8881., and knccked BOWR al I8,868j, Ibk picuie, which i- patated oa c.-.l«rwo..ii, i. jir. t nla st. Joaoph, tk Vhrgfa,the Infanl Jexna,and Bl. Joha. Ilwaa reeentlj oaeovered bj a yatnaj aaaa fa oa oki eaariwal ai Tckkde, »Dnrkg tk nlghi "f tbe 10th of April, Mr. Jasjaa, il <. xx. B*known novelii bad an attaeh of paialyaki at \'. 11. e, when k CoaawbCka ral, ..An extrnoidinniy affair i- reh.ted in tbe Ruanian '-. Prtaro Nerxi'/ky waaaoaaeyearai io mot* den '¦;. bi« ervant. wlm ].. --e.- ,-d bim elf of hia Bajjora and tVirlana, und aaanafag lha aaaMMTtho prfore, travakd abroad for bobm yeare, Bvfag ta good atyk. Aftorward rMauaaag; ba Matrrtad awaaltby )..,'.- liuiu. t, .-ok"l. II, and had l.y litr -eveial chil- ilien. Keieniiy, hi.-, inijc tmc waarikeoVOtad, and he I..-.- Iiinwiit to tha niine-. of Sil'i-tia: but the Rnaaian Goveininint bBBBMhotIwnlUtOetBR*JBB and thewife la eoathaae ta baar the aexeeef Beevltrhy. Th loaaa .- n.'inr ta ooM which occuirod ta Ptanee fa tbe thaa of the Beaoratka. An eacaped eoarrkl mmmrj < »- niaid ji atBMd bfakR Lf '1 the lamily BBpOra ef Coiint I'ontia da Bafata-Bl ka,aad by m.-aiii of Umm m>t ( d; i.r-uii.ed hi- BOOOa Bad tttJO), bttl iHJ 8 hitu-elf I.. be 11 ..!.'«-.; a Court, aad atnally aa nedod iaob> ti.ininv' tbe grade oi Beutenanl*. I"iii-I k Uwataty, llexx"-, bowever aftarawhik dieeovored,aaal taal back toua bt gae, Bir Beakaata Brodaa, tba 3' aaaaaal af tl" Beyal Boekty, reo nUj aave aaoirdeo bkh4Baaota txaaVaa, when :t grcal brbIm ef ii b reattag "'j icta ta art and arienrewora, .1. AMOtkj URMtwere MOgnifl* c( nt spei iniena of gotd ai.d rtiik eabrotoery from Japaa, ted by Capt Oabora, B. B., and other Japaraea Ikacontribaedby Dr. MeGowan: Mcf'nlkm'a li: ograpb foi it. ordiugtrain aignakand lime; MeBoni'a apfaraua for reeording experimenta tathorao-eke- trkily, i ak and exbibited by Mr. Latddj a aaw aaaaa l "v."ii rentedand exbibted l.y Mr. Lowe; two aaefl .' .".ifii-nt hir.h. ol'i aiaiiin ti "lii Ni xv-duinea, ex- il ited by Mr. Gould, P. K.s.: t- nl naed in the aledga oi a. tl e Antic legiona; Bk Jobn PrRnklin'a porket roapaa; teatii oiiuvl inrloaed ii rarvedoak, prearnted by a Cornaittee of Dublta gentkaen lo l.ii.iy Kiaiiklin: a Btrfc 8 Of depOBTtt k gOl l.rilx.i, and nktinoa, flte., froa lha Bagative lerminal of aafa- .hutixe ral, exbibited by Mr. Gaaaiei, F. lt. B.| bm- tionaof Glaaaajw ktaterwakaand pbottRnanbaoftbe prfaciral worka on Um Ifae, exbibited byafr, BoxO* initii: illnatrationa of tl" photograpba: effod of Bnoreacenl tnbatancea, exbibited by Dr. Qkd- etot >-. P. It. s.; Mr, Gattan'a aun ttgnaMi i reiy i:,- tereatkg n-ii'a of ohoidtan laplcmeuMand Mexkan rarvinga, exhibhed l.y Mr. Ckraty; a aarkoof Cetta exbibited by Bir C. I.vill; adaepeaa preoaaura^Baaji inv. ii'.d by Mr. II. Johaaoa; and Hoopei a a|iplieB* ti.,i! f Inda rubbw for Babaaarfae ahlaa, .Mr. Baroa BraawoB, oaaef tha Baadfah Jantajeo, ia an ccccntric. li<- araabeeaaagoOoarl laaaatlyaf OkiaraMoi,oat Um rooa wite arhhawtaflai Baaaa> .pu nily ii o Baroa had ¦ eold ta bk bead; aaadaaa n Btdted, aad bk kiikliip hnraaa eroa A koal boooi givi-r Ibe foDowfag tketcfa of one bommi Whi. I bbti araa k Baa a Coerl ta my Bfe !' ext-kimcd h 'There i- ii' ol revorbetatkaj' und Mr. wbo k nothfag it notemplatk, pronorraeed it 'tbe moMfrtghtfnl Conrtin Enj^knd,' ;,. ii i, ightfu] ( were aa numeroni of th.-ir kind :ir barrktere. Aftorward, ay krd taiproved oa hin I'htii'. by ttyUngtbe Coorl *a whkwraMalkrv oi a I'onit, ami be WBJ rontfauilli ooligtd lo .atl the ¦uditute to order. ' If vouobject,' oatd hklordabip bo ihe har, g'l up and ohjeit. and d"U t HI doWB arnabltag lo a. h other, and tbalnrbtog tbeCoort.' To the Conrt a krge be aaid, It ojifortunateli hap- ptnr thal Ibe kudei |¦. npk alh, tbe knder I lanx, and tbe lotiib r I inlk. Um knder Ihe p. opk tnlk, and -'. are goon; Lui l taa i ataad ixJhfag aaaaal balf a doaea p4 i-i iih iii onee, ahhongfa Ibavi agoodatool voii*.' Addretrfag tbe Jory fa the 8nt raae, he oaiiioed the poaition "l th.- Iteiacb. ' Uentkaeo, be -aid, "not being al U lo bi .n tbe wHik aat t, it bt i".t nnreaaonabk ihat I ebould .' ui..--hl. to aee tbe Jury, whkh woald n ak 'I' aalier .< mi-h ..-. But, althongh it i- prnptt Ibnl jnrii" BaSoaVJ be blind, il ir Itnproper tbat oke abould ah" be ihi.f: and -.. Mr. Baroa Braarwen .i.h nd the w itneaaa nol lo go tata tbe a itnooadaoa iit nll bntto i-iaiul oatk aal oo apkd bj the Bewaaajaar it |, ni- who, in i.d.ii'i. u to tk x,iv bad datka proviihil for ibea befag aade wora had t" biiI lo th> ii eoat-taik b< tag bjbjJ m braVwtaon h»r two oi ihit' ajtya," Hir krdahip wa,- m tha oparata taadoa aaa atag bkeeagbter. A aajiiihraaa ntting baaaaal hun uinoyedhfanby kad laBtfag, whetaapaa tk haaja lun.i.i al "tn and .v.hii.,i..l, " r- qaktakl abairUy repeatfag " yaar taagae, yao r.iiiian'' Whaa .i,i karnedfadga waM tata the hajhf, bttat ta th.-exi- im Um " rafl m foBowed hfaa oal RMaaoaaa oa ,,,,.1. -.. lh lordaldp had in x.r heaid thal w..:d; lip.,1, ihi-, Ihe olh, l rlili.k hll.l on the la. e Wltb U o|,,x., to xxhi.h Ib.-jiidof r.-ioit.-d with 0 bh.w from lh>.honl r, nnd ihi-ie lh. iiaidilit MOMOk A vi^ BaORaalaaxrgk al oporaaaMi wa* aotairoMl k Wereeatar, btaaa,,aa Bataiaaty, by l>r. Caarha, taa ,,,-. ,f aaajaital ftaetara. Mloaoal Barl waa raa ora, h;. bm eara oa Um li.ilioad, a'.t taa Moatha ttate, i'.'.ti h'e ara oraaaWd ta t ajbove tha < aVeai I ba iirui.l |tirOxka ot rplint. rtag wan r.aoited lo, hul the lon. hlaile.l lo uiiite, ami a uuiuVii.H m^m^T lorined, produting a lake jon.t. On rjaturday, Dr. . ¦ . ,i ...... a- ii- Ctarkc pnmt*4k4 ta bmbbb) the end* af |ha aaaa, BBWOd tbem Bff nnd litted the BBB. togclb. r, joining tlu m by BaHar, rdtor ahh h ba aal thf Bfa in ."gdiotern. Iu Ihi.v ttixt; aofar, tl.eie i-. a 100 gcod jpet^ctof niecesa, in eibrting 11 jarfeet union of tln (iieiiniled bciic. fiaaa <t tha Pnajfri pfapora |arofbaa to flaabt whether llnertnn ia a bard bilter. Th-re iaa riory current, that at tlie lloetr-n IJvmiii.nium, where tlior biiM a ci -iitiivniice lo li.-l ibe w.i'Jit «f B BBW, IM l«H | upil rlrutk 70 pouiul*. Afi'TllfeW day'ap:.!!'- lici Ihe leiu lar wna uhb- to elrike 130 |.nd*. Heenau I ut bitnarrf in trainini; tlu re fxru plmrt ptrtad, and ibe waight ofhia blcw wm ffll pouada ataily athfadjof a tuu' Can aay body i. li boa bard a bat m kicka ? We BBd in The (latitte JtkffMfaf Bt IVtcndmri' tlo f. illowing are* in.t of ihe reeont vi.-i: of Seliiunyl |o Motcow: Kcbarnyl ba* returned t" hfoaoaaj ta BM l'liiue llaiialtnakv, and heia lioi.iied ajrniii. Maaeow i alw.'iy .1'mr-'-triiHve in tbee.\pm<pioii of il* perrti- na nt*, Bad nl -oiitlely |>cr>ecut>« him witb il" c iiri'inily, in wl bb thf ludies take a BBrfB *hurt. Hr*/ Hr<' p"' cl ai t(d with rH-bomyl; they ndmire him. they adore witbuiil for a nioiiieiu imagining that be baa not ibe mme opinion of tl.t-m. Iii finde fault with tluir on --. and tlu Ir uiifovered fareaaiid abouldera; in fact, ba eeaaajaare fphatr taM very BMMraL Ican inlagtM tl e it uor of ihe liiilie* ..n tMaTBBBJ tbat the Iiiii.uni ba* iblaopinion oftbero; theirindLgualioa will BB (li.nlit cenpe wben tbey Iind that Sehiunyl di*np- BtaTM of low ttachad draaafi baeaaaa Iha Mon bmi ahaabaara appi ar ta bha taofrbt Ioo murh taatfMtioai I c confcrK'p tl at tbey inuke him f.-cl very iiiieoiufortu- ble. Tl B BBJUB drc*« abo BOBMl in for it* ahitre of ciit- icirni; Bcbarnyljhinha tba froek-eoal exeeedfagtyia* convenh nt. Th* contnrt of ihi* aouof Nature with ar- titiriul life i* very IbMBbMBBJ, a* BMMt n<> aa i* BBB pa- trktrd al inuiner. Ile dcuionptrates freely bi* eyinpit- tbiep Hiui haa i.niij utliicp. II.- kvary fcod of mu-ic Ifho mukc* B (all in Eakiajga, ha a*kd if Mincl'dy will play tbe piano. Ba wa-. eticliauled v\ l aa Mr. Ri aowahl had h organ boagbt for bha. a jafajder gave bba gtaal aaajBrara. Tbe aardaaTaawaaaadi of a pi( ee of nioncy hcld in a but.dkeiebief by bi* for- m. r ca*l i. r Kbiidjio into ii hiinch of llower* uinu-cd him BO li lull tbnt the relicliihr'ilicc Of il, M he a fter- wiud ronfip-ed, puraued him even wben be wa-nt 1'iayir. In p] it' of tl al. Sdamv!, bavfatg a*BBaOTBfed im in Btfafh witb u BoahlabottoBBad. aahat) add tbat nT bo had aorfarffafd baforebbn MVedawa, ha would bave bad bba bang. Aaaahwksab tha liuaum bbw for ibe liii-t 'Jtric iu hia Rfeat Kiil'.n mi ezeited bfaaver« pi'ii. At fi»t le t.*jk il in biaband aiidcxiiiuin. d it at- taBtivefji lut wben iha rrab a i/><l one af bi* iiaaara witb i.i- (inw. 1 a ib.- a bba apoatbagroaBai, aaa, ob» fi-i vfaag tl c animal - ni'-tbod of ualkinj,', he aaaaaadtO f.el ontiii.e.i, aad tahl Kbudjio to drive him out of the I.. in; be di(i notp.* ii rooorerfroai Iha iBBagreeabta baBjaraaBBaa | n dueed on him by ikia *bcll-ti*h. Ile Bt* t. iward.iniid: '. J BBTS nev.r BBOB B meani r aniinal tbaa that j bTovar I baagined aay forra fot tbei)e\il, it ip" WhM ha waa ffarat takaa ta KabatfBx,M wei.t into h* ieiy wtaBBgly, Bttd liked JOMlfaf paitJBB, ihinki. | lbciu BM ie laltitul and BgTeeahbl tban balh't- dnnrip; i ut tha naked theaa aad aheaddaraof thowo* raea trcaldad bba m raaofa IbM bodoaanol go now. Wbenboh bivked lo any partj benaw aaauwketbor there ati b bewoBraa there, und bTaOthododiaaa tba inviiaiiin. In tbi* raaaaBtioa be ha* beea aoaa*uraaed by tlrf ::iitl "rily of bfa -a. n d booka, wbichtreat BUfB> 1, ..111 imk. .1 fi.eea of vvotnen. He hu- bad long Bb> rarak hp u tbi.- tabfael witb tha ataaBBJaaanMi who atiailed to bfa paeaBBa .M, Ctii/it bM j'let 1'iiid n .v i-it t.. N'iin'- bi^ l-ir'l !i:ie, w 1' re 1 c I.iip BOthOM Btt aVyaBfB.ta bc aaaai it al tha BaurT/BBja "f hi* *..n. aan aa tha ataffef aha Jiaraaf in l>?i«:tt. Tha tVmitmk </" Omrth II id B He . tlii^; iu bonor of tbe *titt<'*man. In I i- -j. 111, (/ njrly i" tbeir compliineiitH be, in ate .rd- aatawtththehrwafhao,faadafaaaaaaR of tha work BB Wkath bo ta BBW ».:. ea'cd. ;i .ll.-« ::¦.!. of rcinini'-- aaarea rrrdch Btaj aarrotaOiaaiahaatha hiatoey of bi* time 'Iii- fni"tnent rebi'e-1" Il y.-ai- Kll.i. The ii httor siutcp tbnt ibe eanty nnd | iat*krhai f I.i- bm- . wire baflaaaod by tJaietaarandlrni diction affdba bJatotBaa, THE LATE8T PRIZE FIQHT, IM>8TOx1 AO \i.\sr taOWKLL. aoaroB BfciMMoi b. 1"*' |aV /".' " Mltinti-il Hrt .V.iy 11. It haa i awall kaowa aWmoral aeekapaai among artain Ln ka thal a j r.r..- Dght ad ba. n ariaiiacd, and va- io take phvre al aon lorality lo bedett nntnea, on tbe 10th of May. The partiee who propoaed t" ahow beirn n*. leandgi it m cordingij wont Lntotrauuogaftaf iha aaad approvi d ihahtaaa. ll on a bo were al tha Boaton aml htaine deprd t. rday n orning, from 61 lo 7[ o'ctoek, wonld bave bad il i-ir attention attrat ted by tbe presi aee of an naaaaal bei ai-I i!..--ot i'co|.|c. very Intently anaaBod ob ,., v ,. | U| j t ". v al, i'llv l.ot to DO ttllked ("It b'Ud ol hanlK wi i.p ib Al 7{ o'.b'.l; tbe train atartedoat ot il,: il, ot and *'" n dkranra ared. Thej were booad i, r Iha Oraaite IMI* ol Kew-Hampaliire. boalitiea wbich it ia tbe debgbt ol ia araay laaaBraMaa ta viait ir< iu Btaaoa to h. aaaai AtLoweQtbe affair appeared to be nndrrMoodby ihe knowbar onea, laarge aecrBBtona to tbe rorapany were aatfaheia, Wiih bai littktdebty the train ia«d i.u, i ,\, e't.-itioi'ni d anxiety httriaaingail the wl lo, 'Ihe (ai* at leiij/th reacbed' lUtafbeater, N. II., whara tl "arJifJl t»-w in tha Baorot ofthe aaaa arera in Hjadiiiaia to join. Iliivine; riii'h'-l Martin'B W\ rry, II,,, haet, four ardka from M;.n. I..-... r and iue!ve Itobj C. lin-iil. the roiiipany aligbted and ..i."..-.!. d "ii fbol aloiit n tmi" and ii balf. Afteraomo litil. proajiecling i apot aaa BelaatHfbrtM rhrf, Itwa itoniinibly odai l( .1 f. r thi pnn oa . li. fore are f*oeeed fhither we will -t ile wbo were to ((l't( ,-t tbe bom i* of th'' intr. aid wfal Bl l"-elhe gjon Oftheday. ThOJ were lli.rry Fimio ;a**of lb;*- t.ii, will kiiown in p|iiitiiitrcitiiiH. iind knka Laavki, Bteaeker of anarrlag. Pbanegaaa baa had c\|. iu tlu- P. n.. but the preetta wa* Leavitt'a iiiiii.l.ii eflbri tothal line, a f... t whi.h ba will aol probably aoon forvet. laey nre frofli Stelrf yeara old. Both were offefeBna aailritioBa for the diatbwtioa ofvitton aad lb* roward of apoila. One ajoB tJat fbf> ii.i:, i otb ahared the bttter. 'I be nj ot bn\ Ing beea Brktett d, a rkaj ara Baiaad in ihe u.-iail n.aiiii. r, riakt* were dvtvaat, aad the r..|.e* itli; iigl 'I in¦(( tilinif to tbe rule- i'i. valcnt ofl BBB*h BO* (loion*. 'Ih. work waatronpfeied witk dkrpateh. Ia il i-n.iiiii tiiee Ihe bn-ge rrowd rdBpeetatort Ibrraed abont tbe toitoaare, aagev lo Irttnmy t>« wataeaa tha Bgkt. The rfaaj wi i Inkhid ;i II! oeleek, nnd at 98 niiiiii. h i ,,.-t l eavitl eatefed. iVn mhnrtea jataa Fin- negaaa tha w in* eeator araa the ropOBi PlBMagaai uii'i.d Laavitl with great eordfality, wben thaiattar aaid: .. I bave fio i. tt whi.h I would i,k. to lavaet .>n tha reanll of Ihe bi/l t, "111 take tliit, *aid Finnegu**., iini.kly, and the wi').'. vv ;.-. loa d. The icndiiii.n of PianeaBaa wa* avaryUnag Ihal roold ba di Ired. 11 ie mnsebj waa bard, wfary, tanav rjona, aadol a brownfah haa. liMvitt did notapi >r rouill. it araa avident tbat bia trainingbad ixen t mi IJii icnt or of looakoti a dui'.iiioii. Hia body wi,- rovered rnore oi leae with rataiueoui ernptioo >. ln« diiiitii-uT a had of tha iy-taaB. Tbe aontraal ba* twi-i ii ii.e t w ma raaYaraat. Tbe] aadBoaooaaa htli| |'i d ibnll Fililitglue r I'hyrit ill .-upei i"l ity Wii- ii|.- | ill (Iit to II. Bl iioi IB*. Rol.iul 1.Tbcie W;ip a .I deal "|" livcly BfaVlilMJ iii tbe piart. I,cii\ iu workuig bard aud looking nnxkma. r'iitnegata antUed and looked eoufident Finally tbey L.-t»i ui Ibe ii.i 11 in good . aii.fpt, BBVeral bard i,u* being cx.l :iiirc.l .ii both fub p. Tbe ruaad rioard by Laavitl l ring ki.... ked doa B bt :i atanai r uore tniplattic tban ll-'l II IiI.'Up. Iouiii- Tboyi,ii.* tor.i'.ewith m uurj**aaad ap* I < titi for flrdil and witb x";,,'r raxiaatBeBa. Aftef aqoaring oft, aparring and ambling, they weni nt it ia in:c ji'inii'il Ryls, One (.! rinnrgaaa'a waUabaed HUM.I..-II drew tbeclaretftoatLeavitt Daaai orgaa. ,\\- aUttb morenarring llair\ Mtled u niaaterly plungeron uoc f Miki ipcepti ," ad fehVd bba ta tha gronnd. Bi und 3 Both r*doteatanta earai to tbaa evldently retreebed by tha roagh>». adminkriered to aaeh oibtr. They eyed aaeh other witb great aa**arraara, adraaakag aad iv4raaibag by tarna Eaefa appeared to appreektU tbe importaare aad advantnga of the laaal brattj lorkdologer. Eraail] tbe] eanie to btawa tba bitting bi inu; bard and ui.ifonu. The round t-nded uli. r an fc»i liaBgr of K'veral ataggerera. K'.nnd -1- 'lb:* ronnd did not .iiit.r raaterially IrOflj No. :i. Both uuiimii,, i.iiin,,. |.||.iiv.BBdappaaiad ta toaa "i al oai rqn .1. The t'ri.nd* af eaah arare en- (-. nraged, and wagen wi re aaal nnd aoak. Roiiutle .>, ti, 7, H, | ..ul |fl R*faTI faBrBBxJ f'it'«bt. Fifiirejpra, i.otv **&, .* wflo flaln to he aeoa, wu gt?t- liigq-u'lt-ii.oI.ea\f/f i'. . ... ..-. . ttottttJ II- Mavfvi ranv ta to W> rotjnd rafber. w ajtagly, giving evtoVnce rftal! fw lad.W ba Nraf and w ,.a on tne vui.e. Tbe talliiig now w OBt 85 fa 81 on "i'ound I*-Both llgbferi abow ajarhx rfr^JMjt, 1 ut Pioncm t B] n ii d frrafa and "rendy for */'»/. Koi .oi.,... hrorttdbe aaid for r*eaviit. After v mtkJ rtirmony in lha way of pBrrtag, they rajaad m, L'ctiit.g filtog. l!'( r the xv.iat of it. Botindi IH io SS wen IHUe ke than a rea Btwa, ex- ,,i,t ihm leaxiu lw.,,ine weaker aud worw ut eacn traJ. All Um wbik he wna wttmg terribly nimlahed. Botmd %'.¦ At thi- r ..nd eatne '"''.'"'.VTf weak and forforn, 1b ataggi red and kembled. Bott < ver wirr cloat-d, and he waa I ptthOde ob.<t to kokat. Crkawen keord of " Take i.m, um, taw v ti an eannlhak.'' ThiBa!!urmribqiiintcdto- wnid tbe rruellv wbith idlowed tbe fiifht to prn.-ed. Baaad ht.Tbia wn* the ffnal roead. LaRRvBt earae up alowly and feeblr, hanllv hi ing ahh- to traU. L««vitt'H reior.da i.o'xy eonridered "di.'r.t'on tlie brtter rarl of vake," and, iiiting b accoidancc, threw np tbe aponge. ,,. - Fii negOM jumped overlhe ropea with the agintr or u deer, and ipparenttya freah aa when I e enterod Um lir.g. Rehoweververy tooa ratnrned,andopenoda anlawriptkn for tho loeer, baoding Ihe IktwitbfS. The taa <-f *rl f* waa raBocbra and Beaaoate4 to l.iaxi", wbo waa, aa itenbt, gratafal forUaa aayar. Tho itaatBia oftaaviB trooptaaaad by all. He badtrae eoanga. With koger and bcttei tiantag, at d w iih more »iprktrtje,hf woobJ prava a taaaB eee- tonier for rivnf. now i.ono Titi: m.Hr i a*t»i>. T! e Lbae oeeapkd k tbe Bghl waa jnat 36 n-krrtea. It waa tptietly coi-diicted, th.- <*]»-i taten- bobavfog with Hanfionun not often witnt-BM-d at a gathering of thi* nature. txi injvis, I.T . Fiiineppar'fl eolort werellue nnd whitc, UMM of LeavHl gn (n. Tbere were Rboef ;iO© Braotal to wBoea lha raati tt, onedialf of wboa were from Boeton. A large nnidei 11 -did aen wora Bjaoag the utawh't. one who (;.i'ii a hnlf a millioB in bia pocket Leavitl a weigbl ir 138 p aak; bfabl Sfbat I Inehee. PbaRMxaa'a w.-ight in 188 pooaaat higbt Ifted oj iin (a. lh. ttyl.t wMfAwfJatMoaiajk Of aoortafaMjjajaai took the .-take. Ptaneaaa aae lo Boatoa taal evetutag. laaovtB waa krfl a the n.ute. bir bhbj baviag gaaa imo brmmbbbrj f..r Ihe kta of tho bnttle. Ptata gi m foaehl one hattk ptavkaaly ta the I'jH-d aremi. ai.d wiikiI'f'iited by Jaob Roberta, ol Bojirara ( ,ii. rr. att. r ii gallant ronteatof two bouraand twon- ty miiitiu - duiation. "Aa aaaa!, tbere waa a deal of betting,aadaaaeh Btoney haaaged baada, lt fora Mripnfag and taatrfaaj hnild'aiiil iiiur. le. I.envitt war thonght full B inatth fot Pknegaaa. Tbia waa dkpeBed by ih.- nade pro( t hh. BOBM plirti. r Inlide. it ir raid, B eool *oOO. and nlh. ra lorl ni-nrly c.jual that BBBB, xx bk h xxan r;i'h, r a wann tROtter. 8YMPATHY FOR THADDEUB HTATT. MESTlrTG AT THK OOOPEB INsTITt'TK. M't.l.CUf.S Bl Dlt. < lltr.VKH. B KXIHil.l, l'HII.I.IPS, AM) WII.I.I.IM LI.OID (VAItRISOX. Two thoaoaad peopk Bwal have aaaeabaeal at tho Cotiei laRllaia.taal ovenfag,to exprea tlnir sym- s.ihx with Mr. Tiiai.i.hra Iii att, now iwpri-oii'-l at WaahiagtoafiwrefiRjtag to leattfy bofero taaBaRJtta Invertigalinif C Il tnitfee. The atulieiice Wlir coltlpored of both texea, in nearly eqaal arabeta, and wa.r of Um u o^t iet| 11 tabk (harai tiT. The ini'ting waaorajaaedby the Rnaniaona ap* pofatrrenl of Meoara. HRRRT <<. Ilxitr and Olivko .Ioiiv^..n a- I're-idi-iit and BerretBTV. The I.'ev. Hi Bl ( CBRRVBR ol .1. xvett ( ity, ( mad-- a pi.-fa- to.x | my. r, in wl i- h he inrpfon d tbe I>ix'fae atrenarth to i iiable Mr. Hy.itt t.> endui.- eveti iinto th. d.-ath preat nl taffi rfaoi ia bir herofc ittaaptota hMaooto tbe ii^'1 laof < oi ciea e. Th.- riORlaant tben made a brkf addraea, 4-x|.Iaining Ihe cirniniftnt'cia uinh r which Mr. Hyatl war tent to iiiin for 'ont. apt; ali.-r whkh, the Bkcrctaryread rne f. Ik trfagreaorntkni, eacb ofwbkh war received with warm ppknae: iVn./ir,'. 'lh." tka Bei da aftbe I'rlt.-d Stitet. i.ithefm- prIn i ii -.f ol I Ladden* Hyat' f. r a:i alb-n-d .-"iiteinpt iu n-fiia- li'j to affjaor bafoea a CaaBaalWai of taal bodjr, araa BuUty of a rl ih.iicrr...ii u.M| ation of poxxer, ui.-.-tinil tbeiiidipia- ||(.| ,,t . x. rx f n.-ri'-an IIM I /.>.¦/i..'. Th tl «¦ h.-..rtT thniik«ff everr lover of freedom cre due to Thrd'leua Hyatt fot Bm eoiinia-ean.l martyr lik.' fielur- Bi «rttb«|bicb !". I¦«. r.--i-t'1 tle-p ¦¦. >-r "i Ik HetnUe, u-id .obmit'i d U in.i'r>"i n i.t in Ibe xi'e jrill ut Wa.hlinton, ratlier than a. ki,..»'-'.:.. th.- ^i hrrily f ilirt i.-nrpli.e; l>..dy. tttohtt, Tl: t the prti-tl.e of I,. cl-'sti.* I" .Hea t" p.mlah Brtrbtoa at t.-ieirdi»i-rei|->n fnr art .wbieh tbey rcaiolder conteinpt ,1 ii»x r.-.-ii |thataadtbertho otesaa aortta p ,i-h- tnenila t.»..l bj knowa ktwa, badafenda largely ratko4k> ,- ii... .1 ,.r th.- L. -! frati.rri of ,'.-poi|-m, red- InroaatyoB bVtprtneMeol JatUt !, ar, U' ..v ;.i i'l-t a.. io.iking B4B0 p'irty n-.t "-ilv ..!...'in it. ,»i,irt.r. hi.'t BiecBtiouer of ita eajra aenii-n.-e, and b tl -.... ..- parl .' th.-, "ini""" oi porltameutary la»- ad -p*--.! tntlli."t'x lihi x»h"'.y t" Uie prI'ioii.l.-» "f tbe i-.t R| I. ai.l e.eiy Bt.-te ('.".rliliition, BB Wtfl Ba uttott* .i-.,-.i tin- Itktaofthedttarn; and .¦. aanetionod by cnatnm or beedb-aa lubodadon, ihoubj be uiet alwayaarBb d't.i. In.t .. -i-t.i .. |.y.-x.-ry h.x.-r. f !i':..-:ty. i;,:tr'il. Tkot wbenmer an Individuol diaurhinf tho .j> i-t of ii ligkhRIm Ial r, f.-.-. t.wh.-y t::eord.-r of a Legiaiatur.-. the o: v I r it I, oxi-i h m i- to oiui.t him te ti: i.xi tixo to ax' ait |. ..i-t i:., 11 lil..- io v othoi brv-broakoi and uch Indlrid- ... i. ri.tiiled lo have hia offenae and hia pnuiahnatnt deacrlbod ¦ndfxedbj Uledand kaewa laxx>.». trial befora b Jary. aaal 10 all tl" oth. i -al", g'.uni. tbat ITO* ii.rtitutiona throxv aronn.1 the . ti/en il >! tl to a,li.,it ai.v other |>. x«-,-r in a Lotiabkture i- to xio'ute lha rardica] prineliaV of Oae ¦orenunirut ay ndilaa Bt .... and ».ci, ial n. rt.x. <-. tit.. p-.xxer--i- ii. .. 11 yi.i.l up ajrrad kditld .al riihti to party hate. Bjaaaal .apri e. .r (Hii.,1 Hi- r*ti arblch ta bat BBotbar natne for deaptt ttfhtd, Tbat thia act of lha flaaate, otuplad ial M »-iihr.>n- -. ;., iik'bi».f ciin-i'-iiic. titt n.jking th"bara xx ill ol IBm BV ate ." "v. rii.l" exery .-.u -,-ii-.;'i-'.f pl'-n "t'the ,-i'l- len, i. hi' fi'iiBL',- npon l bri.'ian Uhoill xxhi.h BaaaM bo ,'an .-.1 x, Itfa 'h.- u itbjnant napeafatloa of « Chri-tian p. .pl». Tbe BatrBRVAJtl iilr., read b laokr froa tha Haa). CI arlea Bnaner, regrettiag bia iaabiBty toba raraoaaa, nnd wai Dflly approving tbe rouraetrf Mr. Hyalt. Tha tii -1 tpeaher, Bamobi E. Brwrll, oor., of tbatoa,.aol ad Mr. Hyatt, waa bara iatratRaeed, and received arith efahajftaat, Be aetaikd Um * ir- ciiui-ti.i (.8 nnd. whi'h Mr. Hyatt waa itupriaolltd, ¦nd with whicfa the pahlk ae ataeady familar. TbeBov. Hr. i.i... B.Caxavaaaaade the aoxtaoV dr..--. He raid tbe ofaiajre oa Mr. Hyatt tbowod tho prrgreaofoiajpolka. rtoeauth badwaraad aaaotto j, t the vxol'l |Oai BWHal blot ont the word n>i><'»i. Tbe it.| lo were the iiiilion; if ihey did not liM,k out UM V Wi- ldhe.. li,. li ihe BOVO IMda It W'»r Ulle, to ii.-.- Um laiiguageof Bnrke, that tbey took Um power mto ibeirown hafak, and governtd in ibeirown way. Aripkae.) Tbe imi raall i for a ravoltjako waa fJroafa oppotlunity. The peopk weta hoand to brfatjtbk ii i.n ..I pri.-.ii, t" roaaaa hk) froa tbe clntchee of ii, akvi power, (TretaaeRlotM ajaphwaM.l Itwaoa i.' ii'duly foi tbeui to do eo. The tpeaktr contin- 04,1 ni tnkatrak forovorbalfaB bour. Dr. ( b.ever waaaaMxeetVd bj Wxroxil PHir.i.irs. who, ae rcou Bl he lould be heaid, ar.uiu.d his alwayi etcqnenl nmetery of tboee pteaent After jayhaga trii ut,- to tbe prectdfag apeahea, he raid be woald di oa ihe erkia >.t ((iiriitmicnal Liberty ia whkh wo atood. I!\eiy goveraoBead war oadeap. to far aall waa fiee. of arhal tlu- peopk had arroatod Iroa Baupa- ticn. Bvery eleajenl or fraodea had beea heaid arat in tk prayi i of tha an i..t and Ua craah of ihe gik- bet. Oar (!o\. intiieni waa Bota atataly fabrir, btiilt in adeeade, hhe Botoaoa'a taatpk; it war au u'.d Ea> elirh Inbiic, alteled t«. rnit the tim. B, We u','! it by the c-ntbntkta and indbrnotkn of Uie people. From th. peopk Hbobob Corpej aai avery othar taal Of l.ili ity. It waa"n weapon whkh tho peopk caoghl np whi n tla-y wanted to Itaoch a tyraaf aVrwa. Aaal r.. wa loxed urold Anj/lo-Aim li.'an prfacipka,and when we xxnnl to eeiahliith a right. we uiUet h1i-.x\ ihat it wanohl. Fliglirh, 4-4iiihli:utio|,iil. W.ll had Dr. (heever a.iid tbat we were n.-t reaal tooat fotk ra. If xx.- wwaao, we wotild h'lig ago, inntead of rittmg betO, have aaaa ta Waabington fa the railroad cara,lakeB Hyatt. and hrongbl hia bonte. [Applaaae.] Wo aaaaal have vang, pnn dizing Ihe old Cottaai refralai Ai.rl »ha II had. Ilyuttdiol Ai,.l aiual 11: "1 ll'x u tlie' 'II.,, forty the ia nd N.»-\"rk boya WUkauw tbe roaaaa x*hy. II.'.-i.] Th-laWBWere n.l BJJata ta BTO- i.. I' luliir and powerfnl bmb, liha G.-veinor Morgan nnd NN illkm H. Jaator. Th.y ahoald pr..te.i tbe hum- bkandunk8uentkl. Mr. Phim^aaid be abo dd uke brtader gronnd than tbat eabraxd in tbe reoolntion. Por hia wa adeaa bo aJoae aradd ba rairpoiiaibk. He held ihat wrUkrrjuJgti aar/aararri hadn rkbl tode- privt a.ii.nofhiHlil'e-'yatl'l-^"'-- Awnmgti ,!!,,t. I. .ind the i-art b,,to,y ol pramkr overdetpot'. And if we ,a.U; nd .t a itkgoa h..thi...,. -cfali'oig. the Thirdl u aoMBedtoLun ihat w, hadnadea i.rexrriange from a rtectnt gen- ti.'nan on a tbrona, ta a dkty fiMBgngat ta l baaoM Lha fb*r. ... . , . II, ,. nuinhd that no nmn in Um rentury bMl-done p, ,1,1 :eix:,e to tbe CJillre oi , "nrtl!tlll''liill ll'wrty. Anhoneat, nobk aan, baoyed opbyno |a»pnliAr an* plaurr, deavrttd bx bia own pariy, aneeraTat by Um {mhlic jouri.ulit, bedared to aufll r. rnanfuBj for Qber- !v ;,nd tbe Bight. |\pplau-e.| Beeaaat tha areo wiibcdto riiufl ..nt Tbadaeui Hyatt, wnuld the peopk Ictlhe itadel ol Ubertvbe rarrkd »,\ dclaal Il whh tttkt wa wora ota aaaa peetde. Por QoeTa aaha v.xf'lH. TaiBI 11 to n.uht au idea tn |..-t tlor ¦aeotfag waka rn. Ii a feeKng vux ,l afj reanfad oae of t), iu iv when Horaca Oreeky rv.d the haork "t lha peopk. Uri aottaMd ooojonap m pocBka taaXrate oae ik i.ler w aaaa, |i wm. boMoj toth-feuil n Btajt eciMUtBlMtial nrfaeb i le ihan M hive been l'lctident of the luitfit k. WBkHafffwota ktd aaaaRMjai u pjtroajj eoatraatlo rdrolkiOj wben Ciarbp Suriiiie* ftood ba gronn«L What drWndanf of Scwjinl vm«M rvl r;»thir hrtBf " rome) Cbeever of th.- rn-xt crgnry iff*1'!** fow'-aAor'B name with Wnahin'pt' m and I/-e, fi>f**v^*7fijrMre in ;. bronii u-r n miialy r.¦<¦ fir I rfffeT If' rr-i- I'ldk, and Bntbairan? IFaughrer .ird applaa**..! 'i*rtani|flod, tbe pn lioeni- v. .re o.-ttii i' po iniiny aud eo afawi tt-:t we<< uldn't recoih ri l!ei ,. At ihty. eloHe of Mr. Pbilripa'a rd<frr*vi, b.'id ei/B-i BBBBB rrnde >,- tbe ntulieiite for Willinm Moyd framrofl fnaf H ** Bor. Dfti.ii I VYorth, wbo v.-«rr both Bfiaual. Ae> brotbthe latter rnrae forward, und apoke for *r.rae ii it.ut.a, rlutiiiK wl bb a rwfWtion waa tnkeri op IWdB- froytbe fxpnaa of pabhahingthe pr»H-e*dsii*fa of Ste OffiraaTgi The ineetin* adjourua4 W a lutr hour. SYMVATHY WITH THF. PHILADEI.PUId 81.A YF. REKCUERH. I.aef ervnbg a ptiMk n-aetitijr of tbe eolored (niaenai of JNcw-lork aaa heki ia.SaiJeh lVeehyttxmii thnreh, I'linr- pticel, Ibe Rev. Hfaur Hi.,hi.ami iit\f>/: ia ibuebair. Mr. .John I\ Rrrtr* opened the proreedina- witb praver. Tbo Rev. H. H. 0-K3A7 ptat.-d tae objecl 01 tlat ii(.tin:r to be ihal of giving aonie egpriaaioii of tha reiitiu eiif- of the roloied panpli ia rclation to the im- piipoi ment of the brethBM who had aided ib rearnina; ii ttave la l'hiladei|ihia, and »!*«» an exprwaaa,,,, pf pvnjnthv for the n.eii who bad M BObiJ Rood BB in tbi ir | erioiiB 10 aecnre tbe lib.rty of one of tbeir owa Mr. Si iritrN Mtkr» of Alhanv next Addrea*ed tbe mielinif. at.d WMfbDowed by Ur. tTatbibiof BoohoBa ler, wl o apoke al aoaaa b aajth, lerfawfcaa aha iimvory wbi. h Ind rliaraiterized nationa of coTored men in their batthM for lioerty. Mr. J. V. (tn is- inov. d the following r-aolntiona: lltt.lrtd, That wareeognige in tbe beroi,- eonli't oftha aov fortonate ,.,... now in a PhiMel,h.» J-il. an other «i*aaaaa_ef :li'.- to prtlK'ipl' ->.«' *her evMeiire tlut the Kuf-.tiri Hlave I iu ii mt fo.iud. d in Juaii. e *r.J' r- ti<A i.induut^ Hrflrfd, 'J hlt wc uxpp .. oi r aympathy with thoae nnf«>eea» nat. iii.u byti4ikiig trp 0100, or i..ore. I,y ...|n- t i.g .¦nutniea- ti.n. fr.ii. t'lu'li ,.r BM <i "ur p'll.lie meetlngl. !.. h-lp th-n,ta ul f in iinol ti. r -t t'.- iropp.iicnt. ill th«- coKiing trial B*. It,. b b aad tyranny..,". 'Ibe nnetiiiir wa* *ul,eequent!v iiddre**ed by Vt B. \Vn j Baowaaadtha Rev. J'. h. Bmitr, MBBCABTtTuI EaBHURf A*-.*-octATlO!»..La*t evening im adji iirned aaaatbag <<i tl i* A.-.** iation araa Baaa at ChatoB H ill. afr. Bluni pn-aidinK. Tlie attendant* "f n.diilci* wa* very larK<-. A niotion to mnend the ColiPtituti'n, BB propoeed by ibe BRB**d af DhrMRMRj in tbeir atiiual rej ort preaented at the ora-ninirof tlw; itiinii.l mecting. by ini r.-apinu; thedm * of outeide taem- taaa,WM put |0 vote, and lopf. Mr. W«**i :ii"ved llat a Con.mitlee af aar/OH ba appomt'd ta fMBBaM tbe I'.ii,. it.l .otiditioii of tha $Hmmiation. and tl»« feaeibility of inen-aainir the due*. and rejiort at a raeet- aaj ta ba baM a BBftaaghl bai aa, Thia tepoliition, nftera lenvrthy debate, in wbich it WM (onteiiiled tLnt tbe bkbOBBOf BBfh R (oi'.uiitteo wo"M not itinouni lo BBytaBBafj wae aaR l>y a lurge vote. At the tiipt Bjeathaj af tha aVaaaaBttfara, tba ijiii-piyin n* taameuding thi Conatitution hy incn-raakag ibe BBM |1 peraiinum, wa* pnt to vote, and dedared lo>t I y tle c-bair. A inoii. n ta reeonnider xvao earried, wben tbe BROBa th B iiLrain being broiight before the meetin).'. wa* dw- raaaad tit etaaaoaffdali baajth. MMara. PfBa* Tarker, I', Sbepbenl, Arnoux, and other* ft\)i»^t'\ iu ;!... <', !;,(.. a a cc i.;ci,iiinjf thal it woald b| i'ltinitely raora I rediu.ble for tbe BBBRaMM af the inptitntion to |.ui their liandp in tbtir BWB aaaMBkl and ****** the BBBaV iniiiil bBV, then to e c,,i,tii.ually ^ipplirntii.j/ the mer- rlai tp«'f onrcify for uid. Tbe B*aaaRafl wa.a fmallj [iu t0 and declurc.1 lo-t bj a raRBtftRlk nal vote. I B I. hag in favor of ihe Bt, and M BBBIOBMl ihainltl A* p("ii a* tbe vote wad annonnced a pttddea adbarfrBBBBM WM had. a Tabbbibabb Dobb Fob- Jeaeph hutrab, otrSn. VI l'mk pti.-tt, in ¦vnin tiii ilatiOB f " Old Adamatke v. :. i;.)i liuiittr. reaolvtd to uttempt tbe rej>k-ni*hing nf hin poiket, by " IghBBlg tbe tiirer," "4* I >. i* fonrtd in bi* metropobtan buunta. He aeeordingiy P*o- ccididto ibe corner of DbmR and bbMTRBB atierta, v.l.ere Hciiiy Van \cl.-or und .John Har.ien VOBS phowing up n PiK-eie» of "tiKer" knowii un Fam. Thit.kingbe R*M Bf 10 a lkile BMM BBfaf tban tlie rrofeetiona! thowmeu of tbe aiii.nal, Muuh im.ler'ook to initiate tbein into *ome of tbe niyatcrie* of naturaj li-i'iy. Afterafew phort bBBBBB be left the pbxra minii* ^75, whieh bad been awallowed np by Ibe bbbb> cioiip Faro. IL' ncM r/aafBai bMRMV RBbBbBI of fbo BMMaBfA*aBB, boBt, at No. ISI CbbBIbBR atre«-t, l>y I,'. leit battaa, Anil.oi.y Ri-mintrer, andOeorge Jar\ ia, wben ba Rafcaod *lno worih "f tha pajte kii.J af ex- leiicu.e. Baahaj beeoaaa tathaed witb bi* i,.--.,iw and dippUlirtied with tha BMBBBbI af hi* uiora _\, Imj niiul.coinj laint BaBaaBBl the abovep»'r*..n* BaT***f*ftl*ahBB> Ifad he been tbe winner of ibe #175, wbich wa* pnt apaarataMkia money, no donbt he wonld *tiH have Breaeeatodtheaa. Tbe araaaad bbimm were Rdkaa Ictoi.iJaathM Coiuiolly who lield thom to hnaaeriu ihe piitnof foOOeach. a ¦ Pottti CeORRraaioaibb.- Thb Board mI */. i>riay nf', raooii, nnd Bned W'm. V. Poaatafat, Aoaaaa Kin- iaiil. and .lolm Hnier, of tl,. BO**aartaaaih Waad, ten liavp' aay for aJaowhaj a lahtaryta uil,.¦ bIbbbbbbbi their beat. The Commi**ionern predieated theirdeei- -ii a aaaa Iha giaaaal that tln rahaa ry aaaaa n<»t haro eeii .ib <icd ii* the men had l*en attvnding to their iuty. Meaara. tMrBrata aud Wtttataakof fWfhfaaaa i.-ci.ih vTardaad Peeeharoftha sixtlt BrBMaaajotaMi Ri.iind.-mt n. Bergeantl.I, in addklon lo bia aaaaa repoit of BBoliaa plate*. rv**artod the baildingVo. I'.'l Rioadwiiy iiti-af., and lik.-ly t,, fa'.l al any ino- raaat. Tha i.uil.lint; oa ibe raiathrMal oftrMt af Ohtftry it.d Dover BtlBSM WM ri-poi-ted to ba in BM pitra« .oiidition. KotaBMaaBM BBMB neiit to faWa*f*RBrBM take them down or make them *afe. . ¦ Aaaaar or a fTaaartva abb Bt r**aeRa R'iaaT4T-*j*a, .laat niuhl, Sergeant Jonrdan und I ifflcer < Sohkn of Ihe Sixth Ward arreate.l Cbaik* Cro*on, an aibked luitrlar, wboewaped About a f«>rtni^ht a>*o frota iho Statioit-H. tice in that prt-t ii'd. CfoaaB wiui BMBjhl »'» ib.-acti.f (iitciinK tbe baa.I I). Baha/, Ha, ,ftt Rayaul fAjreet. Tb. *aua ofliiera lai-eated two no- toiioiihiiiarneteip uiinad Tin.uiai Ruidet: and John Dyhea, wbom they aataaaai h bha aet of M/hag rrpa. fn-i.i aVaaa taWhk BtAaaB, Oaa af Aa BBtaaaaM bad pon.e falw keva und I |«i> of nipper*, aud tlw other a quantity of mateh.* whi. h ba ia;nit.Hl gO aa to afeted Bght foi aaaaaMlai tbe tl.K.r*. it..ih wim loeked np in the SLxfh ftlBMrt BuRlfB IIBBM «"» BBB> picioti of BBVaBl b..n IIBIIfBll in OM or'vvolnir- Jaii. .-that MMffBJ I BaM afgdRB BM in ibe *auw Ward. 1)> tTii or the AruoN*! t..An RaBMBtwM hekl ¦aah rdi.y by Oraeaat BaardNa M tln- baatj af haajaa* iu- M. Cotuior, tha aeronaut who wa* killed M Thur*- ,biy nf'tri.ooti wbil. uifckinu an uecen.-ion fi"in lVlaen Itiiidci. The ,-videiiee eliiittil w:i* eiib-tantially tbo BJBM »¦* BaMaahad hy na y,-i< i.liy niorniii«. Tha Tiiry rendeivd a ver.lie' af " l>«ath fBMB feBMBaBBBl af tha keaaa fbaai iHein-r at**aah BBBfaMBaaBaaBaraaaB buildintr of tha I'alace llanleii wbiki makiii"j a ballooa lax'iittiou on tbe U>tb Inai." Tln- .li.vii*<| witpaim- ive of Waahingtou. I). C. und WM bMM**BBfa of igi'- THk TwaVKTi-ril -t WaRB Ai.i. Ut.aii. Ut*:. .venniK tba Cuuipuiini Citib ul (hia Ward kt-kl an 'litbuaiaetic ineeiina! u: (he spaebi .- hail. N>>. BB Kotlith BVeBlie, wben the" were :wblre-*e.l by Klliott r,\ Slnpard. ea.|. The Reptibliean hahJaBfai f the Ward luted tlat tb.- (aatty WBB tniMMII) ..'nrti ; hy V~ roaaaoaM bVobi al aaaaaa af tha bobbbb, MkMIN" "T Tlli t»f\|; ItTINl CoMMft-lOVl Hv At ii uit-ciin, of ihf Coiuuiinakiuera, bel.l on iln- lOtb iiipt., tbe fol'owim.' pr.H-evdii.>!«, aumn*, oilioia, wera bad: The BiiBWBBBBM Ur BTRaha llarrl. a. .^,__I__i__ I 11 -uitil, i,ol tb.-»"u. 0' Ai'ii.. waar«paali*"***n'u',J*J tbe d' at.d. ., erou. .I.tiea.'l ^ C"' ,,, ^...ptoyeea K,»i,rH,ibit ih. sr,;:;:w.«e..e ¦>..'. .*. ^ « iiF- k.-ep.ia..'l. ,-l.'J..i>'4£?* tbe ^"t-o-'r.y l. f.-r... (hem^lhii .b^'"J"3_;b". ftvr ihe re*-* th.< *U»^» IM,.1.-,,i- '-^.'nllV,. , . ih. aareaaai al ih, u'^akTBltiK uv-ae. atea aaaav

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-05-12 [p 7]. ·

May 03, 2019



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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-05-12 [p 7]. ·

ajanlaiaiey. Meaa (K>-). V, aro (lh ) ^JJfJJ***(111.1 lx'eWa, Nlblrt-k. IVxm e,., d'et ... I'rytm Pbrlpa.P.'rter.Frror, Faah. UiirW. Kejiw. Hi^g,. BobUaaon (lil), »««,EUartlXiant.,.. S'.r,..' !nn*i.-.,n Baaftb (Va.) Badth V« » S-.-enaer. Htole. Sf.-ot. Btrallon 1 .*l«r Th;Tr.- Thoinaa,I Kh-ixa-ood, Ynltaiidi-hiin. VatMO, Whitely, Wln.low, and


1' uffi Ua h

1. rn <V\ >.. M W (>.c ). Vt. .1., W llaoli,

Tk aV,x. aliordi h fak indi.-atkn of the othot yeoand nav VOtO on Ihe BoVR la ."¦'.

Mr. QROW raported a biD to pronde foratem-IMcary JWieriraent for Nevada.

Mr.' CLABK (hta.) Mr. Grow yktfing tkiBoorlempon.rilT raoved to ttrike oat ibe Ai.i.-Miiv, ryDievin,., »nd ina, rl one ol a Affcrent i bara. li r.

Mr MOrSTON (I>em., Aia) objkrted to anyRjBJMRJBMM """, Mr. 1'iow ehouid vield tha faOOT ul-|4*eth«r. He waa oppoaed to tBMJ btVrgOjBaMf Ottttbe

Mr. OROW ac.ep'ed th, "tro"d IMBl of Mr. lvl-i fll.) aBowing tbe pcopk ofthe organtaed Terrb

.vh'ti.Il tbek oficerr, He moved thal Ihej.iil bo eoaratted ta tho Cofluaittea of Um WaMao oatlo- Sta'c <'f tbe tJnion.

Mr. HOPBTON moved to tabk tbe bill.Mi. GROW. 1 withdraw my motion.Mr. HOTJBtTOH 1 don't wttbdraw mine.'ihe lat;. r aaotka waa agraed to.88 agaital "4.Mr. UlIOW r. portedbiik to provbk lemp aary gOT«

» i. foi kraoaa and Dak h, on motionif Mr. THATKB, were BereraBy tabkd. Alaoabttlgo otw^trdaoateaporary gi rarnmea foi t bippowa.

Mr. ITKT1S Ke]i.,"Iowa) naid ihci-e whh a mimn-ajwataaaaatag with regard to organlitag bomo of UrmoTcrrit'irie-. Tbonaandowere couUnnallj iioaoing theBtataoeJrl river ito tha patpooe of aaking bomea weeti.t Um Ix'xkv Mouiitiiu.-. Tboysothitk rwrtboathtwlo j rolool tl'.em, whkh it in Ibeduty oftbe govornaoalt.. BJMtd,

Mr. CKAIG (Mo. aaked whetber the gentleman-would taaert the proviaion Uat tbe peo] le of Um Boathahoiild takr th. ir pn m r:\ w ith th, m.

Mr. CUKT18," not the twgroea, hrd whheinen wnnled nrotwtion. He war aorrj ihat the Slav-.-rv qaeetJon had been tatrodueed in connextion withthi- tahject. Imtend "f overtkaxjtdng all tbew billr,be deaired that thi v ahoald be cnlaly cn-.d.-r.-d.

Mr. BAKK8DALE Dea., Miaa.] waa willmg toOTgi niae \ri7"n:i with n fair bill, bat he nixx no ii.-.e.

OHt for »he otyanhation of ».. many.Ifr, GOOCfl |Ixe|... M: -r.i "eim'.etit.d OR the ,-ouree

afhaa ...llea^ite [Mr. ThayerJ andar wbooe laad the]5eni04-r»tic atdeof tbe H.-r.-f vot..! to l.iy th.e biData Ibe tabk Tbere were two aaeas preraknt; on-

taal tbe T< rritorka ahall be governed bi Uoajrreaa, undtha other that tbe Territonea c'l.'iild be kft open toaqawtter oovereignty. Thoee wbo voted tot.iob tbebilloluid derkred for tbe kttor. Tbe peopk ©f tbeTerritork i ntjopoot dtabt orj aaked, xv, w livfag nnderH" t> hiW. and Vavi BO li'.'h'to emi-'itiitf Courtr and(otberhfral bmbbi of prtitection.

Mr. PHELP8 (Dea., Mo.) wkhedtoknoii whetbertlieri- we:. any paoj h- in i hippewa.

Mr. co<»< Il replkd thal all tbeTerritorka ahonldIk- under K'-.n e oTgankation. He did jk4 regard tbejiundtri.f inhiihiiii,:!-. Did tba gfntlciua'.ic.niimcndtbe poll . I

Mr. I'iiKM'S asid Ihk warahill to eRtablbhthe< au.ent off Uppewa. Hiaopinkn waa tba) tboravi e ind d \\hit peraona tbere,

Mr. OOOfHfTrepeated the qneatkn whetber Mr.J'hel| - a)-pit-vidot tbe pt.hx-yoi {aawfag the Territorkaiit.d.r -, bm organiaati m.Mr. I'lll' I don't opproToofthctMbllM.Mr. GOOCH.Doe* tbe gentkaaa approve of the

T'o'llCT '

Mr. PHELPS.Toor poliey k to nrepere hilk yoabi .xx wotaxtaotvoti for. Raa whkn yoa know the{r-ei.Mte nnd Kxeeiitive wil! nol aaaetkm. I aa wUlingt<> brgunke Territorial Governmenta on Ihe pr"|>,-:-

l aa aaTwiukf ta paa billa xxhii b exdode u.yCOOttittM-Qtafrom emii rating with their property.

Mr. GOOCH aaid the geuUt-man bad notanaweredbl* ()TH-rti4lTl.

Mr. PHELT8 inquired whetber the gentleman andIdo tn< nda wonld ro<i oatl tbe obkctwnabk Anti-Mav. iv icature.'l tbeae HBa; and whetber the gentle-

-.ot at Um lai" tetaion rote to lay tbe Jerferaonaid Avizona TerritorkJ bilk on tbe bjJ>le. Were th raiii't peoik in both ten loriea at Ual I me I

Mr. (;<.('('II replkd that the gentkman wooid rath-tr tu-k BBeotkaa than Bjarwer tbean. Bai he agatai-rXtri wh-th. rl. j'pi'.'Ve.i of Um pi-lox of proridinga, GoTarnacnt for all Ibe Territori t afthie Cnited

Mr. KLITT.Will yon voto tho Wilmol ProvMOc^t

Mr. pnri.I'S- The r-erhmen frOB WaMtafhlltflilti a !."' ai.-wtr that qaeotioa.

Mr. CLABK (Mo. DM yon nol vote againM eatab-llaliing g"Xfiiuat-t-,t.-*« Jefferaon and trixonelMoa, in whkh tbtr.- were Bkore peopk than in tbe'J. ii.loi .¦- -1 v prop, H-l to be orgauixed ?Mr. GOOCH.The gentknaa on the clbat akk

.r axeaatfoi tnek votoa to-day agaioat Ummbilla. !I.hUght(r.j

Mr. ( l.ALK Mo.) -That OJRMBOl BtaTWM the qucs-I ..41.

Mr. GOOCH ¦. id tbe roeotd wfll ahow how he.roted. [Lojaghter.] But be never voted againai the

..lin.ioi Territoiieaiaa whok. He pniceededI i: war tb duty of Congn aa t-. . xi tode

Maxirv ;he intereat ol tbe country requu-ing itOtr. THAYEB war agafaat orgamkinjr a gorern-

BAeat where tbere waa not tbrae bandrcd white raen.

Ileeonti oded ihal all g iverntTMtatodjerivetheir powenfrom tbe exi-...M .-ti1. goTerned, aa aH forth k Umj>e(luatioii of lndei Hk eoueague [Gooehvanttd lo knd a belpkg bandtopolitkuna. tll b bavetk rkbtand powertogoverBtheaaelvea,Raiihi-n-f.¦!¦.. r.houl'i in 1.1: ; b ..' and aeaondly, hia oob1 agu«-. u any body 4 ated froa in-t«Tleiiiip Wl'fl Ik III.

Mr. GOOCH expkinod hia vkwa ia to kgiifor tbe ittittotke.Mr.THAVKK leaamed oeeB^akaaByexeftkg fatenae

bingbti-i bj btarephattohkcolkagne. Hewiabed.heaaid, to reaove Bavi ry contantkn Itob Congraea, andtkamrjcad Congretaional interventkn aa a hurobug.On hie.. otioB.the Cbip] . imTiytrhorklWD waatabkd.A (¦.. i on >xaa reeeived froa the fJkaj-

aaadant ol the Waahii gton >:¦.¦¦v-Yard. krhing aaa*oa Mooday, the roeepttaa

of Ihe dapiti. ae Bahaaay.Mr. COLVAX (Bep., Ind.. traoted Ual batfaaa

axoabl nol k intermpted by adjounting over aaerolyto wit'n * Ihe knding ol an i lubeaay.Mr BHANCH regarded h m a greaf aveat ta the

roi i... r.;-.! il nol m Ibe poHtkal, bbjory of tbaeawa-try, ;,t.d beneatltoaajbl Um day ahoald be aaajcatj Bk-

Mr WABHBUjUI (lop., BL) aab] they rouM ill¦rBordtakae the tin* He waattod lo aat aptho Bhreeiu,d Ilarl^ir bill.

Mr. 8JOBB18 (Bep., Pa.) akid Ual Uiereceptionwoulii be moal fatereetiug, and B war due that tk-Leakbttore abouk the Exi ttve braacholthe Goternuent to 00 honot to the Emhaayy, wbo

.(Ten onr oonntry the piefcroaaM fora vkttMr. ('( .Oak araaoppoaad tathaeapoiv

i re .li" . . , ,. ,1

ivnding the quoatK.n to aeeept Um iavitalioaa, taaJli.tie* Brfjourned. "-a»-

tJofM/i iWaRftTraVB BM Koutc to tlie .lll-ca.-o i iHivi'Mlloii.

lt: u ixo, Priday, May il. l8*^-r. Morgan taw^'l ihiouah the tity thkovecuag

<u iwaaa ke Ua k^bkoojoCoBveatka Ba.waa ro-

,,,xfi.,t tbe ¦!. p<.t wtUtaaaaate, aaal aa)rjrtad *° *&*

u Hot, and h rk by Uoapany 1> ol Ibe 7«tk, i.:, anu tbe Conuoon Counnl.


The WiaSaaOalM . iiiiferener.i;, .i ... hr, 1.,- Maj II. lobv.

Th.- taaeh UMC'onfetauceto-daywaatk ruoerajterri. BadjopWaugb.Befon ibehourarrivedfortk wiiinMUcemenl oftbe

JZL. Ibe i.rt.f <'...'i.r-...-.r waa caBed. aad pe-titioiuinponvarioB .«.. l'r.'.'" '' '/vbi.hw. .-¦ in farorofand twenty Rgaiwtacku^e*Tf tbe>!.«...y r.i!., I'.il tw.'i.r threo tgtbttlkttMcf tobaeto bj , , ,., e ,.

Daring tk |«ro .. ingn ol tbe earber part oftbr-^io.., ih. ,...u,l..nnd vx). n tk I »<h! arr.x.dthe bai a

fjkd wiih aa api.itci.itiv. andknee.,-,. xx.,. ..;..,"! by cougreg

Ing, foDowed hy un ekqa. nl and aj.; '*-1 .-''''' l"'lV''l.y tba Bi .-. Dr. Dubin, and the reading ol tlirJilm. and tbe ttbcti pt la f>rintaana, bytbelvev. l»r. !'. ix. a.'i'l ..ii- nnithag in aiatber aong Ik x"" ih' I- Bat... |. Morrit pwaeded ta d.-|;x. ii ll.ort illipnaeixf and el'.u.i.-nt r"Ml"'l OH thej,,,,. w er of thi Board ol Bi ikaa, BkbopWangh, *r..-u Ibe texl of Ibe i.M Corinthiana, lltJiim.jter. 28tti veifi " B -' thiuga atc. Tbiiei.eial lltiii' of tiie direourne waa Paul and hin buc-

C4 aeorr, it, w hi' h thi Biabop .iiiiii d 10 iu.l.i ~t upon Ummindaofthe aliitalij thak dmy lo iuiiuit- l'aul 1*0

2..1 aahe luiitated (b'riet.Tbe dkeoana wae lkteaed t" throngliout with Ibe

iindividid kttentkn of the BBalkara, nnd aVawfaarthtb«- arknt aptdaaae <-f teera froa aany.

e toncludiug ex.n-iaea were eonducMd by tlul>v. Mi Cartwnght, aud cuuatuucd the renutiuder olthe M-anion.


*V« ailn v Keiiort.8r ,loa>'a. B *' Ma> il, it a m.-NMU bk W Uxnrlnj

8avd. Tbi> i

ScrcillHlc to fcciialor Bcll.Pmii aiu.i raiA, Friday, Maj 11, 1^0.

A mretintr, w an bfW thin evefrrBg nt tbe f nnatitn-lioiial Htaadrjaartera. After aifB***aae hy the lalnaliaol Ihe late Convention, n proe« fceion wiih fonnej,beaded bya aaad, waaah ptoiaaaid ta tln- l/ipiorreHtroae to niaratde Beaator BeQ. Mr. Ball waa intro-(lne, d lrom the liiileouv by Joaaph K. laarcraoll, wborul. gi«d the paaniniity ofthe ConveafJoa aad thei an-didl t( p prentnl.

Mr. lb II WM reri i\t d with ebceTB, Ile aakl il wouldbe contrarr to hainen rtntnre rfbedtd not iWldeeplyc, n>ibkt ot th.- bonor pald bun, b .t be alao feli thal ike:p mi'hige BJM inainlv lo BpptBTe of the intion of tbeCoavtaaaBB. iu- did not aaBaatf ta Maha aapeeeharontbe polkieal fopiea oftna aay, bai loattefhtatbankaforthe praaooi manifoatBtioii. Ile aOaard tathafatnotowbich ledto Ihe Coeveration -it boingtbadkdroal of both the 1). mocratic and Id publican purtiee.He tm«icd tl nt tbe pnriv to BBeeeed then wonld be

a BBftV ofthe l-nion nnd tlie CoTiPtitution of the ronn-

try, 'ihe conditiin ofthe country recjiired thepeoplato i. ii;c rbrth in tlu ir ar/igbt, aad araaroBat a doteratina-ti.iitorull biick tbe eountry to ibe true objecla oftheinptitiuiona ol a I' OovarnBaBBt, nnd not ex-11., -t ita cf; IfpV I ii. i.i'rtiinlioiip.

It i- Baardfeat ilmt the pablk eonfldence in the BtabiH-ty (f tbe RcpuMie haa deteriontvd withia the lantrwenti yeara. ibe Convention tberefore arkwly baa*kd.ed from rtaei ludderatrOBaili xi i'if' "pi.p. tbat havepi ntti rc.l (li«1rn"i bOtWfaa tbe Nnrih and Sonth, know-iiif; ilat il cotihl 1. ;.<! to no pnhlk good. l'lmt tlu- t'mi-\' nttt ii ibongbt iii, BBBong aaeh n boal of wotthiea. toM h-ityoiir apesker, bi a eoraphnent of whi.h I fcelinv rery anwortl ba aa.

"Ile eoiuluded l.y triiptinff that the partv foandedwith fii.h aiippii-ioua barniony nnd good feelina wouldbe piueeKpfitl in eatnl liphinpn new ern. und if *>, thaCoiivi ntion ebnll not bave bibored in vnin. Hkfaanafor the liiPl twciity y. ;;rr WM¦ wt-llknown.aiid il wouldI, Baedbaa to refer ta it. Agahi thanking tke rrowdfor ibe bonor conferred "ii bun. Mr. lb II retir- d iiniidbii.i'v, ihoagh not guaral, tbeeiiug, From oeea*,-i, interrnptiona and reaporaaa ta Beatbaeatant-tirnl. it waeerkleal ihnt ibe rrowd traa partly eota-

poaed of Bnarauaneona partiea eMaaeted byearweity,and ii Bt the frienda ol the anaa bave liardly had t-BtatO gH tbeir entliUMit-in to fever betit yct.


Siiikiii£ of tlic K. T. Lns*, itinl Lo**of lalfC.

MiMiiu-, Kii.lav, May 11, 1989.The alei-.iner R. T. Ldtaa, C;ipt.' l'hilipp, witb 150

i-ii-p ngen from New-Orteana lo I im ii.tmii, Bnaaawdaml i'iik 60 im il- i below thi* plaee liiet nigbt. Theboiii i,nd enro;o are n total lope.

Hra, Jiiinc T. Lindany of New-Orkauat, bfra. KataWhitenandeoa of Latlayette, Ind., Mr*. H. <-. Heeland daoghu-r of Parkeraourg, Va.. Mre, Waa. Hnrri*,Ho.. .iiibii Pankey of IWnoia, Klinauan of lowa,Wm. VYil.-oii of 1 iii. iuiitii, I'hnrlep Alh ndale of Ry.n.iii-e, Obio, Eranriaand VVbb, Bveretl of Loaiabtaa,¦. Ireroan. a pora r, und thraa aervanta, are buowa tabe l.i-t. Tbe ofaVera nnd ibe raat of Iha eaaia paa a«¦:. n « are BBved.


IMrc Bl Brihlol. R. l.--f.o-a of a\lfc.BBtaroL, R. I.. Kriday. May 11. l^efi.

Th" nttideine of diiiiiep [ Ile \\'"li wan deatroyBJhj fiii carlv thia inoining, nrd th- faHing rhimneyit'i:.-bed a tintul er of men. The aVod bodSea of Lea ipWaldroa nnd Mr. Hortoo have beea tiken froai tbelniiip. Seven or eib'bt other poraona were badly buraedand brnkred, bat it ip boped none rataOy. The prop*rtj \mip mteiied for |1'J,000, but th.- Iom eseeoda ihi.t

BBM "Id.-a»

Tlic PaTBtaffatfC of lh«* Tariir Bill.bVbabtob, l'n., Kiiiiiiy, May 11.1860.

One htrndred and Hve gnni aere Dred tbip afternoonnpon ibe reeeipl of Ibe nowa of the paaaagd of thaTuiitTliill in tbe Bonaa.

A BM (tinr is for MondaV veofalg, and prepiira-inii.-iiit beingaTMkde foi a grand denionutration.

I'oliticul I>t-iiiotie.tralinii<aat Dctroil.DlTBOIT, Frniav. May 11, 186V,

Orjelnnadred nnd fitty-ilin-e k""- were Ired ihiprveninfl oa tha i>ecaaioa of theretorn of u Baatbataftbe Mk-bigan Dekgnttoa lo (ba;!"-;. A birge ma--

meeiing waa uIm. beld to ezpreaa ap] robatbai ut tbeir(om-eiii p.iPlaininK Mr. Doflfriaa.

'Ibe fjienda of 11.11 and liv teit tir.d 34gaaabiIu nor of tln ir lii'tiiiniiii"!! at Baltiinore.

Itroulli TlifotiRlioul ^i'W-i:ii_liiu<l.BOOTOB, Fri.lay. Mav 11. 1*0.

ExeaaaivaaVaath tbroaghont New-Engktnd iaoana»ing'freat trotible t" dir'.. wbo iu hi>bv parta ofNea.HarapablTe drive (nttle raaa1 aiilaa lar water,Kin h ra the waada nre hIpo mvitti bt aaaay loeolafaaa,Al ll\aiiiiir-, oa tbe Cupe, yeaterday,a flre ipread ovori.iiie thoaaasdl aeroa of woodaaad, an i wa-< aiili e.\-

tit.ilii g.a>

Tirc in llannibal, Ho.Ooincr, 111.. Prkbty, May 11, I80a\

A liobroba fjrrj in Hannihal, Mo.. tbta aaornktg, oaMark't atreet, mreading in every di ectton, and i*on-

l-two (ii it. blorka Loaabetween |3O,OO0 ndji 10,000. ('.np7id( rable cv. rtemenl pr. r/afli ruBong tlierititena, wbo bave eoaaaanieed bnrnhtg all boaaeayheii.iiiiti h of wbich are lappcaod i" bat e Ired Ibe bnUd-bjg] roBBBined thia tnorning. >'" lartbof j.nrti. ularann y. t n reiv.d.

Italilifation Tlocliii', at Kalliniort'.ll riaoi i. Priday, May II. 1860.

Tbe ratifientioii aioothuj ip poaiaooo4 uH afondajliiijbt, owing to tha atorat.We bave bad a irciueiidiii'H raiii--,"ri.' all nigi I. '! be

rnin ia itill fallrng, tbougbit baa aontewbal abal I.There ia a great ftood on the Fall-, aad the atreeta int!. Ve tiiy i'tc rerfloWB. It is f..i .1 ibat »..Hr-:-!«t-able daniagi haabc-endoni al>ove.

:f ji. m..Tbe flood haa ahoul -"i-b-.l. Bo far noariont danauje baa been done, beyond tbe nlHngofnnmerom reliafa, and i'.liuu ile- lower Roriet olbiiildinga in portionaol HoDidar, Saratoga, Jaj

ion R "'-. aad the maik.-t apaee. In bobbitla- water la fromfbar to neven feet defp. 8o

fn, bo aerions daT**age lare] rted itrddeof tbe eky,berond earrying oi i-me-.. eto. No darnagei r¦¦-

i. ob tbo Obio road, aad tiakw are rnnning with*ti I'tion.

f'aplurc or tt Siippnai'tl !*ilavcr.H,,-i.-s, ind, v, May 11, l*».

A rhjraitiahbrig, amipfBad to be a Ruver, waabrongbtintoProvincetown taai evenins by Mr. llifl.r*tiondii iit.- of tln- Bcboooer Iti-und, wnicb 111 in wkh bor alnn. S.e bnd all p.t. NO oin \\iu. on board "1

Iit. Bbe wbb fBxniabed with large qaantbjeo of wa*Irr ri>eF ptf% boana, bread, lab, aaid beef, aad bad!.'.'. a brge i.inoiiii! of rambef for i rJave-deek. Bbewaa probahry from Ilavana for Africa. \ r.-. t.,boaribad ihe worda I5nr' !>"" Jaaa" VNli u" °° ):-


]>calli ol'a liank Frcaitlt'iil.Oodbbbbi aa, K. V.. Priday, Ray 11, vw.

AagBMne Cbapnian, l*rraidenl oi he UaweKatchieBankof Ob* rxabarr, di.-d iaatk taty suddmly taaa

lniinii.g, Bt hipKPidciiK in MaBffiataWB.__-?--

Tcvtiiuoiiinl l<» Tom tkmjtn,TOBOMTO. Kii'l-.V. Ma> II. I1"'".

A aafathTagkeoJIed Ibrto-nlghl ta take atapsta pra>aent n ttrtinioi iul to T< m BBjera.The Vmerkan Rearaer Bay Btate, whb*hwent

prdiore on an kdand oalrdde of Torouto ItarboraBWedneeday morning, atill reekrta all atK mpta to get ber

.ti, bebig now in a woiaa poahJiaitBaBM riret.-*a>-

Tlic Wt'llatul f aiial.Bt, CATHABIBB*!, C.W., Fri.lay. Mavll. IMO.

Tbe 1' lock in tbeWelkualCanalierepairad,:.. e navigation wax reaoaaed thia inoi-ning.

0)-Firc al I.cxinmon, Ho.

Bt. 11¦! ia. Fiid iv. May 11, lH'»f».A Hi' :,t t>xr*4aton, Mo., (aal nignt, dkatroyi d f .¦¦¦

ral aton - Bnd dW niweh dairtage to tbe gooda tontakaadin in. i Loaa g&,0BBi ii'";- Hy rnaarred.


raffatrtne Plhantriri.rToBfOLB. lhu.p.lav. MuV 11, J8tK).

A h,i,'. el,ipipapl."ie".l, I-ii'b'V. Mni 11, laRR

IWarboonei Ranger, at Kgerton, repori ¦ hoonerfrom IliilaoVlpbia for Boaton. aabora offCen-

ircvillc Shc had bat a wauiaii, nntned .Inniea Morton,by the awaaiping ofa boal. TboEWae-W.M boaotoff.

|H ("li, r rnlav. M.o 11, I^,J''

Tbe tin.tell.r l'r.iii n- Mai- lor ( M' nabarff, with a

full rarnoof Bonr, rnn on a r<->\' in tbe Btraite ol

Mackii." on Wcdjaaday morning, nnd wuih nnn di

ai'lv. Tbe ertra and paaaengeni tvora MTOa. HO

fnrtuer particubtra rw'dved..--m-

Knllroad Avt iilcnt.i;.,i-i I'oim. iTiday, May 11, M6*o\

Tbr DiitManaer truin from here lo Montreal raa over

tl! v eveni-.K- Tbe bagguge «r waa thrown,NV aneinbu.iknicnl.alid jThV'MeHenry, bdWago-

I;,;,!,,.; ^rioaalyl. Tha irain waa aoraewiMtda>tain.ii, I'.it thaaa wae M "il"' mjury.

I>t IcKitlc.M K«Tulc for»MMI'diu Jebvib. Fnday, May 11, IHOO.

Tha II.a. .Iup Kdlv, tbe llon. David Dmlley 1 i.ld,.1." A c'lm-. «.5 bov«« .*. 'I'-K^Moihe

, ibl,',:,,(..nVci.l.on, are ,m. *|-« W.ith- .'xpreea,r,!:, ol tb. Nea -> o,k and tifc Kn'I"""' ^» kMIMhaf,cn foata lor CLitugo,

Cieortiiu Polille*.AoeroTA.Ga.. l'tiduv. May II, leajaa,

Tl i Tion. A. H. Siephiiir (aia writ- n RMttal in re-

ply io leveral grtoUaatnol btaeea, ia irhkfl hoaaa-laitn ibe prfaripfi - of noii-i-itervrnlion, OjaappfOVOa of!leM'("i"ii at ibe <'h:-rh rton CoBVt ation, nnd paO-('lnini-ndt that oVIagBtoa be -ent to llaliniore.


Mra, fJrOre, UM novcli-t, who f.>r BBBM tiine parlhat. I e. ii i.llli.n.l with hhii.ine--, haa jntt RBanWJRBMOa OperBttOa, whi. h, il M boa 8, xxiilevc'iiullyreetoreher tO kBgbt

They ora to have o aaw Btaay pia in Baajbad.The folloxx tag i» the gencinl deaigBl Oae akk eontaiiiHii jort rnit of the Qaeen, OTOt tho aboabkn a BBBrf,,lnhioi.lered with ihe raa, thi-tle, ¦ad Baaaataah,1 iii v thnwn. The hMMapUoa i", " Vi.-toria, I). G.liiit. Bop V. P." lirittania ap|w"4rn 00 the iwaajMB,r4 at. d on a io. k, not on the ahtokl, 08 k the pn-f-ntcoin; lui the IgBTO har bOOa ieiDOdjaV .1, and ihe BMhOa 11-« ii introdi.. i .1, w iih n rhip on 000 BJOR of the

ligitte and a Bghtbonae on UmoUmt. Tbo taacriplioak, "One l'fi-.ny. 1888." Tt.-lib i'- of taMfjoooair riti.l to ba Irnthful, her Mi.ji -ty hitving BOOMTOd Mr.Wyea wfth teveral BkUaga, The rxMaraBBba of tharofa la, 8f rarta ratatar, I afae, Sfhv Thi- ¦bmrbbror>tion ajbawa u thin m wafl m ii MMJfl rafa, and tho aaw

peany ir aol brmo. aOJgarthoa tha btaaaa Iwo-aoaiBMCOR of Ktllii.e.

-.BeBariat, theweaVhaoiil trotatof of Dtaajoe, i-iat pie-eni engaged in . xm htin*r n monnment in honorcfLnthar, tahoeeaatedlM taaat bbbm haaaadbM ta bo¦JMMedotk It ir io ionri-t of a ttBtOJ ti BM gMBjBeformer, i kvi a feari Ugh, ta braxaa, lo ba pta< ad oaa hd'ty | etV ttal broi ntl.-.l by in i -; tbe taejatal havfagoa tba plnif'.rtn Mataea ofFroderfcl of Baxony, J'hiliptle Maaraxafaat,¦-, Mataalh.aad Bctuehtfa; ako,OR the r-tl-pr b-adi'¦; tfl UM platfoi B, alh -_-..ri. al tik'HP I

Of rexeiul lOWl iin ludiui.' Mau'dehitrif, Spirt-, undA Rgabarg, At t be tbat c< noRH ora t.. bt aseaad Ig uatof llitre. Snv.'imi'da, WtaRak, and lYjahaaT All theatatiu r, lik. ihat of I.iiiher, m to ba in aaWMMa.Mot loag ai/o a eoldiei inStraabonrg, aacended to

tho iop ofthe Cajjadtal Rpire, and botrmbmsI aMvoaaigyMnaaaMR, Oraarairora in.niediaiely gtvaa by Itaptdii,- to prt \int the tej etiticn of any .-.icli proceedlng,hat,rooaaftoi,thasatat ¦aa, who waa fonaartyaajiilor .,n board tin lh-lle Pook, eludi d UM viplancc oftbe Ruaiiliaua by durgubung him.-elf. nnd with aiaealajhw ? aaa aaeended lo tbe bufora, froa which tbahjiieri-.r. \\ 1, li ll.eie, lir ill* l/lini' lefilred to

f,( n the donr of ihe-taiir lciidiiie l.i ihe iop, the ex-

a. iloi cliu.ed n| tho bat of the Bghtntag coodoatar, andao reaebed tha waathereoeh agafa. He than atrippedofl dkguke, fiiini.' it d"wn t.> lha tqaare, and weatthrongh o MJoel BxyoUBk progrunae, eooa^acflajj byBtandtag on hk bead oa the waalkitcmk Whsa heili-Kiei.d.-d, bowever, 1 e foaad a twaRBaaaary of bbbbjrin WBCUng, littended lo. a Iih- of nddiei-, xx BO took l.imii to (iirt'itly for xriolatfag the lagOXttbRM of UM town.

.A pktare of Um " Boty Fuiudy. by BetRMttaa d.-ll'ioini". whkh h-ii, ju-t beea r-"l>l byaaeUooa tbepublic tah t"iaaa in Ihe Baa Droaot, waa pari u;.at8,8881., and knccked BOWR al I8,868j, Ibk picuie,which i- patated oa c.-.l«rwo..ii, i. jir. t nla st. Joaoph,tk Vhrgfa,the Infanl Jexna,and Bl. Joha. Ilwaareeentlj oaeovered bj a yatnaj aaaa fa oa oki eaariwalai Tckkde,»Dnrkg tk nlghi "f tbe 10th of April, Mr. Jasjaa,

il <. xx. B*known novelii bad an attaeh of paialyaki at

\'. 11. e, when k CoaawbCka ral,..An extrnoidinniy affair i- reh.ted in tbe Ruanian

'-. Prtaro Nerxi'/ky waaaoaaeyearai io mot*den '¦;. bi« ervant. wlm ].. --e.- ,-d bim elf of hiaBajjora and tVirlana, und aaanafag lha aaaMMTthoprfore, travakd abroad for bobm yeare, Bvfag ta goodatyk. Aftorward rMauaaag; ba Matrrtad awaaltby)..,'.- liuiu. t, .-ok"l. II, and had l.y litr -eveial chil-ilien. Keieniiy, hi.-, inijc tmc waarikeoVOtad, and heI..-.- Iiinwiit to tha niine-. of Sil'i-tia: but the RnaaianGoveininint bBBBMhotIwnlUtOetBR*JBB and thewifela eoathaae ta baar the aexeeef Beevltrhy. Th loaaa.- n.'inr ta ooM which occuirod ta Ptanee fa tbe thaaof the Beaoratka. An eacaped eoarrkl mmmrj < »-

niaid ji atBMd bfakR Lf '1 the lamily BBpOra ef CoiintI'ontia da Bafata-Bl ka,aad by m.-aiii of Umm m>t( d; i.r-uii.ed hi- BOOOa Bad tttJO), bttl iHJ 8 hitu-elf I..

be 11 ..!.'«-.; a Court, aad atnally aa nedod iaob>ti.ininv' tbe grade oi Beutenanl*. I"iii-I k Uwataty,llexx"-, bowever aftarawhik dieeovored,aaal taalback toua bt gae,

Bir Beakaata Brodaa, tba 3' aaaaaal af tl" BeyalBoekty, reo nUj aave aaoirdeo bkh4Baaota txaaVaa,when :t grcal brbIm ef ii b reattag "'j icta ta art andarienrewora, .1. AMOtkj URMtwere MOgnifl*c( nt spei iniena of gotd ai.d rtiik eabrotoery from Japaa,

ted by Capt Oabora, B. B., and other JaparaeaIkacontribaedby Dr. MeGowan: Mcf'nlkm'a

li: ograpb foi it. ordiugtrain aignakand lime; MeBoni'aapfaraua for reeording experimenta tathorao-eke-trkily, i ak and exbibited by Mr. Latddj a aaw aaaaal "v."ii rentedand exbibted l.y Mr. Lowe; two aaefl.' .".ifii-nt hir.h. ol'i aiaiiin ti "lii Ni xv-duinea, ex-

il ited by Mr. Gould, P. K.s.: t- nl naed in the aledgaoi a. tl e Antic legiona; Bk Jobn PrRnklin'a

porket roapaa; teatii oiiuvl inrloaed ii rarvedoak,prearnted by a Cornaittee of Dublta gentkaen lol.ii.iy Kiaiiklin: a Btrfc 8 Of depOBTtt k gOl l.rilx.i, andnktinoa, flte., froa lha Bagative lerminal of aafa-.hutixe ral, exbibited by Mr. Gaaaiei, F. lt. B.| bm-tionaof Glaaaajw ktaterwakaand pbottRnanbaoftbeprfaciral worka on Um Ifae, exbibited byafr, BoxO*initii: illnatrationa of tl" photograpba: effod ofBnoreacenl tnbatancea, exbibited by Dr. Qkd-etot >-. P. It. s.; Mr, Gattan'a aun ttgnaMi i reiy i:,-tereatkg n-ii'a of ohoidtan laplcmeuMand Mexkanrarvinga, exhibhed l.y Mr. Ckraty; a aarkoof Cettaexbibited by Bir C. I.vill; adaepeaa preoaaura^Baajiinv. ii'.d by Mr. II. Johaaoa; and Hoopei a a|iplieB*ti.,i! f Inda rubbw for Babaaarfae ahlaa,.Mr. Baroa BraawoB, oaaef tha Baadfah Jantajeo,

ia an ccccntric. li<- araabeeaaagoOoarl laaaatlyafOkiaraMoi,oat Um rooa wite arhhawtaflai Baaaa>

.pu nily ii o Baroa had ¦ eold ta bk bead; aaadaaa n

Btdted, aad bk kiikliip hnraaa eroa A koal boooi

givi-r Ibe foDowfag tketcfa of one bommi.¦ Whi. I bbti araa k Baa a Coerl ta my Bfe !'

ext-kimcd h 'There i- ii' ol revorbetatkaj'und Mr. wbo k nothfag it notemplatk,pronorraeed it 'tbe moMfrtghtfnl Conrtin Enj^knd,';,. ii i, ightfu] ( were aa numeroni of th.-ir kind :ir

barrktere. Aftorward, ay krd taiproved oa hinI'htii'. by ttyUngtbe Coorl *a whkwraMalkrv oi aI'onit, ami be WBJ rontfauilli ooligtd lo .atl the¦uditute to order. ' If vouobject,' oatd hklordabipbo ihe har, g'l up and ohjeit. and d"U t HI doWBarnabltag lo a. h other, and tbalnrbtog tbeCoort.'To the Conrta krge be aaid, It ojifortunateli hap-ptnr thal Ibe kudei |¦. npk alh, tbe knder I lanx, andtbe lotiib r I inlk. Um knder Ihe p. opk tnlk, and -'. are

goon; Lui l taa i ataad ixJhfag aaaaal balf a doaeap4 i-i iih iii onee, ahhongfa Ibavi agoodatool voii*.'Addretrfag tbe Jory fa the 8nt raae, he oaiiioed thepoaition "l th.- Iteiacb. ' Uentkaeo, be -aid, "not

being al U lo bi .n tbe wHik aat t, it bt i".t nnreaaonabkihat I ebould .' ui..--hl. to aee tbe Jury, whkh woaldn ak 'I' aalier .< mi-h ..-. But, althongh it i- prnpttIbnl jnrii" BaSoaVJ be blind, il ir Itnproper tbat okeabould ah" be ihi.f: and -.. Mr. Baroa Braarwen.i.h nd the w itneaaa nol lo go tata tbe a itnooadaoa iit

nll bntto i-iaiul oatk aal oo apkd bj the Bewaaajaarit |,ni- who, in i.d.ii'i. u to tk x,iv bad proviihil for ibea befag aade wora had t"

biiI lo th> ii eoat-taik b< tag bjbjJ m braVwtaon h»rtwo oi ihit' ajtya,"

Hir krdahip wa,- m tha oparata taadoa aaa \« atagbkeeagbter. A aajiiihraaa ntting baaaaal hun

uinoyedhfanby kad laBtfag, whetaapaa tk haajalun.i.i al "tn and .v.hii.,i..l, " r- qaktakl abairUyrepeatfag " yaar taagae, yao r.iiiian'' Whaa.i,i karnedfadga waM tata the hajhf, bttat ta th.-exi-im -¦ Um " rafl m foBowed hfaa oal RMaaoaaa oa

,,,,.1. -.. lh lordaldp had in x.r heaid thal w..:d;lip.,1, ihi-, Ihe olh, l rlili.k hll.l on the la. e Wltb U

o|,,x., to xxhi.h Ib.-jiidof r.-ioit.-d with 0 bh.w from

lh>.honl r, nnd ihi-ie lh. iiaidilit MOMOkA vi^ BaORaalaaxrgk al oporaaaMi wa* aotairoMl

k Wereeatar, btaaa,,aa Bataiaaty, by l>r. Caarha, taa,,,-. ,f aaajaital ftaetara. Mloaoal Barl waa raa

ora, h;. bm eara oa Um li.ilioad, a'.t taa Moathattate, i'.'.ti h'e ara oraaaWd ta t ajbove tha < aVeai I baiirui.l |tirOxka ot rplint. rtag wan r.aoited lo, hul the

lon. hlaile.l lo uiiite, ami a uuiuVii.H m^m^Tlorined, produting a lake jon.t. On rjaturday, Dr.

.¦. ,i ...... a-ii-

Ctarkc pnmt*4k4 ta bmbbb) the end* af |ha aaaa,

BBWOd tbem Bff nnd litted the BBB. togclb. r, joiningtlu m by BaHar, rdtor ahh h ba aal thf Bfa in ."gdiotern.Iu Ihi.v ttixt; aofar, tl.eie i-. a 100 gcod jpet^ctofniecesa, in eibrting 11 jarfeet union of tln (iieiiniledbciic.

fiaaa <t tha Pnajfri pfapora |arofbaa to flaabtwhether llnertnn ia a bard bilter. Th-re iaa riorycurrent, that at tlie lloetr-n IJvmiii.nium, where tliorbiiM a ci -iitiivniice lo li.-l ibe w.i'Jit «f B BBW, IMl«H | upil rlrutk 70 pouiul*. Afi'TllfeW day'ap:.!!'-lici Ihe leiu lar wna uhb- to elrike 130 |.nd*. HeenauI ut bitnarrf in trainini; tlu re fxru plmrt ptrtad, and ibe

waight ofhia blcw wm ffll pouada ataily athfadjofa tuu' Can aay body i. li boa bard a bat m kicka ?

We BBd in The (latitte JtkffMfaf Bt IVtcndmri'tlo f. illowing are* in.t of ihe reeont vi.-i: of Seliiunyl |oMotcow: Kcbarnyl ba* returned t" hfoaoaaj ta BMl'liiue llaiialtnakv, and heia lioi.iied ajrniii. Maaeowi alw.'iy .1'mr-'-triiHve in tbee.\pm<pioii of il* perrti-na nt*, Bad nl -oiitlely |>cr>ecut>« him witb il" c iiri'inily,in wl bb thf ludies take a BBrfB *hurt. Hr*/ Hr<' p"'

cl ai t(d with rH-bomyl; they ndmire him. they witbuiil for a nioiiieiu imagining that be baa notibe mme opinion of tl.t-m. Iii finde fault with tluiron --. and tlu Ir uiifovered fareaaiid abouldera; in fact,ba eeaaajaare fphatr taM very BMMraL Ican

inlagtM tl e it uor of ihe liiilie* ..n tMaTBBBJ tbat theIiiii.uni ba* iblaopinion oftbero; theirindLgualioa willBB (li.nlit cenpe wben tbey Iind that Sehiunyl di*np-BtaTM of low ttachad draaafi baeaaaa Iha Mon bmiahaabaara appi ar ta bha taofrbt Ioo murh taatfMtioaiI c confcrK'p tl at tbey inuke him f.-cl very iiiieoiufortu-ble. Tl B BBJUB drc*« abo BOBMl in for it* ahitre of ciit-icirni; Bcbarnyljhinha tba froek-eoal exeeedfagtyia*convenh nt. Th* contnrt of ihi* aouof Nature with ar-

titiriul life i* very IbMBbMBBJ, a* BMMt n<> aa i* BBB pa-trktrd al inuiner. Ile dcuionptrates freely bi* eyinpit-tbiep Hiui haa i.niij utliicp. II.- kvary fcod of mu-icIfho mukc* B (all in Eakiajga, ha a*kd ifMincl'dy will play tbe piano. Ba wa-. eticliauledv\ l aa Mr. Ri aowahl had h organ boagbt for bha. a

jafajder gave bba gtaal aaajBrara. Tbe aardaaTaawaaaadiof a pi( ee of nioncy hcld in a but.dkeiebief by bi* for-m. r ca*l i. r Kbiidjio into ii hiinch of llower* uinu-cdhim BO li lull tbnt the relicliihr'ilicc Of il, M he a fter-wiud ronfip-ed, puraued him even wben be wa-nt

1'iayir. In p] it' of tl al. Sdamv!, bavfatg a*BBaOTBfedim in Btfafh witb u BoahlabottoBBad. aahat) add tbat

nT bo had aorfarffafd baforebbn MVedawa, ha wouldbave bad bba bang. Aaaahwksab tha liuaum bbwfor ibe liii-t 'Jtric iu hia Rfeat Kiil'.n mi ezeited bfaaver«pi'ii. At fi»t le t.*jk il in biaband aiidcxiiiuin. d it at-

taBtivefji lut wben iha rrab a i/><l one af bi* iiaaarawitb i.i- (inw. 1 a ib.- a bba apoatbagroaBai, aaa, ob»fi-i vfaag tl c animal - ni'-tbod of ualkinj,', he aaaaaadtOf.el ontiii.e.i, aad tahl Kbudjio to drive him out of theI.. in; be di(i notp.* ii rooorerfroai Iha iBBagreeabtabaBjaraaBBaa | n dueed on him by ikia *bcll-ti*h. Ile Bt*

t. iward.iniid: '. J BBTS nev.r BBOB B meani r aniinaltbaa thatj bTovar I baagined aay forra fot tbei)e\il,it ip" WhM ha waa ffarat takaa ta KabatfBx,Mwei.t into h* ieiy wtaBBgly, Bttd liked JOMlfaf paitJBB,ihinki. | lbciu BM ie laltitul and BgTeeahbl tban balh't-dnnrip; i ut tha naked theaa aad aheaddaraof thowo*raea trcaldad bba m raaofa IbM bodoaanol go now.Wbenboh bivked lo any partj benaw aaauwketborthere ati b bewoBraa there, und bTaOthododiaaa tbainviiaiiin. In tbi* raaaaBtioa be ha* beea aoaa*uraaedby tlrf ::iitl "rily of bfa -a. n d booka, wbichtreat BUfB>1, ..111 imk. .1 fi.eea of vvotnen. He hu- bad long Bb>rarak hp u tbi.- tabfael witb tha ataaBBJaaanMi who \«atiailed to bfa paeaBBa.M, Ctii/it bM j'let 1'iiid n .v i-it t.. N'iin'- bi^

l-ir'l !i:ie, w 1' re 1c I.iip BOthOM Btt aVyaBfB.ta bcaaaai it al tha BaurT/BBja "f hi* *..n. aan aa tha ataffefaha Jiaraaf in l>?i«:tt. Tha tVmitmk </" OmrthII id B He . tlii^; iu bonor of tbe *titt<'*man. InI i- -j. 111, (/ njrly i" tbeir compliineiitH be, in ate .rd-aatawtththehrwafhao,faadafaaaaaaR of tha workBB Wkath bo ta BBW ».:. ea'cd. ;i .ll.-« ::¦.!. of rcinini'--aaarea rrrdch Btaj aarrotaOiaaiahaatha hiatoey of bi*time 'Iii- fni"tnent rebi'e-1" Il .¦ y.-ai- Kll.i. Theii httor siutcp tbnt ibe eanty nnd | iat*krhai f I.i- bm-

. wire baflaaaod by tJaietaarandlrni dictionaffdba bJatotBaa,


aoaroB BfciMMoi b.1"*' |aV /".' " Mltinti-il Hrt .V.iy 11.

It haa i awall kaowa aWmoral aeekapaai amongartain Ln ka thal a j r.r..- Dght ad ba. n ariaiiacd, andva- io take phvre al aon >¦ lorality lo bedett nntnea, ontbe 10th of May. The partiee who propoaed t" ahowbeirn n*. leandgi it m cordingij wont Lntotrauuogaftafiha aaad approvi d ihahtaaa.

ll on a bo were al tha Boaton aml htaine deprdt. rday n orning, from 61 lo 7[ o'ctoek, wonld bave badil i-ir attention attrat ted by tbe presi aee of an naaaaal

bei ai-I i!..--ot i'co|.|c. very Intently anaaBod ob,., v ,. | U| j t ". v al, i'llv l.ot to DO ttllked ("It b'Ud ol

hanlK wi i.p ib Al 7{ o'.b'.l; tbe train atartedoatot il,: il, ot and *'" n dkranra ared. Thej were booadi, r Iha Oraaite IMI* ol Kew-Hampaliire. boalitieawbich it ia tbe debgbt ol ia araay laaaBraMaa ta viaitir< iu Btaaoa to h. aaaaiAtLoweQtbe affair appeared to be nndrrMoodby

ihe knowbar onea, laarge aecrBBtona to tbe rorapanywere aatfaheia, Wiih bai littktdebty the train ia«di.u, i ,\, e't.-itioi'ni d anxiety httriaaingail the wl lo,'Ihe (ai* at leiij/th reacbed' lUtafbeater, N. II., wharatl "arJifJl t»-w in tha Baorot ofthe aaaa arera inHjadiiiaia to join. Iliivine; riii'h'-l Martin'B W\ rry,II,,, haet, four ardka from M;.n. I..-... r and iue!ve ItobjC. lin-iil. the roiiipany aligbted and ..i."..-.!. d "ii fbolaloiit n tmi" and ii balf. Afteraomo litil. proajieclingi apot aaa BelaatHfbrtM rhrf, Itwa itoniiniblyodai l( .1 f. r thi pnn oa .

li. fore are f*oeeed fhither we will -t ile wbo wereto ((l't( ,-t tbe bom i* of th'' intr. aid wfal Bl l"-elhegjon Oftheday. ThOJ were lli.rry Fimio ;a**of lb;*-t.ii, will kiiown in p|iiitiiitrcitiiiH. iind knka, Bteaeker of anarrlag. Pbanegaaa baa hadc\|. iu tlu- P. n.. but the preetta wa* Leavitt'aiiiiii.l.ii eflbri tothal line, a f... t whi.h ba will aolprobably aoon forvet. laey nre frofli Stelrf yearaold. Both were offefeBna aailritioBa for the diatbwtioaofvitton aad lb* roward of apoila. One ajoB tJat fbf>ii.i:, i otb ahared the bttter.

'I be nj ot bn\ Ing beea Brktett d, a rkaj ara Baiaad inihe u.-iail n.aiiii. r, riakt* were dvtvaat, aad the r..|.e*itli; iigl 'I in¦(( tilinif to tbe rule- i'i. valcnt ofl BBB*h BO*(loion*. 'Ih. work waatronpfeied witk dkrpateh. Iail i-n.iiiii tiiee Ihe bn-ge rrowd rdBpeetatort Ibrraedabont tbe toitoaare, aagev lo Irttnmy t>« wataeaa thaBgkt. The rfaaj wi i Inkhid ;i II! oeleek, nnd at 98niiiiii. h i ,,.-t l eavitl eatefed. iVn mhnrtea jataa Fin-negaaa tha w in* eeator araa the ropOBi PlBMagaaiuii'i.d Laavitl with great eordfality, wben thaiattaraaid:

.. I bave fio i. tt whi.h I would i,k. to lavaet .>n thareanll of Ihe bi/l t,

"111 take tliit, *aid Finnegu**., iini.kly, and thewi').'. vv ;.-. loa d.The icndiiii.n of PianeaBaa wa* avaryUnag Ihal

roold ba di Ired. 11 ie mnsebj waa bard, wfary, tanavrjona, aadol a brownfah haa. liMvitt did notapi >r

rouill. it araa avident tbat bia trainingbad ixent mi IJii icnt or of looakoti a dui'.iiioii. Hia bodywi,- rovered rnore oi leae with rataiueoui ernptioo >. ln«diiiitii-uT a had of tha iy-taaB. Tbe aontraal ba*twi-i ii ii.e tw ma raaYaraat. Tbe] aadBoaooaaahtli| |'i d ibnll Fililitglue r I'hyrit ill .-upei i"l ity Wii- ii|.-| ill (Iit to II.

Bl iioi IB*.Rol.iul 1.Tbcie W;ip a .I deal "|" livcly BfaVlilMJ

iii tbe piart. I,cii\ iu workuig bard aud looking nnxkma.r'iitnegata antUed and looked eoufident Finally tbeyL.-t»i ui Ibe ii.i 11 in good . aii.fpt, BBVeral bard i,u* beingcx.l :iiirc.l .ii both fub p. Tbe ruaad rioard by Laavitll ring ki.... ked doa B bt :i atanai r uore tniplattic tbanll-'l II IiI.'Up.

Iouiii- Tboyi,ii.* tor.i'.ewith m uurj**aaad ap*I < titi for flrdil and witb x";,,'r raxiaatBeBa. Aftefaqoaring oft, aparring and ambling, they weni nt it iain:c ji'inii'il Ryls, One (.! rinnrgaaa'a waUabaedHUM.I..-II drew tbeclaretftoatLeavitt Daaai orgaa.,\\- aUttb morenarring llair\ Mtled u niaaterlyplungeron uoc f Miki ipcepti ," ad fehVd bba ta thagronnd.

Bi und 3 Both r*doteatanta earai to tbaa evldentlyretreebed by tha roagh>». adminkriered to aaehoibtr. They eyed aaeh other witb great aa**arraara,adraaakag aad iv4raaibag by tarna Eaefa appeared toappreektU tbe importaare aad advantnga of the laaalbrattj lorkdologer. Eraail] tbe] eanie to btawa tbabitting bi inu; bard and ui.ifonu. The round t-ndeduli. r an fc»i liaBgr of K'veral ataggerera.K'.nnd -1- 'lb:* ronnd did not .iiit.r raaterially IrOfljNo. :i. Both uuiimii,, i.iiin,,. |.||.iiv.BBdappaaiadta toaa "i al oai rqn .1. The t'ri.nd* af eaah arare en-

(-. nraged, and wagen wi re aaal nnd aoak.Roiiutle .>, ti, 7, H, | ..ul |fl R*faTI faBrBBxJ f'it'«bt.

Fifiirejpra, i.otv **&, .* wflo flaln to he aeoa, wu gt?t-liigq-u'lt-ii.oI.ea\f/f i'.. ... ..-. .

ttottttJ II- Mavfvi ranv ta to W> rotjnd rafber. wajtagly, giving evtoVnce rftal! fw lad.W ba Nraf andw ,.a on tne vui.e. Tbe talliiig now w OBt 85 fa 81 on

"i'ound I*-Both llgbferi abow ajarhx rfr^JMjt,1 ut Pioncm t B] n ii d frrafa and "rendy for */'»/.Koi .oi.,... hrorttdbe aaid for r*eaviit. After v mtkJ

rtirmony in lha way of pBrrtag, they rajaad m,

L'ctiit.g filtog. l!'( r the xv.iat of it.Botindi IH io SS wen IHUe ke than a rea Btwa, ex-

,,i,t ihm leaxiu lw.,,ine weaker aud worw ut eacn

traJ. All Um wbik he wna wttmg terribly nimlahed.Botmd %'.¦ At thi- r ..nd eatne '"''.'"'.VTf

weak and forforn, 1b ataggi red and kembled. Bott< ver wirr cloat-d, and he waa I ptthOde ob.<t to

kokat. Crkawen keord of " Take i.m, um, v ti an eannlhak.'' ThiBa!!urmribqiiintcdto-wnid tbe rruellv wbith idlowed tbe fiifht to prn.-ed.Baaad ht.Tbia wn* the ffnal roead. LaRRvBt earae

up alowly and feeblr, hanllv hi ing ahh- to traU.L««vitt'H reior.da i.o'xy eonridered "di.'r.t'on tlie

brtter rarl of vake," and, iiiting b accoidancc, threwnp tbe aponge. ,,. -

Fii negOM jumped overlhe ropea with the agintr oru deer, and ipparenttya freah aa when I e enterod Umlir.g. Rehoweververy tooa ratnrned,andopenodaanlawriptkn for tho loeer, baoding Ihe IktwitbfS.The taa <-f *rl f* waa raBocbra and Beaaoate4 tol.iaxi", wbo waa, aa itenbt, gratafal forUaa aayar.Tho itaatBia oftaaviB trooptaaaad by all. Hebadtrae eoanga. With koger and bcttei tiantag,at d w iih more »iprktrtje,hf woobJ prava a taaaB eee-tonier for rivnf.

now i.ono Titi: m.Hr i a*t»i>.T! e Lbae oeeapkd k tbe Bghl waa jnat 36 n-krrtea.

It waa tptietly coi-diicted, th.- <*]»-i taten- bobavfog withHanfionun not often witnt-BM-d at a gathering of thi*nature.

txi injvis, I.T .

Fiiineppar'fl eolort werellue nnd whitc, UMM ofLeavHl gn (n.Tbere were Rboef ;iO© Braotal to wBoea lha

raati tt, onedialf of wboa were from Boeton. A largennidei 11 -did aen wora Bjaoag the utawh't. onewho (;.i'ii a hnlf a millioB in bia pocket

Leavitl a weigbl ir 138 p aak; bfabl Sfbat I Inehee.PbaRMxaa'a w.-ight in 188 pooaaat higbt Ifted oj

iin (a.lh. ttyl.t wMfAwfJatMoaiajk Of aoortafaMjjajaai

took the .-take.Ptaneaaa aae lo Boatoa taal evetutag. laaovtB waa

krfl a the n.ute. bir bhbj baviag gaaa imo brmmbbbrjf..r Ihe kta of tho bnttle.

Ptata gi m foaehl one hattk ptavkaaly ta the I'jH-daremi. ai.d wiikiI'f'iited by Jaob Roberta, ol Bojirara( ,ii. rr. att. r ii gallant ronteatof two bouraand twon-ty miiitiu - duiation."Aa aaaa!, tbere waa a deal of betting,aadaaaehBtoney haaaged baada, lt fora Mripnfag and taatrfaajhnild'aiiil iiiur. le. I.envitt war thonght full B inatth fotPknegaaa. Tbia waa dkpeBed by ih.- nadepro( t hh. BOBM plirti. r Inlide. it ir raid, B eool *oOO. andnlh. ra lorl ni-nrly c.jual that BBBB, xx bk h xxan r;i'h, r a

wann tROtter.


MESTlrTG AT THK OOOPEB INsTITt'TK.M't.l.CUf.S Bl Dlt. < lltr.VKH. B KXIHil.l, l'HII.I.IPS,

AM) WII.I.I.IM LI.OID (VAItRISOX.Two thoaoaad peopk Bwal have aaaeabaeal at tho

Cotiei laRllaia.taal ovenfag,to exprea tlnir sym-s.ihx with Mr. Tiiai.i.hra Iii att, now iwpri-oii'-l at

WaahiagtoafiwrefiRjtag to leattfy bofero taaBaRJttaInvertigalinif C Il tnitfee. The atulieiice Wlir coltlporedof both texea, in nearly eqaal arabeta, and wa.r of Umu o^t iet| 11 tabk (harai tiT.The ini'ting waaorajaaedby the Rnaniaona ap*

pofatrrenl of Meoara. HRRRT <<. Ilxitr and Olivko.Ioiiv^..n a- I're-idi-iit and BerretBTV. The I.'ev. Hi 1«Bl ( CBRRVBR ol .1. xvett ( ity, ( mad-- a pi.-fa-to.x | my. r, in wl i- h he inrpfon d tbe I>ix'fae atrenarthto i iiable Mr. Hy.itt t.> endui.- eveti iinto th. d.-ath l.ispreat nl taffi rfaoi ia bir herofc ittaaptota hMaooto tbeii^'1 laof < oi ciea e.

Th.- riORlaant tben made a brkf addraea, 4-x|.IainingIhe cirniniftnt'cia uinh r which Mr. Hyatl war tent toiiiin for 'ont. apt; ali.-r whkh, the Bkcrctaryreadrne f. Ik trfagreaorntkni, eacb ofwbkh war receivedwith warm ppknae:

iVn./ir,'. 'lh." tka Bei da aftbe I'rlt.-d Stitet. i.ithefm-prIn i ii -.f ol I Ladden* Hyat' f. r a:i alb-n-d .-"iiteinpt iu n-fiia-li'j to affjaor bafoea a CaaBaalWai of taal bodjr, araa BuUty of a

rl ih.iicrr...ii u.M| ation of poxxer, ui.-.-tinil tbeiiidipia-||(.| ,,t . x. rx f n.-ri'-an IIM I

/.>.¦/i..'. Th tl «¦ h.-..rtT thniik«ff everr lover of freedomcre due to Thrd'leua Hyatt fot Bm eoiinia-ean.l martyr lik.' fielur-Bi «rttb«|bicb !". I¦«. r.--i-t'1 tle-p ¦¦. >-r "i Ik HetnUe, u-id.obmit'i d U in.i'r>"i n i.t in Ibe xi'e jrill ut Wa.hlinton, ratlierthan a. ki,..»'-'.:.. th.- ^i hrrily f ilirt i.-nrpli.e; l>..dy.

tttohtt, Tl: t the prti-tl.e of I,. cl-'sti.* I" .Hea t" p.mlahBrtrbtoa at t.-ieirdi»i-rei|->n fnr art.wbieh tbey rcaiolder conteinpt,1 ii»x r.-.-ii |thataadtbertho otesaa aortta p ,i-h-tnenila t.»..l bj knowa ktwa, badafenda largely ratko4k>

,- ii... .1 ,.r th.- L. -!

frati.rri of ,'.-poi|-m, red- InroaatyoB JatUt !, ar, U' ..v ;.i i'l-t a.. io.iking B4B0 p'irty n-.t "-ilv

..!...'in it. ,»i,irt.r. hi.'t BiecBtiouer of ita eajra aenii-n.-e, andb tl -.... ..- parl .' th.-, "ini""" oi porltameutary la»- ad -p*--.!tntlli."t'x lihi x»h"'.y t" Uie prI'ioii.l.-» "f tbe

i-.t R| I. ai.l e.eiy Bt.-te ('.".rliliition, BB Wtfl Ba uttott*.i-.,-.i tin- Itktaofthedttarn; and .¦. aanetionod

by cnatnm or beedb-aa lubodadon, ihoubj be uiet alwayaarBbd't.i. In.t .. -i-t.i .. |.y.-x.-ry h.x.-r. f !i':..-:ty.

i;,:tr'il. Tkot wbenmer an Individuol diaurhinf tho .j> i-t ofii ligkhRIm Ial r, f.-.-. t.wh.-y t::eord.-r of a Legiaiatur.-. theo: v I o« r it I, oxi-i hm i- to oiui.t him te ti: i.xi tixo toax' ait |. ..i-t i:., 11 lil..- io v othoi brv-broakoi and uch Indlrid-... i. ri.tiiled lo have hia offenae and hia pnuiahnatnt deacrlbod¦ndfxedbj Uledand kaewa laxx>.». trial befora b Jary. aaal10 all tl" oth. i -al", g'.uni. tbat ITO* ii.rtitutiona throxv aronn.1 the. ti/en il >! tl a» to a,li.,it ai.v other |>. x«-,-r in a Lotiabkture i- toxio'ute lha rardica] prineliaV of Oae ¦orenunirut ay ndilaa Bt

.... and ».ci, ial n. rt.x. <-. tit.. p-.xxer--i- ii. .. 11 yi.i.lup ajrrad kditld .al riihti to party hate. Bjaaaal .apri e. .r

(Hii.,1 Hi- r*ti arblch ta bat BBotbar natne for deapttttfhtd, Tbat thia act oflha flaaate, otuplad ial M »-iihr.>n-

-. ;., iik'bi».f ciin-i'-iiic. titt n.jking th"baraxx ill ol IBm BV ate ." "v. rii.l" exery .-.u -,-ii-.;'i-'.f pl'-n "t'the ,-i'l-len, i. hi' fi'iiBL',- npon l bri.'ian Uhoill xxhi.h BaaaM bo,'an .-.1 x, Itfa 'h.- u itbjnant napeafatloa of « Chri-tian p. .pl».Tbe BatrBRVAJtl iilr., read b laokr froa tha Haa).

CI arlea Bnaner, regrettiag bia iaabiBty toba raraoaaa,nnd wai Dflly approving tbe rouraetrf Mr. Hyalt.Tha tii -1 tpeaher, Bamobi E. Brwrll, oor., of

tbatoa,.aol ad Mr. Hyatt, waa bara iatratRaeed,and received arith efahajftaat, Be aetaikd Um * ir-ciiui-ti.i (.8 nnd. whi'h Mr. Hyatt waa itupriaolltd,¦nd with whicfa the pahlk ae ataeady familar.TbeBov. Hr. i.i... B.Caxavaaaaade the aoxtaoV

dr..--. He raid tbe ofaiajre oa Mr. Hyatt tbowod thoprrgreaofoiajpolka. rtoeauth badwaraad aaaottoj, t the vxol'l |Oai BWHal blot ont the word n>i><'»i.Tbe it.| lo were the iiiilion; if ihey did not liM,k outUM V Wi- ldhe.. li,. li ihe BOVO IMda It W'»r Ulle,to ii.-.- Um laiiguageof Bnrke, that tbey took Um powermto ibeirown hafak, and governtd in ibeirown way.Aripkae.) Tbe imi raall i for a ravoltjako waa fJroafaoppotlunity. The peopk weta hoand to brfatjtbkii i.n ..I pri.-.ii, t" roaaaa hk) froa tbe clntchee ofii, akvi power, (TretaaeRlotM ajaphwaM.l Itwaoai.' ii'duly foi tbeui to do eo. The tpeaktr contin-04,1 ni tnkatrak forovorbalfaB bour.

Dr. ( b.ever waaaaMxeetVd bj Wxroxil PHir.i.irs.who, ae rcou Bl he lould be heaid, ar.uiu.d his alwayietcqnenl nmetery of tboee pteaent After jayhagatrii ut,- to tbe prectdfag apeahea, he raid be woalddi oa ihe erkia >.t ((iiriitmicnal Liberty ia whkh woatood. I!\eiy goveraoBead war oadeap. to far aallwaa fiee. of arhal tlu- peopk had arroatod Iroa Baupa-ticn. Bvery eleajenl or fraodea had beea heaid aratin tk prayi i of tha an i..t and Ua craah of ihe gik-bet. Oar (!o\. intiieni waa Bota atataly fabrir, btiiltin adeeade, hhe Botoaoa'a taatpk; it war au u'.d Ea>elirh Inbiic, alteled t«. rnit the tim. B, We u','! it bythe c-ntbntkta and indbrnotkn of Uie people. Fromth. peopk Hbobob Corpej aai avery othar taalOf l.ili ity.

It waa"n weapon whkh tho peopk caoghl np whi n

tla-y wanted to Itaoch a tyraaf aVrwa. Aaal r.. waloxed urold Anj/lo-Aim li.'an prfacipka,and when wexxnnl to eeiahliith a right. we uiUet h1i-.x\ ihat it wanohl.Fliglirh, 4-4iiihli:utio|,iil. W.ll had Dr. (heever a.iidtbat we were n.-t reaal tooat fotk ra. If xx.- wwaao,we wotild h'lig ago, inntead of rittmg betO, have aaaata Waabington fa the railroad cara,lakeB Hyatt. andhrongbl hia bonte. [Applaaae.] Wo aaaaal havevang, pnn dizing Ihe old Cottaai refralai

Ai.rl »ha II had. IlyuttdiolAi,.l aiual 11: "1 ll'x u tlie''II.,, forty the ia nd N.»-\"rk boyaWUkauw tbe roaaaa x*hy.

II.'.-i.] Th-laWBWere n.l BJJata ta BTO-i.. I' luliir and powerfnl bmb, liha G.-veinor Morgannnd NN illkm H. Jaator. Th.y ahoald pr..te.i tbe hum-bkandunk8uentkl. Mr. Phim^aaid be abo dd ukebrtader gronnd than tbat eabraxd in tbe reoolntion.Por hia wa adeaa bo aJoae aradd ba rairpoiiaibk. Heheld ihat wrUkrrjuJgti aar/aararri hadn rkbl tode-

privt a.ii.nofhiHlil'e-'yatl'l-^"'-- Awnmgti,!!,,t. I. .ind the i-art b,,to,y ol pramkr

overdetpot'. And if we ,a.U; nd .t a itkgoah..thi...,. -cfali'oig. the Thirdl u aoMBedtoLunihat w, hadnadea i.rexrriange from a rtectnt gen-ti.'nan on a tbrona, ta a dkty fiMBgngat ta l baaoMLhafb*r. ... . , .

II, ,. nuinhd that no nmn in Um rentury bMl-donep, ,1,1 :eix:,e to tbe CJillre oi , "nrtl!tlll''liill ll'wrty.Anhoneat, nobk aan, baoyed opbyno |a»pnliAr an*

plaurr, deavrttd bx bia own pariy, aneeraTat by Um{mhlic jouri.ulit, bedared to aufll r. rnanfuBj for Qber-!v ;,nd tbe Bight. |\pplau-e.| Beeaaat tha areowiibcdto riiufl ..nt Tbadaeui Hyatt, wnuld the peopkIctlhe itadel ol Ubertvbe rarrkd »,\ dclaal Ilwhh tttkt wa wora ota aaaa peetde. Por QoeTa aahav.xf'lH. TaiBI 11 to n.uht au idea tn |..-ttlor ¦aeotfag waka rn. Ii a feeKng vux ,l afj reanfad oae oft), iu iv when Horaca Oreeky rv.d the haork "t lhapeopk. Uri aottaMd ooojonapm pocBka taaXrate oaeik i.ler w aaaa,

|i wm. boMoj toth-feuil n Btajt eciMUtBlMtial nrfaebi le ihan M hive been l'lctident of the luitfit k.

WBkHafffwota ktd aaaaRMjai u pjtroajj eoatraatlo

rdrolkiOj wben Ciarbp Suriiiie* ftood ba gronn«LWhat drWndanf of Scwjinl vm«M rvl r;»thir hrtBf "

rome) Cbeever of th.- rn-xt crgnry iff*1'!** fow'-aAor'Bname with Wnahin'pt'm and I/-e, fi>f**v^*7fijrMrein ;. bronii u-r n miialy r.¦<¦ fir I rfffeT If' rr-i- I'ldk, andBntbairan? IFaughrer .ird applaa**..! 'i*rtani|flod,tbe pn lioeni- v. .re o.-ttii i' po iniiny aud eo afawi tt-:twe<< uldn't recoih ri l!ei ,.

At ihty. eloHe of Mr. Pbilripa'a rd<frr*vi, b.'id ei/B-i BBBBBrrnde >,- tbe ntulieiite for Willinm Moyd framrofl fnafH ** Bor. Dfti.ii I VYorth, wbo v.-«rr both Bfiaual. Ae>brotbthe latter rnrae forward, und apoke for *r.raeii it.ut.a, rlutiiiK wl bb a rwfWtion waa tnkeri op IWdB-froytbe fxpnaa of pabhahingthe pr»H-e*dsii*fa of SteOffiraaTgi The ineetin* adjourua4 W a lutr hour.


I.aef ervnbg a ptiMk n-aetitijr of tbe eolored (niaenaiof JNcw-lork aaa heki ia.SaiJeh lVeehyttxmii thnreh,I'linr- pticel, Ibe Rev. Hfaur Hi.,hi.ami iit\f>/: iaibuebair.Mr. .John I\ Rrrtr* opened the proreedina- witb

praver.Tbo Rev. H. H. 0-K3A7 ptat.-d tae objecl 01 tlatii(.tin:r to be ihal of giving aonie egpriaaioii of thareiitiu eiif- of the roloied panpli ia rclation to the im-piipoi ment of the brethBM who had aided ib rearnina;ii ttave la l'hiladei|ihia, and »!*«» an exprwaaa,,,, pfpvnjnthv for the n.eii who badM BObiJ Rood BB intbi ir | erioiiB 10 aecnre tbe lib.rty of one of tbeir owa

Mr. Si iritrN Mtkr» of Alhanv next Addrea*ed tbemielinif. at.d WMfbDowed by Ur. tTatbibiof BoohoBaler, wl o apoke al aoaaa b aajth, lerfawfcaa aha iimvorywbi. h Ind rliaraiterized nationa of coTored men intheir batthM for lioerty.Mr. J. V. (tn is- inov. d the following r-aolntiona:lltt.lrtd, That wareeognige in tbe beroi,- eonli't oftha aov

fortonate ,.,... now in a PhiMel,h.» J-il. another «i*aaaaa_ef:li'.- to prtlK'ipl' ->.«' *her evMeiire tlut the Kuf-.tiri

Hlave I iu ii mt fo.iud. d in Juaii. e *r.J' r- ti<A i.induut^Hrflrfd, 'J hlt wc uxpp .. oi r aympathy with thoae nnf«>eea»

nat. iii.u byti4ikiig trp 0100, or i..ore. I,y ...|n- t i.g .¦nutniea-ti.n. fr.ii. t'lu'li ,.r BM <i "ur p'll.lie meetlngl. !.. h-lp th-n,taul f in iinol ti. r -t t'.- iropp.iicnt. ill th«- coKiing trial B*.

It,. b b aad tyranny..,".'Ibe nnetiiiir wa* *ul,eequent!v iiddre**ed by Vt B.

\Vn j Baowaaadtha Rev. J'. h. Bmitr,

MBBCABTtTuI EaBHURf A*-.*-octATlO!»..La*t eveningim adji iirned aaaatbag <<i tl i* A.-.** iation araa Baaa at

ChatoB H ill. afr. Bluni pn-aidinK. Tlie attendant* "fn.diilci* wa* very larK<-. A niotion to mnend theColiPtituti'n, BB propoeed by ibe BRB**d af DhrMRMRjin tbeir atiiual rej ort preaented at the ora-ninirof tlw;itiinii.l mecting. by ini r.-apinu; thedm * of outeide taem-

taaa,WM put |0 vote, and lopf. Mr. W«**i :ii"vedllat a Con.mitlee af aar/OH ba appomt'd ta fMBBaM tbeI'.ii,. it.l .otiditioii of tha $Hmmiation. and tl»«

feaeibility of inen-aainir the due*. and rejiort at a raeet-

aaj ta ba baM a BBftaaghl bai aa,Thia tepoliition, nftera lenvrthy debate, in wbich it

WM (onteiiiled tLnt tbe bkbOBBOf BBfh R (oi'.uiitteowo"M not itinouni lo BBytaBBafj wae aaR l>y a lurgevote. At the tiipt Bjeathaj af tha aVaaaaBttfara, tba

ijiii-piyin n* taameuding thi Conatitution hy incn-raakagibe BBM |1 peraiinum, wa* pnt to vote, and dedaredlo>t I y tle c-bair.A inoii. n ta reeonnider xvao earried, wben tbe BROBa

th B iiLrain being broiight before the meetin).'. wa* dw-raaaad tit etaaaoaffdali baajth. MMara. PfBa* Tarker,I', Sbepbenl, Arnoux, and other* ft\)i»^t'\ iu;!... <', !;,(.. a acc i.;ci,iiinjf thal it woald b| i'ltinitelyraora I rediu.ble for tbe BBBRaMM af the inptitntion to

|.ui their liandp in tbtir BWB aaaMBkl and ****** the BBBaViniiiil bBV, then to e c,,i,tii.ually ^ipplirntii.j/ the mer-

rlai tp«'f onrcify for uid. Tbe B*aaaRafl wa.a fmallj[iu t0 and declurc.1 lo-t bj a raRBtftRlk nal vote.

I B I. hag in favor of ihe Bt, and M BBBIOBMlihainltl A* p("ii a* tbe vote wad annonnced a pttddeaadbarfrBBBBM WM had.


Tabbbibabb Dobb Fob- Jeaeph hutrab, otrSn.VI l'mk pti.-tt, in ¦vnin tiii ilatiOB f " Old Adamatkev. :. i;.)i liuiittr. reaolvtd to uttempt tbe rej>k-ni*hingnf hin poiket, by " IghBBlg tbe tiirer," "4* I >. i* fonrtdin bi* metropobtan buunta. He aeeordingiy P*o-ccididto ibe corner of DbmR and bbMTRBB atierta,v.l.ere Hciiiy Van \cl.-or und .John Har.ien VOBSphowing up n PiK-eie» of "tiKer" knowii un Fam.

Thit.kingbe R*M Bf 10 a lkile BMM BBfaf tban tlierrofeetiona! thowmeu of tbe aiii.nal, Muuh im.ler'ookto initiate tbein into *ome of tbe niyatcrie* of naturajli-i'iy. Afterafew phort bBBBBB be left the pbxraminii* ^75, whieh bad been awallowed np by Ibe bbbb>cioiip Faro. IL' ncM r/aafBai bMRMV RBbBbBI of fboBMMaBfA*aBB, boBt, at No. ISI CbbBIbBR atre«-t, l>yI,'. leit battaa, Anil.oi.y Ri-mintrer, andOeorge Jar\ ia,wben ba Rafcaod *lno worih "f tha pajte kii.J af ex-

leiicu.e. Baahaj beeoaaa tathaed witb bi* i,.--.,iwand dippUlirtied with tha BMBBBbI af hi* uiora _\, Imjniiul.coinj laint BaBaaBBl the abovep»'r*..n* BaT***f*ftl*ahBB>Ifad he been tbe winner of ibe #175, wbich wa* pntapaarataMkia money, no donbt he wonld *tiH haveBreaeeatodtheaa. Tbe araaaad bbimm were RdkaaIctoi.iJaathM Coiuiolly who lield thom to hnaaeriuihe piitnof foOOeach.

a ¦

Pottti CeORRraaioaibb.- Thb Board mI */. i>riaynf', raooii, nnd Bned W'm. V. Poaatafat, Aoaaaa Kin-iaiil. and .lolm Hnier, of tl,. BO**aartaaaih Waad, ten

liavp' aay for aJaowhaj a lahtaryta uil,.¦ bIbbbbbbbitheir beat. The Commi**ionern predieated theirdeei--ii a aaaa Iha giaaaal that tln rahaa ry aaaaa n<»t haroeeii .ib <icd ii* the men had l*en attvnding to theiriuty. Meaara. tMrBrata aud Wtttataakof fWfhfaaaai.-ci.ih vTardaad Peeeharoftha sixtlt BrBMaaajotaMiRi.iind.-mt n. Bergeantl.I, in addklon lo bia aaaaarepoit of BBoliaa plate*. rv**artod the baildingVo.I'.'l Rioadwiiy iiti-af., and lik.-ly t,, fa'.l al any ino-

raaat. Tha i.uil.lint; oa ibe raiathrMal oftrMt af Ohtftryit.d Dover BtlBSM WM ri-poi-ted to ba in BM pitra«

.oiidition. KotaBMaaBM BBMB neiit to faWa*f*RBrBMtake them down or make them *afe.

. ¦

Aaaaar or a fTaaartva abb Bt r**aeRa R'iaaT4T-*j*a,.laat niuhl, Sergeant Jonrdan und I ifflcer < Sohkn ofIhe Sixth Ward arreate.l Cbaik* Cro*on, an aibkedluitrlar, wboewaped About a f«>rtni^ht a>*o frota ihoStatioit-H. tice in that prt-t ii'd. CfoaaB wiui BMBjhl »'»

ib.-acti.f (iitciinK tbe baa.I I). Baha/, Ha, ,ftt

Rayaul fAjreet. Tb. *aua ofliiera lai-eated two no-

toiioiihiiiarneteip uiinad Tin.uiai Ruidet: and John

Dyhea, wbom they aataaaai h bha aet of M/hag fn-i.i aVaaa taWhk BtAaaB, Oaa af Aa BBtaaaaMbad pon.e falw keva und I |«i> of nipper*, aud tlwother a quantity of mateh.* whi. h ba ia;nit.Hl gO aa to

afeted Bght foi aaaaaMlai tbe tl.K.r*. it..ih wim

loeked np in the SLxfh ftlBMrt BuRlfB IIBBM «"» BBB>

picioti of BBVaBl b..n IIBIIfBll in OM or'vvolnir-Jaii. .-that MMffBJ I BaM afgdRB BM in ibe *auw

Ward.1)> tTii or the AruoN*! t..An RaBMBtwM hekl

¦aah rdi.y by Oraeaat BaardNa M tln- baatj af haajaa*iu- M. Cotuior, tha aeronaut who wa* killed M Thur*-

,biy nf'tri.ooti wbil. uifckinu an uecen.-ion fi"in lVlaenItiiidci. The ,-videiiee eliiittil w:i* eiib-tantially tboBJBM »¦* BaMaahad hy na y,-i< i.liy niorniii«. ThaTiiry rendeivd a ver.lie' af " l>«ath fBMB feBMBaBBBlaf tha keaaa fbaai iHein-r at**aah BBBfaMBaaBaaBaraaaBbuildintr of tha I'alace llanleii wbiki makiii"j a ballooalax'iittiou on tbe U>tb Inai." Tln- .li.vii*<| witpaim-

ive of Waahingtou. I). C. und WM bMM**BBfa ofigi'-THk TwaVKTi-ril -t WaRB Ai.i. Ut.aii. Ut*:.

.venniK tba Cuuipuiini Citib ul (hia Ward kt-kl an

'litbuaiaetic ineeiina! u: (he spaebi .- hail. N>>. BBKotlith BVeBlie, wben the" were :wblre-*e.l by Klliottr,\ Slnpard. ea.|. The Reptibliean hahJaBfai f the Wardluted tlat tb.- (aatty WBB tniMMII) ..'nrti ; hy V~roaaaoaM bVobi al aaaaaa af tha bobbbb,MkMIN" "T Tlli t»f\|; ItTINl CoMMft-lOVl Hv

At ii uit-ciin, of ihf Coiuuiinakiuera, bel.l on iln- lOtbiiipt., tbe fol'owim.' pr.H-evdii.>!«, aumn*, oilioia, wera

bad:The BiiBWBBBBM Ur BTRaha llarrl. a. .^,__I__i__I 11 -uitil, i,ol tb.-»"u. 0' Ai'ii.. waar«paali*"***n'u',J*J

tbe d' at.d. .,erou. .I.tiea.'l ^ C"' ,,, ^...ptoyeeaK,»i,rH,ibit ih. sr,;:;:w.«e..e ¦>..'. .*. ^ « iiF-k.-ep.ia..'l. ,-l.'J..i>'4£?* tbe ^"t-o-'r.y l. f.-r... (hem^ .b^'"J"3_;b". ftvr ihe re*-* th.< n» *U»^»IM,.1.-,,i- '-^.'nllV,. , . ih. aareaaai al ih,

u'^akTBltiK uv-ae. atea aaaav