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rrvitf MVlÄ « HOt'UM. Auctl-i.e.,, wlll.ejl « puft. tNVL « FSIDA. flV«'irr, *} Mat t, at . n», tSo »Beatt*if.lria>nna v. .13 Weet met. Beta Jta- aatiit M>Af* fJ,.«. Twl.ty bret .laae gvie. la the "* ;tr7PatcwBion Tibi*. Betr.-. an« t%atri i"!!PgS* wveha Baa nvrtm'nz of rvd, TaMo eVarae I Twn»»<«. A AteNif ePvo».el-*at and Or> tu-« .»M*^Maa('h*.lt>u»da>.' N JIO tr .v jw.y, nade' the Sf^T-Tla rbe Pa-W>iB ae ti a valve; Car>».-». tVee roea .»Sa.iva in ii'b b . vie. :i r ... »all Kt^e-et. <f>a»eT ZäPH* Tablet kuaCartalaa Cbtoa Vaaea, aWoaua,a»«a -fe pa'a-.l «.. P.*r aa« Ovü Obvteea. Tactaaa ftaae, a' I» the CbaraWt* *f» for rna-wo»! aadii .%& *a«y BaaatMOa Bute,..,, Waac.UBde S.,1-. Couch a., Cl^rt, Jg iaVL-J koto M» BleaJ.Utad B.-dt-g . petit! <», rain or tbir- For ->!l t»r..-"'»" Hereld._ H' Mraatalä Setneiv. bv F X Cbir.h; ball and Winter Boenet, . (kT^ ^ IW by Eaottl Birma L..darap^, by maHmt Ft.»"... Or pa Fl at, by Rannyt Htr.ett By A. M. M*. - AiaeaVo*«. _ . R*o»oe Ne 19 Par* x w ^ -jlaA. FRIDAY E V KM NO, N«a «, tlSrur WW BOOKS--A k-f. h£bS r,,ra,°. h.a bbwJbb af vt iek e .rar.dard » ort» n iBe v«»..... , SS ofalaaU. and tm J SttAtonar). -*- 1,DPOT- * " 1 ' ;n~ He. A.._._ T C. Hot ..«tob A^-'otieor. EXTENSIVE KALE of twb and tiAbitnable Cr.' mmeae FURNITURE THIS DAY (Te in-day), ol Bj»Vak»oi a'. Wareroonie N"-a. CO at.d tieS Broadway t »i-i ./ «.Vecter at} oae of tb- larre.t aad beat oea.rted -t^ke to läe e* .krrleti» every Wi-ty of fc.«ewoAd. Oa%. M»fcor- aavead Walaot Par. * D nroe.-' Libvary and CBamb-r PURNJTl'RH. The publK- arere«ve^tfr'l!v Inv.ted bo < »II ana raaniae it Iba «i«. It ke aU mada (Tor tbe olty cuatora taaeV aad *n be r«Kad opoa at rearaetated Catal-if'.ee eo IBe ,., «i a <J take. fBPKY Hr~LEKDS & Co., Atir«owe.rB.. 0KP1CK Id NAHSAH-ST. WIb ».ri at aartlon on THI'RiDAV. Njv. % at 1! ft bek. la Iba »allery No Ii Naaaa.i ft. fiP-rb private t'1'***'. ¦* 11IRM WATKR COLORS. afATpARP a,'., tbe lalUsry of J M Bar«. e.c,.. ioUeeted by bltn vritb frjat eara dnrina a .He. of yeata ; meet of tbaia are vrorte of tbe t.r.t Aaner.can .tl.ta, and were paiBted to order Aan-M tho P. Jtaai wUI be fcaaJ a View .^V-Trnottt, by A B. DuraodI I'Onlua 8 orta, by tv. r.r^d; a \.e»ao.o.# »U Adtt'D.Uc.k Monotaini by Keaeett- Laki Oeorr" bv Kenaett with other, t y Uite_trtli»; Mi a iy TT'<de, p-irehäaed from tie? family; Mveral very fine tTjBai.i lr J P tTop». y ihm tiae Lan bxvipe*. Ai. bv Wm. Bert, Boat»l.e Doufb'y, OJdie. Chtfcrty J. H. H'll, ffe ,r«e Jaaaa. Nab], Weaderofr, Ocrtill, Oaor|e KlafR, O, 3 M. Uait. Shalluck and OiAord. Alao, worke vt merit by Bid* Bay B Peroey, Sambach; Sketcbev by L" Vand. n: ..go, Crekaal FrafoBaid, Teaiere M .ncho'oa, RobtTt of Bra.aele, ¦»nie, LnBc.ret, Detri ty. Woofer., Van Spandnm. and oihera iiacseupeib Water fioaBM by'Jo.hua Cry.tall David Cot, Stein- Baki W»i j. riford Coib)uid, R .ibothan!, Varley. Pront. Crop a, W H. Pyna, Copley. BieldtnB. A. Tarnor. Helf, athtra AI« >, a beautiful Stat >*i, ia marble, of Cupide eneetlint for the Heart, by Delmedieo, with a »-»rllo'.a pedeata.'. Tbe above 'h'ice eol.««tli u tan be eaandnod, ae above, on* aaek tm re the aale. _ Josieo fit i,rx»«, An tionet (\S FRIDAY, Not. 6, at IDA o'clock a. m., at V the Centra! Salee Room.. WiUouthby, bot. Pearl «t Bteoklyu .HCl'iEHOLf) KURNITI RE, CarpeteOU Clothe, Sbok aad Parlor Stove.. 2 Chain!) Her., Oaa tftackote, maliottny ead-ane erat Cbalra, Bnrraua, Rifaa, Höfa Bed.toade, Tablee, Straw and Ha'.r Afa'treaae., V, Keatbor Beda, Peatber Bol.tere Btd Pulow«. A|V> a lot of Blanketa, Qullta. Spread., Ac. Alao J Violine sad nie Braae Tmngpot with tnreo Pumpt, Wai. laviie, Auctioneer. PEREMPTORY 8.\LE ui'EJaEGANT FURS.- IRVINO k WATK INS will eeU at auction, on FRIDAY, Nov. A Bt II o>alaek, at thoir Bab-arooai, No. 8 Piue-et., by ord*r of the Aat^iBe«, without reaerve, a laite and valnable .took of Latrle.'tn.l Oentlenien'e KC7R8, romoved from Broadway fjr ajaoenienca of »al*.conaiatlni of Ali.ik Manbllaa, Circiilara, kfuff» aid Coff. Hndeoo Bay Heble do da. Chinchilla, Fitch, Mareen, Btoae Marten and Siberian :fc|> irrt-1 do do ; Otter Col- haa. Olovee and CoaU; W.-lf. Ant aod «.'. aette Robct. F >ot Mafli>, ke.; and a kuie a; tort men*, of Childreu'e Fur.. Thete Modi kave been but recently manufactured. Pur< haeert can (ay tb».~i with the tr a'-.t ootrfldcuco, and every article wiH ke wBtraated aa repretectt'l The goode will be> ready far In- ayattknon Thnrtday and Friday prnvlout to th» tale at the taetlen rooBt. Cattuogne. on Thnrtday. Treledioeare par- utalaily luviled Ball ax d nunlit the collection. BBS T. C. ilot',.HTov, A net lone .-r. PEREMPTORY SALE of PIA NO-FORTES. I THIS DAY iTburaday), at 1 o'clock, at Noa. 611 and Ml Broadwav. ooroer U B te.-h.-r .t .SU tdegant 7 and 71 oo- lava PIANO-FORTES, made by W. Lindeman a. Son to bo told without reeerv", at tbe Metere Lindemau are willing to ¦take any aacrkfice ra»b.-r than discharge tbelr <dd and tried workmen. Parti, t writhing to purchaae a euperior in.trument are tetlctted to call and ev.i/.ii.e th.-m before tale The l-.ttru- ¦ eatB ira all loll] warranted, and cjual to any uiannfactured In the city. liaatv H Li kos k Co., Anctl nceira Office No. »I Nattau tt CITERB CABINET I'URNITURE. being the kJ rBtlie Stork of Metera ALEX Rur \ k Co , No t'« Breadw.y, which will he told at auction, on account of removing aat'tira HP..NBT H. LKEOet A Co. wUI tall at above <m WEDNES- BAY, H k. and THURSDAY. 12th November, at IOJ o'olock eaek dty, the laigtet and molt ele >:.t t'ook ever Before offered to Ike publl -, a. tbey will aeeon Intpeotion, oompritlnt a large Cr: i.» ot of Parlor Bultea, richly carved and oovered is aatia, tab, brricado, kc rlebly carved Oak, Walnut and Vi-nx kola Fnniture of vanm- i indt, alto an olegan; aud astenaivo tetorta eut of Bubl Mar^uet/'rie aod Ebunv Furniture, with a leite aatertment of other fiabl^nable flrit-c.Taee articlea They tan bo etamltted et any time previoue to the Sale. F v Aactionoer. . GREAT SACRIFICE of rich and c «tly HOUSEHOLD FI'RNI .qrienco of tbe treat depre.tlon in btitinete aid be toH at public vendue by F. NABU, Anctioaeer. THIS DAT, Rob, i. at 10 o'clock in 'dio f ireooon, for oath, without aty reterve, wbat'-ver Btary bo theState of the wrather the en ttemperl Pl'RMTt'BK' contained in the private residence Bo 81 i'itl. »t., we«t of MA ay., eiubraclng over tm tbouaand collar.' v. f itb of tbe very beet deaoriptkin of ail klnde required a a fenfleaiau'i private i-, a pirtkm of irbkh I* tub joined, vir: large and cottly PI r and Mantle Mirror., aupt rlor teaewocd Piano-Forte, elegant t jltee of Parlor Furniture lo tkh eiiir e-ii and meroon brocade; one do. lu green and t nd (cet)y loa* woaO and Secretary Bonkcaana; a did carved roeo Mat) Ctater. Sofa and i'ler Tablet: throe euperior roeewood Cttgeiea mtrble topt, nlth mbrot doon and bmki; eleaar.' tarewood Reception Chain, lu liio oatln and taoettry \ roae- aeod corner Etsgeree, with niirvr Baakt; rieb lace Window Carl.iaiaid Shadet, bronze and ormolu Clookt, oo.tly 3-vre. tad Dretd n Veert, and rich Parlor Ornament. .v- with a Bvmler of fine Oll-Palntinga Ilinlng rojm aud Chamber Fur- trtQia. Elrgtat Ex'rntlon Taklet, Chairs, rich g ild birel do.* anted Tea aud Cotee Seta elegant Raby and Cut O'aae Ware, Btail and lilver Cutlery, Cake Ba*kett, Caatera Bureau.. Wath tanda with marb'e lope, coetly decorated China TotM eett wit Hau Metrirttre, F.atb. r Kode and Beddiuü, French Oval Mlrrort, mahogany tultei of F ui.ituro. in hair cloth, c >Ua<e and mäh-,any i- iiug lerrt Chalrt, roa wood Hell S'.aude, Oil- ' At._ .13.000. TVaE .I'i eooeeqrier Ciotba, <Dccan &ttamcx9t «&r. TIE LIVERPOOL. NEW-YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Clyde kault lien tarcw atram.kioa v'M'Y OF BALTIMORE.1387 tnai.Capt. R. Leltob CiTY OF M'ASHINOToN.,...,380tust..,.CaptTP. C. Paarta eiTY OFMANCHE9ftll....llWtun.....Capt J K uinodj BANOAROO.I "71 Hint.Capt JoBbm The auderuoted or o.her vetteJe are Intended to eail at W towt: Fi »' LlVBBtrOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE.Wednesday.Oct. 21 And every altcrBate Wvdneaday. Fb >m Ncw Yobk. CITY OF BALTIMORE.Tbtrraaiy.Nov. 1} Ai d avery alternateThortday at o'okick na. ^Bearst ..r Caaia PAta*«i(,_FTOBi New York and Phl!ad>.- pMa, B7*. Ff ni Liverpool, 21 r.inni, 17 .uiueaa and 1J tyalaeot atvording to the aeoommodation la the State-T.-jma sil bavirg tbe tame pr.vliege lu the Balooa. luoludu.t Stew BBBVb fett. Taren Clavi Ptsaiwott«.- Allnirtad n umber of Third Oat. aaaaeutert will t»ken and fja «l lu a* muok provi.ion. a. ra Bailed Fi >m Philadelphia and New Yuib, a*V From Uvea .aal, t >' Tkeae tteamert areeon.truoted with kmprovod watergbjhi BaaapartBDeuta ^. <e... ..>>.. an etperieneed eurge.«, aad every attention peed to tho comfort Bad accoiBBBodationi Pat<-.» I era Drafte on LWerpeol froto MI upward. ' For fiaitht or da.täte apply at the Oflee of the Company, JOHN O DALE, No. lb B ,!,»,¦ New York Ateaat, or WM. IN MAN I and g Towel Bo'ldhi». Livripool Attart TBE NEW YORK aa<) LIYERP(X>L ITNITEB STATES MAIL 8TKAMERA- The thlae oou.poM.f tkat Tke ATLANLIC. Capt Olhrer Eldrl-lga. Tk« BALTIC. Capt Joaeph Coaatock. Tke A DM IA TIC, Capt Jamre Weit ^Tkaae akrpt kavlng keen built by contract eipretely for tke BWvemaieal tern, e every t ttaaas been takea ha their ona- **ytien, ae alao m tholr rna inot. to ineure ttreugt h and tpoed; .at tkorr aaaaaaaaodaatoL, f..r paaaenieet are unequaled for eie> aaaoo aad ' ocfert Si!." |w ""' "om N«w York to LlaarpooL In ant eabta, tlted etote .. .hip No bvrth. can Ba eeeu rd aalH paid f.,. Tfca tbipt of tbie Haa have improved waaat light kull »ad«. * TM>rO*TD BATES OF B41LINO ,»",<>T.,,,W . ...._r»»- Moaafaia. BSTHBDaY ....Nov. 7, .».> SATURDAY.No*. SI. IBM BATUB DAY.Dec \ 1" >J WEDNr.8DAY. Ott », iat7 ^JMfjtDaY. No». IL Iii» i.^PNKSDAY *ov. 2o IB57 WhDNRtDAY..Dae. At ttJ7 Bo. PVUbt oi Paataao. aaalv to ^ *' '** F.DWgRD K rOLLI NH. No «Wall at NY BSOYV N. «t111P». r. Y A I o Liverpool. MTKpHKb) RENN ARD A 6o, ¦ o w. No ? Aaetkn Prior., Loadoa. am. .r." W*»NWRT<JHT k Oo . Pari» r* ^" fj »k-^e thin* wHI aot ke aerounUblo f»r at lA Sa tl JT'*' 'V*** PWaava, aveeioctt etinee aj raetala, iVfir **** um-w« Md «* GB5^aiK^V,t'Il0N ,n FARE «.» EUROPE. Vb*ry. PTA*s.t.*d.,,No, tw a'wrf.BTiw AB»1 L. . . laet'v. No.. Sal Wat tv« j laet. .ttetotkipt tv..^ »t He; e, S^ö» debtered ia l^a oaaaaBPajia. t 'ip»..,tc « f' tt>: rpjiy %q _B) TXiBRtNtn, N> a B .-wIIbi tartoa. jpOB REE MEN OIBECT.To aaj! iy<^r,MVr "T et.Tk. «!rtt ea^t Btedd^evwWJ »t-aro.brp «)Rlo« ly-a a »arW?' '-****».»'". ».>! leave f<* H*ea*naOtree't Bo hat .BBaY. No. 14, Baaa Bt«r No. SPN rlhBJata .'"....«ra. .an ¦ttyao tahi ,. »«tat.. . t * C ,''.^l,'P''»Moeeary toC H I '' I > .1 ., tsa .>...< Ä"twl^iTWrS»i ,,"«' .** eetlbetlfcafoog of "arj.. f^Ml»" e*T*?.N w-eunBB*, i. -i . i lo-l r-.otter". appVl :0 .vttra* ..*?». B^.Rr n. Phi um. Nc v -vo--t. ._ »ir. plena* ' i. boa»«! H no'li'-Ur. All ^f/^%l»Ur<-»«tlo»}v»VC*«; U]itttn«1Cki» *"pj,*TIfX-Ttw rienuwaB if li e Ihr Lae* ko.pi v»<3 wata*- ilchl i mr«',p"' '.* frc »xprCM la* (. «n tj* L- i!». U I »Mr.. r, f ,,. , hit I,, »j| jetpet it a* *" <! MI ew. Tue tlojongt, exam- .10 piu .jitr.j«. «» their o 00* u4 xr Mr i.«-Li< i yet ni »«j la^d. ». fl II'-.»''.. .( .. it 1 .». teilt eblpe ' r IIa!» a* aril: pap font, the entire eervioa. t^AwnSiri'CED HOHruAMrroN mi HAYBE The ineg-i.'-'-it tUktf*t,,p VANDERBJLT, .VJ I t IM F"Werd Hir . gal »..«oder. .: kuMTMAMPTON A KAN RKJ Baturrlay.Dec 5 r-' j.n HAVRE '.xA W^rpV- AeJPION for HEW.YOKE ¦latnrday.Hcv, 4 Sa: ">!»«.LH*. ?> » I i * .ret Cabin. .a ,.v. tW.nd Cite..fill Specie delivered .n London and Par* Pof oataaae . r frt gbt apr'J t D TORRANCE Agent- Ni i BiwliMf:e*n. N»w Y rk. L«At«r» for E-.gler.rl *rA E.r »r-, pr-ja. L each **. cent* per ' ooi.f* iby Inetaawrt of prwaaw Btaangit if frjm other 'iti-ii. » )> bt r.cdvcdei Nv J B rttitBg g-*»n, Nrw-Y-rh, ap o at 1 o'clock oi the r'.oruiü« of iv.iog. 0i(ombofjt« ani) ftoUvoob«. Fm BOSTON and PROVIDENCE wi» IfEW- PORT and PALL RIVER To* ayuentbd aad r perfcov»r B»V STATE. Capt Jawett, l-*v*t New York avert TUESDAY. TVl'RrlOAY a-»d SATI >RDAY. *4 AortatA p. m., and the EMPIRE STATE, Cap*. Brajtue. leave* New Yvra ever? MON DAY. WEDNESDAY ana FRIDAY, at 4 o'cJo-* 9 m faaaa Pier No 3, N. R.. naai the Rettery boib toatiiiaiej at Newport each way. Hereafter no roeaoe will be retarded aa eecnrtd to any aajgaV cant oi til lb* tarn* . '.\D Lave beer paid for. Preirhtto Beaton le ferwaidaü llri'iph with treat diapat^fe by as Expreet Freitbt Train. _WM. BORDEN. Agent, No*. BJ and ?1 Weet-et. TUE REOUTJvR MAIL EINE rla STONLNG- TON, for BOSTON and route. tb* taorteat and moet diree* carry'nr the Eattem Mall. The tteamera PLYMOl Til R.)CK, CaaL Joel aVotkB. aa I I. YANDKRBILT, Cap* W. H. Praeee, in eenne tion wiA the STONINOTON ana PRO\ IDENe'E and BOSTON atd PKO\ 1DENCE R.ULROADS. learina; New York daily (Sur.- fayt excepted 1 (Ton Pier No. 2, North Riree, gret v*D»rf abev* Battery ¦place, a* 4 «.>.- kam ant Btonington at 8 ». B.av, or on the arrival of the mail train vi In' b leave» BottJn at j;le p Bn Tl - r VANDERBILTfroo New-York, Mondar, Wedreaday and Erida* 1 f>om Htoninxtou. Tueadev, Thuriday *nd Saturday. The PLYMOl'TH ROCK fron. New-York, Tu' »dar. Tlure- i*ay and Saturday ; from Stonmgton, Monday, WedBCtday and Knday. Pataengera prooeed from Stunir rton per railroad to Provi- d' tice and Beaton Is the Expr- .< Mail Traic, reaching aaid plaeea 1n advance of thou by other routet and In am|>'e time for all the early meraing ..... 1 connecting North and Ea*t> Pav aecgeri that prefer it remain on bo\r<f t it> amer, eajoy a iiignt't reet oiidi'tmbed, breakfattif detir»d,and leaWo Bton- Ington in the 7:15 a.m. train for Providence. A baggage matter accempanlet the ateamer and train thronfh ea<b way. For patttge, b*rtht, ttate-r» u.« or freight, apply en board the ateamer, or at the Freight Oftice, Pier No. 2. Nortn River, or at tb* office No. 10 Ba.tery plac*._Noveo,ber 4. CIj^trae railroad *f \ew-jp:rsey- Connecting at New-Hampton with tb* D-hwar*, Lacka- wanna ani Weetern Railroad, » .0 at Eaatoa with the Lchlgb Y aller Railroad. FALL ARRANGEMENT, coenmeiicina O t 28,1AT)-Le*va New-York for Eaeton and intermediate placet from Pier No 2, North River, at 7J a. nx, 12 ru. and BJ p. m ; for 6omerville by above traiat and at 5 p m. The above traint connect at ESaabetb with tralnt on the New Jersey Rai'roid, rehleb leavo New-York from the loot of CoartV Landt-at at 7- and 12am, and 3-20 and 5 p. m ie. 'i>i> for the Delaware, Lackawaaaa and Wottern RaLV roed will leave at 74 a. wa only. Vor Lehlgb Valley Railr-iad at lj a go. and 12 ay JOHN O. STERNS, Sup*. iBtenden*. Fld8h1n0 RAILROAD.Lr»TtsB Fulton Mat- ket wharf, by ateamer lalaad Cite, at «:45, t and 10 a. m., aad L 4 and 6:30 p. m.; the rare leave Flnthimj L I at tbe tame boura, meeting, aad ex naraixg paaaectera with the boat at Haater'a Pokot Thro ugh In 50 r.itnu tea. Fare 23 c^ute. WM M. SMITH, Reoadret. ONG ISLAND RAILROAD..FALL And WINTER ARRANGEMENT.-fSnndaya eirepted )- fralM joli.f Eat*: Leave Brooklyn for Greeoport at la a na. | Bare Brovilyn for Tapha-.ik at 10 a. m. and S:4i p. aa.; iearre Brooklyn for Byotaet at 4:3* p. ro ; leave Brooklyn for H*<rip- raeadatlOand 12 a m., 4:30 and 5 p m.; leave Hr.. .klvr. for /*. ¦atnt at 10 and 12 a. m.. 3.46, 4:Bt). I and Ml p. BV_ Land ROUTE.wew-YORK U pr0vi- DENCE, 4c-Or. an' after Oct 26, 1651 Traia of the PBOA1DENCE, HARTFORD and FISfIKILL RAILROAD wll leave Hartford after the arrival there of lb'. Erprete Trata of tbe New York and New-Havrn and New Haven and Hart- lord and Bpringtiald Ratrroade, which leave New-York at 8 a m. _BAMI EL NOTT, 8nparintend*nt. ew-YORK Rod new-haven RAILROAD. IBM. FALL ARRaJIOKMFNT, ltBT. ( OCTOBEB 1*1. 1197. Faaaenger Station In New-Y'ork, rornar 37tb-at. and at) ar, aartaaooe en 27th-tt TRAINS LEAVE NEW-TORE For New-Haven, 7: »0, 8:B>, a aa , MB ), LJ: 45,3: M (ex ), 8:45 sx.), I3:4A 3:1« N and Oreen'wic.h,7:2Ha an ;12;4A, 3:46. 4:30 6 .*p ra. For ft* ford, 7:20, » 20 (ex.), a m.: 11:45,3:10 (ex >, 3:45, 4:S0,6:a» p. m. For Port Cheater atd intermediate Btetione, 7:91 a. aa. 18:44,3:46, 4:J«,6;35.6:3»B m. CÖNNECTINO TRAINS. ForBoetoa,8:3Qa m. lex.). S.IOp. m. lex.). For Hartford and «rätniifield g:20a m (ex ), 12:45 p. m 3:10 p. m (ex ). For Connecticut River Ra *.! to Montreal, 8:2t) a m. 4aa ), ax}d 3:10 p. m («x ) U u For t anal Railroad, 8:20 a. ax (ex ) and I2:4C p. m. to Northampton. For Hoaaatonlo Railr. ad, 8:20 a m. For Nargatuc.k Railroad, 8:20 a. an.. 13*41 and 3 10 p. as. For Danbury and Nor» elk Railroad, 1.» a. am., 3:4ft p. la- r TRAINS TO NEW YORK. From New Haven, 6:30, 7. S:34 a. m. 1 1:30 (ex ), 4:30. 8:43 p. ax. (ex ) From Bridgeport, 8:10, 7:40, 10:18 a. m. 3:07, (ex.) 5:14, »:22 p. ro. (ex ) From Norwalk, «,1:44. '. iV 10:49 a. am. | 2:36 (ex ), 5:45, S:50 % m. (ex 1 From Fort Cheater, 4:27, a .45, T:2t, 8:48, 11.34a. ra.; 1:27p aa. JAblES IL HOYT, Snperinaewdeot. NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For PHLLA- DBLFHIA and tbe BOOTH and WEST, via JBRIEF ;1TT. Mail and Expreaa Linea: Leave New-Tort I and U . as. aad 4 aad « p. m.; fare, »J. 13 m »2 tV.rwrüw at all way eteriana. II and 4 ge to Kerning ton. fta-OBgjb WeAear old k r Ctneinaati (#17 and Sil M| Bad the Weet, and tot lal'tmore, Wathington, Norfolk, Ac, aad taroagb tegjegBl ekwoked to Waakaegton in 8 a. m. and la. aa. W. VVOODRCFF. Atdttast liayt gto Baagaxa wtli be received for any train apulooe eVBeapaS Ad jheckrd \i miautea in advanoe of the ttaae ef leevtagV W WLDE-GAFGE ROUTE from NKW- YOBK to ROCHESTER..The BOCHESTER and BBllEwBE VALLEY RAILROAD It now open, ai d, ka eoa- aaogion with tbe BnSele, Oorulna and New Yoat, and New- fork and Erie Rafiroed*, forma a weet reut« from Ivew-Yerk »Roaheetei. Tb« .lite, tneee of MJe ,...>, toeeOier with the ropeMre' near. art aBorded by the wide care, rentiert it by far the aaeet deata* tie between the above-named- .tie*. Tickett can be nroenred at ah* New York an/ Erie aURread POTkt Oro,. , foe* of Dueaeet, and No. BB Broadway 1 else U Jeraey City. Bagtaga ohecked A FreTehta will bo trar-apoi ed betweee New Y*wk and S"eA*e m with diipateh. Any Information ieerredta regerd trite ate sxo b«. obtained by calling on the Oereral Freisbt Agent cf aae Sew vork and Erie Railroad, Erie Brlldiuae; er ft S. TAP PAN, Eapreee Freiebt Age. No. 183 Broadway. Ho train* oa the BwBbIo, (. r1. 1 and New-York SaBroal aa ¦axalax. _J. A. RBnPlELD. B^Bertatea^eaA. -YORK sod ERIE RAILROAD .On mat) r Monday, Jone 14, 1AVI, and Qttil further notioa, Pee> r Traint will leave pier loot of Dawnrxt. at fclleara, vkx.1 xeoNKIRK EXPRESS, at « a m, fur Decklrh. BUFFALO EXPRESS, at «5 am., for Bafalo. at AIL. at I a.u>., for baxvairk and BaSele and ROCK LAND PABSF.NOFt at ItS* am, from foot ef I bare «t via Plermont for BuaVrat and intaruiediale titHone, WAY PASBEROFJl at 4 p ir. for Newkhjfk, httddietoara, aad li tiniimitlatB tiaBteae ».MIGRANT st I gi- for Do..IIrk and Buffalo a THE ABOVE TRAIN* RUN DAlLY.fSENDAYS F. Hei EPTV.P). RIGHT EXPRESS at 5 pm., for Dui.kDk. every day. NIGHT BXPRESB at 4 p.aa., for B11SW0, every day. Tboee Erprete IWse couneot at aVaatra with tha tbaaj.aa, BVanaadaifaa and Klage ta Fata Railroad, for Niagara Fallt; at "t-l**.fcal wKb the Byrecna* and BtngtaioU n Railroad, fat tyraooee: at Coming with Buffalo, Comiua and New Ter» laJiroad. for Roc heater; at Great Bead with Dakware, LaahaJ wanna and Weelera Railroad, for Boraxton 1 at HomeilivUbl arHh the Boflak, aad New York City Railroad, for BliffUe 1 at Buffalo a..d Dunkirk with the Lake amera Railroad, for Clave- and. OancdTiBati, ToleeV, r>»tK«VChlrwac. Aa. _HOMER RAB8DRLL. Fre*iAea)A PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..The GREAT CENTRAL ROl'TE, aoaaectkag the Atkuetie eitice wrtk Wertem, Nortb wratern and Booth'w< ttern State* byaeoav tat.Moa* Railway direct, r . Road aleo 001.0e.U at Pitttkurgk wtth 1 allr Hn- ef Steeieere to all p iteea tbe Wtwtern Rivera, aad at (iK'velaüd aad Sandntky with ateurere te all parte ob the pkirtk-weetera Lekea-aaakiBg tb* atoet direct, eaa^aeat and reliable route by whleh FRED,Hi can be forwarded to and fr ro Ike Great Weet _ RATRS BRTtAAKN PHILADELPHIA snd PITTSBUROa Ftavv CLtae.Boota. Bhoee. Hat* and Cape, >lB..,.4» H -At Dry Giode fin buxea. kaJee am. tranikt). > 10,, ir Dragt (In boxet and halve). Feather* Fore. Ac. J tiivin t i*m Domea'te, 8b*tung, 8iV/tat# and} Tkklaa (ta orlgh al ba»ea) Dragt Vn **tk<), Hard- !r<wnt«*> war«, Leatber gm tollt er bate*). Wool and Seeep f ktO IJ, Fe te eeetward. he.' Taiao «, BteeL Can. ftn eaeke). }M u^ "en a, Baena aad Pork, eaJgad (foeee er ta taakt) ! 2LTZT Tobaem. nana-aetared epeept Oigxra or ent, Ac 1 **g»?--wwaa8 CaSba. F^»A. Bac*i, 8<*faad) KSjB r?**» .> bcxea, Baetward), Lard tiki l#amnw*7 Lerd Oil. Naila. Bod* A«L Gern** CUy. Pal, < Fit»k. R. tin be... I Ftoati-tji 4j> tu mm4m\mpXm) 8B*iB-:» r. ott 4f \«i tt u.t., t .^.m aotVea. ¦amamT * ^ "^^^ng X* B weight, natS fortbat ta1 th'ppin* floede from ajy pnlnt eert ef PbiTa*Vlak\ he piott*i.k.i t* .. t iL* peckar* vt» Perantvlvanla Ralh-ael» By ; .j. Mr/rmuu MadH n, l,u ; «pr.*M * gv^.o, .4 .Jbl- Leech A Co r»o 41 h .'_, PJpatc, Luia A Ca. m* 1 Alter II .ore, few Y*>)v ^4 11-- l a*", , B J. Ri*.e*er, P%J»«4wlr>tr.; V.r,w g, UtJ. PMi,u«;re- waw C Freer*.raa p . Ii H IUi0B't)N iLuer». Fi.-akt *f, 1, fhata I. .rt.w II J L«.'IU>*Bi f.ic.i.. J.ukAll. u. ffc * May I 1197 Hltf)M)N Kr?J*K aUJLHOAD -Frtwo ©fikv *" '*. '.'**'¦ Tiatra wall . »»,,.,... Station as Sb low- Kirr«<w im»«, e a, «4. woJ J » .». Aibaey Ma.1 a Fr>ighl Trau la ¦ j A>«a; Peee'Taej Title., li S* a «B .in« Iii!a an and I a m Cai P<-Mbk*rpa. , IS A aa4 v- ¦ Trraaa.L, a Jr a. sr. The Pif|.UH«, Jaaa> .air and 1 ¦ Hi ; .,..,.«(i at «t, ...I... i raaawag.« tele» at liauibw.. Cue. .Ihr-tl ,.»». nd 1 «? »ta 7>a>'. a-.t New Veil Irate iioy ail a a. a- d Bt9S .f 3 «5 a. | Fuel Albany at 7 aid k 19 a ta aad 1 ax ! . I to. _A P PMiTU. " f n t-**i~,\. PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAb". TUR UREAI i ENTRAL Ml T?. Tie r.iuf » t . :. .. «. °-f. '.»«.' .u -a- toaelt to Ji4 ftum St I«_t, M'. Art. r.. Ov-et.e ai.i Ch.ragi., ML; I rank e- ri, L*ting"i- ead I. teti'Je, Kr.. ram Baata, Ma neon. Laiayriie aott ladtutaraal . IAA O baeti Daytttt, flptintt.ld. B--i.etor.taar.«, SerjJu«ky. Mat}}. t'leT.-and, C-. lattbut. itaaaafl] , if.rflifia and Woot*er, Okh a'to, win » attain retket boats fr. ¦ aad to N'W-Ot r. t, 8- j a, Lualtyill* and Cia-. aroal Tai'/.ih T"t- "t urr tr » F+K an le- baa a*. a*7 wf the tlttaw. toro'ieard a tact in Ue West, Pas«entert wB1 f.r J tbia tfc» eb'-leet. Basal 'it-e.'-.'-tea aud eoai,'o.-taai* r>ate between the Eat ead w ret. FROM NEW-YORK TO CINCINNATI IN 10 HÖPM. F'OM NBW-TORK TO CHlCAfrO IN « HOURS. VROM NEW-YO.IR lO 8t. LOl 18 IN to HOiTM, Fare at low at any ether "..'». 8... a_d MM n Uta h< tale cf tka cite. T'.' oil YVkrtl, it Itr'her Inf irwja'"or.f rr.,y >* i ,1 at tit raVa> the ; b»N8i LNANlA RAILROAD, Ne 3 Atter Bet at, Era^att, J. L ELLIOTT. Ages*. ÄUtoxQi. HELMBOLD'« EXTRACT of RUCnU (. HE Ml HOI TVS Erntet of I j«Vn ttrree OrteeA, UELMBOLD'B Eair-.; «I Bach* taree Dihv-i of the niatMtw. HELMBOLD 8 Istt.ct or Bceim e-ttaa Dltaaaee af ue XMneya t> IIXLMBOLD'B Extract ef Ba'ba earet Dtoiwt. HELMBOLIVS Eatract o/Bacbn f-w u^.-ra Weaiiett. ^ II E.'.M 3 OLD'i Eauaet < I B- .< i I r .: diaeaeet ariart^ frort HELMBOLD S Et trat of BajCaM fort!! dltaaaee arltis« iVtn ¦BB>MNb HI LMBOLD'B Eitraet B for §H di-eatet btUb] r.: kuprodeaee. HELMBOLD 8 Et'ract«f Bn'bc for 8.«rf. aid DelietN- Die- eatet ¦ ELMBOLD'SEitractofBuahtittarta ly raara a... fa¬ ll ELM BOLD 8 Extrart of Baehe Men ry. RFLMBOLD'8 Extrael of Bj. ha for Lot of Po-r.r. BELMBcLD'S Extrv: of Bo.Au lot l_vert_ ...?...u> of the M itcular Syttem LTELMBOLD'B Ettrtet of Buebu for Nirr-.t and tated .Suflerert. HRLMKOLD'fi Ertrart of Bto-hu hr Dlr.cett »f VI,i B. llEiJdBOLD 8 Eatra. t ol Bjaj ha for i .ft. u.-j of Brtath- II ; M HOLD'S Eitraet of Buche for Weak Nervee aad Trat .blirt. KtVLM HOLD'8 Frtrtet of f ' for Wakof Uteee. BBLMBOLD S Eauaet cf Bucku for all D.«;r»tala| tVB- tneate. HELM BOLD 8 Eitraet of B.cbu. price «; per Ixttte, de¬ livered BD bdv addrett. Addreat lettera B D HELM BOLD. Cberaiti. Depot, No S ttb .(tri tt , below tt Poila'lelpe.'b. Bold by Drsttitte and Dea. eri tvery/wtere. Beware ef roaa- terfeitt. Car't guaranteed m v, CLARK At Co, a.»»i !. Broaltpew, N. y. SANDS' 8ARSAPARILLA..Thia _vaj,iabl6 rnedicfaie It coatpiand entirely of retetabie infrodleata, and If tiiotly admln^terei w',11 tBeodely airettand :.. y t BTB all tvBofuleui and i-utaceoat eroptliai, a'.d a.'. naaBoa trit'at from an injodicloat nea of atercary-, p if the ryttern throoth the circulation. It parifiei the blo^d ar,d re^tiftee the to/rttioBt. reetarint the patient t t totred aid perfect k^alta Prrptied ar d teld by A. B k D. BANDS, Drcfairle, No. IOC I iiltoi. ,t. Sold alto by Druggittt geaerally £(90! Noture. 1 JAVOB S ROOER8, ' - C B ROOERS. .BjtrtcyrB, yy« lawaw.Tk_LAl'RlSlt)N P. ALL, N Pl/RSl7ANCE of ai ord*y of the OBfrBBBBJ of t»e Cocmty of New-York, aotlee la tereby givea to aU pertoat bating claunt taao at ÜFwROK M. Tl'NlSON, lato of die City ef New YtnB, kaikVw, drtraard, to peeeot IketaznA wtto voucken tiietaof; la the eafhecribar, art nie ttore, No. !3I Matb at.. In the (Bay of New York, ua it before the thirtieth day af November acal-Datett New York, the P7th Bay af Mary, Ith. taEORuE O. SMITH, Eteoater. taySI lewo_Tk*_ IN PURSUANCE of an oraVr of the Sarragats af the Caan ty of New-York, a«tiee it kertby trvea to all far- mt t.avi-i rlaiiae egatbtl OKOROB W. I'OMPHOI, late af the City ef New-York, deeeaood, te preneat the eama wkk aonekert tbereef to the euheeribere, at Ue aknee of Starre a Sedgwlck. Ne. *4 Wall tUeet in the,City of New York, oa or before the twenty Bret day efDteaaiber te_L.Dated New-Teak, tii tevaateaatb day of JaBe.JI*? yell lawtniTk SAMUKL P. PABRTB, 1 HF.NRY D. SKDOWICK, i IN PURSUANCE of aa order af iae »lmMata of tke Conwty ef New-Yark, aetiea te t»-»hy gjtwa ia all .firtoTtt havini «laimi agolntt DIEOO LU1Z P Car AN a, ktU at* the lelend of Madeira, Ar eteed, te arettnt the twtne. wtafc toarker« thereof, to the tabtriber, at kf« t Aiee b't. WOeAw/-et, In the City of New Y>'k. aa nr Before the eighth day of Marek aeat..Dated New Ycrk, the «eecsd day ef Sewtembee. 1B0V. WILLI AIT DEPB*V, atfA lawdoiTk* A dmixj«trat or, Will aaaeieA, IN PURSUANCE of as orrlr-r af E Snmijrait o< tbaCoantyef New-York, aetict la hereby gieea ta allper- aeTuhavlBicfalBitagaJntt the etUta of oarrct L ROW, lato of tke City ef New-Yerk, deeeaaeA pre^a« Wie tame with teachert tkereef to the (ukteriker, KARaE ROW at bat re«<denee, Na. Ill Bellitea-tt, la the City ef New-York, oa or Before tke lath day ef January aril .Dated Naw Yark, the Id day ef July, 11*7. J. W. GOTT. Adniiulatrator. jySlewtmTh 8ARAfl ROW, AWilmttratrta. NOTICE of ASSIGNMENT..Not:-:* ia bertLp il flvra that JAMES WARREN and DAVID LAW of MoDtnonth Coanty, New-J, rtey, have ikU dia a.adt ar ASblONMENT to the tube^nbar. for the eooa: Benefit of tbatl tfaditcra | aad the ereditort cf the ta.d Jam et Warren a-J David Law. eithtr r.dirlüual.'y or aa aartoera, are kereby noti¬ fied to prrteiit thru » t. nadar oath cr aifirmatlou, at " the Phalanx,'' M mmouth Coanty, New-Jeney, within ÜtreaBaont' I frBBJ the dale beteot Dated October 38, 1157. f rVOTTCE..Pnrniaat taau or«l>t of HENRY U. la BURCI1ARB, Banregata af tke Ceaaty of Oaatea, rotu-a it beteby »lt*B te all pertoat hi v.r.« ele mt afaiart the eitate ef BARRY BROWN, deeeaeed, 'eta of the Iowa of Wbitee- town, in «atd connty, to prreeat the taaie with tAe voafbeil thereof to If ARVF.Y MRADLFY.eae ef the adattntttrat ore ef ttld eitate. el hie retidrace in WhlteetcwB ia eatd -.-ut.'j. en or before Ike trtt day af March Beat .Dated Aaguet 15, ItX SABRA BROWN. AdmiclttlaAria. .4M ltwi_Ta. HARVEY BRADLEY. Zde.iairtTaU r. bJi preme court.-NOBMAN a. fbee- Ö MAN and EDWIN BtNNETT agalnf. 4L FRF. I) L K B- LOW Sama'OBt for stoaey deeatBd on contract..(Ccta. Btrt Mr) Te ALFRED BEDLOW.-Yen are hereby tommooed and rr«riirrd to anewrr tka es malalot In th<e ac'.loi-. whlab waa -J m tka odbce of tke Oat k 1 f tka City aad Cot-Ay of New York, at the City Hall in tall C't. the ZSth day af Octo¬ ber, 11*7 aad «täte t «opy of yaor asewerto Ike aald caiflaiat on the tubte.Hber, at kit T No 219 Ilioadway, u. tad Ckty, wilktn Iweoty dayt aAer the eertice of tb I toy M> dutive of the day of aa.b eertWe; «~k if y. a fWtl to an-wer tho taid eoBipltirM withla the time afortwaid, the P'a'.uDB« will ke idgatent tat it youf--r the urm ef eae red aad 6re Jol- \i . aod rlgbty taten ceste. with lotere«t fr m the trat, day . f Jenuaiy, oae taawjBBad ei«ht 'e<.ndredacd MVy-aaatu, ttetaat tke eotlt at tliie acti.-n .Tittea Oett/btt '3, la*7. alt)law*J-vTh H B LINCOLN, P:a r.t.Tfi' Af.- rtey. SUPBEHI COURT.-Joi Ah A.Noonan aori Pelai M'Nab agarett A. w. l.tft-n Hart To A WELLINO- TON HABT, Ue delendaat; Yon ate barely «uanaxoe<l asd trtiuired to aniwrr tke < my t - U thit acUor which wat fUad iL Ua office of Ike link of the Cily and County of New York, at tka City Hal! of eald t tt ob Iba t'_lb .at of < . -t t r oaa ttHpai »'»kt kaadbad aaid SBy-terea, oed te terra a aept of year tastwer to the aald coaia^aiat oa Ua .-' . ribcrt. at t< u «dBto. Ne. 37 Wall atreat ia the City of New Yc-k. w,tkaa IwtBty daya after taa terrice btreot eaeJaaita of Uo day of eu«h lerrioe and If yen faC tc .n o - tho tat! r » tt a la¬ te the iktae afetaeald, aba p okatlfi la itee actkea wtl", take Jadg- wirat agaiatt yoo far the eoan af two ibeuiaad n * tlghty-tna ' M aoata, wtlk taterett at eowaa per oool ladral and twaaty lac ooilart ana tlaty daltar« aad eighty-elabl reate, wtlk rattrttt at eowea per aoal att asaum oa Uite Biadral and twaaly twe ooilart aad tlaty one reate from the Urft day cf April, oae fie-itaod t'.gkt Ban¬ died aad at,en aad OB le>e katdjed and alghlt dvBort Bed trtt rit j tte et alt fr. 01 Iba firtt day of May, cao tooneaitd a a i t kscdred asd 8fta-eeeea;aad aa ttu .: drtd an-i tevtorr- . 1 do)kua aad tkhly eeata Iran Ua fret «Jey ef Joaa. fltw tlx aaaad tight kaadred and itty-eeaea. tad on two b lbdfod and t'vt'ty twi do lara and fotly two raatt ou tLttVjatdByif Joly. oao. theataad right hundred aod flfty teter ar.d oa one haadrtd aad abtaty-Urea dotiata and iorty tw a eeou fcrotii the 6 dty ef Atf it; i-t theoeand eigh! but drtd and tfty arten; tnd tat I we kaadred _d eight dtllare aod fatly Ofht ooate ftota * Bret day «I September, oae Ucnaaad etat' boad'Oa! aad arty-eetea-. aad ea ar bnadred aad tweely erte d> ',«r»and -«1 eeata ham, Ue 6ret day of C^ober, oae U.ittaad etgAI kuBdrrd aad *fty at ten aad e* two k tadrtd ataaaia fr ¦» Uo tettalh day of January. ea« Ihoutaad t>akl knodrad aad «Vtw. »< ei »i tare kuadred aad tt .ta douart ar.d tettnty five eeata. al Ira par teal p>r aaauat, l-uaa the fourth Jay of Bprfl. one tkobtaad eight kaadred aad .'.*ty atteii, bee^o Ua ac<« or Ula at tea -Baled Oeteeei I. IB* 7. TV EAT A OtvOVAJR l iah Jtlr AUoraeya. act! law twTk_ SUPREME COURT, CoeBty <! in»ler.. AaaoBoVd foaaaaeajs .BAMAIBL VAN VMCBrBIS *a. BUTaARD WILSON aad Jaaa sie wkfo, Rwaioai T RebaiU aad AbtgaV P kie wife. Bttlon .'cbaoere aad Parah kit aafa, Claries B Mtaaiag PatoV k Farley Mai» Ttiatpiia, Batak WWter.. wldew ef Jaatae Wil»ua otaaaeed Wbl.aK Bantii, J«ka Billy. BaaA Bally Jakn U Raysei, Joaa U Doaaaly, Willaaa IaaU Btltaane Walla, WiBteat Bwnii,, Ma ataw FaOoa. Jsook Batbaas. Pitaitb alol too frtata af Nea-Yoik Baak Sttatoi. B F.tce, Wühaa. B Plkok, W. I^'Aaat '.'lie a aad Cuts bit wtfo. .'atnet Wihtaa aad Itabtna kit wifo, W,.' Bt,yloaad Khaaoalb hie wife, Jaaa Swoetw auo Btwrgajtrt k-e an/e. Jam a Baetny atd Ma/la kie wifo, Geerge Sweoam. Bat waedSweaoy, Mao bbtey Sweeay, Jia^rr; Joara ha aiel- Vim aa teftat ef te..dtr age e*a tf Jataea NV1... » btlo of Skawtatwnk I'ktler Cowaly. Ateoaatd wbeao aaato t* aayt tooie d.tBtltly kaowa.Botrttaaaa. For RolWf Cam aot tot to took of two okooe-ataned Befoadaalst Yea are beteby tieat- ¦ ooedud ;r.roi»«o to ana»at Uo at taprut.: la Uta actvoa. wMrb *U! be «lad It tke eflr« 0/ Ue f. .t ef tka ( ot l/alet. tl B Baweai te aaU eaaasy aad ta aagvt a ropy ef yowr ae«w«r f Iba eald tea-platal on tke tsbtcriber at bit kSksa, "a Piot «I . m tke CWy of Raw ".it, witUe. twooly daya after tee tertt-e ef thtl »i.aioteet OB IBB), ta htait- af Ike ittt ef aorbt'ttieei aad if yoa fon le an»wer the taid leiaplatnl wilk.s Ike tuae afoitta'd (as pvwati«T it. th a a* an wRi apply te'ket'aaat l- r I*, i»i a' J' 1. » « o Ü. Maw-T nk .#. >' a, ^ ^ VAN VEt'-.ITKBJ, -*l,lnl ft Ail- »ka toieala/Bl m ifsakotoraletfoii attbii aai k'.d w«U Ike Cat! ef r.'.ur feaat» ai Bib* Me.. »'hi ttabiv «f Oot'Bat, lfay A V «V V IM VI 'MEM oC tea Cast I ."' '". *«"<«eay CiJPREME (WRTwfiTT ..i voiltCT! W P Wt» VCU-mOLIW r VCLUI4J a,^ UBOStt* P VOI.U'M-SaaweaaBe f., »«b.r_)#c. g, . ta* i>Wedeet--«lf, Tin are .. », r.«.M< rP-( ,..-.»4») W BO*W*l Ue MflMM U tkl ae*.er. » ,.l ,p|U M >. Iii* .¦«¦?» »' tae < >r» , t »ea i ja, .,. , r. , r/ kvv. Tat» at i*. CWe ».\, New-Tart aaaiWaiMa a eapy .V a*,, ib*eer*re af ,'rr ^ -_---. < uuc i Jlurcti.. "a 17 W, ail net ri.*e«,« parka* ta tbiaee'-er aa* My »., .. ,e ^ <at W ¦ar'aaacat. lkS?.- Dale,! Beptew eer t, hbo. "a. 17 Waif «tatet. . '.«»>;.**.' a.'< i ». Bee eaaoee. 115"».- Dala»! lean k*i:«jn .> 4>.*Rieht r-auK^r» IN,«. at Ts SCPIJOIE oo.-rt-- o ;kty «>f herki' MEB-OEOaOJC D CP.ARr, Pkatariat g^., R;, (1 AAD C FAOUeia LI MNDA Me wife, ¦.tjaim .,B;t. aaa, Ben., true ¦ateklaina. ;r in>i« ffteveae. <-,«« little. fa'»? H. Watrea, P»eaideat cf lee tfekawk ',T ;. A. Pü't*r Kcward F. Tretia, D»»id b, aeYmeiir, m,,., «_ Bern.**? Han ,n V M*> *, i h. k Or ".o N '.yea Jemei A Lweker. Walter A. Havana fit Daaa Baak Wt Uei J. ,nr« a .v- Rutherford, Joae BaWrta t. gwaphea t Mrrrer, Hermoa K. aTaBa,Ta>B leykaaBaiBl Rank af rl»r» o»*r Jaaattar. ( C arlel », def*a<Ur»f -To it« r>»f«sdentr V. ars Bai» by neraaen*! ard rra'trrrd to anew*r tbe tenpaB* aa tat* eettoa, which will be Sled o loa erb.-ee« Ua Clark -1 the Catv,ir «1 la tka team ef HifaSaer, la aerd Ceaatv, aad l*~**/ve a copy of yeni aeawe.- t* Ike arid traapiatnl on fka i Aa. rU at Me ...»». Me BB4 M¦«., la las City ef Mew-Yerk, within rweatv day* after tbe eerviee ef U»i run aaone «in reo, aaetuaiva ef Caa dar a/ eeek aerrlee; aoai a* yoej BaQ a> aaearer trie eatd aaaaBka.ut m rth.a fna ta. . nra d. lae p'ahTia ailBia acrtoa m »ap.j te tbe*i tee t!af deaoaadad aa >ha f npi. a' -Dated Aag IA laaT. FRANCIS S. HUf Fkf AN, Plaia'-W a IflBfBT, Tb* rraopla'a* IB Ira arwve eatN'ad aatiea wee Had la'tka aftVe rf tea Cleik ef tbe Ceanty ef btarkltaar aa lath dev af Aagaat )IB7. FnVAMCIl 8. HOFFlf AN, eat leajfwTV*_Malavi fa Aararaaa. SUngMM coitit.-john C. ham Baf»Jaj-| MART A. OATMAN.S»anr.,ona *n slaBst-To tb« Da- (Vadaat: Tea ar« berabv ramiaoieH aatarar tla*> rornpiaiat In tbir ecuon, wbkt waa died in t*a *> e of the Clerk ef toe Cltv and Coanty af New-York on tae S*Hb day ef Reptaraber, 1M7, aa>d te eerve a eopy af your anever aa aa at our ofliae. No. 12 Broadway, m the City if New Yrrk, within tw«ory daye arier the i ni> hereof, eiertetv* al 'a- inj of roch eeivtee and if yea faii to aniwer the ea»d totipiaint within the time *A reaaid. the plaintiff ta ibit action w.U apply to tbe '"¦it t- the re'Uf demanded in the ecu j, a-:a r.'ew York, Septem ». 3«, lti7. FIELD A SI.L YTKR, r^atüf'i AH -rteya. eel lawfrwTh No. 13 Headway. CALIFORNIA ELECTIOS. The San Fran ttco Bulletin pcblUke* rjomplet*) re¬ turn-) of the recent election in Csliforni*. for Governor; n!«o ontre qoesltoa of tb« payment of the lately re- padiAted State debt and tbe <]neati>n of tttta$J a Con¬ vention to re vine tbe State Cor^titaticn. Tbe vote on theee rpeetion* Li aa foDowe i <»rr.t e.ov'B....Mate ü't..< owv'v^ r f ; a? f ? i ¦ ci < e » o a :u. -la,. 781 945 14 678 460 bif 7.: Amador. 1819 4D. 9v7 1739 85J l^J S23 Butte. 2341 104J 8m i> 7 544 C67 2JI8 Calareraa. 2oOJ »A3 tit 2578 Ö7J 41 i Contra Coal*. 6J3 27) 73 S77 3J6 M9 456 Cofmi. 321 31 17.1 »¦) m 2it öl DelNorte. 310 (7 62 S31 tC 8 EIDoiaJo. 312» 1JJ7 ltiSJ 47« 794 1175 IM b'reino. 376 1 .. 345 19 .. Humboldt. 3oA 17j .. 1J» 200 4.7 Aijmatb. 4U 22 89 JU7 II 37 L eAsiek. IdOl ft2 1.) »9 389 X.i Waiin. 441 188 2 a* .. blailpbaa. 1317 1A2 4M I'.?" 94 2i*3 m . 257 9 I.- 1JJ II 47 41 Monterey. f-9 9i *> 37J 2*1 339 ITH Nipa. 781 324 18 30« 234 W) 3.4 NertJa. 29fl 9^7 t>'« 30/7 2:J 31.*7 7*0 Flacer. 197« 71 i 1424 20.' t75 a*A. 7J7 rLmaa. ll*t 139 1*S W BJ, N 1 Baeramrnto. 018 1811 2092 » * lt74 1729 Ban Bemardiuo. 114 7 .. 91 133 : M Bex Dleio. 301 1 .. 34 78 21 1 S.n Fiaa-Jaco. 443Ö 5535 M' 51.T :*A3 45i3 530 Ben Job.iu'.o. H40 391 602 1671 3PA «21 352 Ban bila Ul rpo. 325 54 if. 25 lit »18 San Mate-,. 29 190 211 142 I 214 Bar. la Barbara. 449 3 3 28 . 77 I (J Santa Clara. 129» 89! 37 71', f!9 f.'I KOI Santa Cnia. ISO 264 67 441 172 JT7 Iff t>hvi*. MM ICI 720 It 0J i'jg 17g B.eira. 24A4 473 151« 5*71 291 112 81 Bitkiyo.;. 2124 3J> 12:2 JA.'' til jvj 3X) Belara. 933 257 »tl *>« 4(9 888 8>m ut Mrcd 1742 ÜH Sal »M4 »2 a39 249 jianlrlana. 419 8 l*» 2?» 114 211 !. Hitler. 460 1 I 97 317 2*9 M 134 T-bama.. »83 4; :F M 142 SM 12 Triaity. 901 111 7<y llti 277 4?) 274 Tualurjae. 3131 1317 VHA MM 3H 1^7 Mlu T'i<are A B ."na Vlata. 494 4 3.'1 16 P9 .. Fail. s2l 173 419 47«: 2«.' 4 i 89 Ysht. 3134 7:7 m:2 UM 834 M 20»3 Totalt.53U2 Cllio 19B1 J7.J.". ;d',:) Wüi nÜÖ Weiler (DemJ ovtr Steely <R*r ), 3: 092, Blniy over Howie (Am. I, IJal Web r over bo:l>, I2i.)l. M< r.ty fo: State deb:, 4t,691, ma.. :ity f.r ea»Uc| Su'e Ccctit.!..-!, 12,648 Tbe v.ite on <iover:or th 1 n a fai- g vtl in tk« tg gregalt* vote o:' tbe Stale tf t.'.,.».' 1 eir 3 the P/etnJeo Us] cAcpa'gn of \*&>, w!.'.n tlbt lots] Tolecattwa? 110 2*JJ, 01* wb'ch nombei Bu. hania receiveJ 5 l,3i. Killmore, 98,1*15, and Kremott. 90,69 . On tbe anblect "f tbe Oi.-ii'a:- ta3 C^tve-itico, The B ilUtin remaikg; "Only abvai oae-halftho num'jer who voVtd for GoYetB^r, vo'ed oc ttS t';tistituü.nal ConvenL.n q.icsti jc, 17,iJSi' b»ir)a: aP:i"i'-it, \i\ 1 '¦'¦>)^S", the. CoB- vniion: total, ;>7,90J. It generallycndargtoid!ä»t a clear uajority of* tbe whale nmiijer of voree ssst a'. ttssMetltB I' aeeeeasjry to gecarj a Convjation, ani in that case, the vote given ehowe tb*t tae qiSaVUS .4 l>t. However, thie hr. j.-i. * 1 byDtne . ho irttrpret the Ctnutitution di-'Tueniy en thl-' §00- j?ct. The mstler, tviU, -11. dcubt, te fully dt ...^ d by the next l - atn:>. I he Legj.ilAidre etaiiBe ae ''iors: Sska f.Re- pitbi.c&oi, o; DeoocraUi, 'iv; Ame:i4. H< 0 l . Repubbcsni, 9l Deui^aLy, »j7 Aoi-r. aie, I. PMXBONAL ..Iii. S. J. ßidney, 1. i<nd\n txmedttt BffBBaSIS, ia s J jurttl sf tbat city, to pre*eit a tertiOijdAl to the Kev. i)r. Utsilowe, * r Lib '' iibart!, jctt <uid SSSS)* ' lent de,e&ge o/tbe .ir.r.jati; fWaa^SMBS. .Mti'goaWr, tbe Fres.i paiitir (a sp«viff.=r. «: whose enjuii-'e paütitc will BS ? oad it the Fresch Art EibibiD.n Ji Bri adwav , taSYiSg i.,;'r,f*i * cieA* after the 'let-etc at ¦. dianer given him by bis admirer*, begax uncojiciouily, while ta'kiig, |0 draw 00 tbe table cloth with the Iriv keced end of b-e aliui-titf. Tie Baron'ie KLtrT, tbe And«i»p° pa>.ter, eHiig what he was Ah u' rwnthaed Is pr-i bai:-3tirst UMatchee j bli way. a.J wita tbeee KeiAwnJer fketched fSM faf tbe taott eir.aH .e )f u. ma « flgaiw*..Jaal! of B*ta-*e a e v'tatity. The Ear.a tcok away the elMh, Borcatved it cf ue latedlAdy of the sea*?, aid it is acw ia hia c*rn drawag-rc-.-tn.the figure j art fraoied. r,sd the rMaeJider of tbe s]*A U«tefa))y arruk|e3 aa drApery. A Puci por t RAit.?io,>d SSi .'»..The roul txs.a üocA ügdea«SL.-cli to Htw* 1 c0 Motday aigbt, IA7 b* in rale: a tight gp:t. He eg od the .ooloat for eanger aa the tra^a wae* n tne vciairy of Ma'ble HrooS. e««t of 0f>At*AU4<ay. the;.- diec vereJ that be ctuldgor.: :uric»r. tr. c«B*tirue3<> 0/ the watting away of S8SJv"tleSS«| BBoe ii the emoaakiceat. He .mrxed^tefy BSSSIM hi* Mem iiebtt sad haoh^ag cat, ttat bad ao: git far Dti'ore it dieAo^ered a " tt e « the rsfST. The water has carried swot tbe errbankrykit w-tre be had jMt pa-»edo c, ud reaiiared «*8 -'an.- «. re- '.:> -t c». -v ., \i not ;Dpob*ibie. U?re was a di-encna with a eiBgJt >..rnv-a fu.aid a txla which ton- dactar, rraeeer|«ra, trait and aJ. bad t3 recton over »«e ci tht ri.aie«t and da ke»t avoi* etei kac wa. HopptrHM, tie paet<3<err went tc bed .c tbege«.*^ rf. II f>B*a"iia > BeirD er FrkJAi f "rloBJa Tairna.. Tda ae'ttKtnaufa o»»«f^< cf Ute^J tlAMUtt twj ¦worarii who Meie a b"-89 and |BfKf .'"'n . <?etiwall, n. lK)ue*i'ie, Kv. n few iajs A4?^ c-iet>tj seta; Uanedit'irg ta toat ^»Ate, a*J orougal hft k tc tor,;,7Ul» rVedbes-Ly tigat. I. leeOf- po*»dtb\r iiav -1 tf *< lAtnegrctafisamgjatM Ihru-lr ijJtjtwien t |! »- .it'mrg du:a^'iLc t>j n-*; at.<J /" i/a Pagrttur ro* a '' R* 1ST T)*v '-TV //c 'tya r-Mr.y J^-.r.. 1/ ia>8 that a la'ji-;' "i iaSai »« itorl"? of tLM t,wa lie rg*i» f 'f; Aiet, f . u.e hajj ur.ieg of i ne seotrBf ej;.^i-ibey f i.a BA«a etwlpaj aid provide!t r-f tht.r ear»Joe'.- tn, .-j- uiett wi< Biretv aad ni^a b gb Tarrgg 9-vw tr two dAjetfif rrttk, tcr e aTtjle B»e fjg »^»« e at itt !.*wa»:in tvUctil , ./ -'-.;...,« Ih>«y nitg eocgify ft0<n n* I*4*, PTitrated -ccat'ief t Utca nr et» bank*' raJOS>onvejej kBAe^aS alOavra .* . lal THE MW-f «BK HOTEL MIND 4L Wt FFTTR/V Tf TPK WRIT rB%VFP«KD Attr? p| < Id M..'i..e \i;s. jfarttatt's iff! I'viL Toe pro->»ediB,\. la tie c*-e of Mr*. Woodman were ?'».B .:<; >«r»U;-l%» bvrbre Jcdge K ¦...»%.?!:, bj the pretence c. a Urs»" auoieooe. At 11 o'clock, Mr. Bradj aaovei the p?npon«ner.i of the > n«Bi Mr. Bn»te<c 'aid he did my eiTjn t p<-»: r .. Ee contended that what thould tow ron.a be¬ fore the C urt vh to eitbor nim't or Traversa th<> re¬ turn which they now prepared to do. .tätige Koe*eveit «aid that he had either to a«; te that til* lady wt« of l .re nr I mxd, atii if - h- tri U diiregar-j her wr'tut. repot*; of to reirar'i hat a* of sound mind, ant] if so Hi- barge her. lie thought it »raa beat to proceed at or ...« with the eviden. ,u in tlie raee. Mr. Brady <.. -.tendeti that It wu proper f. r a hat¬ band ti k-ep the lady, aader the rirciimttaooe*, tinder t anVieat reetraiot indejNrndent of the coraiderauoa oi iutanity. Mr lln-twd a*kcd for an o iler that she might be l-ronjibt to New \ ..rk. t<> -.ue d. -igrmted by the < otiit, ee that, is the ['-»-¦::.. of hor . -.i.--. ana Lh*. Saiger. ehe might make her traver-ie to t>.:« return. l!e ra-.d that Mr. Pnrnete'* otl'iee la the rate wat now havitg aned out the writ; aad it bow de¬ volved open the Cotut, aa paren mmhnt, to take avvch tourtie aa would enable the lady to make a traverae. Mr. Brady aaid that thera was no power to put in a traverse now, if he objected to if. He contended that there could be no nrtil the lady was prodnr-d it t'ourt. ,The only <(ue«tion pending wa* the eanity of this lady. Judge K-xweteIt denied tho motion to have Mrs. \V odman brought to the city, and Mr. Bustced put ia tbe rYllowir j* travtne Is the rotuin: SI PRr VK COIRT-Nov. I..Before Ju.'re Roo-»:vv.LT. In tbe matter ol t'aro'Jne t\ .. »i. tjaidner Kuraiaa. the Kelat r in this prtxeedin?, fjr answer to. and ia deaiel ef the return to the aril af ktbeae coipua beieln made by Alisi< MacDjoald, eayt that it Is n- t true that Carotine WovdaiBa, therein naiard, ia In ait charge as a patient .<< 1, ,.t it it not troe, as In taid return si .¦<.¦ that her h tbtud, O. O., alaoaa ber iu e.-l-l Mar Donald's charge to be treated lor nervoutnett aad Unbeoility of tn'eileet. Inane, d by toe long and coatinued use of opi .ta and other m wo lent a. I .. .>' That it it not Ina, according to the information and beiiel of thlt relntor, that th* intellect ef tbe said Ceroiin« re- insist »till foeb-e. Fourth That It it not true, according to the belief of this relator, that the taid Caroline Woodman informed the aaid MacDoneld '.bat ab.' Bad not in any tray cominntueated with this relator. rrouetting and authorif ing htm to take raratama for her re'.caae, and aad made no communication to any person eattldetbe lcttitotlcn. except by letters dlrc ted to ber bar band, with io.ioeurtt to her pamnta. Sixth That it la untrue, at in tbe taid return alle red, that the purpoaee to bo auavterel by the appllo&tlon of *be relator for the writ of babeae corpue granted ncieiu are of toe taoet dlaoonorable eliaia. '.er. KtataU i That it is iiatrao, aa In the taid return allesed. that under Ihe ciicuisttancei and in her pTeoeut itate of miud. the aaid Caioltce Woodman a.t without danger to her aliud be kiougbt before the otficer Uatitng b - writ. h i.jMS Ai d ia of tau eald mtum, aud in support of the writ, the relator hereto alleres upou hit li ittion and bo.ief, that the hctkand of :. taid Carbine taltely and frauda. lei -It, at ataln.l b»f rigbtt, os.iwd her to be cooilned iu tbe taid Lanstic Aejluu without the-knowledge or oou,-ot of ker faiher, aiothrr, biothera, or any of her lejativet or Irlin.l«, e-.d f..taiy prtt-uded to one of her broth.-re. upon belüg in- quiraa OTby biro at to her wdertviv -:t.. tha'. the taid Caroline wat in Boeton. Ma.aacou». its; wluie the relator »lieget the itel to be that at the time of aw b Inquiry, the wa> nrtBfThorl by ber hatband aod rrttrained of bet liberty ui the liouae of one fh «mae B. Meiii' k sag fit in there ty her taid husbt.od take:, and iia- riieoned at r'l-.itblng, in the Ja I or Atyluui. of which Al'.sn >lacDoDt,d is the Keeper. And, In f irther denial of tha taid rttlira, this reUtor mm that the taid Carolina Woodman was sot. op to the Ihas of Bel impnojninentatf Klntktug, a . t> of any conititutiooal or a.-cidoLtal malady v.hi:B brought Ber in any degree within tbe detriiptloa of persona known to and called in tho law o-n compüi mentis; and that if tb.1 It now i'ifciing an ate. of the acrvet. or Unbe' ii.ty o.'auy degree, it Is the leenlt "f ker illegal Irapriionmeot, and the cruel, fin- c letI re, and opatettiTe treatment of wbi-h ahe is tbe victim while an inmate of an Atylum for Lunatics. And iu furthtr denial of the eald return thle relator toys that hit interference >ipon behalf of taid Caroline Woodmui at re> latorinihla proceeding was taken at her urgent, ea.aett, aad reputed written toli- itstionaas eet f.rth in toe letters ou file In this p.-o.di it. and that his eoie obje t was and it to roleete ber frrm an imprltoni'icnt wkich br bedevea to be unlawful, and to aflurd to Bet an opportmity of retaining to the of ber i vr. 11*a. And te deniea, and without ijnnlilice- tion, that by ber le'eaae ho intended or doaired, or now iutendt oi detiirt that the taid Caroline Woodman ihould p'lt herself nader the protocticn gr direction of the relator except for tbo tingle purpese, aid only io far as miy bo necotsiry m that p.irpote of fa:J.itatlr.| her mt'-i.tlont, aod his w.»hcs thae..- tbould retun: without :a< delay of an hour to her home io h«r fathei'a houte. OARDNKR PI :t N ..- ¦> r'iry aud C»a«fv «/ Sew- York, it..Oardner PunJtt ol taid ity, the relator, bereu, betag d.ily ttroru. tayt that the fare- goiog denial of the r-^'iiu to the writ of hubete r irpae in thtt ff <*. ia troe of hit own kno^lcdre except at to the mat teia theirin ttated on hit Inf rn at. ;i aad b f, au-1 aa to those .. t ... he believes It to be true. OaRDNF.R FI RNH«. Swori. f»/.'r< ne ill Ith day of N ivo ober, U57. ;«N v to. Uotumittioner ofUeede. Mr. Ilcttetil- I low move the Coart, thin paper beii'Bj til id, foe e.v. order inaUuter, that 1 tuuy be allowed to my <-lteiit in tho praseru H of the (' mrt or of any ptraOB deputed by the Court, and of phyii ciaia asnied by tie Cotirt, to reai Xhi-> return to her, and have her in ench pretence cither a e.-ut or diiaeol from its enntenft. Judg^ Kooaeielt derJed the motion. Mr. Hrady then offered to read an aflidavit of Mr*. WoodroM), dated -Sept. 1, IH-i7, and aworn h sfor* Meiert Maraton. a Ccnurtiaetoner of Heeds. Mr 1< ,..¦-¦] -u to th" doi 'iment, that tbe rig. ntiure of the CnmjDj«'diorer of IKntdn wao mrt proved. OverrJed. He also obie< ted*that it bail no title, thit it waa taken anteiio: to her imprieonmer.t, and that the waa .¦I nce.i from btini,' prewnt. The Court»/. it wat not in the ehartveter of an artl- davi: at all tiat the [ t,- -r wat to ba submitted, if at all. It wan -lirjip^y a erturoaoi aiion, tworo or un- tworc, (. aar, and the quetlion wm aiiather it had any bear irr; on the täte, and whether it w tt obtained under dowas, far if it wae, that wouhi ^> far to dettroy aav i tit t it 'ii /dt have. Mr. Hütte««] objteted to the BAMBB bt)io<» read at all, oa tB« ground tiiat itwad - u. l-viu-ly, mali iottaly libeloca, pfoCBted fiom th.- lady while under dureta, in tke bocfe of Mr. Merri?k. and asked tbe f'onrt to leatj it bcfjre allowing it to be real io opoo V mrt, Mr. Brady denied that there wan any eviienca ol her ha" irjr tigael It nader dnrets or wbilo in Mr. Mer- i k - k u-e. He raid that the d enmect u j,«. not li- b?Loae ic ibe luJgar senie of the w^rd, though it re- ».» il apor. tbe cxnduet !'«. .;¦ peraor.t. Hut be offered to read it, to protect the lady aifainet hir^jlf, and a* btarirjg apoo the -,u»--ti m of h*ni;-.. :/. He .t -r.ld thVaai, U>o, that a Imtbaixl might cxereiee a mnaj re»'ra;iit o^er a wife fcr ber go^. f.i ige Keoetvelt t*aid that ai. tue ptwviOOS ( >romu- ricatijB« were in her hind-writing, an l btyPS ov! ionte of a r. enta; act of Mm. Woodmaa. Tbii am' Javit wa« net in ber kanJ-writicg, nxd tbe fact of her tigna'.ure beirg atttubed was rot an evideooe of her having .oi' i "eil iin cor'ente. Mr. Brady «iiJ they wire prepared to «how the manner in whkh K wan prepareil aod that it contained her cwn language, as it fell from her Upa. Mr. Butt aid ta d be kaew the contents of the atHdv vit, Ii wu prewnted by Mr. Woodman t-- Mr. Fur- ie-a, uz.., at ar. evidence of the injury Mr. Furnertt, . -., ha-: done bim is hi" marritge relatione. Mr. Kur- "ties, ten., bad a copy taken of and predented it ta hie -a. who gave it *.:..? <. a.i-ei in tbia caw. Mr. Bus- teed laid that Mrt. odm/ia wat tase or imane ac¬ cording aa hor atatemecta would tubeene the pur¬ poses, cf her bai'ocad, Mr. Brady ethed W re. M. aa a witaesa Mr. Prit;haid gave the foliowieg Uttimooy.I have 0«».: conifel for Mr. Woodman for several year* pant; think, a wetk before the Itt of Septemler, I went wilb Mr. Woodman to Mr. rbomai B. Mmiewt home . n Jughteeath ttreet, near See<.nd avenue, aud wh.i here 1 taw Mrt. WotxltrJit. Q. Did you prepare a -.t. n..-ct f^rthe lady I A. I did ti rally prepare that paper which ahe ngned; I had MBvWsw w rn her ic- aeveral houra. V. It 'hi* the paper 7 A.I made tha draft of this .-.per b t'hii >py wu u.ade by my elerk; I don t sircw . l' ¦¦ the draft it in exiiieace or not; I think it !s iu) g BSJ papers in ay ofür«; I did not tea the laiyugoit: th.i paper w&a not read to her in my pte'rn e, bat '.he origirval I reivi to ker, ahe did not -..'.. the acfet tha: I Moh down. M-. B.-aiy -id he iateaded * r r r- thia afhiavit at an origiaal paper in the aenze of the iaw.l Wi'afea, retam'jg.The ttat*mentt made by thii lady tat«ated orar a ooatiderabta period of time; faay ware i-.f.'ior* of diderett uKtepeotfent occur- meet, Ihey ware not made by k-r Lu AWBMeictjkdJ crdt:; tbe tjrjl wu read to be.* oi tbe «pot in each i t by rtielf at the abated it to me; the draft from wbieb tC.e wat K.r. -.. au L /. d: ..f. flat I at «Ja from lbs ainuttt maae by tue; the has tvatui to rte i tf^rl:-^ m. izia iape>r; I tfciih ^tie 0 light il [TNMbT%s4a were burned imnedia^iy oa taS rtdisft.the MlgiaaJ of thie paper.lnio< *vJ«; 1 Lave ieri. »e«n Mrs Woodmtr. arita; J ttw« aeon imeit if her wrrtirg toifi rtht k kajw b-r bar.dar. i»g: I bad ic toy josstjta>.jn .rn feveung w 'i'-O l j-Btttd wit«- Mrs Waedmar. at ieaet cms n-rte of D Jtrebit length ar.-J r.aer n>:i-aw of >J »rr watth^V reti-gTiaed »t s*.-«de^rter^ ab^« taya *HUr t's bCinacii or u^u**jlcr&n i her eni l*r *}. W;fn«»s cro»* nviiir« I >.v Mr. nitMroeP 1 »reo a rawvir eighteen yenr*; I rjsyve bean «,. itreewtJ *. canons to priv» hai.lrrni)!.);; J *«ve' r*- ived a tote Gotu Mrs. WooJman, Mr*. VV joiia»o . twctty eiabt or tbbty Tear* old I ibuvH Uuaki whta I *'-iff-i her t tbii k urn van rviooa»; #>.« « . tf *Vf* »°bbuig,* to feel verr* rant*Zm Mr. tNoocruaa was wuh a*; it was to the trioi ride* KcotdI story; 1 was acv. r in Mr. Merri. k'a Lov* m *.r » there appeared to bo pvhrvera too flr.t fW, i tnlnk , f<lMld Mf \Vo>laaaa ttrra, aa I had sirred to call there at a c* rtsin h-ur; I luede, the epr». i. > t\ at ay oftW ia the roavae o. the taste day: I thiLk t. jouait mao admitted we iato t.rner, I con"! kcow Mr. Wooda.aa'e r-plvt» iKi*, but tha youpj; roan a iglr bare U*i iir,,: i think Mr. Wired man came down imtneetieb ly on my art-mat: the house aid he took um» at one*' ay stair*, ha did »4 UavV k the door; 1 Ibitk he entere«! it w.uSout b««xk kjrj I thitk I got to Mr. Merheb: a hone* 7 o'clock, and I thiak I rome.ned until nearly M aha wasnot ..oH>ir>gwbeii I et.terrd; she«vleWisuawoaa '..fa she sol U d at totervalsihn i Rhoutthe »y«rV.ew, there was no perron present at tie interview o*e,«i« b<r L-:-t a. <i and n '««J I pretame .... knew | WM lawyer; 1 bare ua Ue* o^- tbat she knew a sawyer was con ing btfore I arrived: 1 don t thiuf Mr. «Veod n an, in lain rne, < d I «r> a lawyer; I dsn v think I ehook baacs with r ac euterirg, but .. Sr.}.« I did on leaving; I hare not seen her tu. e. the letter 1 raw i f Lern was one to Mr. Kuraese, attached to wl k-hwai a rep]*; l read it, it was eejuej to a paM of Ict'er paper; 1 don t reoolloct wk«U tae otters iat b< r handwritiri; were; there wer« eocae two err three* hundred papers, amorg which were soot* wr> fc, aber raid were Safti I do act recollect ci r»ad.. .. aay mi tht-tr, but tLcy were opeeji d to me mad ml nr-m I read them. 1 thixk the atrapa <Km«i>Vd in unary ml sotet which the had sent to Mr. tarne** of a taftLag cbaraoter, which he bad seat back witb aa aawwar; Mr. \\ cocniAB ft the h rtM with oat aad wsu to taw MetTorMititaa liotrh I suppoeo, the n.>tt day 1 prw Satctl the redraft; Mr. Wi timaa onay hatrw eeaaa ia utinK ita pnparaiicn, bnt be was not tb- r* ia refer- e:.« e to tl c |taper or its preparation, aad I do*, t raael- t of hia beit>K thera at ail. I threw th« a.'«.a.i.*aada MO the grate, aid I ua have sakd <.« eleealy tiat I buued tbeoi, hut 1 did Lot turn thetnthat I re« «lsoot; the criuical id this or alt u ay ha%e boea left in say pev £ers; I have no leot Lecbou of deetroytog if; I da not low as I »hooid recollect if 1 bad d.tayed it; if 1 put It aim t'f; the (>«j-«r«in my deek I eaa tad K aaw l»(ttr rt rlei tirgthe pap'r wan givea into the fcaade of niv t opyist but in the meantime it wave t«bea by Mr. YY< tttiinan and i-hoero to t is wife who saaJa aacn* "i"..V IU the a.atU r, and at her rennest soase {aits wi re eipucged, and by him it waa retimed to er; I did not see her make the alterattote; it wan givea to Mr Woodman 1 shi nld thiak in two daya after; I did not ;;<> to the (\ <- n. Jr* £.'«?* tVaas witb Mr. Woodman, and 1 don t think the draft era* ever taken there; the draft waa oat of aay 1 ihlxk one dayi it is my imprearion that it waa .tie day and bronght back tie next; I anade aa p... -n of the memoranda witb th» draft havinir made the til ait from the memoranda; 1 tteatrtiyad the memoranda btcaoae I eoaaijered thato worthless; 1 should thick tb«re Bight have been ten or a dozen piece)* of paper ia tho memoranda; this cop* in iu the bamieyriiiug of say eh tk. Jchn IS. Martin; wm eopy wai aiade after Mr. Wooomaa return* d to me tbe> draft; the draft wm aot Intended to bo signed; it ws> inttodod a* a draft for <.< pj t-t; I don t ttilnk 1 compared the cpy wrth the draft, but my huowledge of the paper is full; the lat¬ ter* attached, I think 1 cnmpaiea with the osiejioalM; tho tiret four lines of ttie con ) urrt lour lines ot rtie copy an« m my hvud- liitffi what followa ia Mr. Martin's; 1 know Mr. Marston, the CommiFsioner of Deeds; biet ofiies No. B9 IVasrau rtreet; the line, " arit'na to Mr. Ku/aeea,'' ie aW> in my raadwiiting; Mrs. Wuodcnaa ra^.iL'ojeed the tiiginala cf these lettets as orisriravLt; Mr. K .-nee* never wiote n e a letter; I received the lettani of Mr. k'oraess from Mr. Wcodman, and they were ideatMed by Mrs. Wtiodman; copies of theni art) attached to tho affidavit; at time* I had the feuere, and at times be had tham; I did not make espies or tin m among my origtihl momaranla: I think a letter naaiked No. 1, aad the answer to a letter of bers. are fu'l, but the otaere are extracts, there ia bnt one instance la wbteh there is a citation of a letter of hers; there may have bsea a signature to No. 1, after the draft wa* copied I geva this copy to Mr. Woodman; I preeuai? two «i lores days before bVpt. 1; he returned it to dm; dirief lb* time be remained in town be had it a part of the Bane and I had it a part of the time; be had it aJtogather two or three weeks before he left t<> m, and tt* day btfore be left be gave it to me; when he brought it down it was as it Is now. with the jarat of the votav missloner affixed; I did not see Mrs. Woodman aiga her came; I was emplovcd to takn her *tataroeaa< the iodonx nient on the affidavit I think is Mr. Brayd .. whea Mr. Woodman returned to me tba arigisal dra/t he raid Mrs. had *tigireeted some altera tions: I thick thoy were mainly otnisajraas mf Hiiog* which rbe wanted left out; there were several onus- they were marked in pencil on the draft, I think, by Mr Woodmaa, I preeuu^t, but they oi*.y have been by Mis. Woodman, I know Mr. Wo "-Juane ^iandwtttu>K I do not recollect whother the paacQ maiks were in Mr.avr Mrs. Wovdrxau's hatdwrVtiag; I know the paper as it now appears <n-epraadi with tlie statements she mado to ore. To the Court.Mis. Woodmaa, when I saw bar, was tubbing beoatue if s-t mitg in «tiliMfJ>n; Mr. Wocdman womd ray, after she had fl ushed o*t sttta- r. nt, " Now. C'anie, tell him abont soch a lokleo*. I cid cot ia all cares get her i tact lanirntge, bit I m<A b«r kltn, and submitted the matter to kor; I fouk it down; I know there is no mureprrsoatetlc* of tba facts which she stated to me. Mr. Rrady offered to read the eiTHavii ia the ease, sir. Kasiei d objected to the readiog. A dtiicuesion followed upon this ojutuli r.. perMSag m hu h the Court adjonrued to to day. nkw-toR historical aociF.rr. The monthly meeiingot'this booiety waabedoaTaea- day the new tin -proof eo iu - in awü^ad aveate\ corner of Lluvecth etnet. The Itotuf -r *,u. \pml e of acx;ommodatiiig some tKio or 700 persxias. was f..led to its utiooat extent, while upitn the platf »m, beeide the presiding officer, thi Boa Luther 11 vl at, wert seated a number of the Ulerary celcbiities of the caty amor;; others, Mr. Bancroft, Chailcs King, Or. kVat eis, aid several ilistiLguished clergymen. The obj.-ct of the meeting being the d. 1, ., ion tod icauKurat on ot tba aear buildisg the rogaiar casii^ea of the S-.r-ieiy was dirpeiis .-d with, oaoeptisg tba elatv tion aid propution rf mouibcrs. The dedicatory cerrmucics were opened by a prayer by the fit*. Dr. 1>> Witt, first Yice-t'rrsiuent of the Society. ibe Hon. LtTTtlt H1 «. n then addressed tha hot iety, wekximin^ its members to their ciw buJding, the . re tu n of wtich ho stated to btve been ointetB- plated by the 8ociety ten years ago, whea the Hnctmty vi« comparatively in its infancy. The Kepott of the Trustee* of the Roildiax I 'nod waa next read by WnUMM Dk ParaicR, eaa. Tta total coat of the boilditir, iccludlu^ the pi'.i.*>e «/ site, Ac was $81,71 !i Mf, all of wtuch ia paid, bad a email balance left ia the treasnry. Mr. l; \ ¦.> i- m aext addrciaed the 8ociety on behalf of the Committee of Airangements in aa elegant aad characteristic speech. The Hoc. Cuss. Kino, Presideat of Cofanabaa Ct4- le/e, made a few lecnarks, chierly relatLoa to his reta,- aj cencs of the early days and i istory of the Soasety. The Bev. Dr Adsms delivered a mo»t lutereeusg addrtrs, rich ia historic allusion and antidote. Ua was followed by the Kev Dt. Bethusf. w oea speei b was the last, as well as the lue»est of theeveav ing. it waa reexived with mnikod attention tad ba¬ ten et and was fre'iuentlj intcrrnpUd by tba applaaaa of the auditnoe. A hot tnpper was prepared ia the L^e^aaeat, l*> which tbe audiexce repaired after the aoofllasioa a the tererar nies. Last evenir ^ tho bbrary aad gant¬ ries waa thrown open for the v»siit of *aea»ba*w aataj their families. - . _^.. The builf ing is as above stated gre-proof: more than two 3ears have b-ea oer?u(ited 10 sts c»<a- pletioa Itisahandaome ^^'''''ft 5 feet b, M in dimersion, at d three Mon-a In h^ght. Ibe Itrtnierocm with the ^J^TsSt I bambcrs iccopy the lirst flNew. TbajrejajsaJ devoud to bbtsaktry, ii. k< .h,«A The arrasgtm>at/ are very tae^rtu aaa convr nsrir*. a*d ia tba fjarth story m s> eSSr. a nomber of criKiaal* by Cole, ftnd saweral pew- Sffrf S with tha history at tba "...,. ^he wbolo eoihoi is vny htcdeoaaaly ar- r%r,£ed. and certainly reflt-.-ts great c.^-ut apoa tU taate of the BuildiuK Cotru-itte«. I'oKTsaof in N*vt-Y*hd..Tke S«r/oLk />as-B«v4- . s"* tbe-e is every appearaacer of a speedy raaump- tion of eperatiots u tbe n.-ih vocal depa imeau a/ h >aid. Ten rhp oarpaateia wata tthen ia.oa 9a*V orday, aid many others will speedily folio*. Capt. Iit.'ntn has raotivrd official o»6ftcaii'>D f'om tne Hnrraa ef CmmnHßk n, A .. that tha d*t»ertnea» baa reesded to bui'd a steam pr.j«IUr td »»vof war at Uua >»rd. She i* tr» on untforttteen teavy fc,,<* . bt tt sateen feet of tfr Itare i< as^atvraaf rjr. bar; ity tbat the fa^aaibiai lehip of *. l*"»! »i" ba :*. :*d an^ conyer o*ü u to a * *t'*<-«1- r . »11. l a C ^.17 War»'-- «ensre, avs aar*«* aw rftiiti JnnTr snkuiftov oa>o».

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-11-05 [p 3].rrvitftNVLMVlÄ« HOt'UM. Auctl-i.e.,, wlll.ejl «puft. »Beatt*if.lria>nna«FSIDA.flV«'irr,*} Mat t, at.n», tSo v..13 Weetmet.Beta

Feb 06, 2021



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  • rrvitf MVlÄ « HOt'UM. Auctl-i.e.,, wlll.ejl « puft.tNVL « FSIDA. flV«'irr, *} Mat t, at . n», tSo»Beatt*if.lria>nna v. .13 Weet met. Beta Jta-aatiit M>Af* fJ,.«. Twl.ty o» bret .laae gvie. la the

    "* ;tr7PatcwBion Tibi*. Betr.-. an« t%atrii"!!PgS* wveha Baa nvrtm'nz of rvd, TaMo eVarae ITwn»» tu-«.»M*^Maa('h*.lt>u»da>.' N JIO tr .v jw.y, nade' theSf^T-Tla rbe Pa-W>iB ae ti a valve; Car>».-». tVee roea.»Sa.iva in ii'b b . vie. :i r ... »all Kt^e-et. a»eTZäPH* Tablet kuaCartalaa Cbtoa Vaaea, aWoaua,a»«a-fe pa'a-.l «.. P.*r aa« Ovü Obvteea. Tactaaaftaae, a' I» the CbaraWt* *f» for rna-wo»! aadii

    .%& *a«y

    BaaatMOa Bute,..,, Waac.UBde S.,1-. Couch a., Cl^rt,JgiaVL-J koto M» BleaJ.Utad B.-dt-g. petit! !l t»r..-"'»" Hereld._


    Mraatalä Setneiv. bv F X Cbir.h; ball and Winter Boenet,. (kT^^ IW by Eaottl Birma L..darap^, bymaHmt Ft.»"... Or pa Fl at, by Rannyt Htr.ett

    By A. M. M*. - AiaeaVo*«. _ .

    R*o»oe Ne 19 Par* x w ^ -jlaA.FRIDAY E V KM NO, N«a «, tlSrur

    WW BOOKS--A k-f. h£bS r,,ra,°. h.abbwJbb af vt iek e .rar.dard » ort» n iBe


    SS ofalaaU. and tm J SttAtonar). -*- 1,DPOT- * " 1 ' ;n~He. A.._._

    T C. Hot ..«tob A^-'otieor.EXTENSIVE KALE of twb and tiAbitnableCr.' mmeae FURNITURE THIS DAY (Te in-day),ol Bj»Vak»oi a'. Wareroonie N"-a. CO at.d tieS Broadway t »i-i./ «.Vecter at} oae of tb- larre.t aad beat oea.rted -t^ke toläe I« e* .krrleti» every Wi-ty of fc.«ewoAd. Oa%.


    aavead Walaot Par. * D nroe.-' Libvary andCBamb-r

    PURNJTl'RH. The publK- arere«ve^tfr'l!v Inv.ted bo < »II anaraaniae it Iba «i«. It ke aU mada (Tor tbe olty


    taaeV aad *n be r«Kad opoa at rearaetated Catal-if'.ee eoIBe

    ,., «i a :.t t'ook ever Before offeredto Ike publl -, a. tbey will aeeon Intpeotion, oompritlnt a large

    Cr: i.» ot of Parlor Bultea, richly carved and oovered is aatia,tab, brricado, kc rlebly carved Oak, Walnut and Vi-nxkola Fnniture of vanm- i indt, alto an olegan; aud astenaivotetorta eut of Bubl Mar^uet/'rie aod Ebunv Furniture, with aleite aatertment of other fiabl^nable flrit-c.Taee articlea Theytan bo etamltted et any time previoue to the Sale.

    F v Aactionoer..GREAT SACRIFICE of richand c «tly HOUSEHOLD FI'RNI

    .qrienco of tbe treat depre.tlon in btitineteaid be toH at public vendue by F. NABU, Anctioaeer. THISDAT, Rob, i. at 10 o'clock in 'dio f ireooon, for oath, withoutaty reterve, wbat'-ver Btary bo theState of the wrather the enttemperl Pl'RMTt'BK' contained in the private residenceBo 81 i'itl. »t., we«t of MA ay., eiubraclng over tm tbouaandcollar.' v. f itb of tbe very beet deaoriptkin of ail klnde requireda a fenfleaiau'i private i-, a pirtkm of irbkh I* tubjoined, vir: large and cottly PI r and Mantle Mirror., aupt rlorteaewocd Piano-Forte, elegant t jltee of Parlor Furniture lotkh eiiir e-ii and meroon brocade; one do. lu green and t nd(cet)y loa* woaO and Secretary Bonkcaana; a did carved roeoMat) Ctater. Sofa and i'ler Tablet: throe euperior roeewoodCttgeiea mtrble topt, nlth mbrot doon and bmki; eleaar.'tarewood Reception Chain, lu liio oatln and taoettry \ roae-aeod corner Etsgeree, with niirvr Baakt; rieb lace WindowCarl.iaiaid Shadet, bronze and ormolu Clookt, oo.tly 3-vre.tad Dretd n Veert, and rich Parlor Ornament. .v- with aBvmler of fine Oll-Palntinga Ilinlng rojm aud Chamber Fur-trtQia. Elrgtat Ex'rntlon Taklet, Chairs, rich g ild birel do.*anted Tea aud Cotee Seta elegant Raby and Cut O'aae Ware,Btail and lilver Cutlery, Cake Ba*kett, Caatera Bureau.. Wathtanda with marb'e lope, coetly decorated China TotM eettwit Hau Metrirttre, F.atb. r Kode and Beddiuü, French OvalMlrrort, mahogany tultei of F ui.ituro. in hair cloth, c >Uam Ncw Yobk.CITY OF BALTIMORE.Tbtrraaiy.Nov. 1}Ai d avery alternateThortday at 1» o'okick na.^Bearst ..r Caaia PAta*«i(,_FTOBi New York and Phl!ad>.-pMa, B7*. Ff ni Liverpool, 21 r.inni, 17 .uiueaa and 1Jtyalaeot atvording to the aeoommodation la the State-T.-jma

    sil bavirg tbe tame pr.vliege lu the Balooa. luoludu.t StewBBBVb fett.Taren Clavi Ptsaiwott«.- Allnirtad number ofThird Oat.

    aaaaeutert will b» t»ken and fja «l lu a* muok provi.ion. a. raBailed Fi >m Philadelphia and New Yuib, a*V From Uvea.aal, t >'Tkeae tteamert areeon.truoted with kmprovod watergbjhi

    BaaapartBDeuta ^. >.. an etperieneed eurge.«,aad every attention peed to tho comfort Bad accoiBBBodationiPataaaoo aad ' ocfertSi!." |w ""' "om N«w York to LlaarpooL In ant eabta,tlted etote

    .. .hip No bvrth. canBa eeeu rd aalH paid f.,. Tfca tbipt of tbie Haa have improvedwaaat light kull »ad«.

    * TM>rO*TD BATES OF B41LINO,»",T.,,,W . ...._r»»- Moaafaia.BSTHBDaY ....Nov. 7, .».>


    WEDNr.8DAY. Ott », iat7^JMfjtDaY. No». IL Iii»i.^PNKSDAY *ov. 2o IB57WhDNRtDAY..Dae. At ttJ7

    Bo. PVUbt oi Paataao. aaalv to^ *' '**

    F.DWgRD K rOLLI NH. No «Wall at NYBSOYV N. «t111P». r. Y A I o Liverpool.MTKpHKb) RENNARD A 6o,

    ¦ o w. No ? Aaetkn Prior., .r." W*»NWRT .1 .,tsa .>...<

    Ä"twl^iTWrS»i ,,"«' .** eetlbetlfcafoog of"arj.. f^Ml»" e*T*?.N w-eunBB*,i. -i . i lo-l r-.otter". appVl :0.vttra* ..*?». B^.Rr n. Phi um. Nc v -vo--t.._ »ir. plena* ' i. boa»«! H no'li'-Ur. All u»^f/^%l»Ur

    kuMTMAMPTON A KAN RKJBaturrlay.Dec 5

    r-' j.n HAVRE '.xA W^rpV-AeJPION for HEW.YOKE¦latnrday.Hcv, 4Sa: ">!»«.LH*. ?>

    i» » I i* .ret Cabin. .a ,.v.tW.nd Cite..fillSpecie delivered .n London and Par*Pof oataaae . r frt gbt apr'J t

    D TORRANCE Agent-Ni i BiwliMf:e*n. N»w Y rk.

    L«At«r» for E-.gler.rl *rA E.r »r-, pr-ja. L each **. cent* per' ooi.f* iby Inetaawrt of prwaaw Btaangit if frjm other

    'iti-ii. » )> bt r.cdvcdei Nv J B rttitBg g-*»n, Nrw-Y-rh, apo at 1 o'clock oi the r'.oruiü« of iv.iog.

    0i(ombofjt« ani) ftoUvoob«.

    Fm BOSTON and PROVIDENCE wi» IfEW-PORT and PALL RIVER To* ayuentbd aad r»r B»V STATE. Capt Jawett, l-*v*t New York avertTUESDAY. TVl'RrlOAY a-»d SATI >RDAY. *4 AortatA p. m.,and the EMPIRE STATE, Cap*. Brajtue. leave* New Yvraever? MON DAY. WEDNESDAY ana FRIDAY, at 4 o'cJo-*9 m faaaa Pier No 3, N. R.. naai the Rettery boib toatiiiaiejat Newport each way.Hereafter no roeaoe will be retarded aa eecnrtd to any aajgaV

    cant oi til lb* tarn* . '.\D Lave beer paid for.Preirhtto Beaton le ferwaidaü llri'iph with treat diapat^fe

    by as Expreet Freitbt Train._WM. BORDEN. Agent, No*. BJ and ?1 Weet-et.

    TUE REOUTJvR MAIL EINE rla STONLNG-TON, for BOSTON and route.tb* taorteat and moet diree* carry'nr the Eattem Mall.The tteamera PLYMOl Til R.)CK, CaaL Joel aVotkB. aa I

    I. YANDKRBILT, Cap* W. H. Praeee, in eenne tion wiAthe STONINOTON ana PRO\ IDENe'E and BOSTON atdPKO\ 1DENCE R.ULROADS. learina; New York daily (Sur.-fayt excepted 1 (Ton Pier No. 2, North Riree, gret v*D»rf abev*Battery ¦place, a* 4 «.>.- kam ant Btonington at 8 ». B.av, oron the arrival of the mail train vi In' b leave» BottJn at j;le p Bn

    Tl - r VANDERBILTfroo New-York, Mondar, Wedreadayand Erida* 1 f>om Htoninxtou. Tueadev, Thuriday *nd Saturday.The PLYMOl'TH ROCK fron. New-York, Tu' »dar. Tlure-

    i*ay and Saturday ; from Stonmgton, Monday, WedBCtday andKnday.

    Pataengera prooeed from Stunir rton per railroad to Provi-d' tice and Beaton Is the Expr- .< Mail Traic, reaching aaidplaeea 1n advance of thou by other routet and In am|>'e timefor all the early meraing ..... 1 connecting North and Ea*t> Pavaecgeri that prefer it remain on bo\r amer, eajoy aiiignt't reet oiidi'tmbed, breakfattif detir»d,and leaWo Bton-Ington in the 7:15 a.m. train for Providence.A baggage matter accempanlet the ateamer and train thronfh

    eai> for the Delaware, Lackawaaaa and Wottern RaLV

    roed will leave at 74 a. wa only. Vor Lehlgb Valley Railr-iad atlj a go. and 12 ay JOHN O. STERNS, Sup*. iBtenden*.

    Fld8h1n0 RAILROAD.Lr»TtsB Fulton Mat-ket wharf, by ateamer lalaad Cite, at «:45, t and 10 a. m.,aad L 4 and 6:30 p. m.; the rare leave Flnthimj L I at tbetame boura, meeting, aad ex naraixg paaaectera with the boatat Haater'a Pokot Thro ugh In 50 r.itnu tea. Fare 23 c^ute.

    WM M. SMITH, Reoadret.


    fralMjoli.f Eat*: Leave Brooklyn for Greeoport at la a na. |Bare Brovilyn for Tapha-.ik at 10 a. m. and S:4i p. aa.; iearreBrooklyn for Byotaet at 4:3* p. ro ; leave Brooklyn for H*, 3:45, 4:S0,6:a»p. m. For Port Cheater atd intermediate Btetione, 7:91 a. aa.18:44,3:46, 4:J«,6;35.6:3»B m.CÖNNECTINO TRAINS.ForBoetoa,8:3Qa m. lex.). S.IOp. m. lex.). For Hartford and«rätniifield g:20a m (ex ), 12:45 p. m 3:10 p. m (ex ). For

    Connecticut River Ra *.! to Montreal, 8:2t) a m. 4aa ), ax}d3:10 p. m («x ) U u For t anal Railroad, 8:20 (ex ) and I2:4C p. m. to Northampton. For HoaaatonloRailr. ad, 8:20 a m. For Nargatuc.k Railroad, 8:20 a. an.. 13*41and 3 10 p. as. For Danbury and Nor» elk Railroad, 1.» a. am.,3:4ft p. la-r TRAINS TO NEW YORK.From New Haven, 6:30, 7. S:34 a. m. 1 1:30 (ex ), 4:30. 8:43 p.

    ax. (ex ) From Bridgeport, 8:10, 7:40, 10:18 a. m. 3:07, (ex.)5:14, »:22 p. ro. (ex ) From Norwalk, «,1:44.

    '. iV 10:49 a. am. |2:36 (ex ), 5:45, S:50 % m. (ex 1 From Fort Cheater, 4:27, a .45,T:2t, 8:48, 11.34a. ra.; 1:27p aa.JAblES IL HOYT, Snperinaewdeot.

    NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For PHLLA-DBLFHIA and tbe BOOTH and WEST, via JBRIEF;1TT. Mail and Expreaa Linea: Leave New-Tort I and U. as. aad 4 aad « p. m.; fare, »J. 13 m »2 tV.rwrüw at allway eteriana. II and 4 ge to Kerning ton. fta-OBgjb WeAearold k r Ctneinaati (#17 and Sil M| Bad the Weet, and totlal'tmore, Wathington, Norfolk, Ac, aad taroagb tegjegBlekwoked to Waakaegton in 8 a. m. and la. aa.W. VVOODRCFF. Atdttast liaytgto Baagaxa wtli be received for any train apulooe eVBeapaS

    Ad jheckrd \i miautea in advanoe of the ttaae ef leevtagV


    BBllEwBE VALLEY RAILROAD It now open, ai d, ka eoa-aaogion with tbe BnSele, Oorulna and New Yoat, and New-fork and Erie Rafiroed*, forma a weet reut« from Ivew-Yerk»Roaheetei.Tb« .lite, tneee of MJe ,...>, toeeOier with the ropeMre' near.

    art aBorded by the wide care, rentiert it by far the aaeet deata*tie between the above-named- .tie*.Tickett can be nroenred at ah* New York an/ Erie aURread

    POTkt Oro,. , foe* of Dueaeet, and No. BB Broadway 1 elseU Jeraey City.Bagtaga ohecked tr.rt.agAFreTehta will bo trar-apoi ed betweee New Y*wk and S"eA*em with diipateh. Any Information ieerredta regerd trite atesxo b«. obtained by calling on the Oereral Freisbt Agent cf aaeSew vork and Erie Railroad, Erie Brlldiuae; er ft S. TAPPAN, Eapreee Freiebt Age. No. 183 Broadway.Ho train* oa the BwBbIo, (. r1. 1 and New-York SaBroal aa

    ¦axalax. _J. A. RBnPlELD. B^Bertatea^eaA.-YORK sod ERIE RAILROAD .On mat)r Monday, Jone 14, 1AVI, and Qttil further notioa, Pee>

    r Traint will leave pier loot of Dawnrxt. at fclleara, vkx.1xeoNKIRK EXPRESS, at « a m, fur Decklrh.BUFFALO EXPRESS, at «5 am., for AIL. at I a.u>., for baxvairk and BaSele and

    ROCKLAND PABSF.NOFt at ItS* am, from foot ef Ibare «t via Plermont for BuaVrat and intaruiediale titHone,WAY PASBEROFJl at 4 p ir. for Newkhjfk, httddietoara,

    aad li tiniimitlatB tiaBteae».MIGRANT st I gi- for Do..IIrk and Buffalo a


    RIGHT EXPRESS at 5 pm., for Dui.kDk. every day.NIGHT BXPRESB at 4 p.aa., for B11SW0, every day.Tboee Erprete IWse couneot at aVaatra with tha tbaaj.aa,

    BVanaadaifaa and Klage ta Fata Railroad, for Niagara Fallt; at"t-l**.fcal wKb the Byrecna* and BtngtaioU n Railroad, fattyraooee: at Coming with Buffalo, Comiua and New Ter»laJiroad. for Rocheater; at Great Bead with Dakware, LaahaJwanna and Weelera Railroad, for Boraxton 1 at HomeilivUblarHh the Boflak, aad New York City Railroad, for BliffUe 1 atBuffalo a..d Dunkirk with the Lake amera Railroad, for Clave-and. OancdTiBati, ToleeV, r>»tK«VChlrwac. Aa._HOMER RAB8DRLL. Fre*iAea)A

    PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..The GREATCENTRAL ROl'TE, aoaaectkag the Atkuetie eitice wrtkWertem, Nortb wratern and Booth'w< ttern State* byaeoavtat.Moa* Railway direct, r . Road aleo 001.0e.U at Pitttkurgkwtth 1 allr Hn- ef Steeieere to all p iteea tbe Wtwtern Rivera,aad at (iK'velaüd aad Sandntky with ateurere te all parte obthe pkirtk-weetera Lekea-aaakiBg tb* atoet direct, eaa^aeatand reliable route by whleh FRED,Hi can be forwarded toand fr ro Ike Great Weet _RATRS BRTtAAKN PHILADELPHIA snd PITTSBUROaFtavv CLtae.Boota. Bhoee. Hat* and Cape, >lB..,.4»H -At Dry Giode fin buxea. kaJee am. tranikt). > 10,, irDragt (In boxet and halve). Feather* Fore. Ac. J

    tiivin t i*m Domea'te, 8b*tung, 8iV/tat# and}Tkklaa (ta orlgh al ba»ea) Dragt Vn **tka>'.a-.t New Veil Irate iioy ail a a. a- d Bt9S .f 3 «5 a. .» |Fuel Albany at 7 aid k 19 a ta aad 1 ax ! . I to.

    _A P PMiTU. " f n t-**i~,\.

    PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAb".TUR UREAI i ENTRAL Ml T?.Tie r.iuf » t . :. .. «. °-f. '.»«.' .u -a-

    toaelt to Ji4 ftum St I«_t, M'. Art. r.. Ov-et.e ai.i Ch.ragi.,ML; I rank e- ri, L*ting"i- ead I. teti'Je, Kr.. ram Baata,Ma neon. Laiayriie aott ladtutaraal . IAA O baeti Daytttt,flptintt.ld. B--i.etor.taar.«, SerjJu«ky. Mat}}. t'leT.-and, C-.lattbut. itaaaafl] , if.rflifia and Woot*er, Okh a'to, win

    » attain retket boats fr. ¦ aad to N'W-Ot r. t, 8- 1» j a,Lualtyill* and Cia-. aroalTai'/.ih T"t- "t urr tr » F+K an le- baa a*. a*7 wf the tlttaw.

    toro'ieard a tact in Ue West,Pas«entert wB1 f.r J tbia tfc» eb'-leet. Basal 'it-e.'-.'-tea aud

    eoai,'o.-taai* r>ate between the Eat ead w ret.FROM NEW-YORK TO CINCINNATI IN 10 HÖPM.F'OM NBW-TORK TO CHlCAfrO IN « HOURS.VROM NEW-YO.IR lO 8t. LOl 18 IN to HOiTM,Fare at low at any ether "..'».8... a_d MM n Uta h< tale cf tka cite.T'.' oil YVkrtl, it Itr'her Inf irwja'"or.f rr.,y >* i ,1 at tit

    raVa> the ; b»N8i LNANlA RAILROAD,Ne 3 Atter Bet at, Era^att,

    J. L ELLIOTT. Ages*.


    HELMBOLD'« EXTRACT of RUCnU (.HE Ml HOI TVS Erntet of I j«Vn ttrree OrteeA,UELMBOLD'B Eair-.; «I Bach* taree Dihv-i of the

    niatMtw.HELMBOLD 8 Istt.ct or Bceim e-ttaa Dltaaaee af ue

    XMneya t>IIXLMBOLD'B Extract ef Ba'ba earet Dtoiwt.HELMBOLIVS Eatract o/Bacbn f-w u^.-ra Weaiiett.

    ^II E.'.M 3 OLD'i Eauaet < I B- .< i I r .: diaeaeet ariart^ frortHELMBOLD S Et trat of BajCaM fort!! dltaaaee arltis« iVtn

    ¦BB>MNbHI LMBOLD'B Eitraet B >¦ for §H di-eatet btUb] r.:

    kuprodeaee.HELMBOLD 8 Et'ract«f Bn'bc for 8.«rf. aid DelietN- Die-eatet¦ELMBOLD'SEitractofBuahtittarta ly raara a... fa¬ll ELMBOLD 8 Extrart of Baehe Men ry.RFLMBOLD'8 Extrael of Bj. ha for Lot of Po-r.r.BELMBcLD'S Extrv: of Bo.Au lot l_vert_ ...?...u> of

    the M itcular SyttemLTELMBOLD'B Ettrtet of Buebu for Nirr-.t and

    tated .Suflerert.HRLMKOLD'fi Ertrart of Bto-hu hr Dlr.cett »f VI,i B.llEiJdBOLD 8 Eatra. t ol Bjaj ha for i .ft. u.-j of Brtath-

    II ; M HOLD'S Eitraet of Buche for Weak Nervee aadTrat .blirt.KtVLM HOLD'8 Frtrtet of f ' for Wakof Uteee.BBLMBOLD S Eauaet cf Bucku for all D.«;r»tala| tVB-

    tneate.HELMBOLD 8 Eitraet of B.cbu. price «; per Ixttte, de¬

    livered BD bdv addrett. Addreat letteraB D HELMBOLD. Cberaiti.

    Depot, No S ttb .(tri tt , below tt Poila'lelpe.'b.Bold by Drsttitte and Dea. er i tvery/wtere. Beware ef roaa-

    terfeitt. Car't guaranteedm v, CLARK At Co, a.»»i !. Broaltpew, N. y.

    SANDS' 8ARSAPARILLA..Thia _vaj,iabl6rnedicfaie It coatpiand entirely of retetabie infrodleata, andIf tiiotly admln^terei w',11 tBeodely airettand ;¦ :.. y t BTBall tvBofuleui and i-utaceoat eroptliai, a'.d a.'. naaBoa trit'atfrom an injodicloat nea of atercary-, p if the rytternthrooth the circulation. It parifiei the blo^d ar,d re^tiftee theto/rttioBt. reetarint the patient t t totred aid perfect k^altaPrrptied ar d teld by A. B k D. BANDS, Drcfairle, No. IOC

    I iiltoi. ,t. Sold alto by Druggittt geaerally

    £(90! Noture.


    JAVOB S ROOER8, ' -C B ROOERS. .BjtrtcyrB,

    yy« lawaw.Tk_LAl'RlSlt)N P. ALL,N Pl/RSl7ANCE of ai ord*y of the OBfrBBBBJof t»e Cocmty of New-York, aotlee la tereby givea to aU

    pertoat bating claunt taao at ÜFwROK M. Tl'NlSON, latoof die City ef New YtnB, kaikVw, drtraard, to peeeot IketaznAwtto voucken tiietaof; la the eafhecribar, art nie ttore, No. !3IMatb at.. In the (Bay of New York, ua it before the thirtiethday af November acal-Datett New York, the P7th Bay af Mary,Ith. taEORuE O. SMITH, Eteoater.taySI lewo_Tk*_IN PURSUANCE of an oraVr of the Sarragats afthe Caanty of New-York, a«tiee it kertby trvea to all far-mt t.avi-i rlaiiae egatbtl OKOROB W. I'OMPHOI, late afthe City ef New-York, deeeaood, te preneat the eama wkkaonekert tbereef to the euheeribere, at Ue aknee of Starre aSedgwlck. Ne. *4 Wall tUeet in the,City of New York, oa orbefore the twenty Bret day efDteaaiber te_L.Dated New-Teak,tii tevaateaatb day of JaBe.JI*?yell lawtniTk


    IN PURSUANCE of aa order af iae »lmMataof tke Conwty ef New-Yark, aetiea te t»-»hy gjtwa ia all.firtoTtt havini «laimi agolntt DIEOO LU1Z PCarANa, ktU at*the lelend of Madeira, Ar eteed, te arettnt the twtne. wtafctoarker« thereof, to the tabtriber, at kf« t Aiee b't. WOeAw/-et,In the City of New Y>'k. aa nr Before the eighth day of Marekaeat..Dated New Ycrk, the «eecsd day ef Sewtembee. 1B0V.

    WILLI AIT DEPB*V,atfA lawdoiTk* A dmixj«trat or, Will aaaeieA,

    IN PURSUANCE of as orrlr-r af E Snmijrait ot of HENRY BURCI1ARB, Banregata af tke Ceaaty of Oaatea, rotu-ait beteby »lt*B te all pertoat hi v.r.« ele mt afaiart the eitateef BARRY BROWN, deeeaeed, 'eta of the Iowa of Wbitee-town, in «atd connty, to prreeat the taaie with tAe voafbeilthereof to IfARVF.Y MRADLFY.eae ef the adattntttratoreef ttld eitate. el hie retidrace in WhlteetcwB ia eatd -.-ut.'j.en or before Ike trtt day af March Beat .Dated Aaguet 15,

    ItXSABRA BROWN. AdmiclttlaAria..4M ltwi_Ta. HARVEY BRADLEY. Zde.iairtTaU r.

    bJi preme court.-NOBMAN a. fbee-Ö MAN and EDWIN BtNNETT agalnf. 4L FRF. I) L K B-LOW Sama'OBt for stoaey deeatBd on contract..(Ccta. BtrtMr) Te ALFRED BEDLOW.-Yen are hereby tommooedand rr«riirrd to anewrr tka es malalot In thdutive of the day of aa.b eertWe; «~k if y. a fWtl to an-wer thotaid eoBipltirM withla the time afortwaid, the P'a'.uDB« will keidgatent tat it youf--r the urm ef eae red aad 6re Jol-

    \i . aod rlgbty taten ceste. with lotere«t fr m the trat, day . fJenuaiy, oae taawjBBad ei«ht 'e

    Piot «I . m tke CWy of Raw ".it, witUe. twooly daya aftertee tertt-e ef thtl »i.aioteet OB IBB), ta htait- af Ike ittt efaorbt'ttieei aad if yoa fon le an»wer the taid leiaplatnlwilk.s Ike tuae afoitta'd (as pvwati«T it. th a a* an wRi applyte'ket'aaat l- r I*, i»i a' J' 1. » « o Ü.Maw-T nk .#. >' '¦ '¦a,^ ^ VAN VEt'-.ITKBJ, -*l,lnl ft Ail-»ka toieala/Bl m ifsakotoraletfoii attbii aai k'.d w«U Ike

    Cat! ef r.'.ur feaat» ai Bib* Me.. »'hi ttabiv «f Oot'Bat,lfay A V «V V IM VI 'MEMoC teaCast I ."' '". *«"r» , t »ea i ja, .,. , r. , r/ kvv.Tat» at i*. CWe ».\, New-Tart aaaiWaiMa a eapy .V

    a*,, ib*eer*re af ,'rr ^

    -_---. < uuc i Jlurcti.."a 17 W, ail net

    ri.*e«,« parka* ta tbiaee'-er aa* My »., .. ,e ^ ;.**.' a.'< i ».

    Bee eaaoee. 115"».- Dala»! leank*i:«jn .> 4>.*Rieht r-auK^r» IN,«.

    at e» U» Ts

    SCPIJOIE oo.-rt-- o ;kty «>f herki'MEB-OEOaOJC D CP.ARr, Pkatariat g^., R;, (1AAD C FAOUeia LI MNDA Me wife, ¦.tjaim .,B;, Ben., true ¦ateklaina. ;r in>i« ffteveae. B leykaaBaiBl Rank af rl»r» o»*rJaaattar. ( C arlel », def*a»f«sdentr V. arsBai» by neraaen*! ard rra'trrrd to anew*r tbe tenpaB* aa tat*eettoa, which will be Sled o loa erb.-ee« Ua Clark -1 theCatv,ir «1 la tka team ef HifaSaer, la aerd Ceaatv,aad l*~**/ve a copy of yeni aeawe.- t* Ike arid traapiatnl on fkai Aa. rU at Me ...»». Me BB4 M¦«., la las City efMew-Yerk, within rweatv day* after tbe eerviee ef U»i runaaone «in reo, aaetuaiva ef Caa dar a/ eeek aerrlee; aoai a* yoejBaQ a> aaearer trie eatd aaaaBka.ut m rth.a fna ta.

    . nra d.lae p'ahTia ailBia acrtoa m »ap.j te tbe*i tee r«t!af deaoaadad aa >ha f npi. a' -Dated Aag IA laaT.

    FRANCIS S. HUfFkfAN, Plaia'-W a IflBfBT,Tb* rraopla'a* IB Ira arwve eatN'ad aatiea wee Had la'tka

    aftVe rf tea Cleik ef tbe Ceanty ef btarkltaar aa lath dev afAagaat )IB7. FnVAMCIl 8. HOFFlf AN,eatleajfwTV*_Malavifa Aararaaa.

    SUngMM coitit.-john C. ham Baf»Jaj-|MART A. OATMAN.S»anr.,ona *n slaBst-To tb« Da-(Vadaat: Tea ar« berabv ramiaoieH I« aatarar tla*> rornpiaiatIn tbir ecuon, wbkt waa died in t*a *> e of the Clerk ef toeCltv and Coanty af New-York on tae S*Hb day ef Reptaraber,1M7, aa>d te eerve a eopy af your anever aa aa at our ofliae. No.12 Broadway, m the City if New Yrrk, within tw«ory dayearier the i ni> hereof, eiertetv* al 'a- inj of roch eeivteeand if yea faii to aniwer the ea»d totipiaint within the time*A reaaid. the plaintiff ta ibit action w.U apply to tbe '"¦it t-the re'Uf demanded in the ecu j, a-:a r.'ew York, Septem ».3«, lti7. FIELD A SI.L YTKR, r^atüf'i AH -rteya.

    eel lawfrwTh No. 13 Headway.


    The San Fran ttco Bulletin pcblUke* rjomplet*) re¬turn-) of the recent election in Csliforni*. for Governor;n!«o ontre qoesltoa of tb« payment of the lately re-padiAted State debt and tbe n of tttta$J a Con¬vention to revine tbe State Cor^titaticn. Tbe vote ontheee rpeetion* Li aa foDowe i

    12:2 JA.'' til jvj 3X)Belara. 933 J° 257 »tl *>« 4(9 8888>m ut Mrcd 1742 ÜH Sal »M4 »2 a39 249jianlrlana. 419 8 l*» 2?» 114 211 !.Hitler. 460 1 I 97 317 2*9 M 134T-bama.. »83 4; :F M 142 SM 12Triaity. 901 111 7 BeirD er FrkJAi f "rloBJa Tairna..

    Tda ae'ttKtnaufa o»»«f^< cf Ute^J tlAMUtt twj¦worarii who Meie a b"-89 and |BfKf .'"'n .