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Schedule "8" continued 12. RE: Letter of Understanding - Agreement to Jointly Review Schedule "E" (note: Reference to Schedule "G" mentioned in leiter dated May 26, 2007 below, refers to Schedule "E" in this 2006 - 2010 Collective Agreement. Change due to formatting document after leiter was submitted) School District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409 Dear Mr. Marsalais: I am wrlting 10 respond 10 the Union's decision to invoke Schedule "G", Articles 3.1(c) and 7.1 of the Collective Agreement. The Board is in agreement. We understand the Union is planning 10 bring in an advisor from TURB. The Board will likely bring in an advisor from the B. C. Public Schools Employers' Association (BCPSEA). "', b,''''"' 'h', n." " co, ,""",, Balanuik' "&,.,,. Doug Wong, Secretary T reesurer Christine Nagy, Officer, Human Resources & Information Services File - 60-

New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Schedule "8" continued

12. RE: Letter of Understanding - Agreement to Jointly Review Schedule "E" (note: Reference to Schedule "G" mentioned in leiter dated May 26, 2007 below, refers to Schedule "E" in this 2006 - 2010 Collective Agreement. Change due to formatting document after leiter was submitted)

School District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street

New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4

May 26,2006

Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Dear Mr. Marsalais:

I am wrlting 10 respond 10 the Union's decision to invoke Schedule "G", Articles 3.1(c) and 7.1 of the Collective Agreement.

The Board is in agreement. We understand the Union is planning 10 bring in an advisor from TURB. The Board will likely bring in an advisor from the B. C. Public Schools Employers' Association (BCPSEA).

tt~J "', b,''''"' 'h', n." " co, ,""",,

~I Balanuik'

l/2~·'":,S~:::~::,:::',", "&,.,,. Doug Wong, Secretary T reesurer Christine Nagy, Officer, Human Resources & Information Services File

- 60-

Page 2: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Schedule "8" continued

13. RE: Letter of Understanding Between Be Public School Employers' Association and School Boards who are Signatories to this LOU and Support Staff Unions who are Signatories to this LOU. (Attachment #1)

Letter of Understanding (LOU)


Be Public School Employers' Association


School Boards who are Signatories to this LOU


Support Staff Unions who are Signatories to this LOU

The parties to this Letter of Understanding are the BC Public School Employers' Association (BCPSEA), school boards who are signatories to this LOU, and the support staff unions who are Signatories 10 Ihis LOU.

The terms sel oul below represent a full and final settlement of all oulstanding cost issues between 111e parties who are signalories to this LOU. All oulstanding cost demands not specifically addressed below are deemed to be withdrawn.

Subsequenllo the execulion of Ihis document, Ihe local parties will prepare and execute a Memorandum of Agreement incorporating the terms set out herein, together with any olher non·cosl issues agreed to between Ihe parties.

It is understood and agreed Ihat the obligations of school districts set out in this Letter of Understanding shall be of no force and effect unless a collective agreement has been reached by Ihe affected local parties prior to June 30, 2006, and subsequenlly ratified.


July 1,2006 to June.30, 2010

General Wage Increase

July 1, 2006 2% July 1, 2007 2% July 1, 200B 2% July 1, 2009 2%

Incentive Payment

Should Ihe parties conclude an agreement by June 30, 2006 and the settlement is subsequently ratified, each bargaining unit member who Is an employee of Ihe Schooroislricl at Ihe earlier of Ihe dale of ralification or June 30, 2006 shall be eligible to receive a one lime lump sum Incenllve payment.

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Page 3: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Schedule "8" continued

Tile following principles for distribution shall guide the parties in the distribuflon of this one-time funding:

The incentive payment shall be up to $ 3,700 for each full-time equivalent employee and shall be pro-rated for part-time employees. For the purpose of the determination of Ihe amount of the incentive payment, a full-time equivalent employee is an employee who worked on a full-time basis for the period of July 1, 2005 to June 30,2006. For the purposes of this payment, "full-time" means the greater of 35 hours per week or the definition of "full-time" employee set out in the collective agreement. tf ratification occurs prior to June 30, 2006, the incentive payment would be based from September 1 2005 to the date of ratification. The incentive payment for an employee who worked less than full-time over this period shall be pro-rated for the fraction of full-time work over this period that the employee worked.

• The one-time payment is subject to normal statutory deductions.

• Time spent by employees on the following leaves shall be considered as time worked for the purpose of calculating the amount of an employee's incentive payment:

• maternity or parental • short-term disability • long-term disability that commenced within the twelve (12)­

month period ending on the incentive eligibility date • leaves granted to employees in receipt of workers'

compensation benefits

The incentive payment shall be paid to employees as soon after the date of ratification as is practicable for the institution to determine and pay the payment amounts to employees. The employer shall rnake every reasonable effort to rnake the incentive payment to employees no later than June 30, 2006.

Subject to the allocated funding above, the local and the district may also choose to allocate the funds in a manner consistent with the district's staffing struclure.

Public Education Support Siaff Skills Enhancement, Apprenticeship andWorkforce Adjustment Committee

1. The parties agree to establish a Support Staff Skills Enhancement, Apprenticeship and Workforce Adjustment Committee which shall consist of four (4) representatives of support staff unions who are signatories to this LOU, and four (4) representatives of BCPSEA .

• 2. By no later than Septernber 30, 2006, the Committee shall develop specific

criteria to be used In allocating the funds provided to it under this Letter of

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Schedule "8" continued

Understanding, incluciing the processes and deadlines under which Districts and local unions may jointly seek to access funds held by the Committee. These processes will include a requirement that Districts and local unions seeking to access the funds provide the Committee with:

a. an employee demographic analysis; and b. a human resource plan which provides for the development and

maintenance of a qualified and sustainable support staff workforce.

I n the event the Committee cannot agree on any of the matters within its jurisdiction, these matters will be referred to Mark Brown for mediation and, if, necessary final adjudicalion.

Skills Enhancement and Retraining Funciing

3. The Committee will be provided with a one-time payment equal to a province­wide maximum of $3,000,000, pro-rated based on Ihe support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005-2006 audited financial statements of Districts whose support staff unions which become signatories to this Letter of Understanding (for example if unions represenling 50% of support staff salary expendilures in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the Committee will be provided with $1.5 million). These monies will be used to support skills training, retraining, or professional enhancemenl for support staff employees.

4. The funding will be available to all support staff employees whose support staff unions become signatories to this Letter of Understanding.

5. Upon request, the Committee shall provide to the Ministry of Education a report in the form and manner prescribed by the Ministry, showing the expenditures made to date and the estimated future expenditures from the funding provided.

Apprenticeship Opportunities Funding

6. The Committee will be provided with a one-time payment equal to a maximum of $3,000,000, pro-rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005-2006 audited financial stalements of Districts whose support staff unions which become signatories to this Letter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the Committee will be provided with $1.5 million). These monies will be used to facilitate and support apprenticeship opportunities in British Columbia school districts.

7. The funding will be available to all support staff employe,j'ls whose bargaining agents become signatories to this Letter of Understanding,

. 3

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Page 5: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409

Schedule "8" continued

8. Upon request, Ihe Committee shall provide to the Ministry of Education a report in the form and manner prescribed by the Ministry, showing the expenditures made to date and the estimated future expenditures from the funding provided.

Apprentice Sponsor Funding

9. The Committee shall be provided with funding in the following maximum amounts, pro-rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005-2006 audited financial statements of Districts whose support staff unions which become signatories to this Letter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the Commillee will be provided with 50% of the funding set out below), to provide a wage increase to all emptoyees with Trades Qualifications:

July 1, 2007 July 1, 2008 July 1,2009

$828,000 $828,000 $828,000

10 It is understood that employees with Trade Qualifications will provide guidance and support to apprentice employees as directed by their employer.

11. The funding will be available to all support staff employees whose bargaining agents becomes signatories to a Letter of Understanding containing the terms and conditions outlined herein.

12. The amount of the wage increase shall be determined by dividing the availabte monies in each year equally between employees with Trades

. Qualifications in si.gnatory bargaining units.

13. Upon request, the Committee shall provide to the Ministry of Education a report in the form and manner as prescribed by the Ministry, showing the

. expenditures made to date and the estimated future expenditures from the funding provided.

Workforce Adjusbment Committee Funding

14. The Committee wilt be provided with a one-time payment equal to a maximum of $4,000,000, pro-rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported i~ the 2005-2006 audited financial statements of Districts whose support staff unions which bec~me signatories to this Letter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures


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Schedule "8" continued

in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the Committee will be provided with $2 million). These monies will be lIsed to facilitate and support workforce adjustment issues arising from non-routine and fundamental restructuring within a given school district, including shared services and regionalization. Any unused portion of the money from this fund will be reallocated (in Ihe discretion of the Commiltee) to either the Skills Enhancemenl and Retraining Fund and/or the Apprentice Opportunities Fund.

15. The funding will be available to all support staff employees whose bargaining agents become signatories to this Letter of Understanding.

16. Upon request, the Committee shall provide to the Ministry of Education a report in the form and manner prescribed by the Ministry, showing the expenditures made to date and the estimated future expenditures from the funding provided.

Labour Market Adjustment Fund

17. Subject to the approval of the Committee, a district may address demonstrated recruitment or retention issues that can be objectively determined with reference to specific criteria, including:

i. Demonstrating evidence of recruitment or retention difficulties; Ii. Providing relevant market data that specifically includes employers

likely to recruit from the public sector employer and employers that the public sector employer has recruited from;

iii. Identifying which occupations and the number of employees that will be affected by the adjustment;

iv. Identifying options for the size of the market adjustments, and identify the risks. associated with each of the options; i.e. collective bargaining;

v. . Demonstrating tha) the employer has proyided significant training to employees in an occupation, and that a business case can be made for an adjustment.

Adjustments proposed under this paragraph must be funded through demonstrable cost neutral trade-oils.

18.ln addition, the Committee shall be provided with Labour Market Adjustment funding in the following maximum amounts, pro-rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005-2006 audited financial statements of Districts whose support staff unions which become signatories to this Leiter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures in the Province becomll signatories to this LOU, the Committee will be provided with 50% of the funding set out below):

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Schedule "8" continued

July 1,2007 July 1, 2008 July 1,2009

$1,656,000 $828,000 $828,000

19. The funding will be available to all support staff employees whose bargaining agents become signatories to this Letter of Understanding.

20.ln order 10 access the funding set out in paragraph 18 above, districts and locals must make joint application to the Committee and must demonstrate that the funding sought will be used to address recruitmenl and relenlion issues on Ihe basis of Ihe crileria set oul in paragraph 17 above. The provision of this funding will be subject to Ihe approval of PSEC.

21. Upon request, the Committee shall provide to Ihe Ministry of Educalion a report in the form and mallner prescribed by the Ministry, showing the expenditures made to dale and the eslimated fulure expendilures from the funding provided.

22. The continuation of Ihe Labour Market Adjustment Fund beyond July 1,2009 shall be determined during the next round of collective bargaining between the parties.

T rad es Adjustment

23. The Committee shall be provided wilh funding in the following maximum amounts, pro·rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005·2006 audited financial statemenls of Districts whose support slaff unions which become signatories to this Letter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the Committee will be provided with 50% of the funding set out below), to provide a wage increase to all employees with Trades Qualifications:

July 1,2006 July 1, 2007 July 1,2008

$1,656,000 $828,000 $828,000

24. The amount ofthe wage increase shall be determined by dividing the available monies in each year equally between employees with Trades Qualifications in signatory bargaining units.

25. Upon request, the Committee shall provide to the Ministry of Education a report in the form and manner prescribed by the Ministry, showing the expenditures made to date and the estimated future expenditures from the funding provided.

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; i·

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Schedule "8" continued

Liaison on Education Policy Matters

27. The Minister of Education will establish scheduled opportunities for representatives of support staff unions to discuss education policy matters that have employment implications for their bargaining unit members.

Education Assistants Committee

28. During this round of collective bargaining, representatives of the support staff unions raised concerns with educational assistants working hours and not being paid.

29. The parties agree to establish an Educational Assistants Committee which shall consist of two (2) representatives of support staff unions who are signatories to this LOU and two (2) representatives of BCPSEA by no later than July 1,2006. The committee shall investigate and make recommendations concerning this issue, including directions for resolution to Districts and locals.

Long Term Disability and Joint Early Intervention

30. Employers whose bargaining units become signatories to this LOU and who are not currently members of the Public Education Benefits Trust (PEST) shall become members of the PEST (including the operation of the Joint Early Intervention Service). It is understood that Government will provide the PEBT with funding in the maximum amount of $7.9 million dollars annually for this purpose, pro-rated based on the support staff salary expenditures reported in the 2005-2006 audited financial statements of Districts whose support staff unions which become signatories to this letter of Understanding (for example if unions representing 50% of support staff salary expenditures in the Province become signatories to this LOU, the maximum financial commitment of Government shall be $3.95 million). Subject to the above, funding will be provided on the first business day after July 1, 2006, and on the first business day after January 1 in each calendar year commencing January 1,2007. The parties further agree that in order to access the government funded LTD plan and the Joint Early Intervention Service they shall place their dental, extended health, group life insurance and, where applicable, accidental death and dismemberment benefit coverage as soon as the PEBT is able to take on this responsibility.

31. Once the PEBT is able to do so, the parties agree that they will partiCipate on the following conditions:


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Schedule "8" continued

a. If there is no penalty clause in the current contract(s) with existing benefit carrier(s)/consultants, as soon as possible; or

b. If there is a penalty clause, the benefits will be transferred when the current contract(s) expires.

32. The Parties agree that any references to specific benefit carriers providing the benefits identified above will be effective only until the date of participation in the benefits trust.

Fiscal Dividend

33. Each Memorandum of Agreement shall include a Letter of Agreement for a Fiscal Dividend Bonus.


Having agreed the term of the Colleclive Agreement to be from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2010 a Fiscal Dividend Bonus may be paid from a one­time fund (the "Fund") generated out of monies, in excess of $150 million, surplus to the Be government, as defined in the Province's audited financial statements, for the fiscal year 2009-10.

1.0 Fiscal Dividend:

1.1 If fiscal dividend funds are determined to be avaitable, upon receipt of funding from the government, a fiscal dividend will be paid to employees as soon as practicable for the school district to calculate the individual payment amounts and distribute the funds.

1.2 The quantum of the Fund accessible for the parties to this -agreement will be based on the Province's audited financial statements as at March 312010.

The Fund will be determined as follows:

i. The calculations will be based on the surplus, as calCUlated before deduction of any expense associated with the Fiscal Dividend Bonus, achieved in fiscaI2009·10, as published in the audited financial statements for that fiscal year, provided that the surplus is in excess of $150 million.

i!. Only final surplus monies in excess of $150 million will be part of the Fund, and the total quantum of the Fund for the entire public sector (including all categories of employees) will not exceed $300 million.

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Schedule "8" continued

iii. The quantum of the Fund will be-constrained by the proportion of the public sector that is eligible to participate in the Fiscal Dividend Bonus; i.e .. 100% of the Fund will be available if 100% of all categories of employees in the public sector under the purview of the Public Sector Employers' Council participate, but if a lesser number participate, a proportionately lesser amount of the Fund will be available.

iv. Additionally, the Fund will be proportioned among all groups of public sector employees by ratio of group population to total population participating.

1.3 Each bargaining unit member who is a regular employee of the School District on March 31, 2010 shall be eligibte to receive the Fiscal Dividend Bonus.

1.4 The fiscal dividend payment shall be an amount as described in clause 1.2 above for each regular full time equivalent employee and shall be pro-rated for regular part time employees. For the purpose of the determination of the amount of the fiscat dividend payment, a full time equivalent employee is a regular employee who worked on a full time baSis for the period September 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010. The fiscal dividend payment for a regular employee who worked less than full time over this period of time shall be pro-rated based on the actual straight-time hours worked as a percentage of full time hours. Time spent by employees on the following leaves shall , be considered as time worked for the purpose of calculating the amount of an employee's dividend payment

All leaves with pay • Maternity and parental leave • All unpaid medical leaves that commenced between July 1,

2009 and June 30, 2010

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) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )





I, , in the Province of British Columbia, do solemnly declare

(1) I am an employee of the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 40 (New Westminster) (hereinafter called the "Board") and a member of the New Westminster School Board Employees' Union, Local 409, Canadian Union of Public Employees (hereinafter called the "Union").

(2) I was absent from work through illness on the following days, that is,

(3) The nature of my illness was

(4) The medical practitioner who treated me for the illness was

(Name of Medical Practitioner)

(5) The said medical practitioner refused to complete the certificate of illness required under Article 3.09(a)(i) of the Collective Agreement between the Board and the Union.

For the use only when the duration of the illness is more than three (3) full days but less than five (5) full days.

AND I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.

DECLARED BEFORE MEAT ___________________ _

In the Province of British Columbia, this

) ) )

__ dayof _____ , A.D. __ _


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Page 12: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409



Name: First (Please Print) Last


Replacing (Name of Employee):

Rate of Pay:


Anticipated duration of employment:

________________________________ To ________________________________ __

Application on file? Yes ____________ __ No __________ _

(If not, please ask person to fill out application form and return it to Payroll)

Please Note: Casual employee will be paid according to timesheet turned in.

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Page 13: New Westminster, B.C. - lrb.bc.caSchool District No. 40 (New Westminster) 1001 Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1C4 May 26,2006 Marcel Marsolais, President CUPE Local 409



The Board and the Union agree to the principles and concept of pay equity and will, subject to continued government funding, endeavour to attain pay equity. To that end, the Parties agree as follows:


1.1 The Board and the Union have completed a gender neutral job evaluation review for all employees covered by the Collective Agreement between the Parties using the Job Evaluation Manual.

1.2 The Board and the Union agree that the job descriptions developed through the job evaluation review are reflective of current classifications within the school district and become the recognized job descriptions. Job descriptions shall not be eliminated without prior notification to the Union.

1.3 If an employee believes a position is improperly classified, or, if a new classification is created, the matter shall be referred to the Joint Job Evaluation Committee whose function shall be to determine the appropriate rate of pay by using the Job Evaluation Manual.

1.4 Article 4.06 Description of Work and Classifications is deleted and replaced with the following:

"Article 4.07 Classification/Reclassification/Job Evaluation/Maintenance"

If an employee believes a position is improperly classified, or, if a new classification is created, the matter shall be referred to the Joint Job Evaluation Committee whose function shall be to determine the appropriate rate of pay by using the Job Evaluation Manual.

1.5 The Parties agree that this Memorandum of Agreement shall form part of the Job Evaluation Manual.


2.1 A job evaluation committee composed of two (2) representatives from each Party shall conduct the job evaluation review. Either Party may engage advisors to assist its representatives; however, only the representatives may vote on any issues. The Parties shall endeavour to have representatives who represent the variety of jobs and are gender balanced.

2.2 The Board and the Union shall each designate one (1) of its representatives to act as co­chairperson.

2.3 Each Party may appoint alternate representatives to serve as replacements for absent representatives or to assist the committee in its work, from time to time. The names of

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Schedule "E" continued

alternate representatives shall be submitted to the JJEC. Alternate members shall have the right to vote only when replacing a regular committee member who is absent.

2.4 Union committee members and alternates appointed by the Union shall be granted leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority for periods of time spent working on the committee. These members shall continue to have all the rights and privileges of the Collective Agreement including access to the grievance procedure, promotional opportunities and salary increments to which the employee would normally be entitled, including any increase that may occur as a result of an evaluation of their present position.

2.5 Business decisions of the committee shall be unanimous. Job rating decisions shall be final and binding on the Parties and the employees affected.


3.1 The JJEC shall maintain the pay equity program by:

(a) Evaluating all the jobs using the Job Evaluation Manual.

(b) Maintaining the integrity of the program.

(c) Recommending changes to the Job Evaluation Manual, its procedures or methods, as may be deemed necessary from time to time, to the Parties.


4.1 The "Pay Equity Adjusted Rates" analysis will form the starting point for future pay equity wage and adjustments.

4.2 On April 1, 1995, School District No. 40 (New Westminster) received pay equity funding made available by the BC Government for fiscal 95/96 in the amount of one percent (1 %) of CUPE Payroll ($4,650,000). School District No. 40 has received the following interim pay equity funding:

School District No. 40 (New Westminster) Interim Pay Equity Funding

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Funding received May 1, 1996, $46,500 Retroactive to April 1, 1995

Funding received August 31, 1999, $47,836 Retroactive to April 1, 1998

Funding received May 15, 2000, $50,337 Retroactive to April 1, 1999

4.3 The Board implemented a one (1%) percent across the Board interim pay equity adjustment with effect on April 1, 1995 as per the Letter of Understanding dated January 17,1996.

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Schedule "E" continued

4.4 Future pay equity adjustments are subject to continued government funding. Any additional funds received from the government in 1999 or 2000 shall be distributed on a cents per hour basis towards the pay equity targets in Article 4.1 above or as agreed between the Board and the Union. The cents per hour calculation noted in this section is "net" of wage dependent benefits (CPP, EI, WBC, and pension). If government funding of pay equity ceases, the wage rates will revert back to the existing wage rates subject to any negotiated wage increases.


5.1 Retroactive payments for all current and former employees shall be made within three (3) months of the ratification of this Agreement. The payments shall include interest earned by the Board on funds held in deposit from the date received to the date of retroactive payment.


6.1 The Job Evaluation Manual will be used to evaluate existing and new jobs that fall within the scope of this Agreement. The payments shall include interest earned by the Board on funds held on deposit from the date received to the date of retroactive payment.

6.2 It is important to maintain accurate descriptions and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to impair the integrity of the program. In order to maintain the program, the Union and the Board agree to adopt the following processes:

6.2.1 When the Board establishes a new position, the following procedures shall apply:

(a) The Board will prepare a draft job description for the new job. The job description shall be presented and discussed with the Union and shall become the recognized job description unless the Union presents written objection within thirty (30) days. The issue may be subject to the grievance procedure pursuant to Article 9 of the Collective Agreement.

(b) Prior to posting, the Board will establish a temporary pay grade for the job based on the draft job description. The job will then be posted in accordance with Article 4.02 of the Collective Agreement and the successful candidate will be paid the temporary rate of pay.

(c) Six (6) months after appointment to the job, the incumbent(s) and the supervisor shall complete a Job Analysis Questionnaire. The questionnaire will be submitted, along with any suggested revisions to the job description, to the JJEC. The job will then be rated by the JJEC in accordance with the established Job Evaluation Manual procedure.

(d) If the rate of pay increases as a result of the six (6) month review, such increase shall be paid to the incumbent(s) effective the date of his/her appointment to the job. In the event that the rate of pay decreases as a result of the six (6) month review, the reduced rate of pay will be paid at the beginning of the next pay period following completion of any appeal process and notification to the incumbent and the Union by the Board.

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Schedule "E" continued

6.2.2 Whenever the Board substantially changes the duties and responsibilities of a position or the incumbent(s)/Union feel that the duties and responsibilities of a position have been substantially changed, the following procedures shall be followed:

(a) The incumbent(s)/Union, the supervisor or the Board may request a job evaluation review by completing and submitting a Job Evaluation Reconsideration form. The employee and the supervisor shall then complete a Job Analysis Questionnaire, which shall be submitted to the JJEC.

(b) Upon receipt of a completed Job Evaluation Reconsideration form and a completed Job Analysis Questionnaire, the JJEC shall meet to evaluate the request. Where further information is required, interviews shall be held with incumbents and/or supervisors and/or visits to the work site. The JJEC shall then evaluate the reconsideration request and make a decision that shall be final and binding upon the Parties and all employees affected.

(c) Where it has been determined by the JJEC that the job description has in fact changed, the Board will update the job description. The job will then be rated by the JJEC with the Job Evaluation Manual procedure and a new rating for the job shall be established. The incumbent(s) and the supervisor shall be advised of the rating decision and its rationale.

(d) If the job is rated at a higher pay band than the existing pay band, the incumbent's rate of pay shall be adjusted retroactive to the date that the Board received the completed Job Evaluation Reconsideration form and the Job Analysis Questionnaire.

(e) If the resulting review determines that the job is rated at a pay band lower than the existing pay band then the incumbent(s) in the position shall be retained at the existing rate of pay and shall be entitled to any general wage increases negotiated between the Parties. Employees subsequently hired into the position shall be paid at the rate determined by the procedures set out in Article 6.2.1 above.

(f) After a job evaluation review has been completed for an existing classification, there shall be no further review for a period of twelve (12) months.


7.1 In the event that the JJEC is unable to reach agreement on any matter relating to the interpretation, application or administration of the Job Evaluation Manual, the Committee shall request, within ten (10) working days that each party designate an advisor to meet with the committee. The two (2) advisors will meet with the committee and attempt to assist the committee in reaching a decision. If, after meeting with the two advisors, the committee remains unable to agree upon the matter in dispute, either the Board or the Union may refer the dispute to Article 9.02 of the Collective Agreement.

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Schedule "E" continued

7.2 Following exhaustion of the grievance procedure noted in Article 7.1 above, either Party to this agreement may, within ten (10) working days, submit the dispute to arbitration.

7.3 The arbitrator shall be bound by the Party's Job Evaluation Manual and shall not have the power to modify or amend any of the provision of the manual.

7.4 The Parties agree that a single arbitrator with experience in job evaluation will be selected to resolve disputes under this memorandum. The arbitrator's fees and expenses shall be shared equally between the Union and the Board.

7.5 The time limits contained in this agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties in writing.


8.1 This agreement is subject to the ratification by the Board, the Union and requires approval of the British Columbia Public School Employers' Association and the Public Sector Employers' Council.

Agreed this 28th day of September 2000.

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Cross Reference Index


Accident Reimbursement .......................................................................................................... 47 Additional Hours ......................................................................................................................... 8 Adopts A Child .......................................................................................................................... 22 Affirmative Action ...................................................................................................................... 36 Afternoon And Night Shifts ........................................................................................................ 30 Afternoon Engineer And Custodian ........................................................................................... 30 Afternoon Shift ............................................................................................................................ 5 Amalgamation, Regionalization And Merger Protection ........................................................... .40 Apprenticeship Programs .......................................................................................................... 32 Arbitration ................................................................................................................................. 42 Assigned By The Board ...................... , ..................................................................................... 30


Bank Deposits .......................................................................................................................... 12 Banked Overtime ........................................................................................................................ 6 Bargaining Agency .................................................................................................................... 41 Bargaining Procedures ............................................................................................................. 41 Bereavement Leave .................................................................................................................. 18 Board Initiated Transfers ........................................................................................................... 29 Board Liability ........................................................................................................................... 46 Board Shall Not Discriminate .................................................................................................... 36 Bulletin Boards ......................................................................................................................... 24 Bumping ................................................................................................................................... 27


Calculation - Anniversary Date ................................................................................................... 5 Call-Out ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Casual Employee ........................................................................................................................ 3 Chairing Of Meetings ................................................................................................................ 42 Chairperson Of The Meeting ..................................................................................................... 49 Changes That Affect Personnel ................................................................................................ 48 Classification/Reclass ificationl Job Eval uation/Ma i ntenance ...................................................... 29 Clerical And Custodial Relief ..................................................................................................... 31 Clerical Benefits In Force .......................................................................................................... 46 Communicable Disease Protection ........................................................................................... 46 Community Education Employees .............................................................................................. 6 Composition Of Labour Management Committee .................................................................... .49 Continuation Of Acquired Rights ............................................................................................... 48 Continuation Of Benefits ........................................................................................................... 16 Contracting Out. ........................................................................................................................ 34 Course Reimbursement ............................................................................................................ 47 Crossing Guards ......................................................................................................... 2, 5, 21, 36 Custodian In Charge ................................................................................................................. 56

o Day Engineer Of Custodian ...................................................................................................... 29 Day Shift ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Deduction Of Dues ................................................................................................................... 45


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Definition Of Layoff ................................................................................................................... 27 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 2, 24 Demotion ............................................................................................................................ 24, 30 Dental Care Plan ...................................................................................................................... 16 Dismissal .................................................................................................................................. 35 Disputes And Resolution ........................................................................................................... 39 Documented Complaints Regarding Employees ....................................................................... 44 Driving Allowance ..................................................................................................................... 46


Educational Leave .................................................................................................................... 20 Employee Assistance Program ................................................................................................. 23 Employee Benefits .................................................................................................................... 13 Employee Initiated Transfers .................................................................................................... 24 Evaluation Reports ................................................................................................................... 36 Excluded Seniority .................................................................................................................... 35 Existing System And/Or The Introduction Of New Systems ...................................................... 38 Expedited Arbitration ................................................................................................................ 43 Extended Health Benefits ......................................................................................................... 15 Extensions In Time For Expedited Arbitration Meetings ............................................................ 44 Eye Protection .......................................................................................................................... 40


Failure To Accept Recall ........................................................................................................... 28 Filling Of Vacancies .................................................................................................................. 25 First Aid Certificate ................................................................................................................... 47 Footwear. .................................................................................................................................. 21 Four Hour Minimum (Implemented October 1, 2000) .................................................................. 7 Full Time School Term Employee ............................................................................................... 2 Function Of The Committee ..................................................................................................... .49


General Policy Grievances ....................................................................................................... 44 General Provisions ................................................................................................................... 44 Glare Protection ........................................................................................................................ 39 Graveyard Shift ........................................................................................................................... 5 Grievance Procedure .......................................................................................................... 40,42 Grievances ............................................................................................................................... 42 Group Insurance ....................................................................................................................... 15


Harassment .............................................................................................................................. 12 Health And Safety ................................................................................................... 10, 11, 12, 39 Holiday Forms .......................................................................................................................... 10 Hours Of Work And Minimum Standards .................................................................................. 39 Hours Of Work And Overtime - Maintenance .............................................................................. 5


Illness In Family ........................................................................................................................ 17 Increase In Hours ..................................................................................................................... 24 Indemnification ......................................................................................................................... 45


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Industrial First Aid ..................................................................................................................... 47 Information In Postings ............................................................................................................. 25 Injury Pay .................................................................................................................................. 11 Insurance - Employees Tools' .................................................................................................. 21 Interviews ................................................................................................................................. 25


Job Guarantee .......................................................................................................................... 33 Job Postings ............................................................................................................................. 24 Job Security .................................................................................................................. 27, 34, 49 Joint Job Evaluation Committee .......................................................................................... 29, 73 Jurisdiction Of Committee ......................................................................................................... 50 Jury Duty .................................................................................................................................. 23


Labour Code ......................................................................................................................... 1, 51 Labour/Management Committee ............................................................................................... 49 Layoff And Recall ...................................................................................................................... 27 Lead Hand ................................................................................................................................ 56 Leave Of Absence .................................................................................................................... 19 Leave Of Absence - Education ................................................................................................. 20 Leave Of Absence - GeneraL .................................................................................................... 20 Leave Of Absence For Full Time Union Business ..................................................................... 19 Leave Of Absence For Public Office ......................................................................................... 20 Leave Of Absence For Union Business .................................................................................... 19 Long Term Disability ................................................................................................................. 18 Lunches And Rest Periods ......................................................................................................... 7


Machine Maintenance And Radiation Testing .......................................................................... .40 Management Rights .................................................................................................................. 45 Medical Services Plan Of British Columbia ............................................................................... 15 Meetings Of Committees .......................................................................................................... 49 Metric Conversion ..................................................................................................................... 21 Minutes Of Meetings ................................................................................................................. 49 Mourner .................................................................................................................................... 18


Negotiations .............................................................................................................................. 41 Night Shifts ............................................................................................................................... 30 No New Employees .................................................................................................................. 28 Noon Hour Supervisors/Crossing Guards ................................................................................... 5 Notes: ....................................................................................................................................... 56 Notice Of Meeting ..................................................................................................................... 41 Notice Of Transfer .................................................................................................................... 30

o Occupational Health And Safety ............................................................................................... 10 On-The-Job Training ................................................................................................................. 33 Other Regulations ..................................................................................................................... 11 Outside Advertising ................................................................................................................... 25


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Overnight Trips ......................................................................................................................... 49 Overtime Bank ............................................................................................................................ 7 Overtime, Banks Overtime And Call-au!.. ................................................................................... 6


Paid Leave Of Absence ............................................................................................................ 20 Parenthood Leave .................................................................................................................... 21 Part Time School Term Employee .............................................................................................. 2 Paternity Leave ......................................................................................................................... 22 Pay Stubs ................................................................................................................................. 34 Pension .................................................................................................................................... 13 Permission To Leave Work ....................................................................................................... 34 Personal Harassment ............................................................................................................... 12 Personnel Committee ............................................................................................................... 41 Picket Line ........................................................................... '" .................................................. 46 Political Action .......................................................................................................................... 48 Posting Of Positions ................................................................................................................. 24 Postings While On Recall ......................................................................................................... 28 Privilege Of Attending Meetings ................................................................................................ 42 Probationary Employee ............................................................................................................... 2 Professional Development Day ................................................................................................. 36 Promotion ................................................................................................................................. 24 Promotions And Transfers ........................................................................................................ 26 Proof Of Guilt ............................................................................................................................ 44 Public Education Benefits Trust ................................................................................................ 13


Recall Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 28 Recovery Of Sick Pay - Insurance Settlements ........................................................................ 18 Regular Full Time Employee ....................................................................................................... 2 Report To Work And Minimum Payment (All Employees) ......................................................... 13 Responsibilities And Terms Of Employment ............................................................................. 24 Retirement Age ......................................................................................................................... 14 Right To Have Steward/CUPE DeSignate Present.. .................................................................. 34 Right To Refuse Unsafe Work .................................................................................................. 11 Role Of Seniority I n Layoffs ...................................................................................................... 27


Schedule "A" ................................................................................................................... 5, 50, 53 Schedule "B" ............................................................................................................................. 50 Schedule "C" ....................................................................................................................... 17,50 Schedule "D" ................................................................................................................... 3, 50, 72 Schedule "E" ....................................................................................................................... 50, 73 Secondary Seniority .................................................................................................................... 4 Secondary Seniority List ....................................................................................................... 4, 30 Seniority .................... ' ................................................................................................................ 3 Seniority List ............................................................................................................................. 30 Service Recognition Pay ........................................................................................................... 14 Severance Option ..... '" ............................................................................................................. 28 Severance Pay ......... '" ............................................................................................................. 14 Sexual Harassment .................................................................................................................. 12


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Shifts .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Sick/Medical Leave ................................................................................................................... 16 SOFA Certification .................................................................................................................... 47 Special Agreement ................................................................................................................... 13 Special Assistants ..................................................................................................................... 31 Special Education Assistants .......................................................................................... 8, 31, 37 Special Education Assistants And Special Assistants ................................................................. 8 Special Education Classifications ............................................................................................. 37 Special Education Upgrading .................................................................................................... 37 Special Education/Disruption Of Programs ............................................................................... 30 Special Shifts .............................................................................................................................. 5 Statutory Holidays ..................................................................................................................... 23


Technological Change .............................................................................................................. 37 Temporary Change Of Shift ...................................................................................................... 10 Temporary Employee .................................................................................................................. 2 Temporary Postings .................................................................................................................. 26 Termination ............................................................................................................................... 35 Terms Of Agreement ................................................................................................................ 51 Times Of Payment And Pay Stub Information ........................................................................... 34 Tractor ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Trades Progression .................................................................................................................. 31 Trades Progression/Apprenticeship Programs .......................................................................... 31 Training Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 38 Training Period ......................................................................................................................... 38 Transfer Arrangements ............................................................................................................. 38 Trial Period ............................................................................................................................... 27


Uniforms ................................................................................................................................... 37 Union Bargaining Committee .................................................................................................... 41 Union Membership .................................................................................................................... 44 Unsafe Practices ....................................................................................................................... 48


Vacancy ................................................................................................ 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 33, 38 Vacation And Holiday Periods ..................................................................................................... 8 Vandalism - Employee's Motor Vehicle .................................................................................... 47 Vision Care ............................................................................................................................... 16 Visual Display Terminal ............................................................................................................ 39 Voice Mail Information System .................................................................................................. 25 Volunteer Help .......................................................................................................................... 48


Wearing Of Uniforms ................................................................................................................ 37 Wet Weather Clothes And Footwear ......................................................................................... 21 Working Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5 Worksafe BC Additional Benefit ................................................................................................ 18
