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December 2014 From Pastor Chang The Sounds of Zion Zion United Methodist Church • 1001 24th Avenue South • Grand Forks, ND Greetings in the name of the Savior Jesus who is to come among us soon again! Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow- flakes, sweet smell of cookies and chocolates filling in our house. Probably some of you have already brought Christmas trees and lights to your house and are ready to celebrate this holiday season. In this exciting, joyful season, remember those around us who can’t be in the mood of celebration be- cause of the hardships of life, health concerns, or the recent loss of their loved ones in the family. Right before working on this message, I read another newspaper article about the afterward measures and plans and new arrangements to prevent further cases like the death of a young man in Ferguson, MO. Because of the decision of the Grand Jury announced last week not to indict the po- lice officer, many were outraged. They saw this case as the miscarriage of justice, while others were arguing that the decision is to be honored and respected since they had come to that conclusion af- ter careful consideration on the unusual number of evidences and testimonies submitted to them. Our nation has been torn apart once again and we witness the unresolved, on-going issues of our so- ciety that has become the seedbed of violence, mistrust, and racism. Being confronted with the split of the nation, and being in my prayer for healing and return of peace to our communities, I came to think that this is why we are so desperately waiting for Jesus, waiting for His justice and His realm on the earth. Did you know this is the very theme of the season of Ad- vent? In church, we have just moved into a new season called ‘Advent.’ Until Christmas Eve, we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. The season pro- claims Christ’s anticipated coming again, as well as the coming of Jesus as the infant Savior whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. So, it is a time that is not just preparation for Christmas day, but also the time of preparation for the second coming of Christ in the name of justice and peace, and the in- ward soul-searching that should mark that prepara- tion. For our spiritual preparation for His coming, we are having a new Advent sermon series titled “What Are We Waiting For?” based on different gospel and epistle readings. Come my friends and join our worship and exciting seasonal events here at Zion!

New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

Oct 13, 2020



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Page 1: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December 2014

From Pastor Chang

The Sounds of Zion Zion United Methodist Church • 1001 24th Avenue South • Grand Forks, ND

Greetings in the name of the Savior Jesus who is to come among us soon again!

Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-

flakes, sweet smell of cookies and chocolates filling in our house. Probably some of you have already

brought Christmas trees and lights to your house and are ready to celebrate this holiday season.

In this exciting, joyful season, remember those around us who can’t be in the mood of celebration be-

cause of the hardships of life, health concerns, or the recent loss of their loved ones in the family.

Right before working on this message, I read another newspaper article about the afterward

measures and plans and new arrangements to prevent further cases like the death of a young man in

Ferguson, MO. Because of the decision of the Grand Jury announced last week not to indict the po-

lice officer, many were outraged. They saw this case as the miscarriage of justice, while others were

arguing that the decision is to be honored and respected since they had come to that conclusion af-

ter careful consideration on the unusual number of evidences and testimonies submitted to them.

Our nation has been torn apart once again and we witness the unresolved, on-going issues of our so-

ciety that has become the seedbed of violence, mistrust, and racism.

Being confronted with the split of the nation, and being in my prayer for healing and return of peace

to our communities, I came to think that this is why we are so desperately waiting for Jesus, waiting

for His justice and His realm on the earth. Did you know this is the very theme of the season of Ad-


In church, we have just moved into a new season

called ‘Advent.’ Until Christmas Eve, we prepare

ourselves for the coming of Christ. The season pro-

claims Christ’s anticipated coming again, as well as

the coming of Jesus as the infant Savior whose birth

we celebrate at Christmas. So, it is a time that is not

just preparation for Christmas day, but also

the time of preparation for the second coming of

Christ in the name of justice and peace, and the in-

ward soul-searching that should mark that prepara-


For our spiritual preparation for His coming, we are

having a new Advent sermon series titled “What Are

We Waiting For?” based on different gospel and epistle readings.

Come my friends and join our worship and exciting seasonal events here at Zion!

Page 2: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

November 2014 Page 2

Administrative Council Meeting Minutes from November, 2014

Attendees: Tim Carlson Chairperson, Pastor Chang, Jerry Quam, John and Cynthia Shabb, Don Miller,

David and Cathy Perry, Brad Loiland and Dale Taylor acting secretary.

Call to Order at 7:07 pm by Tim Carlson. Pastor Chang led us in Prayer.

Minutes for the October Meeting: Moved and Seconded Cynthia/Don. Approved

Treasurer’s Report (John): A copy of the October financials was provided. All bills were paid in full ex-

cept apportionments which are now approximately -$2,500.00 for the year. The roof is complete and

all but the final payment of approximately $4,000.00 has been made. Pastor Chang said approximately

$2,700.00 was made at the Turkey Dinner. The profit is to go to the roof project. Cynthia/Don moved

to accept the report. Report Approved.

Committee reports:

A. Technology (Brad): Reported the west side projector in the Sanctuary no longer works. The prob-

lem appears to be a bad mother board. It is more cost effective to buy new rather than repair the pro-

jector. Brad said an LP type projector would cost between $500.00 and $550.00 and an LCD projector

would cost approximately $1,000.00. The difference between the projectors is the LCD would be bright-

er and clearer. It was decided that Brad fill out an application for the Endowment fund to purchase two

LCD projectors and if approved to purchase one and try it out and if it is considerably better than our

present east side projector we would purchase the second. A person has told the pastor they would like

to pay a portion of the cost which would then lower the request from the Endowment Fund. If the re-

quest is not approved by the Endowment Fund the issue will be brought back to the Administrative


B. Trustees (Jerry): Reported the Fire inspector made his annual inspection. We were told to make

sure there were no combustibles with 18 inches of and alarm. Jerry removed a portion of the shelving

under the east stairwell. We were also told there should be nothing under the control box in the me-

chanical room under the office. Jerry cleared the area. We also received our annual inspection of the

sprinkler system. The system was tested and found to be in good working order. Other areas worked on

this month included replacing three thermostats and setting week day temperatures at 65 degrees.

Heat tape of the kitchen roof was installed and 16 ceiling tiles in the downstairs were replaced. Be-

cause of the break in new locks and keys were installed in the Pastors Study and the Day Care office.

Master keys have all been place in the safe rather than the office. A window was replaced in the Day

Care office as the police have taken the window as evidence. The doors in the Church office and Day

Care office were repaired. Yellow tape has been installed on the steps. Camera installation was dis-

cussed and Trustees were directed to find the cost to wire cameras and report back to the Administra-

tive Council at the next meeting.

C. Education (Cynthia): Reported the children Christmas Program will be on December 14th. She

also stated we were in need of two adults needing to be present when the Youth Group meets on

Wednesday nights. She said Bonnie Taylor would be in the area during the meetings.

D. Hospitality: (Don): No report this month.

Page 3: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

Page 3 December 2014

E. Stewardship and Finance: (John): Reported that we are within reach of our budget being about

$2,500.00 short of apportionments thus far. Because of this John reported we would have a celebra-

tion on Sunday December 7th. He would make a statement during the service and we would have a

treat after the service and prior to decorating the Sanctuary. Cathy said she would organize something

such as Sloppy Jo’s and cake for that time and Cynthia said she would help.

F. Staff Parish: (Cathy) The committee would be meeting next week to complete the Church Pro-


G Worship: (David) Stated our Joint Thanksgiving Service would be on Tuesday at7:30 p.m. at Zi-

on. Ken Sherwood will be directing the combined choir. The offering for the night and a special offer-

ing the following Sunday will go, as directed by the Bishop, to Native Americans in the Rapid City area

and Ebola victims in West Africa. December 10th the Youth and others will be Caroling at Valley 4000

beginning at 6:00 p.m.

H. Pastors Report: (Pastor Chang) began a discussion about the building usage and handed out a

Zion policy dated 9-20-92. It was decided that the pastor should select a committee of leaders to re-

view the policy and bring back suggestions to the next Administrative Council meeting on December


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. David Perry closed with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Dale Taylor, acting Administrative Council Secretary

Christmas Eve

Candlelight Service 5:30 pm

Page 4: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December 2014 Page 4

Children’s Message Zion has three new “messengers”

who are bringing creative drama to

the Children’s Message portion of

our worship service. They are

Grace Jackson, Chloe Whiteside &

Ashley Rossler – 8th graders with

a fresh vitality for conveying God’s

word to all of us. We at Zion are

truly blessed to have these three

spiritually energetic presenters!

Book Notes from your Library Team In the library, for your convenience, you will find a yellow tub containing RECENT BOOK

DONATIONS – no need to search through the stacks. These books, listed below, will remain in the

yellow tub on the library desk until January 2015.

A Year Of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans (humerous and thought provoking)

Finding FAITH in the Field by Benjamin Duane Hylden (North Dakota author)

A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout & Sara Corbett ( A Memoir)

Lost Boys – Why our Sons Turn Violent and How we can Save Them by J. Garbarino, PH.D.

How To Be Rich by Andy Stanley (Copy of Zion’s Recent Book Study)

The Journey, Walking the Road to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton

(Christmas Story)

The Red 3 Ring Binder replaces the old card catalog system and it

remains on the library desk top for a quick reference. Over a thou-

sand books have been entered onto a spread sheet and divided into

three areas: Author, Title and Classification.

Thank you to all who have donated.

Your Library Committee

Page 5: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December 2014 Page 5

12/01 LaVonne Brown 12/21 Nancy Evans 12/02 Jone Barnick 12/22 Kristi Swartz 12/10 Earl Olson 12/23 Broughdy Millard 12/10 Nathaniel Krueger 12/23 Robb Pasley 12/12 Sherri Collings 12/24 Ted Clausen 12/13 Carrie Jackson 12/26 Tony Adams 12/14 Morgan Hartz 12/27 Virgina Stewart 12/15 Penny Ollman 12/28 Josh Nelson 12/16 Jerry Loiland 12/28 Rebekah Krueger 12/17 Alexis O’Halloran 12/29 Bette Olson 12/18 John Shabb 12/30 Travis Vanyo

December Birthdays

Children’s Christmas

Program December 14 , 2014

Children’s Christmas


December 14th

10:30 Worship Service

Page 6: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

Page 6 December 2014

December Serving Group

*Arlene Krueger Scott/Jill Kuster Robb/Nancy Pasley

*Cathy Perry Elayne LaFave Doug Peters/Angela Cheney

Jone Barnick Steve/Sherry Lindquist David/Marlys Pung

Mel/Amy Bugbee Kent/Karen Lovelace Wayne/Dorothy Rowe

Steve/Stephanie Christian Matt/Heather Martin Bridget Ryberg

Stephen/Karin Cook Jeff/Laurie Millard George/Arlene Schubert

Kirsten Cutshall/Chris Don Miller/Deb Glennen Amanda Schwenn

Red/Melly Drake Gary/Jackie Mitchell Lori Sprenger

David/Terrie Dusek David/Terrie Dusek Brian/Heidi Stevens

Kenn/Nora Foltz James Nichol Fred/Virginia Stewart

Roger/Carol Helland Earl/Norma Olson Chris/Tara Taylor

Mike/Carrie Jackson Laura Olson JoAnn White

Jean Jacobson Mike/Diana O’Shaughnessy Steve/Kristi Whiteside

Elaine Johnson

Nursery Caregivers for Holiday Season Do you want to help encourage families to attend church at Zion?

If so, please consider volunteering in the nursery during the

Holiday season.

Our caregivers are UND students who will not be available on Sunday,

December 21st, December 28th, January 4th, or the 11th. Plus, we will

not have anyone for the Christmas Eve service on the 24th of Decem-

ber. If you have a place in your heart for families and young children,

please consider giving of your time and spend it with our little ones. We

need at least two people in the nursery to best care for our little ones.

Please contact Cynthia Shabb (701-330-0765) if you are able to help out!

Page 7: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December 2014 Page 7

Zion United Methodist Endowment Fund

A North Dakota law is very advantageous to donors who give to Endowment Foundations such as the

Endowment Fund at Zion. Individuals may receive a state tax credit for a contribution of $5,000 or

more to a qualified North Dakota endowment. The tax credit is 40% of the charitable deduction al-

lowed by the IRS up to a maximum credit of $10,000 per year per taxpayer or $20,000 per year per

couple filing jointly.

Applying the law allows a North Dakota taxpayer to make a $5,000 donation to an endowment at a

net out of picket cost of $1,600. This example assumes a 28% federal tax bracket. The $5,000 do-

nation would result in federal tax savings of $1,400 for the charitable contribution and $2,000 tax

savings resulting from the North Dakota tax credit for the donation. See the illustration below. This

allowance increases the more a donor gives up to the $20,000 per couple maximum.

For more information please get in touch with Barry Medd @701-330-3409.

Page 8: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December 2014 Page 8


Love Feast

Love Feast wrapped up November 25 for 2014.

Total of 11 churches serving an average of 200

guests. This year’s guests have enjoyed music

playing in the Narthex as they came into the

church. A variety of food from scallop potatoes

and ham, sloppy joes, meat balls, pork loin, ham-

burgers, lasagna, lemon pepper chicken with the

last meal included turkey with all the trimmings.

It is a joy to see so many guests from Grand

Forks and surrounding areas socializing and en-

joying a delicious hot meal. In addition or guest

have the opportunity to have their blood pressure

taken. We averaged 20 people per evening hav-

ing their blood pressure taken. In October, 7

people received flu shots. Thank you to everyone

from Zion who assisted in serving the meal and

socializing with the guest. I encourage Zion

members to come one or two months next year.

This is one of Zion’s Mission projects we serve in

the Grand Forks area. We look forward to anoth-

er successful year in 2015

Page 9: New The Sounds of Zion · 2012. 12. 1. · Yes, it is December, the Christmas month that is marked by the colorful decorations, lights and snow-flakes, sweet smell of cookies and

December2014 Page 9


Lectionary Readings

Sunday, December 8, 2014

Isaiah 40:1–11

Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13 (UMH 806)

2 Peter 3:8–15a

Mark 1:1–8

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11

Psalm 126 (UMH 847)

1 Thessalonians 5:16–24

John 1:6–8, 19–28

Sunday, December 21, 2014

2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16

Luke 1:47–55 (UMH 199)

Romans 16:25–27

Luke 1:26–38

Christmas Eve, December 24,


Isaiah 9:2–7

Psalm 96 (UMH 815)

Titus 2:11-14

Luke 2:1–20

Christmas Day, December 25,


Isaiah 52:7–10

Psalm 98 (UMH 818)

Hebrews 1:1–4 (5–12)

John 1:1–14

Sunday December 28, 2014

Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Psalm 148

Galatians 4:4-7

Luke 2:22-40



Tuesday, December 16th

8:00 p.m.

St. Michael’s Catholic Church

(524 5th Avenue North)

Free-will offering with proceeds going to the Community

Violence Intervention Center (CVIC)

November Love Feast