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EMD Millipore—with the expertise of Calbiochem ® , Chemicon ® , and Upstate ® EMD Millipore is a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany FEATURED ANTIBODY FAMILY: Direct Conjugated Antibodies for Neural Markers Visualizing neural architecture is still critical for much of neuroscience research today and immunostaining remains the standard technique. Our growing line of directly conjugated key markers to neural cell types and subcellular regions adds precision, reliability, and simplicity to the study of focused regions like perisynaptic zones, axons, and glial arborizations. Visit our website for a complete list of neural marker antibodies and direct conjugates and use our convenient online marker charts to plan your next experiment. Visualization of neural structure made easy. Several versatile and convenient technologies have emerged as key tools for the visualization of neural structure. Advances in immunolabeling, lentiviral live cell biosensors, and neuron-specific microfluidic chambers have allowed unparalleled views into the mechanisms of development, outgrowth, protein trafficking, gene regulation, synaptic formation, and degeneration in neural systems. EMD Millipore is a leader in developing innovative neuroscience visualization tools, including our expanding line of direct conjugated antibodies, lentiviral biosensors, and AXIS® microfluidic culture chambers. Stem Cell Cancer Epigenetics & Gene Regulation Signaling Cell Structure Neuroscience ANTIBODIES, ASSAYS, SMALL MOLECULES, INHIBITORS, AND PROTEINS New VOLUME 5 I 2012 products Fluorescent IHC staining of adult mouse brain with Anti-Synaptophysin- Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate (Catalogue No. MAB5258A4; green) and nuclear counterstain Hoechst 33342 (blue).

New Products 2012V5

Apr 16, 2015



New Products: antibodies, assays, proteins, small molecules, & inhibitors
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Page 1: New Products 2012V5

EMD Millipore—with the expertise of Calbiochem®, Chemicon®, and Upstate®

EMD Millipore is a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany


Direct Conjugated Antibodies for Neural MarkersVisualizing neural architecture is still critical for much of neuroscience research today and immunostaining remains the standard technique. Our growing line of directly conjugated key markers to neural cell types and subcellular regions adds precision, reliability, and simplicity to the study of focused regions like perisynaptic zones, axons, and glial arborizations. Visit our website for a complete list of neural marker antibodies and direct conjugates and use our convenient online marker charts to plan your next experiment.

Visualization of neural structure made easy.Several versatile and convenient technologies have emerged as key tools for the visualization of neural structure. Advances in immunolabeling, lentiviral live cell biosensors, and neuron-specific microfluidic chambers have allowed unparalleled views into the mechanisms of development, outgrowth, protein trafficking, gene regulation, synaptic formation, and degeneration in neural systems. EMD Millipore is a leader in developing innovative neuroscience visualization tools, including our expanding line of direct conjugated antibodies, lentiviral biosensors, and AXIS® microfluidic culture chambers.

Stem Cell CancerEpigenetics & Gene Regulation

Signaling Cell StructureNeuroscience



Fluorescent IHC staining of adult mouse brain with Anti-Synaptophysin-Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate (Catalogue No. MAB5258A4; green) and nuclear counterstain Hoechst 33342 (blue).

Page 2: New Products 2012V5



Description conjugate type Catalogue No.

Pan NeuronalNeuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker, Rabbit Alexa Fluor® 488 ABN2300A4

Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker, Rabbit Biotin ABN2300B

Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker, Rabbit Cy3 ABN2300C3

Neuronal NuclearAnti-NeuN, Rabbit Polyclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 ABN78A4

Anti-NeuN, Rabbit Polyclonal Biotin ABN78B

Anti-NeuN, Rabbit Polyclonal Cy3 ABN78C3

Anti-NeuN, Mouse Monoclonal, clone A60 Cy3 MAB377C3

Anti-NeuN, Mouse Monoclonal, clone A60 Alexa Fluor® 555 MAB377A5

Neuronal SomaticAnti-GAD67, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 1G10.2 Biotin MAB5406B

Anti-MAP2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone AP20 Cy3 MAB3418C3

Anti-MAP2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone AP20 Alexa Fluor® 555 MAB3418A5

Anti-MAP2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone AP20 Biotin MAB3418B

Anti-MAP2, Rabbit Polyclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 AB2290A4

Anti-MAP2, Rabbit Polyclonal Cy3 AB2290C3

Anti-Neurofilament H, Mouse Monoclonal, clone NE14 Alexa Fluor® 555 MAB5256A5

Anti-Neurofilament H, Mouse Monoclonal, clone NE14 Biotin MAB5256B

Anti-Tau-1, Mouse Monoclonal, clone PC1C6 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB3420A4

Anti-Tubulin β-III, Mouse Monoclonal, clone TU-20 Alexa Fluor® 555 CBL412A5

Anti-Tubulin β-III, Rabbit Polyclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 AB15708A4

Anti-Tubulin β-III, Rabbit Polyclonal Biotin AB15708B

Anti-Tubulin β-III, Rabbit Polyclonal Cy3 AB15708C3

Neuronal SynapticAnti-GluR2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 6C4 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB397A4

Anti-NR1, Mouse Monoclonal, C Terminus Alexa Fluor® 488 05-432A4

Anti-Synaptophysin, Mouse Monoclonal, clone SY38 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB5258A4

Anti-Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2, Mouse Monoclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB5504A4

Neurodegenerative DiseaseAnti-Alzheimer Precursor Protein A4, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 22C11 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB348A4

Anti-Alzheimer Precursor Protein A4, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 22C11 Biotin MAB348B

AstroglialAnti-GFAP, Mouse Monoclonal Biotin MAB3402B

Anti-GFAP, Mouse Monoclonal Cy3 MAB3402C3

OligodendroglialAnti-Olig2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 211F1.1 Alexa Fluor® 488 MABN50A4

Anti-O4, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 81 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB345A4

Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Rabbit Polyclonal Biotin AB5320B

Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Rabbit Polyclonal Cy3 AB5320C3

Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Rabbit Polyclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 AB5320A4

Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 132.39 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB5384A4

Anti-MAG, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 513 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB1567A4

Anti-Galactocerebroside, Mouse Monoclonal, clone mGalC Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB342A4

Anti-Disialoganglioside GD2, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 14.2Ga. Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB2052A4

Anti-CNPase, Mouse Monoclonal, clone 11-5B Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB326A4

DevelopmentalAnti-Reelin, Mouse Monoclonal, clone G10 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB5364A4

Anti-Sox2, Rabbit Polyclonal Alexa Fluor® 488 AB5603A4

Anti-TRA-1-60, Mouse Monoclonal, clone TRA-1-60 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB4360A4

Anti-TRA-1-81, Mouse Monoclonal, clone TRA-1-81 Alexa Fluor® 488 MAB4381A4

Page 3: New Products 2012V5




AXIS™ Axon Investigation Platform- Plasma Bonded To Confocal Tissue Culture Dish

Neuronal structure visualization has never been easier

using our optically clear, premounted, microfluidic

chambers in combination with direct conjugated

antibodies and pan-neuronal antibody blends!

• Measure axonal changes in response to

growth factors, toxins, or other modulators

• Organize, visualize, and characterize neuronal

cell culture

• Detect protein expression and trafficking with

better spatial resolution

• Manipulate soma and axonal compartments


• Create double, triple and quadruple staining

with one-step protocols

LentiBrite ™ PSD95-GFP & RFP Lentiviral Biosensors

The postsynaptic side of an excitatory synapse contains

an electron- and protein-dense region, the postsynaptic

density (PSD), that positions neurotransmitters adjacent

to sites of presynaptic neurotransmitter release and also

concentrates signaling molecules. MAGUKs (membrane-

associated guanylate kinases) serve as central organizers

of the PSD and as signaling molecules. One such MAGUK,

PSD-95, is associated with the dendritic spines of mature

synapses, and is relatively immobile compared to other

MAGUKs. PSD-95 fused to fluorescent proteins can be

used to quantify turnover and mobility of PSD-95. EMD

Millipore’s LentiBrite™ PSD-95-GFP lentiviral particles

provide bright fluorescence and precise localization to

enable live cell analysis of PSD dynamics in neurons.

VOLUME 5 I 2012

Description Catalogue No.

AXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 150 µm, Plasma Bonded, Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


AXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 450 µm, Plasma Bonded, Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


AXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 500 µm, Plasma Bonded, Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


Description Catalogue No.

LentiBrite™ PSD95-GFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10227

LentiBrite™ PSD95-RFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10226

Discriminate somas and dendrites (green) from axons (red) and nuclei (blue) using the AXIS® microfluidic platform. Confocal micrograph of ICC staining of mouse Balb/c P3 mixed cortical neuron culture using the microfluidic AXIS® Confocal slide (AX15005PBC). Somas and dendrites were stained with anti-MAP2 (Catalogue No. MAB3418). Axons were stained using anti-βIII tubulin (Catalogue No. AB15708) and CY3. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI.

N1E-115 cell line differentiating through an AXIS® device (AX15010) using 20X magnification. (left) Brightfield image of cells showing cell differentiation through the 150 µm wide microgrooves. (middle) Staining of cells with pan-neuronal antibody MAB2300X (green) and DAPI (blue). (right) Overlay of both images to allow visualization of growth within the AXIS® device.

Visualize synapse dynamics with unprecedented clarity by transducing your neurons with LentiBrite™ biosensors. ICC image of live primary rat hippocampal neuron cells transduced with PSD95-GFP lentiviral particles. The PSD95-GFP displays a dotted distribution along the neurites.

Page 4: New Products 2012V5



NeuroscienceDescription Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-ACE2, clone 4G5.1 MABN59

Anti-AIF-1 ABN67

Anti-a B-crystallin ABN185

Anti-a-dystrobrevin ABN61

Anti-a-dystrobrevin, clone 1D11.1 MABN270

Anti-Alzheimer Precursor Protein A4, clone 22C11, Alexa® 488 conjugate


Anti-Alzheimer Precursor Protein A4, clone 22C11, Biotin conjugate


Anti-Amyloid β peptide (MOAB-2), pan, clone 6C3 MABN254

Anti-Amyloid, β 1-40, aβ ABN240

Anti-Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, clone 2E2 MAB3502-I

Anti-Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4), clone 4E4 MABN43

Anti-ARMS2 ABN160

Anti-Aromatase ABN30

Anti-ARX, clone 11F6.2 MABN102

Anti-β III Tubulin, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate AB15708A4

Anti-β III Tubulin, Biotin conjugate AB15708B

Anti-β III Tubulin, Cy3 conjugate AB15708C3

Anti-Bystin ABN68

Anti-Calnexin AB2301

Anti-CEA cell adhesion molecule 16 (Ceacam16) ABN190

Anti-Ceruloplasmin (CP) ABN39

Anti-CHL1, clone BB13.13 MABN299

Anti-Cholesterol acyltransferase 1 ABN66

Anti-CNPase, clone 11-5B, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB326A4

Anti-Disialoganglioside GD2, clone 14.2Ga, AlexaFluor®488 conjugate


Anti-Disks large homolog 1 (DLG1), clone B7-1 MABN249

Anti-DLK1 ABN40

Anti-DRD4, clone 2B9 MABN125

Anti-DSCR3 ABN87

Anti-FGF9 ABN41

Anti-FGF10 ABN44

Anti-GABA(A) receptor subunit g-2, clone 10F10-C1-B8 MABN263

Anti-GAD65 ABN101

Anti-GAD67, clone 1G10.2, Biotin conjugate MAB5406B

Anti-Galactocerebroside, clone mGalC, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-GFAP, Biotin conjugate MAB3402B

Anti-GFAP, Cy3 conjugate MAB3402C3

Anti-GLT1 (N-terminus) ABN102

Anti-Glucagon (non-Oxyntomodulin), clone 12D4.14.11 MABN330

Anti-Glucagon, clone 13D11.33 MABN238

Anti-GluR2, clone 6C4, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB397A4

Anti-GPx1 ABN63

Anti-Gsh2 ABN162

Anti-Homer1 ABN37

Anti-Iba1/AIF1 MABN92

Anti-MAG, clone 513, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB1567A4

Anti-MAP2, Biotin conjugate AB2290B

Anti-MAP2, clone AP20, Cy3 conjugate MAB3418C3

Anti-MAP2, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate AB2290A4

Anti-MAP2, clone AP20, Alexa Fluor® 555 conjugate MAB3418A5

Anti-MAP2, clone AP20, Biotin conjugated MAB3418B

Anti-MAP2, Cy3 conjugate AB2290C3

Anti-MDGA1 AB2226

Anti-MNX1 (HB9) ABN174

Anti-MyT1L, clone 20B4.1 MABD50

Anti-Netrin receptor DCC, clone 2A11.1 MABN101

Anti-NeuN (Guinea pig) ABN90

VOLUME 5 I 2012

EMD Millipore’s newly released Anti-Amyloid β (Aβ) Peptide, clone 6C-3 monoclonal antibody (MOAB-2, clone 63, Catalogue No. MABN254) specifically detects Aβ but not APP. This antibody has been cited in a new study on Aβ deposition in neurodegenerative disease. Katherine Youmans and colleagues describe this unique and highly aggregate-specific antibody in their latest publication entitled: “Intraneuronal Aβ detection in 5xFAD mice by a new Aβ-specific antibody”*

For greater insight into the forms of Aβ peptide associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the researchers used MOAB2, clone 6C3 to detect multiple Aβ 40 and Aβ 42 conformations, including unaggregated, oligomeric and fibrillar. Not only did MOAB2 consistently detect intraneuronal Aβ without binding to APP, but the antibody also showed greater specificity than did the traditionally used antibody, 6E10. Therefore, MOAB2 is therefore suitable for sensitive and specific detection of accumulating Aβ peptides in AD models.

* Youmans, K. et al. Mol Neurodegener. 2012; 7: 8.


Description Catalogue No.Anti-NeuN (Chicken) ABN91

Anti-NeuN (rabbit monoclonal), clone 27-4 MABN140

Anti-NeuN (rabbit), Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate ABN78A4

Anti-NeuN (rabbit), Biotin conjugate ABN78B

Anti-NeuN (rabbit), Cy3 conjugate ABN78C3

Anti-NeuN, clone A60, Cy3 conjugate MAB377C3

Anti-NeuN purified ABN90P

Anti-NeuN, clone A60, Alexa Fluor® 555 conjugate MAB377A5

Anti-pan Neurexin-1 ABN161

Anti-Neurexin-1-a ABN35

Anti-Neurexin-1-a ABN98

Anti-Neurexin2 ABN97

Anti-Neurexin3 ABN96

Anti-Neurofilament 200kDa, clone NE14, Alexa Fluor® 555 conjugate


Anti-Neurofilament 200kDa, clone NE14, Biotin conjugate


Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Biotin conjugate


Anti-NG2 Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan, Cy3 conjugate


Anti-NG2, Alexa Fluor®488 conjugate AB5320A4

Anti-NG2, clone 132.39, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB5384A4

Anti-NR1, C Terminus, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-Numb, clone 6G10.1 MABN281

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Page 5: New Products 2012V5



Neuroscience (continued)

Epigenetics & Nuclear Function

VOLUME 5 I 2012

Description Catalogue No.Anti-O4, clone 81, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB345A4

Anti-Olig2, clone 211F1.1, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MABN50A4

Anti-PCTAIRE-1 kinase, clone 9G10.1 MABN89

Anti-PDE9A ABN32

Anti-PDE11A ABN34

Anti-Peroxiredoxin-5 (PRDX5) Human, clone 5 286 6F7 MABN300

Anti-Peroxiredoxin-5 (PRDX5), clone 5 288 2F4 MABN301

Anti-Plexin B2, clone 1D5.2 MAB10420

Anti-P-Rex1, clone 6F12 MABC178

Anti-RAB35 ABN38

Anti-Reelin, clone G10, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB5364A4

Anti-REM 2 (GTP-binding protein) ABD37

Anti-RGS11 (C-terminus) ABN111

Anti-Rhes ABN31

Anti-ROBO1, clone 7E3.1 MABN121

Anti-RYK ABN64

Anti-S100A7, clone 14F6.1 MABN123

Anti-Solute carrier family 17 member 9 (VNUT) ABN110

Anti-Sox11 ABN105

Anti-Sox2, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate AB5603A4

Anti-Synaptophysin, clone SY38, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-Synaptotagmin 3, clone 1E4.2 MABN108

Anti-TAR DNA binding protein-43, clone TAR5 2H4 MABN150

Anti-Tau, a.a. 210-241, clone Tau-5 MABN162

Anti-Tau-1, clone PC1C6, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB3420A4

Anti-Tau-tubulin kinase 2 (TTBK2) ABN103

Anti-TFG ABN180

Anti-TRA-1-60, clone TRA-1-60, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-TRA-1-81, clone TRA-1-81, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-β-III Tubulin, clone TU-20, Alexa Fluor® 555 conjugate


Anti-Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2, Alexa Fluor® 488 | MAB5504A4


Milli-Mark® Anti-BACE, C-terminus-PE, clone 61-3E7 FCMAB410PE

Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker-Rabbit ABN2300

Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker-Rabbit, Alexa488 conjugate


Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker-Rabbit, Biotin conjugate


Neuro-Chrom™ Pan Neuronal Marker-Rabbit, Cy3 conjugate


Kits & AssaysAXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 150 µm, Plasma Bonded Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


AXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 450 µm, Plasma Bonded Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


AXIS™ Axon Isolation Device, 500 µm, Plasma Bonded Confocal Tissue Culture Dish


LentiBrite™ PSD95-GFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10227

LentiBrite™ PSD95-RFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10226

Description Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys14), clone 13HH3-1A5 MABE351

Anti-c-Fos ABE457

Anti-CHD1, clone 2F11H5 MABE137

Anti-Dnmt1, clone DNM-2C1 MABE306

Anti-HCFC1 ABD74

Anti-Histone H3. X/Y, clone 8H6-2111 MABE243

Anti-monomethyl-Histone H3 (Lys36) ABE244

Anti-phospho-Cdk1 (Thr14, Tyr15), clone CP3.2 MABE229

Anti-phospho-IRF-3 (Ser396) 07-582-I

Anti-phospho-NF-kB (p100) (Ser707) 07-1829

Anti-TDRD6 ABE231

Kits & AssaysMagna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP and Thermal Plate Set 17-10457

Magna ChIP™ HT96 ChIP Plate Set 17-10459

Magna ChIP™ HT96 Thermal Plate Set 17-10458

Proteins & Enzymes5-hmC Glucosyltransferase 14-1047

HDAC1 (Hist-tag) human recombinant 03-190

HDAC2 (1-488) (His-tag) human recombinant 03-182

HDAC2 full length (His-tag) human recombinant 03-228

HDAC3 (His-tag) human recombinant 03-233

HDAC8 human recombinant 03-186

Human native nucleosomes 14-1057

Human recombinant CARM1 14-1048

Human recombinant H3.1 core histone octamers 14-1050

Human recombinant H3.3 core histone octamers 14-1051

Human recombinant histone H2A-H2B dimers 14-1052

Human recombinant histone H2AX-H2B dimers 14-1055

Human recombinant histone H2AZ-H2B dimers 14-1053

Human recombinant histone H3.1-H4 tetramers 14-1056

Human recombinant histone H3.3-H4 tetramers 14-1054

SET7/9 human recombinant 03-209

SIRT5 (His-tag) human recombinant 03-230

For published studies using this new product, visit:

For publications on using these small molecules, visit:

Description Catalogue No.

Small Molecules & InhibitorsAdenosine A2A/A1 Receptor Antagonist 116765-10MG

AMPA Agonist, CMPA 155306-5MG

ApoE4 Modulator, PH002 178477-10MG

KMO Inhibitor I, Ro 61-8048 420360-10MG

LRRK2 Inhibitor II, CZC-25146 438194-10MG

Neurogenesis Inducer V, KHS101 480747-10MG

Neuronal Differentiation Inducer, Isobavachin 480748-5MG

Neuroprotectant, OBA-09 494105-25MG

Neurotrope J147 480850-10MG

NMDA Receptor NR2BCT(1292-1304)-TAT 454585-2MG

TRPM4 Inhibitor, 9-Phenanthrol 648492-50MG

Proteins & EnzymesDopaminergic Differentiation Growth Factor Sampler SCR128

Parkin (c-Myc tagged), active 23-046-K

Parkin, active 23-048

Page 6: New Products 2012V5



For published studies using this new product, visit:

For publications on using these small molecules, visit:

VOLUME 5 I 2012

CancerDescription Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-Angiogenin ABC128

Anti-ELMO1 ABC110

Anti-Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1)-R132S, clone SMab-1


Anti-Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2), clone RMab-22


Anti-LIMD1, clone 3F2/C6 MABD85

Anti-PCTAIRE-1 kinase, clone 9G10.1 MABN89

Anti-Praf2 (JM4) ABC95

Anti-P-Rex1, clone 6F12 MABC178


Anti-Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1), clone 8B7.1


Anti-Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5 (S1P5), clone 13F9.1


Anti-STK3/MST2, clone 9G7.1 MABC111

Kits & AssaysLentiBrite™ GFP-Rad51 Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10234

LentiBrite™ RFP-Rad51 Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10220

LentiBrite™ GFP-LC3-II Enrichment Kit (Flow Cytometry)


Small Molecules & InhibitorsAPE1 Inhibitor III 262017-10MG

Autophagy Regulators Panel 189488-1EA

β-Catenin/Tcf Inhibitor V, BC21 219334-10MG

BCRP Inhibitor III, YHO-13177 197227-10MG

β-Glucuronidase Inhibitor 347423-10MG

Casein Kinase II Inhibitor VIII 218860-10MG

Choline Kinase-a Inhibitor, CK37 229103-5MG

DUB Inhibitor V, PR-619 662141-25MG

DUB Inhibitor VI, P22077 662142-25MG

EIF2AK3 Activator, CCT020312 324879-5MG

Glutaminase Inhibitor, Compound 968 352010-10MG

GSK-3β Inhibitor XXV 361568-10MG

GSK-3β Inhibitor XXVII 361570-10MG

ICMT Inhibitor II, FTPAT 420351-10MG

ILK Inhibitor, Cpd 22 407331-5MG

Integrin avβ3 Antagonist, P11 407272-5MG

JAK2 Inhibitor IX, WP1193 420151-10MG

KLF5 Inhibitor, CID 5951923 422625-10MG

LDN-211904 428201-5MG

MDM2 Antagonist IV, Nutlin-3a 444152-5MG

Mer RTK Inhibitor, UNC569 445835-10MG

MMP-2 Inhibitor IV 444294-10MG

MT1-MMP Inhibitor, NSC405020 444295-25MG

PDGFRβ/RAF Kinase Inhibitor 521238-10MG

PFKFB3 Inhibitor, 3PO 525330-25MG

PIM-Kinase Inhibitor IX, SGI-1776 526528-10MG

Rac Inhibitor III, EHop-016 553513-10MG

RORa/g Agonist, SR1078 557352-10MG

STAT3 Inhibitor XI, STX-0119 573126-25MG

STAT3 Inhibitor XIV, LLL12 573131-10MG

Tigecycline 610225-50MG

Trk Inhibitor III, GNF-5837 648451-10MG

EMD Millipore’s newly released Anti-LIMD1 monoclonal antibody, clone 3F2/C6 (MABD85) has recently been cited in an important study revealing key molecular mechanisms of hypoxic response. Daniel Foxler and associates published their results in a 2012 Nature Cell Biology paper, entitled: “The LIMD1 protein bridges an association between the prolyl hydroxylases and VHL to repress HIF-1 activity” *

Having observed that the LIMD1 protein was present in complexes also containing hypoxic response regulators VHL and HIF1a, the authors of the study used the new antibody to localize and quantify coexpression of LIMD1 and HIF1a under hypoxic and normoxic conditions. Complementing these studies with transcriptional knockdown and heterologous expression during hypoxic events revealed a role for LIMD1 in regulating cellular responses. The researchers discovered that LIMD1 simultaneously bound prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) and VHL, creating the protein complex responsible for degrading HIF1a.

* Foxler, D. et al. Nature Cell Biology 2012; 14:201-208.


Cell StructureDescription Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-Abl interactor 1, clone W8-3 MABS273

Anti-AIF-1 ABN67

Anti-Calponin-1 ABT129

Anti-ELMO1 ABC110

Anti-Integrin β1, clone 8E3 MABT199

Anti-Kindlin-3, clone 181A MABT187

Anti-MMP-9 (Active), clone 4A3 MABT171

Anti-Myotubularin, clone 9G3.2 MABT104

Anti-Protein Spindly, clone 9D10.2 MABT106

Anti-RanBP10 AB6040

Kits & AssaysLentiBrite™ EB3-GFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10208

LentiBrite™ EB3-RFP Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10222

LentiBrite™ GFP-Cortactin Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10219

LentiBrite™ RFP-Cortactin Lentiviral Biosensor 17-10218

Page 7: New Products 2012V5



For published studies using this new product, visit:

For publications on using these small molecules, visit:

VOLUME 5 I 2012

SignalingDescription Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-GLUT1 (C-terminus), clone 5B12.3 MABS132

Anti-Rhes ABN31

Anti-Rho GTPase-activating protein 23 07-2149

Anti-Rho GTPase-activating protein 27 07-2148

Anti-ROS1, clone 20C2.1 MABS190

Anti-RYK ABN64

Anti-STK3/MST2, clone 9G7.1 MABC111

Small Molecules & InhibitorsAhR Agonist V, VAF347 182690-10MG

AKR1C1 Inhibitor, 5-PBSA 123850-25MG

AKR1C3 Inhibitor 123855-25MG

Autotaxin Inhibitor III, PF-8380 189512-10MG

β-Catenin/Tcf Inhibitor V, BC21 219334-10MG

Casein Kinase I Inhibitor III,PF-4800567 218719-5MG

Cdc42/Rac1 GTPase Inhibitor, ML141 217708-25MG

CXCR4 Antagonist III 239822-10MG

Cytoplasmic Dynein Inhibitor, Ciliobrevin D 250401-10MG

eEF2K Inhibitor, A-484954 324516-10MG

ERO1 Inhibitor I, Erodoxin 328500-25MG

Glucose Transporter Inhibitor III,STF-31 351801-10MG

GPCR-Helix 8 Signaling Inhibitor, JF5 371825-10MG

GPR120 Agonist III 371822-25MG

GPR40 Agonist II 371721-10MG

GPR40 Antagonist, GW1100 371830-10MG

Guanabenz Acetate 370625-100MG

HePTP Inhibitor, ML119 375645-10MG

Herg Activator, NS1643 373501-10MG

HIF-PHD Inhibitor II, JNJ-42041935 400093-10MG

IRTK Activator III, DDN 420326-25MG

JAK3/GSK-3β/PKCa Inhibitor 420148-5MG

JNK Inhibitor XV, IQ-1S 420149-25MG

Longdaysin 438075-10MG

NBD-Binding Peptide II, Cell Permeable, CTP-NBD 480026-5MG

NFAT Inhibitor, MCV1 480404-2MG

NF-kB Activation Inhibitor VIII, A-UBI 481418-2MG

Nrf2 Activator II, AI-1 492041-25MG

Nrf2 Activator III, TAT-14 Peptide 492042-10MG

NS8593 492031-10MG

PI 3,4-K inhibitor, PIK-93 528122-5MG

PLD Inhibitor, FIPI 528245-5MG

PME-1 Inhibitor, AMZ-30 539695-10MG

PP1 Analog IV, 3-IB-PP1 529598-10MG

PPAR Agonist IX, GQ-16 516571-25MG

PPARg Modulator, SR1664 516570-2MG

PPAR Agonist IX, GQ-16 516571-25MG

PPARg Modulator, SR1664 516570-2MG

Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Set IX 539195-1SET

Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Set X, EDTA-Free 539196-1SET

RGS Proteins Inhibitor II, CCG-50014 554995-10MG

RORg Inverse Agonist, SR2211 557353-5MG

Rosiglitazone 557366-10MG

SHIP2 Inhibitor, AS1938909 565840-10MG

Tankyrase1/2 Inhibitor III 575546-10MG

TLR3/dsRNA Complex Inhibitor 614310-10MG

Transglutaminase 2 Inhib Neg Control, Zc 616468-5MG

EMD Millipore’s newly released Cdc42/Rac1 GTPase Inhibitor, ML141 acts as a highly selective blocker of Cdc42 GTPases. Cdc42 regulates cell structure and polarity in order to effect cell cycle progression and other processes. The discovery of this inhibitor was recently described: “A potent and selective inhibitor of Cdc42 GTPase” *

In this probe report from the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) Molecular Libraries Program, Surviladze and colleagues have shown that ML141 selectively blocks the activity of Cdc42 GTPase without significantly affecting any other member of the Rho family of GTPases. This selective inhibitor will be useful in unraveling the role of Cdc42 in cell adhesion, cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, and migration.

* Surviladze, Z et al. Probe Reports from the NIH Molecular Libraries Program [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2010-. 2010 Feb 27.


Description Catalogue No.

Proteins & EnzymesCHIP (c-Myc tagged), active 23-053

CHIP, active 23-050

Hsp70 23-052

p38/JTV-1 23-049

Dopaminergic Differentiation Growth Factor Sampler SCR128

Parkin (c-Myc tagged), active, (Bulk order) 23-046-K

Parkin, active 23-048

Parkin (c-Myc tagged), active, (Bulk order) 23-046-K

TGF-β-III, Human Recombinant GF176

TGF-β-III, Human Recombinant Animal Free GF317

UbcH13/Uev1A, active 23-051

UbcH7, active, (Bulk order) 23-047-K

Page 8: New Products 2012V5



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VOLUME 5 I 2012

Stem Cell ResearchDescription Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-DPPA-2, clone 6C1.2, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB4356A4

Anti-DPPA-2, clone 6C1.2, Cy3 conjugate MAB4356C3

Anti-NANOG, clone 7F7.1, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MABD24A4

Anti-NANOG, clone 7F7.1, Cy3 conjugate MABD24C3

Anti-Nestin, Human ABD69

Anti-OCT-4 [POU5F1], clone 7F9.2, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate


Anti-OCT-4 [POU5F1], clone 7F9.2, Cy3 conjugate MAB4419C3

Anti-Oct-4, clone 10H11.2, Cy3 conjugate MAB4401C3

Anti-Oct-4, clone 10H11.2, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB4401A4

Anti-SOX-2, clone 10H9.1, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate MAB4423A4

Anti-SOX-2, clone 10H9.1, Cy3 conjugate MAB4423C3

Anti-TRA-1-60, clone TRA-1-60, Cy3 conjugate MAB4360C3

Anti-TRA-1-81, clone TRA-1-81, Cy3 conjugate MAB4381C3

Fluorescent Human ES/iPS Cell Characterization Kit SCR078

Small Molecules & InhibitorsCBFβ Activator, Kartogenin 420358-25MG

GSK-3β Inhibitor XXV 361568-10MG

Hh Signaling Antagonist XII, MRT-83 373278-5MG

Neuronal Differentiation Inducer, Isobavachin 480748-5MG

Proteins & EnzymesDopaminergic Differentiation Growth Factor Sampler SCR128

TGF-β-III, Human Recombinant GF176

TGF-β-III, Human Recombinant Animal Free GF317

Inflammation & Immunology


Description Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-GARP (LRRC32), clone 7B11 MAB109

Anti-Pex13 (peroxisomal membrane marker) ABC143

Anti-Pex14 (peroxisomal membrane marker) ABC142

Anti-RAB35 ABN38

Anti-TLR6, clone 7H2.1 MABF122

Description Catalogue No.

AntibodiesAnti-Cholesterol acyltransferase 1 ABN66

Anti-PKLR, clone 11F12.1 MABS148

Small Molecules & InhibitorsIRTK Activator III, DDN 420326-25MG

PPARg Agonist IX, GQ-16 516571-25MG

PPARg Modulator, SR1664 516570-2MG

Page 9: New Products 2012V5



Autophagy Regulators Panel Catalogue No. 189488

Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic pathway implicated

in Alzheimer’s disease, aging, cancers, Crohn’s Disease,

and other disorder and homeostatic events. Chemical

genetics using autophagy modulators can help to reveal

new therapeutic targets in this pathway. The Calbiochem®

Autophagy Regulators Panel contains 23 cell-permeable,

potent, and selective small molecule regulators that are

useful for the study of autophagy mechanisms.

Cytoplasmic Dynein Inhibitor, Ciliobrevin D Catalogue No. 250401 

A cell-permeable benzoyl dihydroquinazolinone derivative

that acts as a reversible and specific blocker of AAA+

ATPase motor cytoplasmic dynein and disrupts spindle pole

focusing, cold-stable microtubule formation, kinetochore-

microtubule attachment, and melanosome aggregation

in a dose-dependent manner (~10 to 40 µM). Shown to

perturb protein trafficking within the primary cilia and

cause a significant increase in intraflagellar transport

protein 88 (IFT88) levels at the distal tip of primary

cilia. Reported to disrupt primary cilium-dependent Gli

regulation and block Hedgehog signaling.

Calbiochem®: Publish or Perish



LC3Autophagosome Autolysosome



Low NutrientsExerciseAdiponectinGhrelin



Growth Factors



















Page 10: New Products 2012V5


VOLUME 5 I 2012

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VOLUME 5 I 2012

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