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NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY,. JUNE 12, 1874. ! f 'n ’r r n r r r . T ' h k > m m »T : tmiiP. »nu nouu.nitleü a slate ticket. Ex Governor Palmer spoke in favor ol the lariutie' movement. The .Mining Trouble«. Columbus, Olio. June H —A special to tbe Stare Journal from Nelfonviile says about three hundred and four colored wen, loostlv from Virginia. Kentucky end Ten- nessee, arrived at Neleonvi”e aoout four o'clock this morning. The party was ac- companied by twen’ .r-one special police from Columbus. They proceeded ditec-’y to LaucstretL's mints, where everything v u quiet. . , , . . in t party were in.mediate!v placed in military order, fully armed. Pk-ket lines were thrown out. encircling a territory half a mile in diameter, and entrance refused to all n.«t indorsed by the operators or pohce. Three negroes who missed the train last night went down to-day, accompanied by James R. Spencer, who is at the head of the Columbus police force. When the train stopped at Nelsonville station several n mers got aboard, attempted to taik to the negroes, and ran down to the mines where Spencer and the negroes got off. As they left the train a shot was fired at them from the car step. The sheriff, who was near, promptly arrested the man who fired the shot. This is the only violent demonstration yet made. A crowd nuui bering a hundred men and children, in sympathy with the miners, have been col JecteU just outside the lines, out are not ai lowed to cross into the camp. The town has been quiet all day. A number of opera tors are within the linee. They express confidence that the negroes will stand by them, either for def-nse or work. L. L». Paxton, one of the operators, de maLded of the miners an increase of ICO inches to the bushel. The miners refused this, hut agreed to recede from their basis ot per hundred to f2 87. which Paxton accepted. The miners say they are willing to treat with other operators, but the la er say they will have nothing to do with union miners on any terms. Sixty strikers reached Nelsonville in a procession from Carbondale. Four hun- dred are expected from Straitsvilîe to-nifiht. A later dispatch says that John Putnam Governor Allen’s secretary, reached Nel eouville this afternoon clothed with full authority to act. He addressed a meeting of miners, counseling obedience to the Jaws, assuring them that decisive means ■will be taken to suppress any disorder; tnat two military companies were held in readiness to move at a moment's notice. The president of the Miners’ Union, with twenty or thirty men, approached the lines to nigLt. He addressed as many negroes as were within hearing, urging them to lay down their arms and join the strikers. This cleared some commotion and one desertion occurred. At tee same time there was a demonstration at another point, the women taking part, but it was not serious. At eight o’clock but few sympathizers with the miners were near the works, but a crowd of probably a hundred were collected about baif way between there and the vil- lage. J'he sheriff of Athens county is within the lines, but be declines to cal) on the exe- cutive until actual violence oecnre. The operators are not in accord, saying there is daDger of bloodshed before troops can arrive. Latest. The State Journal's special from Nelson ville, at midnight, says the pickets on duty at Longstreth’s mine have been fired on several rimes to-night, and returned the shots, without injuring any one. The Union miners have formed a picket line near the line of the colored forces, and no one ?s pemitted to pass without explana- tions in detail. Base Ball. I’ iiiladelphia, June’ 11.—Bostons 9, Philadelphias 3. Baltimore, June 11.—Baltimores 16, Chi- -cagus 12. Probabilities. W ar Dspartmxt , ) Office Chief Sign»'. Officer. ! Washington, June 11, 1874. 4:35 P. M. } For the South A’iantic and Gulf States, southerly xi iode shifting to west and northwest, stationary or lairing température and i.«icg barometer. River and .Marine News. , fthwist Pass. June 11, 6 P. M.—Barometer 78.15. Wiail »outh-soutweet, light. Arrived— Steamship City of San Antonio at 0:45 A. M from New York, to Otnrge A. hoedick k Co. Sailed— Steamship of Houston. __ Pa -s- a-i. Or THF, June IK Noon. —Wind ea°t, light. Weather hazy and hot. No arrivals. Sa led—Steamship Lavaca. Vto« «Brno, Jime lh —Passed ur—Robert Mitchell at 5 P M Capitol City at 5 P. M. Mary Alice and barges at 6 P. M. Down—H. C. Yaeger at eleven last night. Weather warm and clear. The river Las fallen nineteen inches in the last twenty-four hours. M ekphts, June 11.—Weather hot, with a fine shower of ram this afternoon. The river fr'l five inches. Arrived—Parker, from Cincinnati. Dc- ported last night—Great Republic and Atlantic, lor St. Louis: Susie Silver, for New Orleans, to ilav; Thomas Sberlork. for New Orleans; Citv ot Che'd- ter. for St. Louis; Citv of Helena, for Vicksburg. C incinnati , June 11.—River sevtn ltet and sta tionsry. Weather showery. PiTTsBfR«, June U.i-Kiver three feet seven incbes and about stationary. Weather sultrv; rain to night. K vanstillr. June 11—Heavy wind and rain this morning Weather partly clear since noun, and cooler. The river has tollen three inches. Cairo , June 11.—Arrived—Longworth, from New Orleans. at 6 A. M.: Mary Houston, trom Louisville, a* BA. M.; James Howard, ..oin New Orleans, at 3 P. M; St. Genevieve, from Vicksburg at 3 p M . Departed—Longworth. for Cincinnati, a tt P. M.; St. Genevieve, lor St. Louis, at 3 P. M.: Howard.far New Orleans, at 1 P. M. River ten feet ten inches sad falling. Weather clear; mercury 83°. St . Lor-s, June 11.—No arrivals. Departed— Julia, foi Vicksburg. River risen two feet tour indies. Rain this looming clear and cool since. norisviLLF, June 11.—River stationary; four Get s.x inches in the caual. Wind and rail last n ght; sLowds. MARKETS. Domestic .Mnrkets. N ew Y oe . r. June 11. Evening.—Cotton c’on-d dull; uplands 1E4»c: Orleans ldljc; net receipts 437 bales; glOSS 2t>*rW ; 527. Futures clc>M*d steadier: sales 1Ä .3(H) bales, as fol- lows: Low middling lor Jine 17V : forJu’v 17^c; lor August 17 25-320: for October 17 5 ltff 17 11 32c. Sourhern flour dull; common to fair eitra $5 9<» *cto 70; good to choice do $6 75öj 1. Wheat in "buyer’» favor; limited export demand: $1 60 for white Western. Corn scarce and in fair demand at 023.85c for mixed, and 90c for white Western. Coffee firm at 17&20fcc for Rio: holders are gener- ally disposed to meist on rather better prices. Bice du'I and unchanged. Tallow—Demand fair a t7 \fl8 i-o. Rosin and turpentine steady. Pork quiet aj.d firm at $18<i18 K* for new mess. Lard ouiet and firmer at 1 Whiskv withon decided change; 9 9 3 . $ 1. Freights firm; cotton, steam, 3-lt>d. augar ’ .es6 active; scarcely so firm 7\<z61*c for i a r to good refining: 8 J*c for prime: 87 tc for choice < «ntr.Akigai: refined dud and easier: doctor extra white: 9"t c for standard A; 1 0 for granulated: It Sc for crushed. and 10^c for pow dered. e« s quiet; nothing of moment doiDg. The Post's financial article says: All sales of gold havf been at 111. 111^, 11H$ and 110%. In the for- eign exchange market leading bankers have ad- vanced the rate for sixty dav bill» to $•* the demand rate remaining at $4 89. First riass sixty day bill» are »till obtainable at $4 87% 5*4 88. while the quotation for business in demand sterling ;a $4 9034 90%. Money in this market is 2% for call loans, the extTeme rares being 2 aLd 3. Prime mercantile paper is 536, with business »mall, be- cause of the small supply of paper. The stock market opened c ht!ow Yester- days closing prices, except Cn.on Pacific. Lake Miete and New York Central, which opened steady, and since has been barely steady, except for Erie, which has l»een weak. Government bonds firm at yesterday’s quota- tiens. State bonds at the board were steady. Customs receipts $387 000. The Ass siant Treas- urer to dav paid out $73.(K '<> on account oi interest and $31.060 in redemption of bonds. C incinnati . June 11.—Cotton quiet;* middling 17%c. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat stead?: demand moderate: $ 1.0 Corn steadv: demand moderate, mixed65c. Oats quiet at 50c58c. Poik and lard quiet and unchanged. Bulk meats dull; »boulders *\c: c ear rib 9>4; clear 9%c. Bacon dull; shoulders 7 4 c; c.ear rib loc; clear 10%c. Whisky Aim at K»c. St. Loris. June 11.—Cotton quiet and unchanged in every respect. Flour quiet and weak: little do- ing. Wheat steadv, with a moderate demand: No. 2 spring Chicago $1 11 V. No. 3 red fall $1 24. Corn in fair Jemand and market firm: No. 2 mixed 58%c Î9'* <*aTs—I'emand iight and holders firm: No. 2 488>50c. according to location. Whisky steady at 9t c Pork quiet; jobbing sales a: $18 25. Dry salt meats nominal. Bac'-n tim er: lobbing and order lots of shoulder» at 7^37%c: clear rib 9?*5-!<•(•: dear l(»l|ôij»%c. Lard easier; H'(jâl034 e. The stock mi dr3 » »alt shoulders and s-.tles is about JZ.SdUlM’ lbs. and bacon abolit 560.000 lbs. against total of 22, 1 k 0.000 last year. Foreign .Markets. London. June 11. hvening-—Spirits ttryventine . 28* tf 28* 3d. Tallow 41s. Livs.RPooL. June 11, 5 P. M.— Cotton—Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable August and September. 8 9-icd; »ales of Orleans, nothing below iow middling, deliverable June, 8 7-16d. . Paris. June II —Specie increaBed in the Bank of Frame 9,500,t*00 lianes. Balance». $161X24 bft 223435 (-6 237.086 W 139,730 83 146.301» 47 $908 3 12 45 tôc.602 66 798.1(6 40 o4o.756 46 Monetary—Commercial. MONETARY. OFFICE <'F THE LAILT REPTBLICAX, 1 TeervU ay K vinins. June 11, 1ET4. 5 The money market continues «tuiet and easy, wltt: a fair’demand for discourts at tie batiks, limited (iffetiLga on tbe street aod without quota- ule varia ion in the rates ol commercial paper. Wfe continue to quote se'.ecred signatures. H'ltl. or without co.laterals, at S ^ cent per asnum; first class at 9c 1C; A1 at 11612, ai.d second grade at l&IVé ip cent p*r month. First c.ass mortgages rv..e at 10 IP cent per annum, while nothin; is re- ported in second grade. NEW ORLEANS CLEARING HOUSE, c.ear.nes. Jnne C .......................... * >«9.999 56 June « .......................... 1 >95.w:ç M June 9 .......................... 1.444,r07 (,5 Jm t 10 .................. 1 .(*34.452 9o jineii::::......... Thus far this week...... io.',.252 '4 Same time last week.. 5 l■96.690 92 Total last week........... 6 25t 025 20 Total week before........ 5.658.4lu U 0 Gold opened at 111S 111 , against 111, at New York. an", after a limited business e.oeeu at the Ote; rg rates in botn marke.s, touching 1H and li l * during the interim at New York. Tue saies summed ut> $20000 embracing SfcGki at 111, ana AIMKi. and * 10,000 at llUj. lesterday. Lot Wore reporteu, fMtii in Mexican do.lore sola at 1 p ceLt premium m gold. Amen- can half dollar» were still quoted at 105*6 and Mexican dollar» at 112. The movement in sterling exchange wa6 of moderate extent without quotable Tj,r.a; on in rates. The sales amounted to about £20 ow enj- bracing £2« o bill of lading a: $5 3t; £!Wy A1 clear at $5 39; £1(00 bill of lading at $5 £P no A1 clear at $5 40; £250*» do at éo 41 k ■ £1^^ and £3CMi bank at $5 42m; £1< < 0 do at the counter at $5 14; £2000 do at $5 44:*: do at $5 45; £2000 do lor gold at $4 92%. and £(0o bank feignt at $5 48. , . Franc» were scarce and in mouerat« demand without change in quotations. lu German m aikß we noticed a sa.e of $ 2 0 lK*0 ati—. . At the close sterling bill» were quoted at $5 38?/5 39>6 for bill of lading and Al clear. aLd $5 42*5< z — for bank, and francs at 4.66^ a4 to lor private sud nommai tor bank. The offeringß of domestic exchange were mod- erate, ar.d the market ruled at previon» rates. The ol New York sight covered $11.,600, embracing $17.000 and $20 000 commercial at k & cent premium; $25.oW»do at ^ 59-3'2. and$l(',(oO Mid $27 000 do and $18.‘M*obank at 5-lo. We aise* noticed a sale of $10.(*oo commercial on Boston at k kE cent premium. In stocks we noticed sales of H -0 Rnd 2CP shares Louisiana Levee, preferred, at S3 T5; 2(" do at li.i, Cresceut City Slaughterhouse «.ornpauy at *E 5C. and 1* 0 Sugar Shea at $15; aiso.a; auction, by G. I'e Feriet A Co., for account of E. Roehereau A Co., in liquidation, vs. executors ol William T. Hepp, for a partition, 4 shares, * lob each, ol P o , k County Copper Company of Tennessee, und Tôlj. also oi *H'U each, of Burra Butra Copper Mining Companv. at 10c: 20, of *50 each Waenjigton and New Orleans Telegraph Coikpanv, at *29; 50 Levee >team Cotton PresB at $ 37, 150 do at n37 50, and 10« do at *38. The sales of bonds included *7009 city go d bear- ing seven per cen*s at 51 *5000 do at 52; *5i1 ',0 doat52A.and * 20 city ten per cents at 66; also, at the above ment.oned partition sale. 6 tonds ot *500 each, of the Burra Burra Copper Mining Com- pany, of Tennessee, at *10 eaeb. In c:tv appropriation ceitificates we noticed sales of'*i''ib. large, at 5U*, and #3000. smaij. at SO ; they dosed at about 69. Other descriptions of citv'scrip wete nominal. State warrants were still quoted at 40042 for latge. 43Ö46 tor medium, and 50<zt0 for sn.ali. No saies were reported. COMMERCIAL. Thcrsdat Etsnino. June II, 1W4. COTTON—The sales to-day embraced 130(1bales’ at prices requiring no change m our quotations. We give also the Exchange nguies ana repoit as below: Geneial Exchar gi* quotation». qnotation». Inferior........................ ..... 9 a 10 Low- ordinary............... ...... 11 fill* HH Ordinary...................... ...... 12^ ffi2 7u \2h Strict ord-narv............ ...... 13% #134» Good ordinarv............. ....15 a it» 163» Strict good ordinary... ....15% ffI5 -, * ~ Low middling............... .... if u c ;t » IC 4# Str.ct low m.ddling.... .... ie’uän-x Middling....................... ...... 17%»I7-J 17 % Strict middling............. ....17% 818 Good middling.............. ....1«)»®1SI* is h The demand was siack throughout t ie day. and although some iactors adiisrec with ---- eox.tiLv.ed str.ngencv to their previous pretensions, vet others evinced a willingness to meet toe demand treely. Hence, oa the whole, the market was re- ported eaev al q'Kitations. Good ordinary sold at lfc. and low middling at 16kc, but it os* factors asked lOi S15A lor tLe former, and it^ä-cstc for the latter. The amount on shipboard not cleared, going on boat d and eEgaged tor shipment was set down at the opening this morning at 1J.5O0 embrsc lug lO.oyn for Liverpool, Kt" for 5pain and 2500 tor the North, which, when deducted fiorn the stock on hand bv our running statement ast evening, ieavee 60 ?< < bales to r, present the quan- tity at tl.e Andingand in presses unsold or awa.t- ing orders. The Exchange reports: ‘ Sales llo" tales ’ Market qniet. COTTON STATEMENT. Ba.eB. Stock on hand August SI, 1873 ........................ 7,177 rrived since last statement....... 191 Arrived previously..................... 1,306 2l5—1.306 ' r-6 Corrections............................................... 2Le 12 Total........................ Cleared to-day.................. . ited previously............ Consumed at Lehman, Alraliam i Co 's Lane Cotton M.lls...... Sunk in scuttled ship Ai.ea to he added if ever recovered......... Stock onhacd andon shipbpard not cleared. eonectioLS included.............................. 63636 Same time last vest, eoirecrieus included... 91 .09 To-day's exports were to X*v Yoik. Receipts pu,pe; au ce ias' 150 tales, against' 68 on last Thursday aLd 543 .att year, making an aggiegate Since Friday evening*! 3.(65 bales, against 4<54 last week and 3619 la.-T year, me since August 31 of 1.196,651 hales, against 1.213.6'o last year (corrections included for both years)—decrease 14.u . The Exchange te egiams make the receipts at all the ports, from 12 M. yesterday to 12 M 'o-day. 1402 baies, against 2657 last Thursday, and 3334 iast year, and since Friday In,615 aganst 14(40 last week and 15.879 ,ast year. Total since August 1. S.oTfi 913 bales, against 3.441.178 last year—in- crease 235.725. Exports <F ulay to Wednesday inclusive) toGieat Britain 13 7o9 bales, against 18.72J .ast week and 22 970 year, and to the continent 11,029 bales, against 5586 iast week and 30 iast year. Stocks a? all the delivery ports made up to 12 M.. 274 213 bales, against 296.245 .nst week aLd 257.203 at $6: T«.uri* $3^4: duck» $3A4; geese $^-; tnrkev» $12@15: Louisiana grown chicken» $5 ÄC: vbung $3; ducks $3 50; geese $6®7; turkey» $ lô'a 18^ dozen. , _,, h » ï - iisige fcipply in warehouce. Nopeon iLe 3ai:r ing. Yesterc&y choice w Id ar $27 f* ten. gOGS—Western are quoted at Ifc&2J .‘C; Louisiana 25Ä27C ^ dozeE. . BL’TTJb'R—Good supply of infericr. Choice is scarce. No Gotlien here. The demand :» ^m.reji*. Goshen would command 55S.3tlc. Inteijor Western is selling at '.I ?yl(,r good Western 22&32c; choice Wee’em 252z26o ip 1C . . _ _ CHhESE—Not much on the market. Choice Western factory is quoted at 15; New York cream 18c* 15 . .. . HihhS—Are dull and drooping. Pry sated «.e ouoted at 12c: dry tint 17c: country green Sc * ft.. In citv s.augnter sales are making as to-ows. .steer hides, over 85 Its 11c* It: steer nines JO,o 84 Its 1' Vic, under 76 Its 9c. Cow hides, as tuey run. 86tc. Kit s, 26 to 24 Its 12c: kips, 25 to 30 Its lie. Calf skins each *1. Beeswax, prime ye.- low. 2£c * It. Ox home each. 5c. COFFEE—I he demand is a little more active for lob io'B at unchanged pricea So stock in nisi hands Lea era’ stock food bags. We qude cargo lots ordinary at lt^aiBc (gold); tait 19« .ï*C: good 2(-àâ2< ijC. and prime 21^S21V’ * ff- 3oo ois are selling at 19c for ordinary; lblsc 1er fair: 2( -»c for g*,od. and 21»ic * It for prime. PRIED FRIT'—Tne maiket is bate. Hfips—New York hops are quottd at 4oc.«c » ft. Ma LT—Good supply and de it. such Wes'ern se.*s at $ I 8621 85; California #1 9:'52 * busiiti. TALLOW—Is quoted at 7&7iyc * It. REEF— Weblein oommancis *15 54 d .0 * It. EBAN.s AND WESTERN PEao—Are cu.h West- ern bears are out of season. Northern beans are quoted at #8 5c®9; green peas #6 5d<i8 y bb., ac- cording to quality. RICc—Puces are unchanged, lhere is no oca! trade. The stock O' Land is small and :» mostly o. interior cjualitv. We quote prime (Louisiana) at 8q,69c; lair SaStJjc: ordinary Ü 8C; common 7274jC: No. 2 5c5>6c * It. IMPORTED FRtlTS AND NUTS-The snpp.y is .ight, but suffi oient ior the demand. Pa.ermo lemons are selling at #12 * obL Bauarsa» #1 5(>p,er bunch. Layer raisins #3 id y oox; ha,t ooxee #1 7Ç; there aie no quaiier hoses m tne marxet. Citron is selling at 30c* !b. Cunan’s 8c. Figs 12c. Eraai. nuts 9c. A,m(,nds 21c: uo shelled 30c. F.lberts 16c. Dates 9c * It. Pine- apples * 1 56 * dozen. Cocoanut* *4f * l"“n. IRON COTTON TIES—The supply is .arge and the demand is limited. TLev are quoted at 7c * It OAK STAVES—otaves on flatboats sell ».ways on their merits! The receipts are large. Staves are sei mg at wholeea.e at tita n # f o r extra pipe; * 6 SCOfor extra hogshead: #45250 for ex'ia c aret. The following aie dealers' prices. Extra p:j>e *io" 2175: extra hogshead #1252115; extra claret #7ia 60: barrel #60: kee #45 * 1200. * SOAP—Is dull. Höher e German olive is eel ing at 62C%c * It. Kellers magnol.a to'Ec- Kelle: s oLTe 5VjCoc, neble extra palm 6V27c, Caeti.e palm 11c 12c. with a deduction on round lots. tor £ Gamble’» 6 >fcc ^ It» in round lots, and 7c «r lb in job lot». , , , STARCH—I» in good supply and demand, and ellitg at 45§c ^ It’. SUGAR OF LEMON—Moflatt’ß ßeM» at $o4 in bbls and #36 in cases * gross. Preston A Merrill s *44 fo in bbls and *4t 50 in caees * gross. PECAN'—Are cull and are quoted at 7c * It. STAR CASLLES— a lot of 1000 boxes so.d at Itc net * It. . . NAVAL STORES—Are in fair supp y and mode- rate demand. Epirits tmpentine is quoted at, 4Off 43c * ga.lon. Tar #2 50 * half hh and #4 21a 454, * nbl. Pitch #4 * bbh Ros.n— No. 1. #2 75; No. 2 # 2 40 2 2 50; vug.n dip #404 50 * bbh ESCULENTS AND GREEN VEGETABLES—Small stock and dull. Potatoes are quottd at #4 752 25: onions #5 * bbh SALT—The stock is much reduced, and the de- mand :s active. Nocaigoee ottering on the mar- ket. We ouote dtalere' rates at #1 30S 135 * salk toy coarse, and #1 452 1 50 for fine. TurkB Island is selling at 9('c pen bag. When taken irom ware- house by boats a reduct ion is made for drayage. Table saït, in pockets, at 2tç26V,c eacn. as .u size. WOOL—Is wanted, and receipts would meet ready sales. Lake sells at 323.a 34c; Texas ix w 27c; burry 17220c; Mexican improved 20c * It. ...1 :.2t! U7 2 232—1 2-2 9; 9 A Mionioeippi paper speak« s*f a man who died at the age of eighty as one “stricken down in the prime of life. ' He may have been of the Bourbon family, and prime be- cause eld. Tue above totals at all the ports are exclueive of corrections. TOBacC u—Die only ‘ale reported to day wae 14 lis a* —. TLib makes au aggregate th\.s far ti».s week of 394 Lhdt. a^aiLßt 996 Lac» .ast wees, and 174 * week betöre. The amount ol sale is e*!.ma;ed U<0 hhds. In view of tl.e decidedly discociag- m, crop prospect» at the West and the h;"h rices ruliug there, »omejfactors are more emu* gent ;n tLe;r preteusious. but nothiLg has tran- t-ired to require any change in our quortatioLS. hieb we repeat as follows: Inferior 4 â 4 *$C; me- dium 4*4 â 5 ijo; g(.od and fine ôfcc: low leaf h7c; medium 7^€8c; fine 9öK c. aud »electiou» 11® Received since iast eveuiug U8 hhd»; ex* ported, none; stock on hand by bar ruunieg state- meut, 8j99 hhde. FREIGHI 8—The market coLticues dull, and we quote a» foliew»: By »team—Cotton to Liverpool —5 VI: to Ant- werp via Philadelphia VI? to Bostoii via Ph. a- delpfiia ll*16c: to Fail River via PhiladeloLia U-kc; to Providence ria Philadelphia to Sew York He: to Philadelphia 9-16c; grain to Liverpool led; to the continent llad 2d. By sail—Cotton to Liverpool ^d: to Havre VL SUGAR—Received this morning 23 hhde am 22 bi ds sold a: 734c ior good common. MOLASSES—« 'n!y 4 bbl» and 1 half bl»l received thi- morning. No s&.ee. FLOUR—Freight engagements for 13.090 bbls of fiour were made f«.»r Cuba. aLd the baie» for Cuba embrace ll, 8(»o bbls. computing 3(*o. 5(K*, k ' 0. 2(K*0, 25(X‘, 25««I and 3(KH» bbls, all on private terni6, eaia tobe $6 5< 67 ^ bbi lor choice treble ex*ra. We hear that 2( h »(*bbl» mere are in treaty and some to arrive. The sales to the local trade are confined to 45;* bbls. of which 3“(*double extra at $5 75; 100 at $ti; 50 low treble extra at $t- 2f; 50 good treb.e extra at $6 7f; 25 choice extra a: $c. 25; 75 at $i t". and 5o at $8 87$* ^ bbl. The market is very dull notwithstanding the above bales, as the orders ror Cuba arekfor special brand*, and there is no dt- mand for other brands. CORN MEAL—Is in supply and dull. Holders ask $3 60. and buyers otfer $3 50 bbh 175 bbls »old a: $3 60 ? bbl. and b 0 and 300 bbls brought $3 7(», though we have heard of some sa e», not reported, at $3 55 bbl. Pi»RK—Is dull but the 6teck on hand is small. Original mess :s quoted at $ 1: 75. and is retailing at $19«zI9 25 & bbh A lot ot 1(0 hb.» orig nal me** sold at $18 75 bb!. PRY SALTMEAT—The supply is light, but there is verv little demand. Shouruer» may l>e quoted at 7c îfi. I»eal*rs are retailing shou.ders at 7^c; Ci*ar rib gidet 914c; clear sides 10c !b. BACON—The b’oek iß »mall, but th*re is no de- mand. A lot of 104 casks clear rib »ides and 42 casks clear sides sold on private terms. A small job trade is kept up at Tkc for shoulders: k’^c for cb-ar rit side^. and K \ a lu^c (or clear sides BREAXFA 8 T BACON—Puli and quottd at 11512c HaMS—Supply fair: demand slack at 12^ 512* 4 c f* !%for sugar-cured as in brand. A *ot of 25 tierces sold on private terms. LARD—Continue» in light supply. 25 titrees re- fined sola at 12c ^ !ts. Keg is quoted at I2>sc^ WHISKY—Pull at 99c tor Louisiana rectified and $1 ( 2 :or choice Cincinnati. TLe stock on L -.Ld of W*6tern rectified :» sma.l. CuW PEAS—Are in light supply and active de- mand on orders a* $3 busbe’ ior all kinds. CORN IN BULK— .Some 55.0OJ* bushels, all the supply on the spot, sold for Great Britain at 705 73c. and ((0 bushels sold, to arrive by the next tow. tor the continent on private terms. WHEAT IN BULK—The supply is confined to 21.« 0 bushels. No. 2 6piing is quoted at $140^ bushel. Cl RN IN SAC KS—TLe supply is small and the demand fair. The sales comprise 4579 sacks, of which 4((«. 5«»*i and 7w yellow m.xed a: 79c: 5( 0 and do at 80c; 129 vellow. in second hand sacks at tic; 4(i(* white at 91c; and 500 white m.xed at 93c. and 1(0 white at 95c ^ bushel. l»AT 8—The supply is good and the demand fair. 15 'K* sHCk» sol«i. 01 which 500 and 700 choice Ga.ena at Sic, and 300 do at 59c ^ bu6fcerÄ BRAN—Is in good supply and limited demand at lower price». 1650 saexs sold, of which If0 sacks at P5c, and 40o and 500 patent packed at 97^c f* HO Its. POULTBY—Weetem grown cticaeL» are Belling Marine Intelligence. OFFICE OP THE REPPBL1CAN ) Friday, June 12, 1874. ) cleaeed' ÿësteeiday. Steamship Knickerbocker. Gager, ior New York via Havana Steamship Harlan, Lew's, for Galveston and India nola Steamship I C Harris. Farwell, for Brazos Santiago ftcl.ooiier Mary Emily, Kryger, for Peueacoia AERIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship San Antonio Pennington, from New York, 3d lustaut. to George A Fosdick itco—ißt district 13 Steamship Harlan, Lewis, from Indiacola via Gal- veston, to C A Whitney—Algiers Schooner a B Wilson, Navaris. 14 daj s from Ruatac Island, to master—2d district Schooner Texas, Rault. 9 days frbra Tampico to S Fernandez—2d district Schooner Kiite E Buchanan, Lawrence. 8 days from Tenais, Mexico, to master—2d district STEAMBOATS. Parp.gon. Darragb, from Pittsburg W .s ribe. Brown, from Fisher's Landing Lizzie Hopkins, Auooin. nom Th.l ocaux Gt T 'emor Allen Berßun. fïom Vicksburg Marie, Baßßett, from Pilot Town Mary Ida. Ruiz, from Lower Coast Josephine. Cozzins, from Bonnet Carre Finv re. Canton, trom Lower Coast Hunter, Kadovich. from Lower Coast EXPORTS. NEW T( RK VIA HAVANA—Steamship Knicker- bocker—For New York—UK» oaiee cotton 17 h.des 1( 4 bdlß hides 2('0 dry hides 222 bags woo- lo pkgs redße For Kavana-^i7( 6 bbls fiour 1(' 0(<bks corn 2(H i bales hay GALVEST“ N aNP INPIANOLA—Ste;*in-hip Har- lan—For Indianola--- P*« bbi» flour *5 bbls whisky 2«o 6Kb corn 111 pkgs mdse For GalvesToc— 9(‘0 bbls fiour CO bbls whisky 200 bags cofiee 5* 0 bks corn 2< i0 sks <*ats 35 cks bacon. lt*0 bxs candles PENSA Cl‘LA—Schooner Mary Emily—525 sks com 5 sks oaf e 5 sks bran \ hag coffee 2 bbls whisky 66 bbl» fiour 2«*bbls pofatots 5 bin» onions 6 tes meat 2 tes lard and sundries BRAZOS SANTIAGO—Steamship IC Harris—Sun dry mdse IMPÔËTS. GALVESTON AND INI IANGLA—Stoxmslup Har- Î4L —9 oa « 6 cotron '.99 head cattle Havana— Stearusliip Yaauo— 1300 tx s sogar 133.010 cigars ami BYATAN ISLAND—ScnooDer A B Wj I sol— IfflO piEeai'V-cs 7", bimc‘i,es bananas HAVANA—SttamsUp Maigarct—1Ô38 bxs sugar EECEIPTB~ÖF PRODUCE. PITTSBURG—Steamer Paragon—8 bales cotton 255 ckt haccui 172 L xh bacon 1265 bxs starch t"5 bxs candles 2(<»(• bxs bitters 5o tes lard 482 k♦ g» .arù I“] finds tobacco 260 bbls whisky !(*•' o bbls meal 3l f> bbls flour 2i-Obbls lime 2c6 sks bran 140 »kß oats 188 tes haiLé and ßundry produce THIBOPAUX— Steamer Lizzie EonkinB— ? bale» cotton 20 Me sugar and sundries • FISHERS LANDING—Steamer W S Pike— 38 b&>» cotton 4 bb 6 UiO.asf-es and sundries VK KSLURG—Steamer Governor Allen—231 bales cotton and sundries PILOT TOWN—Steamer Mane—Sundries LOWER COAST—Steamer Mary Ida—Sundries LONXKT CARRE—Steamer Josephine— Sundries LnWpp. COAST—Steamer Empire—Sandries LOWER COAST—Steamer Hunter—Sundnea RECEIPTS BY RAILROADS. NL«V ORLEANS, MOBILE AND TEXAS RAIL- ROAD. June 11—32 bales cotton .%1 bbi6 rosin j0(* bbls lime 160 ekb wheat and eundnes MORGAN’S LodMANA ANP TEXAS RAILROAD, June li—8 bales cotton 35 hhds sugar and sundries CCNSTABLES’ SALES^__ Thomas Lacy vs. Theresa Emrich—Firsl Justice Court lor the Paiißh of Orleans, >o. 2331. B Y VIRTUE of a writ of fieri facias to me directed by tLe Hoc. w. T. Houtt<*n. Firßt Jùetice ol me Peace in aLd for the parish of Or- leans. I will pnccedto se.l at pubhc auction, at my warehouse. No. 129 Julia street.on MONDAY, June 22. 1674. at twelve o’clock M., the following described property to wit-— one L'*t of household furniture. Seized in the above entitled suit. Terms—Cash on tLe spot. ie!2 1721 JOHN EÜELFY. C ot .eta Me. JP, HoRRelly ts . T. Goo»win-!?ofon<i Justice Court for the Parish of C»i*eaLß. No 5(52. B Y virtue OP A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me directed by the Hon. W. L. E r arte,.Second Justice ol the Peace in and for the parish ol Or- leans. in tLe above stated and numbered suit, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at my warehouse. No 142 Girod street, between St. Charles aLd c amp streets, on SATURDAY. June 13, 1874. ft* twelve o'clock M.— A LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Seized in the above numbered and entitled BUit, as per inventory on file in my office. Terms—Cafeb on tl.e »pot. j *4 KH3 JoHS McCORMICK. Constable. Cre*»on A: Voiron vu. .Louisiana .Hnnu* f-iciur.Lg and Propelling Ceinpauy—Firs: Jus- tice Court for the pa:isn of Orleans, No. 2(*13. B Y VIRTUE (»F A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the H -n. W. T. Houston, Fust Justice of The Peace :n and for the parish of Orleans. I wili proceed *o sell at public auction, on TUEel'AY, JuLe 16. 1(74. at twelve o'cîocx M.. at the corner of Notre Dame aLd New’ Levee streets, the follow Lg d-'scrlbetl prooertv, to wit— ONE RAILKC AP CAR AND PROPELLING MA- CHINERY >'e:zed n tLe above suit. Terms—This being the second and last auction, the said property vfi be definitely adjudicated *c the highest and last bidder for what it w,;i bring at twelve months* credit, the purchaser furnishing bond, with good and solvent security bearing eight percent interest per annum from day ot sale. Said purchaser whl Lave to deduct and jay m cash the printing, constable's and court fees, amount .ng to the sum of ote hundred und twenty- nvo doilais. iebll 16 JOHN HURLEY. Cnnstab’e. Jbi. ltklinrri»OD t ». P. Harri»— Seventh Justice Court for tLe parish of l*r.eans, No. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO B ice ol the Peace in and ior the of (u :eans. I wTi proceed to se i at public auction, on TUESDAY. June 5C» , 1 74. at twelve o’clock M., at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal street between Canal and Customhouse stieets. in the Second District of this citv— ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST of Pleasant Harris in and to a certain poition o! ground, situât* d .n the Sixth District a this citv. late Citv of Jefferson, in the squaie No. 25. bounded by Camp. Jena. Chestnut and Cadiz s-tieets which said i .eue ui ground measures " feet by 32 feet 6 inches moie or less, being tne rear portion of a lot dt ..Leafed by a sketch made bv W. H. Wili ams, undei date of SejdemLer 22. 186c. passed before Ernest Commagere, |»p.iisL recorder of the parish oi Jefferson, on December 8. 1(60. and joining lot No. 5. on a plan drawn by C. A. Hedin. architect, deposited in ti e office of Theodore Guyed, a notary of this city. Said property was acquired by the present owner by purchase from Mis. Honorine Laiensbujg. by act passed before Ernest Comma- g«-re a notary public of the j» ot Jefferson, on the tenîh day of October, 1868. Seized in the above entitled and numbered suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. myi 0 iel4 30 E. B. FALL^, Constable. . Finney, £»heean âc Ku^s» v». J . L. Dolin— aecoud Justice Court tor the Parish of Oi.cane. No. 57(‘5. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS. TO me directed by tLe Hon. W. L. Evans, second justice of the peace in and for the i arieb lbleans, in tii-- above entitled suit, I w.11 piccetd to sell at public auction, at the Merchant» and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse, in the Second District of th s citv. on FRIDAY. Juiv 10,1374, at twtive o clock M.— A CERTAIN LOT (»F GROUND, situated .n the F.rst District of this city, in square bounded by Robin. Chippewa, Race and Atnuuciation btr*-ets. and designated as lot No. 2 and measuring 25 feet front on Robin street, the same width tne rear, and 63 feet II inches 2 hues in depth, between par- allel lines. ALM» A PORTION OF LOT NO. 3 ar joining the said lot No. 2 on the lower side, anti measuring 9 feet front cn Robin street, bv 63 feet 11 inches lines :n depth, between parallel lines, the whol fuiming a lot of 34 fret fiont cn Robin street, by 63 teet 11 inches 2 hues in depth, America 1 measiii *wget 1er with the building» and .mjiovcmeL thexon. rights aLd ways. .Seized in tbe above êtated suit. Teiles—Cash od the spot. je921 jyld JOHN McCORMICK. Constable. B Y VIRTU to me due T. S. Waterman vs. Julius s»ocha—sec- ond Justice for the Parish of OileaLS, No. RTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIA** by the Hon. W. L. Eva-ne Second Justice ot the Peace m and for ti»e parish of l»r- îeans. m the above stated suit. I will proceed to s*ll at pabiic auction, in front of The courthouse door, corner ol st. Charles street «und Commercial place, on THURSDAY, June IS, It)74, at twelve o'clock M - ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST in and To a certain judgment in favor *»f defendant bere u, entitled Julius Socha vs. Louita Renaude, No. 5135 of tbe docket of the Fifth District Couit for the paiish-of (>r«eans and N<». 4962 ot the dock- et of the Supreme Court of tlie State oi Louisiana. Seized in tne al*ove stated suit. Term»—Cash on the »not. je7 12 lb JoHN M cCORMICK. Constable. MARSHAL’S MONITIONS. John Jlorton Genernl i. Schooner Primm. I N THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. District ol Louisiana. No. 16.53/.—In obedience to an admiralty warrant to me directed m tLe above entitled suit. I Lave seized and taken into my possession— THE .SCHOONER GENERAL PRIMM. her tackle, apparel, etc., now libeied by John Morton, for the causes set forth in the iibei now pending in the District Court of the United States. And I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owners thereof, and all and every person or per- sons having or pretending to have anv right, lat le ox interest in or to the same, to be and appear at a district court of the United Stares, for the district afoie>aid. to be holden at the citv of New Orleans on the th.rd Mondav of June, to show cause, if anv they have or can. why tLe said ßchoonershould not be condemned and be sold agieeab.y to the piayer of libelant. United States Marshals office, New Orleans. Mav 26 1874. S. B. PACKARD. my27 je3 10 14 United Stares Marshal. Fredetick Luke vs, »hip Advance, I N THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Dis- trict of Louisiana, No. 10.531.— Ju obedience to an admira' ty warrant. *o me ui reeled in the above entitled suit I nave seized and taken into my pos- session— THE SHIP ADVANCE, her tackle, apparel, etc.. now libeled by Frederick Luke, for the i-.iusrs set forth in the libel now pending in the District Court oi the United States. And I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owners thereof. Led al! and every person or per- sons Laving or pretendiLg to have "any right, title or interest in or to the same, to be and' appear at a District Court of the United States, for tne district aforesaid. ~o be holden at the c:’v or New Orleans, on the third Monday of June. 1:74. to show cause, if any they have' or can. why the said efi.p should not >*e condemned and be told agreeably to the prayer of libelant. United States Marshal's office. New Orleans. Mav 13. 1374. S. B. PACKARD mjI4 26 ief 16 United State* Marshal. Joseph Park» and other»» vs. steamboat Carne V, Kountz. IN BANKRUPTCY. _ ESTATE OF JOHN S. INIM- Tidnaily and e.s a member of tLe nrm of Witherspoon, Mobs Co.—No. 1288. U n:tbl S tates Marshal ' s Office. ) New Orleans, May 16,1H74. 5 T his is to give notice that a war- rant in baukruptev Las been .ssued out of the District Court of trie United States foi the Dis- trict of Louisiana, against the estate of John S. Mtse. individually and as a member oi the firm t-f Witherspoon, Moss k Co., of New Orleans. ,n Tl.e parirh oi Oriea? s. Sta.e cl Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt up«-u Lib own petition: that the payment oi anv debts and the delivery of llv property belonging to said bankrupt, to him, or fer Lis use, and the transfer of any property by L’m. aie forbidden by '.a*': that a meeting t f the creditor» of ta d bankrupt, to prove, their debts and choose one. or more assignee» of his estate, will be held at a court of bank ruptcy, to be holden on the twenty-third day of June A. I». 1874. at 11 A. M.. at the Customhouse building, New Orleans- beforeD. Augustin. Register. H. B. PACKARD. mvI7 j*23 Tinted Stales Marshal. ESTATE OF CHAKl-t-S J. HOYT-NO. 133 UN:' 1Statis Marshal’« Offitk, / New Orleans« Mav 6. 1874. I T his is to give notice thatan alias wan ant in bankruptev has be*n issued out of the Distnet Court of tLe United Statt* for th** dis- trict of Louisiana. againBt the estate <1 Charles J. Hoyt, uf New Orleans, in the parish of c»r- ieans, State of Louisiana, adjudged a lank rupt upon his own petition: that the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any* prop- erty belonging to 82id bankrupt to him or for L»s use and the transfer of any propel ty by him are ft rbicden by law: that a meeting of the cred- itors ol said bankr upt to prove their debts and to choose oLe or more assignees of his estate, will be he’d at a court of bankruptcy, to ue holden on the sixteenth day of June. A. D. 1^74. at 11 a. M.. at the Customhouse building, New Orleans, before D. Augustin, Register. S. B. PACKARD. m.\7je!6 United States Marshal. ESTATE OF EI GENE FRANC OIS .UlO- ton—No. 1414. UrtiTEi states Mak- hal’« Office . ( New Orleans. May iC. 1874. j T his is to give notice that a warrant in bankruptcy has been issued out of the Dis- trict Court of tne United Sta-es for the District of Louisiana against the estate of Eugene Frank'd» M.o- ten. of New Orleans, m the parish of Orleans State el Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt upon his own l*et it ion ; that the payment of any debts and the de- livery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to L:m or for his use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; that a meet- ing ol the creditor» ot said bankmpt fo prove their debts aL<l choose one or more assignee^ of Lis estate will be held at &court of bankruptcy, to he hoiden on the eighteenth day of June A. I» 1(74. at Il A. M. at fh* Customhouse building. New Or- leans. before D. Augustin, register. S. B. PACKARD mvl7 ie!8 United States Marshal. ESTATE OF DAVID AKENT. United State« Marshal « Office, i New Orleans. April 3(3 1874 { T his is to give notice that a warrant in bankruptcy ha« been îasued out <•; tbe I is» tiict Court of t i e United >tates for the District of Louisiana, against the estate cf David Aient, of Farmervilie, in the parish of Un.on. State of Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and tl.e delivery of any property belonging to ea:tl bank- rupt, to him. oi for fi e use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of 1 is estate, will be held a* a court of bankruptev. to be holden on the twelfth dav of June. A. L. 1874 at 11 a. M. at the Customhouse building. New Orleans, before D. Augustin, Register. s. B. PACKARD. mv!3 ,jel2 United States Marshal. K- 529.—In obedience rranty, to me directed :m tne I have seized and taken into to an admiralty ^ above entitied eu my possession— THE STEAMBOAT CARRIE V. KOUNTZ. her Tackle, etc., now libeled by Josepu Parks et al. for the causes set forin :n tbe libel, new pending ,n the District Court of the United .States. ALd I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owner» there of. aLd all and every person orpeieon» having, or j retending to Lave, any right, title or interest :n or to the same, to be and appear at a District Court of the United .State», for the district aforesaid to be ho.dec at the city of New Orleans, on the first Monday of July*, 1874. to show cause. :f any they have or can, wtiy the said steam- boat should not be condemned and sold ag:ee- «b y to the prayer of libelants. Cnited States Mar«h«j's office, New Orleans Mav 29, 1874. F. B PACKARD. my30jelT CO jy5 United Mates Marshal. ESTATE OF THE GREAT fiOl THERN ar.d Western Fire Marine and Accident Insu- rance Company. U nitbp *tate« MarshalOpficb, I New Orleans. May 23. 1874. ) T EIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT A WARRANT in bankruptcy has oeen issued out of tue District Court of îïe United States ior tbe District of Louisiana, against the es- tate of the (treat Southern and Western Fire. Marine and Accident Insurance Company, n the i»ar;sh of Orleans, Mate of Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt upon thy petition of ito creditors; that the payment of aLV debts, and the delivery oi any property belonging to 6aid bankrupt, to it, or for lt6 use, and the transfer of any property bv it, axe forbidden bv iaw-. that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees •f ite estate, will be held at a court of bank- ruptcy, to be holden on the twelfth day of June A. D. 1874. at 12 M.. at tbe Customhouse building, New Orleans, beiore l . 8. Kellogg. Register. S. B. PACKARD my28 je!2 United States Marshal. AUCTION SALES.____ By Vincent & Co. SUCCESSION Of RUFES DOLEEAR. B V VINCENT & t O .-E VINCENT. ACC- tioneer—Will be »oiu on MONDAY, July 2i\ 1874. at twelve »’clock M., at the Et. Charles Auction Exchange, by virtue of an order of the hcnorable the Second ‘District Court, in th** mat- ter of the succession of B. Dolbear, No. 35,(93, dated fifth of June— a CERTAIN ISLAND known as ‘Laß Conchas.” or Grande Coquille, situated in the northern part ol Lake PoEtchartram, between Bavou Bonfouca and Pearl river, at the entrance of‘the Rigolet», m the parisa of St. Tammanv. ip this State, and said to contain five thousand acres, more or less, being ti e east half ol the island, and ,s situated from the other hall part by a line of d.vjsion to start from the Rigolets at the mouth of the sec- ond .arge bayou, east of Be rt P^ke. »Ld as there are lo Payons entering the Rigoiets within half a mile of ea*-b other, it >e proper to designate more fu.iv the bayou intended and mtant as tLe dividing Ime as the most easter y of »am bayous, the line to run with the m.ddie of eaid ba' on to its ter- mination in a large lagoon or pond, and to a »take on the north side o: said lagoon from said stake in a straignt line to S*3 1 Bayou, to he run as to strike a certain live ouk tree standing alone at the upper or east end ol tbr hammock, near wfcere the present Ridge road passes out of the woods into the .Salt Bavou marsh, said line thus running from the Rigoiets to Sait B*ycu, tobe estabu&hed by proper T»oets and land ma:ke. Terms—Cash on the spot. A m of sal»* befoie Casie.i, notnrv public, jell 21 jy 19 By J. B. Waite.. FOR PARTITION. EXCELLENT IMPROVED AND VACANT PROTER TV on Dryades and Third streets, one square from the Second Street Market, on Euterpe street, between C&rondelet 2 nd Daionne streets, and on corner of baronne and St. An- drew eireeta. T W O-^TORY ST OBE AND DCÜFLE TENEMENT DWELLING, corner of Dry&ctes ulu Third BtreetB. TWO-STORY DWELLING AND TWO DOUBLE TENEMENT ONE-STORY SMALL DWELLINGS, on Third street, one square from the maiket. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE FOURTH DIS- TRICT POUND, corner Dryades and Third street». DOUBLE TENEMENT ONE-STORY FRAME DWELLING, on a arge lot of ground on Eu- terpe strett, between Carondelet and Baronne streets, and one ««Coining vacant lot. TWO LiRGE V acant LOTS, comer of Baronne and St. Andrew streets. M ary malady vs. william malaly and M ary b. C aldwell. Fourth District Court for the of Oileane— No. 41,096. B Y’ J. B. WALTON, AUCTIONEER—OFFICE No. 35 CaroLdeiet street.—SATURDAY July 11, 1874, at twelve o'clock M. at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ EjcchaLge. Koval street, by virtue of ai d in pursuance of ar. order of the honorable the Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 5, 1874. in the mater of MarvM*lady va William Malady and Mary B. Caldwell, No. 41 c9o of the docket of the court, suit lor partition, wih be sold th= following described valuable prop- erty, to Wit— THREE LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve- mei ts thereon, in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Dryades, Th rd. St. Denis and Fourth streets designated by tbe Nos. 1. 2 and 3. measuring each 31 feet 7 inches 3 lines front on Lryaderf street, bv a depth of 120 teet between par allel lines. Lot. No. 1 fume the corner of Dryades and Third streets. On lots Nos. 1 and 2 there is a one stoiT shing e rowf Louse, occupied as the Fourth District pound, and rented a: $40 per month. Lot No. o is vacant. THREE LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve- ments thereon, in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Dryades, Third, fit. Jems and Second streets, designated by the Nob. 10, 11 and 12. Lot 10 forming the corner of Dryades and Third streets, and measuring 28 feet 6 inches front on Dryade» street, bv 110 feet in depth. Upon this lot there is a two story frame slated ßtcie and double tenement dwelling and back buildings, three cisterns, etc. On tbe rear of this lot, fiont ing on Third 6rieet there ib a two-story slated frame dwelling, (ietern.etc. Lot No. 11 measures 36 feet 10 inches front on Third street, by 110 feet in depth. Upon tnis lot there is a one-story double tenemant sliBgle roof frame dwelling, contain- ing 6ix rooms, cittern, etc. Lot No 12 measures 44 feet 7 inches 2 lines front on Thud street, by a depth of 110 feet. The improvements consist a one-story shingle roof frame dwelling, containing eight looms, cistern, etc TWO VACANT LOTS OF GROUND in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Baronne. St. Andrew. Bram&rd and Josephine streets, designa- ted by the Nos. 10 and 11; Lot No. 11 forme the corner of Baronne and St. Andrew streets, and measures 81 feet 7 inches 7 lines front on Baronne streeT, 37 fcet 4 inches 4 linee on the rear line, oy a depth and front on St. Andrew street of 127 lVet 4 inches 5 lines, and 129 feet 5 inches 4 lines on the 1ne dividing it from lot No. If»: lot No. i(' measures 32 feet 5 front on Baronne street, by a depth of 129 feet 5 itches 4 linee on the line dividing it from lot No. 11,131 fee: 8 inches 5 lines on th- line toward Josephine street. 32 feet 4 inches on the rear line. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve- ments thereon, in the Firet District, in the square bounded by Euterpe. Baronne. Terpsichore* and Carondelet streets designated by tbe letters A and B: iot A measures 37 f*et 10 inches front on Eu- terpe |treet. by a dtq th of 127 feet 10 inches 5 lines: upon this lot there is a double tenement, one-story frame slated dwelling, containing about ten rooms, cistern, etc.; lot B measures 2d feet 1 inch 3 lines front on Euterpe street, by a depth of 127 feet 1« inches 5 lines between parallel lines, and is vacant. Terms—Cash in United Mates treasury notes. Acts of sale before M. Gernon, notary public, at the expense of the purchaser. je ll 20 27 jv4 11 TWO LOTS ON COLISEUM STREET, SIXTH DIS- TRICT. SUCCESSION OF SAMUEL NEWMAN. Second District Court for the Parish ol Orleans— No. 36.272. B Y J. B . WALTON, AUCTIONEER—OFFICE No. 35 Carondelet street.—On SATURDAY, July 11,1374. at twelve o'clock M., at the Merchant» anil Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, by virtue of and in pursuance of an order of the honorable Sec- ond District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated April 27, 1874. for account of the above named suc- cesion. wili besold— TWO CERTAIN LoTS OF GROUND: together with the improvements thereon, in the Sixth District, Fauburg Avait, designated as .ots Nos. 13 and 14. in square No. 42. bounded by Perrier, Soniat and Robert street», thelot6 ad- join each other and measure each 33 fret front on Piaquemine street, by a depth of 100 feet 10 inches, between parallel unes. Terms—One half cash, the remainder at twelve menthe credit in the note of the pu. chaser to Lis own order and by Lim indorsed, bearing eigb t per cent interest, secured by mortgage with vendor’s privilege; the mortgage to embrace the five per ent clause for attorney'» fees ;n case of suit. Act of 6ale before Andrew Horo. Jr., notary pub- ic. at the expense of the purchaser, jell 2027j\4 11 By S. Guin&uit. SUCCESSION cf CELESTIXK 1(25 WIDOW OP FELIX ht.NKY iOZE. Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans— No. 36.557. B Y S. GUINAI’LT, AUCTIONEER-OFFICE corner Exchange a lev and Bienville street.— SATURDAY, June 2«. 1874. wiil be sold at twelve o clock M.. at'the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Ex- change. Royal, between Canal and Customhouse sneers, by Virtue of an ord!?ié from the honorable the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated May 13, Î874— A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, s mated in this city, in the square comprised within Bur- gundy. M. Ann, Dauphine aLd Dumaine streets, measuring. French measure, 3‘(» feet front on Bur- gundy street by 120 feet deep, between parallel lines. The buildings and improvements on said lot consist of a frame Louse with brick front, s ate roofed. Nos. 194 aLd 1%. Laving ten rooms, two of which are attic*; a two-store frame kitchen, covered with elates, hariLg eight looms, paved yard between home and Kirchen, back vaid, cistern, waterworks, privy. t fc. The property is divided into two tenements, anu renteu a t ---- per month. 6ee plan to be exhibited at the Exchange. Terma—One third cash and the balance on a credit of one and two years, w;tb interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from date until final pavment. for notes of the purchaser, secured by special mortgage and vendor’s privilege, and wi.h five per cent attorney’s fee» in case of suit on said notes; property to be kept insured and policy transferee to the executor. A t of sale before A. D. Doriocouht. notary pub lie, at the expense of the purchaser, including the taxes of 1874 and the drainage privilege, besides and above the price of adjudication, my 19 28 j*-4 11 20 By G. De Feriet & Co. SUCCESSION OF MRS. JOSEPH EMILE DABS SE B V <5. DE FEKIET & C»l —JCHN G. Monrose. Auctioneer—Office No. 50 Royal stieet.—SATURDAY, June 20. 1874. at twelve o'clock M., at the Mercnants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, on Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, will be sold by public auction, bv virtue of an order from the Hou A. L. Tissot, judge of the >econd District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated May 15, 1874, the following described prop- erty. for account of said succession— 3 WO LoTS OF GROUND, situated in the Third District of this city, in the square bounded by Claiborne, Annette, St. John the Baptist and St. Bernard streets, designated as iota N ob . 12 and 13, of square No. 47, and measuring— Lo* No. 12. 31 feet 11 inches i l.nes front on Clai- borne street, by 96 feet 1 inch 6 lines in depth. Lot No. 13, 32 feet front on Ciaiborne 3!itet. by 96 feet 1inch 6 lines in depth. Terms of Sale—One-half cash on the spot, and balance at one year s credit in a note of the pur- chaser, eight ptr cent interest from the day of sale until paid, and secured bv mortgage on the property sold. In case of suit ‘five per cent' attorney’s fees. The taxe» on said property col- lectible in 1674. and drainage tax to oe assumed by pure-baser» over and above the price of adjudi- cation. Act ©f sale before Theodule Bcibbod , notary pubhc. at the expense of purchaser, my22 30 jt6 13 20 cond AUCTION SALES. By G. De Feriet A Co. SCHOONER*—SCHOONERS—SCHOONERS Ltj .« at. n .t P.csjUD* Titr, Eoat So. 2, S— Hmtr.ct. SUCCESSION. OF WILLIAM PARSONS. Secotd D.atnct Court Ior Tlie Pau-ab of Orleans- No. 36.985. B Y « . DE FEKIET * CO -JOHN G. MON r«e<r. Auotionen—Office No. 60 Koval street.- SATURDAY, Ju re 13. 1814. at m i r e o’clock the Merchants and Auctioneers Exchange, Royal street, between Customhouse and Canal streets, will be sold by public auction, by virtue of « eiders from the Hou. A. L. Tissot^, junge of — »second District <^ourt ior the parish ox Orleans dated April 17. 1874. and May 2,1674, the follow-' described schooners— __ 1. THE AMERICAN SCHOONER MONATNOCÏ of the capacity of 141 52-100 toLS burden, cusron measurement, together with all Lei mast« saila, boats anchors cables, tackle, apparel, fum ture a*’d cl mnomeier. 2. THE AMERICAN SCHOONER ISLAND BELLE, oi tLe eajiacitv of 134 31-1H' ’«,i.6 burden. Cus'oa:- l.ouse iceasuremeiit. lose: 1er with all ber ix-aets, sails, loafs. ancLors, (alles, tackle, apparel, furni- ture and cbrouon eler 3. THE BRITISH BRIG CLARA, of tbe capacity of 111 tecs burden. Customhouse measurement, Together with ail 1er mabte. s&i . b. boats. «Dehors cailles tackle, apparel, furniture and Chrom m ete“ Terms—Cash. Ten ]-er cent ol the price oi - judication payable on the spot. ' ACTS of sale oetoie John Beiderna£,e. notary pule he at tbe txpenee or PiiicnaseiB. CHARLES CLINTON, Executor, nn 9 If, 23 30 ie6 13 ________________ 'ing ad. POSITIVE and UNRESERVED SALE LANDS IS THE PARISH OB ' ST. CHARLES. FOR AC- COUNT OF THE CONSOLIDATED ASSOCIA- TION OF THE PLANTERS OF LOUISIANA. B y g . de feriet & co .- johng. mon rose. Auctioneer, office No. 50 Royal street.— On Saturday, June 13 1874, at twelve o'clock M., at the Merchants aLd Auctioneers' Exchange. Roval stieet. between Customhouse and Canal stieets. will be told be public aucritn— A-CtR'l AIN TRACT ‘OK LAND in the parish of St. Charles, on the right bank ot the M.ssi&eippi river.and about twenty seven miles from the city of New Ot leans, ar.d Laving six and two-th.ids aipents froLt on the nv.r, by a depth-ol forty arpents, bounded on the upper line by the prop- erty (i Andre Dorein andon the lower.line by the" proptrty of Nicholas Chauvin Leiery (Ha Ll- vjile). Said tiaet < 1-and is divided into lots to suit the purchasers as per plan to be produced ou the dav of sa e. sa.u .ots measuring each hu.f an ar* pent, moie or lets. Iront on the r.ver. with the *r- uinary depth of forty arpents. This property, situated ntar the courthouse of The parish ot St. Charles and the flourishing village of Hahn- ■v.llr. :s composed e,l high lands never reached by overflow. Terms and Conditions—One-third cash on The spot. ba.aLce c>n a credit of one and two years, with eight per cent inteiest per annum in notes secured by mortgage, and all the othei usual penai clauses. Acts cf sale at the expense of the purchasers be, foie amedee Ducate], notary public. mv9 lo 23 3b jeo 13 By D. E. Morphy. in tee matter of eelen a. carter, eank- KUPT-NO. 1357. B y d . e . . yiorphy a. e morphy acc- Tioneti.—Will be »«Id on SATURDAY, June 20, 1(74. at 11 A. M., in stores Nos. 108 and 110 Maga- zine street, as per o:der of the assignee, Berry Russell, Esq.— ALj : HüBOOK ACCOUNTS surrendered m the estate of Ee.*n A. Carter, which can we »een at the auctioneer’s office. Terms—Cash.'* jelO 14 20 By SherJl Harper. SUCCESSION OF THE LATE RAMON DEL NGD aL, ' DECEASED. Second D ietrie? Court for the PariEb oi Crleana— Ne. 37 036. B y virtue of and in obemence to an order i ! sCe rendereu June’ 4. 1874, and to me directed l»v the honorable the Second Difti’ .cr Court for the parish of Orleans, iu the above entitied mattei. 1 w.'J xicc^ed to sell at public auction, on the premises No. 175 Carondelet street, in the F.rst District of this city, on TUESDAY, June 23, 1874 at five o r O* k P. M.. for account oi said succession, the following described property, to wit— THE MOVABLE EFFECTS belonging to said »uc- ce'saion. cols. sting cf Furniture and Wearing Ap- paiel, as per invettory on fi.e. Terms—Cash on the spot. 12 19 23 W. P. HARPER. Sheriff of the Parish of Or.ean». By B. M. ft B. J. Montgomery. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS. 1R0» safes, etc., at auction, tri-weekly sales. B y R . 1*1. A B. J . IMONTGO.TIEKY— R. M. Moutgomerv. Auctioneer. Office No. 87 Camp street.—*-11 sei every TUESDAY. THURS- DAY and SATURDAY, commencing at eleven o’clock at their » room, corner Camp and Natchez streets— GENERAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS. IRON SAFES, COOKING STOVES, etc. Tent»—Cash. ^ myl By Placide J. Spear. FURNITURE.'CHEST OF TOOLS AND ONE WHITE KURSE -SUCCESSION OF FRANCISCO GUI- TAR. Secocd Iiibtnct Court for the Perish of OrieanB— No. 37.159. B Y PLACIDE J. f»PEAR. AUCTIONEER— office No. Ex( lauge a ley.— SA i URLAY. Jute 13.1874, at ■):!'(► P. M., will he ßold. corner of Eughein and Casacaivo streets, by virtue oi an oidei from the Hon. A. L. T issot, judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 1 lift for account oi sa d succession— ONE LOT OF FURNITURE, ONE CHEST TOOLS AND ONE WHITE HORSE. Terme—Cash. je9 13 ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND BLACK WALNUT VICTORIA BEDROOM SETS. PAKLmR FURNI- TURE AN'' HOUKtBOLD FURNITUR« OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TWO FURNITURE WAOONS ONE HORSE AND TWO FaRRELs OE varnishsuccession of henry pinard. Second D.tti.ct Court tor tlie Parish of Orleans— No. 3b 4 2. B y placide j . - pear , auotioneer- Office No. 46 ExcLacge alley.—FRIDAY. June 12, 1874. at D: Si a. M. w..i be sold at lu hlie auc* t i n at No. I! Royal, between Customhouse and E.env.l.e etieete. by virtue ai.d iu pursuance to an order from The Hot. A. L. Tissot, judge of the Second Distinct Court for the parish ot Orleans, dated April 3',, H74, ;or account of the above suc- ,ceseien— Rosewood. Mahogany and Black Wa.nut Victoria Bedroom Sete, Parlor Furniture and Household Furniture of every description; also, two Fumi- tu:e Carts and one Horse. Terms—Cash. je2 7 12 VALUABLE PRcPER'IY ON HOSPITAL s ' RE ET, BETWEEN GALVaZ AND MIR« STREETS SECOND DISTRICT. SUCCESSION OF MARIE EUGENIE DOLLIOLE. Second D.strict Court fox the Parish of Orleans— No. 36,470. B y placide j . s *pear . auctioneerOff-ye 4*3 Exchange alley—SATURDAY. Juiy 11 i’ .4. a* -welve o’clock M. will be seid at the Merci.ants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Rova. street u-tweyn Customhouse and Canal streets, hv virtue and m pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L Tissot, judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 2. D.74, for account of said succession— A ( ERTAIN L(»T OK GROUND. Together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Second D.strict of this city. :u the square bounded by Hospital. Lrsuiutes, Galvez and Miro streets; sa d lot measures 22 feet front on Hospi- tal streeT 70 reet 5 inches .n dep'h on the side nearest street, and 74 teet. more or less, in dentil on the nearest Galvez strett. Terms—Cash. Act o: sale before Christoval Morel, notary nub- ile, at the expense of the purchasers. je7 13 20 27 iy4 11 By Hoey & O'CoiRnor. CHOICE FOURTH DISTRICT PROPERTY AT AUCTION. BUILDING LOTS ON ANNUNCIATION STREET. SUCCESSION OF JOHANNA SOHUKARLIN WIDOW OF CHARLES KOERNER, DECEASED. Court ot the of Jrflerson, State of Louisiana—No. 31S. B Y HOEY dk O-CONNOR—NICHOLAS J. Kc*-v. A;;c:ior.etx—Office No. IT Excbacge place.—feATURBAY. June 27 1874, at twelve o’ciock M., at tbe Meitbants and Aucnoneeis Exchange, on Royal oetweeu Canal and Customhouse stieets. in this citv of w Orleans, by virtue C ’l an order of Tl.e honorable i*»rjsh court, of Jefferson. Louisiana, dated May 9, 1874, will be so!d by pub ic auction— THREE CERTAIN L--TS OF GROUND, with all the bu.i6t.ngs ami improvements thereon, in the Fourth District ot this city, in the square bounded by Annunciation. Chipnewa. St. Andrew and Josephine s'lee*^. designated by the Nos. In. il and 12. on toe original i-ran of the citv of Lafavette anjo.niLg each other, and measuring as follows to wit: Lots Noe. 1« aLd 11 measure ea h 63 feet 1! inches 2 unes fif«nt on Annunciation street, by 159 fret 8 Inches 6 lines in denth. and lot No 12 measures t3 teet 11 inches 3 lines front on Annun- ciation street, by about 126 feet in depth, mote or iCoe. said property will be »old in subdivisions according to a p:an to ne exposed at sale. Tyrms OLe naif cash, ana the remainder at one ana two years credit .n equal payments, in notes O ' put chasers near*ng interest of eight per cent ETo\aDa ‘vI£i' f,C’m Vav 01 6aifc i payment, secured by special mortgage and vendor’» i.en on .n proper y »o.d. with the penal clause of five per cent attorney s fees :n event of »nit to en foxce pay- ment, and purchasers to as»ume pivment of all taxes lor this year. 1874, payable in IbTii. Act» of sale, at the exjense of the pnxcLaser», beieie Octave Moiel Êeq., notary pub 'C Iüj24 30 jto 13 it 27 8TEAMSHIPS. STATE U N E SHTEAiYISHlP COMPANY. LIMITED. The following new firft elMa, fnll-powyryd Clyde built screw «teanuh p« »re intended to tu., iega- larlv between NEW ORLEANS end LiVERFr.q:R and'GLASGOW end NEW YORK: Tons. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Captaffi Stewart......... 2G*> ET aTE Ob' MINNESOTA, Captain Haiulin........ 2*':*0 ET aTE O v ALABAMA, Captain Flint................. 2410 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Captain Brace....2MO »TAT« OF VIRGINIA. Captain Sadler.............. 2140 STATE C'F GEORGIA, Captain Cooper............... 2£CO STATE OF NEVADA (building)................... ,....2Î00 STATE OF FLORIDA (building)...... ................ 25.0 state of D akota (bunding)...........................25c The steamer STATE OF LOUISIANA, in aau trom New Grleana for Liverpool, direct, SUNDAY MORNING, June 14. 1174. From her wharf, po«t No. 33 Third Dietrich Will receive and sign through bil.s ol lading to Havre, Bremen, Hamuurg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, and all continental porta. Return ticket» issued available for TWELVg MONTHS, at reduced rates, and through ticket« to all parts of the United Kingdom and Europe A stewardess and surgeon are attached to ear-tr steamer; no charge is made for attendance and medicines. Money orders granted free of charge. Prepaid emigration tickets issued here to par- ties desirous of sending for their friends. These vessels cross the bar at ail timte without detention. For /reigbt or passage, having superior accom- modations, apply to A. K. MILLER in CG.. sel4 • No. 29 Carondelet street. New Orleans. LIVERPOOL AND NEW ORLEANS' LINE OF »TEAMEUt*. BUILT EXPRESSLY FOR THE NEW ORLEANS TRADE. THE MISSISSIPPI AND DOMINION LINE. FIRST CLASS POWERFUL SCREW STEAMERS Tor«. ST. LOUIS, Captain Reid.................................. H27 MEMPH'S, Captain Meilon................................ 2590 MISSISSIPPI, Captain Wrake.......................... 2f*o0* VICKSBURG, Capdain Roberts...........................25(*0 TEXAS. Caprain Laureusen............................... 25(0 DOMINION, Captain Bouclette.........................3.O0* ONTARIO, Captain French............................... 3(4*0 Far Liverpool Direct.— The steam- ship ST. LOUIS, REID, Commander. Will leave on or about June 10. From her wharf, foot ot Jackson street, Fourth District. Will receive and eign through tl lading to Havre. Bremen, Hamourg, Ant « erp, Rot- terdam, and all continental ports. Parties desirous of Bending for their friends can 5 urebate prepaid emigration tickets here. A re- liction allowed when applied for in groups. For freight or passage. navnig tut4-nor accommo- dations, apply to SILAS WEEKS it CO., No. 48 Car**ndeiet street. Managing owner«—FLINN, MAIN it MONTGOM- ERY. No. 12 Lancelot Hey, Chapel street. Liver- pooL _________ jalOly MERCHANTS’ STEAMSHIP LINE. For New York. Comprising the first-class steamships; GENERAL ME aDE.......................... A. W. Sampson. Wh.-Tt RN METROPOLIS ................ H. S. Quick. EMILY E. SOUDER......................... B. E. Burueek. MISSISSIPPI......................................M.BCroweJ. CNITED STATES.......................... . M. Howes. from New York even* SATURDAY. FuR NEW YORK DIRECT. The steamship E.UILY B. SOUDER, R. F. BURDICK. Commander. 'ill leave her wharf, foot of Jetterscn street, on- SATURDAY, June 13. at 8 A. M. These steamers have superior accommodation* for passengers. Cabin passage................................... *50 Steerage........................................... 25 Bills of lading signed through to Liverpool, (!!&«- gow. Bremen and Hamhnrg. Through Tickets for First Class and Steerage Passengers for Liverpool »-*d the CoutiLen?, con- necting with Guion's Line of Steamers, sa—ng from New York every WEDNESDAY. For freight or passage. ap»lv to JOHN H. LCDWIGSEN. Agent, No. 19U Common -Teet. Th« steamship WESTERN METROPOLIS follow, leaving on SUNDAY. June 2 l. at t A. M. ja4 THE 01 KO.hi WELL LINE. F op New York via Havnna. This Line is composed of the Steamships KNICKERBOCKER, NEW ORLEANS CORTES GEORGE CROMWELL. GEORGE WASHINGTON. The steamship KNt KERBOUKER. E. V. GAGER, Commandor, Will leave her wharf foot of Toulouse street, FRIDAY. Jane 12. at S A. M . Passage.............................................................. .. Freight for Liverpool, Bremen und Havre taken bv this line and through bills of lading given 1er the same. For freight or passage app!v to ALFRED MOULTON, 1«T _____ No. 41 Carondelet street FOR HAVANA. VIA CEDAR KEYS AND HEY WEST. United States Mail Line. Steamships WILLIAM P. CLYDE, EMILIK M argaret, lava*a. The New Orlenn«, Florida f and Havana Steamship Company ■will dispatch one ol the above n e t |t*i»sB steamers from New Or.ean* Every Wednesday. Touching at Cedar Keys and Rev West, and con- necting with steamers for Apaiachicoia st. Marke and Tampa. RATES OF PASSAGE. _ , . To Key West. To Cedar Key*. Cabin............................ $40 $25 Steerage....................... 20 )j Through bills of lading issued to all jpjris in Florid«, including Tampa, and to New lark. Charleston and Savannah. None but the company's bills of lading i gnod, and none Bigued alter sailing of tlie steamer.' Splendid paseecgeraccommodations. and thronen tickets givtn to auove points. No freight received without permit from the office. For freight or passage apply to I. K. RirBERTs. Treasurer. julfi______ No. 12o Common street. PHILADELPHIA VIA HAVANA. Semi-.Tloiithly Line—Carrying the Uuited States .Mail*. JUNIATA. J. W. Catharine commander__ 22*-*’ tons YAZOO, L. D Barrett commander............ ;;, "J *lI>8 Toja i l SUNDAY. June 14. at 8 A. M. The Fine Al t»tenniship YAZOO. L, D. BARRETT. < 'ornmarder’ r _, _____ __ Will leave her wharf opposite acksoii square, as above. Passage te Havana (United States currencv)...S'5 Passage to Philadelphia ................. ........... . 50 Through tickets issued to New York................. 50 Fieight for Liverpool, Antwerp and Erercen Taken by this line, arid through hillB wf lading g.vtn for same. For freight or passage ant. v to EDWARD A. YOtKË Agent, ap.7 ly Corner Carondelet and Gravier streets. BREMEN. North German Lloyd. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW ORLEANS VIA HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVANA. The ateamships of the North German Lloyd will resume nhta regular trip* next fall, as follows: From Bremen From New Oilcan*. STRASSBURG. ..September 15. October 17. FRANKFURT-- September 29. October 31. HANNOVER..... October 13. November 14. KOELN............ October 27. Novemoer 28. Further days of departure will be advert;sta here- after. The steamer» touch outward at Havre and Ha- vana, and or their home trips at Havana and Southampton to land and receive passengers and freight. PRICES OP PASSAGE. From Bremen, Southampton or Havre, to Havana _ . or New Orleans. Cabin............................................»150 go d. Steerage............................................... 40go.d. From New Orleans or Havana to Southampton, Havre or Bremen. Cabin........................................... »150 go d. Steerage................................................ 45go.d. From New (»1 leans to Havana. Cabin............................................ » 5 go-d. Steerage................................................ 15,go.d. Passage tickets from Bremen, Southampton c* Havre to New Orleans issued by the unders-gnest For particulars applv to ED. F. 8TOCKMEYKR Jr CO., Agents, Su3 lv No. 42 Union fre e t. ky W. M’CULLOUGH, AUCTIONEER. NEW AUCTION MART. No. 5'22 Camp street. Opposite Magazine Market. New Orleans. OUTDOOR SALES ATTENDED TO. m> 1,1-1. J> A. MURRAY, CISTERN MAKER, No, 191 Magazlae street, between Julia and St. Joseph streets, (DIPLOMAS AWARDED IN 1872 AND H73.) Cisterns made to order and repaired. All work warranted. A lot of cisterns, from 1090 to 2d,OOP garions, made of the best material and workman- ship, kent constantly on band and for sale at prices to mi '* »Be time« Orders prompt.y attended to. m ilt ly


May 05, 2018



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! f 'n ’r r n r r r . T ' h k >m m » T :

tmiiP. »nu nouu.nitleü a slate ticket. Ex Governor Palmer spoke in favor ol the lariutie' movement.

The .Mining Trouble«.Columbus, Olio. June H —A special to

tbe Stare Journal from Nelfonviile says about three hundred and four colored wen, loostlv from Virginia. Kentucky end Ten­nessee, arrived at Neleonvi” e aoout four o'clock this morning. The party was ac­companied by twen’.r-one special police from Columbus. They proceeded ditec-’y to LaucstretL's mints, where everythingv u quiet. . , , . .

in t party were in.mediate!v placed in military order, fully armed. Pk-ket lines were thrown out. encircling a territory half a mile in diameter, and entrance refused to all n.«t indorsed by the operators or pohce. Three negroes who missed the train last night went down to-day, accompanied by James R. Spencer, who is at the head of the Columbus police force. When the train stopped at Nelsonville station several n mers got aboard, attempted to taik to the negroes, and ran down to the mines where Spencer and the negroes got off.

As they left the train a shot was fired at them from the car step. The sheriff, who was near, promptly arrested the man who fired the shot. This is the only violent demonstration yet made. A crowd nuui bering a hundred men and children, in sympathy with the miners, have been col JecteU just outside the lines, out are not ai lowed to cross into the camp. The town has been quiet all day. A number of opera tors are within the linee. They express confidence that the negroes will stand bythem, either for def-nse or work.

L. L». Paxton, one of the operators, de maLded of the miners an increase of ICO inches to the bushel. The miners refused this, hut agreed to recede from their basis ot per hundred to f2 87. which Paxton accepted. The miners say they are willing to treat with other operators, but the la er say they will have nothing to do with union miners on any terms.

Sixty strikers reached Nelsonville in a procession from Carbondale. Four hun­dred are expected from Straitsvilîe to-nifiht.

A later dispatch says that John Putnam Governor Allen’s secretary, reached Nel eouville this afternoon clothed with full authority to act. He addressed a meeting of miners, counseling obedience to the Jaws, assuring them that decisive means ■will be taken to suppress any disorder; tnat two military companies were held in readiness to move at a moment's notice.

The president of the Miners’ Union, with twenty or thirty men, approached the lines to nigLt. He addressed as many negroes as were within hearing, urging them to lay down their arms and join the strikers. This cleared some commotion and one desertion occurred. At tee same time there was a demonstration at another point, the women taking part, but it was not serious. At eight o’clock but few sympathizers with the miners were near the works, but a crowd of probably a hundred were collected about baif way between there and the vil­lage.

J'he sheriff of Athens county is within the lines, but be declines to cal) on the exe­cutive until actual violence oecnre. The operators are not in accord, saying there is daDger of bloodshed before troops can arrive.

L atest.

The State Journal's special from Nelson ville, at midnight, says the pickets on duty at Longstreth’s mine have been fired on several rimes to-night, and returned the shots, without injuring any one. The Union miners have formed a picket line near the line of the colored forces, and no one ?s pem itted to pass without explana­tions in detail.

B ase B a ll.I’iiiladelphia, Ju n e ’ 11.—Bostons 9,

Philadelph ias 3.Baltimore, June 11.—Baltimores 16, Chi-

-cagus 12.Probabilities.

W a r D s p a r t m x t , )Office Chief Sign»'. Officer. !

Washington, June 11, 1874. 4:35 P. M. } For the South A’iantic and Gulf States, southerly

xi iode shifting to west and northwest, stationary or lairing température and i.«icg barometer.

R iver and .Marine N ew s. ,B»fthwist Pass. June 11, 6 P. M.—Barometer

78.15. Wiail »outh-soutweet, light. Arrived— Steamship City of San Antonio at 0:45 A. M from New York, to Otnrge A. hoedick k Co. Sailed— Steamship of Houston. __

Pa-s-a-i. Or THF, June IK Noon. — Wind ea°t, light. Weather hazy and hot. No arrivals. Sa led—Steamship Lavaca.

V to« «Brno, Jime lh—Passed ur—Robert Mitchell at 5 P M Capitol City at 5 P. M. Mary Alice and barges at 6 P. M. Down—H. C. Yaeger at eleven last night. Weather warm and clear. The river Las fallen nineteen inches in the last twenty-four hours.

Mekphts, June 11.—Weather hot, with a fine shower of ram this afternoon. The river fr'l five inches. Arrived—Parker, from Cincinnati. Dc- ported last night—Great Republic and Atlantic, lor St. Louis: Susie Silver, for New Orleans, to ilav; Thomas Sberlork. for New Orleans; Citv ot Che'd- ter. for St. Louis; Citv of Helena, for Vicksburg.

C in c in n a t i , June 11.—River sevtn ltet and sta tionsry. Weather showery.

PiTTsBfR«, June U.i-Kiver three feet seven incbes and about stationary. Weather sultrv; rain to night.

Kvanstillr. June 11—Heavy wind and rain this morning Weather partly clear since noun, and cooler. The river has tollen three inches.

Ca ir o , June 11.—Arrived—Longworth, from New Orleans. at 6 A. M.: Mary Houston, trom Louisville, a* B A. M.; James Howard, ..oin New Orleans, at 3 P. M ; St. Genevieve, from Vicksburg at 3 p M. Departed—Longworth. for Cincinnati, a t t P. M.; St. Genevieve, lor St. Louis, at 3 P. M.: Howard.far New Orleans, at 1 P. M. River ten feet ten inches sad falling. Weather clear; mercury 83°.

St . Lor-s, June 11.—No arrivals. Departed— Julia, foi Vicksburg. River risen two feet tour indies. Rain this looming clear and cool since.

norisviLLF, June 11.—River stationary; four Get s.x inches in the caual. Wind and rail last n ght; sLowds.

M A R K E T S .

D om estic .Mnrkets.New Yoe.r. June 11. Evening.—Cotton c’on-d dull;

uplands 1E4»c: Orleans ldljc; net receipts 437 bales; glOSS 2t>*rW; 527.

Futures clc>M*d steadier: sales 1Ä.3(H) bales, as fol­lows: Low middling lor Jine 17 V : forJu’v 17^c; lor August 17 25-320: for October 17 5 ltff 17 11 32c.

Sour hern flour dull; common to fair eitra $5 9<» *cto 70; good to choice do $ 6 75ö j 1. Wheat in "buyer’» favor; limited export demand: $1 60 for white Western. Corn scarce and in fair demand at 023.85c for mixed, and 90c for white Western. Coffee firm at 17&20fcc for Rio: holders are gener­ally disposed to meist on rather better prices. Bice du'I and unchanged. Tallow—Demand fair a t7 \f l8 i-o. Rosin and turpentine steady. Pork quiet aj.d firm at $18<i18 K* for new mess. Lard ouiet and firmer at 1 Whiskv withondecided change; 9 9 3 .$ 1. Freights firm; cotton, steam, 3-lt>d.

a u g a r ’.es6 a c t iv e ; s c a r c e ly so firm 7 \ < z 6 1* c fo r ia r to g o o d re f in in g : 8 J*c fo r p r im e : 8 7t c fo r c h o ic e < « ntr.Akigai: re f in e d d u d a n d e a s i e r : d o c t o r e x t r a w h i te : 9"tc fo r s t a n d a r d A; 1 0 f or g r a n u la te d : I t S c fo r c r u s h e d . a n d 10^c fo r pow d e r e d . M o .as- e« s q u ie t ; n o th in g o f m o m e n t do iD g.

The Post's financial article says: All sales of gold havf been at 111. 111 , 11H$ and 110%. In the for­eign exchange market leading bankers have ad­vanced the rate for sixty dav bill» to $•* the demand rate remaining at $4 89. First riass sixty day bill» are »till obtainable at $4 87% 5*4 88. while the quotation for business in demand sterling ;a $ 4 9034 90%. Money in this market is 2% for call loans, the extTeme rares being 2 aLd 3. Prime mercantile paper is 536, with business »mall, be­cause of the small supply of paper.

The stock market opened c ht!ow Yester­days closing prices, except Cn.on Pacific. Lake Miete and New York Central, which opened steady, and since has been barely steady, except for Erie, which has l»een weak.

Government bonds firm at yesterday’s quota- tiens. State bonds at the board were steady.

Customs receipts $387 000. The Ass siant Treas­urer to dav paid out $73.(K'<> on account oi interest and $31.060 in redemption of bonds.

C in c in n a t i . June 11.—Cotton quiet;* middling 17%c. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat stead?: demand moderate: $ 1 .0 Corn steadv: demand moderate, mixed65c. Oats quiet at 50c58c. Poik and lard quiet and unchanged. Bulk meats dull; »boulders *\c: c ear rib 9>4; clear 9%c. Bacon dull; shoulders 7 4 c; c.ear rib loc; clear 10%c. Whisky Aim at K»c.

St . Loris. June 11.—Cotton quiet and unchanged in every respect. Flour quiet and weak: little do­ing. Wheat steadv, with a moderate demand: No.2 spring Chicago $1 11 V. No. 3 red fall $1 24. Corn in fair Jemand and market firm: No. 2 mixed 58%c Î9'* <*aTs—I'emand iight and holders firm: No. 2488>50c. according to location. Whisky steady at 9t c Pork quiet; jobbing sales a: $18 25. Dry salt meats nominal. Bac'-n tim er: lobbing and order lots of shoulder» at 7^37%c: clear rib 9?* 5-!<•(•: dear l(»l|ôij»%c. Lard easier; H'(jâl034e. The stock mi dr3» »alt shoulders and s-.tles is about JZ.SdUlM’ lbs. and bacon abolit 560.000 lbs. against total of 22,1k0.000 last year.

Foreign .M arkets.London. June 11. hvening-—Spirits ttryventine .

28* tf 28* 3d. Tallow 41s.L ivs.R PooL . June 11, 5 P. M.—C o tto n — S a le s of

u p la n d s , n o th in g b e lo w g o o d o r d i n a r y , d e l iv e r a b le A u g u s t a n d S e p te m b e r . 8 9-icd; » a le s of Orleans, n o t h i n g b e lo w io w m id d lin g , d e l iv e r a b l e June,8 7-16d. . „

Paris. June II —Specie increaBed in the Bank of Frame 9,500,t*00 lianes.

Balance».$161X24 bft

223 435 (-6 237.086 W 139,730 83 146.301» 47

$908 312 45 tôc.602 66 798.1(6 40 o4o.756 46



TeervUay Kvinins. June 11, 1ET4. 5The money market continues «tuiet and easy,

wltt: a fair’demand for discourts at tie batiks, limited (iffetiLga on tbe street aod without quota- ule varia ion in the rates ol commercial paper. Wfe continue to quote se'.ecred signatures. H'ltl. or without co.laterals, at S ^ cent per a sn u m ; first class at 9 c 1C; A1 at 11612, ai.d second grade at l&IVé ip cent p*r month. First c.ass mortgages rv..e at 10 IP cent per annum, while nothin; is re­ported in second grade.


Jnne C.......................... * > «9.999 56June «.......................... 1 >95.w:ç MJune 9.......................... 1.444,r07 (,5Jm t 10 .................. 1 .(*34.452 9ojineii::::.........

Thus far this',.252 '4S am e t im e l a s t w e e k . . 5 l ■96.690 92Total last week........... 6 25t 025 20Total week before........ 5.658.4lu U0

Gold opened at 111S 111 , against 111, at New York. an", after a limited business e.oeeu at the Ote; rg rates in botn marke.s, touching 1H and li l * during the interim at New York. Tue saies summed ut> $20000 embracing SfcGki at 111, ana AIMKi. and * 10,000 at llUj.

lesterday. Lot Wore reporteu, fMtii in Mexican do.lore sola at 1 p ceLt premium m gold. Amen- can half dollar» were still quoted at 105*6 and Mexican dollar» at 112.

The movement in sterling exchange wa6 of moderate extent without quotable Tj,r.a; on in rates. T h e sales amounted to about £20 ow enj- bracing £2« o bill of lading a: $5 3t; £!Wy A1 clear at $5 39; £1(00 bill of lading at $5 £P no A1 clear at $5 40; £250*» do at éo 41 k ■ £1^^ and £3CMi bank at $5 42m; £1< < 0 do at the counter at $5 14; £2000 do at $5 44:*: do at $5 45;£2000 do lor gold at $4 92%. and £(0o bank feignt at $5 48. , .

Franc» were scarce and in mouerat« demand without change in quotations.

l u G e rm a n m a i kß w e n o t i c e d a s a .e o f $ 2 0 lK*0 ati—. .At the close sterling bill» were quoted at $5 38?/5 39>6 for bill of lading and Al clear. aLd $5 42*5<z— for bank, and francs at 4.66 a4 to lor private sud nommai tor bank.

The offeringß of domestic exchange were mod­erate, ar.d the market ruled at previon» rates. The ol New York sight covered $11.,600, embracing $17.000 and $20 000 commercial at k & cent premium; $25. oW» do at ^ 59-3'2. and$l(',(oO Mid $27 000 do and $18.‘M*o bank at 5-lo. We aise* noticed a sale of $10.(*oo commercial on Boston at k kE cent premium.

In stocks we noticed sales of H-0 Rnd 2CP shares Louisiana Levee, preferred, at S3 T5; 2(" do at li.i, Cresceut City Slaughterhouse «.ornpauy at *E 5C. and 1* 0 Sugar Shea at $15; aiso.a; auction, by G. I'e Feriet A Co., for account of E. Roehereau A C o ., in liquidation, vs. executors ol William T. Hepp, for a partition, 4 shares, * lob each, ol P o ,k County Copper Company of Tennessee, und Tôlj. also oi *H'U each, of Burra Butra Copper Mining Companv. at 10c: 20, of *50 each Waenjigton and New Orleans Telegraph Coikpanv, at *29; 50 Levee >team Cotton PresB at $ 37, 150 do at n37 50, and 10« do at *38.

The sales of bonds included *7009 city go d bear­ing seven per cen*s at 51 *5000 do at 52; *5i1',0doat52A.and * 2<« 0 city ten per cents at 66; also, at the above ment.oned partition sale. 6 tonds ot *500 each, of the Burra Burra Copper Mining Com­pany, of Tennessee, at *10 eaeb.

In c:tv appropriation ceitificates we noticed sales of'*i''ib. large, at 5U*, and #3000. smaij. at SO; they dosed at about 69. Other descriptions of citv'scrip wete nominal.

State warrants were still quoted at 40042 for latge. 43Ö46 tor medium, and 50<zt0 for sn.ali. No saies were reported.

C O M M E R C I A L .

Thcrsdat Etsnino. June II, 1W4.COTTON—The sales to-day embraced 130(1 bales’

at prices requiring no change m our quotations. We give also the Exchange nguies ana repoit asbelow:

Geneial Exchar gi*• quotation». q notation».

Inferior........................ ..... 9 a 10 —Low- ordinary............... ...... 11 fill* HHOrdinary...................... ...... 12^ ffi27u \2hStrict ord-narv............ ......13% #134» —Good ordinarv............. ....15 a it» 16 3»Strict good ordinary... ....15% ffI5 -, * ~Low middling............... . . . . if u c ; t » IC 4#Str.ct low m.ddling.... . . . . ie ’uän-x —Middling....................... ......17% »I7-J 17 %Strict middling............. ....17% 818 —Good middling.............. ....1«)»®1SI* is h

The demand was siack throughout t ie day. andalthough some iactors adiisrec with---- eox.tiLv.edstr.ngencv to their previous pretensions, vet others evinced a willingness to meet toe demand treely. Hence, oa the whole, the market was re­ported eaev al q'Kitations. Good ordinary sold at lfc. and low middling at 16kc, but it os* factors asked lOi S15A lor tLe former, and it^ä-cstc for the latter.

The amount on shipboard not cleared, going on boat d and eEgaged tor shipment was set down at the opening this morning at 1J.5O0 embrsc lug lO.oyn for Liverpool, Kt" for 5 pa in and 2500 tor the North, which, when deducted fiorn the stock on hand bv our running statement ast evening, ieavee 60 ?< <’ bales to r, present the quan­tity at tl.e Andingand in presses unsold or awa.t- ing orders.

The Exchange reports: ‘ Sales llo" tales ’ Market qniet.


Stock on hand August SI, 1873........................ 7,177rrived since last statement....... 191

Arrived previously..................... 1,306 2l5—1.306 ' r-6Corrections............................................... 2Le 12

Total........................Cleared to-day...................

ited previously............Consumed at Lehman, Alraliam

i Co 's Lane Cotton M.lls......Sunk in scuttled ship Ai.ea to he

added if ever recovered.........

Stock onhacd andon shipbpard not cleared.eonectioLS included.............................. 63636

Same time last vest, eoirecrieus included... 91 .09To-day's exports were to X*v Yoik.Receipts pu,pe; au ce ias' 150 tales,

against' 68 on last Thursday aLd 543 .att year, making an aggiegate Since Friday evening*! 3.(65 bales, against 4<54 last week and 3619 la.-T year, me since August 31 of 1.196,651 hales, against 1.213.6'o last year (corrections included for both years)—decrease 14.u .

The Exchange te egiams make the receipts at all the ports, from 12 M. yesterday to 12 M 'o-day. 1402 baies, against 2657 last Thursday, and 3334 iast year, and since Friday In,615 aganst 14(40 last week and 15.879 ,ast year. Total since August 1. S.oTfi 913 bales, against 3.441.178 last year—in­

crease 235.725.Exports <F ulay to Wednesday inclusive) toGieat

Britain 13 7o9 bales, against 18.72J .ast week and 22 970 year, and to the continent 11,029 bales, against 5586 iast week and 30 iast year.

Stocks a? all the delivery ports made up to 12 M.. 274 213 bales, against 296.245 .nst week aLd 257.203

at $6: T«.uri* $3^4: duck» $3A4; geese $ ^ -; tnrkev» $12@15: Louisiana grown chicken» $5 ÄC: vbung $3; ducks $3 50; geese $6®7; turkey»$ lô'a 18 dozen. , „ _,,

h » ï - iisige fcipply in warehouce. Nopeon iLe 3ai:r ing. Yesterc&y choice w Id ar $27 f* ten.gOGS—Western are quoted at Ifc&2J.‘C; Louisiana

25Ä27C ^ dozeE. .BL’TTJb'R—Good supply of infericr. Choice is

scarce. No Gotlien here. The demand :» ^m.reji*. Goshen would command 55S.3tlc. Inteijor Western is selling at '.I?yl(,r good Western 22&32c; choice Wee’em 252z26o ip 1C. . _ _ „

CHhESE—Not much on the market. Choice Western factory is quoted at 15; New York cream 18c* 15. .. .HihhS—Are dull and drooping. Pry sated «.e ouoted at 12c: dry tint 17c: country green Sc * ft.. In citv s.augnter sales are making as to-ows. .steer hides, over 85 Its 11c* It: steer nines JO ,o 84 Its 1' Vic, under 76 Its 9c. Cow hides, as tuey run. 86tc. Kit s, 26 to 24 Its 12c: kips, 25 to 30 Itslie. Calf skins each *1. Beeswax, prime ye.- low. 2£c * It. Ox home each. 5c.

COFFEE—I he demand is a little more active for lob io'B at unchanged pricea So stock in nisi hands Lea era’ stock food bags. We qude cargo lots ordinary at lt^aiBc (gold); tait 19« .ï*C: good 2(-àâ2< ijC. and prime 21^S21V’ * ff- 3oo ois are selling at 19c for ordinary; lblsc 1er fair: 2( -»c for g*,od. and 21»ic * It for prime.

PRIED FRIT'—Tne maiket is bate.Hfips—New York hops are quottd at 4oc.«c

» ft.M a LT—Good supply and de it. such Wes'ern se.*s

at $ I 8621 85; California #1 9:'52 * busiiti. TALLOW—Is quoted at 7&7iyc * It.REEF— Weblein oommancis *15 54 d .0 * It. EBAN.s AND WESTERN PEao—Are cu.h West­

ern bears are out of season. Northern beans are quoted at # 8 5c®9; green peas # 6 5d<i8 y bb., ac­cording to quality.

RICc—Puces are unchanged, lhere is no oca! trade. The stock O' Land is small and :» mostly o. interior cjualitv. We quote prime (Louisiana) at 8q,69c; lair SaStJjc: ordinary Ü8C; common 7274jC: No. 2 5c5>6c * It.

IMPORTED FRtlTS AND NUTS-The snpp.y is .ight, but suffi oient ior the demand. Pa.ermo lemons are selling at #12 * obL Bauarsa» #1 5(> p,er bunch. Layer raisins #3 id y oox; ha,t ooxee #1 7Ç; there aie no quaiier hoses m tne marxet. Citron is selling at 30c* !b. Cunan’s 8c. Figs 12c. Eraai. nuts 9c. A,m(,nds 21c: uo shelled 30c. F.lberts 16c. Dates 9c * It. Pine­apples * 1 56 * dozen. Cocoanut* *4f * l"“n.

IRON COTTON TIES—The supply is .arge and the demand is limited. TLev are quoted at 7c * It

OAK STAVES—otaves on flatboats sell ».ways on their merits! The receipts are large. Staves are sei mg at wholeea.e at ti ta n # fo r extra pipe; * 6 SCO for extra hogshead: #45250 for ex'ia c aret. The following aie dealers' prices. Extra p:j>e *io" 2175: extra hogshead #1252115; extra claret #7ia 60: barrel #60: kee #45 * 1200. *

SOAP—Is dull. Höher e German olive is eel ing at 62C%c * It. Kellers magnol.a to 'Ec- Kelle: s oLTe 5VjCoc, neble extra palm 6V27c, Caeti.e palm 11c 12c. with a deduction on round lots. tor £ Gamble’» 6>fcc ^ It» in round lots, and 7c «r lb in job lot». , , ,

STARCH—I» in good supply and demand, and ellitg at 4 5§c ^ It’.SUGAR OF LEMON—Moflatt’ß ßeM» at $o4 in

bbls and #36 in cases * gross. Preston A Merrill s *44 fo in bbls and *4t 50 in caees * gross.

PECAN'—Are cull and are quoted at 7c * It. STAR CASLLES—a lot of 1000 boxes so.d at Itc

net * It. . .NAVAL STORES—Are in fair supp y and mode­

rate demand. Epirits tmpentine is quoted at, 4Off 43c * ga.lon. Tar #2 50 * half hh and #4 21 a 454, * nbl. Pitch #4 * bbh Ros.n— No. 1. #2 75; No. 2 # 2 40 2 2 50; vug.n dip #404 50 * bbh

ESCULENTS AND GREEN VEGETABLES—Small stock and dull. Potatoes are quottd at #4 752 25: onions #5 * bbh

SALT—The stock is much reduced, and the de­mand :s active. Nocaigoee ottering on the mar­ket. We ouote dtalere' rates at #1 30S 1 35 * salk toy coarse, and #1 452 1 50 for fine. TurkB Island is selling at 9('c pen bag. When taken irom ware­house by boats a reduct ion is made for drayage. Table saït, in pockets, at 2tç26V,c eacn. as .u size.

WOOL—Is wanted, and receipts w ould meet ready sales. Lake sells at 323.a34c; Texas ‘ix w 27c; burry 17220c; Mexican improved 20c * It.

. . .1

:.2t! U7

2 232—1 2-2 9; 9

A Mionioeippi paper speak« s*f a man who died at the age of eighty as one “stricken down in the prime of life. ' He may have been of the Bourbon family, and prime be­cause eld.

Tue above totals at all the ports are exclueive of corrections.

TOBacCu—Die only ‘ale reported to day wae 14 l is a* —. TLib makes au aggregate th\.s far ti» .s

week of 394 Lhdt. a^aiLßt 996 Lac» .ast wees, and 174 * week betöre. The amount ol sale is e*!.ma;ed U<0 hhds. In view of tl.e decidedly discociag-

m, crop prospect» at the West and the h;"h rices ruliug there, »omejfactors are more emu*

gent ;n tLe;r preteusious. but n o th iL g has tran- t-ired to require any change in our quortatioLS. hieb we repeat as follows: Inferior 4 â 4*$C; me­

dium 4*4 â5 ijo; g(.od and fine ôfcc: low leaf h7c; medium 7^€8c; fine 9öK c. aud »electiou» 11®

Received since iast eveuiug U8 hhd»; ex* ported, none; stock on hand by bar ruunieg state- meut, 8j99 hhde.

FREIGHI 8—The market coLticues dull, and we quote a» foliew»:

By »team—Cotton to Liverpool — 5 VI: to Ant­werp via Philadelphia VI? to Bostoii via Ph. a- delpfiia ll*16c: to Fail River via PhiladeloLia U-kc; to Providence ria Philadelphia to Sew York He: to Philadelphia 9-16c; grain to Liverpool led; to the continent llad2d.

By sail—Cotton to Liverpool ^d: to Havre VL SUGAR—Received this morning 23 hhde am 22

bi ds sold a: 734c ior good common.MOLASSES—« 'n!y 4 bbl» and 1 half bl»l received

thi- morning. No s&.ee.FLOUR—Freight engagements for 13.090 bbls of

fiour were made f«.»r Cuba. aLd the baie» for Cuba embrace ll,8(»o bbls. computing 3(*o. 5(K*, k ' 0. 2(K*0, 25(X‘, 25« «I and 3(KH» bbls, all on private terni6, eaia tobe $ 6 5< 67 ^ bbi lor choice treble ex*ra. We hear that 2(h»(* bbl» mere are in treaty and some to arrive. The sales to the local trade are confined to 45;* bbls. of which 3“(* double extra at $5 75; 100 at $ti; 50 low treble extra at $t- 2f; 50 good treb.e extra at $ 6 7f; 25 choice extra a: $c. 25; 75 at $i t". and 5o at $ 8 87$* ^ bbl. The market is very dull notwithstanding the above bales, as the orders ror Cuba arekfor special brand*, and there is no dt- mand for other brands.

CORN MEAL—Is in supply and dull. Holders ask $3 60. and buyers otfer $3 50 bbh 175 bbls »old a: $3 60 ? bbl. and b 0 and 300 bbls brought $3 7(», though we have heard of some sa e», not reported, at $3 55 bbl.

Pi»RK—Is dull but the 6teck on hand is small. Original mess :s quoted at $ 1 : 75. and is retailing at $19«zI9 25 & bbh A lot ot 1(0 hb.» orig nal me** sold at $18 75 bb!.

PRY SALT MEAT—The supply is light, but there is verv little demand. Shouruer» may l>e quoted at 7c îfi. I»eal*rs are retailing shou.ders at 7^c; Ci*ar rib gidet 914c; clear sides 10c !b.

BACON—The b’oek iß »mall, but th*re is no de­mand. A lot of 104 casks clear rib »ides and 42 casks clear sides sold on private terms. A small job trade is kept up at Tkc for shoulders: k ’ c for cb-ar rit side . and K \ a lu^c (or clear sides

BREAXFA8T BACON—Puli and quottd at 11512c

HaMS—Supply fair: demand slack at 12 512*4c f* !% for sugar-cured as in brand. A *ot of 25 tierces sold on private terms.

LARD—Continue» in light supply. 25 titrees re­fined sola at 12c ^ !ts. Keg is quoted at I2>sc^

WHISKY—Pull at 99c tor Louisiana rectified and $1 ( 2 :or choice Cincinnati. TLe stock on L -.Ld of W*6tern rectified :» sma.l.

CuW PEAS—Are in light supply and active de­mand on orders a* $3 busbe’ ior all kinds.

CORN IN BULK—.Some 55.0OJ* bushels, all the supply on the spot, sold for Great Britain at 705 73c. and ((0 bushels sold, to arrive by the next tow. tor the continent on private terms.

WHEAT IN BULK—The supply is confined to 21.« 0 bushels. No. 2 6piing is quoted at $140^ bushel.

Cl RN IN SAC KS—TLe supply is small and the demand fair. The sales comprise 4579 sacks, of which 4((«. 5«»*i and 7w yellow m.xed a: 79c: 5( 0 and do at 80c; 129 vellow. in second hand sacks at tic; 4(i(* white at 91c; and 500 white m.xed at 93c. and 1(0 white at 95c ^ bushel.

l»AT8—The supply is good and the demand fair. 15'K* sHCk» sol«i. 01 which 500 and 700 choice Ga.ena at Sic, and 300 do at 59c ^ bu6fcerÄ

BRAN—Is in good supply and limited demand at lower price». 1650 saexs sold, of which If0 sacks at P5c, and 40o and 500 patent packed at 97^c f* HO Its.

POULTBY—Weetem grown cticaeL» are Belling

M arine In telligence.OFFICE OP THE REPPBL1CAN )

Friday, June 12, 1874. )

cleaeed'ÿësteeiday.Steamship Knickerbocker. Gager, ior New York

via HavanaSteamship Harlan, Lew's, for Galveston and India

nolaSteamship I C Harris. Farwell, for Brazos Santiago ftcl.ooiier Mary Emily, Kryger, for Peueacoia

AERIVED YESTERDAY.Steamship San Antonio Pennington, from New

York, 3d lustaut. to George A Fosdick itco—ißt district 13

Steamship Harlan, Lewis, from Indiacola via Gal­veston, to C A Whitney—Algiers

Schooner a B Wilson, Navaris. 14 daj s from Ruatac Island, to master—2d district

Schooner Texas, Rault. 9 days frbra Tampico to S Fernandez—2d district

Schooner Kiite E Buchanan, Lawrence. 8 days from Tenais, Mexico, to master—2d district

STEAMBOATS.Parp.gon. Darragb, from Pittsburg W .s ribe. Brown, from Fisher's Landing Lizzie Hopkins, Auooin. nom Th.l ocaux Gt T'emor Allen Berßun. fïom Vicksburg Marie, Baßßett, from Pilot Town Mary Ida. Ruiz, from Low er Coast Josephine. Cozzins, from Bonnet Carre F in v re. Canton, trom Lower Coast Hunter, Kadovich. from Lower Coast


bocker—For New York—UK» oaiee cotton 17 h.des 1( 4 bdlß hides 2('0 dry hides 222 bags woo- lo pkgs redße For Kavana-^i7( 6 bbls fiour 1('0(< bks corn 2(Hi bales hay

GALVEST“ N aNP INPIANOLA—Ste;*in-hip Har­lan—For Indianola--- P*« bbi» flour *5 bbls whisky2« o 6Kb corn 111 pkgs mdse For GalvesToc—9(‘0 bbls fiour CO bbls whisky 200 bags cofiee 5* 0 bks corn 2<i0 sks <*ats 35 cks bacon. lt*0 bxs candles

PENSA Cl‘LA—Schooner Mary Emily—525 sks com 5 sks oaf e 5 sks bran \ hag coffee 2 bbls whisky 66 bbl» fiour 2«* bbls pofatots 5 bin» onions 6 tes meat 2 tes lard and sundries

BRAZOS SANTIAGO—Steamship IC Harris—Sun dry mdse


Î4L—9 oa « 6 cotron '.99 head cattle Havana— Stearusliip Yaauo— 1300 txs sogar

133.010 cigars ami BYATAN ISLAND—ScnooDer A B WjIsol— IfflO

piEeai'V-cs 7", bimc‘i,es bananas HAVANA—SttamsUp Maigarct—1Ô38 bxs sugar

EECEIPTB~ÖF PRODUCE.PITTSBURG—Steamer Paragon—8 bales cotton

255 ckt haccui 172 Lxh bacon 1265 bxs starch t"5 bxs candles 2(<»(• bxs bitters 5o tes lard 482 k♦ g» .arù I“] finds tobacco 260 bbls whisky !(*•' o bbls meal 3l f> bbls flour 2i-O bbls lime 2c6 sks bran 140 »kß oats 188 tes haiLé and ßundry produce

THIBOPAUX— Steamer Lizzie EonkinB— ? bale» cotton 20 Me sugar and sundries •

FISHERS LANDING—Steamer W S Pike— 38 b&>» cotton 4 bb 6 UiO.asf-es and sundries

VK KSLURG—Steamer Governor Allen—231 bales cotton and sundries

PILOT TOWN—Steamer Mane—Sundries LOWER COAST—Steamer Mary Ida—Sundries LONXKT CARRE—Steamer Josephine— Sundries LnWpp. COAST—Steamer Empire—Sandries LOWER COAST—Steamer Hunter—Sundnea


ROAD. June 11—32 bales cotton .%1 bbi6 rosin j0(* bbls lime 160 ekb wheat and eundnes

MORGAN’S LodMANA ANP TEXAS RAILROAD, June li—8 bales cotton 35 hhds sugar and sundries

CCNSTABLES’ SALES^__Thomas Lacy vs. T heresa Em rich—F irs l

Justice Court lor the Paiißh of Orleans, >o. 2331.

B Y VIRTUE of a writ of fieri facias tome directed by tLe Hoc. w. T. Houtt<*n. Firßt

Jùetice ol me Peace in aLd for the parish of Or­leans. I will pnccedto se.l at pubhc auction, at my warehouse. No. 129 Julia street.on MONDAY, June 22. 1674. at twelve o’clock M., the following described property to wit-—

one L'*t of household furniture.Seized in the above entitled suit.Terms—Cash on tLe!2 17 21 JOHN EÜELFY. Cot. eta Me.

JP, HoRRelly t s . T. Goo»win-!?ofon<iJustice Court for the Parish of C»i*eaLß. No5(52.

B Y virtue OP A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me directed by the Hon. W. L. E r arte,.Second

Justice ol the Peace in and for the parish ol Or­leans. in tLe above stated and numbered suit, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at my warehouse. No 142 Girod street, between St. Charles aLd c amp streets, on SATURDAY. June 13, 1874. ft* twelve o'clock M.—

A LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.Seized in the above numbered and entitled BUit,

as per inventory on file in my office.Terms—Cafeb on tl.e »pot.j*4 KH3 JoHS McCORMICK. Constable.

Cre*»on A: Voiron vu. .Louisiana .Hnnu*f-iciur.Lg and Propelling Ceinpauy—Firs: Jus­tice Court for the pa:isn of Orleans, No. 2(*13.

B Y VIRTUE (»F A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the H -n. W. T. Houston,

Fust Justice of The Peace :n and for the parish of Orleans. I wili proceed *o sell at public auction, on TUEel'AY, JuLe 16. 1(74. at twelve o'cîocx M.. at the corner of Notre Dame aLd New’ Levee streets, the follow Lg d-'scrlbetl prooertv, to wit—


>'e:zed n tLe above suit.Terms—This being the second and last auction,

the said property v fi be definitely adjudicated *c the highest and last bidder for what it w,;i bring at twelve months* credit, the purchaser furnishing bond, w ith good and solvent security bearing eight percent interest per annum from day ot sale. Said purchaser whl Lave to deduct and jay m cash the printing, constable's and court fees, amount .ng to the sum of ote hundred und twenty- nvo doilais.

iebll 16 JOHN HURLEY. Cnnstab’e.

Jbi. l t k l i n r r i » O D t ». P . H a r r i» —S e v e n t hJustice Court for tLe parish of l*r.eans, No.

Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TOBice ol the Peace in and ior the of ( u :eans.

I wTi proceed to se i at public auction, on TUESDAY. June 5C», 1 74. at twelve o’clock M., at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal street between Canal and Customhouse stieets. in the Second District of this citv—

ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST of Pleasant Harris in and to a certain poition o! ground, situât* d .n the Sixth District a this citv. late Citv of Jefferson, in the squaie No. 25. bounded by Camp. Jena. Chestnut and Cadiz s-tieets which said i .eue ui ground measures " feet by 32 feet 6 inches moie or less, being tne rear portion of a lot dt ..L eafed by a sketch made bv W. H. Wili ams, undei date of SejdemLer 22. 186c. passed before Ernest Commagere, |»p.iisL recorder of the parish oi Jefferson, on December 8. 1(60. and joining lot No. 5. on a plan drawn by C. A. Hedin. architect, deposited in ti e office of Theodore Guyed, a notary of this city. Said property was acquired by the present owner by purchase from Mis. Honorine Laiensbujg. by act passed before Ernest Comma- g«-re a notary public of the j» ot Jefferson, on the tenîh day of October, 1868.

Seized in the above entitled and numbered suit.Terms—Cash on the spot.myi 0 iel4 30 E. B. FALL , Constable. .

Finney, £»heean âc Ku s» v». J . L. Dolin—aecoud Justice Court tor the Parish of Oi.cane. No. 57(‘5.

B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS. TO me directed by tLe Hon. W. L. Evans, second

justice of the peace in and for the i a rieb lbleans, in tii-- above entitled suit, I w.11 piccetd to sell at public auction, at the Merchant» and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse, in the Second District of th s citv. on FRIDAY. Juiv 10,1374, at twtive o clock M.—

A CERTAIN LOT (»F GROUND, situated .n the F.rst District of this city, in square bounded by Robin. Chippewa, Race and Atnuuciation btr*-ets. and designated as lot No. 2 and measuring 25 feet front on Robin street, the same width hî tne rear, and 63 feet II inches 2 hues in depth, between par­allel lines.

ALM» A PORTION OF LOT NO. 3 ar joining the said lot No. 2 on the lower side, anti measuring 9 feet front cn Robin street, bv 63 feet 11 inches lines :n depth, between parallel lines, the whol fuiming a lot of 34 fret fiont c n Robin street, by 63 teet 11 inches 2 hues in depth, America 1 measiii *wget 1er with the building» and .mjiovcmeL thexon. rights aLd ways.

.Seized in tbe above êtated suit.Teiles—Cash od the spot.je921 jyld JOHN McCORMICK. Constable.

B Y VIRTU to me due

T . S. W a te rm an vs. Ju liu s s»ocha—s e c ­ond Justice for the Parish of OileaLS, No.

RTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIA** by the Hon. W. L. Eva-ne Second

Justice ot the Peace m and for ti»e parish of l»r- îeans. m the above stated suit. I will proceed to s*ll at pabiic auction, in front of The courthouse door, corner ol st. Charles street «und Commercial place, on THURSDAY, June IS, It)74, at twelve o'clock M -

ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST in and To a certain judgment in favor *»f defendant bere u, entitled Julius Socha vs. Louita Renaude, No. 5135 of tbe docket of the Fifth District Couit for the paiish-of (>r«eans and N<». 4962 ot the dock­et of the Supreme Court of tlie State oi Louisiana.

Seized in tne al*ove stated suit.Term»—Cash on the »not.je7 12 lb JoHN McCORMICK. Constable.

MARSHAL’S MONITIONS.John Jlorton G en ern li . Schooner


IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT.District ol Louisiana. No. 16.53/.—In obedience

to an admiralty warrant to me directed m tLe above entitled suit. I Lave seized and taken into my possession—

THE .SCHOONER GENERAL PRIMM. her tackle, apparel, etc., now libeied by John Morton, for the causes set forth in the iibei now pending in the District Court of the United States.

And I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owners thereof, and all and every person or per­sons having or pretending to have anv right, la t le ox interest in or to the same, to be and appear at a district court of the United Stares, for the district afoie>aid. to be holden at the citv of New Orleans on the th.rd Mondav of June, to show cause, if anv they have or can. why tLe said ßchoonershould not be condemned and be sold agieeab.y to the piayer of libelant.

United States Marshals office, New Orleans. Mav 26 1874.

S. B. PACKARD.my27 je3 10 14 United Stares Marshal.

F red etick Luke v s , »h ip A dvance,

I N THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Dis­trict of Louisiana, No. 10.531.—Ju obedience to

an admira' ty warrant. *o me ui reeled in the above entitled suit I nave seized and taken into my pos­session—

THE SHIP ADVANCE, her tackle, apparel, etc.. now libeled by Frederick Luke, for the i-.iusrs set forth in the libel now pending in the District Court oi the United States.

And I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owners thereof. Led al! and every person or per­sons Laving or pretendiLg to have "any right, title or interest in or to the same, to be and' appear at a District Court of the United States, for tne district aforesaid. ~o be holden at the c:’v or New Orleans, on the third Monday of June. 1:74. to show cause, if any they have' or can. why the said efi.p should not >*e condemned and be told agreeably to the prayer of libelant.

United States Marshal's office. New Orleans. Mav 13. 1374.

S. B. PACKARDmjI4 26 ief 16 United State* Marshal.

Jo se p h P a rk » and other»» vs. s tea m b o a tCarne V, Kountz.


Tidnaily and e.s a member of tLe nrm of Witherspoon, Mobs Co.—No. 1288.

Un:tbl States M a r s h a l ' s Office. ) New Orleans, May 16,1H74. 5

T his is to give notice that a war-rant in baukruptev Las been .ssued out of

the District Court of trie United States foi the Dis­trict of Louisiana, against the estate of John S. Mtse. individually and as a member oi the firm t-f Witherspoon, Moss k Co., of New Orleans. ,n Tl.e parirh oi Oriea? s. Sta.e cl Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt up«-u Lib own petition: that the payment oi anv debts and the delivery of ll v property belonging to said bankrupt, to him, or fer Lis use, and the transfer of any property by L’m. aie forbidden by '.a*': that a meeting t f the creditor» of ta d bankrupt, to prove, their debts and choose one. or more assignee» of his estate, will be held at a court of bank ruptcy, to be holden on the twenty-third day of June A. I». 1874. at 11 A. M.. at the Customhouse building, New Orleans- beforeD. Augustin. Register.

H. B. PACKARD.mvI7 j*23 Tinted Stales Marshal.

E S TA TE O F CH A K l-t-S J . H O Y T -N O .133

UN:' 1 St a t is Marshal’« Off it k , / New Orleans« Mav 6. 1874. I

T his is to give notice that‘an aliaswan ant in bankruptev has be*n issued out of

the Distnet Court of tLe United Statt* for th** dis­trict of Louisiana. againBt the estate <1 Charles J. Hoyt, uf New Orleans, in the parish of c»r- ieans, State of Louisiana, adjudged a lank rupt upon his own petition: that the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any* prop­erty belonging to 82id bankrupt to him or for L»s use and the transfer of any propel ty by him are ft rbicden by law: that a meeting of the cred­itors ol said bankr upt to prove their debts and to choose oLe or more assignees of his estate, will be he’d at a court of bankruptcy, to ue holden on the sixteenth day of June. A. D. 1 74. at 11 a. M.. at the Customhouse building, New Orleans, before D. Augustin, Register.

S. B. PACKARD.m.\7je!6 United States Marshal.

E S T A T E O F E I GENE FRANC O IS .UlO-ton—No. 1414.

UrtiTEi states Mak- hal’« Of f ic e . ( New Orleans. May iC. 1874. j

T his is to give notice that a warrantin bankruptcy has been issued out of the Dis­

trict Court of tne United Sta-es for the District of Louisiana against the estate of Eugene Frank'd» M.o- ten. of New Orleans, m the parish of Orleans State el Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt upon his own l*et it ion ; that the payment of any debts and the de­livery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to L:m or for his use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; that a meet­ing ol the creditor» ot said bankmpt fo prove their debts aL<l choose one or more assignee^ of Lis estate will be held at & court of bankruptcy, to he hoiden on the eighteenth day of June A. I» 1(74. at Il A. M. at fh* Customhouse building. New Or­leans. before D. Augustin, register.

S. B. PACKARDmvl7 ie!8 United States Marshal.


Un ited Sta te« Marshal « Off ic e , i New Orleans. April 3(3 1874 {

T his is to give notice that a warrant in bankruptcy ha« been îasued out <•; tbe I is»

tiict Court of t i e United >tates for the District of Louisiana, against the estate c f David Aient, of Farmervilie, in the parish of Un.on. State of Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and tl.e delivery of any property belonging to ea:tl bank­rupt, to him. oi for fi e use. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of 1 is estate, will be held a* a court of bankruptev. to be holden on the twelfth dav of June. A. L. 1874 at 11 a. M. at the Customhouse building. New Orleans, before D. Augustin, Register.

s. B.!3 ,jel2 United States Marshal.

K- 529.—In obedience rranty, to me directed :m tne I have seized and taken into

to an admiralty above entitied eu my possession—

THE STEAMBOAT CARRIE V. KOUNTZ. her Tackle, etc., now libeled by Josepu Parks et al. for the causes set for in :n tbe libel, new pending ,n the District Court of the United .States.

ALd I do hereby cite and admonish the owner or owner» there of. aLd all and every person orpeieon» having, or j retending to Lave, any right, title or interest :n or to the same, to be and appear at a District Court of the United .State», for the district aforesaid to be ho.dec at the city of New Orleans, on the first Monday of July*, 1874. to show cause. :f any they have or can, wtiy the said steam­boat should not be condemned and sold ag:ee- «b y to the prayer of libelants.

Cnited States Mar«h«j's office, New Orleans Mav 29, 1874.

F. B PACKARD.my30 jelT CO jy5 United Mates Marshal.

E S TA TE O F T H E G R E A T fiO l T H E R Nar.d Western Fire Marine and Accident Insu­rance Company.

Unitbp *tate« Marshal '« Opficb, I New Orleans. May 23. 1874. )

T EIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT A WARRANT in bankruptcy has oeen issued out of tue

District Court of îïe United States ior tbe District of Louisiana, against the es­tate of the (treat Southern and Western Fire. Marine and Accident Insurance Company, n the i»ar;sh of Orleans, Mate of Louisiana, adjudged a bankrupt upon thy petition of ito creditors; that the payment of aLV debts, and the delivery oi any property belonging to 6aid bankrupt, to it, or for lt6 use, and the transfer of any property bv it, axe forbidden bv iaw-. that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees •f ite estate, will be held at a court of bank­ruptcy, to be holden on the twelfth day of June A. D. 1874. at 12 M.. at tbe Customhouse building, New Orleans, beiore l . 8. Kellogg. Register.

S. B. PACKARDmy28 je!2 United States Marshal.

AUCTION SALES.____By Vincent & Co.


B V VINCENT & t O .-E VINCENT. ACC- tioneer—Will be »oiu on MONDAY, July 2i\

1874. at twelve »’clock M., at the Et. Charles Auction Exchange, by virtue of an order of the hcnorable the Second ‘District Court, in th** mat­ter of the succession of B. Dolbear, No. 35,(93, dated fifth of June—

a CERTAIN ISLAND known as ‘Laß Conchas.” or Grande Coquille, situated in the northern part ol Lake PoEtchartram, between Bavou Bonfouca and Pearl river, at the entrance of‘the Rigolet», m the parisa of St. Tammanv. ip this State, and said to contain five thousand acres, more or less, being ti e east half ol the island, and ,s situated from the other hall part by a line of d.vjsion to start from the Rigolets at the mouth of the sec­ond .arge bayou, east of Be rt P^ke. »Ld as there are l o Payons entering the Rigoiets within half a mile of ea*-b other, it >e proper to designate more fu.iv the bayou intended and mtant as tLe dividing Ime as the most easter y of »am bayous, the line to run with the m.ddie of eaid ba' on to its ter­mination in a large lagoon or pond, and to a »take on the north side o: said lagoon from said stake in a straignt line to S*31 Bayou, to he run as to strike a certain live ouk tree standing alone at the upper or east end ol tbr hammock, near wfcere the present Ridge road passes out of the woods into the .Salt Bavou marsh, said line thus running from the Rigoiets to Sait B*ycu, tobe estabu&hed by proper T»oets and land ma:ke.

Terms—Cash on the spot.Am of sal»* befoie Casie.i, notnrv public, jell 21 jy 19

By J. B. W aite..


EXCELLENT IMPROVED AND VACANT PROTER TV on Dryades and Third streets, one square from the Second Street Market, on Euterpe street, between C&rondelet 2nd Daionne streets, and on corner of baronne and St. An­drew eireeta.

T W O-^TOR Y ST OB E AND DCÜFLE TENEMENT DWELLING, corner of Dry&ctes ulu Third B tree tB .



DOUBLE TENEMENT ONE-STORY FRAME DWELLING, on a arge lot of ground on Eu­terpe strett, between Carondelet and Baronne streets, and one ««Coining vacant lot.

TWO LiRGE Vacant LOTS, comer of Baronne and St. Andrew streets.

Mary malady vs. william malaly and Mary b. Caldwell.

Fourth District Court for the of Oileane— No. 41,096.

B Y’ J . B . WALTON, AUCTIONEER—OFFICE No. 35 CaroLdeiet street.—SATURDAY July 11,

1874, at twelve o'clock M. at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ EjcchaLge. Koval street, by virtue of ai d in pursuance of ar. order of the honorable the Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 5, 1874. in the mater of MarvM*lady va William Malady and Mary B. Caldwell, No. 41 c9o of the docket of the court, suit lor partition, wih be sold th= following described valuable prop­erty, to Wit—

THREE LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve- mei ts thereon, in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Dryades, Th rd. St. Denis and Fourth streets designated by tbe Nos. 1. 2 and 3. measuring each 31 feet 7 inches 3 lines front on Lryaderf street, bv a depth of 120 teet between par allel lines. Lot. No. 1 fume the corner of Dryades and Third streets. On lots Nos. 1 and 2 there is a one stoiT shing e rowf Louse, occupied as the Fourth District pound, and rented a: $40 per month. Lot No. o is vacant.

THREE LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve­ments thereon, in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Dryades, Third, fit. Jems and Second streets, designated by the Nob. 10, 11 and 12. Lot 10 forming the corner of Dryades and Third streets, and measuring 28 feet 6 inches front on Dryade» street, bv 110 feet in depth. Upon this lot there is a two story frame slated ßtcie and double tenement dwelling and back buildings, three cisterns, etc. On tbe rear of this lot, fiont ing on Third 6rieet there ib a two-story slated frame dwelling, (ietern.etc. Lot No. 11 measures 36 feet 10 inches front on Third street, by 110 feet in depth. Upon tnis lot there is a one-story double tenemant sliBgle roof frame dwelling, contain­ing 6ix rooms, cittern, etc. Lot No 12 measures 44 feet 7 inches 2 lines front on Thud street, by a depth of 110 feet. The improvements consist a one-story shingle roof frame dwelling, containing eight looms, cistern, etc

TWO VAC ANT LOTS OF GROUND in the Fourth District, in the square bounded by Baronne. St. Andrew. Bram&rd and Josephine streets, designa­ted by the Nos. 10 and 11; Lot No. 11 forme the corner of Baronne and St. Andrew streets, and measures 81 feet 7 inches 7 lines front on Baronne streeT, 37 fcet 4 inches 4 linee on the rear line, oy a depth and front on St. Andrew street of 127 lVet 4 inches 5 lines, and 129 feet 5 inches 4 lines on the 1 ne dividing it from lot No. If»: lot No. i(' measures 32 feet 5 front on Baronne street, by a depth of 129 feet 5 itches 4 linee on the line dividing it from lot No. 11,131 fee: 8 inches 5 lines on th- line toward Josephine street. 32 feet 4 inches on the rear line.

TWO LOTS OF GROUND, with the improve­ments thereon, in the Firet District, in the square bounded by Euterpe. Baronne. Terpsichore* and Carondelet streets designated by tbe letters A and B: iot A measures 37 f*et 10 inches front on Eu­terpe |treet. by a dtq th of 127 feet 10 inches 5 lines: upon this lot there is a double tenement, one-story frame slated dwelling, containing about ten rooms, cistern, etc.; lot B measures 2d feet 1 inch 3 lines front on Euterpe street, by a depth of 127 feet 1« inches 5 lines between parallel lines, and is vacant.

Terms—Cash in United Mates treasury notes.Acts of sale before M. Gernon, notary public, at

the expense of the purchaser. jell 20 27 jv4 11


SUCCESSION OF SAMUEL NEWMAN. Second District Court for the Parish ol Orleans—

No. 36.272.

B Y J. B. WALTON, AUCTIONEER—OFFICE No. 35 Carondelet street.—On SATURDAY, July

11,1374. at twelve o'clock M., at the Merchant» anil Auctioneers' Exchange. Royal street, by virtue of and in pursuance of an order of the honorable Sec­ond District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated April 27, 1874. for account of the above named suc­cesion. wili besold—

TWO CERTAIN LoTS OF GROUND: together with the improvements thereon, in the Sixth District, Fauburg Avait, designated as .ots Nos. 13 and 14. in square No. 42. bounded by Perrier, Soniat and Robert street», thelot6 ad­join each other and measure each 33 fret front on Piaquemine street, by a depth of 100 feet 10 inches, between parallel unes.

Terms—One half cash, the remainder at twelve menthe credit in the note of the pu. chaser to Lis own order and by Lim indorsed, bearing eigb t per cent interest, secured by mortgage with vendor’s privilege; the mortgage to embrace the five per ent clause for attorney'» fees ;n case of suit.Act of 6ale before Andrew Horo. Jr., notary pub­

ic. at the expense of the purchaser, jell 20 27 j\4 11

By S. Guin&uit.


Second District Court for the Parish of Orleans—No. 36.557.

BY S . GUINAI’LT, AUCTIONEER-OFFICE corner Exchange a lev and Bienville street.—

SATURDAY, June 2«. 1874. wiil be sold at twelve o clock M.. at'the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Ex­change. Royal, between Canal and Customhouse sneers, by Virtue of an ord!?ié from the honorable the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated May 13, Î874—

A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, s mated in this city, in the square comprised within Bur­gundy. M. Ann, Dauphine aLd Dumaine streets, measuring. French measure, 3‘(» feet front on Bur­gundy street by 120 feet deep, between parallel lines. The buildings and improvements on said lot consist of a frame Louse with brick front, s ate roofed. Nos. 194 aLd 1%. Laving ten rooms, two of which are attic*; a two-store frame kitchen, covered with elates, h a r iL g eight looms, paved yard between home and Kirchen, back vaid, cistern, waterworks, privy. t fc. The property is divided into two tenements, anurenteu a t ----per month.

6ee plan to be exhibited at the Exchange.Terma—One third cash and the balance on a

credit of one and two years, w;tb interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from date until final pavment. for notes of the purchaser, secured by special mortgage and vendor’s privilege, and wi.h five per cent attorney’s fee» in case of suit on said notes; property to be kept insured and policy transferee to the executor.

A t of sale before A. D. Doriocouht. notary pub lie, at the expense of the purchaser, including the taxes of 1874 and the drainage privilege, besides and above the price of adjudication,

my 19 28 j*-4 11 20


B V <5. DE FEK IET & C»l —JCHN G.Monrose. Auctioneer—Office No. 50 Royal

stieet.—SATURDAY, June 20. 1874. at twelve o'clock M., at the Mercnants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, on Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, will be sold by public auction, bv virtue of an order from the Hou A. L. Tissot, judge of the >econd District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated May 15, 1874, the following described prop­erty. for account of said succession—

3 WO LoTS OF GROUND, situated in the Third District of this city, in the square bounded by Claiborne, Annette, St. John the Baptist and St. Bernard streets, designated as iota Nob. 12 and 13, of square No. 47, and measuring—

Lo* No. 12. 31 feet 11 inches i l.nes front on Clai­borne street, by 96 feet 1 inch 6 lines in depth.

Lot No. 13, 32 feet front on Ciaiborne 3!itet. by 96 feet 1 inch 6 lines in depth.

Terms of Sale—One-half cash on the spot, and balance at one year s credit in a note of the pur­chaser, eight ptr cent interest from the day of sale until paid, and secured bv mortgage on the property sold. In case of suit ‘five per cent' attorney’s fees. The taxe» on said property col­lectible in 1674. and drainage tax to oe assumed by pure-baser» over and above the price of adjudi­cation.

Act ©f sale before Theodule Bcibbod, notary pubhc. at the expense of purchaser,

my22 30 jt6 13 20



SCHOONER*—SCHOONERS—SCHOONERS Ltj.« at. n .t P.csjUD* Titr, Eoat So. 2, S—

■ Hmtr.ct.


Secotd D.atnct Court Ior Tlie Pau-ab of Orleans-No. 36.985.

B Y « . DE FEK IET * CO -JOHN G. MONr«e<r. Auotionen—Office No. 60 Koval street.-

SATURDAY, Jure 13. 1814. at m i r e o’clock the Merchants and Auctioneers Exchange, Royal street, between Customhouse and Canal streets, will be sold by public auction, by v irtue of « eiders from the Hou. A. L. Tissot^, junge of — »second District < ourt ior the parish ox Orleans dated April 17. 1874. and May 2,1674, the follow-' described schooners— __

1. THE AMERICAN SCHOONER MONATNOCÏ of the capacity of 141 52-100 toLS burden, cusron measurement, together with all Lei mast« saila, boats anchors cables, tackle, apparel, fum ture a*’d cl mnomeier.

2. THE AMERICAN SCHOONER ISLAND BELLE, oi tLe eajiacitv of 134 31-1H' ’«,i.6 burden. Cus'oa:- l.ouse iceasuremeiit. lose: 1er with all ber ix-aets, sails, loafs. ancLors, (alles, tackle, apparel, furni­ture and cbrouon eler

3. THE BRITISH BRIG CLARA, o f tbe c a p a c i t y of 111 t e c s b u r d e n . C u s to m h o u s e m e a s u r e m e n t , T o g e th e r w i t h a i l 1 e r m a b te . s&i .b . b o a t s . « D e h o rs c a i l le s t a c k l e , a p p a r e l , f u r n i t u r e a n d C hrom m e t e “

T e rm s —C a sh . Ten ]-er c e n t o l t h e p r i c e o i - j u d i c a t i o n p a y a b le o n t h e s p o t .' ACTS of sale oetoie John Beiderna£,e. n o ta r y p u le he at tbe txpenee or PiiicnaseiB.

CHARLES CLINTON, Executor, nn 9 If, 23 30 ie6 13 ________________




B y g . d e f e r i e t & c o . - johng. monrose. A u c tio n e e r , office No. 50 Royal street.—

On Saturday, June 13 1874, at twelve o'clock M., at the Merchants aLd Auctioneers' Exchange. Roval stieet. between Customhouse and Canal stieets. will be told be public aucritn—

A-CtR'l AIN TRACT ‘OK LAND in the parish of St. Charles, on the right bank ot the M.ssi&eippi river.and about twenty seven miles from the city of New Ot leans, ar.d Laving six and two-th.ids aipents froLt on the nv.r, by a depth-ol forty arpents, bounded on the upper line by the prop­erty (i Andre Dorein andon the lower.line by the" proptrty of Nicholas Chauvin Leiery (HaLl- vjile).

Said tiaet < 1 -and is divided into lots to suit the purchasers as per plan to be produced ou the dav of sa e. sa.u .ots measuring each hu.f an ar* pent, moie or lets. Iront on the r.ver. with the *r- uinary depth of forty arpents. This property, situated ntar the courthouse of The parish ot St. Charles and the flourishing village of Hahn- ■v.llr. :s composed e,l high lands never reached by overflow.

Terms and Conditions—One-third cash on The spot. ba.aLce c>n a credit of one and two years, with eight per cent inteiest per annum in notes secured by mortgage, and all the othei usual penai clauses.

Acts c f sale at the expense of the purchasers be, foie amedee Ducate], notary public.

m v9 lo 23 3b jeo 13

By D. E. Morphy.

in tee matter of eelen a . carter, eank-KUPT-NO. 1357.

B y d . e . .y i o r p h y —a. e morphy acc-Tioneti.—Will be »«Id on SATURDAY, June 20,

1(74. at 11 A. M., in stores Nos. 108 and 110 Maga­zine street, as per o:der of the assignee, Berry Russell, Esq.—

ALj : Hü BOOK ACCOUNTS surrendered m the estate of Ee.*n A. Carter, which can we »een at the auctioneer’s office.

Terms—Cash.'* jelO 14 20

By SherJl Harper.



Second Die trie? Court for the PariEb oi Crleana—

Ne. 37 036.

B y virtue of and in o bem en ce to anorder i ! sCe rendereu June’ 4. 1874, and to me

directed l»v the honorable the Second Difti’.cr Court for the parish of Orleans, iu the above entitied mattei. 1 w.'J x icc^ed to sell at public auction, on the premises No. 175 Carondelet street, in the F.rst District of this city, on TUESDAY, June 23, 1874 at five o r O* k P. M.. for account oi said succession, the following described property, to wit—

THE MOVABLE EFFECTS belonging to said »uc- ce'saion. c o l s .sting cf Furniture and Wearing Ap- paiel, as per invettory on fi.e.

Terms—Cash on the spot.

12 19 23W. P. HARPER.

Sheriff of the Parish of Or.ean».

By B . M. ft B. J. Montgomery.

HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS. 1R0»safes, etc., at auction,

tri-weekly sales.

By R . 1*1. A B. J . IMONTGO.TIEKY—R. M. Moutgomerv. Auctioneer. Office No. 87

Camp street.— *-11 sei every TUESDAY. THURS­DAY and SATURDAY, commencing at eleven o’clock at their » room, corner Camp and Natchez streets—


Tent»—Cash. ^ myl

By Placide J. Spear.


Secocd Iiibtnct Court for the Perish of OrieanB— No. 37.159.

B Y PLACIDE J . f»PEAR. AUCTIONEER— office No. Ex( lauge a ley.—SA i URL AY.

Jute 13.1874, at ■):!'(► P. M., will he ßold. corner of Eughein and Casacaivo streets, by virtue oi an oidei from the Hon. A. L. T isso t , judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 1 lif t for account oi sa d succession—




Second D.tti.ct Court tor tlie Parish of Orleans— No. 3b 4 2.

B y p l a c i d e j . - p e a r , auotioneer-Office No. 46 ExcLacge alley.—FRIDAY. June

12, 1874. at D : Si a. M . w..i be sold at lu hlie auc* t i n at No. I! Royal, between Customhouse and E.env.l.e etieete. by virtue ai.d iu pursuance to an order from The Hot. A. L. Tissot, judge of the Second Distinct Court for the parish ot Orleans, dated April 3',, H74, ;or account of the above suc- ,ce seien—

Rosewood. Mahogany and Black Wa.nut Victoria Bedroom Sete, Parlor Furniture and Household Furniture of every description; also, two Fumi- tu:e Carts and one Horse.




Second D.strict Court fox the Parish of Orleans— No. 36,470.

B y p l a c i d e j . s*p e a r . auctioneer—Off-ye 4*3 Exchange alley—SATURDAY.

Juiy 11 i’ .4. a* -welve o’clock M. will be seid at the Merci.ants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Rova. street u-tweyn Customhouse and Canal streets, hv virtue and m pursuance to an order from the Hon. A. L Tissot, judge of the Second District Court for the parish of Orleans, dated June 2. D.74, for account of said succession—

A ( ERTAIN L(»T OK GROUND. Together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Second D.strict of this city. :u the square bounded by Hospital. Lrsuiutes, Galvez and Miro streets; sa d lot measures 22 feet front on Hospi­tal streeT 70 reet 5 inches .n dep'h on th e side nearest street, and 74 teet. more or less, in dentil on the nearest Galvez strett.

Terms—Cash.Act o: sale before Christoval Morel, notary nub­

ile, at the expense of the purchasers. je7 13 20 27 iy4 11

By H oey & O'CoiRnor.




B Y HOEY dk O-CONNOR—NICHOLASJ. Kc*-v. A;;c:ior.etx—Office No. IT Excbacge

place.—feATURBAY. June 27 1874, at twelve o’ciock M., at tbe Meitbants and Aucnoneeis Exchange, on Royal oetweeu Canal and Customhouse stieets. in this citv of w Orleans, by virtue C’l an order of Tl.e honorable i*»rjsh court, of Jefferson. Louisiana, dated May 9, 1874, will be so!d by pub ic auction—

THREE CERTAIN L--TS OF GROUND, with all the bu.i6t.ngs ami improvements thereon, in the Fourth District ot this city, in the square bounded by Annunciation. Chipnewa. St. Andrew and Josephine s'lee*^. designated by the Nos. In. il and 12. on toe original i-ran of the citv of Lafavette anjo.niLg each other, and measuring as follows to wit: Lots Noe. 1« aLd 11 measure ea h 63 feet 1! inches 2 unes fif«nt on Annunciation street, by 159 fret 8 Inches 6 lines in denth. and lot No 12 measures t3 teet 11 inches 3 lines front on Annun­ciation street, by about 126 feet in depth, mote or iCoe. said property will be »old in subdivisions according to a p:an to ne exposed at sale.

Tyrms OLe naif cash, ana the remainder at one ana two years credit .n equal payments, in notes O' put chasers near*ng interest of eight per centETo\aDa ‘vI£i' f,C’m Vav 01 6aifc i payment, secured by special mortgage and vendor’» i.en on .n proper y »o.d. with the penal clause of five per cent attorney s fees :n event of »nit to en fox ce pay­ment, and purchasers to as»ume pivment of all taxes lor this year. 1874, payable in IbTii.

Act» of sale, at the exjense of the pnxcLaser», beieie Octave Moiel Êeq., notary pub 'C

Iüj24 30 jto 13 i t 27


LIMITED.The following new firft elMa, fnll-powyryd Clyde

built screw «teanuh p« »re intended to tu., iega- larlv between NEW ORLEANS end LiVERFr.q:R and'GLASGOW end NEW YORK:

Tons.STATE OF LOUISIANA, Captaffi Stewart......... 2G*>ETaTE Ob' MINNESOTA, Captain Haiulin........2*':*0ETaTE O v ALABAMA, Captain Flint................. 2410STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Captain Brace....2MO»TAT« OF VIRGINIA. Captain Sadler.............. 2140STATE C'F GEORGIA, Captain Cooper...............2£COSTATE OF NEVADA (building)................... ,....2Î00STATE OF FLORIDA (building)...... ................25.0state of Dakota (bunding)...........................25c

The steamer


in aau trom New Grleana for Liverpool, direct, SUNDAY MORNING, June 14. 1174.

From her wharf, po«t No. 33 Third Dietrich Will receive and sign through bil.s ol lading to

Havre, Bremen, Hamuurg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, and all continental porta.

Return ticket» issued available for TWELVg MONTHS, at reduced rates, and through ticket« to all parts of the United Kingdom and Europe

A stewardess and surgeon are attached to ear-tr steamer; no charge is made for attendance and medicines.

Money orders granted free of charge.Prepaid emigration tickets issued here to par­

ties desirous of sending for their friends.These vessels cross the bar at ail timte without

detention.For /reigbt or passage, having superior accom­

modations, apply t oA. K. MILLER in CG..

sel4 • No. 29 Carondelet street. New Orleans.





ST. LOUIS, Captain Reid.................................. H27MEMPH'S, Captain Meilon................................ 2590MISSISSIPPI, Captain Wrake.......................... 2f*o0*VICKSBURG, Capdain Roberts...........................25(*0TEXAS. Caprain Laureusen............................... 25(0DOMINION, Captain Bouclette.........................3.O0*ONTARIO, Captain French............................... 3(4*0

F ar L iverp ool D irect.—The steam-ship

ST . LOUIS,REID, Commander.

Will leave on or about June 10.From her wharf, foot ot Jackson street, Fourth

District. Will receive and eign through tl lading to Havre. Bremen, Hamourg, Ant « erp, Rot­terdam, and all continental ports.

Parties desirous of Bending for their friends can5urebate prepaid emigration tickets here. A re­

liction allowed when applied for in groups.For freight or passage. navnig tut 4-nor accommo­

dations, apply to SILAS WEEKS it CO.,No. 48 Car**ndeiet street.

Managing owner«—FLINN, MAIN it MONTGOM­ERY. No. 12 Lancelot Hey, Chapel street. Liver- pooL_________ jalOly


F or N ew Y ork .Comprising the first-class steamships;

GENERAL MEaDE..........................A. W. Sampson.Wh.-Tt RN METROPOLIS................H. S. Quick.EMILY E. SOUDER......................... B. E. Burueek.MISSISSIPPI......................................M. B Crowe J.CNITED STATES.......................... .M. Howes. from New York even* SATURDAY.FuR NEW YORK DIRECT.

The steamship

E .U IL Y B . SO U D ER ,R. F. BURDICK. Comm ander.

'ill leave her wharf, foot of Jetterscn street, on- SATURDAY, June 13. at 8 A. M.

These steamers have superior accommodation* for passengers.

Cabin passage...................................*50Steerage........................................... 25

Bills of lading signed through to Liverpool, (!!&«- gow. Bremen and Hamhnrg.

Through Tickets for First Class and Steerage Passengers for Liverpool »-*d the CoutiLen?, con­necting with Guion's Line of Steamers, sa—ng from New York every WEDNESDAY.

For freight or passage. ap»lv toJOHN H. LCDWIGSEN. Agent,

No. 19U Common -Teet. Th« steamship WESTERN METROPOLIS

follow, leaving on SUNDAY. June 2 l. at t A. M. ja4

T H E 01 KO.hi W ELL L IN E .

F op N ew Y ork v ia H avn n a.This Line is composed of the Steamships


The steamship

K N t K E R B O U K E R .

E. V. GAGER, Commandor, Will leave her wharf foot of Toulouse street,

FRIDAY. Jane 12. at S A. M.Passage................................................................

Freight for Liverpool, Bremen und Havre taken bv this line and through bills of lading given 1er the same. For freight or passage app!v to

ALFRED MOULTON,1«T_____ No. 41 Carondelet street


United S ta te s M ail L in e.Steamships

WILLIAM P. CLYDE, EMILIKMargaret, lava* a.

T he N ew Orlenn«, F loridaf and Havana Steamship Company ■will dispatch one ol the above n e t |t*i»sB steamers from New Or.ean*

E very W ednesday.Touching at Cedar Keys and Rev West, and con­necting with steamers for Apaiachicoia st. Marke and Tampa.

RATES OF PASSAGE._ , . To Key West. To Cedar Key*.Cabin............................ $40 $ 2 5Steerage....................... 20 )j

Through bills of lading issued to all jpjris in Florid«, including Tampa, and to New lark. Charleston and Savannah.

None but the company's bills of lading i gnod, and none Bigued alter sailing of tlie steamer.'

Splendid paseecgeraccommodations. and thronen tickets givtn to auove points.

No freight received without permit from the office.

For freight or passage apply toI. K. RirBERTs. Treasurer.

julfi______ No. 12o Common street.


Semi-.Tloiithly L ine—C arrying the Uuited S ta tes .Mail*.

JUNIATA. J. W. Catharine commander__22*-*’ tonsYAZOO, L. D Barrett commander............ ; ;, "J *lI>8

To ja il SUNDAY. June 14. at 8 A. M.The F in e A l t»tenniship

YAZOO.L, D. BARRETT. < 'ornmarder’

r_,_____ __ Will leave her wharf oppositeacksoii square, as above.

Passage te Havana (United States currencv) .. .S'5Passage to Philadelphia ............................ . 50Through tickets issued to New York................. 50

Fieight for Liverpool, Antwerp and Erercen Taken by this line, arid through hillB wf lading g.vtn for same. For freight or passage ant. v to

EDWARD A. YOtKË Agent, ap.7 ly Corner Carondelet and Gravier streets.




The ateam ships o f the North

German Lloyd will resume nhta

regular trip* next fall, as follows:From Bremen From New Oilcan*.

STRASSBURG. ..September 15. October 17.FRANKFURT--September 29. October 31.HANNOVER.....October 13. November 14.KOELN............ October 27. Novemoer 28.Further days of departure will be advert;sta here­

after.The steamer» touch outward at Havre and Ha­

vana, and or their home trips at Havana and Southampton to land and receive passengers and freight.

PRICES OP PASSAGE.From Bremen, Southampton or Havre, to Havana

_ . or New Orleans.Cabin............................................»150 go d.Steerage............................................... 40 go.d.

From New Orleans or Havana to Southampton, Havre or Bremen.

Cabin........................................... »150 go d.Steerage................................................ 45 go.d.

From New (»1 leans to Havana.Cabin............................................ » 5 go-d.Steerage................................................ 15, go.d.

Passage tickets from Bremen, Southampton c* Havre to New Orleans issued by the unders-gnest

For particulars applv toED. F. 8TOCKMEYKR Jr CO., Agents,

Su3 lv No. 42 Union freet.



No. 5'22 Camp street.Opposite Magazine Market. New Orleans.


J > A. M U R RA Y,

C ISTERN MAKER,No, 1 9 1 M agaz lae stree t, b etw een Ju lia

and S t. Josep h streets ,(DIPLOMAS AWARDED IN 1872 AND H73.)

Cisterns made to order and repaired. All work warranted. A lot of cisterns, from 1090 to 2d,OOP garions, made of the best material and workman­ship, kent constantly on band and for sale at prices to mi'* »Be time« Orders prompt.y attended to.

m ilt ly