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t~ u ^.% OtHs. ff'yaos rA- I-v$d bYeefT J. 'W :WeetitER Tsof J. PIe ooofl . fr.U to M ~ 134T it ' D. tjotptotto. +pg~t aw{hAr~es 'egy 5 ' lone ' 5qlt~ .,a cbe4*b.CU.m `od lt =dot c tolt Ofin taetree,.o flot ERIUotle; thedihl tM stoto~htlo o y~h~otx 010n o yweOol. O~llbftltCiU ot n U a et U4 ERI~tIIO. eo too pRlfthet n ol0100 e a ~dtl ooYo. ot b.. for to o o Lparsk t'auoi _ + ,wb dtdcate a awtutIRL O fbopoopba of ot a (8POLLSfl'5+ FlrToo, A^ 4 Jf elesamay A 1863., 03 daysohotimb n The Vhttootood torsi Acotod. lee ~koet~ootUof Aldoren... elS. 0.. WALIo beodll 'UllI Aldetrlo. QSS.&RD STITH, Ifoyto. 't at O'locY ftb ofJuoo I T. ToltRI, Upt. itto S EAO. ltpotlo + O w the osetract for . hi Fenek iitletit, too Dtyndct I lk -7r fact ikht Ienhna It width. Sik river sad. or with sareet 0CM e Cof equally good itol. ZD.I to and geed to ha gbio by th C aglli pe lkt oet io"80 igvan by thseeSteyor, an toyNeit00eys nrec. The wole tb.gin ibtet, mept as t ell dr h'sadjodiotiehrbth Ceo. ihdieame amet etootibt'tar mt. aedoptydey l u tshll ioqitted forthe ftith. , ,tip of the wiokand apt. _ habnt 0. tate. feti tkeconetector i tt, d any art itnthte t - h'ultenditlntat. fied ilet ith manner bo't 9! theli Cede, tedll htei the putting the eontraetor In do. r -the Ciitil "a.. and without of to omeol tohe , and wIiout t ithat in co ht con. . l the ork, of not finish an aalhtt, veld his contract, the said it clims h may ave ur any part of ~totl oul of the abandonment, and toichdgtd fCimahe and all abiet. sa 4 Etuad.hrtthat Ineyetl the con- d anh'o seeuriUta shll he htld ptelnat whfeh loety e tadjtdictted S K.mpfl.r a OBBUT. EUYGNK, 2ltlpet VLT tSNA.RD, Caimn BEiNnYD RUL, for CMnptrollr. Ne Olens Juy 7 JI tee. ild~i, eppret'ddlMaeh r;:'? -' . ltepek a the ctty ate"lt it. lnl *'d~iSnleti~j AasLAd~eoee. "EPdfladof Aldoramen. a ~etstaeC~te.4eP Attlepetot. Z LEWIS, Keyr.. .. ii J p Ik eity od ef the peblit to T TIDU19D KIRCER. No. 81 RIA- C a d "Keteiatu"eht." Lift CI? Cf QBA*UJY OROIC Y. tROtURR totnoows aitp and ~ Wtq.toked y of fradeita, iRO tihIt, of llytepadfhteaentte tby pot eethe ' qts T ('1101, 00RrlRN 0 e Mirn9I d t t a nedkema ptite. i t yl ama UA and dh eet the ,k' , ds td to the Pat ath Igt* einortleed to gaive Pttet t: arroreo pIe e.end ahone tf ndNtt!k ter dd ptbtato n Cain "k' -It. P aitO.Proiketor. Ye fi. aoth. Y, BPX~i110 BOQLd- t ttoe. tatetite dabattile ts, A~lD y". O~S taqua~tea~to.e egc deat~oty. aba ottr httg , Ab lkee ' t a•ohawaa tead o - Uon O toibmarr *tau or M ayblde ekb dlike Osmtoo c jashb~a~ aa;,t 'astier aatoa4t Of aaytt " - bdek tdewalkb.bordered by 9atlp[+ ttW kYirkyred sure rty oput ob.otok .tsldow•.ala. bmodaed by f' a guAhoopola a0 nt •ih aot• Arta strbt, fana { pq ll l t with square blocks nntastetlon. 'asatOrange strts, go to EOast the eum block ergtuetao street at Race street wik the squarm p oa Pottoty Road. [BT..001'~ CAr a.. WALDO. Potealdent BRoon of Amtao t At1ermeo . (sigd J. 0 NIXON. PreoldpatBoard of Aldermoen, Appotood Mo 18, tR69. J Stgnead] GEORRARD STITH, Mayor. [No. 4589.] RNotohd, Thttbheomptoroller be aed he I. hereby auothbor. 1adto u tjdIate to th ttowet bidder, aofter five days nodce In the eolel oaontal. a conotrt for plaving with aqore blocks 0wo of tte tatset romaln the Magazne maroet-honoe, Fourth It•atot. vtr :Thetoe onQ ampstrtot. from Sr..yr to 0t. An- haw ateent.oad the other on StL ary .treet, from Campto OeII ooh •.oatAgreably to reo dn No. 19of the City ohartelr, HUOIe work to be done 1n acordanoe with oo pto ltbono ot O t ht .e SuRteyort oRe;and 0ld 0dJodsiooion tobo .objeot to, aka approvat to ortltion of tlb Common otootit. Notlio a!ttvango ivn by.th0e0 yor thIbtt 0is the to•o•tlto of the GOnESm Oouelcl to hbae aid otvtng done, and published .agotuebbto tlaw, tlgt woeb, without oppotllo thbereto, mid ooeood a•w•eed to beadjodl tMed. ([Signd] CHA8. H. WALDO, tretodet Board of Aseistant Aldermen. iSlgneadl J.O. NIXON, Presldent Board of Aldermen. Apparoad YM I8 181g a oe [ 1.tedJ GERARD 81TT0l. Mayor. S[No.458. ] Rgal . tttbthe adludltetio by thelb Comptroller of a con- rnogotf teooootmauel otf idoewloka on both idea of 0lhd site%shmP , stern Hews svteet to Merals suers, to Deals COe. alCOht g oFmaRl . at t1t2 40 per rnninglo faotlor the ow mpletebe sad the ame is hereby rojoold, fd" OkoShetComptroler ao oojo. to renalnlmd Contratc to the lowva bidder ter ver daysnotice In thkol4elal arlooal, teb work to bedonetagreeabll t,spe•llotla oln lh Surveyor, and t b sojododt Ata sujec to tae appro vtor rejeo the tOCom. aaao ll. l aasn~ao LSlgoedi CHAR. Ht. WALDO. President IHeard of Aslstant Aldermen,. tgtadl J. O. NIXON. PretldeattBord of Aldermen. Apro May18.d IRIS. jhg gRIatad OGERARD STITH. yoytr. Idicel las obn 01. gen that on THUR0-D O, lRt., Iwll r41ndlmt at19 odock, at my oficra, the above contracts. )e9 It T. TIIEARD, Oomptroller. iPS -0IWIC.TION$ 0or the contrwoat fot SItoklag op. riinTg tad rlOtylg 1the sldewola on bol h s es of Canamo stmet, Irom Leovee to moart aastrt ; 'or taklonp. "titt*. wbd. gg to taenty-five fact nd reltsag 1the sidewalks oh uld Commonl stralt, from Rampartto Clehor treet, oand ftor itg.with square bloeoa the rolway of saild Comaon etCia, from NewLevee to tklibeorn agte', .QgpiZT AiuD Dr1xeo[ a o0TUN MArat9tr•,-- The square black hll be good hard granite, not In any rispect reror t- qalty to khe gronlte obtained from Bmooo. They beall be oblong tn abapt, ot less than twelve uor morethan Sioxtee hb towldthb, oad not leas than tweltve or more than twenty. oprInche alormand nt t les than ten inches to bhlene. They shall be wll qtorrlod,hanl gbo art ta or q.. rt t sld, sand aH so an to makeight johoints. and the tos shaol be dressedt wlq~re, fIst eldfr•.eor lumps. Thesquare b~oeks a•J )ninil the Sgtterni one ahall be nt at anu Agle offortpypfst drgree with the sde., •o • to be laid diagotally orm the curb stones bolrdering the tdewalka Tbhe gatter oneshall oe otgood hard granite obtained frot Botot. They shall to from sxteen to thirty inoehe long, twelo inches wie, .itd ot las thadn eight ibhes thick. TIhey thall be well oaorrted having parallel or ,qure std, s and end. o an to make ight jonta. and the tops shall be perofectly well hewed and dres ed, otherwise t[ey sh all le rejected. The ourb atones shall, bt of Noyh river b oe stones, perfectly koohewaed end dr ooed, el-drm d o the top to answer the slope of the sides from three to to xfoet loon, from e-boteen to thirtb neheh ideo. and to no case les thbo four inehes In thlcktebo. •lwith the ends lut at a0n .0Le of forllty-fnv dotea with the bid., to bhat the Jotls will be"n a diagooal line whit tho atreet` Thebagatonte sholl be of North river blueo stons of the best qlootlly,plfettly keed and drosed. not lese. thoan ftour t• long, two feet wids tld to and a half inches thikb. The b:blekshall be well burnt, hard lake brt ks, of the teat qalilly. gOk tt0e1 for drain;n totsahal beeof be beet C•t broo, aslmLtlo.n pste n to o the ooe the o.rveyor'y oese. Tbhe gratlhall ba the but London gravel, not over one and half inch In diameter. Te aod shailtl be oear, shbarp sand, of forge grain. The presfor the tops of he bidgos St the inlerttolio.s of the raest shall be of tlha heolt east Iron, tough, similar tin pat tarn, letoh aud th'oknse to thtoe owoonslid 0 n I ttre-t, bkt vag on widtlh--tile wi dth to be fluruished by ohe City uot- a W0 0 H0 0...on0 00 au. o Earoeono -Thb oitldor shaall takenp tho ldold 0urb snoub eon erever ordered so to do by the Sureyor ali sn•bNttle ion their otead ow1O cnrb goane. l-bhe sow dold o crbeno e hall beset according to thle lPo ntod grade to beglven br tbhe ouryor, in good Joiloo and Ita workmonllke manner. They hall be duly iteropered In leothe offrom three to bt fet throghont the work, on each eb stone tbhall have tope of three inches for every fofot of its height towards the adJ initg sidewolk, atd shall aleo be solidly fixed and backed in tae moot app uver manner. Aper- otures for draiuing lot shall he nicely cut throogh the same by the oontrtor wyoenever reqpirod bythe S trveor. The teostong stone shall be it daccordintg to the linet and tdrade to be given by the Sorveyor, in good joints n, in the bett orkmakllko manter on a bed of London gravel and sharp sand mixeod, of at tlen•at six inche inthic knes, said bd t, b be well ammed end hardened with the td olf Lthe row-bar. * Theoeld., bottoms and wings of the brtdge osalll he 0f corb- stses, ard shall be lt'd in goeod .•OS. and in tihe b 0 w0 k- mbylsmannr, n aordnncsne with the dlrections to de given by thaeCiy t'tlbr. Tbhea-t Iron platen f.r the toa of the bridges a'lotl up.o the sld, and shaheo well jointeod. The gutterstonesl shlljooin ion their length ile clrbooes, and shall be laid with tan ioeltualion or slope tower stilhe am ofone inch, o oabottooming of forinohe, of London gravel aid harp saud mixed: ; no olLttoming to be i trongly hardened witoh the head of the The stone shall. be well Joiot- ed, thejolnt not to be over hall an Ichwide, otherlwise they bal•.be oeJ.teld, Ldto be fit ed up with finoe gravel and sharp arid. The contractor Sbll takoe oup the old round atone paving, and fter the ameo shall be halled oaw by himShall pick and grade the erltes of the greet In aceord ofe owith the .rodes to he given by the omo ory to a dopth of fortoeen inohes below the bo t•r tfoe olbhe aCqar blocks when laid. Theo ltratoOr shall dreo the r0oadbed of the streat to the curve to 0given0 by the areoyor, ad sbalt place. ml the topof the some a soling of otatldthen four itolos of Lodlon grivel, and!harp sand mo, tond oshaoll thoroughy roll the same with a i 1ih. roiler tnlilit fort e ven anod hard fonndaloo. Theoolore bl-ok paviong hll then be I0d,. In laying the paving, 0h u otractor aho ly the bobloks dlgonaly, or at 0u angle offorty-five de- greto wilh the street line, breaog' Jloints wltlh ev-0y tier, Care. ouly eddlno tohe blocks,and hbad•ln thematerials ondelr he same In order 0that eohblock may rest on a golid fooundation. 0e shall use all ca-e tolay the blocls so ao they touch nod m00e else joints, asnall jolntsover half an inch inwidth shall most posldvelyberejeoted by theb Su ayor. Wbo the bloeb s are told, the 1oints shall heancnrotelt flln.d wbh fine gravel and sharp atmd mixed, and the paviog ,hall be conveniently rolltd with •g 90 lb. roller. After the ruin hbo settled the isaol oomplrtlaIy intotbhe jolonts, a coverltng of three lt!lebel of lne tgravel ad sharp sand mixed shall be placed peo the paviug, ad theo same shall be opened for toavel. The old bricking and flgging of t1ht bidewalkt shall 0e taken lop by the cotrator the whole width of ,he idootwlko hll behofilled, oo ai toorresp,ud with the new grads, ao.d the briklngo ad loggiog snllothe , be laid. Tihe brlcklnsh sih kI laidIt herringobone, o a bed of shtrp tsdhalf an inchll nto thlrkteo, aoda coverting of the same sand half ani0ch in thickness spread over toe whole surface of oaid brhtloog. The oblolrg basl to well bheddld In hydro lie oem, rlt mortar, and the Jont filld with sae0 mortar. The logo aloll be lid it regolar course andthebricklingantdooh R •n•shall, thenpe 0ol - plted, prosest all even turOi c, Jtreo of all rofoti rlor hollow place, andcapable of supporting a .troitht edge i otherwise ihal berejocted. All row brinks and llt ,. whith ma,he nee•ary to replyne the old broken and loeected ones, .lld to complete toe sidewalks on the host manner,,halt hb fuoniohe 1 by the contrctor witon0l exlo holrgeo. l5. that part of to astret where the sidewalks are to be twereyrflve feeo in wd, 0fteen feet only shall be h 0 Ihe--twe'nv feet alj ,liang the houseoand three ofeetxttol e cu h to le Thlo gatters for draining loto shll be planed whterever required tyelher to proper0 y holdern or the Clt 0 urgetor. a d thea1m, shal0 o00 teod hrorgh the wtlole width o0Ie oidewales. OoErtAo t L oIso•o,.-The, o1,t work shall bo exeeOtod to0 the entire sati.faclion 10 the Ct.l 8y urv.yor, who will be Ihe tol Joudge of the quality of the wet . The old round satone plving. the old rejeted onrb a-d polter toot. anod bhe earhplicked from the tr,,et, ahill be the prop- erty ofthe 00010ntr00tor, and shll be roemovd and Itwluhl awa by him. All the materials reqntred for theo d erformno "i of the wonrk shall bo ,f the L•0t quality, ad oha'Lebe furnished by the c t- troc!or a i wellas the Ltbor. Theoalttranotlor thll be hound to hegin the work In t toe tres tmonlth followiong approval of the adjtldieatlon by the Common Counoll, and to olomploo t000 .... t two yeara .0.0.. d~r m penalty of twenty doltar. per day for eatch tad oevery dy thore- rifer the same f not romplet. d. Good and solvent lteurity to an ao ount of twenty to o ittd reollorn shall t eorequitead to guarantee the fotlful prfoorm esyo of the contr at. or to -r tor cr Poi mentsl tobemade on the tomlplcllou ofthle paving r f o ,c and av ert', arears ndxereptsnce of the same bythle C':tr Sr- toll..., to-wit: the pro;.lio. to by nstd U the proprty holder' ittbills nttlytt asld proprtty hold., to hi e mode by the Ol~fi Sorveor, itr e~nfalmil* w h Secuoon 120 of lbs S~t8Yd5flt~b0NI5 b ttd0tatd by ha . the now C~b~y ClR nlld Irliis to 60 oolel rIb ~ol tractor, .ho ahball be be anrogatad toall the ryasl of the city m II1 sad aeiautad prpcrng in cn~e of non lry,)mua of ll .+r nil sistid aillle strd the ct1 y r Nn. (rlnns tito it ittl l blt or reppottitblt or all of pid htlls yhoulb themi i no it paid; atdihtlyilyolbon tyik he pait by the ' tilyllt or tti,rlnnl tsh, ths Treitier rlti uini intttRattta tan pylr .. ll tlitay tset ebtst ,ntil the campy tt tie silt " w to Tde <ontrctor hell pay into the et1t, Trtttliyt, Prllr to lty oeivla.. isaCPrtileattathe cat ol llldaCttlnll o the :1e1111011 or the pproperty holders; it bering waell lednmtolid Ihat la~id eool- tr.-ttibyll hs tflyrirts oldeytitding oisalidit pistitiuon t.e rafmhurremenL of saidcosta or psbblcMinn It Fa well andoratoud. Ihmt in cape . fxilure bI the clllt thla fo tobegat or I, jot thle wor, or ny g- rt Ithereof, wish op iie riod bldor In cane the Councl bo dlaMnti,.h~d with tihcsnn nete Ihich the wokt a beis g Cilt S.fll dlll Councl haul) I I'll, thle right to a:ruut theeoornet lrtthaat putt maths elntrntur in dbfattit 1, re(,Ilod bly allia U115 at the C I Civlyn Ittd ityi.l out ep".frtn toa cour of lu~tic." to amnlll the ft... and whh", o tdt iu.viutt ausit . .so a btlbll tlnud t.tod. , t t 011 thel comparcts sllidl ntany Itut nhhnadn,, the work oir not nItifll oud ompleste the soma to -fortuity wlth hittfttelnt, 382l cm. traetlsrall 1or 2Sit all claim.t e mla)); ,Fe orany pa1rt ot1tel tor done by him up t. thle dmel of taw alrlnAn lllrlut, uud il oily shall lm, II is al~ dlaanrel g d fom my -41 all linllility tharufar; and h1ix oleo wel+ Ildcrtlo1d tlint In Ilr sc te roci- traet e U re aolrlthle nmrav oud It'll l B. rrerlahHnll f0 herld and bound In lea aot, apny unto thle city h I- , cllrelrl.c Uetween th. price t which thle conir;aernrort-rlnully c ,ulnr!r l to erform lstt woet andthe prie at t which it mEyi- il ailalcl. titeit a re-talt orroad dttitt.Tllt sl~tn bepar a ri.,111rtl totrj of square block Pavring. f r foot an sd ladJol t'i t hel~:I guttrlc lone.,; p."r anl,,drhu II 1'M of cmbatnnas hmuai~ue and Ili.l; perr"npnrli.ln: 'oat r' a""""nl stoop omlhsii ad _d bda ; 1r rmltnl- g tout If bid, .Nike takenup dn$ rrlrl. f tut N..w, i.a-ec n Ranpatr l at'ert, sad Par +unrdair Forio LII M,!ewtdk f (ktn up autll aaafa d from Ramp'trt t lylly lnr treat, f hwiog nl. , l Ig ma!eriata which mayy `, regnhlrd, and theg terrfr draining tote, andpar Iron blldcl,, rep fallrnhed and laid rmnp'.ta. New Orleans, 97th May,. 113. [figned.] .OtIs H. PII.IF. Approved the Committees aon Sitreets and Iull diuga o bohBarso the Cmommo Council. ([PigrrdJ ROIIT. IICYrtt If, Canine.. l Tgnd] I. T, '4N N~hH Rellstated June 1, 1859. ]e9 it HIENRY DCRBI., for Coumnllollcr SOLIE AGENCY OF THE ELEBRATERD STACKER IRON W'ORKS, emu Kettles , (tom 84 to: it ehea distutter .... $ 25 art inch. Sd to Zlacnardl:.mrtrr..... f I 1 0.(:t inch Ilodmr 49 inches s$Z , acr.....c dig " o 5 tmsandpa i Il Fornam Mente t 5, Ei, and 11, a"~di~t a~ tl s F tam. OrgyBurs 4. par . 1ttd G mlt a )I*~hti~t fat ly NZ 12Value .:,act rV1thOLLHR-OFFICIAL. medtt bra k dew ics yp b ur tos uesand S il. lS1tl1tl isnll ;rd!1b. WIII. 14,.. Oyprs u IIt Juti 1141 the .tall wort SIP. Cuu trap gloDptl l l tosll stre4,b lbte FlbrMd ,Maiti6g11.4, t et lu rr U. bhn greet om Goo tsrht a ro man t a) m % streets, and 4th, on both sides fimts QorsumtTh sidewalk on the east side of La~alit* irefom prqUba l Moral"a.reh twlve leet ,, 4dth. a I:rt ol tlb northb west olda of Il metatio, Oypro.. to Jult. street, twel11 filt il et.irt , fro l,-? . Job lkhe h 4pttst stated, to1 lb.5151.1.1111,II 1oe111 O1.1.41-ThI eimdewb, on both side of Arte tdre s ite Utgeharc to Oirod street. l4i bnslnl-lgl-r14 and dre...d e11b'tOollabe line teb s'dewr'ks, of North river M ssiness or other stones of egoallf good gmllty with above, bevelled, draaed onthe top to answner the slope ofthe sides, fRo a thre to six feet long, friom etat~eo to brlty inches.twide and .1. tea tblhan % thibk. Tbhy sball b. well estineeod ,l(t. ad In it orkmeolll l meaner, nd shell and with apertures nicly ant throuh the acme, where dealred for drlablg lel. Tbfl Isall bs dly ilnltersprsed illlengtbh of from thees to six fattbrmho the work, attaining to the ldirlilon *.ielt t balelawch illl be glvh. b lb. te lly nod e11 h rbdholIll hlbout h a slopb of ihreelhes fr ev ertl loot of ibtaigeibght toward . the lim.1the . djoinin boog ;shll also IsbsolI Il fibxd tid backed In the moit i ppbI vld malhay., to prevent erevittweshand sinking ofbricks, nsnslly experienced from nceligpuM I this respect ; and m rarbsmueae less than Inch ibes, i i shorter than th tlee (acdtlllbl iuno seles- ahn six Inches blow the upper outface ofthe adjoining gaffe', t ha~ll be admitted Inthe work. Wd mill bI holl.-yTh i uttel d lhil' be madeof the bel t sal mill dprlb lan oll 4 inkles idlibyifobur incii tlh Ick, in lengths o1f not tot tw than twenty feet, (except in caseswhere shorter levgths era neca.rl) hlvld and scarfid t.o Inches it theiointlings pinnblthecabsadd lt elilylllll 'fille 1p7 1e of five feet, with oak plus not less thaln four feet 1 n by two idly bIidsd bsmaf, driven thPll gh Il ltll* augur holesilll.h Inttir plands, bierced p lantgl 7he1 kdgif tlyb planlkl l blid t ylll c krb ilon o s bebilvled to sIlil, id outhe oth1 r or outsid b iib. II i to h qye notches o: bight lok logll by 1 no inche. deep, cut out t ry bEey thereofk. lld iLnthese I llpressilrais Ib not less thdn tour leet long ell lifht inchl 115e i1 two inches thlk, poblbd tikthe In1 11ch ecners the 1 ,1knd, lill ere ldmil dlben dkilcbld spikeilibith lo Igubl pILaLnklwith lt leas[ g cr -e Inch out spoe. to tha b ce ; sa111t t over tl there Ib ll be a vere or l, tiko cypress Oank, of ten Anches wide bl tlo and k hIlf Inch.k thilk, well nailed Lt the C' tgr plnky aforesaid i ith six inch cut spilkes. The gutte toming shilllyt be olidr rier lydily f ll ull inchel thickand soli dly bedded before the piii ibe drlivn. Ths top kde of the pIfolo board shall prIbdIl int and a if iuehca abov the 1ur. IrI lye ol Ithe 11110r pl1, d the iIter th shafllbe Illd ith a i slope of oel i ( kth t pwrds the curbtlones. elll l boid dil ll tars for draining[ lot. rbr I be built by the e sonlm ,. The shaltl be fur blikhs wide by ligd by 1nhes deep, nd , .khul b maded of anda half Inch eyoress plonk for tho slots land bttom, wttb it to by four inches oo lr eold on the top, tokeep the side. from briltgdisp~aced, en. said "a t"' .hall run tblllih the w ole kll i l i the 111111 ii, Uellc Py If N r.-. he .elk y. v-met lAll be lIlil 11h ILs bricks, of ,hot bet quality. Irverring-bone, on a bed of lakesandor .:bar send of equally good quality wth it, or on gas aaheqpu ,slently aied blu billy.,, the Jetuts Uetaee th bricks scull bewell allied with sharp and r coanting: of 1 t half an loch thick, .plread over the whole surfed aid he btlcL log. Prior to Iallg thebrinks theoc toor (Roomed sitall be cut tip o, broken, ad well rammed, nodmaded level snot re "dea .monthly, with is declivit or slopetoward oh outline of nne- Iran matdh per foot. Thal ground, where up by the contractor at his own expense, and well rammed o'll( c pltlysolid. The sha~ll be bedding of ail-halfl of fan lolch of .ha od nitntr the brick., andacid bricks rlnllbe lybedded tereto in00 ho ll -ooaeregularly InidItlor wil rthout m any ugt or ow placeca, to real the pavd- nrent will beara itrrfrghdgos otherwise it shoalhe rejeclrd. Ggxeaat l'tacsaooThe whole work shot be L.Iecnnld to the ntir rtarrteo f LaMD urveyor, who will bnthesold judge oftheo 111I o th~e work. All bhe muerirls . atll beof the best quality, and abell be furnished by toe contrators. as w.,11 as t ,e iobmi. 1 iEch ofthe contractor. e'! I be b~tfmd tobegin the .. ,it I. ==nts days foilonlna the approval of the adj..'miu by the .:oat I'cl. nud ro complete theart. F. r t lontht after, under a penalty o ten dlollars per day for eachand everyday thereafter the Game asnot romald. G ood and olvent ecuity ty . nthe som of isloMl shll ha re quirerd from each of the contrators to guarrantee the faithful performance of their contracts. Paymentsa to bemadle on the completion ofthe work om- prised m ac coo rater, sr. en rccnptunce of thesame by theCity' urveyor. ~low., to-wit: thle proportion to be paidr by the city in1 cash, nod lb* proportion to bo paid by that grmartr- holdsea, inbills eseiortsald property-brl let. to be m~de bythe City b~iurttold I. coarterell withection 1,9 of th neycoy~ charter, said billstobe co iwetcd by thetout re~ore, a hoihafl be aubrrtad to nit the rill". of thle city to one and satrei thee propertypery 1in ase of nrmnppanmaet or any or .11 of said btills; I and thecity o ,it C rlnal one v, m t Leal lianase or responsebl for tinyo said bIIls shssld tlelsassesno hE Mold. Each of the cotrIctors shall psyintothe City Treasly", prIor to receiving his cr a t cot i ubi.ion oi the petitinonf the prupery holde, s it being 5l tnd5 r Iten that si l contractors haSl hvb tab rihgl V demandig ol said ; - tSidour ls the rInirseme, t of sid cost of psublistisn. It i I well SndersOd Ohtin caE s of fES lare bythe b untrlshors tologin or Knihh the work or .na potrt thereof within the pe- riod fled, or In rse thle Councilb , dissla ilsed wMh the si u- her inw bieh the wo kis blutg executd, the l}vunlil Sbul] "have tha right to a am1 the entrfttt witheItl aInt Ing he c ml- tractors in default, ea rqeqired b' art tle i 5cf thre tCivil (oe and wihout spplying to a court of Justice r n1d151 the ae5 and without Ildesniy aIsid tt is Ilso veil Snllers nod tlat inI n-e the cunlraetolS shsll at any time, ah1d cn tle work or not tluleh mid -. plaltehe sumnr inl c " fn: mir with tholecorn ne the ssaid contractors ,m5: fofeit .1II elrull Iey may haw Sfor ny part nf the work dell by telm] upto the' d st lo the *bandoaet. sland thaS the cily shlll be Ihcrhy ll d tcbal-ed fEom ay and ail iabiillty thers for; adI itis 5•su w ll ullr.Eltulld th.tincae the s ontr.Seta he r, sol., The bconltr rsend eir seelrlltie sllll b held *-d bouSd, iu boiido, top Ey Illnto t eh•v all Ifes or difference between ihe Price at w irh te eo- tractols originally oentracted to perli:m thle wonrk it'd ,he Prie at which It may ibs clJ ldicated at are-saal o," a re- JdIadc 111U~ Rids to be per rulnlnl foot of new IsidewsIf k cutpts , in- chldig the tu:iEs of the sEorrs, New, 5bh luy, 1-:9. [Sissedl [yUlS 1. PILIF, fly lureyor. Appprosed b) the Cromitles on .trce.s alld L illlb nso. "bth Boards of the rmoluon mi I,lI. IlIgnedJ ROIST IIUINTIE b11 ss Sg4e5 J H. T. VES`NARIlh S aran. HsBedtersd June ]st, 1899. je2 it tIIHNRY DIREL. for Compltr ii sr. SPE IFIC.kbTIONS for the A oll trat for lto - vHin "i'h "t !:re blocksI Jus,l ",rls' ro ibs".,-v e 'o Raronue Itrerts; nLud Graoner atre', irom `Ne, I.,: L- to hi. tare street. FI'SZ sI'oLsHI9cr--The paving f Julsia street from I New Lb.v ve• tI farolnne elrt-et. Se.oaD CoeIa cr--TLe plvling ofGravler l feet from Nr.w Levee to - t, A ,re street. tL5I)551 ANDlI IC SHsII1S O' TIll, SITSHl.biI -The ,:(Rlae I,lwlk ,tlh ll be oi guc h•rtd I rauite iut hi ,thy r xr,ec ml':,tt..i ,, qlloliy to tI egranite ohltblled frolll 1o,1,. Tl'cy Is lll be ob- sol ohnel, noI les tban tws Iye ilor nlo.e ishsl s'T:e lI iuc.:e1 Is widt,ud w not les thISn tw Ie nrr mor h tn incesen 1on. and nit lee* than tell irbeshe in tliek les•. 'Chev shall be well ,llrrieol, aiving ralS lel or , ilu'lh2 ." a n d owls so its to make tigll joits. nlld the, topnis stEll bE IrII slqlre, flat and Fre oflumps. Tble sq'lre bes'ks .dj n h gutllti r stones shall !"e cut atl nIgle of YI , tll flve degrle• w5th thl' 1111e, so us to bS laid diagonally fIom ;ie curstonesb bardering the sldewalks. The gutter stlnos ssbllbs ofgodi hard glrIre ob'alned fron RsStIu. TSey shsIl bsfrom stEeen tothIirty inieys log, tssele ichels wIdi, alld not nigelh' inehll tsil. 'h Le shbll bewell lgnrried havng parallel or•s lsqdre bisdes 'b d erdl, so as to snkl tIgllt sn , s lls the l sllial be ss Iictly IwelI heed sand idressed. o isrwsei t heyI11I.1 bE r-j"_sy., Thle curbstnnes shall bs of North river bis- btolsl, perfectly well hlsewed aldreselI. bevel-dressed on ths op tosisswb r thsp slope of the eider, frt. threeb to six faet long from eighteen to thllrty incbe.s wide, nsd 1u noease leIs that four inches iE Tile aslg lstosnes shll be of Noris riser blub soles oll Ilbe bset 'u.llty. pers'esly well bewsd and dre*ed, not ld d thnnS four ,eat !ong, two fIet wide, and not legs than tix iclehes Ibiek. with t eends .u.t an angle of tort -fl;e degrans witre thesidej, o Illst IhejlntS will de on adisagollal with tesi alreel. Tles fld s'ones for theSidewaillks all-of North river dilll stoues of the be,, qsllfty, perfectly well hewed and ersased, not les ths Is fslre feel Iong two feet wide, nid lnot s les ths tlO and a half nbchae thick. I'hb graSl shall be the best Lndongravel, not over oun and aLult inch i. dlxmeter. The I sln hl bEs cslear sharp srnd of 5lrgo grain. Thel pllhts For Ilt toel hel hrblEeS at lthe intersetionl of hliE streetsl, shall b of t,.e b t ',stl iro, tough, siEllan i pitt"ln lengb llS d Iblkknsss to tIbhss. nu St .C rtlslIs. limp Ilnld MS"S- .1.n 1 s:r", hut v.rSilln i, w5idth. The wbths shall be lur- idsHed hy Illhs Cis y SnS yor. Atsxnt:tl I H wllIlH TIrE WORK< SMtAt.lL HKEx•:'ril-l,-Tho contraclors tllhle IIke lip ti leld tu b s toe,•s wherever ord;ered sEo to do Ib thie SIrvyor, and udllute in thlir stead now ebrt stollt, s. the new EuEb sthsE5 ,hllls bU nt lared' jog toil, ]iIb NIIE grad es to be given b 'b tie Iurveyn- in go ,lsd i,',ltf r hh r inaE worklmanlie mann5er. -Ier II ,III .1. 1 itt •,r~ed letllghr o" fromn threz tIb hi e;•tr t rouarl,.lt t •t' wirrk. +utd eraea Ilrs Itobs 'hsll hves a slope o1" the) ibuehIl Eir evers t t of,t' hight towEuld tile ssij lnsgd aid war lk, tdl1x11 al5, I did!, fied Slld bslesd In tile tust illprovd msEnnElEr. Alpestule, or drauding leIo shall BL uieecly ent thrnugh the stor by th-e con- trsistor Iwheneveior bielhE hI y thle Surs r E. EI Thels crossing etonnesht be Ihdd aosrding to the 1!n s.• rRtoes Lto b givenby tbh S, e oe , S gee ],} t n ile1 sit 1wa-r -Itsmine oullnnr onih I doflSlg,,o' l rlveland b lltl p sand miedl, of at leasl sixih.che, i tllo•k aes, >dl beI to il wll IIslmel, ans hardened wtIthe hens ,I the ro s he. lbe sid.s, bottoms slid winos of ile ssr:dg s , s l buof curb stoll5 . 5ndl hilli be IE d IId gIls.s Jl lll , xl•j in t Ito rb-t wI i k- manlike E mIlIEr, Ill actord1l;cs wi'h t•bu direlill o be gIiven by tstC:ily 4r5eyor. 1re caat irollaElii•s fur thetop of tbu bridges shaltll rest upo thl e sids, lind lSldl La ,r.ll j.,illjtd. Til 1gltter tolls sa il Int ll is r IES 1 1 I, o'rb stones, ,1,I shnl he IW dd wi'b iu tt.t.I n".I'm or, ,b} ttownrds i:e. .:i-, of one inch, on i bolloU 1 of ' Iorllr l.'l"l, l: I.nnl'5E l glr.l , s shu 1 s tlsidinElnd: ss id ,o toigtally t be s tslir ]ntl dclel ,. tI, hclE I of the EcrowE bar til •.i d. 'II ' , n oit- sitill 1"o w- I Jbintobl, thl, llae not t lse ov,r Ihilf:SI: lISi ,ses oths:rSIsg sl they slh:l be !ejctedy, a:ld s o bI Is:ldl Eip •.lIl flue lgravel aId nhtrp •anot. The co;sIsrseEsrs ms Il: I, lo old ' stlor p Ivnlg, an,[ flf rthe o ll Il I ll lll Is haulled a la ' v t sle.l+, ll piCk I: d grade the eurruee of the D rcet, in Ht2odqll;:' with Ihe grlldr• I[, ae given by the nrveyure o!o .deopth ofIsllrlenl blu h1 l, s'llESE~~dIE,'5s bbsss E tsh luptrfa e o IA Ild 1 1,'': he gqunar h'e"I r: he:,; l'h; , f ~r os s lt SIIdr ss the r I 11111U l 11 , e II ,' tI S, 111h nrr to5 511u11 gi11:1 hy the Stlur- rall rsu shall p] c, tiel, t,: of *he nve e a lullsi Io I lieI r l tha Il fur i5 eh5 . of 5I5, :s ot ,cr .vul, I iy •IIrb g'lid ,,n d, ill , tl e nl or o t g lr I lI b, t r ailh l l d lx ry r lle r tllail it torm.,u ml even tandI- hernl [llit,8 ou]. 'The nqu~rLl t• Tck IvlI l Ehall thu 5I lS I [1s !]a hl: ithe 5pA\. ng4tl . 1. , r lts 1 tor+shell .Bn al'tentlo kudr dfrtg)y, or tI ias I,;l:" ue fort five LIer, with the ntreet s Ih brexkIII ns I'+ bit, wi.Es -rytieE , cairefnihuy ddlletl 'de blacks, .m' h H1,"Lrutnlg tile mll tteriL I, ni der I 'ale m1in5hEl oreIIl IIt .tl. 1l Isnnl r nl dI II E ,.uE df tto.T reel~ l shall ii.e alll it.( to lay •]•lrr~ bl•,'ks l s• t il,' (ulOth •ud ma•( o clos Join ts ar :ell over half : ti t!, iDh l wi-11h •ulI Io.t poiliv~ly 4,-t,,J~rt, d y+ th. SllrV• r. \V heu the Ibloks are s id, the j,)E t -h :t -hE El li surll iled wsth Iiu gIrv Is1 sI n IIsd : lalssPi I x. " lI tn ill, ti:g Il l h ouvl- tle.. , d w It 1' d :.r. Ilr. .a t r thS E t IIt settld the gravel e~ssII S•o y itto IEEE" j }Il* U } rlhr ofIhrex IlhI- if l,. I r tlEI ll ',lsall, • rIe sl .lluix ' -hail h p i 'iled ,lll the M1ilIs tst sI anshrll a 51 o1l e uEIlV for truvt. T'ho phi h, lki;g I lhe s E I 5-.1k. I: 1 i lllkIs Ihee1n tr IltlrE h 'IIISE III w d lulu h si u ulE ls Y I Ill l',1c1l e 5k. ,'lllEIl'I S1 ,,;elate rI 5515 1 sIlL lbs I 'If I sIbslls hlslIs IslS l ']Sh,, IEIIS ls .,IlE l b esl taE~llfSlhI~ Iwl Lb, ,',1 in c nl.nt, an laId cloe J Jill[Pit ' rt a .le m u mnalr lOP C E'll udls' in r b; b lr courI e. 'I h 1,,hl , ss IIl _essl- o-!, El, Rllrered pr I.Plltr al~laeV~ll +1) i.e +,i f1et +f h+[t I" Ihzed ot h, lh ibs lsssllr ' Sef. Eaie IIEpllIlg ti ~I sIt eig.' sfss llb W ia ,e:, th.ill h ; r,,./,e . 'I'i,k ~ ~ n. y ,' d, , ,v,• + ,"S ',, ` , <1. ",:lh , , ,t dsS .t Ilulll cpr fs ,rs th,ls .w dl e I tis :tlnlwl l tu ,[ lu[ ' hSdllyuul5 5dr1 ortar, nlearerr ru:lsllEE tireS r dSlliStil ll I " hllts - r tE IIIb i s 'h sb bs TssE,', y I I e , ,vt l " a u t fuu:ol to. ta lo bt ,- •Su yrv ', ",l,'em=tlt~l~t'r s|ls tk. n" I, r dhllnll g, ill uI I M hesi few;,iks, u A l b]. t, d e 1- ,I io 1! . ,Mlr p Kp ; ]w;lrlu o! v E', 'l,!.:, t o a-l• lyIII' LJI . 2- Lrii I. fv Is. 'sls'isid lIlr 'l IS ll Is . ssos KI . "J't,- c•tlu;i actor,. ., al tnrnish eHlt! n ,v (fag, which r Q" be le- ".'l s ssd 1o 'e b s s. s'i o slol l I ii i" , l:I G NI+a F.ItAI, {•/I..t[+Pt++ - !h i tfte \ .+ .orkel b ex ",+'ut-+ I t.hlllcoe r ta lf,{,tllni oT ~ibo t L: II t IU. , xlt si} i'I be l n lul Jud re of the qeitt) o,' the W,+lk. "1hr Ilto cnhlld}•1o,,, Ih Uld Int. s~th t ouer. and rtie f u ruad Tit) e pxvng, the slut d , id kilto it,R u t'sPU rnlh pik,',! to tl,, stret ,tai :t :hl," oi ,r) "1 t,, 1 eu Alvte[ , and iI ! be ,'n"- t w~t ,,d). e, ,+wa'h, (he,, .'l] ihPrb m lll .e1*n s~llx lb`of t:,` ," h r f,t qudity, an i• i+ t] l-: fu r tor,'l h ]" he{o r ".,.s't. xt w !l n. I :C I ,bor. S:),," , i,:nlr r.x h .lI e bJrntd ho l eV i work i ther.0t+ n• t ,' iu'l, h iwL the I pre• ,d ofIl+ii.rjl But\ll, hylhilt - IIatt~t nI x1 flt'y t;.v 3I[ s+i,•par +)"} fr tach" I atl wiry dnv,Ittlecut* tie ,lourn; is ,t .['n,) plct~:d ti A} Nillb *eul /nse+1 t' to il ,t a r of le. " hot •t:d d2] Irs x1.11 bhra iur'cd to guut au:ce the l't f;t'lful pctform tme of' the eallnttre 1,•yme:,sto 1,n h mode on;ho comp!r tib cf :lie poyrinCg ofeoil, nodt t vry I' lara and sec-px"e •[I1 il to *e by, Iho tty Sutr ,'.yor, it, f'o~low, to wit :I puet r ti+ulta to o Moild b3 the pro perry' holder s in hill. agnain, e t d propcrtj -hloblerv to . tU molde I)t, thc ('Ity Sintr •or,f kt ollieruall with •qetieut Il.l of thec new ,t'y ('t'a er s.Pld bill, t, h coilleted bythe _mnt etaors, tvh, Ihtl be -ttbrog~te to (alitihe riht, el .his etytsou •ue 1t Ie gez It- Pro pcry hi e.,s ofntn.p tt+ nip t o~f xoi~y ur +1' tof saidbl: s. Nnd lt~l~e .ty td N,.., Orh• rue ,i,, t• ., h,'i+ ,l,. r re• ,ia,,,, ', ogr stoy ofsarid LIIL1. sh, t'!d :ht 0sm~+ u xt ie pn,d n nui thet -,: Portion+ to b:' Ipai by thle ch~y In c•h, the TrP+>u: er lt ++ll,in; r., giax, Able" tan iar ee:t. of _:,h .e:t:rmeu+ until Ithe coat Vtc,.,.t of the whole work, The ".ontmetors 11-11 fay itto tihe l•v "Prats,ryc. poti •rto r•, ce vie,; Ii)•r osrtircwe•s, the cos~t on' rgu ,,•' •+. u! ,f : hu ' ,,p,'• . Mfho troperly-h, 13hr. t ei;;b•m well n~ule 1.r ud h s r .,, .r.. +.t ~ f1,th ". t ta, ,e llhtofld Wn " Cttsa.tiLptis~t•n,' ,, .... :". ,lrtl .r.f •+,t s, <Y Intl -, ;.a !t,: u. ".rn cr haul, t'-' weer', .. ,;.uy pair t::crtI, it .'. 'l,' COMPTROLLER-OFFICJA L. pc-led fixed, or t cue the Counill be dbtalleid with lth mb. - nor in whblh the work In bet n ee-euted the Counil| shadl have the htth 8mtl the contrcet, withoot pttig the eoetltettonin defa t as required by art.ole 9Mo the Civil ode, antd with- out aplyly i o oourt of J,4,lo In annul the imure, and with- out idemty Iand it Is aimo well uInderstd that In e the ondnatleshllat ay .lmeabaudo the work hnot finiuh and complete the came In onfortmlty with their eontr.ets, the mid outraet shadl forfeit any claims they may baev for any part of the work done by them up to the dateofthe hnbndeument, and the ctly eihl be I thelby deseha.ged from aiy ind.11l liability tMefor; andit Is also well uideritad thai iu awe the eon. tteots be reol d, the.ontrietor. and their ecuiti sheall be held and bound In solido topay onto the oity all loe or dlfference be- tween the price at which the contractors originally contracted toelrform ut the week and the picest which it maybeadludi- -•_!ed etc niresale or r led uetloo. Bids o be per ssperfiitil yard of isquare block pbrng fur. tbhed anid Ild. Including the gtter ltonu. per ,uer ld. foot f eurnhtoes, fvurished Rod laid ;per superficial ard of now ••ng, fnrn~hshd sud l d ;p perS rflelal rd ofold flagKlnn tagken ap and relld per tuoortlDtal foot of ereltln6ltonesfur. ,bniched pid tad; and pr ion.bridge top furbihehd nd laid ,omplete. .ew Orlm.mi, Mayo, 18"9. [Sligned] LOUIS H PIIIR., CitySnrveycr. Appsred by the Committees ou Streeties cd Lmsdlngt of both Boards of the ilommot t.nosnl. [Sligned] ROBERT HUYOHE, 9 C.irmen. U. T. V•NICAHD. ulmo Registered Jose I, 159. H .VNADAD J-itt [INRi flTtlv,. f. ltf ontitlls. SPECIPO&TIONS for the contract for ptv- iug, with eqlars blocks, Au tntcin t'on andpsalt ef Race and Orn•nne sreets, so a to eoteet the sqqnare block paving of Alnnuniatiol street from its present Icrminxltio at Race .treet With thto on Felieiby road. QUoluruax .Dlrrla I)M•• Ot r Tat| MATIIAHI..--The Iqllare bhuek shail b• of goodl brd granite lnot In -y '•eet quaine it quality to the gtille obtained Ifrom Boston. They atlb oblong in ishape not oil s thd twelve nor more than sixteet itehe in widthi and not tIs than itwelve olr orl thlan twenty inchesiln, nilld ot leh stdan b tn t lchis inh hebretst. They Thalle ilqwarried, h,, ii g pi nlel or square Id sand fi,dt so as to mIntake t It d thetins shall be dressed equare, flt and free of Ign'p . 7t'e sq .are blOeks ehieing the guatter stones hablt he cut at an ntu6ig o of forty-five degrees with the Jdes , so as to be I rd diagonally from the eurbstones bordeling the sldewdlke. The guftertones shall beof good hard grmnte obtalned frrm Botslon. They lltltI be frosilteen to twenty fo Isnches t b g, twelve inchebs wide. nod not less thabl eliht inches thick. They ihall be well qtltrrled, havingi parallel or squi re sides aWid end t so as to wak•e tiger Joints, and lhe tops Ihall be pefeetlIy well bhewed nddressed, otiberi they shell be rtJeied. The curbstones shall be of North river blue stous, perfectly well hewed ond dlessed, bevel-dressed oe the tap to slower the isife ofthe ide.s, from three to six feet ltng fromsixtlen to thirty iuches. wide, and In no cse less than four i .hh in thickness. Thie eros,lg stoneis sllb beof North river bite atones of tie best quality peryetly well hewed ytd dresled, not less than, four feet loni , tw feet wide ald not les thn six iucies thick, with the ndJ cut at an ngilot forty ivei degrees with the sdes, o that tie JIIutI will heI on a dagona al ith the street. The gravel shall be theibfi Lonudon gravel, niot over one and a half Itch in diameter. Thie sand shall be clear, sharp sind, of ls go g iain. The plate f ir the topi of the brllges at the in enacft ton of thesttreet, sh:ll he or the bes d t eai-on (tough simlllar i pt- tern, length, and thickness to those now onAnnuncilto on atat. but vary ingin width, the widths to be furiished by the ilty Surveyor. t te it Wtitt tll SE WORK SLL tsst Ebxtei t .-- The old lcrbstolle$ s all ba taken lip by the oeotractor, aid rea id. iffb oundboi bythett'py Surveyor, nd if fot, bew turbs le ihdls be olbtit•lted i their stolyd. The snew idold eturbt lbs t ihall be ste i crtint. sto the liies and grade to be given bythe Sl, veyor, iugedood jotoitnand In a workmnalike mxnner. They ,hbal be duly iuterpro-d in longh of from three to six felc throughout the work. aind each cugrhbto a vll have nle of three inrbet for every foot of Ith height wowvrdk theadjo + In :idewetk. d sh.l also be soudly filed and hakced in the noa approvedmanner. Aplrtures for railning lot, shel he ttirrl cut througl thile same bythe contractor whenever required by ,h Surveyor. Tilte crossing stones shall he 1aid according to the lines and grado to be Aisvn by the 8irveyor. in gtod Joints and in tile best workmanlike mainer on abed of Landon gravel. and sharp band mixed. of aileast sixinch's i st icttklst, .tdlbi tobe well rmined anid hardened with the head o the crowbar. The sides., btomns and wingsl of the bidg's bshlt be of curb. sioes,. and hhtl be laiid In tiood jiut d in the bet work- imhikmnuinr,, In toes dauces with tile direetyoi to ie given by the I.ity Sreysoit. The itt iron plate foI r b etops oft tile brlllga shall rest up... tie si-rr lilt anal, he well jointed. Tha6oibrtlonu, shll joinlI,L: batr lnylh the llnlhonel.. and halll bulaid with tutinelinatfon or riopu tnwurlir theeons* cu oe Inch on w bottoming of four incrhes of Lmulau gravel and alro shit m ixed ;oladbottoming toL - trongly) harlleueil toto tln head of the crow-bar unit] solid. Thle sto as shall b weliJ intii, thl jointt not to be over unit an inch wide otler- ie the•ll b. rejectel , and to be filled up with ine grtvel aod sharp r •,l mixed Th•e otn., n': fr ,Illl thke nap the ol.l gut or stone. an,1 paved sI"p ort. w ,,, d .'ter the sr t s.hull he h.lerd away by hhnl lt ieb ayd igrade the surface It tihe street, in icordaneb wittiia the grades to t egiyve bythe i Surveyor to ad-pb t of tou; tu n itnces below tile, s tperlor fIre of the square blocks when laid. 't h ortraelt r t iili deiid thb r- ,ibed of ohu streek totIle efly v to Ihe b ivtn by rihe S urv iyoie, ni shll piase on:tibe top of ti. s mna soilingy of nl. ie•tllau ,r Iltthso t' lonont o gravel ' ah lrp nand mixed, anW shall thorouq'ly' roll h,; solme wibll , Ity It,. toiletr .ittl It tfdutitb t even antd htlrd ftndatn. The bny e iblock p tug hit ;lt tHen ha ftitd. ht Iyying tile ,a, ing h e ,n" actor' la1nv e}ohsd.gon ally. or at .n lmgle If forty live deg r ilh ,he street le e hrllakiog Johlts with tvery tier, eael'ully sedding tile bloctt and biardyonbg ti;e nm terinls under the sl me in order that ech block may resa o:l gelid toun-lttlou H.shall ute all care t lay tht 1, ,asa so as ith-, toueh a|d m ,ks e J, lo . As, * als i j i.:s overiIlf ain c•h ill width t, hll must pv.Mti .lybe reJrcaee by the ri trveaor WI'hen the• bilck are ]aid, the joints h1hllo heccur:ttt-l Illped with 6ine, grv'leland sairp sand misJ., .lad Zthu pnityn -'trll b, n ,1.1mly 11 rat edwitl a ai) lb. roller. Aftter lherldniL weilled Ihgratal completely ot,) thejnild, aeovering. Lf tflrce I fllh a grvcl 'anC{ d to-Pb- send. RaisXe I shall be placud ,ooun the Diving. anld the acme shall fe opened fxr travel. +'lt, bricklrg or farBngin ofthe si Ina-:llik• d ,h La• tken lip 'lerev rorderled hy e SarveyOr, all, ,Selr s eh atl fan lilen, and hIe bdrhk{l g ail Ii ughog re]mfid to crr;wpowll .virh the nfow grad%, eaI Zlhu best woranatlitkc malnnr -attdo t e.tZi eaaisfaction of th, !ity Sun ever. Tr.e contr*,,to- hi.L ft'urbsh alla no+ l~+ antl britka which maybe re, uthe tto e- pl. ca the odbuelt +g•. tud iricks. ,'er e:a.iL t'. thes.--'i wi:,,le work sltll hie,eameued to th1,6,e lretisfcfi ,i or the tUity S rryeor, ho t. all be thle xolejnldg of the, ,lim!,ty eo" hl., work. 1'ie od urbstole tha old ;n'ter rton s, the old ~nr, ,I1 s',mP puords, atll the eartn, plckli front te ?:tie t•hat:l hetha port+ peat. of the contraa'or, ad shall be resa red and h mna I tw y b,- I m. A l the mztvrbda shatll be or the Seat rln.iityv a:.d .ql!l he fuil sried hy the on, use I, x'!"11 +,a Iltbor. Tlh c.,trnllor shall he brunt ,o basin the wo.rk tn !tan three mntfltbv torwlgtile ,tpr ,,,al o tihe lj ~ldemLOIn byiha (ernl. vnl, 'onmlil, and io copln." the utle rievhtren I:nun fix o" er, ilnd- r a p:nidty .f [tn dollb, rper !+i). for ea'l.. ad e:,:ry day t.,erum 1or rite arm {s not e, ,l,."te I. hoend and aoI o-,t se, rarity h, oiem' r ,lk.L)hl er qhire ! to gu- trs tile Zhu !l'tli taderf.'. tmnnce , f tlhe .u: rer. }'ymlnutt tu hematin oan [ha ecorpl ti+.:r of the P.-in. of each anlLverl srd nro sad a aedepnee of aL, s tre by the Co, S y,'1 vmyorna, a- !'Inave, v .wtlt the prop, li Jn io bh piddbythie pro perry :~oier" I. ill h it 5 gni'+•t xnt;,t nrp a~r, -yhretblet to,bo t Ido bytafr {'iy r•crvyrr. nl eonfornty. aiat S-eltoui I10 of toe new CIty tthxr'rr : sd bills t, t c"11e-ctd bytIh, co rult .r who : s gall he J:abragated l ell;llf rizht• o 'lhe rity to ai1 l el J =ie 1,* therperty ir. ealr .,f no..Vp'v:zunt ofany) air .dl of:,i bill+, n'7 te ey t of Newr ,11+ not to ha hel1 ih,+ ls ir r re- spansible nor an) of mtlii' shh, n],l hle stio not b• pnl. 1Th," p olo lion tobe paid hy t.,n ci y in ' a-Ii. the Tereanrer rrtt,1n- IIIt in g~xra-,ter ten p er ent. of c ,oh t• .l',alnt .ut;i the , uLm pielateu of tlhe b0v1 llt. The contrator shall pay into the City Treaury, pr'or to I'+- calving hie e h crroihex a+, alto r' nuhbtnttlont opf ahI petit noes ,g mx eel '",nee- it n..... ton of illy pr,; t r11(P~iiln~l- of the pmiP 3, h Nora; I : t bring waell Iloderslnmol th a rili c o I, it, clot,11, 11 little tiln '"h~t of d c Il ofsaidri~ pst~llou era thel reirnbilsementn ofsaid costs f p 'bin, (init.l F, is wail enndlcrat -1 Illt in enre of ilurebly 0,9 l -tort [n brginl o: hnkirl thewo, it, u[ anv pilrr t aieut' wi~lb~n ne 1),s rilrl ii Irrd, or in cest tile I:uuneil be ii.r'rti~firll ws't the m;nllrr in w,.!ch [hae workit being rrnentrll, [he 'u ntnril nrnll intee the rieht [> xuuni the conl rootwithoutll pll':ini thle r lolrilata in 6:linall, ss ruauire 1 by ar~fula 1.44,,! of l;,(:ri! ['.1 n, ul~l without spltlrinF I. ac9,,rt a j'I e r~ o , Illul 111 Ilse l liil thoc ontracwr, IWI xi t xnv One ,,`,silo:, tilt work, or act II i-Il and 'omeletssf !hI name iu con o r:nity wtI'lhis co,[fact,, the *sI1I e.lllncctor ~hill rortait il c laims Ile maly hxvb!b, any part of rlrawork: rlnn9 by, him Ily tothle onto t he xbunlll~,nllio , ~ ll the b yrj ; and it is xl~o ,,ell un~lerltoid t xt inrae it,, cn ,! al~ be -o 1, the a euotnnelor slid hi, secu~rities l~lndi t~ held midlll liven,, the pri: a: 1 which l Ih* rosrmlrtr orl;;ilili) cutrtni l a m performm the wvrli ils1 tI iriceax[ wlichl it moay be .lJdlllllcucd lit n re-sale nr re- ii'Ultl IllliUnI Rion to be pee xnplrrlie ill yarll nr sgo~re black Fnrillb fn.- perficlal tent o elrrl lone, fur~I-hd ,I,I nl~l id; per nIU rlicl~ll ,Pt o eli ngshos, funishr un.llaid per r noinis root or A4" will l t Iak ,t g nnl rtluill. Including nil n ew 1 , rill nl alriel, u- " e "".."drL~d and per !roil brldbgu to!, Itiro~slled Itu"1 \ew Irl,;n-lo. a) 5;11 1 PA. LNgyedl Tj r.l)[S U. I-I1,ic, (:,ty 1n ,, 4, Apll'rovl bry the :Jcrn'Iier onl St, et. and Laud:- ga,. ! Sttl i do f ; thle Co. no ll I;,, m~cll. g, l I.T. TI.:. AKSFI.1 "'oilmen.. ' R g!,tcreLd Junt" Intl1c'9J JI ,I t.N Y I;R : ,rrI -tn1r SPBiC1FIC VVIIUk for t flecontrac for Pnv- ir w 11 r 1'rob P, tI II:I(*I.1XIrl iuu t Ilie .1ilS ,t n lkr boir, l -r- ll: I 0,11P rIlc'. !ram t;'. INlr ,r ;r Alndlew atrrrel, en~d St. ry street, front Ilajiliile to (;Y.,,, street ,, AIITYAN) linF-T1F r1'Til! I.Il .- 'Ple I :t b r sn 'badll be ~f Fond b':'1 <; ,tniw, a,; i:. n" yr jte led. uell Illy ,l ib ldrrheit, 'T' .:I nifrom o II0 lo J:1o- a~11 ht I:.:h9, it n',d11 xn nor l".,t + t c;; f -, nr ti I ", Illr I And f ih , 'tc* nl r`", il ,i, i. k:- ~ n 1'liey,,bail bnw,-II it rlr lull iso w u;l. T ir , vl~.! liu >:' II".1 :,. od, sn u. In mI ie Ie',,,lo ,, x ! !ie ,,:t' .,o r ,t V ; f o PfI m , J'e "I e 1.c. '11u; .1~ r ~", .l li b , fg o .l ln 11 gram. e ."b [inlud ll( torlv ineho. Ivi Ic \ , and , ,, 1,+"n IIl n riui rh,; Ili ,,, !"" he carb, or iii .hall be o r Ytr ill r ,crr I ai :on~+. parr: lill, well he~rx nod dr el, t-I r.,.,,i onOin `op tonn-e, ,I l -lpe tlfI!,e I ,., fro tll,, 19 s i, n~h I( l 1,,. o lf ile!:, wanai 11 1i'tr nc., ill, and in nnt" rir~e Ira, ll~it ,nI,:. IlmA'.' hi..:r! "I'll, C nx i gIrtue, s l'dlbe u NIi b , Ivr blue s,-, 1' the ~i~l beet ,It Fa~y,;'e'rvc IyI,' it ilea, e'1 "old :dr l I. I ,In , I Hdr,; len i I', two lael x N..' aid nu` Iv.. o:u, d v la ra,.! II .I i Ib. t,' 1, cut Iilll. hU U i~I ~gl, ut long-r' Ir~ \ .~r; ,ll l ilt dcgr Is ww r'; i ,,,e1I it, I..~l~\ r , ,I, lr!Fd I~ii: onsdi. gfLnl w'[`i fit",[,<r.l i * ''''' ' I' f u r d ,ti n u r 1 ,! n b o ll u c n 1 t i e o:. --;. t C tai l ulr xim hu , p,"en u .. in it,, Snr ey ' (,li,- .. nn hamm naa,,un t .x_ COMPTUOLLER--OFFICIAL. The earth plsseked Mom the street hall buheproperty of the ,ontrator. sad shbsll be removed and haalsl l nsty by hm. All thebs m srlsle sshl b tet lbs bSttler' usd shall be nnll.hsd by thebontratobr, u well a tbshe tlhbor Goad an solvent security to au nslyt ofl fC lsll be ro. silred to glsnshm thb aithful perro.mlce o tlre oktract. PYmlma tlb l% ade onthe completon of the pavin1g of sech and every lsuro andseoptaeof the lsameby the Oilyt Sr- lyor, as .low, to-it: t.e propololn to be pa by tlbh pro.p- erly holders fn billssgyIt .id property hold es to be made by thebs City sureyor, in conlformiy with seotlon 119 of te now City Chlrter; saki bIlls to becollected bytlhes contltor. who shll be sobrogytl to a11 the rightsll of the oilb to s aind sle the properly Ietae or loon-plmyent o alyser all orlpsidbills. lnd the city o NwsOrleans not to be hold liable or rsspoalsbl forany1 of sald bllssbhouldlhe lame not bepaid; Iand the pro- iortillon to be paid by tns city In cash. Ton cotractsr shall bebound to bsegin the work in tb thirty days foltlowg tlbs approvtl of thebs diudeaslo by lhse Clmmoy o1netl, and tolomptetb.ltsme tour mollthb after, rldsr a psnl yof ten dollr per day for each ad every, day tl.refter bhe sa1me Is lot completed. The cslsactlor shall pay into tll Oity Trssrys. !prior to re- sclilig his co'stlitats, tebs cot of pllbllilyon of the petitonys of tle prol•pny hosers; It beilg wll yldr .ltood that aold rm. sracbor shall bIss the righlt of demandif of said petitioners tlhe lreimlbursemensllt of ild eoIts of publlicatlon. It lswell nudrsltood that ill ease Of fallre h thle contractor to begin or finish th workt or alyprt thbrsyf tllhin thel pc. riod sfixed, or lu ease the tolnIll be dissastlshed with th manner In which tlbs woLk Is being executedll, thebs Counclil shball Ilve thebs ripght toannul thseontrelt withoulb pltlptg tshe colltrallor In derailt, s required by ,rtile1 1t)5 of the Sivli Code, lod withl t .pplyling to a enert of Jn,tl'r to nIlnul thle sli,. and wlthollt Indem.slly; sandb Itl sihwell Ilnldrtooid that in e,,e Ihe ounrtntotr shall wt any thne abandou the work or not fnis0h nnd eomldtea Ith same, si onfllrmilty wih ls cen rlnct, thle aI!d eonr•lctor shall forfelit al laims he nosy lare for anyptrt of the work done byy him tip to the datte of the ab mtyneut t t, tmr thn, the ity shell be 1.herbby d Isvibll sd 3rom ti ny s ll illlit. blit there'or; and Itl Ialso weill ml-y.r3Pd tlll tIy tl.t tile contra r be resold, the I ollsl.,tc r al d 11ls seurhlcs sallll be he'd n blllud, in solido, to ray1nto the 1 it) ill loss or difr. mene between the price at wdich the coulr.aetor orlenally con- tn11cted to prorm thle work s d the1111 praei b which bt may i diIllliealled at l rsall or redsJludillll. Vlids to be per superfcial yard of srlare hlack paving, furnlllehd elnd laid, iuehldiug thogllittelr stolle pr siu 1erlell foot of eurbsto:n, furmshed. wadhadd; per euierfllilal foot tof crolssing tone1 , tu1rlldsndad laid; and per iron btidgs top eompw ta. New (Irleans, May 27, 18359. l1111ed] 1 LOUIS Ii. l'IlIb' , )ly Surveyor. Approved by thbs CLomIittees on Strees 8 1 LludtIys ofboth Bloards of the Colmmon Cot1unl. Idigned] ROB1'. HU Y,3HE. , (Signnd BT. BUY 4FChairmen. Registered June 1,1859. HENRY IRL,, J•22 7.t for t I tti tn!1r. SPE.ICIlNCATIONS orU Tse fIllosvlhtg coli - I yCIs bor tlh construclIlol of bll:k li.lsyvla, bIldeled by the etlratlOlle• "nq .ooden gutters. Fllt CaOrl.ry.-- de La ll the ,Ft sidesbe Ely ) 1a Fleldt. from titrod to Prosper str1et. 12feet Il e ,,ud for re- pairing the ri,!ewalkd already nmud on tis •e•t side of said 'treet, from ailed to Pr, rper trelet S11con O m TIti lty.-- or silldewlkus o1theNorthb 31de of Mor l- 1str31t. from lys.,m Fields to b lsrf g ly street lt feel wide; and for repairing tie tit ewaolka ulrady nlam on the Nor h aide of sldstres,, from Elyman Field. to to riguy street. 1'ITIRD COlyIrA•.--Fyr ldlsblky on bmth slls of llrod strect, 1'r-nl L,:t!yrin Fields to Mlnn~l villa etrnel tofeet wide; andt for rep:drllig the llidew-lld breald made1 onbutb sdis ofr slid stre. fIlin MIlr.deville to :lyslan Fleld street,. tdnnsroyb s.-He-ed1 b nd dr1es1 d turb[t ,lihs .h+b11 lire ile ldwlkI11., of lir lb liver hlllet llosn or ohr ollsneof e3ll9lly good 1 u11ll..y with t1h1 m,b11 " led, drl sll1l oil tblpll ll rra11 tlhe .In i of the ides, f, m three to eeIolg tro' ,itern to'thll irty icites ,vide, inu t ellsles rti:1 3I9 tsi k. Tiler eltll be well set ,t in 1111bo1a an o, k ~ lui, nIIarer an,[ shall snd whh aperllllr ll1a leely c11 llut h lg t same where d1estred for dra, 1 g lo-e. They 1 h1dl b, duly- fin T..11 1 ed in lengtlhs of from three to six f e ihroutghobt the wnrk, av,rdl- in. ,o tile dirretles .nd lai vlit whlih will be giv-nl bY ther•ur veylrl..Iilr elli.h 1rhtnne hb'l lve Ils b lope of t1tIeo lllh, for esry f111 ttis It ght ta1lla the lille oftile 1dJ s1ipI htI1tse1 slah1 l 1, be olid ly 11d ,ld hait ke i " tie n.,Ir iu- prOVed nl-lP1'1, to p Irevet orr ice s-Il llllsall, ,kh J h- 11 ek- u-nally ebperianred from lsglienbll i[ l il rell.l ; ,: al t b1h5 les I kts1 n31' . IIPhe., ,Ir lurieter tiellll fll 1ee 1 .. l, ld h tvinfm In noCasa Irss tllhn six Inches below Ilre isarpir tur•*.c of itr lldjllillr gater, chaldl he adnllttht-l hi tl~e work. 'ooDE, ,;UtrrTTE--The gnl:tr1 s sh1ll be male of' lh h-t a-tw utull ('ymtt-, twelve Joel,, rids h) ioin- in heathick, iil lensthe of not less he,, tw,.nty leer, (expept an ,'le • shllrterlengrha ire n .ee-sxry.) tt dvrd slid sc II Fed len ilc'h., x1 Ihjl,11nings. pilII, Ihre, anI 1 at e3ery Itermediate 4pae. of fie feet. with ok pi:,[ e I Ir I thl n 1 o4b r leet Il,•g 1 r t11 o llll-. to di.nlere drirnn: throu yll-lIllutsblo . hOil I tI e g'lt'or pllkb 4i r 1eed 1llbillug '1ir e'h1l of Ill-phiok nr- etthe etlll b-ll:l lla he pe d ,ao u t.. l lld I ll the h r, onu,' 'I edge 1 Is he Ii, h )tc-hP of eigh, i}lhslt;• t1 w inches deep. cut on" .at eve, yeitsi•L fite theleof, mt~hu th++e~ 113re1 ly hfice 111f 111 11s than four f ltt 'om g ). cih i.l.h-s .hlt siid t t" inch, thik, 1-ol;we'! .lt tf, renI which e1e- 1th Aron i. ill he firmly d.iCey donn t•l•'d i t tll util:r pl ii•, n •th it n iLrt le~ f9rtid eh ++it-ike, ,. xrL h lt.•" , L II over t es• there w "l, b, a:e .",..r In i ,1 ? (? Pen ,' . . r~ies .tiph fir• tWO .,it ia-hnllt , ells, line k, vell l:oo ,l41o h, +-filler Plmla k r ", e•id l wl lh s i .'l 1e't sik , T e ills h+•tt"lUhnig `•Toi jiO t lf dr brlr t 1. tivr r l .nches 1 hick 1 1 .3 1 idly oelieed bLef'rolldp;:l+ t ae d,1%.11a . TLI: : oI edegt o. I e fae'Lc - b)., d -1..Illldl p o elll' amn l it h if ieI, "b e 1 e llt o 'h rw!,1, t slapO rll.of ile twT lads the erl ) e' 1{t"o u "r,' b,.cedgtntu r "', fir drxildnglutetl shall Ie ,n~t by Ih o c ,n ,r~lto-.'1'i.- eihxl} foin- i +,hea widlef by e rh i'. y h-' dtP, rnl~ .n+tI hr nld e , s' iunnlu snit sha -rel a• pressn nhunk for he Mrll hl snit tlo olll m n wa two, I1y fly u it' lllr er• ,r -e ce" o'a"l, tih op ,o kee.p elet l ,Ld, fronl hhills di.IIPI ed, n'il ai ll Itr shall riu tlrn,,l the whulb ulllb0 or the a dew.Ikr. BurI'K i'*r-::.xIEP--Th- w.k p`n"mtl" x" all behilet with lake hizcks. fthe lbet culnithy. Ii l her.i,,,hLrr, o'1n bed 1 lakesv,d" or a);her -and sal e+prlU' y%nod ",",i I n •' ihit . ,i- r 1 , , ira . uhi,; I>' riell ed"Idle bill":)' TTh Jo,iotr b. lt+'", tL. ,icxye n L.h ad ),- te:l .il s wd'i hllp •rnn i. ,ut t.i ,t :t il, .,f it hudf' an Inc ,t1' ,'k spre.t~ o.,.r ;the wtn~ulrfvee' r" a' Ji hri, it g:. Prig:. tnrilO nlq It's Lair-~,t c Iui"'l r ,11I:.l !: 1"r. alP.:o t ll, ei t i . l.e.ivity or s orpe t , -, spit ihe ,r , Ill " +,f ,+.. hlfo .t inchi, per tb,,t. Tl,, gr ,rd w rhr: , I +w ihtr . . i, UD h th , p +trt , "it hi. oell e \ e -,'. od . II o l .l'o , e. i~ l l od Th r h* I ,, o-- e 11 . ni 1 oueht: ti h .imh of Hharp l , rl or "lbi* e LI.4, rr /III .I t1 t ri, ks, nii iit hriclk,.In l • ha 1 p o +."rly I ,.1",l,.d thriln i. if ll l i,) e r 1I .L~t~lt I~tid t ,I lo.+ jol~ut Ic. lhot l~ly nr drlm;)w),t' fohlly JII l.elll"<."jam il il. l ia n IIaS5r e rl 1!1 .(.i1 . -O t,tth,• pavem,"ult wtil bear w e light edge, otnerwl-u it el, ill ',, r rje ed. I•);I'A I;.4- AlI eid,:-ttlk. :lde1v;y 9l f ]. n d tr t ,t" ! SI inlh m . ba t '*,1 d y thl e11 1 .ti,: r m tot~t , t I ll, nnl • ,:it l- willlot tile rt r ...... r .. . . . . . / rv, ..... .. l ... . patrrd ht v i ,," ,.o t nei o Hil the beull ,rtw { r n' . er a:,,I r, he i, i , i l . l ln le tln ,,.r Mlh il{a Inl,) inri• , lll l ot1, il o ldok a g arll ,t. new.. (iL, e. c I.l. C .+t',. y-The w ,",l wok .ll'1 b)" e r t, i r:. wlhthe peti• ,an,, wll be ,he s. jn I"; a s•l, o: ithn ,L,7l) sao ,le .\ltthe m tte, ialy shall bee o tbe hi'+ ,'; ,!r;. ,sd rl"n'1L" ftrm111nl-h..d !, , l el r",'r(tor , :t , l I1 ., i,• I+, .r. -areh r"le co(- entr. l,C .n roll he Ieo n~ Inr , il-l lhC/e I}a }, ,lll tint dil ]o Il l ew. arhlo p l, ti l o ,ti lhi Jivytou Iriv i,br t'(v l'l rulnla unlte . t lli p I : n T .u tule" o :.ll r sltoodll u. ill, nllt i v,,"a f ten d lispr. per dy, "*, th ol i every day tif r",dft~r 0;1 -,11"+ f- uot, o pl,,'ed. Galmodal ro.ent d e'tv s , ftr in r a1.:Fh1l nl;nlt h r r ,drird fr,,r, . t"L n` t r+ c,",l ,•c'. , loo gnttlentee Ih+ t, t pcrforlu,.1+cu of 0si ranott Ifto r..yell,.it, o r, ri o e ) ;d n ,f , Wr , )r ieu lin ro h l'h ;ill i 61; e t,+ , lle 1<,llt. hv t ,l, Snr r -l t, It . h " , , t e ` ls p ir l ~ i." r+ y fi; u"+.h. ,tadOl i r , ,t' kill o) 1, p ,ti J ih3" nP,+ l," n 'i,,1- er. in Lhl, gidl-t .i 1 pnr tJ . older to 1Le m ,,lts h rile : i,y v- rxv.v r in coont,, nt ty wih spl,"ti,. 119 of ti~en w rite ~ll ter, rxidl hiltl ,• I)+ rl'ler'e 1)iy te emit tI',, t,rs• who bh~ll ,+e soubrotat,1 ,il oitl ithe rIlgh ofihr r v+x tol.+, t , + :r Ih-r lI ),r,,p.rry inl ease of' ion Pamyn rn" of xny, :' lt .f .n t d L11 . 1, , tile c :y nrf Nrwfo,'sle ,tvu' to he held bi ,t',e cr re-,,mnsi .e I'or, any+ nd , lid b 11. shO~rlLI the ranto nn" be pn,+d Ea.clh of tihe ncr"~ t.'lo s ,,,ill p""y int,+ Lthe ( y'I 'esu prto to r, lei VL)g fits ('ertllhe+•es, the e,,.' of I+,J rrd,'K:lon od 'Ls peI g rd+ nt;)e property i•,h.l'., it b,';u r w,.ll u'.,drntnl~l that r~~ onltrnerv~r..hall hitve she dteht .f de,,b.lln r or +itidi Petition-r Ilia+ )•ertbu trPTem.t of a,_l _:.t 1 -- , ; n':h t Jo~ It is welIi~ ,, s~,II,, 1.r si , elve o" I0tu- by the+ o :'rstlr to, e-iu ,I,t h. tart hworK tor 't11v prt th~rrcu a w:trioitheo sI...P Hiod fixed, or lit e te T~ge r;)al ."" d{-i h1elc .i.h.he ... ,.e w ih tn or stur e . , th u rl-althe .ighl to ,un.,ul 1th. .,it act with,,.r ,n v,h,*g the et,,;traetor. [1 h.1"~lllt, a, rtq irted by ari,'le 19Ll5 of rho f"v~l I'lrd n,, d ,,J i I N •~p'lylo<. tO aP-lrt of -i",l.l' ton nllllthP +trl , nt• withI llt imlld n :n y : itr it 1 •, 1- I1"-,i r,'oori shot, ]ii n theeotpltrctor, si*.dl at anly t-:,l. )lbull n: lhe ,Vr~k or Ib~J fin,.1. ,..... 1 opteil, ...... n... f y ...... .. h li,ri+L r lee,tr r,", i,"• e f r ,l, :hl coetlo rT shall f', l:'ti; ll e~l+'m ,hP+ r ll o Pon, of hl." w ork 'l-'. fir Ilrlnl rip to tl.e d deuf ,1:, I] 0.abrnd n men! enl; tht Ilhotciy s':,ll }L+ tterbyh• tls,,r *tr•P( lll t,i,n ,,+Id ill l~nb:iily i l.4.t ere ;itll it :i, , , w" 1 on lldret ,,,dI 0h111 } ea~o th~e countrets b8 r,,moil, the+ uont:+let tr. mrlthelr e -ulprt- .hill .r, hekld ,,h t hJUn, hn sObl,)O to nl,a on",) the cit•y ii.p1 ,'. ord ittrenu " b+tt, urn] lhls pr r+. r.[ •-hl:.. tll~. t e)lr~teIo;•, o,{• halle rnntrn,te ' tn,err".ln t!le work :,".r h,, prie.: sat vhiulh i. may• b," n,ljnrleaterd i, a re.•alo or re-mij~1fte,",l i ; tlid to h,. per l'nu~~ fo, ot'•e waltXk meomp e, II- eritlin~g t~l•e turuing at~l" 'h teo'rrlers zIt rJ FeJ t:H,illg f(cot o` side- walk rep red. Sic e Lt)" -I l~l:l•: 'tv "l;,,or. Ann. '.d byt ,ho Cmlni le.-nr t:e1,t nnA~ 1.h, lt.g, 1 Lutll fli-ktrd ! ,he t.'Coimmon (•*J,ll+il. .•,,] ItH,•iTil R, .. A 't'il[ae, S 'ILltn R.z+ fare sa dd,be let, ]S•,9. 12 7r, 1 II.NRYI ]11 It lG', for Coruptro ec.. [ No. 4 7.] l,.iJ+"+ , the l rr .\:i I I l.j). t, lr . 111v,.-- _ ,. rity, 1'. 7._ t ,1', orir II t rta I ",nill cn-,r rl ~ t le + arzl Iidder, H rp* l,'V to ip sl-ii ; li-rrra*Io I 1'3 ,, 12-o a212 ,. limi It 6, 'lbjc to bjb."'12 ro2h' u: j 12 on 2' 2 212 Corm App ~io,'o2 11.oo 12 1.2i ,t (i;;u d] ,.f t. t fl. ', , t(1 lo1 1l denlo'211.'2~s I11.tnt b.1212..ll. Approved \T2v 13. 1":1, jr'L (": :e ' f FR krP I .1T1 f IT. ~t, llll~l ii'i i I~TIrll'112ll'.'1122'1112" l(l'0 1212 l.( 1II Ik11'1 i.e .. 1121da Waco, 'lttw ppccjli:vi-,t ba forme iaL Si - j .i. t NIX'\. A pproval bII 2 1 1a,1 [ 111110 Il P121 11'0 ~" n+,y11) L zh-t ll"I 'I1 in t1'}' o(11111i .l L)I II"ll 1l 20.12210 12112212 12 12 ,e 12 M.111,11211, n>r In I , 1'.1' 1 1'FR A1 ,II" 0 S 20r1,2211.11: I Ih1L~r ,ll il d l1 Uftll nllinl i 0 1, v '.'. 1 211 b" 11 1 ml :I';," 111 1p ror lei , 1', .,I~ I;;nao to l ane ,.. ,~1 tin ,I, 7 ,+ I vilpt; .li e iricy h ."ir li212 2101. 1211 cunt,.. aI h- ,,, . "I n+,tr, 11 for :'h j'16j1' "'1 "A12'12' V1 ,_'V',111111t is tttipl g bRL l imt"rr ru r R +.., it,,, hdsLna l~c 1 Bcnle n,""Iommn r e ,~, n. a:ea ae pro an '.0"'u, rr l t n Ftl", < c "rto: d, 1.tnIt .. r "t 11, t'1 l (rd ,, d un in l.neI !~ 1,:,.rt ,,n "! !e +, ? ,:n "u ,1i ,. : nr~i" v,, n"1 nrlr;oU l,,ti t :""r .. knit ib :,.+n h+ rn", r net "1"r 1tn fi,1.., an COM PTROLLERO--OFICIAL. r•EOIPI PATION foir the eostraet fir en- L lotllo t nd renottig in Meitestry', iqs in the ThirdDll. M.rtdy'-. Squari comprldtetuAtw.e Burgundy, omunne, Pt. CIttde ald Ptttllb sIsa an*d shill beenlusioel wlt ll i planed btartl.o ftlolr fetoet stod half In bight In stcordslee with the plas heretLo snoseed. Tbhiou st ilt ha ofoypre . or the beht quality, free erom scpspllts, bidknotltt nd other de- reolta by dinchLes sq nnre and aat long, with the partwhich the lto Cie gronnd well bllurllt ar tto prevent rostottenes. T'hal shall be planed at dntont'es ofdIrt fat from center. and shilss buried three feet Into the solld ground. The pouls shIll tbe planed I the tbst ittnor, and the holesaround tbhe se shsllbe filled up witrlh hard mteialls sd well rimmed untlll solid. On the topof each poslt ti rehall be srp two Ityhr thick, lad well ualled toeach pot with atleaIet tai 5 Incheat splits. A mottlding two Inehewids shill beplaced itnmesdl stely beiow the tapso t to a e h . good finsth. Tble erts baro io.i• ither otfselow pine o otyprs aof tho e bt iqllttiy, free rotm sp, spltolt bd knots nd oher dect, ll ptisil ind framed tino the l obiLt with tenons and d trtleas. Two large iates shtllbe itst Intothe fuits, t oi o PtlllhlSse d osne s Jeann satrees. ltnd also cll ,ill gates, two en l ulino, two on Jeitnne. one ott Bttrgttndy oand ons nt . CIsude strostt. 8hl. gStie shall bt mtadse i ulowow n oIthle pla, shlltIl bi wtll lnttled and hngi ti the beat manner, with strong strap hlingr, with the usual srilt, pad leks ittd bolos. The whole titthe ent, l sal,- ftetlittiof t it City dttirtyor. The whole fotto and gates to re-. calve three good colts osbst whitei lead Is oil. All hti tmatetrlal-Bll bi of tile bett quoldty and Ishllhe fur- fished by the contractor ns well a, the labor. Tb hewhols work tobe dotlls in tcerdine withl tihe Iltns, i- rootlot.s iand Ilevels tobe given by the City hbrveyoy, and tothe niretlsslriaot tion of sai oilider. Tile cntractor shatto ob bollll, to beslhl se wort ioll the tto doys folloln tl a approval of thle ItJlldiatlilo by tile (tolnont alottnEllt andt ott to it b t s iae sity tlddy aftlr Iotdr pen- alty of toll dtolhtrs per day for o ehl at d every dy thereafte thti ilttn l is anit crtmpeted. ittrltty tothie albllt of tio thsyl be rttqlred to garantet thr fatitrnl pr-formance of the contract. ,L'nletll m ah In ll tihnthe coinlwe to o the work andacee- tn're of the lama by the (l:ty Surveyor. it is. ll ollwerstood tloott In clas of fallttle bys ote cnlrllctr t i , or l toh thiel wolrk or nio part t ooref wltln the ortoed lol,_1. or h I cane tht t'olucll be alot ,tosfied withthe olnlr in which the worlk iohiilg ecnlltod the Coolntil .toll havel tho r lht to anui tIle coutr tsthOltw pl gits o e to• o tr. ot ilto tit teal"t as rre ed hy article otott Othe ti ivil t:ot ol. lond withlolt appoylotg thil rtOtlrit oi ,lhll to olottlp thesatett.ttoos whhout Int droollllhy ; Ita It i also wall udort el tt t ht ItL cayi e the I .t-ll brator ohlli atl ally titl. abndottn tise work or iotll finlts ild loooplhte ltho tme ho rtollformyty with his rol.rct, rho tat d c..t - Ittoer shallfleittft all elhlmn ht may oltar for anyl part of th. work dtti ot t n t pto te totile dt of the t hanllonult, ll that the adly Siblt!1 bethereby d6chal Red fromn .ily atnd al'l liahsilly thitorlo; lit In o alsotg weall uondr.tood that ipn eas theConllCt b t re tsld, ih. cutl ,,t r ml d s ll scorilie shall hlto d n$,. d btail ttll Isoid, topay unto th lty it a.i loss or Citreliso ho. twee the pilt at whichi tro c ntricter orlgiluolly Coltraoed to I.rl'ort the walk aTtl the price at hitch It may lie idJtl ditcted at i reitll r' rl tyll diLttiot. (Bids to beper rttellllg foe or fence complete, Including tih C oile. oew OreitnR [ June . 1 35.9. Jlogted.] Itt T t To t iooIto o , y t o lolo sto u tor, Ap trlved by th, (ommlitleeotn Sttret.oll Ind lnigs of both torll of t.e t:omtlou CO I lol t ot LI gued.J R4It'T I L'YCIR , •ItIt 11. T. o YNotlo. jool itiormnoo Regletcred Aprll :5, ]9. J o2t. At o it NRY DfUR[I., forCmClptrtlter. CM y PPROII.IER'. C)FRTCb C ty of New Orieaus, .Nay 30, 1169, [ N o. i4573. ] Ir,,oal',, That the outrfrilowin• j ,,dlirsatians be a,,d une oloe hle toro rJectd- aot l the tltol rooolletor llhog roooo to re. oell thlloplm., tPruattolyto tho e Io rtt blohorfors.oeh: thel work lto t,o o i o t•L'O .lane wnth •-ytilolotuno of -ho Sortl i.vr all I itid o r'Jlld rtl- o to b o m tde nto- fve day. nnlle Intih " jnnrnnal stUhjel tO the approval or rrjretle of the tCO:i- IoConant~i lit. i eootrnot foroho.nono Coioo ftreer call l, frono COlnitroe aro0+1 to Iltto l l ttotltu . Ito llonro icd i oy-- olcurity, 1o. ilinkoy - Iov, f fr hlSloortollnndo d dllnro--per rtoio g aooi of 2Yo toe., forotore wo, i oe ow rk coomplete. Rd. Ac rot,otot tr h..'oot till o lon t oan love-ln cal, o l-.m h (l,osal xtre"'t to tie Ilrxllmhlg 31chillS, to lhenry Mec uini--S r I: yit1. tloakoky--of oo.Loo -- ooo touo md oo huliredl illir•lper nllnir ng nave rIl A cnn;n, :ct for cdeusing Chdt br.. aptrel dirhch. Crom t'a, Il r rel ,ot o' Pool 'tlrouhltt to ,at olfI..--ecurt"rto he Artoo. ina. A. cnntrrt(,,r, ir,,i~ 0.1- t zasnA l, fCroi, the o.ew n,0l to tCt.tll Id t. 0 Itro . , to,!oenry c l- l Ctlliy lo 0. lltokb s- 1r--l H1i+-,I:o itlmuldr-1 a-d rsver elm , trills..-t lr ruun lsb + u Pt Ioro d it. r .,.t Pr0oidtot ooo ld of t\ N.i Alt .lder un. Pireshlent Bioard of Aldernen. Approved Nly y 13, 1W. (.ql~td) GERARD BjTItI3, Mrost, [ No. 45:ll. ] 11-4.h..1, Thar~t ,he n rlj +~tallle of a tontract t y the 01n -- r i r otlr a t .Il , f t ,1 r nU rl grr'010d it! o;. l ottrt.. t,1 T.ri n ,I; , v, !, to.! t'W-",. ! 0et hishrl ilo iPt Cot hill. o i .i, , rl Ir /l !. .r-=""rtluiy, WM) , il, Y l: \rg r ,k 1`n.-- 13_ r5 2 1 per r11,ihh) (',J, ", T r m l~etP fu~r the+ w Isle+ w k, hr nu-ilh, " ,.mr i i, h..r"b r to d, nud.t ts. t h n Il J,:rnl'r rrvse.I n id c,;lr..'t rrl rhlr IWr't b id4er, 11 It(' 14ar r w ll(P i "rI li+XeaO llo Io 1, So, , . wll by1, e e Surrvepr,.,, ai jiIli li •., " e lashI ,d'•r fly, deis ti,ts, Ire the qllh',,, j ,url+:+. mud :u ject wIothe alprrovil inr rJ rt[n f ll~e ICo ir,, run r,,,,, 1! Ii'iIA 'l •y . ,{. VJ. IT)O. Pre-iduoul (lul:r.: of r\L ":., ",t All.rmerun. Ple-lden ll,,trdof Aldermen. ,p)'15 l-igu-,l_ CF: G I' .t) STIT1(,M yor. Nt;ier ixh,.rroh sohi- t;a" rnn SA'TI-linit. , yh o! June next r will :uljn hl,:t we t mzy alli:ent 12 ,,chncx, J . ,the .'., v,• (,ort1 ,tt• . . ..... ... . T. TI1 cA r T , mnptrnnl..r. ,J c x ,," !." 1 nm"utr1n.!.' t I "Iur nt.., `` i'N'l1 !). r rl . 1i l0 V `} 1I11 :Irl l t lr (lllii, Y'.I x fa Il:;, :Ihr tlxv !C lI u~-n lnI1. o.CI l, Il. tsI L Erl " 14 ll theIlrxl ,,. )Inill ll ,h J r:,l r , r , , (rl I1, r I~ ,-t Ix , 11'II II ii , x~l : rl xl I;, -tea , from the I,wrl I.1 ai-r ll'I rili r I-r s il, trn ll, ,.1, II x ton ,ill i~l to wi d Ir~th ul ! ulir "[ "t t1. "on It f tort} f . I ll,E Mdl,, l n, xtIa t ,, H ',r"r .a xl I ree raptt ro In Ix .nrrr~ll rel .U 11 ,,., nve n. ,. f.,l,i ,: ( i1 1 c 1C nx .t~:III tw 1111-nn~illrl ,t ) Hnttn a1 ~ l l, ;,I.::, e 1lr e: en fee fit ha lw t .Ulcvl lr X ld i:.wen1 Irse :r u - 1 r e' ill x,..I, fl-I S Il). l,,! Nu. e co.?r .!r In t t".I 1 II to eo,,,.l) krill : lu,;rl i lo l , l rlaaari I I; hl i ,1 1.1 n viilh '+Irv-fi e n I.u Ip hI n at , h ~arn tn~ll 1 Ina Irt "P *L , 1 o eli .- I It luw IL. I11e- tl(.I1 Ix " :j:: ,r"l 1 .rkl t alilo. l.I lllhf l l hnrnI -o.II. C , T Ihlii (l llll;L( 'Ijr -1,;, 1, . lr,! !Irr tiir , II I Irti I 1 I11 cilreh lld x, rtrsr of rlr- l : I li r., ' Ir ,1~" ln i .,1 III f . x" ti.:rII II;illF Td ,t13e; th U1r It h1III : le l;l I ll,: the a velul th nl. r, a I'ivrl'll rii'ill r 1 111. 11 l . (Inrrl 2 1 U' l il lllnltl lL 1 ,l . (. 1111 h Il) 11 la rl . l. l I , lill ll d II "I .h IC/:lei x rI I :l t , theI~ I, dX~ le II ,l. t 1I h n rlnr .t' Irlle 1 ,IY SI v t I r lr e l xo ,I rt*. I, il nwi,. ,,a,, ,,iii n lir "p opl.i~ . rrv ,,,j- I,, ,,, ,;, .a II h II lr i!,s I I rnr i ,.. 1 ii Il o I e nil rllii III In.,xtJ 1 us1'. ro , v o . t'G {.r ,, t,1t, l."" Itin i" " r'ntIII', l .IIII x up Allll I- x1:" lab- l lliilll )10*l Ol h; 11b. lnl n-l!Il h Lrr by hr"1 It of thecI -: rn,":nII, IIr I II ' ( i Lu 411111 I., iIlI /i the~ irkT t' ,: ,'r l nrI ,Ix}. f~ llllln ln '1dan lilli I u the iI, l pea . il Irv n I t 1iil ( o n w t f I " " T 1 wI x'h i ls il , V 1 i t "L n n "1 1 i l, , -I, , t., ,, r c!: '1 In 11n d hr "n.: .!l l i. ii l o 1:.-r ld, ,.,.,,,,j. fur d tell a. evcl y it 'I ,,1,, .,;., . ticc cmlrl!:,r l'I ll nu111,, ,, 11 lii.: Le rllLlljll nll lil 1111 nl' na'nrW lln it.X" t m t- ml 1 til fr .r rl," rh ,trr : t.1rn lr , u I n un 111 ... I rf .'dXI ~. fintL eo lnr r rnfIh rl t:r t.ixl 'il-', i.rn tt tie ,h" l" ,"t,"1 fn P l'nIr .. h nnrtj COMPTROLLER--OFFICL4L. (so. 4304. 3 AN ODRDINANCE proyidling fmI Nbestl, er o .lgbgoyr wy 11 *.lllIe b c ll.ll~ad, Ith cbllty y Nw OrZson, md fyor other pyrpy.yy. Rita.d, Thayt tLh Comptroller be andIS hIerby .. quei. yrt rrtn l.lytbs ylrlybl jlarnn.llr o by t~ ib ,, that b.aledt .. aalt twll bj re Niblcd cibyyybyytan' ellof New Orleans, for lint right of way for twatp y Im hem greenn destrous of entering into an agreementwl( th tb dn of green Orleune, forthe pulrpose of tteetee a nd worklntlthe foll.lllg descrlbedR Ralroads, tshe tmad tb dins .dl hare. inafter set fct), A single Lrayk Rallryad, commencing on Tolelyyy shoveat Io ljunlyltlwith Pyytyyyly ,yryk dyyn Prytani slid C(amp streets to the month side of Canal stree to Rampart stret anld along east "do Ra Imparrt Gret tothe Unitesd BheN Bar. racks; anlother is angl track Bnllroaf eammahclug et the United ylaen Barnc a and knulnkp alony Dabphine, In Ilk. Thlrd Distrlic, to S bydyt; they aIongthe north sideof tnu E .yde towest Rlykly,1lmpart, and alonyy th.wslt did of rbmpt strettIko Canal .lrot, Iabkl thb northsIdy of 111.l MtINs to NlxaxI.l.l treetl. tkyrough Mtyrdn tLree ty r.lad,.o stnr, and through the letter street to Its Jkk,,on with Campsell. hs rails nnd In the construction ofsaid oas sll ll e of tb. noon ph.tyyy ac those ly Illro cit of PlllSldlI cly. Tbd th. car fotIl Ilku ldsllltillo nlie thelly tlcd In y IPiyl. Thedtra I. Cl allnd bklllll kbftrll shillyk laid In thecntbersl es bt tbll diny .1 of tlIl lafLy from tell liy 1k bro.II b.d below Raptured' street fnl the csular of Hnlopnn~and Daupbine *reestr he lIllms of slld yltLo yllhti the villashall be h lb. el wit roluld slollnbly excepllt wher m .stone paehy .3k, i . slb or may eRca. mode, in which case the asme me. ,bbf~db shball be lnled for puyttng between the .iles and the con. {.score s h i l l kelp the oll ed and loll ette ,1111y thllfcy Oklllblllicyd truck.pits, ylyyickk orlyr yll londito duringBald twenly yIln' tl rllck', 11 d c rit tO way. One{nksll nellkd nxl llll,, forcare pvllyyy upt, i theyl oter i yor llurs p kb iy dow k l 'lhylorI. bytw.en LltlltilbteLs anll ,lyl by byhe y, orforanl jmo, llylll lIlll.Illllyn those olnibs, .h,.ll not caecaI l. cents per , olikl a theny way. 'laly I- hetwi b n k :ll sltl eel t mldl th I. S. liarrmlrs, sbslInot excensli e c es' cu~~r pnrsapllar either way. Thlu earsrllall tai drawn h l h ase or mulaa. ecil it n ~thatlln ,,e r mule beused foreac~h cYar theylsbIll bes ddivn nhrrn't Eniid corn Ihnll be urn s onric, per cty or night, as rho contrac~tor or costa alctors mar as01 proppsr brit n lot lyyylllblllly.lylly yillyll.yIyyl dlIyllybI until s, e 'rises 1I'. SI., sad rarely tdllilymnlllltlelrOm tn o'clocl until midnlilht. Sell[l contntl.y or c llltrltors shlll ti'r ctyl pnylto the bOlt TronnrIly, noon tlbkl it na ykia" 1..uf .. Ill roal llsldlldth an lunl tux "vli a non cue state, it the1 valueof f odd road yldli IS ylllra ,i b.110111.d by the use1. y ode oryyileu- naent. Shalt th Ie contractor or coaraclors refuse or no. lllklo by Ibla stllrlelets. In tlilhe olldr ad conditiln yon- iylnllylylk by Ibis r ylolyll y the cit d y - my hy *asoteyi ctrl. or bklbrtl to be rlilrlld or rlyl ,1hl , at the hoeiro bylsaid AIlcmlr or eykblhlyy ; ar b I tihe eveyl ,bylt .,nul- talut topeayblylor tlhe ybIIu b he lllxm )tl . h1l11 b recovedable be. Sl fotly llhllleyylbylcelltll tylltb yyysbl yy..l horl. All si lk ly r byllyllllulIl.1l11.l llO dlyl. se 1kb Ilk, ysodli ilglli ll.ell baprnlvl'llll yll l, andyIl lyfy, d rear light plkirnl In rlI aos oitono the outside d sasid "lllyy sId 1f111o ytl, Iylll yclllllthln eay iltl yoryly.n .3 now b l'byl or thltoyll ei by ) tar lyllel Iy n yiyorlyylyyh the. Ilrovilinnoftlb is ryyiu. Ilb, on 4 th1e part or any diler or em- , loylil layld .lnllllls, biie lonlnllhtr or lbntiln sbyll be II, bine tonl I nne nr d r n enaa ,riling therefor., Tile r1idrlosyil lAlll b l yiciicllled velyl t 111511 I1.y Ilk Skrt, kingl " kll Ilolyl r lyll,a ompllletion otlhe h nla w,rk; thletEdln of lhelll Iyl anl the cnslltructib ofthle nand rcl1 shalll ionlullyu r ,c'Yid ',jiDn of tlb IbI yli.r byly ill P y yyi~ iiynlrd llh I. tle Itt.I irrlr m he givun abd wity rdnll, 11111 by ti hi yhlllll,,. Ihalisylylhl. vgl gelb ralros 1shll h1 llyl ml iilllll h l l lm. Tbys yy dtls I'tnt, andy.l llmplc! lml .lmi ll N b.bllllt .. illsyiro yldac con mcyylryrlmtl Il hllullld Itleyrilyl.JR+r yr kllilbl.orl colbply ill, kondilltilons Illr ki rollet ,yylke be nul : ld.lly Thu llllIl r. Itcllror yb.klielt shlll burnyh bol nbyl mmco-rent null c~i ump~leteur of-aid railroad. within thetime Thu ct~: v. to b~e awordewl to tht parties olferfn the h~rrgrst boon. roc t h," pa ii Rowe , unit ri e money toL.o paid withinf thirty days fn It tl he dolel of cant rrr1 AI! propo4Is molt be dlirected t"r tae Clpv Crlrrptrollrr, and anduncd. The pr id for.,neon, ring~l t',i City ;KIi drj o l : aploc 14 the r~nP trolbr, In .hwr p~esenrr ,.r hu alin lil. Ior the D...tsel P Aence sill Sb rll allyd IcuI, ng, f bnlhRice of " nodacidprc. pnanla to ion alry,et toite alplrr rv or a jection of the Common Tle ki ofr:i nr115114 h,,l not be re01:114 ITII Moo. ork doe or In llu ll lurlrldlll 11.1. 1t i robiI, an eq olk atyll I., 11I1 (I 1'Il 1lr(1( "'; her for thle n {unties, .c hairs, lby yllrry klwl" u whlillnY.r kiln kb, yl bIeborn. byL . iiitractorlo colyl lt itbIlb II lnlyIldysI ll. If- l Dy.y 1' WI, lden i Suio l A-iyntnlt A.l; lru/ [Sibned yy,.0y.11011 Ciybi lyl Ti.l,,l yyiillsrd o"Allryayy. Anlll. red Fy hiiyllyy 11,ykyTy yryyl l by.TITII. Mayor. kNo. 4 y74. y florR,ol.. Tkll din.l N".iljl 4. 11 bntytled " an ordinynce 'ta'le rllleor ther rlvit of ~y 'o r(.allli"l rsilrrmd In the city .. f ,"w" 0rirlp". ;,ofC I.hrrr..lllr oir 1." ion an~d the same is he11111 kkllyl'lllll r, inlnilly lyoy. r by mr u Fri loth tr. r""" Illl, of llil l.lllkl lllie l bbl k" , ,kn Il Wn'st -1.. 1 It ,a sit ., net." I",i :. f , h F~ -t silo or l"n !",t stn rr t," thr~`- r, the VV-171 11511 011 Rnr1 rt leety . " I. ',f .,. tllyr F:, - J5 ' . I iyrttryet " 11 th oy State iiia; ; .lolleft~III ' wuly~! " n1111 r III 0 c tWbyy h ruck lyIb s Str,' ll th, :rI of7 T)l It rI)rre.t CIy likn of the "1V'," . Jr " ,no g tl a Fort .*1 ids of ltamrilr stree to tal~i lIrt n h. ,lr: on"'h- 157 1 rlll" of lrmpert stree; also luIll il err -I'llilrl h 3h \ ,nice II! .tlCIt Ei hth lll(Cslt) i H"', it ," "Tnh"l" .x surer," and 0-o.0, saidlr Righth .free{,,t ilil1i:", t: r-t ' l'rytn 1. *lr.rl," In I1"'n of Im lM. 'lateprtvl a".lrr+'"C rnr rnrrl of o te ct Lyn( Lhl sc(lrrirnn - " of tw ,t y ).. (.. I1Rlnliti n, t.... LIrennlllhel by aw dts- ilirr l ,".} {, II:~! t in br rl,:,,in ell 6ysaid mnlmrttnr o rt......Irnil i ~ I,1th-, rJ Innr il the roon t ofw nn".I T. ,try o~ly cn'ryi r ntnpre {ca be ppsfs'.d byone ti rl fla l r (, , I . dr. lel~ n .. l t " b y h~al to tell no al ; acrd 1"l-d' 'Ilm 'aid o-llll Odir.:.u,":" he and Itfllisin'eIs hereby illl~yt ,l r o t :ll pro rem,R "";1 nnlo . 11,1:,l lddrr mca. i Cnilj EFR lilt ST1T`1, )Coyer. 1r,,i,e i, i ri! r ilv t 11,-oi -c,l",l propntciefor the ahovo root:.. v~ ill t~" ,r cr. :.! ,y me uGv to WN:UNSIlAY, Itthof .- tT. TI(RARD. C omp~troller. c1 ~ ll, " I. .yI M.,rcmi rIcrr me ante o 1. ile tinl'k rnii I ree l iniR'ti on NIi uhlh nfroesl at ire rd', a w"I ryyI i,t . yylrrbr .,rnl i'va i r Cn r rrrnt a ryryl "111'r' iFlliIl Il( f ii LI *l t, 1{llw st lbo41 1t1 1 L of r .. Ia~ .t,. l to I1Cnn! art n ryy I, , 'bnr'i tr,.bI.,r pir of Rrm Dra i~r tby,.rrh~ .rrflHH'y,. Ilyryyrr,,-irl r Hr.~lL. hr,,,-T.P rearr~o~ lT 1-. hh, 1 : ,.."-"I 'en i 51 .e e,; Ir nriher r if tr -c ioilt nl,"~r~ It l ,ltl` trvt in 11, '1L'l ir 1 I)i, tr'ct,to F:"p neatl t, u,. ", nl r t', Dr lb - r 4ri' e lalrrg; rl. t to tebierr. .1 , 1t xr:~p~r Ir , . 1. 1 a . q !,c"ea-t tilp or R.mtmrr ryay. t I h' .. 1r. byrb !E, IrR I', um, n *11 .. I' OvrRI *fr.Ct S)I,. rr ' , y,, r ~Ie, y: r yyI yI yiiyr ryyry ~ T :ttlih rer r , sil -:yl Pf o F:* i lrirt n ,~' . J ", y .lly ry -' tartr. I ,l ", ],e yyl,-r ,,' ,yiyyy' l y anall . .d tIr rrld R." ph Ir.~t nailllan 'lr rlr* snlil It nuwcrl no 1 n for , r ,plnoiore bibrli let b nal toydyyrxtrprc ,b-P y'"i T rl,-lnfrryyrbhpr F per rulr-r ll genre. - iel ofl'l ll'b" ofh~ l u ~ripr nn.., hidt hr n b, tit ii th si t' ,fly o f (R ldb ,"e T t m :!"'I arlh, a ,ti ~I.' 0,-.I h y 'i . e r l ryy nyy el .'I aliry, a. yrI'ri r h ir th,"'~.>w' or d m &.name", to It yr 'f ryr- r.yi re rr hh Irt Ines pbn;: ;, Ire "'i't inr here nail R( feet lone ; tierriot te pieces nl' trl:llv ptlwr Avi Lh right fylryl:y fh~r o:avil,7 If it,, 'reedy, She.r u,. x r, nr p~trcd , ),all brtI' ep, t1,.,r-,"t " "!,:+l Ty. b"' iyyr.y!. t F n [_ rPr, r'r to be C~li lll: l Ii~o l~; ~ cmrl.~ s iir ,,jI~l t ri,, rll Irrrrr fa e Ill' I.v t, h l tl., be d1I. nl !;.I o,-~ of o l iar( y tot;yy r n thetop o krraid c vrl~a~i , Ibr *iin " i r :1.yi plfl r, ; , A on thetopr j terr ,-iiyyr yrb, r r y y,- Iy iin".rlyiyy. vbel hi r. Wyr, rberr lerh .ye i rint yet dr. ,:"diy Iy,- r I',I trert ++eit H:aellkyy r anb. , y .r to thren- 'fhr dii,y thekrmr by'Ir,-,Cypptlnn yyti'sbhny rr.- y'y 01rl,yy.yh,:,"i', " 'II t prr nijinri.Ci will nearyhyrinsy T irlryyi-1,,y'yI 1 r H I'IIRy r r iyyry]HiYr and big,,+ ' ir, " y r'rkrimrt rLe. rrt ~r of HIIY nm"! " II nr hr n.". ,1 tar '-4. o ~ y . tal TI." rbldI 6lyir,,it +olry, ber da~yr soi ii, (ry ryeritrH-r nyr yprypr yr t gc "'o'er i-o; ,A roi-yn rrr I by.ei lyyIte rh pl- d ryrri nil I nn k, Y M., oiCUA!I i r y I y n II)tliU fr om lin l'-pi-yI mllyiitryyiB . i.1try..ylyrHpy..rhyyiy o rl i yi,,r r. erylr1yyyfyiy br I.On jn Ry yy rlp, yrh ,agril y I,yy ii~n 1 .. d . o dr nr ;;I, II,, 1 Inn rd lrna ,lru la Hlih ', pb. rfay r N,-lrrrrin.,w rs -ieyr-~H yionrher m ryi 'r..ri ryyyIli-ryrry iyi.-4fyrrbrdWyy Mryyylo.Iyy ..- r ry-I~~yy all LIll 'toted, .tine p'trr ail ~~a r mr bri,"r H o r pbi i ie o. a te Y Itr-,r.'i rrrI rfyn rytIe , II b+, riy.ytIon N, r yyiyy rl.yyyea y n ri. yyrr, khyd by) tI,.ry byry. lyP hrCa ,yuyrr o1yi rhoryrrb,yT'rh t rry yyiyyyyyyyyyTeyfry~y yfrr thirerl ant nt> bfl ll M~ee i ailr..r.y h,;;h yeld hat ly rrray r ll n aLiF ll tin hrm I ra on nai ol x t! c Ivo ther* ,l rnllon weor C Itrinre .tur r or clgl," I L In :l or y syl,e h rs I~ hiIe nrn rdrysd ryr,,yrHn tyh iryry rdly hri-e r Io <vn n id . resta slld br: x rl I n L":,e ,ro m lre at ,'I e ex- thrtir nailed le tiny 1f:: e o ll I Tyth, f hr r- r ,bll ,b e r-rIe ryyyIyy1:lyyyyyy J lyyy;Iy rt yr yyyyll al bytiy ry4 le theyyl riey '1 i:Ryli ryyyc Il r lrna..rryr a fyiiyyiy nz yrtyiFirb.r :t~ ~ ~ ~~i yr p rdninlnel A 'n pTRnln ,"hlip ard .ir rt, wo kIg ta nod 6 c, n xhrrril. Il of tnk! a who work niyr tlly r y myryylra eclt. b,,di h""or tbyy yruelroe Tl~i? tnlt lino w it lrili6 . xis month. "ore the app v.r or rhri pt p-11. llhdt;'rIhPtr onnrly, yryyyr cryryy .ty lly.m rskrl r 1 ietor it , r ntrlie or l .: il be boom(to rpn he o And orlar st rr id roa (. a tuvrr brutnine-- o f bo e-, cert. t 1. yyny-rrlr; yyl: rbl~lrP.r drx~a rrir by her.1 o. Ilrrl a, of-e-ld1 x( ,, Inmaket fdp .p n~olrlll down rt ,1 1, Eliv r atre iob tr t fal ulied lul a d 1, p"J. , t ar 1. 11 mat h i ll if lbslee, r oran byr pyyyy-yyyyyinm e lr orhe el e x rr, ii , rn rte-ale lrnrnbro c'or IhU:nyb+ rondo,nal y pa i (n leyiand r:,ip Rlil rinse,,': , tiller , or t co e( DIO nntl Il cremes o: any "it o penx or hatevr kin, elill ba born.e by thuuxo Co.-laaas ray. x rui rl'nll b ro Iht annnad 1 e.1 to te on.eval l of teae 'Ae bre etwen ens .ttraandEigt Ueet orforan 'lit IJ w il III.Il Ill- 1po11 / . lrd net evlllll b 1 ti r ar, par~ !rr ri~ull - wil~ !r~~l, o n 'tttnl~i.~'iilh ar I he -etrartorllit l r llllrr lr( i sma ll lnln illy r y (.il the illilU ,,.It ;nltni II, Ir v1~d al... red CA.!. tr, and thevalueifr. fin each tiedu Ilsrr in,ll b. lo lsnllfy by ll I i rua moue of ile as- n` 1'ht" rono .hall be cnxtr rtad a the xnnerln of theil~1 \1ir~U I Pity i lve, fly na I:il ( l" n un i'io With a t :IR: liptr n and rdnd hrip uie by a id 1-oad t il l-,mli l!i~ iurl et o h IrIt II wtl lr ilambert edthat in or o failure byth-o tr i t. perinea :Ir ;I, orin rne the orn tell be disnlkli, d withthe man irl, f 1 e wa k i.,hen R ti re tA, :!"o t;, I nr l.":nll t nse n -o Acr prtil, a rlln n, rtd bit leiu i c rt olioithli -nl c)))- fn O d/riih- Icr~lrdrr~o~lr onl t Its to toe til IIV"1. nail IIIL w' i (in trlrtr. ni tho a n,, r r tlr n i~re ,rt ItI, il ii Ilbx nm Ii* ta Ll" nt)Iv eel( n e t;n: in n," :a con it ' t la r ells. hail n l lh r u' it l ei,"rg f a l iie -to I'll I hotb i; ,-I n art-loo i ea ie

New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1859-06-02 [p 6]. hi Fenek iitletit, too Dtyndct I lk -7r fact ikht Ienhna It width. Sik river sad. or with sareet ZD.I 0CM e Cof equally

Sep 29, 2020



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Page 1: New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1859-06-02 [p 6]. hi Fenek iitletit, too Dtyndct I lk -7r fact ikht Ienhna It width. Sik river sad. or with sareet ZD.I 0CM e Cof equally

t~ u ^.%




I-v$d bYeefT J.

'W :WeetitER Tsof J.


ooofl . fr.U to

M ~ 134T it ' D. tjotptotto.

+pg~t aw{hAr~es'eg y 5 ' lone

' 5qlt~ .,a cbe4*b.CU.m `odlt =dot c tolt

Ofin taetree,.o flotERIUotle; the dihl

tM stoto~htlo o


010n o yweOol.


ot n U

a et U4 ERI~tIIO.

eo too pRlfthet nol0100 ea

~dtl ooYo.

ot b.. for to o o

Lparsk t'auoi_ + ,wb dtdcate a

awtutIRL O fbopoopba of ot

a (8POLLSfl'5+ FlrToo,A^ 4 Jf elesamay A 1863.,

03 daysohotimb n The

Vhttootood torsi Acotod.

lee ~koet~ootUof Aldoren...elS. 0.. WALIo

beodll 'UllI Aldetrlo.QSS.&RD STITH, Ifoyto.

't at O'locY ftb ofJuoo IT. ToltRI, Upt. itto

S EAO. ltpotlo

+ O w the osetract for. hi Fenek iitletit, too Dtyndct

I lk -7r fact ikht Ienhna It width.Sik river sad. or with sareet

0CM e Cof equally good itol.ZD.I to and geed to ha gbio by thC aglli pe lkt oet

io"80 igvan by thseeSteyor, antoyNeit00eys nrec. The wole

tb.gin ibtet, mept as t ell

dr h'sadjodiotiehrbth Ceo.ihdieame amet etootibt'tar

mt. aedoptydey

l u tshll ioqitted for the ftith.

, ,tip of the wiokand apt._ habnt 0. tate. feti tkeconetector

i tt, d any art itnthte t-h'ultenditlntat. fied ilet ith manner

bo't 9! theli Cede, tedll htei theputting the eontraetor In do.

r -the Ciitil "a.. and withoutof to omeol tohe , and wIiout

t ithat in co ht con..l the ork, of not finish anaalhtt, veld his contract, the said

it clims h may ave ur any part of~totl oul of the abandonment, andtoichdgtd fCim ahe and all abiet.

sa 4 Etuad.hrtthat Ineyetl the con-d anh'o seeuriUta shll he htld

ptelnat whfeh loety e tadjtdictted

S K.mpfl.r a


for CMnptrollr.

Ne Olens Juy 7 JI

tee. ild~i, eppret'ddlMaehr;:'? -' .ltepek a the ctty ate"lt

it. lnl

*'d~iSnleti~j AasLAd~eoee."EPdfladof Aldoramen.

a ~etstaeC~te.4eP Attlepetot.Z LEWIS, Keyr..

.. ii J p Ik eity od ef the peblit toT TIDU19D

KIRCER. No. 81 RIA-C a d "Keteiatu"eht." Lift

CI? Cf

QBA*UJY OROIC Y. tROtURRtotnoows aitp and ~ Wtq.toked

y of fradeita, iRO tihIt, ofllytepadfhteaentte tby pot eethe

' qts T ('1101, 00RrlRN0 e Mirn9I d t t a nedkema ptite.

i t yl ama UA and dh eet the,k' , ds td to the Pat ath

Igt* einortleed to gaive Pttett: arroreo pIe e.end ahone tfndNtt!k ter dd ptbtato n Cain

"k' -It. P aitO.Proiketor.

Ye fi. aoth.

Y, BPX~i110 BOQLd-

t ttoe.

tatetite dabattile ts,

A~lD y". O~S taqua~tea~to.e

egc deat~oty.


ottr httg , Ab lkee ' t a•ohawaa tead o -

Uon O toibmarr

*tau or M ayblde ekb dlike Osmtoo

c jashb~a~ aa;,t'as tier aatoa4t Of aaytt

" - bdek tdewalkb.bordered by

9atlp[+ ttW kYirkyred sure

rty oput ob.otok .tsldow•.ala. bmodaed by

f' a guAhoopola a0 nt •ih aot• Arta strbt, fana

{ pq ll l t with square blocks nntastetlon.

'asatOrange strts, go to EOast the eum blockergtuetao street at Race street wik the squarmp oa Pottoty Road.[BT..001'~ CAr a.. WALDO.Potealdent BRoon of Amtao t At1ermeo .(sigd J. 0 NIXON.

PreoldpatBoard of Aldermoen,Appotood Mo 18, tR69.J Stgnead] GEORRARD STITH, Mayor.

[No. 4589.]RNotohd, Thttbheomptoroller be aed he I. hereby auothbor.

1adto u tjdIate to th ttowet bidder, aofter five days nodce Inthe eolel oaontal. a conotrt for plaving with aqore blocks0wo of tte tatset romaln the Magazne maroet-honoe, FourthIt•atot. vtr : The toe onQ amp strtot. from Sr. .yr to 0t. An-haw ateent.oad the other on StL ary .treet, from Campto

OeII ooh •.oatAgreably to reo dn No. 19of the City ohartelr,HUOIe work to be done 1n acordanoe with oo pto ltbono ot

O t ht .e SuRteyort oRe; and 0ld 0dJodsiooion to bo .objeotto, aka approvat to ortltion of tlb Common otootit. Notlioa!ttvango ivn by.th0e0 yor thIbtt 0is the to•o•tlto of theGOnESm Oouelcl to hbae aid otvtng done, and published

.agotuebbto tlaw, tlgt woeb, without oppotllo thbereto, midooeood a•w•eed to beadjodl tMed.

([Signd] CHA8. H. WALDO,tretodet Board of Aseistant Aldermen.

iSlgneadl J.O. NIXON,Presldent Board of Aldermen.

Apparoad YM I8 181ga oe [ 1.tedJ GERARD 81TT0l. Mayor.

S[No.458. ]Rgal . tttbthe adludltetio by thelb Comptroller of a con-

rnogotf teooootmauel otf idoewloka on both idea of 0lhdsite %shmP , stern Hews svteet to Merals suers, to Deals COe.alCOht g oFmaRl . at t1t2 40 per rnninglo faotlor the

ow mpletebe sad the ame is hereby rojoold,fd" OkoShetComptroler ao oojo. to renalnlmd Contratc to thelowva bidder ter ver daysnotice In thkol4elal arlooal, tebwork to bedonetagreeabll t,spe•llotla oln lh Surveyor, andt b sojododt Ata sujec to tae appro vt or rejeo the tOCom.

aaao ll. l aasn~aoLSlgoedi CHAR. Ht. WALDO.President IHeard of Aslstant Aldermen,.

tgtadl J. O. NIXON.PretldeattBord of Aldermen.

Apro May18.d IRIS.jhg gRIatad OGERARD STITH. yoytr.

Idicel las obn 01. gen that on THUR0-D O, lRt., I wllr41ndlmt at 19 o dock, at my oficra, the above contracts.

)e9 It T. TIIEARD, Oomptroller.

iPS -0IWIC.TION$ 0or the contrwoat fotSItoklag op. riinTg tad rlOtylg 1the sldewola on bol h s esof Canamo stmet, Irom Leovee to moart aastrt ; 'or taklonp."titt*. wbd. gg to taenty-five fact nd reltsag 1the sidewalksoh uld Commonl stralt, from Rampartto Clehor treet, oandftor itg.with square bloeoa the rolway of saild Comaon

etCia, from New Levee to tklibeorn agte',.QgpiZT AiuD Dr1xeo[ a o0 TUN MArat9tr•,-- The squareblack hll be good hard granite, not In any rispect reror

t- qalty to khe gronlte obtained from Bmooo. They beall beoblong tn abapt, ot less than twelve uor more than Sioxteehb towldthb, oad not leas than tweltve or more than twenty.

oprInche alormand nt t les than ten inches to bhlene.They shall be wll qtorrlod,hanl gbo art ta or q.. rt t sld, sandaH so an to make ight johoints. and the tos shaol be dressedtwlq~re, fIst eld fr•.eor lumps. The square b~oeks a•J )ninilthe Sgtterni one ahall be nt at anu Agle of fortpypfst drgreewith the sde., •o • to be laid diagotally orm the curb stonesbolrdering the tdewalka

Tbhe gatter one shall oe ot good hard granite obtained frotBotot. They shall to from sxteen to thirty inoehe long,twelo inches wie, .itd ot las thadn eight ibhes thick. TIheythall be well oaorrted having parallel or ,qure std, s and end.o an to make ight jonta. and the tops shall be perofectly wellhewed and dres ed, otherwise t[ey sh all le rejected.The ourb atones shall, bt of Noyh river b oe stones, perfectly

koohewaed end dr ooed, el-drm d o the top to answer the

slope of the sides from three to to x foet loon, from e-boteen tothirtb neheh ideo. and to no case les thbo four inehes Inthlcktebo. •lwith the ends lut at a0n .0Le of forllty-fnv doteawith the bid., to bhat the Jotls will be"n a diagooal line whittho atreet`Thebagatonte sholl be of North river blueo stons of the best

qlootlly,plfettly keed and drosed. not lese. thoan ftour t•long, two feet wids tld to and a half inches thikb.The b:blekshall be well burnt, hard lake brt ks, of the teat

qalilly.gOk tt0e1 for drain;n totsahal beeof be beet C•t broo,aslmLtlo.n pste n to o the ooe the o.rveyor'y oese.Tbhe gratlhall ba the but London gravel, not over one andhalf inch In diameter.Te aod shailtl be oear, shbarp sand, of forge grain.The pres for the tops of he b idgos St the inlerttolio.s ofthe raest shall be of tlha heolt east Iron, tough, similar tin pattarn, letoh aud th'oknse to th toe owoonslid 0 n I ttre-t,bkt vag on widtlh--tile wi dth to be fluruished by ohe City

uot- a W0 0 H0 0...on0 00 au. o Earoeono -Thboitldor shaall takenp tho ldold 0urb snoub eon erever orderedso to do by the Sureyor ali sn•bNttle ion their otead ow1O cnrbgoane. l-bhe sow dold o crbeno e hall beset according to thlelPo ntod grade to beglven br tbhe ouryor, in good Joiloo andIta workmonllke manner. They hall be duly iteropered Inleothe of from three to bt fet throghont the work, oneach eb stone tbhall have tope of three inches for every fofotof its height towards the adJ initg sidewolk, atd shall aleo besolidly fixed and backed in tae moot app uver manner. Aper-otures for draiuing lot shall he nicely cut throogh the same bythe oontrtor wyoenever reqpirod by the S trveor.The teostong stone shall be it d accordintg to the linet andtdrade to be given by the Sorveyor, in good joints n, in thebett orkmakllko manter on a bed of London gravel and sharpsand mixeod, of at tlen•at six inche in thic knes, said bd t, bbe well ammed end hardened with the td olf Lthe row-bar.* Theoeld., bottoms and wings of the brtdge osalll he 0f corb-stses, ard shall be lt'd in goeod .•OS. and in tihe b 0 w0 k-mbylsmannr, n aordnncsne with the dlrections to de givenby thaeCiy t'tlbr. Tbh ea-t Iron platen f.r the toa of thebridges a'lotl up.o the sld, and sha heo well jointeod.The gutterstonesl shlljooin ion their length ile clrbooes,

and shall be laid with tan ioeltualion or slope tower s tilhe amofone inch, o oabottooming of for inohe, of London gravelaid harp saud mixed: ; no olLttoming to be i trongly hardenedwitoh the head of the The stone shall. be well Joiot-ed, thejolnt not to be over hall an Ich wide, otherlwise theybal•.be oeJ.teld, Ld to be fit ed up with finoe gravel and sharparid.The contractor Sbll takoe oup the old round atone paving, andfter the ameo shall be halled oaw by him Shall pick andgrade the erltes of the greet In aceord ofe owith the .rodes tohe given by the omo ory to a dopth of fortoeen inohes belowthe bo t•r tfoe olbhe aCqar blocks when laid. Theo ltratoOrshall dreo the r0oadbed of the streat to the curve to 0given0 bythe areoyor, ad sbalt place. ml the top of the some a soling ofotatldthen four itolos of Lodlon grivel, and !harp sandmo, tond oshaoll thoroughy roll the same with a i 1 ih. roilertnlilit fort e ven anod hard fonndaloo. The oolore bl-okpaviong hll then be I0d,. In laying the paving, 0h u otractoraho ly the bobloks dlgonaly, or at 0u angle of forty-five de-greto wilh the street line, breaog' Jloints wltlh ev-0y tier, Care.ouly eddlno tohe blocks,and hbad•ln the materials ondelr hesame In order 0that eoh block may rest on a golid fooundation.0e shall use all ca-e tolay the blocls so ao they touch nod m00e

else joints, asnall jolntsover half an inch in width shall mostposldvelyberejeoted by theb Su ayor. Wbo the bloeb s aretold, the 1oints shall he ancnrotelt flln.d wbh fine gravel andsharp atmd mixed, and the paviog ,hall be conveniently rolltdwith •g 90 lb. roller. After the ruin hbo settled the isaoloomplrtlaIy intotbhe jolonts, a coverltng of three lt!lebel of lnetgravel ad sharp sand mixed shall be placed peo the paviug,ad theo same shall be opened for toavel.The old bricking and flgging of t1ht bidewalkt shall 0e

taken lop by the cotrator the whole width of ,he idootwlkohll behofilled, oo ai to orresp,ud with the new grads, ao.d thebriklngo ad loggiog snllothe , be laid. Tihe brlcklnsh sihkI laid It herringobone, o a bed of shtrp tsd half an inchll ntothlrkteo, aoda coverting of the same sand half an i0ch inthickness spread over toe whole surface of oaid brhtloog. The

oblolrg basl to well bheddld In hydro lie oem, rlt mortar, andthe Jont filld with sae0 mortar. The logo aloll be lid itregolar course andthebricklingantdooh R •n•shall, thenpe 0ol -plted, prosest all even turOi c, Jtreo of all rofoti rlor hollowplace, and capable of supporting a .troitht edge i otherwiseihal be rejocted. All row brinks and llt ,. whith ma, he

nee•ary to replyne the old broken and loeected ones, .lld tocomplete toe sidewalks on the host manner,,halt hb fuoniohe 1by the contrctor witon0l exlo holrgeo. l5. that part of toastret where the sidewalks are to be twereyrflve feeo in wd,0fteen feet only shall be h 0 Ihe--twe'nv feet alj ,liang thehouseoand three ofeetxttol e cu h to le Thlo gatters fordraining loto shll be planed whterever required ty elher toproper0 y holdern or the Clt 0 urgetor. a d the a1m, shal0 o00teod hrorgh the wtlole width o0 Ie oidewales.

OoErtAotL oIso•o,.-The, o1,t work shall bo exeeOtod to0 the

entire sati.faclion 10 the Ct.l 8y urv.yor, who will be Ihe tolJoudge of the quality of the wet .The old round satone plving. the old rejeted onrb a-d poltertoot. anod bhe earhplicked from the tr,,et, ahill be the prop-erty of the 00010ntr00tor, and shll be roemovd and Itwluhlawa by him.

All the materials reqntred for theo d erformno "i of the wonrkshall bo ,f the L•0t quality, ad oha'Lebe furnished by the c t-troc!or a i wellas the Ltbor.The oalttranotlor thll be hound to hegin the work In t toe trestmonlth followiong approval of the adjtldieatlon by the CommonCounoll, and to olomploo t000 ....t two yeara .0.0.. d~r mpenalty of twenty doltar. per day for eatch tad oevery dy thore-rifer the same f not romplet. d.Good and solvent lteurity to an ao ount of twenty to o ittd

reollorn shall t e orequitead to guarantee the fotlful prfoorm esyoof the contr at.or to -r tor cr

Poi mentsl to be made on the tomlplcllou of thle paving r f o ,cand av ert', are ars nd xereptsnce of the same by thle C':tr toll..., to-wit: the pro;.lio. to by nstd U theproprty holder' itt bills nttlytt asld proprtty hold., to hi emode by the Ol~fi Sorveor, itr e~nfalmil* w h Secuoon 120 of

lbs S~t8Yd5flt~b0NI5 b ttd0tatd by ha .the now C~b~y ClR nlld Irliis to 60 oolel rIb ~oltractor, .ho ahball be be anrogatad to all the ryasl of the city mII1 sad aeiautad prpcrng in cn~e of non lry,)mua of ll .+r nilsistid aillle strd the ct1 y r Nn. (rlnns tito it ittl l bltor reppottitblt or all of pid htlls yhoulb the mi i no it paid;atdihtlyilyolbon tyik he pait by the ' tilyllt or tti,rlnnltsh, ths Trei tier rlti uini intttRattta tan pylr ..ll tlitaytset ebtst ,ntil the campy tt tie silt " w to

Tde <ontrctor hell pay into the et1t, Trtttliyt, Prllr to ltyoeivla.. isaCPrtileattathe cat ol llldaCttlnll o the :1e1111011or the pproperty holders; it bering waell lednmtolid Ihat la~id eool-tr.-ttibyll hs tflyrirts ol deytitding oisalidit pistitiuon t.erafmhurremenL of said costa or psbblcMinn

It Fa well andoratoud. Ihmt in cape . fxilure bI the clllt thla foto begat or I, jot thle wor, or ny g- rt Ithereof, wish op iieriod bldor In cane the Councl bo dlaMnti,.h~d with tihcsnnnete Ihich the wokt a beis g Cilt S.fll dlll Councl haul) I I'll,thle right to a:ruut the eoornet lrtthaat putt ma ths elntrntur in

dbfattit 1, re(,Ilod bly allia U115 at the C I Civlyn Ittd ityi.lout ep".frtn to a cour of lu~tic." to amnlll the ft... and whh",

o tdt iu.viutt ausit . .so a btlbll tlnud t.tod. , t t 011 thelcomparcts sllidl nt any Itut nhhnadn,, the work oir not nItifll oudompleste the soma to -fortuity wlth hittfttelnt, 382l cm.traetlsrall 1or 2Sit all claim.t e mla)); ,Fe or any pa1rt ot 1tel

tor done by him up t. thle dmel of taw alrlnAn lllrlut, uud iloily shall lm, II is al~ dlaanrel g d fom my -41 all linllilitytharufar; and h1 ix oleo wel+ Ildcrtlo1d tlint In Ilr sc te roci-traet e U re aolrl thle nmrav oud It'll l B. rrerlahHnll f0 herldand bound In lea aot, apny unto thle city h I- , cllrelrl.cUetween th. price t which thle conir;aernrort-rlnully c ,ulnr!r lto erform lstt woet and the prie at t which it mEyi- il ailalcl.titeit a re-talt or road dttitt.Tllt

sl~tn be par a ri.,111rtl totrj of square block Pavring. f rfoot an sd ladJol t'i t hel~:I guttrlc lone.,; p."r anl,,drhu II1'M of cmbatnnas hmuai~ue and Ili.l; perr "npnrli.ln: 'oat r'

a""""nl stoop omlhsii ad _d bda ; 1r rmltnl- g tout If bid,.Nike taken up dn$ rrlrl. f tut N..w, i.a-ec n Ranpatr lat'ert, sad Par +unrdair Forio LII M,!ewtdk f (ktn up autllaaafa d from Ramp'trt t lylly lnr treat, f hwiog nl. , l Igma!eriata which mayy `, regnhlrd, and the g terr fr drainingtote, and par Iron blldcl,, rep fallrnhed and laid rmnp'.ta.

New Orleans, 97th May,. 113.[figned.] .OtIs H. PII.IF.

Approved the Committees aon Sitreets and Iull diuga obohBarso the Cmommo Council.([PigrrdJ ROIIT. IICYrtt If, Canine..

l Tgnd] I. T, '4N N~hHRellstated June 1, 1859.]e9 it HIENRY DCRBI., for Coumnllollcr


STACKER IRON W'ORKS,emu Kettles , (tom 84 to: it ehea distutter .... $ 25 art inch.

Sd to Zlacnardl:.mrtrr..... f I 1 0.(:t inchIlodmr 49 inches s$Z , acr.....c dig " o 5 tmsandpa i Il

Fornam Mente t 5, E i, and 11, a"~di~t a~ tl sF tam. OrgyBurs 4. par . 1ttd

G mlt a )I*~hti~tfat ly NZ 12Value .:,act


medtt bra k dew ics yp b ur tos uesandS il. lS1tl1tl isnll

;rd!1b. WIII. 14,.. Oyprs u IIt Juti 1141 the .tall wort SIP.Cuu trap gloDptl l l to sll stre4,b lbte FlbrMd,Maiti6g11.4, t et lu rr U. bhn greet om Gootsrht a ro man t a) m % streets, and 4th, on both sides

fimts QorsumtTh sidewalk on the east side of La~alit*irefom prqUba l Moral"a.reh twlve leet ,, 4dth.a I:rt ol tlb northb west olda of

Il metatio, Oypro.. to Jult. street, twel11 filt il

et.irt , fro l,-? . Job lkhe h 4pttst stated, to1lb.5151.1.1111,II

1oe111 O1.1.41-ThI eimdewb, on both side of Artetdre s ite Utgeharc to Oirod street.

l4i bnslnl-lgl-r14 and dre...d e11b'tOoll abe line tebs'dewr'ks, of North river M ssiness or other stones of egoallfgood gmllty with above, bevelled, draaed on the top to answnerthe slope ofthe sides, fRo a thre to six feet long, friom etat~eoto brlty inches.twide and .1. tea tblhan % thibk. Tbhy sball b.well estin eeod ,l(t. ad In it orkmeolll l meaner, nd shelland with apertures nicly ant throuh the acme, where dealredfor drlablg lel. Tbfl Isall bs dly ilnltersprsed illlengtbh offrom thees to six fattbrmho the work, attaining to theldirlilon *.ielt t balelawch illl be glvh. b lb. te lly node11 h rbdholIll hlbout h a slopb of ihreelhes fr ev ertl lootof ibtaigeibght toward .the lim.1the . djoinin boog ;shll alsoIsbsolI Il fibxd tid backed In the moit i ppbI vld malhay., toprevent erevitt weshand sinking of bricks, nsnslly experiencedfrom nceligpuM I this respect ; and m rarbsmueae less than

Inch ibes, i i shorter than th tlee (acdtlllbl iuno se les-ahn six Inches blow the upper outface of the adjoining gaffe',t ha~ll be admitted Inthe work.Wd mill bI holl.-yTh i uttel d lhil' be made of the bel tsal mill dprlb lan oll 4 inkles idlibyifobur incii tlh Ick, in

lengths o1f not tot tw than twenty feet, (except in cases whereshorter levgths era neca.rl) hlvld and scarfid t.o Inches ittheiointlings pinnbl thecabsadd lt elilylllll 'fille 1p7 1e offive feet, with oak plus not less thaln four feet 1 n by twoidly bIidsd bsmaf, driven thPll gh Il ltll* augur holesilll.hInttir plands, bierced p lantgl 7he1 kdgif tlyb planlkl lblid t ylll c krb ilon o s be bilvled to sIlil, id ou the oth1 r or

outsid b iib. II i to h qye notches o: bight lok logll by 1 noinche. deep, cut out t ry bEey thereofk. lld iLn these

I llpressilrais Ib not less thdn tour leet long ell lifht inchl

115e i1 two inches thlk, poblbd tik the In1 11ch ecners the

1 ,1knd, lill ere ldmil dlben dkilcbld spikeilibith lo Igubl

pILaLnklwith lt leas[ g cr -e Inch out spoe. to tha b ce ; sa111t

t over tl there Ib ll be a vere or l, tiko cypress Oank, of ten

Anches wide bl tlo and k hIlf Inch.k thilk, well nailed Lt the

C' tgr plnky aforesaid i ith six inch cut spilkes. The guttetoming shilllyt be olidr rier lydily f ll ull inchel thick and soli

dly bedded before the piii ibe drlivn. Ths top kde of thepIfolo board shall prIbdIl int and a if iuehca abov the 1ur.

IrI lye ol Ithe 11110r pl1, d the iIter th shafll be Illd ith a

i slope of oel i ( kth t pwrds the curbtlones. elll l boid dil ll

tars for draining[ lot. rbr I be built by the e sonlm ,. Theshaltl be fur blikhs wide by ligd by 1nhes deep, nd , .khul bmaded of and a half Inch eyoress plonk for tho slots landbttom, wttb it to by four inches oo lr eold on the top, to keep

the side. from briltg disp~aced, en. said "a t"' .hall runtblllih the w ole kll i l i the 111111 ii,Uellc Py If N r.-. he .elk y. v-met lAll be lIlil 11h

ILs bricks, of ,hot bet quality. Irverring-bone, on a bed oflake sandor .:bar send of equally good quality wth it, or ongas aaheqpu ,slently aied blu billy.,, the Jetuts Uetaeeth bricks scull be well allied with sharp and r coanting: of1 t half an loch thick, .plread over the whole surfed aid he btlcLlog. Prior to Iallg thebrinks theoc toor (Roomed sitall becut tip o, broken, ad well rammed, nod maded level snot re "dea.monthly, with is declivit or slope toward oh outline of nne-

Iran matdh per foot. Thal ground, where

up by the contractor at his own expense, and well rammed o'll(c pltlysolid. The sha~ll be bedding of ail-halfl of fan

lolch of .ha od nitntr the brick., and acid bricks rlnll bely bedded tereto in 00 ho ll -ooae regularly Inid Itlorwil rthout m any ugt or ow placeca, to real the pavd-

nrent will beara itrrfrghdgos otherwise it shoal he rejeclrd.Ggxeaat l'tacsaooThe whole work shot be L.Iecnnld to

the ntir rtarrteo f LaMD urveyor, who will bn the soldjudge of theo 111I o th~e work.

All bhe muerirls .atll be of the best quality, and abell befurnished by toe contrators. as w.,11 as t ,e iobmi.

1 iEch of the contractor. e'! I be b~tfmd to begin the .. ,it I.==nts days foilonlna the approval of the adj..'miu by the

.:oat I'cl. nud ro complete the art. F. r t lontht after,under a penalty o ten dlollars per day for each and every daythereafter the Game as not romald.

G ood and olvent ecuity ty .nthe som of isloMl shll ha requirerd from each of the contrators to guarrantee the faithfulperformance of their contracts.

Paymentsa to be madle on the completion of the work om-prised m ac coo rater, sr. en rccnptunce of the same by the City'urveyor. ~low., to-wit: thle proportion to be paidr by the

city in1 cash, nod lb* proportion to bo paid by that grmartr-holdsea, in bills eseiortsald property-brl let. to be m~de by theCity b~iurttold I. coartere ll withection 1,9 of th neycoy~charter, said bills to be co iwetcd by the tout re~ore, a ho ihaflbe aubrrtad to nit the rill". of thle city to one and satrei theepropertypery 1in ase of nrmnppanmaet or any or .11 of said btills; I andthe city o ,it C rlnal one v, m t Leal lianase or responsebl fortinyo said bIIls shssld tlelsassesno hE Mold.Each of the co trIctors shall psy intothe City Treasly",prIor to receiving his cr a t cot i ubi.ion oi thepetitinonf the prupery holde, s it being 5l tnd5 r Iten thatsi l contractors haSl hvb tab rihgl V demandig ol said ; -tSidour ls the rInirseme, t of sid cost of psublistisn.

It i I well SndersOd Oh t in caE s of fES lare by the b untrlshorsto login or Knihh the work or .na potrt thereof within the pe-riod fled, or In rse thle Councilb , dissla ilsed wMh the si u-her in w bieh the wo k is blutg executd, the l}vunlil Sbul]"have tha right to a am1 the entrfttt witheItl aInt Ing he c ml-tractors in default, ea rqeqired b' art tle i 5 cf thre tCivil (oeand wihout spplying to a court of Justice r n1d151 the ae5and without Ildesniy aIsid tt is Ilso veil Snllers nod tlat inIn-e the cunlraetolS shsll at any time, ah1 d cn tle work or not

tluleh mid -. plalte he sumnr inl c " fn: mir with thole corn ne

the ssaid contractors ,m5: fofeit .1II elrull Iey may hawSfor ny part nf the work dell by telm] up to the' d st lo the*bandoaet. sland thaS the cily shlll be Ihcrhy ll d tcbal-edfEom ay and ail iabiillty thers for; adI itis 5•su w ll ullr.Eltulldth.tincae the s ontr.Seta he r, sol., The bconltr rsend eirseelrlltie sllll b held *-d bouSd, iu boiido, top Ey Illnto teh•v all Ifes or difference between ihe Price at w irh te eo-tractols originally oentracted to perli:m thle wonrk it'd ,he Prieat which It may ibs clJ ldicated at a re-saal o," a re- JdIadc 111U~

Rids to be per rulnlnl foot of new IsidewsIf k cutpts , in-chldig the tu:iEs of the sEorrs,

New, 5bh luy, 1-:9.[Sissedl [yUlS 1. PILIF, fly lureyor.

Appprosed b) the Cromitles on .trce.s alld L illlb nso. "bthBoards of the rmoluon mi I,lI.

IlIgnedJ ROIST IIUINTIE b11 ssSg4e5 J H. T. VES`NARIlh S aran.

HsBedtersd June ]st, 1899.je2 it tIIHNRY DIREL. for Compltr ii sr.

SPE IFIC.kbTIONS for the A oll trat for lto -vHin "i'h "t !:re blocksI Jus,l ",rls' ro ibs".,-v e 'o

Raronue Itrerts; nLud Graoner atre', irom `Ne, I.,: L- to hi.tare street.FI'SZ sI'oLsHI9cr--The paving f Julsia street from I New Lb.vve• tI farolnne elrt-et.

Se.oaD CoeIa cr--TLe plvling of Gravler l feet from Nr.wLevee to -t, A ,re street.

tL5I)551 ANDlI IC SHsII1S O' TIll, SITSHl.biI -The ,:(RlaeI,lwlk ,tlh ll be oi guc h•rtd I rauite iut hi ,thy r xr,ec ml':,tt..i ,,qlloliy to tI e granite ohltblled frolll 1o,1,. Tl'cy Is lll be ob-

sol ohnel, noI les tban tws Iye ilor nlo.e ishsl s 'T:e lI iuc.:e1Is widt, ud w not les thISn tw Ie nrr mor h tnincesen 1on. and nit lee* than tell irbeshe in tliek les•. 'Chevshall be well ,llrrieol, aiving ralS lel or , ilu'lh2 ." a n d owlsso its to make tigll joits. nlld the, topnis stEll bE IrII slqlre,flat and Fre of lumps. Tble sq'lre bes'ks .dj n h gutllti rstones shall !"e cut atl nIgle of YI , tll flve degrle• w5th thl'1111e, so us to bS laid diagonally fIom ;ie curstonesb bardering

the sldewalks.The gutter stlnos ssbllbs of godi hard glrIre ob'alned fron

RsStIu. TSey shsIl bs from stEeen to thIirty inieys log,tssele ichels wIdi, alld not nigelh' inehll tsil. 'h Leshbll be well lgnrried havng parallel or•s lsqdre bisdes 'b d erdl,so as to snkl tIgllt sn , s lls the l sllial be s s Iictly IwelIheed sand idressed. o isrwsei


hey I11I.1 bE r-j"_sy.,Thle curbstnnes shall bs of North river bis- btolsl, perfectlywell hlsewed al dreselI. bevel-dressed on ths op to sisswb r thspslope of the eider, frt. threeb to six faet long from eighteen tothllrty incbe.s wide, nsd 1u no ease leIs that four inches iE

Tile aslg lstosnes shll be of Noris riser blub soles oll Ilbebset 'u.llty. pers'esly well bewsd and dre*ed, not ld d thnnSfour ,eat !ong, two fIet wide, and not legs than tix iclehes Ibiek.with t e ends .u.t an angle of tort -fl;e degrans witre thesidej,o Illst IhejlntS will de on a disagollal with tesi alreel.Tles fld s'ones for theSidewaillks all-of North river dilll

stoues of the be,, qsllfty, perfectly well hewed and ersased, notles ths Is fslre feel Iong two feet wide, nid lnot s les ths tlO

and a half nbchae thick.I'hb graSl shall be the best Lndon gravel, not over oun and

a Lult inch i. dlxmeter.The I sln hl bEs cslear sharp srnd of 5lrgo grain.Thel pllhts For Ilt toel hel hrblEeS at lthe intersetionl of hliE

streetsl, shall b of t,.e b t ',stl iro, tough, siEllan i pitt"lnlengb llS d Iblkknsss to tIbhss. nu St .C rtlslIs. limp Ilnld MS"S-.1.n 1 s:r", hut v.rSilln i, w5idth. The wb ths shall be lur-idsHed hy Illhs Cis y SnS yor.Atsxnt:tl I H wllIlH TIrE WORK< SMtAt.lL HK Ex•:'ril-l,-Tho

contraclors tllhle IIke lip ti leld tu b s toe,•s wherever ord;eredsEo to do Ib thie SIrvyor, and udllute in thlir stead now ebrt

stollt, s. the new EuEb sthsE5 ,hllls bU nt lared' jog to il, ]iIbNIIE grad es to be given b 'b tie Iurveyn- in go ,lsd i,',ltf r hh r in aEworklmanlie mann5er. -Ier II ,III .1. 1 itt •,r~edletllghr o" fromn threz tIb hi e;•tr t rouarl,.lt t •t' wirrk. +utd eraeaIlrs Itobs 'hsll hves a slope o1" the) ibuehIl Eir evers t t of ,t'

hight towEuld tile ssij lnsgd aid war lk, tdl 1x11 al5, I did!,fied Slld bslesd In tile tust illprovd msEnnElEr. Alpestule, ordrauding leIo shall BL uieecly ent thrnugh the stor by th-e con-trsistor Iwheneveior bielhE hI y thle Surs r E. EI

Thels crossing etonnesht be Ihdd aosrding to the 1!n s.•rRtoes Lto b given by tbh S, e oe , S gee ],} t n ile1sit 1wa-r -Itsmine oullnnr on ih I d of lSlg,,o' l rlvel and b lltl p

sand miedl, of at leasl six ih.che, i tllo•k aes, >dl beI to ilwll IIslmel, ans hardened wtI the hens ,I the ro s he.

lbe sid.s, bottoms slid winos of ile ssr:dg s , s l bu of curbstoll5 . 5ndl hilli be IE d IId gIls.s Jl lll , xl•j in t Ito rb-t wI i k-manlike E mIlIEr, Ill actord1l;cs wi'h t•bu direlill o be gIivenby tstC:ily 4r5eyor. 1re caat irollaElii•s fur the top of tbubridges shaltll rest upo thl e sids, lind lSldl La ,r.ll j.,illjtd.Til 1 gltter tolls sa il Int ll is r IES 1 1 I, o'rb stones,

,1,I shnl he IW dd wi'b iu tt.t.I n".I'm or, ,b} t townrds i:e. .:i-,of one inch, on i bolloU 1 of ' Iorllr l.'l"l, l: I.nnl'5E l glr.l , sshu 1 s tlsidinElnd: ss id ,o toigtally t be s tslir ]ntl dclel ,.

tI, hclE I of the EcrowE bar til •.i d. 'II ' , n oit- sitill 1"o w- IJbintobl, thl, llae not t lse ov,r Ihilf:SI: lISi ,ses oths:rSIsg slthey slh:l be !ejctedy, a:ld s o bI Is:ldl Eip •.lIl flue lgravel aIdnhtrp •anot.The co;sIsrseEsrs ms Il: I, lo old ' stlor p Ivnlg, an,[flf r the o ll Il I ll lll Is haulled a la ' v t sle.l+, ll piCk I: dgrade the eurruee of the D rcet, in Ht2odqll;:' with Ihe grlldr• I[,ae given by the nrveyure o !o .deopth of Isllrlenl blu h1 l,s'llESE~~dIE,'5s bbsss E

tsh luptrfa e o IA Ild 1 1,'': he gqunar h'e"I r: he:,; l'h;

, f ~r

os s lt SIIdr ss the r I 11111U l 11 , e II ,' tI S, 111h nrr to5 511u11 gi11:1hy the Stlur- r all rsu shall p] c , tiel, t,: of *he nve e a lullsi

Io I lieI r l tha Il fur i5 eh5 . of 5I5, :s ot ,cr .vul, I iy •IIrb g'lid,,n d, ill , tl e nl or o t g lr I l I b, t r ailh l l d lx ry r lle r

tllail it torm.,u ml even tandI- hernl [llit,8 ou]. 'The nqu~rLl t• Tck

IvlI l Ehall thu 5I lS I [1s !]a hl: ithe 5pA\. ng4tl .1. , r lts 1

tor+shell .Bn al'tentlo kudr dfrtg)y, or tI ias I,;l:" ue fort fiveLIer, with the ntreet s Ih brexkIII ns I'+ bit, wi.Es -ry tieE ,

cairefnihuy ddlletl 'de blacks, .m' h H1,"Lrutnlg tile mll tteriL I, nider I 'ale m1in5hEl or eIIl IIt .tl. 1l Isnnl r nl dI II E ,.uE

df tto. T reel~ l shall ii.e alll it.( to lay •]•lrr~ bl•,'ks l s• t il,'

(ulOth •ud ma•( o clos Join ts ar :ell over half : ti t!, iDh l

wi-11h •ulI Io.t poiliv~ly 4,-t,,J~rt, d y+ th. SllrV• r. \V heu

the Ibloks are s id, the j,)E t -h :t -hE El li surll iled wsth IiugIrv Is1 sI n IIsd : lalssPi I x. " lI tn ill, ti:g Il l h ouvl-tle.. , d w It 1' d :. r. Ilr. .a t r thS E t IIt settldthe gravel e~ssII S•o y itto IEEE" j }Il* U } rlhr of Ihrex IlhI-

if l,. I r tlEI ll ',lsall, • rIe sl .lluix ' -hail h p i 'iled ,lll the

M1ilIs tst sI anshrll a 51 o1l e uEIlV for truvt.

T'ho phi h, lki;g I lhe s E I 5-.1k. I: 1 i lllkIs

Ihee1n tr IltlrE h 'IIISE III w d

lulu h si u ulE ls Y I Ill l',1c1l e 5k. ,'lllEIl'I

S1 ,,;elate rI 5515 1 sIlL lbs I 'IfI sIbslls hlslIs IslS l ']Sh,, IEIIS ls .,IlE l b esl taE~llfSlhI~ Iwl

Lb, ,',1 in c nl.nt, an laId cloe J Jill[Pit ' rt a .le m u mnalr lOP

C E'll udls' in r b; b lr courI e. 'I h 1,,hl , s s IIl _essl- o-!, El,Rllrered pr I.Plltr al~l aeV~ll +1) i.e +,i f1et +f h+[t I" Ihzed ot h, lh

ibs lsssllr ' Sef. Eaie IIEpllIlg ti ~I sIt eig.' sfss llb W ia

,e:, th.ill h ; r,,./,e . 'I'i,k ~ ~ n. y ,' d, , ,v,• + ,"S ',, ` , <1. ",:lh , , ,tdsS .t Ilulll cpr fs ,rs th, ls .w dl e I tis :tlnlwl l tu ,[ lu[ '

hSdllyu ul5 5dr1 ortar, nlearerr ru:lsllEE tireS r dSlliStil ll

I " hllts -r t E IIIb i s 'h sb bs TssE,', y I I e , ,vt l " a u t

fuu:ol to. ta lo b t ,- •Su yrv ', ",l,'em=tlt~l~t'r s|ls tk. n" I, r

dhllnll g, ill uI I M he si few;,iks, u A l b]. t, d e 1- ,I io 1!. ,Mlr p Kp ; ] w;lrlu o! v E', 'l,!.:, t o a-l• • lyIII' LJI .2- Lrii I.

fv Is. 'sls'isid lIlr 'l IS ll Is . ssos KI ."J't,- c•tlu;i actor,. ., al tnrnish eHlt! n ,v (fag, which r Q" be le-

".'l s ssd 1o 'e b s s. s'i o slol l I ii i" , l:I

G NI+a F.ItAI, {•/I..t[+Pt++ - !h i t ft e \ .+ .ork el b ex ",+'ut-+ It.hlllcoe r ta l f ,{,tllni oT ~ibo t L: II t IU. , xlt si} i'I be l n lulJud re of the qeitt) o,' the W,+lk."1hr Ilto cnhlld}•1o,,, Ih Uld Int. s~th t ouer. and rtie f u ruad

Tit) e pxvng, the slut d , id kilto it,R u t'sPU rnlh pik,',! to tl,,stret ,tai : t :hl," oi ,r) "1 t,, 1 eu Alvte[ , and iI ! be ,'n"-

t w~t ,,d). e, ,+wa'h, (he,,.'l] ihPrb m lll .e1*n s~llx lb`of t:,` ," h r f,t qudity, an i• i+ t] l-:

fu r tor,'l h ]" he{o r ".,.s't. xt w !l n. I :C I ,bor.

S:),," , i,:nlr r.x h .lI e bJrntd ho l eV i work i the r.0t+n• t ,' iu'l, h iwL the I pre• ,d of Il+ii.rjl But\ll, hy lhilt -

IIatt~t nI x1 flt'y t;.v 3I[ s+i,•par +)"} fr tach" I atl wirydnv,Ittlecut* tie ,lourn; is ,t .['n,) plct~:dti A} Nillb *eul /n se+1 t' to il ,t a r of le. " hot •t:d d2]Irs x1.11 bh ra iur'cd to guut au:ce the l't f;t'lful pctform tme of'the eallnttre1,•yme:,sto 1,n h mode on ;ho comp!r tib cf :lie poyrinCg of eoil,

nodt t vry I' lara and sec-px"e •[I1 il to *e by, Iho tty Sutr,'.yor, it, f'o~low, to wit :I puet r ti+ulta to o Moild b3 the properry' holder s in hill. agnain, e t d propcrtj -hloblerv to . tU moldeI)t, thc ('Ity Sintr •or, f kt ollieruall with •qetieut Il.l of thec new,t'y ('t'a er s.Pld bill, t, h coilleted by the _mnt etaors, tvh,Ihtl be -ttbrog~te to (alitihe riht, el .his etyt sou •ue 1t Ie gezIt- Pro pcry hi e.,s of ntn.p tt+ nip t o~f xoi~y ur +1' tof said bl: s.Nnd lt~l~e .ty td N,.., Orh• rue ,i,, t• ., h,'i+ ,l,. r re• ,ia,,,, ',ogr stoy of sarid LIIL1. sh, t'!d :ht 0sm~+ u xt ie pn,d n nui thet -,:Portion+ to b:' Ipai by thle ch~y In c•h, the TrP+>u: er lt ++ll,in; r.,giax, Able" tan iar ee:t. of _:,h .e:t:rmeu+ until Ithe coat Vtc,.,.tof the whole work,The ".ontmetors 11-11 fay itto tihe l•v "Prats,ryc. poti •rto r•,ce vie,; Ii)•r osrtircwe•s, the cos~t on' rgu ,,•' •+. u! ,f : hu ' ,,p,'• .Mf ho troperly-h, 13hr. t ei;;b•m well n~ule 1.r ud h s r .,,.r.. +.t ~ f1,th ". t ta, ,e llhtofld Wn " Cttsa.tiLptis~t•n,',, ....:". ,lrtl .r.f •+,t s, <Y Intl -, ;.a

!t,: u. ".rn cr haul, t'-' weer', .. ,;.uy pair t::crtI, it .'. 'l,'


pc-led fixed, or t cue the Counill be dbtalleid with lth mb. -nor in whblh the work In bet n ee-euted the Counil| shadl havethe htth 8mtl the contrcet, withoot pttig the eoetltettonindefa t as required by art.ole 9M o the Civil ode, antd with-out aplyly i o oourt of J,4,lo In annul the imure, and with-out idemty Iand it Is aimo well uInderstd that In e the

ondnatleshllat ay .lmeabaudo the work hnot finiuh andcomplete the came In onfortmlty with their eontr.ets, the midoutraet shadl forfeit any claims they may baev for any part ofthe work done by them up to the date of the hnbndeument, andthe ctly eihl be I thelby deseha.ged from aiy ind .11l liabilitytMefor; andit Is also well uideritad thai iu awe the eon.tteots be reol d, the.ontrietor. and their ecuiti sheall be heldand bound In solido to pay onto the oity all loe or dlfference be-tween the price at which the contractors originally contractedtoelrform ut the week and the pices t which it may be adludi--•_!ed etc niresale or r led uetloo.Bids o be per ssperfiitil yard of isquare block pbrng fur.tbhed anid Ild. Including the gtter ltonu. per ,uer ld. footf eurnhtoes, fvurished Rod laid ; per superficial ard of now••ng, fnrn~hshd sud l d ;p per S rflelal rd of old flagKlnntagken ap and relld per tuoortlDtal foot of ereltln6ltonesfur.,bniched pid tad; and pr ion. bridge top furbihehd nd laid,omplete..ew Orlm.mi, Mayo, 18"9.[Sligned] LOUIS H PIIIR., CitySnrveycr.

Appsred by the Committees ou Streeties cd Lmsdlngt of bothBoards of the ilommot t.nosnl.

[Sligned] ROBERT HUYOHE, 9 C.irmen.U. T. V•NICAHD. ulmo

Registered Jose I, 159. H .VNADADJ-itt [INRi flTtlv,. f. ltf ontitlls.

SPECIPO&TIONS for the contract for ptv-iug, with eqlars blocks, Au tntcin t'on and psalt ef Race

and Orn•nne sreets, so a to eot eet the sqqnare block paving ofAlnnuniatiol street from its present Icrminxltio at Race .treetWith thto on Felieiby road.QUoluruax .Dlrrla I)M•• Ot r Tat| MATIIAHI..--The Iqllarebhuek shail b• of goodl brd granite lnot In -y '•eet quaine

it quality to the gtille obtained Ifrom Boston. They atlboblong in ishape not oil s thd twelve nor more than sixteetitehe in widthi and not tIs than itwelve olr orl thlan twentyinchesiln, nilld ot leh s tdan b tn t lchis inh hebretst. TheyThalle il qwarried, h,, ii g pi nlel or square Id sand fi,dt

so as to mIntake t It d the tins shall be dressed equare,flt and free of Ign'p . 7t'e sq .are blOeks ehieing the guatterstones hablt he cut at an ntu6ig o of forty-five degrees with theJdes , so as to be I rd diagonally from the eurbstones bordelingthe sldewdlke.The guftertones shall be of good hard grmnte obtalned frrmBotslon. They lltltI be frosilteen to twenty fo Isnches t b g,twelve inchebs wide. nod not less thabl eliht inches thick. Theyihall be well qtltrrled, havingi parallel or squi re sides aWid end tso as to wak•e tiger Joints, and lhe tops Ihall be pefeetlIy wellbhewed nd dressed, otiberi they shell be rtJeied.The curbstones shall be of North river blue stous, perfectly

well hewed ond dlessed, bevel-dressed oe the tap to slower theisife of the ide.s, from three to six feet ltng fromsixtlen tothirty iuches. wide, and In no cse less than four i .hh inthickness.

Thie eros,lg stoneis sllb be of North river bite atones of tiebest quality peryetly well hewed ytd dresled, not less than,four feet loni , tw feet wide ald not les thn six iucies thick,with the ndJ cut at an ngilot forty ivei degrees with the sdes,o that tie JIIutI will heI on a dagona al ith the street.The gravel shall be theibfi Lonudon gravel, niot over one and

a half Itch in diameter.Thie sand shall be clear, sharp sind, of ls go g iain.The plate f ir the topi of the brllges at the in enacft ton of

thesttreet, sh:ll he or the bes d t eai-on (tough simlllar i pt-tern, length, and thickness to those now on Annuncilto on at at.but vary ingin width, the widths to be furiished by the iltySurveyor.

t te it Wtitt tll SE WORK SLL tsst Ebxtei t .--Theold lcrbstolle$ s all ba taken lip by the oeotractor, aid rea id.iffb oundboi by thett'py Surveyor, nd if fot, bew turbs leihdls be olbtit•lted i their stolyd. The snew id old eturbt lbs tihall be ste i crtint. sto the liies and grade to be given by theSl, veyor, iugedood jotoitnand In a workmnalike mxnner. They,hbal be duly iuterpro-d in longh of from three to six felcthroughout the work. aind each cugrhbto a vll have nle ofthree inrbet for every foot of Ith height wowvrdk theadjo + In:idewetk. d sh.l also be soudly filed and hakced in the noaapprovedmanner. Aplrtures for railning lot, shel he ttirrlcut througl thile same by the contractor whenever required by,h Surveyor.Tilte crossing stones shall he 1aid according to the lines andgrado to be Aisvn by the 8irveyor. in gtod Joints and in tile

best workmanlike mainer on a bed of Landon gravel. and sharpband mixed. of ai least six inch's i st icttklst, .tdlbi to bewell r mined anid hardened with the head o the crowbar.The sides., btomns and wingsl of the bidg's bshlt be of curb.

sioes,. and hhtl be laiid In tiood jiut d in the bet work-imhik mnuinr,, In toes dauces with tile direetyoi to ie givenby the I.ity Sreysoit. The itt iron plate foI r b e tops oft tilebrlllga shall rest up... tie si-rr lilt anal, he well jointed.

Tha6oibrtlonu, shll joinlI, L: batr lnylh the llnlhonel..and halll bu laid with tut inelinatfon or riopu tnwurlir the eons*

cu oe Inch on w bottoming of four incrhes of Lmulau graveland alro shit m ixed ;olad bottoming to L - trongly) harlleueil

to to tl n head of the crow-bar unit] solid. Thle sto as shall b

weliJ intii, thl jointt not to be over unit an inch wide otler-

ie the •ll b. rejectel , and to be filled up with ine grtvel

aod sharp r •,l mixed

Th•e otn., n': fr ,Illl thke nap the ol.l gut or stone. an,1 paved

sI"p ort. w ,,, d .'ter the sr t s.hull he h.lerd away by hhnllt ieb ayd igrade the surface It tihe street, in icordaneb wittiia

the grades to t e giyve by the i Surveyor to a d-pb t of tou; tu nitnces below tile, s tperlor fIre of the square blocks when laid.'t h ortraelt r t iili deiid th b r- ,ibed of ohu streek to tIle efly vto Ihe b ivtn by rihe S

u rv

iyoie, ni shll piase on:tibe top of ti.s mna soilingy of nl. ie•tllau ,r Iltthso t' lonont o gravel 'ah lrp nand mixed, anW shall thorouq'ly' roll h,; solme wibll ,

Ity It,. toiletr .ittl It tfdutitb t even antd htlrd ftndatn. Thebny e iblock p tug hit ;lt tHen ha ftitd. ht Iyying tile ,a, ingh e ,n" actor' la 1nv e}ohs d .gon ally. or at .n lmgle Ifforty live deg r ilh ,he street le e hrllakiog Johlts withtvery tier, eael'ully sedding tile bloctt and biardyonbg ti;e nmterinls under the sl me in order that ech block may resa o:lgelid toun-lttlou H. shall ute all care t lay tht 1, ,asa so asith-, toueh a|d m ,ks e J, lo .As, * als i j i.:s over iIlf ain c•hill width t, hll must pv.Mti .ly be reJrcaee by the ri trveaorWI'hen the• bilck are ]aid, the joints h1hllo heccur:ttt-l Illpedwith 6ine, grv'leland sairp sand misJ., .lad Zthu pnityn -'trll b,n ,1.1mly 11 rat ed witl a ai) lb. roller. Aftter lhe rldn iL •weilled Ih gratal completely ot,) thejnild, a eovering. Lf tflrceI fllh a gr vcl 'anC{ d to-Pb- send. RaisXe I shall be placud ,oounthe Diving. anld the acme shall fe opened fxr travel.+'lt, bricklrg or farBngin of the si Ina-:llik• d ,h La• tken lip'lerev r orderled hy e SarveyOr, all, ,Selr s eh atl fanlilen, and hIe bdrhk{l g ail Ii ughog re]mfid to crr;wpowll .virhthe nfow grad%, eaI Zlhu best woranatlitkc malnnr -attdo t •e.tZi eaaisfaction of th, !ity Sun ever. Tr.e contr*,,to- hi.Lft'urbsh alla no+ l~+ antl britka which maybe re, uthe tto e-pl. ca the o d buelt +g•. tud i ricks.

,'er e:a.iL t'. thes.--'i wi:,,le work sltll hie ,eameued toth1,6,e lretisfcfi ,i or the tUity S rryeor, ho t. all be thlexolejnldg of the, ,lim!,ty eo" hl., work.1'ie o d urbstole tha old ;n'ter rton s, the old ~nr, ,I1 s',mPpuords, atll the eartn, plckli front te ?:tie t•hat:l he tha port+

peat. of the contraa'or, ad shall be resa red and h mna I tw yb,- I m.A l the mztvrbda shatll be or the Seat rln.iityv a:.d .ql!l hefuil sried hy the on, use I, x'!"11 +,a Iltbor.Tlh c.,trnllor shall he brunt ,o basin the wo.rk tn !tan threemntfltbv torwlg tile ,tpr ,,,al o tihe lj ~ldemLOIn by iha (ernl.vnl, 'onmlil, and io co pln." the utle rievhtren I:nun fix o" er,ilnd- r a p:nidty .f [tn dollb, rper !+i). for ea'l.. ad e:,:ry dayt.,erum 1or rite arm {s not e, ,l,."te I.hoend and aoI o-,t se, rarity h, oiem' r ,lk.L)hl erqhire ! to gu- trs tile Zhu !l'tli taderf.'. tmnnce , f tlhe .u: rer.}'ymlnutt tu he matin oan [ha ecorpl ti+.:r of the P.-in. of each

anlLverl srd • nro sad a aedepnee of aL, s tre by the Co, S y,'1vmyorna, a- !'Inave, v .wtlt the prop, li Jn io bh pidd by thie properry :~oier" I. ill h it 5 gni'+•t xnt;,t nrp a~r, -y hretblet to, bo t Idoby tafr {'iy r•crvyrr. nl eonfornty. aiat S-eltoui I10 of toenew CIty tthxr'rr : sd bills t, t c"11e-ctd by tIh, co rult .rwho : s gall he J:abragated l ell;llf rizht• o 'lhe rity to ai1 l el J=ie 1,* therperty ir. ealr .,f no..Vp'v:zunt of any) air .dl of:,ibill+, n'7 te ey t of Newr ,11+ not to ha hel1 ih,+ ls ir r re-spansible nor an) of mtlii' shh, n],l hle stio not b• pnl. 1Th,"p olo lion to be paid hy t.,n ci y in ' a-Ii. the Tereanrer rrtt,1n-IIIt in g~xra-,ter ten p er ent. of c ,oh t• .l',alnt .ut;i the , uLmpielateu of tlhe b0v1 llt.

The contrator shall pay into the City Treaury, pr'or to I'+-calving hie e h crroihex a+, alto r' nuhbtnttlont opf ahI petit noes,g mx eel '",nee- it n..... ton of illy pr,; t r11(P~iiln~l-of the pmiP 3, h Nora; I : t bring waell Iloderslnmol th a rili c o I,

it, clot, 11, 11 little tiln '"h~t of d c Il of saidri~ pst~llou erathel reirnbilsementn of said costs f p 'bin, (init.l

F, is wail enndlcrat -1 Illt in enre of ilure bly 0,9 l -tort[n brginl o: hnkirl the wo, it, u[ anv pilrr t aieut' wi~lb~n ne 1),srilrl ii Irrd, or in cest tile I:uuneil be ii.r'rti~firll ws't the m;nllrrin w,.!ch [hae work it being rrnentrll, [he 'u ntnril nrnll inteethe rieht [> xuuni the conl root withoutll pll':ini thle r lolrilatain 6:linall, ss ruauire 1 by ar~fula 1.44,,! of l;,(:ri! ['.1 n, ul~lwithout spltlrinF I. ac9,,rt a j'I e r~ o , Illul 111 Ilse l liil

thoc ontracwr, IWI xi t xnv One ,,`,silo:, tilt work, or act II i-Iland 'omeletssf !hI name iu con o r:nity wtI'l his co,[fact,, the *sI1Ie.lllncctor ~hill rortait il c laims Ile maly hxvb !b, any part ofrlra work: rlnn9 by, him Ily to thle onto t he xbunlll~,nllio , ~ ll

the b yrj ; and it is xl~o ,,ell un~lerltoid t xt in rae it,, cn ,! al~be -o 1, the a euotnnelor slid hi, secu~rities l~lndi t~ held midlll

liven,, the pri: a: 1 which l Ih* rosrmlrtr orl;;ilili) cutrtni l a mperformm the wvrli ils1 tI iricea x[ wlichl it moay be .lJdlllllcucdlit n re-sale nr re- ii'Ultl IllliUnI

Rion to be pee xnplrrlie ill yarll nr sgo~re black Fnrillb fn.-

perficlal tent o elrrl lone, fur~I-hd ,I, I nl~l id ; per nIU rlicl~ll,Pt o eli ngshos, funishr un.llaid per r noinis root or

A4" will l t Iak ,t g nnl rtluill. Including nil n ew 1 , rill nlalriel, u- " e "".."drL~d and per !roil brldbgu to!, Itiro~slled Itu"1

\ew Irl,;n-lo. a) 5;11 1 PA.LNgyedl Tj r.l)[S U. I-I1,ic, (:,ty 1n ,, 4,

Apll'rovl bry the :Jcrn'Iier onl St, et. and Laud:- ga,. ! Sttli do f ; thle Co. no ll I;,, m~cll.

g, l I.T. TI.:. AKSFI.1 "'oilmen.. 'R g!,tcreLd Junt" Intl 1c'9JJI ,I t.N Y I;R : ,rrI -tn1r

SPBiC1FIC VVIIUk for t flecontrac for Pnv-ir w 11 r 1'rob P, tI II:I(*I.1XIrl iuu t Ilie .1ilS

,t n lkr boir, l -r- ll: I 0,11P rIlc'. !ram t;'. INlr ,r ;rAlndlew atrrrel, en~d St. ry s treet, front Ilajiliile to (;Y.,,,street

,, AIITYAN) linF-T1F r1'Til! I.Il .- 'Ple I :t

b r sn 'bad ll be ~f Fond b':'1 <; ,tniw, a,; i:. n" yr jte led.

uell Illy ,l ib ldrrheit, 'T' .:I nifrom o II0 lo J:1o- a~11 ht

I:.:h9, it n',d 11 xn nor l".,t + t c;;

f -, nr ti I ", Illr I And f ih , 'tc* nl r`", il ,i, i. k:- ~ n

1'liey,,bail bn w,-II it rlr lull iso w u;l. T ir , vl~.! liu >:' II".1 :,.od, sn u. In mI ie Ie',,,lo ,, x ! !ie ,,:t'

.,o r ,t V ; f o PfI m , J'e "I e 1.c.

'11u; .1~ r ~", .l li b , fg o .l ln 11 gram. e ."b [inlud ll(

to rlv ineho. Ivi Ic \ , and , ,, 1,+"n IIl n riui rh,; Ili ,,, !""

he carb, or iii .hall be o r Yt r ill r ,crr I ai :on~+. parr: lill,well he~rx nod dr el, t-I r.,.,,i onOin ̀op tonn-e, ,I l

-lpe tlfI!,e I ,., fro tll,, 19 s i, n~h I( l 1,,. o lf ile!:, wanai11 1i'tr nc., ill, and in nn t" rir~e Ira, ll~it ,nI,:. IlmA'.' hi..:r!

"I'll, C nx i gIrtue, s l'dl be u NIi b , Ivr blue s,-, 1' the ~i~lbeet ,It Fa~y,;'e'rvc Iy I,' it ilea, e'1 "old :dr l I. I ,In ,

I Hd r,; len i I', two lael x N..' aid nu` Iv.. o:u, d v la ra,.! II .I i

Ib. t,' 1, cut Iilll. hU U i~I

~gl, ut long-r' Ir~ \ .~r; ,ll l ilt dcgr Is ww r'; i ,,,e1I

it, I..~l~\ r , ,I, lr!Fd I~ii: on sdi. gfLnl w'[`i fit",[,< * ''''' ' I' f u r d ,ti n u r 1 ,! n b o ll

u c

n 1

t i e o:. --;. t

C tai l ulr

xim hu , p,"en u .. in it,, Snr ey ' (,li,-

.. nn ham m naa,,un t .x_


The earth plsseked Mom the street hall buhe property of the,ontrator. sad shbsll be removed and haalsl l nsty by hm.All thebs m srlsle sshl b tet lbs bSttler' usd shall be

nnll.hsd by thebontratobr, u well a tbshe tlhborGoad an solvent security to au nslyt ofl fC lsll be ro.silred to glsnshm thb aithful perro.mlce o tlre oktract.PYmlma tlb l% ade on the completon of the pavin1g of sechand every lsuro and seoptae of the lsame by the Oilyt Sr-

lyor, as .low, to-it: t.e propololn to be pa by tlbh pro.p-erly holders fn bills sgyIt .id property hold es to be made bythebs City sureyor, in conlformiy with seotlon 119 of te nowCity Chlrter; saki bIlls to be collected by tlhes contltor. whoshll be sobrogytl to a11 the rightsll of the oilb to s aind slethe properly Ietae or loon-plmyent o alyser all orlpsidbills.lnd the city o Nws Orleans not to be hold liable or rsspoalsblforany1 of sald bllssbhouldlhe lame not be paid; Iand the pro-iortillon to be paid by tns city In cash.Ton cotractsr shall be bound to bsegin the work in tb thirtydays foltlowg tlbs approvtl of thebs diudeaslo by lhse Clmmoyo1netl, and tolomptetb.ltsme tour mollthb after, rldsr apsnl y of ten dollr per day for each ad every, day tl.refterbhe sa1me Is lot completed.The cslsactlor shall pay into tll Oity Trssrys. !prior to re-sclilig his co'stlitats, tebs cot of pllbllilyon of the petitonysof tle prol•pny hosers; It beilg wll yldr .ltood that aold rm.

sracbor shall bIss the righlt of demandif of said petitioners tlhelreimlbursemensllt of ild eoIts of publlicatlon.It ls well nudrsltood that ill ease Of fallre h thle contractor

to begin or finish th workt or aly prt thbrsyf tllhin thel pc.riod sfixed, or lu ease the tolnIll be dissastlshed with th mannerIn which tlbs woLk Is being executedll, thebs Counclil shball Ilvethebs ripght to annul thseontrelt withoulb pltlptg tshe colltrallorIn derailt, s required by ,rtile1 1t)5 of the Sivli Code, lodwithl t .pplyling to a enert of Jn,tl'r to nIlnul thle sli,. andwlthollt Indem.slly; sandb Itl sih well Ilnldrtooid that in e,,eIhe ounrtntotr shall wt any thne abandou the work or not fnis0hnnd eomldtea Ith same, si onfllrmilty wih ls cen rlnct, thle aI!deonr•lctor shall forfelit al laims he nosy lare for any ptrt ofthe work done byy him tip to the datte of the ab mtyneut t t, tmrthn, the ity shell be 1.herbby d Isvibll sd 3rom ti ny s ll ill lit.blit there'or; and Itl Ialso weill ml-y.r3Pd tlll t Iy tl.t tile

contra r be resold, the I ollsl.,tc r al d 11ls seurhlcs sallll behe'd n blllud, in solido, to ray 1nto the 1 it) ill loss or difr.mene between the price at wdich the coulr.aetor orlenally con-tn11cted to prorm thle work s d the1111 praei b which bt may idiIllliealled at l rsall or redsJludi llll.Vlids to be per superfcial yard of srlare hlack paving,furnlllehd elnd laid, iuehldiug tho gllittelr stolle pr siu1erlell foot of eurbsto:n, furmshed. wad hadd; per euierfllilalfoot tof crolssing tone1 , tu1rlldsndad laid; and per iron btidgstop eompw ta.New (Irleans, May 27, 18359.

l1111ed] 1 LOUIS Ii. l'IlIb' , )ly Surveyor.Approved by thbs CLomIittees on Strees 8 1 LludtIys of bothBloards of the Colmmon Cot1unl.

Idigned] ROB1'. H U Y,3HE. ,(Signnd BT. BUY 4FChairmen.Registered June 1,1859.

HENRY IRL,,J•22 7.t for t I tti tn!1 r.

SPE.ICIlNCATIONS orU Tse fIllosvlhtg coli -I yCIs bor tlh construclIlol of bll:k li.lsyvla, bIldeled by

the etlratlOlle• "nq .ooden gutters.Fllt CaOrl.ry.-- de La ll the ,Ft sidesbe Ely ) 1aFleldt. from titrod to Prosper str1et. 12 feet Il e ,,ud for re-pairing the ri,!ewalkd already nmud on tis •e•t side of said'treet, from ailed to Pr, rper treletS11con O m TIti lty.-- or silldewlkus o1 the Northb 31de ofMor l- 1str31t. from lys.,m Fields to b lsrf g ly street lt feelwide; and for repairing tie tit ewaolka ulrady nlam on theNor h aide of s ld stres,, from Elyman Field. to to riguystreet.1'ITIRD COlyIrA•.--Fyr ldlsblky on bmth slls of llrodstrect, 1'r-nl L,:t!yrin Fields to Mlnn~l villa etrnel to feet wide;andt for rep:drllig the llidew-lld breald made1 on butb sdis ofrslid stre. fIlin MIlr.deville to :lyslan Fleld street,.tdnnsroyb s.-He-ed1 b nd dr1es1 d turb[t ,lihs .h+b11 lire ileldwlkI11., of lir lb liver hllle t llosn or ohr ollsneof e3ll9llygood 1 u11ll..y with t1h1 m, b11 " led, drl sll1l oil tblpll ll rra11tlhe .In i of the ides, f, m three to eeIolg tro' ,iternto'thll irty icites ,vide, inu t ellsles rti:1 3I9 tsi k. Tiler eltllbe well set ,t in 1111bo1a an o, k ~ lui, nIIarer an,[shall snd whh aperllllr ll1a leely c11 llut h lg t same whered1estred for dra, 1 g lo-e. They 1 h1dl b, duly- fin T..11 1 ed inlengtlhs of from three to six f e ihroutghobt the wnrk, av,rdl-in. ,o tile dirretles .nd lai vlit whlih will be giv-nl bY the r•urveylrl..Iilr elli.h 1rhtnne hb'l lve Ils b lope of t1tIeo lllh,for esry f111 ttis It ght ta1lla the lille of tile 1dJ s1ipIhtI1tse1 slah1 l 1, be olid ly 11d ,ld hait ke i " tie n.,Ir iu-prOVed nl-lP1'1, to p Irevet orr ice s-Il llllsall, ,kh J h- 11 ek-u-nally ebperianred from lsglienbll i[ l il rell.l ; ,: al tb1h5 les I kts1 n 31' . IIPhe., ,Ir lurieter tiellll fll 1ee 1 .. l, ld

h tvinfm In no Casa Irss tllhn six Inches below Ilre isarpir tur•*.cof itr lldjllillr gater, chaldl he adnllttht-l hi tl~e work.'ooDE, ,;UtrrTTE--The gnl:tr1 s sh1ll be male of' lh h-ta-tw utull ('ymtt-, twelve Joel,, rids h) ioin- in hea thick, iil

lensthe of not less he,, tw,.nty leer, (expept an ,'le •l.reshllrterlengrha ire n .ee-sxry.) tt dvrd slid sc II Fed len ilc'h., x1Ihjl,11nings. pilII, Ihre, anI 1 at e3ery Itermediate 4pae. offie feet. with ok pi:, [ e I Ir I thl n 1 o4b r leet Il,•g 1 r t11 ollll-. to di.nlere drirnn: throu yll-lIllutsblo . hOil I tI eg'lt'or pllkb 4i r 1eed 1llbillug '1ir e'h1l of Ill- phiok nr-et the etlll b-ll:l lla he pe d ,ao u t.. l lld I ll the h r,onu,' 'I edge 1 Is he Ii, h )tc-hP of eigh, i}lhslt;• t1 winches deep. cut on" .at eve, y eitsi•L fite theleof, mt~ hu th++e~

113re1 ly hfice 111f 111 11s than four f ltt 'om g ). cih i.l.h-s.hlt siid t t" inch, thik, 1-ol;we'! .lt tf, renI which e1e- 1thAron i. ill he firmly d.iCey donn t• l•'d i t tll util:r

pl ii•, n •th it n iLrt le~ f 9r tid eh ++it-ike, ,. xrL h lt.•" , L IIover t es• there w "l, b, a:e .",..r In i ,1 ? (? Pen ,' ..r~ies .tiph fir• tWO .,it ia-hnllt , ells, line k, vell l:oo ,l4 1o h,

+-filler Plmla k r ", e•id l wl lh s i .'l 1e't sik , T e illsh+•tt"lUhnig `•Toi jiO t lf dr brlr t 1. tivr r l .nches 1 hick 1 1 .3 1idly oelieed bLef'rolldp;:l+ t ae d,1%.11a . TLI: : oI edegt o. I efae'Lc - b )., d -1..Illldl p o elll' amn l it h if ieI, "b e 1 e llt o 'h rw!,1, tslapO rll.of ile twT lads the erl ) e' 1{t"o u "r,' b,.ced gtntu

r "', fir drxildnglutetl shall Ie ,n~t by Iho c

,n ,r~lto-. '1'i.-eihxl} foin- i +,hea widlef by e rh i'. y h-' dtP, rnl~ .n+tI hrnld


s' iunnlu snit sha -rel a• pressn nhunk for he Mrll hl snit

tlo olll m n wa two, I1y fly u it' lllr er• ,r -e ce" o'a"l, tih op ,o kee.pelet l ,Ld, fronl hhills di.IIPI ed, n'il ai ll Itr shall riutlrn,,l the whulb ulllb0 or the a dew.Ikr.BurI'K i'*r-::.xIEP--Th- w.k p`n "mtl" x" all be hilet with

lake hizcks. fthe lbet culnithy. Ii l her.i,,,hLrr, o'1 n bed 1lakesv,d" or a);her -and sal e+prlU' y %nod ",",i I n •' ihit .,i- r 1 , ,

ira . uhi,; I>' riell ed "Idle bill":)' TTh Jo,iotr b. lt+'",tL. ,icxye n L.h ad ),- te:l .il s wd'i hllp •rnn i. ,ut t.i ,t :t il, .,fit hudf' an Inc ,t1' ,'k spre.t~ o.,.r ;the wtn~ulrfvee' r" a' Ji hri,

it g:. Prig:. tnri lO nlq It's Lair-~, t c Iui"'l r ,11I:.l !: 1"r.

alP.:o t ll, ei t i . l.e.ivity or s orpe t , -, spit ihe ,r , Ill " +,f ,+..hlfo .t inchi, per tb,,t. Tl,, gr ,rd w rhr: , I +w ihtr . . i,UD h th , p +trt , "it hi. oell e \ e -,'. od .II o l .l'o ,

e. i~ l l od Th r h* I ,, o-- e 11 .ni 1 oueht: tih .imh of Hharp l , rl or "lbi* e LI.4, rr /III .I t1 t ri, ks, nii iithriclk,.In l • ha 1 p o +."rly I ,.1",l,.d th r iln i. if ll l i,) e r

1I .L~t~lt I~tid t ,I lo.+ jol~ut Ic. lhot l~ly nr d rlm;)w),t'

fohlly JII l.elll"<."jam il il. l ia n IIaS5r e rl 1!1 .(.i1 .

-O t,tth,• pavem,"ult wtil bear w e light edge, otnerwl-u it

el, ill ',, r rje ed.I•);I'A I;.4- AlI eid,:-ttlk. :lde1v;y 9l f ]. n d tr t ,t" !SI inlh m .ba t '*,1 d y thl e11 1 .ti,: r m tot~t , t I ll, nnl • ,:it l-willlot tile rt r ...... r . . . . . . . / rv, ..... .. l ... .patrrd ht v i ,," ,.o t nei o Hil the beull ,rtw { r n' . er a:,,Ir, he i, i , i l .l ln le tln ,,.r Mlh il{a Inl,) inri• ,

lll l ot1, il o ldok a g arll ,t. new..(iL, e. c I.l. C .+t',. y-The w ,",l wok .ll'1 b)" e r t, i r:.

wlh the peti• ,an,, wll be ,he s. jn I"; a s•l, o: ithn ,L,7l) sao ,le

.\ltthe m tte, ialy shall bee o tbe hi'+ ,'; ,!r;. ,sd rl"n'1 L"

ftrm111nl-h..d !, , l el r",'r(tor , :t , l I1 ., i,• I+, .r.-areh r"le co(- entr. l,C .n roll he Ieo n~ Inr , il-l lhC/e I}a },

,lll tint dil ]o Il l ew. a rhlo p l, ti l o ,ti lhi Jivytou Iriv i,brt'(v l'l rulnla unlte . t lli p I : n T .u tule" o :.ll r sltoodll u. ill,nllt i v,,"a f ten d lispr. per dy, "*, th ol i every daytif r",dft~r 0;1 -,11"+ f- uot, o pl,,'ed.

Galmodal ro.ent d e'tv s ,

ftr in r a1.:Fh1l nl;nlt h r r

,drird fr,,r, . t"L n` t r+ c ,",l ,•c'. , loo gnttlentee Ih+ t, tpcrforlu,.1+cu of 0 si ranott Ifto

r..yell,.it, o r, ri o e ) ;d n ,f , Wr ,)r ieu l in ro h l'h ;ill i 61; e t,+ , lle 1 <,llt. hv t ,l,Snr r -l t, It . h " , , t e ` ls p ir l ~ i."r+ y fi; u" +.h. ,tadOl i r , ,t' kill o) 1, p ,ti J ih3" nP,+ l," n 'i,,1-er. in Lhl, gidl-t .i 1 pnr tJ . older to 1Le m ,,lts h rile : i,yv- rxv.v r in coont,, nt ty wih spl,"ti,. 119 of ti~en w rite ~llter, rxidl hiltl ,• I)+ rl'ler'e 1 )iy te emit tI',, t,rs• who bh~ll ,+e

soubrotat,1 ,il o itl ithe rIlgh of ihr r v+x tol.+, t , + :r Ih-r lI),r,,p.rry inl ease of' ion Pamyn rn" of xny, :' lt .f .n t d L11 . 1, ,tile c :y nrf Nrw fo,'sle ,tv u' to he held bi ,t',e cr re-,,mnsi .e I'or,any+ nd , lid b 11. shO~rlLI the ranto nn" be pn,+d

Ea.clh of tihe ncr"~ t.'lo s ,,,ill p""y int,+ Lthe ( y'I 'esuprto to r, lei VL)g fits ('ertllhe+•es, the e,,.' of I+,J rrd,'K:lon od 'LspeI g rd+ nt;)e property i•,h.l'., it b,';u r w,.ll u'.,drntnl~l that

r~~ onltrnerv~r..hall hitve she dteht .f de,,b.lln r or +itidiPetition-r Ilia+ )•ertbu trPTem.t of a,_l _:.t 1 -- , ; n':h t Jo~

It is welIi~ ,, s~,II,, 1.r si , elve o" I0tu- by the+ o :'rstlrto, e-iu ,I,t h. tart hworK tor 't11v prt th~rrcu a w:trioitheo sI...PHiod fixed, or lit e te T~ge r;)al ."" d{-i h1elc .i.h.he ... ,.e

w ih tn or stur e . , th u rl-althe .ighl to ,un.,ul 1th. .,it act with,,.r ,n v,h,*g the et,,;traetor.[1 h.1"~lllt, a, rtq irted by ari,'le 19Ll5 of rho f"v~l I'lrd n,, d,,J i I N •~p'lylo<. tO a P-lrt of -i",l.l' to n nllll thP +trl , nt•

withI llt imlld n :n y : itr it 1 •, 1- I 1"-,i r,'oori shot, ]ii ntheeotpltrctor, si*.dl at anly t-:,l. )lbull n: lhe ,Vr~k or Ib~J fin,. 1.

,..... 1 opte il, ...... n... f y ...... .. h li,ri+L r lee,tr r,", i,"•

e f r ,l,:hl coetlo rT shall f', l:'ti; ll e~l+'m ,hP+ r ll oPon, of hl." w ork 'l-'. fir Ilrlnl rip to tl.e d deuf ,1:, I] 0.abrnd nmen! enl; th t Ilhotciy s':,ll }L+ tterbyh• tls,,r *tr•P( lll t,i,n,,+Id ill l~nb:iily i l.4.t ere ; itll it :i, , , w" 1 on lldret ,,,dI 0h111 }ea~o th~e countrets b8 r,,moil, the+ uont:+let tr. mrl thelr e -ulprt-.hill .r, hekld ,,h t hJUn, hn sObl,)O to nl,a on",) the cit•y ii.p1 ,'.or d ittrenu " b+tt, urn] lhls pr r+. r.[ •-hl:.. tll~. t e)lr~teIo;•, o,{•halle rnntrn,te ' tn ,err".ln t!le work :,".r h,, prie.: sat vhiulh i.may• b," n,ljnrleaterd i, a re.•alo or re-mij~1fte,",l i; tlid to h,. per l'nu~~ fo, ot'•e waltXk meomp e, II-eritlin~g t~l•e turuing at~l" 'h teo'rrlers zIt rJ FeJ t:H,illg f(cot o` side-walk rep red.

Sic e Lt)" -I l~l:l•: 'tv "l;,,or.Ann. '.d byt ,ho Cmlni le.-nr t: e1,t nnA~ 1.h, lt.g, 1 Lutllfli-ktrd ! ,he t.'Coimmon (•*J,ll+il.

.•,,] ItH,•iTil R, ..A 't'il[ae, S 'ILltnR.z+ fare sa dd,be let, ]S•,9.12 7r, 1 II.NRYI ]11 It lG', for Coruptro ec..

[ No. 4 7.]

l,.iJ+"+ , the l rr .\:i I I l.j). t, lr .111v,.-- _ ,. rity, 1'. 7._

t ,1', orir II t rta I ",nill cn-,r rl ~ t le + arzl Iidder, H rp*l,'V to ip sl-ii ; li-rrra* Io I 1'3 ,, 12-o a212,. limi It 6, 'lbjc to bjb."'12 ro2h' u: j 12 on 2' 2 212 Corm

App ~io,'o2 11.oo 12 1.2i ,t

(i;;u d] ,.f t. t fl. ', , t(1

lo1 1l denlo'211.'2~s I11.tnt b.1212..ll.

Approved \T2v 13. 1":1,

jr'L (": :e ' f FR krP I .1T1 f IT. ~t,llll~l ii'i i I~TIrll'112ll'.'1122'1112" l(l'0 1212 l.( 1II

Ik11'1 i.e .. 1121da Waco, 'ltt w ppccjli:vi-,t ba forme iaL

Si - j .i. t NIX'\.

A pproval bII 2 1 1a,1

[ 111110 Il P121 11'0

~" n+,y11) L zh-t ll"I 'I1 in t1'}' o(11111i .l L)I II"ll 1l

20.12210 12112212 12 12 ,e 12 M.111,11211, n>r

In I , 1'.1' 1 1'FR A1 ,II" 0 S20r1,2211.11: I Ih1L~r ,ll il d l1 Uftll nllinl i 0 1,

v '.'. 1 211 b" 11 1 ml :I';," 111 1p ror lei , 1', .,I~

I;;nao to l ane ,.. ,~1 tin ,I, 7 ,+ I vilpt; .li e iricy h

."ir li212 2101. 1211 cunt,.. aI h- ,,, . "I n+,tr, 11 for

:'h j'16j1' "'1 "A12'12' V1 ,_'V',111111t

is tttipl g bRL l imt"rr ru r R +.., it, ,, hdsLna l~c 1

Bcnle n,"" Iommn r e ,~, n. a:ea ae pro an

'.0"'u, rr l t n Ftl", < c "rto: d, 1.tnIt

.. r "t 11, t'1 l (rd ,, d un in

l.neI !~ 1,:,.rt ,,n "! !e +, ? ,:n "u

,1i ,. : nr~i" v,, n"1 nrlr;oU l,,ti t :""r..knit ib :,.+n h+ rn", r net "1"r 1tn fi,1.., an


r•EOIPI PATION foir the eostraet fir en-L lotllo t nd renottig in Meitestry', iqs in the Third Dll.

M.rtdy'-. Squar i comprldtetuAtw.e Burgundy, omunne,Pt. CIttde ald Ptttllb sIsa an*d shill be enlusioel wlt ll iplaned btar tl.o ftlolr fetoet stod half In bight In stcordsleewith the plas heretLo snoseed. Tbh iou st ilt ha of oypre . orthe beht quality, free erom scpspllts, bid knotltt nd other de-reolta by dinchLes sq nnre and aat long, with the part which

the lto Cie gronnd well bllurllt ar tto prevent rostottenes.

T'hal shall be planed at dntont'es of dIrt fat from center. and

shilss buried three feet Into the solld ground. The pouls shIll

tbe planed I the tbst ittnor, and the holes around tbhe se

shsllbe filled up witrlh hard mteialls sd well rimmed untlllsolid. On the top of each poslt ti rehall be srp two Ityhrthick, lad well ualled to each pot with atleaIet tai 5 Inch eatsplits. A mottlding two Inehe wids shill be placed itnmesdlstely beiow the tap so t to a e h . good finsth. Tble erts baroio.i• ither otf selow pine o otyprs aof tho e bt iqllttiy, freerotm sp, spltolt bd knots nd oher dect, ll ptisil indframed tino the l obiLt with tenons and d trtleas. Two largeiates shtllbe itst Into the fuits, t oi o PtlllhlSse d osne s

Jeann satrees. ltnd also cll ,ill gates, two en l ulino, two onJeitnne. one ott Bttrgttndy oand ons nt . CIsude strostt. 8hl.gStie shall bt mtadse i ulowow n oIthle pla, shlltIl bi wtll lnttledand hngi ti the beat manner, with strong strap hlingr, with theusual srilt, pad leks ittd bolos. The whole titthe ent, l sal,-ftetlittiof t it City dttirtyor. The whole fotto and gates to re-.calve three good colts osbst whitei lead Is oil.

All hti tmatetrlal-Bll bi of tile bett quoldty and Ishll he fur-fished by the contractor ns well a, the labor.

Tb hewhols work to be dotlls in tcerdine withl tihe Iltns, i-rootlot.s iand Ilevels to be given by the City hbrveyoy, and to theniretlsslriaot tion of sai oilider.Tile cntractor shatto ob bollll, to beslhl se wort ioll the tto

doys folloln tl a approval of thle ItJlldiatlilo by tile (tolnontalottnEllt andt ott to it b t s iae sity tlddy aftlr Iotdr pen-

alty of toll dtolhtrs per day for o ehl at d every dy thereafte thtiilttn l is anit crtmpeted.ittrltty to thie albllt of tio thsyl be rttqlred to garantet

thr fatitrnl pr-formance of the contract.,L'nletll m ah In ll tihnthe coinlwe to o the work and acee-

tn're of the lama by the (l:ty is. ll ollwerstood tloott In clas of fallttle bys ote cnlrllctr

t i , or l toh thiel wolrk or nio part t ooref wltln the ortoedlol,_1. or h I cane tht t'olucll be alot ,tosfied with the olnlr inwhich the worlk io hiilg ecnlltod the Coolntil .toll havel thor lht to anui tIle coutr tsthOltw pl gits o e to• o tr. ot ilto titteal"t as rre ed hy article otott Othe ti ivil t:ot ol. lond withlolt

appoylotg thil rtOtlrit oi ,lhll to olottlp the satett.ttoos whhout Intdroollllhy ; Ita It i also wall udort el tt t ht It L cayi e the I .t-llbrator ohlli atl ally titl. abndottn tise work or iotll finlts ildloooplhte ltho tme ho rtollformyty with his rol.rct, rho tat d c..t -Ittoer shall fleittft all elhlmn ht may oltar for anyl part of dtti ot t n t p to te totile dt of the t hanllonult, ll thatthe adly Siblt!1 be thereby d6chal Red fromn .ily atnd al'l liahsilly

thitorlo; lit In o alsotg weall uondr.tood that ipn eas the ConllCtb t re tsld, ih. cutl ,,t r ml d s ll scorilie shall hlto d n$,. dbtail ttll Isoid, to pay unto th lty it a.i loss or Citreliso ho.twee the pilt at whichi tro c ntricter orlgiluolly Coltraoed toI.rl'ort the walk aTtl the price at hitch It may lie idJtl ditctedat i reitll r' rl tyll diLttiot.

(Bids to be per rttellllg foe or fence complete, Including tihC oile.

oew OreitnR [ June . 1 35.9.Jlogted.] Itt T t To t iooIto o , y t o lolo sto u tor,

Ap trlved by th, (ommlitlee otn Sttret.oll Ind lnigs of bothtorll of t.e t:omtlou CO I lol t otLI gued.J R4It'T I L'YCIR

, •ItIt

11. T. o YNotlo. jool itiormnooRegletcred Aprll :5, ]9.

J o2t. At o it NRY DfUR[I., for CmClptrtlter.

CM y PPROII.IER'. C)FRTCbC ty of New Orieaus, .Nay 30, 1169,

[ N o. i4573. ]Ir,,oal',, That the outr frilowin• j ,,dlirsatians be a,,d une

oloe hle toro rJectd- aot l the tltol rooolletor llhog roooo to re.oell thlloplm., tPruattolyto tho e Io rt t blohor for s.oeh: thel

work lto t, o o i o t•L'O .lane wnth •-ytilolotuno of -ho Sortl i.vrall I itid o r'Jlld rtl- o to b o m tde nto- fve day. nnlle In tih" jnnrnnal stUhjel tO the approval or rrjretle of the tCO:i-

Io Conant~ilit. i eootrnot for oho.nono Coioo ftreer call l, frono COlnitroe

aro0+1 to Ilttoll ttotltu .Ito llonro icd i oy-- olcurity, 1o. ilinkoy -

Iov, f fr hlSloortollnndo d dllnro--per rtoio g aooi of 2Yotoe., forotore wo, i oe ow rk coomplete.Rd. Ac rot,otot tr h..'oot till o lon t oan love-ln cal, o l-.m h (l,osal

xtre"'t to tie Il rxllmhlg 31chillS, to lhenry Mec uini--S r I: yit1.tloakoky--of oo.Loo --ooo touo md oo huliredl illir•lpernllnir ng naverIl A cnn;n, :ct for cdeusing Chdt br.. aptrel dirhch. Crom t'a, Ilr rel ,ot o' Pool 'tlrouhltt to ,at olfI..--ecurt"rto he Artoo.ina. A. cnntrrt(,,r, ir,,i~ 0. 1- t zasnA l, fCro i, the o.ew

n,0l to tCt.tll Id t .

0 Itro . , to ,!oenry c l- l Ctlliy lo 0. lltokb s-1r--l H1i+-,I:o itlmuldr-1 a-d rsver elm

,trills..-t lr ruun lsb

+ u Pt Ioro d it. r .,.t

Pr0oidtot ooo ld of t\ N.i Alt .lder un.Pireshlent Bioard of Aldernen.

Approved Nly y 13, 1W.(.ql~td) GERARD BjTItI3, Mrost,

[ No. 45:ll. ]11-4.h..1, Thar~t ,he n rlj +~tallle of a tontract t y the 01n --r i r otlr a t .Il , f t ,1 r nU rl grr'010d it! o;. l ottrt.. t,1

T.ri n ,I;,v,!, to.! t'W-",. ! 0et hishrl ilo iPt Cot hill. o i.i, , rl Ir /l !. .r-=""rtluiy, WM) , il, Y l: \rg r ,k 1`n.-- 13_ r5 2 1per r11,ihh) (',J, ", T r m l~etP fu~r the+ w Isle+ w k, hr nu-i lh, " ,.mr i

i, h..r"b r to d, nud.t ts. t h n Il J,:rnl'r rrvse.I n id c,;lr..'trrl rhlr IWr't

b id4er, 11 It(' 14ar r w ll(P i "rI li+XeaO llo Io 1,

So, , . wll by 1, e e Surrvepr,.,, ai jiIli li •., " e lashI,d'•r fly, deis ti, ts, Ire the qllh',,, j ,url+:+. mud :u ject wIothe

alprrovil inr rJ rt[n f ll~e ICo ir,, run r,,,,, 1! Ii'iIA 'l •y . ,{. VJ. IT)O.Pre-iduoul (lul:r.: of r\L ":., ",t All.rmerun.

Ple-lden ll,,trd of Aldermen.

,p)'15 l-igu-,l_ CF: G I' .t) STIT1(, M yor.

Nt;ier ix h,.rroh sohi- t;a" rnn SA'TI-linit. , yh o! Junenext r will :uljn hl,:t we t mzy alli:e nt 12 ,,chncx, J .,the .'., v,•(,ort1 ,t t•

. . ..... ... . T. TI1 cA r T , mnptrnnl..r.

,J c x ,," !." 1 nm"utr1n.!.' t I "Iur nt..,

`` i'N'l1 !). r rl .1i l0 V `} 1I11 :Irl l t lr (lllii, Y'.Ix fa Il:;, :Ihr tlxv !C lI u~-n lnI1. o.CI l, Il. tsI L Erl " 14 ll

the Ilrxl ,,. )In ill ll ,h J r:,l r , r , , (rl I1, r I~

,-t Ix , 11'II II ii , x~l : rl xl I;, -tea , from the I,wrl

I.1 ai-r ll'I rili r I-r s il, trn ll, ,.1, II x ton ,ill i~l towi d Ir~th ul ! ulir "[ "t t1. "on It f tort} f . I ll, E Mdl,, l n, xt Ia

t ,, H ',r"r .a xl I ree raptt ro In Ix .nrr r~ll rel

.U 11 ,,., nve n. ,. f.,l,i ,: ( i1 1 c 1C nx .t~:III tw 1111-nn~illrl ,t )

Hnttn a1 ~ l l, ;,I.: :, e 1lr e: en fee fit ha lw t .Ulcvl lr X ld i:.wen1

Irse :r u - 1 r e' ill x,..I, fl-I S Il). l,,! Nu. e co.?r .!r

In t t".I 1 II to eo,,,.l) krill : lu,;rl i lo l , l rlaaari I I; hl i ,1 1.1 n

viilh '+Irv-fi e n I.u Ip hI n at , h ~arntn~ll 1 Ina Irt "P *L , 1 o eli .-I It luw IL. I11e- tl(.I1 Ix " :j::

,r"l 1 .r kl t alilo. l.I lllhf l l hnrnI -o.II. C , T Ihli i (l llll;L('Ijr -1,;, 1, .lr,! !Irr tiir , II I Irti I 1 I11 cilreh lld x, rt rsr

of rlr- l : I li r., ' Ir ,1~" ln i .,1 III f .x" ti.:r II II;illF Td

,t 13e; th U1r It h1III : le l;l I ll,: the a velul th nl. r, a I'ivr l'll

rii'ill r 1 111. 11 l . (Inrrl 2 1 U' l il lllnltl lL 1 ,l .(. 1111 h Il) 11la rl .l. l I , lill ll d II "I .h IC/:lei x rI I :l t , the I~ I, dX~

le II ,l. t 1I h n rlnr .t' Irlle 1 ,IY SI v t I r lr e l xo ,I rt*. I, il

nwi,. ,,a,, ,,iii n lir "p opl.i~ .rrv ,,,j- I,, ,,, ,;,

.a II h II lr i!,s I I rnr i ,.. 1 ii Il o I e nil rllii III

In.,xtJ 1 us1'. ro , v o .t'G {.r ,, t,1t, l."" Itin i" "

r'ntIII', l .IIII x up

Allll I- x1:" lab- l lliilll )10*l Ol h; 11b. lnl n-l!Il h Lrr by hr"1

It of the cI -: rn ,":nII, IIr I II ' ( i Lu 411111 I., iIlI /i the ~ irkTt' ,: ,'r l nrI ,Ix}. f~ llllln ln '1d an lilli I u the iI, l pea .il Irv

n I t 1iil

( o n w t f I " " T 1 wI x'h i ls il , V 1 i t "L n n "1 1 i l, , -I, , t., ,, r c!:

'1 In 11n d hr "n.: .!l l i. ii l

o 1:.-r ld, ,.,.,,,,j. fur d tell a. evcl y it 'I ,,1,, .,;., .

ticc cm lr l!:,r l'I ll nu 111,, ,, 11 lii.: Le rllLlljll nll lil 1111

nl' na'nrW lln it.X" t m t- ml 1 til fr .r rl,"

rh ,trr : t.1rn lr , u I n un 111 ... I rf .'dXI ~.

fintL eo lnr r rnfIh rl t:r t.ixl 'il-', i.rn tttie ,h" l" ,"t,"1 fn P l'nIr .. h nnrtj


(so. 4304. 3AN ODRDINANCE proyidling fmI Nbestl, er o .lgbg oyr wy11 *.lllIe b c ll.ll~ad, Ith cbllty y Nw OrZson, md fyorother pyrpy.yy.Rita.d, Thayt tLh Comptroller be and IS hIerby .. quei.

yrt rrtn l.lytbs ylrlybl jlarnn.llr o by t~ ib ,,that b.aled t ..aalt twll bj re Niblcd cibyyybyytan'ell of New Orleans, for lint right of way for twatp y Im hemgreenn destrous of entering into an agreement wl( th tb dn ofgreen Orleune, forthe pulrpose of tteetee a nd worklntl thefoll.lllg descrlbedR Ralroads, tshe tmad tb dins .dl hare.inafter set fct),

A single Lrayk Rallryad, commencing on Tolelyyy shoveatIo ljunlyltl with Pyytyyyly ,yryk dyyn Prytani slid C(ampstreets to the month side of Canal stree to Rampart stretanld along east "do Ra Imparrt Gret to the Unitesd Bhe N Bar.racks; anlother is angl track Bnllroaf eammahclug et the Unitedylaen Barnc a and knulnkp alony Dabphine, In Ilk. ThlrdDistrlic, to S bydyt; they aIongthe north side of tnu E .ydeto west Rlykly,1lmpart, and alonyy th.wslt did of rbmptstrettIko Canal .lrot, Iabkl thb north sIdy of 111.l MtINs toNlxaxI.l.l treetl. tkyrough Mtyrdn tLree ty r.lad,.o stnr,and through the letter street to Its Jkk,,on with Camp sell.hs rails nnd In the construction of said oas sll ll e of tb.noon ph.tyyy ac those ly Illro cit of PlllSldlI cly. Tbd th. carfo tIl Ilku ldsllltillo nlie thelly tlcd In y IPiyl. Thedtra

I. Cl allnd bklllll kbftrll shillyk laid In thecntbersl esbt tbll diny .1 of tlIl lafLy from tell liy 1k bro.II b.d below

Raptured' street fnl the csular of Hnlopnn~and Daupbine *reestrhe lIllms of slld yltLo yllhti the villa shall be h lb. el wit

roluld slollnbly excepllt wher m .stone paehy .3k, i . slbor may eRca. mode, in which case the asme me.,bbf~db shball be lnled for puyttng between the .iles and the con.{.score s


ll kelp the oll ed and loll ette ,1111y thllfcy

Oklllblllicyd truck. pits, ylyyickk orlyr yll londito during Baldtwenly yIln' tl rllck', 11 d c rit tO way.

One{nksll nellkd nxl llll,, for care pvllyyy upt, itheyl oter i yor llurs p kb iy dow k l

'lhylorI. bytw.en LltlltilbteLs anll ,lyl by byhe y, or for anljmo, llylll lIlll.Illllyn those olnibs, .h,.ll not caeca I l. centsper , olikl a theny way. 'laly I- hetwi b n k :ll sltl eel t mldl

th I. S. liarrmlrs, sbslI not excensl i e c es' cu~~r pnrsapllareither way. Thlu ears rllall tai drawn h l h ase or mulaa. ecilit n ~thatlln ,,e r mule be used for eac~h cYar theyls bIllbes ddivn nhrrn't Eniid corn Ihnll be urn s onric, per cty ornight, as rho contrac~tor or costa alctors mar as01 proppsr britn lot lyyylllblllly.lylly yillyll.yIyyl dlIyllybIuntil s, e 'rises 1I'. SI., sad rarely tdllily mnlllltlelrOm tno'clocl until midnlilht.Sell[l contntl.y or c llltrltors shlll ti'r ctyl pnylto the bOlt

TronnrIly, noon tlbkl it na ykia" 1.. uf .. Ill roal llsldlldthan lunl tux "vli a non cue state, it the1 value of f odd roadyldli IS ylllra ,i b.110111.d by the use1. y ode oryyileu-naent. Shalt th Ie contractor or coaraclors refuse or no.lllklo by Ibla stllrlelets. In tlilhe olldr ad conditiln yon-iylnllylylk by Ibis r ylolyll y the cit d y - my hy *asoteyictrl. or bklbrtl to be rlilrlld or rlyl ,1hl , at the hoeirobylsaid AIlcmlr or eykblhlyy ; ar b I tihe eveyl ,bylt .,nul-talut to peayblylor tlhe ybIIu b he lllxm )tl . h1l11 b recovedable be.Sl fotly llhllle yylbylcelltll tylltb yyysbl yy..l

horl. All si lk ly r by llyllllulIl.1l11.l llO dlyl. se 1kb Ilk,ysodli ilglli ll.ell baprnlvl'llll yll l, andyIl lyfy, drear light plkirnl In rlI aos oitono the outside d sasid"lllyy sId 1f111o ytl, Iylll yclllllthln eay iltl yoryly.n .3 now bl'byl or thltoyll ei by ) tar lyllel Iy n yiyorlyylyyh the.

Ilrovili nn oftlb is ryyiu. Ilb, on 4 th1e part or any diler or em-, loylil layld .lnllllls, biie lonlnllhtr or lbntiln sbyll beII, bine to nl I nne nr d r n enaa ,riling therefor.,

Tile r1id rlosyil lAlll b l yiciicllled velyl t 111511 I1.yIlk Skrt, kingl " kll Ilolyl r lyll, a ompllletion otlhe

h nla w, rk; thle tEdln of lhelll Iyl anl the cnslltructibof thle nand rcl1 shalll ionlull yu r ,c'Yid ',jiDn of tlb IbI yli.rby ly ill P y yyi~ iiynlrd llh I. tle Itt.I irrlr m he givunabd wity rdnll, 11111 by ti hi yhlllll,,. Ihalisylylhl. vgl gelbralros 1shll h1 llyl ml iilllll h l l lm. Tbys yy dtlsI'tnt, andy.l llmplc! lml .lmi ll N b.bllllt .. illsyiro yldaccon mcyylryrlmtl Il hllullld Itleyrilyl.JR+r yr kllilbl.orlcolbply ill, kondilltilons Illr ki rollet ,yylke be nul: ld.lly Thu llllIl r. Itcllror yb.klielt shlll burnyh bol nbyl

mmco-rent null c~i ump~leteur of- aid railroad. within the time

Thu ct~: v. to b~e awordewl to tht parties olferfn theh~rrgrst boon. roc t h," pa ii Rowe , unit ri e money to L.o paid withinfthirty days fn It tl he dolel of cant rrr1 AI! propo4Is molt bedlirected t"r tae Clpv Crlrrptrollrr, and anduncd. The pr idfor .,neon, ring~l t',i City ;KIi drj o l : aploc 14 the r~nP

trolbr, In .hwr p~esenrr ,.r hu alin lil. Ior the D...tselP Aence sill Sb rll allyd IcuI, ng, f bnlh Rice of " nodacidprc.pnanla to ion alry,et to ite alplrr rv or a jection of the Common

Tle ki of r:i nr115114 h,,l not be re01:114 ITII Moo.ork doe or In llu ll lurlrldlll 11.1. 1t i robiI, an eq olk atyll

I., 11I1 (I 1'Il 1lr(1( "'; her for thle n {unties, .c hairs,lb y yllrry klwl" u whlillnY.r kiln kb, yl bIeborn. byL .

iiitractorlo colyl

lt itbIlb

II lnlyIldysI ll. If- l Dy.y1' WI, lden i Suio l A-iyntnlt A.l; lru/[Sibned yy,.0y.11011 Ciybi lyl

Ti.l,,l yyiillsrd o"Allryayy.Anlll. red Fy hiiyllyy 11,ykyTy

yryyl l by.TITII. Mayor.

kNo. 4 y74. y

florR,ol.. Tkll din.l N".iljl 4. 11 bntytled " an ordinynce'ta'le rllle or ther rlvi t of ~y 'o r(.allli"l rsilrrmd In the city

.. f ,"w" 0rirlp". ;,ofC I.hrrr..lllr oir 1." ion an~d the same ishe11111 kkllyl'lllll r, inlni lly lyoy.

r by mr u Fri loth tr. r""" Illl, of llil l.lllkl lllie l bbl k" , ,kn IlWn'st -1.. 1 It ,a sit ., net." I",i :. f , h F~ -t s ilo or l"n

!",t stn rr t," thr~`- r, the VV-171 11511 011 Rnr1 rt leety ." I.

',f .,. tllyr F:, - J5 ' .I iyrttryet " 11 th oy Stateiiia; ; .loll eft~ III ' wuly~! " n1111 r III 0 c tWbyy h ruck lyIb s

Str,' ll th, :rI of7 T)l It rI)rre.t CIy likn of the"1V'," . Jr " ,no g tl a Fort .*1 ids of ltamrilr stree to

tal~i lIrt n h. ,lr: on"'h- 157 1 rlll" of lrmpert stree; alsolu Ill il err -I'llilrl h 3h \ ,nice II! .tlCIt Ei hth lll( Cslt)i H"', it ," "Tnh"l" .x surer," and 0-o.0, s aidlr Righth .free{,,tilil1i:", t: r-t ' l'rytn 1. *lr.rl," In I1"'n of Im lM.

'late prtvl a".lrr+'"C rnr rn rrl of o te ct Lyn( Lhl sc(lrrirnn -

" of tw ,t y ).. (.. I1Rlnliti n, t.... LIrennlllhel by aw dts-ilirr l ,".} {, II:~! t in br rl,:,,in ell 6y said mnlmrttnr o

rt......Irnil i ~ I,1th-, rJ Innr il the roon t ofw

nn".I T. ,try o~ly cn'ryi r ntnpre {ca be ppsfs'.d by oneti rl fla l r (, , I .dr. lel~ n ..l t " b y h~al to tell no al ; acrd

1"l-d' 'Il m 'aid o-llll Odir.:.u,":" he and Itfllisin'e Is herebyilll~yt ,l

r o t :ll pro rem, R "";1 nnlo . 11,1:,l lddrr mca.

i Cnilj EFR lilt ST1T`1, )Coyer.

1r,,i,e i, i ri! r ilv t 11,-oi -c,l",l propntcie for the ahovoroot:.. v~ ill t~" ,r cr. :.! ,y me uGv to WN:UNSIlAY, Itth of

.- tT. TI(RARD. C omp~troller.

c1 ~ ll, " I. .yI M.,rcmi rIcrr me ante o1. ile tinl'k rnii I ree l iniR'ti on NIi uhlh nfroesl at ire

rd', a w"I ryyI i,t . yylrrbr .,rnl i'va i r Cn r rrrnt a ryryl

"111'r' iFlliIl Il( f ii LI *l t, 1{llw s t lbo41 1t1 1 L of r .. Ia~.t,. l to I1Cnn! art n ryy I, , 'bnr'i tr,.bI.,r pir of Rrm Dra

i~r tby,.rrh~ .rrflHH'y,. Ilyryyrr,,-irl r Hr.~lL. hr,,,-T.P

rearr~o~ lT 1-. hh, 1 : ,.."-"I 'en i 51 .e e,; Ir nriher r if tr -cioilt nl,"~r~ It l ,ltl` trvt in 11, '1L'l ir 1 I)i, tr'ct, to F:"p neatl

t, u,. ", nl r t', Dr lb - r 4ri' e lalrrg; rl. t to tebierr..1 , 1t xr:~p~r Ir , .1. 1 a . q !,c" ea-t tilp or R.mtmrr

ryay. t I h' ..1r. byrb !E, IrR I', um, n *11 .. I' OvrRI *fr.Ct

S)I,. rr ' , y,, r ~Ie, y: r yyI yI yiiyr ryyry ~ T :ttlih rer r , sil

-:yl Pf o F:* i lrirt n ,~' .J ", y .lly ry -' tartr.

I ,l ", ],e yyl,-r ,,' ,yiyyy' l y anall . .d tIr rrldR." ph Ir.~t nail llan 'lr rlr* snlil It nuwcrl no

1 n for , r ,pl noiore bibrli let b nal toydyyrxtrprc,b-P y'"i T rl,-lnfrryyrbhpr F

per rulr-r ll genre. - iel ofl'l ll'b" ofh~ l u ~ripr nn.., hidthr n b, tit ii th si t' ,fly o f (R ldb ,"e T t m :!"'I arlh, a

,ti ~I.' 0,-.I h y 'i . e r l ryy nyy el .'I aliry, a. yr I'ri r h irth,"'~.>w' or d m &.name", to It yr 'f ryr- r.yi re rr hh IrtInes pbn;: ;, Ire "'i't inr here nail R( feet lone ; tierriot te piecesnl' trl:llv ptlwr Avi Lh right fylryl:y

fh~r o:avil,7 If it,, 'reedy, She.r u,. x r, nr p~trcd , ),allbrtI' ep, t1,.,r-,"t " "!,:+l Ty. b"' iyyr.y!. t F n [_ rPr, r'r to be

C~li lll: l Ii~o l~; ~ cmrl.~ s iir ,,jI~l t ri,, rll Irrrrr

fa e Ill' I.v t, h ltl., be d1I. nl !;.I o,-~ of o l iar( y tot;yy r n the top o krraid

c vrl~a~i , Ibr *iin " i r :1.yi plfl r, ; , A on the topr j

terr ,-iiyyr yrb, r r y y,- Iy iin".rlyiyy. vbelhi r. Wyr, rberr lerh .ye i rint yet dr.

,:"diy Iy,- r I',I trert ++eit H:aellkyy r anb. , y .r to thren-

'fhr dii,y thekrmr by'Ir,-,Cypptlnn yyti'sbhny rr.-

y'y 01rl,yy.yh,:,"i', " 'II t prr nijinri.Ci will nearyhyrinsy

T irlryyi-1,,y'yI 1 r H I'IIRy r r iyyry]HiYr andbig,,+ ' ir, " y r'rkrimrt rLe. rrt

~r of HIIY nm"! " II nr hr n.". ,1 tar '-4. o ~ y . tal

TI." rbldI 6lyir,,it +olry, ber da~yr soi

ii, (ry ryeritrH-r nyr yprypr yr

t gc "'o'er i- o; ,A roi-yn rrr I by.ei lyyIte rh pl- d ryrri

nil I nn k, Y M., oiCUA!I i r y I y n II)tliU fr om linl'-pi-yI mllyiitryyiB .i.1try..ylyrHpy..rhyyiy o

rl i yi,,r r. erylr1yyyfyiy br I.On jn Ry yy rlp, yrh

,agril y I,yy ii~n 1

.. d . o dr nr ;;I, II,, 1 In n rd lrna ,lru la Hlih ',

pb. rfay r N,-lrrrrin.,w rs -ieyr-~H yionrher m ryi 'r..ri

ryyyIli-ryrry iyi.-4fyrrbrdWyy Mryyylo.Iyy ..- r ry-I~~yy all LIll

'toted, .tine p'trr ail ~~a r mr bri,"r H o r pbi i ie o. a te Y

Itr-,r.'i rrrI rfyn rytIe , II b+, riy.ytIon N, ryyiyy rl.yyyea y n ri. yyrr, khyd by) tI,.ry byry. lyP hrCa

,yuyrr o1yi rhoryrrb, yT'rh t rryyyiyyyyyyyyyTeyfry~y yfrr

thire rl ant nt> bfl ll M~ee i ailr..r.y h,;;h yeld hat ly rrray

r ll n aLiF ll tin hrm I ra on nai ol x t! c Ivo ther*,l rnllon weor C Itrinre .tur r or clgl," I L In :l or y syl, e h rs

I~ hiIe nrn rd rysd ryr,,yrHn tyh iryry rdly hri-e

r Io <vn n id . resta slld br: x rl I n L":,e ,ro m lre at ,'I e ex-

thrtir nailed le tiny 1f:: e o ll I Tyth, f hr r- r ,bll ,b e r-rIe

ryyyIyy1:lyyyyyy J lyyy;Iy rt yr yyyyll al bytiy ry4 le theyyl riey'1 i:Ryli ryyyc Il r lrna..rryr a fyiiyyiy nz yrtyiFirb.r

:t~ ~ ~ ~~i yr p rdninlnel A 'n

pTRnln ,"hlip ard

.ir rt, wo kIg ta nod 6 c, n xhrrril. Il of tnk! a who work

niyr tlly r y myryylra eclt. b,, di h""or tbyy yruelroe

Tl~i? tnlt lino w it lrili6 . xis month. "ore the app v.r orrhri pt p-11. llhdt;'rIhPtr onnrly, yryyyr cryryy .ty lly.m

rskrl r 1 ietor it , r ntrlie or l .: il be boom( to rpn he o And

orlar st rr id roa (. a tuvrr brut nine-- o f bo e-, cert. t 1.

yyny-rrlr; yyl: rbl~lrP.r

drx~a rrir by her.1 o. Ilrrl a, of-e-ld1 x( ,, In make t fdp .p

n~olrlll down rt ,1 1, Eliv r atre iob tr t fal ulied lul a d 1,

p"J. , t ar 1. 11 mat h i ll if lbslee, r oran

byr pyyyy-yyyyyinm e lr orhe el e x

rr, ii ,

rn rte- ale lrnrnbro c'or IhU:nyb+ rondo, nal y pa i (n leyiandr:,ip Rlil rinse,,': , tiller , or t co e( DIO nntl Il cremes o: any"it o penx or hatevr kin, elill ba born.e by thuuxo Co.-laaas

ray. x rui rl'nll b ro Iht annnad 1 e.1 to te on.eval l of teae

'Ae bre etwen ens .ttraandEigt Ueet orforan'lit IJ w il III.Il Ill- 1po11 / .lrd net evlllll b 1 ti r ar, par~

!rr ri~ull - wil~ !r~~l, o n 'tttnl~i.~'iilh

ar I he -etrartorll it l r llllrr lr( i sma ll lnln illy r y (.il th e ill ilU

,,.It ;nltni II, Ir v1~d al... red CA.!. tr, and the value ifr. fin

each tiedu Ilsrr in, ll b. lo lsnllfy by ll I i rua moue of ile as-

n` 1'ht" rono .hall be cnxtr rtad a the xnnerln of theil~1 \1ir~U IPity i lve, fly na I:il ( l" n un i'io With a t :IR: liptr n and rdndhrip uie by a id 1-oad t il l-,mli l!i~ iurl et o h

Ir It II wtl lr ilambert ed that in or o failure by th-o tr i t.perinea :Ir ;I, or in rne the orn tell be dis nlkli, d with the man

irl, f 1 e wa k i., hen R ti re tA, :!"o t;, I nr l.": nll t nse n

-o Acr prtil, a rlln n, rtd bit leiu i c rt olioithli -nl c)))- fn O d/riih-Icr~lrdrr~o~lr onl t Its to to e til IIV"1. nail IIIL w' i (in

trlrtr. ni tho a n,, r r tlr n i~re ,rt ItI, il ii Ilbx nm Ii*

ta Ll" nt)Iv eel( n e t;n: in n," :a con

it ' t la r ells. hail n l lh r u' it l ei,"rg f a l iie -to I'll I hotbi; ,-I n art-loo i ea ie