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New Organisational Development & Change

Nov 04, 2015



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EasySubject:Organisational development & change

Multiple Choice Single ResponseAnswerQuestion IDQuestionOptions1What is the wide range of tools, knowledge and/or techniques used to transform the inputs into outputs?StructureDifferentiationInformationTechnologyMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions2What of market, the changing methods of production, economic instability in the market are some of the factors which affect the organisation designing?AdvancementsGlobalisationsPrinciplesConceptsMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions3What environment of an organisation is the set of cultural, economic, legal-political, and societal conditions within the areas in which the organisation operates?specifictypicalgeneralculturalMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions4What is composed of interrelated parts called subsystems?entityelementsysteminteractionMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions5What refers to the integrated vision and direction of the company, as well as the manner in which it derives, articulates, communicates and implements that vision and direction?StyleStrategySkillSystemMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions6Which organisations are rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, and top-down communication?OrganicTechnicalDynamicMechanisticMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions7Which management is an earlier organisational theory that argues that maximum organisational performance results from maximum formalisation and specialisation and it is therefore a universalistic type of theory?ContingencyOrganisationalClassicalOptimalMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions8What of an organisation may be defined as general or specific?environmentareaconditionsizeMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions9Which systems exist only in theory, for all real systems interact with their environment?OpenPartly openDeveloped ClosedMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions10What of information regarding performance is used to adjust and control performance?systemfeedbackfunctioningsynergyMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions11Which organisation is separate from and independent of functional departments of the company?structuredprojectpermanentqualityMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions12Many of todays managers realise that the traditional organisation structures based on ________________ principles no longer provide solutions to the challenges posed by the new paradigm environment.flexiblevirtualorganisationalbureaucraticMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions13What can be defined on the underlying spirit or character of an organisation and is made up of its beliefs, customs and practices?EthosCultureMissionStructureMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions14What form of organisation structure is adopted when there is a relative stability in the environment?relativebureaucraticcentralisedmechanisticMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions15What can be defined on the underlying spirit or character of an organisation and is made up of its beliefs, customs and practices?EthosCultureMissionStructureMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions16According to Morgan, a number of ________________ can be used to think and explain about the nature of organisation.techniquesmetaphorstheoriestasksMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions17Organisational ________________ refers to the way the organisation positions itself in its setting in relation to its stakeholders, given the organisations resources, capabilities, and mission.structurefocusstrategyaccountabilityMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions18Soft hearts act as a counterweight to tangible _______________ goals.financialconcretedominantmanagerialMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions19Organisations have divisions, departments and like units separated out to perform _________________ activities.differentcoordinatedspecialiseddistinctMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions20Strategic ________________ refers to the idea that an organisation interacts with its environment instead of being totally determined by it.choicedecisionobjectiveideaMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions21A stakeholder _______________ enables management to identify all parties significantly impacted by the organisations performance.serviceauditinputoutputMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions22Technological advancement has brought about far-reaching changes in the methods of work and also in the organisation ________________.contexttheorydesignconceptMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions23The size ________________ refers to the total number of employees who are to be organised.productionorganisationturnovercontingencyMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions24Systems are powerful influences of ______________.businessmanagementbehaviourdemandsMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions25Time study involves an element of _________________ of the observer.objectivitydeterminationsubjectivitybehaviourMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions26A number of _______________ methods like frequency diagrams, scatter diagram, run charts, correlation and regression analysis are useful for quantitative analysis.statisticalmathematicalcorporateorganisationalMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions27When an organisation starts to get very ___________________, it establishes some self-contained units.smallprofitabledecentralisedlargeMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions28Work _________________ may be defined as scientific techniques of studying and analysing the conditions influencing the quantity and quality of work done by the workers.simplificationsolutionconditioningimprovementMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions29The _________________ initiates discussions for ascertaining what the client would like to change in his organisation and what help is required from the consultant.CEOmanagerconsultantfacilitatorMultiple Choice Single ResponseQuestion IDQuestionOptions30The functional part of the organisation is reflected in the departments centralised at the _________________ level.corporatelowermosttopmosthybridTrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions31Task interdependence can be considered to be a contingency of organic structures.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions32Components are systems of some interacting organisations.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions33The unitary frame of reference views that society can be considered as an integrated whole where the interests of individuals and society are synonymous.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions34Systems only refer to hard copy reports and procedures.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions35Organisations are constructed to be the most effective and efficient political units.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions36Soft-hearted values are tied to goals that are unambiguous and quantifiable.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions37Goal accomplishment is the most widely used effectiveness criterion for organisations.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions38Sequential independence means that the subunits have a two-way connection, in which the output of each subunit is an input to the other subunit, so that they transact back and forth in an unpredictable manner.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions39Skills act as an organisations conscience, providing guidance in times of crisis.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions40Organisations are as old as human race.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions41Small and impersonal organisations are said to trigger apathy and alienation, with resulting problems such as turnover and absenteeism.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions42The matrix organisation is different from the functional organisation.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions43Work measurement is a precondition of efficient work improvement.TRUEFALSETrue/FalseQuestion IDQuestionsOptions44Man excels in performing routine, repetitive, or very variety of precise operations.TRUEFALSE

Question IDQuestionsOptions45The functional grouping provides opportunities for promotion and career development.TRUEFALSEMatch the followingQuestion IDQuestionOptions46Good working conditions Should be provided to the operators so as to maintain their physical and mental health.Workspace Where one perform the tasks that add up to his job.Satellite Locations Networked together to form a cohesive structure.Tools and materials Should be arranged at the work-place in such a way that the operator can reach them easily.Match the followingQuestion IDQuestionOptions47Human engineering groups Include engineers, psychologists, physiologists, mathematicians, anthropologists, physicians and specialists from other fields.Motion StudyCovers only workers.Time StudyCovers both workers and machines.A therblig Small part of a job.Match the followingQuestion IDQuestionOptions48Pattern F peopleDefine work as an activity constrained to specific time periods that does not bring positive affect through its performance.Pattern D peopleDefine work as primarily a physical activity a person must do that is directed by others and generally performed in a working place.Pattern C peopleDefine work as an activity from which profit accrues to others by its performance and that may be done in various settings other than a working place.Pattern E peopleDefine work as a physically and mentally tiring activity. It is generally unpleasant and devoid of positive affect.Match the followingQuestion IDQuestionOptions49Finance/Economic IssueResource CrunchStructural IssueWork designTechnical / Technological IssueQuality, productivity as competitive edgeHR Issues/HR Process IssueRewardsMatch the followingQuestion IDQuestionOptions50A differentiation strategy Based on providing customers with something that is unique and makes the organisations product or service distinctive from its competition.The notion of strategic choice Can be traced back to the work of Alfred Chandler in the early 1960s.Variety Refers to the number of exceptions to standard procedure but can occur in the team or work unit.A focused strategy Designed to help an organisation target a specific niche within an industry, unlike both the low-cost and the differentiation strategies, which are designed to target industry-wide markets.
