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Hello! 3 rd year Sec. – Unit 1 راااااا ك شUNI T 1 Vocabulary: Examine ص ح ف يSecret ر سLaunch ق ل ط ي لاق ط / اSystem ام ط ي هاز! ج/ leak ! بُ ر س ت! رب س ت ي/ / ! رب سُ ت وماب ل ع م ة حاف صل ل( ) لا ث مcurrently ا ث ل حا ي ف/ ت ق و ل ا ي ل حا ل اGravity ة يD ب اذ! ح ل ا وزة ط خ/ Gymnastics ! عاب لL ا از! ث م! ج ل اSide effects از ثQ ا ة يD ب ي ح!اSpin دوز ث رعة تSpokes V لاك شL ا)X ان! ث ض ق( Distance ة ساف م ي! عد/ Weightless عدم ن مX ن وز ل اLand ب!ط ه ي زضL / اTake off ع ل قُ ي) رةL ئلطاا( Improve X ن س حُ يX ن س حk ت ب/ Benefit د ث فُ ي د ث ف ن س ت/ دةL اث / فAstronaut دL زاث اء ض قRepair = mend - fix ح ضل يSpace walk ر سي ل ا ي ف اء ض ف ل اA space station حطة م ة يL ب ا ض قA spaceship ة ي ي ق س اء ض قLocation ع ق و مTemperature ة! ذزج رازة ح ل ا1

New Hello 3rd Year Unit 1

Jan 19, 2016




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Page 1: New Hello 3rd Year Unit 1

Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1 شكراااااا



Examine يفحص Secret ســر

Launch / إطالق يطلق System / جهاز نظام

leak / يتسرب تسر/ب / ي/سرب

معلوماتمثال( )للصحافة

currently في/ حالياالحالي الوقت

Gravity / الجاذبيةخطورة

Gymnastics الجمباز ألعاب

Side effects جانبية آثار Spin بسرعة يدور

Spokes )قضبان( أسالك Distance / بعد مسافة

Weightless الوزن منعدم Land / أرض يهبط

Take off )الطائرة( ت/قلع Improve / يتحسن ي/حسن

Benefit / / يستفيد ي/فيدفائدة

Astronaut فضاء رائد

Repair = mend - fix

يصلح Space walk في السيرالفضاء

A space station

فضائية محطة A spaceship فضاء سفينة

Location موقع Temperature

الحرارة درجة

Control system

التحكم نظام Main رئيسي

Certainly بالتأكيد Probably المحتمل من

Date تاريخ Happen = occur


Anniversary سنوية ذكري Representative

/ ممثل مندوب

Organisation منظمة Orbit = move around

حول يدور

Rocket صاروخ Height ارتفاع


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

Giant / ضخم عمالق Compare ي/قارن

Comparison مقارنة Modern technology



اتصاالت Transport / النقلالمواصالت

Education التعليم Satellite / صناعي قمرتابع

Global warming


Climate change

المناخي التغير

A waste of money

للمال مضيعة A waste of time

للوقت مضيعة

Aeroplane = airplane

طائرة Air conditioning

الهواء تكييف

Password السر كلمة Petrol tank الوقود خزان

Fuel pump الوقود مضخة Arrangements


Physical exercises

بدنية تمارين Perform يؤدي

Metal bar معدني قضيب Connect يوصل

Result نتيجة Activity نشاط

Object شيء Keep fit علي يحافظالبدنية اللياقة

Nausea الغثيان Vomiting القيء

Dizziness الدوخة Dizzy دائخ

Worn out مرهق Lethargy الكسل

Deterioration تدهور Skeleton عظمي هيكل

Blood cells الدم خاليا Weakness ضعف

The immune system

المناعة جهاز Muscle atrophy

العضالت ضمور

Minerals معادن Space exploration


Medical test طبي اختبار Surgery / عيادة جراحة

Available / متوافر متاح e-learning طريق عن التعلم / التعليم الكمبيوتر


Security أمن Equipment / أجهزة معدات

Replacement بديل Questionnai / استبيان


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re رأي استطالع

Repeat يكرر Repetition تكرار

Describe يصف description وصف

Horizons آفاق Flourish يزدهر

With regard to بـ يتعلق فيما Human rights

اإلنسان حقوق

War victims الحروب ضحايا Opponent معارض

Supporter مؤيد Non-governmental

حكومي غير


الوزن انعدام horrible / رهيب فظيع

experts خبراء magical / رائع سحري

Words and their antonyms:

Take off )الطائرة( ت/قلع Land تهبط

Secret ســر Known معروف

Dangerous خطير Safe آمن

Weighty = heavy

ثقيل Light خفيف

Weighty = important

هام Unimportant , trivial

/ غير تافههام

Improve يتحسن Worsen , deteriorate

/ يسوءيتدهور

Agreement اتفاق Disagreement اتفاق عدم

Current / الجاري الحالي Past الماضي

Thick سميك Thin / نحيف / رفيعرقيق

Go down ينخفض Go up يرتفع

Prepositions & Expressions:

There's a problem with

مشكلة هناك.. في

Break down يتعطل


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Replace … with

.. بـ يستبدل Stand still بال يقفحراك

Discuss … with

.. مع يناقش Feel excited about

يشعرتجاه باإلثارة

Be attached to / بـ مرتبطمع مرفق

Walk around ماشيا يتجولحول

Do a space walk

بالمشي يقومالفضاء في

Look after = take care of

بـ يعتني

Be well trained to

جيدا مدربلكي..

On a radio programme

برنامج فيإذاعي

Fly by rocket مستقال يطيرصاروخ

At a height of ارتفاع علي

Benefit from من يستفيد Live in space في يعيشالفضاء

A treatment for

لـ عالج Land on the moon

علي يهبطالقمر

The distance from .. to


Look down on من ينظرالي أعلي

Suffer from من يعاني Go shopping يذهبللتسوق

Go for a walk ةللتمشي يذهب Be interested in

بـ مهتم

Do weightless sports

بأداء يقوم انعدام رياضات


Walk on the moon

علي يمشيالقمر

Do gymnastics بأداء يقومالجمباز ألعاب

Go on space holidays

بأجازة يقومالفضاء في

Queue up في يصطفطابور

Agree with an opinion

رأي مع يتفق

Refer to الي ي/شير Fall to the ground

علي يسقطاألرض

Turn around يستدير Take turns يتبادلاألدوار

Good luck with..

في.. سعيد حظ Have fun with متعة يجدفي..

Irregular Verbs:


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arise/arose/arisen ينشأ awake/awoke / awoken


be/was-were/been يكون bear/bore/borne يتحمل

bear/bore/born يولد become/became/become



يبدأ bend/bent/bent يثني

bet/bet/bet bet/betted/betted

يراهن bind/bound/bound



Verb Noun AdjectiveLeak يتسرب

Leak تسرب Leaky به تسريب

Cost يكلف Cost تكلفة

Costly مكلف الثمن / غالي

Expect يتوقع Expectation توقع

Expected متوقع

Affect علي يؤثر Effect تأثير Effective مؤثر / فعال

Systematize ي/نظم معين ترتيب وفق

System نظام Systematic منظم

Predict يتنبأ Prediction تنبؤ Predictable به التنبؤ يمكن

Weigh يزن Weight الوزن Weighty ثقيل / هامWeightless

الوزن منعدم

Words that go together:

Launch a campaign

حملة يشن Launch a satellite

قمر ي/طلقصناعي


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A rescue mission

إنقاذ مهمة A diplomatic mission

دبلوماسية مهمة

A humanitarian mission

إنسانية مهمة A political system

سياسي نظام

Reveal a secret

أو عن يكشفسر ي/فشي

A grave violation

خطير انتهاك

Distance learning

بعد عن التعلم Mutual benefit

متبادلة فائدة

Maximum benefit

قصوى فائدة Benefit the economy

االقتصاد يفيد

Highly beneficial

للغاية مفيد Outer space الخارجي الفضاء

A space shuttle

فضاء مكوك A vast area شاسعة مساحة

Arable land قابلة أرضللزراعة

Improve living conditions

ظروف ي/حسنالمعيشة

Respiratory system


Digestive system

الهضمي الجهاز

Circulatory system

الدوري الجهاز Nervous system

العصبي الجهاز

Read the following passage carefully:

July 2009 was the 40th anniversary of man first walking on the Moon. Ever since that day, we have been promised that holidays in space are not far away. Now a representative for the World Tourism Organisation predicts that, in the next ten years, people will be queuing to book their holidays in space. They will fly by rocket to a space station which will be orbiting the Earth at a height of 320 kilometres – that is about the same as the distance from Cairo to El-Minya. The space station itself will be like a giant spinning wheel with spokes like a bike wheel. There


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will be two kinds of spokes: those with ordinary gravity and those with zero gravity for weightless sports.

Some people who are interested in space holidays are worried that, as space tourists, they will suffer from the same horrible side effects as astronauts have suffered from, but experts say that there are now treatments for most side effects.

Just think about such a holiday in space. Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins below you. It will be impossible to go shopping or go for a walk, but think of the fun you can have with weightless football or weightless gymnastics.

For most people, the main disadvantage at the moment is the cost of space holidays. Currently, the cost of a holiday is very high. But like everything else, the more people want to do something, the cheaper it will become. So, if you are interested, start saving now!


Examine (v) To look at something carefully in order to find out something

launch )n( when a spacecraft is sent into spaceleak )n( A small hole that liquid or gas gets out

throughMission (n) An important job that someone has been

given to dosecret )adj( known about by only a few peoplesystem An organised way of doing somethingcurrently (adv,) (happening) at the present timeGravity (n) The force that makes objects fall to the

groundgymnastics (n) A sport in which skilful physical exercises and

movements are performedside effect An unexpected result of an activity,

situation or eventspin )v( To turn around and around very quickly


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spoke )n( One of the thin metal bars which connect the ring around the outside of a wheel to the centre

Language Notes:

عندعند ولكنولكن اآلتيةاآلتية الكلماتالكلمات معمع مفردمفرد فعلفعل استخداماستخدام الحظالحظ ۩۩ جمع:جمع: ضميرضمير نستخدمنستخدم بضميربضمير إليهاإليها اإلشارةاإلشارة

۩۩ Everyone / everybody / someone / somebody / no one / Everyone / everybody / someone / somebody / no one / nobody / personnobody / person EveryoneEveryone benefit benefitss from space technology in from space technology in theirtheir everyday everyday

lives. lives. EveryoneEveryone hashas theirtheir own ideas about the best way to bring own ideas about the best way to bring

up children.up children.

۩۩ spend )time( + V+ing: spend )time( + V+ing: He He spentspent the evening the evening watchingwatching TV. TV.

۩۩ Spend money on:Spend money on: We should spend more money on education and on better We should spend more money on education and on better

transport.transport. يومييومي بمعنيبمعني واحدةواحدة ككلمة ككلمة everydayeveryday استخداماستخدام الحظالحظ ۩۩

.. adjadj صفةصفة الحالةالحالة هذههذه فيفي وهيوهي

the problems of everyday life the problems of everyday life اليوميةاليومية الحياةالحياة يوميوم كلكل منفصلتان( بمعنيمنفصلتان( بمعني )كلمتان )كلمتان every dayevery day استخداماستخدام وعندوعند ۩۩

.. advadv حالحال الحالةالحالة هذههذه فيفي وهيوهي He watches TV. every day.He watches TV. every day.

۩۩ Help + inf. / to+inf.Help + inf. / to+inf. He He helpedhelped me me dodo the job. the job. He He helpedhelped me me to doto do the the


۩۩ Help with + n.Help with + n. She helped me with my homework.She helped me with my homework.


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الكلماتالكلمات منمن الكثيرالكثير مع مع withoutwithout بمعني بمعني lessless المقطعالمقطع ي/ستخدمي/ستخدم ۩۩ :: مثلمثل

weightless weightless الوزن الوزن منعدم عاجز / helpless / helpless / منعدم عاجز / ضعيف مفيد useless / useless / ضعيف مفيد غير / / غيرhopeless hopeless يائسيائس / fruitless / fruitless / مجدي غير مثمر مجدي / غير غير مثمر نهاية endless / endless / غير نهاية بال بال

:: بثمنبثمن ي/قدري/قدر الال معناها معناها pricelesspriceless كلمةكلمة أنأن الحظالحظ ولكنولكن Our ancient monuments are Our ancient monuments are pricelesspriceless..

۩۩ It's a waste of time / It's a waste of money + V. + ing:It's a waste of time / It's a waste of money + V. + ing: It's a waste of time reading this silly book.It's a waste of time reading this silly book.

۩۩ Look forward to + n. / V. + ing:Look forward to + n. / V. + ing: I look forward to my summer holiday. I look forward to my summer holiday.

I look forward to visiting London.I look forward to visiting London.

۩۩ Start / Begin + to + inf. / V. + ingStart / Begin + to + inf. / V. + ing She started to do this job in 2005.She started to do this job in 2005. She started singing. She started singing.

يأتييأتي المستمرالمستمر المضارعالمضارع في في start / beginstart / begin استخداماستخدام عندعند ولكنولكن ۩۩ .. to + infto + inf بعدهمابعدهما

It's starting to rain.It's starting to rain.

۩۩ Begin / Start by + V. + ing:Begin / Start by + V. + ing: The speaker started by describing his journey to China..The speaker started by describing his journey to China..۩۩ Begin / Start with + n.:Begin / Start with + n.: The speaker started with a description of his journey to The speaker started with a description of his journey to China.China.

Words often confused:

۩۩ Anniversary – memory – memorial - souvenirAnniversary – memory – memorial - souvenir AnniversaryAnniversary: : سنوية سنوية ذكري They celebrated their twentieth They celebrated their twentieth ذكريwedding anniversary anniversary yesterday. memory:memory: / ذاكرة ذاكرة / ذكري School is just a distant memory School is just a distant memory ذكريfor me now.for me now. This man has an amazing memory. This man has an amazing memory.

memorialmemorial: : تذكاري تذكاري ن/صب ن/صب The statue was erected as a The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the to those who died in the war.


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souvenirsouvenir: : تذكارية تذكارية هدية We brought back a few We brought back a few هديةsouvenirs from our holiday in Greece.souvenirs from our holiday in Greece.

۩۩ Repair - ReformRepair - Reform

Repair: Repair: تلف أو ضرر به حدث شيء بإصالح تلف يقوم أو ضرر به حدث شيء بإصالح يقوم They had to repair the roof after the storm.They had to repair the roof after the storm. Reform: Reform: معين نظام علي تحسين أو تعديل بإدخال معين يقوم نظام علي تحسين أو تعديل بإدخال يقوم We really need to reform our educational system.We really need to reform our educational system.

۩۩ Affect – EffectAffect – Effect AffectAffect (V.) (V.) علي علي يؤثر have an effect onhave an effect on = = يؤثر I was deeply affected by the film.I was deeply affected by the film. The film had a deep The film had a deep effect on me.effect on me.

يسبب:يسبب: أوأو ي/حدثي/حدث بمعنيبمعني كفعل كفعل effecteffect ت/ستخدمت/ستخدم أحياناأحيانا ۩۩ He effected several changes in the company.He effected several changes in the company.

Choose the correct answer:1- The navy (launched – lunched – punched - attached) a

new warship last week.2- The contents of the report were (baked – cheated – liked -

leaked) to the press. 3- This matter is (costly – currently – distantly - tightly) being

discussed.4- "Distance" means the amount of (place – time – money -

space) between two places.5- The unexpected results of an activity are called (side –

aside – inside – outside) effects.6- (Gravity – Ability – Activity - Capacity) makes objects fall to

the ground.7- (Statistics – Gymnastics – Classics - Mechanics) is a sport in

which physical exercises and movements are performed.8- Astronauts usually work in (weightless – useless – hopeless -

meaningless) conditions.9- To spin is to turn (around and around – on and off – up and

down – forward and backward) very quickly.10

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10-A (spring – star – spoke - spear) is a thin metal bar which connects the ring around the outside of a wheel to its centre.

11-The moon has less (grave – gravity – gape - acidity) than the earth, so you could jump much higher there.

12-(Doing – Making – Having - Taking) gymnastics is a very good way of keeping fit.

13-I think there's a problem (of – at – for – with) my internet connection.

14-The (distance – time – difference - hindrance) between Cairo and London is 3, 5000 kilometers.

15-When you are (countless – weightless – harmless - endless) in space, it must be very difficult to stand still.

16-(Efficiently – Carefully – Currently - Cunningly), over 500 students are enrolled on the course.

17-(Astronauts – Accountants – Astrologers - Engineers) are well trained to do space walks.

18-A space station will (turn – spin – move – orbit) the Earth.19-A lot of people would like to go (on – in – at - with) space

holidays.20-July 1969 was (what – where – when – which) people first

landed on the moon.21-The spokes of the space station have (full – zero –

maximum – under) gravity.22-There are now (agreements – amusements – treatments -

appointments) for most side effects of space travel.23-Space tourists will fly to the space station by (ship – boat –

plane – rocket).24-(Modern – Traditional – Old – Ancient) technology has

improved everyone's lives.25-Some people have (comforted – infected – benefited -

filtered) more from this TV programme than others.26- It's still not possible to accurately (predict – defect –

convict – restrict) the occurrence of earthquakes.27-A: I think computers are indispensable nowadays. B: I

couldn't agree (much – few – more – little).


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28-Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking, (isn't he – doesn't he – is he – aren't they)?

29-Space (exploration – admiration – aspiration - celebration) cots a lot of money.

30-Gymnastics and football are two sports that people can (do – make – act - avoid) in space.

31-The doctor (expected – extended – examined - explained) the patient carefully.

32-China is going to (launch – branch – bunch - crash) a new satellite into space soon.

33-I can smell a gas (fake – break – leak - lock) in the kitchen.34-The soldiers' (condition – confession – confirmation -

mission) was to attack the radio station.35-These plans must be kept (known – regret – secret - open)

from the enemy.36-We need to reform our educational (order – system –

equipment - device).37-A lot of scientists are (currently – angrily – badly - bitterly)

doing experiments to find a cure for swine flu.38-I don't think you understand the (ambiguity – anxiety –

gravity - authority) of the situation.39-He started the meeting (with – in – by – of) telling us

something about his family.40-Does this drug have any side (effects – affects – reflects -

infects)?41-The Earth (stems – stains – spins - springs) on its axis.42-What's the (time - length – distance - width) between Cairo

and Alexandria?43-I'm afraid I don't agree (of – at – with – on) your opinion.44-The plane (bends – lands – hands - rents) in Madrid at 7.00

p.m.45-He did a lot to (approve – move - improve - destroy)

conditions for factory workers.46-Buying this old car is a (waste – waist – wisdom – failure) of



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47-The crew are planning a four-hour space (jump – run – walk - talk) to carry out the necessary repair work on the shuttle.

48-The storm has had a bad (effect – afflict – affect - detect) on the crops.

49- We always celebrate our wedding (anniversary – memory – memorial - failure) with dinner in an expensive restaurant.

50- Everyone knows who stole it, but (he – you – she - they) are all afraid to tell anyone.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:1-After the storm, they had to compare the roof.2-The students were inspected on ancient Egyptian history.3-Two sparks in the wheel of my bicycle were broken.4-Scientists are testing the new drug to find out if it has any

outside effects.5- July 2009 was the fortieth memorial of man first walking on

the moon.6-Concurrently, the cost of a space holiday is very high.7- In space, you can have fun with weighty football and

gymnastics.8-At the moment, the main advantage of a space holiday is its

cost. It is very expensive.9- In the next ten years, people will be queuing to lock their

holidays in space.10- The space station will be ordering the Earth at a height of

320 km.11- Space tourists can make weightless sports in space.12- July 1969 was when people first laundered on the moon.13- Space tourists will fly to the space station by racket.14- The feeling of looking down on the Earth from space is

described as logical.15- Would you like being an astronaut?16- I'm looking forward to travel to space.17- My father helped me doing the homework.18- We really need to spend more money in education.


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19- His mansion in life is to help the poor.20- Activity is the force that makes things fall to the ground.

Future Forms

من: البسيط المستقبل يتكون

Will / shall + inf.

استخدام الحظ will واستخدام الضمائر كل مع shall مع I / we فقط :

مثل: كلمات مع البسيط المستقبل يستخدم Next )year/month/week…( / in the future / soon / in a year, month, week / tomorrow / this time next week / this time tomorrow I'll meet him tomorrow morning. She will visit us soon. Where will you be this time next year?

مع: غالبا البسيط المستقبل استخدام الحظ I expect …/ I'm sure …/ I think / I don't think / I wonder / probably /possibly / I suppose /I hope / I believe / I feel sure / Perhaps..

I expect she will pass the test. I don't think he will leave the country. I wonder what will happen. I'll probably be home late this evening.

مع البسيط المستقبل ويستخدم If األولي الحالة في : If I know his address, I'll write him a letter.

Will is used:

1- To express a true fact حقيقة عن التعبير I'll be 18 next week.

2- To predict events باألحداث التنبؤ The plane will land in half an hour.


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3- To decide something quickly. شيء بعمل قرار اتخاذ I'll have coffee, please.

4- To offer to do something العرض حالة في I'll clean the car for you.

5- To ask someone to do something من شيء عمل طلب شخص

Will you look at my homework tonight?

6- To make a threat التهديد I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise.

Shall )I / we(

I / We shall go to Cairo next month. You / He / She / It / They will stay here.1- To make suggestions: االقتراح تكوين في

shall تستخدم Shall I meet you on Friday? Shall we have a party?2- To make offers: العرض في Shall I help you with your homework?

Shall / will = 'll I'll do it. You'll do it.

will not = won'tShall shan't / )Question Tag( We shall meet the boss tomorrow, shan't we?

: am / is / are + going to تستخدم الحديث لحظة قبل قرار أو له مخطط عمل أو نية عن للتعبير :

We are saving up because we are going to buy a car. I'm going to make some coffee. Do you want some?

الحاضر في عليه يدل ما يوجد المستقبل في بحدث للتنبؤ : I'm going to fail this exam. (I haven't done much work) I think it's going to rain. The sky's looking very dark. Watch out! The baby is going to fall. She's very ill. I'm afraid she's going to die.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

تعبر was / were going to + inf . في يحدث لـم شيء عن : الماضي

I was going to tidy the flat, but I didn’t have time. أن الحظ :

Are you going to + inf. = Do you intend to + inf.

Are you going to buy a new car? (Do…) Do you intend to buy a new car? Is she going to take the test? (Does) Does she intend to take the test?

أيضا يشير )و المستقبل عن للتعبير المستمر المضارع استخدام : مسبقة( ترتيبات وجود إلى

He's flying to India next Monday. (He's got his tickets.)I'm going home in half an hour. (I have arranged it with the

boss) I can't see you tomorrow. We're visiting relatives. I am seeing the boss tomorrow. (I have an appointment with


ذلك يرتبط )و المستقبل عن للتغبير البسيط المضارع استخدام و المسرح و المواصالت بوسائل مثال الخاصة المواعيد بجداول : ذلك غير و االمتحانات وجداول المدرسة و السينما

You leave Cairo International Airport at 7 p.m. and arrive in Paris at 11 p.m.

The film starts at 9. The course starts in October.This lesson doesn't finish until 2.30.

The future continuous: المستمر المستقبل

Will/shall + be + INGمعين وقت في مستمرا يكون سوف حدث عن للتعبير يستخدم

: المستقبل في

A : Can I come and see you at 4 o'clock tomorrow? B : No. I'll be driving to the airport then. Come at 2.30

before I leave.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

Between 9 and 11 a.m. tomorrow I'll be studying.

Exercises on Grammar:Choose the correct answer:1- It's arranged. We (will go – go – are going – may go) to

the Red Sea this summer.2- I think my cousin (will study – studies – going to study

– would study) engineering. He is very clever at Maths.3- (Are you playing – Do you play – Shall you play – Do

you go to play) tennis after school today?4- My German lesson (is stating – starts – has been

starting – start) at four o'clock this afternoon.5- The launch of the satellite (is being – are being – is –

was) at 7.50 tomorrow.6- We (will – may – are going to – are) probably be there

for two weeks.7- I can't talk at the moment. I (do – will do – am doing –

have done) my homework.8- I can't meet you this afternoon. I (am doing – do –

have done – may do) the shopping.9- Hello, Ahmed. I (go – am going – have gone – would

have gone) to the airport in a minute.10- My plane (is leaving – shall leave – leave – leaves) at

10 o'clock tomorrow.11- I am studying medicine. I (may be – am going to be –

am being – be) a doctor.12- She (will – should – is going to – may ) probably do the

shopping tomorrow.13- I expect that he (wins – will win – is going to win – is

winning) the match.14- Perhaps they (are visiting – are going to visit – will

visit – may) visit us next Saturday.15- Somebody is knocking on the door. I (am going – will

go – have gone – go) and open it.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

16- She (is flying – flies – fly – would fly) to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged.

17- What are your plans for tomorrow? – I (am going to play – play – have played – shouldn't play) tennis with a friend.

18- He's driving at breakneck speed. He (has – would have – is going to have – is having) an accident.

19- Watch out! You (are dropping – drop – are going to drop – would drop) the glasses.

20- (Will you – Are you going to – Do you – Should you) help me with this heavy bag, please?

21- Don't worry. I (lend – am lending – will lend – should lend) you the money you need.

22- I (am going to be – will be – am being – be) 25 next Monday.

23- I can't use my office at the moment. It (is decorated – will be decorated – may decorate – is being decorated).

24- Don't phone me at 8.00 a.m. tomorrow. I (drive – will be driving – have driven – would drive) the kids to school then.

25- Look at those black clouds. It (rains – is raining – is going to rain – isn't raining).

26- She (will – should – might – ought) probably be a great success.

27- She has decided that she (is studying – is going to study – was studying – will be studying) medicine.

28- Be careful! You (will spill – are spilling - are going to spill – spill) your coffee.

29- That's the phone. I (answer – am answering – would answer – will answer) it.



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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:1- I can't answer the phone at the moment. I do the washing up.2- I hope you are visiting me in my home one day.3- I am going to possibly come but I may not get back in time.4- There's not a cloud in the sky. It's will be another warm day tomorrow.5- Look at the queue. We're not getting in for hours.6- Perhaps I am seeing him tomorrow.7- I expect he is getting the job in a matter of days.8-I shoot you if you come any closer.9- I'm sorry I can't talk now. I'm calling you later.10- The traffic is terrible. We miss our flight.11- They go on a school trip tomorrow. Everything has been arranged.12- The match is ending at 4.30 this afternoon.13-Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I sleep then.14- It is predicted that Egypt exports more goods next year.15-I suppose he applies for the job next week.

Language Functions:

Agreeing with an opinion Disagreeing with an


I )completely( agree. I )completely( disagree.

I couldn't agree more. I don't agree.

)Yes(, you are quite right. I'm not )so( sure.

I'd go along with that. I don't think so.

That's true. That's )just( not true.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

Respond to the following situations:1-Your brother thinks that global warming is a serious problem.

You agree with him.2-Your friend tells you that the English exam is so difficult. You

think it's not true.3-A tourist asks you about the next train to Luxor. Tell him

there's one at ten o'clock.4-Your friend asks you to go swimming tomorrow, but you have

arranged to have lunch with your brother.5-You ask your friend's opinion about the best way to keep fit.6-Your sister tells you that prices are going up all the time. You

agree completely.

Test on Unit 1Test on Unit 1

A- Language Functions1- Respond to the following situations: 1. Someone says that space exploration is too expensive.

You agree2. Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not

have the same opinion.3. One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would

be very frightening. You think he's right4. You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich.

You know this is not true.2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are: )June, 2009(1- A: Can you show me where I can try this dress on? B: The fitting rooms are on the left over there

2- A: How long have you been feeling unwell? B.: Since Sunday


Place : ------------------Speaker A: ---------------

Place : ---------------------Speaker A: ---------------Speaker B :

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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets 3 times a day.

B- Vocabulary and Structure 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1. Millions of people watched the rocket (start – launch – set off – beginning) on TV. -

2. The medicine I am taking is wonderful. It has no side (results – damage – effects – problems).

3. I expect (I'm going to see – I'll see – I'm seeing – I see) you at the weekend.

4. The film (is starting – is going to start - starts – has started) at 7.30 this evening.

5. The mechanic (examined – explained – extended – looked) the engine for damage.

6. There was a (brake - leak – lake – fake) in the water pipe and I had to have it fixed.

7. Our air conditioning has broken down, but someone is coming to (prepare – impair – despair – repair) it tomorrow.

8. Computer passwords should always be (known – public – secret – distributed). You should never tell anyone.

9. The astronauts went on a two–hour space (walk - talk – swim – jump) to replace a broken fuel pump.

10.Some drivers have a sat-nav (order – stick – system – string) in their car to help them find the best route.

11.A: This year I'm going on holiday with my family to Italy. B: I'm sure you (will enjoy – enjoy – are enjoying – have enjoyed) it.

12.A: Are you leaving this evening? B: Yes, my train (is going to leave – leaves – will leave – has left) at 7.15.

13.A: Have you made any arrangements for next week? B: Yes, (I'll meet – I meet – I'm meeting – I have met) a friend from Cairo on Monday.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

14.A: Do you have any plans for the weekend. B: I (meet – 'm going to meet – 'll meet – would meet) Professor Ali on Saturday morning.

15.A: I'm going on holiday to Europe this October. Should I take an umbrella? B: Yes, it (will probably rain – is probably raining – probably rains – has probably rained).

16.I (visit – going to visit – am visiting – would visit) some relatives next Monday. It's already arranged.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:1- The doctor exchanged me carefully before he gave me the 1- The doctor exchanged me carefully before he gave me the medicine.medicine.2- The rocket is going to reach the moon on Tuesday. Everyone 2- The rocket is going to reach the moon on Tuesday. Everyone watched the lunch on TV.watched the lunch on TV.3- Space fissions can take several years.3- Space fissions can take several years.4- I travel to Greece next Monday. Everything is arranged.4- I travel to Greece next Monday. Everything is arranged.5- Next Wednesday, my Physics exam is starting at 8.00 a.m.5- Next Wednesday, my Physics exam is starting at 8.00 a.m.6- I think my brother is a doctor. He's very clever.6- I think my brother is a doctor. He's very clever.


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

C- Reading Comprehension5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions: )June, 2009(

Eat healthy food and have a healthy body. Now, we know that there is also healthy food for your brain. Eat healthy food and have a healthy mind. New research clearly shows the link between diet and mental health.There has been a campaign to improve school meals. A head teacher of a school banned junk food and started serving healthy food. This research shows that the students' behaviour in class has been a lot better. They became calmer and they learn and concentrate more. A mental health foundation (M.H.F) has started a campaign "Feeding Minds" to publicize its own research. This research shows that our diets have changed a lot and the level of mental illness has increased, unhealthy diet can cause depression and insomnia.The last part of the research concerns the Mediterranean diet. Scientists knew that this diet (fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil) helps you live longer. It also prevents a serious mental disease "Alzheimer" that affects the elderly.So, what does this research suggest to you? To improve your memory, eat salmon. To fight insomnia, eat nuts. If depression is a problem, eat brown rice. If you worry about your later years, cook with olive oil.

A. Answer the following questions:1- What is the main idea of the passage? 2- Mention the campaigns' targets of the school and the MHF?3- What does the underlined word "they" refer to/4- How are nuts helpful for our health?

B. Choose the correct answer:5- The following diseases are all mental except -------------------. a) Alzheimer b) Depression c) Insomnia d) Blood Pressure6- The Mediterranean diet includes-------------------------


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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

a) junk food b) meat and rice c) fast foodd) fish and olive oil

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

My advice about learning to drive would be to have proper lessons from a qualified instructor and never to let a friend or family member try to teach you. It's a guaranteed way to spoil a good relationship. Every Sunday, when the traffic was quieter, my father would pick me up and take me for a drive along the streets of our hometown and give me a lecture on how to drive, explaining everything he was doing and why. Eventually it was my turn to have a go. My dad was so nervous that he panicked before I'd even started up the engine. He used to shout at the slightest mistake, and when the lesson was finally over he'd come home and have a large glass of whisky to calm down.

Answer the following questions:1-According to the writer, who is the best person to teach you how to drive? 2-What do you think about the writer's father?3-Find words in the passage which mean: a) felt very frightened b) having suitable knowledge, experience or skills

Choose the correct answer:4-The underlined word he refers to ------------------.a) the writer b) the instructor c) the writer's fatherd) the writer's friend5-The writer's father used to teach him how to drive --------------------.a) once a week b) every Monday c) twice a monthd) every day

D- Writing8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: )June,



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Hello! 3rd year Sec. – Unit 1

"How has the internet affected our lives?"

E- Translation9- A( Translate into Arabic: )June, 2009(

Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you are driving a car. Seat belts greatly reduce the risk of death or injury in accidents. This fact is widely recognized and many governments have passed laws requiring seat belt use.

B( Translate into English:الخنازير. ألنفلونزا عالج الكتشاف جاهدا العالم يسعي- 1 المشكالت من الكثير حل في تساعدنا لكي الحديثة التكنولوجيا الي نحتاج- 2

الحراري. واالحتباس المناخي التغير مثل