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New Energy for an Ultramodern Vietnam Part 3: The Science June 2014 Saigon New Energy Grou

New Energy Part 3: The Science - Torsion Physics

Nov 28, 2014



The twelfth and final part in our survey of emerging New Energy technologies. Pioneered by Nikolai Kozyrev in the Soviet Union and popularized more recently by Richard Hoagland, Torsion Physics draws our attention to the twisting, spinning motion of objects and energy fields in the Universe. Understanding torsion physics may be important not only for humanity's future, but for understanding our ancient past as well.
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New Energy for an Ultramodern Vietnam

Part 3: The Science

June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group

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To discuss this presentation and pose any questions you may have, please visit our website,

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Are you ready to party?

We are now ready for our twelfth and final area of physics that can help us develop New Energy applications.

It’s called… Torsion Physics

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So far, we’ve been looking mostly at things happening on the macro- and the nano-scales

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In other words, very small things.

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But with Torsion Physics, we are looking at the inerconnection between how some of the biggest things work:

Galaxies,Solar Systems,

Planets and Moons

… and those subatomic particles

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In other words, with Torsion Physics, we are approaching a “Unified Field Theory” that combines quantum mechanics with Newtonian physics

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We’ve already seen how the results of some New Energy experiments vary depending on the seasons, the Earth’s position in the solar

system in relation to that of the other planets, eclipses, etc.

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Remember how Thomas Trawoger’s pyramid power generator only works if it is aligned on the North-South axis?

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The reason for this is related to Torsion Physics

The word torsion is related to the word torque, meaning

“Something that produces or tends to produce torsion or rotation”; or

“to cause to rotate or twist”


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According to physicist Nassim Haramein, there is a fundamental force of angular momentum in

the quantum vacuum itself that forces everything to spin

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Haramein proposes adding a torque term to Einstein’s field equations to account for this

spinning movement that naturally arises in nature

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Haramein suggests that space-time doesn’t just curve; it twists and curls at the same time

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When we integrate torque into our perspective, the motion of our solar system

looks more like this:

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Like LaViolette, Haramein sees the ability of the electron to orbit the nucleus of its atom

without ‘tiring’ to be derived from the quantum vacuum

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And he thinks that the Sun’s ability to orbit the galactic core, the Earth’s ability to orbit the sun, all without tiring, come from this basic torsion force in the quantum vacuum.

In this way, Haramein has been led back to Tesla’s insight that:

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"The spinning whirling energy in the universe, harnessable by mankind. Now. We are whirling through endless space, with an inconceivable speed, all around us everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy... There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expands our minds, strengthens our hopes and fills our hearts with supreme delight."

— Nikola Tesla, 1891

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Haramein views each subatomic particle, atom, organism, celestial body, etc. as a “black whole”

that is constantly absorbing information and releasing it back to the universe in a modified form

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“Black Hole” vs. “Black Whole” – get it?

The way you physicists like to play with words is really funny!

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In Haramein’s model, each physical body radiates energy radially outward, and this

energy is eventually sucked in by the gravity of the vacuum, which feeds it back vertically to the

physical body

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In other words, all particles, cells, organisms, and celestial bodies can be viewed as

input/output systems which both inform the multiverse, at the same time as they are

informed by it.

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Even you and I are energetic toruses

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These “black wholes” produce a double torus function that produces our physical universe

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Now, two things strike me immediately about Haramein’s theory

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First, look at how the information from the vacuum is shown feeding into a black hole

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Does that look a little bit like this?

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In other words, it is starting to look like it’s possible for people to build things which tap into the vacuum energy by mimicking, among other

things, black holes

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Second, isn’t it interesting that New

Energy scientists have been working successfully with double toruses to achieve overunity effects for a long


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Thus, Haramein and other New Energy scientists are telling us that we need to take advantage

the forces already present in nature, instead of “fighting against nature”

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We can already see this approach at work in the quantum heat engines, which harness thermal noise

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And the LENR systems, which take advantage of natural cracks and fissures in metals

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Another aspect of Torsion Physics that can help us develop New Energy is that it teaches us about

the fundamental geometries used in nature

• Inside each sphere (be it a proton, an atom, a planet, etc.), the Zero Point Energy flows along lines which in 2D look like inverted equilateral triangles

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Because the sphere exists in 3D and is spinning, this geometric pattern creates an icosahedral

shape within the sphere

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Now we know why Charged Water and Gas Clusters also form this shape – and become extremely energetic when they do so

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Notice how the sphere has highly energetic “touch points” on its outer surface at

(a) its poles; and

(b) 19.47 degrees North & South “latitude”

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DaVinci and others knew that this geometry was important to how energy flows within the human being

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Maybe somebody “out there” knows too… Do you think?

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It seems that whoever built the pyramids in Egypt knew this… because they built the earliest

pyramids on the Giza plateau right at 19.5 degrees Northern latitude

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We know that limestone is a very good conductor of Zero Point Energy

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That is probably why in ancient times, people used limestone to build pyramids – not only in

Egypt, but in Mexico and many other places

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In other words, these pyramids, ziggurats, and other sacred structures were amplifying the

Zero Point Field, which was especially easy to access at 19.5 degrees of latitude

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Besides limestone, we also know that quartz crystal is a very effective amplifier of Zero Point Energy as it

twists and turns into our physical reality

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Quartz is basically a bunch of pyramidal structures at the atomic level –

so it may be doing at a very small scale what the Egyptian pyramids did at the macro scale

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In your New Energy experiments, you might see what effect quartz crystals can add to your system

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Did you ever wonder why the U.S. Government put a pyramid on the 1 USD note?

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The reason for this is related to why they chose Washington, DC to be the capital city – Because

Washington City is at 39 degrees Northern latitude! (39/2 = 19.5)

• George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and the other founders of America understood something about Torsion Physics

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Torsion Physics holds that this geometric patterning based on opposing equilateral

triangles is fractal in nature

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Something is “fractal” when it follows the same pattern from small to large scales

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If we start to draw circles representing the energy fields around these sets of opposing

triangles, we create a pattern known in history as the “Flower of Life”

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The “Flower of Life” pattern occurs in ancient artwork around the world, but most people

never inquire into its meaningIn East Asia, we often

see the lion guarding the Flower of Life with its paw

What do you think is its secret?

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The Flower of Life is popular in Jewish art as well

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Thousands of years ago, someone even burned an image of the Flower of Life into a

stone at the Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt

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This suggests that we are not the first generation of humans to start to understand

Torsion Physics and the Zero Point Field

It’s more like we are re-discovering these things and trying to figure out how to make them work

for us

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You are probably asking yourself,

“What proof is there of invisible equilateral triangles forming icosahedral geometry in the universe?”

Some of this evidence comes from astronomy

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Astronomer Richard Hoagland is a leading Torsion Physics theorist who finds evidence of

icosahedral geometry in impact craters throughout the solar system

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Hoagland points out that many impact craters – on the moon and rocky planets like Venus & Earth – are not completely circular, but tend

towards a hexagonal shape

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Iapetus is a good example

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You see them on Mercury as well

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Even on a gaseous planet like Saturn, we see a clear hexagonal pattern at its North Pole

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What gives rise to the hexagonal shaping tendency in impact craters?

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Hoagland postulates that asteroid and meteor impacts occur with such force that ZPE is released

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The physical material at the impact site momentarily becomes a plasma which is easily shaped according to the energetic forces acting

upon it

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And in this case, because ZPE flows along fractal geometric lines within the

planet/moon itself, the impact crater also reflects this geometry

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Since ZPE works its magic especially well on plasmas formed during planetary impacts, isn’t it interesting that our New Energy scientists today are finding that

it’s especially effective to extract ZPE from plasmas and plasmoids?

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One of the most famous Torsion Physics specialists was Soviet Prof. Nikolai Kozyrev

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In the 1950s-1970s, Soviet physicist Prof. Nikolai Kozyrev studied Torsion Physics

using a very sensitive pendulum

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Kozyrev noticed that during solar and lunar eclipses, the pendulum behaved strangely

• Sometimes it would stop spinning

• Sometimes it would spin in the opposite direction

• Kozyrev concluded that the pendulum was being affected by variations in the Zero Point Field induced by the eclipses

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Kozyrev discovered that certain variations in the Zero Point Field caused the atoms in the pendulum

to vibrate very fast, thus reducing its mass

Other perturbations of the Zero Point Field slowed the vibration of the pendulum’s atoms, thus increasing its


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As we saw in our discussions of electrogravitics and electrokinetics, decreasing an object’s mass also

helps to shield the object from the effects of inertia

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Based on the pendulum anomalies, Kozyrev also concluded that the Zero Point Field was

providing a spinning (torquing) motion to physical objects in the universe

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This could be the reason why a watch placed over the Earth’s North Pole slows down

slightly, while it speeds up at the Equator

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It could also be the reason why Thomas Trawoger’s pyramid power generators have to

be aligned with the North-South axis of the Earth in order to work properly

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Hoagland points out that the larger the mass of a spinning object and the faster its rate of spin,

the greater the torsion field effect (which in turn generates quantum coherence) will be

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This probably is related to Mike

Waters’ observation that Accelerating a

mass relative to another mass

creates an energy differential which

extracts ZPE through inertial chemistry

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And this may be why the German fascist scientists of the 1940s were experimenting a lot

with mercury, which carried a lot of mass but retained a liquid state at normal temperatures

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In particular, the Germans were rotating mercury inside of toroidal chambers which were then subjected to rapid pulses of high voltage as

well as magnetic fields

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In 1945, a German

submarine carrying 65 tonnes of

mercury was destroyed by

the British Navy

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Other German mercury shipments in summer 1945 reached their destination… in Argentina

• We can speculate about what the German scientists in Latin America planned to do with this mercury

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In sum, Torsion Physics suggests to us the following ideas for New Energy:

• Nature is an essentially infinite source of energy and if we work with Nature instead of against it, we can tap unlimited energy

• Zero Point Energy flows through and from the vacuum of space according to known and exploitable geometries

• We can learn much from ancient civilizations about how to work with Zero Point Energy

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In sum, Torsion Physics suggests to us the following ideas for New Energy:

• The Zero Point Field applies a spinning motion to new subatomic particles as they are created out of the transmuting ether

• If we understand this spinning motion and take it into account in our New Energy systems, we can bend it and amplify it to suit our purposes

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Congratulations on making it through our journey of 12 key ideas in physics that help us work with the new “Zero Point” Energy.

Now you are a big step closer to helping free humanity from the dead-end street of fossil fuels