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Volume 91 Number 2 Spring 2001 The Magazine of Colorado School of Mines New degree offers management solutions New degree offers management solutions page 16 page 16 Software helps predict rockfalls Software helps predict rockfalls Kids call Bashen ’48 a “hero” Kids call Bashen ’48 a “hero” MINES page 4 page 4 page 8 page 8

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Volume 91 Number 2Spring 2001

The Magazine of Colorado School of Mines




cNew degree offersmanagement solutionsNew degree offersmanagement solutions

page 16page 16

Software helps predict rockfalls Software helps predict rockfalls

Kids call Bashen ’48 a “hero”Kids call Bashen ’48 a “hero”





cpage 4page 4

page 8page 8

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Korean Veterans Not ForgottenMines graduates who served in Korea during the combat might want to know about anannouncement published in the Daily Midway Driller (near Taft, Calif.) last August. There wasextensive coverage pertaining to the Korean War Service Medal. Also, several pages are devotedto Korea, “the forgotten war,” the “Inchon Invasion,” and the “Korean War Service MedalApplication Fact Sheet.” The medal is free, but due to limited availability, will be issued toliving veterans first, followed by posthumous awards to “primary next of kin.” For additionalinformation, contact the Air Force Personnel Center, Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.(CST) at 800-558-1404; Awards and Decorations Section, 210-565-2432/2520/2516; or writeto HQ AFPC/DPPPRK, Suite 12, Randolph Air Base, Texas 78150-4714; or visit their Website, The organization’s fax number is 210-565-3118.

General information on the medal also can be found by writing the Department of Defense,50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee, 1213 Jefferson DavisHighway, Crystal Gateway 4, Arlington, Va. 22202; 703- 604-0831;

Paul Fritts Geol E ’52

Kim Update: The Last Word?

After the story on Herbert Kim EM ’28 ran in Mines magazine (Spring 2000), I received aletter from Tom Northrop, son of Tom Northrop EM ’32. Included in the letter was a copyof an article written by Northrop Sr. Mr. Northrop served with the Army in Korea in 1946-48 and recounts meeting with Herb Kim and learning that in 1948, he had done tungstenbeneficiation of sheelite at Allis Chalmers in Milwaukee before returning to China in 1949.Kim’s American wife, Pauline, had refused to join him in Korea when he returned fromChina and they were divorced. Kim reported to the Coolbaughs that he had remarried.In June of 1950, the North Koreans overran South Korea and Northrop writes that Kim’s wifewas pregnant and couldn’t be moved. They were both captured, never to be heard of again.The Russians used Kim as a mining engineer, under contract: then they convicted him forspying. The Chinese used him as a contract mining engineer as did the South Koreans. Isthis closure or did the North Koreans impress him into service as a mining engineer?

Dave Coolbaugh Geol E ’43, EM ’47, DSc Geop ’61

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Mines is published quarterlyby the Colorado School ofMines and the CSM AlumniAssociation for alumni andfriends of the School. Themagazine is a merger ofMines Magazine (founded in1910) and Mines Today(founded in 1986). Themerger took place in 2000.

Comments and suggestionsare welcome. Contact us bywriting to MINES, P.O. Box1410, Golden, CO 80402;or call 303-273-3294 or 800-446-9488, ext. 3294between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,M-F, MST; or [email protected].

John Trefny, PresidentColorado School of Mines

Michael Watson, DirectorCSM Alumni Association

Maureen Keller, Co-editorCSM Alumni Association

Leah McNeill, Co-editor Director of CSM Office ofPublic Affairs

Contributing WritersMisti BradyHenry Ehrlinger ’50 Kacey KingryJodi KolberMarsha KonegniRobert Pearson ’59Jo Marie ReevesRobert Sorgenfrei

PhotographyMisti BradyMarsha Konegni

Graphic DesignEmelene RussellAdvertising & Design

PrintingAmerican Web

Letters to the Editor

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4On a Roll…

With engineering geology software





ETM: Management Solutions









Furtak and Confucius say:

“I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.”

16Staying Connected 18

Philanthropy at MinesDavisons donate $1 million to Arthur Lakes Library 20

On the Move 22

In Memoriam 28

From the Archive

A Look Back: 100 Years Ago at Mines30

Letters to the Editor 2

Alumni Notes & Quotes 8

People WatchHank Ehrlinger ’50 reminisces on his mining career 10

Athletics 11

Short Takes 12

Geology Museum a Jewel 15

Events Calendar 31




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W hen Jerry Higgins is on a roll, he makes predictions aboutrocks. Falling, bouncing, rolling rocks.

For travelers and mountain residents, his predictions are critical.In steep mountainous terrain, rockfall presents a hazard to bothtransportation routes and structures.

Dr. Higgins, of the Department of Geology and GeologicalEngineering, speaks all over the United States and the world onthe Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP). It wasdeveloped at CSM, in cooperation with the Colorado Departmentof Transportation (CDOT), to model rockfall behavior andprovide a statistical analysis of how rocks are likely to bounddown a slope. The simulation is used by engineers as a basis fordesigning rockfall barriers.

Now used worldwide, the program was originated in 1987 for theI-70 highway project through Glenwood Canyon in Colorado. “Ofcourse it was full of rockfall problems,” says Higgins. So CDOTcontracted with Mines to combat the geological hazards associatedwith the high-country highway construction.

“We got paid to roll rocks down slopes,” says Higgins with a smile.And that rock rolling probably saved property and lives then –and continues to prevent catastrophes today – by keeping bouldersfrom launching onto highways.

The program is an analysis tool in making design choices about:■ Where to build barriers to stop rocks ■ What kinds of barriers are best in each situation■ Where constructing ditches alongside the road is a better

solution than a barrier.




with engineering geology softwareBy Marsha Konegni

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The CRSP algorithm was the thesis project of one ofHiggins’graduate students, Timothy Pfeiffer ME Geol Engr ’89.The computer model incorporates slope profiles where rockfallmight occur. It takes into account slope surface characteristics,such as bare soil, soft soil or soil scattered with boulders.

Also, parameters such as slope geometry, rock diameter anddensity are required input for the simulation model, whichcalculates bounce heights, velocities and energies of bouncingrocks along the slope profile. Rocks were actually rolled downslopes to calibrate the computer model with real data. CRSP stilluses Pfeiffer’s original algorithm.

Slight changes were made in the program between the late ‘80sand late ‘90s, when CDOT again contracted with Mines, this timeto do more calibration on the model and develop a Windows-

based version. Another of Higgins’ graduate students,Christopher Jones ME Geol Engr ’98, created the latest version.

He received technical advice from Rick Andrew of CDOT andhelp with statistical analysis of data from Dr. Keith Turner ofCSM’s Geology and Geological Engineering Department.Graduate student Paul Berger MSc Geol ’99 also assisted with some final programming changes.

Now more accurate and easier to use, the software is applied allover Colorado, and beyond, for safe rock slope design.

Software developed in the Geology and Geological EngineeringDepartment helps designers prevent rocks from bounding ontohighways or into structures in mountains regions.

The data aids in decisions about type and placement of barriers,such as fences or walls, or the construction of ditches as effectivepreventive measures.

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y:”I hear, I know.

I see, I remember.

I do, I understand.“

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I t’s not a teaching approach that he favors. Nevertheless, Dr.Thomas Furtak delivered a lecture.

Speaking in February to colleagues who had selected him as the 2000 CSM Faculty Senate Distinguished Lecturer, Furtakdescribed the old paradigm of teaching. “The room is configuredso that one person is the center of attention. That person talks,and everyone else listens. This is the academic lecture.”

Typical students in this learning environment:

Ouch. Furtak is a proponent of constructivism, a new teachingparadigm strongly supported by research. “Learning is determinedby what goes on in the student’s head, not by what comes out of ateacher’s mouth. The learners must be actively engaged throughenvironments and exercises that encourage them to interact andto think,” he said.

With this in mind, Furtak, professor in the Department of Physics,has designed the Physics Learning Studio, a teaching method thatreplaces traditional lectures with active-engagement sessions in acomputer-equipped classroom. During the last three years, Furtakand others in the department have worked with, and perfected, apilot version of the learning studio.

Now the system, in which students talk to each other and developcomplex thinking skills, will be installed in CSM’s new Center forTechnology and Learning Media. A closer look at the system canbe found on the Web at

The learning studio supports the School’s well-foundedcommitment to high quality education, according to Furtak. He isdetermined that Mines students avoid an educational shortfallcited by the National Science Foundation: “Graduates go out intothe workforce ill-prepared to solve real problems in a cooperativeway, lacking the skills and motivation to continue learning.”

It’s not the easiest path – for instructors, constructivism is bothchallenging and time-consuming – but Furtak believes it’s the best

path to foster skills for lifelong learning. And, he added, theevidence is overwhelmingly in favor of constructivist teaching.

Cooperative learning groups, with the teacher facilitating theinteraction, play a key role in constructivism, according to Furtak.The groups can be complex, such as the Mines EPICS teams thatcomplete major projects. Or they can be as simple as a pair ofstudents discussing with one another their reasoning about athought-provoking question. Either way, students are no longerpassive, and they work hard. They also enjoy the process more,since they are always interacting socially.

In his Faculty Senate Distinguished Lecture, Furtak made thefollowing recommendations for a new paradigm in education at CSM:

■ Put control of the action, and of the learning, in the hands of thestudent.

■ Make choices about the essential concepts and skills to be taughtin depth. As nationally noted physics educator Robert Fuller said,“Covering lots of content by lecturing…does not mean anythingother than that your students have been exposed to many ideas.They could not necessarily use these ideas themselves.”

■ Use criterion-based assessment with well established learningobjectives. As an institution, excel at talent improvement.

■ Recognize the value of the new teaching paradigm and committo it. Under the old paradigm, lectures are viewed as morevaluable than labs, and academic credit is awarded that way. Aproperly handled constructivist class is hard work for thestudents, and this should be recognized. Also commit toredesigned classrooms and more support for teaching faculty.

Finally, Furtak said, “We need to take teaching seriously and give itthe respect it deserves. The professor who does original researchand is published in refereed journals typically receives the most credit.

“Is it not the case, however, that the professor who influences themost lives is the one who has the greatest impact?”

■ Take notes at lecture■ Open books to problems■ Look for equations■ Turn in problems

■ Cram for tests■ Take tests■ Forget

By Marsha Konegni

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Alumni Notes &quotes

Bashen ’48 Named “Hero for Children”

Like Clark Kent, George Bashen Geol E ’48 is mild-mannered and unassuming,but he, too, has a heroic alter ego.

Bashen, a retired geologist, has spent the past five years tutoring students at Hauke Academic Alternative School in Conroe, Texas, and has created an endowment for them at Montgomery College, now totaling $19,000.

His love for the students recently earned him the title “Hero forChildren” from the Texas State Board of Education. “He’s ourSuperman,” said Hauke Principal JoAnn Beken. “How we got himI don’t know.”

Physical comparisons to the Man of Steel aren’t so far-fetchedconsidering that the 76-year-old is an avid marathoner. In fact, hebypassed the Sept. 15 “Heroes of Education” award ceremony inAustin to compete in a race in Ohio. Bashen completed 71 milesin 24 hours.

“He got second place in his age group,” said wife Betty. “He’s beenrunning about 20 years now, and runs in 100-mile, 70-mile and50-mile races. He ran 85 miles in this same race five years ago, buthe’s older now.”

The Bashens, who met while working at Shell Oil Co., in Houston,married 46 years ago and adopted three children. They are longtimemembers of First Baptist Church in Conroe, where Betty plays inthe handbell choir and George has taught Sunday school for 35 years.

After leaving Shell, Bashen worked as a consultant, but decided tofill his newly found free time by tutoring for the Houston schooldistrict. “They sent him to their alternative school,” said Betty. “Hediscovered that those kids were so far behind that he had to useflashcards with them. He felt he was doing more for thosestudents because they needed so much more.”

Full retirement from consulting kept Bashen closer to home; andwanting to continue working with alternative school students, heasked to volunteer at Hauke. His specialty is math. “He loves itover there,” said Betty. “It’s very satisfying to him to help thosestudents.”

The Bashens, their son and daughter-in-law and a friendestablished the Hauke Endowed Scholarship Fund in April 2000;the first two $500 scholarships were awarded last May, one to afemale graduate and the other to a male graduate from Hauke.“Having at least the first semester of college paid for might helpcreate a spark for the student,” said Bashen. “We want to give them

the incentive to succeed and get them enrolled.”

The scholarships can be used for the students’ first semester ofstudies at Montgomery College or any other college in the NorthHarris Montgomery Community College District in Texas.

By Nancy Flake, The [Conroy, Texas] Courier

Reprinted with permission

Two Miners Become Honorary Colonels

Marvin L. Kay EM ’63 and Hugh W. Evans EM ’49 were inducted as honorary colonels in the 115th Engineer Regiment in December during the ROTC commissioning ceremony.

The 115th Engineer Regiment, formed in 1917, distinguished itself in France during World War I. In 1931, veterans of the regiment presented their colors to the corps of cadets at CSM, where the colors and traditions have been proudly maintained ever since.

Since 1986, the regiment has annually recognized individuals who have made significant contributions to the U.S.defense establishment, particularly to the CSM corps of cadets. Kay was a distinguished military graduate of CSM.After graduation, he was commissioned in the Corps of Engineers and served in Germany as platoon leader and company executive officer. He then spent two years in the active reserves and three in theinactive reserves. In 1967 he became an assistant football coach at

CSM, head football coach in 1968, and athletic director in 1995.Kay has actively supported the CSM ROTC program, recognizingits potential for leadership in athletics and for bringingoutstanding scholar/athletes to Mines.

Evans served with the 10th Mountain Division at Camp Hale,Colo., and in Italy in 1943-45, earning the Combat Infantryman’sBadge, the Silver Star and a Purple Heart. After graduation fromMines, he was recalled to duty during the Korean War, serving as afirst lieutenant at the Army language school in Monterey, Calif. Asuccessful career in mining resulted in his being a vice-presidentat Atlantic Richfield and president and CEO of two major coalcompanies. In 1979, he was awarded CSM’s DistinguishedAchievement Medal. He has been on the CSM Board of Trusteessince 1977.

Marv Kay ’63

Hugh Evans ’49

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Merelli ’59 Heads Leading Colorado Company

Denver’s Key Production Co. Inc., headed by F.H. “Mick” Merelli PE ’59, had the greatest increase in stockprices of any Colorado company in 2000, according to the DenverPost. The company’s shares soared from a low of $6.94 to finishthe year at $33.56, a 348 percent stock-price gain.

Merelli, Key’s chairman and CEO, said, “We’ve always strived forconsistent, profitable growth. That’s allowed us to withstand someof the ups and downs in the market.” He said his companyperformed well because its balance sheet carries little debt.

Three Miners Featured in Wooden Canoe

Three members of the Class of ’48– Edwin T. “Ned” Wood EM,

Jim “Woody” Woodruff Geol E and Ken “Hector” Matheson EM – were featured in the May 2000 issue ofWooden Canoe magazine, the journal of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. The article,written by Woodruff ’s grandson, was originally published in 1997. It tells of a post-graduation canoe trip by the three Mines men and Woodruff ’s brother, then a Michigan State University student.

The adventurers paddled wood-and-canvas canoes for two weeks through the wilderness of Western Ontario, Canada during the summer of 1948. Although inexperienced, they survived therapids without life vests, camped under the stars and fought off mosquitoes.

Matheson died recently and Wood and Woodruff are retired.Wood lives in Hilton Head, S.C., and Woodruff lives in Michiganon Grand River, where he still canoes on occasion.

Burrows ’43 Explains Cracked Bridges

Dick Burrows EM ’43 will be the first keynote speaker at theConvention of the American Concrete Institute in Dallas inOctober. Last October, his paper, “The Visible and InvisibleCracking of Concrete,” was awarded the Wason Medal for theMost Meritorious Paper Award for 1998. In the paper,

Burrows suggests that the reason 253,000 concrete bridges in the United States are cracking is because modern cement, designed for rapid-hardening for high speed construction, makes concrete that is crack-prone. He has proposed a new, slower hardening portland cement similar to the now obsolete crack-resistant cements of 1953.

All 12 keynote speakers at the conference will address the issue of cracking cement. Burrows’ paper is the result of five years ofresearching 234 investigations.

Aguilera ‘71,‘77 Named SPE Distinguished Lecturer

Roberto Aguilera, M Eng Pet.’71,PhD Pet ’77 was named a Distinguished Lecturer by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for the 2000-2001 season. He will make presentations in 27 cities of North Africa, Europe, United States, Canada and South America on “Case Histories of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Around the World.”

Aguilera is president of Servipetrol Ltd. in Calgary, Canada. Hisfirm specializes in the study of oil and gas naturally fracturedreservoirs worldwide. He is author of “Naturally FracturedReservoirs” (PennWell, First Edition 1980, Second Edition 1995),and co-author of “Horizontal Wells” (Gulf Publishing Company,1991), “The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, Vol. 4” with KermitBrown et al (PennWell, 1984), and “Determination of Oil and GasReserves” (Petroleum Society of CIM Monograph No. 1, 1994) andhas published over 90 papers and technical notes on geologic andreservoir engineering aspects of naturally fractured reservoirs.

Aguilera was an AAPG lecturer on “Fracture Reservoir Analysis”from 1984 to 1996. He is a Distinguished Author of the Journal ofCanadian Petroleum Technology (1993 and 1999) and receivedthe Outstanding Service Award from the Petroleum Society ofCIM in 1994.


Ned Wood ’48 (in thebow) and Ken Matheson ’48shoot the rapids on theTurtle River to celebratetheir graduation from Mines.

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How in the heck did I getinto the mining business?

I’ve often wondered over the years.The answer, I think, is that I wasborn into it. Why did I stay in thebusiness? Because it provided adecent living, travel, fascinating co-workers and great satisfaction.

My father earned a mining engineering degree from University of Wisconsin in 1925 and went to work at a mine in Idaho. I was born August of that year. When froth flotation was in its infancy, Dad transferred from the company’s mine

to its mill. As a metallurgist, he was in on the development oftechnology for the electrolytic recovery of zinc, along with itsinventor, Mr. Tainton.

In 1929, Dad and Tainton were sent to Illinois to open anotherplant, but that fall, the stock market crashed. As the economybegan to crumble, Dad moved us to Silverton, Colo., where hefound work at the Sunnyside Mine.

A year later, the Great Depression caught up with us. Our familyreturned to Chicago to live with grandparents and Dad returnedto UW for an engineer of mines degree. The Depression grewworse. Dad found an engineering job in a power-tool manufacturingcompany in Indiana, but the pay was only $100 a month. Wesurvived and in 1935, Dad became assistant general manager, anda year later general manager, for Peru Mining Co. in Deming, N.M.

The economy was improving, but now war was brewing. In 1942,Dad was called into the Army to fight in World War II. I graduatedfrom high school in 1943 and enlisted that September. In between,I attended Texas A&M to get a head start on my education. In theArmy, I served in the Pacific with the 754th Tank Battalion.

I returned home from the war January 1946. Dad had returnedearlier and moved the family back to Silverton where he wassuperintendent at a lead-zinc mill. Dad suggested I work for himto supplement my GI Bill benefits while I waited for the newsemester to start, and my fate was sealed. I began what would be50-odd years in an absolutely wonderful career.

Within a short time, I had found my vocation and avocation:minerals benefication. I got hooked on making bubbles out ofrocks. Even though Dad was the boss, it was my co-workers whotook me under their collective wing and showed me the ropes.One man taught me how to nail a Price Albert tobacco tin on theshaking table and how to tilt the table so that I got the gold and

the company got the lead and zinc. (This came in handy someyears later when I was running a plant in Mexico. It takes a thiefto catch a thief!)

I also was shown how to use a gold pan, or vanner plaque, on the jig concentrates to recover high-grade gold. I learned whathappens when flotation reagents work properly and how to listento a ball mill to determine if the load is right. I picked up this knowledge from my co-workers on the job. It’s the type ofeducation not taught in schools. Another co-worker, John CookEM ’40, was the first to suggest I attend CSM. I had never heard ofit, but Cook was so enthusiastic, I decided to enroll. I returned toA&M for the summer and fall of 1946, then transferred to CSM.At Mines, I found kindred spirits and still keep in touch withsome of them. Those were difficult but happy years.

After graduation, I joined ASARCO’s mining department inChihuahua, Mexico. P.B. Lord, the general manager, was tough asa boot but fair to his employees. He had been assistant generalsuperintendent at the mine when he was captured by Pancho Villaand held for $25,000 ransom. Lord looked Villa in the eye andtold him he was only a shift boss. If the company paid the ransom,Lord said, he would surely be fired. Eventually, he talked Villadown to $2,500 and was released.

All together, I was in Mexico for almost 10 years, a high point ofmy life. By then, my daughters were completing grammar schooland would have to attend boarding school if we stayed, so wereturned to the States. I worked for Pima Mining Co. in Tucson,Ariz., and saw it grow from a 10,000-tpd operation to a 36,000-tpd operation in two years. In 1966, I set up a mineral-processinglab for the Illinois State Geological Survey at the University ofIllinois. In addition to locating mineral opportunities, the surveydemonstrated mineral benefication techniques.

I joined Dravo Corp. as head of new-product development in1973. We developed thiosorbic lime, which made a betterscrubbing agent for sulfer dioxide from power-plant emissionsthan any other product. We also produced a stabilizing agent,calcilox, which made the jelly-like scrubber sludge into a solid.During that time, I worked in Mexico, Canada, Colombia andVenezuela, as well as stateside. Eventually I became technicaldirector. After 12 years, though, Dravo downsized its R&Ddepartment and me along with it. I returned to the Illinois StateGeological Society until I retired in 1993. Today, I consult andhave been to Mexico and Kazahkstan on business.

Would I do it all over again? Yes, I would. Mining has been aninteresting and rewarding career for me and I’ve enjoyed everyminute. I don’t think I could have done any better.

Why I Got Into the Mining Business

Henry P. Ehrlinger III EM ’50

By Henry P. Ehrlinger III EM ’50

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T he Colorado School of Mines wrestling team hosted theUniversity of Oklahoma, California-State Fullerton, the

University of Wyoming, and the Air Force Academy in theinaugural Jack Hancock Invitational Tournament Saturday,Jan. 27, at Volk Gymnasium in Golden. The University of Oklahomawon the tournament with 138.5 team points, while the Air ForceAcademy came in second with 128 team points. Wyoming placedthird as a team with 66 points, Cal-State Fullerton took fourthwith 45 points, while Mines took fifth with 28.5 team points.

Division II Mines placed three wrestlers in the top four amongthe opposing Division I schools. Freshman 149-pounder MarkWennogle took fourth place, junior Jon Martinez took fourth inthe 157-pound weight class, and heavyweight senior MikeRoberts also took fourth.

OU’s Jared Frayer was dubbed the tournament’s OutstandingWrestler. The 149-pounder from Clearwater, Fla., was rankedsixth in the nation (NCAA I) at the time with a 31-4 record.Frayer pinned USAFA’s No. 20 (NCAA I) Scott Frohardt (4:32) inthe tournament finals.

In the 197-pound weight class, Cal-State Fullerton’s undefeatedBabak Nejadmajhaddam was pinned by OU’s Waymon May inthe finals. Nejadmajhaddam, a senior from Gothenburg, Sweden,was an undefeated 15-0 before the loss.

USAFA won two finals matches in the last remaining seconds.One came in the heavyweight division when Falcon Kevin Hoybeat Oklahoma’s Leonce Crump 3-2. Crump was awarded thetournament’s Most Falls, Least Time award.

The Jack Hancock Invitational was named for former Mineswrestling coach Jack Hancock, who coached at CSM for 37 years.In his career at Mines, Hancock coached 33 all-Americans, threeindividual National Champions, and had two teams finish secondand fourth at the NCAA Championships.

CSM Athletics Hall of Fame Nominees

Colorado School of Mines is always accepting nominations for its Athletic Hall of Fame. If youwould like to nominate an athlete, coach, outstanding supporter, or historic achievement fromColorado Mines’ long and legendary athletic history, applications may be sent to the Hall of FameCommittee c/o Marv Kay.

Mines Hosts Inaugural Wrestling Tournament

Three Orediggers Place in Top Four

By Kacey KingryCSM Sports Information Director

The 2001 CSM wrestling team: Front row from left, Nate Mascarenas,Nate Peterson, Danny Allen, Vern Baca, Chris Fleeman. Second row,Adam Haley, Jody Trantham, An Ngo, Ross Boone, Marc Wennogle, RickRank, Jordan Barton, Cody Duran. Third row, Dustin Bennets, JeremyPollock, Jon Martinez, assistant coach Shane Carwin, head coach DanLewis, assistant coach Bryan Walter, Curtis Ridenour, Alex Yockey, JamesMars. Fourth row, Shane Capps, James Carroll, Kevin Walters, Ian Schick,Ben Junk, J. Herron, Mike Roberts, Matt Chase. Back row, MarkDubrovich, Ryan Swanson, Alex Yockey, Scott Stanley, Eric Romberg,Adam Cordova, Ross Harkrider.

Coach Jack Hancock



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Mines students take to the streets

Washing wheelchairs and repairingplayground equipment are nottypical weekend activities for collegestudents.

But engaging in such acts ofcommunity service is how some 10percent of the Mines undergraduatesspent a Saturday in February.

The first annual CSM “Into theStreets” was sponsored by theAssociated Students of the ColoradoSchool of Mines (ASCSM).

The students represented 10 campusfraternities and sororities, theInterfraternity Council, Panhellenic(CSM’s sorority council), and ASCSM.

They divided their time among 12Denver area organizations, engagingin a wide variety of activities,including:

■ Distributing food at the DenverRescue Mission

■ Assisting at the Children’s MiracleNetwork

■ Playing card games with seniorcitizens

■ Working at the CSM indoor trackmeet

■ Repairing a parking lot and akitchen.

“We think it was a powerfulexperience for everyone tosee 200 students going outand doing something to helpthe community. If a lot ofpeople are involved, you can

make a big difference,” said JessicaJordet, a senior chemistry major whoserves as Mines Activity Council Chair.

FY-2000 largest everfor CSM research

Colorado School of Minesresearchers recorded the largestfunding year ever for Fiscal Year2000, with close to $24 million in472 awards from federal, state andprivate sources. It was a record-breaking year

in terms of both total funding andnumber of awards.

Total research monies were up $3.4million from the previous fiscal year.The total number of awards alsoincreased, by 139 awards.

Fiscal Year 1995 had the largest total

Russian visitors cometo campusRussian Federation Minister of Natural Resources BorisAlexandrovich Yatskevich visitedCSM in February to discuss theinvestment climate in Russia formineral resource development.

Yatskevich’s jurisdictionencompasses the forestry, mining,geological, water andenvironmental protection agenciesin Russia.

The country holds 25 percent of theworld’s forest reserves, 20 percent ofthe earth’s water resources andenormous reserves of minerals – gas,petroleum, iron, platinum, nickeland gold.

The minister assessed the politicalclimate of Russia as “stable” andindicated that the current presidentis very popular, with a 90 percentapproval rating. “The legislature hasa good working relationship andhopes for stability,” he said.

He also said that the investmentclimate in Russia is encouraging.Russia continues to decrease the taxburden and compete on a level withother well-endowed mineralcountries.

The Office of InternationalPrograms and the MiningEngineering Departmentsponsored and hosted theminister’s visit.

Also visiting campus this springwas Sergey P. Reshetnyak, amember of the RussianAcademy of Sciences and theMining Institute of KolaScience Centre.

Dr. Reshetnyak was speaking

at the fourth internationalsymposium on slope stability insurface mining, in conjunction withthe annual meeting of the Society forMining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.

His topic was analysis of slope failureand open pit design in geologicallystressed regions.

A resident of Murmansk, he isdirector of the open pit miningdivision at the Kola Centre.

Geology and Miningnamed tops inGourman Report

The 2001 Gourman Report hasnamed the CSM Departments ofGeology and Geological Engineering

State(dollars in millions)


(dollars in millions)

FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00

FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00

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prior to this year, with $22.3million. FY-98 had the largestnumber of awards prior tothis year, with 421.

Examples of research projectsfunded in FY-00 include:

■ NASA’s funding of $3.5 millionto the Center for Commercial

Applications of Combustion inSpace (CCACS). The Centerreceived additional funding fromNASA for related projects, fromother federal agencies, from industryand from the State of Colorado,bringing the total center fundingfrom external sources to over $4million for the year.

■ Over a million dollars fromCargill-Dow Polymers (CDP) overa three-year period to the ChemicalEngineering & Petroleum Refiningand the Chemistry & GeochemistryDepartments to conductfundamental scientific studies onpolylactic acid (PLA), a newenvironmentally benign plastic material.

Phi Gamma Delta isgood news!

The CSM chapter of Phi GammaDelta fraternity was among 10individuals and organizationshonored at the 11th annual JeffersonCounty Good News CelebrationBreakfast in March.

Each of the honorees wasselected for contributions to thediverse cultural, historical, economic,religious and social understandingwithin Jefferson County.

This year’s honorees representedbusinesses, non-profit organizations,governmental units, volunteers,schools, service clubs andcommunity groups.

The Good News Celebration issponsored by a coalition ofJefferson County volunteersdedicated to recognizing individualsand organizations who make the broader community a better place to live and work.

and Mining Engineering as numberone in their fields.

Runners-up in geologicalengineering were the University ofMissouri-Rolla and the University ofMinnesota, while others in themining engineering category werethe University of Arizona and theUniversity of Missouri-Rolla.

According to The Gourman Report,rankings are based on the “generalimpression of a university’s strengthsand the weaknesses of its academicprofile.”

Other considerations are:■ Faculty■ Institutional auspices■ Quality of undergraduate and

graduate students■ Curriculum content■ Instruction quality■ Research funding and opportunities.

The Gourman Report is anassessment of higher educationprograms published by RandomHouse, Inc. Students, employers andeducators use the report to makeacademic choices, assess quality ofapplicants and improve academicprograms.

CSM Trustee named to Mining Hall of FameBoard

Hugh Evans Geol E ’49, a member ofthe CSM Board of Trustees, has beenelected to the Board of Directors of

the national Mining Hall of Fameand Museum in Leadville, Colo.

Evans is a veteran of 35 years in themining business. He played a keyrole in developing major mines inNew Mexico, Wyoming andAustralia.

He retired first in 1983 aspresident of Old Ben Coal Co.and a second time in 1985 aspresident of Enoxy Coal Co. Hecontinues to do consulting.

In WWII, he trained at CampHale near Leadville, servingwith the 10th MountainDivision in Italy, where hewas awarded the Silver Starand Purple Heart medals. He

is chairman emeritus of thedivision’s national association.





(dollars in millions)


(dollars in millions)

FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00

FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00

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Phelps Dodge CEO keynotes springcommencement

J. Steven Whisler ’84 MSc Min Ecdelivered the keynote address at the127th annual commencement onMay 4, 2001.

Whisler is president, CEO andboard chairman of PhelpsDodge Corporation. In 1976he began his career withPhelps Dodge, which now hasoperations and investmentsin mines and manufacturingfacilities in 27 countries andemploys nearly 16,000people worldwide.

A native of ColoradoSprings, Whisler also holds a from the University ofColorado and a J.D. from theUniversity of Denver College of Law.

A certified public accountant, he hasalso completed the Harvard BusinessSchool’s Advanced ManagementProgram.

In 1994, he received CSM’sDistinguished Achievement Medalfor career accomplishments.

Close to 300 students receiveddegrees, and six individuals receivedhonorary degrees and medals.

Honorary Degrees

J. Steven Whisler, president, CEOand chairman of the board,Phelps Dodge Corporation

Dr. William D. Nix, Lee OttersonProfessor, School of Engineering,Stanford University

Dr. Gordon P. Eaton retired Directorof the U.S. Geological Survey

Distinguished Achievement Medals

A. Frederick Banfield, president,Mintec, Inc.

James D. Dunn, president, MillCreek Lumber and Supply Company

F. H. Merelli, chairman and CEO,Key Production Company, Inc.

CSM Office of TechTransfer opens

Colorado School of Minesannounced the opening of an Officeof Technology Transfer for an initialperiod of at least 16 months,effective March 14.

“We believe this move not only willgenerate new revenue for theinstitution but also will provideanother vehicle for rewardingcreative faculty and staff,” said Dr. Phillip R. Romig, dean of thegraduate school and research.

The purpose of the office is to reward innovation andentrepreneurial activity on the partof faculty and staff, recognize thevalue and preserve ownership ofCSM’s intellectual property, andcontribute to economic growth.

The responsibilities of the office willinclude:■ Participating in the revision of

CSM’s intellectual property policy(both patent and copyright) andestablishing procedures for IPmanagement

■ Providing training for faculty andstudents on identification andprotection of potentially valuableideas

■ Creating a database of facultyactivities that may lead to patentsor institutional copyrights

■ Tracking ideas, patents andcopyrights from initial disclosure tofinal disposition

■ Analyzing and evaluatingdisclosures, working with facultyand staff to make decisions aboutpursuing patents, and negotiatingpatent and copyright agreements

■ Coordinating and monitoringpatent and copyright submissionand prosecution

■ Marketing CSM technologies andintellectual property

■ Negotiating and prosecuting licenseand royalty agreements

■ Reporting quarterly to the CSMadministration and Board ofTrustees.

The office will be led by Dr. RahmatShoureshi, Dobelman Professor ofEngineering at CSM.

Dr. Philippe Rossresigns

Dr. Philippe Ross resigned hisposition as director of theEnvironmental Science andEngineering Division effective May4, 2001. Dr. Ross is remaining on thefaculty at Mines as a professor.Dr. Robert Siegrist is serving asinterim division director.

Steven Whisler ’84

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A t the recent Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, the CSMGeology Museum’s exhibit of fake minerals, fossils and

gems was named “Most Educational Display.”

More than 35,000 people saw the exhibit at Tucson. The displaywas also shown at the Fort Collins Gem and Mineral Show onMarch 24 to 25. Plans call for it to be permanently exhibited inthe Geology Museum, beginning this summer.

And for the second year in a row, a specimen from the museum’scollection was selected as the poster mineral for the Denver Gemand Mineral Show on September 14 to 16, 2001.

A stunning mixture of amazonite, smoky quartz and albite fromPikes Peak, now on display at the museum, was the choice for thisyear’s poster. Last year’s winning specimen of gold on quartz (atleft) from the Smuggler Union Mine in the San Juan Mountains

is on display at the Arthur Lakes Library.New Curator

C SM welcomes Paul Bartos, new curator of the GeologyMuseum.

He joins the School from ASARCO, Inc., where he was theexploration and business development manager for LatinAmerica. His most recent project was the discovery anddevelopment of a large silver resource (~100 million ounces) onthe flanks of Bolivia’s legendary silver mountain, the Cerro Ricode Potosi.

He has explored extensively for gold, silver and copperthroughout the western United States, Mexico and SouthAmerica. Considered an authority on vein deposits, he haswritten papers that are included in many university graduatelevel seminars, including those here at Mines.

Bartos says he is pleased to be at CSM, as it presents many newopportunities. His responsibilities as curator will lead him in avariety of directions:

■ Research into Colorado ore deposits

■ Expansion of the museum’s community outreach programs

■ Direction of museum operations.

Most importantly, Bartos is deeply involved in planning newfacilities for the museum in the new research building to belocated on Maple Street. Construction starts this summer, withcompletion scheduled for September 2002.

Bartos also hopes to expand the museum’s focus to incorporatemore of CSM’s history and present achievements into future displays.


Geology Museum a jewelby Misti Brady

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C SM’s new degree in Engineering Technology Management(ETM) has captured the attention of business leaders, who

anticipate sending their employees through the program, as wellas hiring new CSM graduates.

CSM’s Division of Economics and Business has introduced thenew master’s degree program, which will begin with the fall 2001semester. The Colorado Commission on Higher Educationapproved the degree January 9.

According to Michael Walls, interim director of the Division ofEconomics and Business, CSM implemented the new degreeprogram to meet the needs of business.

Companies in all business sectors have a growing need for

engineers who are technically competent and possess the requiredmanagement skills to effectively function in a competitive andtechnologically complex business economy.

Students can tailor their ETM degree to specialize in eitherquantitative decision methods or strategy and organization.

Through its integrative approach to engineering and technologymanagement education, the program will provide graduates with:

■ Increased analytical skills, decision-making capabilities and agrasp of key technology issues

■ Enhanced understanding of planning, organizing and resourceallocation

By Misti Brady


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The Engineering Technology Management degree was madepossible by a $1 million gift from Jerome Broussard Met E ‘63and his wife Rebecca of Whitefish, Mont.

The first $100,000 of the Broussard’s gift will be used to develop,market and provide technical support for the program.

An additional $900,000 will be set aside in an endowment tohelp fund the program in perpetuity, with $50,000 a year forthree years pledged to support scholarships.

$1 million gift for new degree program

■ Strengthened strategies for supervising global technologydevelopment, acquisition and commercialization.

Walls anticipates that the existing resources of the division’smineral economics program will enhance the breadth of the ETMprogram, providing expertise in microeconomics, operationsresearch, finance and decision science. Of interest to currentmineral economics students are the skill sets offered by the ETMprogram, including e-business, entrepreneurship and technologypolicy.

Expectations for ETM graduates are high. “The strong managerialaspects of the ETM curriculum provide graduates with skills that

enable them to rapidly assume leadership roles in industry andgovernment… graduates will chart career paths they findintellectually and financially rewarding,” said Walls.

President John U. Trefny is enthusiastic about the new degree,which he says is an example of how Mines constantly strives totailor its programs to be meaningful for the student and relevantto the marketplace.

“Changes in the Colorado and global business economiesunderscore the importance of engineering and technologymanagement skills. The ETM program will train CSM graduatesto be leaders in this new economy,” he said.

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West Rocky Mountain

Forty-seven parents, alumni and players enjoyed a buffet betweenbasketball games Saturday, Jan. 6 in the University ofColorado/Colorado Springs student center.

Coach Vic Doperalski (left with glasses) enjoys the between-games buffet held at the Southern Colorado gymnasium betweenbasketball games played in Pueblo Jan. 5. Alumni and parents wereon hand to cheer the Orediggers.

Mines Ultimate Frisbee team and San Diego alumni met fordinner at El Torito restaurant Feb. 18. The team competed in theUniversity of California-San Diego President’s Day tournament.

Mines men’s ski team participated in NCAA regional competitionin Park City, Utah, from Feb. 21-24. Jeff Odenbaugh BSc Eng ’93organized a dinner on the first day with CSMAA ExecutiveDirector Michael Watson and Randy Johnson BSc Eng ’83 atChuck-a-Rama in Salt Lake City.

Dean Stoughton BSc Math ’75, MSc Geop ’78, George Puls BScMin ’75 and Julie White BSc CPR ’93 organized an alumni golftournament that was to be held April 27 (as we go to press). Funds

raised will be used for academic and athletic scholarships for out-of-state students with a preference to Texas.

San Diego Utah

Colorado Springs Pueblo

Gulf Coast


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Searching for a Classmate?Almost daily, the Alumni Association getscalls from people looking for classmatesthey have lost touch with. Unfortunately,sometimes we can’t help them becausemany of our alumni have moved or changed jobs without notifying us. If youknow any of these “missing” alumni, pleaselet us and/or the requester know. E-mailBob Pearson PE ’59 at [email protected]

or call him at (800) 446-9488, ext. 3959 or(303) 273-3959 to help us update ourdatabase or to add your missing friends tothe list.

Name/Contact of RequestorArnoldo Garcia ’79 [email protected]

Name/Class of Lost FriendLuis Ramirez Maroto ’97

Ricardo Ganoza ’92Miguel I.Z. Kubes ’62


If you and fellow alumni are meeting in far-off places, please tell Bob Pearson ’59, thesections manager ([email protected]). CSMAA will publish news of your events.




From left, Arne Birkeland BSc Geol ’72, John Farley, Barrett Sleeman EM ’64,John Anderson Geol E ’54, Al Homenuke BSc Geol ’74, Wesley Nason BSc Min’71, Dave Deering EM ’71, David Philip EM ’71, Bob Pearson PE ’59 andGeorge Sanders BSc Geol ’73, MSc Geol ’75.

The 2001 Cordillerian Roundup breakfast was held in Vancouver,British Columbia, Jan. 24. John Anderson Geol E ’54 and DavidPhilip EM ’71, Vancouver section coordinators, arranged the event.


In Jakarta, Indonesia, about 120 engineers, many of them Minesalumni, attended a meeting at the home of the Minister ofEnergy in January.

Arnoldo García BSc Min ’79 organized the first Central American CSM alumnireunion, held Dec. 14 in Guatemala. From left Javier Luengo BSc Pet ’85, LeeMosheim Met E ’48, Sharon de Paiz; back row from left, Byron Mota MSc Geol’90, Juan Villagran MSc Env Sci ’95, Arnoldo García BSc Min ’79; front rowfrom left, Silvia de García, Gloria de Villagran, and Carlos Paiz BSc Geol ’81.

A second reunion was planned for March when the group willconsider incorporating as a consulting firm. The group was planningto recruit more former CSM students for the March reunion.


Dr. Jae-Ho Lee ’93 visited Mines in February and alerted CSMAAthat a group of CSM alumni have been active in South Korea since1996. The group of about 50 alumni is planning its annualmeeting for November.

? ?

Canada Central America

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One shared priority and 50years of compromise benefitCSM’s collections

They’ve shared a marriage, familyand life together for more than50 years, but that appears to bewhere the similarity ends forRobert and Stasia Davison.

The youngest of four children, Stasia is a first-generationAmerican, born and raised in upstate New York. She takes pride inher upbringing, which was marked by long hours working in thefamily’s bakery. Bob was born in Alabama in 1921 to a traditionalsouthern family. His mother was a librarian and his father anattorney-turned-insurance-executive; together their careerinterests foreshadowed Bob’s own path.

“We’re about as different as two people can be,” Stasia says, andthey have been since they first met. In 1943 Stasia accompaniedher sister to Mississippi, where her sister’s fiancé was stationed inthe military. Bob shared living quarters with him and agreed tospend time with “the sister.” Enter the controversy: According tothe “southern” version, when Bob offered to show Stasia aroundNew Orleans for the first time, she hopped the first train back toNew York to protect her reputation. The “northern” version says,“I probably just had to get back for a football game.”

But the Davisons have always agreed on the important things. Itwas at Stasia’s encouragement that Bob established a $1 millioncollections endowment for the Arthur Lakes Library. Stasia saysthat “Bob always was a scholar,” but Bob explains, “I gave to thelibrary because I had used it when I went to Mines, and I felt anobligation to do this for the library and the School.”

From an early age Bob knew he wanted to be a part of the miningindustry. He began pursuing his dream at Auburn University, buthis mother was less than pleased with the educational opportunitiesAlabama had to offer at the time. She called a friend who workedin the industry to discuss her son’s education alternatives. Hesuggested Bob attend Colorado School of Mines because it was“the best place in the country” for mineral extraction and resource engineering.

With his mother’s blessing, Bobboarded a train to Denver to furtherhis education in mining at CSM.However, his geology professor,Francis M. Van Tuyl, advised himthat he “really should be ageological engineer. You’ve got

good potential forthat.” Bob says,“That soundedpretty good to me, so I did.”

During his years at Mines, Bobwas befriended by a librarianwho cultivated his interest inliterature. “She pushed books off on me – and not justengineering books!” he says.“There really weren’t many atschool who were interested in getting books to just read.”

Small and crowded, the entire library once occupied the few roomsmaking up the left flank of Guggenheim. In the early 1940s whenBob attended the School, the library was home to a collection ofsome 38,000 volumes. Today the library boasts 500,000 volumes,1,200 journal titles, 200,000 maps, 600,000 government publications,and the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive.

Director of the Arthur Lakes Library Joanne Lerud explains thatthe library has come a long way since Bob graduated in 1943.“The collection has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, butthose steady strides are somewhat unremarkable next to Bob andStasia’s extreme generosity.” Indeed, the $1 million Robert P. andStasia Davison Endowment for Collections will help the library toaccommodate the changing needs of its users by procuring andmaintaining all necessary forms of information resources – fromprint to electronic, from audio to video. The endowment willestablish a firm, reliable basis for developing and preserving thecollection. “We really needed a gift of this enormity to keep pacewith the disciplines and industries we serve,” Lerud says.

Graduation day was bittersweet for Bob. Early that morning hewas sworn in to the Army Corps of Engineers as a secondlieutenant before returning to Guggenheim to graduate with aprofessional degree as a geological engineer. Despite the miscom-munication that tainted their first meeting, Bob and Stasiapursued a “romance through the mail.” Not longafter the war ended and immediately uponlanding on American soil, Bobcalled Stasia. “You stillwant to getmarried?” heasked. She replied“Well, I’ve got noone courting menow, so, sure, whynot?” She explains hernoncommittal responsesimply: “I never forgavehim for being aSoutherner.”


InPhilanthropyat mines

Robert and Stasia Davison in February 2001

Arthur Lakes Library in February 2001CSM Library in 1943

Robert andStasia Davison

with Arthur LakesLibrary Director

Joanne Lerud


Davisons Donate $1 Million to Arthur Lakes Library

Robert Davison’s 1943 yearbook photo

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Bob’s military term ended shortly after they married. He workedfor a while in Delaware but “hated the Northeast.” He then beganto follow in his father’s footsteps by pursuing law school. Heinsists that the reason he returned to Colorado for law school wasnot compromise on the North/South issue but because he “got themost intelligent response from CU.” The Davisons moved toEldorado Springs, Colo. Stasia says she “really felt like a pioneerthere. The people were friendly and sort of hardy. I likedColorado.” For once they agreed.

After Bob finished law school, he took a job practicing minerallaw at Holland & Hart, a Denver-based law firm, for $250 a

month. The firm’s eighth lawyer, he says he was “the first attorneyat the firm to have a law degree from somewhere other thanYale, Oxford, Yale, Harvard, Yale, Yale or Yale.” But Bobknows why they hired him anyway. “Mines got me thatjob,” he says, one he stayed with for three decades.

Bob enjoys reminiscing about his days at Mines andwhere they led him. But Stasia believes that “when thepast is past, it’s gone. I’d rather look toward the future.”Fortunately their donation to the Arthur Lakes Library atColorado School of Mines allows them to do both.

Individual GiftsAlready members of the Mines Century Society at the Gold level,Jerome Met E 63 and Rebecca Broussard contributed $94,297 in start-up funds for the new Engineering and TechnologyManagement master’s degree program. The Broussard familycontributed $906,953.12 last October to establish an endowmentto support the degree program in perpetuity.

S.D. (Steve) Chesebro’ P E 64, a Copper-level member of the MinesCentury Society since 1999, contributed $25,000 to the Chesebro’Faculty Development Fund in Petroleum Engineering. His giftmade him a renewing member of the Simon Guggenheim Society.

With a gift of $50,000 James R. Daniels Geol E 51 and his wifePatricia created the James R. and Patricia A. Daniels GraduateFellowship in Geology and Geophysics. They also contributed$5,720 to the Mines Annual Fund. The gifts established theirposition in the Copper level of the Mines Century Society and theSimon Guggenheim Society.

Frederick F. Dueser P E 49 renewed his membership in the SimonGuggenheim Society with a gift of $25,000 to the Mines Annual Fund.

Charles R. Fitch E M 49 joined the Simon Guggenheim Societywith a gift of $50,000 to the Mining Department in support offaculty enhancement.

Alfred T. Ireson P E 48 donated $55,000 to the Alfred T. Iresonand Family Endowed Scholarship Fund and $5,707 to the MinesAnnual Fund. With this gift, he renewed his membership in theSimon Guggenheim Society.

Patrick M. James E M 68 joined the Simon Guggenheim Societywith a $25,000 contribution to the Leslie S. James EndowedScholarship Fund.

Howard E. Janzen BSc Met 76 MSc Met 77 joined the SimonGuggenheim and Mines Century societies with a gift of $103,675in securities.

A member of the Mines Century Society at the Copper level since1998, F. Steven Mooney Geol E 56 renewed his membership in theSimon Guggenheim Society with a gift of $25,000 in support ofthe Mines Annual Fund.

Eunice I. Fettes established a testamentary trust with a bequest of$1,051,313 in securities. The trust will fund an endowedscholarship fund.

Corporate GiftsBurlington Resources Foundation contributed $25,000 toward the Adjunct Professor Program for graduate studies in thePetroleum Engineering Department under the direction ofDr. Craig W. Van Kirk.

The Chemical Engineering Department received a $30,000donation from the Japan Polychemical Corporation. The fundswill support research under the direction of Dr. David W. M. Marrinto the morphology development and characterization of ICPpowders and blends.

Phelps Dodge Foundation contributed to Mining and EngineeringDepartment programs with a grant of $40,000 and continued itssupport of the Phelps Dodge-Ansell Endowment for Excellence inMining Engineering in the amount of $100,000.

The Li Foundation, Inc., contributed $42,000 to support twograduate fellowships in the Department of Metallurgical andMaterials Engineering. The two graduate students are from theCentral South University of Technology in Changsha, Hunan, China.

Colorado School of Mines received more than $25,000 from each ofthe following donors between 15 December 2000 and 15 March 2001.With their gifts, these benefactors will join or renew their membershipin the Simon Guggenheim Society, a distinguished group of Mines

alumni and friends who annually donate $25,000 or more to theSchool. In many cases, the donors’ gifts earn them membership in theMines Century Society, which honors alumni and friends whosecumulative contributions to the School total $100,000 or more.

You already use CSM’s website to stay informed about the School;now you can use the site to support it. With Mines’ secure onlineserver, your donation is completely safe. Simply complete the format with yourcontact information, giving preferences, and preferred paymentmethod (we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Expressand checks). Supporting your alma mater couldn’t be easier!

Just like traditional gifts, gifts made online are tax deductibleaccording to applicable laws. However, they are processedimmediately and can make an impact much faster than donations by postal mail. [email protected] or call 303-273-3526 with questions.

Don’t wait in line - get online to support Mines!




yat min


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Douglas R. Cook DSc Geol is retiredin Reno, Nev.


Richard D. Erdman PRE ownsErdman Consulting in LagunaNiguel, Calif.

Thomas A. Fulton PRE is retired inEdmond, Okla.


Edward C. Burgan Geol E is retiredin West Hill, Ontario, Canada.


Ralph H. Dougherty Met E is apartner for Dougherty & ClementLLP-patent law in Charlotte, N.C.


William E. Amlong PE is retired inDewey, Ariz.


John T. Chandler PE is an adviserfor XCL Ltd., in Lafayette, La.

Darol E. Crays PRE is retired inBeaumont, Texas.

Paul J. Ellis PRE retired from GreatLakes Carbon Corp. in February1999, after 40 years. He now ownsPetroCarbon-Help and is aconsultant in Johnson City, Tenn.

R. M. “Dick” Swerdfeger EM isretired in Grand Junction, Colo.


Joseph L. Anjier PRE is R&Dmanager for Kaiser Aluminum &Chemical Corp., in Baton Rouge, La.


Clifford B. Farris PRE, MSc PRE ’66is technical consultant for CliffordFarris and Associates in Lakewood,Colo.

Ronald Rutherford EM is CEO ofRutherford & Smith ConstructionInc., in Sacramento, Calif.


L. Duncan Creed EM is retired inOrange Beach, Ala. He is a part-timeconsultant.

William R. Pitman PE, MSc Pet ’66is bureau chief, lake protectionprogram, for the Idaho Departmentof Lands in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.


Bruce A. Miller Geol E is senior vicepresident of Marsh USA Inc. inAtlanta, Ga.


Stephen D. Chesebro’ PE, Medalist’91, Hon D Engr ’98 was named tothe Benton Oil and Gas Co. board ofdirectors in January.

Albert P. Geyer Geol E is a seniorfinancial adviser for Waddell &Reed, Inc., in Denver.

David B. Hackman Geop E ispresident of Sage Associates, Inc., inTucson, Ariz.


E. Avery Reed EM is president and chief executive officer ofReed Technical Group Inc., in Santa Ana, Calif.


Eldon W. Brickle EM is executivevice president and chief operatingofficer for Stansbury Holdings Denver.

Clarence W. “Bill” Dean Jr. Met E isretired from Hamilton SundstrandCorp., and lives in Rockford, Ill.

Thomas Lapinski Geop E ispresident of Torchlight Resources inGolden, Colo.

Christopher G. White DSc Min isretired in Roswell, Ga.


Hans J. Boving MSc Met, PhD Met’69 is retired in Gals, BE,Switzerland.

Robert C. Wise Math E is principalengineer for the Boeing Co., inSeattle, Wash.


Thomas S. Elliott PE is an executivefor Elysium Energy in Cypress, Texas.

Edward J. Gibbon Jr. PE is vicepresident of reservoir engineeringfor Harken Energy Corp. in Houston.


William A. Abbott PE, MSc Pet ’74is an engineer for Systems


Page 23: New degree offers management solutions New degree offers ...



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Seismic InterpretationSeismic InterpretationSeismic InterpretationSeismic InterpretationSeismic Interpretation

William C. Pearson, Ph.D.William C. Pearson, Ph.D.William C. Pearson, Ph.D.William C. Pearson, Ph.D.William C. Pearson, Ph.D.PresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresident

PPPPPearson Tearson Tearson Tearson Tearson Technoloechnoloechnoloechnoloechnologies, Inc.gies, Inc.gies, Inc.gies, Inc.gies, Inc. Phone: 303-989-2014Phone: 303-989-2014Phone: 303-989-2014Phone: 303-989-2014Phone: 303-989-2014134 Union Blvd., Suite 650134 Union Blvd., Suite 650134 Union Blvd., Suite 650134 Union Blvd., Suite 650134 Union Blvd., Suite 650 Fax: 303-989-5096Fax: 303-989-5096Fax: 303-989-5096Fax: 303-989-5096Fax: 303-989-5096Lakewood, CO 80228Lakewood, CO 80228Lakewood, CO 80228Lakewood, CO 80228Lakewood, CO 80228

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Technology Associates in Golden,Colo.

W. Dennis Heagney PE ’69,Medalist ’97 was promoted toexecutive vice president and CEO ofTransocean Sedco Forex Inc.Heagney joined a predecessorcompany of Transocean, TheOffshore Company, in 1969 as adivision engineer, and has served invarious positions of increasingresponsibility in operations andmarketing.

Steven J. Maoine Geol E, MSc Geol’71 is senior geophysicist for CoreLaboratories in Houston.

Patricia C. Mosch Geol E, EM ’69 isretired in Colorado Springs, Colo.

James M. Riddle EM, MSc Min ’74is senior environmental scientist forMidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.,in Des Moines, Iowa.


Charles D. Crew BSc Met is a vicepresident and division manager forHawthorne Lift Systems in SanDiego.

H. Michael Hartmann BSc Pet is apartner for Leydig, Voit & Mayer,Ltd., in Chicago.


Roger Newel MSc Geol is presidentand chief executive officer for WestGold Ltd., in Golden, Colo.


Michael G. Long BSc Pet is vicepresident of Nations Energy inHouston.


James L. Green BSc CPR is a remedyproject engineer at the RockyMountain Arsenal in CommerceCity, Colo.

Frank L. Natta BSc Met, MSc MinEc ’75 is a manager for QuintanaConsulting Services in Lexington,Ky.


Charles K. Chambers BSc CPR is asenior engineer for PM Tech andlives in Golden, Colo.

Timothy J. O’Connor BSc Min is acivil engineer for EngineeringSurveys and Services in Columbia,Mo.

Carol Packard Ferrera BSc Met,MSc Env Sc ’94 is a qualityassurance officer and Kenneth P.Ferrera BSc Met ’72 is a manager forKaiser Hill Co., LLC, in Golden,Colo.

Dennis D. Gertenbach BSc CPR,MSc CPR ’77, PhD CPR ’80 issenior project manager at HazenResearch Inc., in Golden, Colo.

Benton T. Kelly BSc Min ’74 has leftPhillips Coal Co. because of an assetsale and has opened a consultingbusiness, Kelly Energy FuelsServices. His primary fields areindependent power producing andcoal property analysis. He lives inPlano, Texas.

Thomas Kelly BSc Min, M Eng Min’95 is manager of mining for MRDIin San Mateo, Calif.

Robert P. Otto BSc Geol is anetwork consultant for AltaireEnterprises, Inc., in Spearfish, S.D.


Michael L. McGonagill BSc Pet isvice president, U.S. operations, forAlliance Pipeline Inc., in EdenPrairie, Minn.


M. Stephen Enders BSc Geol hasbeen promoted to vice president,mine-site exploration, for PhelpsDodge Exploration Corp., inTucson, Ariz.

Steven R. Gasser BSc Met is smeltermanager at ASARCO, Inc., raycomplex, Hayden Smelter inHayden, Ariz. He has been withASARCO for 24 years.

Bruce E. Grewcock BSc Min ispresident and chief operating officerfor Peter Kiewit Sons, Inc., inOmaha, Neb.

Jimmy B. Taylor BSc Math is seniorenergy analyst for TAC Americas inMustang, Okla.


William A. Sargent BSc Pet is Chinaupstream commercial manager forPhillips Petroleum Co., inBartlesville, Okla.


Gary P. Hoffman BSc CPR iscontract manager for URS Corp., inDenver. He and his wife Karie justcelebrated their daughter Riley’s firstbirthday.

E. Russell Lambert PhD CPR isretired in Mooresville, N.C.


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Frank D. Clouse BSc CPR istechnical director for TesoroPetroleum in Kapolei, Hawaii.

David Holstein BSc Pet is presidentof Victory Oil and Gas, Inc., in GunBarrell City, Texas.


Wilson H. Herrod PhD Geol is anindependent geologist in Cody, Wyo.

Douglas R. MacAfee BSc Pet is adriller for the Apache Corp., inKingwood, Texas.

Thomas L. Netzel BSc CPR is aportfolio asset manager for PG&ENational Energy Group in Bethesda,Md.

Scott K. Palm BSc Min is executivevice president, Western Hemisphere,for World Minerals Inc., in SantaBarbara, Calif.

Robert M. Pickard BSc Geol ispresident of Pickard GeologicalServices, providing oil and gasconsulting in Denver.

Brian W. Rothkopf BSc Pet is SouthAmerican program manager in GreenwoodVillage, Colo.

Mark T. Strever BSc Min is manager,mining engineering services, forViking Explosives in Rosemount,Minn.


John Ballegeer BSc Geol is a seniorgeotechnical engineer at GEIConsultants, Inc. in Englewood,Colo. He is project engineer for GEI’sPlateau Creek pipeline-replacementproject.

Clinton “Clint” Harmon BSc Pet is adrilling engineer with AppliedDrilling Technology Inc., inHouston.

Phillip L. Hedges BSc Geol, MSc Pet’88 is senior programmer in Anchorage, Alaska.

Stephen A. Johnson PhD Geol istechnical manager for WIKAssociates, Inc., in New Castle, Del.

Lynn R. Kendall BSc Min ispresident of Cambridge Associates inGreeley, Colo.

John T. Martens MSc Phy is dean ofinstruction at Centralia CommunityCollege in Centralia, Wash. He ismarried and has three children.

Donald G. Porterfield BSc Min is asenior engineer for URS Corp., inClifton Park, N.Y.

Daniel L. Sikorski BSc Geol is amarketing engineer forSchlumberger Oilfield Services inMarietta, Ohio.

Stephen A. Sonnenberg PhD Geol isa petroleum geologist for PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd., in Denver.

Scott B. Sprague BSc CPR is aremediation project manager forAgrium U.S., Inc., in Soda Springs,Idaho.

Joseph J. Voelker BSc Pet is agraduate student in petroleumengineering at Stanford University inCalifornia.


James F. Brayton BSc Pet is an areaengineer for Saga Petroleum inMidland, Texas.

Reino F. Clark MSc Geol is a seniorgeologist for Subsurface Consultantsand Associates, LLC, in Lafayette, La.

Barbara Ringhofer BSc CPR ’82married J. Scott Crooks last Augustin California. They reside in LosAlamitos, Calif.

Daniel R. Lightsey BSc Min is asenior environmental engineer andproject manager of hazardous wasteremediation for New York’sdepartment of environmentalconservation in Schenectady.

Stephen E. Randolph BSc Pet is areservoir-engineering adviser forAnadarko Petroleum Corp., inHouston.

Arthur C. Riese PhD Geochem ispresident and chief executive officerof En Sci, Inc., in Denver.

Sandra J. Wrobel BSc CPR is chieffinancial officer and vice president ofIntrabiotics Pharmaceuticals inMountain View, Calif.

Shawn M. Yasutake BSc Geol is ascience teacher at Evergreen HighSchool in Evergreen, Colo.


Mark A. Balderston BSc Pet is an oiland gas consultant for BattleMountain Operators in Craig, Colo.

Thomas H. Cochran III BSc Met isregional manager, mountain, miningand marine, for FireMaster® in Denver.


Jeffrey P. Lee BSc Geop is alieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army.

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Tel: (403) 266-2535 Fax: (403) 264-8297

email: [email protected]


Stephen M. Hamburg(P.E. ’77)

1100 Lousiana St., 27th Floor Phone: 713-308-0349Houston, TX 77002 Fax: 713-654-9914

[email protected]

CSMAA:Serving the Minescommunity since 1895


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Box 328, Penrose, CO 81240(719) 372-3625 email: [email protected]

Peter B. Jones, D.Sc. ‘66Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


E-mail: [email protected]


His email address is [email protected].

Ricky T. Thomas MSc Geol is atechnician at WaferTech, LLC, inCamas, Wash.


Mitchell Kruse BSc Eng is softwareproduct manager for AdvancedDigital Information Corp., inRedmond, Wash.


Peter Crisi BSc Geop, MSc Geop ’88is senior geophysicist for SaudiAramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Erick C. Knowles BSc Min is anengineer for PACCAR in Renton,Wash.

James P. Werkmeister BSc Geol issenior project manager for IT Corp.,in Irvine, Calif.


Julie L. (Ekman) Bader BSc Geop,BSc Eng is deputy regional engineerfor the U.S. Bureau of Reclamationin Boulder City, Nev.

W. Larry Fink BSc Math works forLandmark Graphics in Englewood,Colo.


David A. Beck BSc Eng is a civilengineer for the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers and lives in Destrehan, La.

Patricia Glora Chambers BSc CPR ischief operating officer for TangoTechnologies, Ltd., in Boulder, Colo.

Jess A. Elshere BSc Eng is a controlsystems engineer for Kellogg Brown& Root, Inc., in Houston.

Ellen Ewart MSc Min Ec is a seniorconsultant for FT Energy in Boulder,Colo.

Erin J. Nelson BSc Geol is awatershed hydrologist with SeattlePublic Utilities in Seattle.

Randall A. Reddig BSc Math isdeputy chief, exercise support inJNTF/ROE for the U.S. Air Force atSchriever Air Force Base, Colo.


Guy Brada BSc Met, MSc Met ’93 issenior metallurgicalengineer/consultant for BodycoteTaussig, Inc., in Skokie, Ill.

Rodney B. Griffin BSc CPR is asenior quality engineer for ATKAerospace in Ogden, Utah.


Anthony P. Gangemi BSc Eng, MScEnv Sc ’93 is a patent attorney withDorsey & Whitney LLP in Denver.

Steven M. Lassek BSc Eng, MSc ApplMech is core information managerfor Caltex Corp., in Dallas. He livesin Singapore. His email address [email protected].

Carlos Rolandelli BSc CPR ismanager of European and MiddleEastern business development forMerichem Chemicals and RefineryServices LLP in the United Kingdomand manages the UK office located inGuildford. He is married and has twosons, Antonio, 4, and Marco, bornJuly 2000.


Jan E. Caffey MSc Min Ec isoperations research analyst for theU.S. Space Command in ColoradoSprings, Colo.

Ted E. Kramer BSc Pet is aproduction supervisor/engineer forForest Oil Company in Anchorage,Alaska.

Karen M. Maestas BSc Geol is aproject manager for the URS Corp.,in Denver.

Eric Petersen BSc Met has beenpromoted to general manager ofoperations for Rockport Works, AKSteel in Indiana. Petersen joined thecompany in 1991 as an assistantmetallurgist.


Michael J. Martin BSc Eng is anenvironmental engineer forExponent in Boulder, Colo.

Juan Carlos Porras MSc Geol is apetrophysicist for Petroleos deVenezuela S.A. in Puerto La Cruz,Anzoategui, Venezuela.

Michael Rynearson BSc Eng, M EngEngr Sys ’98 was selected to serve asan LDI intern for the AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) for 2001-2002.

Joe Savage PE Geop is in his secondyear as statewide chair of the IEEEMississippi Section in Vicksburg, Miss.

Brian E. Spencer BSc CPR isproduction engineer for LyondellChemical Co., in Lake Charles, La.


Andres S. Escalante BSc Eng is a P.C.technician with XOCOMP, LLC in

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Metairie, La.

Tracy A. Kennedy BSc Math is asoftware engineer at AVAYACommunications in Westminster,Colo.

Eric T. Lyons BSc Eng is anelectrical/software engineer forAnheuser Busch in St. Louis, Mo.

Jerry Naranjo BSc Eng is generalmanager of H & L Concrete, Inc., inGreeley, Colo.

Paul K. Neumeister BSc Pet is apetroleum engineer for BurlingtonResources in Calgary, Alberta,Canada.

Justin D. McCright BSc Met is seniorstaff scientist for Nova Research, Inc.,in Washington, D.C.

Helen E. (Mathews) Melcher BScChem is a wet process engineer forTexas Instruments Inc. She and KeithW. Melcher BSc Eng ’91, who alsoworks for TI, live in McKinney,Texas.

Jim Schauer BSc Math and his wifeKim announce the May 3, 2000 birthof their first child, Hannah Layne.

Yohan Sumaiku MSc Min Ec, PhDMin Ec ’98 is an environmentalspecialist for AATA International inFt. Collins, Colo.

Tracy S. Turner-Naranjo BSc CPR,MSc Env Sc ’98 is an environmentalcompliance administrator for theCity of Loveland, Colo. She and JerryNaranjo BSc Eng, a general managerfor H&L Concrete, Inc., live inGreeley, Colo.


Jay M. Allin BSc Eng is a mechanicalengineer with Forerunner Corp., inLakewood, Colo.

Matthew L. Brewer BSc CPR is aprocess unit engineer for BP in TexasCity, Texas.


Brian W. Fehrn BSc CPR is ameterologist for the NationalWeather Service in Elko, Nev.

Amy N. Flammang BSc CPR is atechnical trainer for General Physicsin Austin, Texas.

Matthew B. Hayes BSc CPR andRoxann Mackenzie Hayes BSc Engreceived their professionalengineering licenses from Coloradoin January. Matt, an engineeringtechnician for Civil Design Team,received his in the mechanicaldiscipline. Roxann received hers incivil.

Robert Hyta MSc Env Sc is anassociate in the law firm of Baker &Daniels’ Indianapolis, downtownoffice. His area of concentration isintellectual property law. He receivedhis law degree from GonzagaUniversity School of Law in 2000.

Bennie P. Mondragon BSc Math is asenior systems analyst for CorporateDocument Systems in Kansas City,Kan.

Paul M. Santi PhD Geol is aprofessor at University of Missouri-Rolla.

Richard M. Wenzel BSc Geol is ageotechnical engineer for Geocal,Inc., in Aurora, Colo. He has fourchildren.

Juan Carlos Villagran MSc Env Sc isenvironmental health and safetycoordinator for Grupo Generador deGuatemala in Guatemala City.


Dan Cutting BSc CPR and his wifeHolly announce the birth of theirdaughter, Natasha Margaret, bornNov. 7.

David R. Hammond MSc Min Ec,PhD Min Ec ’99 is principal mineraleconomist for HammondInternational Group in HighlandsRanch, Colo.

Vicki L. Hutson BSc CPR is aninstrumentation engineer forOverload Services, Inc., in Houston.

Kelly S. Sexsmith MSc Env Sc is anenvironmental geologist for SRKConsulting in North Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada.


Jeremy A. Fix BSc Eng is a staffengineer with Aerospace Engineeringin Littleton, Colo.

Damien E. Harr BSc Math is seniortechnical consultant for Vastera, Inc.,and lives in Lakewood, Colo.

Brett D. Jackson BSc Eng is anexecutive officer in the U.S. Army inFt. Lewis, Wash.

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Kathleen Peak de Richardo BSc Engworks for ExxonMobil PowerInvestment Co., in Houston.

Goran Saradzic BSc Eng is a testengineer with Cisco Systems Inc., inBoulder, Colo.

Robert J. Spang MSc Geol isprincipal geoscientist, Angola Lng forTexaco in Houston.

Richard A. Wertz BSc Math is seniorsoftware engineer for PlanetConsulting in Omaha, Neb.

Tonya L. Wyatt BSc CPR is anapplications engineer for MicroMotion, Inc., in Boulder, Colo.


Melissa L. Fuller BSc Met, MSc Met’98 is an engineer with TRW inRedondo Beach, Calif.

Tenley Krueger BSc CPR and JaredM. Spritzer BSc Eng ’97 welcomedtheir first child, son Pruitt Riley,into the world Sept. 29. The family is pictured above along with theirdog Simba.

Bruce Mattocks PhD Geop works forPetroleum Geo-Services in Houston.

Christina “Tina” Nammar BSc Eng’98 and Travis Flowers BSc Eng ’98were married Sept. 9 in Chapel in theWoods in Tulsa, Okla. Hilary HaruffBSc CPR ’98 was maid of honor.Scott Goldberg BSc Pet ’97 wasgroomsman. Marv Hewitt Geop E

’50, Tom White BSc CPR ’98, KellyLapinski BSc Pet ’97, Danna TurnerBSc CPR ’99, Kelly Nikel BSc Pet ’99,Mike Galiunas BSc Eng ’99, PhilMarsh BSc Geol ’99 and DamianDiaz BSc Math ’98 were guests. Tinaand Travis are both productionengineers for Texaco in Midland,Texas.

Gene D. Roberts BSc CPR and JamieY. Jones BSc CPR ’99 were marriedJune 4. They both work for BPAmoco in Houston. Gene is adrilling engineer and Jamie is areservoir engineer.

Edward W. Stafford BSc Eng is atransportation engineer/planner forthe City of Arvada, Colo.


Matthew J. Alinger MSc Met & Matis a research assistant at theUniversity of California, SantaBarbara.

Eric N. Avila BSc Eng is a math andscience teacher at The FuturesAcademy in Boone, Colo.

Vanessa Ann Davies-Pappas BScMath & Comp Sci is a softwareengineer for Lockheed MartinMission Systems in Santa Maria,Calif.

Katy K. Lau BSc CPR is productionassistant for Archer Daniels Midlandin Decatur, Ill.

Kelly A. Nikel BSc Pet is a drillingengineer for EOG Resources, Inc., inCorpus Christi, Texas.

Matt Swinton BSc Geol ’99, BSc Min’99 married Chantel Goldman inJanuary. The wedding party cruisedfrom Florida to Nassau, Bahamaswhere the couple was married on thebeach. Groomsmen included WillCulp BSc CPR ’99 and Adam WoodBSc Eng ’97. The newlywedshoneymooned in the Florida Keys. Areception was held in Omaha, Neb.,Jan. 19th. Other CSM alumni inattendance were Tom Scuderi BScEng ’97, who was unable to attendthe wedding. Matt is a field engineerfor Kiewit Construction Co. inGeorgia.


Jennifer Dunteman BSc Eng is a testengineer for caterpillar in Peoria, Ill.

Joshua J. Harris BSc Eng is anassociate design engineer for BallAerospace & Technologies Corp., inWestminster, Colo.

Brian M. Meachum BSc Eng is aproduct engineer specializing inelectrical engineering for KroneDigital Communications Inc., inSidney, Neb.

Jacob Plaut BSc CPR is a testengineer for Gaming LaboratoriesInternational. He lives in Golden,Colo.

L. Eric Stellmon BSc Eng is a processengineer for Intel Corp., inAlbuquerque, N.M.

Christian J. Sutton BSc Phy is anengineer for IBM Micro Electronicsand lives in Wappingers Falls, N.Y.

Michael S. Watkins BSc Eng is anelectrical engineer for RMH Group,Inc., and lives in Arvada, Colo.

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Harold BloomHarold Bloom MSc Chem ’61, a Mines professor,died Jan. 24. He was 87.

Bloom was born in Brooklyn, N.Y.and graduated from Brooklyn College in1935. During World War II he was amapmaker for the Department of theInterior. After the war, he worked for theU.S. Geological Survey in Denver where hewas instrumental in developing the field ofgeochemistry.

In 1955, Bloom became a professor ofgeochemistry at CSM. His link as ageochemist took him to Europe, SouthAmerica, Australia, Africa and Canada. Heretired in 1978.

Bloom is survived by his wife of 59 years,Betty, a daughter, a brother, a sister andseveral nieces and nephews. A son, William,preceded him in death.

Carlos W. CarrollCarlos W. Carroll EM ’53 died Sept. 22 atthe age of 79.

Carroll was born in Guatemala City and in1949, married Vernalee Hurlburt. He servedin the Royal Canadian Air Force duringWorld War II. He was a retired miningengineer for the Colorado Department ofTransportation.

Carroll was a member of the TrafficEngineering Society, CSM AlumniAssociation and the Registered ProfessionalEngineers Association. Carroll is survivedby a son, two daughters, two sisters andfour grandchildren.

E.L. Colthurst E.L. “Peg” Colthurst PRE ’52 died July 27at age 75.

Born on Long Island, N.Y., Colthurst joinedthe U.S. Navy after high school and servedas a gunner’s mate on merchant ships inWorld War II. After his discharge in 1946,

he traveled the country, drove trucks andworked on a ranch before attending CSM.He was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Scabbardand Blade, Sigma Gamma Epsilon and BlueKey and was student-body president hissenior year.

In 1949, he married Margaret Mead. Aftergraduation, they moved to New Jerseywhere Colthurst worked for Esso StandardOil Company Bayway Refinery.

In 1955, Colthurst moved to Texas andworked for American Liberty Oil Co. Hethen tested rocket and jet engines andexperimental fuels for the U.S. Navy andthe Gemini and Apollo space programs at ahigh security facility in Lone Star, Texas. Hethen joined Howe-Baker Engineers, first asa design engineer, then as manager of FarEast technical sales. In that capacity, hetraveled to China, Japan, Korea, India,Pakistan, Australia, Ecuador, Venezuela,Italy and England.

Colthurst is survived by his widow, adaughter, two sons, five grandchildren, asister and two dogs.

Harry CoppinHarry Coppin EM ’37, a swimmer on the honored teams of 1934-35 and 1937-38, inducted into the CSM Athletic Hall ofFame Sept. 1, died Dec. 3. He was 89.

Coppin was unable to attend the Hall ofFame induction ceremony so in lateSeptember, Dave Coolbaugh Geol E ’43,EM ’47, DSc Geop ’61 presented Coppin’splaque to him at the Vista VillageRetirement Community in Wheat Ridge,Colo., where a ceremony had beenarranged. Some 35 members of thecommunity, plus many outside friendsattended. Coppin was very pleased toreceive his plaque and to tell thoseassembled about Mines and its swim teams.Then, of course, everyone wanted to knowabout his life as a mining engineer.

Coppin’s cousin reports that after hisinduction, recounting to his many friendsthe exploits of the CSM swim team and hislife as a mining engineer became animportant part of his life.

Michael P. ErskineMichael P. Erskine BSc Phy ’00, BSc Eng ’00,who was studying for a master’s degree atCSM, died Nov. 22 from cancer. He was 44.

Erskine is remembered by friends andfamily as intelligent, easy-going and free-spirited. “Mike never spent a lot of timetalking about the weather or making smalltalk,” said fellow physics student RayReichert. “He preferred to talk aboutscience or science fiction or anything elsehe found interesting. He had a way ofmaking an hour of talking in the halls seemlike five minutes.”

Erskine enjoyed listening to music, dancingand drinking with friends. “I’ve had a shortsweet life,” he told Reichert. “I’ve experiencedmore than most will in a lifetime.”

Erskine is survived by his widow, Kelly, andtwo stepchildren.

Jimmy Joe JacobsonJimmy Joe Jacobson MSc Geop ’64, PhDGeop ’69, an exploration geophysicist andinsurance broker, died Oct. 15 at age 63.

Jacobson was born in Wyoming and earnedhis bachelor’s degree from University ofWyoming before attending Mines. In 1973he married Rhonda Farrow. His interestsincluded hunting, travel and reading.

He is survived by his widow, two sons, adaughter, a granddaughter, five sisters andthree brothers.

Lawrence V. Madison Jr.Lawrence Madison Jr. Geol E ’54 died May31 in Casper, Wyo. He was 73.

Madison was born in Hammond, Ind.Following high school, he served in the U.S.Navy during World War II until 1946. In1950, he married Mary H. Demeter. Theywould have celebrated their 50th

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anniversary last October.

After graduation from Mines, Madisonworked for Marathon Oil Co., bothstateside and overseas, until his retirementin 1986. He enjoyed fishing, talking shopwith fellow retirees and friends, andvisiting with his children and grandchildren.Madison is survived by his widow, threedaughters, a son, a sister, a brother andfour grandchildren.

Michael F.PadgettMichael F. Padgett M Eng Geol ’87died Nov. 10 while playing racquetball.He was 40.

Padgett, a California native, was president and partner of a family-owned restorationbusiness with offices in Redlands andOntario, Calif. He formerly managedprojects and offices for the engineeringfirm of Dames and Moore in Denver; Fresno,Calif.; Thailand; Spain; and Sydney, Australia.

Padgett graduated from Brigham YoungUniversity before attending CSM. He was aregistered geologist and a member of theinternational and American Society ofCivil Engineers and the Association ofEngineering Geologists. He was a high priestand member of the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints. He was an assistantScoutmaster and a coach and referee withthe Redlands AYSO soccer program.

Padgett is survived by his widow, Tracy, ason, two daughters, his parents, twobrothers and two sisters.

H. Dell Redding H. Dell Redding PE ’47 died of cancer Jan.1 surrounded by his family. He would havebeen 78 on Jan. 4.

Redding, who was from Denver, enteredMines in 1940 where he played varsityfootball for three years before volunteeringfor the Army Air Corps. He served as a B-

24 bomber pilot, flying more than 25missions over Germany, Austria andRomania. He was shot down, droppinginto the Adriatic Sea where he was rescuedby a British picket boat.

After the war, he returned to Mines and wasfootball team captain in 1946 and student-body president his senior year. Reddingwas highly regarded as a decorated combatveteran (Air Medal and DistinguishedFlying Cross) and a varsity athlete who wasintelligent and had a droll sense of humor.He was a member of ATO, Tau Beta Pi,Scabbard and Blade and Theta Tau.

After graduation, Redding joined PhillipsPetroleum, working in Texas, Oklahomaand Alaska. In 1969, on a flight to anoffshore location, his helicopter whendown and he again had to be rescued fromthe ocean. Afterward, he traveled by boat.

After leaving Phillips, Redding worked fora number of drilling contractors, endinghis career with Neddrill. His employmenttook him to West Africa, the Middle East,Malaysia and Canada. He retired in 1987.

“Dell was a man’s man, a true professionalin his field, and a wonderful friend,” saysThomas H. Cole EM ’43. “He was greatlyadmired and will be sorely missed.”

Redding is survived by his widow, Lu, twodaughters, three sons, four granddaughtersand a brother, Vern Redding Geol E ’40.

Frank F. RuskeyFrank F. Ruskey Geop E ’54 died Aug. 27 atthe age of 72 in Morrison, Colo. He wasfrom Cherokee Village, Ark. His ashes werescattered in the Straits of Juan de Fuca.

Ruskey was born in Vancouver, BritishColumbia, Canada. He was a geophysicistand metaphysicist. He worked for the U.S.Bureau of Mines, the U.S. Army and co-founded Rimrock Geophysics.

Ruskey was a member of ToastmastersInternational, the Society of ExplorationGeophysicists and the American Society of

Dowsers. In 1982 he married MaryBaldwin of Honolulu, Hawaii. He wasearlier married to Loudell M. Waters ofGolden, and was divorced in 1974. Ruskeyis survived by his widow, two brothers,eight children and seven grandchildren.

George S. RyanGeorge S. “Pat” Ryan Geol E ’53 died at hishome Feb. 13, 2000, at age 72 after a longbattle with emphysema.

Ryan was born in Seattle, Wash., and raisedin California. He was a Merchant Marineduring World War II serving in the SouthPacific. In 1946 he married Elece Straughanwho died two months after him.

After graduation from Mines, Ryan workedfor Anaconda until he was drafted in 1954.He served in the 517th EngineeringDetachment, earning the rank of firstlieutenant. Ryan returned to Anaconda in1956 and explored geophysically forporphyry deposits in Arizona and Nevada.He then worked for Mineral Survey in SaltLake City, Utah. In 1979 he joined the U.S.Bureau of Mines in Denver and publishedmany reports on the mineral potential ofwilderness/roadless study areas. He retiredin 1990 and returned to Salt Lake City.

Among his many accomplishments, Ryanstarted a ski club in Tooele, Utah anddonated 1,465 pints of blood through1990. He loved the Broncos, classicalmusic, parades and being outdoors. He issurvived by four daughters, two sisters andsix grandchildren.

Carl A. WillnerCarl A. Willner Geol E ’48 died Feb. 21,2000 at the age of 82.

Willner was born in Lincoln, Neb. and in1942, married Virginia Thompson. Heserved in the Army Air Forces duringWorld War II. After graduation fromMines, he became a geophysicist.

Willner is survived by his widow, adaughter, two sons and four grandchildren.

Also in MemoriamEdwin D. Bieber EM ’47 2000David D. Billing Geol E ’32 Dec. 1, 1999Brian R. Hayden Met E ’67 Sept. 9, 2000Richard H. Morley attended ’46-’47 Jan. 24, 2001

N.C. Prichard Met E ’38 Sept. 2, 2000Robert R. Ward Geol E ’51 Dec. 9, 2000Rex S. Wilk Geol E ’56 2000

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From thearchive

Now that the 21st century is here, let’s look back at Mines as itentered the 20th century 100 years ago. What lasting legacies linkus to that period?

In 1901, Mines had been a state-supported school for 17 years.Regis Chauvenet, who put Mines on the map academically, hadbeen president since 1883. In 1901, student enrollment was 234 –154 from Colorado, the rest from 23 states, Canada, and Mexico.

The campus consisted of the chemistry building, built between1880 and 1890 where Hill Hall is today; the Hall of Engineering,completed in 1894; and the president’s house on what is nowKafadar Commons. An assay laboratory, now part ofChauvenet Hall, was completed in late 1900. Stratton Hall wasbeing planned and Cripple Creek mining magnate WinfieldStratton had contributed $25,000 toward a metallurgybuilding that would be named after him.

Colorado School of Mines wasnow the official name. Priorto 1901 it was The State Schoolof Mines. The 1900-1901catalog reported free tuition forstate residents with livingexpenses, laboratory fees, booksand incidentals less than $350 ayear. Out-of-state students paid anadditional $100 a year. Sophomore GraceMcDermut was the only female student. Twodegrees were offered: Engineer of Mines andElectrical Engineer.

All 106 members of the 1900-01 freshman class took the samecourses their first year: algebra, geometry, general chemistry,descriptive geometry and drawing the first semester andtrigonometry, algebra, general chemistry, descriptive geometry,drawing and qualitative analysis the second. The first semester ranSept. 17 to Feb. 6. Second semester was Feb. 10 to June 10, withcommencement June 11.

Field trips for seniors were scheduled almost weekly. In fall 1901,seniors visited the chlorination mill at Colorado City and the ironand lead smelters of Pueblo. Seniors were required to submit “athesis upon some practical subject.” Most of them, usually reportson a mine or mining operation, survive to this day in the archive.

Early second semester 1900-01, 10 freshmen flunked a chemistryexam and 19 flunked descriptive geometry. Most felt an injusticehad been done and they formed a committee to appeal to thefaculty. When the faculty sided with their collegue, about 100freshmen boycotted classes for several days. After delicatenegotiations, students went back to class. However, Chauvenetforced the boycotters to re-register. The students at first balked, but

eventually, grudgingly complied. This marked the beginning ofseveral years of student unrest with strikes, resignations and hardfeelings that focused on exams and grading perceived to be unfair.

Mines had no gymnasium, but athletics were popular. As part ofthe Rocky Mountain League, CSM played football with Universityof Colorado, Colorado State University and University of Denver,among others. No mention is made of how the football seasonwent that year, but the baseball career of major league pitcher andformer Mines student Burt Jones was being closely followed.

Names still familiar today, at least on buildings, were prominentfigures on campus in 1901. Edward Berthoud, a

Territorial School of Mines founder and itsfirst geology professor, was on the Board ofTrustees, as was Winfield Stratton. Louis Hillwas professor of physics and electrical


In 1900, Paul Meyer in themathematics department

became Mines’ first professoremeritus. He was regarded

as something of a genius.He mastered Greek and

Latin as a child, graduatedfrom University of Berne at 13

and earned a medical degree fromUniversity of Heidelberg at 18. After

establishing a medical practicein Golden, he was hired to

teach mathematics and physicsin 1883. Meyer is said to have

been a gifted teacher whoinspired many early Mines

students. He had job offers from allover the world, but refused to leave

Mines or his practice in Golden. After resigning, he continued totutor Mines students for years. The class of 1901 gave him a gold-headed cane with 11 mathematical symbols on it that he carriedthe rest of his life. Meyer was replaced by Andrew Weiss EM 1900,the second alumnus to join the Mines faculty after WilliamJonathan Hazard EE 1897 who, after graduation, was hired toteach physics and drafting. Weiss later became a noted civilengineer heading major irrigation projects in Mexico in the 1930sand 1940s.

One can get a feel for what it was like in 1901 before the Prospector,Oredigger, or Mines magazine by looking at student theses andcatalogs of the time. Mines has changed a great deal in 100 years,but if a turn-of-the-century student visited today, he could stillsense a link from his time to the present. If nothing else, he couldcome to the archive and probably find his senior thesis.

A Look Back: 100 Years Ago at Mines By Robert Sorgenfrei

Robert Sorgenfrei is librarian/archivist, Russell L. & LynWood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library.

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Alumni Eventscalendar

Young Alumniget together in

Denver. LodDo’s Barand Grill rooftop,downtown Denver.6-8 p.m.

Annual GolfTournament,

Westwood GolfClub, Arvada, Colo.Shotgun start at 7a.m. Call CSMAAfor reservations,303-273-3295.

Lunch Bunch, aninformal alumni

get-together meetsat the Buffalo Rosein Golden, Colo.,11:30. a.m.

Rockies vs.Astros @ Enron

Field, Houston.Tickets are $12 each.For reservations, callVicky JacksonNielsen,281-297-1223.

Grand JunctionSection Luncheon

at Bookcliff CountryClub, 2730 G Road,noon. Forinformation callJohn Howe at 970-242-4903 orDel Tolen at 970-256-1118.

Lunch Bunch, aninformal alumni

get-together meetsat the Buffalo Rosein Golden, Colo.,11:30. a.m.

Grand JunctionSection Luncheon

at Bookcliff CountryClub, 2730 G Road,noon. Forinformation callJohn Howe at 970-242-4903 orDel Tolen at 970-256-1118.

Houston HappyHour at Two

Rows, 2400University at Kirby, 5:30 p.m.

Mines night atthe Rockies vs.

San Francisco game,Coors Field, 7:05p.m. Contact Bob Pearson ’59 for information,[email protected] 303-273-3959.

Alumni FishingDerby at the

Cross D Bar TroutRanch in southernColorado. DetailsTBA.

Lunch Bunch, aninformal alumni

get-together meetsat the Buffalo Rosein Golden, Colo.,11:30. a.m.

Grand JunctionSection Luncheon

at Bookcliff CountryClub, 2730 G Road,noon. Forinformation callJohn Howe at 970-242-4903 orDel Tolen at 970-256-1118.












May June July August

CSM License Plates Now Available

Support the Alumni Association’s StudentFinancial Assistance Program by purchasing CSMlicense plates. The one-time fee of $50 per vehiclegoes directly to the assistance program, whichprovides loans, grants and scholarships to CSMstudents. Once your application and fees havebeen received, CSMAA will send you the paperwork you need to take to the motor vehicledepartment AT THE TIME OF YOUR YEARLYRENEWAL to receive your plates. If you havequestions, call CSMAA at 303-273-3295.

Send completed form, along with check made outto CSMAA ($50 per vehicle) and mail to:

Announcing The 17th Annual Alumni


June 11, 2001West Woods

Golf Course

6655 Quaker Street

Arvada, CO

6 a.m.

registration begins

7 a.m.

shotgun start

Price: TBA

(Includes lunch)

Proceeds benefit the

CSMAA Emergency

Student Loan Fund




sponsor: $100

Patron: $250


donor: $500

Tournament chair:

John F. Bauer III ’84, ’90

For information,

to register or to

volunteer, call the

CSMAA office

at 303-273-3295.

Join Us!

CSMAA License PlatesP.O. Box 1410

Golden, CO 80402-1410


County of residenceTelephoneNumber of sets______@ $50 each (madepayable to CSMAA) for a total of _________.

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iches for students.