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EXPERIMENTAL Neurovascular Transfer Does Not Cause Skeletal Muscle Fiber Degeneration Kotaro Yoshimura, M.D. James DeMeester, B.S. Jafar S. Hasan, M.D. Melanie G. Urbanchek, Ph.D. William M. Kuzon, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Ann Arbor, Mich., and Tokyo, Japan Background: The mechanisms responsible for the incomplete recovery of mus- cle function after microneurovascular transfer have not been fully determined. Because fiber degeneration and regeneration can impact muscle mechanical function, the authors tested the null hypothesis that ischemia-induced fiber degeneration is not responsible for the force deficits observed after neurovas- cular muscle transfer. Methods: Rats were assigned to one of three groups: orthotopic, nonvascular- ized grafting of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (STD group); orthotopic, neurovascular transfer of the extensor digitorum longus muscle with no intra- operative ischemia (NV-0 group); or orthotopic, neurovascular transfer of the extensor digitorum longus muscle with 3 hours of intraoperative ischemia (NV-3 group). At 1 and 2 weeks, extensor digitorum longus muscle cross-sections were labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain isoforms, markers of fiber re- generation. Results: In extensor digitorum longus muscles from animals in the STD group, many small cells strongly labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain were observed and identified as myoblasts, indicating recent muscle fiber necrosis with subsequent regeneration. Extensor digitorum longus muscles from rats in the NV-0 and NV-3 groups contained no cells labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain. Conclusions: After neurovascular muscle transfer (with ischemia times up to 3 hours), ischemia-induced muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration does not occur. Muscle fiber degeneration is not responsible for the force deficits ob- served after microneurovascular skeletal muscle transfer. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 117: 1455, 2006.) M icroneurovascular transfer of skeletal muscle has been used clinically for the reconstruction of finger flexion, finger extension, facial animation, and other func- tional deficits. 1–12 A significant factor limiting the application of this technique to relatively few clinical circumstances is the observation that, in both clinical and experimental studies, a force deficit is almost always observed in muscles that have been subjected to neurovas- cular transfer. 3,13–24 The mechanisms responsi- ble for muscle mechanical dysfunction after neurovascular transfer have not been fully determined. 25,26 In vivo, death of individual muscle fibers is followed by a well-described process of muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration. 27–29 Degen- eration and regeneration of skeletal muscle fi- bers has been proposed as a mechanism contrib- uting to the mechanical deficit in neurovascular muscle transfers for two reasons. First, ischemia, tenotomy, and denervation have all been ob- served to result in at least some degree of muscle fiber degeneration, 30 and all three of the factors attend microneurovascular muscle transfer oper- ations. Second, available experimental evidence suggests that, under most circumstances, mus- cles with many regenerated fibers manifest a deficit in mechanical function. 26,31 Note that, al- though available evidence suggests that intraop- erative ischemia times less than 3 hours in dura- tion do not correlate with the recovery of muscle function after microneurovascular transfer, 13 this evidence does not preclude the possibility that ischemia-induced degeneration and regen- eration of individual muscle fibers results in a From the Department of Surgery, and the Institute of Ger- ontology, University of Michigan, and the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Tokyo. Received for publication September 20, 2004; revised De- cember 8, 2004. Copyright ©2006 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000206356.77759.1a 1455

Neurovascular Transfer Does Not Cause Skeletal Muscle ... · muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration may account, at least partially, for the mechani-cal dysfunction in muscle

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Page 1: Neurovascular Transfer Does Not Cause Skeletal Muscle ... · muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration may account, at least partially, for the mechani-cal dysfunction in muscle


Neurovascular Transfer Does Not CauseSkeletal Muscle Fiber Degeneration

Kotaro Yoshimura, M.D.James DeMeester, B.S.

Jafar S. Hasan, M.D.Melanie G. Urbanchek, Ph.D.William M. Kuzon, Jr., M.D.,


Ann Arbor, Mich., and Tokyo, Japan

Background: The mechanisms responsible for the incomplete recovery of mus-cle function after microneurovascular transfer have not been fully determined.Because fiber degeneration and regeneration can impact muscle mechanicalfunction, the authors tested the null hypothesis that ischemia-induced fiberdegeneration is not responsible for the force deficits observed after neurovas-cular muscle transfer.Methods: Rats were assigned to one of three groups: orthotopic, nonvascular-ized grafting of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (STD group); orthotopic,neurovascular transfer of the extensor digitorum longus muscle with no intra-operative ischemia (NV-0 group); or orthotopic, neurovascular transfer of theextensor digitorum longus muscle with 3 hours of intraoperative ischemia (NV-3group). At 1 and 2 weeks, extensor digitorum longus muscle cross-sections werelabeled for developmental myosin heavy chain isoforms, markers of fiber re-generation.Results: In extensor digitorum longus muscles from animals in the STD group,many small cells strongly labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain wereobserved and identified as myoblasts, indicating recent muscle fiber necrosiswith subsequent regeneration. Extensor digitorum longus muscles from rats inthe NV-0 and NV-3 groups contained no cells labeled for developmental myosinheavy chain.Conclusions: After neurovascular muscle transfer (with ischemia times up to 3hours), ischemia-induced muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration does notoccur. Muscle fiber degeneration is not responsible for the force deficits ob-served after microneurovascular skeletal muscle transfer. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.117: 1455, 2006.)

Microneurovascular transfer of skeletalmuscle has been used clinically for thereconstruction of finger flexion, finger

extension, facial animation, and other func-tional deficits.1–12 A significant factor limitingthe application of this technique to relativelyfew clinical circumstances is the observationthat, in both clinical and experimental studies,a force deficit is almost always observed inmuscles that have been subjected to neurovas-cular transfer.3,13–24 The mechanisms responsi-ble for muscle mechanical dysfunction afterneurovascular transfer have not been fullydetermined.25,26

In vivo, death of individual muscle fibers isfollowed by a well-described process of musclefiber degeneration and regeneration.27–29 Degen-eration and regeneration of skeletal muscle fi-bers has been proposed as a mechanism contrib-uting to the mechanical deficit in neurovascularmuscle transfers for two reasons. First, ischemia,tenotomy, and denervation have all been ob-served to result in at least some degree of musclefiber degeneration,30 and all three of the factorsattend microneurovascular muscle transfer oper-ations. Second, available experimental evidencesuggests that, under most circumstances, mus-cles with many regenerated fibers manifest adeficit in mechanical function.26,31 Note that, al-though available evidence suggests that intraop-erative ischemia times less than 3 hours in dura-tion do not correlate with the recovery of musclefunction after microneurovascular transfer,13

this evidence does not preclude the possibilitythat ischemia-induced degeneration and regen-eration of individual muscle fibers results in a

From the Department of Surgery, and the Institute of Ger-ontology, University of Michigan, and the Department ofPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Tokyo.Received for publication September 20, 2004; revised De-cember 8, 2004.Copyright ©2006 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000206356.77759.1a 1455

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population of muscle fibers with suboptimal me-chanical function. As a result, a longstandinghypothesis in this area of research has been thatmuscle fiber degeneration and regenerationmay account, at least partially, for the mechani-cal dysfunction in muscle after neurovasculartransfer.

Using histologic criteria, Guelinckx et al. esti-mated that less than 5 percent of muscle fibershad undergone degeneration and regenerationwhen rabbit rectus femoris muscles were ob-served 8 days after undergoing microneurovas-cular transfer.18 In this study, most degeneratingfibers were identified near the site of tendonrepair rather than in the center of the muscle.Prendergast et al. made similar, qualitative ob-servations in muscle biopsy specimens taken 1week after neurovascular transfer of the caninetibialis anterior transfer muscle.32 This suggestedthat, under clinically relevant circumstances, fi-ber necrosis, degeneration, and regeneration donot occur to a significant extent after microneu-rovascular transfer and are therefore unlikely tobe responsible for observed force deficits. How-ever, histologic criteria may not be sufficient toidentify all fibers undergoing a cycle of degen-eration and regeneration. We therefore soughtto observe muscles shortly after neurovasculartransfer for more direct evidence of muscle fiberdegeneration. We made the assumption that inthe setting of neurovascular transfer, myocyteslethally injured by the procedure would undergonecrosis followed by degeneration and regener-ation. Therefore, we used immunohistochemicalvisualization of the developmental isoforms ofthe myosin heavy chain, a marker of muscle fiberregeneration, to indicate that some myocyteshad undergone degeneration at the time of mus-cle transfer. By observing muscles in the first 2weeks after neurovascular transfer, we tested thefollowing hypothesis: In neurovascular muscletransfers (with ischemia times up to 3 hours),ischemia-induced degeneration followed by re-generation of muscle fibers does not occur.


Animal CareExperiments were performed on 10-month-

old Lewis rats (Charles River Laboratories, Wil-mington, Mass.). Rats were housed individually ina specific-pathogen–free animal facility at the Uni-versity of Michigan. The animals were providedfood and water ad libitum and were subjected toa 12-hour light/dark cycle. All animal care and

operative procedures were performed in accor-dance with the United States Public Health ServiceGuide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Na-tional Institutes of Health publication no. 85-23)and were approved by the University Committeeon the Use and Care of Animals. Rats were anes-thetized for all surgical procedures with an intra-peritoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital (60mg/kg); supplementary doses were administeredas needed to maintain a deep state of anesthesia.Surgical procedures were conducted under asep-tic conditions.

Experimental DesignRats were assigned randomly to one of three

groups: NV-0, NV-3, or STD. Rats in the NV-0group underwent a vascularized orthotopic trans-fer of the extensor digitorum longus muscle, leav-ing the vascular pedicle undisturbed (no ischemicinterval). Rats in the NV-3 group underwent or-thotopic vascularized transfer of the extensor digi-torum longus muscle with a 3-hour intraoperativeischemic interval (vascular pedicle clamped for 3hours). Rats in the STD group underwent stan-dard, nonvascularized orthotopic grafting of theextensor digitorum longus muscle.28,31,33 Note thatwe deliberately chose a rat model because, in therat, muscle fiber degeneration does not occur toa significant extent in response to denervationalone.34 Therefore, comparison of the NV-0 andNV-3 groups allowed isolation of the effect of in-traoperative ischemia. Because virtually all musclefibers in nonvascularized extensor digitorum lon-gus grafts undergo ischemic necrosis followed byregeneration, grafted muscles from animals in theSTD group served as the positive control. Thecontralateral intact extensor digitorum longus ineach rat served as the negative control.

Neurovascular Transfer and StandardGrafting Procedures

For all groups, a longitudinal incision wasmade to allow isolation of the extensor digitorumlongus muscle in one randomly chosen limb. Thetendons of origin and insertion were severed andrepaired with 7-0 nylon. In all three experimentalgroups, the extensor digitorum longus was dener-vated by sectioning the peroneal nerve. Anepineural repair with 10-0 nylon suture was per-formed for each nerve. For rats in the NV-0 andNV-3 groups, the vascular pedicle was not severed.In the NV-3 group, a 3-hour period of intraoper-ative ischemia was induced by means of a micro-vascular clamp occluding the pedicle for 3 hours

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before being removed, allowing muscle reperfu-sion. In animals in the STD group, the vascularpedicle was severed to induce global, permanentmuscle ischemia. At the end of the procedure, theleg incision was closed in layers with 4-0 chromicsuture and animals were returned to standardcages and allowed to recover.

MHC ImmunohistochemistryAt 1 and 2 weeks after the initial procedure,

animals from each group were killed and the ex-tensor digitorum longus was harvested from bothlegs. The muscles were frozen in isopentanecooled with liquid nitrogen (–160°C) and storedat –90°C before being sectioned at 10 to 12 �mwith a cryostat. Sections of each muscle weremounted on glass slides and stained with hema-toxylin and eosin for morphological examination.To detect developmental myosin heavy chain iso-forms, additional sections of each muscle werelabeled with the monoclonal antibody NCL-MHCd (Novocastra Laboratories, Newcastle uponTyne, United Kingdom), which binds to embry-onic and fetal myosin heavy chain isotypes. Thespecificity of this antibody, which has been previ-ously described,35,36 was confirmed with the mono-clonal antibody F1.652 (Developmental Hybrid-oma Bank, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa).37,38

F1.652 reacts with embryonic and fetal (neonatal)myosin heavy chain and is derived from hybrid-omas prepared from mice immunized with myosinheavy chain from human leg muscles. To labelsections for developmental myosin heavy chainisoforms, the 10- to 12-�m sections were air-dried,blocked with 2% horse serum in phosphate-buff-ered saline for 20 minutes, and incubated with thedevelopmental myosin heavy chain antibody for 1hour at room temperature. This was followed byincubation with biotinylated horse anti-mouse an-tibody (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, Calif.)and then with biotin-avidin-peroxidase complex(diluted in 1% horse serum as per the VectastainABC kit; Vector Laboratories) at room tempera-ture for 30 minutes each. The sections were thenwashed for 30 minutes using three changes ofphosphate-buffered saline. Phosphate-bufferedsaline washes were also used between each of theindividual steps. The sections were developed by5 minutes of incubation in 0.5 mg/ml diamino-benzidine tetrahydrochloride, 0.01% H2O2 inphosphate-buffered saline. Sections were thenmounted in Permount (Fisher Scientific, Spring-field, Ill.).

Extensor Digitorum Longus MuscleSection Evaluation

Muscle cross-sections from each extensor digi-torum longus muscle were examined with a stan-dard light microscope under magnifications rang-ing from 80� to 250�. All sections were examinedby a single observer, blinded to the group assign-ment of the animal from which the muscle washarvested.

Cells that had the morphological characteris-tics of myoblasts (small cells arranged in palisadesor columns) and that had cytoplasm that wasstrongly labeled for the developmental isoform ofthe myosin heavy chain were identified as myo-blasts involved in the regeneration of muscle fi-bers that had undergone prior necrosis and de-generation. If sections from a muscle were notedto contain even one developmental myosin heavychain–positive myoblast, that muscle was desig-nated as containing regenerating fibers (regener-ation-positive). If no developmental myosin heavychain–positive cells were observed in a given sec-tion, the muscle was designated as not containingregenerating fibers (regeneration-negative). Notethat the methods used to label myosin heavy chainisoforms and to identify regenerating muscle fi-bers have been used in previous studies reportedby our group.39

Statistical AnalysisChi-square analysis was used to determine

whether group assignment and the regeneratingfiber status assigned to each muscle were inde-pendent variables (chi-square test of indepen-dence; Sigma Scan, Jandel Scientific, San Raphael,Calif.). For this analysis, alpha was set at 0.05 andbeta was set at 0.80.

RESULTSTwenty-two animals were entered into the

study. One animal in the NV-3 group died duringthe initial operation and was replaced, resulting inseven animals in each group. In each group, threeanimals were killed 1 week after the initial surgicalprocedure, and four animals were killed 2 weeksafter the initial surgical procedure.

Figures 1 and 2 present representative exten-sor digitorum longus muscle sections from ani-mals in all groups. Table 1 presents the results ofassignment of individual muscles to regeneration-positive or regeneration-negative status. Chi-square analysis indicated that group assignmentand regeneration status were strongly related (p �0.001, power � 0.94),

Volume 117, Number 5 • Neurovascular Transfer


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In the negative controls (contralateral leg ex-tensor digitorum longus muscle), normal fiberarchitecture was observed and no fibers were iden-tified as being labeled for developmental myosinheavy chain (Fig. 1, above). As expected, hema-toxylin and eosin–stained sections of extensordigitorum longus muscles from rats in the STDgroup revealed a central, necrotic core with a pe-ripheral rim of surviving fibers in a pattern char-acteristic of regenerating, standard extensor digi-torum longus muscle grafts (Fig. 1, below, left). Inaddition, extensor digitorum longus muscles fromrats in the STD group had numerous cells labeledpositively for developmental myosin heavy chain(Fig. 1, below, right) at both 1 and 2 weeks of re-covery, indicating that regenerating fibers are suc-

cessfully detected using our antibody (positivecontrol).

No cells were identified that were strongly la-beled for developmental myosin heavy chain inextensor digitorum longus muscle sections fromanimals in either the NV-0 (Fig. 2, above) or theNV-3 group, at either time point examined (Fig. 2,below). In sections from animals in both the NV-0and NV-3 groups, some cells that had morpholog-ical characteristics of adult myocytes (large diam-eter, multinucleated cells, polygonal shape) wereobserved to be very weakly labeled for develop-mental myosin heavy chain. Because the morpho-logical identity of these cells as adult myocytes wasunambiguous, the weak developmental myosinheavy chain labeling was not considered to be

Fig. 1. Representative sections from extensor digitorum longus muscles in the contralateral control limbs (above) or from theexperimental limbs of animals in the STD (below). Sections in the right hand column are stained with hematoxylin and eosin;sections in the left hand column are labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain. Note that the magnifications have beenvaried for each frame to best illustrate the relevant morphology. (Above, left) Normal extensor digitorum longus muscle (originalmagnification,�156). Normal fascicular organization observed. (Above, right) Normal extensor digitorum longus muscle (originalmagnification, �156). Note absence of fibers strongly staining for developmental myosin heavy chain (negative control). (Below,left) extensor digitorum longus muscle from rat in the STD group harvested 1 week after grafting (original magnification, �125).Note peripheral, surviving myocytes, central necrotic core, and intermediate zone with small, mononuclear cells. (Below, right)extensor digitorum longus muscle from a rat in the STD group (1 week; original magnification, �125). Note small, mononuclearcells in intermediate zone labeled strongly for developmental myosin heavy chain. These regenerating myocytes serve as apositive control.

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evidence of muscle cell regeneration. The reasonfor the weak developmental myosin heavy chainlabeling observed was not determined and willrequire further study.

DISCUSSIONOur observations support our hypothesis

that neurovascular muscle transfer procedureswith up to 3 hours of ischemia time do notresult in necrosis, degeneration, and regenera-tion of muscle fibers. This finding leads us toconclude that necrosis, degeneration, and re-generation of muscle fibers at the time of neu-rovascular transfer is very unlikely to be a majormechanism contributing to the mechanical def-icits observed in neurovascular muscle trans-fers. This conclusion is in agreement with his-

tologic evidence from previous studies.18,32 Noteagain that this conclusion is reliant on the as-sumption that degeneration of muscle fiberswill result in fiber regeneration after neurovas-cular transfer.

The observation times of 1 and 2 weeks post-transfer were chosen deliberately based on abun-dant data indicating that, in vivo, necrotic musclefibers will induce proliferation and fusion of sat-ellite cells (so-called adult myoblasts) within thistime frame.29 Developmental myosin heavy chain–positive cells in extensor digitorum longus mus-cles from animals in the STD group had the typicalappearance of myoblasts and were found in a pat-tern consistent with previous morphological de-scriptions of regenerating rat extensor digitorumlongus muscles.29 As in previous work from our

Fig. 2. Representative sections from extensor digitorum longus muscles from the experimental limbs of animals in the NV-0(above), and NV-3 (below) groups. Sections in the right hand column are stained with hematoxylin and eosin; sections in the lefthand column are labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain. Note that the magnifications have been varied for each frameto best illustrate the relevant morphology. (Above, left) extensor digitorum longus muscle from a rat in the NV-0 group (1 week;original magnification, �125). Normal fiber architecture. (Above, right) extensor digitorum longus muscle from a rat in the NV-0group (1 week; original magnification, �125). No fibers strongly labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain. (Below, left)extensor digitorum longus muscle from a rat in the NV-3 group (2 weeks; original magnification, �250). Thickening of interfas-cicular septae; normal fiber architecture. (Below, right) extensor digitorum longus muscle from a rat in the NV-3 group (2 weeks;original magnification, �250). No fibers strongly labeled for developmental myosin heavy chain.

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laboratory, this positive control confirmed that theantibody chosen allowed identification of regen-erating muscle fibers.39 The absence of positivecells in the contralateral extensor digitorum lon-gus muscles in all groups (i.e., the negative con-trols) strengthens this conclusion. Based on thesecontrols, we believe it is unlikely that our obser-vations were confounded by any factors related tothe immunohistochemical methodology.

The absence of regenerating fibers in the ex-tensor digitorum longus muscles from animals inboth the NV-0 and NV-3 groups in this study sup-ports data from previous studies indicating that,for ischemia times up to 4 hours, ischemia is nota significant determinant of the contractile deficitusually observed after microneurovascular muscletransfer.13 Data from clinical observations also in-dicate that there is no relationship between intra-operative ischemia time ranging from 1 to 4 hoursand the quality or rapidity of onset of the recoveryof function in neurovascular transfers used forfacial reanimation.40 Therefore, available data donot support the hypothesis that intraoperativeischemia, by means of muscle fiber degenerationor other mechanisms, is a major factor contribut-ing to the force deficit in muscle transfers. Ofcourse, this statement is only applicable for isch-emia times within the clinically “acceptable” rangeof less than 4 hours. It is also important to notethat our study does not exclude the possibility thatnonlethal injury to myocytes may impair their me-chanical function. To study this possibility, we arecurrently measuring force production in individ-ual, permeabilized fibers from muscles after neu-rovascular transfer.

If injury sufficient to cause necrosis of myocytes isnot the cause of the mechanical deficits observed inneurovascular muscle transfers, other mechanismsmust be responsible. Because both capillary geometryand blood flow are largely unchanged after neurovas-

cular muscle transfer, it is unlikely that changes inmuscle perfusion account for the mechanical deficitsobserved in muscle transfers.41,42 In contrast, availabledata suggest that, under many circumstances, de-nervation/reinnervation and tenotomy and repaircan result in deficits in skeletal muscle contractilefunction.16,18,26,43–45 These factors must remain theprime independent variables in future studies ofmechanical function in neurovascular muscletransfer.

CONCLUSIONSWe did not observe regenerating muscle fibers

after neurovascular transfer of the rat extensordigitorum longus muscle with up to 3 hours ofintraoperative ischemia. The data indicate thatmechanisms other than injury sufficient to causedegeneration of myocytes must be largely respon-sible for the functional deficits observed after neu-rovascular muscle transfer.

William M. Kuzon, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.2130 Taubman Health Care Center

1500 East Medical Center DriveAnn Arbor, Mich. 48109-0340

[email protected]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study was supported by National Institute of

Neurologic Disease and Stroke grant NS34380. TheF1.652 hybridoma was obtained from the DevelopmentalStudies Hybridoma Bank maintained by the Departmentof Biological Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa City,Iowa.

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Table 1. Frequency of Regeneration-Positive andRegeneration-Negative Extensor Digitorum LongusMuscles from Animals in Each Experimental Group

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Control STD NV-0 NV-3

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Volume 117, Number 5 • Neurovascular Transfer