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Page 1: Nervous System [Dr.pipiet]



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Central nervous system (CNS)

The brain and spinal cord, which contain control centers responsible for processing and integrating sensory information, planning and coordinating responses to stimuli, and providing short-term control over the activities of other systems.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Neural tissue outside the CNS that links the CNS with sense organs and other systems.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS)

Components of the CNS and PNS that control visceral functions at the subconscious level.

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Receptors are broadly categorized as follows:

1. Exteroceptors (extero-, outside) provide information about the external environment in the form of touch, temperature, and pressure sensations and the more complex senses of sight, smell, hearing, and taste.

2. Proprioceptors monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints.

3. Interoceptors (intero-, inside) monitor the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, and reproductive systems and provide sensations of taste, deep pressure, and pain.

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somatic nervous system (SNS)

• controls skeletal muscle contractions. • The contractions may be voluntary or involuntary. • You are conscious when you are awake and alert. • Voluntary contractions are under conscious control; • you exert voluntary control over your arm as you raise a full glass of water

to your lips. • Involuntary contractions may be simple, automatic responses or complex

movements directed at the subconscious level. • If you accidentally place your hand on a hot stove, you will withdraw it

immediately, usually before you even notice the pain. • This type of automatic involuntary response is a reflex.

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autonomic nervous system (ANS)

or visceral motor system, provides automatic, involuntary regulation of

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activity or secretions.

The ANS includes a sympathetic division and a parasympathetic division.

These ANS divisions commonly have antagonistic effects.

For example, activity of the sympathetic division accelerates the heart rate, whereas parasympathetic activity slows the heart rate.

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Jaringan Saraf

Neuron: Badan sel Akson hantaran keluar dari badan sel Dendrit hantaran menuju badan sel

Neuroglia : Mikroglia fagosit Ependima produksi CSF Astroglia nutrisi esensial Oligodendroglia menghasilkan mielin

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Cell Type Functions


Astrocytes Maintain blood-brain barrier; provide structural support; regulate ion, nutrient, and dissolved gas concentrations; absorb and recycle neurotransmitters; assist in tissue repair after injury

Oligodendrocytes Myelinate CNS axons; provide structural framework

Microglia Remove cell debris, wastes, and pathogens by phagocytosis

Ependymal cells Line ventricles (brain) and central canal (spinal cavity); assist in production, circulation, and monitoring of cerebrospinal fluid


Satellite cells Surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia

Schwann cells Cover all axons in PNS; responsible for myelination of some peripheral axons; participate in repair process after injury

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Region/Nucleus Function

Frontal lobe

Primary motor cortex Voluntary control of skeletal muscles

Parietal lobe

Primary sensory cortexConscious perception of touch, pressure, vibration,

pain, temperature, and taste

Occipital lobe

Visual cortex Conscious perception of visual stimuli

Temporal lobe

Auditory cortex and olfactory cortex Conscious perception of auditory and olfactory stimuli

All lobes

Association areasIntegration and processing of sensory data;

processing and initiation of motor activities

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Left and right thalamus. Each thalamus contains relay and processing

centers for sensory information. A narrow stalk, the infundibulum, connects

the hypothalamus (hypo-, below), or floor of the diencephalon, to the pituitary gland, a component of the endocrine system.

The hypothalamus contains centers involved with emotions, autonomic function, and hormone production

Subtalamus belum diketahui jelas fungsinya

epitalamus berkaitan dengan sistem limbik

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Suatu struktur cincin kortikal dan subkortikal pembatas yang mengelilingi korpus kalosum

Struktur kortikal : girus singuli, hipokampus Struktur subkortikal : amigdala, traktus dan

bulbus olfaktorius, dan septum. Beberapa ahli menyertakan talamus dan hipotalamus

Fungsi : pengalaman dan ekspresi alam perasaan : takut, marah, emosi, ingatan.

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Subdivision Region/Nucleus Function

Gray matter Cerebellar cortexInvoluntary coordination and control of ongoing movements of body parts

Cerebellar nuclei Same as for cerebellar cortex

White matter Arbor vitae

Connects cerebellar cortex and nuclei with cerebellar peduncles

Cerebellar peduncles

SuperiorLink the cerebellum with mesencephalon, diencephalon, and cerebrum

MiddleContain transverse fibers and carry communications between the cerebellum and pons

InferiorLink the cerebellum with the medulla oblongata and spinal cord

Transverse fibers

Interconnect pontine nuclei with the cerebellar hemispheres on the opposite side

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2 fungsi cerebellum:

Menjaga postur tubuh Meprogram dan mengontrol

gerakan halus

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Brain stem

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brain stem

mesencephalon, pons, medulla oblongata.

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Otak tengah Refleks penglihatan dan koordinasi

gerakan penglihatan Refleks pendengaran misal :

menggerakkan kepala ke arah datangnya suara

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The term pons is Latin for "bridge"; Menghubungkan kedua hemisfer

serebelum serta menghubungkan mesensefalon di bagian atas dan medula oblongata di bagian bawah

In addition to tracts and relay centers, the pons also contains nuclei involved with somatic and visceral motor control.

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Medulla oblongata.

The spinal cord connects to the brain at the medulla oblongata.

The medulla oblongata relays sensory information to the thalamus and to centers in other portions of the brain stem.

The medulla oblongata also contains major centers concerned with the regulation of autonomic function, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion

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