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Nepal Prayer Guide

Apr 08, 2016



Lucy Stubis

Nepal Prayer Guide
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NEPALPrayer Guide

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C o u n t rY D ata

The public image of Christianity

in Nepal is as a foreign, mostly Western,

intrusion that undermines traditional culture

and society and appeals only to lower castes.

Persecution remains, though

less acute than in the past. It can come from

the religious majority but also socially from

within families and communities.

t o ta l P o P u l at i o n 28,922,000

P e r C e n ta g e o f e va n g e l i Ca ls 2.9%

largest religion hinduism (75.01%)

t h e r e a r e s t i l l 3 2 8 u n r e a C h e D P e o P l e g r o u P s o u t o f 3 3 7

Joshua Project

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D h r u b a & r u t h a rYa l

K a m a l & b i m a l a P o K a h r e l

Our vision:

- is to fulfill the Great Commission through Evangelism and Bible

teaching that results in the planting of New Testament Churches.

- is to build up mature leaders for the Nepali church

We continue in working in these three church plants in Kapan, Chitawan,

Saralhi. We are also praying about a future church plant in Bara. This

ministry includes Evagelism in the above mentioned districts. Highlight

of this year include 15 baptisms from the three church plants where

many face persercution and family pressure to not to be invovled in the

Christian faith. We also had a wonderful time of fellowship at the “Autumn

Bible Conference”. This conference brought together more than 500

people representing 9 assemblies. It was a wonderful encouragement and

a reminder of God’s grace and unity in His wonderful family in Christ.

m i n i s t rY o v e rv i e w

v i s i o n & m i s s i o n

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K a pa n

b i b l e c o n f e r e n c e

C h i tawa n

e l d e rs m e e t i n g

Kapan is located in the northern part of Kathmandu valley. It is 5km from the centre of Kathmandu. Many migrants live in this area.

Chitwan is located the central part of Nepal approximately 160 Km from the Kathmandu valley. It is a major tourist destination due the Chitwan National Park and the wildlife adventure safaris operating there.

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s P e C i a l n e e D s LEADERSHIP

We need young mature leadership with more zeal to preach the gospel in Nepal.

HOSTEL MINISTRY A hostel project offering care for the

poor and needy children of Believer’s as well as a means to begin improving

the social reputation of the Sarlahi district

is a great need and fulfils the Lord’s encouragement to be “He who is kind to

the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.”

Proverbs 19:17

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b a p t i s m s

a n o l d h o u s e

r e n o vat i n g

f e e d i n g n e e dy c h i l d e r e n

sa r l a h i c h u r c h h a l l

sa r l a h i

n e w c h u r c h h a l l

Sarlahi is located in the mid-eastern part of Nepal. It is 400 km from the Kathmandu valley. Many in this district are living in poverty

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P r ay e r p o i n t s

1. For a new church plant in the Bara district.

2. For the people, that they may open their hearts

to the only true God instead of worshiping idols or


3. For the fellowship to continue to grow under the

God’s gracious hand.

4. For God’s direction for Ruth and myself in our walk

and service for the Lord.

P r a i s e P o i n t

1. For the great opportunity. He gave me to visit

both South Korea and the USA.

2. For the three baptism ceremonies this year.

There were 10 baptised at Kapan, 3 at Sarlahi

and 2 at Chitwan.

3. For the wonderful “Autumn Bible Conference’

where for the first time more than 500 people

gathered from 9 assemblies.


Links our Nothingness to God’s Almightiness

n e w c h u r c h i n b a r a

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