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Neil Perry

Jan 01, 2016




Neil Perry. KEATING: It's open. KEATING: Neil, what's up? NEIL: Can I speak to you? KEATING: Certainly. Sit down. NEIL: I'm sorry. Here. KEATING: Excuse me. Get you some tea? NEIL: Tea. Sure. KEATING: Like some milk or sugar in that? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Neil Perry
Page 2: Neil Perry
Page 3: Neil Perry

KEATING: It's open. KEATING: Neil, what's up? NEIL: Can I speak to you? KEATING: Certainly. Sit down. NEIL: I'm sorry. Here. KEATING: Excuse me. Get you some tea? NEIL: Tea. Sure. KEATING: Like some milk or sugar in that? NEIL: No, thanks. Gosh, they don't give you much room around here. KEATING: No, it's part of the monastic oath. They don't want worldly things distracting me from my teaching. NEIL: She's pretty.  KEATING: She's also in London. Makes it a little difficult. NEIL: How can you stand it? KEATING: Stand what? NEIL: You can go anywhere. You can do anything. How can you stand being here? KEATING: 'Cause I love teaching. I don't wanna be anywhere else. KEATING: What's up? NEIL: I just talked to my father. He's making me quit the play at Henley Hall. Acting's everything to me. I--But he doesn't know. He--I can see his point. We're not a rich family like Charlie's, and we--But he's planning the rest of my life for me, and I-- H-He's never asked me what I want. KEATING: Have you ever told your father what you just told me? About your passion for acting. You ever show him that? NEIL: I can't. KEATING: Why not? NEIL: I can't talk to him this way. KEATING: Then you're acting for him, too. You're playing the part of the dutiful son. I know this sounds impossible, but you have to talk to him. You have to show him who you are, what your heart is. NEIL: I know what he'll say. He'll tell me that acting's a whim, and I should forget it. That how they're counting on me. He'll just tell me to put it out of my mind, "for my own good." KEATING: You are not an indentured servant. If it's not a whim for you, you prove it to him by your conviction and your passion. You show him that and if he still doesn't believe you, well, by then you'll be out of school and you can do anything you want. NEIL: No. What about the play? The show's tomorrow night. KEATING: Well, you have to talk to him before tomorrow night. NEIL: Isn't there an easier way? KEATING: No. NEIL: I'm trapped. KEATING: No, you're not.

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KEATING: It's open. KEATING: Neil, what's up? NEIL: Can I speak to you? KEATING: Certainly. Sit down. NEIL: I'm sorry. Here. KEATING: Excuse me. Get you some tea? NEIL: Tea. Sure. KEATING: Like some milk or sugar in that? NEIL: No, thanks. Gosh, they don't give you much room around here. KEATING: No, it's part of the monastic oath. They don't want worldly things distracting me from my teaching.

monastic oath n. 隐士誓言

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worldly 这个词有两个常用的意思:a. worldly is used to describe things relating to the ordinary activities of life, rather than to spiritual things 世间的,世俗的。e.g. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters.我想你该醒醒,考虑一下世俗的事情了。b. someone who is worldly is experienced and knows about the practical or social aspects of life. 老练的,见多识广的。e.g. He was different from anyone I had known, very worldly. 他非常老练,和我认识的所有人都不一样。

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NEIL: She's pretty.  KEATING: She's also in London. Makes it a little difficult. NEIL: How can you stand it? KEATING: Stand what? NEIL: You can go anywhere. You can do anything. How can you stand being here? KEATING: 'Cause I love teaching. I don't wanna be anywhere else. KEATING: What's up? NEIL: I just talked to my father. He's making me quit the play at Henley Hall. Acting's everything to me. I--But he doesn't know. He--I can see his point. We're not a rich family like Charlie's, and we--But he's planning the rest of my life for me, and I-- H-He's never asked me what I want. KEATING: Have you ever told your father what you just told me? About your passion for acting. You ever show him that? NEIL: I can't. KEATING: Why not? NEIL: I can't talk to him this way.

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stand=put up with

V. 用于否定句和疑问句中,与 can/could 连用, 表示“忍受,容忍,经受得起” , 无被动和进行时态

e.g. He can’t stand the hot weather.

My nerves won’t stand the strain much longer.

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KEATING: Then you're acting for him, too. You're playing the part of the dutiful son. I know this sounds impossible, but you have to talk to him. You have to show him who you are, what your heart is. NEIL: I know what he'll say. He'll tell me that acting's a whim, and I should forget it. That how they're counting on me. He'll just tell me to put it out of my mind, "for my own good."

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A whim is a wish to do or have something which seems to have no serious reason or purpose behind it, and often occurs suddenly. 一时的兴致、幻想,反复无常,怪念头,奇想。e.g. We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Europe. 我们决定坐船去欧洲。这个决定有点突发奇想。 几个习惯用语大家要注意一下:full of whims (and fancies)异想天开的;狂热的;任性的take / have a whim for doing sth一时兴起做某事while the whim lasts在有兴致的时候;兴之所至

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count on

依靠,指望。例如:The hospital can count on us for a couple million dollars.

Count 含义几多,除“计算,数数”外,还有“计算在内,考虑,认为”等含义,使它在英语中运用广泛,而且形成了很多有特定意义的搭配。1 ) count in 包含,计及Do count me in for the barbecue this weekend.这周末烧烤一定要把我算进去。2) count out 不包括,不计及Count Mary out, she can't even swim.不要把 Mary 算进去,她甚至不会游泳。3) count for anything / nothing / little 有价值、有重要性的 / 无甚价值 / 无关重要Such man does not count for anything. 这种人成不了什么大事。

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KEATING: You are not an indentured servant. If it's not a whim for you, you prove it to him by your conviction and your passion. You show him that and if he still doesn't believe you, well, by then you'll be out of school and you can do anything you want. NEIL: No. What about the play? The show's tomorrow night. KEATING: Well, you have to talk to him before tomorrow night. NEIL: Isn't there an easier way? KEATING: No. NEIL: I'm trapped. KEATING: No, you're not.

indenture sb to sb v.contract sb to work as an apprentice 与某人签订师徒合同将之收为学徒

e.g. His son was indentured to the local blacksmith.

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I'm trapped.

被困住,身陷困境。If you are trapped somewhere, something falls onto you or blocks you way and prevents you from moving or escaping. e.g. The train was trapped underground by a fire.列车被火灾困在了地下。

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1. 今天出去购物纯属心血来潮。

2. 今年我不指望有任何升职的机会了。

3. 我们永远都无法摆脱世俗的束缚。

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1. 今天出去购物纯属心血来潮。Today's shopping was nothing but a whim.

2. 今年我不指望有任何升职的机会了。I never count on any opportunity to get promoted this year.

3. 我们永远都无法摆脱世俗的束缚。We will never break away from the worldly shackles.

Page 15: Neil Perry

CHARLIE: You told him about this meeting? PITTS: Twice. CHARLIE: That's it, guys. We're all fried. PITTS: How do you mean? CHARLIE: Cameron's a fink. He's in Nolan's office right now, finking. PITTS: About what?  CHARLIE: The club, Pittsie. Think about it. The board of directors, the trustees and Mr. Nolan. Do you think for one moment they're gonna let this thing just blow over ? Schools go down because of things like this. They need a scapegoat. CAMERON: What's going on, guys? CHARLIE: You finked, didn't you, Cameron? CAMERON: Finked? I didn't know what the hell you're talking about. CHARLIE: You told Nolan everything about the club is what I'm talking about. CAMERON: Look, in case you hadn't heard, Dalton, there's something called an honor code at this school, all right? If a teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth or you're expelled. CHARLIE: You little- MEEKS: Charlie! CHARLIE: He's a rat ! He's in it up to his eyes, so he ratted to save himself. KNOX: Don't touch him, Charlie. You do and you're out. CHARLIE: I'm out anyway! KNOX: You don't know that, not yet. CAMERON: He's right there, Charlie. And if you guys are smart, you will do exactly what I did and cooperate. They're not after us. We're the victims. Us and Neil. CHARLIE: What's that mean? Who are they after? CAMERON: Why, Mr. Keating, of course. The "Captain" himself. I mean, you guys didn't really think he could avoid responsibility, did you? CHARLIE: Mr. Keating responsible for Neil? Is that what they're saying? CAMERON: Well, who else do you think, dumb ass? The administration? Mr. Perry? Mr. Keating put us up to all this crap, didn't he? If he wasn't for Mr. Keating, Neil would be cozied up in his room right now, studying his chemistry and dreaming of being called doctor. TODD: That is not true, Cameron. You know that. He didn't put us to anything. Neil loved acting. CAMERON: Believe what you want, but I say let Keating fry. Why ruin our lives? CAMERON: You just signed your expulsion papers, Nuwanda. And if the rest of you are smart, you'll do exactly what I did. They know everything anyway. You can't save Keating, but you can save yourselves.

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CHARLIE: You told him about this meeting? PITTS: Twice. CHARLIE: That's it, guys. We're all fried. PITTS: How do you mean? CHARLIE: Cameron's a fink. He's in Nolan's office right now, finking. PITTS: About what?  CHARLIE: The club, Pittsie. Think about it. The board of directors, the trustees and Mr. Nolan. Do you think for one moment they're gonna let this thing just blow over ? Schools go down because of things like this. They need a scapegoat

the board of directors 董事会the trustees 管理班子scapegoat =fall guy 替罪羊e.g. I was made the scapegoat

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We're all fried. 这是一句接近于俚语的表达,意思是“我们死定了!”

blow over (风雨)平息、衰退或轻拂,例如:The storm blew over quickly. 风暴迅速减退。The scandal will soon blow over. 丑闻将很快销声匿迹。

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CAMERON: What's going on, guys? CHARLIE: You finked, didn't you, Cameron? CAMERON: Finked? I didn't know what the hell you're talking about. CHARLIE: You told Nolan everything about the club is what I'm talking about. CAMERON: Look, in case you hadn't heard, Dalton, there's something called an honor code at this school, all right? If a teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth or you're expelled.

fink n. 向警方通报罪犯情况的人 v. 告密expel v. force sb to leave a country, school, club 驱逐开除e.g. two delegates at the embassy were expelled from the country

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CHARLIE: You little- MEEKS: Charlie! CHARLIE: He's a rat ! He's in it up to his eyes, so he ratted to save himself. KNOX: Don't touch him, Charlie. You do and you're out. CHARLIE: I'm out anyway! KNOX: You don't know that, not yet

rat A despicable, sneaky person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.鼠辈,卑鄙小人;令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人。Rat 还可以做动词用,意思是“背叛、背信”,经常与 on 连用。如:They have ratted on us. 他们背叛了我们。

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CAMERON: He's right there, Charlie. And if you guys are smart, you will do exactly what I did and cooperate. They're not after us. We're the victims. Us and Neil. CHARLIE: What's that mean? Who are they after? CAMERON: Why, Mr. Keating, of course. The "Captain" himself. I mean, you guys didn't really think he could avoid responsibility, did you? CHARLIE: Mr. Keating responsible for Neil? Is that what they're saying?

cooperate v. ~with sb on sthe.g. The two schools are cooperating with each other on the project.

Page 22: Neil Perry

CAMERON: Well, who else do you think, dumb ass? The administration? Mr. Perry? Mr. Keating put us up to all this crap, didn't he? If he wasn't for Mr. Keating, Neil would be cozied up in his room right now, studying his chemistry and dreaming of being called doctor.

put up to sth/doing sth 鼓动;唆使……做……e.g. Who put you up to this trick? 是谁唆使你玩这种把戏的?How do you know he asked me out? You put him up to it! 你怎么知道他约我出去?是你鼓动他这么做的吧。 cozy a. warm and comfortable 温暖舒适的e.g. a cosy room, chair, housecrap n. excrement, nonsense 屎, 胡扯, 废话

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TODD: That is not true, Cameron. You know that. He didn't put us to anything. Neil loved acting. CAMERON: Believe what you want, but I say let Keating fry. Why ruin our lives? CAMERON: You just signed your expulsion papers, Nuwanda. And if the rest of you are smart, you'll do exactly what I did. They know everything anyway. You can't save Keating, but you can save yourselves.

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1. 他们俩之间的恋情很快就风平浪静了。

2. 鼓励十六七岁的孩子去自由地思考是不是有一定的风险?

3. 这个小人出卖了我们,这下我们都完了!

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1. 他们俩之间的恋情很快就风平浪静了。The romance between them soon blew over.

2. 鼓励十六七岁的孩子去自由地思考是不是有一定的风险?Is it a little risky to put up the boys around 16 or 17 to independent thinking?

3. 这个小人出卖了我们,这下我们都完了!The rat sold us out! We are all fried now!

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