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Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014

Mar 10, 2016



Community Magazine Jan 2014
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014
Page 2: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014


Is it just me or 2013 went by super fast? 2014 starts now and will count for 365 days. A cycle of another new year will begin in January, 2015 and keep ticking until whoever is keeping count is no more. I am quite sure a lot of readers can identify with the Gregorian calendar, as it is the most popular.

A careful look at the Chinese, Jewish and Islamic Calendars reveals varying New Year start dates compared to the widely used Gregorian calendar.

Our Ghanaian neighbourhoods are increasingly becoming multicultural. On a daily basis, I work with and live among folks from Guangdong, Ashkelon and Lahore. My point! – You don’t necessarily need to start your new year to resolve to make that behavioral change that could have some positive effects on Wang, Mordecai or Ahmed.

Resolving with pen on paper has mostly been selfish commitments to better our

Editor’s Desk

individual selves. In our January issue, also known as the WORKBOOK, we tickle your ‘action buds’ to take some simple but concrete steps to make your life and that of your neighbours safe, fun and worth living. You will agree with me that we did not have to wait to usher in 2014 before signing a road safety pledge. Organizing a potluck dinner or neighbourhood wide jumble sale to raise funds for your community project didn’t need much preparation and consultation except to say let’s JUST DO IT!

The team at Neighbourly is of the firm belief that unless we start doing, we will keep planning beyond perfection. We are fired up to organize with you. We are ready and willing to showcase your community action towards development. In this workbook, we take steps toward positive growth.

Frank Boampong-Danso

COVER PHOTOSefa NkansaShooting the Breeze Studios+233 24 311 [email protected]

Page 3: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014


May I borrowa cup of sugar?

Getting to know your neighbours in the New Year.The New Year is such a joyous time! A time of renewed vigour and determined steps forward towards our best year yet. This is when we all go through a moment of reflection and make note of the things we would like to do better this time around. Weight loss and exercise are yearly winners for most noted New Year’s resolutions (and the most failed!) alongside promises to save more and spend less on the things we know we do not need. 2014 is not the year of clichés however, so let’s try something new, exciting and positive as we kick off the next 365. How about…meeting the people who live next door?

Oh stop it! I hear your mind chatter already – I’m too busy…I’m too old for that…I have enough friends…Excuses, excuses. Sure the tall walls, steel gates and overzealous watchmen in Ghana add a challenge but neighbours are a great thing to have and can be an amazing way of connecting to your neighbourhood if you get involved. Getting to know the people who live nearby helps create a sense of belonging and shared identity in our local vicinity. It also helps strengthen connections and trust in our wider communities thereby contributing to a happier, safer neighbourhood for everyone. Everyone in your neighbourhood loves their home, their family, their pets, their cars – that’s a commonality that makes room for relationship. You want your neighbours to be able to tell you if they saw someone funny looking over your wall or to remind

you if they got a note about the garbage collection days changing and even to share the joy of your graduation, son’s wedding or new garden blooming.

It’s not that daunting. Here – I’ll help you out with how to make the first step:

• Smile!...and start some warm small talk. That’s simple enough, right? When you are out for your run or taking a stroll to the corner store to buy a few things and run into a neighbour you’ve seen a few times, show your pearly whites and say hello. A smile always lowers people’s guards and is a great opener to conversation. Forget the sing-sing “How are you?” – “I’m fine, thank you” scenario. Try sharing the update that the new store down the block now sells organic fruits and veggies or simply ask how their Christmas holiday was.

• New to the area? Aim to meet one new family/friend a week for a month. Maybe

By Awoyaa Mensah

you’ve spotted a rather cute guy 2 doors down or the family at the end of the street has kids same age as yours - that’s your in! Take a few of those juicy mangoes budding in your garden and make your move. Just stop in and introduce yourself. They will appreciate your gift and you might even get a Sunday fufu chow-down invitation. Win-win!

• Offer help or ask for a hand when needed. Sure we are all everyday super men and women but we know life is not always peachy keen. Notice your neighbour’s tyre is a little low? Or need assistance handing out flyers for your church’s charity function? Go on, make a stop-in. Your neighbour will be flattered you took the time to come over to let them know you’d noticed something that was off and will feel special knowing you trust them with something you are struggling with.

Try any of these, start a neighbourhood watch or host a No Contribution, No Chop potluck dinner, whatever you do you’ll be sure to make some great friends and connections in your community that will lead to a welcoming neighbourhood environment for you all in the New Year.

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The easy choice would have been to give up and fade to black. The easy choice would have been

to throw his hands up in anger and say “Forget this. Forget them”. The easy choice would have been to seek revenge and to do to them, what they had so heartlessly done to him and his. The easy choice would have been to accept what seemed impossible in the fight for freedom and rightful independence for his people. But South Africa’s first elected Black President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, clearly did not seek the easy road. He pursued democracy and what was right for all – black or white.

They say we all have a purpose in life and that in due time we find it. For Nelson Mandela, the passion that guided his steps


was a bid for equality and fairness in a land that belonged to the Black people of South Africa. Very early in his life, he decided apartheid was unjust and that he would do something about it, or die trying. Getting involved in anti-colonial politics as a law student, he was a force to be reckoned with, leading efforts to protest against White supremacy – actions that garnered him great recognition amongst his people but that enraged the apartheid government. Soon enough they found him guilty of conspiracy and for 27 years sought to silence him and break his spirits with a jail sentence.

At age 71 Mandela walked out from prison, not defeated but empowered to stay dedicated to his mission and vision and finish what he’d started. He foresaw a bright future for South Africa and knew it was attainable if only he and those that also believed would stick to the dream and work together to make it a reality. Throughout his life into his old age he gave everyone the world across a strength and understanding for true compassion that had never been seen in such dimension. This was his legacy.

As we march into this New Year, I am fired up by Madiba’s values to seek my own and realize that as long as my goals are for the greater good, I will have positive support behind me and it can all be real. I am saddened by his passing but take pride in being an African, because we do have great people right here, from this lovely continent – like you and I - that can take us forward.

What are you willing to fight for?




– Nelson Mandela ”“FOR TO BE FREE IS



– Nelson Mandela ”






– Nelson Mandela ”

Story by Awoyaa

Page 5: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014


As we embark on the opportunities and prospects of a New Year, it is very common practice to see people pledging new resolutions and goals for the New Year. Yes, the elusive ‘R’ word is upon us again! Everybody is making promises to commit to some new behaviour or some new thing or some new person etcetera. It has become so cliché and overrated in the general scheme of things that currently the term ‘new year resolution’ is now the brunt of all jokes. (Comedians are having a field day)!

Now the problem is not just the short lived resolutions but also the types of resolutions we attempt to commit to. ‘Unattainable’ and ‘pure ridiculous’ are a few choice adjectives to describe some of our resolutions. Nevertheless, however impossible the identified resolution or goal; we do need to strive to stay true to our commitments.

In 2014 I am embarking on a personal campaign if you will, however I am asking you my Neighbourly family to join me for the ride. Still in the spirit of resolution setting, I’m proposing a general challenge for 2014: Let us strive for safety – safety on our roads to be specific! Let us do away with our reactive disposition and cultivate a more proactive approach to our road safety.

I am celebrating one year being back home after a decade and some away, and among my personal great achievements thus far is the fact that I mustered enough courage to drive on the streets of Accra. It took me six good months to grab the bull by the horn and this is not because I’m not a skilled driver but because I was doubtful I would

be sharing the road with other skilled and cautious drivers. And not to forget the poorly lit highways! A drive through the streets of Accra really cultivates the question if indeed some drivers deserve the privilege to drive or to be blunt, simply lack general common sense. The irony of the situation is that those who consider themselves professional drivers (taxi and trotro drivers) are the main culprits. Does driving for a living earn you the right to drive with no regard for other users of the road? Food for thought.

Happy New Yearto my Neighbourly family! Akua A. Abeasi

“Unfortunately our road safety issues does not end

with the drivers – pedestrians seem to have some false

sense of invincibility which simply becomes a fleeting act of folly when metal to flesh

impact is actually made!

The taxi and trotro drivers however are not the only culprit but it’s quite obvious that other drivers only follow suit when these so called professional drivers are being absurd. As the saying goes, ‘if you can’t beat them; join them’! Let me put this into perspective by using a quick scenario play: Picture this, a four-way junction where each driver actually comes to a complete stop and then files by orderly depending on who approached the junction first. Very orderly picture; free from possible collision or heated argument! Unfortunately, this picture loses its practicality when placed in a typical Ghanaian situation. Our scenario is characterised by disorder, frantic screeching of brakes, cars squeezing pass causing a choke hold of cars, with

drivers haphazardly blowing horns and casually throwing insults at each other. The missing recipe here: a boatload of discipline, a pinch of patience and dash of sophistication.

Now this is only a fraction of our road issues. From my understanding of the traffic rules and regulations, all motorized vehicles need to conform to these traffic rules and regulations. However, I do stand corrected – either my understanding of the word ‘all’ may be a bit skewed or my

continued on page 10

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definition of ‘motorized vehicles’ is a bit too inclusive, but it seems motorcycles do not fall under motorized vehicles as such these drivers operate under some unwritten hidden rule, contrary to the normal road rules, that we the general public are not privy to. Surely a red light in their minds means get ready to throttle down the road and if possible, skilfully swerve on-coming traffic if per chance life means anything to you at all. Or better yet manoeuvre through traffic and hurl insults at drivers who are actually following the road rules.

Unfortunately our road safety issues do not end with the drivers – pedestrians

seem to have some false sense of invincibility which simply becomes a fleeting act of folly when metal to flesh impact is actually made. Pedestrian crossings are just pretty white drawings on the roads as pedestrians refuse to take full advantage of their existence. I cringe when I see pedestrians barely making it across busy highways, missing death by seconds, or pedestrians literally jumping in front of fast moving cars since what’s on the other side of the road is much more important than life itself! What’s more disturbing to me as a mother is children as young as six years old trying to cross busy dangerous highway with no adult supervision! Mothers!! What could be so important to keep you from walking your babies to school in the mornings?

It is very heart breaking to see that most road accident deaths could simply be avoided; however the lack of discipline, impatience, poor judgement and lack of education are key factors in our road safety agenda. As road users, we cannot even find solace in the government outfit which is appointed to uphold road traffic and safety – the police – because they

are partly to blame for the disorder and absurdity. I only shudder as I sit in traffic and see a police escort ushering some dignitary on the opposite side of the road, driving against traffic at top speed!!!! Our efforts are useless if those at the top refuse to set the right examples.

“Our behaviour to roadsafety is quite telling of the type of people we are andby no shape or form doesthe current situation paint

the best impressionof us as a nation.

” “The missing recipe here:a boatload of discipline,

a pinch of patienceand dash of


”Our behaviour to road safety is quite telling of the type of people we are and by no shape or form does the current situation paint the best impression of us as a nation. So in 2014 let us try and effect the behaviour of better road safety and let the effect trickle down to inform our other responsibilities as law abiding citizens. Let us build our neighbourhoods to support a promising future! Welcome to our road-safe neighbourhood!

Fill out our road safety pledge form, take a picture of it and post on

Exciting prices to be won.



License Plate Number:

SlowI Pledge to drive at 20mph (32kph) or slower around communities and slow down on rural roads too. I will avoid overtaking. It’s better to hang back and be safe.

SilentI Pledge to put my phone on message service and out of reach when driving, and not fiddle with electronic equipment.

SoberI Pledge to drive completely sober. Not impaired by any amount of alcohol, illegal drugs, or medication that can affect driving.

SecureI Pledge to belt up and take responsibility for the safe restraint of others, including head restraints and child restraints, and drive a vehicle I know to be safely maintained. I will do a ‘walk round’ safety check of my vehicle before driving.

SustainableI Pledge to avoid unnecessary driving to save on fuel (money) and to reduce pollution in Ghana.

SharpI Pledge to drive alert. I will not drive tired, or when in pain, groggy or stressed. I will have an up to date eyesight test that approves me to drive.

Buy gas at reputable service stationsAsk whether the gas you buy is filtered at the pump and if the station has a policy about changing the pump filters regularly. If you get a song and dance, find another gas station. Some stations don’t have pump filters, making you more vulnerable to dirty gasoline. Other stations may not mix alcohol and fuel properly — or worse, water down their product. Find a station you trust and stick to it.

Don’t fill up if you see the tankerIf you happen to see a gasoline tanker filling the tanks at your local gas station, come back another day or go to a different station. As the station’s underground tanks are being filled, the turbulence can stir up sediment. Sediment in your gas can clog fuel filters and fuel injectors, causing poor performance and possibly necessitating repairs.

Go easy when you’re stuckWhen stuck in mud, don’t make the problem worse by damaging an expensive component. Gently rocking in an attempt to free the car is fine. But if it looks as though you’re really stuck, don’t keep at it. Throwing your car from forward to reverse repeatedly, as well as spinning tires at high speeds, can generate lots of heat and spell trouble for transmissions, clutches, and differentials. It may be cheaper in the long run to call the tow truck rather than risk big repair bills down the road. It’s a good idea to carry a traction aid in the trunk, such as sand, gravel, or cat litter.

Vehicle tipscontinued from page 9

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Style your way into 2014with answers to your New Year fashion questions!

The Aya Morrison Atelier23 Nii Bonnie Crescent Dzorwulu, Accra

[email protected] (+233) 208 589 234 / 302 956 355

FASHION TIPSfrom designerAya Morrison

Q: If I buy one thing today, what should it be?

A: Print! Floral, African or abstract, print is all over the catwalk and their artsy strokes add unmissable edge that is feminine and trendy.

Q: Less or more?

A: Definitely more as we kick into the New Year! No more dainty starkness. Go for bold cuts, statement jewellery, a huge fashion bag and stop-and-stare shoes.

Q: What colour should I wear?

A: You want to be seen in bright colours! Fuchsia is the hottest hue this season and if you want to go all out pair it with tangerine. If it’s too much for you, you will be stunningly on- trend in royal cobalt blue or canary yellow.

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In our health tips for January, we want to take a critical look at stroke

a) What is a stroke and why does it sound so bad?A stroke is a condition where a blood clot or ruptured artery or blood vessel interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain. A lack of oxygen and glucose (sugar) which used to flow to the brain, leads to the death of brain cells and brain damage, often resulting in impairment in speech, movement, and memory.


b) Are there different kinds of stroke?There are two main types of stroke, and they are ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.

Ischemic stroke most common one, when there is a blood clot (thrombus) that blocks blood flow to a particular part of the brain. The blood clot can also form somewhere in the body and can sometimes break off and float free until it clots a blood stream to the brain.

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel on the brain’s surface ruptures and fills the space between the brain and skull with blood (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or when a defective artery in the brain bursts and fills the surrounding tissue with blood (cerebral hemorrhage).Both result in a lack of blood flow to the brain and a buildup of blood that puts too much pressure on the brain.

c) Does stroke only affect a particular demographic (as in people within a certain age range?

Anyone can suffer from stroke. Although many risk factors for stroke are out of

our control, several can be kept in line through proper nutrition, exercise and medical care. Some risk factors for stroke include the following: • Over age 55• A family history of stroke• High blood pressure• High cholesterol• Smoking cigarettes• Diabetes• Obesity and overweight• Cardiovascular disease• High levels of homocysteine

Health Tips

(an amino acid in blood)• Birth control use or other hormone therapy• Cocaine use• Heavy use of alcohol

d) Which types of lifestyle practices predispose a person to stroke?

• Excessive drinking• Smoking• Excessive intake of fat/not eating healthy• Not managing stress well

e) What should a person do to prevent the likelihood of experiencing a stroke?

Much of stroke prevention is based on living a healthy lifestyle. This includes:

• Knowing and controlling blood pressure• Finding out if you have atrial fibrillation• Not smoking• Lowering cholesterol, sodium, and fat intake• Following a healthy diet• Drinking alcohol only in moderation• Treating diabetes properly• Exercising regularly. • Managing stress• Not using drugs

f) When a person is in danger of experiencing stroke, are there any warning signs that indicate that a stroke is imminent?

Within a few minutes of having a stroke, brain cells begin to die and symptoms can become present. It is important to recognize symptoms, as prompt treatment is crucial to recovery.

Common symptoms include:• Dizziness, trouble walking, loss of balance and coordination• Speech problems• Numbness, weakness, or paralysis on one side of the body• Blurred, blackened, or double vision• Sudden severe headache

P. Ekuba Mensah, MHA, MBAChief Executive Officer3M&C Health Systems

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Start 2014 off on the right foot!

The feet can be long forgotten as they are all the way down by the ground (but they deserve just as much love as we show our hair, faces and hands). Keep your feet healthy and sandal-ready with these quick foot care tips:

• Exercise them – do daily flex and points by pointing your toes outwards and holding for 15 seconds. Relax your toes and flex them back to flat position. Repeat about 10 times.

• Moisturise them – avoid dry, flaky feet by using a cream that can improve tough skin. Pay close attention to the heels and us product containing petroleum or lactic acid.

• Trim your toenails – this will give you a clean look and keep them healthy. Even better, treat yourself to a monthly pedicure!

Spa Tips

Brought to you by


6:00pm - 8:00pm

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICEFirst Service: 8:00am - 10:00am

Second Service: 10:30am - 12:30pm

Rev. Dr. Richard C. Whitcomb, Senior Pastor


(Near A&C Square]East-Legon


Page 10: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014


Garden TipsVegetable gardening in a container.

You may not have the space to make a decent backyard vegetable farm for your family consumption, but you definitely can do some magic with simple vegetable farming in a container. Our vegetable pick is Tomato.

Growing Tips: Growing a full size tomato plant in a container will require a large pot, a strong stake or cage and lots of water - but it can be done. If you have a favorite variety of tomato, go ahead and try it. Just don’t skimp on the container. Crowding it will diminish the yield and can stress the plant, leading to disease problems. A whiskey barrel-sized container would work well for beefsteak tomatoes. You could even underplant it with lettuce, basil or a few flowers.

If you just want a handy snack, the patio cherry tomatoes are perfect for you and

By Claudia Kankam Boadu

there are dozens to choose from. They can be staked and grown upright or in hanging baskets.

Minimum Container Size: 12 inches deep for cherry tomatoes, 18 inches for full-sized plants.Spacing: 1 plant per plant.Approximate Yield: Varies greatly with variety.Recommended Varieties: Patio Cherry - ‘Small Fry’, ‘Tiny Tim’, ‘Tumbling Tom’


TEDxLabone seeks to develop and leverage the TED experience at a community level, bringing together innovative thinkers to connect and discuss great ideas. TEDxLabone works to share the voices of thinkers, innovators and performers who will inform, Empower & Educate. TEDxLabone is a collative effort on the part of volunteers and founding committee members.

Join us on our quest of promoting positive attitudes in our society because we believe that together we can give Ghana a better future.

Labone is a district of Accra, Ghana bounded to the south by Labadi Road. Cantonments Road serves as the district’s western boundary, while Labadi Crescent is the eastern boundary. The Ring road separates Labone from the southern district of Osu.

As an extension of touristy Osu, Labone offers a mix of houses dating from the early 20th century. Unlike Osu, however, Labone remains largely residential albeit with the siting of some embassies and corporate headquarters in the district and also, one of the communities in Ghana with Senior High School called Labone Senior High School.

One of the most invaluable assets in today’s global economy is ‘ideas’. Forming the backbone of many a great achievement, ideas stimulate creativity and innovation. At TEDxLabone, participants will take part in a TED-like experience that will ultimately equip and inspire them into boundless possibilities

With a community focus, TEDxLabone will convene 100 of the most innovative and creative minds from across Ghana.

By Makafui Awuku

A simple and elegant dish. The excellent combination of palm oil flavours works well and gives the dish a traditional feel of Angola.

METHODAdd the fresh fish to a bowl and season with the garlic, salt and lemon juice. Set aside to marinate for 20 minutes.In a large pot, alternate layers fresh fish, onion, tomatoes, spinning and okra, combine the palm oil Bring to a simmer 5 minute, pour water then cook for about 30 minutes, or until the contents of the pot is tender.

Tip: Serve with funje.

INGREDIENTS1kg dried, salted, fish (salt cod can be used) or fresh fish1 onion, finely sliced400g tomatoes, chopped1 hot chilli, very finely chopped [optional]500g okra, trimmed and sliced1kg spinach3 garlic cloves1 tsp salt1 tsp lemon 300ml red palm oil

By Claudia Kankam Boadu

Calulu de peixe(Fish in palm oil)

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By Harry Albert Appiah,Lead Financial Consultant

Many of us reading this article may havealready made our new year’s resolution.But it’s never late to do some amendments to your plan. You can make a resolution that in 2014 you will put some resources aside towards savings. We will look at the various savings products available on the market.

Savings is basically income not spent but held in anticipating returns. The ideal is tohave an objective for your savings before you embark on a savings plan. It could befor a short, medium or long-term purpose.

For example ones objective will be to save to pay the school fees of his/her child when they get to the university or purchase a plot of land. Estimate the money to be spent in future that is future value (FV) and based on the interest rate decide on the amount that needs to be set aside for this venture. But the easiest way will be to convert the amount now in US Dollars and be saving in US dollars towards the project. In that

way you need not to border yourself with the interest rate. For example the price of a plot of land in a some areas in Accra is GHS 15,000.00. With an exchange rate of GHS 2.00 to USD 1.0 the Us equivalent will be USD 7,500.00, payable in 10 years. Hence the break down will be USD 62.50 per month. Set up a bank account and deposit USD 62.50 every month and by

the tenth year, because of the depreciating value of the cedi the USD 7,500.00 will be equivalent to the current price of the Land in ten years’ time.

The other alternative is to speak to the LifeAssurance companies for a life assurance product. They have a lot of products that you can choose from.

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Just Do It.By Awoyaa Mensah

On the 12th day of Christmas the world awoke to a new music masterpiece that dropped upon us like Santa down the chimney shoot in the darkest hour of night. With seemingly no preparation - not a peep from the media, not a leak on the internet, not a rumor, a whisper, a glimpse – music goddess King Bey, as her fans lovingly call your royal highness Beyonce, released her 5th and self-titled studio album. Beyond prepared, the album that was released exclusively to iTunes flaunts 14 new songs and 17 sizzling videos ready for downloading. No big marketing hoopla and PR blitz, the album was introduced to the world by the Diva herself via an Instagram video captioned “Surprise!” received by 8 million followers and 53 million Facebook fans.

No…this is not a music review or Beyonce worship. It’s not the PR she doesn’t even need or a pitch on the power of social media. This is a note of encouragement as we start off another new year, to get up and get moving on our dreams and goals for 2014! Make no mistake, Beyonce and

her genius management team were very prepared for this album release. Fans and media speculated for months that the Houston-born singer, now Mrs. Carter and mama to hip-hop first baby Blue Ivy, was working on something. In interviews just the week before, there were mentions of new music release in the New Year. Beyoncé didn’t set a release date. She made the move when it felt right, but without wasting time with excuses of perfection.

As a former advertising executive, I know a thing or two about the desire to attain perfection on communications to be shared with a brand’s target audience. One creative project could stretch months and even years, pining over the right words to use, the placement of a logo, testing if consumers are savvy enough to understand the wit and many a times right when I was sensing we were moments from the prized “Approved!”…the client would draw a big red X across it all and send us back to the drawing board. At times, by the time it’s all ready to be shared with the world, it’s no longer relevant or is simply too late. There’s nothing wrong with editing and correcting, remolding and improving, but this year I think we all need to take a cue

from one of Advertising’s most relevant brand taglines from Nike – Just do it!What are your goals this year? What have you been looking to start, finish, achieve? Large or small, it will never be done without taking a step. Everyone will have their opinions on how you should do it and when, who you should involve and even why you will not succeed! Humph! Just as Beyoncé did, surprise any doubters, and most importantly surprise yourself. Whatever it is you want to see in your life in 2014 - from simple and personal things like performing more acts of kindness and being more supportive of others to larger endeavours - prepare and move. Do it well and do something a little different that will make it all more memorable. Another lesson from Destiny’s Child, don’t be scared to solicit help from your support circle and community and collaborate with others on shared ideas. Word of mouth is still quite the strong tool, and when used positively, will benefit you and others.

Achievement of your personal dreams makes for collective success for your community, nation and world. There’s no time like now, so…get to it. Happy 2014!

1st Floor A&C Shopping Mall East Legon • Melcom Plus North Industrial Area (+233) 249297046 [email protected]

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24 NEIGHBOURLY 25NEIGHBOURLY [email protected]

OrphanAid Africa has been supporting orphans & vulnerable children in Ghana for the last 12 years. We are not an or-phanage. We rescue children & com-bat child abandonment by supporting safe, stable & loving families. Most children in orphanages are not in fact orphans. At least 4 out of 5 of these children have one or both parents alive. Unfortunately, poor families often feel that placing their children into orphan-ages is the only way to en sure they re-ceive proper education, food & other essentials. We do not agree. With the right kind of support, most families can keep their children.

Be a part of a better solution by helping us keep vulnerable families together. Learn more at or con-tact [email protected].

4,500 children living in orphanages in Ghana

148 orphanages operating in Ghana80 percent of these children have families

9 of these orphanages are registered and regulated

Every Child Deserves a Family


First ever Ovation Carols Night in Ghana, December 2013

Page 14: Neighbourly magazine Jan 2014


Getting Started! --- Jumble sales allow us to collect various items from members of your community and get people to pick them up for a price and then the money is used for a project in a community

Your garage, garden or workplace is a great place to organize a jumble sale. Alternatively, investigate the possibility of hiring a community or church hall.

Some community halls may be free or cheap to hire. It is a good idea to visit the venue and see what the space is like. Are there enough tables for setting up the items on?

Have a great team of volunteers! Ask around your friendship group if people can help with collecting items for sale, or being involved on the actual day.

You will need: • Plenty of good quality, clean items for sale. These could include clothes, shoes, books, games and general household items. Think about collecting items well in advance of the day of the jumble sale, advertising to friends, family and neighbours about the things you would like to be donated. You will need to organise jumble collection points or collect jumble from those people who cannot to take it to a collection point.

• Carrier bags for people to take home their goods in (ask around – most people

have plenty of spare ones at home), tape measures (in case there are curtains or trousers for sale), lockable moneyboxes for donations and money collected from the sale.

Spread the word and plan your fundraising! Let family and friends know about your jumble sale. Perhaps do a leaflet drop in your area, letting people know about the event. When all your donations have come in, separate them into categories: clothes, shoes, books, games, household items. This will help you to set them up in this way, allowing people to find what they are interested in.

Decide on pricing your items. Make sure you have plenty of change in your moneybox float.

On the day! Allow plenty of time for yourself and your volunteers to set up. Place items on tables, and ensure there is at least one helper per table. Make sure each table has a collection money box. Perhaps link the jumble sale with a coffee morning or a cake stall. Alternatively, there could be a table where buyers can purchase a cup of coffee and a biscuit for, say, 50p. Have fun and remember to be smiley and welcoming to all those people who are supporting the event.

-The most creative means of raising funds to support community projects


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Name ___________________________

NeighbourlyCrossword Puzzle


6 Supporting individuals, groups or organisations to build active andsustainable communities based on social justice and mutual respect.It is about changing power structures to remove barriers thatprevent people for participating in the issues that affect their lives.

8 Someone who is active in a local community and its development.This would normally be through participation on a voluntary basis,and although this can sometimes be seen as being in a geographiccommunity it can also be with a ‘community of interest’ iePeople with Special Needs; the Elderly; Young People; Black &Minority Ethnic Groups.

10 A concept in which members of communities play an active role, toa greater or lesser degree, in the functioning of those communitiesand in society as a whole. This can embrace a wide band ofactiveness ranging from voting in elections at national, localauthority or community group levels, to being heavily involved inrunning a local group, being on local committees, or being avolunteer carer.

11 A pool of people, groups, knowledge, skills, networks andresources available in a community to help that community functionand self manage. For example it could mean the number ofvolunteers; the number of community organizations; the number ofskilled community activists etc. It can also include the communityfacilities in an area.

12 A ‘geographic community’ (a group of people living in onearea) or a ‘community of interest’ (a group of people whoshare a common characteristic or identity, such as the elderly orblack & ethnic minority communities).

13 a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake

a task.14 A gathering of people where each person or group of people may

contribute a dish of food prepared by the person or the group ofpeople, to be shared among the group


1 Methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using theroad network being killed or seriously injured.

2 A sale of miscellaneous second-hand articles, typically held in orderto raise money for a charity or a special event.

3 This is a strategic process whereby the public services in the area ofthe local authority are planned and provided after consultation andongoing co-operation among all public bodies and with communitybodies.

4 This is the process of tackling poverty, deprivation and socialexclusion in a particular geographic area or within a particular groupof people.

5 Is seen as the equal and fair distribution of such social values asincome and wealth, freedom and the opportunity to take part insociety.

7 Is a ‘process’ through which individuals, communities andcommunity organizations are enabled to take more responsibility for,and more ownership of, the decisions and resources which impacton their lives.

9 Is the term that refers to the development of the skills of individualsand community groups to help them self manage themselves, localactivities and organisations, and as a result help the community selfmanage itself. It is sometimes also used to mean increasing theskills and numbers of local people able to help self manage localactivities.





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