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Nederland en de Energiewende Meeting Pakhuis De Zwijger May 13 th 2016

Nederland en de Energiewende | Expertmeeting 13/5 Pakhuis de Zwijger

Apr 12, 2017



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Nederland en de EnergiewendeMeeting Pakhuis De Zwijger

May 13th 2016

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Do we have time?

The current emission pledges from the US, EU, China, and India leave little room for other countries to emit in a 2°C emission budget (66% chance)

# years industry can emit CO2 at 2014 levels before the Carbon Budget is used up.

i.e. It takes 9.8 years to empty the carbon budget in order to stay below 1.5o (50% chance),

or 20.9 years to stay below 2o with 66% chance

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• 2013 Energy agreement settled in Socio Economic Board• = de facto Energy plan of NL up to 2020 (-’23)

• 1,5 % per year energy savings (final energy demand)• minus 100Pj energy usage in 2020• 14% renewable energy in 2020,16% in 2023

NB: NO goals for CO2

2015 Court Ruling: Dutch Government should aim at 25% less emission in 2020 vs 1990

• 2016 Energy report on figures, (im)possibilities, potentials• (Only) ambition now: CO2-neutral in 2050• Energy discussion now• no upfront Coal- of Nuclear Exit, every option is open• Government: Energy policy results from energy discussion • …and elections (2017)

Dutch situation 2016

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Dutch situation

1990 … 1995 … 2000 … 2005 … 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*CO2 mln Tonne 179,2 195,4 201,3 208,8 216,7 204,4 202,9 201,4 194,4N2O mln kg 59,3 59,9 53,2 47,2 27,1 26,8 26,3 26,9 27CH4 mln kg 1318,3 1235,3 1021,3 819,8 807,7 786,7 770,1 769,6 754,1Greenhouse Warming Potential Mton CO2 eq 238,3 254,2 249,6 245,6 248 234,9 232,6 231,2 223,7

• CO2 went up, except in economic decline • Preliminary 2015 figures on Q1 – Q3 shows growth of CO2 emissions• Kyoto promises are met nevertheless, because of decline in N2O and CH4

• CH4 emissions still are declining, N2O decline stopped

*2014 preliminary figuresN2O has Greenhouse Warming Potential of 25 x CO2 CH4 has GWP of 298 x CO2

Greenhouse gas emissions in The Netherlands [source: CBS Statline]


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Energy Spider

Aim 2050:100%

CO2 Free

1. Coal +Nuclear exit

2. Oil

3. Networks

4. Heat markets

5. Advantages and disadvantages

Big users

6. Finance

8. Decentralization Households

7. Public Acceptance

16. Biomass

17. Natural gas + LNG

14. CCS

13. Climate

10. Resources Raw materials

9. Renewables

11. Feed-in Tarifs

15. P 2 Gas

12. Subsidies


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1. Nuclear and Coal exitNuclear: 1 Power Plant running: Borssele, capacity 485 Mw

2006: Agreement Nuclear Plant Borssele (Government + owners):• Borssele will stay open until 2033 and shut down in 2033• Closing Borssele before 2033 requires high (and agreed upon) fines

2016: Theoretical exercise for new plant following British guarantee model : € 119 / MWh* CO2-reduction: 5 Mton/yr, Effectiveness 109 €/ton

* 2016 Dubai 800 Mw PV plant bids for < € 30 / MWh (Famous Faktor 4?)

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1. Nuclear and Coal exitCoal: • 2013 Energy Agreement: Closing oldest coal plants, and • exemption of coal tax for new coal plants• 2014 Dutch Competition Authority hinders closing down of old coal plants• 2014 Minister of economic affairs ’repairs’ agreement by tightening environmental standards

for electricity plants • 2015 Agreement on ‘clean biomass’ eligible for subsidies• 2015 Paris agreement• Parliament requires research for closing all coal plants• 2015 Opening Coal plant at Eemshaven 1560 Mw (Essent/RWE)• 2015 Opening Coal plant at Rotterdam Maasvlakte 1070 Mw (E.On/Uniper)

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1. Nuclear and Coal exitCoal Issues:• Closing down newest plants

• Parliamentary majority in favour• Costs billions• Prohibits CCS pilot i.e. chance on access to SINKS of CO2 diminishes, with big potential• Forces revision of biomass policy - not enough capacity to burn agreed biomass volumes

• Public perception: Why all those troubles? Coal with coal tax exemption, Biomass with extra subsidies, CCS requiring subsidies

PBL 2016: • Closing down old coal plants from before 1990: effect 0,7 Mton/y, costs € 25/tCO2

• Preliminary calculations on Closing down all coal plants before 2020: • Biggest CO2 direct effect in NL of all measures: 8,5 Mton/y. But EU waterbed effect.• Costs? Claims? NL Renewable goals still within reach? Other secondary effects?

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1. Nuclear and Coal exit

Last four: scheduled for closing, Borssele Coal already closed downAmercentrale 9 + Nuon Hemweg in consideration for closing

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2. Oil• Port of Rotterdam in transition but still highly dependent on oil and oil products• No own car industry; very progressive CO2-tax on new cars (up to €478/grCO2)• CO2- (a.o.) reduction sea transport: Environmental Shipping Index, pull system for voluntary reductions,

reward is less port taxes.

PBL 2016: (ranging from high savings/ton CO2 to high costs/ton CO2)1. Obligation for Energy saving tyres is very cost effective € 200- 300 / tCO2 SAVED2. IF car industry can deliver max 95 grCO2/km is efficient but limited effect3. Freight transport: autonomous efficiency improvement of 1,1% per year4. Tax exemptions on zero emission cars: high costs, hardly any effect5. Higher share of renewable energy in transport – mostly biofuels, is rather expensive: €200/tCO2

6. Lower maximum speed: very low effect7. General Km levy road transport (15ct/km): effect 0,5 Mton/y, high costs € 315/tCO2

8. General Km levy personal cars (7 ct/km): effect up to 2 Mton/y, very high costs € 460/tCO2

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3. Networks and interconnection capacity

• Energy agreement: boost in High- and medium volt networks• Smart grids encouraged on limited spatial scale• Large scale Electricity storage capacities at Port of Rotterdam• Experimenting with electric cars as storage for electricity• HIGH COSTS for getting Off shore electricity on shore – from North Sea• Power to Gas might be a solution current status in the Netherlands uncertain• Already a lock-in situation due to current plans with off-shore wind?• Waiting for ‘Markets’ and ‘Innovation’ to provide cheap(er) solutions

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4. Low and High temperature HeatLow temperature applications• Heating• Sun boilers • Earth heat storage + heat pump – only useful when properly isolated

PBL: Isolation is effective, long way to go, several initiatives possible

High temperature applications• Importance and potential recognized in the Energy report• Modern greenhouses use them

• High infrastructural costs and efforts (densely populated/built areas)

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5. Big users & 6. Finance Tariffs energy tax 2016 (VAT excluded)Gas per m3 Tariff 2016 Sust. Energy markup Totals Factor < 170.000m3 * € 0,25168 € 0,0113 € 0,26298170.000 - 1 mln m3 € 0,06954 € 0,0042 € 0,07374


Electricity per kWh < 10.000 kWh € 0,10070 € 0,0056 € 0,106310.000 - 50.000 kWh € 0,04996 € 0,0070 € 0,05696

54%50.000 - 10 mln kWh € 0,01331 € 0,0019 € 0,01521


Above shows imbalance in taxation system with regard to CO2 emissions

ETS: big users pay € 5-10 / tCO2 day price may 2016 9th for 1 tonne CO2 : € 5,86

Energy report 2016: Difficult perspective for big users, only way to stay in EU is innovationPBL 2016: higher prices do hardly have any CO2 effect for big users

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6. Finance Let markets do their work: ETS ?

European Emission Trading System fails to generate substantial impulse

and will fail as long as Governments don’t buy unused Allowances

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7. Acceptance and perceptions

• Windmills: not in my backyard - 140 NIMBY action groups• National conductor is lacking• In general: not fond of subsidies and taxations

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8. Decentralizing Households• No real PLAN• private / local / community initiatives are to

be supported by G’ments

Urgenda shows: For many households, investing in making their house climate neutral is more profitable that putting money on the bank

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bold: in 2012 already achieved 2020 commitments



Netherlands Germany unit% RE 2012 5 12 %% RE 2020 14 18 %% CO2 2050 0 0 %

RE/ cap 8,3 16 Gj/capRE/ GDP 165 363 kj/$RE/ km2 3,7 3,7 Gj/km2

Wind high high PotentialSolar medium mediumHydro low highBiomass medium highGeotherm medium highOcean medium medium

9. Renewables

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German Electricity production previous week

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9. RenewablesIs All energy use (2.200 PJ/y) with Wind + PV in the Netherlands possible in 2050?

50% solar PV => 400.000 Mw or about solar panels (1 billion) 50% Wind => 110.000 Mw (Off shore)

Current goals 2023: Solar PV about 10.000 Mw - Factor 40 needed up to 2050Wind 10.000 Mw - Factor 11 needed up to 2050

Physical space potential for solar PV in the Netherlands is estimated at 66.000 Mw,delivering 180 Pj of the needed 1.100 Pj

Thus need for enormous ‘outplacement’ of Solar PV + Interconnection capacity.Impossible? 2016 Dubai 800 Mw PV plant bids for € 0,03 / kWh


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10. Raw Materials

• Raw Materials Initiatives under Dutch Presidency not impressive• German initiatives with regard to much needed ‘Rare Earths’ seem


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11. Feed-in Tariffs

• Netting Agreement for consumers• Feed-in tariffs varying from € 0,07 – 0,11 per Kwh:

• depending on electricity provider• depending on kind of subscription Nuon, green • with varying volume maxima

• Postal Codes spider (Postcoderoos) agreement: Sharing PV capacity, costs and revenues with ‘neighbours’

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12. Subsidies SDE +: effects, cost effectiveness, long term

SDE+ effect in Mton/yr 2020 2030 costs €/tCO2*long term • Wind on shore 3,7 7,4

73/20 limited• Wind off shore 3,6 7,2

116/65 big• Large scale PV 0,9 2,7

159/89 big• Netting agr. small scale PV 0,7 0,9

269/232• Biomass in coal plants 4,3 3,5

53/18 big **

* these are costs in 2020 / 2030 of specific plans, not general technology costs** use of biomass is not limited to coal plants; first step using coal plant as point sources convenient

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13. Climate

• Reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions in NL will not have measureable influence on Global Climate Change 0,44%

• Taking ‘our fair share’ in CO2 reductions seems difficult

• other scales possble • Plans for Climate Change mitigation are in place for Sea level rise and drinking water

supply & (river) flooding risks• Other sectors soon to follow

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14. Carbon Capture and Storage

• Plans with Pilot ROAD = Rotterdam Opslag en Afvang Demonstratieproject• Short Sea field, storage of Uniper plant CO2 emissions !!!!• Regarded a promising technology, needed for achieving negative emissions• Business-model of current project based on high innovation premium and learning curve• Currently only possible with Point-CO2 em. from coal plant (1070 Mw Rotterdam)• CCS coal plants still have positive emissions, levels will reach/surpass modern gas plants• Coal plant Eemshaven (2015) is also CO2 capture ready• Cost-effectiveness a.o. dependent on working of ETS• Merit order problems compatible with current Gas plants? • CO2 capture costs energy, thus reduced efficiency of plant

PBL 2016: Effect ROAD 1,2 Mton/y, costs about € 60 /tCO2, big potential in long run

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15. Power to Gas – P2G

Promising prospects: • for Dutch gas-based Infrastructures (gas-based) • Reduction of Transport costs of Electricity from North Sea ?• Reuse of old oil- and gas platforms• Solves part of electricity storage problems• makes transition for Port of Rotterdam more easy• limited research and innovation in the Netherlands• Game changer

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16. Biomass

• Agreement on biomass definition eligible for subsidies (2015)

(probably not publicly known)• 2016: Strategic Biomass Vision for the Netherlands towards 2030• Societal resistance growing: why not subsidise solar PV for households instead?• Explanation by Government is mostly lacking

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17. Natural Gas and LNG

• natural gas connection for 98% households• NOGEPA: Gas remains the transition fuel for NL• Our stocks will be exhausted before 2050 • Fading out gas starts now - at low pace

• i.e. New houses and buildings without obligatory gas connection • lower g’ments / network organisations should consider NOT renewing old gas infrastructure

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22-24 september 2016Terschelling