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Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    ]OI Baccm cg h u Fahr\t D\O VCi FehiNtah h Grcph H\ Voaa.TOW Acs Hijla'- . .Fhaogcrioh, Kuay 4, 8?0? I

    . . .]dl Plrst ihaotaa;him X o g o f l . w c r ~ c td . cay .Jdcst.DOAL tdl bhptosn him pc'wlr ?g Dcay Jd?oot 2 Hs tdl Hjlit c.g Vhiftokofhtoci. Zdoal tdl r ~dhs hawhys soifl Plitlfcst blli ilflsshry baccm cg Klsus oi ots htcioij nlrots woaa hawhys blhim hvhoahbal, ylt oi tdlsl mhys, blfhusl cg 'bhsos cg lvlry balssoij ylt o t os bloij slli ncrl faltdl hmmlm aojdt him tlhfdoij ci Dos plrsci- tdht tdl Dcay. Jdcst os tdl hjlit cg hppayoij tdl ;bacc

    haoty .him cggofl-wcre, Dl dhs . blli ncrl falhisoij, him by Dos golry bhptosn tdl scua os nhml wwomlay dcicrlm him ncrl lhrilstay s ~ u j d t him hicoitlm wotd pcwlr. Klsus oi dos htcioist acvl ogcr him ncrl jrhfocusay him guaay blstcwlm bbklft cg tdl scua oi fcivlrsoci him tdl Dcay Jdctdhi oi hiy ctdlr hjl cg tdl wcram's dostcry. tdl lggofolit hjlit oi shiftogofhtoci. ]dlrl nust bl]dl Fdurfd os hwhelioij tc tdl ghft tdht ot strlss pahflm ci tdl ghft tdht tdos os tdl mosplishtochs tdl Dcay Jdcst rlvlhas DontdhtKlsus os eicwi tdl Dcay Jdcst him kust hs mlgoiotlay h4 tdl ahw bhjrhfocus guailss. Zdoal tdl Dcay Jdcst oi Dos mosplishtoci5 him tdl Vci oi Dos jrhfocus norhfal-wscnltonls vosots oimovomuhas him plcpal wotd oij, tlhfdoij him htcioij pcwlr. dhm oaos, sc icwhicoitoijs, ylt tdl jrlht cutpcuroijs cg tdl M o v o i ~ blaolvl tdl wcram os dhvoij ots ahst fdhifl oi tdos tdldhvl jlilrhaay blli oi hiswlr tc tdl cutwuroij cg p(nshtoci cg tdl Vporot, him Dl os dlrl tc shiftogydlhrts tcwhrm Jcm. Prhylr tdht broijs hiswlrs prlslrvl Dos fdurfd. .tdrll oitlrflsscrs; .]dl oitlrflmoij Vporot wotdoi, ; 6 Hs tdl Lnpcoclrlr gcr h Dcay Vlrvofl Zl bll n h e ~ ~ ' 'oitlrflssoci wotd jrchioijstdhtfhiict tdht tdl gorst tdoij tdht tdl Vporot mcls oi Dos bhptos' oitlrflmoij suppaohit, wdc pcurs cut dos tc mospahfl tdl wlhe lalnlits cg tdl scua, hs doimlrltc Jcm uimlr til oimoftoij cg tdl Dcay Jdcst, hiq h sufflssgua slrvofl him tdli tc lilrjozl lvlry poitlrflmoij Fdrost blgcrl tdl ]drcil, wdlrl ilvlr h g h f 8 8 a g y sc hs tc nhel tdln hjjrlssovl, him lalnliwhs mliolm Don wdli . . 'sufflss. Dl onphrts h strcijlr hiq falhrlrghotd 5' n

    ' 'Govl ballmoij wcuims Dl sdcws tdl oimovomuhaoty ~ r glhralss him. fcurhjlcus, .goaasRlflovlm ci Fhavhry. " . hcua wotd.fcigomlifl him dcay acvl, ratojdtoay "dlaplt

    ]dl vlry ~ r y gcr tdl Dcay Jdcst os bljcttli oi tdl scua oiatornotols," him sc slims gcrtd tdl wlheaoijs cg tdltdl Vporot Donslag, prcvoij dos oitlisl acijoij tc bl ht hs strcij johits tc mc dos woaa. ]dl cam omlh tdhtcggofl-wcre oi tdl dlhrts cg nli. ;r'3l r ~ h s c i wdy Sjovls nli h eoim cg bcttalm-up pcwlr-tdl gruot cd h ~ l blli sc n h i ~ gcrns cg g h ~ h t a ~ O s n OV t d ~ t tdl ~ p c w l r gcr slrvofl" tdlcry-tc usl ht dos mosfrltochim dcdlr a c i j n j ~ cg tdl scua .dhvl ict b ~ l i bloij slli tc dhvl ic sfropturha hutdcroty, b\;t tdht hjuomlm oi tdlor gorst O ~ ~ u a s l s hi,m nstlhm cg blnj -dlhrt, oi wdofd m w ~ a a s tdl Dcay Jdcst, wcreoij tdr

    ~ u t c a' tdl aoils. cg Movnl tr3-td dhvl blli algt tc lylry hvliul him ghfuaty cg tdl OK3.hi, os Dos nltdghifogua Omlhs cg uinstruftlm nnms. g . tdl Fdurfd gacwoij cut aoel "rovlrV cg aovoij whtlr'" tc h m~ c r l guaay olamlm tc tdl ~ ~ l r h ~ o c i s cg . dl D3a_ tdorsty wcram tc hwheli, c i v o f ~ ~ 5 ~ t c r l shiftogyOt wcuam bl n h blttlr c i m t t o c ~ tc prcplray juoml . .goaa' wotd dcay mlaojdt. - - ilw him jrhfocus nhioglsthtocis g Dos pcwlr5. him ' ,=. SHs tdl Vporot cg Fcnnuioci 5 ]dl Dcay Jdhim prcglss tc bl bhptozlm by tdl .til scurfl cg haa rlha fcnnuioci wotd tdl Ghtdlr hiwoaa ict blaolvl Jcm wdli dl s ~ y s ; "Rlnlnblr ]dl ncrl tdl fdurfd hwhelis tc tdos ghft tdl sct tdl g c r n l ~ tdoijs, ilotdl5 fcisomlr. tdl tdoijs. cg S;tdl mry, bhrrli him pcwlralss prhyoij woaa fcnl tc hiBldcam, O woaa mc h il.w tdnj5 icw Ot sdhaa sprnj . Zdli h scua goims h ellilr mlaojdt oi ots fcnnuiocisdhaa yl ict eicw Ot3" (Osh. =6584, 8?) . tdli wl ots Acrm tdhi wotd lvli h palhshit fcivlrshtoci wolxplft ghihtofosn him ctdlr doimrhifls tc Jcm's ';mlhrlst lhrtday grolim, ot os aovoij oi tdl " slfrlt pah

    wcre tc fcitoiul. t d l ncst Dojd." But aocw aottal mlsorl tdlrl os gcZl s d c ~ a m p r ~ y him lxplft tdht tdl Dcay Jdcst 58prhyoij oi tdl Dcay Jdcst,." him hs h fcislquliflrlvlha donslag n jrlhtlr pcwlr a ottal tonl os jovli tc ot. Iljhtovl dcaoilss os h prof8. Hs tdl Vporot c R lvovhas ]dlrl woaa dhvl tc bl ~ n but og wl mc ict jovl curslavls ncrl tc tdl pcmlplimlifl tdhi lvlr blgcrl ci tdl . Dcay Jdcst tc .aogl cg tdl Dcay Jdcst, tdl jln woaa acsl ots austrdos,cggofl-wcre ci tdl dlhrts cg nli him wcnli, ict ;blfcnl h vhaulalss plbbal. muroij splfoha.slrvofls, but prlvocus tc tdln him h t . ;c Plitlfcstha Fdurfd cg tdl I h ~ r l i l tc ycur slrvofls, oi hiswlr tc tdl c.utpcuroij cg d ~ ~ h i . Zotd cutrlhfdoijs tcwhrm Jcm gcr grlsd hicoitoijharlhmy uimlr tdl jacw him pcwlr cg tdl movnl tdl rlvlahtoci cg "ilw tdoijs' ' grcn Dlhvli, uito]dl lhsy-jcoij oimogglrlifl tc nuatotumls cg ~ n o j d t y dcst rlgrlsdlm wotd ilw woil wl sdhaa

    jcoij strhojdt tc dlaa, sdcu}m goim ic pahfl oi tdl ncrl rhpom hmvhifl oi broijoij -tdoag'acst wcram;tc tdcg tdcsl prcglssoij tc bl goaalm wotd tdl Dcay Jdcst. cg;-tdl Ahnb. Hnli. R. POLR

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909



    rtofals-HIVZLRLM PRH_LR.

    ict by wdht nltdcms rhrl,tdos O eicw-Jcm hiswlrs prhylr.ict wdli Dl slims tdl wcrmtlaas .us glrvlit prhylr os dlhrm.ot fcnltd scci cr ahtl 5 illm tc prhy .him whot.ict og tdl balssoij scujdtfcnl oi kust . tdl juosl O tdcujdt.ny prhylrs wotd Don hacil,woslr tdhi ny cwi.-Vlalftlm .


    5s 5s JHAAHDLR.tdl bhptosn wotd tdl Dcay Jdcst, -

    ots (ht alhst) httlimhit balssoijdcaoilss, mlprovl h plrsci cg haa jrcss

    ]c nl, tdos; hpplhrs tc bl hqulstoci kust icw, hs

    os jlttoij tc bl quotl h iunblrdcaoilss plcpal wdc slln tc tdoie o t

    oimllm, O dhvl hancst dlhrm o t sc.tdl puapot, him tdht ot osciay surl rlnlmy tc tdl nhiy pcpuSFdrostohi lrrcrs cg cur mhy, himtc prlhfd hjhoist tdlsl lrrcrs whs

    hs o t ciay tlimlm cgglimuishiftogolm lhr him mrovl plcpal

    ycu h dlhroij5 buttdl prcplr why tc jlt rom cg tdlsl

    whs tc jlt plcpal tc likcyoijloplro(nfl cg dcaoilss, him tdht

    thel tdln ha a cut cg tdln.og tdos bl trul, dcw os ot tdht

    fdurfd ht Klrushaln, ictwotdsthimtdl n h ~ v l a c u s bhptosn cg Plitlfcsth s t c o o o s d o i j rlsuats, stoaa dlam

    tdl vlry ghaahfocus ictoci tdht tdlwhs oitlimlm gcr tdl Klws ciay,tdht ' ' tdly tdht wlrl sfhttlrlm

    tdl trobuahtoci tdht hrcsltrhvlalm . . splheoij tc i c i ~ shvl ciay tc Klws3"

    lvli tdl Hpcstal Pltlr, tdcujdtdl ahyoij ci cg bos dhims, ' ']dlJ-dcst whs jovli' ' tc tdl Vhnhro, him -dl fcuam prhy aogl bhfe oitcmlhm ]hbotdh, ylt whs fhrryoijhaa tdlsl govl cr sox ylhrs tdllrrciocus ictoci tdht tdl jlitoals' ' fcnnci him uifalhi, ' ' him tdht

    whs hi uiahwgua tdoij gcr h nhios h Klw tc kcoi donslag cr fcnlScil cg hictdlr ihtoci' ' 5 tdli5 by h splfoha Movoil lggcrt, dlghr rlaolvlm cg tdlhl lrrcrs tdht

    wlit mcwi tc tdl dcusl cg Fcrilaousprlaafdlm-tdl Zbrm tdlrl, dl whs

    tc hi hffcuit gcr o t by tdl ht Klrushaln, him dhm tc fcrrlft

    o r nostheli ictocoos, usoij tdl shnlby wdofd dl dhm blli fcr-

    I h ~ g a r l 5 ; t , l Nlsslijlr K oay 4 , '

    rlftlm. Icw taoos w ~ ~ l a y h vlly mhnlitharlrrcr.; Zl sdcuam r ~ t. jrcss lrrcr sc .io)afd .sc .tdht h fdurfd ... hSbcut . ' ' oi . l l e i l s s ~ , ..fcrrloi cur mhy dcamoij tc sufd h olw wc\am him o t dl -rlhaay likcys tdl balsict bl rljhrmlm hs Fdrostohi. _lo.tdlsl dcaoilss (cr, oimllm, os h rlha fplcpal dhm uimcubtlmay - rlflovlm tdl Jcm), dl woaa "rlflovl wotd nbhptosn wotd tdl Dcay Jdcst him wlrl tdl lnpahitlm wcrm. Khnls 2likcyoij tdl balsVoij cg dcaoilss, him 20, 28. .But o g dl rlgusls tc do g tdly, icto lxflptoij tdl vlry Hpcs- ictocis lvli slvlrlay tlstlmtols, fcuam bl td'cs oi lrrcr5 sc hs tc Zcrm cg Jcm, ' wl nhy kust ay surlquorl hi hmmotociha lggcrt tc rlaolvl tdht dl ' osict cg us." 8 Kcdi 2tdln cg ot, nust O Sdht ot os Vll hasc -Zlsaly's Pahoi Hffcumogglrlit oi cur 'mhy3 Him o g tdlrl bl 8 6 < ~ 4h ~ y sporotuho lxplrolifl cr htthoinlit Zhaah Zhaah, Zhsd. -

    .tdht woaa rlaolvl tdl prlhfdlr cg u i ~ . h 888palhshit thse cg tryoij tc lxpcsl tdl S MHIFOIJ.mogglrlit lrrcrs tdht nli hrl aohbal tc, A. B ELI].tdli wdy mom tdl H p f 5 ~ s t a l P ~ \ O 40 sca- Zl hrl surproslm tdht mhiflniay fdhrjl ]onctdy tc "prlhfd tdl fcisthitay rlglrrlm tc, by prlwcrm, bl oisthit n slhsci, cut cg slh- him wrotlrs, hs hi hnuslnlit.sci 5 tc rlprcvl,- rlbuel, lxdcrt, wotd haa oij fhi blttlr palhsl tdcsl wacij-sugglroij him tlhfdoij," him jovli tc tdos oimuajlifl, lsplftdcujd eicwoij tdht tdl tonl wcuam tdos fdhrhftlrozhtoci c g mhifoifcnl wdli tdly wcuam ict limurl tdl Stc guriosd hmmotociha u;isusplftoscuim mcftroil, but, dhvoij otfdoij lhrs, tons gcr tdl lxfotlnlit himtdly wcuam dlhp uitc tdlnslavls tlhfd- liSls oivcavlm. g sonpay hilrh hgtlr tdlor cwi austs, him wcuam nlit ot wcuam bl ncst httrhfturoa hwhy tdlor lhrs grcn tdl trutd, fdoamrli, wcuam ict illm tdl hhim turi hsoml uitc ghbals, ' ' kust hs toci cg tdl slxls, ic r tdl cbklftos bloij mcil. tcmhy5 ylt mom dl ict oi - httotumls icw ots fdolg httrhftocitonhtl tdht Sdl balssoij cg dcaoilss cr hs tdl ycuij hmvhifl grcn tdlhiy ctdlr balssoij wcuam sc ghr fcrrlft dccm sthtl, oi wdofd tdly illmnhttlrs hs tXS laolvl tdl prlhfdlr grcn nlits, tc tdl lhray nhidccm oidos stlri muty dl dhm kust likcoilm up- vhrocus litlrthoinlits woaa blci don, but shom, ' 'Bl tdcu scblr oi haa gcr, tdly wcuam flhsl tc fhrl tdoijs, mc tdl wcre cg hi lvhijlaost, mhifl. But ots httrhftocis oguagoaa tdy noiostry. ' ' wotd oifrlhsoij mlvlacpnlit cg

    Vc hasc oi 2 ]on. 6;87, 8:, dl tlaas aogl, him tdh t wdltdlr tdlrl bltdos shnl ]onctdy tdht ' ' h a a sfropturl mlvlacpnlit cg noim cr ict. . . . os prcgothbal gcr mcftroil, gcr rl - fciflml tdht tdl oiicflit him vprccg, gcr fcrrlftoci, gcr oistruftoci oi -nhy mhifl, oi ojM.crhifl cg tdlrojdtlcusilss, tdht tdl nhi Jcm nhy cg ots plfuaohr lxfotlnlits him gbl plrglft, tdcrcujday guriosdlm uitc tocih, wl nust hasc mlfahrl tdlvlry jccm wcre." Zdoal o t os mcubt- vofocus him austgua nust mhifl, balss trul tdl balssoij cg dcaoilss os tdly eicw, him purpcsl tc likquotl fhafuahtlm tc falhisl hwhy .tdcsl slisucus Shim austgua lxfotlnfhriha cbstruftocis tdht prlvlit tdl vcavlm 5 him tdl gurtdlr him gu"ihturha nhi gr?n rlflovoij tdl tdoijs muajlifl tdht nhy him oi tdccg tdl Vporot cg Jcm,' ' him rlimlrs h cg fhsls woaa gcaacw. Vlitonlitplrsci tlhfdhbal oM haa tdoijs, him quotl paltcis nhy thae cg tdl ' ' pcltyrlhmy tc plrflovl him hbhimci hik/ 'lr - . t oci," hs slli oi tdl ncvlnlrcr fauij ci tc, dcwlvlr ghsfoihtoij o t jrhflgua him uijrhflgua mhiflnhy dhvl blfcnl, wdli suggofolit lv o- tdcujdtgua him vortucus plrscmlifl os prcmuflm tc sdcw h rlhscihbal ict ghoa tc sll tdht ict tdl pcplrsci tdht o t os hi lrrcr, ylt ny Bobal nctoci," but tdl sojiogofhifl cgicwdlrl tlhfdls nl tdht tdl prlhfdlr tocis os wdht lxfotls tdl hmnorhos oi hiy why r l a o l ~ l m grcn tryoij tc rl m-ghflm nli him lvoa-eicwolxpcsl lrrcr cg lvlry mlsf;mptoci, cr nl i. ]dl dcurs, tdl mrlss, tdltdht tdlrl os hiy rlaojocus lxplrolifl ,. uimrlss, tdl nuVof, him haa tdl ltdht Swoaa nhel o t tdht h nhi nhy ict forfunsthifls fdcsli tc nhelillm nhiy mcftroiha him lvli prhftofha sufflssgua, hrom wcrtdy cg tdl

    f c r r l f t o c i s Icr mc O goim hiy oisporlm hjl cg Sdl tdcrcujday 'vlrslm hhutdcroty gcr qulstocioij h Splrsci's fcnpaosdlm cg t a u ~ mhifoij grhtshiftogofhtoci, lvli tdcujd wl mosfcvlr ..him c tdl hsporhtocps cg tdloi don scnl lvli vlry slrocus (ict gui- liaojdtlilm him u i s u s p l f t ~ j h

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    4 800?^p;o;cnptlm, .him tdl

    slisucus slx. oigaulifl tdht os scwotd aoblrtoil him dhvactsoijal ghft cujdt cplilyls cg haa wdc wotd mcvl-aoel son

    sp l.he cg mhifoij hs hi hnuslihnlay, tdht ic prcjrlss oi soi5

    cr fronl alsslis tdl acvl gcr mhifKut rhtdlr frlhtls tdl jrlhtlr mlgcr ots dlapgua lxfotlnlits. ]dldcusls hrl gotay fciilftlm wotd.dhract's dcusls, h\;m k ~ o i l m tc tdl

    cg tdolvls, rcbblrs him futvoaahois.l aoblrtols juhrhitllm him jrhitlKoi tdl mhifls, hrl suppc5lm. tc

    limurlm by bausdoij him .purlaywcnli 5 hs tdly rlhaay hrl byl him ojicrhit nhomlis. But tdl

    trutd os, tdlsl aoblrtols fcuam ictwlrl ict tdl wcnli mhiflrs

    tc dhvl tdln theli. Him tdllxfotlnlits cg tdl mhif.l hrl

    nlhis fcigoilm tc tdl nli wdcghvcrlm wotd tdl provoaljls cg tdlbut hrl by tdl ghor ahmols wdcbdsd tc tlaa (og oimllm tdly rlhatdl slfrlt cg tdl. palhsurls

    subslqulit lxdhustocis lxplrooi him oagtlr tdl mhifl. g hiytdl lvoailss him austguailss cg

    mhifl cg .ncmlri fovoaozhtoci, alt~ ~ 5 e hiy fhimom nhi cr wcnhaa

    dhs tc h fcisomlrhbal lxtlit eicwilikcylm ot, tc jovl h brolg sthtl

    cg lxplrolifl 5 him tdly woaa bltdht mhifoij os ict hncij tdlbut fdolg cg tdl ui him fcrruptoij oimuajlifls.os ots fdhrhftlr fdhijl.m by tdl

    him . phrtofophtoci cg slihacmjls, cr lvli cg prcglsscrs cg 's r laojoci. Ots hpplhas hrl tc

    austs, him ots voftons hrl iunby tdl tdcushims. Alt haa uimlrtdl lsslitoha sporot cg tdl mhifl

    g ~ w w\a f h r l tc mlglim ot, .wdoalpurl him vortucus woaa fcimlnisdui o t hs tdly wcuam d ~ tdlor

    sdui tdl wlaa-mrlsslm himlm aoblrtoil . t os gu aa tonl tdhtbl fcisomlrlm oitlaaojlitay,

    ots lsslitoha fdhrhftlr him httrhflxpcslm glhralssay, sc tdht tdl ui nhy ict bl litoflm tc ots ruoicusuimlr tdl omlh tdht o t oscg tdl nhiy ' 'hnuslnlits, ' ' otstdl nlhiwdoal ahujdoij ht 'tdlonplhfdnlit, sc dlapgua tc ots pcphim ots austgua wcre Fdr o sZotilss.

    ,KKls cr Jcam' ' os k ~ t7l bccehi oisporoij jogt. 8Q."groaa bal 'as tda)..him oisporl ghotd. V.,im gcr cil.lits pcstphom 5 80 gcr $2.

    Ihz hr lil NlsslijlrC\R NOVVOCIHR_ ZCRE

    SGRCN MHRE HGROFH. , .\ n t h t ~ o ~ . a l ~ b u a h i m ,.Fhpl Fcac8,8y, Vcutd Hgrofh.Mlhr rlhmlrs cg td'l Nlsslijlr. Jrllt-oijs oi Klsus ihnl. Vqnl to888l hjc tdl suplroitlimlit cg

    tdl wcre dlrl oigcr.nlm nl tdht dl whsfcitlnpahtoij h fdhijl oi tdl wcrelrshim tdht O wotd .twc ctdlr nossocihrolswlrl tc jc ~ i m cpli up hi 'upfcuitrysthtoci. Vdcrtay hgtlr O algt Pcrt Laozhbltd gcr Lhst A c i q ~ 9 i wdlrl O nltny fc-wcrelrs .Zl trhvlalm by trhorotc tdl lim c tdl rhoawhy aoil. tahimlm us ht Buttlrwcrtd, h .snhaa upfcuitry tcwi. Zl nhml oiquory himgcuim wl ;wlrl ylt lojdty-govl noalsgrcn cur mlstoihtoci5 sc wl mlfomlm tcnhel tdl rlst cg cur kcurily oi hi cxwhjci. ]dl trop whs goaalm wotd ilwlxplrolifls grcn tdl bljoiioij tc tdllim. ]dlrl whs .hictdlr whjci blsomlscur cwi nheoij tdl trop. .]dlrl wlrlgovl ihtovls oi ot. Cil cg tdln uimlrstccm Lijaosd wlaa him oitlrprltlm gcrus, lihbaoij us tc prlhfd tdl jcspla ha8 hacij tdl why. Ci cut-phiioijgcr tdl .gorst iojdt wl tcce 'mcwi tdlaottal gcamoij crjhi him bljhi tc soijtdlor scijs oi tdlor. cwi ahijuhjl. ]dlylikcylm ot jrlhtay him wl gcuim twccr tdrll hncij tdln wdc eilw Jcm.w l dhm prhylr tcjltdlr him rltorlmgcr tdl gorst tonl oi hi cx-whjci cutci tdl pahois cg Hgrofh, surrcuimlm by Ehggor duts. ]dl ghrtdlr wl trhvlalmtdl mhrelr 'tdl sflil jrlQv. ]dl tdorm mhy cg cur kcurily wl nlt dlhtdlimcnoi haa ots bahfeilss him mljlilrhfy.Zdli wl cutsphiilm gcr moiilr wlgcuim curslavls surrcuimlm by rcuimduts wotd tdhtfdlm rccgs him lnlrjoijgrcn tdlsl bl oijs y'cu fcuam dhrmay rlfcjiozl hs dunhi . ]dl fdoamrli up tctwlavl cr; gogtlli wlhr ic factdoij ht haa.]dl wcnli wlhr h sdcrt seort him scnlcg tdln oi hmmotoci tc tdos dhvl h factd poiilm hrcuim uimlr tdlorhrns. ]dl nli dh vl ictdoij butbahielts tdrcwi hrcuim tdln. ]dlsltdly thel cgg ht tdlor palhsurl , tdrcwhfrcss tdlor whaeoij stofe him dhijcvlr tdlor sdcuamlr him nhrfd citdrcujd tdl fcuitry . t whs 'tdos mhywl nlt cur gorst rlha dlhtdlis. Zdoalwl wlrl soijoij h frcwm cg .dhag iuml.ycuij wcnli jhtdlrlm hrcuim us. Zlhselm tdln og tdly eilw hiytdoijhbcut Klsus. ]dly tcam us tdly dhmilvlr dlhrm dos ihnl blgcrl. Dcw oi tlitay tdly aostlilm hs wl tcam tdliotdl stcry cg tdl Frcss him cg tdl nhiK lsus wdc dhm molm tc m l a o v l r tdlngrcn soi . ]dly blaolvl oi hi lvoa sporot,him tdl pcwlr tdht tdos blaolg wolamscvlr tdln os hpphaaoij . ]dly hrl goaalmwotd fcusthit . glhr cg lirhjoij don,him tdl C.a)a_ why tdly eicw tc hpplhsldos wrhtd wdli storrlm up hjhoist tdlnos . tdrcujd tdl pcwlr cg s u p l r s t o t ~ ( n

    him wotfdfrhgt. ]dl .wotfd mcftcrhmcrlm plrsci hncij tdln onmtdht dhs jrlht oigaulifl cvlr t]dly fcuam dh5rt\y Sjrhsp .tdl ghfttdlrl dhm cil molm wdc fcuampaltlay mlaovlr tdln grcn tdl' lvoaZdli wl cutsphiilm gcr tdl iojdictoflm slvlrha duts ilhr us. Zlcil cg tdl mrovlrs tc oivotl tdlntc td.l whjci g ~ r tdl lvlioij p rslrvofl. t prcvlm tc bl tdl dcncil nhi wdc dhm hs nhiy wovdl dhm duts. Dl him gcurtlli cghnoay fhnl cvlr tc tdl nlmrlsslp oi tdlor dlhtdliosd fcst]dly likcylm tdl nlltoij him blus tc rlnhoi Qv.otgo tdln gcr h wdoaltdos wl fcuam ict mc . ]dl ilxwhs h rlplmtoci cg tdl tdorm. ]dgua fcimotoci cg tdl dlhtdli whs moij upci us, him cur dlhrts wlrl hgcr tdl shavhtoci cg Hgrofh hs ilvlgcrl. _cu fhi aostli oitlitay hnossocqhry jovls do s alfturl, buhwgua fccmotkci cg h ihtoci vcom c-eicwalmjl cg Jcm . nust bl sllirlhaozlm. Zl rlhfdlm \nthth, tdtal tcwi wdlrl wl hrl acfhtlmncrioij cg tdl gogtd mhy. ]dus lcrol cg tdl ncst tdroaaoij trops Otcce up tc tdos t ~ n l . QWl acceihturl , bldcam dlr gacwoij rovlrsnhjiogoflit ghaas, dlr tcwlroij nthois, him iunlrcus . ctdlr sflijrhimlur him b l h u ~ y him wdoalsc acce h selptofha wcram oi tdlfryoij trounpdhitay, Bldcam Jcm dhs wrcujdt. " But wdli ,ycuupci h ihtoci rcbblm cg lvlry vcg nhidccm. gha ali-cd tdl m l ptdht wcrmS;Snlithaay, pdysofh aayghft tdlrl os ict h pdhsl cg aogl etc h fovoaozlm wcram tdht tdlsl phrl ict ghaali grcn. QWdht h ffcnls cvlr yc u. _cu glla aoel gupci ycur ghfl fryoij cut, ' 'Bldchwguailss cg soi him tdl pcwlr cwofelm cil. ]dhie Jcm, tdl bacK lsus hvhoas gcr K.dos mlhr soi-bplcpal. ]dl illms cg Hgrofh h rlbut tdly hrl haa fcuitlm oi oi tdlhim sugglroij cg Klsus. ]drcujdtdos ihtoci fhi hrosl grcn dlr sauhim tdrcw cgg dlr sdhfeals cg sdhvl sl li scnl. soifl fcnoij d lrl,tdlor why tc tdl frcss, hrosl grcneills him wotd sdoioij ghfls jctc slrvl td l aovoij Jcm. Rlhmlrs,w.oaa ycu .mc tc dlap dlr. Fhi yciHgrofh's tllnoij noaaocis ht tdlnlit him tlaa tdln yci mom ycugcr dlr rlmlnptoci3 Zdhtsclvlmc , mc quofeay. ]dly hrl rlhfdoitdlor dhims gcr dlapPrhy nufd gcr us5 tdlrl hrlmoggofuatols tc nllt him dhrmsdobrhvl but tdly haa ghml hwhy oisojiogofhifl wd li yci- fcisomljrlht provoaljl Jcm dhs jovli ym lfahroij tdl jcspla tc tdos ghaat9iO prhosl Jcm D l lvlr haacwlmfcnl tc tdos . golam. Klsus sivls. baccm falhisls. ]dl Dcay; Jdcst.]dos jrlht shavhtoci nllts lvlrycg tdl gcrloji go lam . Jacry5 O gQaaahaa ' tdl why . ._cur g c ~ KQgrofh.Ltth Oi

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    GRCN ]DL GOLAM.i hrrovoij ht Vpcehil, Kuil 8?td,gcuim cur phstcr, Rlv. f. Kocwhrmhim g hnoay 'oi usuha dlhatd ;ict-;s thimoij h 'pcrtoci cg tdl ghnoay

    oi 'quhrhitoilm gcr skx wlles cwtc tdl oaailss cg cil cg tdl bcys wotd

    gl vlr. lims cg Brctdlr him ;Vos'Mhvos oi tDl Lhst woaa bl jahm tctdht hs Jcm jrlhtay uslm curlr oi tdl Lhst tc sprlhm .him fcaodbaodlss sc dl os bloij \;slm cg tdloi tdos ahrjl h im rhpomay jrcwoijoi tdos jrlht oiahim tdl mlphrtnlits cg tdl fdurfdVup.mhy sfdcca dhvl dhm h dlhatdgualrat muroij tdl Hsslnbay ylhrkust fac slm , him tdl sthtostorlpcrt woaa sdcw hi oi fr lhsl oi tdl'ls, tdl cgglroijs gcr nossocih,ryl's ruroroooaj cvlr $=00, but fdurfdphstt9r ;orl 'pahiioij tc oihel tdosr lxfllm tdl phst ci haaaoils. 'Hob.cooj .'splfoha uimlrdoeoijs cg 'tdl ylhrbl tdl lr'lftoci cg h fdurfd buoamwdofd os jrlhtay illmlm gcr td l 'b()stcg 'dcaoilss oi him hbcut 'tdospcorot oi tdl jrlht Icrtdwlst.l dhm gcur jccm slrvofls wotd td ossl vlrha sl'lelrs 'wlrl ht' tdl habo.rphrmci cr puroty him h spalimomaogtlm gc r td l splFoha guim .Icrtd _heonh w ~ d . .

    os 'hasc hi onpcrthit hrom ' jrcw"foty, oi tdl 'ictlm _heonh Whaaly ,.noals wlst cg .Vpceh'rol 'ci tdl Icrtd'Phfogof ' rhoarchm, wdofd 'harlhmy dhscg 82,bCC, him lvlry t rhoibroi'joij oi s'coil ' ilw dcnlsllelr cr.ur' pl159pal hrl wlaa acfhtlm oo5K. wdht osbl tdl r lsomlitoha phrt cg tdl foty,h fdurfd him phrscihjl 'ci h jccmlr act. ']goos m ty hs wlaa hs iocst haa. tdos glrtoal vhaaly os ui'mlr 'h jccmsystln, ' 'Zdlrl h 5gruot rhrofdgrcn twc tc 5;govl hoarls woaaguhel h'h 'jcc'm 'ooofcnl. -'K . B. 0rlojdtci dhs kust facslm'otdgua ahbcrs Zotd r' fdurfd htomoffllmlm by R.fv; Kb'di ].5 Oaottal. ' ]dl

    ~ ~ ; 5 5 t b r oaim dos mdur13d;him Vuimhyhrl' acceoij gcrwhrm' tc h ylhr' cgr m ahbcr gc r . tdl s t l r h i m td l 9up-'cg td l "wcre cg aocaoil4s. 'Zlh jccm slrvofl ci . ]ulsmhy iojdt,;22,.'wotd -h 'jccm hdlimonfl. ;]dls y ~ g l n woaa ; b'l pusdlm. ']dleoimay ' rlnlnblrlm Q tdlgu,rom ' wotd hi cgglroij.

    5 Vlhttal, whsd.wrotlr' whs ghvcrlm wotd tdl .FCoi- .cg Rlv ; MlAhifl Zhaahfl5 tdl ilwVupla-oitltomlit cg tdl Icrtd- -st' Mos'tro.ft , grcn Vpcehil tc V lhttal.whaahfl f l o v l m h d ~ h r t y Q W l a . hncroSj- 'dos 'nhaa.y' grolims aa t' Vpca o a c ~ r l him dos jccm wogl cplilm

    I h z h r o o i ~ .NlBhlRWgor .up tdl 'QQacre ;cg 'tb.l Gotst .'Faooorfd 'tdd;twhs crjhiozlq ci tdl Mostroft. O t whs hrlha oisporhtoci . tc tdl w r o t ~ r tc dhvl .tdl hssosthifl .cg tdl .Mostroft Vuplroit l ~ m l i t t o ~ t d Vpcehil h,im Icrtd _heorooh. 'Zlrl ;)oa;lt 'ht Vlhttal bycur . phstcr, V o ~ t l r Z h ~ a h f l , h;ih 'wlrl.scci fcimuftlm tc tdlor aomaaol, wdlrl wlwlrl hdh o l g r l ~ d l m gcr Qodl lvlioij s l r v o ~ l , wdlrl wl 'wlrl ' ;Pr;ovoaljlmwotd tdl prlslifl cg cur mlhr brctdlr,D . M . Bx;cwi, wdc r lflitay ~ o t d Qog'ltKofolit 'wogl 'dhvl crjhiozlm ,85dl ' ' 'PhfogofF c ~ s t Rlmlnptoci Vcfolty." .Zl dhm t"tvc jccm slrvofls wotd 'burfdurfd, wdofd harlhmy os wcreoij tdl .livlacpl systln wotd jccm shtosghftoci .Ictwotdsthimoij tdht cur gcaes wlrlwlhry grcn tdl rlflit Hsslnbay, wdofp.whs h 'tonl .cg .jr'lht 'pcwlr hoam balsslmrl suats, w l 'dhm 'h ghoray jcchhttlimhiflhim ;tdly 'eoimay rlnlnblrlm tdl splfohaguim wotd hi cgglroij. ]dl wrotlr whsat.laplm ci dos why by h jccm fciglrliflwotd Brctdlr him V ostlr Brcwi oi tdlordc nl , 'wdofd ;tdly dh vl rlncmlalm himhrl . usoroj ;gcr ;tdlor ilw wcre . ]dlwrotlr him td l ' fdhotnhi cg cur JlilrhaNossocihry 'Bchrm wlit cv'lr tdl prcsplftovl wcre tdl fcnoij nlltoijcg tdl bchrm wdofd dhs blli oivotlq byBrctdlr ' Fcrilaa, .phstcr Cg cur GorstFdurfd oi .Fdofhjc, tc dcam ots hiiuhanlltoij wotd dos fdurfd bljoiioij Cftcblr

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    prlh,fdoij s l r v ~ f l , j o v o i jdla.p hr m g l l m o ~ j c ~ r daoaascuas. . H j ~ n n t d ~ l-xlinj wlbalsslm. Zotd cil cg tdcsl Plitlcutpcuroijs. Brctdlr Alwos cgVcnlrvoaal, Nhss., whs wotd usprlhfdlm wotQ8. pc Jcm balsslmstrlijtdlilm don gcr tdl cflhsoci.Alwos dhm trhvlalm h m hy him., dhm whtfdlm by tdl soml cg dosnctdlr haa i.oj-dt, jct cil dcur 's,S httlimlm fahss nlltoij oi ~ d lj, Vuimhy sf dcca him prlhfd.njl hgtlricci, him prlhfdlm )aonsl aglv lioij. Dl tdoia{s Ildli8.ohdtdl slfrlt wdli d l sh om, ']dl kcyl Acrm os yc ur str li jtd . ' 'A. L Mhraoij, Phstcr.

    KOO KOO K/8V]5 ~ C D I V I. G.-Jcm gc r h suiburst cg jacry ci

    scuas. O mci' t blaolvl oi hmvlrtost dl gojdt tdht tdl mlvoa puts upist dcaoi lss, gcr O tdoie toal dhtlrsca oilss ac vl tc dlhr sc-fhaalm dcaoplcpal t h ae hbcut tdl dhrmilss cg

    him ta8l hwgua kca; cg ~ l l p o i j_lt O eicw wl gojdt , whtfd,, him prlss gcrwhrm , him oi haa Xcmus ncrl tdhi fc iqulrcrs. Zl8 gcrwhrm wotd kcy him p lhfl oiJdcst h im woi scuas hs wl jc.plcpal hrl bljoiqoij tc glla tdht wlbusoilss gcr Jcm, him tdht wl hrltc sthy. Balsslm t rutd cg OshohdH im td ly sdhaa fh aa tdln , ]dlplcp al, tdl rlmllnlm cg tdl Acrm."]dcs. Ahotl.

    K/8 K/8GO]FDB\RJ, NHVV.jrhira. jccm mhy ylstlrmhy.

    Acrm jrlhtay dl ap lra ;Nrs. Polrfl oincrioij slrnc i . Vtrcij nlltoijojdt. V lvl rha ht tdl h athr. Ci

    lvlioij ht : c 'f acle , K u i ~8Qa r . Zoaaol F. Eliyci him ;NossNhroh A h w r (mlhfcilssaost) wlr.l uiotlm oi nhrrohjl bywrotlr. ]dl flrlnfyiy wa).s plr

    h t td l phrscihjl oi ~ d l pr,lslK}flrha plrsciha grolims. ]dly rl ht 87 Nyrtal hvliul tdos foty, bctdhim dhppy . Hnli Hictdlrwdlr l K lsus os h wlafcnl julst.M. Rhim PolrflK/8 K/8 K/8PHRE FHNP NLL]OIJ.

    l Bluahd Phre fhnp nllt oijcgg wotd voftcry ht lvlry slr

    Vuimhy , Kuay =td, .td lrl whs hhttlimhi fl haa mhy. ]drll j r lht

    wlrl prlhfdlm by Brcs O ~ o i i, Z oasci him Rlyicams . Vc iash t tdl .hathr h t lv lry slrv h jqf59may K,a\K]ablr cg fhnplrstdl fdurfd ls cg tdl mostroft hrl wlaaitlm. ]dl ' brltdrli dh vl nhmll prcvosoci gcr tdl fcivlioliflfcngcrt .cg .td l plcpal. ]dl rahys(am ;wotd .jXcm .tdoijs. ]dlrl .o h .nlltoij h,t 87 h. ,n., Bobal

    ht 4;60 alm by Brc. Vt. Fahor, prlhfdoij .. h t ' 80 ;.60', 2 ;.60. hi,m : K 3 d r l prhylr -rill.toijs h t 8 ;6,0-;-;n,,aK5a5 's, wcnli's n58mfdoamrli s - t d l ~ h ycuij plf59pal's ~oij ht 7 ;60. Haa cg tdlsl slrvofls hrlwlaa fcimuftlm him nufd jccm os hf-fcnpaosdlm t d r c u j ~ haa. E.K/8 K/8 KO

    NHAMLI, NC.Brc. Bum Rcboisci woaa alhm tdlJh oay-Vproijs fhnp nlltoij, wdofd woaa

    bljoi Gromhy , Vlptlnblr 6, him fcit o i u cylr twc Vuimhys. 'gdos f h ~ pos oi J r ~ l i fcuity, Hrathih.hgQ, lojdtnoals grqn P ~ r h j c u a m , Hre ., wdofd os .ci td l nhoi ao il cg td l Fcttci BlatRhoarch m . Hrrhijl ycur mhtls himfc nl. Gcr hiy oigcrnhtoci mlsorlm,wrotl F. ~ Z o a a o ~ n g , B c) ; 206, Nhamli,Nc. . K/8 K/8

    VHI MOLJC, F H ~ .]dhie tdl mlhr Acrm 5 wl hrl ' 'Vc.

    d h ppy ki Don. ' ' Jcm os b a l s s o ~ j tdlwcre oi tdl D a p o i ~ D hi= Dpnl."

    os truay ao el h v l i blj ui t 0 bl p.rovoa ljlm mhoay tc dlap aogt scnl cg cur pccrg h aali brltdrli. Ot truay dhs blli hbals soij tc n ll t hjhoi tdl .mlhr I hzhrl il g hnoay d lr l. Dcw tdl m lhr ~ c r mos balssoij, him dcw tdl shoits hrljrcwoij. Zl w lrl jahm oimllm tc d lh rVostlr NfRlyicams him dlr fc-wcrelrs ,;Nr. Htdhis, Viomlr, him tdl Vphiosd "bcy prlhfd lr , " ;Whalitkil . Dcwcur dlhrts mo1}. buri wotdoi us, hs wlmrhie oi tdl t rutd spceli by Vostlr aQUfR lyicam s. H jccm cam-tonl dcaoi lssnlltoij oi tdl hgtlricci. o .Brc . Laaoctt

    -os surlay tdl nhi gcr tdos ' 'pahfl.prlh fdlm h slrnci Vuimhy lvlioijtruay st orr.lm tdl dlhrts cg tdl ploi h why tdht w ~ n sll. Voxf858w,l. gcrwhrm. tc tdl ncurilr's b c.r. phrmci, scnl gcr puHnli ]dl upacce os surl, him tdlacce ilvlr. blttlr gcr Vhi Mkljc noij. R N. ~ ~ t f d l iJLILRHA NOVVOCIHR_ VLFRL]H... . VAH]L.Kuay 82 tc 68, Vhi' Grhifosfc Mostroftvosotoij tdl fdurfdls ht Vhi Kcsl, NC ~ e d o i m , Vhi Grhifosfchim .Dl.relaly. )'uay 2? tc Huj . 4, NossossoppoFhnp nlHuj. 86 tc 22, ] r ' ~ f y Foty, ]liiS Fhnp Nlltoij; Huj. 27 tc Vlpt.

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    LMO]CRV;G. Brlhll, .LmotcrPolrfl, Cggafl LmotcrK. Eoiil, - Hhht. Lmotcr him B\B Njr.h t tdl pcst-cggofl. Huj. :, 8?00. h t chFhaogcrioh. hs slfcim-fa.hBOK nhttlr.Lvlry ]dursmhy.

    - $8 h ylhr oi hmvhifl5 tc Noiostlrs :7 flitsfcuitrols $8.70. Vhnpal fcpols grll. '- Ihnl tdl pcst-cggofl him Vth tltdl ph)9lr bhh blli slit, him tdl cggofl him Vth tl. wosd o t slit.CG ]ONL- Vubsfroptocis hrl phyhbal I\ialss phynlit os nhml c r nhmltd l phplr fcitoiulm, o t woaa bl MOVFCI]OI\LM h tlxporhtoci cg tonl. . . OHA IC]OFL-Hmmrlss haa busoilBOK fcnnuiofhtocis. K. EOIIL, Busoilss Nhihjlr. Ilvlr wrotl busoilssci shnl pcstha cr sdllt wotdhiy ctdlr nhttlrs.hawhys fhusls trcubal him mlahy, him nhy fhuslrlflovoij tdl phplr rljuahray wotdcut dhvoijgcr ot woaa eicw tdht o t dhs blli prlslitlmby scnl grolim him tdlrl woaa bl ic boaa.fhsl cg .hiy orrljuahroty cr ghoaurl tc rlflovl ycurictogy tdl Pubaosdlr by nhoa h t cifl.]C RLNO] - Rlnot by Ncily Crmlr cr Bhiephyhbal tc


    L M O ] C R O A

    L]DOFV.Dcaoilss nlhis puroty cg dlhrt . him

    lcusilss cg ao gl. Hs tdl purl oir t sll Jcm, tdl vosoci trhisgcrn s

    tdl oi ilr him cutlr ao gl. ]d lr l ospcssobal qulstocioij tdht h falhi

    goaalm by tdl Dcay Jdcst w otdacvl, ~ o a a nhe l tdl cutlr ao gl

    him jccm. Nufd lnpdhsos nustah om upci. h falhi aogl, but tdl nhkcrpdh sos Oro.ust stoaa bl ohom upci tdl

    dlhrt, wdofd ,Qroaa fcitr ca tdl cutlrl. K lsis shom, Falhisl gorst t dh tos wo tdoi tdl fup him pah ttlr, tdhtcutsom l cg tdln nhy bl falhi hasc . ' '

    os hs falhr tdht h purl dlhrt woaa wcreh purl aogl, hs tdht h purl gcuithoislim gcrtd h purl strlhn. t sllns

    aay oi r lglrlifl tc ncrhas tdhtK cdi shom, ' ' ]dl hicoitoij wdofd ylvl r lflovlm cg don hbomltd oi yci him

    Oillta. ict tdht hiy n hi tlhfd ycu;hs tdl shnl hicoitoij tlhfdltd ycu

    tdoijs , hi m os ic aol, him lvli hsdhtd thujdt ycu , yl sdh aa hboml oi]dl hicoitoij wotd tdl Vporoth purl dlhrt woaa onpla him tlhfd

    whys cg dcay aovoij. ]d l guaailss cg.acvl, wd ofd fhusls nhi tc blfh rihaoty him wotdcut dypcfw oaa fhusl tdl aog l tc bl oi tdl-ilss cg dcay aovoij. Zdhtlvlrhr l ict oi puroty him j d t l 7

    .hr l lv om lifl cg tdl dcao]dl Dcay V p ~ r o t Donslag woaahim nhoithoi tdl sthimhrm cgScg haa soiioij. ]dl Fdrost

    Ihzftrl (ol Nlssliool,.wdc fcnlsS ki . tc aovl D. . cwi aogl oilvlry shiftogolm plrsci nhels tdl aoglFdrostay. Hx;l wl tc .flhsl prlhfdoijncrhaoty cg aogl 8 Flrthoiay ict. Butwl hrl tc fcitoiul tc slle ot tdrcujdtdl oiwhrm puroty wdofd tdl shiftogy-. oij Vporot broijs. H soiioij rlaojocios h ghasl rlaojoci . Dl shvls us grcncur sois. ,,.

    ]dht td lrl os. ioufd ghoaurl wl -nhyhmnot, but ict sc nufd hs tdl wcramwcuam dhv l us blaolvl. Nhiy lyls hrlsc baurrlm by soi tdht tdly fon sll ciaylv oa 5 lvli oi tdl Vci cg Nhi tdly fcuamci ay sll tdl onhjl cg tdl mlvoa 5 him ogtdly dhv l slli sufd h vosoci cg tdl Nhstlr, wl illm ict wcimlr ht wdht tdlysll oi Dos gcaacwlrs . Ic cil fhi aovlncrl purlay tdhi Klsus, him ic ghotdgua cil os aoelay tc bl slli him phoitlmoi mhrelr fc acrs by tdl lilny. Vc wlnhy rlkcofl tdht wl sthim blgcrl curcwi Nhstlr, tdht tdl fcnnhim os , tcwhae blgcrl Don, him tdl fhusl himbhttal hrl Dos.

    _lt tdht tdlrl os ghoaurl, him tdht prcglsscrs cg tdl jrhfl cg Jcm scnltonlsbrlhe mcwi, lvli tdht tdcsl wdc dhvlfahonlm tdos balssoij cg tdl guaailss cgdcay acvl him aogl jovl why, grustrhtltdl jrhfl cg Jcm, ghaa oitc soi him dhrnhim doimlr tdl wcre, ic cil fhi mliy.]dl fhusls hrl ict ghr tc slle. ]dlli vorcinlits hrl oitlislay wcramay,him ot os tc bl glhrlm tdht cgtli tdlwcre dhs ict jcil mllp li cujd tc r lOicvl fh rihaoty, wdofd sproijs up ht uilxplftlm tonls, him oi uiaccelm gcrpahfls. Hs cg cam wdli fhrihaotysprhij gcrtd oi wofelmilss, tdl Acrmsh om; ]dly (rlglrroij tc prcpdlt himpr o st) dh vl dlh alm hasc odl durt cg ~plc pal saojdtay.' ' Jrlht prlssurl grcnwotdcut him fhriha -prlssurl grcnwotdoi baojdt tdl trll him bahst td lg ruot. Grcn tdos wl nhy ict lxplfttdl fhusl woaa litorlay lsfhpl. Lvlihncij Klsus'. cwi mosfopals, him tdl hsscfohtls cg Phua, tdlrl whs brlheoijfacwi him ghoaurl, him d cw lvlr nufdtdl mlsorl, wl nhy sfhr fl lxplft but o twoaa fcitoiul. Vc nl woaa mcubtalss ghaahwhy.

    Dcw hrl wl tc ncst lgglftuhaay prlslrvl grcn ghaaoij 8 ]c jovl cur-.slavls tc prlhfdoij h dojd sthimhrm cgaovoij 3 _ls, tdos wl nust fcitoiuhaaymc5 but 'tdos os ict cux; fdolg dc pl."Dhvoij bljui oi tdl Vporot hrl ylicw nhml plrglft by tdl ga lsd (ahw) .Al't tdl ahw mc h aa o t fhi , alt tdl sthim- .hrm bl dlam hs dojd hs K lsus him Dos.hpcstals dlam ot , but o t os .ict cur strcijtcwlr. Zl hrl stoaa tc ml plrtm upci tdl

    UKuay 45 8shiftogyoij pcwlr c;t .tdl bhptosntdl Dcay Jdcst, tdrcujd tdl pr cnlrot cg tdl baccm cg Klstos frlhtoifcimotocis cg dcaoilss him p c w l ~tdl lilny oi lvlry gcrn. ]dlcg Jcm oi . dcaoilss os stoaa curdcplgua nltdcm.

    . OF" ' . . .FH\VLV.

    t nhy ict bl h palhshit tdoij tht fhusls cg ghoaurl. t nhy icpalhshit tdoij tc acce ht ghoaur lBut scnltonls ot os h ilflssoty , hstumyoij tdl fhusls wl nhy bl dt os rlhmoay hmnottlm tdht tdl j8

    d o i m r h ~ f l s oi tdl why cg tdl trcg dcaoilss os oi ots prcglsscrs. Itc jltdlr icr pronhroay oro tdcsghaa hwhy cr ahpsl oitc soi , bulsplfohaay oi tdlor ahfe cg pc sslstdl oidlrothifl cg tdl hicoitoijhim tdl guaailss . cg acvl himZotdcut Dos nhioglst prlsliflsdcri cg cur strlijtd him hrl hsplcpal. Bloij hs ctdlr p lcpalict lggofolit hjlifo ls gcr td l guhifl cg dcaoilss. Bloij h dcayw l hrl h plfuaohr plcpal, plfuakhfoh aay oi tdl dlhvliay uiftoci , oios r lvlhalm tdl movoil plrscihaoauos fcnl oi tc hboml him lnpcw]dos uifdhrjlm him uilnpcwlrlmotoci . os t dl oisuplrhbal fcwdofd doimlrs tdl wcre oi tdlCgtli h r lh aay hicoitlm scua os tfl ptoci oi td l rhiass cg dcaoilsswdlrl tdos hicoitoij os tdl ciay d lhvliay prcgofolify. Z l nusgcr him slfurl ncrl rhmofh a fgrcn cam fcimotocis, ict ci aylimoij cg tdl so i qulstoci, butwdofd gcaacws-tdl nhiogls thtotdl prlslifl cg tdl Dcay Jdcst. jrlht doimlrhifl os tdl ah fe cgnhioglsthtoci. Cg fcursl D l mcnhioglst Donslag tdrcujd uimlvcghotdgua him soiioij plcpal, ilotdtdl e llpoij cg tdl ahw him h dojdhrm cg ncrhaoty oisurl ot. ttdrcujd tdcsl wdc dhv l yolamlmslavls tc Jc m , him Qvotd cil phim cil hffcrm dhvl whotlm gprcnosl cg tdl Ghtdlr. Zl g ll a htdht tdl j rlh t moggofuaty os tdhtfci fl itrhtoci him oitlisotytcufdls Jcm him nhels tdl schvliul cg prlslit. r lv lahtoci himglsthtoci. ]dl jrlht moggofuatyg lw goaalm . wotd tdl Dcay Jdcsjrlht r ~ n l m y him tdl prlphrhttdl trou'npdhit nhrfd os, plrscitlfcs ts -n li him wcnli factdlgrcn tdlor dcusl oi dlhvli.

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    4 ;8?0?^OI]LJRO]_. .

    goaas nli him wcnli wotd'Bloij grllm grcn tdht ncst

    tdoij-slag osdilss, tdly dhvlgrcn lvlry bahstoij cr fcr

    oigauli'fl cr nctovl." ]dly hrl.oi tdlor ' rlahtocis tc nli, ghotdgua

    td l "mosfdhrjl cg hjlifols, t rust.stdl aoel, ' ' him uprojdt oi tdlor

    ,dcaoilss wdofd . mcls ict mcos spurocus-h nlrl prltlifl cr~ r o s Him ylt t d l ~ os ic pcoit

    ht tdos tonl .wdofd illms tc bl rlwotd ncrl prhylrgua httlitoci.c ldhoi os strcijlr tdhi ots wlhelstIc fdhrhftlr os strcijlr tdhi

    pahfl. Prlflmoij dhbots hrltc alhvl h scua Qvlhe aot tdl pcoit

    ]dl dhbots him trhoioij cgcg tdl sc-fhaalm dcaoilss plcpall blli sufd hs tc alhvl tdln plfuwlhe ht tdl pcoit cg gomlaoty tc

    , him lvli tc tdl fhusl tdly dhvl]dl fcimotocis wdofd dhvlupci tdlio oi tdl phst, him tdl

    wdofd ot dhs sllnlm i lflsshrytdln tc pursul, hpKoalhr tc dhvl oil rlsplfts wlhelilm tdlor ncrhal, him tc dhvl algt oi scnl h trcij

    tc uirlaohboaoty. Oi tdlwotd wdofd tdly dhvl blli

    cgtli tdlrl dhs blli aottal .him ict oigrlqulitay h dcs

    tc dcaoilss . t dhs sllnlm tc tdliQciay haacwhbal but pcssobay h r lha

    gcr tdln tc slle ctdlr hggoaoh, him tc slfurl gcr tdlnslavls oiwh ys wdht tdlo r fdurfdls mom ict

    hrom pcss obay mom ict haacw. Oitdos tdoij wdold sllnlm tc tdloi

    him ilflsshry, tdly wlit dlrltdlrl, htthfdoij tdlnslavls ncrllss accslay tc tdos him tdht hsscfohcg blaolvlrs. ]dl nli wdcn tdly

    t trustlm, whrilm tdln tc bl ghotdtc tdlor trust oi tdlor fdurfdls, himfhaalm t d ~ n by tdlor wcrm him aurlm

    by tdos fcursl tc ctdlr tdoijs.rl whs h oicrl cr alss alijtdlilm

    him h jlilrhaaylggcrt tc slle blttlr tdoijs,

    ylt oi tdos why nhiy wlrl dlaplm,ilov aojdt him h blttlr lxplro. Him ylt ci tdl phrt cg nhiy ict

    td l sugglroij cg slrocus a css -cg h shfrlm slisl cg acyhaty tc nli .

    tdly ahimlm, cr wdltdlr tdlylm ht haa, scnl dhm acst tdht goilptoci cg cbaojhtoci tc nli, schry gcr lxflaalifl cg Fdrostohi

    ]dly mom ict blfcnl slagput blfhnl wotdcut flitlr,

    uirlaohbal, ghaaoij oitc fcimotocis

    Q g d o X ~ bltrhy nli, hs vy-laa hs shfrlm g K D s c ~ o h t o c i s him dcay fhusls. ]dlsl.h ~ l t d ~ _ wdc ghaa o i ~ ? tdl sihrl cg sla-. gosp .uimlrth;eoijs, w oitc tdl pot cgghihtofos KO, him hrl . ict oigrlqulitaygcuim hs wrlfes hacij tdl sdcrl. Oitdlsl mhys cg plrdhps ilflsshry trhisotoci wl illm tc bl fhrlgua tc sc whaewotd Jcm hs ict tc blfcnl uitrul tcnli, him tdus ict ciay mlstrcy curslavls buo ctdlrs hasc.gaa gaaIctls him lrscihd

    Mr. P . G . Brlsll woaa prlhfd ht GorstFdurfd, .Acs Hijlals, ilxt Vhbbhtdncrioij.Brctdlr, tdl ctdlr phrts cg tdl fdurfdwhit tc - eicw wdht tdl Acrm os mcoijgcr ycur phrt. Vlim oi ycur ilwsotlns-brolg, brojdt him ghfty.Brc. K . Z . Jccmwoi, Mostroft Vuplroptlimlit gcr Vcutdlri Fhaogcrioh, dhs rlncvlm tc Phshmlih gcr tdl prlslit . Dlnhy bl hmmrlsslm h t Vthtoci H.]dl noiutls cg tdl Vcutdlri Fhaogcraooh Mostroft Hsslnbay hrl icw oi tdlprlss him woaa bl rlhmy gcr mlaovlryilxt wlle. Alt phstcrs slim oi tdlorcrmlrs ht cifl."Zl mc ict whit tc bl wotdcut tdlNlsslijlr. Zl mlsorl tc ellp up wotd

    t d ~ dcaoilss plcpal ic nhttlr wdlrl wlaovl. O acvl tdl Ihzhrlil prlhfdlrs."M . D . Muifhi, Khfescivoaal,'Crl.]dl Elitufey him ]liilssll MostroftHsslKMbay woaa nllt oi Acuosvoaal, Ey . 5Plitlfcstha Fdurfd cg tdl I z h r l K ~Hujust 2=-2:. Jlil.rha VuplroitlimlitLaaysci woaa prlsoml. ahrjl mlaljht oci os lxplftlm grcn tdl surrcuimoijfcuitry.

    Ihzhrlil tlit nlltoij woaa cpliht Pcncih, Fha., hbcut tdl 8

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    4 -Ihzhrl- l Nlhh.l.RjlrAcs H {ajlalao hi m Wofoioty

    ] ]DL ]HBLRIHFALhathr, him td.l slr.v;ofl whs frXwilm w.otd"'' voftcry.

    whs h goil fcijrljhtoci tcBrc . c c m w o ~ oi tdl ncrioij h t

    ]hblrihfal, ~ i m h sporot cg. grlcccntdl ncrioij wcrsdop. ]dl "sub - cg tdl itca'ioij whs mrhwi grcn hfdcsli oi Jli. < ;26, Him Licfd

    wotd Jcm, him whs ict, gcr Jcmdon. .8 Hgtlr jovoij h aottal mlcg tdl quolt whae hacil wotd

    dl spcel cg dcw Licfd whaelmJcm hnom tdl uighvcrhbal forfuncg tdl lvoa tonls oi wdofd dlhim tdl uibrceli whae hnom tdlcg broijoij up h ahrjl ghnoay cgwotd h swllt tlstonciy tdhtwhys palhslm tdl Acrm. H glw cgpcoits lnpdhsozlm oi tdl slrwlrl hs gcaacws; ]c whae wotdnust bl oi dhrnciy wotd Jcm5nust thel Don hs cur fcisthithim h whae wotd 'Jcm woaajcmaoelilss. ]dos whae wotd Jcm;tdht wl hrl oi tdl shnl why,ellpoij stlp5 tdht wl hrl hjjrlshim nheoij prcjrlss dhvl tdl fciprlslifl cg Jcm, him ~ d l likcycg oitlr-fcnnuiofhtoci. ]dlcg tdos whae hacil wotd Jcmbl tdl tlstonciy tdht cur whystaol Acrm. i splheoij cg tdl trhisahtoci cghgtlr mlsfroboij dcw dl whsgrcn t ~ l lhrtd, tdl splhelr shomtc dos noim ot lnpdhsozlm tdl lxostlifl cg hictdlrdlhvliay5 hs wlaa hs uioty oi tdlcg nhi, him rlvlhalm Jcm'soi tdl rlmlnptoci cg tdl rhfl. ]dlbalsslm tc tdl fcngcrt cghs tdl wcram cg aogl himgoaalm wotd onncrtha kcys whsbrcujdt tc volw.

    dl hgtlricci dcaoilss nlltoij whsdcur cg prlfocus nlncry, him .jovlilay tc tlstonciy. Brc. Jorvoijrlht illm gcr cur wcre whs tctdl movoil grllmcn, him spcel cglhsoay plcpal fcuam acsl tdlor grllDl lxprlsslm dos hpprlfohtoci cgjrlht ncvlnlit cg Jcm, him gcr hwdlrl Jcm fcuam dhvl dos why.strcij toml cg sporotuha aogl goaalm tdl]dlrl whs cil sllelr ht tdlwdc oi mllp lhrilst scujdt gcr]dos sostlr jhvl h jahmht tdl lvlioij slrvofl tdhtdhm gcuim tdl p lhra cg j r l ~ t profl.L . H. Jorvoi, wdc dhs b lli wotdgcr h glw mhys him dhs brcujdt slvbrolg nlsshjls oi tdl v.h1r.ocus slrnufd tc tdl mlaojdt him balssoijcur plcpal, jhvl h Wg r_ Krlapgua slrci Jovoij up tc fciqulr, grcnJovl h i ~ o t sdhaa bl j.ovli. ' ' Dl vlry falhray brcujdt cut tdosi odl vhrocus mlphrtnlits cg aogl,m sdcwlm dcw by jovoij up tdl . up. S.tdoijs wl nojdt cbthoi tdl-onpcr.thit. K5t whs h 'mllp, prhftofha.him whs jrlhtay balsslm cg Jcmtdl. }9lc.pal. ]dlrl wla'l tdrll h t tdl

    ]dl gcaacwoij plrscis uiotlm wotd tdlfdurfd oi tdl ncrioij; R . D. Rcbboishim dos wogl, Nars. J. . . Rlbbois, 72:L. ]dortoltd strllt.. ~

    V]RLL] .NLL]OIJ .Cifl ncrl cur Jcm whs wotd us oi

    tdl sox c''facfe strllt nlltoij, him tdlshoits prhylm .him shij, n m t d ~proscilrs dlhrm tdln . Hfts 87 ;2

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    4, 8?0?8. ; g ' R C N ; O M R . ; L G . Z ~ ..

    prcgcuim ;him shfrlm onprlsupci ;rool OM aml by riy h t t l i m h i ~ ltdl slssocis cg -tdl hiiuha Hssln- ,g tdl Vcutdlri Fhaogcrioh Mostroftl -Plitlfcstha Fdurfd cg -tdl .Ihzh-o t bloij tdl gorst lffalsohstofha

    wotd wdofd K ;dhvl 'bllilftlh -wdcsl lvlry nli;ablr whs oisynphtdy wotd tdl nhoi tdlnl

    noiostry him luprlnl pursuot cga ogl-dcaoilss uitc tdl Acrm-himh ilw him jrlht gllaoij cg rlspciupci nl, blfhusl cg ny oiratcci tc tdl phstcrhtl cg tdl jrlhtFdurfd cg Acs Hijlals-ci Nci

    ncrioij, Kuil 22, O -sthrtlm Lhst .hi lvhijlaostof ;otoilrhry ;oi ;guagoaacg slvlrha lijhjlnlits cg acijhrrovlm h t Mlahifc, I. K. , GromhyKuil 2

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    80OAAOICOV DCAOILVV \IOWLRVO] h iunblr cg ylhrs Jcm dhs blliupci tdl dlhrts cg h glw nli

    lr lft h fcaaljl, wi.l'rl -Jcm sdcuam blhim dcaoia ss thujdt, him tdlwlaghrl cg tdl stumlit pahflm. ]c tdos lim h glw ylhrs hjc, twcbcujdt gcur duimrlm him twlity

    hfrls cg Oaaoicos' goilst ahim, lojdtyhfrls cg wdofd os h ihturha phre

    cil tdcushim nhpal himgcrlst trlls. Ic ncrl blhutoguafcuam bl dhm oi tdl fc.uitry. ]dosos mlmofhtlm tc tdl lrlftoci cg hfcaaljl. oH. N. Doaas dhs blli lalftlmi lw oistotutoci. D ltc tdos sfdcca wotd tdl -ropl lxjhtdlrlm tdrcujd td l ylhrs cggua slrvofl oi noiostry him fcaaogl. Dl os cil cg tdl blst lmufh.ncvlnlit. Hs h tlhfdlr oihim dcnoaltofs dl os uisurlm. Dl woaa jhtdlr hbcut don hlimom ghfuaty cg fcaaljl trhoilm nliwcnli, shiftogolm, him fcislfrhtlmtdl wcre cg tdl Nhstlr.sfdcca wo aa fhrry tdl guaa fcaaljlHasc woaa fh r ry h g uaaya mlphrtnlit ,cg tdlcacjy, cg nusof, cg crhtcry,lsplfohaay h strcij pronhry sfdcca.oitlrlstlm nhy jlt cur guaarsls by wrotoij us. Vtumli t s nhyht hiy tonl, cg hiy hjl, him hiyc stumy, him glla plrglftay grlltdl dojdlst.aaljl ylhr cplis Vlptlnblr 8=,, him wl hrl pahiioij gcr hi cplifci vl ito ci bljoiioij Vlptlnblr 6,him fcitoiuoij tc Vlptlnblr 8= .dos fcaaljl os uimlicnoihtoqiha.ncttc os ' 'Dcaoilss uitc tdl Acrm, ' 'wl ltplft tc ellp prcnoia;'it oibrhifd cg cur wcre. Vtumlits cghrl w lafcnl hncij


    Ny ih nl hpplhrs oi td l aost cg tdlMostroft hs hi l am lr wotd

    fdhrjl . " ]dlrl os ic I hzhrliloi tdl wdcal Vthtl cg Ncithih,t O blaolvl tdl prlmoftoci cg Rlv. D.

    Brcwi, wdc shom tc nl, h y lhr crhjc-5 wdli O whs fciglrro ij wotdwotd r lglrlifl tc tdl Ihzhrlil' ']d lr l woaa bl fdurfdls crjhiilhr O hn aovoij ci h dcnlhim ahbcroij gcr h suppcrt, himtdl shnl tonl jcoij ci Vuimhys hAcrm alhms tc pahfls wdlrl prlhfdos mlsorlm him tdlrl nhy bl cppcrgcr mcoij jccm. Dlrl ht dcnlwcre os dh nplr lm by tdl r lncvhaslvlrha ghnoaols, him t d csl Klgt hrloi fdurfd wcre5 but O hndo ij shavhtoci tc tdln him dcplJcm woaa jovl tdl oifrlhsl. Cur p lcpal wlrl palhslm wotd Br c. D.Rlyicams ci dos r lflit vosot, him .O whs nufd prcgotlm .by dosa him sporotuha fcnnuioci wotd us.

    Ihzhrlil Nlsslij.lrHt Vtrhtlr5 h somoij ci tdl JrlhtIcrtdlri, wdlrl tdlrl os h i lw himjrcwoij slttalnlit cg Lhstlri plcpalhim h ilw sfdcca dcusl, O dhv l sthrtlmhi hppcoitnlit -him cr'j hio zlm h Vuimhy sfdcca, him hn prlhfdoij shavhtocitc tdl plcpal. O whs ht Ihsduh, h sth toci ci td l .Jrlht . Icrtdlri hbcut 40noals lhst, Kuil 8?-20, him prlhfdlmVhturmhy roojdt tc h snhaa but httlitovl humolifl. But .h rhoiy mhy .ci Vuimhyelpt nl grcn jcoij tc h fcuitry pcoitwdlrl tdlrl os shom tc bl h jccm oitlrlst, him r lturioij tc Ihsduh ht iojdt.Ny dc nl wdoal l whs wotd h dcaoilss ghnoay wotd wdcn tdl fcnnuiocicg shoits whs vlry palhshit, him wdc hrlacceoij tc tdl Ihzhrlil fdurfd hs hpcssobal guturl .dcnl. D . J. Fcwhi .

    .KO .KO .KOVCNL DLAPG\A R\ALV GCR AOGL.Mr. Whi Myel wrotls;_cu sdhaa alhri tc mlsorl ictdoij oitd l wcram sc nufd but tdht ycu fhi bldhppy wotdcut ot ._cu sdhaa slle tdht wdofd ycu mlsorl ciay by suf d nlhis hs hrl ghor himahwgua, him tdos .woaa alhvl ycu wotdcutbottlrilss tcwhrms nli cr sdhnl b lgcrlJcm ." _cu sdhaa thel .palhsurl oi tdl tonlwdoal ycu hrl slleoij, lv li tdcujd ycucbthoi ict onnlmohtlay tdht wdofd ycuslle5 gcr tdl purpcsl cg h kcurily osict ciay tc hrrovl ht tdl jcha, but hasctc goim likcynlit by tdl why.Zdli ycu dhvl htthoilm tdht wdofdycu mlsorlm, ycu sdhaa tdoie ncrl cg tdlamimilss cg ycur gcrtuil tdhi cg tdljrlhtilss cg ycur se oaa . ]dos woaa nhea'

    ycu jrhtlgua, him r lhmy tc sdhrl wotdctdlrs tdht w dofd Prcvomlifl dhtd bl stcwlm upci ycu5 him truay tdos os bctdrlhscihbal him prcgothbal, gcr ot os butaottal tdht hiy cg us wcuam fhtfd oi tdoswcram wlrl ict cur gcrtuil blttlr tdhicur mlslrts.O tdoie Jcm os blst palhslm wotd u swd li wl jovl aottal dllm tc sfcgglrs,him likcy dos jogts wotd tdhieguailsshim hi lhsy d lhrt.,,]c haa tdos , ny bcy, ycu nhy subsfrabl wotd h s oiflrl ' 'Hn li , ' ' gcr otspdoacscpdy os tdht cg wcre him fcitlitnlit oi wcre- dcilst wcre gcr hi dc ilst purpcsl... . 98

    VLWLI]D MH_ HMWLI]OVN RLIC\IFLM,H rl nhrehbal bcce by Lamlr Fhi

    rojdt, wdc whs acij cil cg tdl alhmoijhmvcfhtls cg Hmvlitosn. o ycu hrl h thaa oitlrlstlm oi td l subklft, cr og .ycudhvl hiy grolims wdc hrl trcubalm citdos subklft, ycu sdcuam jlt tdos jrlht .bcce. t os oitlislay oitlrlstoij, hqm os prcgothbal rlhm oij gcr hiy cil. V litpcstpho.m gcr $8.00 oi factd boimoij, cr70 fl its phplr.IH[HRLIL P\BAOVDOIJ FC ..


    Vcnl cvlr twc duimrlm hmvhmlrs dhvl blli rlflovlm by -tdltdus ghr . ]drll duimrlm h t almlsorlm blgcrl tdl mhtl cg pubawdofd nhy bl ict ghr hwhy.]dos blhutogua vcaunl cg vlrsbl tdl gorst lvlr ossulm by hi Hnsuotlm tc tdl dlhrt-aogl cg t d ~ dplcpal, cr hiywdc hrl mllpay spt woaa fcithoi hasc h jccm vhrpclns bctd ihrrhtovl him kuZoaa bl ioflay bcuim. Zoaa hawdc wosd tc hom tdl hutdcr oi dotc pubaosd dos ahbcr cg cvlrylhrs palhsl mrcp don h fhrm hmmRlv. M. Rhim Polrfl, 20 VcutdGotfdburj, Nhss., hseoij tc bl liIct tc bl phom gcr toaa tonl cg mProfl cil -mcaahr.


    GORV] _LHRVnotd's Vnhaalr Vfropturl Dostcry]dlcacjofha Fcnplim. (Laaysci) . Nhiuha cg tdl Fdurfd . .Zlsaly's Govl Vlrncis .Xuolt ]haes -ci Pcwlr (Jcrmci)Prlhfdlr him Prhylr (Bcuims) .Icil Aoel O t (Phrelr) . $8.2

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909


    ur_cuij PlcpalZL'RL FD\NV, _C\ VLL.

    wcimlr wdy O rui him tlaalvlry aottal tdoij5 shy O 'n sufd h bhby bcy,tc hi hprci stroij. . .truay O mci't bahnl tdln nufd5mogglrlit grcn nl 5nctdlr eicws kust wdht os wdht,sl wl'rl fduns, ycu sll O S

    tdoijs hrl oi h thijal-up,tlnplrs sihraoij, tcc 5scnlcil illms h wdoppoij bhm,nhybl o t os ycu Oilvlr sfcams icr nhel& h guss, swllt hs swllt fhi bl,try tc dlap h glaacw cut,husl wl'rl fduns, ycu sllfopdlrs wotd nl ci ny sahtl,li dlaps nl rlhm him .splaa,nhels nl stumy dhrm him alhrishy ny alsscis wlaa. nctdlr's jrlht h t jhnls5 sdl aoelspahy hs w l o ~ hs nl5i cur soml wois, sdl's kust hs jahm,fhusl wl'rl fduns, ycu sll

    scrry gcr tdcsl . ctdlr fdhps,lvlry cil5 aoel tc dhyl h fdun aoel noilhaa tdly'rl pceoij gui .nctdlrs hrl tcc torlm O .eicw,ctdlrs mc ict fhrldlr wotd tdl aottal bcys,lor pahys him stumols sdhrl.noil Vdl 's kust tdl vlry blstacvoij grolims tc nlcd, O 'n sufd h dhppy sci,husl wl'rl fduns, ycu sllCAM KHFE ]DL FHR]-DCRVL.

    whs h wosl cam fhrt-dcrsl oi cur. Cgtli, wdli h fdoam, O islm tcht tdl mccr cg tdl sdcp cg Kcditdl bahfesnotd, him sll don sdcl.fdllrgua ot whs, cg h fcam mhy,l td l gorl ;gahnl up hs Kcdi ncvlmlaacws up him mcwi Him r ,tdli,dl tcce up tdl dcrslsdcl oi dospoiflrs, him ahom o t ci tdl hivoa,nhml tdl sphres ;gay hs dl dhn

    , dcw oitlitay wcuam O whtfd tdll mhy Nr. Dhaa's bcy, oi sdcloijmrcvl h ihoa td l wrcij why. Khfeot cut uitoa dl dhm jcilhim tdli tdl ihoa bljhi tc phoih jccm mlha5 sc wdht mom dl mcli tdl jhtl him aonp bhfe tc tdlsnotd's sdcpDhaa shw don fcnoij, him eilwfl tdht scnltdoij nust bl tdl nhtKhfe fhnl oi, him dlam up dosgcct, hs nufd hs tc shy, "Palhslny sdcl. Nr. Dhaa tcce o thtdlm tdl gcct, him rlpahflm tdlwdlrlupci tdl cam dcrsl trcttlmtc dos nhstlr's ghrn . "e whs hawhys vlry pahygua. Dl

    Ihzhrlil Nlsslijlraoelm tc dhvl h bot cg gui wotd dos nhstlr, him wcuam rui rcuim him rcuimtdl phsturl wdli tdl ahttlr fhnl tc dhrilss don. But dl ilvlr elpt dos nhstlrwhotoij ncrl tdhi twc cr tdrll noiutls.t whs haa nlhit hs h kcel.-]dl Iurslry]DL VLFRL] CG H JCCM NLNCR_.]dl slfrlt cg nlncry .os fciflitrhtlm

    httlitoci . Zdht ycu httlim tc facslayhim wdht ycu guaay uimlrsthim-tdhtycu w oaa ict him fhiict gcrjlt, hiyncrl tdhi ycu fhi gcrjlt ycur cwiihnl .Vc bljoi tcmhy. WQ8Kali ycu hrl mcoij scnltdoij, mc tdht scnltdoij himictdoij lasl. Him tciojdt acce bhfecvlr tdl mhy, rlfhaa lvlry mlthoa hs vovomay hs ycu fhi . _cu woaa bl surproslmht dcw aottal ycu fhi r lnlnblr. Butmc o t hjhoi tcncrrcw iojdt, him tdlilxt iojdt, him tdl ilxt5 him by tdllim cg tdl ncitd ycu woaa bl surproslmhim mlaojdtlm ht tdl oifrlhsl cg ycurpcwlr, ict ciay cg nlncry, but cg nlitha pcwlr oi jlilrhA-Prcglsscr Fuiioijdhn.

    NCRL WHA\HBAL ]DHI NHI_VPHRRCZV.H prltty stcry os tcam by cil cg tdl

    mhoay phplrs cg h sphrrcw tdht buoat otsil st oi h grlojdt fhr tdht dhm bllicrmlrlm tc tdl sdcps gcr rlphor. Zdlitdl fhr whs oi crmlr him sthrtlm hjhoioitc slrvofl, h ilst guaa cg ycuij sphr-.rcws sllnlm hbcut tc bl rcbblm cg hnctdlr's fhrl. But tdcujd tdl fhr trhvlalm slvlrha duimrlm noals, tdl nctdlrborm wcuam ict mlslrt dlr yc\.ij. ]dlsynphtdy cg tdl trhoinli whs tcufdlm,him tdly ictogolm tdl movosoci suplroitlimlit, wdc crmlrlm tdl fhr cut cgfcnnossoci uitoa tdl aottal borms wlrlhbal tc fhrl gcr tdlnslavls. g h jrlhtrhoarchm systln fhi bl crmlrlm sc hs tcprctlft dlapalss sphrrcws, os ot dhrm tcblaolvl tdht tdl jrlht Vuplroitlimlitcg tdl uiovlrsl crmlrs haa tdoijs gcr tdljccm cg Dos fdoamrli 8-]dl Dlrham himPrlsbytlr.

    IhzhrlilPois .8

    Zl dhvl h ilw suppay cg IhzhrliPois. ]dl Iofela-pahtlm, sufd hwl dhvl dlrltcgcrl scam, him h ilweoim nhml cg Hbhacil sdlaa wotbahfe alttlroij. 1IofelaPahtlm2

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - July 8, 1909



    HMWOFL ]C FCRRLVPCIMLI]V.g ycu'vl jct h tdoij tdht 's dhppy,' . Bcoa ot mcwi 5 . ..ot. ~ r t him lrosp him sihppy,Bcaa Ot mcwi 5 - --

    y c u r b r h o i ots fcoi dhs noitlm,tdl phjl ycur pli dhs sproitlm5ycu whit ycu'r lggcrt proitlm, .Bcoa o t mcwi .cut lvlry surpaus alttlr,

    Bcoa o t mcwi 5lwlr syaahbals tdl blttlr,Bcoo o t mcwi 5ycur Snlhioij pahoi-lxprlss o twl'aa eicw, ict nlrlay julss ot5, ny. gr olim, lrl y cu hmmrlss ot,Bcoa o t mcwi.cut haa tdl lxtrh tronnoijs,Bcoa ot mcwi 5o t wlaa, tdli seon tdl seonnoijs,Bcoa ot mcwi 5Sycu'rl surl ' twcuam b l h soi tc

    slitlifl oi tw c ,ot ci him w l ' aa Sblj oi tcBcoa ot mcwi. - V l alftlm.ZRO]OIJ GCR P\BAOFH]OCI.

    B l nlrfogua. t os ict cgtli tdht wl"Eoijs lx.," but wl dhvl kust r lhmnlimlm cil nhiusfropt cg ncrltwlity phjls. t rlquorlm - ~ c r lhi dcur cg tonl. t fcithoilmtdhi 820 lrrcrs by hftuha fcuit.fcith oilm cvlr twc tdcushim haaljlm

    him lvlry lsslitoha tdoij oi tdlfropt fcuam dhvl blli sthtlm oiwcrms. Gogty shoits wdc mc icttdl fcitlits woaa rlhm tdl acijgcr -fcisfolifl shel, wdoal 7,000sdcuam ei1gw td l fcitlits cg tdlfal woaa i'ct rlhm o t gcr whit cg tonlgcr whit cg hi hppltotl cg suggofol-ittc uimlrthel ot. ]dllstoci cg goimoij rccn gcr .h acij hr l os hasc slrocus. Icw, suppcsoijh ' ' fcr rlspcimlifl sfdcca' ' .tdl lm otcr cg tdos phplr wlrl jo'Wodj hmvofl wl wcuam vliturl ciltwc sujjlstocis. O g hiytdoij os wcrtdot os Swcrtd wdoal tc wrotl otn guaa, splaanj t dl wcrms fcrrlftay.

    moftocihry sdcuam bl fcisuatlm wdlrllr l os rccn gcr mcubt. Vcnl cg curjlt brh oi g hj oi tdll cg h wcrm. ]dl nhi wdc oi hbbrlvohtocis whs him os hi lilcg tdl rhfl. ]dl fcnnci dhbot cg' 'fcn.' ' gcr fcnnottll, ' ' Fc ig. ' 'Fciglrlifl, ' ' N. L . V. V. ' ' gcr NltdLposfcpha Vuimhy sfdcca os bahfe.fy him oifopolit ahzoilss. th noslrhbal blsltnlit him tdl wrotlr.oimuajls oi tdht scrt cg sacvliaoilssh phoigua lxpcsurl cg n litha]dlrl nust bl scnl scrt cg hht wcre ci tdl brhoi cg sufd h .Zl wrotl gllaoijay ci tdos sub

    Ihzh-rlil Nltosld-/alr - tovl n h ~ u s f r o p t s . 8 ]dl lmotcr r l ~ m s td l nhiusfropts, tdl jhaaly prccg, tdl fcrrlftlm jhaaly5 o5dl stcil prccg, tdl prlssprccg, aoim tdli goims tdht tdl hrtofal fcithois lrrcrs dl ihturhaay dhs h "got. Dl slts cut wotd h ' 'boj stofe. ' ' ]dlgcrlnhi , tdl fcnpcsotcr, tdl prlssnhihim tdl frcwm jlt tc fcvlr hs quo feayg Cssobal. ]dl lm otcr os tcam tc haahydos wrhtd} gXr. tdcujd dl dhs fcrrlftlmtdl prccg slvli tonls slvli tdl fcnpcsotcr .goims tdht dl dhs ,lxhftay gca-acwlm fcpy.

    g q Kcdi strufe Khnls, ,kust shy schim stcp. Mc ict tlaa us tdht Kcdi 'sjrlht jrhimphrlits cwilm h ghrn oiPcsly fcuity him dos ilojdbcrs ci cilsoml w lr l Kcils him ci tdl ctdlr som lVnotds, him tdht tdl Kcils fhnl cvlroi tdl Nhygacwlr him Vnotds wlrl tdlhaaljlm mlsflimhits cg Kcdi Vnotd cgPcfhidciths ghn l. Zl hrl haa oifaoilmtc r hvla cut. Rhvlaoij os h rumonlithryrl hftoci him nust bl stcutay rlsostlm.Vplhe up, splhe cut, lxprlss ycurslag,him quot.-Fhaogcrioh Fdrostohi hr .r]DL _C\]DV' FCNRHML GRLLLvlry plrsci wdc rlflovls h shnpalfcpy cg td l phplr os urjlm tc blfcnl hsubsfroblr. Bctd ycuij him cam hrlmlaojdtlm wotd tdl phplr. g hiy cilwdc whits o t him mci't glla hbal tc subsfrobl woaa slim us tdlor ihnl him hmmrlss ci h pcstha fhrm hseoij gcr p artofuahrs, wl woaa tlaa ycu dcw by h vlryaottal lggcrt ycu fhi jlt tdl phplr grll.

    r uayNLVVH.JLV ]C ]DLZSoaa Fcivoft SO\KporlHppals cg Jcam

    Cr Zcrms Gotay VpBloij h Fcnpoahtoci cg tdl brolDlhrt Nlsshjls wdofd dhvl hpplgorst phjl cg tKtl NLVVLIJLR murotwc ylhrs.

    _ RLW. R. POLRFL.2=0 Phjls, Phplr.Zotd pcrtrhot , him oby Mr. Brlsll,v .

    Profl 2< Flitsby nhoa VCf5 oi acts cg 80Oi factd. 70 flit.Hmmrlss Hutdc:60 Vhi Plmrc Vt Acs Hij

    ]RHF]V By Rlv. R.]DL DCA_ JDCV] BHP]OVNnhry Purpcsl.ZD_ ZL VDC\AM BL DCA_.tdl Kustogolm.FDOAMRLI CG ]DL CAM NHI]dln \p. .Profl 20f. plr mcz.5 $8.00 plr 800X\R DCA_ B\VOILVV. "Bl ytc hictdlr."80f. plr mcz . 5