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A Report On Hydrogen Powered Car 2009-2010 Submitted by: - Under supervision of  Narendra Singh Prof. P. K. Sexsena Batch-M 2 Mechanica l Engg. ID-2007UME114 Department

Narendra Report

May 29, 2018



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Hydrogen Powered Car


Submitted by: - Under supervision of 

 Narendra Singh Prof. P. K. Sexsena Batch-M 2 Mechanical Engg.

ID-2007UME114 Department

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(Deemed University)


Certified that this project report ³BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS´ is

the bonafide work of ³Narendra Singh (2007UME114)´ of VI


carried out the project work under my supervision. He also gavetwo presentations on the same topic on 18 th February and 2th 

April, 2010. 





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Since prehistoric times, humans have used available

technologies for destructive and beneficial purposes. Aboriginaluse of curare and amphibian-derived toxins as arrow poisonsanticipated modern attempts to weaponize biological toxins suchas botulinum and ricin. The derivation of the modern term³toxin´ from the ancient Greek term for arrow poison, (toxicon pharmicon; toxin = bow,arrow)1,2underscores the historical link between weaponry and biological agents.

Multiple factors confound the study of the history of biological

weapons, including secrecy surrounding biological weapons

 programs, difficulties confirming allegations of biological

attack, the lack of reliable microbiological and epidemiological

data regarding alleged or attempted attacks, and the use of 

allegations of biological attack for propaganda and hoaxes. 

Biological weapons have the potential to kill or incapacitatevery large numbers of people, or to do crippling economicdamage by killing crop plants or domestic animals. Historically,the diseases that accompanied the armies of expanding empireshave been more effective tools of expansion than the armiesthemselves. Given the proven effectiveness of the inadvertentspread of disease and the potential effectiveness of deliberate

use, it is surprising that biological weapons (BW) have not beenmore commonly used. Such use has occurred only a handful of times. A number of additional allegations, some more plausiblethan others, suggest that they may have been used somewhatmore frequently than can be documented. Nevertheless, their use

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has clearly been quite rare relative to other categories of warfare.Despite the rarity of actual use of bioweapons, a number of 

nations have had active programs of bioweapon developmentduring the past century, and some may continue today. The probable existence of covert bioweapon programs in a highlyunstable world is alarming; certainly the historical reluctance touse them provides scant basis for complacency. However, areview of historical sources and recent events in Iraq,Afghanistan, Great Britain, and the United States demonstratesthat interest in biological weapons by state-sponsored programs,

terrorist organizations, and criminal elements is likely tocontinue.The recent advances in our understanding of botulinum toxin

indicate not only the triumph of scholarly research but also the

emergence of a supreme irony. In probing the biology of this

molecule, investigators have discovered the toxin's mechanism

of action and grasped the significance of that action. As a result,

they have found that the molecule has the characteristics of not

only a poison but also a powerful therapeutic agent. It is ironic

that botulinum toxin, which is generally considered the most

 poisonous of all poisons, may have more desirable than

undesirable qualities. It is highly efficacious medication that can

 produce clinical benefits in patients with nerve and muscle

disorders. Interestingly, the underlying mechanism that causesdisease is the same mechanism that provides clinical benefits.

So it is up to mankind how the things are utilized ± for good or 

for bad.

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 page no.

1. Certificate 1

2. Synopsis 2

3. List of figures

4. List of tables

5. Introduction

(a) Hydrogen powered car 

(i) History

(ii) principle of hydrogen fuel cell

(iii) classification of steam locomotive

(iv) how steam engines work 


(i) history

(ii) classification of diesel locomotive

(iii) how diesel engine work 

(iv) Various stages of development


(i) history

(ii) classification of electric locomotive

(iii) how electric engine work 

5. Locomotive in India

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Hydrogen has received increased attention as a renewable andenvironmentally-friendly option to help meet todays energy needs. Theroad leading to an understanding of hydrogens energy potential

 presents a fascinating tour through scientific discovery and industrialingenuity.


1766 Hydrogen was first identified as a distinct element by British

scientist Henry Cavendish after he evolved hydrogen gas byreacting zinc metal with hydrochloric acid. In a demonstration tothe Royal Society of London, Cavendish applied a spark tohydrogen gas yielding water. This discovery led to his later findingthat water (H

2O) is made of hydrogen and oxygen.

1783 Jacques Alexander Cesar Charles, a French physicist, launched thefirst hydrogen balloon flight. Known as ³Charliere,´ the unmanned

 balloon flew to an altitude of three kilometers. Only three monthslater, Charles himself flew in his first manned hydrogen balloon.

1788 Building on the discoveries of Cavendish, French chemist AntoineLavoisier gave hydrogen its name, which was derived from the

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Greek words²³hydro´ and ³genes,´ meaning ³water´ and ³bornof.´

1800 English scientists William Nicholson and Sir Anthony Carlisle

discovered that applying electric current to water producedhydrogen and oxygen gases. This process was later termed³electrolysis.´

1838 The fuel cell effect, combining hydrogen and oxygen gases to produce water and an electric current, was discovered by Swisschemist Christian Friedrich Schoenbein.

1845 Sir William Grove, an English scientist and judge, demonstratedSchoenbeins discovery on a practical scale by creating a ³gas battery.´ He earned the title ³Father of the Fuel Cell´ for hisachievement

1874 Jules Verne, an English author, prophetically examined the

 potential use of hydrogen as a fuel in his popular work of fiction entitled

The Mysterious Island .

1889 Ludwig Mond and Charles Langer attempted to build the first fuelcell device using air and industrial coal gas. They named thedevice a fuel cell.

1920s German engineer, Rudolf Erren, converted the internalcombustion engines of trucks, buses, and submarines to usehydrogen or hydrogen mixtures. British scientist and Marxist

writer, J.B.S. Haldane, introduced the concept of renewablehydrogen in his paper Science and the Future by proposing that³there will be great power stations where during windy weather thesurplus power will be used for the electrolytic decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen.´

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1937 After ten successful trans-Atlantic flights from Germany to theUnited States, the Hindenburg, a dirigible inflated with hydrogengas, crashed upon landing in Lakewood, New Jersey. The mysteryof the crash was solved in 1997. A study concluded that the

explosion was not due to the hydrogen gas, but rather to a weather-related static electric discharge which ignited the airships silver-colored, canvas exterior covering which had been treated with thekey ingredients of solid rocket fuel.

1958 The United States formed the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA). NASAs space program currently usesthe most liquid hydrogen worldwide, primarily for rocket

 propulsion and as a fuel for fuel cells.

1959 Francis T. Bacon of Cambridge University in England built thefirst practical hydrogen-air fuel cell. The 5-kilowatt (kW) system

 powered a welding machine. He named his fuel cell design the³Bacon Cell.´ Later that year, Harry Karl Ihrig, an engineer for theAllis²Chalmers Manufacturing Company, demonstrated the firstfuel cell vehicle: a 20±horsepower tractor. Hydrogen fuel cells,

 based upon Francis T. Bacons design, have been used to generateon-board electricity, heat, and water for astronauts aboard thefamous Apollo spacecraft and all subsequent space shuttlemissions.

1970 Electrochemist John OM. Bockris coined the term ³hydrogeneconomy´ during a discussion at the General Motors (GM)Technical Center in Warren, Michigan. He later published Energy:the Solar-Hydrogen Alternative, describing his envisioned

hydrogen economy where cities in the United States could besupplied with energy derived from the sun.

1972 The 1972 Gremlin, modified by the University of California atLos Angeles, entered the 1972 Urban Vehicle Design Competitionand won first prize for the lowest tailpipe emissions. Students

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converted the Gremlins internal combustion engine to run onhydrogen supplied from an onboard tank.

1973 The OPEC oil embargo and the resulting supply shock suggested

that the era of cheap petroleum had ended and that the world needed

alternative fuels. The development of hydrogen fuel cells for 

conventional commercial applications began.

1974 National Science Foundation transfers the Federal Hydrogen R&DProgram to the U.S. Department of Energy. Professor T. NejatVeziroglu of the University of Miami, FL, organized The

Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy Conference (THEME), the firstinternational conference held to discuss hydrogen energy.Following the conference, the scientists and engineers whoattended the THEME conference formed the InternationalAssociation for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE).

1974 International Energy Agency (IEA) was established in response toglobal oil market disruptions. IEA activities included the research

and development of hydrogen energy technologies.

1988 The Soviet Union Tupolev Design Bureau successfully converteda 164-passenger TU-154 commercial jet to operate one of the jetsthree engines on liquid hydrogen. The maiden flight lasted 21minutes.

1989 The National Hydrogen Association (NHA) formed in the UnitedStates with ten members. Today, the NHA has nearly 100members, including representatives from the automobile andaerospace industries, federal, state, and local governments, andenergy providers. The International Organization for Standardizations Technical Committee for HydrogenTechnologies was also created.

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1990 The worlds first solar-powered hydrogen production plant atSolar-Wasserstoff-Bayern, a research and testing facility insouthern Germany, became operational. The U.S. Congress passedthe Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen, Research, Development and

Demonstration Act (PL 101-566), which prescribed theformulation of a 5-year management and implementation plan for hydrogen research and development in the United States.

The Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel (HTAP) was mandated by theMatsunaga Act to ensure consultation on and coordination of hydrogen research. Work on a methanol-fueled 10-kilowatt (kW)Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell began through a

 partnership including GM, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the

Dow Chemical Company, and Canadian fuel cell developer,Ballard Power Systems.

1994 Daimler Benz demonstrated its first NECAR I (New ElectricCAR) fuel cell vehicle at a press conference in Ulm, Germany.

1997 Retired NASA engineer, Addison Bain, challenged the belief thathydrogen caused the Hindenburg accident. The hydrogen, Bain

demonstrated, did not cause the catastrophic fire but rather thecombination of static electricity and highly flammable material onthe skin of the airship. German car manufacturer Daimler-Benzand Ballard Power Systems announced a $300-million researchcollaboration on hydrogen fuel cells for transportation.

1998 Iceland unveiled a plan to create the first hydrogen economy by2030 with Daimler-Benz and Ballard Power Systems.

1999 The Royal Dutch/Shell Company committed to a hydrogen future by forming a hydrogen division. Europes first hydrogen fuelingstations were opened in the German cities of Hamburg andMunich.

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A consortium of Icelandic institutions, headed by the financialgroup New Business Venture Fund, partnered with RoyalDutch/Shell Group, DaimlerChrysler (a merger of Daimer Benzand Chrysler), and Norsk Hydro to form the Icelandic Hydrogen

and Fuel Cell Company, Ltd. to further the hydrogen economy inIceland.

2000 Ballard Power Systems presented the worlds first production-ready PEM fuel cell for automotive applications at the DetroitAuto Show.

2003 President George W. Bush announced in his 2003 State of the

Union Address a $1.2 billion hydrogen fuel initiative to developthe technology for commercially viable hydrogen-powered fuelcells, such that ³the first car driven by a child born today could be

 powered by fuel cells.´

2004 U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced over $350-million devoted to hydrogen research and vehicle demonstration

 projects. This appropriation represented nearly one-third of President Bushs $1.2 billion commitment to research inhydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The funding encompassesover 30 lead organizations and more than 100 partners selectedthrough a competitive review process.

2004 The worlds first fuel cell-powered submarine undergoesdeepwater trials (Germany navy).

2005 Twenty-three states in the U.S. have hydrogen initiatives in place.

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P rinciple of Hydrogen fuel cell:- 

In principle, a fuel cell operates like a battery. Unlike a battery, a fuelcell does not run down or require recharging. It will produce energy inthe form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied.

A fuel cell consists of two electrodes sandwiched around an electrolyte.Oxygen passes over one electrode and hydrogen over the other,generating electricity, water and heat.

Hydrogen fuel is fed into the "anode" of the fuel cell. Oxygen (or air)enters the fuel cell through the cathode. Encouraged by a catalyst, thehydrogen atom splits into a proton and an electron, which take different

 paths to the cathode. The proton passes through the electrolyte. Theelectrons create a separate current that can be utilized before they return

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to the cathode, to be reunited with the hydrogen and oxygen in amolecule of water.

A fuel cell system which includes a "fuel reformer" can utilize the

hydrogen from any hydrocarbon fuel - from natural gas to methanol, andeven gasoline. Since the fuel cell relies on chemistry and notcombustion, emissions from this type of a system would still be muchsmaller than emissions from the cleanest fuel combustion processes.

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M Page, C Kelly, A Bristow, ITS, University of Leeds, UK 

Paper Abstr ac t 

This paper reports the results from a project funded by the Tyndall Centre for 

Climate Change Research exploring the Hydrogen Energy Economy and its long-term role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper focuses on fuel

consumption from the transport sector to 2050, which is directly related to carbondioxide emissions. The transport sector accounts for approximately 26% of carbondioxide emissions in the UK and it is the only sector where emissions areincreasing. It is becoming ever more important to develop strategies towardsreducing emissions from transport in order to move towards the deep cuts inemissions of 60% by 2050 that are increasingly recognised to be necessary. The

development of a hydrogen energy economy has been proposed as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which will involve the development andwidespread adoption of hydrogen as a fuel. This paper explores the degree to

which hydrogen powered vehicles could play a major role in the UK transportsector and the potential impact on carbon dioxide emissions under a range of futurescenarios to 2050.

There are three key innovative features of this research:

The development of a UK transport model incorporating all motorised modes to be

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used to estimate the amounts of different types of fuel consumed by the UK transport industry up to 2050 and the resulting emissions.The use of scenarios to determine potential pathways to 2050 using the UK transport model, a consideration of the practicality of the scenarios, and the

 potential impact of hydrogen in each.A drawing out of the policy implications, looking at the feasibility of the pathwaysand developments and decision points along them.

The UK transport model was designed to be quick and easy to use so as to allowthe use of an iterative procedure to develop the pathways for testing the differentscenarios. It is based around the four main energy consuming transport modes:road, rail, air and water. The model uses readily accessible and relatively aggregatedata sources so as to speed construction and use and is conceptually relativelysimple, though maintaining enough functionality to allow the different particular features of the scenarios to be represented.

For rail, air and water sectors, the required inputs are the levels of different typesof activity (by different vehicle types) for all the years up to 2050. These werecombined with fuel consumption factors to predict total fuel consumed (by fuel type) for 

every year up to 2050. The road sector is the major source of emissions and so a moresophisticated approach was used. This involved basic modelling of the vehicle fleet (stock turnover for a wide variety of different vehicle types) and the use of sophisticated fuelconsumption equations that take into account vehicle speeds on three different road types.Simplified input procedures allow the model to be run in a few seconds (once the relativelysimple input data has been prepared).

In developing the potential pathways to 2050 the extent to which hydrogen powered vehiclesmight be adopted was considered and the scenarios vary in terms of when and how widelyhydrogen powered vehicles might penetrate the transport sector. The scenarios used have beenwidely adopted for forecasting purposes and represent four possible directions of developmentup to 2050. They are defined around two different dimensions for possible future development,values (which can tend towards either consumerism or community) and governance(regionalisation or globalisation). Divergent development in these two dimensions produces four qualitatively different future scenarios. These comprise: world markets, global sustainability, provincial enterprise and local stewardship. In addition to these scenarios a ³best guess¶ forecastwas also created based on extensions of existing forecasts. A wide range of possible levels of hydrogen in transport emerge as probable under different scenarios, from 5% in world markets toa near total market share under global sustainability.

The model development stage has been completed and the ³best guess¶ scenario runs undertaken.Despite the complex nature of the road model¶s calculations of fuel consumed it actually produces figures for total fuel consumed which agree fairly closely with the known consumptionof petrol and diesel fuel in the road transport sector for 2002 (about 5-7% difference). Anoptimistic ³best guess¶ assumes that the voluntary agreement with car manufacturers delivers a

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25% reduction in emissions from new vehicles by 2008 (from 1995) and that a further agreementis reached for an additional 30% reduction by 2020. The forecast under this scenario suggeststhat consumption of petrol will fall over the next 25 years and then increases as traffic growthoutweighs earlier efficiency gains. Consumption of diesel rises over the entire period because of growth in heavy goods vehicle traffic coupled with the fact that no significant improvement in

individual HGV fuel consumption was assumed.

Detailed assumptions based on the other four scenarios have been developed which are beingused to provide the quantitative data inputs necessary for the UK transport model from the year 2003 to 2050. These will then be used iteratively to see if they could be made to match the totalenergy and hydrogen consumption estimates for 2050. The results from the model runs of thevarious scenarios will be discussed at a key stakeholder meeting in March 2004. The final reportof the project will be submitted in April 2004. The results from the ³best guess¶ and the other scenario runs will be reported and will give an insight into the practicality of the different pathways and the nature and chronology of developments crucial to the endpoints in order toinform the policy debate.


The first car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen and pollution-free,´declared former US president George W. Bush in 2003, as he announced a US$1.2-billionhydrogen-fuel initiative to develop commercial fuel-cell vehicles by 2020. The idea wasappealing. Ties to foreign oil fields would be severed, and nothing but water vapour wouldemerge from such a vehicle¶s exhaust pipe. Congress duly approved the money, and theDepartment of Energy and other research agencies got to work. But then the whole effort faded

into obscurity, as attention shifted first to biofuels and then to battery-powered electric vehicles.Both seemed to offer much quicker and cheaper routes to low-carbon transportation. The shiftseemed complete when the US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu entered office last year. Chuoutlined four primary pitfalls with the hydrogen initiative. Car manufacturers still needed a fuelcell that was sturdy, durable and cheap, as well as a way to store enough hydrogen on board toallow for longdistance travel. Hydrogen also required a new distribution infrastructure, and eventhen the greenhouse-gas benefits would be marginal until someone worked out a cost-effectiveway to make hydrogen from low-carbon energy sources rather than natural gas. Last May, four months after being sworn in, Chu announced that the government would cut research into fuel-cell vehicles in his first Department of Energy budget. Biofuels and batteries, he said, are ³amuch better place to put our money´.

The move came as a relief to the many critics of hydrogenvehicles, including some environmentalists who had come to see Bush¶s hydrogen initiative as acynical ploy to maintain the petrol-based status quo by focusing on an unattainable technology.But the budget proposal served only to energize the supporters of hydrogen vehicles, and it became clear during subsequent months that the debate was far from over. The same car manufacturers who were investing so heavily in biofuels and batteries felt that hydrogen fuelcells had a long-term potential that they could not afford to ignore. The hydrogen lobby was so

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effective that Congress eventually voted to override Chu and restore the money. Then on 9September in Stuttgart, Germany, nine major car manufacturers ² Daimler, Ford, GeneralMotors, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Renault, Nissan and Toyota ² signed a joint statementsuggesting that fuel-cell vehicles could hit dealerships by 2015. In a coordinated announcementthe next day in Berlin, a group of energy companies including Shell and the Swedish firm

Vattenfall joined Daimler in an agreement to begin setting up the necessary hydrogeninfrastructure in Germany. This push for rapid deployment has left many people shaking their heads. ³I just don¶t see it,´ says Don Hillebrand, director of the Center for TransportationResearch at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. ³It doesn¶t make sense.´ Yet the proponents of hydrogen vehicles are brimming with confidence. ³This memorandum of understanding marks the will of the industry to move forward,´ says Klaus Bonhoff, who headsthe National Organisation for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW), a Berlin-basedorganization created by the German government in 2008 to spearhead that country¶s hydrogen programme. Here  N ature assesses the four major challenges facing hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles,and finds that both sides have a point: some of the challenges are close to being met ² butothers have a long way to go.

On-board storageIn June 2009, Toyota engineers and US government monitors hopped into a pair of fuel-cellHighlanders at the company¶s US headquarters in Torrance and took a 533-kilometre roundtrip through real-world traffic ² without refuelling. Calculations suggest that the vehicles¶ performances corresponded to a range of 693 kilometres on a single tank of hydrogen,which is on a par with the range of current petrol vehicles. Ten years ago, this feat also wouldhave seemed daunting. Gaseous hydrogen is easy enough to store in a tank. But getting enoughof it on board would require either a ridiculously large tank that would eliminate spacefor people, groceries and camping gear, or an exceptionally strong tank that could safely storecompressed hydrogen gas at hundreds of times atmospheric pressure. Liquid hydrogen is muchdenser, but it would have to be maintained in an insulated tank at í253 °C, which would add to avehicle¶s weight, complexity and expense. In the end, the comparative simplicity of compressedhydrogen won out. Most companies have chosen to use modern carbon-fibre tanks, which canstore hydrogen at up to 680 atmospheres, while still being relatively lightweight. To improverange further, many companies are also equipping their vehicles with the same µregenerative braking¶ technology that allows hybrid petrol and electric cars and all-electric cars to captureenergy during braking, store it in auxiliary batteries, and reuse it for later acceleration.Indeed, because hydrogen and battery powered vehicles both use electric motors, they sharemany technologies. The only real difference is the power source: fuel cells versus batteries. Scottsays that electric vehicles based on the lithium-ion battery chemistry are unlikely to get beyondarrange of 150±250 kilometres on a single charge. And although that may be enough to cover urban driving, consumers like having the option to drive cross-country. So in the shift away from

 petrol, the hydrogen vehicle¶s greater range could give it an edge in the long term.

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