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Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise to Power Napoleon’s actions increase the spread of nationalism- a sense of identity and unity as a people.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise to Power

Feb 24, 2016




Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise to Power. Napoleon’s actions increase the spread of nationalism- a sense of identity and unity as a people. Why is the government of France weak following the Reign of Terror?. I. Napoleon Seizes Power. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rise to Power

Napoleon’s actions increase the spread of nationalism- a sense of

identity and unity as a people.

Page 2: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

Why is the government of France weak following the Reign of Terror?

Page 3: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

I. Napoleon Seizes Power

• Napoleon gained attention in 1795 when he put down a pro-royalist coup in Paris and was promoted to Major General in the Army

• Between 1796 and 1797, Napoleon re-organized the French army and went on to win several great victories over the Austrians and Italians.

• Between 1798 and 1799 Napoleon’s plans to attack the British but is defeated by Admiral Horatio Nelson of the British Navy.

• Napoleon returned to Paris in August 1799, and with the help of his supporters, seized control of France in the ‘coup d’état’.

• Following the Coup, a new constitution was introduced, and Napoleon was made First Consul of France.

• A group of three consuls- The Consulate- replaced the Directory as the government of France.

Page 4: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

II. Emperor Napoleon

A. Napoleon crowns himself• Napoleon submits a plebiscite- a question to the voter “Did they want

to declare France an empire?” Yes.• Napoleon crowns himself Emperor Napoleon I in front of Pope Pius VII

in 1804B. Napoleonic Wars

• Napoleon wants to rule Europe and extend that to the Americas- Louisiana, Florida, present-day Haiti—a rebellion in Haiti ends this hope

• To conquer Europe Napoleon begins the Napoleonic Wars lasting until 1815.

• Great Britain remains France’s strongest enemy- and Napoleon hopes to defeat Admiral Nelson

• Nelson is able to defeat a combined French and Spanish navy in the Battle of Trafalgar

• Napoleon defeats Russian and Austrian troops at the Battle of Austerlitz

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Emperor Napoleon –Cont.C. Napoleon Dominates Europe

• To weaken Great Britain Napoleon calls for the Continental System or blockade of Britain.

• Portugal does not comply - Napoleon sends troops to Portugal conquering Spain as well and places his brother Joseph on the throne.

• Spain revolts in 1808 with the aid of Britain- Napoleon is able to suppress the revolts temporarily before pulling troops out of Spain

• Through treaties, alliances, victories in battle, Napoleon is able to control most of Europe.

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Page 7: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

III. Napoleon’s PoliciesA. Reform of Church-State Relations• French Revolution had been anti-religion• Napoleon signs the Concordat recognizing the influence of the

Roman Catholic Church, but not making the national religion.B. Economic Reforms• Bank of France- regulates the economy• Efficient tax collectionC. Legal and Educational Reforms• Napoleonic Code- made uniform laws across the nation• Order and authority over individual rights

– Ex. Freedom of the press is restricted– Ex. Code only applied to male citizens

• Did the French Revolution achieve its goals?

Page 8: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

For Each Image take notes on the following:

The setting Napoleon’s actions in the painting

Any items in the painting with symbolic meaning

Page 9: Napoleon Bonaparte’s  Rise  to Power

•The setting •Napoleon’s actions in the painting •Any items in the painting with symbolic meaning

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•The setting •Napoleon’s actions in the painting •Any items in the painting with symbolic meaning

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•The setting •Napoleon’s actions in the painting •Any items in the painting with symbolic meaning

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•The setting •Napoleon’s actions in the painting •Any items in the painting with symbolic meaning