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NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory July 1794 Robespierre executed Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Jan 19, 2016



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Page 1: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.


Page 2: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory

July 1794 Robespierre executed

Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the government- “red” terror of the Committee of Public Safety- “White” terror of reaction

Restrictive Jacobin measures were repealed- a new era of “licentious living”

Page 3: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory

1795 Constitution- right to vote- only wealthy property owners- executive function of the government- 5 Directors (Directory)

Many peasants and poor turned back to the Catholic church

War dragged on, finances unraveled even further, brigands terrorized the countrysides

Enemies of the Directory from the left (Jacobins) and the Right (Royalists)- Royalist uprising Vendamiaire 1795

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“whiff of grapeshot”

Page 5: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Rise of Napoleon

The situation was ripe for a strongman- order at home and peace abroad

1769 Corsica (French but was Genoese a few months earlier)- poor, but well known family

French military school- mathematics- at 16 became a second lieutenant

Napoleon had shown resentment toward the aristocracy (blocking his way) and in 1789 sided with the revolutionaries

1793 recaptured Toulon from the British, and then the whiff of Grapeshot

Page 6: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Rise of Napoleon

Secured command of the French army in Italy (see proclamation)

1797 Treaty of Campo Formio with Austria- 2 years later ruled all of Italy (reputation)

British fear- Egypt- 1798 French fleet destroyed by Nelson- Napoleon returns to France (with some nice artifacts)

Page 7: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Coup d-etat

The Egyptian expedition prompted Britain, Austria and Russia to join forces (Coalition)

The disaster within the country and the fear from without left the government in a dire situation

Backroom scheming by a few members of the Directory- Napoleon could be a unifying and stabilizing figurehead for a short period of time

18 Brumaire Coup d’etat- Napoleon quickly maneuvers, gets a short and obscure constitution drawn up0 and accepted- he then holds a national plebiscite

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Napoleon Consolidates Control

“people believed quite sincerely that Bonaparte…would save us from the perils of anarchy”- overwhelming vote in favor of the constitution

Napoleon becomes First Consul and most governing power was in his hands- removed authority over the ministries of the government to his “prefects”

“Thus, at both the local and national levels, Napoleon ended meaningful democracy in France”

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British Perspective

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French Perspective

Page 11: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

Napoleon Consolidates Control

Welcomed old Regime officials as well as moderate Jacobins into his service- ended serfdom and all feudal privileges and approved all transfers of property from the Revolution (peasantry very happy)

Welcomed back all of the reactionary aristocrats, patronized science and the arts (enlightened people very happy)

Created the Legion of Honor for those who displayed loyalty and great achievements (close to 100 Canadians have won this)

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The Concordat

Keenly aware of the Political and Social importance of religion- “excellent stuff for keeping the common people quiet”

The 1801 Concordat- Peace with the Pope- Catholicism the official religion but ensured freedom of religion

Clergy were paid by the state and swore an oath of allegiance to the state

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Reforming France

Authoritarian rule mixed with Progress and Reform- odd mix

Napoleonic Code 1804- affirmed enlightenment legal reforms (forbade strikes, made women property of men, but it was progressive in many other ways)

Established the Bank of France- issue money and handle all government funds, invested in public works, supported industry and established a price control system, created a system of public schools for all (civics) and rewarded scientists, mathematicians, chemists etc…

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The Empire

1800 crushed Austrian Forces by crossing the ALPS!!!

Made Peace with Russia and persuaded Britain to sign the Peace of Amiens in 1802

5 years- Law and order secured at home, created peace abroad, French morale was very high, state was now centralized and paternalistic- reason, authority and science

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Page 16: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.

The Empire- 2 Problems

1. Napoleon’s drive- proclaimed himself as Emperor in 1804, public propaganda campaign and created a dynasty- elevated family members to noble status

Divorced Josephine and then married an Austrian princess, Marie-Louise- stronger legitimate imagery

2. All his power stemmed from his military might and prowess- “My domination will not survive the day when I cease to be strong and therefore feared”

“Conquest has made me what I am, only conquest can maintain me”

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Trafalgar 1805- British destruction of Napoleon’s combined French and Spanish Fleet (Nelson dies)

Napoleon turned to mainland Europe- Austerlitz 1805 vs. Austria, Prussia and Russia- Treaty of Tilsit 1807

What to do with Britain- The Continental System

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Page 19: NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Reaction: “White Terror” and the Directory  July 1794 Robespierre executed  Propertied bourgeoisie quickly gained control of the.


Abolished the Holy Roman Empire German States united as the Confederation of the

Rhine under his command Holland and Italy unified and under French rule Spain was a dependent state Austria, Russia and a smaller Prussia were reluctant

allies Only active opponent in Britain

Applied Napoleonic laws everywhere, abolished serfdom (except in Russia), required heavy taxes and conscription (Italy)