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Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048 Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15 NS190 – Research Paper Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive methods A discussion on the use of coherent diffraction of X-rays in the observation of bulk heterojunctions Jordi Antoja Lleonart (S2820048) Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Cohort 2014-2016 Supervisor: Ra'anan Tobey

Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive methodsJordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048 Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15 NS190 – Research Paper Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive

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Page 1: Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive methodsJordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048 Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15 NS190 – Research Paper Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive

Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15

NS190 – Research Paper

Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive methods

A discussion on the use of coherent diffraction of X-rays in the observationof bulk heterojunctions

Jordi Antoja Lleonart (S2820048)Top Master Programme in Nanoscience

Cohort 2014-2016Supervisor: Ra'anan Tobey

Page 2: Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive methodsJordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048 Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15 NS190 – Research Paper Nanoscale imaging: TXM and diffractive

Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15


In this paper, the issue of imaging the active layer of organic solar cells is presented. Afterwards, a briefintroduction is made on electron microscopy, which is a current, routine method for direct nanoscaleimaging. X-ray microscopy is then used as a vehicle to quickly introduce some important concepts in thefield, such as coherence, generation, and focussing of X-rays. Then, after a reminder of basic X-raydiffraction, potential alternatives to electron microscopy are presented, starting with holography-basedmethods, along with some of their representative experimental results. Once their advantages and limitationshave been exposed, the more involved iterative phase retrieval methods are introduced, and their strongpoints are highlighted. After reviewing some more practical cases, the specific case of ptychography isdescribed in more detail. The general algorithm is explained, and a few practical uses are listed. In theconclusions the main features of each diffractive method are summarised, and the procedure with the mostpotential is chosen.

List of Contents

- Introduction- Prelude: Electron microscopy- I: Transmission X-ray microscopies

· Overview· Coherence of X-rays· Machinery - Production, control and detection of X-rays:

- II: XR Diffraction in general- III: Coherent diffractive methods

· Holography· FTH in practice· Iterative phase retrieval· Practical cases of phase retrieval· Imaging of extended samples

- Conclusions- Reference list

Common abbreviations

AC: AutocorrelationBHJ: Bulk heterojunctionCDI: Coherent diffractive imagingEDX: Energy dispersive X-ray (analysis)EELS: Electron energy loss spectroscopyFEL: Free electron laserFT: Fourier transformFTH: Fourier transform holographyFZP: Fresnel zone plateOPV: Organic photovoltaicsSEM: Scanning electron microscopeSNR: Signal-to-noise ratio(S)TEM: (Scanning) Transmission electron microscope(S)TXM: (Scanning) Transmission X-ray microscopeURA: Uniformly redundant arrayXR: X-rays


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Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15


X-Ray (XR) diffraction nowadays is extensivelyknown as a tool for the imaging of crystallinesamples, and so the imaging of non-periodic objectsis usually assumed to be out of its reach. In thispaper, an attempt will be made to disprove thisassumption.

The use of XR diffraction on periodic systems hasbeen extensively studied, as have been relatedtechniques, such as XR-reflectivity. On the otherhand, XR coherent diffractive imaging for non-periodic samples is less well-known. This is not tosay that it is not already being used. The mostfamous current example is the work by Chapman onproteins which are difficult to crystallize. This paperwill go through this case and many others.

What may be even more shocking is that diffractiveimaging has been around for quite some time now. Itwas actually several decades ago that Fienupdemonstrated a way to get around thecrystallographic phase problemi for complex-valuedobjects, and there has been steady progress in thefield from then on.

Nowadays, there are several techniques that makeuse of coherent XR to obtain real-space images of awide variety of objects. Some of the mostrepresentative will be discussed here, the first onebeing XR holography and, more conveniently,Fourier Transform (FT) XR holography (visible lightFT holography was shown to work back in thesixtiesii).

The second one, which carries a heaviercomputational load, is generally referred to asiterative phase retrieval; a myriad of differentalgorithms and experimental setups exist in thiscontext, and some of them will be reviewed. Then,the discussion will move on to the imaging ofextended samples, which is not as trivial as onewould initially think.

It is important to keep in mind that there already arewell-known, routinely used techniques in the field ofnanoscale imaging which do not rely on XR to work.These include a wide variety of scanning probemicroscopies (which will not be discussed here) andelectron microscopy.

Thus, it is also important to judge if the abovementioned XR methods are actually better than the

existing alternatives. To do that, the discussion willbe driven by the need to obtain good-resolutionimages of a specific sample type: the bulkheterojunction (BHJ) in organic photovoltaic (OPV)devices.

The area of OPV works towards new cell designsthat use cheap, light and easily processible materials,partly striving to reduce their initial costs. The basedesign for some of the devices with the largestefficienciesiii consists, in short, of a 100 to 200 nm-thick heterojunction between two electrodes, one ofwhich is usually transparent. The BHJ is composedof a mixture of donor and acceptor materials, whichare usually a conjugated polymer and a fullerenederivative, respectively.

The nature of the heterojunction is responsible for agreat part of the overall device performanceiv. It hasbeen determined that, because of the excitons'limited lifetime, only the regions within a limiteddistance of the donor-acceptor interface willcontribute to the current generation. This distance isassumed to be of the order of the exciton diffusionlength, or a few nanometers. A design has to bechosen that maximizes the area of this interface, andthis goes through obtaining domain sizes below the10nm mark.

Imaging at resolutions of a few nm is not unusual forelectron microscopy. This approach, though, facesseveral limitations when attempting to imageorganic, thick and/or hydrated specimens. In thiscontext, it will be seen that XR can work with suchsamples. This paper starts by discussing the XRanalogs of TEM and STEM (regular and ScanningTransmission Electron Microscopes, respectively),which nevertheless show very good resolution on


Figure 1: Side view of some BHJ types in Ref. 4. Ina) the donor and acceptor are intimately blended,whereas in b) they are clearly separated. c)illustrates a design with large interfacial area (notethat the domain size is close to the exciton diffusionlength). d) shows what a real BHJ may look like.

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Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15

test objectsv, and then moves on to the lessstraightforward areas of holography, coherentdiffractive imaging (CDI) and ptychography.

Prelude: Electron Microscopy:

One of the motivations for using electron overvisible light microscopes is the extremely lowerdiffraction limit that accelerated elecrons have. Wemay first have a look at the equation for the Rayleighcriterion, which sets this very fundamental limit tothe resolution of conventional radiation-basedmicroscopies.

Thus, assuming that everything else works perfectly,the diffraction limit is reached, and the smallestdetail that can be resolved according to the Rayleighcriterion is usually of the order of the wavelengthbeing used. Thus, according to the wave-particleduality of electrons, it can be worked out that anelectron accelerated at 100 kV has a de Brogliewavelength of about 3.70 pm, which sets diffraction-limited resolution potentially below typicalinteratomic distances in a solid. For comparison,visible light has wavelengths in the 390 to 700 nmrange.

In practice, some impressive sub-nm resolutionshave been achieved in TEM and STEM. In STEM,this may be used in conjunction with ElectronEnergy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS), EnergyDispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis or time-resolvedcathodoluminiscence to obtain detailed information

on the local properties at different positions in the(preferably inorganic) samplevi.

Furthermore, regular TEM has shown tomographycapabilities that allow 3D imaging of reasonably thinsamples. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope),which is usually limited to imaging surfacetopography, works in an analogous way whencombined with sample cutting by FIB (Focused IonBeam)vii.

In spite of all these strengths, electron microscopyhas some issues in the imaging of these organicsystems; due to the strong interaction of the electronswith matter, the images are limited to very thin, dryspecimens (or to their surface) and these techniquesusually involve heavy damage to the sample by theelectron beam. As a result, it can be argued that otherimaging methods would be welcome in the field.

I: Transmission X-Ray Microscopies:

· Overview:

An interesting alternative to electron microscopy,and one that circumvents many of its limitations, isXR transmission microscopy. A transmission XRmicroscope (TXM) functions in a way that is verymuch analogous to a regular TEM, in that it consistsof a (XR) source, a set of optics to focus the beamonto the sample and a module that records thetransmitted intensity downstream from the sampleholder. These microscopes will serve as a vehicle tointroduce some important concepts that will berelevant later on.

A valid question to ask is whether or not is there anyactual upside to using TXM rather than TEM orvisible light transmission. We should keep in mindthat soft XR radiation usually has wavelengths in therange of 2-4 nm, and hard XR have wavelengths ofthe order of a single Ångstrom. This means that,although the potential resolution for TXM andrelated techniques is much better than that of visible


Formula 1: One of the forms of the Rayleighcriterion, where r is the minimum separationnecessary to resolve two separate objects. α is thehalf-opening angle of the optics, and λ is thewavelength being used. Note that r=0.61λ is thelower resolution bound reached by maximizing theaperture angle.

r=0.61 ·λsinα

Figure 2: From Ref. 8, usual setup for the two main types of XR transmission microscopes. These geometriesare very similar to the ones used in diffractive methods later on.

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Jordi Antoja Lleonart S2820048Top Master Programme in Nanoscience Year 2014-15

light, it is not as extreme as that of TEM.

In spite of this fact, there are notable advantages tousing XR rather than electrons as well. The mainstrong point of TXM is the higher penetration depthof XR. TEM usually faces heavy challenges withsamples over 100 nm in thickness, whereas TXMcan handle imaging of several-microns-thickspecimens. Other advantages include lower sampledamage (except when very bright XR sources areused) and the ability to tune the XR energy. Thisway, it is possible to have it be somewhere betweenthe K absorption edges of carbon (290 eV) andoxygen (540 eV), for instance. This energy range isreferred to as the water window because the imagingso performed has strong (absorption and phase)contrast for organic materials, but very low contrastfor water, allowing the use of hydrated organic andbiological samples.

There are more examples of the versatility of XRtransmissionviii. Assuming that the energy of theincoming photons can be selected with a resolutionof about 0.2 eV (in EELS, the resolution can bebelow 0.1 eV, according to Ref. 6), it is possible toscan the beam energy while registering theabsorption. This results in so-calledspectromicroscopy, where different elements orcompounds have different signatures (absorption

spectra), and therefore, to some extent, compositionmaps of the sample can be obtainedix. Tomography(for 3D imaging) can be obtained by registeringseveral images of the sample at different angles, aslong as the extended exposure can be withstood.

· Coherence of X-raysx:

Before proceeding any further, some definitions needto be established about the general properties of anXR beam, namely transverse and longitudinal (alsorefered to, respectively, as spatial and temporal)coherence. These can be estimated by working outthe relevant coherence length values, as follows. Alarge enough value of these is crucial for diffractionexperiments.

Broadly speaking, these lengths define the volume ofa beam that oscillates at a reasonably constant phase.We can then see that this volume is larger, and socoherence is better when the beam is properlycollimated (i.e. has low divergence) andmonochromatic (so it has low wavelength spread).For instance, transverse coherence can be improvedby a proper choice of aperture, and longitudinalcoherence, with monochromators.

Coherence will become especially relevant in thecase of diffractive imaging, since not meeting certaincoherence values can result in loss of information.Although there is some freedom to it, it is generallyagreed that the transverse coherence should be overtwice the sample widthxi. This has to do with theconcept of oversampling, which will be dealt withlater, but for now it suffices to explain that the wavephase has to be maintained not just along the sample,but that of its autocorrelation function, which istwice as large. Analogously, the beam divergenceshould be below half of the diffraction angle; thereasoning behind it is very similar. Longitudinalcoherence requirements are more intuitive; it needsto be larger than the maximum optical pathdifference between any two points in the object.


Formula 2: Two out of the many forms of thecoherence lengths. λ is the radiation wavelength(mean) and δλ is the wavelength standard deviation.ε is the beam FWHM divergence, i.e. the angle thatrelates the beam diameter to the distance from itssource.

Λ t⩽λϵ Λ l=



Figure 3: From Ref. 9, absorption-contrastedSTXM images of a sample containingpolypropylene and a styrene-acrylonitrile (50%weight of each) copolymer. From A to D, theradiation energies used are 285.5, 286.2, 286.8 and287.9 eV. PP and the copolymer, respectively clearand dark in micrograph A, are clearly phaseseparated.

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· Machinery - Production, control and detectionof X-rays:

So to speak, the "handling" of XR is quite differentfrom that of regular, visible light in classicalmicroscopy. Beginning with the source of theradiation, there is a wide range of devices that maybe used to obtain a primary beam, depending on therequirements and the budget of the experiment. Thesimplest ones are vacuum tubes, which consist oftwo metal electrodes which are separated by avacuum. Applying a high voltage between themreleases electrons from the cathode, which areaccelerated towards the anode; when they strike it,they generate XR radiation through a variety ofelectron relaxation processes in the metal. Theirefficiency is rather small, and the emission spectrathat can be obtained are far from monochromatic,and so not very coherent.

Monochromaticity is a requirement for manyapplications of XR reported here. Therefore, quite abit of effort is usually put into modifying thespectrum of whatever source is being used so that itbecomes as narrow as possible. To do that, it is notunusual to place a filter (for instance, nickel orzirconium) in the way of the beam to take out theundesired frequencies. Another routinely usedmonochromator consists of a single crystal placed ata specific Bragg angle relative to the beam. Thisresults in the several wavelengths that compose thebeam to scatter in slightly different angles; using anarrow slit, a small range of them can be selected.However, using this kind of monochromatorsinvolves that the primary beam, i.e. the most intenseone, is lost, and only the diffracted, lower intensitybeam can be used.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce differentroutes to the generation of high-quality XR beams. Itshould be noted that most elements that modify thebeam in any way (filters, mirrors, zone plates, etc.)usually have intrinsically low efficiencies. This isusually enough for XR crystal diffraction, as in thesetechniques the intensity is concentrated at the Braggpeaks and the Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) is largeenough. In the case of CDI, it will be seen that thisdoes not happen and a bright, coherent source is


High-harmonic generation of XR deserves a specialmention here, as it can yield very coherent radiationin tabletop (i.e. low-scale) setups. However, its lowerbrightness means that prohibitively long exposuretimes are sometimes requiredxii. A more practical, ifexpensive, solution, is currently found in synchrotronfacilities and XR Free Electron Lasers (XFELs).

In summary, a synchrotron consists of a system invacuum where electrons go around a storage ring athigh speed. Initially are emitted from a pulsedsource and initially go through a linear accelerator.Then they are transferred to a booster ring, wherethey are accelerated before entering the storage ring;they circulate it in small packets, or bunches, andusually stay there for hours until they are lost (forinstance, upon impact with the ring's walls). Theelectrons' trajectory is controlled via externalmagnetic structures. These can be bending magnets,which help the beam change direction, or wigglersand undulators, which make it oscillateperpendicularly to its propagation direction. In anycase, the electrons going through these structuresemit electromagnetic radiation. Ultimately, withproper control, coherent radiation of a widefrequency range, as well as different polarizations,can be achieved.

A more recent type of structure is the Free ElectronLaser (FEL). This resembles an elongated linearaccelerator with a long undulator section at the end.Without going too much into detail, this increasedlength results in the emitted radiation on the backside of a bunch stimulating further emission at thesame frequency down the line. This is known asSelf-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE), andit results in higher coherence and peak brightnessthat those from a regular synchrotron.

However one chooses to do it, once a sufficientlymonochromatic beam has been obtained, focusing itis the next challenge. For visible optics, regularlenses work properly. However, because XR interactweakly with them, a different paradigm is required.In this context, the most extensively used alternativeare Fresnel Zone Plates (FZP). They consist of aseries of concentric rings (called zones) ofappropriate thickness and spacing, which decreaseaway from the center, sometimes including a centralbeam stop to take away the unwanted, nonfocusedprimary beam. When about a hundred zones arepresent, a FZP behaves like a regular lens over a


Formula 3: Bragg's law. XR of different wavelengthswill have different reflection angles (Θ) for the samediffraction plane (hkl).

2· dhkl · sin(Θhkl)=n·λ

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wide energy range.

When such a construction is illuminated with, forinstance, XR plane waves perpendicular to the zoneplane, the waves are diffracted. This happens in sucha way that constructive interference occurs atspecific points of the optical axis. These points arereferred to as n-th order focal spots; for a theoreticalFZP with a realistic geometry it was calculatedxiii thatbetween 10% and 20% of the incident light wouldactually be focused in the first order spot, withincreasingly smaller amounts being focused in thehigher order spots, and the rest of it being wasted.This diffraction efficiency actually depends mostlyon the material the zones are made of. Moreover, it ishigher if the zones are not opaque, but introduce aphase shift in the radiation instead. In any case, witha source of enough brilliance efficiency is less of anissue. This brings up the real challenge for FZP usein high-resolution techniques, such as STXM.

That is, the need to fabricate zones as thick andnarrow as possible. The thickness ensures betterefficiency and, as shown in Formula 4, this is neededto improve the FZP resolution. Indeed, clevernanopatterning techniques(REF Weilun Chao)v,xiv

have succeeded in generating zones with thesegeometries, but the diffraction limit still seems to beout of reach. It will be seen later that zone widthdoes not set a resolution limit for CDI andptychography.

The last element worth mentioning at this stage is thedetector itself. Just as optical microscopes usuallyresort to cameras to record images, in XRmicroscopy and related techniques a widely useddetector type is the CCD (Charge-Coupled Device).This kind of detector roughly consists of a 2D arrayof individual MOS capacitors, such that when aphoton strikes any of them, charge photogenerationoccurs with some probability. These charges can thenbe transferred outwards, and read as an outputvoltage, which can in turn be eventually convertedinto a histogram of photon counts per pixel. This isusually interpreted as the image itself. Note that, as

described, this image will not containstraightforward information about the photons'wavelengths. When it is not necessary to detectintensities over a whole area simultaneously, asimpler point detector may be used.

II: XR Diffraction in general:

A comprehensive introduction to XR physics can befound in Elements of Modern X-ray Physicsxv. Herewe will summarize just a few concepts relevant todiffractive imaging. Starting with some formulae, fora nonperiodic distribution of atoms we can define astructure factor such as:

In the far field region, the intensity that will bescattered by this atomic distribution at an angle Θ0

(and therefore wavevector transfer Q0) isproportional to F*(Q0)·F(Q0). Now, due to thereasonably weak interaction of XR with matter, thediffracted beams are usually considered as smallperturbations of the primary, intense beam. This isknown as the kinematical approximation, and it isjustified by the experimental observation that,indeed, the diffracted intensities are much lower thanthe nondiffracted one. These low intensities pose aproblem for recording diffraction patterns innonperiodic systems. Classically, this problem hasbeen solved by building periodic arrays (crystals) ofthe systems at hand. If this can be achieved, we canwrite:

Where the new term is called lattice sum. Now, thefirst sum runs over all the atoms in a unit cell, andthe second sum runs over all unit cells in the crystal.Thus, we see that, as a consequence of theperiodicity in the system, the scattered waves from a


Formula 5: Structure factor for a finite atomdistribution. In the formula, Q is the wavevectortransfer in reciprocal space; Θ is the diffractionangle and λ is the radiation wavelength. For eachatom in the system, rj is the position in real space,and fj is the form factor. At Q=0, fj equals thenumber of electrons in atom j.


f j(Q⃗) · ei Q⃗ r⃗ j where Q⃗=4π sin (Θ)


Formula 6: Equation for a periodic distribution ofatoms. Rk is the position of each unit cell of thecrystal.


f j(Q⃗) · ei Q⃗ r⃗ j ·∑k

ei Q⃗ R⃗k

Formula 4: From Ref. 5, formula for the smallestresolution that can be achieved at the first orderfocal spot with a FZP. kl is an experiment-dependentconstant, NAZP is the numerical aperture of the FZPand Δr is the width of the outermost zone.

r=k l ·λ

NAZP or, if spherical aberration is low r=2· k l·Δ r

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huge number of unit cells may constructivelyinterfere at some special Q vectors. Thesecorrespond to Bragg angles (see Formula 3) andresult in intensity peaks in a diffraction pattern.Close to (and at) these peaks, the SNR is largeenough to be measured easily in a regular lab.

At any rate, if the F(Q) values could be obtained forseveral diffraction angles, it would in principle bepossible to build a nonlinear equation system usingFormula 5; for an N-atom system, there would be 3Nunknowns (that is, their coordinates in direct space),so merely obtaining F for 3N different Q should leadto a unique solution. However, the so-called phaseproblem needs to be solved. This problem stemsfrom the fact that F is a complex number, whereasthe measured diffracted intensities are real numbersproportional, as explained above, to the the squaredmodulus of F. Therefore, its phase is lost in themeasurement; several strategies have been developedin order to get around this problem.

In crystalline systems, the solution to the phaseproblem usually involves the well-established use ofdirect methods for single crystals; other methods aremore suited when working with powder samplesxvi.However, there are objects of interest, such as sometypes of nuclear proteins, which cannot becrystallized. For these systems, a relatively recentapproach is the use of high brilliance sources such asthe ones described previously; in that approach, theprimary beam is very intense, and so are thediffracted beams, thus resulting in measurablediffracted intensities, even without resorting tolattice sums. The way these intensities are used willbe detailed later on.

As a small intermezzo, it is necessary to add that amajor consequence of using such an intense beam(i.e. large electric field) is that the sample usuallysuffers irreversible damage within very shortexposure times. The way this is sometimes handledin CDI is using very short pulses rather than acontinuous beam; if the pulse is shorter than thephotoionization timescales (tens of ps) this can leadto the measurement of a diffraction pattern before thesample is damaged.

Especially when using biological objects, freezingthe sample seems to be the method of choice inseveral XR microscopies. However, usingfemtosecond pulsesxvii has shown some of the bestresults in the area of CDI. Thus, the discussion onthe sample damage will be kept to a minimum by

assuming that either the beam intensity is not toolarge, or the pulses available are conveniently intenseand short; that is, many of the cases described fromnow on rely on either synchrotron or FEL radiationto work.

III: Coherent diffractive methods:

So far, we have discussed diffraction as it is used inthe field of structure determination. The absence ofBragg peaks in nonperiodic systems requires newapproaches to the phase problem. However, theexperimental setups are usually indistinguishablefrom the regular TXM geometry or, in later cases,STXM.

When dealing with a (nonperiodic) structure as largeas a normal BHJ, it is not reasonable to model it as acollection of atoms. Instead, the usual procedure is topicture the object under observation as a 2D array ofpixels. A density value (f) is assigned to each ofthem. It will be seen that, in some simple cases, thisvalue can be restricted to always be a real number,but in general it is complex.

· Holography:

The first, deceptively simple approach to the phaseproblem consists in not formally solving the phaseproblem at all, and instead using a clever trick toachieve a reasonable image of the sample. Here itmay be useful to introduce a small diagram that isusually well-known to crystallographers. Keep inmind that we work with object density (i.e. pixelvalue) but the scheme works similarly with electrondensity or, to be precise, the form factor.


Figure 4: (Composed from figures in Ref. 17) SEMimage of a structure carved into silicon nitride,before (left) and after (right) a 25fs FEL pulse.Around 4·1013 W/cm2 were deposited in the sampleduring that time. The dark square in the right imageshows the position where the structure was beforethe pulse, illustrating the damage sustained.

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It now becomes clear that the measured data can beFourier-transformed (FT) in order to obtain thePatterson function (more accurately, its modulus, butfor now we will stick to real-valued functions forsimplicity). This function can and has been used inthe past to solve the phase problem for crystals;peaks in P(r) correspond to interatomic spacings andhave height proportional to the product of the formfactor of the two atoms involved. Thus, if a crystalunit cell contains a heavy atom, P(r) will show sharppeaks and the Patterson method can yield goodresults. In our case, however, it has a different use.As it is the autocorrelation (AC, i.e. convolution withitself) of the object density, this function still carriesa good deal of information about the object.

This information can be accessed through a properexperimental setup and very little computationalcost. In fact, the first demonstrations of the techniquewere carried out in the late 1940s purely throughoptical means by Dennis Gabor, who would go on towin the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work inholography.

In general, if one performs the AC of a regularobject, the result cannot be easily traced back to theoriginal object. The main idea in holography is usinga reference wave to phase the diffracted waves fromthe object. In practice, this is commonly done byadding a hole in the same plane the object is in. Thisis equivalent to placing a second object, ideally nottoo close to the first one, and with a narrow and largedensity distribution. This can be illustrated with anexample in one dimension, as seen in Figure 6. It isnot difficult to imagine that this also works with 2Darrays of pixels.

As seen in the figure, the AC obtained from theregular object does not reveal much about theoriginal object. However, upon addition of thereference, new peaks appear. These contributionsstem from the correlation between the object itselfand the reference, which in this case resembles aDelta function. Close analysis reveals that thesepeaks are, in the ideal case, symmetry analogs of theoriginal object. It is intuitive that, as these featuresarise from cross-correlation, they will resemble theobject down to a resolution that is limited by thereference aperture size. This limit is notfundamental, and it has been seen that addingiterative phase retrieval (which will be introducedlater) to the procedure allows for resolutions even


Figure 5: A quick guide to the phase problem. Notethat Fourier transforms and reverse Fouriertransforms are used interchangeably.

Formula 7: AC general expression for a real-valued density function. If the density function iscomplex, the AC function may be complex as well.Note that, by construction, it will have its highestpeak at, and will be centrosymmetric around zeroshift (r=0).

AC ( r⃗ )=∫−∞


f ( x⃗) · f ( x⃗+ r⃗ )· d x⃗

Figure 6: Self-correlation in practice. To the left, original object and reference; to the right, AC function.Inset: close-up on the peaks that result from adding the reference.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 25000.00









Reference Object

0 1000 2000












With reference Without reference

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closer to the diffractive limit.

Thus, the real issue becomes obtaining the ACfunction through diffractive methods. If one shinesplane waves of some radiation into the object-reference construct, a lens (or a FZP) needs to beplaced downstream in order to produce the hologramout of the diffracted waves. Alternatively, if one canachieve diffracted spherical waves of the samesphericity (as shown in Ref. 2) that eliminates theneed for a lens. This is the case that shows the bestanalogy to the previous XRD scheme.

Then again, the hologram (which, in the end, is just adiffraction pattern) has to be Fourier-transformed inorder to yield the AC function. In the past, the platewith the hologram had to be placed in a separatebeam and FT was performed optically with a lens, asin Figure 7; the work by Baezxviii gives furtherinformation on that method. Nowadays the hologramis usually recorded in a CCD and the FT is carriedout computationally, which is relatively faster andless material-consuming. This is called FTH (FourierTransform Holography).

· FTH in practice:

Now that the principles of holography have been set,a number of more recent experimental results can bepresented. Domain imaging will be shortly discussed(albeit for magnetic samples). However, the first fewcases show some practical problems with FTH, andseveral attempts to solve them.

For instance, the work of Schlotter et al.xix addressesthe reference size dicotomy; on one hand, theresolution accessible through FTH is, as mentioned,strongly limited by the size of the reference aperture.On the other, if the aperture is too small, it will nottransmit enough intensity and the SNR on the ACfunction will be too low for imaging. The solutionfound by these researchers is to add several, properly

spaced, identical reference apertures around theobject. This generates several repetitions of theobject in the AC image, which can in turn besuperimposed to generate a higher SNR image (by{Number of apertures}1/2 following Poissonstatistics). This approach constitutes an elegantalternative to using higher primary intensities, and soreduces sample damage.

A similar experiment by Stadler et al. involved agold structure in the shape of the letter P insteadxx. Itwas noted that, due to a beam stop being used toblock the primary XR beam, intensities diffracted atlow spatial frequencies were lost, and the eventualAC function appeared distorted. On a separate note,it was demonstrated that the phase differences on theAC function could be used to provide a goodestimate for the object height (i.e. thickness), whichshowed agreement with AFM measurements.

Using spread out groups of pinholes still remains,however, an inefficient method. This is because, asmade obvious by Figure 8, they have to besufficiently spaced in order to avoid overlap in theAC image. A different approach involves fabricatinga FZP in place of a simple holexxi. This allows fineselection of the flux through the reference by carefulselection of zone sizes; likewise, the FZP's focallength and spot size (which is effectively thereference size) can be easily chosen. Admittedly, thefact that the reference beam is now focused needs tobe acounted for, and this requires a conceptuallymore complicated procedure overall.

In a different line Marchesini et al. proposed usingcoded aperturesxxii, which show promise for largeresolution and SNR. A coded aperture may bethought of as a complicated distribution of pinholes,but a very deliberate one. They initially found use in


Figure 8: (Composed from figures in Ref. 19) Left:SEM image of the sample. A letter F, as well as fivereference holes, have been carved with a FocusedIon Beam into a gold film. Right: FTHreconstruction; note the central symmetry.

Figure 7: From Ref. 2, setups for holographyexperiments. To the left, holography with a lens; theobject and the photographic plate are at the lens'focal planes. To the right, lensless holography.

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XR telescopes, where the spatial distribution ofmultiple XR sources could be determined from the"shadow" cast by such an aperture. Furtherdevelopment resulted in Uniformly RedundantArrays (URAs).

Other than that, they are used in the same way as asingle point reference; of course, the correlationbetween an object and the URA cannot be interpreted"by eye", but knowing the exact shape of the URAallows for image reconstruction, down to a resolutionwhich is usually limited by a characteristic size inthe array. That is, in turn, determined by the smallestfeature that can be achieved by nanolithography, andin particular Ref. 22 mentions URAs with around25nm feature sizes.

A more recent way to improve SNR is to useextended references instead of pinholes or pinholearrays. In favourable cases, if the shape of a largereference is known, or closely estimated, one maycomputationally recover the objectxxiii. This methodis, in fact, quite resilient, and tolerates someinaccuracy in the previous knowledge that one hasabout the reference aperture. The reconstruction

procedure itself is a bit more involved than the oneused for point references, and will not be discussedhere, but it appears to be flexible enough to workwith a wide range of apertures, including URAs.

Moving on from test objects, there is a particular,conceptually simpler case of FTH that deservesspecial attention. In the paper by Eisebitt et al.xxiv,circularly-polarized XR from a synchrotron sourceare used to image a magnetic multilayer Co/Ptcircular sample. The wavelength is set to the L3

absorption edge of Co, and a single reference hole iscarved via focused ion beam.

The results are nothing short of spectacular. Not onlycan the out-of-plane magnetic domains be mappeddown to a resolution of about 50nm, but the imageobtained is virtually identical to that recorded fromSTXM. Inverting the beam helicity also inverts theimage contrast, confirming that the magneticdomains are, in fact, what makes up the image.

It goes without saying that the method this paper is,debatably, still far from the idea of imaging organicdomains within a BHJ active layer. The reason it isbeing brought up here is that it conveys the messagethat, if a proper contrast mechanism can be realizedfor such a sample, FTH constitutes a reliable


Figure 9: (From Ref. 22) Top: a SEM image of theURA beside a Spiroplasma cell. For scale, thediameter of the holes is around 150nm, and the whitebar is 4μm in length. Bottom: reconstructed imageafter FTH and iterative phase retrieval. It is worthnoting that the hologram was measured after a single15fs pulse from the FLASH FEL in Hamburg, andthat this pulse destroyed both the array and thesample.

Figure 10: From Ref. 24, image of the two types ofmagnetic domains within the sample. The plot belowillustrates image contrast along the diameter of theSTXM (blue) and FTH (red) images, highlightingtheir similarity.

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approach to domain imaging.

As a closing note for FTH, it becomes clear that it isnot a method that can, at present time, solve the BHJimaging problem. It may initially be argued thatgood quality references, such as FZPs or URAs, takea good amount of work to build alongside the mask.This is especially troublesome if a FEL source is tobe used, as the whole construct will be destroyed inthe experiment. Thus, using these complicatedapertures is not the cheapest option for routineimaging.

It follows that its limitation, and a recurring theme atthis point, is that the more simple reference aperturesare not yet reaching sizes below those of a domain inan ideal BHJ. Thus, even though some authors stillpraise holography for its simplicity and good results,it is clear that the efforts described so far are still notuseful in the case at hand. Eventually, it becomesevident that holography alone is probably notenough for the routine imaging of samples such as aBHJ. This is why, in order to overcome theselimitations, one may resort to iterative phaseretrieval.

· Iterative phase retrieval:

Holography is not the only way one can determinethe shape of small objects through XR diffractionpatterns. Iterative phase retrieval, often referred tosimply as CDI, does not rely on the AC function toobtain details of the sample, but it uses a much morefundamental mechanism instead. This is somewhatadvantageous because, as mentioned, the resolutionof these methods will not be limited bynanofabrication capabilities anymore. Instead, theresolution will be determined by the experimentalsetup (camera size and position, etc.) down to thediffraction limit. Many of the main concepts relevantin CDI are detailed in Reference 1, and will now besummarized.

A good way to see how CDI works is to go over thestructure factor formula (Formula 5) again. It is easyto see that, for any Q value, F(Q) will be a sum of jterms, where j is the number of pixels in the object.For several wavevector transfers, Q1 to Qm, therewill, of course, also exist several structure factors,F(Q1) to F(Qm). This is not new, but it is nowpossible to envision this set of F(Q) values as asystem of equations; the unknowns in this system arethe f(x) values, of which there are precisely as manyas there are pixels in the object.

In the paper by Miao et al. (Ref. 25), the object wasapproximated, depending on dimensionality, as aline, square or cube with a side of N pixels. Thus, thenumber of pixels within the object will be N, N2 orN3, respectively, and the number of unknowns in thesystem will be 2N, 2N2 or 2N3 as the density in eachpixel has a real and imaginary part (or modulus andphase). Furthermore, they remarked that if the objectdensity is real-valued, the diffraction pattern will becentrosymmetric; this is known as Friedel's law, andone of its consequences is that the number ofunknowns will be lower (N, N2 and N3 respectively).In any case, it is obvious that one needs at the veryleast as many equations as unknown values onewishes to find, which results in a logical introductionof the concept of oversampling. That is, for acomplex 3D object with N pixels per side, one needsto record at least 2N3 values of F(Q). Forcomparison, in regular crystallography one wouldrecord F(Q) only at the Bragg peaks, which are halfas numerous per dimension; this means that such anobject would require measuring F(Q) at eight timesas many points in the non-periodic case as it wouldin the periodic one.

Of course, this is the bare minimum sampling thatone needs for the system to be solvable.Furthermore, one still needs to confront the fact thatF(Q) itself cannot be obtained from far-fielddiffraction patterns. One oft cited algorithm to solvethis issue was devised by Gerchberg and Saxton, andtaken further by J. R. Fienup (Ref. 1). We have seenthat, owing to the phase problem, the diffractionpattern alone cannot be used in a straightforwardway to obtain the density function of the object. Thisis why, in this algorithm, one needs to choose anempty region which does not scatter any radiation.This region is usually around the object or, in moretechnical terms, outside of the support.

In the simplest forms of the algorithm by Fienup, onestarts the procedure with some initial map of theobject density, f(r); that image may very well be theone resulting from a previous FTH procedure, or amicroscope observation.

The first step is to Fourier transform this density inorder to obtain the structure factor function (modulusand phase of F(Q)). Only its phase will be used lateron, so it is common to just start the process from arandom set of phases instead. If this is the case,usually the process is repeated from tens of differentinitial phase sets; obtaining similar results from all of


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them is regarded as a proof of consistency.

Either way, once the starting phases are obtained,they are paired with the structure factor moduli fromthe diffraction pattern. This yields a new F'(Q)function, which can in turn be Fourier transformedback and yield a new density function, f'(r). Thisfunction can then be used as the starting density forthe second iteration and so on. In the interest of fastconvergence, in the most basic procedures, all pointsoutside of the support have their starting densityreset to zero. This is the case of the so-called error-reduction algorithm. In the more complex hybridinput-output case , the starting density outside of thesupport includes a mix of the input and outputdensities from the previous iteration (see Formula 8).This is becomes more clear with Figure 11. In anycase, the steps are repeated until the output densityfunctions in two consecutive iterations are arbitrarilysimilar, in which case we say that convergence hasbeen achieved.

A great number of uses of this algorithm can befound in the literature. For instance, the work byMiao, Sayre and Chapman shows a direct, elegantapplication of the hybrid input-output casexxv, and soit will be reviewed a bit more extensively.

In order to satisfy the need for oversampling, theyaid their algorithm through the use of what they callinternal and external constraints. Conceptually, theseconstraints are just a way to feed the algorithm withinformation that could not otherwise be found within

the diffraction pattern data. This is not so differentfrom chemical composition or space groupinformation that is required by many crystallinestructure determination routines. The ultimate goal inboth cases is to ensure that the solution is unique andthat it can be found quickly.

The internal constraints are a delicate issue, becausethey rely on making very fundamental assumptionsabout the object. The most trivial of those is the so-called positivity constraint, where it is assumed thatthe object density is a real, positive number at alltimes. If one assumes this, the system becomesgreatly simplified. This constraint is not suitable ifone knows that the object density is complex-valued.However, even in that case, it is usually true thatboth the real and imaginary parts of the density arepositive, so one may impose this analogous complexpositivity constraint. This is the preferred one in theliterature.

The case of external constraints is a morestraightforward one; by choosing the region of spacethat constitutes the support, one then sets all thepixels outside of this region to have zero density.Thus, the number of unknowns in the F-systemdecreases dramatically.

In a nutshell, Miao and his colleagues define anoversampling ratio σ, between the number of totalpixels over unknown (i.e. nonzero) pixels. It isreasonable that for σ>2 the equation system mightstart to be determinate. A way to look at it is that, fora ratio of exactly 2, the number of unknowns in thesystem matches the number of equations in the bestcase scenario. In real cases, a ratio larger than 2 isneeded.

The ways all of these constraints are enforced arevery similar throughout the literature. A robustexample, which is used in Reference 25, involvessplitting the output density array into two sets ofpixels at the end of every iteration. Set S containspixels within the support whose current density valueobeys all internal constraints. The density of thesepixels is copied into the next input density arraywithout any changes. Set Sc contains all the otherpixels in the image. Because these pixels do notfulfill one or more of the constraints, they receive adifferent treatment, shown in Formula 8.


Figure 11: Overview of Fienup's original algorithm.The blue squares indicate the starting knowledgeabout the object, whereas the red square highlightsthe eventual result of the iterations.

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As a result of this treatment, the density of pixelsoutside the support will reportedly tend to vanishafter a number of iterations. Likewise, for non-positive pixels within the support, the imaginary partof the density will steadily become positive. Thus,the constraints are not necessarily met directly afterevery iteration, but in principle they will generally befulfilled by the end of the procedure.

· Practical cases of phase retrieval:

Now that the first approach to iterative phaseretrieval has been explained, it is time to see it inaction. As a disclaimer, it must be taken into accountthat, in the real world, diffraction patterns have noiseassociated to them, which means that the F-systemcannot, in general, be solved perfectly; a closesolution is the best that can be achieved.

When proposing new algorithms or modifications toexisting ones in the literature, it is not unusual toreport computer simulations rather than actualdiffraction experiments. In these, the (known)density of a test object is used to calculate itsdiffraction pattern, sometimes adding noise to thephoton count, and the phase retrieval starts fromthere.

In Reference 25, a complex-valued test object wasused in such a way. In order to test the effect ofchanging the size of the support, several runs wereperformed with five different σ values, all greaterthan 2. That is, the support size was tuned in order tosee the effect it had on the quality of the recoveredimage.

As one would expect, using smaller supports startedover from a lot of known, zero-valued pixels, makingthe reconstruction process inherently easier. This wasalso shown with the blank pixels around the image,which is the usual way supports are used. However,Figure 12 here has them within the image; this isdeliberate, as it stresses the fact that their position on

the image is not important as long as one defines thesupport region accordingly.

Saying that the process was "easier", however, isquite a vague way of describing the effect of thesupport size. In particular, it would be nice to have away to quantitatively determine the progress of anygiven reconstruction process. The literature containsa number of ways to do this, but most are similar tothe object-domain error metric, shown in Fomula 9.

This Ej is a real, positive number that can becalculated at every iteration. We already know that atany point, the object image can be divided into twosets of pixels; those that fulfil all the constraints,both internal and external, fall into set S. The rest fallinto set Sc. The numerator within Ej is nothing morethan the square sum of the densities of pixels withinSc. Analogously, the denominator is the same sum,but running over the S set instead.

This all boils down to Ej being a measure of theamount of reconstructed density that obeys thesupport and positivity requirements. When thereconstruction starts, it is very likely that manypixels will belong to the Sc set. This means that Ej

will initially be a large number.

As the phase retrieval proceeds, more and morepixels will move to the S set. In principle, when thereconstruction has converged we expect many of thepixels to be in the S set. Moreover, at that point, allthe pixels that are outside of S should be the onesoutside the support, which means that they will haveclose to zero density; their contribution to Ej isminimal. All in all, Ej should steadily decrease as theiterations go by, hopefully reaching zero by the end.

With that in mind, the smaller supports shouldintuitively show a slower decrease in Ej within anequal number of iterations. This can be seen in thetest by Miao et al. in Figure 12, where the smallersupport leads to a steep decrease in Ej within fewerthan 2500 iterations.


Formula 8: From Ref. 25, generation of the inputdensity array for iteration j+1 (hybrid input-outputalgorithm). Pixels in S use the output density fromiteration j directly, similarly to the error reductioncase, but all the other pixels use a linearcombination of input and output densities (0.5 < β <1).

Formula 9: For the j-th iteration of the phaseretrieval, object-domain error metric by Fienup. Itwas later referred to just as "reconstruction error"by Miao and colleagues.

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The larger support, however, leads to no remarkabledecrease in Ej, signaling that the algorithm is havingtrouble to reconstruct this low σ (though still greaterthan 2) system. This is further made obvious bylooking at the reconstructed images themselves, andit leads to the conclusion that, indeed, one shouldalways attempt to use a support which is as small aspossible.

Therefore, if the boundary of the object is well-known (from a previous image, as mentioned above),it is common to use a tight support in order to ensurea faster convergence. On the other hand, if theboundary is not very steep or only approximatelyknown, one uses a loose support; this is the technicalway of pointing out that one knowinglyoverestimates the size of the object in order to ensurethat all of it fits inside the support.

It is now time to move on to imaging of physicalobjects. In that line, one of the most famousexamples of the iterative phase retrieval proceduredescribed so far is the determination of the structure

of molecules and small cellsxxvi; this is sometimesreferred to as single-particle diffraction.

One such single-particle diffraction experiment wasperformed by Chapman and it involves what is themost well-known application of CDI so far. That is,the determination of protein structures fromdiffraction patternsxxvii; roughly speaking, this isachieved by having a suspension of the proteinssprayed in the way of the incoming XR pulses.

In that setup, a large number of patterns can berecorded from very similar samples over and overagain; after some treatment, these patterns yield the |F(Q)| values. The reconstructed objects canimpressively reach sub-nm resolution. Consequently,although the sample being used is significantlydifferent than a regular BHJ, this experiment givesan idea of the resolutions that can be achieved inCDI.

Less known experiments involved imaging bacteriacells with a resolution close to 70xxviii or 30nmxxix,which is still remarkable in comparison with theresolution achieved in a similar sample using URAs,as shown previously. Moreover, in this case the cellscontained manganese-labeled proteins, whichreportedly provide excellent electron densitycontrast. It is undeniable that this knowledge is veryvaluable if one wishes to perform CDI in solar cellswhich likewise contain heavy elements, such asthose based on hybrid layers or quantum dots. Thecontrast mechanisms for purely organic solar cellswork similarly, as has been mentioned for STXM.

CDI works just as well with inorganic samples.These include, for instance, metal particlesxxx,xxxi andnanofabricated patterns, such as particle arraysxxxii orthe silicon nitride sample in Figure 4. The reason thisexperiment is mentioned again is that it used the so-called Shrinkwrap algorithm; this is similar to the


Figure 13. From Refs. 28 and 29, reconstructedimages from Spiroplasma melliferum (left) andEscherichia coli (right) cells. Reportedly, the denseregions in the right image are in agreement withconfocal microscope measurements in similar cells.

Figure 12: (From Reference 25) Top: recovereddensity (in modulus) of a complex-valued object. Theblank squares contain zero-valued pixels, yieldingσ=4 to the left and σ=2.5 to the right. Bottom:reconstruction error for several σ values; curves 1Band 1E correspond to the left and rightreconstructions, respectively.

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one by Fienup, with the added feature of adjustingthe support size as the iterations take place. This isdone, in broad terms, by setting a pixel densitythreshold and periodically shrinking the support so itonly contains pixels that meet this threshold.

Undeniably, some region needs to be the startingsupport. A surefire way to find that region is toFourier-transform the diffraction patternxxxiii; as seenpreviously, this will yield the AC function of thesample, which by definition has a support at least aslarge as the sample itself. From this point,Shrinkwrap can go on, with the assurance that thestarting support contains the whole object and that itwill eventually become as small (and thereforeefficient) as possible.

What is extremely interesting about this procedure isthat it arguably requires no previous information onthe sample. Although this involves some addedcomputational cost, the fact is that it effectivelynegates the need for any data besides the diffractionpattern, thus making it one of the most powerfultools available when working with finite samples.

· Imaging of extended samples:

So far, many experimental cases of diffractiveimaging have been shown. However, be itholography or CDI, they all had in common that theyused finite objects. Even the FTH case of a magneticmultilayer was limited to a circular regionsurrounded by a gold mask. These finite objects areeasily obtained via nanofabrication, or directlybought as test patterns, and they are the samples ofchoice in a good amount of the literature on XRimaging. However useful they are for explaining theimaging procedures, their possibilities and theirlimitations, at some point the discussion needs totransition to methods that actually allow the use ofan extended sample such as a BHJ.

To that end, a rather intuitive technique wouldconsist on successively illuminating several(overlapping) areas of an extended sample. This isequivalent to using a support which is limited to theilluminated area in each case. Therefore, afterobtaining a number of diffraction patterns they canbe reconstructed separately as finite objects. Thatwould lead to a set of images which, when put backtogether, can span a larger area. This technique existsand it is called keyhole coherent diffractive imaging,or KCDIxxxiv.

KCDI is the logical follow-up to regular CDI.However, in order to work properly, it relies onstarting from a very sharp wavefield; in other words,the illuminated region cannot have blurredboundaries. This is achieved through a focussingoptic, which invariably means that FZP need to beused. This is not a limitation per se, and the nextextended imaging method also typically uses FZPs.However, it seems that there should be a betterapproach to extended samples than just repeatingsingle CDI reconstructions over and over.

In that direction, a method named Ptychographyxxxv

stands out. Like KCDI, it involves recordingdiffraction patterns from partially overlapping areasof an object. Also like KCDI, it is necessary that thewavefield has sharp edges (a lens or a simpleaperture are enough for that), although it hasotherwise very few requirements on the illumination.Unlike KCDI, it uses a phase retrieval algorithmxxxvi

which is quite different from the one discussed sofar.

The way in which it is different is that thereconstruction of contiguous regions is no longercarried out independently. Before calculations begin,one divides the object into several, partiallyoverlapping regions (1 to n), each of which has anassociated measured diffraction pattern. Then, thealgorithm starts with a density function guess for thewhole object. This guess is then multiplied by theillumination (aperture) function for the firstdiffraction experiment. In practice, this just means


Figure 14: From Ref. 36, Ptychographical IterativeEngine (PIE). Note that, because region 1 andregion 2 overlap, their reconstruction processes willbe coupled. If they did not, this algorithm would beconceptually equivalent to KCDI.

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that the object density is weighted so that the onlynonzero pixels will be those in region 1. In otherwords, it conceptually means the same as adding anobject support.

Then, the algorithm procedes as usual, Fourier-transforming this density, substituting the moduli forthe measured values in diffraction pattern 1, andFourier-transforming the result back into an objectdensity for region 1. After that, the object densityguess is corrected only in region 1 with this firstresult (this correction is made using one's choice ofseveral "Update functions"; these are analogous tothe β factor in Formula 9). The new guess thenundergoes the same treatment for region 2, usingdiffraction pattern 2, and so on until it has gonethrough all n regions in some order. Then, one has anew object density function, which is the startingpoint for the second iteration. In this iteration,regions 1 to n may be updated in a different order,and it would appear that this helps convergence. Theiterations go on until convergence is reached.

It becomes obvious that now the n regions of theobject are reconstructed all at once rather thanseparately. The scheme by Faulkner and Rodenburgin Figure 14 summarizes the procedure in the case ofn=2.

According to the authors, the overlap betweenneighbouring regions, which is usually over 50% inarea is what ensures that the global solution is uniquein this algorithm. It also helps avoid stagnation, thatis, a stationary state which is not the solution.Moreover, convergence seems to be faster, in numberof iterations, than in Fienup type algorithms. Ofcourse, this all comes at a reasonably largercomputational cost, owing to the fact that all regionsare corrected in series, whereas KCDI would solvethem in parallel.

Much like in regular CDI, the potential resolution ofthis lensless technique is much higher than those inFTH or XR microscopes. Provided the rightexperimental setup, Rodenburg and colleaguesforesee resolutions below the nm scale. Its mainapparent drawback is that one needs to properlycharacterize the illumination function. Otherwise, itis logical that an error would be introduced at everymultiplication step.

That is, unless the algorithm includes corrections forthe illumination (probe) function as well. Indeed, thelater extended PIE (ePIE) starts the process with anestimate for both the object (empty area) and theprobe (approximate shape guess)xxxvii. EPIE onlydiffers from the algorithm explained above in thatthis time, whenever the object is corrected, the probeis corrected as well, albeit using an analogous, butdifferent update function.

It goes without saying that this addition is quitereminiscent of the Shrinkwrap algorithm. Fromcomputer simulations, it seems that ePIE convergesfaster and tolerates more noise than olderptychographical engines. That being said, the finalnotes of this paper will focus on reviewing a fewrecent experimental instances of ptychography beingused outside of simulation environments.

The first one studied the effect of using a semi-transparent beamstopxxxviii. Focusing on the PIEdetails, synchrotron XR with a wavelength of about1.57Å were diffracted off of a Siemens star(resolution test pattern). For reference, it took 9minutes to collect diffraction patterns for 441 regionsspanning 9μm2. The resolution exceeded the star'ssmallest feature (50nm), and it was calculated to be,in the best case, an impressive 12nm.

The second experiment used 2.38Å XR on greenalga samples, which were kept at 110K to diminish


Figure 15: Simulated reconstruction withptychography from Ref. 36. Overlapping theapertures has worse area coverage but thereconstructed image appears clearer.

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radiation damagexxxix. XR fluorescence spectra(resolution limited by spot size) and diffractionpatterns were measured at the same time.Interestingly, the fluorescence data yielded low-resolution (90nm) elemental composition maps forsome light elements, whereas the ePIEreconstructions had calculated resolutions down to26nm. Although this is not directly related to theOPV case, it nicely shows how, with the propersetup, a ptychography experiment cansimultaneously serve as a scanning probe for othermeasurements.

The last practical case of ptychography that will bementioned is the work by Shapiro and colleaguesxl,who performed ptychographical reconstructions oninorganic samples using soft XR from a bendingmagnet. These experiments reach one of the finestresolutions achieved with ptychography to this date.By precise positioning of the probe on the sampleand computationally dealing with background noise,a resolution test pattern is resolved down to anastonishing 5nm resolution.

Moreover, using the same setup and reconstructingpatterns from XR energies close to certain absorptionedges seems to allow the introduction of chemicalcontrast in the images. This is, however, only shownfor LiFePO4 particles, a relevant material in someelectrodes.

Similar contrast mechanisms for soft XR withorganic samples have already been mentioned at thebeginning of this paper (see Figure 3). As aconsequence, it is not unreasonable to think that sucha contrast mechanism could be combined with thehigh resolution reported by Shapiro. Achieving thiswould be a good step towards our initial goal ofimaging organic BHJ samples.


Figure 16: From Ref. 39, ePIE reconstruction of a C.Reinhardtii alga (right) with its organelles labeled.The fluorescence maps (left) show the distribution ofsome elements within the cell.

Figure 17: From Ref. 40, reconstruction of a testpattern. The white line to the right is 5nm wide.

Figure 18: (From Ref. 40) Composition map in theLiFePO4 sample. This map is calculated fromseveral reconstructions at different XR energiesaround the Fe L absorption edge.

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In this paper, the possibility of using coherent XRdiffraction in the imaging of OPV active layer BHJhas been explored. Beyond the goal of BHJ imaging,this paper also intended to give a simple, unifiedview of (part of) the field of diffractive imaging.This is not always easy; many of the mathematicalreasonings have been outright excluded, or justsimplified so that the main points could still bemade.

A preliminary discussion on electron and XRmicroscopies has shown some current imagingtechniques, their strengths and their limitations. Thisboth serves as a way to review widely knownmethods and as an exposition vehicle for XR basicconcepts.

Afterwards, actual diffraction has come into play.The first of many coherent diffractive methods, XRholographhy, has been considered for our case.Reviewing several cases has shown the possibilitiesFTH offers; the coupling between resolution andSNR has been addressed, as well as several strategiesto solve it. All things considered, it is safe toconclude that FTH boasts incredibly straightforwardcomputational procedures in the case of pointreferences, and that they do not seem to pose anysubstantial problem either in the case of URAs orFZPs. What is more, generally FTH reconstructionsare nonambiguous, which generally does not holdtrue for iterative methods.

That being said, using complicated, high qualityapertures is still required for high-resolutionimaging. Combining this with single-shot destructiveimaging results in a relatively wasteful process.Even if imaging is non-destructive, a large amount ofwork is still needed in sample preparations; the lowcomputational cost of the reconstructions (that is, asingle FT) does not make up for it. Therefore, FTHin our case can, at most, be used as a stepping stonetowards iterative methods.

Moving on to iterative phase retrieval a rundown hasbeen given on the F-system, positivity constraints,oversampling and object supports. Solution non-uniqueness has not been addressed in depth, but itdoes not appear to be a huge problem in practice, andit is dealt with in some of the methods described. Ithas been shown that tighter supports perform betteroverall, and then some single-particle experimentshave been reviewed as a means to show both the

resolution and contrast capabilities that thesetechnique has. Finally, the Shrinkwrap algorithm hasbeen shown to alleviate the need for previousknowledge about the sample by using a dynamicsupport.

In spite of occasional slow convergence andmoderate computational cost, it has been establishedthat this imaging method has a strong potential inthe case of BHJ. The next logical step, that is, takingCDI to extended samples, has been approached fromtwo sides. The first one, KCDI, is the moststraightforward, but does not always give the bestresults. Therefore, the case of ptychography has beenpresented. In that approach, a more convolutedalgorithm seems to result in solution uniqueness and,if the simulations are to be believed, better resultsoverall. Expansion of the algorithm to include probeupdates further improves convergence.

At this stage, the ePIE method was already thefavourite over both FTH and CDI (including KCDI)methods. This is because, in our mindset,computational cost is generally preferred over actual,physical work on the sample. This is not to say thatptychography measurements require no samplepreparation, but that they require very little.

Finally, three practical cases of PIE use have beendetailed to assess the power of the technique. Thefirst two were not out of the ordinary; in the first one,quite a respectable resolution was achieved, and thesecond one showed the versatility of ptychographysetups. However, the last case is the one which holdsthe most promise regarding the OPV imaging goal.Not only does it report a resolution of 5nm, wellwithin the realm of BHJ domain sizes, but it alsoshows application of the absorption contrastcapabilities of soft XR. Therefore, it is reasonable toconclude that, although it may not happen in theshort run, high-resolution imaging of BHJ in organicsolar cells should be possible using XRptychography.

All in all, the quest for BHJ diffractive imagingusing XR has taken the discussion through severalapproaches. Their working principles and someillustrative results have been accompanied by anexposition of the typical flaws in each method. Theselimitations have lead to slight changes in theapproach, or new methods altogether, untileventually the case of ptychography has emerged asthe favourite.


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