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Nagarjuna Brochure

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Nagarjuna Brochure





    The sacred River Periyar, as viewed from Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Centre

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    Om Dhanwantaraye Namah ...

    Salutations to him, Lord Dhanwantari, who

    holds a conch shell, a disc of energy, a leech

    and a jug of celestial ambrosia. In whose

    heart shines a subtle, clear, gentle and

    pleasing blaze of light that also shines

    around his head and lotus eyes. On the dark

    blue water, his body is luminous, splendid,

    and shining. His waist and legs are adorned

    in bright yellow clothing. Who, by his mere

    gaze, destroys all disease like a

    mighty forest fire.

    Dhanwanthari is an avatar

    (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu.

    He appears in the Vedas and

    Puranas as the physician of the

    Gods (devas), and the God of

    Ayurvedic medicine.

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    Ayurveda is the name of that Vedic

    scripture, which deals with theunderstanding of happiness and

    sorrows, auspicious and

    unauspicious aspects of life, and

    which also deciphers and analyses, in

    detail, the causes, symptoms and

    remedies of what is good, suitable

    and supportive for healing and


    - Sage Charaka

    Founder of theMadhyamika Buddhism (Middle Path), Sage

    Nagarjuna, who was also known as Medicine Budda, was

    an outstanding Ayurvedic physician, scholar and teacher

    of the second century AD. The Buddhists of China, Japan

    and Tibet revere him as the Second Buddha, who once

    again set the wheel ofDharma in motion.

    Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group takes its name

    after this illustrious philosopher and physician.

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    Health is a process - not a stand-alone state.

    The process is ongoing - not a one-time endeavour.

    The process is participatory - everyone must take responsibility for his health and not

    depend entirely on an expert to correct it.

    A dynamic balance needs to be achieved in all aspects of life - physical, biochemical,

    intellectual, professional, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, familial and social.

    Therapies need to be comprehensive, considering all aspects of health such as

    nutrition, natural medicines, exercise, rest, emotions and lifestyle. Its not limited to justdrugs, medication or surgery.

    Medicines need to be natural - not synthetic or chemical-based.

    Treatments need to be customised to suit individual constitution and health condition -

    one size does NOT fit all!

    Ayurvedic View ofHealthandLife

    Herbal gardenGreen-flanked River Periyar - a soothing view from the portico of the river-side rooms

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    Nagarjunas Kalady Centre is set on two acres of lush vegetation, flowering plants,fruit-bearing trees and medicinal herbs along the Periyar (Purna River), Keralas longest

    and holiest river.

    Environmental excellence is the key element of all healthcare programmes at the Centre,which advocates and incorporates ecological perspectives into health management.

    The Centre honours the needs of patients and helps them reconnect with their own inner

    healing potential. Designed to support the body, mind and spirit, the healing ambience in

    and around the Centre greatly influences the recovery process.

    Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Centre is just 9 Km from the Cochin International Airport which offers

    a truly world-class travel experience. The nearest railway station is Angamaly, which is

    only 12 Km away.

    The high standards of facilities, services and treatments provided by the Centre have been

    well-accepted globally, despite the din from aircrafts approaching the nearby Cochin

    International Airport. This is evident from the fact that this Centre is heavily occupied

    around the year.

    Chief Physician Dr C Manoj Kumar making a point on Ayurveda to a guest

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    Diagnosis and treatment methodology: The physician first of all carefully assesses the

    patientsPrakruti and Vikruti - constitution and imbalance in constitution and lifestyle.

    This requires a detailed study of the patients medical history and a careful examination of

    the different parts of his body - pulse, urine, stool, tongue, voice, touch, eyes and general

    physique. This process will help to understand the more complex aspects of the patients


    When aDosha imbalance is diagnosed, medical treatment and lifestyle advice are

    provided. The first step is the preparation of the patient for eliminating toxins, starting with

    thePoorvakarmas which are the processes precedingPanchakarmas - the main cleansing

    programme, thatincludes Vamana, Virechana, Snehavasthy, Kashayavasthy andNasya.(therapeutic emesis, purgation, enema with medicated oil, enema with herbal decoction,

    and nasal administration of medicine).

    Nagarjuna follows the concept of

    Ayurjeevanam which views each individual as

    a unique personality, with his own physical,

    mental and social traits. This implies that no two

    persons are exactly alike in their constitution(Prakruti). Ayurjeevanam strives to enrich the

    life of every patient with a holistic,

    comprehensive and integrated approach to


    Components of Ayurjeevanam:

    Ayurjeevanam, as conceived by Nagarjuna,

    involves the following processes:

    Constitution Analysis Disease Identification

    Treatments (internal / external) Dietary Regimen

    Complementary Therapies Lifelong Follow-up Counselling

    Patient and physician - a bond beyond the treatment room

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    Besides ready access to the knowledge, expertise and

    experience of some of the most eminent Ayurvedic

    minds, Nagarjuna also has a talented team of

    qualified, skilled and dedicated physicians, therapists

    and support staff, specially trained in treatment

    protocols developed by the R&D Divisionof Nagarjuna. It also utilises the approximately

    12,000 odd unique medicinal formulations of Kerala,

    as well as the Kerala speciality treatments and

    physiotherapies, along with the interventions of the

    modern diagnostic tools.

    The faculty also includes a physician specialised in

    modern medicine for providing medical care in case

    of any emergency requirements.


    and dedicatedmedical faculty

    Approvals and Recognitions

    The Tourism Department, Government of Kerala, hasapproved the Centre by awarding the Green Leafcertification, for combining classical Ayurvedictreatments with modern facilities and ambience.

    The Centre has also won the award for theBest Approved and Classified Ayurvedic Centre

    in the State.

    In 2009 Ayurveda Hospital Management Associationof Kerala has conferred the following awards on theCentre:

    The BEST PANCHAKARMA THEATRE in the Stateof Kerala.

    The BEST CASE SHEET & DOCUMENTATION inthe State of Kerala.

    Nasyam - herbal medicine instilled into the nostrils

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    Clean, fully-equipped and well-staffed treatment rooms (for men andwomen separately) with post-treatment facilities

    Pharmacy well-stocked with medicines hygienically prepared from

    virgin plants and herbs

    Resident doctor

    Lady doctor and female therapists to take care of female patients

    Detailed and comprehensive disease evaluation and diagnosis

    Customised treatment based on the physical constitution and currentcondition of the patient.

    Need-based therapy for specific diseases and acute / chronic conditions.

    Meticulously designed wellness programmes to relax, rejuvenate and

    improve health.

    Full-fledged infrastructure,Amenities and ServicesA complete holistic healing centre, Nagarjuna provides all modem resort-class amenities and services, strictly following the treatment

    protocols developed by Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group, based on the time-tested Ayurvedic scriptures and the ancient wisdom they

    embody. It focuses on speciality treatments exclusive to Kerala to address the health needs of the modern world.

    Life management programmes to improve the quality of the

    patients life.

    Medical monitoring of the treatment process by qualified doctors

    and implementation by well-trained, friendly, caring therapists.

    Regular treatment reviews and follow-ups through email, fax andtelephone.

    Accessibility to the services of an Allopathy doctor to addressspecific patient requirements.

    Yoga and meditation classes under the supervision of skilled


    Familiarisation classes on Ayurveda, Ayurvedic way of life and

    Indian philosophy

    Training in preparation of nutritious, palatable, balanced vegetarian diet.

    Treat the patient, not the disease - a panel consultation session in progressNamaste. Its a pleasure attending to you ... Elegant reception lobby that spells welcome

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    Spacious, elegantly furnished residential rooms- airconditioned and non-airconditioned

    Clean, well-equipped modern kitchen

    Dining hall serving tasty and nutritious

    vegetarian food and beverages

    Library housing books and journals on

    Ayurveda and Indian philosophy, art and culture

    Scientifically-managed herbal garden

    Warm Kerala hospitality with genuine,personalised attention to each guest / patient

    Communication facilities including telephone

    with ISD, email, fax and internet

    Broadband Wi-Fi connectivity so that you canaccess the internet from any part of the premises

    Picking-up and dropping-off facilities for guests

    at the nearest transportation point

    Laundry service

    Travel desk

    Rooms designed for space and comfort

    Well-stocked library - getting to know India and her art, culture and philosophy

    What is NEW?

    SPINE SPECIALITY commenced at the Centre

    The prevalence of various spine related ailments ofvarying intensity, seriously disabling work and lifeperformance, has led Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Group todevelop the concept of NAGARJUNA AYURVEDIC SPINECLINIC, modelling a set of unique treatment protocols.

    While using modern diagnostic tools, the conventionalAyurvedic know-how connected with the managementof spine disorders is also being suitably enriched withdifferent speciality techniques in spine treatment. Thisincludes manipulation and traction techniques from the'Marma' and 'Kalari' treatments, which are a part ofKeralas martial arts system. The rehabilitation techniquesof 'Yoga' along with suitable 'Yogasanas' are used duringthe convalescence stage, thereby helping to reduce the

    chances of relapse.To know more, please visit:

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    Clean and well-equipped kitchen

    Dining hall serving tasty and nutritious pure vegetarian food

    Patients attending a cookery class

    Youre what you eat!Dietary discipline is basic to sound health. By

    offering food that promotes health and well-being,

    the Centre encourages patients to make dietsuitable for their health conditions.

    The dining hall at the Centre serves two types of

    diet, freshly prepared from the best ingredients:

    Normal menu - breakfast, lunch and dinner - that

    address all the three doshas - vata, pitha, kapha.

    Therapeutic diet(fruits, salads, soups, drinking

    water, herbal tea, etc), suitable for the the dosha

    condition of the patient.Only vegetarian food is served - prepared from

    cereals, grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and

    milk. Intelligent use of spices and herbs makes the

    meals tasty and easily digestible.

    Built on Strong FoundationsThe Centre is a subsidiary of Nagarjuna Herbal

    Concentrates Ltd. (an ISO 9001-2008 company),which is one of the leading manufacturer of high-quality Ayurvedic medicines. Its present product-line includes nearly 500 formulations, retailedthrough 850 exclusive franchisee outlets withinand outside Kerala.

    Nagarjuna Research Foundation is involved inscientific research, dissemination of informationand promotion of herbal cultivation and medicinal

    gardens.Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Institute, the academic andresearch wing of the Group, is a resource destinationfor Ayurvedic physicians and natural healthcareenthusiasts who have a keen interest in the Keralastyle of holistic healing. This centre of excellence inAyurvedic studies and training in Panchakarma aswell as Kerala special treatments, is a Governmentof Kerala approved institution for paramedicalcourses in Ayurveda. The Institute also operates ahospital and research centre, which provides freetreatments to the needy.

    Yoga - an integral part of Ayurveda

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    Major ailments treated Allergic conditions Asthma Auto-immune diseases Bronchitis Chronic sinusitis Diabetes mellitus Digestive disorders Frozen shoulder General weakness Gynecological problems Hair loss Hyper cholesterolaemia Hyperacidity Insomnia Irritable bowel syndrome Lifestyle-related problems

    Lumbar and cervical spondylosis

    Male infertility

    Migraine, headaches

    Neuromuscular disorders


    Old age-related ailments




    Post-surgical rehabilitation


    Rheumatoid arthritis Sciatica

    Spine-related complaints Stress-related problems Vision disorders

    Weight loss

    The treatment process at Nagarjuna is a finesynthesis ofAyurveda, yoga, meditation and spiritualdiscourses.

    Ayurvedic therapy requires a prescribed time-frame.Treatments come in modules of 8, 15, 21 and 28 days.

    For rejuvenative therapy, a minimum period of 7 daysis the norm. Durations for other treatments vary fromcase to case.

    R&D - Key to Better HealthcareIt is basically through its research-basedapproach to Ayurveda, the Nagarjuna

    Ayurvedic Group has risen to thissuperlative position in the industry.Hence it has become the first ISOcertified R&D in Kerala. The highlytrained research scientists andphysicians from different disciplineshave successfully developed severalvaluable formulations which haveelevated the group to set new standardsof excellence in natural healthcare.

    Njavarakizhy (Rice-bolus massage) - the most effective rejuvenating treatment

    Elakizhy - Bolus massage with medicinalleaves

    Bath with medicated steam

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    Specialised treatmentsexclusive to KeralaPIZHICHILFor disorders of the nervous system, chronic illnesses

    like hemiplegia, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic pains and

    inflammation and stiffness of joints.

    SHIROVASTHYFor facial paralysis, insomnia, nervous disorders

    and several diseases of the head, eyes, ears and nose.

    DHAARASpecific therapy for diseases of the head, insomnia,

    impaired memory, spondylitis, paraplegia, fatigue and loss of


    NJAVARAKIZHITo make the muscles supple and sturdy, remove

    stiffness of joints, improve blood circulation and digestion and

    enhance complexion.

    NASYAMMedicated herbal preparations administered through

    the nose to cure problems related to the head and neck areas.

    ELAKIZHIFor spondylitis, arthritis, stiffness of muscles and


    ABHYANGAMTo help the body mechanism to recoup its

    strength and functional efficiency and to relax the nervous system.

    Shirodhara - the most effective destressing treatment Abhyangam - Synchronised therapeutic oil massage

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    Kalady, Kerala, India - PIN 683 550Tel: ++91 484 2463350, 2460854. Mobile: ++91 99618 83253.Email: [email protected] Website:

    How to get there

    AirRegular international and

    domestic flights operate

    from the Cochin International

    Airport - 9 Km


    The nearest railway station

    is Angamaly -12 Km

    Most long-distance trains stop

    at Aluva - 20 Km


    Kalady is well-connected to

    NH 47, between Trichur

    and Cochin. There are frequent

    and regular bus services from

    these points to all parts ofKerala and other neighbouring
