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NACE Career Readiness Competencies September 04, 2020 Prepared by Peregrine Global Services [email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

NACE Career Readiness Competencies

Nov 13, 2021



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Page 1: NACE Career Readiness Competencies

NACE Career Readiness Competencies



r 04,



Prepared by Peregrine Global Services

[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

Page 2: NACE Career Readiness Competencies








Table of ContentsInstructions

Assessment Items

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Oral and written communication skills

Teamwork and collaboration skills

Digital technology skills

Leadership skills

Exercises sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems. 3

Obtains and interprets information. 4

Uses knowledge, facts, and data to solve problems. 5

Demonstrates originality and inventiveness. 6

Articulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written forms. 7

Articulates thoughts and ideas orally in a clear, effective manner. 8

Speaks in public and express ideas to others. 9

Writes and edits memos, letters, and complex technical reports clearly and effectively. 10

Builds collaborative relationships with colleagues, peers and/or customers. 11

Performs well within a diverse workplace environment. 12

Functions within a team structure workplace. 13

Negotiates and manages conflict. 14

Leverages existing digital technologies ethically and effectively to solve problems, complete tasks, andaccomplish goals. 15

Adapts to new and emerging technologies. 16

Embraces the changes that technology brings to an organization. 17

Performs as a team member using technology tools across a dispersed workplace. 18

Leverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals. 19

Uses interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. 20

EvaluSkills Instrument Report

[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

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Professionalism and work ethic skills

Career management skills

Global and intercultural fluency skills

Assesses and manages emotions and uses empathetic skills to guide and motivate. 21

Organizes, prioritizes, and delegates work. 22

Demonstrates personal accountability and effective work habits. 23

Understands the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image. 24

Demonstrates integrity and acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind. 25

Possesses and maintains appropriate knowledge and skills of the profession. 26

Identifies and articulates the skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to the position desired. 27

Has identified areas necessary for professional growth to accomplish career goals. 28

Can navigate and explore job and position options and take steps necessary to pursue opportunities. 29

Understands how to self-advocate for opportunities in the workplace. 30

Values and respects diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions. 31

Learns from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions for workplaceapplication. 32

Demonstrates openness, inclusiveness, and sensitivity towards others. 33

Interacts respectfully with all people and understands individuals’ differences. 34

EvaluSkills Instrument Report

[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

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InstructionsYou have been selected to evaluate the skilllevel of a participant who is completing anEvaluSkills: Worplace Skills Assessmentevaluation. Several people have been asked toconduct this assessment.

Specific items have been chosen by the organization thatbest represent the important skills and actions needed forworkplace success. You will evaluate the participant basedon a 5-point evaluation scale and you will have theopportunity to provide written comments.

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide the participantwith honest, candid feedback so that he or she can use thisfeedback for performance development. It is often onlythrough the eyes of others that we can truly know andunderstand ourselves.

Please read the assessment item and its definitioncarefully. Consider the statements regarding behaviors andscaling. Select the response that aligns best with how yousee the participant. The purpose of these descriptions andstatements is to make the evaluation as objective aspossible. If you do not have first-hand knowledge of theassessment item relative to the participant, then you canselect "Not Observed".

Written comments will provide the participant withadditional feedback that he or she may use to improve orsustain performance. Please consider specific, actionablefeedback that will help the participant. Your evaluation willbe anonymous and the participant will not be able toattribute a specific evaluation to a specific evaluator. Theparticipant will only see the summarized evaluations fromseveral evaluators.

If this is a self-evaluation, critically consider yourperformance in each of the skills and rate yourselfaccordingly. Your self-assessed score will not be averagedin to your overall score, but you will be able to compareyour perception of yourself against that of the otherevaluators.

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

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Assessment ItemsTotal Number of Assessment Items: 8

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently uses a process to identifyand solve root cause problems; identi�esmultiple causes and solutions by usingexperience and instinct; not afraid toconfront practices and policies asneeded.

Excellent diagnostician: loves solving puzzles can see patterns andconnect the dots in any type of problem; patient, makes noassumptions, and has long term vision to prevent problem fromreturning.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentCan lead a root cause analysis withouthelp; able to identify root causes byknowing what questions to ask to digdeeper.

Uses a combination of experience and logic to imagine all possiblecontributors to a problem and �nds solutions to root causes toprevent future occurrences.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationIs able to lead a process to identify andsolve root cause analysis.

Considers all information surrounding a problem and methodicallyworks through possible solutions to �nd the �x.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalStruggles to identify root causes toissues and come up with solutions; ifsomeone else leads the discussion, theyparticipate and contribute, but cannotlead the process on their own.

Has di�culty thinking logically about a problem and tends to makeassumptions about causes.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactorySeldom, if ever, is able to identify andsolve root cause analysis.

Unable to troubleshoot even common problems if outside their ownexperience; impatient and sloppy in problem solving; the sameproblem often reappears.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Critical thinking and problem-solving skillsExercises sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcomeproblems.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555


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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalReliably explores literature and �nds newsources of valuable information to makegood decisions.

Goes beyond basic research when investigating a problem;considers implications on other areas and applications for theknowledge; shares information with others.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentTakes the initiative to �nd and reviewmaterial and sources to establish aconclusion.

Proactively learns from others’ research or experience; con�rms allassumptions; thinks through the issue from differing perspectivesbefore making a decision.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationHas the ability to study material toestablish a conclusion.

Takes time to ask for input from others affected by a decision oraction; considers all angles and information before proceeding.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalStruggles with ability to review materialto establish a conclusion.

Reacts impulsively without seeking additional information but willconsider con�icting input and adjust if necessary.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not review literature or consultoutside sources to reach a conclusion orsolve a problem.

Bases decisions on intuition or preconceived notions and refuses toconsider contradictory information.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Critical thinking and problem-solving skillsObtains and interprets information.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalUses multiple lines of inquiry todetermine root causes and analyzepossible solutions.

Combines literature review, empathy interviews, and data analysis tofully understand a problem before looking for solutions.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentSeeks data from a variety of sources andinvites collaboration to designinterventions.

Uses qualitative and quantitative data to understand the extent of aproblem from all sides.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationConfers with others to gatherinformation and data about a problem.

Identi�es the users who experience a problem and collects datafrom their perspective to devise solutions.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalLooks critically at a problem but doesnot involve others or gather data othersmay have access to.

Uses own observations and experience to de�ne a problem andcome up with possible solutions.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryFails to understand the systemproducing a problem and jumps tosolutions that may not address the rootcause.

Doesn’t ask the hard questions about why a problem exists.Implements solutions without gathering data or con�rming userexperience.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Critical thinking and problem-solving skillsUses knowledge, facts, and data to solve problems.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555


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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalCreative thinker; uses unique or unusualthinking across a variety of industries tosolve di�cult problems.

Naturally creative; able to work backwards and imagine steps thatwill lead to a desired result; has a wide range of studies and viewsthings from perspectives of history, geography, religion, economics.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRegularly uses nontraditional thinking ina creative manner to solve problems.

Involves others in brainstorming, both inside and outside theorganization; seeks alternative viewpoints to explore possiblecourses of action.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationMost of the time, is able to handle andsolve di�cult problems withnontraditional thinking.

Approaches problems in new, innovative ways; is not afraid of asking“what if” to explore previously unimagined options and discuss themimpartially.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalUses traditional thinking to handle andsolve di�cult problems; open to non-traditional thinking of others.

Hesitates to voice or try non-traditional ideas for fear of failure orbeing judged by others; has creative ideas but prefers not to rock theboat.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactorySeldom, if ever, is open to nontraditionalthinking in problem solving.

Threatened by non-traditional ideas; prefers to do job the way it wasexplained without question; relies on formal processes andstructures to guide decisions.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Critical thinking and problem-solving skillsDemonstrates originality and inventiveness.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555


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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalExcellent writing skills set of exchangingand understanding information.

A pleasure to read; keeps the audience in mind and writes with aclear sense of style; presents information in a simple but engagingway, with no syntax errors.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentAbove average writing skills set ofexchanging and understandinginformation.

Writes clearly and succinctly, without excessive language ordistracting errors, in a way that connects with the intended reader.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationAverage writing skills set of exchangingand understanding information.

Conveys a written message in an easily understood way with nogrammatical errors.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalPoor writing skills set of exchanging andunderstanding information.

Written message is lost in excessive verbiage; does not write withthe audience in mind: rambles, provides irrelevant information, andfails to engage the reader.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryVery poor writing skills set of exchangingand understanding information.

Struggles with writing: incorrect grammar, spelling, and punctuationoften present; reader must re-read to �nd the intended message.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Oral and written communication skillsArticulates thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written forms.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalExcellent skills set for exchanging andunderstanding information.

Crafts communication in a way that speaks directly to the listener’sneeds; removes any irrelevant information and uses essential termsand imagery to connect with the audience.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentAbove average skills set for exchangingand understanding information.

Listens �rst to understand other person’s concerns; adapts speechto build rapport and convey necessary information.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationAverage skills set for exchanging andunderstanding information.

Spends as much time listening as talking; puts themselves inaudience’s shoes; knows how to convey information in a way thatconnects with the listener.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalPoor skills set for exchanging andunderstanding information.

Con�dent speaking to others and giving presentations but overlooksthe audience; makes communication more about self than others’needs and concerns.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryVery poor skills set for exchanging andunderstanding information.

Exhibits poor speaking skills; avoids speaking to others, or does soin a way that ignores their reactions and delivers a set message; failsto take others into account.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Oral and written communication skillsArticulates thoughts and ideas orally in a clear, effective manner.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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[email protected] P.O.Box 741, Gillette, WY 82717 307.685.1555


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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalAlways able to effectively communicateinformation to an audience.

Knowledgeable about the subject matter; relaxed in delivery;researches the audience and their interests and is able to give a talkthat feels organic; responding to what the listener needs to hear.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRegularly able to effectivelycommunicate information to anaudience.

At ease before an audience; delivers a clear message; creates agood rapport and is prepared to answer any questions in anauthentic, open way.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationAble to effectively communicateinformation to an audience.

Prepares essential communication points and can present them toan audience in a logical, clear way.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalRarely able to effectively communicateinformation to an audience.

Nervous or �ustered when addressing an audience; knowledgeablebut lacks con�dence to speak clearly and engage the listener.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryUnable to effectively communicateinformation to an audience.

Uncomfortable giving speeches; has di�culty making a coherentpresentation; unable to put self in listener’s shoes to decide whatinformation needs to be conveyed.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Oral and written communication skillsSpeaks in public and express ideas to others.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently prepares writtencommunications that are clear, concise,and relevant to the reader.

Keeps the reader in mind and provides just the information needed ina logical, structured manner. Offers supported recommendations.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRegularly conveys important informationin concise technical writing.

Usually able to condense large amounts of information into keypoints and recommended actions.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationWritten communications contain therequired elements to understand and actupon information.

Uses clear headings and introductory statements. Puts importantinformation �rst.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalWritten communications can containextraneous information or bedisorganized.

Writing lacks useful headings or organization of thought. Reader hasto parse entire document to understand the point.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryRarely produces written communicationsthat clearly convey the message ordesired action.

Produces communications that are too long and burdensome for thereader, or too short to understand what is needed.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Oral and written communication skillsWrites and edits memos, letters, and complex technical reports clearly and effectively.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently uses collaboration to �ndnew ideas and leverage others’strengths.

Values collaboration as an essential method to produce or createsomething. Values information provided in team efforts.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentUsually prefers to work with others andbounce ideas off several people.

Seeks out opportunities for collaboration on activities, especiallywhen those activities are to produce or create something.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationOccasionally participates in collaborativeefforts and appreciates others’contributions.

Willingly works in a collaborative environment when called to. Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalRarely wants to participate in groupactivities or partner with others.

Tends to prefer non-collaborative activities, and when working inteams does own part without much interaction.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryNever volunteers for teamwork orcollaborative activities.

Chooses not to work in a collaborative environment or oncollaborative activities. Prefers to work alone.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Teamwork and collaboration skillsBuilds collaborative relationships with colleagues, peers and/or customers.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalSelf-aware, recognizes own biases andconstantly seeks out people withdifferent experience or background togive alternative perspective.

Inclusive; purposefully builds teams with people who see thingsdifferently; leverages the diversity of thought of the team.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentEnjoys exploring new cultures andperspectives.

Tries to put self in others’ shoes; has a diverse range of friends;actively invites input from voices not usually heard.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationMaintains relationships with people fromdistinct backgrounds.

Appreciates different viewpoints and listens to others’ experiences;understands differences bring value to decisions.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalHas only a symbolic attachment todiversity.

May work with people from different backgrounds but doesn’t reallylisten to their views with an ear to understanding; may be unaware ofown bias.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryRelies only on like-minded people fromwith similar backgrounds andexperience.

Assumes an ethno-centric view; does not tolerate alternativeperspectives.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Teamwork and collaboration skillsPerforms well within a diverse workplace environment.

Statement Behavior Scaling

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalExcellent team member who puts theneeds of the team ahead of personalgain.

Reliable; communicates with con�dence; does more than asked;adapts easily to changing situations and displays true commitment;helps others see the value of the team.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentGood team member who can be countedon and communicates well with theteam.

Creative problem solver who often assists others; understands howtalents can be leveraged to create synergy.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationDependable team member.

Team member who ful�lls obligations to the team in a timelymanner; sees self as a part of the team; works to make the teamsuccessful.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalWorks well individually but has di�cultycollaborating with others; focus is onindividual contributions.

Tends to conduct activities in a silo; not always a team player. Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryUnreliable, has trouble keeping promisesor meeting deadlines; does notcollaborate.

Fails to communicate progress or delays; can be the one who holdsup the whole team’s efforts.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Teamwork and collaboration skillsFunctions within a team structure workplace.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently turns con�ict into anopportunity for greater learning.

Able to discuss and debate an issue face to face, listen to others,de�ne own needs, and work toward new solutions.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentOften takes on role of mediator incon�ict, helping others move forward.

Adapts to con�ict and attempts to see all sides of the issue tounderstand the situation.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationUsually unperturbed by con�ict and actsprofessionally.

Maintains composure in the face of con�ict and can express self in areasonable, logical way.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSometimes fails to address con�ict andignores its impact on people.

Ignores con�ict in the hopes it will blow over. Allows resentment tofester.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryGenerally reacts defensively to con�ictand needs to be right.

Worsens con�ict by digging in their heels, sending angry emails, orundermining the other party.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Teamwork and collaboration skillsNegotiates and manages conflict.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently mindful of ethical concernsusing technology; responsible in use oftechnology to do work.

Pays attention to own use of technology and online behavior, andalso avoids using technology to bombard others with work requestsduring their off hours.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentProfessional in use of technology tocommunicate and respond to others.

Careful to separate personal and professional communication andrespond in a timely, professional manner to all work matters.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationFollows the established code of ethicsfor information technology and usestechnology as expected.

Uses available technology for communication between teammembers, data retrieval, research, etc.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSometimes uses technology as adistraction from the work at hand.

Uses the internet for personal entertainment or convenience in a waythat interferes with their productivity.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryFails to establish ethical boundaries inthe use of technology.

Posts content on social media that could re�ect poorly on theorganization; often uses company equipment for personal matters.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Digital technology skillsLeverages existing digital technologies ethically and effectively to solve problems,complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalPro�cient in the use of technologicaldevices; actively looks for ways to usetechnology to advance work; teachesothers; experience has given themcon�dence in using technology.

Innately curious about technology and �nding ways to solveproblems through new methods; embraces new software to designprojects or manage tasks and asks what else the program or appcan do.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentUnderstands how technological devicescan be used to increase e�ciencies andeffectiveness; experience with differentsoftware/hardware so can easily adjustto changing needs.

Goes beyond familiar technology to explore what other solutions areavailable; easily learns software, uses apps to manage daily routines,enjoys new technology.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationUnderstands basic functions oftechnological devices; capable oflearning new software.

Comfortable with workplace technology and mindful of securitypractices; has no di�culty learning new software or setting up cloud-based accounts.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalCan use basic technology; has troubleusing newer technological devices.

Hesitant to use unfamiliar software and needs help �guring out newprograms; once learned, tends to stick with familiar technology evenwhen it becomes outdated.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoesn’t understand the basic functionsof technological devices; refuses tochange how work is done.

Approaches technology as a burden or a chore; prefers doing thingsthe old-fashioned way and delegates all tech-related tasks whenfaced with new software, smartphones, computers, or audio-visualequipment.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Digital technology skillsAdapts to new and emerging technologies.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalIs exceptionally mindful of new orupcoming technological advances.

Member of online technology communities; has certi�cations intechnology �elds, and embraces arti�cial intelligence technologiesto execute repetitive, multiple, and complex tasks e�ciently.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentKeeps up with popular technologicaltrends and how they could be bene�cialto an organization.

Takes part in technology related forums and reads tech blogs forrecent trends in technology; sharing resources that could meet anorganization’s needs.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationIs aware of technology trends and howthey could potentially bene�t anorganization.

Knowledgeable of current technology used and organizational needs;explores new options that can save time, money, travel, or energy.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalDoesn’t keep up with technologicaltrends or understand how they maybene�t an organization.

Only a vague interest in emerging technology trends; unfamiliar withmodern techniques of sharing and storing data.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryHas no interest in technological trends.

Has no interest in exploring emerging technology and has relied onthe same methods of communication and task management forseveral years.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Digital technology skillsEmbraces the changes that technology brings to an organization.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalEncourages others to engage andcommunicate with offsite teammembers with appropriate tools; isknown for their inclusive communicationwithout concern for location of the other.

Energetic and positive; able to lead meetings and training whether itis early morning or late evening; encouraging and constructive;reaches out to make sure all others feel included and valued.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentActively engages and communicateswith offsite team members using avariety of appropriate tools.

Actively advocates for virtual team members, seeking their input andsharing their voice with local team; chooses appropriate technology(voice, video, chat, email) to get people involved.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationEngages and communicates regularlywith offsite team members to keep theminformed and engaged.

Seeks the same level of communication with remote peers as localco-workers, with frequent phone/video calls, messaging, or emails;involves all team members, not just those at hand.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalRarely engages and communicates withoffsite team members; tends to think ofremote people as an afterthought.

Works with both remote and local colleagues but tends to leaveremote team members out of the loop; reliant on home o�ce andface-to-face communication.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not engage and communicate withoffsite team members; often forgetsabout offsite people.

Maintains a traditional, 9-5 mindset despite others’ time zones; ofteninforms remote workers of issues after-the-fact through email ratherthan involving them in discussions.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Digital technology skillsPerforms as a team member using technology tools across a dispersed workplace.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently engages others to worktogether on solving a problem.

Involved in committees or groups for causes they are passionateabout. Eager to listen to others and �nd ways they can work together.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentOften seeks out others’ advice and skillsin solving a common problem.

Has strong relationships with peers and relies on their knowledgeand skills to advance group work.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationWorks easily with others to achieve acommon goal.

Comfortable sharing own experience and skills and listening toothers’ perspectives to better understand a situation.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalTends to work alone but readilyparticipates in group work if invited.

Not necessarily a leader who initiates group activity, but willinglycontributes to others’ efforts.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryPrefers to work alone and isuncomfortable with group work.

Reluctant to participate in team activities or engage others in solvinga problem. Prefers to work things out on their own.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Leadership skillsLeverages the strengths of others to achieve common goals.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalGuides, inspires, and empowers othersto achieve their full potential.

Seeks opportunities to share tasks to grow people’s skills andabilities. Shares their experience freely. Has great communicationskills.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentCaring personality who invests time andcommits to others.

Good accountability partner. Helps others to work smarter, set goalsfor growth, and encourage them on their path.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationOffers honest support and feedback tohelp others achieve their potential.

Assists others to build their skills and character to grow in theircareer. Shares ideas to improve performance and ways to deal withstress.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSelectively aids others in growing to theirpotential.

Provides support for a select group of friends or peers, but is notcomfortable reaching outside that circle to build others.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not show interest in developingothers.

Does not provide feedback to others. Focus is on own career. Doesnot share tasks or delegate work.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Leadership skillsUses interpersonal skills to coach and develop others.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalModerates own reactions to frustration,nervousness, irritation, etc. and canrecognize those signs in others and helpthem overcome emotional challenges.

Finely attuned to own emotions and intentionally displays them toaid in the communication. Recognizes patterns of emotions inothers and helps them identify mitigation factors. Manages intenseemotions of others in a manner that leads to productivecommunication without hurt feelings.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRecognizes own emotions andproactively manages them so they aredisplayed in a way to enhancecommunication. Aware of emotions inothers and knows how to maneuver thecommunication to stay on track. Doesnot allow other's emotions to offendthem.

Understands emotions and the impact they can have on workrelationships. Manages own emotions with intentionality andpurpose. Successfully controls feelings in oneself and others.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationCan recognize own signs of frustration,nervousness, irritation, etc. and takesappropriate mitigation steps to maintaina positive, professional environment.

Is able to realize, readily accept, as well as successfully controlfeelings in oneself and others.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalHas di�culty overcoming bouts ofnervousness, irritation, frustration, etc.and allows emotions to negatively affectwork.

Rarely is able to realize, readily accept, as well as successfullycontrol feelings in oneself and others; may act inappropriate orinconsistent over time due to unmanaged emotions.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryOften loses control of own emotions andupsets the workplace environmentthrough inappropriate reactions.

Unable to realize, accept, or control feelings in oneself. Can beexplosive with intense feelings. Reacts to others' emotion in a waythat does not lead to successful working relationships orcommunication.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Leadership skillsAssesses and manages emotions and uses empathetic skills to guide and motivate.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalUnderstands the complexity of timemanagement and helps others maximizetheir time and energy. Uses collaborationto assign work to bring out the talent ineach team member.

Identi�es when team members are not playing at their best and givesthem extra support to improve their performance.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentKnows when they are personally mostproductive and plans work to do themost important things �rst. Assignstasks based upon the talents ofindividuals and communicatesdeadlines.

Has self-awareness to manage their work style to complete work in atimely manner. Sets performance goals and is self-motivated toaccomplish goals.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationEmploys good time management actionsbased on workplace priorities. Clearlyde�nes for others the work that must bedone.

Develops a work plan and follows it. Important things are completed,and smallest details rarely fall through the cracks.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalDoes not plan work well and isin�uenced by the priorities of others.Gives work assignments without clarityof task or deadline.

Does not spend much energy on planning. Work is impacted by theneeds of others. Has a di�cult time saying no when asked for help.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not employ time managementskills. Assigns work and expects teammembers to �nd the details on their own.

Does not communicate priorities so others can develop plans forwork. Does not understand how to manage one’s time.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Leadership skillsOrganizes, prioritizes, and delegates work.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalWorks independently and sets ownperformance objectives; aligns self withorganizational goals; demonstratesexceptional work ethic.

Excellent time management, planning and organizational skills, andproblem solving/decision making abilities.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentAccustomed to working in a self-directedenvironment; holds self to a high workethic.

Creates systems and schedules to prioritize and complete work,submits quality work on time.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationPerforms required work with minimalexternal supervision.

Needs minimal supervision whether working with others orindependently; self-driven.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalRequires occasional supervision to stayon schedule with required work; needsassistance in setting priorities.

Distracted without supervision; needs direction to understandpriorities; is not self-motivated.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryUnable to meet deadlines orperformance metrics without dailysupervision.

Unable to work independently; needs direction, guidance and othersto set priorities; lacks self-motivation.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Professionalism and work ethic skillsDemonstrates personal accountability and effective work habits.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalExcellent ability to read and conveynonverbal cues effectively.

Skilled at using nonverbal cues to make others comfortable andengender trust; mirrors body language to promote empathy.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentAbove average ability to read and conveynonverbal cues effectively.

Uses con�dent eye contact and effective gestures; reads and adaptsto others’ body language, noting when they have questions ordisagree.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationAverage ability to read and conveynonverbal communication effectively.

Maintains appropriate eye contact, posture, and a tone of voice that�ts the context and situation; gestures and expressions align withwords.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalPoor ability to read and convey nonverbalcues effectively.

Does not always correctly interpret others’ nonverbal cues; at timesuses body language or expressions that contradict their words andcause confusion.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryInability to read and convey nonverbalcues.

Uses gestures, posture, or tone of voice that makes othersuncomfortable or causes confusion. May not follow conventions forpersonal space or eye contact, seeming aggressive or uninterested.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Professionalism and work ethic skillsUnderstands the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalAn example of integrity to others,consistently shows professionalresponsibility.

Always can be relied on to do the right thing; has faced di�cultsituations and chosen the correct path even if it resulted in personalconsequences; accepts responsibility for actions and seeks to rightany wrongs.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRegularly demonstrates integrity andprofessional responsibility.

Takes responsibility for own mistakes or those within thedepartment; can examine an issue impartially and do the right thing;works with others to �nd solutions and rectify issues without makinganyone defensive.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationDemonstrates integrity and professionalresponsibility.

Can be relied on to deal with problems directly; avoids gossip; is ableto admit mistakes; shows commitment to the team.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalDi�culty in demonstrating integrity andprofessional responsibility.

Tends to shift blame when confronted with a problem; can becomedefensive and minimize responsibility; occasionally engages innegative gossip.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not demonstrate integrity andprofessional responsibility.

Consistently self-interested; when faced with an ethical dilemma,has chosen personal gain over following accepted codes of conduct.blames others for problems; seeks to minimize personalresponsibility.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Professionalism and work ethic skillsDemonstrates integrity and acts responsibly with the interests of the larger communityin mind.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalHas mastered relative competencies,theories, systems, applications andfunctions relating to all aspects of �eld.

Demonstrates mastery of tasks and responsibilities; always appliesbest practices and follows policy and procedures; has mastered allapplications, systems and functions related to position; sought outby others for expert opinion.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentIs pro�cient in demonstrating relativecompetencies, theories, systems,applications and functions relating to allaspects of �eld.

Demonstrates pro�ciency of tasks and responsibilities; understandsapplications and systems required to perform the job; complies withpolicy and procedures.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationUnderstands relative competencies,theories, systems, applications andfunctions relating to all aspects of �eld.

Understands best practices relative to position; understands policiesand procedures; has adequate knowledge of required applicationsand systems.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalHas minimal experience regardingrelative competencies, theories, systems,applications and functions relating to allaspects of �eld.

Lacks pro�ciency of some tasks and responsibilities; does not fullyunderstand policy and procedures; inconsistent; has troubleunderstanding applications and systems.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryLittle to no experience regarding relativecompetencies, theories, systems,applications and functions relating to allaspects of �eld.

Lacks basis understanding of position; does not follow policy orprocedures; doesn’t seek assistance when confusion arises;inconsistent; does not understand basis applications or systems forposition.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Professionalism and work ethic skillsPossesses and maintains appropriate knowledge and skills of the profession.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalContinually explores interesting careeroptions and learns from people actuallyin the �eld.

Builds a network of people who strengthen the connection betweenknowledge, experience, and skills needed to succeed in a �eld.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentOften attempts to build own skill set toadvance their professional options.

Attends classes, workshops, or events devoted to professionaldevelopment.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationAble to research the skills andquali�cations needed for a position andapply their own abilities and experiencesthat match needs.

Can prepare a cover letter and resume that speci�cally addressesposition requirements and demonstrates quali�cations.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSome idea of what career path to takebut unsure of the skills and knowledgeneeded to get there.

Just starting to explore career options, look for openings, and talk topeople about their experiences in the �eld.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryHas no plans regarding a future careerand doesn’t know where to startexploring.

Has not taken any steps toward choosing a career and researchingthe quali�cations for a position in the �eld.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Career management skillsIdentifies and articulates the skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant tothe position desired.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalActively works with a mentor or advisorto hold self accountable for professionaldevelopment goals.

Has identi�ed career goals and works with an experiencedprofessional to de�ne next steps and set a timeline.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentSeeks honest feedback to help set goalsfor professional development.

Shares their professional development goals with others and makesplans based on their experience.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationCritically examines own strengths andweaknesses and knows which areasneed development for career success.

Has an action plan based on skills needed for a particular career anda timeline for achieving goals.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalShows some interest in understandingpersonal aptitudes and preferences andapplying them to different careers.

May have taken some career tests or met with career counselors tobegin developing an action plan.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryRemains unaware of own strengths andweaknesses and how those might applyto potential careers.

Attends class or performs work without seeking more informationabout career opportunities.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Career management skillsHas identified areas necessary for professional growth to accomplish career goals.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalExcellent at networking, constantly hasan eye on openings in the desired �eldand is ready to act on them.

An avid reader with good communication skills, builds and maintainsrelationships with people who may open opportunities.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentOrganized and active in pursuing careeropportunities.

Completes online applications for openings, follows-up, or requestsinformational interviews when appropriate.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationComfortable attending career fairs andfamiliar researching job openings.

Has an online presence on recruiting websites and maintains anupdated resume and reference list.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalOccasionally reviews job openings in adesired �eld for potential �t.

Does not prioritize job hunting and may be unprepared when asuitable opportunity arises.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryGenerally waits for others to suggest jobpossibilities and may or may not actupon them.

Unorganized in pursuing job opportunities. May miss applicationdeadlines or submit applications that don’t correspond to therequirements.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Career management skillsCan navigate and explore job and position options and take steps necessary to pursueopportunities.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalRegularly takes advantage ofopportunities and bene�ts offered toadvance personal and professionaldevelopment.

Has volunteered for developmental activities or offered help toothers in areas they want to learn; unafraid to reach out and try newthings.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentAble to recognize the opportunities anorganization can provide and speak upabout own ambitions, aspirations andcapabilities.

Shares goals for personal and professional development with asupervisor that can help guide their efforts.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationHas a vision for where they want to be�ve years down the road, and looks foropportunities to learn or practice newskills.

Sets both short- and longer-term goals for personal and professionaldevelopment.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalHas greater ambitions for careersuccess but fears voicing them orstepping outside of designated role.

May con�de future plans or aspirations to one or two people, butdoesn’t share goals with people in a position to help.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryStruggles with self-esteem; doesn’t feelcomfortable expressing own aspirationsor may not have any goals beyondpresent state.

Quietly does own work without drawing attention to self. Doesn’ttake advantage of any professional development or share any futureplans.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Career management skillsUnderstands how to self-advocate for opportunities in the workplace.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalKeen awareness of global issues andobligations and how they impact peoplein different ways; able to build teams ofdiverse cultural backgrounds to workeffectively together.

Shows active interest in others’ culture and values systems; seeks tounderstand the background behind differences; understands thatwhat is not being said can be as important as one’s words;effectively bridges that gap between cultures.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentResponds to global issues andobligations with sensitivity to othercultures and ways of doing things. SeesDiversity as a positive thing.

Questions own biases; seeks alternative points of view to gauge theimpact of decisions from different perspectives; can communicate ina way that builds a team perspective of diverse people.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationRecognizes global issues andobligations and behaves in anappropriate way to not offend others.

Is aware of personal cultural biases; can put aside thoseassumptions to view collaborative efforts from several equally validperspectives.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalMay show some awareness of globalissues and obligations but does notunderstand how that impacts people'sability and willingness to work togethereffectively.

Engages in discussions of cultural differences but tends to defendown position; reverts to dominant culture by default.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryAbsence of recognition of global issuesand obligations and the impact that hason people of diverse cultures.

Assumes an ethno-centric position based on own cultural norms;does not adapt to others’ values or etiquette expectations.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Global and intercultural �uency skillsValues and respects diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, andreligions.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently seeks opportunities forinformal learning with peers. Uses socialinteraction to �nd solutions tochallenges.

Curious and inquisitive. Conscious that there is always more to learn.Often passes on information that can help others.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentRegularly consults with peers to solveproblems and passes on new knowledgeto those it might help.

Approachable and open-minded. Relies on a network of people anddiverse resources to think through problems.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationOften approaches others to learn fromtheir experiences or share usefulinformation.

Easy-going and willing to admit own de�ciencies. Gets along withothers and learns from them.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSometimes accepts feedback or newideas but prefers to do things withoutinteraction.

Somewhat stando�sh. Prefers formal training to social learning andlikes to work alone on things that matter personally.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryDoes not reach out to peers to shareknowledge. Relies on own information.

Rigid. Voices strong beliefs and support for own causes but is oftenin�exible and unwilling to learn from others.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Global and intercultural �uency skillsLearns from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religionsfor workplace application.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently shows others, throughwords and actions, that they are valuedas individuals.

Celebrates diversity and listens eagerly to different opinions, valuingeach person’s contribution even in disagreement.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentGenuinely likes other people and treatsothers as they would like to be treated.

Particularly kind to others, greeting them, being aware of their needs,and fostering an inclusive environment.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationGenerally shows due regards for others’feelings and beliefs.

Treats others equally, avoids saying or doing things that might beinsensitive or hurt others.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSometimes fails to take others’ needs orfeelings into account.

Usually respectful, but occasionally gives in to negativity,complaining, or gossiping.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryOften stereotypes people and acts inaccordance with own beliefs and needs.

Has demonstrated incivility: bullying, exclusion, harassment,discrimination, or other disrespectful behavior.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Global and intercultural �uency skillsDemonstrates openness, inclusiveness, and sensitivity towards others.

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Category: Action Type: Influential

5 - ExceptionalConsistently able to disagree withoutbeing disagreeable.

Remains open and curious with a goal of understanding others.Points out differences but looks for common ground.

Level of pro�ciencysigni�cantly exceedsexpectations.

4 - ExcellentOften encourages others to express theirtrue feelings.

Does more listening than talking. Observes others and invites themto expand on what they say or feel.

Level of pro�ciencyexceeds expectations.

3 - Competent/ Meet ExpectationUsually listens to others and reads bodylanguage to fully understand.

Carefully listens to what is being said and implied, takes time torespond.

Level of pro�ciency isat an expected level.

2 - MarginalSometimes fails to hear the otherperson’s point of view.

Often listens impatiently, waiting for own turn to speak. Usually hasmind made up beforehand.

Level of pro�ciency isslightly belowexpectations.

1 - UnsatisfactoryRegularly hostile to adverse opinions.

Evaluating and critical, speaks with the purpose of winning anargument or persuading others.

Level of pro�ciency issigni�cantly belowexpectations.

0 - Not Observed


Global and intercultural �uency skillsInteracts respectfully with all people and understands individuals’ differences.

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