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N57 Interactive | Credentials 2015

Feb 11, 2017



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Page 1: N57 Interactive |  Credentials 2015

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N 5 7 i s a n i n t e r a c t i v e communications consultancy. We help brands use interactive technology to engage their consumers and create better business. We're based in Sweden but work globally for a broad range of brands and business sectors

what we do

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by working with them to discover, plan and create interact ive solut ions in today’s vital innovation space, where technology, creativity and business collide.


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about uswe’re steered by over 20 years o f exper ience in s t r a t e g i c a n d c re a t i v e planning, for many of worlds most exciting brands. we’re propelled by our passion for people, technology and behaviour changing ideas.

(click the logo to see the work)

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specialisewe’re strategical ly driven innovation specialists. Our creativity and innovation starts when the consumer and commercial insights have been established. We then like to specialise across 5 platforms…

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mobile app concept discoveryconcept scope and validationdesign (X-platform, UX, UI)developmentproject managementapp marketing

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proximity commsdiscovery work shopprogram strategy definitionuser journey mappingcontent mappinggps tagging and testingbeacon placement & testingcms developmentinterface developmentapp integrationtesting and training

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virtual realitybranded mobile VRfull VR (Oculus)virtual wanderlustdestination discoverybranded story tellinginteractive VR gameslive event and onstage real-estate showcasing360 pain viewing/360youtube

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augmented realityinteractive product samplingdigital/augmented art virtual showroomsar mobile gamingin-store product interactionreal-estate discoveryaugmented print advertisinginteractive navigation

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interactive retail our dedicated division helping retailers plan and create solutions that:

// create out of store engagement// increase store traffic (off & online)// encourage in-store sales// deliver compelling customer experience// increase in-store dwell time// create active loyalty

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including Play9 i n t e r a c t i v e c h i l d r e n entertainment solutions for creating compelling customer experience.

(click me)password: play

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(1) discoverMost businesses are very curious about interactive content and creative technology, and how it can be applied to their sector. Through our Discovery work-shop session we encourage interaction with the la test p la t forms, and begin outlining opportunities and ideas relevant to their brand and business.

working with us


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(2) tuneworking with us

Others are further down the line and use our IDP (interactive discovery planner) process to help fine tune an existing idea or project. Leading to a fully spec’d, validated and scoped project vehicle on which to make a final investment decision.


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(3) driveworking with us

If a business is at GO stage with an interactive project, they can dial in to our p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t experience and production resources to help drive it though to completion.


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TKM9 is one of the world’s leading interactive agencies, and award-winning digital retail experts. We represent them across the Nordic Region; their award winning th ink ing , con ten t and media-management tools.

ARworks is one of Europes leading developers of mobile app solutions. Pioneering in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d production of todays most exciting consumer facing AR and VR experiences.

our partners

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To find our more about what we do, or to arrange a quick idea session over a coffee, please contact Christian Burne on:

+46761858084or email [email protected]