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International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010 Constraining spacetime torsion with the Moon and Mercury Giovanni Bellettini Math. Department, Univ. Roma Tor Vergata & INFN Frascati, Italy International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010

N17. Bellettini- "constraining spacetime torsion"

Jun 25, 2015




Talk of the "International Workshop on Paolo Farinella (1953-2000): the Scientists, the man", Pisa, 14-16 June 2010
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Page 1: N17. Bellettini- "constraining spacetime torsion"

International Workshop on Paolo FarinellaPisa, June 14-16, 2010

Constraining spacetime torsion with the Moon and MercuryGiovanni Bellettini

Math. Department, Univ. Roma Tor Vergata & INFN Frascati, Italy

International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010

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- S. Dell’Agnello (INFN Frascati),

- R. March (IAC CNR, Roma),

- R. Tauraso (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)

Some mathematical references on torsion:

E. Cartan, Ann. Ec. Norm. Sup. 41 (1922, 1923, 1924).

I. Agricola , Archivum Matematicum Brno (2006), p. 30.

W. Kuhnel, Differentialgeometrie, p. 156.

M. Nakahara, Geometry, Topology and Physics, p. 258.

M.M. Postnikov, Geometry VI. Riemannian Geometry, p. 19.

Motivation: [MTGC]: Y. Mao, M. Tegmark, A.H. Guth, S. Cabi,Phys. Rev. D 76, 104029 (2007).

International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010

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Plan of the talk

short introduction to torsion

derivations of equations of motion

constraints on torsion parameters

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Torsion of ∇

(M, g) semi-riemannian manifold∇ connection on the tangent bundle of M compatible with g , i.e.∇Xg(Y ,Z ) = g(∇XY ,Z ) + g(Y ,∇XZ ).Therefore, ∇ and g are not completely independent:

∇g = 0

(i.e., ∇-parallel transport conserves the g -scalar product).[X ,Y ] commutator between X and Y∇XY −∇Y X − [X ,Y ] =: T (X ,Y ) torsion tensor of type (1, 2)This is a concept independent of the metric g .Write in coordinates ∇eµeν = Γλ


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T ≡ 0 if and only if ∇ is symmetric, i.e. Γλµν = Γλ


In coordinates the torsion tensor T becomes:

T λµν :=




µν − Γλνµ

)In case ∇ = ∇g is the Levi-Civita connection of the metric g , thenthe corresponding torsion is zero.

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Geometric meaning: an attempt to construct an infinitely smallparallelogram with sides dλ spanned by two vectors X ,Y , leads toa pentagon whose closing side is an infinitesimal equal toT (X ,Y )(dλ)2 + O((dλ)3)




pqλ λY(λ )


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(E. Cartan, 1922) M = R3, g = 〈·, ·〉,

∇XY := ∇gXY +


2X × Y , X ,Y ∈ TR3

- ∇ is metric

- ∇ has nonvanishing torsion T (X ,Y ) = X × Y

- ∇ has nonvanishing Riemann tensorRiem∇(ei , ej)ek = 1

4(ej〈ei , ek〉 − ei 〈ej , ek〉)- ∇ has the same geodesics (that will be called autoparallel)

than ∇g , since in this case the contortion tensorK (X ,Y ) := 1

2 X × Y is antisymmetric. These are curvesalong which the velocity vector is transported parallel to itselfby the connection.

- but ∇ induces a different parallel transport.

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Indeed: consider the z-axis γ(t) = (0, 0, t), a geodesic, and thevector field X which, at every point γ(t), consists of the vector(cost, sint, 0). Then ∇g

γX − γ × X = 0 = ∇γX . Hence X isparallel transported for ∇ according to a helicoidal movement.

X(t) is parallel transported according to a helicoidal movement of constant width

π2t =

t = π3


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E. Cartan (1923) M = S2 ⊂ R3, g induced metric. We call twovectors parallel if their angles wih the meridian through thatpoint coincide. Then

- ∇ is metric- ∇ has nonvanishing torsion- ∇ has vanishing Riemann tensor- the autoparallels of ∇ are different from geodesics. The

autoparallels are the loxodromes, which intersect themeridians at a constant angle.

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- Einstein’s general relativity (1915): ∇ = ∇g is the Levi-Civitaconnection, Riem∇ 6= 0, T ≡ 0. There is an action functional.

- Hayashi-Shirafuji’s new general relativity (1979): Riem∇ ≡ 0,T 6= 0. There is an action functional. A static massive bodygenerates a torsion field.

The ingredients that we have are a metric g and a connection ∇with

∇λgµν = 0

but Riem∇ 6= 0, and we do not have an action, so that we do nothave the field equations. We will use the system of ODE’sexpressing autoparallel trajectories:


dτ2+ Γλ




dτ= 0,

where τ can be taken to be the proper time. This system ofequations expresses the fact that the velocity vector is paralleltransported to itself.

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Derivation of the equations of motion

In coordinates, the connection Γλµν is determined uniquely by gµν

and by the torsion tensor as follows:

Γλµν =



+ K λ

µν ,

where · is the Levi-Civita connection, and

K λµν := T λ

µν + Tλνµ + Tλ


is the contortion tensor (and recall that T λµν := 1



µν − Γλνµ


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M = R× R3

weak field approximation

slow motion

spherical symmetry: metric and torsion around a sphericallysymmetric body (Sun/Earth) in spherical coordinates(t, r , θ, φ)

bodies move along autoparallel trajectories, and not alonggeodesics

in the computation of the geodetic precession (a three-bodyproblem), we assume that the we can superimpose linearlytwo spherically symmetric fields to obtain the global field

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ds2 = −h(r)dt2 + f (r)dr2 + r2[dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2].

to second order in m/r we have, as in the PPN framework,

h(r) = 1− 2m

r+ 2(β − γ)


r2, f (r) = 1 + 2γ



where all other PPN parameters are supposed to be negligible.Symmetry arguments imply:

T ttr =t1


2r2+ t3



T θrθ =S φ

rφ = t2m

2r2+ t4



and t4 will not enter in our computations.t1 = 0 will be fixed by the imposing the Newtonian limit.Therefore Γλ

µν becomes an explicit function of four independentparameters,

Γλµν = Γλ

µν (γ, β, t2, t3, r , θ, φ) .

International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010

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Correction to precession of pericenter (Mercury)

The equations of autoparallel trajectories



(1− A


)u =





where u = 1/r , h = r2 dφdτ exp(t2

mr ), and

A = 4− 2γ − 2β + 4t2 + 2t3.

Notice that A = 0 in the case of general relativity (γ = β = 1 andt2 = t3 = 0).If ω is the longitude of the pericenter, the secular contribution(δω)sec reads as

(δω)sec = (2 + 2γ − β + 2t2 + t3)m

a(1− e2)v ,

where a is the semimajor axis of the satellite orbit, e is theeccentricity, and v is the true anomaly.

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If t2 = t3 = 0 then

(δω)sec = (2 + 2γ − β)m

a(1− e2)v ,

which is the usual precession of pericenter. Hence whenγ = β = 1 we find the usual expression of given by generalrelativity.

Our result is not in agreement with the result on theprecession of pericenter obtained by [MTGC].

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Correction orbital elements (Sun, Earth, satell.)

We assume

gµν = (gµν)0 + (gµν)01, T λ

µν = (T λµν )0 + (T λ

µν )01,


- (gµν)0 and (T λµν )0 are the metric and the torsion tensors,

taking into account the Sun only, supposed at rest;- (gµν)0

1 and (T λµν )0

1 are the metric and the torsion tensorstaking into account the Earth only; these tensors are given ateach time by the previous expressions, computed as if theEarth were at rest (at that time).

We also assume, beside the spherical symmetry of the Sun and theEarth,

motion of the Earth is circular.

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Now we follow the de Sitter’s computations (1916). Secularcontributions to the variation of the longitude Ω of the node of thesatellite orbiting around Earth:

(δΩ)sec =1



ρ(2 + 4γ + 3t2) t, (1)

where m is the mass of the Sun, ν0 is the angular velocity of theEarth, and ρ is the distance between the Sun and the Earth. Ift2 = t3 = 0 then

(δΩ)sec =1



ρ(1 + 2γ) t,

which is the usual geodetic precession. Hence, when γ = β = 1 wefind the usual formula of geodetic precession found by de Sitter

(δΩ)GRsec =



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Concerning the longitude ω of the pericenter of the satellite: wefurther assume

small eccentricity of the satellite around Earth.

Again we find the secular contribution

(δω)sec =1



ρ(2 + 4γ + 3t2) t.

Note that

- (δΩ)sec and (δω)sec are independent of the details of thesatellite motion.

- The analogous result obtained by [MTGC] in the case ofgyroscopes is slightly different: the parameter t2 has adifferent multiplicative constant in front.

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Constraints on torsion parameters

Consequences of the computations on the geodetic precession.

Using the PPN formalism, and

the Lunar Laser Ranging data

the above mentioned formula (1) for (δΩ)sec

the Cassini spacecraft result γ = 1 + (2.1± 2.3)× 10−5,

we find|t2| < 0.0128.

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Consequence of the computations on the perihelion. Using

the planetary radar ranging data

γ = 1 + (2.1± 2.3)× 10−5

we get|(1− β) + 2t2 + t3| < 0.003.

Our conclusions are:

|t2| < 0.0128, |(1− β) + 2t2 + t3| < 0.003.

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If in addition we use the estimate β = 1 + (1.2± 1.1)× 10−4, wededuce

|2t2 + t3| < 0.003,

and|t3| < 0.0286.

International Workshop on Paolo Farinella Pisa, June 14-16, 2010