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Python and MySQL Ted Leung Sun Microsystems

MySQL User Conference 2009: Python and MySQL

Jan 27, 2015



Ted Leung

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Page 1: MySQL User Conference 2009: Python and MySQL

Python and MySQLTed LeungSun Microsystems

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Python-DB In the beginning there was the DB-API PEP-249

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MySQLdb MySQLdb written in Python _mysql written in C and is MySQL specific

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import MySQLdb

conn = MySQLdb.connect( host = 'localhost', user = 'twl', passwd='pass', db='flickrmgr')


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c = conn.cursor()c.execute("""SELECT * from curator_photo""")

# read one rowpprint(c.fetchone())

# read all the rowspprint(c.fetchall())

((3L, 3422686825L, "OPG Toymaker's Doll 2009", 2L, '', datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 8, 1, 21, 44)), (4L, 3422685683L, "OPG Toymaker's Doll 2009", 2L, '', datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 8, 1, 20, 54)),

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dc = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)dc.execute("""SELECT * from curator_photo""")


({'flickr_id': 2147483647L, 'id': 2L, 'pub_date': datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 8, 1, 21, 44), 'title': "OPG Toymaker's Doll 2009", 'url': '', 'user_id': 2L}, {'flickr_id': 3422686825L, 'id': 3L, 'pub_date': datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 8, 1, 21, 44), 'title': "OPG Toymaker's Doll 2009", 'url': '', 'user_id': 2L})

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c.execute( """SELECT * from curator_photo WHERE id < %s""", (50,))


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c.execute( """INSERT INTO curator_user (flickr_id, name) VALUES (%s, %s)""", ("000", "No User"))


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Django Leading web application framework Lots of people coming to Python via Django today Model-View-Controller Command line management scripts It’s own Rails-like ORM Based on the Active Record pattern

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Active Record Pattern Database table is wrapped in a class Each class instance is a row in the table Relationships expressd as foreign key constraints

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from django.db import models

class User(models.Model): flickr_id = models.TextField() name = models.TextField()

def __unicode__(self): return

class Group(models.Model): flickr_id = models.TextField() name = models.TextField() throttle_count = models.IntegerField() throttle_mode = models.TextField() throttle_remaining = models.IntegerField()

def __unicode__(self): return

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class Photo(models.Model): flickr_id = models.IntegerField() title = models.TextField() user = models.ForeignKey(User) groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group) url = models.URLField() pub_date = models.DateTimeField()

def __unicode__(self): return self.title

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from curator.models import Photofrom datetime import datetime


Photo.objects.filter(title__contains='PyCon').exclude( pub_date__lte=datetime(2009,4,1))

Photo.objects.filter(title__contains='PyCon').exclude( pub_date__lte=datetime(2009,4,1))[2:4]

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from django.contrib import admin

class PhotoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass

class GroupAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass

class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass, GroupAdmin), PhotoAdmin), UserAdmin)

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def load_from_flickr(request): api = API()

# 51035696189@N01 twl, created = User.objects.get_or_create( flickr_id = '51035696189@N01', name = 'Ted Leung' ) if created:

photos = api.list_user_info( '')

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for photo in photos: flickr_id, title, pub_date, url, pools = photo new_photo = Photo() new_photo.flickr_id = flickr_id new_photo.title = title new_photo.user = twl new_photo.pub_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pub_date)) new_photo.url = url

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# do pools for pool in pools: new_pool, created=Group.objects.get_or_create( flickr_id = pool[0], name = pool[1], throttle_count = pool[2], throttle_mode = pool[3], throttle_remaining = pool[4] ) new_photo.groups.add(new_pool) if created:

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output = '''<html> <head> <title>Bulk loading from Flickr</title> </head> <body> </body></html>''' return HttpResponse(output)

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from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

from curator.models import User, Group, Photofrom curator.views import load_from_flickr

photo_info_dict = { 'queryset': Photo.objects.all(), 'date_field': 'pub_date',}

urlpatterns = patterns( '', (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index', photo_info_dict), (r'^load/$', load_from_flickr),)

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Transactions Commit on save or delete Commit at HTTP request/response boundaries commit_manually decorator

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Connection Pooling Important as systems scale up No framework wide solution yet

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Migration South Integrates with Can automatically migrate models

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../bin/django startmigration curator --initial

Creating migrations directory at '/Users/twl/work/mysql-2009/django/flickrmgr/curator/migrations'...

Creating in '/Users/twl/work/mysql-2009/django/flickrmgr/curator/migrations'... + Added model 'curator.Photo' + Added model 'curator.Group' + Added model 'curator.User' + Added field 'curator.Photo.groups'Created

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class Photo(models.Model): flickr_id = models.IntegerField() title = models.TextField() user = models.ForeignKey(User) groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group) url = models.URLField() pub_date = models.DateTimeField() visible = models.BooleanField()

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../bin/django startmigration curator add_visible --auto + Added field ''Created

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from south.db import dbfrom django.db import modelsfrom curator.models import *

class Migration: def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Photo.visible' db.add_column('curator_photo', 'visible', models.BooleanField()) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Photo.visible' db.delete_column('curator_photo', 'visible')

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SQLObject ORM using Active Record pattern Tight coupling to Python classes Used in TurboGears 1

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sqlhub.processConnection = connection

try: User.createTable(ifNotExists=True) Photo.createTable(ifNotExists=True) FlickrGroup.createTable(ifNotExists=True)except dberrors.OperationalError, oe: print oe

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class User(SQLObject): flickr_id = StringCol() name = StringCol()

class Photo(SQLObject): flickr_id = StringCol() title = StringCol() user = ForeignKey('User') groups = RelatedJoin('FlickrGroup') url = StringCol() pub_date = DateTimeCol()

class FlickrGroup(SQLObject): flickr_id = StringCol() name = StringCol() throttle_count = IntCol() throttle_mode = StringCol() throttle_remaining = IntCol() photos = RelatedJoin('Photo')

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pycon_photos = list('PyCon')))


pycon_apr_photos = list('PyCon'), Photo.q.pub_date > datetime(2009,4,1) )))


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api = API()

twl = User( flickr_id = '51035696189@N01', name = 'Ted Leung')

photos = api.list_user_info( '')

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for photo in photos: print photo flickr_id, title, pub_date, url, pools = photo new_photo = Photo( flickr_id = flickr_id, title = title, user = twl, pub_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pub_date)), url = url )

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# do pools for pool in pools: new_pool = list( FlickrGroup.q.flickr_id == pool[0])) if len(new_pool) > 0: new_pool = new_pool[0] else: new_pool = None if not new_pool: new_pool = FlickrGroup( flickr_id = pool[0], name = pool[1], throttle_count = pool[2], throttle_mode = pool[3], throttle_remaining = pool[4] )


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Transactionstxn = connection.transaction()

p = Photo.get(1, txn)p.title = ‘updated photo’


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Connection Pooling Connection pooling is built in and on by default

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sqlmetaclass Photo(SQLObject): class sqlmeta: lazyUpdate = True cacheValues = False

flickr_id = StringCol() title = StringCol() user = ForeignKey('User') groups = RelatedJoin('FlickrGroup') url = StringCol() pub_date = DateTimeCol()

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Eventsfrom import listenfrom RowUpdateSignal, RowCreatedSignal

def update_listener(instance, kwargs): kwargs['pub_date'] =

def created_listener(kwargs, post_funcs): print “created photo %s” % (kwargs[‘title’])

listen(update_listener, Photo, RowUpdateSignal)listen(created_listener, Photo, RowCreatedSignal)

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SQLAlchemy Python’s answer to Hibernate Low level SQL manipulations High Level ORM Used in TurboGears 2

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Low Level SQL

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from sqlalchemy import create_enginefrom sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime, MetaData, ForeignKeyfrom sqlalchemy import select

engine = create_engine( 'mysql://twl:pass@localhost/sqlobject',echo=True) metadata = MetaData()

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users_table = Table('user', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('flickr_id', Text), Column('name', Text) )

groups_table = Table('group', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('flickr_id', Text), Column('name', Text), Column('throttle_count', Integer), Column('throttle_mode', Text), Column('throttle_remaining', Integer) ) photos_table = Table('photo', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('flickr_id', Text), Column('title', Text), Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey(‘’)), Column('url', Text), Column('pub_date', DateTime) )

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conn = engine.connect()

s = select([users_table])result = conn.execute(s)

for row in result: print row

s = select([photos_table], photos_table.c.title.contains('PyCon'))

for row in conn.execute(s): print row

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ins = users.insert().values(name='Thomas Hawk', flickr_id='000')

result = conn.execute(ins)

update = users.update().where('Thomas Hawk' ).values( flickr_id='51035555243@N01'))

result = conn.execute(update)

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Transactions Regular manual control Autocommit - per session 2PC

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Connection Pooling Built-in framework Done at engine configuration time

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Other Low Level SQL features Unions and other Set operations Scalar Selects Correlated Subqueries Ordering, Grouping, Offsetting Correlated Updates

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ORM Mapping Declarative

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class User(object): def __repr__(self): return "<User('%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,

class Group(object): def __repr__(self): return "<Group('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,, self.throttle_remaining )

class Photo(object): def __repr__(self): return "<Photo('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id, self.title, self.url )

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metadata = MetaData()

flickr_group_photo = Table( 'flickr_group_photo', metadata, Column('flickr_group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('photo_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')))

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from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker

engine = create_engine( 'mysql://twl:pass@localhost/sqlobject')

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Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)session = Session()

mapper(User, users_table, properties = { 'photos' : relation(Photo, backref='user') })

mapper(Group, groups_table, properties = { 'photos' : relation(Photo, secondary=flickr_group_photo, backref='groups') })

mapper(Photo, photos_table)

for u in session.query(User): print u

for g in session.query(Group): print g

for p in session.query(Photo): print p

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Declarative ORM

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from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_basefrom sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmakerfrom sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKeyfrom sqlalchemy import Integer, String, Text, DateTime

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'user'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) flickr_id = Column(Text) name = Column(Text)

def __repr__(self): return "<User('%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,

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class Group(Base): __tablename__ = 'flickr_group' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) flickr_id = Column(Text) name = Column(Text) throttle_count = Column(Integer) throttle_mode = Column(Text) throttle_remaining = Column(Integer)

def __repr__(self): return "<Group('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,, self.throttle_remaining )

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class Photo(Base): __tablename__ = 'photo' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) flickr_id = Column(Text) title = Column(Text) user_id = Column(Integer,ForeignKey('')) user = relation(User, backref=backref('photos', order_by=id)) groups = relation('Group', secondary=flickr_group_photo, backref=backref('photos')) url = Column(Text) pub_date = Column(DateTime)

def __repr__(self): return "<Photo('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id, self.title, self.url )

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Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)session = Session()

for u in session.query(User): print u

for g in session.query(Group): print g

for p in session.query(Photo): print p

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And more Advanced mapping Multiple table mapping

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Elixir a simpler way of doing declarative ORM for


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from elixir import *

class User(Entity): using_options(tablename = 'user')

flickr_id = Field(Text) name = Field(Text) photos = OneToMany('Photo')

def __repr__(self): return "<User('%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,

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class Group(Entity): using_options(tablename = 'flickr_group') flickr_id = Field(Text) name = Field(Text) throttle_count = Field(Integer) throttle_mode = Field(Text) throttle_remaining = Field(Integer)

def __repr__(self): return "<Group('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id,, self.throttle_remaining )

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class Photo(Entity): using_options(tablename = 'photo')

flickr_id = Field(Text) title = Field(Text) url = Column(Text) pub_date = Column(DateTime) groups = ManyToMany('Group') user = ManyToOne('User')

def __repr__(self): return "<Photo('%s','%s','%s','%s')>" % (, self.flickr_id, self.title, self.url )

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engine = create_engine( 'mysql://twl:pass@localhost/sqlobject', echo=True) Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)session = Session()

metadata = MetaData()

metadata.bind='mysql://twl:pass@localhost/sqlobject'metadata.bind.echo = True


for u in session.query(User): print u

for g in session.query(Group): print g

for p in session.query(Photo): print print

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SqlSoupfrom sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup

soup = SqlSoup('mysql://twl:pass@localhost/sqlobject')

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[MappedPhoto(id=71L,flickr_id='3286255071',title='',user_id=1L,url='',pub_date=datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 16, 20, 47, 56)), MappedPhoto(id=72L,flickr_id='3287070244',title='',user_id=1L,url='',pub_date=datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 16, 20, 47, 22)), MappedPhoto(id=46L,flickr_id='3395647634',title='Andy Dustman',user_id=1L,url='',pub_date=datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 29, 9, 7, 34)), MappedPhoto(id=73L,flickr_id='3277628077',title='Bainbridge Island Chinese New Year 2009',user_id=1L,url='',pub_date=datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 13, 23, 31, 52)),

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Migrations sqlalchemy-migrate Version control a database A repository of upgrade scripts

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from sqlalchemy import *from migrate import *

metadata = MetaData(migrate_engine)

photos_table = Table('photo', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('flickr_id', Text), Column('title', Text), Column('user_id', Integer), Column('url', Text), Column('pub_date', DateTime), )

visible_col = Column('visible', Integer)

def upgrade(): visible_col.create(photos_table) assert visible_col is photos_table.c.visible

def downgrade(): visible_col.drop()

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from sqlalchemy import *from migrate import *

metadata = MetaData(migrate_engine)

photos_table = Table('photo', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('flickr_id', Text), Column('title', Text), Column('user_id', Integer), Column('url', Text), Column('pub_date', DateTime), Column('visible', Integer) )

col = photos_table.c.visible

def upgrade(): col.alter(type=Boolean, nullable=False)

def downgrade(): col.alter(type=Integer, nullable=True)

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Migration operations Create/Drop a table Create/Drop/Alter a column Create/Drop index Create/Drop primary/foreign key constraints

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Summary Django for Django SQLAlchemy for the rest