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  5. 5. MARKET POTENTIAL 550 M 13 M TAM SAM 515 billion $ Restaurant Sales
  6. 6. TRACTION 62,5% of Restaurants would use the App
  7. 7. How we make money Premium Packages Price: 1,99-5 ONLY CHARGE RESTAURANTS +1,5M in Revenues by 2019
  8. 8. Portugal 2015 Spain 2016 Italy 2017 England 2018 Revenues 1,5M # Restaurants 16.898 EBITDA 1,3M NET Profit 1M # Users 3,7M 2019 ROADMAP
  11. 11. Thank you
  12. 12. Financials: Break Even Analysis 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenues 1,352.74 54,096.68 337,395.75 961,565.08 1,438,591.56 NET Profit -55,245.21 -96,938.41 106,485.38 531,159.08 995,217.53 EBITDA -69,930.65 -140,500.62 79,637.01 650,633.69 1,284,585.93 -400,000.00 -200,000.00 - 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,600,000.00 Break Even Analysis
  13. 13. Financials: Cost of Customer Acquisition RESTAURANTS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Average #Restaurants (All) 666 5.591 10.359 16.898 16.898 10.082 New Restaurants (All) 666 4.925 4.768 6.540 0 3.380 #Paying Restaurants (Premium) 5 202 1.032 2.704 2.704 1.329 New Paying Restaurants (Premium) 5 197 831 1.671 0 541 Restaurant Acquisition Costs (Sales) 14.242 68.076 125.353 155.170 0 72.568 COC: Restaurant 21,38 13,82 26,29 23,73 - 21,47 COC: Paying Restauran 3.143,63 345,32 150,91 92,84 - 134,20 Restaurans Revenues (Premium) 245 29.507 229.235 674.434 970.432 380.771 Revenue per Restaurant per year 0,37 5,28 22,13 39,91 57,43 37,77 Ratio Restaurant: Rev/Acq.Cost 0,01% 1,53% 14,66% 42,99% - 28% USERS 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Average #App Users 26.827 401.648 1.291.557 2.600.798 3.650.749 1.594.316 New App Users 26.827 374.820 889.910 1.309.241 1.049.952 730.150 User Acquisition Costs (Marketing) 3.421 34.520 38.912 49.573 41.627 33.611 COC: App User 0,13 0,09 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,05 App User Revenues 1.108 24.589 108.161 287.131 468.160 177.830 Revenue per App User per year 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,11 0,13 0,11 Ratio App User: Rev/Cost 32% 66% 192% 292% 323% 242%
  14. 14. Financials: Income Statement 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Total Total Total Total Revenues 1.352,74 54.096,68 337.395,75 961.565,08 1.438.591,56 - "COGS" - - - - - = Gross Margin 1.352,74 54.096,68 337.395,75 961.565,08 1.438.591,56 GM% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - Sales Team 14.241,67 68.075,77 125.353,03 155.169,96 - - Marketing 3.420,90 34.519,85 38.912,34 49.573,24 41.627,05 - Rent (Lisboa) 4.000,00 9.600,00 9.600,00 9.600,00 9.600,00 - Mgt Team Salary 23.052,67 55.326,40 55.326,40 55.326,40 55.326,40 - Content Team 3.095,08 11.142,30 18.570,50 22.284,60 22.284,60 - Software 20.497,45 14.315,10 8.378,58 18.001,59 24.191,97 - Hardware 2.975,61 1.617,89 1.617,89 975,61 975,61 - Legal 292,68 3.360,54 2.873,77 74,40 - = EBITDA 69.930,65 - 140.500,62 - 79.637,01 650.633,69 1.284.585,93 - Depreciation - 795,39 994,24 1.193,09 434,28 - Interest = EBIT 69.930,65 - 141.296,01 - 78.642,77 649.440,60 1.284.151,65 - Tax - - - 108.539,91 269.671,85 Deferred Tax Assets 14.685,44 44.357,60 27.842,62 - - Derrama - - - 9.741,61 19.262,27 = Net earnings 55.245,21 - 96.938,41 - 106.485,38 531.159,08 995.217,53 % of sales -4084% -179% 32% 55% 69% Income Statement
  15. 15. Financials: Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Total Total Total Total Total Cash 197184,9921 50800,79168 127059,6602 779367,2795 2063406,048 Accounts Receivable 12.976,90 62.793,38 155.044,06 266.755,42 47.031,34 Fixed Assets 2.569,11 3.211,38 3.058,27 2.064,02 870,93 Depreciation - 795,39 994,24 1.193,09 434,28 Net fixed assets 256911% 241599% 206402% 87093% 43665% ASSETS 215300,1069 120016,9325 288220,2491 1050250,749 2112179,263 Accounts Payable Social Sec Payable 526,46 584,96 643,45 643,45 643,45 VAT payable 18,86 1.615,60 8.029,83 23.681,31 26.225,08 Tax payable - - - 118.281,52 288.934,12 Short term loans - - - - - Long term loans - - - - - Retained Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 LIABILITIES 545,32 2.200,56 8.673,28 142.606,28 315.802,65 EQUITY Capital 270.000,00 270.000,00 270.000,00 270.000,00 270.000,00 Net Profit from previous year - 55.245,21 - 96.938,41 - 106.485,38 531.159,08 Net Profit 55.245,21 - 96.938,41 - 106.485,38 531.159,08 995.217,53 E + L 215.300,11 120.016,93 288.220,25 1.050.250,75 2.112.179,26
  16. 16. Financials: Company Valuation Multiples InfoEdge India Ltd. Tripadvisor Inc. Average Market Adjustment MyNearBite 19,78 412.008.012,00 8.149.518.477,36 27,47 33% 9,06 360.885,07 3.270.863,80 EV/ EBITDA EBITDA Enterprise Value 35,15 28.679.706,52,07 Enterprise Value Required Investment Management Investment Investor Investment Investor Share Investor Profit Investor Profit (in%) 3.020.863,80 1308% 3.270.863,80 270.000,00 20.000,00 250.000,00 7,64%
  17. 17. Market: Number of customers 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 App Users 26,827 401,648 1,291,557 2,600,798 3,650,749 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 Number of app users 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Restaurants 666 5,591 10,359 16,898 16,898 Paying Restaurants 5 202 1,032 2,704 2,704 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Number of restaurants
  18. 18. -400,000.00 -200,000.00 - 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,600,000.00 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 AXISTITLE Profit & Losses Revenues 1,5M EBITDA 1,3M NET Profit 1M 2019
  19. 19. 1. Meal 2. Information 3. Route 4. Rating APP: USER
  20. 20. APP: RESTAURANT 1. Meal 2. Pricing 3. Validity 4. Confirmation