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Page 1: My Infinite Heart
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From birth you have been taught to think with your head, to use your brain, be logical and to be rational.

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You were taught to focus at school and to think about your subjects.You were taught to consider problems and to let them roll around your mind so that they could be solved.

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You were taught that thinking was the only way you could be successful.You were repeatedly shown how to concentrate so that your brain could focus and find a solution.

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You were told to pay attention so that your mind would remember what you are being shown.

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Wouldn’t it be funny if the way you were taught was actually limiting your ability to think ?

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What if there was an alternative to brain intelligence? What if there was a way to access the bigger picture instead of just the local picture?

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Imagine if there was an alternative way of dealing with your problems. What would it be like if you could ‘feel’ your way, instead of thinking your way through life?

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There is an alternative way of thinking and doing! And it’s been scientifically proven...(big deal!)Your heart is also a brain!

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Your heart is an intelligence.It is different to your head intelligence. Your heart intelligence calls upon the infinite something that you are for it’s information.

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Your head intelligence calls upon your worldly experiences and memories. It relies a lot on your memory and your ability to copy what has been done before.

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Artists, musicians, painters, dancers... creative people call upon their heart intelligence to create original works.

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Your head can only rearrange memories of what it has already experienced in your world.Your heart introduces new, creative concepts to your world.

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Perhaps the core teachings of all religions and great teachings were once creative words from the heart intelligence,

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But years of reinterpretation by head intelligence have diluted and polluted them, so that now they are only hollow representations of their original intentions.

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The head loves cliches, convention, safe ways and uses borrowed ideas.The heart forever plays with new concepts because it’s source is infinite and it‘s guidance is holistic.

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Touch your heart intelligence each day... often. Stop every now and then, listen for new ideas and refreshing thoughts whispered from your open heart.

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Watch for hints and intuitive thoughts that can smooth your daily path through the jungle of life.

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Your infinite heart knows best... but you have to be aware of it and you must take the time to listen.

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Your infinite heart will soften your life and help calm your way.Your infinite heart is infinitely more intelligent than your head.

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Stop thinking with your brain and start feeling with your heart.Try it today! You’ve nothing to lose and a new world to gain.

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Your infinite heart is your secret door to a new way of seeing and a new way of living.

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Take your worries to your heart. Leave them there and trust timing to bring about what is best for you and best for your world.

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You want the world to change?Well change the way you think.Learn to think from your heart, your infinite heart.

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Touch forever as you journey through each day... it’s so simple... no dogmas... no rules... no teachers... no guilt... just an open heart.

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Your own infinite heart will bring a personal, private realisation of the easy way to touch the infinite something that you are.

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Your infinite heart is your private space, a very personal place that only you can understand.

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Think from your heart, not your head.Your Infinite Heart - the new way to think and live.

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