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MVLC August 2018 NEWSLETTER - · Marin Joy Ceder, ... It was an email from Julie Williams, President of the MVLC Church ... [email protected] 253-279-6512 or

Jul 29, 2018



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Page 1: MVLC August 2018 NEWSLETTER - · Marin Joy Ceder, ... It was an email from Julie Williams, President of the MVLC Church ... 253-279-6512 or



C Au






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For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children oflight—for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try tofind out what is pleasing to the Lord.


If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lieand do not do what is true.

—1 JOHN 1:6

When I think of “Fellowship” and “The Light,” I hadn’t given much thought to howthis combination might apply to stewardship. But guess what! It applies in severalmeaningful ways.

“The Light” is regularly thought of as the Gospel, righteousness, good deeds seen byothers, one of God’s attributes, and Jesus, but you are also “The Light”.

“Fellowship” always involves others, and the fellowship Christians have in and withChrist is most joyful and enriching.

Seen together, “Fellowship of The Light” takes on a new meaning with regard tostewardship. Together, we give of our time and money in a collective act of worshipthat enables results not achievable by a single individual - benevolences, ministries,pastoral care, and a place to meet, to name a few. Since giving money is almost alwaysdone in “secret” as a private act of worship and obedience, there is a tendency tooverlook the “Fellowship” aspect of it, but the results of those private acts are VERYvisible and impactful in the lives of others (LIGHT).

Consider yourself, for a moment, as a single source of light—a “candle” as it were. Asingle candle only produces a small amount of light. But when you combine manycandles in close proximity, the “fellowship” of candles becomes very bright. This isexactly what happens when we give to Mountain View Lutheran Church. We focus ourindividual “lights” into one unified “light” to illuminate the darkness. The “light” fromour congregation can be seen for miles! It illuminates not only our lives, but the livesof a great many. This light is inviting, healing, safe, and in a word – BEAUTIFUL. Asource of great joy. And pleasing to God.


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Light is often measured in terms of “candle power”. The more candle power, the morelight, and the further that light shines. The “light” of MVLC is called to shine aroundthe world!

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and giveglory to your Father in heaven.


Let your light shine!

Mi h Bron behalf of the Stewardship Ministry Group


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PRAYERS of the CHURCHLord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the newly baptized. Kenneth Enzo Neptun, son of Don and Lori Neptun, grandson of Dan and Wendy

Neptun. Marin Joy Ceder, daughter of Tim and Ashlee Ceder, granddaughter of Kristi

Ceder. Graham Merrick Roff, son of Erick and Ashley Roff, grandson of Anne Roff, great-

grandson of Helen Bartholomaus.

We pray for those who celebrate the birth of new children. Kenneth Enzo Neptun, son of Don and Lori Neptun, grandson of Dan and Wendy

Neptun. Lucille Marie Vaswig, daughter of Zach and Bryn Vaswig, granddaughter of Pastor

John and Monique Vaswig.


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PRAYERS of the CHURCHLord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for members of our congregation in need of healing. John Bachner. Hideko Coghill. Darrel Hagen. Kent Hamilton. Roy Keehnel. Blanche Lauver. Amy Lewis. Stewart Luckman. Doug Mandt. Dorothy Nelson. Agnes Purvis. Pete Thibadeau. Peggie Wallingford. Helen Williams.

We pray for our family and friends in need of healing. John Bachner, son of John and Ann Marie Bachner. Dana Baker, brother of Diane Tyler. Joyce Bassett, sister of Lorin Ginther and Wayne Ginther. Lia Becktold, granddaughter of Pat Clement. Laurie Carver, mother of Peggy Thurston. Dorothy Cherpeske, wife of Dave Cherpeske. Summer Goetz, cousin of Beth Ann Johnson. Fred Hanenburg, brother of Rich Hanenburg. Tanya Jose, friend of Pili Wolfe and Mervina Sturgeon. Dianne Kimble, sister of Darlene Thompson. Judy Ross, mother of Terry Freed. Joan Seacrest, aunt of Beth Ann Johnson. Ernette Yim, niece of Mervina Sturgeon.


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Ten years ago, when Mountain View Community Center first opened its doors, thefirst employee was Jesie Holden. Recently, she re-joined the Mountain ViewCommunity Center as the new Executive Director. She spoke at church on Sunday 08July 2018.

It is so wonderful to be back here at Mountain View and reconnect with many friendlyand familiar faces. When I left eight years ago I was nine months pregnant. Today myhusband Andy and I have two children, Ellie and Ezra, who recently participated inVBS at Mountain View, and had a wonderful time! We look forward to regularlyattending services here at Mountain View and serving together with you.

I was getting acquainted with my office last week and I was surprised to find myBoard binder from ten years ago. I flipped all the way back to the first piece of paperthat was added. It was an email from Julie Williams, President of the MVLC ChurchCouncil at the time, written Feb 2, 2008. It stated the original overall vision for thecenter:

"Feeding the mind, body, and spirit"

I believe that from the start the church council saw, what I firmly believe today: thatwe were each created with a desire to fulfill far more than our physical hunger. Wehave a hunger for knowledge, a hunger for connection, a hunger for purpose. Eachone of us who walks onto this campus has a more prominent hunger, but we are allhungry for something. What I think we can all agree on is that being a communitymeans feeding one another, whether that be providing physical nourishment,opportunities to learn and grow, activity and connection, or ways to find meaningthrough service.

I am here today, committed to creating better connection and communication campuswide. My desire is to bring new passion and commitment to our promise to serve,together; to feed one other, together; to love our neighbor, together.

On behalf of the board and the staff at Mountain View Community Center, I want toextend our sincere gratitude to each of you for being a part of this ministry and forinvesting your time and talent into creating the campus wide vision of loving andserving our community. I am thankful for what we have done together so far, but moreimportantly, I am eager to see where the Lord leads next!

Je H lExecutive Director of the Mountain View Community Center


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It is time to sign up for the annualMVLC Golf Tournament

Sunday 05 August 2018 • 1:30 p.m.High Cedars Golf Course, Orting

$40 per person9 holes of golf, prizes, dinner

all are welcome to thisall levels event!

sign up as a single, team, or family!

for more information:

Dan [email protected]


John [email protected]

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Installation Worship Service for Pastor Briana R. MerkleSunday 12 August 2018 • 4:00 p.m. • Sanctuary

We celebrate the arrival of Pastor Bri and the beginning of her ministry inour midst at Mountain View Lutheran with a service of installation andHoly Communion. Dinner follows the service.

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New Members Class Coming This FallHere at Mountain View Lutheran, we offer a yearly New Member/Inquirer’s Class ledby Pastor John. This class gives an overall view of our mission and ministry here atMountain View, as well as a better understanding of the Lutheran faith for those whoare new to it. This year’s New Member Class begins on Sunday 16 September 2018 at9:30 a.m. during the education hour. The class meets for four weeks through Sunday07 October 2018. Attendance at the class does not mean membership at MVLC unlessthat is what you decide to do. You are always welcome to worship withoutmembership, but we are hopeful you will feel compelled to join us in the mission andministry of Mountain View Lutheran Church.

If you are interested in being a part of this class, please contact Parish WorkerMarlene Wright in the Church Office by calling 253-863-5171 or [email protected].

Seeds of ChangeOver the years, Seeds of Change, our weekly community dinner, has providedthousands of meals to members of our community. Many of our guests are lowincome and need a meal to help them stretch their budget. But we see others herealso: food bank volunteers, who need a quick break and a bite to eat; seniors in thecommunity who too often eat alone at home; and of course, the occasional churchgroup, grabbing a bite to eat before a meeting.

We have been blessed to have teams of volunteers providing these meals mostweeks. But we could use your help. We are currently seeking meal teams and/orserving team volunteers for the following dates: August 9 and September 13, 20, and27.

For more information you can email [email protected] or call 253-826-4329 andspeak with Beth Ann Johnson or Kitty Coates.

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from the FAITH COMMUNITY NURSEGo With H2OWhat is the substance that contains no calories, makes up 60 percent of our bodyweight and is practically free? The answer is water. Two thirds of our bodiesare composed of water making it the body’s most vital nutrient.

Many people underestimate their need for water. It is recommended that wedrink eight to ten glasses per day. Why is water so valuable?

Helps your body digest food and absorb nutrients. Keeps your body working properly. Carries away bodily waste. Cools the body through perspiration.

“But I don’t like the taste” you may say? Become the master of disguise and mixlemon or lime slices in your water cup. Inspire yourself and your children byusing a favorite water bottle. Try making water a drink option at mealtime orsnacks. Offer children water when they want to snack just before a scheduledmeal.

Mark Your CalendarsOn Tuesday 18 September 2018, the MountainView Community Center’s Senior Café, will havea presenter to share how to reduce risks of falls.Come join us for SAIL Exercise, a wonderfullunch, and this most important presentation.

Need to Contactthe Faith Community Nurse?If you have any questions or concerns abouthealth or medical issues, then please contactMVLC Faith Community Nurse Terry Freed [email protected] 253-640-9119

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◄ day one

◄ day three

day two ►

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What does photograph number 39 of each of the five daysof “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” VBS document?

MVLC’s 2018 Vacation Bible School was filled withBible stories, songs, crafts, snacks, games,

friends, fellowship, and much more!

View more photos of “Shipwrecked” VBS at MVLC

◄ day four

day five ►

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Church Administrator ConferenceEach July, church administrators from around the country gather for most of a week,to learn more about the various areas of church administration. As you may recall, Ireceived my official Certified Church Administrator credential at last year’s conference(less than 1,600 church administrators have achieved this credential nationally, andless than 400 currently hold this certification—only 5 in Washington State).Workshops include Human Resources, Facilities Management, InformationTechnology, Financial, and Legal. The workshops that I attended focused on theimpact of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act on churches, and the many ramifications beyondthe tax-deductibility of contributions to the church.

Since the standard deduction for married couples has increased from $12,700 ($6,350single) to $24,000 ($12,000 single), some tax advisors are counseling their clients tocontribute multiple years’ worth of tithing in one year, to maximize the benefit of theircharitable giving and other itemized deductions. While this may be advantageous forsome families, it is important to work closely with the church office to ensure that thechurch can plan for the impact on future cash flows. Specifically, we want to honor theintention of your contribution (e.g. applying to the appropriate year’s pledges), butalso designate the appropriate amount of the multiple year contribution to futureyears.

One of the many changes affecting members may be the elimination of their itemizeddeductions for unreimbursed business expenses, and traveling and moving expenses;as well as the taxability of reimbursed moving expenses. While you can be reimbursedfor all business related expenses by your employer without any tax consequences,expenses and mileage incurred for relocating to a new job are no longer tax-deductiblein 2018, and reimbursements from your employer are considered taxable benefits.Therefore, it is important to submit any business related receipts to your employer forreimbursement in 2018 and beyond.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to meet with our current church managementsystem provider, to learn more about changes to their software that will benefit ourministry in 2019 and beyond. Stay tuned for new ways to interact with your fellowchurch members and the church office!

Finally, I will be working closely with our local Church Administrator’s chapter, todevelop a new format and structure, to better support the professional needs of allthose involved with church administration throughout Western Washington. In earlyJune, I was elected President of our Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Church Network.One of the challenges facing our association (as with many membershiporganizations) are the many demands on people’s time, travel distance, and ability toengage members at deeper levels. One of the most critical needs is the opportunity to


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connect with and support others in our area of service. There is no other similar groupwithin any one denomination in our area, and too often administrators are isolated.Going forward, we will be engaging a new localized model, which will break ourexisting chapter into four small groups, to lower barriers to participation, and,hopefully, increase participation and connectedness.

July Highlights Repainting of the Education Building exterior, completed by contractor and the

MVLC Honey Doers. Removal of several old couches in the Junior High and High School classrooms.

Thank you John Decker and MVLC Troop 525! Cleaning of fire suppression hoods in the Life Together Hall Kitchen and the

Mountain View Community Center Kitchen.

Upcoming Priorities for 2018 Completing the sound system installation for the Nursery, All Saints Room, Main

Kitchen, Office, and Gathering Space. Completing video feed for Gathering Space TVs and Life Together Hall Projector

from Sanctuary. Addressing acoustics in the Community Center Upstairs.

Thank you for your continued support of “God’s work. Our hands.” through theministry and mission of Mountain View Lutheran Church!

In His service,P E nChurch Administrator


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(2018 June actual)

2018 through7/22 actual

(2018 SpendingGuideline)

2018 SpendingGuideline

Difference 2017 Actual

Month ending6/30/2018 $100,769 $79,017 +$21,752 $72,853

Month to date7/22/2018 $54,460 $66,764 -$12,304 $58,533

Year to date6/30/2018 $492,734 $509,734 -$17,000 $478,694

Year to date7/22/2018 $547,195 $576,498 -$29,303 $537,227

General Fund Giving UpdateYour giving supports the day-to-day operations of the mission and ministry of MVLC,as well as that of our benevolence recipients and ministry partners.

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“Former Things, New Things” UpdateAs of 7/22/2018.

Amount pledged to date = $1,757,201*

Donations received to date = $1,632,464**

Total cash on hand = $6,229

Total project expenses to date = $3,210,410

Outstanding pledges = $173,835***

Loan balance = $1,959,988

*90.11% of original project cost; does not include $49,098 from Mission Endowment Fund (MEF).**76.78% of the pledges; includes $49,098 from MEF ($1,583,366 from member donations).***Amount pledged - donations received + $49,098 from MEF grants = outstanding pledges.

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Dear members and friends of Mountain View Lutheran,

Thank you so much for your faithful support of LutheranWorld Relief, especially your recent gift of $1,625.00.

You join with Lutherans across the US to break the cycle ofpoverty for people around the world.

Thank you for your partnership. God’s peace, J B u

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“God’s work.Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nameof the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

—MATTHEW 28:19 (The Great Commission)

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all yoursoul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment.And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

—MATTHEW 22:37-39 (The Great Commandment)

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Save the dates!

Mountain View Lutheran Church will be holding a weekend of service tokick off our fall programming.

Saturday 08 September 2018 will focus on serving in our localcommunities.

Sunday 09 September 2018 will focus on serving on the Mountain Viewcampus—MVLC, Mountain View Community Center, Edgewood NourishFood Bank.

Look for more information in future editions of the MVLC E-news.

Our hands.”

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PreschoolBeautiful Savior Lutheran Preschool in Milton currently has openings for our 2018-2019 school year. We offer a program based on the developmental needs of three-,four-, and five-year-old children. We teach basic Christian values and our academiccurriculum is age-appropriate. Activities are designed to develop a sense of curiosity,self-esteem, and independence, along with problem-solving and decision-makingskills.

Each class session includes time for work, play, arts, crafts, prayer, snacks, clean up,quiet reading time, story time, music, and other activities.

We are committed to making your child’s preschool experience a positive one, byproviding each child with an academically strong education, enriched by spiritualgrowth and development, in a Christian, loving, and safe environment.

We hope you will prayerfully consider this opportunity. Our Church Office is openMonday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (summer hours). Please call usat 253-922-6977 if you would like additional information.

Registration fee is $60 (non-refundable). Supply fee is $90.

Class schedules: 3 year olds • Monday, Wednesday • 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. • $110/month 4 and 5 year olds • Monday, Wednesday, Friday • 9 a.m. to 12 noon • $195/month

Food BankJune 2018 statistics for the Edgewood Nourish Food Bank =families served: 1,355 + individuals served: 6,049 + volunteer hours served: 1,470+ pounds of food distributed: 100,031.

The numbers of clients served continues to grow, with the EFB seeing more seniorcitizens and people who have experienced rent increases.

Donations needed at this time =canned tuna + condiments + Hamburger Helper type foods +personal care items + diapers, size 3 and up.

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How to Help our NeighborsJuly 17, 2018 | Wendy Morris, Community Engagement Coordinator

After a life of service to others, including children in Romania and widows needinghelp with their houses, Sarah is hoping volunteers will come to paint her home. Herhusband, a minister, had a final wish before he died, and that was to have their housepainted. We need volunteers to help fulfill his final dream!

Ann is a South Tacoma homeowner who raised three children while working as awaitress, and is now raising her 14-year-old grandson. Another great localorganization, Rebuilding Together South Sound, is providing her with free homerepairs. Volunteers who choose this house will be part of helping this family inmultiple ways!

After years of service to his country, Jamal, a disabled veteran, has been waiting fortwo years for a group of volunteers to help him. As a single dad of three children, itwould mean a great deal to the family to have their home painted. Will you be theones?

These are just three of the homeowners who are hoping to have their homes paintedthrough the generosity of volunteers and the Paint Tacoma-Pierce Beautiful (PTPB)program. The program, in its 34th year, has helped beautify the homes of over 2,200residents of our community.

Volunteering is easy: we have opportunities for one-day projects or multiple daysbeautifying a home from start to finish (scrape, pressure wash, prime, paint). PTPBsupplies all the materials needed for the volunteers. For more information and to signup as an individual or crew, please visit our website,

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SUMMER WORSHIP HOURSSummer Sunday worship hours are 8:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

(Fall Sunday worship hours of 8:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. start on Sunday 9/9.)

SAVE the DATESSunday 12 August 2018 • 4:00 p.m.The installation worship service for Associate Pastor Briana Merkle.

Saturday 18 August 2018Join the MVLC GO Team and march with them in the Milton Days Parade.

Saturday 25 August 2018The Mountain View Community Center’s annual Back-to-School BBQ.

Saturday 08 and Sunday 09 September 2018“God’s work. Our hands.”

Sunday 16 September 2018Adult Education and Rock Ministry classes at 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday 12 September 2018 • 5:45 p.m.The fall session of ExALT: Extraordinary Active Life Together begins.

Wednesday 14 November 2018“Faith Over Fear: Standing with Our Muslim Neighbors” Roadshow.

Sunday 18 November 2018 • 12 noonAnnual fall Congregational Meeting, including vote on 2019 Spending Guideline.

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IMAGES/NOTESFront cover, page 8, back cover: images from “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” VBS.

Page 11, top: “A glass of water in the morning light,” photograph, 2009, by zaveqna, [CC BY-NC-SA 2.0(]. Bottom: mirrored image of the samephoto.

All other photos/images: taken by Troy Kehm-Goins or in the public domain.

CONTACTMountain View Lutheran [email protected]

Senior Pastor John L. Vaswig • [email protected] Pastor Briana Merkle • [email protected] Administrator Phil Edlund • [email protected] Director Carmen Van Soest • [email protected] Worker Marlene Wright • [email protected] Director Troy Kehm-Goins • [email protected]

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5 ELEVENTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST8:15am Worship10:00am Worship

1:30pm MVLC Golf Tournament

67:00pm Boy Scouts

710:00am Staff Meeting10:00am Senior Café

6:30pm Church Council

7:00pm AA

12 TWELFTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST8:15am Worship10:00am Worship

Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate available in the Gathering Space

137:00pm Boy Scouts

1410:00am Staff Meeting10:00am Senior Café

7:00pm AA

19 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST8:15am Worship10:00am Worship

207:00pm Boy Scouts

2110:00am Staff Meeting10:00am Senior Café

7:00pm AA

26 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY after PENTECOST8:15am Worship10:00am Worship

11:30am Rock Ministry Mentors Luncheon

277:00pm Boy Scouts


2810:00am Staff Meeting10:00am Senior Café

6:30pm Church Council

7:00pm AA

Mountain View Lutheran Church


4:00pm Worship service for theinstallation of Pastor Brifollowed by dinner

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812:30pm Light of Life

98:30am Honey Doers10:00am Senior Café

3:30pm Food Bank5:00pm “Seeds of Change”

Community Meal

10 117:30am Men’s Bible Study

11:00am Food Bank

15 168:30am Honey Doers10:00am Senior Café

3:30pm Food Bank4:30pm Stewardship5:00pm “Seeds of Change”

Community Meal

17 187:30am Men’s Bible Study

10:00am MVLC marches inthe Milton DaysParade

11:00am Food Bank

22 238:30am Honey Doers10:00am Senior Café

3:30pm Food Bank5:00pm “Seeds of Change”

Community Meal

24 257:30am Men’s Bible Study

10:00am MVCCBack-to-SchoolBBQ

11:00am Food Bank


28:30am Honey Doers10:00am Senior Café

3:30pm Food Bank5:00pm “Seeds of Change”

Community Meal

3 47:30am Men’s Bible Study

11:00am Food Bank

29 308:30am Honey Doers10:00am Senior Café

3:30pm Food Bank5:00pm “Seeds of Change”

Community Meal


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Mountain View Lutheran Church3505 - 122nd Ave E • Edgewood WA 98372253-863-5171 •

WEBSITE • www.mtviewlutheran.orgFACEBOOK • •