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1 Mustangskids… Their Story… Mustangskids is a group of people who have banded together, in fellowship and love, on Free Charity Cars. We are working together to support a very special group of Families. These Families all have one thing in common: They all have either ill, disabled or special needs children. Free Charity Cars is a Nationwide Charity that awards free vehicles to qualified individuals or entities. These vehicles all come from donations. The web-site, works on a voting system. You create an account, add members to your friends list and receive votes. The more votes you receive, the higher you will move up in your individual state and national ranking. The higher on the list a member gets, the better their chances are at being awarded a vehicle, when a donation is made in their area.

Mustangskids... Their Story...

Mar 22, 2016



Sarah Peterston

Mustangskids is a group of people who have banded together, in fellowship and love, on Free Charity Cars. We are working together to support a very special group of Families. These Families all have one thing in common: They all have either ill, disabled or special needs children.
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Page 1: Mustangskids...  Their Story...


Mustangskids… Their Story…

Mustangskids is a group of people who have banded together, in fellowship

and love, on Free Charity Cars. We are working together to support a very

special group of Families. These Families all have one thing in common:

They all have either ill, disabled or special needs children. Free Charity Cars

is a Nationwide Charity that awards free vehicles to qualified individuals or

entities. These vehicles all come from donations.

The web-site, works on a voting system. You

create an account, add members to your friends list and receive votes. The

more votes you receive, the higher you will move up in your individual state

and national ranking. The higher on the list a member gets, the better their

chances are at being awarded a vehicle, when a donation is made in their area.

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The Families of these special children do not always have time to neither

garner a lot of friends nor promote themselves in their states. Many of them

do not have easy access to the internet. Many of them are subsiding at or

below poverty levels.

This is where Mustangskids comes in. We actively transfer votes to these

Families and promote for them in their individual states. These Families are

struggling, greatly, and need all of the help and support that they can get. We

promote these Families by contacting their local media outlets, newspapers,

place of residence periodicals and on-line advertisements.

We invite you to, please, take the time to read their stories. These are their

individual stories as they appear on Free Charity Cars. They have not been

edited in any way.

These are all ordinary people just like you, just like me. They are simply

dealing with extra-ordinary circumstances. Please, read their stories and if

you can find it in your heart: Please, help them.

theloveofgreg Janesville, Wisconsin

2*4 We had to cancel one of his DR appts AGAIN because the medical bus we

used canceled us. This is the 2nd time they have done this. We have 2 strikes of

no call no show because we have canceled with less than 24 hr notice...even

though it is not our fault We so need this van! We need a van with a lift.I have

not been able to find an agency to help me with this issue.He weighs 70 pounds

and his chair alone weighs 75.At this time we are using a car seat but now with

his latest diagnoses of Juvenal osteoporosis we have to worry about breaking

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his legs every time we put him in the van.The transport agencies that have the

vehicles cost so much to use them for the everyday things let alone just for

appointments.I know I am asking for a huge miracle but every little bit helps.I

just at my wits ends trying to keep him in society when we are getting to the

point we cannot even get him to church. We are still transporting him by

carrying him out of the house, seating him in a car seat, then lifting him out of

the car seat to his wheelchair. With his Juvenile Osteoporosis there is a risk

every time I lift him breaking a bone. In Sept of 10 he suffered his 3rd broken leg

in his 9 years of life. Thank you for reading

sarabeth Lakeland, Florida

hello, my son has neurofibramotosis and just had brain surgery on 9-23-10. they

removed part of a tumor on his brain behind his left eye which the tumor ate

thu the eye bone causing the tumor to start pushing out his eye and causing it to

paulseate. they had to take a pice of his skull and replace the bone behing his

eye. they were not able to remove all of the tumor becacuse it is attached to

part of the brain that was making his heart rate drop as soon as they would go

near it. my son will have this and get other tumors for the rest of his life. there

is no cure for this at all. it also can cause many other diffacult problems. we are

in need of a car to help get to in from doc appts. pls keep us in your thoughts

and prayers as you will be in ours. God bless.

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journey101574 Toledo, Ohio

i have a 2 1/2 year old daughter her name is Naomi Leann.She was born with

tetrogoly of the fallot and Di George Syndrome also has small arterias they was

smaller then a needle. They told me at first her heart was not fixable.Well she

under went her first open heart surgery and did good but after 3 days of being

home had to take her to the er they ended up admitting her and she ended up

having phenomia and human mentor virus and bacteria growing in her body..

well a week later being there she almost coded on us. well they life flighted her

to columbus finnally n shes coded on us for ten minutes. a week later had to

make a horriable decision we put her on lifesupport.After 24 days they wanted

us to pull the plug which i could not do. told the docs.. how can u ask me to take

my daughters life. two laters afterwards she came off 2 months later she came very thankful for god he has done alot in my life...She has 3 heart

caths which we travel to toledo too.. and she has another open heart

sugery..And has alot more to come. One is comming up in March for an open

heart surgery.. Its very hard to get transporation.And my family is unable to

help at times.Is why when my daughter's school teacher gave me this sight for a

car i was very thankful.Thought god has answered my prayers again.. we have

numorous appoiments in town as well as the outside of town sometimes

several a month ... I lost my dad last year when my daughter was on lifesupport

and i had no transporation to get down to see him.So now all my dad's side of

the family does not speak to me.Again i would appreciate any help i can get and

as well if others get help....

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etheredge, Dothan, Alabama

My son Joshua was born with a severe heart problem called "double right

ventricle outlet". Which means that he has only one good pumping chamber

working in his heart,therefore causing a lack of oxygen from getting to his brain.

Most people have 99% oxygen flowing to their brain, Joshua only had 56%

oxygen flowing to his brain causing him to be mentally delayed. Joshua has

undergone 4 open heart surgeries to correct the problem. In other words they

had to redo the entire plumbing of his heart. Joshua will still have to have

another surgery the question is not "if" but "when" to correct his heart

condition. We have to travel 4 hours to UAB in Birmingham, AL. for periodic

visits and of course his surgeries. We had a new van but we lost it after my

husband Tim lost his job due to the fact we were with our son Joshua in

Birmingham, Al. for 2 months while our son was recovering from his surgery in

2007. Then of course My husband Tim had a heart attack last year due to

enormous amount of stress he is under trying to support our family with no

employment and a poor economy. I homeschool all three of my children due to

their health issues. The city schools are just not able to handle their situation.

FCC we are in serious need of a van or suv. Thank You!!! The Etheredge Family.

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ArianahsMommy St Louis, Missouri

My daugther was born on August 11, 2007 weighing 1 lb 13 oz. She stayed in the

NICU for 3 months and had 3 surgeries before she was 1 year old. At 1 1/2 she

was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder which basically means her

central nervous system isn't functioning properly. Every part of my daugthers

day is a challenge. Even down to eating. She chokes on everything, including

liquids. She only eats foods you can swallow without chewing, like pureed foods

or soft foods like pasta. This can get pretty scarey since she chokes on a dailey

basis. She has a swallow study coming up soon because this could also be a

problem caused by the oxygen tube she had in NICU. With her sensory

problems, her body just doesn't work like a normal child. Also she only sleeps 4

hours a day from this disorder. Her body just doesn't realize she's tired. You can

tell she's exhausted, but shes very hyper. Because of this, I am also extremely

exhausted, but I make it through with a lot of coffee! My daugther receives

Occupational, Speech, and Feeding therapy 4 times a week to help and it takes

45 minutes to get to the therapists. I am not taking her to therapy as much as

she should because my truck recently broke down. The axel is bent and drives

with a lean, so on top of her having to ride in the front seat of a truck, it would

be even more dangerous to drive on major highways. She needs this therapy

desperately to live a better, safer life. Her therapy isn't cheap either. The

Occupational Therapist wants to start her on Listening Therapy soon and the

program will cost me $500. On a limited income and being a single parent, this

leaves me no room to save for a safer car. Free Charity Car would dramatically

improve our lives and give me comfort that my daugther is going to therapy in a

safe, comfortable vehicle. My daugther diserves the world and I can't even give

her a safe vehicle right now. My daughter is on Disability due to the fact that no

school/daycare is equipped to deal with a child like her. We are currently seeing

a Developmental Physician that will be doing an Autism test in 4 months. Not

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only does my daugther have health problems, but I was diagnosed with Lupus

and Sjogrens Syndrome December 2009. These are auto immune disorders. This

could be the reason I had my daugther so early and it wasnt discovered til after I

had her. Basically your body creates immunities that attack your body. Lupus

mainley attacks your joints causing arthritis and pain in your muscles. Sjogrens

Syndrome mainley attacks your moisture glands causing dry eyes and dry

mouth. Both cause major fatigue and there are other severe health issues that it

could cause. I have to see an eye specialist and a Rheumatologist every 3

months to keep track of my blood count levels and to check other things,

making sure my body is working properly. I take 12 pills a day. It is a struggle to

get out of bed every day, but I remind myself I have a daugther who has more

going on and I am her only family. Some days my joints hurt so bad, I cry all day,

but my little girl stays so happy even though she is going through so much, it

inspires me to be the best mom I can be! The most important thing in my life is

my daugther and she will always have these problems and I would be so blessed

to receive a vehicle, not only for my peace of mind, but for my daugthers safety!

dkflatt2010, Cincinnati, Ohio

The picture that you see here is our daughter after she had her second open

heart surgery last month at four years of age. There are more to come as she

falls in the percentile of significate reacurance and has to have several doctor

appointments to follow up. This is a life long deal and will never go away. This

car will benifit our family in this area as we live on disability. My wife has had a

heart attack and a stroke which left her partially blind in both eyes and I have

back issues that have been operated on to the point of no longer able to do

surgery on me in fear of paralizing me. The car I have now as you can immagin

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has major milage on it and has broken down more than once with just my wife

and daughter in it. It still has transmision issues that we just cant afford to fix at

the moment. I want to thank everybody ahead of time that reads this weather

you vote for me or not, I truly appreciate and am thankful for this chance. 12/24

We are so happy this holiday season to have her here, we wernt sure that we

would. Kassie goes back to the doctor after New Years, they have to keep watch

on her not only for the last surgery but they think that at some point she will

have a aneurysm in her heart,just pray that we make it. It's my wife's biggest

fear that we break down in the cold and snow with her. We want to wish

everybody out there a Merry Christmas and God Bless.~~~~~1/4/11~~Kassie

went back to the heart doctor today and what they fixed is looking good. O

Happy Days! She still has several issues with her heart that they can't fix at this

time so they keep watch on her and we still have our lovely long trecks to the

hospital but im so happy that she's looking good at the moment. She says that

the doctors hurt her so everytime we go it's this huge emotional and physical

toll on her ..she just dosent understand that they helped her. They said that she

will in time grow out of this and the nightmares...I just hope it's soon. To all of

my friends here, thank you so very much for your kindness. Rosetta..your a

angel. Mustang I hope you are doing better, you are in my thoughts and many of you to mention..we are just so glad to have met a great

group of people. Hugs to all of you and God Bless.

jenniflw, Texarkana, Arkansas

Hey, My name is Jennifer I have two kiddos. I have a daughter, she is 5 years old

and I have a son he is 8 years old. My son has Aspergers ,(a form of Autism) SI

dysfunction and ADHD. My son goes to Occupational Therapy and Behavior

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Therapy 2 times a week. We do not have any transportation to get him to his

therapies or even to the Dr. to get his medicine. My son, Braden has high blood

pressure and needs medicine for that as well. He struggles to make friends. He is

bullied on a daily basis, He was recently choked on the school bus by a teenage

boy for so long that when he got off the bus he had a hard time talking and

breathing. He is called names, hit, kicked, pushed,ect.. He is depressed and has

to have Prozac. Due to his SI dysfunction he bites himself until he bleeds or will

chew on just about anything he can. We live in a rural area about 15 min. away

from the nearest town. We don't have cabs or buses. With Therapy we have

come along way. He has been going to Therapy for about 5 years now. Braden

has so much potential. He is super smart. This year he is in GT and he scored the

highest ever on the IQ GT test. (I am very proud of him) We had a car but it

broke down then while trying to get up enough money to fix it we couldn't

afford the payments so it was Repossessed. We are very low income family. My

husband works a part time job because we have to borrow a car to get him back

and forth to work. It would mean the world to me If we got a car. This past year

(2010) was rough and Im Praying that this year is better. Keeping the Faith♥

Clary145 North Jersey, New Jersey

My daughter was born with the two main arteries of her heart in the opposite

place and a hole in the septum or the middle wall of the heart. It has been very

difficult even from my pregnancy. We have fought for the life of my daughter

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and i thank god to the fullest that he sent me a miracle and i thank him for

letting her be with me now. She was only born 3lbs 4oz. The same day she was

transferred to NYU in new york city to have extra care and the major surgery.

Two weeks in the hospital she caught a horrible intestinal infection called NEC.

This caused her to be on antibiotics and cpap a long thick tube down her nose

all the way down to her lungs for oxygen for two whole weeks.It was very hard

to not see her respond and see her need more and more oxygen. Hard to find

my voice to talk to her while holding my tears. How I did this . How I found the

strength to do this? I have absolutely no idea because I thought that i was more

gone than her. But it was god he gave me the strength the power and the love

to give my daughter. I pushed forward and so did my daughter. At about a

month of age she finally was able to get the open heart surgery she needed.

Thankfully she recovered in a week. But she was not able to eat due to bloating.

We came to find out that what was causing the bloating was a perforation in

her intestine that caused the NEC she had caught. This meant she had to go back

in for an emergency operation. The next day she went back to the O.R. again.

Fully the doctors removed 21cm of intestine. Thank god this has been the last of

surgeries for now and hopefully not for another lifetime. She is now 8 months

old and still looks as if she is 3 months because she cannot support alot of food

in her belly. She has alot of doctor visits both here and in NY and we are

struggling alot to take her especially now in winter. Our salary is not enough for

a car not even a used car. We are just asking for transportation. Please please

help us in any way you can.

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austin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

my name is Joann i am Austin's gamma.Austin is 4 years old and is very disabled

he can not walk,talk,crawl or anything else that other kid's his age can do.but he

has the biggest smile that can melt your heart. he has a rare metabolic disorder

and need's to go to children hospital every week. his feeding tubes are working

to put weight on him, but he still has no cure. may heart breaks every day, no















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Dbabytrouble, Southwest Michigan, Michigan

Hi My name is Debra,Back 2000 My son (was grandson)was A victim of child

abuse,He was shaken by daughters boyfriend it happened 12-22-2000.He's

disababled now can't walk he's in wheel chair i got him a 4 months old he is now

9yrs old.he is getting to heavy to put in a car seat,hes suppose to go in his wheel

chair ,but i cant afford a disablitiy van because im on a fixed income and korey

loves to go away for rides to the doctors.but its to hard to take him out put him

in the car cause hes getting heavier.I love this boy with all my heart and I cant

afford to get him a van to go away in.He is such a fighter,he has a vp

shunt,cp,seisures,asthma and he smiles alot commuicates by clicking tounge for

yes and huha for no.I'm also raiseing Korey's older brother he is cogintively

impaired and has adhd so ireally have my hands full.Korey loves the song

Barbran from the beach boys! he loves music!1/26/2010 We are still hang in

there but its so hard cause Korey needs his hip done and now his tonsils and

adnoides will have to come out cause for the past year we have been in and out

of the hospital with him throwing up blood.they think its from his tonsils and

adnoids that are draining in his stomache which he has acid reflux diease and its

makig him throw up so hard making him bleed.We will pray and vote everyday

for our friends and pray really super hard for a handicap van to be donated

Soon! Thanks I Love You All And God Bless each and everyone of you and FCC.I

have sent out flyers and posted some flyers around and nominated Brian

Menzies cnn voted for him on all the other stuff too! I will Keep promoteing the

Site all over the place!!!4/28/2010 Now Korey is going to have a surgery to

deploy a camara in his intestines to see if he has any thing causeing the bleeding

when he goes into the vomiting the blood. Man its alot to take in and its been

really hard!!!!!!(Update 9/27/2010 )Korey's hip surgery has been schudled for

October the 20th 2010 please say aprayer for him please i'm very scared for him

to have it done but he needs it done.I only want the best for this handson 10

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year old little man! He never deserved to be abused like this, he was a perfect

little boy when he was born and now all he looks forward to are doctor

appointments and surgery's that shouldnt have to be done!!!!I also want

everyone to know we have a very sweet person on here her name is Truckeegal

she is working wonders Please Vote for her!!!! Korey will miss school for about

two months after his surgery and I pray there not to be any complacations,I

would totally be lost without my little man he makes me smile everyday he can

just make you laugh when your down! Dear God Please Let this surgery go well

without complacations Amen !!!!

melconrebel, Sandusky, Ohio

I was employed until my youngest son was born... he was 3 months premature

(weighed in at 2 pounds 6 ounces). The doctors told me the best thing I could do

was take him off life support!!! (What a thing to tell a parent! Obviously I could

not do that!) He was in NICU for 9 1/2 weeks & has numerous difficulties. He

had his first surgery at 3 weeks old. In his first year of life, he had spent 9

months in & out of hospitals (mostly in). During this time, he had 15 surgeries.

My son has 12 doctors & therapies to help with his medical conditions. Due to

all the appointments, care, etc he needs, I am not only mom, but nurse as well. I

get paid with lots of hugs & kisses! (but this doesn't work when trying to get a

vehicle lol). The engine blew up in the vehicle I had (it was 17 years old) & I have

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not been able to attain a different one as of yet. I need a vehicle to get my son

to doctor appointments, therapies, get prescriptions/supplies, etc. Right now

getting a vehicle would help my son & I out greatly! If possible I would also need

any assistance with tax, tag & title for a vehicle! Due to being a single mother,

"making it" has been a challenge but by the grace of God, we have been

surviving. My son is now 3 years old & 32 pounds...he has grown a lot! Some of

the medical issues he has includes, cerebral palsy, seizure disorder,

hydrocephalous (with a shunt in his head), bronchio pulmonary dysplasia, & has

a G tube (feeding tube). He has a wheelchair...he cannot walk or crawl or even

sit up on his own. He is unable to talk, but has found ways of voicing his

opinions & likes/dislikes. Depite all this, he is a very happy boy & a true gift

from God. Being a single parent of a disabled child has not been easy by far &

I'm sure there will be many obstacles ahead...but if I had it to do all over again, I

would make the same choice & save his life! This child has showed me what

faith truly is & he is a miracle!

Abesmom, Utica, New York

I have an 8 year old son with a form of Autism (PDD NOS), ADHD, tic disorder,

anxiety disorder, OCD, sensory integration disorder, auditory processing delay,

etc... At birth he was diagnosed with Gastro-Esophageal reflux, preventing him

from keeping any food down. He was on an apnea monitor, 5 nebulizer

treatments daily and 6 different medications. Now his stomach has healed but

he has a psychological issue with food, and eats almost nothing. 5 years ago I

left his father after dealing with years of his emotional abuse and cheating. The

final straw was when he beat our son for not wanting to give him a kiss. Since

then he has threatened our son with a knife for not wanting to eat chicken. I

have been unable to work because I need to be home when my son is home. I

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substitute teach when I am able. We have a car, but it needs a lot of repairs.

Wheel bearings need fixing, it is leaking gas, and now it has started to stall when

stopped at lights and stop signs. While I admit that I need help badly I am still

doing my best to vote, promote and transfer votes to friends. Thank you FCC,

and thank you to all of you that vote! God bless you all and good luck to you! :)

sfrizell1, Houston, Texas

Receiving a free charity car would help make life getting Sophia back and forth

to doctors appointments and therapy much easier. Sophia is my third child and

my only girl. In 2009 I was over the moon to find out I was having a girl. My

pregnancy was wonderful and I documented each week with pregnancy photos.

This was until I had a scan at 20 weeks that revealed my daughter would be

born with arm malformations. Soon after that scan we were seeing numerous

specialist and having all sorts of testing. From an fetal MRI, fetal

echocardiograms, fetal stress tests, amniocentisis, and more. At 26 weeks I

learned just how Sophia's arms would look and that she had a heart defect. I

was also told Sophia's legs and feet were extremely deformed and that my

chances of delivering a stillborn baby were much greater than her survival rate.

Doctors told me this was a syndrome that had never been seen before and we

were the discussion on several medical boards. Just 8 weeks later Sophia

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stopped growing and had to be delivered right away via c-section. The time had

finally come. I prayed nightly for the chance to look into her eyes and tell her

how loved she is, even if that meant I only had a few seconds before God called

her back home. As I layed on the operating room table I asked if I would have

the chance to see her before she was whisked away to the awaiting team of

doctors and nurses. The answer was a simple No followed by the explination

that she would not be breathing on her own. As a mother, I had never felt so

helpless before. I did the only thing I could do. I closed my eyes and prayed. I

prayed from a place within me that I had never known before. I was a mother

praying for the life of her child. Soon I heard a someone scream, "look Sara!" I

opened my eyes and looking back at me, I saw the most beautiful site I had ever

seen. I knew then, that although Sophia had a long hard road ahead, she was

going to live! God was in my delivery room that day. He heard this mothers

prayers. She was breathing on her own and while her arms were "different" her

legs and feet were perfect! Sophia spent 2 long months in the neonatal

intensive care unit and I was by her side every minute of every day. She was 2

pounds 8 ounces at birth and when we left the hospital she was 4 pounds 8

ounces. Sophia was diagnosed with Cornelia De Lange Syndrome. If you are not

familiar with it, I encourage you to look it up. Sophia suffers from a heart

condition, malformations of her arms, moderate to severe hearing loss in both

ears which she wears hearing aids for, vision loss that is corrected with glasses,

GERD and developmental delay. Sophia might never learn to talk or walk on her

own and her life expectancy is unknown. I never wished to have this life, but I

wouldnt change her for the world. She has taught me so many lessons. I have

learned to appreciate everything in life and not to take a single second for

granted. I am no longer able to work due to Sophia's busy schedule. As of right

now she see's a total of 10 specialist and 7 therapist. I'm always looking for

ways to help Sophia reach her maximum potential so we might end up adding

more before it's all said and done. Sophia is my CdLS DIVA!

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notme3254, Chicago, Illinois

thank you for reading well my 4 year old son was a premmie at 28 weeks he has

mixed devolp delays and sensery issues i also have a 3 year old girl yes 11 mo

apart she was born with many heart cond and has had many open heart surg

and is do for another this mo or next mo she is on oxengen I had back surg and

caught mersa during surg anyway i cant work between my back and mandys

surgs and the support they both need my mom also lives with us she is in a

wheel chair and is an amputee do to a train accdent when she was young so to

transport everyone is very hard please help the hosp is far it is hard to carry

mandys tanks wheel chair i know times are tough for everyone but this would

help so much thank you for reading this

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dillty, Omaha / Concil Bluffs, Nebraska

Hi, my name is Jerry Peters and I have two boys with duchenne muscular

dystrophy. When I came across this website a feeling of being blessed came

over me. If I could get a handicapped accessible van for my two boys so taking

them places would be easier. The last two years have been very tough with

losing my job and going through a divorce. If I was to be blessed with a van

things would be that much better for us. UPDATE 12-20-10 Dillon is 7 now and

has a different powered wheelchair that requires a vehicle he can drive straight

into. I have my boys over every weekend to spend a couple of nights. He can't

have his powered wheelchair at my place because I'm not equipped for that. So

I pick him up out of his wheelchair and carry him to my non handicapped


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Who We Are

The Original Charity Cars (DBA Free Charity Cars) is a 501-C-3 non-profit charity,

EIN 59-3362703. Established in 1996, our founding mission is to provide

refurbished donated vehicles to struggling individuals or qualified entities.

Considered the pioneers of the free car-ownership concept, our entrepreneurial

organization is totally self-sufficient and succeeds without a penny of

government funding. Year after year, our charity leads the nation in awarding

free vehicles to deserving candidates across America: Over 4,000 vehicles

awarded so far!

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The Original Charity Cars has enjoyed an avalanche of local and national

publicity, including being featured Montel Williams, Good Morning America,

CBS Morning News, and Two Guys Garage. Articles about the program have

appeared in a host of publications including People Magazine, Women's World

Magazine, Motor Trend, The Non-Profit Times, and The Chronicle of

Philanthropy. Among its many awards, our organization is honored to be a past

winner of the prestigious Walt Disney World Outstanding Community Service


Thank you for taking the time to read about these special children of Free

Charity Cars and Mustangskids. -- Team MK.

Listen little children and lent an ear

The Lord is with you and ever so near

He is watching you from Heaven above

And His gift to you is everlasting love

It doesn't matter who you are

Or what you look like or what you do

You are God's beautiful little flowers

Budding and blooming, sweet and true

All little children are without sin

Whether they be a little girl or boy

They are sunshine without an end

And every parent's pride and joy