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Music Magazines Annotation
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Page 1: Music magazines annotation

Music Magazines


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Master head title not in regular red colour because the hair of the artist on the front of the magazine is red and so the title is white to avoid a colour clash. Title of magazine.

Colour scheme is red, black and white. The colours that he is wearing red and black take up most of the front cover and then there is the white of the title there as well. Most of the text is also written in black and white with one like written in red so that it can stand out from the rest.

there is matching typography throughout the front cover of the magazine so that the magazines text content flows and fits together visually. Size differences have occurred along with boldness differences but the font remains the same throughout.

Barcode and issue number are located in the bottom left hand corner well out of the way of the text and images.

Strap lines are present below the lead cover story.

Puff makes people want to read on

Main front image. Relative to the lead cover story and fitting in with the colour scheme. Medium headshot used as the cover photo.

Extra people that are mentioned within the magazine are placed here as sort of extra titles of stories. These are second stories and extra bits available to the reader.

Price of the magazine

Extra images of other artists and alternate stories that are available to be read within the magazine are in a strip on the left hand side of the magazine. They are there to show the type of music that the magazine is about and perhaps giving the audience a bit of a heads up as to the content of the magazine.

The image and bottom line explain the genre of music the main story is about using the colour of black and red and the word Goth but then there is the blue background and the other artist names to show that there are more genres available in the magazine.

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The Master Head Title of magazine. This time in front of the image which usually is not the case, Q magazine varies the positioning of this layer and occasionally has it behind the main image.

The colour scheme of the magazine is red white and black, this colour scheme is very bold and makes a statement to the reader as it stands out a lot in their eye, as well as this the colour scheme fits with the master head and with the clothing options that Michael Jackson has gone for.

There is matching typography through most of the front cover however there is variation between the different subheading stories because they had to think of a way to separate the information that wasn’t connected or alike to other parts of the front cover.

Bar code and issue number are located in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. Shows the magazine is not free and you have to pay for the pleasure of reading it. Strap lines and added extras are located in the bottom and top corners in

different fronts to entice all sorts of readers to the magazine. Showing variation in content.

The sell line is directly at the top of the magazine in bold trying to make a statement that this is the best music magazine to all those that see it.

The main cover image is again relevant to the main cover story. This is done so that the fans of this particular person see the magazine has their idol on it and there fore purchase it because they know that he will be written about within it. Also the relevance to the main story makes it easy for someone to realise what kind of music the issue is going to be about.

Puffs and taglines are used throughout the front cover of this magazine probably to entice a wider audience than those that only like Michael Jackson. The puffs are about other stories and reoccurring features in the magazine to maybe capture and create more regular readers.

The music that this magazine is about is clearly pop as this is what michael jackson is famous for however there are indications that rock is featured within the magazine as there is rock written in bold in a puff headline and also there are lists of other artists that are also featured in the magazine such as jack white and the enemy which shows the magazine caters for almost all music genres.

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The headline is bold and outlined so that it stands out on the blue background using the colours from the colour scheme. It is also varied to the first front cover as it is in front of the main image as opposed to behind it which makes it stand out even more. However this could be because it’s a older magazine than the other one and so style changed over the years.

The colour scheme of NME is rather consistent between each magazine unless it’s a special edition. This magazine has the traditional red black and white colour scheme which is reflected once again through both the image and the text that’s present on the front cover.

The typography matches in some places but not throughout the front cover there are lot of areas where the font is different however in every case the font is bold as all of the text on the front cover is giving information about the magazine and its content.

The barcode of this magazine is on the same side in the same corner every time on original NME copies and this is no different as it s a regular issue. This is also where the price is located on the magazine.

Quotes that have been collected from the people on the front cover are present so that you understand and have a sneak peak as to what may be in the magazine. They also contain dates of which explain when the quotes were taken and who from showing the magazine has all of the facts and isn't taking anything out of context.

Medium shot of the two brothers is used as the main image on this magazine.

Extra headings are placed at the bottom in white text which are basically about what you will find within the main story about the two people on the front cover. This is why they are in a similar font to the main title and other parts connected to the main story of the oasis group.

There is a puff on this cover which is the only text that isnt about the brothers on the front cover and is selling the magazine saying it’s a special collectors issue this could also double up as a strap line on the magazine.

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The main title or master head is in the NME colour which is known to be red and this always stands out on the background of the magazine as NME never use red or any colour close to red in the background unless they make the NME name white in which case you are used to seeing it in red and you immediately think of the title in its red form as this is almost like its logo.

Puff story is shown using colours which are completely alternate to those that are used in the colour scheme so that you are attracted to the difference in colour. The rhetorical question also makes the reader want to find out the answer by reading what the article has to say.

The colour scheme of this magazine is red white and yellow using all of these colours in the text that is on the front of the magazine, the colours are very similar to those that are always used on NME magazines.

The bar code and issue number and the issue date are all located in the bottom right hand corner and are the only bits of text on the front cover that are written in regular sized text not being bold or coloured.

Side stories are located on the right hand side and they include different artist names which shows that the magazine has more variety than what is seen on the front cover of the magazine. They are all on the black background blocks that have ben placed behind them making them

Headline quotation is present in front of the main image on this front cover and this is written in bold in a font which is smoother and nicer to look at than the other fonts on the front cover making people want to look at it.

The main image again is relevant to the main story the difference in this image is that it involves a fixed background which is not the case for other issues of the same magazine.

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The title or master head of the contents page links in with the master head of the front cover because they are within the same magazine and the brand has to fit in throughout the magazine so that people know what they are reading so that they can buy the magazine again when the next issue is available.

Index: this is where certain words in this case band names are stated and the page number that they are mentioned on is placed next to it so that the reader can navigate to their favoured artists and not have to spend a lot of time looking though all of the pages in the magazine to find the story's they want.

Primary story with the page number that you will find it on and a teaser showing you what will be on in the story making people want to read on to this main story.

Advertisement at the bottom of the page there to try and sell someone's product on the magazine also this advert will be aimed at the same audience as those that read the magazine and it will be tailored to them

Main story's contents placed on the right hand side in a larger font which makes them stand out more as makes them seem more important which will make people then see them and read them more than they will the smaller ones on the page.

Main images is relevant to the main story in the magazine and if a different type of shot to the one on the front cover for some added variation to the images that are placed in the magazine.

The colour scheme is shown throughout as the colours that are used are red white and black. This is done to show consistency and to make certain things stand out to the reader.

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Like before there is an index on the left hand side which is titled in the same way as before showing that in each issue of the same magazine there is consistency and every single copy has a similar contents page so people know each week where to look to find out what page they need to go to, to read the story of their choosing.

The main image is a different shot to the one on the front cover but as before it is about the main story and directly below is the title and a small intro into the main story that the reader can look at to get an idea as to what they will be reading.

There is a advert again placed at the bottom in the centre for another magazine and the whole layout of the page is the same as the one before which is done so people are used to it and know where to look.

The title is in the same font as all of the text throughout the contents page with all of the titles in bold and the text below in regular size to fit as much information in as possible. The text is also in the colour scheme as well so that everything fits together.

The date of the issue is also on the page at the top in case you didn’t see it on the front cover.

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There is a band index like before: consistent to all of the other magazines and in the same layout as all of the other contents pages. Quite formal and easy to navigate through. Chronological order makes it easy to view the content of the magazine.

Main story image in the middle above the snippet of the story all in the same font as the other two contents pages from the same magazine.

As before there is an advert in the bottom in the middle of the page which is there to try and sell to the auidience of the magazine.

The colour scheme of red white and black is the same on this page

The title is the same on each copy

Subheadings are in bold and on the right to the main story as they are important within the magazine they stand out more than the smaller less important prices of text.

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The double page spread has one image on it which is a full body image which fits though the first page and sticks on the first page its also in the colour scheme as well.

The text is written in a formal font and it has a starting letter in the font which is in the title and also the size of this font as well.

The title curves around the pages from the left and side to the top of the page and over to the right and its in a bold black which shows up really well on the white background.

The page number is in the bottom corner of the page

There is a quote at the top which is available within the text.

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The image goes from page one to page two and fits with the colour scheme of the overall double page spread. The colour shceme is red white and black which seems to be a common colour scheme within magazines

The title is in a very posh font and a lot larger than all of the other text on the double page spread and it is located on the right hand side of the double page spread.

The background is a grey colour which works really well behind all of the bold vibrant colours in front.

Quite minimalistic probably because of the audience that would look at this magazine that’s why it is so minimalistic.

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The main image on the double page spread is a large medium shot of the person that the article is about.

The colour scheme is grey black and pink and these colours are used well with the pink standing out well above the black which fits in above the background of grey

Around the edges there is something which looks like lighting effects which shows the essence of show business and being on stage or under the spotlight which shows the importance of the person on the page. .

Main bulk of text is written in a formal font unlike the title. It has highlighted points of interest and underneath each highlighted point is a bit of text which is related to the highlighted point.

The image goes from both pages making both pages act as one page

The title on this page includes a quote which can be found within the text below the title. The colour scheme also works in this part really well.