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Museum Entrance ESPIONAGE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE SPACE RACE TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT Welcome to the Hall of Cold War Technologies Curator’s Offices Room Five.

Dec 23, 2015



Jody Robertson
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Page 1: Museum Entrance ESPIONAGE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE SPACE RACE TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT Welcome to the Hall of Cold War Technologies Curator’s Offices Room Five.

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This is the sight of the Manhattan project, a secret government program to create an atomic bomb. Top scientists, as well as 100,000 workers developed the first atomic bomb in 1945, dropping it on heroshima and creating a monopoly on nuclear weapons until soviet spies gained information for Russia to build their own, starting the nuclear arms race.

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•Website Title: - Nuclear arms race•Article Title: The Cold War

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This is ivy mike, the first hydrogen bomb, created 11-1-1952, it’s a nuclear weapon that uses the same initial reaction as an atom bomb, but then uses hydrogen and lithium ions to increase the power, making it 1000s of times strong than what was dropped on heroshima.

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•Website Title: - Nuclear arms race•Article Title: The Cold War

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This is the inside of nuclear warhead. It uses the fusion of subcritical masses for an initial explosion, then heats up hydrogen and lithium ion to thermonuclear temperatures causing nuclear fission. This causes a chain reaction of atoms to rapidly collide, creating an explosion.

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•Website Title: - Nuclear arms race•Article Title: The Cold War

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Tsar bomba “king of bombs” created by the soviet union and dropped on a desert island north of Norway 10-30-1961. it was the single largest explosion in history, creating a 58 megaton (1 megaton=1 million tons of tnt) explosion. The soviets used it to intimidate the united states, though it has no military/strategic value.

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•Website Title: - Nuclear arms race•Article Title: The Cold War

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10-4-1958, the soviets launch the first man made satellite, sputnik 1, into earths orbit, starting the space race, a period were the USSR and the US struggled to gain superiority in space.

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Website Title: History.comArticle Title: The Space RacePublisher: A&E Television Networks

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This is the vostok 1, the spacecraft that carried the first person into earths orbit on 4-12-1961. it carried USSR cosmonaut yuri Gagarin into space, once again giving the USSR space superiority.

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Website Title: History.comArticle Title: The Space RacePublisher: A&E Television Networks

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This is the emblem for NASA-national aeronautics space administration, a space program established by Dwight d. Eisenhower in 1958, making it a government program dedicated to the study and exploration of space.

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Website Title: History.comArticle Title: The Space RacePublisher: A&E Television Networks

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7-20-1969, a US spacecraft called the Apollo 11 landed the first people on the moon, Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin. This “won” the space race for the US, the starting a period of cooperation between the US and USSR.

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Website Title: History.comArticle Title: The Space RacePublisher: A&E Television Networks

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Klaus Fuchs was responsible for the soviet unions intelligence on nuclear arms. Klaus was in the manhattan project and leaked info to the soviets to prevent the U.S from having a monopoly on nuclear weapons. Arrested in January, 1950, to serve a 9 year sentence and exiled to east Germany.

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•Website Title: Klaus Fuchs•Article Title: Klaus Fuchs (1911 - 1988)

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The cia (US) and the kgb (USSR) were 2 organizations devoted to gathering intelligence on one another during the cold war. Many incidents occurred where one either obtained valuable information or one was caught spying and killed, though both obtaines information regarding missile silos, storage facilities, and military plans.

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•Website Title: FBI•Publisher: FBI•Electronically Published: May 21, 2010

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In june, 1959, the cia launched satellites under the code name discoverer to orbit around earth, taking satellite photos of Russian points of interest. The corona satellites had taken pictures of roads, warehouses, military bases and buildings. When recovered, the satellites had hundreds of valuable pictures.

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•Website Title: Central Intelligence Agency•Article Title: A Look Back … CORONA: The Nation’s First Photoreconnaissance[…]•Publisher: Central Intelligence Agency

•Electronically Published: April 30, 2013

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T u2 spy plane is a high altitude plane used for reconnaissance during the cold war. Originally used by the cia and later the air force. Soviet anti-aircraft shot down a u2 taking pictures of Russia in 1960 and one more was shot down over Cuba in 1962. the u2 is still used today.

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•Website Title: FBI•Publisher: FBI•Electronically Published: May 21, 2010

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Intercontinental ballistic missile. It’s the baby of the nuclear arms race and space race. A rocket propelled hydrogen warhead that can travel through space to other continents and hit an area with extreme accuracy due to it’s guidance system. ICBMs were ready to use by September 1951 and are the dominant nuclear device of today.

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•Website Title: - Nuclear arms race•Article Title: The Cold War

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•Website Title: History of Nuclear Energy

•Article Title: Outline History of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear reactions for energy purposes were being researched during the manhattan project and throughout the cold war, with the intention to create a self-sustained reaction that can produce electricity. Nuclear energy is now a dominant source of electricity and used in submarines and aircraft carries, while also a dominant source of household electricity.

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•Website Title: Technology Spin-offs - The Space Race

•Article Title: Technology Spin-offs - The Space Race

Many of the cool things we have today are direct byproducts of the space race. NASA had invented these to be used in space and found that these innovations were just as useful on earth. Athletic shoes, Velcro, cordless power tools, ear thermometers, scratch-proof lenses, and the list goes on.

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•Website Title:

•Article Title: The Space Race

•Publisher: A&E Television Networks

Space exploration didn’t stop after the cold war. NASA has been exploring our solar system with unmanned satellites taking pictures of planets and even galaxies, as well as sending robots to mars to study it’s atmosphere and climate. NASA has many things planned for the future as well, such as mining on the moon and facilities stationed on the moon or other planets that people can live in.

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the first bomb used on a city/humans on august 6th, 1945 by the U.S on the japenese city of heroshima, instantly killing 80,000 and killing tens of thousands more by radiation and burns.

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Website Title: History.comArticle Title: Bombing of Hiroshima and NagasakiPublisher: A&E Television Networks

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•Website Title: - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

•Article Title: The Bay of Pigs

April 17, 1961, an invasion approved by jfk landed 1400 members of the cia on the bay of pigs with plans to be supported by 2 air strikes with the intention to overthrow fidel castro. A series of mishaps with the air strikes and communication killed over 100 cia agents while the other 1200 surrendered. Fidel went on to form an alliance with soviet Russia.

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•Website Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

•Article Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

In october, 1962, a U2 spyplane took pictures of soviet missile sites in cuba, containing missiles from the USSR. Most were intermediate range ballistic missile in range of Washington D.C. jfk issued a public warning to Cuba obtaining offensive weapons.

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•Website Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

•Article Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

October 1962, jfk issued a quarantine(blockade) on cuba to stop further construction of missile sites. Khrushchev sent a letter to jfk stating that the blockade on cuba was an act of aggression and soviet supplies would continue to be sent to cuba, though they were stopped and forced to return to Russia. This was the beginning of brinkmanship, where both sides were ready to go all out.

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•Website Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

•Article Title: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - 1961–1968 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

Through a series of letters sent back and forth between jfk and Khrushchev regarding terms of agreements, on October 28, 1962, the 2 leaders came to an agreement. If the U.S lifted its blockade on cuba and removed the Jupiter missiles in turkey, then the USSR would remove the missiles in cuba. The crisis was the closest we’ve ever come to nuclear war.

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