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Museo Slab Specimen

Apr 08, 2018



Nyael David
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  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Museo SlabA obst slab wit Msos indlinss

    exljbris Font Foundry

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen





    Mso SlabW Mso bcm sccs I rsrcd

    som ossibiitis o otr vrsios. Mso

    Ss ws ot tt dict bcs mig

    ss ot o (smi) sri is mor or ss

    cttig of t sris d djstig wigt,

    widt d cotrst.

    So... I mad Mso Sans and wil doodling

    aond and fddling wit slab sis to mak

    Mso Slab I discovd somting nic I sd

    to dsign Callna fst. O cos tat scapadad a ason. I coldnt fnd t igt soltions

    to all Mso Slabs dsign dls.

    Abot on ya lat at a adio intviw

    wit Aaon and Matt om RBtL my intst in

    Mso Slab got fd p again. Dont know wy,

    bt tis tim I got it all woking.

    Callna is t fst sios txt typac I madttp://


    Mso Sans

    Mso Slab


  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen






    T th bst f m

    did y at hambrgrs?

    they can make you happier

    a gd time!

    fast fd is t that healthy

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen





    unmachinated mesocardiumNrlgic nminizing prinspctin ds n damag

    This chscak is rally frbiddn

    Stag Hi Biis w s aft th atmi xsi mftig

    DruNKeN hOrSeS


    100 300 500 700 900 1000Tgah a t sig ah th f s

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Aa Bb Cc Dd e F Gg

    h Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq r Ss Tt uVv Ww Xx Yy Zz


    f fl $ !?&@#%.,:;-_*()[]{}/|\ +^~=


    h03456789 h12 h

    Mso Sb (500) rgr crctr st 455 gys

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

    Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy Zz


    fi fl $ !?&@#%.,:;-_*()[]{}/|\ +^~=


    H0456789H123 H

    Mso Sb (500) Itic crctr st 455 gys

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Museo Slab 100

    Ms Slab 100 ItalicMso Slab Museo Slab Italic

    Museo Slab 500Ms Slab 500 Italic

    Ms Slab 700

    Ms Slab 700 Italic

    Ms Sab 900

    Ms Slab 900 ItalicMse Slab 1000

    Mso Sb 1000 Itic

    6 wigts & 12 stys

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    OTy trs

    > aoat fnny!LIGATureS

    aloat inny!

    >(wat)-[i]? (WhAT)-[IF]?> 1234567890


    > 345







  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    ArcHonT kATAT repenTABle & eyeSHAdeS

    Accrues, defensor, rubs immoveability. Tip rut parlayers, those gods a cadmean, writh,

    meteoric soy ext hance pack uh non-responsibilities sic, hi. Sedatest, [] warn, moults,

    ngering sultanas, sand doddle, sitomania, uptear aver size.

    Unoretold, sulkiest khadi, ilium, boyardism hi, as 567 Narks (neurotension) and amoebiasis

    crassulaceous awed, on, scrubboard ner colob um a pooh, pehlevi. Andabatarian, gab

    sis, abes bro sociologizer, ester. Kit whase to buzz shick, an, a wails stragglingly, a clong

    pea, oh, lima hobnob, lbs. Accrues, deensor, rubs immoveability. Tip rut parlayers, gods a

    cadmean, writh, meteoric soy ext hance pack uh nonresponsibilities sic, hi. Sedatest, [] warn,

    moults, fngering sultanas, sand doddle, sitomania, uptear aver size. To ye, bandle, becard

    leo disparage acapxulco quotated, my, swig ism, indonesian, caw. Dote, a hysteroidal, gave.

    Pima incudal ornes, nric me, vague tv hart.

    Unoretold, sulkiest khadi, ilium, bo-

    yardism hi, as 567 Narks (neuroten-

    sion) and amoebiasis crassulaceous

    awed, on, scrubboard ner colob um

    a pooh, pehlevi. Andabatarian, gab

    sis, abes bro sociologizer, ester. Kit

    whase to buzz shick, an, a wails strag-

    glingly, a clong pea, oh, lima hobnob,

    lbs. Accrues, deensor.

    Archont katat repentable & eyeshades

    Accrs, dnsr, rbs immvability. Tip rt parlayrs,

    gds a cadman, writh, mtric sy xt hanc pack n nn

    rspnsibilitis sic, hi. Sdatst, [] warn, mlts, fngring

    sltanas, sand dddl, sitmania, ptar avr siz.

    unotold, slkist kadi, ilim, boyadism i, as Naks(notnsion) and amobiasis casslacos awd, on,scbboad n colob m a poo, plvi. Andabataian, gabsis, abs bo sociologiz, st. Kit was to bzz sick,an, a wails stagglingly, a clong pa, o, lima obnob, lbs.Accs, dnso, bs immovability. Tip t palays,gods a cadman, wit, mtoic soy xt anc pack nonsponsibilitis sic, i. Sdatst, [] wan, molts, fngingsltanas, sand doddl, sitomania, pta av siz. To y,bandl, bcad lo dispaag acapxlco qotatd, my, swigism, indonsian, caw. Dot, a ystoidal, gav. Pima incdalons, nic m, vag tv at.

    Combiig Mso Sb wit Mso Ss

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Na stego mich dziomas su wiekcj nas zna

    w kocane dugo mie obli, bo jedy przez zajc

    koczkoli. przystak wiszystale zmyszy z gle

    chona magldwisa da. Jecilno w okrzach bd

    na nawicy zujc za bdzynice blnie sposaczcy, ebadawe su boka dost dlatej pie. po-

    gast chowi i niennych rych, tem zdan zaowanik

    Mon, ny ar chaci chez lest quime jouhamplu.

    Alogradvir pri endans tre lamait larangt-il

    vou beaur chabon cexpoi mon vann la sint ou-

    vragis des; de thte Cerus), dan. Lit. Charche,

    estaint liliers passabar mmente. Seil moit cable

    ayaitme erchins de le vier voyanses suyeur dait

    ennat rain volphotre voisant touge, la mme pos

    () i n vermici oble peneast Conale de n

    copun Romare untrulul de aluarea . Alizelor stic

    de colograect i i se mea Horibile sulain pe te

    o viunchimba ci a I. 4 Stanulor desupa relegi

    Legarezens culiate apotiv de ale: alilia ..

    Antiviz supana textimuni cum nt (4) i obliza

    conat trentei 2 km/s au ina agispui de de

    Marlo done, condo crevre grabil La modo ere

    chianza a suocolte Disguie la quesi manquanco

    no di dei miderbo, boriti ha te che, serante qua

    Laura, ercalmo ri. Lintempo zionto avev la pi-

    andome commanche ino il che a sazza, ui d di

    pasapogo appasse, no del pero, glia. Il per mondo

    pi appoca uo albante. E der Romenza. 6 Renzio

    U nepi k skm bli jdeck v produje legien a vlit

    potedmi rzni. Repdeal jak pouchnil: O tuacoda post doulo, jimoc zvan netely mocnch

    ka, mnch. Pane z tednho kdy vncharo ve-

    klady. A smstov nohem. Vyhlivba tobkytov

    salter noubiti. Nevden ze vdozni z nou,

    syme orgn. Vysthny. To, ko enterospoe.

    Mso Sb txt scim

    Ms Slab 500 11/14.4 pt [langags gnratd by Jst Anthr Tst Txt Gnratr]

    Tahvappyy myrssis? Viesta mutt eissa muulin

    hnna, velui taid, jostn olen viinyny sett

    prt rupidn an kupallis phtos huruvoma, Mi-

    nua, kunoi yhjyt l onpalaika nyttkyt ajuhoih

    Muta vati, riitserin khen ettotamaa lukaa kupujoivies ja ettoht Dobonki kuis essaiseliehet pa

    kaa tuanzkna. Tyy juulos oliesi vastaa! Kappi, mi

    Lue lida ribrimi atro, se pons til parpiligra v

    compre te, y y obujaba vez, qu, y no de avamp

    ti luzgaa 2 De singo una rech 6 habreved,

    Aho ermatu o quien liza despalla 2 Raba Pue

    atoyesta: el cado exple cuartens cin Con. -

    Que pondo vo, siglo tanla emomien ms te, ot-

    molva uneso y er ce he don ues Cue de apron

    Gewir o even hi Sch Sch durep. Art er im pol

    einer Kon Oberhin Tervis Flt) gekund rhompan

    derr bes Pen knn dun wur Myosis Aus, mik

    benen ei ihren einkoll Sucht oblichm gatommet

    deren), die von eblatisuch Musacht zwecklen A.

    Systis r Wie deckte knntr Zum auss, den se

    tungarso Them gen Regme, au Gas kes gung di

    Bnt brunde og voxemed kon hans Sel dendgr

    det. Vrdelin i or denden undede mer) Det var

    viladig bed der kom Alt, siskas vge luknippect

    re i Og incer heden a rgsag, rejde kom Lans

    orbr Hr rer, dagenne. vre ernholler, ham.

    Par tind en Tald For hellige me p, det re res

    nu kjege den. hvera p sigher. Skrve at paa bli

    v lti aldr helinum hurkeru hvo sir og g

    ver a etum og mtta nokstu efll erumhr a landaus og hssu tilbins sembur end

    ess eru a, a r lgur, en nirki sr mistut in

    Stum erur hveg gandur yri parleit mynnins

    a ntt og r eru hlum hindra mi og ger eum

    aar. Tilegi og mttlk tiu, stir. En mu skyn

  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen











  • 8/6/2019 Museo Slab Specimen


    Igin Marini r his iKrn srvic

    th gys rm RBtL r rnwing

    my intrst in this slab sri

    and vryn r thir

    cnstrctiv cmmnts

    SpeCIal ThankS TO | [email protected]

    Jos Buivenga, 2009

    xljbis Font Fondy