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Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images Haroon Idrees 1 Imran Saleemi 1 Cody Seibert 2 Mubarak Shah 1 1 Center for Research in Computer Vision 2 Department of EECS University of Central Florida University of Central Florida {haroon, imran, shah} seibert [email protected] Abstract We propose to leverage multiple sources of information to compute an estimate of the number of individuals present in an extremely dense crowd visible in a single image. Due to problems including perspective, occlusion, clutter, and few pixels per person, counting by human detection in such images is almost impossible. Instead, our approach re- lies on multiple sources such as low confidence head de- tections, repetition of texture elements (using SIFT), and frequency-domain analysis to estimate counts, along with confidence associated with observing individuals, in an im- age region. Secondly, we employ a global consistency con- straint on counts using Markov Random Field. This caters for disparity in counts in local neighborhoods and across scales. We tested our approach on a new dataset of fifty crowd images containing 64K annotated humans, with the head counts ranging from 94 to 4543. This is in stark con- trast to datasets used for existing methods which contain not more than tens of individuals. We experimentally demon- strate the efficacy and reliability of the proposed approach by quantifying the counting performance. 1. Introduction The problem of counting the number of objects, specif- ically people, in images and videos arises in several real- world applications including crowd management, design and analysis of buildings and spaces, and safety and secu- rity. In certain scenarios, obtaining the people count is of direct importance, e.g., in public rallies, marathons, public parks, and transportation hubs, etc. The manual counting of individuals in very dense crowds is an extremely laborious task, but is performed nonetheless by experienced personnel when needed [18]. Computer vision research in the area of crowd analysis has resulted in several automated and semi-automated solu- tions for density estimation and counting. Practical appli- cation of most existing techniques however, is constrained Figure 1: This figure shows five arbitrary images from the dataset used in this paper. On average, each image in the crowd counting dataset contains around 1280 humans. The bottom row shows four patches from different images at original resolution. by two important limitations: (1) inability to handle crowds of hundreds or thousands (Fig. 1) rather than a few tens of individuals [4, 5]; and (2) reliance on temporal constraints in crowd videos [20], which are not applicable to the more prevalent still images. Most existing methods can be categorized by the appli- cation scenario and experimental setup. Some methods pro- posed in literature for crowd detection perform image seg- mentation without actual counting or localization [1], while others simply estimate the coarse density range within local regions [24]. In terms of experimental data, most of the ex- isting algorithms for exact counting have been tested on low 1

Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense … · Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images Haroon Idrees1

Sep 01, 2018



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Page 1: Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense … · Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images Haroon Idrees1

Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images

Haroon Idrees1 Imran Saleemi1 Cody Seibert2 Mubarak Shah1

1Center for Research in Computer Vision 2Department of EECSUniversity of Central Florida University of Central Florida

{haroon, imran, shah} seibert [email protected]


We propose to leverage multiple sources of informationto compute an estimate of the number of individuals presentin an extremely dense crowd visible in a single image. Dueto problems including perspective, occlusion, clutter, andfew pixels per person, counting by human detection in suchimages is almost impossible. Instead, our approach re-lies on multiple sources such as low confidence head de-tections, repetition of texture elements (using SIFT), andfrequency-domain analysis to estimate counts, along withconfidence associated with observing individuals, in an im-age region. Secondly, we employ a global consistency con-straint on counts using Markov Random Field. This catersfor disparity in counts in local neighborhoods and acrossscales. We tested our approach on a new dataset of fiftycrowd images containing 64K annotated humans, with thehead counts ranging from 94 to 4543. This is in stark con-trast to datasets used for existing methods which contain notmore than tens of individuals. We experimentally demon-strate the efficacy and reliability of the proposed approachby quantifying the counting performance.

1. Introduction

The problem of counting the number of objects, specif-ically people, in images and videos arises in several real-world applications including crowd management, designand analysis of buildings and spaces, and safety and secu-rity. In certain scenarios, obtaining the people count is ofdirect importance, e.g., in public rallies, marathons, publicparks, and transportation hubs, etc. The manual counting ofindividuals in very dense crowds is an extremely laborioustask, but is performed nonetheless by experienced personnelwhen needed [18].

Computer vision research in the area of crowd analysishas resulted in several automated and semi-automated solu-tions for density estimation and counting. Practical appli-cation of most existing techniques however, is constrained

Figure 1: This figure shows five arbitrary images from thedataset used in this paper. On average, each image in thecrowd counting dataset contains around 1280 humans. Thebottom row shows four patches from different images atoriginal resolution.

by two important limitations: (1) inability to handle crowdsof hundreds or thousands (Fig. 1) rather than a few tens ofindividuals [4, 5]; and (2) reliance on temporal constraintsin crowd videos [20], which are not applicable to the moreprevalent still images.

Most existing methods can be categorized by the appli-cation scenario and experimental setup. Some methods pro-posed in literature for crowd detection perform image seg-mentation without actual counting or localization [1], whileothers simply estimate the coarse density range within localregions [24]. In terms of experimental data, most of the ex-isting algorithms for exact counting have been tested on low


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to medium density crowds, e.g., USCD dataset with densityof 11 − 46 people per frame [4], Mall dataset with densityof 13−53 individuals per frame [5], and PETS dataset con-taining 3 − 40 people per frame [9]. In contrast to theseimages and videos, our algorithm has been tested on stillimages containing between 94 and 4543 people per image,with an average of 1280 people over fifty images in thedataset. Such high density implies that an individual mayoccupy so few pixels that it can neither be detected, nor canits presence be verified given the location, which are keyrequirements in existing techniques.

The proposed approach is motivated by the fact that inextremely dense crowds of people, no single feature or de-tection method is reliable enough to provide an accuratecount due to low resolution, severe occlusion, foreshorten-ing, and perspective. Indeed even the state-of-the-art hu-man, head, or face detectors perform poorly in such sce-narios. We observe however that densely packed crowds ofindividuals can be treated as a texture, albeit irregular andinhomogeneous at a coarse scale. And this texture beginsto correspond to a harmonic pattern, as is the case in regu-lar textures, at a finer scale. Furthermore, there does exist aspatial relationship that is expected to constrain the count-ing estimates in neighboring local image regions in terms ofsimilarity of counts.

We also observe that, in derived intensity spaces such asimage derivative, or edges, groups of individuals are likelyto exhibit an increased level of similarity. Therefore, in ad-dition to supervised training of human or head detectors, ap-pearance based feature descriptors like SIFT are also usefulto estimate the so called texture elements or textons [25].This observation has been used successfully for crowd de-tection in [1], although not for counting or localization.Our goal in using appearance based descriptors for local-ized patches is to estimate repeating structures in the image,but with the important distinction that such image patchesare not expected to fully contain a person, rather the textonscan represent a single part of a person, multiple parts, ormultiple people and their parts.

Another main contribution of the proposed frameworkis the use of frequency-domain analysis in crowd counting.Fourier transform has been used extensively in texture anal-ysis [2], and specifically in crowd analysis [17]. Given geo-metrically arranged texture elements, the Fourier transformcan provide reliable estimates of the texton counts [14]. Inthe domain of crowd counting however, the application offrequency analysis is severely limited due to two main rea-sons: (1) the spatial arrangement of texture elements is veryirregular; and (2) the Fourier transform is not useful in lo-calizing the repeating elements.

We propose novel solutions to overcome these limita-tions. First, we employ Fourier analysis along with headdetections and interest-point based counts in local neighbor-

hoods on multiple scales to avoid the problem of irregularityin the perceived textures emanating from images of densecrowds. The count estimates from this localized multi-scaleanalysis are then aggregated subject to global consistencyconstraints. Secondly, in order to leverage multiple esti-mates from distinct sources, the corresponding confidencemaps need to be comparable and in the same space. For in-stance, the Fourier transform is not directly useful in this re-gard since it cannot be combined with count estimate mapsin the image domain. We therefore reconstruct the low tomedium frequency component of image region and the re-constructed image is then compared with the original imageafter alignment. This process provides two important piecesof information: the estimated count per local region, and ameasure of error relative to the original image.

Combining the three sources, i.e., Fourier, interest pointsand head Detection, with their respective confidences, wecompute counts at localized patches independently, whichare then globally constrained to get an estimate of count forthe entire image. Since the data terms are evaluated inde-pendently at different scales, the smoothness constraint hasto be applicable to spatial neighborhoods as well as imme-diate neighbors at different scales. We propose a solutionto obtain counts from multi-scale grid MRF which infersthe solution simultaneously at all scales while enforcing thecount consistency constraint.

The organization of the rest of the paper follows. We re-view relevant literature in §2, present detailed problem for-mulation and solution in §3, and finally, the experimentalevaluation is reported in §4. The paper is concluded in §5.

2. Related WorkSome of the existing literature relevant to the proposed

approach and application is briefly reviewed in this section.Person detection for counting individuals, present in an im-age or video, has been employed in [10, 15]. This categoryof methods however is not useful for the kind of imageswe deal with, because human, or even head and face detec-tion in these images is difficult due to severe occlusion andclutter, low resolution, and few pixels per individuals due toforeshortening. We demonstrate this fact by reporting quan-titative results of detection on our crowd image dataset.

Brostow and Cipolla [3] and Rabaud and Belongie [19]count moving objects by estimating contiguous regions ofcoherent motion. Computation of such patterns of motionwere also proposed in [22, 23, 12], but not with explicitapplication to the problem of crowd counting. These algo-rithms require video frames as input, with reasonably highframe rate for reliable motion estimation, but are not suit-able to still images of crowds, or even videos if the individ-uals in the crowd show nominal or no motion, e.g., politicalgatherings and concerts.

Another category of techniques proposed for crowd

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counting rely on estimation of direct relationships betweenlow level or local features and counts, by learning regres-sion functions. Such a function can be global [4, 6, 11, 21]where a single function’s parameters are learned for the en-tire image or video. These methods have the implicit as-sumption that the density is roughly uniform regardless ofthe location where the feature is computed. This assump-tion is largely invalid in most real world scenarios due toperspective, changes in viewpoint, and changes in crowddensity.

The problems associated with global feature regressioncan be alleviated by relaxing this assumption. Methods suchas [16] propose to divide an image into cells and perform re-gression individually for each cell. These methods [16, 13]aim to compensate for problems associated with foreshort-ening, and local geometric distortions due to perspective.One key problem with this approach however is that the lo-cal context, or spatial consistency constraints are ignored asinformation across local regions is not shared.

Chen et al [5] have recently proposed that informa-tion sharing among regions should allow more accurateand robust crowd counting. They propose a single multi-output model for joint localized crowd counting based onridge regression. Their proposed framework employs inter-dependent local features from local spatial regions as in-put and people count from individual regions as multi-dimensional structured output. The proposed algorithmhowever was not applied to scenarios with crowds of morethan a few tens of people.

We now describe our proposed approach in detail whichputs forth several novel ideas to overcome limitations in ex-isting work. We also collected, annotated, and tested on alarge dataset of real world crowd images.

3. FrameworkGiven an image, our goal is to estimate the number of

people in the image. The density of people, i.e., the num-ber of people per unit area, in an arbitrary crowded imageis rarely uniform, and varies from region to region. Thisvariation in density may be inherent to the scene that theimage captures (different distribution of individuals in dif-ferent parts of the scene) or it may arise due to the view-point and perspective effects of the camera. Therefore, acrowded scene cannot be analyzed in its entirety for count-ing. Thus, the proposed framework begins by counting in-dividuals in small patches uniformly sampled over the im-age. But, even though the density varies across the image, itdoes so smoothly, suggesting the density in adjacent patchesshould be similar.

We handle the issues of variation in density and smoothvariation separately. When counting people in patches, weassume the density is uniform but implicitly assume that thenumber of people in each patch is independent of adjacent

Figure 2: Results of Head Detection: Image on the left isone of the few images where head detection gives reason-able results. False negatives and positives are still evidentin both images.

patches. Once we estimate density or counts in each patch,we remove the independence assumption and place them inmulti-scale Markov Random Field to model the dependencein counts among nearby patches.

3.1. Counting in Patches

Given a patch P , we estimate the counts from three dif-ferent and complementary sources, alongside confidencesfor those counts. The three sources are later combined toobtain a single estimate of count for that patch using theindividual counts and confidences.

3.1.1 HOG based Head Detections

The simplest approach to estimate counts is through humandetections. However, a quick glance at images of densecrowds reveals that the bodies are almost entirely occluded,leaving only heads for counting and analysis. We, therefore,used Deformable Parts Model [7] trained on INRIA Persondataset, and applied only the filter corresponding to head tothe images. Often, the heads are partially occluded, so weused a much lower threshold for detection. There are manyfalse negatives and positives since the images are inherentlydifficult (see Fig. 2). The detections are accompanied withscale and confidence. For each patch, we use number ofdetections, ηH , mean and variance of scale µH,s, σH,s andconfidence µH,c, σH,c. The consistency in scale and con-fidence is a measure of how reliable head detections are inthat patch.

3.1.2 Fourier Analysis

When a crowd image contains thousands of individuals,with each individual occupying only tens of pixels, espe-cially those far away from the camera in an image withperspective distortion, histograms of gradients do not im-part any useful information. However, a crowd is inher-ently repetitive in nature, since all humans appear the samefrom a distance. The repetitions, as long as they occur con-

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Peaks = 195,GT Count = 54

Peaks = 238GT Count = 102

Peaks = 254GT Count = 134

Figure 3: Counting through Fourier Analysis: The first rowshows three original patches, while the second row showscorresponding reconstructed patches. The positive corre-lation is evident from the number of local maximas in thereconstructed patch, and the ground truth counts shown atthe bottom.

sistently in space, i.e., crowd density in the patch is uni-form, can be captured by Fourier Transform, f(ξ), wherethe periodic occurrence of heads shows as peaks in the fre-quency domain. Specifically, for a given patch, we com-pute the gradient image, ∇(P ), and apply a low-pass filter,f(ξ) > f(ξo) = 0, to remove very high frequency content.Next we discard low amplitude frequencies, which is fol-lowed by reconstruction, Pr, through inverse Fourier Trans-form. We find the number of local maximas in the recon-structed image (Fig. 3) after alignment and non-maximalsuppression which serves as an estimate for the Fourier-based count, ηF . In addition, we compute several othermeasures, such as entropy as well as statistical measures re-lated to first four moments - mean, variance, skewness andkurtosis for both the reconstructed image and difference im-age |Pr −∇(P )|. The count is normalized for the size ofthe patch.

3.1.3 Interest Points based Counting

We use interest points not only to estimate counts but also toget a confidence whether the patch represents crowd or not.Since sky, buildings and trees naturally occur in outdoor im-ages, and the fact that head detection gives false positives insuch regions (Fig. 2) and Fourier Analysis is crowd-blind,it is important to discard counts from such patches. Forboth counting and confidence, we obtain SIFT features, andcluster them into a codebook of size c. In order to obtaincounts or densities using sparse SIFT features, we use Sup-port Vector Regression using the counts computed at eachpatch from ground truth.

From the perspective of Statistics, the number of indi-viduals in a particular patch can be seen as spatial PoissonCounting Process with parameter (corresponds to density),λ, i.e., N(P ) ∼ Poisson(λ|P |), and expected value of

-0.10 -0.09 -0.05 -0.06 -0.11 -0.13 -0.14 -0.13

-0.18 -0.14 -0.14 -0.21 -0.12 -0.12 -0.14 -0.14

0.14 0.11 0.18 0.24 0.21 0.24 0.29 0.29

0.20 0.39 0.40 0.31 0.47 0.24 0.39 0.24

0.33 0.38 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.43 0.37 0.20

0.19 0.40 0.31 0.24 0.18 0.29 0.40 0.18

0.24 0.19 0.29 0.20 0.26 0.20 0.08 0.27

0.31 0.12 0.21 0.16 0.07 0.17 0.08 0.03

-0.54 -0.34 -0.26 -0.29 -0.33 -0.35 -0.28 -0.23

-0.07 -0.24 -0.16 -0.15 -0.18 -0.25 -0.15 -0.21

0.11 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.11

0.27 0.20 0.17 0.21 0.36 0.17 0.26 0.13

0.22 0.31 0.27 0.43 0.37 0.44 0.47 0.34

0.20 0.22 0.17 0.27 0.12 0.22 0.35 0.21

-0.01 0.04 -0.06 0.14 0.05 0.01 -0.03 0.02

-0.09 -0.12 -0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.08 -0.06 -0.11

Figure 4: Images with their confidence maps: The imageson the left have confidence of crowd likelihood obtainedthrough Eq. 2. In the top image, the gap between stadiumtiers gets low confidence of crowd presence. Similarly,patches containing the sky and flood lights in bottom im-age have low probability of crowd.

N(P ) is simply λ|P |. Since we assumed the density is uni-form in the patch, the process is homogenous and λ is nota function of location (x, y). Moreover, the independenceassumption among patches gives, for the image, I:

N(I) = N(P1 ∪ P2 . . . Pn)

= N(P1) +N(P2) + . . .+N(Pn), (1)

where P1, P2, . . . Pn form a disjoint partition of I.Furthermore, due to sparse nature of SIFT features,

the frequency γ of a particular feature i in a patchcan also be modeled as a Poisson R.V., p(γi|crowd) =exp(−λ+

i ).(λ+i )

γi/γi! with expected value, λ+i . Given a set

of positive(+) and negative examples(−), the relative den-sities (frequencies normalized by area) of the feature varyin positive and negative images, and can be used to identifycrowd patches from non-crowd ones. Assuming indepen-dence among features, the log-likelihood φ(P ) of the ratioof patch containing crowd to non-crowd is [1]:

log(γ1, γ2, . . . γc|crowd)− log(γ1, γ2, . . . γc|¬crowd)


(λ−i − λ+

i + γi(logλ+i − logλ−

i )).


The above equation gives us a confidence for presence ofcrowd in a patch. The resulting confidence maps are shownin Fig. 4 for two images.

3.2. Fusion of Three Sources

For learning and fusion at the patch level, we denselysample overlapping patches from the training images and

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Figure 5: The figure shown multi-scale Markov randomField for inferring counts for the entire image. The patchesin each layer have independent data terms, thus requiring asimultaneous solution for all layers.

using the annotation, obtain counts for the correspondingpatches. Computing counts and confidences from the threesources, we scale individual features and regress using ϵ-SVR, with the counts computed from the annotations.

3.3. Counting in Images

In order to impose smoothness among counts from dif-ferent patches, we place them in an MRF framework withgrid structure. Furthermore, although small patches haveconsistent density, they have fewer repetitions or periodsand can easily be affected by low-frequency noise. Largerpatches, if they have consistent density, have more people,and therefore more periods and better relevant-to-irrelevantfrequency ratio. Moreover, it is difficult to ascertain in ad-vance the right scale for analysis for a particular image.This problem lends itself to a multi-scale MRF, an exampleof which is shown in Fig. 5. The graph can be representedwith (V, E) and N are the four neighbors at the same leveland intermediate nodes that connect a patch to layers aboveand below it. Note that, this multi-scale MRF is differentfrom other hierarchical models used for images, in that thedata term (unary cost) for a patch is evaluated independentof the patches at layers above and below it, whereas in im-age restoration and stereo, data cost for patch at higher levelis computed from layer directly below. The energy functionis thus given by:

E(ℓ) =∑p∈V

Dp(ℓp) +∑


V (ℓp − ℓq), (3)

where labeling ℓ assigns a label ℓp ∈ L ={0, 1, 2, ..., Cmax} for every every patch p ∈ P . The

data term is quadratic, Dp(ℓp) = λ(ηp − ℓp)2 and

smoothness term is truncated quadratic, V (ℓp − ℓq) =min

((ℓp − ℓq)

2, τ).

The graph is inferred using Max-Product/Min-Sum BPon grid structure [8]. At any time t, the message that nodep sends to q for a label ℓq is given by, mt



V (ℓp − ℓq) +Dp(ℓp) +∑



, (4)

and the belief for a label ℓq of node q at time t can be ob-tained as:

btq(ℓq) = Dq(ℓq) +∑p∈Nq

mtp→q(ℓq). (5)

The inference starts by sweeping in four directions at thebottom level using Eq. 4, the beliefs are then evaluated foreach patch using Eq. 5. Then, the beliefs in the groups of2×2 are added giving the beliefs for the intermediate nodesbti above the bottom layer. After four sweeps at the middlelayer, the fifth sweep of messages goes from intermediatenodes to the middle layer. This is followed by computationof beliefs at the middle layer. This step repeats for the toplayer, and the whole process corresponds to one time stept. Then, the process repeats but from top to bottom. Thebeliefs at the intermediate nodes are divided for each of thepatch below, i.e., for each patch q in 2× 2 group below theintermediate node, its share of beliefs from the layer aboveis given by: bt+1

i,q (ℓq) = btq(ℓq).bt+1i (ℓq)/b

ti(ℓq). After a

fixed number of iterations, the final beliefs can be computedusing Eq. 5, and the labels which have minimum cost in thebelief vectors are selected as the final labels. The sum oflabels (counts) at the bottom layer gives the count for theimage.

Fig. 6 shows three instances where the estimated countof patch was improved based on neighbors (both spatial andlayer). In all cases, the patch under consideration lies in thecenter of 3 × 3 patch set. In the first two columns, afterimposing the smoothness constraint using MRF, the over-estimated counts are reduced, becoming closer to groundtruth. A special case is shown in the last column. Thepatch in the middle had a much lower count than neigh-bors which after inference increased becoming similar to itsneighbors. Although the new estimate is closer to groundtruth, the increase is not necessarily correct since the lowercount was due to presence of a non-human object (an am-bulance). The last column belongs to the image which hadthe highest count in the dataset.

4. ExperimentsWe collected the dataset from publicly available web im-

ages, including Flickr. As mentioned in the introduction, it

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45 49 52

43 18 45

44 42 46

43 43 42

41 42 41

42 42 42

96 103 118

101 51 86

80 80 89

6 16 21

16 13 14

10 11 10

18 22 16

21 31 16

21 10 18

14 14 12

13 14 13

14 12 12

14 16 11

12 13 11

13 10 8

34 28 21

28 38 36

30 30 14

25 25 24

23 23 23

22 23 22


Ground Truth

Before MRF

After MRF

Figure 6: Results after MRF-based inference: Three nonetsfrom different images are shown in first row. The sec-ond row shows the ground truth counts, and the estimatedcounts before and after MRF inference are shown in thirdand fourth rows, respectively. The patches from only onelayer are shown in this figure.

consists of 50 images with counts ranging between 94 and4543 with an average of 1280 individuals per image. Muchlike the range of counts, the scenes in these images also be-long to a diverse set of events: concerts, protests, stadiums,marathons, and pilgrimages. One of the images is a paint-ing while another is an abstract depiction of a crowd (theone with the least count, shown in Fig. 7a). Using a simpletool for marking the ground truth positions of individuals,we obtained 63705 annotations in the fifty images. Someexamples of images with the associated ground truth countscan be seen in Fig. 7.

For experiments, we randomly divided the dataset intosets of 10, reduced the maximum dimension to 1024for computational efficiency, and performed 5−fold cross-validation. We used two simple measures to quantify theresults: mean and deviation of Absolute Difference (AD),and mean and deviation of Normalized Absolute Difference(NAD), which was obtained by normalizing the absolutedifference with the actual count for each image. Since wedivide the image into patches, we report our results for bothpatches and images. The quantitative results are presentedin Table 1.

The first row in Table 1 shows the results of using countsfrom Fourier Analysis only, giving AD of 703.9 and NAD

Minimum Error - Error: 2 Ground Truth: 426 Estimated: 428

Maximum Error - Error: 2046 Ground Truth: 3333 Estimated: 1287

Least GT Count - Error: 34Ground Truth: 94 Estimated: 128

Most GT Count - Error: 1993 Ground Truth: 4543 Estimated: 2550

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7: Selected images with their respective counts anderrors: The first row shows the extreme ends of the datasetin terms of counts. The second row shows the images withlowest and highest error.

of 84.6. Supplementing it with confidences from varioussources including Eq. 2 improves AD by 181.8 and reducesNAD by almost one-half. Including counts from head de-tections improves AD marginally to 510.9. Adding countsfrom regression on sparse SIFT features reduces error inboth measures, giving values of 468.0 and 32.2, respec-tively. Finally, inferring counts for complete images us-ing counts from patches through multi-scale MRF furtherimproves AD taking it to 419.5. It can be observed fromthe table, that standard deviation follows the same trend asmean, the values reducing as we add more sources.

Figs. 8a-b shows AD and NAD for patches in the indi-vidual images, respectively. The mean per patch are shownwith black asterisks, deviations with red bars, and olive dotsin Fig. 8a show average of actual counts per patch in thatimage. For easier analysis, the x-axis shows images sortedwith respect to actual counts in both plots. It can be seenthat AD per patch increases as the actual counts increases,except for the images in the range 25 to 45 with correspond-ing actual counts in the range of 1000−2500 per image. Notonly does this range boast lowest mean in AD and NAD,but lowest deviations as well, which means the approachconsistently predict correct counts for patches in this range.The reason for better performance in the middle range is ob-vious: the counts range from 94−4543, so the largest countis a tremendous 4832% of the smallest count. Forcing thelearning algorithm to predict correct estimates at both endssimultaneously, makes it overestimate the lower end and un-derestimate the higher end, thereby working in favor of themiddle range, even though, we used RBF kernel for regres-

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Fourier 13.8 ± 21.3 96.4 ± 200.4 703.9 ± 682.0 84.6 ± 157.3

F+confidence 11.0 ± 19.7 58.7 ± 74.9 522.1 ± 610.1 41.0 ± 31.0

Fc+Head 11.1 ± 19.3 63.3.0 ± 84.0 510.9 ± 587.3 41.8 ± 30.9

FHc+SIFT 10.2 ± 18.9 53.3.0 ± 69.5 468.0 ± 590.3 32.2 ± 27.1

FHSc+MRF (Proposed) - - 419.5 ± 541.6 31.3 ± 27.1

Rodriguez et al. - - 655.7 ± 697.8 70.6 ± 102.1

Lempitsky et al. - - 493.4 ± 487.1 61.2 ± 91.6

Per Patch Per Image



Table 1: Quantitative results of the proposed approach and comparison with Rodriguez et al. [20] and Lempitsky andZisserman [13] using mean and standard deviation of Absolute Difference and Normalized Absolute Difference from groundtruth. The influence of the individual sources is also quantified. The proposed approach outperforms the other two methods.


+ C








er P


Image number Image number (a) (b)

Figure 8: This figure shows analysis of patch estimates interms of absolute and normalized absolute differences. Thex-axis shows image number sorted with respect to actualcount. Means are shown in black asterisk, standard devia-tions with red bars, and ground truth counts with olive dots.

sion on three sources.For comparison, we used the methods of Rodriguez et al.

[20], and Lempitsky and Zisserman [13], which were suit-able for this dataset since other methods for crowd countingmostly deal with videos or use human detection, and cannotbe used for testing on this dataset. The method presentedin [20] relies on head detections, while [13] requires anno-tated ground truth points for training, and learns a regres-sion model using dense SIFT features on randomly selectedpatches. The quantitative results are shown in Table 1. Fig.9 breaks these numbers according to counts. The resultsusing [20] are in red, those in green use [13], and the re-sults of the proposed approach are shown blue. In Fig. 9b,the black curve represents the ground truth. In Fig. 9a, weshow NAD for ten groups of five images each, which aresorted according to ground truth counts. The x-axis showsthe average counts of each of the 10 groups. Density awareperson detection [20] performs best around counts of 1000,but its error increases as we move away. The reason be-comes obvious when we look at the absolute counts outputby the method in Fig. 9b, as they are fairly steady acrossthe entire dataset and do not respond well to change in den-

sity. It overestimates at lower end and then underestimatesat the higher end, resulting in increased absolute errors onboth ends. The MESA-distance [13] on the other hand, per-forms fairly well at higher counts, but gives high NAD atlower counts. The reason lies in the algorithm itself, as itis designed to minimize the maximum AD across imageswhen training, and since images with higher counts tendto have higher AD, the learning focuses on such images.The learner gets biased towards high density images, thus,producing a lower AD overall, but overestimating at lowercounts (Fig. 9b), thus giving higher NAD. The proposed ap-proach, on the other hand, performs well across the wholerange, giving steady NAD’s across all ten groups.

Finally, all methods underestimate the tenth set and thiscan be due to several reasons. First, images in this groupare very high resolution and therefore it is less likely tomiss individuals while annotating. Since we fixed the max-imum image size for experiments, the images in this grouphad correct and therefore, more annotations than their low-resolution counterparts. Second, a careful look at Fig. 8areveals that patch density increases super-linearly for thisgroup, which otherwise is linear for first nine groups. Sincethere are few such images, their patch instances could havebeen treated as outliers (have higher slack weights) for re-gression. The last reason may be associated with histogramsof features that capture relative frequencies. At very highdensity, the relative frequencies across patches with differ-ent density may become similar, resulting in a loss of dis-criminative power.

5. Conclusion

We presented an approach to count number of indi-viduals in extremely dense crowds, on a scale not tackledbefore. We fuse information from three sources in termsof counts, confidences and different measures at the patchlevel, and then enforce smoothness constraint on nearbypatches to improve estimates of incorrect patches, thereby

Page 8: Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense … · Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images Haroon Idrees1









176.75 367 512 663 858.5 1040.5 1454.75 1843.75 2259.25 2838.75



Average GT Counts (Groups of Five)

Rodriguez et al.

Lempitsky et al.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



C et



Groups of Five

Rodriguez et al.

Lempitsky et al.


Ground Truth



Figure 9: Analysis of comparison: Bars and lines in reddepict [20], green show [13], blue shows the results usingproposed approach, while ground truth is shown in black.(a) shows Normalized Absolute Difference (an error mea-sure) and (b) shows the actual and estimated counts.

producing better estimates at the image level. We showedthat the proposed approach scales well to different densitiesproducing consistent error rates across images with diversecounts. Possible improvements include explicit prepro-cessed estimation of crowd density, and making regressionan explicit function of density so that it better adapts tovarious crowd sizes. Furthermore, texton detection torecognize repetitions can supplement frequency-domainanalysis.

Acknowledgments. This material is based upon worksupported in part by, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory,the U.S. Army Research Office under contract/grantnumber W911NF-09-1-0255. Cody Seibert was supportedon National Science Foundation’s REU Program.

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