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Background and Motivation Contributions Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering R. Denaux 1 A. G. Cohn 1 V. Dimitrova 1 G. Hart 2 1 School of Computing University of Leeds 2 Ordnance Survey Research Invited Talk at Department of Computer Science Sheffield, 2010 Denaux, Cohn, Dimitrova and Hart Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering

Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

May 06, 2015



Ronald Denaux

Description of my PhD for an invited talk at the Department of Computer Science at Sheffield University. I present my hypothesis that different ontology authors have different views on the world, and different requirements of ontologies which results in different definitions of 'the same' concepts.

I propose to make ontology tools that are bias-aware to help in the creation and reuse of ontologies. In this context I present my current work on making a goal-aware ontology editor.
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Page 1: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering

R. Denaux1 A. G. Cohn1 V. Dimitrova1 G. Hart2

1School of ComputingUniversity of Leeds

2Ordnance Survey Research

Invited Talk at Department of Computer ScienceSheffield, 2010

Denaux, Cohn, Dimitrova and Hart Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering

Page 2: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Denaux, Cohn, Dimitrova and Hart Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering

Page 3: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Denaux, Cohn, Dimitrova and Hart Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering

Page 4: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Page 5: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Page 6: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Page 7: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Page 8: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Page 12: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Context of ResearchMulti-perspective Ontology Engineering.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

ROO: Rabbit to OWL Ontology Authoring.Example of adapting to ontology contributors

Domain experts:Good knowledge of the domain to be representedLimited or no Ontology Engineering experienceLimited or no knowledge of OWL, Protégé, etc.

ROO provides tool support for domain experts:Guidance through ontology construction methodologyControlled Natural Language interfaceNo OWL specific terminology

Adaptation at design time, not at runtimeRe-use techniques from User Modelling andPersonalisation

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Page 16: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

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Page 17: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

Ontology Development 101Natalya F. Noy and Deborah L. McGuinness

There is no one correct way to model a domain thereare always viable alternatives. The best solutionalmost always depends on the application that youhave in mind and the extensions that you anticipate.

. . . deciding what we are going to use the ontology for

. . . will guide many of the modeling decisions down theroad.1

1N. F. Noy and D. Mcguinness. Ontology development 101: A guide tocreating your first ontology, 2000

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes


The goal of the specification phase is to produceeither an informal, semi-formal or formal ontologyspecification document. METHONTOLOGY proposesthat at least the following information be included:(a) The purpose of the ontology, including its

intended uses, scenarios of use, end-users, etc.. . . 2

2M. Fernandez-Lopez, A. Gomez-Perez, and N. Juristo. Methontology:from ontological art towards ontological engineering. In Proceedings of theAAAI97 Spring Symposium Series on Ontological Engineering, pages 33–40,1997

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Background and MotivationContributions

Multi-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes


Local adaptation: once the core ontology is available,users work with it and adapt it locally to their ownneeds. Typically, they will have their own businessrequirements and correspondingly change their localontologies. 3

3Denny Vrandecic, H. Sofia Pinto, York Sure, and Christoph Tempich. Thediligent knowledge processes. Journal of Knowledge Management,9(5):85–96, OCT 2005

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Page 20: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

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Page 21: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose-driven Adaptive Ontology Reuse.

Derive model of Ontology PurposesUse this model to capture new ontology purposesSuggest ontology to reuse based on matching ontologypurpose

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Page 22: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Goal-aware Ontology EditorUse case: Ontology Re-use

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Page 23: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Goal-aware Ontology EditorUse case: Ontology Re-use

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Page 24: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Goal-aware Ontology EditorUse case: Ontology Re-use

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Page 25: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Goal-aware Ontology EditorUse case: Ontology Re-use

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose Example

ontology: Ordnance Survey Hydrology Ontology v2source: ontology annotationfree text: "Purpose: To describe in an unambiguousmanner the inland hydrology feature classes surveyed byOrdnance Survey with the intention of improving the use ofthe surveyed data by our customers and enablingsemi-automatic processing of these data."

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Representing Ontology Purposes.Deriving Vocabulary from a corpus

44Ronald Denaux, Anthony G. Cohn, Vania Dimitrova, and Glen Hart.

Towards modelling the intended purpose of ontologies: A case study ingeography. In Proceedings of the Terra Cognita Workshop, collocated withthe 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2009), volume 518.CEUR-WS, 2009

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose Categories

Domain DefiningOntology Process RelatedData Process RelatedInvestigativeCollaboration EnhancingExternal ApplicationAnalogous


Code Task Focus RestrictionsOS1 Describe Domain Domain is restricted

to feature classessurveyed byOrdnance Survey

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Page 30: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose Categories

Domain DefiningOntology Process RelatedData Process RelatedInvestigativeCollaboration EnhancingExternal ApplicationAnalogous


Code Task Focus RestrictionsPont5 Facilitate Ontology Process is the

Process alignment ofontologies

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose Categories

Domain DefiningOntology Process RelatedData Process RelatedInvestigativeCollaboration EnhancingExternal ApplicationAnalogous


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Page 32: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

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Page 33: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Representing Ontology Purposes in OWLGoals

Enable ontology contributors to formalise their ontologypurposeAllows users to express themselves in a manner that isclose to the way they would normally use (free text)classify ontologies based on their purposeCan be extended by ontology contributorsStarting point: usable but not intended to cover all possiblepurposes

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Example Formalisation

OS ExampleOS Hydrology Ontology aims to describe the OSHydrology Feature Classes.OS Hydrology Ontology intends to enable theSemi-automatic Processing of Ordnance Survey Data.OS Hydrology Ontology intends to improve the Data Usageof Ordnance Survey Customers.

Inferences we wantOS Hydrology Ontology is a Data Processing Ontology.OS Hydrology Ontology is a Domain Specifying Ontology.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Abstract and Concrete levels

Abstract Concepts and RelationsAgent, Artifact, Creation Action, has (purpose) focus, PurposeFocus, Purpose Task.A Data Processing Ontology is anything that: is a kind ofOntology; has purpose focus at least one Data Process.

Concrete Concepts and Relationsaims to describe, describes, aims to facilitate, aims to provide,intends to enable, data process.The relationship intends to improve is a special type of therelationship has purpose focus.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


1 Background and MotivationMulti-perspective Ontology EngineeringOntology Purposes

2 ContributionsGoal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

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Page 37: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Purpose Elicitation Dialogue

Elicit formal description of ontology purpose in order toclassify ontology.Aid user to make transition from free text to formalrepresentation.Use Ontology of Purpose Ontologies to guide dialogueepisode.Dialogue at concrete level, reasoning at abstract level.

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Page 38: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Basic Dialogue Structure

Elicit free text purpose descriptionNLP analysis to generate purpose hypothesesClarify and confirm hypotheses:

elicit instances linked to concrete conceptssucceeds when classification can be made

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Page 39: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Basic Dialogue Structure

Elicit free text purpose descriptionNLP analysis to generate purpose hypothesesClarify and confirm hypotheses:

elicit instances linked to concrete conceptssucceeds when classification can be made

AnnotationsTo describe in an unambiguous manner the inland hydrologyfeature classes surveyed by Ordnance Survey with the intentionof improving the use of the surveyed data by our customers andenabling semi-automatic processing of these data.

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Page 40: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Basic Dialogue Structure

Elicit free text purpose descriptionNLP analysis to generate purpose hypothesesClarify and confirm hypotheses:

elicit instances linked to concrete conceptssucceeds when classification can be made

Hypothesis Domain Describing Ontology

OS Hydrology Ontology aims to describe X. X is a KnowledgeDomain.

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Page 41: Multi perspective Ontology Engineering

Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

Basic Dialogue Structure

Elicit free text purpose descriptionNLP analysis to generate purpose hypothesesClarify and confirm hypotheses:

elicit instances linked to concrete conceptssucceeds when classification can be made

Hypothesis Data Processing Ontology

OS Hydrology Ontology intends to enable X. X is a Data Usage.

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work


Implement Dialogue Plan generation for a few purposetypesEvaluate Dialogue Plan generation without RabbitinterpreterAdd Rabbit interpreter and evaluate with real usersSuggest ontology to reuse based on matching ontologypurpose

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Background and MotivationContributions

Goal-aware Ontology EditorOntology Purpose VocabularyFormalisationCurrent Work

The End

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Creative Commons Images from flckr.comSurveyor image by Wessex ArcheologyWater Ecologist by lindenbaumFlood Rescuer by Tree & J HensdillOrienteerer by Tarnie

Dilbert visionary strip, copyright UFS, Inc.

Denaux, Cohn, Dimitrova and Hart Multi-Perspective Ontology Engineering