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85 (Mechanical Engineering) (Regular or Part-Time] (Batch 2014) (1)

Aug 18, 2015



Gur Preet

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DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALASCHEME AND SYLLABI FORMASTER OF TECHNOLOGY (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) REGULAR / PART TIME (SEMESTER SYSTEM)BATCH 2014 M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 0ORDINANCESofMASTER OF TECHNOLOGY(Br!"#$%& C'()*+$r E!,-!$$r-!,, E.$"+r'!-"% / C'((*!-"+-'!E!,-!$$r-!,, M$"#!-". E!,-!$$r-!,)REGULAR / PART TIME(SEMESTER SYSTEM)YEAR 201402011B+"# 2014FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALAM.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 1FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYPUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALAOr2-!!"$% 3'r M4T$"#4 (R$,*.r / Pr+ +-($)(M%+$r '3 T$"#!'.',5)n the !u"#ect of$% E.$"+r'!-"% !2 C'((*!-"+-'! E!,-!$$r-!, M$"#!-". E!,-!$$r-!, C'()*+$r E!,-!$$r-!,&ot'ith(tan)ing the integrate) nature of a cour(e (*rea) o+er more than one (eme(ter, theOr)inance( in force at the time, a (tu)ent #oin( a cour(e (hall hol) goo) onl- for thee.amination(hel))uring orat the en)of the (eme(ter. &othinginthe(eor)inance((hall "e)eeme)to)e"ar theuni+er(it-fromamen)ingtheor)inance(ifan-, (hall a**l-toall the(tu)ent( 'hether ol) or ne'.14 S+r*"+*r$ '3 +#$ Pr',r(($&0(A)4 The /our(e *rogramme for the )egree of M.Tech in the facult- of Engineering an)Technolog- (hall con(i(t( of theor- *a*er( (core an) electi+e), (eminar an))i((ertation etc. The total cre)it( for M.Tech. )egree (hall "e 00, 'hich 'ill "e (*lita( un)er./ore !u"#ect 21 /re)it(Electi+e !u"#ect( 21 /re)it(!eminar/1a" 2or3/Pro#ect 04 /re)it( (Ma.imum 05 /re)it( *er%!eme(ter)Total Mar3( 12theorie(.100Mar3(6100Mar3(1a"6100Mar3( !eminar 6100Mar3( MinorPro#ect 7 1000 Mar3( 8i((ertation One !eme(ter (1a(t !eme(ter) &on /re)it9o'e+er'or3of*ro#ect 'ill (tart at lea(tone (eme(ter *rior to la(t (eme(ter.(B)4 : lecture'or3ofonehour)uration*er'ee3foragi+en(u"#ect'illcarr-onecre)it, 'herea(inca(eofTutorial, Practical (1a"2or3);!eminarof2hour()uration 'ill carr- one cre)it.(C)4 The M.Tech. )egree can "e com*lete) in a regular or *art%time mo)e. Onl- regularmo)e can "e change) into *art%time mo)e 'ith follo'ing con)ition($%i. There (houl) "e a +acant (eat in *art%time cour(eii. Prior *ermi((ion from 8ean of facult- (houl) "e o"taine)iii. /an "e change) onl- "efore the (tart of (eme(ter.(D)4 : regular (tu)ent can regi(ter for a ma.imum of 22 cre)it( *er (eme(ter an) *arttimecan)i)ate(canregi(terma.imumof14cre)it(*er(eme(ter. :ccor)ingl-aregular (tu)ent can com*lete M.Tech. )egree in 2 -ear( an) *art time (tu)ent( cancom*lete the (ame in 5 -ear(. M6-(*( )$r-'2 3'r +#$ 2$,r$$ %#.. 7$ 4 5$r% 3'rr$,*.r "'*r%$ !2 8 5$r% 3'r )r+0+-($ "'*r%$4(E)4 9ea) of the )e*artment 'ill )eci)e the (u"#ect( to "e offere) )uring a gi+en (eme(teran) )i(*la- the li(t( "efore the (tart/regi(tration for a (eme(ter.M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 224 E.-,-7-.-+5 Cr-+$r-&0The eligi"ilit- criteria for M.Tech. /our(e( (hall "e minimum ofuire) to com*lete the )i((ertation 'or3. n thi( 'a-(uch e.ten(ion( ma- "e gi+en u* to ma.imum *erio) of )egree ( refer to or)inance no.1(8) ma.imum *erio) for the )egree (hall "e four (4) -ear( for regular cour(e an) (i. (ue(tion( to "e (et are four (4) a( *er the a"o+e format. 5. !ection : contain( three >ue(tion( of fi+e (0) mar3( each. /an)i)ate ha( to attem*t an- t'o outof the(e >ue(tion(.9o'e+erthe(e >ue(tion(ma- "e )i+i)e) into (u"*art( if re>uire).4. !ection B i( com*ul(or- an) contain( fi+e (0) (u"*art( of one (1)mar3 each.0. The ma.imum limit on numerical >ue(tion( to "e (et in the *a*er i( 50= 'hile minimum limit i(20= e.ce*t theoretical *a*er(.ue(tion( to "e (et are nine (K) a( *er the a"o+e format. 5. !ection : an) B contain four >ue(tion( of 0 mar3( each. 9o'e+er the(e >ue(tion( ma- "e )i+i)e) into(u"*art(.4. !ection / i( com*ul(or- an) contain( ten (10) (u"%*art( of t'o (2) mar3 each. 0. The ma.imum limit on numerical >ue(tion( to "e (et in the *a*er i( 50= 'hile minimum limit i( 20=e.ce*t theoretical *a*er(.ue(tion( ma- "e )i+i)e) into(u"*art(.12. !ection / i( com*ul(or- an) contain( ten (10) (u"%*art( of t'o (2) mar3 each. 15. The ma.imum limit on numerical >ue(tion( to "e (et in the *a*er i( 50= 'hile minimum limit i( 20=e.ce*t theoretical *a*er(.14. The *a*er (etter (hall *ro+i)e )etaile) mar3ing in(truction( an) (olution to numerical *ro"lem( fore+aluation *ur*o(e in the (e*arate 'hite en+elo*e( *ro+i)e) for (olution(.10. The *a*er (etter( (houl) (eal the internal ; e.ternal en+elo*e *ro*erl- 'ith (ignature( ; cello ta*e at*ro*er *lace.1ui*ment, *roce(( *arameter(,:**lication( an) limitation(94 E.$"+r'"#$(-". / C#$(-". R$('A. Pr'"$%%$%& Princi*le of o*eration, element( an) a**lication(of Electrochemical Machining, *roce(( *arameter(, :**lication( an) limitation(, ectrochemical grin)ing,electrochemical )e"urring, Electrochemical honing, /hemical Machining % element(, :**lication( an)limitation(SECTION0B44 E.$"+r-"D-%"#r,$M"#-!-!,&Mechani(mofmetal remo+al, electro)efee)control, )ieelectricflui)( flu(hing, (election of electro)e material, a**lication(. Pla(ma :rcMachining%Mechani(mofmetal remo+al, P:M*arameter(, E>ui*mentH(forunit, (afet-*recaution( an) a**lication(. 14 L%$r B$( ("#-!-!,& t-*e( of la(er(, ga( la(er an) (oli) la(er, limitation( an) a)+antage(. Electron Beam Machining% ?eneration an) control of electon "eam, con(truction of electron "eam gunan) )iffu(ion *um*, *roce(( ca*a"ilitie(, a)+antage( an) limitation(84 H57r-2 M"#-!-!, Pr'"$%%$%$ conce*t, cla((ification, a**lication( an) :)+antage(.REFERENCES&1. P./. Pan)a- an) 9.!. !han, Mo)ern Machining Proce((e(, Tata Mc%?ra' 9ill.2. ?.F. Bene)ict, &on tra)itional Manufacturing Proce((e(, Marcel 8e33er nc.5. ?. Boothro-) an) 2.:. Pnight, Fun)amental( of Machining an) Machine Tool(, Marcel 8e33er nc.4. P.P. Mi(hra, &oncon+entional Machining, &aro(a Pu"li(hing 9ou(e, &e' 8elhiM.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 1BMME 104 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION / ROBOTICS L0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 C'!"$)+ '3 *+'(+-'!-!-!2*%+r5, mechaniFationan)automation, cla((ificationof automation(-(tem(. 8ifference "et'een har) automation an) ro"otic automation.24 A-r"5.-!2$r%Ltheir )e(ignan)mountingQ *neumatican)h-)raulic+al+e(% flo'control +al+e(,metering +al+e(, )irection control +al+e(, h-)raulic (er+o (-(tem(Q *neumatic (afel- an) remote controlcircuit(.94 B%-%'3 *+'(+$2@'rue( an) (co*e offriction'el)ing, )iffu(ion'el)ing, col)*re((ure'el)ingan)ultra(onic'el)ing. 9ighenerg-rate'el)ing. :nal-(i( of the Proce((.>4 CELDING TECHNIBUES& Techni>ue, (co*e an) a**lication of the electron "eam an) la(er 'el)ing*roce((e(. @n)er 'ater 'el)ing % *roce(( ; *ro"lem.REFERENCES&1. R.!.Parmar, 2el)ing *roce((e( ; Technolog-, Phanna Pu"li(her(.2. !.C. &an)3arni, Mo)ern :rc 2el)ing Technolog-, O.for) ; 89 *u"li(hing /o.5. 1.M.?our), Princi*le( of 2el)ing Technolog-, E1B!/ E)'ar) :rnol).4. Richar) 1. 1ittle, 2el)ing ; 2el)ing Technolog-, Mc%?ra' 9ill.0. Ro((i, 2el)ing Technolog-, Mc%?ra' 9ill. M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 1KMME 108 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY L0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A1. &ature an) o"#ecti+e( of re(earch.2. Metho)( of Re(earch$ hi(torical, )e(cri*ti+e an) e.*erimental5. :lternati+e a**roache( to the (tu)- of the re(earch *ro"lem an) *ro"lem formulation. Formulation ofh-*othe(e(, Fea(i"ilit-, *re*ration an) *re(entation of re(earch *ro*o(al4. ntro)uction to (tati(tical anal-(i( $ Pro"a"ilit-an)*ro"a"ilit-)i(tri"ution(Q "inomial, Poi((on,e.*onential an) normal )i(tri"ution( an) their a**lication(.0. !am*ling$ Primar- an) (econ)ar- )ata, their collection an) +ali)ation, metho)( of (am*ling$ !im*leran)om(am*ling, (tratifie)ran)om(am*lingan)(-(tematic (am*ling, :ttitu)e Mea(urement lan)!cale($ ((ue(, !calingof attitu)e, )etermini(ticattitu)e(, mea(urement mo)el(, (ummati+e mo)el(,multi)imen(ional (caling.SECTION0Bue(%Col. 1, 2 ; 5, Cerlag.0. Paul ?. Ran3-, /om*uter ntegrate) Manufacturing, Prentice 9all.ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er the entire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A1. ntro)uction$ Tra)itional *roce(( *lanningQ *roce(( *lanningelement(Q *ro)uct )e(igne+aluationQ(election of tooling an) *roce(( *arameter(Q o*eration (e>uence e+aluation.2. ?rou* Technolog-$ ntro)uctionQ a)+antage(Q *art familie(Q cla((ification an) co)ing (-(tem(Q*ro)uction flo' anal-(i(Q )e(ign of machine cell(.5. Pro)uction !-(tem( at O*eration 1e+el$ Manufacturing (u**ort (-(tem( an) conce*t( at the le+el of*ro)uction *roce((e(Q com*uter generate) time (tan)ar)(Q machina"ilit- )ata (-(temQcutting con)itiono*timiFation.4. Pro)uction!-(tem( at Plant 1e+el$ /ommunicationoriente)*ro)uctioninformationan)control(-(tem (/OP/!)Q material re>uirement( *lanningQ ca*acit- *lanningQ (ho* floor control an) o*eration(che)uling.SECTION0B0. :utomate) Proce(( Planning$ :)+antage( of automate) *roce(( *lanningQ (tan)ar)iFation ofmanufacturing *roce(( *lan(Q +ariant *roce(( *lanningQ it( feature(Q an) )ifferent (tage(Q )ifferent +ariant(-(tem(Q a)+antage( an) limitation( of +ariant *roce(( *lanningui)1e+el,Tem*erature ; 1ight !en(or(), !election of !en(or(.94 ELECTRONICFUNDAMENTALS&!ignal /on)itioningProce((, O*erational :m*lifier, 8igital1ogic, 1ogic?ate(, Boolean :lge"ra, 8ata :c>ui(ition!-(tem(, Mea(urement !-(tem(, Te(tingan)/ali"ration.44 ACTUATORS& Mechanical :ctuation !-(tem(, 9-)raulic ; Pneumatic :ctuation !-(tem(, Electrical:ctuation !-(tem(, :./. Motor, 8./. Motor, !te**er Motor.SECTION0B14 SYSTEM MODELLING / CONTROL&Mathematical Mo)el(, Engineering !-(tem(,Electromechanical ; 9-)raulic% mechanical !-(tem(, Mo)eling 8-namic !-(tem(, Tran(fer Function(,ntro)uction to M:T1:B ; !M@1&P, /ontrol Mo)e(, P8 /ontroller.84 MICROPROCESSOR/COMPUTER&/om*uter an) nterfacing, :8an) 8:con+erter(,Microcom*uter !tructure, Microcontroller(, :**lication of Microcontroller(, P1/.;4 DESIGN / MECHATRONICS& 8e(igning, Po((i"le 8e(ign !olution(, /a(e !tu)ie( of Mechatronic!-(tem(.REFERENCES&1. 2. Bolton, Mechatronic(, Pear(on E)ucation :(ia, &e' 8elhi2. 2olfram !ta)ler, :nal-tical Ro"otic( an) Mechatronic(, Mc%?ra' 9ill.5. 8an &ec(ule(cu, Mechatronic(, Pear(on E)ucation :(ia, &e' 8elhi4. :.P. Mahin), ntro)uction to 8igital /om*uter Electronic(, TM9, &e' 8elhi0. E.O. 8oe"lin, Mea(urement !-(tem(, Mc%?ra' 9ill.ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 I!+r'2*"+-'! +' AI$ 8efinition(, Ba(ic conce*t( of :. Pro"lem formulation an) (olution techni>ue(. 24 E6)$r+ %5%+$(%. Pno'le)gere*re(entation, Pno'le)geac>ui(ition, inferencemechani(m(. 1ogicProgramming.SECTION0B94 I!+r'2*"+-'! +' ("#-!$ .$r!-!,, &atural language *roce((ing, ntelligence for manufacturing tool(,manufacturing "rain, e-e an) han). Tren)( in ro"ot intelligence. 44 C%$ %+*2-$% in the a**lication of : in manufacturing.REFERENCES&1. E.Rich, :rtificial ntelligence, Tata Mc?ra' 9ill(, &e' 8elhi.2. ?.F 1uger an) 2.:. !tu""lefiel), : an) the )e(ign of E.*ert !-(tem(, Bengamin//ummin(.5. 8an 2. Patter(on, : an) E.*ert !-(tem(, Prentice 9all of n)ia, &e' 8elhi.4. Omi)+ar.O an) !magt.P., &eural !-(tem( for Ro"otic(, :ca)emic Pre((, !an 8iego.0. P. Ra)ha3ri(hnan, !. !u"raman-am, /:8//:M//M, &e' :ge nternational Pu", &e' 8elhi.M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 24MME 20? DESIGN OF EHPERIMENTSL0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A1.INTRODUCTION$!trateg-ofe.*erimentation, (omet-*ical a**lication(ofe.*erimental )e(ign,Ba(ic *rinci*le(, ?ui)eline( for )e(igninge.*eriment(, :"rief hi(tor-of (tati(tical )e(ign, @(ing(tati(tical )e(ign in e.*erimentation.2.SIMPLECOMPARATIVEEHPERIMENTS$ ntro)uction, Ba(ic(tati(tical conce*t(, nference(a"out the 8ifference( in mean(, ran)omiFe) )e(ign(, nference( a"out the 8ifference( in mean(, Paire)com*ari(on 8e(ign(, /orrelation, Regre((ion9.RANDOMIGEDBLOCDDESIGNS$ Ran)omiFe)com*lete"loc3)e(ign, 1atin(>uare)e(ign,Balance) incom*lete "loc3 )e(ign.4.INTRODUCTIONTOFACTORIALDESIGN$ Ba(ic)efinitionan)*rinci*le(, :)+antage( offactorial(, The t'o factor factorial )e(ign, ?eneral factorial )e(ign, Fitting re(*on(e cur+e( an) (urface(,Bloc3ing in a factorial )e(ign.SECTION0B1. FITTING REGRESSION MODELS$ ntro)uction, 1inear regre((ion mo)el(, E(timate of *arameter(in linear regre((ion mo)el(, 9-*othe(i( te(ting in multi*le regre((ion, /onfi)ence inter+al( in multi*leregre((ion, Pre)iction of ne' re(*on(e o"(er+ation(, Regre((ion mo)el )iagno(tic(, te(ting for lac3 of fit8.RESPONSESURFACEMETHODOLOGY$ ntro)uction to R!M, Re(*on(e !urface 8e(ign,:nal-(i( of )ata from R!M 8e(ign.;.TAGUCHI METHODOFDESIGNOFEHPERIMENTS$ /once*t )e(ign, Parameter )e(ign,Tolerance )e(ign, Eualit- lo(( function, !ignal%to% &oi(e ratio, Orthogonal arra- e.*eriment(, :nal-(i( ofMean (:&OM), Eualit- characteri(tic( (noi(e an) control factor()>. BUALITATIVE TECHNIBUES$ :9P, Brief intro)uction of F@OOA, Brief intro)uction of !tructuralE>uation Mo)elling (!EM), Brief intro)uction of TOP!! ntro)uction to !P!! (P:!2).REFERENCES$1. 8ougla( / Montgomer-, R8e(ign an) :nal-(i( of E.*eriment(S, Dohn 2ile-.2. Dohn P.2.M., R!tati(tical 8e(ign an) :nal-(i( of E.*eriment(S, Macmillan.5. M-re( R.9., Montgomer- 8. /., RRe(*on(e !urface Metho)olog-$ Proce(( :n) Pro)uct O*timi(ation@(ing 8e(igne) E.*eriment(S, 2ile-, &e' Aor30. P. Pri(hnaiah ; P. !haha"u)een, R:**lie) 8e(ign of E.*eriment( ; Taguchi Metho)(S, P94 T#$ 2$%-,! '3 $!,-!$ C#r"+$r-%+-"% 3'r V$#-".$ U%$?4 Tr!%(-%%-'!% !2 Dr-A$.-!$$ Manual gear"o., :utomatic tran(mi((ion, /ontinuou(l- +aria"letran(mi((ion.104 Brue, e+aluationof*re)icte)*erformancean)generaliFation.Re+i(ion an) re*ort 'riting.>4 C%$ %+*2-$% to "e )i(cu((e) in+ol+ing !-(tem( 8e(ign *roce((REFERENCES&1. D.B. 8i.on, :n intro)uction to !-(tem 8e(ign., Mc%?ra' 9ill.2. 8. P. :ggar'al an) !.1. !ingla, !-(tem( 8e(ign.5. M. :(imo', ntro)uction to 8e(ign, P9, &e' 8elhiM.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 51MME 212 VIBRATION ANALYSISL0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 F*!2($!+.%&ntro)uction of Ci"ration(, 9armonic motion. Cector re*re(entation. Beat( *henomenon./om*le. metho) of re*re(enting harmonic +i"ration(. Fourier (erie( an) harmonic anal-(i(. :nal-tical an)&umerical metho)( of harmonic anal-(i(.24 Fr$$ V-7r+-'!%&@n)am*e)free +i"ration( of (ingle )egree of free)om(-(tem(. Ci(cou(l-)am*e)free+i"ration( of (ingle )egree of free)om (-(tem(. Energ- metho) for natural fre>uenc-. E>ui+alent (tiffne(( of (*ringcom"ination(.94 F'r"$2 V-7r+-'!%'3D()$21D'F S5%+$(%&Force)+i"ration(of(ingle)egreeoffree)om(-(tem'ithcon(tant harmonice.citation. Force)+i"ration()uetoe.citationof(u**ort La"(oluteam*litu)ean)relati+eam*litu)e.44 V-7r+-'! I%'.+-'!, +r!%(-%%-7-.-+5 / ($%*r$($!+$ Force tran(mi((i"ilit-. Motion tran(mi((i"ilit-. Ci"rationi(olation. Ci"ration mea(uring in(trument( for )i(*lacement, +elocit-, acceleration an) fre>uenc- mea(urement.SECTION0B14 T@' D$,r$$% '3 Fr$$2'( S5%+$(%$ Princi*al mo)e( of +i"ration of a 2%8oF (-(tem. !-(tem( 'ith )am*ing.@n)am*e) force) +i"ration( un)er harmonic e.citation. Ci"ration a"(or"er($ @n)am*e) )-namic a"(or"er,centrifugal *en)ulum a"(or"er, )r- friction )am*er, untune) +i(cou( )am*er.84 M*.+- D$,r$$ '3 Fr$$2'( S5%+$(% I E6"+ A!.5%-%$ ?o+erning e>uation(. nfluence coefficient(, fle.i"ilit-coefficient( an) (tiffne(( coefficient(. Ma.'ellN( reci*rocal theorem. ?eneraliFe) coor)inate( an) coor)inatecou*ling. &atural fre>uencie( an) mo)e (ha*e(. Orthogonal *ro*ertie( of normal mo)e(. Mo)al anal-(i(.Force)+i"ration( "- matri. in+er(ion.;4 N*($r-". T$"#!-:*$% 3'r M*.+- D$,r$$ '3 Fr$$2'( S5%+$(%$ Ra-leighN( metho) for fin)ing the fir(t naturalfre>uenc-. 8un3erle-N( metho). !to)olaN( Metho). Metho) of matri. iteration(. 9olFerN( ta"ulation metho). /ritical(*ee) of (haft 'ith (ingle an) multi*le un"alance) )i(c( 'ithout )am*ing.>4 Tr!%-$!+ V-7r+-'!%$ 1a*lace tran(formation. !-(tem re(*on(e to )ifferent in*ut(, +iF. im*ul(i+e, (te* an) *ul(ein*ut(. Pha(e *lane metho). !hoc3 (*ectrum.REFERENCES&1. !. Timo(hen3o, Ci"ration Pro"lem( in Engineerng, 8. Can &o(tran) /om*an- nc., &e' Aor3.2. 2. 2ea+er an) 8.9. Aoung,Fun)amental( of Mechanical Ci"ration(.5. P. !rini+a(an, Mechanical Ci"ration :nal-(i(, Mc?ra'%9ill /om*anie(4. !. ?raham Pell-, Fun)amental( of Mechanical Ci"ration(, Mc?ra'%9ill.0. 2illiam 2. !eto, Theor- an) Pro"lem( of Mechanical Ci"ration(ualit-, relia"ilit-, maintenance, rec-cla"ilit- ; )i(*o(al. ;4 LEGAL/ECONOMICCONSIDERATIONS&Pro)uct +alue, 8e(ignfor (afet-, relia"ilit-an)En+ironmental con(i)eration(, Economic anal-(i(, *rofit an) com*etiti+ene((, "rea3 e+en anal-(i(,Economic( of a ne' *ro)uct )e(ign, >4 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT& 8efinition an) O"#ecti+e, Role of )e(igner in *ro)uct )e+elo*ment,Manufacturing ; economic a(*ect( of *ro)uct )e+elo*ment, Pro)uct *romotion ; )e+elo*ment. REFERENCES&1. Pail T @lrich an) !te+en 8 E**inger, RPro)uct 8e(ign an) 8e+elo*ment.S, Mcgra'%hill2. :P /hitale an) ?u*ta, RPro)uct 8e(ign an) EngineeringS, Prentice%9all of n)ia P+t 1t)5. &ie"el ; 8ra*er, RPro)uct 8e(ign an) Proce(( EngineeringS, Mc?ra'%9ill &e' Aor34. 2illiam 9. Mi))en)orf, Richar) 9. Engelmann , R8e(ign of !-(tem( an) 8e+ice(S, Marcel 8e33erM.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 55MME 214THEORY OF CUTTING / MACHINE TOOL DESIGNL0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 THEORY OF METAL CUTTING&Mechani(mofmetal cutting, /uttingforce(, /hi*formation,MerchantN(circle)iagram, /alculation(, !-(temofTool nomenclature, Tool geometr-, Machina"ilit-,Tool life, /utting tool material(, /utting flui)(. :"ra(i+e Machining% Mechani(m of grin)ing, la**ing an)honing.24 INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE TOOL DESIGN& ntro)uction to Metal /utting Machine Tool(,Pinematic( of machine tool(, Ba(ic Princi*le( of machine Tool 8e(ign, 94 DESIGNOFDRIVES&8e(igncon(i)eration( of electrical, mechanical an)h-)raulic)ri+e( inmachinetool, !electionof(*ee)(an)fee)(, (te**e)an)(te*le((regulationof(*ee), E(timationof*o'er re>uirement( an) (election of motor for metal cutting machine tool (*in)le(, )e(ign of gear "o..SECTION0B44 DESIGN OF MACHINE TOOL STRUCTURES $ Princi*le(, material(, (tatic ; )-namic (tiffne((,!ha*e( of Machine tool !tructure(. 8e(ign of "e)(, column(, hou(ing(, ta"le(, ram etc.14 DESIGNOF SPINDLES, GUIDECAYS ANDSLIDECAYS&8e(ignofMachinetool !*in)le(%Material(of !*in)le(, machinetool /om*liance. 8e(ignof Bearing(% :nti friction"earing(, (li)ing"earing(. 8e(ign of gui)e 'a-( an) (li)e'a-(. 84 DESIGNOFCONTROLMECHANISMS$ Ba(ic *rinci*le( of control, mechanical, electrical,h-)raulic, numeric an) flui) control(, !election of (tan)ar) com*onent(, 8-namic mea(urement of force(an) +i"ration( in machine tool(, !ta"ilit- again(t chatter, @(e of +i"ration )am*er(.;4 AUTOMATION, TESTINGANDSTANDARDISATION&:utomation)ri+e(for machinetool(,8egree of automation, !emi%automation, anal-(i( of collet action, )e(ign of collet, "ar fee)ingmechani(m, tooling la-out, (ingle (*in)le mechani(m, anal-(i(, !'i(( t-*e automatic machine. 1oa)ingan)unloa)ing. Tran(fer%)eice(, Mo)ulator%)e(ignconce*t, in*roce(( gauging. :cce*tancete(t( an)(tan)ar)iFation of machine tool(.REFERENCES&1. Dune#a.B.1. an) !e3hon.?.!, Fun)amental( of metal cutting an) machine tool(, &e' :genternational (P ) 1t)., &e' 8elhi2. M./.!ha', Metal /utting Princi*le(, O.for) /laren)on Pre((.5. :.Bhattachar-a, Metal /utting Theor- an) Practice, &e' /entral Boo3 :genc-( P) 1t), /alcutta.4. :r(hino+ ; :lelre+, Metal /utting Theor- an) /utting Tool 8e(ign, MR Pu"li(her(, Mo(co'.0. &.P.Mehta, Machine Tool 8e(ign, Tata Mc%?ra' 9ill, &e' 8elhiue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 F'*!2r5 M$+..*r,5& O.i)ation of li>ui) metal(, ga( )i((olution in li>ui) metal(, inoculation *racticefor gre- an) )uctile ca(t iron, )ega((ing, t-*e( of la)le(, flui)it-, factor( affecting flui)it-, hot tearing,(hrin3age of li>ui) metal(, )irectional (oli)ification.24S'.-2-3-"+-'!'3 C%+-!,%& !oli)ificationof metal( an)allo-(,nucleation, gro'than))en)riticgro'th. !tructure of ca(ting(, /once*t of *rogre((i+e an) )irectional (oli)ification, (oli)ification time,/h+orino+N( e>uation, tem*erature mea(uring in(trument(.. 94 R-%$r-!,!2G+-!,& Re>uirement ofari(er,generalcon(i)eration(ofri(ering, ri(er(ha*e(, ri(er(iFe, an)location, ri(er )e(ign, in(ulatingan)e.othermicmaterial(u(e)for ri(er(, internal chill(,e.ternal chill(, *a))ing for )irectional (oli)ification, o*en t-*e an) "lin) ri(er(.?ating (-(tem L com*onent( of gating (-(tem,t-*e( of gate(, la'( of flui) flo', tur"ulence in gating(-(tem, (lag tra* (-(tem(, nee) for ta*ere) (*rue, gating (-(tem )e(ign, gating ratio.SECTION0B44 S)$"-. C%+-!, M$+#'2%& 9ot cham"er )ie ca(ting, col) cham"er )ie ca(ting, *re((ure )ie ca(ting, n+e(tment ca(ting, centrifugal ca(ting, *ermanent moul) ca(ting, +acuum moul)ing, (hell moul)ing.14 N'!03$rr'*% C%+-!,&Melting *roce)ure, *ro"lem( )uring melting, *ouring an) (oli)ification,*ro"lem of h-)rogen an) o.-gen, )ro((, ca(ting of aluminum an) co**er "a(e) allo-(. 84 I!%)$"+-'! !2 +$%+-!, '3 "%+-!,&/leaning of ca(ting,/a(ting )efect(, cau(e( an) reme)ie(, &on)e(tructi+e te(ting (&8T) of ca(ting (i.e. +i(ual, mechanical, ultra(onic, )-e *enetration, magnetic *articlean) M%ra- te(ting).;4M'2$r!-E+-'! !2 M$"#!-E+-'! '3 F'*!2r5& &ee) for mo)erniFation, an) mechaniFation,moul)ing an) core ma3ing, melting, *ouring, (ha3e out e>ui*ment an) fettling, )u(t an) fume control,material han)ling e>ui*ment( for (an) moul)( an) core(, molten metal an) ca(ting(, Pollution control infoun)rie(, energ- (a+ing in foun)rie(.REFERENCES&1. Princi*al of Metal /a(ting "- Richar) 2. 9eine , /arl R 9o*er, Phili* /. Ro(enthal, Tata Mc?ra' 9ill.2. Princi*al of Foun)r- Technolog- "- P. 1. Dain , Tata Mc?ra' 9ill5. /a(ting Technolog- an) /a(t :llo-( "- :. P. /ha3ra"orti, , Prentice hall n)ia.4. /a(ting(, Dohn /am*"ell, , El(e+ier0. Foun)r- *ractice "- 2.9. !almon, ((ac Pitman.ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 I!+r'2*"+-'!& &ature an) )e+elo*ment( of o*eration( re(earch, characteri(tic( of o*eration( re(earch, nece((it- of o*eration( re(earch in in)u(tr-, (co*e of OR in management, o"#ecti+e( of OR, role of com*uter( in OR, limitation( of OR.24 D$3-!-+-'! '3 ('2$.%& /la((ification of mo)el(, con(truction of mo)el(, a**ro.imation( in OR mo)el(.94L-!$r Pr',r((-!,&Re>uirement( of linear *rogramming *ro"lem(, formulation of linear*rogramming *ro"lem, gra*hical (olution, (im*le. algorithm, com*utational *roce)ure in (im*le.,)ualit-an)it(conce*t, a** to*ro)uct mi., limitation(oflinear*rogramming,!en(iti+it- anal-(i( in linear *rogramming.44Tr!%)'r++-'!('2$.$ 8efinition of tran(*ortation mo)el, metho)( of fin)ing(tarting (olution,CogelN(a**ro.imationmetho)tofin)fea(i"le(olutionintran(*ortationmo)el(, metho)(forfin)ingo*timal (olution, )egenerac- in tran(*ortation *ro"lem(, ma.imiFation in tran(*ortation *ro"lem,!en(iti+it- anal-(i( in tran(*ortation *ro"lem(..SECTION0B14 B*$*-!, M'2$.%& /haracteri(tic( of Eueuing Mo)el(, 'aiting time an) i)le time co(t(, tran(ient an)(tea)- (tate( of the (-(tem. !ingle channel >ueuing theor-, Mo)elT(M/M/)$ F/F!/U/U)V. :**lication(of Eueuing Mo)el(.84 I!+$,$r Pr',r((-!,$/utting *lane algorithm L Branch an) "oun) techni>ue, cut algorithm metho)for (ol+ing integer *rogramming *ro"lem(.B. 8-namic Programming$ntro)uctionto)etermini(tic an)*ro"a"ili(tic )-namic *rogramming,characteri(tic(of )-namic*rogramming*ro"lem, )etermini(tic*rogrammingmo)el( for (olutionofin+e(tment *ro"lem, allocation *ro"lem.>4 PERT/CPM&&et'or3(ituation('herePERT;/PMcan"ea**lie), *lanning, (che)uling;control, 'or3 "rea3)o'n (tructure, !imilarit- an) )ifference( of /PM an) PERT, u(e of cra(hing.REFERENCES&1. P.P.?u*ta an) 8.!.9ira, O*eration( Re(earch, !. /han) an) /om*an-, &e' 8elhi2. 9.:. Taha, O*eration Re(earch %:n ntro)uction, Macmillan Pu"li(hing /o., &e' 8elhi5. Paneer(el+am, O*eration( Re(earch, Prentice 9all of n)ia, &e' 8elhi4. &atra#an, Bala(u"ramani, O*eration( Re(earch, Pear(on E)ucation :(ia, &e' 8elhi0. 9M 2agner, Princi*le( of O*eration( Re(earch, Prentice 9all, &e' Aor3.M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 5BMME 21> ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATHEMATICSL0T0P90 10 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3( each).!ection /'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3( each), 'hich 'ill co+er theentire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!% 3'r "!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate( are re>uire) to attem*t three >ue(tion( each from (ection( :an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A14 TENSOR ANALYSIS & ntro)uction, cur+ilinear coor)inate(, (ummation con+ention, Tran(formationof coor)inate(, /ontra+ariant an) co%+ariant +ector(,Ten(or(of or)er Oero,Ten(or of 9igheror)er(.!-mmetric an) (3e' %!-mmetric, Ten(or(, :lge"ra of Ten(or(, /on#ugate Ten(or(, :((ociate) Ten(or,Ph-(ical com*onent, /hri(toffelH(!-m"ol(, /o+ariant )ifferentiationofco+ariant an)/ontra+ariantTen(or(.24 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS & Fourier !ine an) /o(ine ntegral, /om*le. form( of Fourier ntegral,Finite Fourier (ine an) co(ine Tran(form(, Pro*ertie(, /on+olution Theorem, Far(e+alH( )entit- forFouriertran(form(, Relation("et'eenFourieran)1a*lace%Tran(form(. Fouriertran(form(ofthe)eri+ati+e( of a Function(, n+er(e Tran(form( "- the metho) of Re(i)ue(, :**lication( to "oun)ar-+alue *ro"lem(. 94 G0TRANSFORMS $ !ome !tan)ar) O %Tran(form( 1inear *ro*ert-, 8am*ing rule, (ome !tan)ar)Re(ult(, (hiftingrule(, nitial an)final+aluetheorem(, /on+olutiontheorem, E+aluationofin+er(etran(formationH(. :**lication( to finite )ifference e>uation(.SECTION0B44 CONFORMAL MAPPING &?eometrical re*re(entation of com*le. function, !tan)ar)Tran(formation( 27O6/, /O, 1/O, On, 1og O, e.*(O), (in O, Bilinear Tran(formation, !ch'arF/hri(toffelH(tran(formation,/om*le.$ integration,/hauch-H( Theorem,!erie( ofcom*le. Term(,Re(i)ue( an)Re(i)ue( theorem, E+aluationof real )efinite integral(. :**licationtoMechanicalEngineering *ro"lem.14 CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS & EulerN( an) 1angrangeH( E>uation, (o*erimetric *ro"lem(, !e+eral)e*en)ent +aria"le(, higher or)er )eri+ati+e(, "oun)ar-+alue *ro"lem(, Ra-leigh %RitF Metho),?aler3inH( Metho), 9amiltonH( Princi*le. :**lication( to Mechanical Engineering Pro"lem(.REFERENCES&1. /hurchill, Fourier !erie( an) "oun)ar- +alue *ro"lem(, Tata Mc%?ra' 9ill.2. /hurchill,/om*le. Caria"le( an) a**lication(, Tata Mc%?ra' 9ill.5. ?olfan) an) Pomin, /alculu( of+ariation(, Prentice 9all.4. !*iegel, Cector anal-(i( an) intro)uction to ten(or anal-(i(, !chaumH( out line( Mc%?ra' 9ill.0. /%Ra-,2-lie an) 1oui(, :)+ance) engineering Mathematic( Barret Mc%?ra' 9ill4 TYPESANDCAUSESOFGEARFAILURES&Po((i"lecau(e( of gear failure(. ncom*ati"ilit-ingear(-(tem(. &omenclatureof gear failure(. Tooth"rea3age. Pittingof gear teeth. !coringfailure(. 2ear failure(.O+erloa) failure(. ?ear ca(ing *ro"lem(. 1u"rication failure(. Thermal *ro"lem( in fa(t running gear(.REFERENCES&1. 8arle 2. 8u)le-, 9an)"oo3 of Practical ?ear 8e(ign, /R/ Pre((.2. ?itin M. Maitra, 9an)"oo3 of ?ear 8e(ign Tata Mc?ra' 9ill.5. Fa-)or 1. 1it+in an) :lfon(o Fuente(, ?ear ?eometr- an) :**lie) Theor-, /am"ri)ge Pre((.4. Fa-)or 1. 1it+in an) 2.%D. T(ung, &e' ?eneration Metho)( for !*ur, 9elical an) !*iral%Be+el ?ear(, &:!: Technical Memoran)um 444ue(. Oero 8efect(.5. E@:1TAME:!@REME&TQ TOO1:&8TE/9&E@E!$ !e+en Ba(ic (BB) Tool( L !catter)iagram, /au(e ; effect )iagram, Pareto chart, /hec3 (heet, 9i(togram, /ontrol chart, flo' chart. &e'!e+en (!B)Tool( L affinit- )iagram, relation( )iagram, tree )iagram, matri. )iagram, matri. )ata anal-(i(,arro' )iagram, Proce(( 8eci(ion Program /hart (P8P/).SECTION0B4. E@:1TA :!!@R:&/E;/O&TRO1$ /au(e(of Eualit-Failure, Eualit- :((urance%&ee)an)Cariou( Element( n Eualit- :((urance Programme. Eualit- /ontrol% On 1ine an) Off 1ine, !tati(tical/once*t( in Eualit-, /hance an) :((igna"le cau(e(. T-*e( of control chart(. /ontrol chart for +aria"le((Man)Rchart(). nter*reting*attern(of+ariation(onMan)Rchart(. /ontrol chart forattri"ute($:ttri"ute chart for )efecti+e(, P% chart, &P% chart. :ttri"ute chart for num"er of )efect( *er unit, /%/hartan) @%/hart.0. &&OC:TCE TE/9&E@E! & EM$ Eualit- Function 8e*lo-ment (EF8)%8efinition an) Pha(e( inEF8, Taguchi :**roach to >ualit-%(-(tem )e(ign, *arameter )e(ign an) Tolerance )e(ign, !i.% !igma%8efinition ; m*lementation !te*(, !O%K000 an) 14000, Role of Total Pro)ucti+e Management (TPM),Benchmar3ing in >ualit- management.REFERENCES&1. :mri3 !ohal, TEM Te.t 'ith /a(e( 2. B. ?. Pale, Managing Eualit- 5. Dohn !. Oa3len), TEM Te.t 'ith /a(e( 4. :rora, TEM an) !O L14000 0. Be(terfiel), TEM M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 41MME 222 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE L T P9 1 0M6-(*( Mrue(tion( from the re(*ecti+e (ection( of the (-lla"u( (00 mar3(each). !ection / 'ill ha+e one >ue(tion 'ith 10 (hort an('er o"#ecti+e t-*e *art( (02 mar3(each), 'hich 'ill co+er the entire (-lla"u( uniforml-. I!%+r*"+-'!%3'r"!2-2+$%&/an)i)ate(arere>uire)toattem*t three>ue(tion(eachfrom(ection( : an) B of the >ue(tion *a*er an) the entire (ection /.SECTION0A1. ntro)uction to Bu(ine(( ntelligence2. ntro)uction to )igital )ata an) it( t-*e( L (tructure), (emi%(tructure) an) un(tructure),ntro)uction to O1TP an) O1:P (MO1:P, RO1:P, 9O1:P), B 8efinition( ;/once*t(, B Frame'or3, 8ata 2arehou(ing conce*t( an) it( role in B, B nfra(tructure/om*onent( L B Proce((, B Technolog-, B Role( ;Re(*on(i"ilitie(, Bu(ine((:**lication( of B, B "e(t *ractice(.5. Ba(ic( of 8ata ntegration (E.traction Tran(formation Loa)ing)4. /once*t( of )ata integration, nee)( an) a)+antage( of u(ing )ata integration,intro)uctiontocommon)ataintegrationa**roache(, Meta)ata%t-*e( an)(ource(,ntro)uction to )ata >ualit-, )ata *rofiling conce*t( an) a**lication(, intro)uction to ET1u(ing Pettle.SECTION0B0. ntro)uction to Multi%8imen(ional 8ata Mo)elinguire) to *re*are a !eminar Re*ort an) *re(ent a !eminar on a to*ic in an-of the area( of mo)ern technolog- relate) to Mechanical Engineering inclu)ing inter)i(ci*linar- fiel)(.The to*ic/title 'ill "e cho(en "- the (tu)ent in con(ultation 'ith the Facult- :)+i(or allocate) to each(tu)ent. The (tu)ent 'ill "e re>uire) to (u"mit the !eminar Re*ort an) *re(ent a tal3 to an au)ience ofFacult-/!tu)ent( in o*en )efen(e in front of the !eminar E+aluation /ommittee ha+ing Facult- :)+i(ora( one of it( mem"er(. The !eminar E+aluation /ommittee 'ill "e con(titute) "- 9ea) of 8e*artment. M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 44MME 219PROJECTL0T0P00 00 8Each (tu)ent 'ill "e re>uire) to com*lete a Pro#ect an) (u"mit a Pro#ect Re*ort on a to*ic on an-of the area( of mo)ern technolog- relate) to Mechanical Engineering inclu)ing inter)i(ci*linar- fiel)(.The title an) o"#ecti+e( of the Pro#ect 'ill "e cho(en "- the (tu)ent in con(ultation 'ith the Pro#ect ?ui)eallocate) to each (tu)ent. The (tu)ent 'ill "e re>uire) to *re(ent a tal3 to an au)ience of Facult-/!tu)ent(ino*en)efen(einfront of thePr'=$"+ EA.*+-'!C'((-++$$ha+ingPro#ect ?ui)ea(oneof it(mem"er(. The Pro#ect E+aluation /ommittee 'ill "e con(titute) "- 9ea) of 8e*artment for the *ur*o(eof e+aluation for internal a((e((ment. M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 40MME 214 DISSERTATIONEach (tu)ent 'ill "e re>uire) to com*lete a 8i((ertation an) (u"mit a 'ritten Re*ort on the to*icon an- of the area( of mo)ern technolog- relate) to Mechanical Engineering inclu)ing inter)i(ci*linar-fiel)( in the Final (eme(ter of M.Tech. cour(e. The title an) o"#ecti+e( of the 8i((ertation 'ill "e cho(en"- the (tu)ent in con(ultation 'ith the !u*er+i(or (() an) the (ame 'ill "e re>uire) to "e )efen)e) "- the(tu)ent in o*en )efen(e in front of the D-%%$r++-'! M'!-+'r-!, C'((-++$$a**ro+e) "- the 9ea) of8e*artment. The title an) o"#ecti+e( 'ill "e a**ro+e) "- the 8i((ertation Monitoring /ommittee ha+ingmain!u*er+i(ora(oneofit(mem"er(. The*rogre(('ill al(o"emonitore)at 'ee3l-coor)inationmeeting( 'ith the !u*er+i(or ((). The (tu)ent 'ill "e re>uire) to *re(ent a tal3 to the gathering in o*en)efen(e in front of the 8i((ertation Monitoring /ommittee ha+ing main !u*er+i(or a( one of it( mem"er(.The8i((ertationMonitoring/ommittee'ill "econ(titute)"-9ea)of 8e*artment for the*ur*o(ee.amining the (uita"ilit- of the 'or3 carrie) out "- the (tu)ent in the 8i((ertation for it( e+aluation "-the e.ternal e.aminer. The 8i((ertation 'ill "e (ent to the E.ternal E.aminer for it( e+aluation onl- afterit( )ue a**ro+al "- the 8i((ertation Monitoring /ommittee. The e.ternal e+aluation 'ill "e )one #ointl-"- the main !u*er+i(or an) e.ternal e.aminer a**ointe) "- the 9ea) of 8e*artment.The )i((ertation(non%cre)it cour(e) 'ill "e either a**ro+e) or re#ecte). The e.ternal e.aminer 'ill e+aluate the)i((ertation an) the +i+a%+oce 'ill "e fi.e) "- the 9ea) of 8e*artment. :fter Ci+a%+oce, the e.aminer((internal an)e.ternal) 'ill a**ro+e/re#ect the )i((ertation. nca(e, the )i((ertationi( re#ecte), thecan)i)ate 'ill re'or3 an) re(u"mit the )i((ertation. The )i((ertation 'ill "e again "e e+aluate) #ointl- "-the (ame e.ternal e.aminer an) the Main !u*er+i(or.M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Regular / Part TimeBatch2014 4