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MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management A two-year modular MSc Programme directors Professor Alistair McGuire Head of Department, Social Policy, LSE Professor of Health Economics, LSE Professor Elias Mossialos Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy, LSE Director of LSE Health Deputy director Dr Caroline Rudisill Lecturer in Health Economics, LSE and King’s College London

MSc Health Economics,Policy and Management - LSE … · MSc Health Economics,Policy and Management A two-year modular MSc Programme directors Professor Alistair McGuire ... member

Apr 25, 2018



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Page 1: MSc Health Economics,Policy and Management - LSE … · MSc Health Economics,Policy and Management A two-year modular MSc Programme directors Professor Alistair McGuire ... member

MSc HealthEconomics,Policyand ManagementA two-year modular MSc

Programme directorsProfessor Alistair McGuireHead of Department,Social Policy, LSEProfessor of HealthEconomics, LSE

Professor Elias MossialosBrian Abel-Smith Professorof Health Policy, LSEDirector of LSE Health

Deputy directorDr Caroline RudisillLecturer in Health Economics,LSE and King’s College London

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The newly created MSc in Health Economics, Policy andManagement at the London School of Economics andPolitical Science (LSE) provides an opportunity to engagewith the UK’s top academics, policy-makers and professionalsin international health, health economics and management.Participants will be taught by leading UK and Europeanacademics in the areas of health economics, managementand policy. Your peers in the programme will include adiverse group of professionals from various health services,insurance funds, international agencies and health care,pharmaceutical and consulting companies from across theglobe. The programme will start annually in December,however, registration will take place in October.

How does the programme work?Participants will attend four two-week intensiveteaching sessions at LSE over the course of twoyears. These intensive sessions will include a combinationof academic lectures and seminars, individual meetingswith faculty tutors, revision sessions and invitations tolectures from visiting academics and policy- makers.Following the completion of coursework, participantswill undertake a dissertation with individual supervisionfrom a member of the LSE Health staff.

In total, participants will attend 8 half unitcourses each taught over 4.5 continuous days.


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What can I study?

Compulsory courses – Year 1

• Health Economics

• Financing Health Care

• Resource Allocation and Cost-effectiveness Analysis

• Health Administration and Management

Health Economics – Year 2

• Statistical Methods in Economic Evaluation

• Measuring Health Outcomes

Health Systems and Policies – Year 2

• Measuring Health System Performance

• Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

Other – Year 2

• Introduction to Medical Statistics, Clinical Trialsand Epidemiology

• Healthcare Information Systems

We require several compulsory courses but alsoallow participants to tailor their programme to theirinterests with elective course choices.

Participants will be able to choosetheir courses for the entire second year.

Elective courses include the following:

The following four coursesare compulsory in the first year:

Note: Not all options will be available every yearand the choice of options may be constrained bytimetable limitations. There must also be aminimum of ten students to run each option. Allstudents will be required to select their courseoptions by the end of the first session in December.

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What will one intensive sessionlook like?All sessions will start on Mondays and end bymid-afternoon on Fridays. During the first sessionof the first year, we will have an introductory meetingMonday prior to the first lecture to introduce thecourses, staff and allow students to meet each other.There will also be a social function that evening.We expect there to be between four and six hoursof teaching time per day during each session.

The course in detail

How is the course organisedover the two year time period?

Year 1 – Session 2 in June

Week 1:Monday – 2 exams for Health Economics andResource Allocation and Cost-effectiveness Analysis taughtin Session 1 (December)

Tuesday – Friday (ending about 3pm) – teaching time forFinancing Health Care

Week 2:Monday (until midday) – teaching time for Financing Health Care

Monday afternoon – Friday (ending about 3pm) – teaching timefor Health Administration and Management

Here is an example:

Programme Year 1

December• Session 1 – Introductory meeting

9.5 teaching days

May• 2 assessed essays for Session 1 due

June• Session 2 – 2 exams on December coursework

9 teaching days

Programme Year 2

December• Session 3 – 2 exams on June coursework

9 teaching days

May• 2 assessed essays for Session 3 due

June• Session 4 – 2 exams on December coursework

9 teaching days

August• 2 assessed essays for Session 4 due

September• 1 day exam session and dissertation due

December• Graduation

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What kind of teaching methodswill be used?

Each course will include lectures andseminars. Each lecture will cover a newtopic. Seminars will include a discussion oftopics covered in lecture and also introducenew topics. Some courses such as StatisticalMethods in Economic Evaluation andResource Allocation and Cost-effectivenessAnalysis will have applied seminars to teachparticipants how to perform economicevaluation using relevant software suchas STATA and Excel.

What kind of work will I haveto do to prepare for the intensiveteaching sessions?

Remote access to reading materials willbe available prior to each teaching session.We also will include the names ofrecommended textbooks prior to eachsession. Readings that are required for eachsession will be highlighted for students.We would advise that all students befamiliar with these readings to get the mostout of the intensive teaching session.

How will my work be assessed?

Each course will have one assessed essay(up to 3,000 words, no less than 2,500including references) and one exam. Essaysfor the courses taught in December will bedue on the first Monday of May. Essays forthe courses taught in June will be due onthe first Monday of November in the firstyear and end of August in the second year.

Exams will take place two times per year atthe beginning of intensive sessions 2, 3 and4 as well as during a one day meeting inSeptember 2011 for the final two exams.All participants will also complete a MScdissertation (10,000 words) with thesupervision of a member of LSE staff.

Can my dissertation be relatedto my everyday work activities?

Yes and if necessary, examiners can sign dataconfidentiality agreements for commerciallysensitive information. Dissertations will onlybe seen by those who have signed such aconfidentiality agreement.

Will I have a personal tutor?

Yes, each student will be allocated amember of LSE staff as a personal tutor.

Who will be teaching?

We will have a combination of academicstaff leading each course with guestlecturers from governments, healthcareproviders, international organisations andconsulting firms.

Who should attend?

This programme has been designed tomeet the needs of mid-career professionalswho seek formal qualifications in healtheconomics, policy and management butdo not have the flexibility to participate ina traditional MSc program. We encouragea diverse range of applicants currentlyemployed or seeking employment in thegovernment, healthcare delivery andpharmaceutical and medical devicesindustries. We welcome participants from allover the world with particular course focuson Europe, North America and developedcountries. We assume no previous formaltraining in health economics or policy butthose with training in these areas canchoose more advanced options.

How long will it take toreceive a degree?

We offer multiple exit options based on thenumber of courses taken. The MSc will taketwo years. Certificate and diploma optionsare also available.

What happens if I leavemy MSc studies?

We offer multiple leaving options. You canreceive a Certificate if you have completedand passed 4 half units (2 sessions/1 year)of coursework. You can receive a Diplomaif you have completed and passed 6 halfunits (3 sessions/1.5 years). You receive aMSc if you complete and pass 8 half units(4 sessions/2 years) and a dissertation. Ifyou complete less than 4 half units, youmay receive a certificate of attendance.

What qualifications are required?

2:1 (or national equivalent) in anydiscipline. Work experience in the healthpolicy, health economics or health-relatedcommerce is not essential but desired.

What are the characteristicsof a successful applicant?

LSE actively seeks to enrol a diverse classof students who have demonstratedacademic excellence and have a wide rangeof personal, professional, and academicexperience. Applicants must hold abachelor’s degree or its equivalent. (Pleasesee LSE graduate admissions requirementsfor international equivalents). All studentsmust have proven English languageproficiency. LSE students come from a widerange of undergraduate majors, includingmedicine, social sciences, the humanities,business, and physical sciences andengineering.

For general application information

For international entrance requirements

What are the motivationsof HEPM participants?

The motivations for participating in HEPMare typically:

• Career acceleration

• Continue on a current career path whilestudying and exploring new opportunities

• Enhanced health economics, policy andmanagement skills set

• Personal development

• New challenges

• Opportunities to immediately implementtheories and concepts

• Networking

Will I have the privilegesof full-time and part-timeMSc students?

Yes, this includes library privileges bothon-campus and off-campus and an LSEe-mail account.

It also includes access to the School’sdining and pub facilities.

Your questionsanswered

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Do I need to have work experienceto take part in this programme?

No, however, this programme has beendeveloped for someone who is currentlyemployed full-time and does not have thetime for a full-time MSc degree. Theassignments and course schedule havebeen developed with a fully-employedperson in mind to take into accountconstraints on time.

Work experience is strongly recommended.The Committee on Admissions carefullyreviews each applicant’s personal andprofessional experience to assess readinessfor graduate study at LSE. Voluntarypositions, internships, and part- and full-time experience all play a role in preparingstudents for study.

Is international experience requiredfor admission?

International experience is not required.

I am still an undergraduate.Can I apply to LSE?

LSE accepts applications from studentscurrently in their last year of universitystudy. However, this programme is designedfor those with work experience andcurrently in full-time employment. TheMSc in International Health Policy (HealthEconomics) is more appropriate for studentscoming directly from undergraduatestudies. Undergraduate applicants shouldinclude a transcript indicating their mostrecent grades. Those who enrol will berequired to submit a final transcript thatshows that all requirements forgraduation were met.

I already have a master’s degree.Can I still apply for the MSc HEPM?

Yes. Please submit transcripts from allinstitutions attended.

Is this programme suitable if Ihave to travel a lot for work?

Yes, in fact it is ideal for such an individual.You only have to be London two times peracademic year for two weeks for teachingtime. Readings will be availableelectronically and essays can be submittedelectronically. You will also have remoteaccess to the library while not in London.

Do I need to live in London to takepart in this MSc?

No, the course is designed for studentswho must travel to London for the course.It requires a maximum of 41 working daysin London over the course of the MSc. Thesessions will each be ten working days. Weexpect to finish by mid-afternoon onFridays to facilitate travel plans. There willbe no classes on the weekend so studentshave the option of returning home inbetween the two intensive weeks. Whilethose commuting may find the experiencedemanding, they realise the benefits fromthe programme far outweigh theinconvenience of the travel.

Can I still take the course ifI live in London?

Yes, this course would also be good if youcannot take an MSc part-time or full-timeat LSE because of work requirements.

Is this a distance learning course?

No, all teaching will be face-to-face,however, this course will have electroniccommunication through Moodle softwareto update reading lists and allowelectronic discussion.

Do I need to take TOEFL/IELTS?

All applicants whose native language is notEnglish must take the TOEFL or IELTS unlessthey have received a degree from aninstitution where English was the languageof instruction. LSE standard requirementsare as follows for each test:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)with a minimum score of 603 in the papertest, 250 in the computer-based test or 100in the internet based test.

IELTS (International English Language TestingSystem) with a minimum score of 6.5.

Further details are available on the LSEGraduate Prospectus website.

What is the cost?

£6,220 for Year 1, £5,950 for Year 2.This cost includes access to all LSEfacilities available to full-time MScparticipants including the library facilitiesand electronic resources.

Will you provide accommodationduring the intensive teachingsessions in London?

No, this is not included in the course fee.However, the LSE accommodation officecan assist in providing information aboutshort-term accommodation. We also will tryto ensure discount rates at a local hotel.

Will travel expenses be included?

No, travel expenses will not be includedin the fee.

Will there be facilities to workremotely while in London?

Wireless internet is available throughoutthe LSE campus. We can facilitate othercommunication needs in cases ofemergency. You will also have access tothe library including desktop computersand meeting rooms to work remotely.

How to apply

Visit our website for moreinformation and application materials. Weoperate a rolling admissions process soapplying early increases your chances thatthe MSc is not full. The application processrequires a short statement of interest, tworeferences and an academic transcript ortranscripts.

I have read the information onLSE’s. How do I find out more aboutthe programme?

Once you have explored the website andreviewed the HEPM brochure, one of thebest ways to learn more about the MSc inHEPM is to contact [email protected] withany questions. Please email Dr Rudisill witha preferred contact number and we will bepleased to telephone you and answer anyquestions you may have about theprogramme and LSE.

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Sample individual course planIn Year 1 (compulsory courses)

Session 1 (two weeks)

Health Economics

• Healthcare and insurance markets

• Costs and efficiency

• Economics of financing care

• Incentive mechanisms

• Economic evaluation

• Problems of rationing health care.

Resource Allocation andCost-effectiveness Analysis

• Theory behind health economic evaluation

• Design of cost-effectiveness analysis studies

• Measuring costs

• Calculating outcomes (QALYs, DALYs).

Session 2 (two weeks)

Financing Health Care

• Economic, political and philosophical perspectiveson financing care

• Financing mechanisms in different countries

• Analysis on how financing choice affects providers,payers and patients.

Health Administration and Management

• Challenges of managing complex healthcare systems

• Leadership and strategy in healthcare

• Effective management.

In Year 2 (elective courses)

Session 3 (two weeks)

Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

• Basic features of pharmaceutical markets

• Goals of pharmaceutical policies and regulations

• Impact of policies and regulations onmarket outcomes

• Role of country context (cultural, social factors).

Introduction to Medical Statistics, Clinical Trialsand Epidemiology

• Study types – cross-sectional surveys and audits,epidemiological studies, clinical trials

• Analysis and interpretation of the different typesof research studies

• Main statistical approaches

• Conducting and interpreting systematic reviews andmeta-analyses

• Study conduct – ethics, regulatory, patientinformation and consent.

Session 4 (two weeks)

Measuring Health System Performance

• Measuring quality in health care

• Assessing health system and hospital performance

• Purpose and application of regulation in healthcare.

Healthcare Information Systems

• The electronic patient record and national healthinformation infrastructures

• ICT’s transformative potential and its place in thedevelopment of healthcare policy

• State-of-the-art of information systems in theprimary and secondary sectors

• Issues of implementation, evaluation and thebuilding of an evidence base.

What will my courseload look like?

Note: This example course load changes based on elective choices in Year 2.

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Selected course lecturers

LSE Academic staff

Professor Gwyn Bevan

Professor of ManagementScience, Department ofManagement, LSE

• Associated with LSE Health and theCentre for Analysis of Risk andRegulation (CARR)

• Member of the Department of Health’stwo advisory groups on resourceallocation

• Seconded (2001 to 2003) to theCommission for Health Improvement(CHI) as Director of the Office forInformation on Health Care Performance

• He has worked for the National CoalBoard, HM Treasury, and an economicconsultancy; and, as an academic, atWarwick Business School, and theMedical Schools of St Thomas’s Hospitaland Bristol University.

Research interests: comparative analysisof performance across the devolved NHS inthe UK; developing methods and processesto set priorities for commissioning servicesfor populations.

Dr Tony Cornford

Senior Lecturer inInformation Systems,Information Systemsand Innovation Group,Department ofManagement, LSE

• Presently a member of two teamsundertaking evaluations of key aspectsof the NHS National Programme forInformation Technology (NPfIT) fundedby the Connecting for HealthEvaluation Programme.

Research interests: various aspectsof healthcare information systems andhas published studies on telehealth,technology and health policy, electronicprescribing systems, evaluation, andhealthcare infrastructures.

Dr Joan Costa-Font

Lecturer in EuropeanSocial Policy and PoliticalEconomy, Department ofSocial Policy, LSE

• Associated with the European Instituteand Department of Social Policy, LSE

• Advisor to the Word Bank, the EuropeanCommission, the Spanish Ministry ofHealth and the Catalan Ministry of Tradeas well as for private organisations

• Teaches on political and fiscal integrationin Europe and the political economy ofSouth-West Europe.

Research interests: politicaleconomy of welfare state regulation,empirical analysis of social interventions(mainly in the areas of health, long termcare and housing) and behaviouralreactions to new risk information.

Dr Panos Kanavos

Senior Lecturer inInternational HealthPolicy, Department ofSocial Policy, LSE

• Merck Fellow in PharmaceuticalEconomics, LSE Health, LSE

• Visiting Professor, University of Lausanne,Switzerland. Advisor to a number ofinternational governmental and non-governmental organisations, includingthe World Bank, the WHO and theOECD, the American Association forRetired Persons and Ministries of Healthin over 21 transition and developingcountries. Has participated in theEuropean Pharmaceutical Forum asadvisor to the European Commission.

Research interests: comparative healthpolicy and health care reform;pharmaceutical economics and policy;quality in health care; and the socio-economic determinants of health.

Dr Ela Klecun

Lecturer in InformationSystems, Department ofManagement, LSE

• PhD and MSc in Information Systems,both from LSE

• Member of a team evaluating theNational Care Records Service insecondary care funded by theConnecting for Health EvaluationProgramme.

Research interests: implementation ofinformation systems (IS) in healthcareorganisations, information policy andstrategies for IS in health, evaluation of IS,societal and organisational implications ofnew technologies.

Professor JulianLe Grand

Richard Titmuss Professorof Social Policy,Department of SocialPolicy, LSE

• On secondment as Senior Policy Advisorto UK Prime Minister Tony Blair at No 10Downing Street (2003-05)

• Currently Chairman of Health England –the National Reference Group for Healthand Well Being for the UK Department ofHealth, and a Member of the Group ofSocietal Policy Analysts advising thePresident of the European Commission

• He has served as an advisor to the WorldBank, the World Health Organisation(WHO), HM Treasury, the Department ofWork and Pensions and the BBC. He hasalso been vice-chairman of a majorteaching hospital, a commissioner on theCommission for Health Improvement,and a non-executive director of severalhealth authorities.

Research interests: public and social policy,human motivation and public policy, publichealth, health and education systems.

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Dr Scott L. Greer

Assistant Professor,University of MichiganSchool of Public Healthand Senior ResearchFellow, LSE Health, LSE

• Political scientist, and author or editorof seven books about health, federalism,and politics in the EU, with researchconducted in Canada, France, Germany,Spain, the UK, the US, and the EUinstitutions.

Research interests: EU health politics,federalism and decentralisation in healthpolicy, devolution in the UK, member stateengagement with EU health politics.

Professor AlistairMcGuire

Professor of HealthEconomics, Departmentof Social Policy, LSE

• Head of Social Policy Department, LSE

• Advisor to wide range of UK andinternational bodies including theCabinet Office, UK Department ofHealth, WHO, World Bank, a number ofinternational pharmaceutical companies,research councils (including the ESRCand the MRC), economic consultant toa number of foreign governments

• Has written numerous books, articles andreports in health economics.

Research interests: economic evaluation(especially when conducted alongsideclinical trials), the economics of thehospital, technological diffusion, and healthcare insurance.

Professor EliasMossialos

Brian Abel-SmithProfessor of Health Policy,Department of SocialPolicy, LSE

• Director of LSE Health, LSE

• Advisor to the WHO, European MedicinesAgency, the European Parliament, theEuropean Commission, the World Bank,the UK Office of Fair Trading, Ministriesof Health and Social Affairs in Belgium,Brazil, China, Cyprus, Finland, Greece,Kazakhstan, Russia, Slovenia, SouthAfrica, Spain and Sweden and healthinsurance funds in Austria, Croatia,France, Hungary and South Korea.

Research interests: comparative healthpolicy, addressing questions related tofunding health care, pharmaceuticalpolicies, private health insurance and theimpact of EU law on health care systems.

Dr Maria Raikou

Research Fellow, LSE Health, LSE

• MSc and PhD in Health Economicsfrom City University, London

• Her PhD thesis was on the estimationof medical care costs under conditionsof censoring.

Research interests: statistical andeconometric modelling of health carecosts and effects, as applied to economicevaluation (particularly within the contextof clinical trials), econometric modellingof health care technology diffusion,mathematical modelling of behaviour inthe health care sector and the analysis ofhospital cost and quality relations.

Dr Caroline Rudisill

Lecturer in HealthEconomics, Departmentof Social Policy, LSE andKings College London

• Has worked as a consultant to the UKDepartment of Health, private hospitalcompanies, foreign governments andvarious international consultancies

• Teaches on health economics and cost-effectiveness analysis.

Research interests: applications ofbehavioural economics to public health risksand the intersection of public health risksand international security.

Ms Sarah Thomson

Research Fellow,LSE Health, LSE

• Research Fellow, European Observatoryon Health Systems and Policies, LSE

• Has advised the European Commissionand the European Parliament on healthsystem financing.

Research interests: health systems andhealth care reform in high- and middle-income countries, health care financing(with particular emphasis on private healthinsurance and medical savings accounts),user choice and equity of access to healthcare, the impact of population ageing onhealth and long-term care expenditure.

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Non-LSE Academic staff

Professor MikeDrummond

Professor of HealthEconomics, Universityof York

• Consultant to the World HealthOrganisation, Project Leader of a EUProject on the Methodology of EconomicAppraisal of Health Technology

• Served on the Boards of Directorsof the International Society ofTechnology Assessment in HealthCare and the International Societyfor Pharmacoeconomics andOutcomes Research

• Was Director of the York Centrefor Health Economics from December1995 to September 2005

• Has been President of the InternationalSociety for Pharmacoeconomics andOutcomes Research, and will be Past-President until 30 June 2008.

Research interests: economic evaluationof health care treatments and programmes.

Allan Hackshaw

Deputy Director, CancerResearch UK CancerTrials Centre, UniversityCollege London

• Reader in Epidemiology and MedicalStatistics, University College London

• Involved in the design, analysis andconduct of early and late phase trials ina variety of cancers

• Was Senior Lecturer at the WolfsonInstitute of Preventive Medicine at Bartsand the London School of Medicine andDentistry and one of the key researchacademics involved in antenatal andcancer screening, and examining theeffects of active and passive smokingon health

• Has acted as a consultant and advisorto pharmaceutical companies andgovernmental bodies, and is a memberof one of the main grant fundingcommittees at Cancer Research UK.

Research interests: design and analysis ofclinical trials and epidemiological studies,medical screening and clinical trial conduct.

Special guest lectures from

• Regulatory agencies

• The European Commission

• International agencies (WHO, World Bank)

• Health Technology Assessmentauthorities

• Ministries of Health.

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Background on LSE HealthLSE Health is a Research Centre located within LSE. It isaffiliated with the Departments of Social Policy, Managementand Accounting. The mission of LSE Health is to advance,transmit and sustain knowledge and understanding throughthe conduct of research, teaching and scholarship at thehighest international standards, for the benefit of theinternational and national health policy community. We aimto expand and improve conceptual frameworks, apply newmethodologies, encourage debate about issues raised byresearch developments and introduce new questions orthemes that will contribute to policy discussions.

The Centre is committed to interdisciplinary research thatbenefits policy makers and health professionals. To supportthis mission the Centre’s key priority is to recruit, developand retain staff of the highest quality and provide aworking environment that enables staff to optimise theircontribution to the Centre. The Centre’s unique researchbase contributes to LSE’s established world presence andreputation in health policy, health economics anddemography. Bringing together a core team of researchersand academics, LSE Health promotes and draws upon themultidisciplinary expertise of 45 staff members, tenassociated academics and a number of PhD students.

The Centre collaborates with the Centre for EuropeanHealth Policy and Pharmaceutical Economics for the WHO.It is a founding member of the European Observatory onHealth Care Systems, a join initiative between the WorldHealth Organisation Regional Office for Europe, theGovernments of Finland, Norway, Spain and Sweden, theEuropean Investment Bank, CRP-Sante in Luxembourg, theOpen Society Institute, the World Bank, LSE, and theLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

This MSc programme stems from two currently existingfull-time MSc programmes run by LSE Health at the LSE:International Health Policy (Health Economics) and HealthPolicy, Planning and Financing (joint leadership with theLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). LSEHealth staff have also run short courses about specificaspects of health economics and policy.

LSE Social Policy DepartmentIn the national Research Assessment Exercises, theDepartment of Social Policy has consistently been ratedas the best in the UK. In the most recent national teachingquality assessment exercise we were rated as ‘excellent’.Staff are from many different academic backgrounds –including economics, sociology, psychology, demography,geography, history and philosophy. They are continuallyinvolved in policy debate and in advising local, nationaland international organisations – governmental andnon-governmental. Their research is frequently referredto in both the national and international media.

The London School ofEconomics and Political ScienceFounded in 1895, LSE is a world class centre for itsconcentration of teaching and research across the full rangeof the social, political and economic sciences. LSE is trulyinternational in its study of social, economic and politicalproblems covering not only the UK and European Union,but also countries of every continent. From its foundationLSE has aimed to be a laboratory of the social sciences, aplace where ideas are developed, analysed, evaluated anddisseminated around the globe.

There are around 7,800 full-time students and over800 part-time students at LSE. They come from 140countries around the world: 34% from the UK, 18% fromother European Union countries and 48% from othercountries around the world. 49% are women and 51%are postgraduates.

LSE has over 1,460 full-time and 1,320 part-time membersof staff – 97 per cent of the academic staff are activelyengaged in research, and 45 per cent are from countriesother than the UK, almost half of these from EuropeanUnion states, the rest from other nations around the world.

Fourteen Nobel Prize winners in economics, literature andpeace have been either LSE staff or alumni: George BernardShaw (1925), Ralph Bunche (1950), Bertrand Russell (1950),Philip Noel-Baker (1959), Sir John Hicks (1972), Friedrichvon Hayek (1974), James Meade (1977), Arthur Lewis(1979), Merton Miller (1990), Ronald Coase (1991),Amartya Sen (1998), Robert Mundell (1999), GeorgeAkerlof (2001) and Leonid Hurwicz (jointly) (2007).

The School has around 80,000 registered alumni. Around30 past or present heads of state have studied at LSE, and28 members of the House of Commons and 42 membersof the House of Lords have either studied or taught at LSE.

About us

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Contact us with any questions

Dr Caroline Rudisill, deputy [email protected]

For reasons beyond the control of LSEand the organisers of this programme,it may be necessary to change the contentof this course, the timing of each course,teaching staff and programme optionsavailable. We will make every effort tokeep to the published options here.

The London School of Economics and PoliticalScience is a School of the University of London.It is a charity and is incorporated in England as acompany limited by guarantee under theCompanies Acts (Reg No 70527). LSE seeks toensure that people have equal access to studyingand employment opportunities irrespective of theirage, disability, race, nationality, ethnic or nationalorigin, gender, religion, sexual orientation orpersonal circumstances. Freedom of thought andexpression is essential to the pursuit, advancementand dissemination of knowledge. LSE seeks toensure that intellectual freedom and freedom ofexpression within the law is secured for all ourmembers and those we invite to the School.

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