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1 Lucija Granić Dea Maćešić MS NAVISION Essay University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Enterprise Information Systems Zagreb, May 2015

Ms Navision

Jul 22, 2016



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Page 1: Ms Navision


Lucija  Granić  

Dea  Maćešić  











University  of  Zagreb  

Faculty  of  Economics  and  Business  

Enterprise  Information  Systems  








Zagreb,  May  2015  

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1 Table  of  Contents  2   INTRODUCTION  .........................................................................................................................  3  2.1   Essay  Scope  and  Purpose  ...............................................................................................................  3  2.2   Data  Sources  and  Collection  Methods  ...........................................................................................  3  2.3   Essay  Content  and  Structure  .........................................................................................................  3  

3   DESCRIPTION  ..............................................................................................................................  3  3.1   Short  Description  ...........................................................................................................................  3  3.2   Link  to  Software  Homepage  ..........................................................................................................  4  3.3   Software  Screenshot  ......................................................................................................................  4  

4   TECHNICAL  REQUIREMENTS  .................................................................................................  5  

5   DESCRIPTION  ..............................................................................................................................  6  5.1   Software  /  Web  Services  Functions  ...............................................................................................  7  5.2   Tutorial  –  how  to  use  Software/Web  Service  ................................................................................  7  

6   SOFTWARE  /  WEB  SERVICE  HISTORY  .............................................................................  10  

7   PROFILE  CREATION  OR  SOFTWARE  SETUP  ...................................................................  11  

8   COMPETITION  .........................................................................................................................  12  

9   ADVANTAGES  AND  DISADVANTEGES  ..............................................................................  13  9.1   Advantages  ..................................................................................................................................  13  9.2   Disadvantages  ..............................................................................................................................  14  

10   SWOT  ANALYSIS  ...................................................................................................................  15  

11   STARTING  COST  ....................................................................................................................  15  

12   STATISTICS  .............................................................................................................................  16  

13   SOFTWARE  /  WEB  SERVICES  UPGRADE  .......................................................................  17  

14   CONCLUSION  ..........................................................................................................................  17  

15   LIST  OF  WEB  LINKS  .............................................................................................................  17    







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2.1 Essay  Scope  and  Purpose  The   purpose   of   this   essay   is   to   introduce  MS   Navision,   an   enterprise   resource  

planning  software  product  from  Microsoft,  and  to  show  various  ways  to  use  it  in  

everyday   life.   It   will   further   explain   definition   that   Microsoft   Dynamics   is   an  

essential  tool  for  keeping  processes,  inventory,  and  people  connected  throughout  

the  entire  sales  and  service  cycles.  


2.2 Data  Sources  and  Collection  Methods  The   data   in   this   essay  were   collected   from   various   online   sources,   such   as   the  

official  page  of  MS  Navision,  and  various  other  pages.  The  sources  can  be  found  

at  the  end  of  this  essay,  under  the  chapter  “Bibliography“.    


2.3 Essay  Content  and  Structure  This   essay   is   divides   into   12   different   chapters.   It   starts   with   the   introduction,  

where  the  topic  is  described  briefly,  then  there  is  the  most  important  information  

about  the  topic,  also  there  is  history  and  usage  description.  In  essay  we  can  also  

find   some   informations   about   SWOT   analysis   and   the   competition,   as   well   as  

advantages   and   disadvantages   of   our   product.   In   the   end   of   the   essay   there   is  

conclusion  and  list  of  references  and  sources.    



3.1 Short  Description    In   this  essay  will  be  presented  Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV,  an  enterprise   resource  

planning   software   product   from  Microsoft.   It   is   a   line   of   integrated,   adaptable  

business   management   solutions   that   enables   you   and   your   people   to   make  

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business   decisions   with   greater   confidence.   Microsoft   Dynamics   works   like  

familiar   Microsoft   software,   such   as   Microsoft   Office,   which   means   less   of   a  

learning  curve  for  your  people,  so  they  can  get  up  and  running  quickly  and  focus  

on  what’s  most  important.    


The  product  is  part  of  the  Microsoft  Dynamics  family,  and  intended  to  assist  with  

finance,   manufacturing,   customer   relationship   management,   and   electronic  

commerce  for  small  and  medium-­‐sized  enterprise  and   local  subsidiaries  of   large  

international  Groups.    


Value-­‐added   resellers   (VAR)s   can   have   full   access   to   the   business   logic   source  

code.   For   modifications   of   the   system,   the   proprietary   programming   language  

C/AL  is  used.  


3.2 Link  to  Software  Homepage­‐us/dynamics/erp-­‐nav-­‐overview.aspx  



3.3 Software  Screenshot  


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4 TECHNICAL  REQUIREMENTS  Because   it   is   from  Microsoft,   it   easily   works   with   the   systems   that   your   company  

already   has   implemented.   By   automating   and   streamlining   financial,   customer  

relationship,  and  supply  chain  processes,  Microsoft  Dynamics  brings  together  people,  

processes,   and   technologies,   increasing   the   productivity   and   effectiveness   of   your  

business,  and  helping  you  drive  business  success.  


Microsoft  Dynamics  versions  require  the  following  software:  


§ Microsoft  Windows  Server  


§ A  Microsoft  Windows  Server  Active  Directory  infrastructure  


§ An  Internet  Information  Services  (IIS)  website  


§ Claims-­‐based   security   token   service   (required   for   Internet-­‐facing  



§ Microsoft  SQL  Server  2012  


§ Microsoft  SQL  Server  2012  Reporting  Services  


§ Microsoft  Exchange  Server  or  access  to  a  POP3-­‐compliant  email  server    


§ SharePoint  Server  (required  for  document  management)  


§ Windows  operating  system  when  you  use  CRM  for  Outlook.  Apple  Mac,  when  

running  Apple  Safari,  supported  tablet,  or  mobile  device.  


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§ Supported   web   browser,   such   as   later   versions   of   Internet   Explorer   or   the  

latest  versions  of  Apple  Safari,  Google  Chrome  and  Mozilla  Firefox  


§ Microsoft  Office  Outlook    

§ 8-­‐GB  RAM  or  more  

§ 40  GB  or  more  of  available  hard  disk  space  


5 DESCRIPTION  Microsoft  Dynamics  Online  is  a  Microsoft-­‐hosted  solution  that  delivers  the  simplicity  

and  flexibility  of  cloud  computing  with  powerful  customer  relationship  management  

(CRM)   capabilities,   and   the   familiarity   of  Microsoft   Office.   This   document   provides  

business  professionals  with  an  overview  of  the  capabilities  of  the  Microsoft  Dynamics  

Online  service.  


Positive  customer  experience   is  an   increasingly   important   ingredient   for  companies  

to   win   and   retain   customers.   Customer   engagement   by  Microsoft   Dynamics   helps  

companies   deliver   amazing   customer   experiences   by   building   long-­‐term   customer  

relationships  that  are  personalized,  proactive,  and  predictive  across  marketing,  sales,  

and  service.  


Microsoft  Dynamics  enables  you  to  perform  and  automate  many  common  business  

tasks,  including:    


§ Easily  access  information  about  business  records  from  one  place.    

§ Schedule  activities,  track  them,  and  send  e-­‐mail.    

§ Generate  reports.    

§ Manage  marketing  lists.    

§ Track  advertising  and  marketing  campaigns.    

§ Sort  customer  responses  to  your  sales  and  marketing  initiatives.    

§ Keep  detailed  notes  and  an  activity  history  for  each  business  record.    

§ Microsoft  Dynamics  CRM  also  can  run  from  within  Microsoft  Office  Outlook.  

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5.1 Software  /  Web  Services  Functions    

Microsoft's   branding   of   its  major   business   applications,  which   includes   its   CRM  

software,   ERP   lines   from   Axapta,   Navison,   Great   Plains   Software   and   Solomon  

Software   and   retail   software.   After   the   turn   of   the   century,  Microsoft   acquired  

several  companies  that  made  overlapping  business  applications.   It  attempted  to  

consolidate   all   of   them   into   one   programming   environment,   but   wound   up  

keeping  them  separated.  


Microsoft  Dynamics  is  a  line  of  enterprise  resource  planning  (ERP)  and  customer  

relationship   management   (CRM)   software   applications.   Microsoft   Dynamics  

applications   are   delivered   through   a   network  of   reselling   partners  who  provide  

specialized  services.  Very  few  installations  are  made  without  the  aid,  and  cost,  of  

these  resellers.  In  its  2013  update,  the  first  since  2009,  Microsoft  removed  many  

capabilities   of   users   to   access   features   such   as   report-­‐writing   without   the  

intervention,  and  cost,  of  members  of  their  approved  reseller  network.  


Microsoft  Dynamics  comprises  a  group  of  enterprise-­‐resource-­‐planning  products  

primarily   geared   toward  midsize  organizations  with   simple   corporate   structures  

and  low-­‐to-­‐moderately  complex  production  models.  




5.2 Tutorial  –  how  to  use  Software/Web  Service    


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1.              Ribbon  


The   ribbon   appears   at   the   top   of   the   screen   and   provides   users   with   actions  

related   to   the   content   on   the   screen.   It   is   context   sensitive,   meaning   it   only  

provides  actions  related  to  what  you  are  doing.  Therefore,  the  ribbon  changes  as  

you   move   through   the   application,   and   it   also   changes   depending   on   what   is  



2.              Left  Navigation  


Both   the   Outlook   client   and   the   web   client   use   the   left   side   of   the   screen   for  

navigation.   The   left   navigation   is   broken   into   sections,   and   underneath   the  

section   headings,   individual   areas   of   the   application   are   available   for   selection.    

What  appears  on   the   left  navigation   is   controlled  by   the  access   levels   specified  

under  security  roles,  as  well  as  the  site  map,  both  of  which  may  be  modified  by  

the  system  administrator.  

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a.)        Home  Page  


Being  a  web  application,  the  web  client  has  the  concept  of  a  home  page.    When  

you  access  Microsoft  Dynamics  CRM,  the  home  page  is  the  default   location  that  

appears.    You  can  also  return  to  the  home  by  clicking  the  Home  button  on  the  left  

navigation.    Users  can  change  their  home  page  in  personal  options.  


b)        Recently  Visited  


For   job   roles   that   work   with   a   short   list   of   records,   the   Recently   Visited   helps  

users  short-­‐cut  to  their  common  records  and  tasks.  


3.              Get  Started  Pane  


Especially   helpful   for   new   users,   the   getting   started   pane   helps   connect   what  

you’re  doing  now  with  other   features  of   the  application  you  may  need.     It   also  

links   you   relevant   content   from   the   help   system   for   features   the   current   view.  

The  getting  started  pane  is  a  good  way  for  users  to  find  out  the  basics  of  CRM  and  

how  it  was  intended  to  be  used  out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box.  The  getting  started  pane  can  be  

turned  off  for  each  individual  user  in  personal  options.  


4.              Grid  Views  


Whenever  you  are  looking  at  list  of  data,  it  is  always  displayed  it  a  grid  view.    The  

grid   views   throughout   Microsoft   Dynamics   CRM   have   common   functionality,  



       The  ability  to  select  one  or  more  records  to  complete  an  action  

       The  ability  to  sort,  filter,  and  search  the  data  

       The  ability  to  analyze  the  data  with  in-­‐line  charts  


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Often  when  you  are  looking  at  a  grid  view  in  the  web  client,  you  have  the  option  

to  Set  As  Default  so  when  you  return  to  that  area,  that  view  appears  first.    Within  

the  Outlook  client,  similar  functionality  is  provided  with  the  ability  to  pin  views.  


5.              Inline  Charts  


Though  not  visible  by  default,  inline  charts  provide  actionable  information  on  the  

data  you  are  viewing.    To  see  inline  charts,  click  on  the  charts  title  bar  on  the  far  

right.    Charts  are  interactive  such  that  you  can  drill  down  into  a  chart  to  filter  the  

data  in  the  grid  view.  


6 SOFTWARE  /  WEB  SERVICE  HISTORY  As  we  know  them  today,  Microsoft  Dynamics  ERP   is  a  group  of  enterprise  resource  

planning   (ERP)   products.   In   1984   Microsoft   purchased   Navision,   which   was   the  

beginning  of  ERP  for  Microsoft.  At  the  time  of  the  purchase,  Navision  was  being  used  

in   the  United  States  and  Europe.   In   the  decade   following  Microsoft's   acquisition  of  

Navision  it  began  to  take  on  the  look  and  feel  of  true  Microsoft  product.  


The  evolution  of  the  Microsoft  Dynamics  ERP  family  expanded  to  offer  solutions  for  

enterprise  level  organizations  in  addition  to  its  roots  as  a  small  and  midsize  business  



The   off   the   shelf   business   solution   grew   to   become   one   of   the   most   relied   upon  

groups  of  products  for  the  management  of   inventory,  workflow,  customer  relations  

and  human  resources.   In  addition  to  being  a  leader  in  ERP,  the  CRM  functions  have  

grown   in   step   with   the   product   line   and   market   demand.   The   integration   of   web  

services  and  socially  focused  marketing  work  in  time  with  the  core  data  management  

strategy   of   the   original   product.   The   development   of  Microsoft   Dynamics   ERP   has  

grown  in  its  near  30-­‐year  history  to  include  customized  add-­‐on  solutions  created  by  

third-­‐party  developers.  


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The   product   itself   has   gone   through   several   name   changes   over   the   time.   Initially  

"Navigator"   was   used   in   Denmark,   although   most   Danish   users   knew   it   as   "IBM-­‐

Navigator",  as  IBM  distributed  the  software.  Internationally  it  was  sold  as  "Navision",  

except   in   the   U.S.,   where   it   was   called   "Avista".   The   names   "Navision   Financials",  

"Navision   Solutions",   "Navision   Attain",   "Microsoft   Business   Solutions   -­‐   Navision  

Edition",  and  -­‐  as  of  2014  -­‐  "Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV"  (pronounced  N-­‐A-­‐V,  except  in  

the  U.S.  where  most  customers  simply  say  "nav"  -­‐  short  for  "Navision")  have  all  been  

used  to  refer  to  this  product.  






You   use   the   Profile   card   to   create   unique   profiles   for   end   users.   Each   profile   is  

associated  with  a  Role  Center   that   can   then  be   configured   to   suit   the   specific  user  

needs.  Profiles  are  typically  associated  with  job  titles  in  a  company.  


To  create  a  profile:  


§ In   the  RoleTailored   client,   click  Departments,   click  Administration,   and   then  

click  RoleTailored  Client.  


§ Click  Profiles.  


§ In  the  Action  Pane,  click  New  to  open  the  New  Profile  Card  window.  


§ In  the  Profile  ID  field,  enter  an  appropriate  name  that  describes  the  intended  

role  of  the  user.  


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§ In   the  Owner   ID   field,   click   the  AssistEdit  button   to  view  all  available   logins,  

and   then   select   a  Windows   user   login.   For   more   information,   see   How   to:  

Create  Users.  


§ In   the  Description   field,   enter   a   description   of   the   Profile   ID,   such   as  Order  



§ In  the  Role  Center  ID  field,  click  the  AssistEdit  button  to  view  all  available  Role  

Centers.  Select  a  Role  Center.  


§ To  make  this  Role  Center  the  default  profile  ID  for  all  users,  select  the  Default  

Role  Center  check  box.  


§ Click  OK  to  save  your  changes.  



If  the  company  is  Microsoft,  it  pursues  other  markets.  Microsoft  Dynamics  develops  

CRM   (customer   relationship  management)   and   other   software   for   corporate   sales,  

service,  and  marketing  departments.  Its  products  are  geared  for  a  range  of  additional  

business   functions   such   as   enterprise   resource   planning   (ERP),   supply   chain  

management,  and  accounting.   Industry-­‐specific  versions  of   its   software  are   tailored  

for  clients   in  manufacturing,  retail,  professional  services,  and  health  care.  Microsoft  

Dynamics  is  part  of  the  Microsoft  Business  Division,  which  also  oversees  the  widely-­‐

used  Office  suite  of  business  applications.    


Each  competitor  record  in  Microsoft  Dynamics  CRM  can  contain  detailed  information  

about   the   competitor   that   includes  a   company  profile,   a   SWOT  analysis   (Strengths,  

Weaknesses,   Opportunities,   and   Threats),   and   any   relevant   sales   materials   and  

presentations.   In   addition,   competitor   articles   can   contain   links   to   relevant  

information  in  the  marketing  encyclopedia.  

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Top  competitors  for  Microsoft  Dynamics  are  Oracle  Corporation,  The  Sage  Group  Plc.,  

and  Sap  Se.    




9.1 Advantages    

1. Business  Inteligence  and  Integration  

Business   Intelligence   is   imperative   to   becoming   a   smart,   connected,  

collaborative   organization.   It   uses   various   Microsoft   programs   such   as  

Microsoft   Office   Excel   and  Word   that   are   familiar   to   users   and   users   know  

how   to   work   with   it.   Web   and   clouding   is   enabled   by   integrating   with  

SharePoint  and  Windows  Azure.  


2. Lowed  Starting  Costs  

The  upfront  investment  may  be  a  cost  barrier  to  many  businesses,  especially  

small   and  mid-­‐sized   organizations.   Since   no   additional   hardware   is   needed,  

and  payment  is  made  monthly,  businesses  can  save  a  huge  initial  cost.  This  is  

a   cost   savings  which   can  be   reallocated   to  business  operations   and  used   to  

fund   business   growth.   Having   no   upfront   investment   in   either   hardware   or  

software  allows  Enterprise  Software  as  a  Service  (SaaS)  to  relieve  a  company’s  

financial  situation  and  helps  to  enhance  the  cash  flow.  

 3. Provides  Flexibility  and    Stabiliy  

Microsoft   Dynamics   Nav   enables   and     provides   flexibility   and   simplicity   to  business   which   increase   the   employees   productivity.   With   application  functionality   and  deeper   integration  with  other  Microsoft   products,   such   as  the  Microsoft  Office   system,   people   can   be   equipped   to  work   productively,  make  confident  decisions,  and  drive  business  success.    

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 4. Global  Availability    

Through   Internet,   SaaS   enables   users   to   access  Dynamics  NAV   anytime   and  anywhere.   As   long   as   there   is   Internet,   businesses   benefit   from   better  business  mobility  and  global  availability,  which  lead  to  enhanced  productivity  and  increased  control  of  information.      

5. Easy  to  Use  and  Upgrade  Some  businesses  may  lack  education  or  IT  staff  that  know  how  to  operate  MS  NAV  and  some  may  feel   likemaintenance  of   IT   infrastructure   is  complex  and  time-­‐consuming.  However,  as  the  provider  hosts  the  software,  they  handle  all  the   tasks,   including   server,   server   support,   licensing,   maintenance,   data  backups,  and  on-­‐going  IT  support  for  you.  Also,  MS  NAV  is  constantly  working  on  new  updates  how  they  can   improve  themselves  and  to  make  new  better  features.      

9.2 Disadvantages  1.Too  Complex      The   Microsoft   Dynamics   NAV   may   be   too   complex   measured   against   the   actual  needs   of   the   customer.   It   maybe   offers   too   much   features   and   options   that   may  confuse  common  user.    2.  Too  Rigid  ERPs  are  often   seen  as   too   rigid  and   too  difficult   to  adapt   to   the   specific  workflow  and  business  process  of  some  companies—this  is  cited  as  one  of  the  main  causes  of  their  failure.      3.  Limited  Benefits    Some   large   organizations   may   have   multiple   departments   with   separate,  independent   resources,  missions,   chains-­‐of-­‐command,  etc,  and  consolidation   into  a  single  enterprise  may  yield  limited  benefits.      4.    Problem  of  a  Reliability  Over  Time  Many   of   the   integrated   links   need   high   accuracy   in   other   applications   to   work  effectively.  A  company  can  achieve  minimum  standards,  then  over  time  “dirty  data”  will  reduce  the  reliability  of  some  applications.    5.  Not  Clear  BoundariesThe  blurring  of  company  boundaries  can  cause  problems  in  accountability,  lines  of  responsibility,  and  employee  morale.    


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It   offers   simplicity,   ease   of   use,  

implementation   and   maintenance,  

adaptability   and   customization,   low  

starting  costs  



Too  complex  in  some  ways,  boundaries  are  

not  clear,  problem  of  accuracy  of  data  over  




Can   benefit   and   work   better   from   tighter  

integration  with  other  Microsoft  products,  

gives   room   from   new   updates   and   better  

solutions  to  work  better  



 Main   companies   that   are   considered   as  

threats   for   Microsoft   Dynamics   NAV   are  

SAP  and  Oracle  




11  STARTING  COST  Before  you  start  working  with  cost  accounting  you  need  to  perform  following  setup  


1)  Create  the  chart  of  cost  types.  

2)  Learn  about  the  connection  between  the  cost  type  and  the  general  ledger  account.  

3)  Create  the  chart  of  cost  centers.  

4)  Create  the  chart  of  cost  objects.  

5)  Set  up  rules  for  transferring  the  chart  of  cost  types  from  the  general  ledger.  


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You  may   also  need   to   set   up   some   individual   sales   prices   for   items.   You  do   this   in  

the  Sales  Prices  window,  which  you  find  by  clicking  Related  Information,  pointing  to  

Sales,  and  then  clicking  Prices  on  the  item  card.  

In  the  Sales  Prices  window,  you  can  specify  the  conditions  that  must  be  met  before  a  

customer   can   be   offered   an   individual   unit   price   for   a   specific   item  when   quotes,  

orders,   invoices,   and   credit   memos   are   set   up.   For   example,   the   conditions   can  

require  that  the  customer  is  linked  to  a  particular  customer  price  group  or  the  invoice  

is  in  a  particular  currency.  They  can  also  contain  a  starting  date  and  an  ending  date,  

between   which   the   sales   price   is   valid,   and   they   can   contain   a   specific   unit   of  

measure  code.  You  can  also  define  a  combination  of  the  conditions  under  which  the  

sales  price  applies.  You  can  set  up  several  sales  prices  for  each  item,  but  each  must  

have  a  different  set  of  conditions.  


Because   a   sales   price   is   often   a   reduced   price,   you   can   specify   in   the   Sales   Price  

window  whether  you  also  want   the  program  to  combine   line  and   invoice  discounts  

when  a  sales  price  is  offered.  

When  you  enter  an  item  on  an  invoice,  for  example,  the  program  automatically  looks  

in  the  Sales  Price  table  to  see  whether  it  contains  a  sales  price  for  the  item.  If  it  does,  

the  program  checks  whether   the  starting  date  has  arrived  and   the  ending  date  has  

not.  If  the  conditions  are  met,  the  program  will  enter  the  sales  price  in  the  Unit  Price  

field  on   the   invoice.   If  not,   the  program  will  use   the  basic  unit  price   from  the   item  



12 STATISTICS  Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV  is  the  most  popular  ERP  solution  on  the  world  with  110.000  

customers   all   around   the  world.   NAV   is   also  Microsoft   Dynamics   solution  with   the  

best  growth  in  year.Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV  increases  its  participation  in  Microsoft  

Dynamics   family   from  46%  to   the  48%.  People   still   trust  and   like  NAV  globally.  The  

last   version   was   really   excellent   and   we   can   expect   more   and   more   in   following  


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It  has  more   than  57,000  customers,  more   than  2,700  certified  partners,  more   than  

1,400   add-­‐on   solutions,  more   than   40   localized   versions,   is   sold   in  more   than   150  

countries  and  has  over  1  million  licensed  users.    


13 SOFTWARE  /  WEB  SERVICES  UPGRADE  As   already   said   before  Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV   is   an   enterprise   resource   planning  

(ERP)  software  suite  for  mid-­‐sized  organizations.  

Microsoft  Dynamics  NAV  deploys  on   the  Windows  operating   system  and  Microsoft  SQL  Server,  and  is  developed  in  the  .NET  framework,  all  of  which  are  core  Microsoft  platform   technologies.   This   offers   customers   a   tightly   integrated   stack   from  infrastructure   to   application.   The   system   is   deployed   on-­‐site   or   hosted   for   an  additional  fee.        

14 CONCLUSION  The   Dynamics   CRM   User   Group   (CRMUG)   is   the   largest,   user-­‐led   community   for  

companies  using  the  software.  It  provides  flexibility  and  simplicity  to  business  which  

increase   the   employees   productivity.Demonstrates   a   continued   commitment   to  

deepen   the  application   fuctionality.  Microsoft  Dynamics  Nav   is  growing   rapidly  and  

provides  solutions  that  are  satisfying  to  small,midsized  and  large  businesses  that  are  

specialized  in  sales  and  distribution  needs..    


15 LIST  OF  WEB  LINKS­‐software-­‐history-­‐microsoft-­‐dynamics-­‐erp-­‐



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