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Mrunal CSAT 2014 Answerkey_ History & Culture With Explanations

Oct 09, 2015




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  • 11/11/2014 Mrunal CSAT 2014 Answerkey: History & Culture with explanations 1/17

    - Mrunal - -

    [Answerkey] CSAT-2014: History & Culture Questions withexplanations & future strategy for CSAT-2015

    Posted By Mrunal On 27/08/2014 @ 12:16 am In answerkey | 239 Comments

    1. Vs. CSAT-20132. Vs other exams (CDS, CAPF)

    1. Difficulty Level2. Ridiculously Difficult

    3. How to prepare Culture for CSAT-2015?4. How to prepare History for CSAT-20155. [Act 1] Religion and Philosophy (3MCQ)

    1. Buddh & Avanti2. Bijak & Pushtimarg3. 6 Schools of Indian Philosophy

    6. [Act 2] Architecture (3MCQ)1. Ibadat Khana2. Panchayatan3. Buddhist monastery: Tabo, Alchi, Lhakhang4. Sculpture vs Site

    7. [Act 3] Music, Dance, Art forms (4MCQ)1. Sattriya Dance2. Manganiyars musician3. Garba, Mohini & Yaksha4. Kalaripayattu

    8. [Act 4] National Symbols/ Post independence (3MCQ)1. Satymeva Mudaka2. Chaitra month in Gregorian Calendar3. Classical language

    9. [Act 5] Misc: Mahattara | Pattakila10. [Act 6] Freedom Struggle (5MCQs)

    Vs. CSAT-2013

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    CSAT-2013, History CSAT-2014History culture occupied 15 questions 20Freedom struggle portion: 5 questions, all easyfrom routine books same

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    Culture portion 8 MCQs: moderate to difficultlevel

    15 Culture MCQ. Although 9 ofthem directly from routine books /sources.

    Harappa/Indus valley asked nopeTough Question about Foreign traveler andsame genre repeated in subsequent CDS-CAPF exams

    Did not ask

    Question on Bhakti Saints Dadu Dayal, GuruNanak, Tyagaraj Dadu Dayal asked again.

    Sankhya school, tough question Easy question on philosophicalschoolsRock cut caves Cave Sculptures

    Every subject that rises to the top and then falls down.Once upon a time Geography used to occupy 20-25 questions, now back to 10questions.Same way traditional history (kingdoms and wars) used to occupy 20+ question,now not even a single question.Right now Culture is reaching the peak but perhaps after 2-3 years, itll also beginto decline (which will be good to reap the demographic dividend, by the way!)

    Vs other exams (CDS, CAPF)Some convergence, some divergenceCAPF, CDS (2014) CSAT-2014

    CAPF: Building not associated with ShahJahan Akbars IbadatKhana

    CAPF: Who were Ahadis?Who wereMahattara andPattakila?

    CDS: correct statement about Mahajanpada.Which place(Mahajanpada)Buddh did notvisit?

    CDS: Match the temples with townsMonetary vsplace; sculpturevs place

    CDS: Freedom struggle rather too easy- most can be solved fromSpectrum, TMH, Tamilnadu textbooks same

    CAPF-2014: Freedom struggle rather tough questions. e.g. Whotranslated Nil-Darpan to English; Name of regiment whose soldierswho participated in 1857 mutiny and were cremated recently?

    Freedomstruggle veryeasy.

    Harappa asked nopeBuddhism-Jainism asked Only Buddhism

    Difficulty Level

    Debatable, depends on preparation level. Nonetheless, I classify them to prove twopoints

    1. You dont have to tick 100/100 because no one can.2. Good number of questions from regular books / websites and theyre easy in

    nature. Therefore, coaching not essential for success.

    Easy Questions: Given verbatim given in routine books

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    Bijak &Pushtimarg

    Easy: Can be solved with combo of New NCERT + NIOSDifficult:When mind develops the doubt: what if Dadu Dayalalso wrote Bijak?

    6 schools ofphilosophy List Available in NIOS, Lucent, TMH.

    IbadatKhana available in NIOS, Lucent


    Lucent, TMH, ccrtiindiia.Mohini and Yaksha- routinely appear in theHindu, and have beenasked in both prelim and mains. Therefore, one is supposed tomemorize it.

    Kalaripayattu Given in NIOS. Routinely appears in theHindu lifestyle.SatyamevJayte Verbatim answer in India Yearbook ch.2 National emblems


    Same as above. Although some players may have downplayed thischapter because UPSCs earlier trend of moving away from GK facts.aka Double Bluff backbreaking move TM.


    List appeared TheHindu and PIB of Feb 2014 when Odiya was added.Therefore, had to be memorized like Gods own words.


    All five questions available in Spectrum, TMH, Bipan Chandra, TNstate books.

    Medium level difficultyPanchayatan Available CCRTIndia website, but difficult to recall during examSattariya dancers Given on ccrtindia but there are 50 dozens terms like this.

    Ridiculously Difficult

    When answer not available directly in the routine books and/or nearly impossible torecall in exam.

    1. Buddh &Avanti

    Even after smart elimination, youre left with two options andeverything boils down to just one fact- whether Buddh visitedAvanti or not?

    2. Tabo, Alchi,Lhakhangmonastery

    Who has time to memorize so much data? Better invest energyin preparation of maths, reasoning and comprehension forCSAT- Paper2.

    3. Sculpture vsSite

    Hard to dig whether Vishnu saving Goddess earth is given onMt.Abu or not?

    4. Manganiyarmusician

    Random article on Indian express. And even if this was given inbooks. PY5H NO DH ZA?~P M 5 H [IO 5OD V?

    5. Mahattara,Pattakila Had to dig through random google books.

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    How to prepare Culture for CSAT-2015?

    First we have to objectively check which sources were useful?

    Source NCERT NIOSSpectrumCulture IYB TMHLucentccrtindia fellfromSky?Buddh &AvantiBijak 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 no6 Philosophyschools 1 1 no

    IbadatKhana 1 1 1 no

    Panchayatan 1 noBuddhistmonasteries

    Sculpture vssiteSattariya 1 noMangniyarGarba &other dances 1 1 1 no

    Kalaripayattu 1 1 noSatyamevaMudak 1 1 no

    ShakaCalendar 1 1 no

    Classicallang.PattakilaTotal utility 1.5 3.5 0.5 2 5 1.5 4 9/15


    0.5 means =half of the answer available. (i.e. two statement true/false typequestion).Last column: fell from sky- Ans. No means the given question was available inatleast ONE standard reference book / source. Total 9 out of 15 =60% culturequestions came from standard sources.It could be higher than 60%, e.g. lucent /TMH/Spectrum may have Sattariya orMangniyar somewhere but because of time constrain I have not been able towade through all pages.

    So, how to approach Culture?

    1. (MUST) Tamilnadu Class11 (Ancient-Medieval) + New NCERT History (Class7 to12) + New NCERT Sociology (Class 11, 12)

    a. all of them available at Although not much came from TN/NCERT this time.c. But one exam insufficient to through them away. Theyve proved their

    worthiness in CDS and CAPF 2014.d. those who have old ncert well, and good but those who dont have- there is

    no need to lose sleep, Tamilnadu works just fine.2. (MUST) Base material = NIOS Culture material + CCRTindia

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    a. You dont have to manually wade through all webpages of CCRTindia,because in earlier [Write2win] competition, Sandeep Yadav had compiled thenote from that site, including photos. Click me. (although his note is bit old,some new pages have been added by that website, so you might have tomanually make visit add few new topics accordingly).

    3. (MUST) India yearbook Ch1, 2 and 3. [for geography, culture, polity respectively].4. (MUST) TheHindu. Classical language, dance- all routinely appeared in 2014s

    newspapers.5. (if time permits) General Studies manual.

    a. As such maximum no. of questions from it but if you look at the table again- ithas lot of overlapping with NIOS. Compared to NIOS, the GS manual is toobulky, contains lot of unnecessary factoids. So beyond a point, badcost:benefit.

    b. But practice the mock questions given at the end of each section in GSmanual.

    c. Ive used Tata McGraw-Hill (TMH) general studies manual 2014 as referencebecause they gave me free review copy.

    d. But any manual works just fine- Arihant, Spectrum, Pearson. Evenold/second hand used copy works fine. Because static content remains oneand same, irrespective of edition.

    6. Beyond this, Cost:benefit wise, youll gain more from pumping that more hours inlearning maths, reasoning and comprehension for CSAT Paper II. so dont wasteremaining jawaani in preparing culture only.

    7. You may skip Spectrum Facets of Indian culture. Because content wise, did not helpmuch in the Mains-2013 or in prelims (CSAT-2014). It has cumbersometypesetting, no photos. Therefore, hard to memorize. Situation similar to Congressseats under Modi wave.

    8. Related: How to approach Culture for Mains-2014: Click me

    How to prepare History for CSAT-2015

    freedom TN Spectrum TMH LucentGK Bipan Chandra fellfromsky?Bengal partition 1 1 noCongress session 1929 1 1 1 1 noGadar 1 1 1 1 noVictoras proclamation 1 1 1 noRedcliff 1 1 1 noTotal utility 3 5 5 2 1 5/5

    Disclaimers same as previous table.TN= Tamilnadu class 12 History textbook.(new) NCERTs are good read but Ive not used them in above comparison tablebecause they dont cover enough factoids, policies of past governor generals,their policies etc. So, youll have to augment It with some other book anyways.therefore TN class12 is better as the base textbook.

    Anyways how to approach History for CSAT-2015?

    (MUST) Tamilnadu Class12 [or OLD NCERT] as a starting textbook.(Good) Spectrums Brief History of Modern India, By Rajiv Ahir. (Available in bothEnglish | Hindi medium)

    Although TMH General studies Manual and Spectrum both have samenumber of questions but spectrum far thinner and easier to revise. and hasproved worthy even in Mains-2013Bipan Chandra has its utility in the mains, essay. It should be read depending

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    on the time factor. As far as only prelim preparation is concerned, yourebetter off with Spectrum because its far more revision friendly than Bipanetc.

    What about Ancient and Medieval?

    In the 90s exams, it used to be Vedic age, Ancient kingdoms, Medieval kingdomsand freedom struggle.And now its just Freedom struggle and Culture. Whatever they ask from ancient-medieval, its mainly focused on culture part. so for Ancient-medieval, refer toCulture studyplan given above.Besides, in Tamilandu Class 11 already covers the kingdom angle e.g. kings vsreligion patronized, king vs monument, king vs policies and so on.Related: How to approach History for Mains-2014: Click me

    anyways, enough analysis, lets begin solving the paper:

    [Act 1] Religion and Philosophy (3MCQ)

    Buddh & Avanti

    1. Which of the following Kingdoms were associated with the life of the Buddha?

    1. Avanti2. Gandhara3. Kosala4. Magadha

    Select the correct nswer using the code given below.

    A. 1, 2 and 3B. 2 and 4C. 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4

    To get a better mental picture, first lets find modern day equivalent of those places

    Lucent GK Section Indian History page 15, table 3.11.Avanti Malwa2.Gandhara Western part of Pakistan and Afghanistan3.Kosala Districts of Faizabad, Gonda, Bahraich in UP4.Magadha Patna, Gaya, Nalanda in Bihar area.

    Viewpoint #1: Avanti is right

    We can eliminate choices involving number 2 (Gadhara) because Buddh nevertravelled to Pakistan.

    A. 1, 2 and 3B. 2 and 4C. 3 and 4 onlyD. 1, 3 and 4

    So we are left with C or D.Alternatively, As per Britannica

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    Buddh born in Lumbini, in Kosala kingdom.=> 3 must be included.Buddh died in Kusinara, in Magadha kingdom=> 4 must be included.if you eliminate answer choices that donot have 3 and 4 together => still we areleft with C or D.Therefore, final answer depends on whether Buddh went to Avanti or not.

    Following two sources, suggest that Buddh himself never visited Avanti

    Source what does it say?Region in IndianHistory edited byMahendraPratpa Page47

    Once Buddha was invited by King Pradyota of Avanti, but hedeclined to go because of his old age, and deputed MahaKachchayana, a native of Avanti to impart his teachings there. =>#1 Avanti is wrong. This eliminates option A and D.

    HistoricalBuddha: HansWolfgang Page3

    Avanti lay outside the area visited by buddha, and was convertedto his teaching by his disciple Mahakaccana.

    Therefore, answer: only C only 3 (Kosala) and 4(Magadha.)

    Viewpoint# 2: Avanti is wrong

    1. Question uses the word associated with Buddhs life. So, it is not essential thatBuddh himself must have visited the place. Even sending a disciple(Kachchayana), counts as place associated with his life.

    2. Buddh had travelled to Avanti, as per this source Link.

    Therefore, answer (D) 1, 3 and 4

    Final answer: official answerkey of UPSC.

    Bijak & Pushtimarg

    Q2. Consider the following statements:

    1. Bijak is a composition of the teachings of Saint Dadu Dayal.2. The Philosophy of Pushti Marg was propounded by Madhvacharya.

    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

    A. 1 onlyB. 2 onlyC. Both 1 and 2D. Neither 1 nor 2

    Statement #1 is wrong because:

    NCERT class7, Page 116: Kabirs ideas were later collected and preserved inBijak.NCERT Class12-Ancinent Past, page 161: The Kabir Bijak is preserved by theKabirpanth (the path or sect of Kabir) in Varanasi and elsewhere in Uttar PradeshSpectrum Culture: Kabir founded a community Kabirpnathi, who consider Bijak,a collection of his verses, as their scripture. (But in Vallabhacharya section,Spectrum is silent on the fact he founded Pushtimarg)Therefore, as such Bijak = Kabir. Hence statement 1 should be wrong.But a doubt arises, what if Dadu Dayal also composed Bijak? The answer is NO.As per Bhati Poetry, Neeti Sadarangani page 123: Bijak, which is the scripture of the

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    Kabir Panth, only contains works attributed to Kabir.Therefore, statement 1 definitely is wrong.

    Statement #2 is wrong because

    NIOS Culture material,Page 136: Philosophy in Medieval India:Vallabhacharyas philosophy came to be known as Pushtimarga (the path ofgrace).Same page, Madhavacharya is listed under Dvaita => he is not associated withPushtimarg.Alternate source: Lucent GK page 71: Vallabhacharya (1479-1531)- hepropounded the philosophy of Pushtimarg.

    Hence answer D neither 1 nor 2 are correct.

    6 Schools of Indian Philosophy

    Q3. Which one of the following pairs does not form part of the six systems ofIndian Philosophy?

    A. Mimamsa and VedantaB. Nyaya and VaisheshikaC. Lokayata and KapalikaD. Sankhya and Yoga

    NIOS Culture material, Chapter 8 page 117 onwards

    Six system of Indian philosophy areSamkhya Prakriti and PurushYoga Releasing Purush from ParkritiNyaya Logical thinkingVaisheshika Realistic and objective philosophy of universeMimamsa Analyzing Samhita and Brahmana portion of Veda.Vedanta Philosophy of Upanishad.

    So, accordingly, eliminate the correct terms. (Because weve to find the wrong term)

    A. Mimamsa and VedantaB. Nyaya and VaisheshikaC. Lokayata and KapalikaD. Sankhya and Yoga

    Therefore, answer C Lokayata and Kapalika donot form 6 system of Indian philosophy.

    Alternate source:

    1. TMH History section Page 15. Six orthodox school of Hindu philosophy areNyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimansa and Vedanta. Eliminate optionsaccordingly and we are left with answer C.

    2. Lucent GK table given on page7

    [Act 2] Architecture (3MCQ)

    Ibadat Khana

    Q1. Ibadat Khana at Fatehpur Sikri was

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    A. the mosque for the use of Royal FamilyB. Akbars private chamber prayerC. the hall in which Akbar held discussions with scholars of various religions.D. the room in which the nobles belonging to different religions gathered to discuss

    religious affairs.

    Answer is C: Scholars because

    NCERT class7 History, Chapter4, Page 54: While Akbar was at Fatehpur Sikriduring the 1570s he started discussions on religion with the ulama, Brahmanas,Jesuit priests who were Roman Catholics, and Zoroastrians. These discussionstook place in the ibadat khana. Hence answer CNIOS Culture material, Page 49: On every Thursday, scholars from differentreligions came to debate on religious issues raised by Akbar. This was done at theIbadat Khana in Fateh Pur Sikri at AgraTMH: History section, page 74

    btw, A similar question in CAPF-2013.


    Q2. With reference to the cultural history of India, the term Panchayatan refersto

    A. an assembly of village eldersB. a religious sectC. a style of temple constructionD. an administrative functionary

    Panchayatana a temple that has a central shrine surrounded by four other shrines.

    Therefore, answer C

    Buddhist monastery: Tabo, Alchi, Lhakhang

    Q3. With reference to Buddhist history, tradition and culture in India.

    Consider the following pairs:

    Famous shrine Location1. Tabo monastery and temple complex Spiti Valley2. Lhotsava Lhakhang temple, Nako Zanskar Valley3. Alchi temple complex Ladakh

    Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?

    A. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. 1 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    Ans: (C) 1 and 3 only:

    Tabo=Spiti and Alchi=Ladakh. There are correct as per National geographic page.Lhotsava Lhakhang, Nako is in Himachal Pradesh as per Frontline. Zanskar Valley

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    is in Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore #2 is wrong pair.

    Sculpture vs Site

    Q4. With reference to the Indian history of art and culture, consider the followingpairs:

    Famous work of sculpture Site1. A grand image of Buddhas Mahaparinirvana with numerouscelestial musicians above and the sorrowful figures of his followersbelow


    2. A huge image of Varaha Avatar (boar incarnation) of Vishnu, ashe rescues Goddess Earth from the deep and chaotic waters,sculpted on rock

    Mount Abu

    3. Arjunas Penance /Descent of Ganga sculpted on the surface ofhuge boulders Mamallapuram

    Which of the pairs given above is/ are correctly matched?

    A. 1 and 2 onlyB. 3 only,C. 1 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    Lets check

    location why?


    Frontline 2004: Parinirvana of the Buddha in Cave 17 of Ajanta, withnumerous celestial musicians above and the sorrowful figures of hisfollowers below, is one of the grandest and yet most delicatelyexpressive scenes ever made in ston.another source: ASIs official website


    Vishnu (Varah / boar form) saving Goddess Earth= found at Mamallapuram.Ref:

    1. Images of Indian goddesses: Madhu Bazaz page 912. photogallery3. And I couldnot find any mention anywhere that Mount Abu also has

    similar sculpture where Vishnu saving Goddess earth in a boar form.LucentGK Page48 says Of the Brahamanical images perhaps themost impressive was The Great Boar(Varah) carved in relief at theentrance of a cave at Udayagiri. but it doesnt mention whether itssaving Goddess earth or not?

    3correct Upinder Singh, A history of Ancient and Early Medieval, Page 634

    Therefore, Answer C: 1 and 3

    [Act 3] Music, Dance, Art forms (4MCQ)

    Sattriya Dance

    Q1. With reference to the famous Sattriya dance, consider the following

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    1. Sattriya is a combination of music, dance and drama.2. It is a centuries-old living tradition of Vaishnavites of Assam.3. It is based on classical Ragas and Talas of devotional songs composed by

    Tulsidas, Kabir and Mirabai.

    Which of the statements given above is /are correct?

    A. 1 onlyB. 1 and 2 onlyC. 2 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    This neo-Vaishnava treasure of Assamese dance and drama has been.Sattriya dance tradition is governed by strictly laid down principles in respectmusic etc=> Statement 1 right. Combination of music, dance and drama.Sattriya dance form was introduced in the 15th century A.D by the greatVaishnava saint and reformer of Assam, Mahapurusha Sankaradeva as apowerful medium for propagation of the Vaishnava faith.=> Statement 2 is rightStatement 3: hard to locate direct source in google books, to refute or validate thethird statement.Hence joining dots

    1. music of Sattriya dance comprises of classical ragas (melodies), talas(rhythms) and traditional songs. Ref1

    2. Tulsidas and Mira were Vaishnavite. Ref23. Kabir was a Vaishnavite. Ref3

    And therefore, dots 1+2+3= third statement should be right. Therefore, (D) 1, 2 and 3.[or may be "B" only 1 and 2].

    Manganiyars musician

    Q2. A community of people called Manganiyars is well-known for their

    A. martial arts in North-East IndiaB. musical tradition in North-West IndiaC. classical vocal music in South IndiaD. pietra dura tradition in Central India

    May 26, 2014; Indian express mentioned this.

    Manganiyars a tribal community from Rajasthan with a strong musical tradition

    Therefore, Option B is most apt.

    Garba, Mohini & Yaksha

    Q3: Consider following pairs

    1. Garba : Gujarat2. Mohiniattam : Odisha3. Yakshagana : Karnataka

    Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?

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    A. 1 onlyB. 2 and 3 onlyC. (c) 1 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    From Spectrum culture book Pages no.1.Yakshgana A theatre form of Karnataka 174

    2.Mohiniattam Kerala. (and not Odisha). Therefore, all options involving #2 arewrong. 118

    3.Garba Gujarat. 127

    Alternative source: Ch. Miscellany Section 36. page 603TMH General knowledge section , page 36

    Therefore, only 1 and 3 correct. Answer is C

    Counter argument

    NIOS culture material, page 175 says Yakshagana, a form of Kathakali in Kerala,tells us stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Therefore, both 2 and 3 arewrong. Answer only 1 (Garba).Mrunal: well in that case, weve to fall back to TheHindu because just like GeneralDong, the Hindu can NEVER be wrong (as far as UPSC answerkey-making isconcerned)

    July 22, 2014s Hindu newspaper says, Though Yakshagana is native to coastalKarnataka, the artform has a good number of admirers all over the State and otherparts of the country as well. Therefore, final answer C 1 and 3 only.


    Q4. With reference to Indias culture and tradition, what is Kalaripayattu?

    a. It is an ancient Bhakti cult of Shaivism still prevalent in some parts of South Indiab. It is an ancient style bronze and brasswork still found in southern part of

    Coromandel areac. It is an ancient form of dance-drama and a living tradition in the northern part of

    Malabard. It is an ancient martial art and a living tradition in some parts of South India

    NIOS Culture material, page 187. martial dances like Chholia of Uttranchal, Kalari-paittu of Kerala, Thang-taa ofManipur among the more famous ones.=> Answer D.

    Another source:

    Martial art formsLazim MaharashtraKalaripayattu KeralaChhau Orissa, West Bengal and Bihar.

    Ans: (d) Kalariyapattu is a martial dance practiced in Kerala / South India.

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    [Act 4] National Symbols/ Post independence (3MCQ)

    Satymeva Mudaka

    Q1. The national motto of India, Satyameva Jayate inscribed below the Emblemof India is taken from

    A. Katha UpanishadB. Chandogya UpanishadC. Aitareya UpanishadD. Mundaka Upanishad

    Answer D because

    India Yearbook 2014, Chapter 2 National Symbols Page 28: The wordsSatyameva Jayatefrom Mundaka Upanishad, meaning Truth Alone Triumphs, areinscribed below the abacus in Devanagariscript.TMH section General knowledge, first page tells the same story.

    Chaitra month in Gregorian Calendar

    Q2. Chaitra 1 of the national calendar based on the Saka Era corresponds towhich one of the following dates of the Gregorian calendar in a normal year of365 days?

    A. 22 March (or 21st March)B. 15th May (or 16th May)C. 31st March (or 30th March)D. 21st April (or 20th April

    Answer is A because:

    India Yearbook 2014, Chapter 2 National Symbols Page 30: Topic nationalcalendar: Dates of the national calendar have a permanent correspondence withdates of the Gregorian calendar, 1 Chaitra falling on 22 March normally and on 21March in leap yearTMH section General knowledge, page#4 tells the same story.

    Classical language

    Q3. Consider the following languages:

    1. Gujarati2. Kannada3. Telugu

    Which of the above has/have been declared as Classical Language / Languages bythe Government?

    A. 1 and 2 onlyB. 3 onlyC. 2 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    News appeared in Feb 2014, in both TheHindu and PIB, when Odia was added as 6thclassical language.

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    1. Sanskrit2. Tamil3. Telugu

    4. Kannada5. Malayalam6. Odia

    Therefore answer is C only 2(Kannada) and 3(Telugu).

    [Act 5] Misc: Mahattara | Pattakila

    Q1. In medieval India, the designations Mahattara and Pattakila were used for

    a. military officersb. village headmenc. specialists in Vedic ritualsd. chiefs of craft guilds

    Different books giving slightly differing interpretations:

    RS Sharma: early medievalsociety, Page 333 Mahattara: village elders

    Indian epigraphical glossaryPage 191 Mahattara: village headman

    Madhya Pradesh Through theAges edited by Shiri RamBakshiPage 210

    Pattakila: generally identified with the modernPatel, believed to be the kings representativein the village.Mahattama was the village headmen. UnlikePattakila, he was a non-official and possibly arepresentative of people.

    Overall, we can certain that A, C and D are wrong. Therefore, Final answer B villageheadmen.

    [Act 6] Freedom Struggle (5MCQs)

    Q1. The Partition of Bengal made by Lord Curzon in 1905 lasted until

    1. the First World War when Indian troops were needed by the British and thepartition was ended.

    2. King George V abrogated Curzons Act at the Royal Darbar in Delhi in 19113. Gandhiji launched his Civil Disobedience Movement4. the Partition of India, in 1947 when East Bengal became East Pakistan

    Spectrum Modern India Rajeev Ahir

    Page 85- it was decided to annul the Bengal partition in 1911 although it doesntspecifically mention whether King George did it or not. So lets look into anothersource for cross verification.

    TMH History section page 113

    1911: King George V visits India. A durbar held @Delhi I, The capital of India istransferred from Calcutta to Delhi. Partition of Bengal is annulled.

    Answer D

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    Q2. The 1929 Session of Indian, National Congress is of significance in thehistory of the Freedom Movement because the

    A. attainment of Self-Government was declared as the objective of the CongressB. attainment of Poorna Swaraj Was adopted as the goal of the CongressC. Non-Cooperation Movement was launchedD. decision to participate in the Round Table Conference in London was taken

    Ans- B because

    1. Spectrum: Page 164-652. TMH Indian national movement, Page 263. Class 12th TN history text book : page 1654. Indias struggle for freedom by Bipan Chandra: Page 266

    Q3. The Ghadr (Ghadar) was a

    1. Revolutionary association of Indians with headquarters at San Francisco.2. nationalist organization operating from Singapore3. militant organization with headquarters at Berlin4. communist movement for Indias freedom with head-quarters at Tashkent

    Ans- A because

    1. Spectrum Page 1002. TMH: Section Indian National movement Page123. TN History Book Class12: Page1544. Bipan Chandra Indias struggle for freedom: Page 1495. PIB press release for Gadar completed 100 years in 2013.

    Q4. What was/were the object/objects of Queen Victorias Proclamation (1858)?

    1. To disclaim any intention to annex Indian States2. To place the Indian administration under the British Crown3. To regulate East India Companys trade with India

    Select the correct answer using the code given below.

    A. 1 and 2 onlyB. 2 onlyC. 1 and 3 onlyD. 1, 2 and 3

    Answer- A because

    Spectrum Page 12-13TMH: History of India section Page 106-07LucentGK page 101

    But some people engaging in fierce debate wars about statement 1, so, letscrosscheck

    statement crosscheck1.To disclaim anyintention to annexIndian States

    The announcement reversed Lord Dalhousies pre-war policy ofpolitical unification through princely state annexation. Therefore,statement 1correct.Ref: Page 261, Britannicas history of India.

    2.To place the

  • 11/11/2014 Mrunal CSAT 2014 Answerkey: History & Culture with explanations 17/17

    Indianadministrationunder the BritishCrown

    True from every source.

    3.To regulate EastIndia Companystrade with India

    Irrelevant. Not mentioned in the original speech posted here

    Therefore, answer A only 1 and 2.

    Q5. The Radcliffe Committee was appointed to

    A. solve the problem of minorities in IndiaB. give effect to the Independence BillC. delimit the boundaries between India and PakistanD. enquire into the riots in East Bengal

    Ans- C because

    1. Spectrum Page 2382. TN history book class12: page 1733. TMH: Indian national movement section page 49

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