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Board Announces Faculty for Seminary; Leading Scholars Coming to St. Louis THE CLASS OF 1956 MR. BREWTON MR. LOITZ F MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor First Covenant College Graduates The Board of Directors of Coven- ant College has just released a list of new faculty appointments for the Theological Seminary which should cause every friend of Covenant College to rejoice. It is evidence of the special blessing of the Lord upon the school. The most impor- tant thing about any educational institution is its faculty. With the addition of the new members to the Covenant Seminary faculty we believe that we shall have a theo- logical seminary which is second to none in the United States. Dr. R. Laird Harris, outstanding scholar and author, formerly with Faith Theological Seminary, is com- ing to head the department of Old Testament studies. Dr. Harris has distinguished himself as the author of a number of books, having recently won the Zondervan text- book contest for his latest book on Biblical introduction. The Rev. John Sanderson, also from the faculty of Faith Theolog- ical Seminary, will head the depart- ment of Apologetics and Christian Philosophy. Mr. Sanderson has a wide reputation as a pedagogue of unusual abilities. He has had a number of pastorates and brings a wealth of personal experience to his teaching ministry. He is soon to complete work on his doctoral dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania. (continued on page 3, column 3) Graduation activities for the first graduating class of Covenant College began on Sunday, May 27, with the Baccalaureate Service in Pasadena City Church, and were concluded with Commencement ex- ercises on Friday, June 1, also in the Pasadena City Church. Members of this first senior class are Mr. Ernest B. Tyler, philosophy major from Farmington, Mich., Mr. Clifford Hodges Brewton, music major from Savannah, Ga., and Mr. Walter C. Loitz, history major from Anaheim, Calif. Testimonies of these three young men appeared in an earlier issue of The Bagpipe. Rev. D. V. Johnstone, pastor of the Pasadena City Church, was the speaker for the Baccalaureate service. He chose as his sermon topic “Called to Leadership.” This was taken from Joshua 1:1-9. He brought out five points: God’s selec- tion, God’s own program, God’s promise to His servant, God’s re- quirement of Joshua, and God’s promise of success. Finally he charged the members of the gradu- ating class to remember these five things, to be strong and courageous, and to know that “I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee . . ." (continued on page 3, column 1) Board Announces Faculty for Seminary; Leading Scholars Coming to St. Louis The Board of Directors of Coven- ant College has just released a li st of new faculty appointments for the Th eolo.gical Seminary which s hould ca use every friend of Covenant College to rejoice . It is evidence of the s pe cial blessing of the Lord upon th e sc hool. The most imp or- tant thing abo ut any educational institution is its facu l ty . With the addition of the n ew members to the Covenant Seminary faculty we believe that we shall h ave a tlrno- logical seminary which is seco nd to none in the Un it ed States. Dr. R. La ird Harris , outstandin g schol ar · and a uthor , formerly with Faith Theological Seminary, is com- ing to head the department of Old Te stament st udi es. Dr. Harris has distingui s hed himself as the author of a number of books, havin g recently won the Zondervan text- book contest for hi s l atest book on Bibli cal introduction. The Rev. John Sanderson, also from the faculty of Faith Theolo g- ical Seminary, will head the depart- ment of Apologetics and Christian Ph il osophy. Mr. Sanderson has a wide reputation as a pedagogue of unu s ual a,b ilities. He h as had a number of pastorates and brings a wealth of personal experience to his teaching ministry. He is soon to comp l ete work on his do ctora l dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania. (continued on page 3, column 3) THE CLASS OF 1956 I ·I . ._ ~ - w.: MR. BREWTON MR. LOITZ i\I R. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor First Covenant College Graduates Graduation activities for the first graduatin1g class of Covenant Coll ege be gan on Sunday, May 27, with the Baccala ureat e Service in Pasadena City Church, and wer e co ncluded with Commencement ex- ercises on Friday, June 1, also in the Pasadena City Church. Members of this first senior clas s are Mr. Ernest B. Tyler, philosophy major from Farmington, Mich., Mr. Clifford Hodges Brewton, music major from Savannah , Ga., and Mr. Walter C. Loitz , history major from Anah eim, Calif. Te st imoni es of these thr ee young men appeared in an ear lier :ssue of The Ba gpipe. Rev. D. V. Johnstone, pastor of the Pasadena City Church, was the speaker for the Baccalaureate service. He chose as his sermon topic "Called to Leadership." This was taken from Joshua 1: 1-9. He brou gh t out five points : God's selec- tion , God's own program, God's promise to His servant, God 's re- quir ement of Jo s hua, and God's promise of success. Fin a lly he char ge d the members of the . gra du- ating cla ss to remember th ese five things, to be strong and co ura geo us, and to know that "I will not leave thee, nor forsake t he e . (continued on page 3, co lumn 1)

MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor Baccalaureate ...

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Page 1: MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor Baccalaureate ...

Board Announces Faculty for Seminary; Leading Scholars Coming to St. Louis





Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor

First Covenant College Graduates

The Board of Directors of Coven­

ant College has just released a list of new faculty appointments for the Theological Seminary which should

cause every friend of Covenant College to rejoice. It is evidence of

the special blessing of the Lord

upon the school. The most impor­tant thing about any educational institution is its faculty. W ith the

addition of the new members to the Covenant Seminary faculty we

believe that we shall have a theo­logical seminary which is second

to none in the United States.Dr. R. Laird Harris, outstanding

scholar and author, formerly with

Faith Theological Seminary, is com­

ing to head the department of Old Testament studies. Dr. Harris has

distinguished himself as the author of a number of books, having

recently won the Zondervan text­

book contest for his latest book on Biblical introduction.

The Rev. John Sanderson, also

from the faculty of Faith Theolog­

ical Seminary, will head the depart­ment of Apologetics and Christian Philosophy. Mr. Sanderson has a

wide reputation as a pedagogue of unusual abilities. He has had a number of pastorates and brings a wealth of personal experience to his teaching ministry. He is soon to complete work on his doctoral

dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania.

(continued on page 3, column 3)

Graduation activities for the

first graduating class of Covenant

College began on Sunday, May 27, with the Baccalaureate Service in Pasadena City Church, and were

concluded with Commencement ex­

ercises on Friday, June 1, also in the Pasadena City Church.

Members of this first senior class are Mr. Ernest B. Tyler, philosophy

major from Farmington, Mich., Mr.

Clifford Hodges Brewton, music major from Savannah, Ga., and Mr. Walter C. Loitz, history major from

Anaheim, Calif. Testimonies of these three young men appeared in an earlier issue of The Bagpipe.

Rev. D. V. Johnstone, pastor of

the Pasadena City Church, was the speaker for the Baccalaureate

service. He chose as his sermon topic “Called to Leadership.” This

was taken from Joshua 1:1-9. He brought out five points: God’s selec­

tion, God’s own program, God’s promise to His servant, God’s re­quirement of Joshua, and God’s

promise of success. Finally he

charged the members of the gradu­ating class to remember these five things, to be strong and courageous,

and to know that “I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee . . ." (continued on page 3, column 1)

Board Announces Faculty for Seminary; Leading Scholars Coming to St. Louis

The Board of Directors of Coven­ant College has just released a list of new faculty appointments for the Theolo.gical Seminary which should cause every friend of Covenant College to rejoice. It is evidence of the special blessing of the Lord upon the school. The most impor­tant thing about any educational institution is its faculty. With the addition of the n ew members to the Covenant Seminary faculty we believe that we sha ll have a tlrno­logical seminar y which is second to none in the United States.

Dr. R. Laird Harris, outstanding scholar ·and author, formerly with Faith Theological Seminary, is com­ing to head the department of Old Testament studies. Dr. Harris has distinguished himself as the author of a number of books, having recently won the Zondervan text­book contest for his latest book on Biblical introduction.

The Rev. John Sanderson, also from the faculty of Faith Theolog­ical Seminary, will head the depart­ment of Apologetics and Christian Philosophy. Mr. Sanderson has a wid e reputation as a pedagogue of unusual a,b ilities. He has had a number of pastorates and brings a wealth of personal experience to his teaching ministry. He is soon to complete work on his doctoral dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania. (continued on page 3, column 3)



·I . ._

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Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor First Covenant College Graduates

Graduation activities for the first graduatin1g class of Covenant College began on Sunday, May 27, with the Baccalaureate Service in Pasadena City Church, and were concluded with Commencement ex­ercises on Friday, June 1, also in the Pasadena City Church.

Members of this first senior class are Mr. Ernest B. Tyler, philosophy major from Farmington, Mich., Mr. Clifford Hodges Brewton, music major from Savannah, Ga., and Mr. Walter C. Loitz, history major from Anah eim, Calif. Testimonies of these three young men appeared in an earlier :ssue of The Bagpipe.

Rev. D. V. Johnstone, pastor of the Pasadena City Church, was the speaker for the Baccalaureate service. He chose as his sermon topic "Called to Leadership." This was taken from Joshua 1: 1-9. He brought out five points : God's selec­tion, God's own program, God's promise to His servant, God 's r e­quirement of Joshua, and God's promise of success. Finally he charged the members of the .gradu­ating class to remember these five things, to be strong and courageous, and to know that "I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee . (continued on page 3, column 1)

Page 2: MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor Baccalaureate ...

Full-time Students Give Testimonies

To Lord’s Guidance During the YearIn this final issue of The Bagpipe

for the school year of 1955-56, are pictures and testimonies of three

full-time students who have not yet been featured in the paper.

Allen Duble did not enroll at Covenant until the second semester

when he and his wife Jo Ann and young son Eric arrived in California for Allen to continue his education.

Allen and his wife are active in school life

a n d i n young peo­

ple’s work

at the La

C r e s centa church. The

Dubles live in Pasadena.

"The year o f 19 4 8 means most

in my life, for it was during that

year that I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. I remember it

vividly, and I wouldn’t trade that wonderful experience with Christ

for all the experiences I might have during my life. Oh, how wonderful!

I had settled the problem and now had eternal life. Proverbs 3:5-6

became my life verses. ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and

lean not unto thine own understand­ing, in all thy ways acknowledge

him and he shall direct thy paths.’

Since that time the Lord has given me a wife and a fine son and has directed our paths back to Calif­

ornia and Covenant College. He has guided us in a wonderful way, and

when the going seems roush, we are reminded of I Thess. 5:24. ‘Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will

do it.’ Because He has called us,

we are sure that He will make our

continued education possible as we walk with him day by day.”

Emma Scott, a junior English major from Collingswood, N.J., is secretary of the student executive

committee and works part-time in the college office as Dr. Rayburn’s secretary.

“My testimony is of praise to

the Lord for His faithfulness. ‘His

compassions fail not, they are new every morning: great is thy faithful­

ness!’ How manv times these words of Jeremiah h a v e ex­

pressed my feelings as t he L o r d has proved

t i m e a n d time again,

His faithful­

ness to me. His faithful- n e s s h a s

been shown by His continued answer to my prayers. One of my greatest blessings this year has

been that of praying for a definite thing and then receiving a definite

answer. The Lord has been faithful in leading me day by day and in

supplying my needs both spiritual

and material. It is a great joy to me to know that the Lord can never fail

and that He will continue to be faithful in everything. But many

times the Lord’s faithfulness has pointed out my unfaithfulness. It is

the deep prayer of my heart that

I shall be more faithful to Him by keeping His commandments, by trusting in Him for all things, and

by being a faithful witness of His love and salvation, so that when I

see H im face to face, I shall hear

Him say, ‘Well done thou good and

faithful servant.’ ”

Janet Denner of Pasadena, Calif­ornia, is a junior music major. An

accomplished musician, Janet plays

for the chapel services and for special school events. Both the

piano and the violin

are among Janet’s ac- compl i s h -

ments, and

she was fea­

tured in a recital o n

May 19 in Pasadena.

“ 'Know

thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and

with a willing mind; for the Lord

searcheth all hearts, and under-

standeth all the imagination of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will

be found of thee; but if thou for­sake him, he will cast thee off for­

ever.’ I Chron. 28:9. I have known the Lord as my Redeemer for al­most ten years and can truly testify

to His saving grace and preserving power. It is my prayer that my heart

may be always fixed on the things

of God and that I may be more con­formed to the image of Christ. Since I am pleased with the way my

Savior is leading me, I can trust Him to guide me day by day and

step by step. ‘For it is God which

worketh in (me) both to will and to do of his good pleasure.’ Phil. 2:13”

M r. Brewton Presents

Senior Voice RecitalCompleting requirements for

graduation with a major in music,

Mr. Clifford Hodges Brewton was presented in his senior recital on

Thursday night, May 31, at 190 North Oakland. Dr. Robert G. Ray­

burn accompanied his pupil for the

program of the evening.Mr. Brewton began the program

with two Italian selections which

were followed by the famous aria

from the opera Faust by Gounod. The next section of the program

included songs of travel which are

poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson arranged by Vaughn Williams. Fol­lowing a short intermission, Cliff

sang two songs from the modern period, two Negro spirituals, and

ended with “Twenty-Third Psalm”

by Malotte.Dr. and Mrs. Rayburn served

refreshments to guests at the close

of the recital.


Four students were named by Dean Schmidt as being eligible for

the Dean’s List of the Spring Semester. Qualifying for scholastic

honors were Phillip Olin, Watford City, N. Dak., who earned a grade

point average of 2.6, Jane Brooks, Gainesville, Tex., Emma Scott, Collingswood, N.J., and Thomas Denner, Pasadena, Calif. Misses Brooks and Scott and Mr. Denner

each had a grade point average of



. l·

Full-time Students Gi ve Testim o nies T o Lord 's Guidan.ce During the Year

In this final issue of Th e Bag pipe for the school year of 1955-56, are pictures and testimonies of three full- t ime students who have not yet been featured in the paper.

Allen Duble did not enroll at Covenant until the second semester when he and his wife Jo Ann anrt young son Eri c arrived in California for Allen to continue his education. Allen and hi s wife a r e active in

school life a n d i n

young peo­pl e's work at the La C res centa church. The Dubles live in Pasadena.

compassions fail not, they are new every morn111g: great is thy faithful­ness !' Ho w many L mes these word~

of Jeremiah h ave ex­pressed my fee as the Lo r d has proved tim e a nd time again, His faithful­n ess to m e. His faithful-ness has

been shown by His continued a11Swer to my prayers. One of my greatest bl essings this year , has been that of praying for a definite thing and then receiving a definite answer. The Lord has been faithful in leading me day by day and in supplying my needs both spiritual and material. It is a g reat joy to me to know that the Lord can never fail and that He will continue to be faithful in everythin.g. But many times the Lord's faithfulness has pointed out my unfa ithfulness. It is the deep prayer of my heart that I shall b e more faithful to Him by k eepin g His commandments, by trusting in Him for all things, and by being a faithful witness of His Jove and salvation, so that when I see Hirn face to face, I shall hear Him say, 'Well done thou good and faithful servant.'"

Janet Denner of Pasadena, Calif­ornia, is a junior music major. An accomplished musician, J anet plays for the chapel servi ces a nd for special school events. Both the

searcheth all hear ts, and under­

s tandeth all the imagination of the thoughts : if thou seek him , he will be found of thee; bu t if thou for­sak e him , he will cast thee off for­ever.' I Chron. 28: 9. I have known the Lord as my Red eemer for al­most ten years a nd can truiy tes tify to His saving grace and preserving power. It is my prayer that my heart may be a lways fixed on th e things of God a nd that I may be more con­formed to the image of Christ. Since I am pleased with the way my Savior is leading m e, I can trust Him to g uid e me day by day and step by step. 'For it is God which worketh in (me) both to will a nd to do of his good pleasure.' Phil. 2: 13"

Mr. Brewton Presents Senior Voice Recital

Completing requirements for graduation with a m a jor in music, Mr. Clifford Hodges Brewton was presented in his senior r ecital on Thursday ni ght, May 31, at 190 North Oakland . Dr. Rob ert G. Ray­burn accompanied his pupil for the pro,gram of the evening.

M1·. Brewton began the program with two Italia n selections which were followed by th e famous aria from the opera Fau st by Gounod. The next section of the progr a m included son gs of travel which are poetry by Robert Louis Stevenson arranged by Vaughn Williams. Fol­lowing a short intermission, Cliff sang two songs from the mode rn period, two Negro spirituals, and ended with " Twenty-Third Psalm" by Malotte.

Dr. and Mrs. Rayburn served r efreshm ents to guests at th e close of the recital.

"The year of 1948 means most

in my life, for it was durin•g that year that I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. I remember it vividly·, and I wouldn 't trade that wonderful experience with Christ for all the experiences I might have during my life. Oh , how wonderful! I had settled th e problem and now had eternal life . Proverbs 3: 5-6

became my life verses. 'Trust in the Lord with a ll thine heart and lean not unto thine own under s tand­ing, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.' Since that time th e Lord has g iven me a wife and a fin e son and has directed our paths back to Calif­orni a a nd Covenant College. He has guided us in a wonderful way, and when th e goin g seems rOU'.\"h , we a re r emind ed of I Thess. 5: 24. 'Faithful is he th a t call eth you, who also will do it.' Because He has called us, we a re sure that H e will make our continu ed education possible as we walk with him day by day.''

' piano and DEAN'S LI ST FOR SP RING

Emma Scott, a junior English major from Collingswood, N.J., is secretary of the student executive committee and works part-time · in the college offi ce as Dr. Rayburn 's secretary.

"My testimony is of praise to the Lord for His faithfulness. 'His

the violin ! SEMEST ER INCLUDES FOUR a re a mong J anet's ac­compli s h -menls , and she was fea­tured in a recital on May 19 in Pasadena. ---------- .J " 'Know

thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord

Four students were named by Dean Schmidt as being eligible for the Dean's List of the Spring Semester. Qu alifying for scholasti c honors were Phillip Olin, W atford City, N. Dak., who earned a ,grade point average of 2.6, Jane Brooks, Gainesville, T ex., Emma Scott, Collingswood, N.J., and Thomas Denner, Pasadena, Calif. Misses Brooks and Scott and Mr. Denner each had a 1grade point average of 2.0.

Page 3: MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor Baccalaureate ...

Baccalaureate, Commencement . . .

Rev. Claude Bunzel, director of Twentieth Century Evangelism, was

the speaker for the Commencement

service, choosing as his topic, “The Place Where Opportunity and Re­sponsibility Meet.” The title subject

was evangelism, and Mr. Bunzel challenged the graduating class and

others to be effective witnesses for Christ. Also taking part in this service were Rev. Wendell Brock,

who read the Scripture, Rev. Walter Lyons, pastor of Foothill Presbyter­

ian Church, who led the prayer, and Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, who gave the charge to the graduates.

Mr. Rudolph Schmidt, registrar

and instructor in history, presented the class after which Dr. Rayburn

conferred the Bachelor of Arts degrees. Special music for the even­ing included the offertory solo, “The

Twenty-Third Psalm,” by Mr. Brew- ton, and a mixed quartet composed of Emma Scott, Priscilla Hawks, Ernest Tyler, and Clifford Brewton,

who sang “God So Loved the


Singing the college hymn, “All

For Jesus,” concluded the service. Mrs. D. V. Johnstone provided organ accompaniment for both services.

Included in the academic proces­

sion in addition to the seniors were Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, president of

the college, Rev. Wendell Brock, instructor of history, Miss Ida Mc­

Cain, professor of English and lan­

guages, Mr. James Watson, philos6- phy instructor, Mrs. James Watson, English instructor, and Mr. Rudolph

Schmidt, registrar and history in­


OUR S U M M E R A DDRE SSThe college will maintain its

office in Pasadena through July and all correspondence may be directed to the address Box 516-M, Pasadena, Calif., until August 1. After this date correspondents should write to

the college address in St. Louis; Box 143, Clayton, St. Louis 5, Mo.


Student publication of Covenant College, Pasadena, California

Vol. I, No. 5 June, 1956

Editor Jane Brooks

D. V. Johnstone

Suddenly TakenFriends of Covenant College will

be saddened to learn of the sudden

home going of the Rev. D. V.

Johnstone on June 12. He had suffered a heart attack earlier in

the week.Memorial services were held in

the Pasadena City Church June 15.

We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Johnstone and to our many friends

of Pasadena City Church in the loss

of their pastor.

Final Exams for C.C.Final examinations for students

of Covenant College were scheduled for Monday, May 28, through Wed­

nesday, May 30. Students were then free to participate in the Gradua­

tion Week activities.

Following t h e commencement services on June 1, many of the students departed for summer jobs

and other activities. A number are

enrolled in the Summer Session of

the College.

Young People’s Group Gives G ift to College

On Sunday evening, May 20, the high school young people’s group

of the La Crescenta Bible Presby­terian Church sponsored a farewell

service for the faculty and students of Covenant College. Held in the church auditorium, the program

began with congregational singing led by Rev. Lyons. Special musical

numbers were presented by Mrs. Jo Ann Duble, Bill Lyons, and a

girls’ quintet composed of Joene Cavender, Lillian Eddy, Jo Ann

Duble, Patricia Lyons, and Ann

Stoneking.Jerry Carter, president of the

group, presented a gift to the school from the group, and Dr. Rayburn accepted it. The metal

card catalog file with a section for

each letter will prove to be a very valuable gift, and it will serve to remind students of this year and

future years of the interest and support of this organization.

A social time and refreshments

ended the evening.

Board Announces Faculty . . .Assisting Dr. Harris in the de­

partment of Old Testament in the Seminary and also doing some

teaching in the college will be Mr. W illiam Sanderson, one of the most popular of the younger professors

in the Bible Presbyterian Church.Completing the roster of those

not previously reported in The Bagpipe is Dr. Peter Stam, Jr., who

will assume the position of Dean of Students. Dr. Stam’s wide experi­ence in college and seminary ad­ministration, together with his deep

spiritual discernment and long asso­ciation with the Bible Presbyterian

movement, makes him a particular­

ly valuable addition to the staff of

Covenant.The faculty will include two or

three part-time instructors. Among these are Dr. Harold G. Stigers,

whose degree is in the field of Se- mitics and who will be assisting in

the Old Testament department. Miss Verna Lair, who has her Mas­

ter’s Degree in mathematics from Ohio State University, will continue

her study in the Seminary and will teach in the department of mathe­

matics in the college.

The complete seminary faculty

as it now stands is as follows:

Department of Old TestamentDr. R. Laird Harris, Chairman

Dr. Elmer Smick Mr. W illiam Sanderson

Dr. Harold G. Stigers

Department of New Testament Dr. W ilber B. Wallis, Chairman

Department of Systematic TheologyDr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr. Chairman

Mr. John Sanderson

Department of ApologeticsMr. John Sanderson, Chairman

Department of Practical Theology and Homiletics

Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, Chairman

The re-location of all these men

and their families in St. Louis and their housing near the Seminary presents a major problem and we

would ask our friends to remember this need especially in prayer.

Copies of Dr. Rayburn’s book, F IG H T T H E GOOD F IG H T ,

are still available from the college office. The price is $2.00.

Baccala ureate, Commencement ...

Rev. Claude Bunzel, dii·ector of Twentieth Century Evangelism, was the speaker for the Commencement service, choosing as his topic, "The Place Where Opportunity and Re­sponsibility Meet." The title subject was evangelism, and Mr. Bunzel chal lenged the graduating class and otliers to be effective witnesses for Christ. Also taking part in thi s service were Rev. Wendell Brock, who read the Scripture, Rev. Walter Lyons, pastor of Foothill Presbyter­ian Church, who led the prayer, and Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, who gave the charge to the gradua tes.

Mr. Rudolph Schmidt, registrar and instructor in history, presented the class after which Dr. Rayburn conferred the Bachelor of Arts degrees. Special musi c for the even• ing included the offertory solo, "The Twenty-Third Psalm," by Mr. Brew­ton, and a mixed quartet composed of Emma Scott, Priscilla Hawks, Ernest Tyler, and Clifford Brewton, who sang "God So Loved the World."

Singing the college hymn, "All For Jesus:· concluded the service. Mrs. D. V. Johnstone provided organ accompaniment for both services.

Included in the academic proces­sion in addition to the seniors were Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, president or the college, Rev. Wendell Brock, instructor of hi i.tory, Miss Ida Mc­Cain, professor of English and lan­guages, Mr. James Watson, philoso­phy instructor, Mrs. James Watson, English instructor, and Mr. Rudolph Schmidt, registrar and history in­structor.


The college will maintain its office in P :isadena through July and all correspondence may be directed to the address Box 516-M, Pasadena, Calif., until August 1. After this date correspondents should write to the college address in St. Louis ; Box 143, Clayton, St. Louis 5, Mo.


Student publication of Covenant College, Pasadena, California

Vol. I, No. 5


June, 1956

Jane Brooks

D. V. Johnstone Suddenly Taken

Friends of Covenant Coll ege will be saddened to learn of the sudden home going of the Rev. D. V. Johnston e on June 12. He had suffered a heart attack earlier iu the week.

Memorial services were held in the Pasadena City Church June 15.

We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Johnstone and to our many friends of Pasadena City Church in the loss of their pastor.

Final Exams for C.C. Final examinations for students

of Covenant College were scheduled for Monday, May 28, through Wed­nesday, May 30. Students were then free to participate in the Gradua­tion Week activities.

Following the commencement services on J 1 ... ne 1, many of the students deputed for summer jobs and other activities. A number are enrolled in the Summer Session of the College.

Young People's Group Gives Gift to College

On Sunday evening, May 20, the high school young people's group of the La Crescenta Bible Pres,by­terian Church sponsored a farewell service for the faculty and students of Covenant College. Held in the church auditorium, the pro.gram began with congregational singing led by Rev. Lyons. Special mus ical numbers were presented by Mrs. Jo Ann Duble, Bill Lyons, and a girls' quintet composed of Joene Cavender, Lillian Eddy, Jo Ann Duble, Patricia Lyons, and Ann Stoneking.

Jerry Carter, president of the group, presented a .gift to the school from the group, and Dr. Rayburn accepted it. The metal card catalog fi le with a section for each letter will prove to be a very valuable gift, and it will serve to remind students of this year and future years of the interest and support of this organization.

A social time and refreshments ended the evening.

Board Announces Faculty , ..

Assisting Dr. Harris in th e de­partment of Old Testament in th e Seminary and also doing some teaching in the college will be Mr. W ill iam Sanderson, one of the most popular of the younger professors in the Bible Presbyterian Church.

Completing t he roster of those not previously reported in The Bagpipe is Dr. Peter Stam, Jr., who will assume the position of Dean of Students. Dr. Stam's wide ex,peri­ence in college and seminary ad­mini stration, together with his deep spiritual discernment and long asso­ciation with the Bible Presbyterian movement, makes him a particular­ly valuable addition to the staff of Covenant.

The faculty will include two or three part-time instructors. Among these are Dr. Harold G. Stigers, whose degree is in the field of Se­mitics and who will be assisting in the Old Testament department. Miss Verna Lair, who has her Mas­ter's Degree in mathematics from Ohio State University, will continue her study in the Seminary and will teach in t he department of mathe­matics in the college.

The complete seminary faculty as it now stands is as follows:

Department of Old Testament Dr. R. Laird Harris, Chairman Dr. Elmer Smick Mr. William Sanderson Dr. Harold G. Stigers

Depa rtm ent of New Testament Dr. Wilber B. Wallis, Chairman

Department of Systematic Theology Dr. J . Oliver Buswell, Jr. Chairman Mr. John !Sanderson

Depart ment of Apologetics Mr. John Sanderson, Chairman

Department of Practical Th eology and Homiletics

Dr. Robert G. Rayburn, Chairman

The re-location of all these men and their families in St. Louis and their housing near the Seminary presents a major problem and we would ask our fr iends to remember this need especially in prayer.

Cop ies of Dr. Rayburn 's book,


are still avail a ble from the college office. The price is $2.00,

Page 4: MR. TYLER Baccalaureate, Commencement Honor Baccalaureate ...

Students, Faculty

Show AppreciationBy the time this issue of The

Bagpipe goes to press, many of the

Covenant College students and

some of the faculty will be in differ­ent parts of the country engaged in various summer activities, but all

join in voicing a note of apprecia­

tion to two groups who have played

a vital part in this first year of

Covenant College life.To the members of the Pasadena

City Church go thanks for the use of their building for classrooms and

college offices as well as for facili­ties for meals for dormitory stu­dents. The efforts in our behalf of

Rev. D. V. Johnstone, suddenly taken in death June 15, his encour­

agement, his interest and his help,

have been much appreciated by

faculty and students alike. Mrs. Johnstone has also served the col­

lege by playing the piano and organ

for special services of the school.The Bible Presbyterian Church

of La Crescenta, its pastor, and its members, have been of great impor­

tance this first year. In this church

students and faculty have wor­

shiped each Sunday and have found support and friendliness. Several of the Covenant College family have

had Sunday School classes in the church, and the college choir has

sung in the services. Rev. Walter E. Lyons and his family, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Lewis, and many others deserve special recognition.

C O V E N A N T C O LLE G E Box 516-M

Pasadena, California

Memories of this first year of

Covenant College will always be

very special to those of us who have been here, and memories of this year will always include our many

friends in California.

Miss Denner Presents

Jun ior Music RecitalJanet Denner, music major at

Covenant, was presented in her junior recital in Pasadena on Satur­

day evening, May 19. Janet, who

played both the violin and piano,

played numbers that are required of a college music major.

At intermission, Dr. Rayburn ex­

plained the purpose and position of Covenant C o l l e g e to the many

friends of Miss Denner who were present for the recital. Mrs. Olga

Woodworth, pianist, and Miss Eun­

ice Wennermark, violinist, are Jan­

et’s teachers.

Following the recital, Janet and

her parents entertained students

and friends of Covenant at their home.

New Catalog ArrivesA new catalog for Covenant

College can be obtained through

the Covenant College office. This

catalog, which was prepared by Dr. Rayburn and Mr. Schmidt, will

mark changes in the curriculum

and requirements for the school.

A copy of this catalog will be

mailed on request.

Registrations for the Mountain Peaks Bible

Conference, sponsored by

Covenant College, should be in as soon as possible to

Rev. W illiam B. Leonard, 2813 Illinois, Colorado

Springs, Colo. The confer­

ence will be held July 21-28

just outside of Colorado Springs at Bear Trap Ranch.

A time of fellowship and

spiritual refreshment is in

store for all who attend this family conference.

Lewises, Tylers Give

Socials for CollegeDuring the closing weeks of

school the Covenant College family found much entertainment offered

them by friends of the school. On

Saturday, May 19, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ralph Lewis again entertained

students and faculty at their home in La Canada. Going early in the

afternoon, they found volley ball,

horseshoes, and badminton for the evening’s activities. Roasting wien­

ers and eating the delicious meal prepared by Mrs. Lewis concluded

the day’s activities.

The following Saturday Mr. and

Mrs. Ernest B. Tyler entertained the Covenant College family at their

home in Rialto. Again volley hall was on the agenda, and a spaghetti

dinner was served. Ernie is one of

the graduates this year.

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Students, Faculty Show Appreciation

By the time this issue of The Bagpipe goes to press, many of the Covenant College students and some of the faculty will be in differ­ent parts of the country engaged in various summer activities, but all join in voicing a note of apprecia­tion to two groups who have played a vital part in this first year of Covenant College life.

To the members of the Pasadena City Church go thanks for the use of their building for classrooms and college offices as well as for facili­t ies for meals for dormitory stu­dents. The efforts in our behalf of Rev. D. V. Johnstone, suddenly taken In death June 15, his encour­agement, his Interest and his help, have been much appreciated by faculty and students alike. Mrs.

Memories of this first year of Covenant will always be very specia l to those of us who have been here, and memories of this year will a lways include our many friends in California.

Miss Denner Presents Junior Music Recital

Janet Denner, music major at Covenant, was presented in her junior recital in Pasadena on Satur­day evening, May 19. Janet, who played both the violin and piano, played numbers that are required of a college music major.

At intermission, Dr. Rayburn ex­plained the purpose and position of Covenant C o l 1 e g e to the many friends of Miss Denner who were present for the recital. Mrs. Olga Woodworth, pianist, and Miss Eun­ice Wennermark, violinist, are Jan­et's teachers.

Johnstone has also served the col- Following the recital , Janet and lege by playing the piano and organ her parents entertained students for special services of the school. and friends of Covenant at their

The Bible Presbyterian Church home. of La Crescenta, its pastor, and its members, have been of great impor-tance this first year. In this church students and faculty have wor­

New Catalog Arrives shiped each Sunday and have found A new catalog for Covenant support and friendliness. Several College can be obtained through

···············································~ I: Registrations for the Mountain Peaks Bible

Conference, sponsored by Covenant College, should be

in as soon as possible to Rev. William B. Leonard,

2813 Illinois, Colorado Springs, Colo. The confer­

ence will be held July 21-28 just outside of Colorado

Springs at Bear Trap Ranch. A time of fe llowship and spiritual refreshment is in

store for all who attend this family conference.

Lewises, Tylers Give Socials for College

During the closing . weeks at school the Covenant College family found much entertainment offered them by friends of the school. On Saturday, May 19, Mr. and Mrs. w. Ralph Lewis again entertained students and faculty at their home in La Canada. Going early in the afternoon, they found volley ball, horseshoes, and badminton for the evening's activities. Roasting wien­ers and eating the delicious meal prepared by Mrs. Lewis concluded the day',s activities.

of the Covenant Coll ege family have the Covenant College office. This The fo llowing Saturday Mr. and had Sunday School classes in the catalog, which was prepared by Mrs. Ernest B. Tyler entertained church, and the college choir has Dr. Rayburn and Mr. Schmidt, will the Covenant College family at their sung in the services. Rev. Walter E. mark chan.ges in the curriculum home in Rialto. Again volley ball Lyons and his family, Mr. and Mrs. and requirements for the school. was on the agenda, and a spaghetti Ralph Lewis, and many others A copy of this catalog will be dinner was served. Ernie is one of deserve special recognition. mailed on r equest. the graduates this year. - ······················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••• • •••••••••• • •• ••••• • • •••••• • • •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• ,


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