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MPOB term paper 2003

Apr 09, 2018



Tarun Gulati
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    People in industrialized nations are far wealthier than people

    living in less developed countries. But still these wealthier

    nations suffer most during the slowdown period. There was

    boom in 2007 and then the slowdown started showing its

    presence prominently in the year 2008. Before economies

    could take it seriously, there was recession. This is whatexplained by Business Cycle which says everything which goes

    up is bound to come down. All these activities are studied

    under macroeconomics which is concerned with the behavior of

    economy as a whole. This is not the first time world economies

    are facing slowdown, there has been 5 recessions in the last 30

    years around the globe which includes the most remembered

    Great Depression. Inflation, Employment Cuts, Price hike, low

    demand etc is all characteristics of slowing down of theeconomy. The main problem faced by the countries is not

    nuclear threat but high inflation rates. Before starting with the

    current slowdown of the world economies, lets have a look at

    the scenarios of 1980s and 1990-91 recessions. Lets observe

    the policy mix taken by the economies like US and Europeans

    at such situation.


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    So what is a recession?

    A recession is a decline in a country's gross domestic product(GDP) growth for two or more consecutive quarters of a year. Arecession is also preceded by several quarters of slowing down.


    There are some of the important objectives of the study-

    The first objective of the study is to know about the

    recession and how it affects the business and economy of

    any country.

    The second objective is to analyze the main causes of


    The third objective is to get some innovative ideas and

    strategies to bear the recession.


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    The 1980s Recession and RecoveryEconomic policies in the united states in the early 1980s,departed radically from the policies of the previous two decades.

    First, tight monetary policy was implemented at the end of 1979

    to fight an inflation rate and then, in 1981, an expansionary fiscal

    policy was put in place of tax cuts and increased defense


    In 1973, the US and rest of the world were hit by first oil shock, in

    which the oil exporting countries more than doubled the price of

    oil. This led to rising inflation which was extremely unpopular. In

    October 1979, the Fed acted, turning monetary policy in a highly

    restrictive direction. The monetary squeeze was tightening in the

    first half of 1980, at which point the economy went into a mini

    recession. The reason for the sharp decline on the activity was

    tight money because inflation was still above 10% and money

    stock was growing at only 5.1% in 1981, the real money supply

    was falling. With a policy mix of easy fiscal and tight monetary

    policies, it was found out a rise in interest rate was expected. With

    investment subsidies increased, investment increased with

    interest rates. This the fiscal expansion of 1984 and 1985 pushed

    the recovery of the economy forward.

    The Recession of 1990 91The policy mix in early 1980s featured highly expansionary fiscal

    policy and tight money. The tight money succeeded in reducing

    the inflation of late 1970s and very early 1980s, at the expense

    of serious recession. Expansionary fiscal policies then drove a

    recovery during which the real interest rates increased sharply. By

    middle of 1990 it was clear that the economy was heading for the


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    The price of oil jumped and for a time the Fed was faced with the

    quandary of deciding whether to keep monetary policy tight while

    holding interest rates up, in order to fight inflation, or pursue an

    expansionary policy in order to fight the recession. The fiscal

    policy was immobilized because the budget deficit was already

    large and was expected to rise and thus no one was enthusiastic

    about increasing it. From end of 1990, Fed began to cut interest

    rates aggressively and the economy showed signs of recovery in

    second quarter of 1991 but faltered in fourth quarter.Thus, Fed cut

    the interest rate very sharply at the end of 1991. In retrospect,

    this was sufficient to ward off a recession.

    The Recession of 2008 onwardsThe Credit Crisis began in August 2007, when interbank lending

    markets in the US, UK and Europe began to seize up. These

    markets had rarely received much public attention, and it was not

    immediately obvious why this should have happened. But loans on

    interbank markets, from overnight to several months, were not

    just important in keeping the flow of credit circulating amongst

    banks, and hence amongst almost all economic agents in a

    market system, they were made without collateral being

    necessary, and were increasingly important to the banking model

    developing across market economies. That model relied to an

    increasing extent on wholesale markets for supplies of capital,

    rather than on the deposits of individuals or companies. At the

    same time the degree of leveraging on capital was also

    increasing. So with larger supplies of credit and greater leveraging

    higher profits were possible. As were higher risks, as banks sought

    out increasing rates of return to satisfy their shareholders and

    those of their employees whose wages and bonuses were linked to

    levels of business or profits. But the increasing levels of risk

    seemed manageable by the device of securitisation, which

    appeared to allow the securitising bank to simultaneously sell on

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    the risk and replenish its capital. When a rapidly deflating housing

    market bubble in the USA exposed weaknesses in this banking

    model, and similar bubbles in Ireland, the UK, Australia and Spain

    also began deflating, doubts about the location and value of

    securitised assets led eventually to an evaporation of trust

    between first banks, and then other financial and non-financial


    By the autumn of 2008 the lack of trust in the financial sector was

    sufficiently great to almost completely seize up credit flows and

    threaten the stability of the world financial system. The financial

    system was in effect broken, and by October 2008 a coordinatedaction by large numbers of central banks and countries was

    needed to stabilise it. This involved giving widespread promises of

    state protection to depositors, large injections of capital to banks,

    vast liquidity supplies to gummed-up financial market and

    increasing guarantees for all sorts of short term bond issues. Most

    recently the Crisis moved into the realm of sovereign default, as

    countries such Hungary and Ukraine struggle to refinance foreign

    currency loans, bringing in international agencies such as the IMFand the World Bank to provide assistance. At the same time the

    Credit Crisis has spawned an international economic downturn,

    and in some cases recession, the depth and severity of which

    cannot at the moment be estimated. All of these responses have

    public finance consequences tax revenues and expenditures

    and risk and uncertainty consequences that are still growing and

    evolving.Global economic meltdown has affected almost all

    countries. Strongest of American, European and Japanesecompanies are facing severe crisis of liquidity and credit. India is

    not insulated, either. However, Indias cautious approach towards

    reforms has saved it from possibly disastrous implications. The

    truth is, Indian economy is also facing a kind of slowdown. The

    prime reason being, world trade does not functions in isolation. All

    the economies are interlinked to each other and any major

    fluctuation in trade balance and economic conditions causes

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    numerous problems for all other economies.

    The causes of recession on the Indian

    Economy are following

    * The recession when occurs tighten the growth and development

    of the stock market by tightening the Indian economy.

    * Jobless and Unemployed Students When there is a slightly

    increase in the unemployment level and jobless persons living inthe society then definitely we can judge that is a period of

    recession. This is really bad for the Indian economy as resists the

    National growth of country.

    * Inflation of products and services when the prices of production

    or manufacturing of goods and services along with various

    commodities are increased and the fossil fuels, petroleum also

    gaining flames then it will automatically resists growth of variousindustrial sectors.

    * Decrease in prices of stocks As mentioned above recession

    have big impact on the Indian economy. Therefore, the prices of

    various stocks associated with the field where the recession has

    take place has decreased.

    * Decrease in prices of property It also decreases the price ofproperty because due to lack on financial funds or capital funds no

    one is interested in purchasing any additional property or any

    other agricultural land.

    * Decrease in GDP As GDP means Gross Domestic Production. It

    is associated with the development and production of various

    products and services in various sectors.

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    * High supply and Low demand with the recession, there is

    random decrease in the demand of an particular product as the

    supply is increasing at a rapid rate. This is really bad for the point

    view of entrepreneur as it will make high loss of an industry or an


    * Fall of companies The sales of majority of company decreases

    which in turn decrease their profit statistics as compare to the

    previous years and finally lead to the fall of the company.

    * No empty vaccines for fresher The pass outs from various

    colleges or universities are getting jobs as jobs are given on the

    basis of experience, therefore fresher don't have a job for

    them. for example - In 2009 when the information technology

    sector is declining there is also a decrease in job vaccines which

    leads the more unemployment.

    * Debit their savings when the people debited their savings or

    the investments in order to fulfill their day to day needs and

    requirements then they definitely matured their saving funds.

    * Kept under debt The lower sections of society who have taken

    loans or other financial fund from any organization will have in

    trouble. The survival for them is very difficult as they have a

    miserable condition.

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    There are following points comes under research methodology-

    Research design

    This research is basically exploratory research. This

    research is also called as formulative research. The

    objective of this research is to gain familiarity with a

    phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it.

    Data collection method

    In this research data is mainly collected through

    secondary sources. Secondary sources are like books,

    newspaper, journals, magazines and internet.

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    The Global Economy: Fed Leans TowardNew Aid to Economy.

    Abstract (Summary)

    Purpose: The purpose of reading the officials thought it unlikely

    the U.S. economy would fall into recession again, but several

    were concerned that growth would not be strong enough to

    reduce unemployment for some time. Since the Federal Open

    Market Committee meeting on Sept. 21, data has continued to

    paint the picture of a sluggish economy


    Luca DiLeo

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    Economy sheds more jobs, but signs ofrecovery multiply

    Abstract (Summary)

    Expectations for their own industries are also downbeat, withabout 28 percent of CEOs anticipating an improvement in themonths ahead, down from 43 percent last quarter. SinceCongress has little appetite to spend more to aid the economy,the focus is now on the Federal Reserve.


    Kevin G.Hall

    In times of recession, think big, but build


    Abstract (Summary)If the author could go back to the beginning, he would invest only during recessions, when almosteverything costs 50% to 90% less than it does during boom times. This would be good for him as aninvestor, and the economy would benefit from the investment. Not everyone is an entrepreneur. If youwant to find out if you have what it takes, save your experiments for evenings and weekends. If youhave a secure job, now is certainly not the time to hand in your notice unless you're absolutely certainthat you have a brilliant idea.





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    If You Build It ...; Now's the time to invest in


    Abstract (Summary)

    Due to the recession, construction materials are cheap.Unemployment in the construction sector is at 17 percent--andthat doesn't even count the construction workers who've givenup looking for jobs.





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    U.S. News: Recession-Hit Areas Lag for Years


    Abstract (Summary)

    In regions that suffered disproportionately in the recession ofthe early 1980s, for example, average earnings have risen at aquarter of the rate of the rest of the U.S. Employment grewmore slowly, young people left the region, population growthslowed and, as a result, demand for housing weakened.





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    Where the Jobs Are; Hint: they're not where

    the workers are.

    Abstract (Summary)Answering this question is the key to American prosperity overthe next decade. Some conservatives squawk thatunemployment isn't budging from 9.5 percent because ofhigher-than-usual benefits being paid out to jobless workers, orthe fact that wages haven't come down as much as they shouldhave, given how many people are out of work.





    Home help in India

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    Abstract (Summary)

    In November 2008. the company received approval from India's

    Directorate General of Civil Aviation for its commercial MRO

    services in Hosur, a city in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

    That made it die first die country's first independent airline

    MRO, and allowed it to perform services such as line and base

    maintenance, aircraft painting, structural repairs, cabin

    upgrades, and avionic upgrades. Air Works also offers

    component repairs and spare parts sourcing





    Influencing India

    Abstract (Summary)

    While the world enters the throes of one of the worst recessions

    in modern history, at least one nation is bucking the trend --

    India, with a projected growth rate of 6.9%. Consumer

    confidence isn't dented either, with India topping the Nielsen

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    Global Consumer Confidence Index. Many global brands in the

    past have entered India by cloning their international

    strategies. At Law & Kenneth, the inspiration to partner

    marketers and build brands stems from absorbing the many

    expressions that drive people. Brands that give wings to a

    better life find success. Indian FMCG giants such as ITC have

    built powerful brands by continuously tapping into this intrinsic

    Indian insight





    Message from Delhi: don't cut too soon

    Abstract (Summary)

    In India we follow this extremely closely and with concern. Ouranxiety about an austerity drive in industrialised countries isclear. Manmohan Singh, prime minister, warned in Toronto thatwhile concerns about debt sustainability normally suggested aneed for fiscal contraction, "circumstances are not normal". Therecovery is still fragile. Contractionary policies, if followed bymany industrialised countries, could provoke a double-diprecession with "very negative effects on developing countries".He went on to say the situation calls for careful co-ordinationamong the G20 countries.

    For developing countries the need for the G20 to co-ordinatepolicies is paramount but past experience is not encouraging.In 2006, the International Monetary Fund tried to get the US,Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia and China to co-ordinate theirpolicies to deal with the build-up of current accountimbalances. As Raghuram Rajan, then IMF chief economist,writes in his book Fault Lines , each country recognised there

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    was a problem, but each felt others must act differently, andthat its own policies were just right.

    The quality of fiscal correction is equally important. The G20has spoken of "growth friendly" consolidation. For fiscalcorrection to be politically acceptable domestically, it must beseen to be fair. Each country has to handle this problem as bestas it can. Structural reforms that enhance productivity must bea critical element of any strategy to ensure sustainable growthin industrialised countries.





    A Tale of Two RPLs; The Ambanis revive the

    equity cult their father pioneered.

    Abstract (Summary)

    The numbers are huge on both sides (the brothers had reacheda settlement to go their own ways in June'05). Consider theprojects in the respective pipelines: [Mukesh] raised the fundsto bankroll a 29 million tonnes per annum greenfield refinery at

    Jamnagar that calls for a total investment of Rs 27,000 crore.[Anil Ambani] has power projects totally some 24,200 mw thatwill need a little under Rs 32,000 crore to execute. Both issues

    were oversubscribed big-time--the refinery one, 52 times andthe power one, 73 times. But it's the price at which Anil's RPLlists that could decide which RPL really rocks. At the time ofwriting, the RPL with the refinery had a market capitalisation ofaround Rs 90,000 crore. At an offer price of Rs 450, the powerRPL will have a market value of a little over Rs 1 lakh crore. Thelisting price will of course widen the gap. If the grey marketprice of close to Rs 900 is indeed going to be the price at whichAnil's RPL lists, it could boast a mind-boggling market cap of Rs

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    2 lakh crore. And don't forget: The promoters hold 90 per centof the power RPL (See RPL vs RPL).

    Despite that the markets thumbed down top-line IT stocks. Atthe time of writing, the Infosys scrip had touched a 52-week lowof Rs 1,305, while TCS was not too far from its own 52-week lowof Rs 811.25. Macquarie Securities Technology Analyst, SuveerChainani, says: "The results this time were a non-event.Perhaps the markets are looking for a trigger beyond just goodresults." Perhaps a trigger like the extension of a tax holidaybeyond 2010--something that seems unlikely as of now. Thepossibility of a recession in the US, a spillover effect on IT

    spending in Europe coupled with the ever-appreciating rupee(IT appreciated 2 per cent in the last quarter) acting asspoilers. For now, the IT companies are sticking to a 'wait andwatch line' and flaunting a robust deal pipeline. "There isnothing in the environment from project cancellations orpricing or something like that to panic about...we have beenable to sustain momentum," commented S. Gopalakrishnan,CEO, Infosys. Similarly, TCS which bagged nine large dealsduring the last quarter, including a $1.2 billion Nielsen deal,

    says it has several large deals. "We are pursuing 25deals in the $50-100 million range," says N. Chandrasekaran,COO, TCS. Dalal Street of course isn't listening.

    So will 2008 mark the return of general entertainment channels(GECs), which had lost advertising ground to newschannels in 2006 and 2007? The opinion is divided amongmedia planners. "There will be certain elasticity for GECsdepending on content, and viewership can go up. GECs mightalso grow by eating into the share of movies and news," saysBasabdatta Chowdhuri, CEO, Madison Media Plus. "It doesn'thave to be an either-or scenario," says G. Krishnan, ExecutiveDirector & CEO, TV Today Network. "The news genre has grownexponentially in the last few years because we have been ableto grow the audience base." Other broadcasters also say thatdramatic changes are unlikely. "The large audience viewershippatterns are already in place. None of our channel or genre isaffected by any of this," says Paritosh Joshi, President, Ad Sales& Distribution, Star India.

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    Anand Adhikari, Mahesh Nayak, T.V. Mahalingam, K.R.

    Balasubramanyam, Shamni Pande, Amit Mukherjee,Manu Kaushik, Rishi Joshi, E. Kumar Sharma, Kapil

    Bajaj And Deepti Khanna Bose

    Headline- New Givex Uptix(TM) Ticket TechnologyHelps Teams Beat the Recession

    Abstract (Summary)

    In research the author has been concluded with the sentenceteams may just be scratching the surface but are alreadyseeing big returns. Since the San Francisco Giants started theirprogram in early 2009, fans have expressed their approval byincreasing season ticket renewals by over 30%, despite the



    Abstract (Summary)

    This research shows how the several executives shared theirstrategies on how to beat the recession. By his own estimate,

    Joseph Mimran, chairman and CEO of Toronto-based Joe Mimran

    & Associates, has braved several "traumatic" downturns since
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    launching his Canadian fashion empire in the late 1970s. Still,his businesses have resisted recessionary pressures, thanks, hesays, to consistent investment in marketing. But during the

    1990-1991 recession, the entrepreneur who is now the "Joe" inLoblaws' Joe Fresh Style fashions turned his attention tostrategic acquisitions. Meanwhile, wealth is never lost -- it justtransfers hands, says Michael Glazer, CEO of Montreal-basedmystery-shopping service Premier Service Inc. That knowledgehelped him and his business partner maintain the optimismrequired to establish their mystery-shopping firm in the depthsof the early 1990s recession. With that attitude, the pairfocused on educating retailers in how mystery shopping could

    help them increase their sales during the downturn.



    Chris Atchison,

    Susanne Ruder

    Headline- MULTI-MANAGEMENT: Henderson uses barbell strategy to

    beat recession

    Abstract (Summary)

    The researcher concluded with the sentence (Henderson) NewStar head of equities Bill McQuaker says Japan is a cyclicalmarket that typically performs well when the global economy isup but did not follow the pattern last year due to the electionand a stronger than anticipated yen. He says the region has alot of catching up to do this year, along with cyclical parts ofthe UK market such as aerospace. McQuaker says this sectordid not pay handsomely last year but he expects 2010 to be
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    better and is holding Henderson's UK equity income forexposure to aerospace and other cyclical industries.

    Headline- Beat the Recession Blues

    Abstract (Summary)

    A survey done by Harris Interactive found that 42 percent of18- to 24-year-olds and 33 percent of those 35 to 44 years oldare at least somewhat interested in receiving opt-in mobile

    alerts from their favorite businesses. They were particularlykeen on hearing from restaurants, mentioned by 53 percent ofthe surveyed group. Respondents also wanted to receive offersin the separate categories of pizza, fast food and happy hour orbar and nightclub offers. Bryce Marshall, director of strategicservices for Knotice, an Akron company providing software andservices for direct digital marketing, discusses how restaurantsshould approach direct digital marketing. Meanwhile, JonGordon, a speaker, consultant and author, discusses eight

    strategies for boosting morale and engagement in the currenteconomy. And Bridget Grams, a principal with the real estateand financial restructuring firm Huntley, Mullaney, Spargo &Sullivan, suggests taking a look at a third cost category:occupancy.





    Fast, Affordable Strategy Services To Help Businesses Beat

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    Abstract (Summary)

    This research is done by a strategy advisory company in New

    York. The name of that company is Cerebellas LLC. This

    research mainly focuses on the strategy bites which are

    designed to overcome the two biggest barriers to crafting and

    executing sound business strategy: time and money , "With

    these new offerings, we can serve companies of virtually any

    size that are looking for real-time business impact.

    Emerging Strategies To Beat The Slowdown

    Abstract (Summary)

    This research is done by the Harvard Business. Smartcompanies in emerging markets spotted the downturn earlyand reacted quickly. To improve profitability during theslowdown, some companies have chosen to go up the valuechain. At the other end of the spectrum, several Braziliancompanies are pursuing the country's populous low-incomeclass. This is very much helpful and innovative strategy to beat

    the recession.

    Salon strategy to beat recession

    Abstract (Summary)

    This research is mainly focuses on the health and beauty

    salons. Not only did ICO Salon Performance's first businessevent sell out, but was met by enthusiasm and

    participation from salon owners and senior staff delegates.

    The day offered solutions to the economic downturn

    including a financial planning strategy session, talk on PR

    and marketing and retail guidance.

    The research also saw the launch of the company's officemanagement system, the Virtual Partner Area, to help manage

    staff salaries, incentives, performance and profits.
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    Sauflon offers scheme to beat the recession

    Abstract (Summary)

    According to Sauflon UK sales director, Bradley Wells, a 'unique'aspect of this service is the availability of an option forpractitioners whereby contact lenses and solutions can bepackaged together to meet each patient's requirements.

    Exports of manufactured goods rose to highest

    level in 16 months

    Abstract (Summary)Strong foreign demand for American goods by developingcountries - such as China, India, Russia and Brazil - is helpingto cushion the adverse effects of the slowdowns in thedomestic economy and in most of the industrial nations, whichare besieged by financial turmoil, collapsing housing marketsand rising energy costs.


    Evangelos OttoSimos


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    The global recovery is in full swing,but most employers are still

    in a state of panic and continuing to lay off staff when they

    should be doing the opposite.Now is the time when employers

    need to be thinking ahead and repositioning themselves for the

    next phase of growth. This next growth cycle, particular within

    Asia, could last longer than most analysts are predicting.

    History shows us that unemployment normally peaks right after

    a recession has ended and if we look at what is going on

    around us it stands to reason that now is in fact not too

    dissimilar to previous recessions. Let's follow some tried and

    tested methods for "recession-testing" to gauge whether we

    really are coming out of the recession. If all the boxes have

    been ticked, then it's pretty safe in our view to say that this

    recession is coming to an end if not in fact it has ended

    already.The case still remains that most countries don't

    actually know they're out of recession until the official numbers

    are produced.As official numbers are generally crunched in

    arrears, then most countries typically have moved out of

    recession already by time the numbers are released to the

    public. It also works in reverse if we look at what happened

    when the recession begun.

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