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II ,I No. 'I , -c~_.. ~~~~----'"-- - , Pdce ih.1S/- iI: facu{ty of Commerce cy!Jv{a1J:ogement I 1" I NORTH MAI-IAl<.ASHTRA UN!VE-RSIT'G JALGAON.. if ,", SYLLABUS FOR M.Phil. (Commeree) (With effctt from A(lgw;, 200G) ,Ii '1'1 "

M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

Feb 11, 2018



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Page 1: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

II,I No.'I,

-c~_..~~~~----'"-- - ,

Pdce ih.1S/- iI:

facu{ty of Commerce cy!Jv{a1J:ogement






(With effctt from A(lgw;, 200G),Ii'1'1


Page 2: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


North Mah"rashtra University, JalgaonFaculty of Commerce & ,\bnagcmcnt

Proposed paper structure for MPh!1 fW. E F. Aug, 20061

Compulsory Poper

Compulsory Paper


Opt;'",,1 Paper

I Sr. I


rAe",- ------- -RC,CMCh Methodology In '

I--j~OI~mefCe& M"nJg~,~\C~~

2 i Recem Trends 1" Commcrce &W M'",1gclllen[I 3 I Adv.1nced AccOLJnlancy

- ---Advanced CostingI 'L_ __I 5 H.nki"b AeJ financers- :~i;;rhli;;g---I,L



-------~ex",,, "'"Co~\M.rh,L','.f."',; """-0'''''''".000

Page 3: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

I\'orth l\1ah:lr:lshtra University, Jalgaon.J\l,l'hillo Commcre'

(W.E.F. From: Aug.200(01Compulsorl' Pape,- I: IhscHeh Methodologies In Commerce

.\l"-'i"'"m ,\lHrk;-IOOTotal Lcn" rcs Allot le,l: 50 r.eel" re, Of (,0 Min" tes bell.


()I>jeeri ,'." To h"bl. 11" Sludt",-, ToUnder",,,d Tho C'""Orl Of Soienlifit" Me,l1od'( I Ilc Process Uf I,c'carchUndcrS[and The IJ," or DiITercrltTools & Tec_lln;,!uc., OITollec'in¥ 1).1"Conduct ACLin"Re,earch In The Field OrC.)IllmCrCePre'en' It Rc"""oll Rep0rLUso ComroTer (SI'SS) For S,",i"ical An"I;-s;5

[lepth: Knowledge Lel'el 50% Comprehen,ion Leyel 30% Application Level 20%

Section:!: [{c-,card, MelhodoJogi •., In Commerce

I) Concept, Apilmachc, And Tl'p"' Of Research hriods: 5"J Naturc,( CI",,"c'oristies Of Rosearch.b) Relationsh;p BeLweenTile Scientific Method A",I R",eareh,c) Approach., '1'01{e,eareh

i) Quam;'"tiveii) Quaiitoti'-e

d) TypesOf Re"a"d,i) Fundamonlal Re,eBrchii) Applied Resea",hiii) AClioll Re'",1rch (As A S""I"gy Of P""fe~sj,,",,1 De\'elopment)

2) S.Ie",j"n And Definition or A Prohlem And A !(c«aceh PI,!!, Periods: Ha) Selection, Hasie Charaueristics And Statemen' or A Rc.,eareh Plan.b) Fnrln "TOIionIInd Stalement or A H"poth"i,

i) lJc(,niTiOIlAlld Purp"scii) C1,amc'eristicsiii) Type, IJirccti0""L Non.DicectionaL And') SI",emenl

c) fl.e,.arch Plani) Definition And Purpo,eii) CompollcnT<or ,\ R.,carch Plan

(I) Introdllctioll(2) S'<llel11entOf Pr<,blem(3) Reviews 0 r LiTeralure(.j) SlalcmentOfH"potitesis

Page 4: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


,5: S,;oo';on()I' 'i""'pi~:(,: 11I,lrtllncn" I'N :),," Colle"',,",(7) U«ign, Data ,lool.,',i,. I imc-Sclledulc &: IludgeL

R~;c:lrc"_.'klh"d-"aJ U'.<cril)ti'C,

i~ Sur\'cy ResearchII: Ikvcl"I'JlleIlIS,"di"

!'rend ~llrd,e<'v: Co Rela,io",,1 Studies

b) "'pedmen!,,1i;, r"," L,'perllfier""ii;~ Qu",i hperrmenLaI;iil 1"-Post-Facto.Swdie,,v: r,me Serie;

Scction:ll: Statistical Toots & Tecbniqucs

Sampling.0) [)efini[jon & P",po,c Of Sampl ing,b) Technique,OfS'l1ll'lillg

i) I(andom.ii: Srralilied.iri) elmler,:v) QLlO<O

": System"li, Samrling,c) Sarnpi;ng S""'cg) :n Reseatell F",.C"rnmerce.i"strumen', For Ilala Colledi"",R) Que'!iUllIluiro

i) Open roded: !rs Advanrages & Disa<lvonUlgcsrl) Clo,cd Ended, It, Ad'Ontage, & Disad'.onlagcsiii) Consldemtion In fonnul.ting Question"

h) inter ••.i." : C()ncrpt.,. Ad"",r!"~es & Ui,ad,," nt"~cs Of:I) Suuc""ed,ii) Semi S""C[urediir) Um"uclurd.

ej Ob,en'"lion:i) Participan, & Non-P"rticlpantii) Recording OfObscrvorioo,.

Ibla Ana!ysis And !nl.rprrlalinn.a) I)e,eripti,," S!:rli,lie,.

i) Mea,,,,,,, 0 r Ccntr" ITendency _ Mean. Medi.n. M"d"ii) Mea,"rc' Of Varrabilily _ Sr"nd";d Devimion,iii) Noron"!Curve' . Ir, Propertie, & Applicmjon1'''1 Co.El'Iicitnl OfCorrclation (l'crson-Mctl1odJ


Periods: 6

Periods: 10

"eriod" 12

Page 5: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


I 1» J"I""',"I,,,1 Stali"li",

i) I'e"i"g Signi lic""o\' 0 r I)j IIncHcc IHwCUl Illd"I'~"J~"L & CorreiaGrnup;;:U.,e0) r T~'I.

i i) Simple An,,1)',is ot' Varia l>Ce;.\NOV Aiii) Te."; "g The Sigll i iicilnco0 r Cnof~CICll\ Of em," I"i<>",Iv) Cbi-Squaro OfT~";llg '\"uci",jon, With, Nom,"1 Om"

c) !I,ing The CO"'l)u!", For l"'la A,,"I)"';.',Report Writing (Format).oj Type, Of Rc,"~rchReportb) CQmpol1entsO)Th~RC.'corell Rcr~ncJ Wriling Tho Draf! Reporld) Choo;;illg ,Ipproprialo \Vri,ing Stylec) Considera,ion Of Assossmellt CriLOI';a While Writing Ropor;f) 0,..1 Pre'~Il\"li~"Consideration


REFEH[(NCE:I Creswell.John(2003)

2 Mich.eI V, 1'.

3. Jain G, L (19n)4. Wilkil1sen T, S.

; A~I,"'al L", c r. hin

; C R Kothari

Re>eurch I)osign Ou,"I;(al; I'C.Q"ollli'ati I'll &- Mi,od -Me,h,Arpronchc5 - Soqe Publication New lJeih iResearch Methodology In Managcmen[ - H imalay" PublishHou,e - Mumb.i.Research Melh"dol(lgy Mangol Deep Pub. Ja;rurMethodology lInd Tcchni~"c, Of Soci. I Research _ HlmalaI'ubli,hillg IIQLI'~,\lodcrrl Educm;onal Rese<lrd Dominant Publis"ers AndDistrihutors: ~'ew Delh'Research IIICOlnmc"eMethodology


Page 6: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

\"1"111 .\Jahata.<hll" llll\'('I"Sln . .Jalgaon.VI.I'hd I" """""",n'

(\\-,F./- Fn"" \"g.~lIlOh)

Cn"'p"i>ul'Y P"I'CI-:[J: [{CCCIlIT"cno!" I" COIllIIlCI'CC And ~1a"'I~,'mcnr-- ~ __ '~"Uc,'~!!i!!g TC':1rlli'l!!!:.,

\l",ill""" Mark,.I~1I (For l'a'l: I ~t (rfl<~h". 1',,1'1 :11:~IIIr"t"l Led,",o, Alt"II,'d: ~OL",',,~ Off,ll ,\li""I<'''_I.::'.acl.,

• Ollje,'''",." 1'" E""I>I,_'rio" ~[",I"",-\

o T~Kcer .~nr~"st():'C"""~C' Inl" 10i'.,,'noll"c A"d Other held,~" COl11lno,e"& .\-jaJ1"g"".~nl

To Appi) Th~ Updot~J ~"bjccl K"owledge I,. B,,,ines,, Life Re.lil ie<To U"der,'la"J Am' A"4" ire T11~1.",'" Teach ing, Learning And F.\'.hJMJO":cdln,q"" I" COll""cree

• [)"p'h. Knowledge Le' eI 50",. ('D"'r,dlC''''u'' ,.eve' 30%. Arplioaliun l,cl'd 20%

--I. GI"h,,1Eco""",i,, i-:1l\'ir"nme"lln Ind,)]. 8 Perio(!.,

a, '<Je" 1"""miall'L,,,": ()" :991 Alld i ,ber;di"Lionn, . ax Reform> Propo.,als : :ltrodu~e<J l'il,,",gh 11"Jgeh ,lOa I & o,,\\"',!,<' P""bk"". I'ros!,oc" Alld Rulc ()I' M~'( .\ ill :""""OIl,'OD,l'e IOl'lncn'Of IndIod World Trade O"g""lzatl,,"

, 1rip, &T""lSIJISrlllc SOIlIC"lCnl.\kcl"nlS"l:"oJ,. I'oli~y !(ev,c\\ Meth"",.',;,

,v Recent \\',l.u. Operatw""CJrpOI'ltc (jo"ofll"nce in :',diaJl F1lJSlnos_

Z. Manageme", I" 21" C~n'"r) 51'cdotls•. I "no ,\1anagcmentb. Cr,<c,'Mo"aro"'entc Djsa'l~fM'''''g~,~C'"d ~trc" M'''ogelllcJ)[e Roleor Mange" IIITh, 21" Cellll"}

3. £-llu,ine,,'& U",i"",, I'm"",, ()ul-Sou•.{'in~(111'0) 91'eriods,. ". Bu,'"e" -MC"nHlg. & Inrramuo'''fc~, il2B,132C~ ~.-ULlSl"e" Strategi"J rLJ['.JfeOf I '.B",ille" I" Inur,1c, F- (""urn", Rel.1l;"nshir Managemcntr ~ ,,"cb p",ntsg BPO, Concepl. Score SJ~C 'ie"",", & U,,,lk"ges

C"rn::nt Trend, I" fll'OI3~O'0 ;'"Ijnll<'" Fjll"nci"j~bn"~'-tllC"I III"tri"",a. I'",trol,,,M''''''go'''"''I:

" O:'.it'C"'\'e" ~""Leg,e', 1',eI,,,;,,,, & r.''''G,11l1l:IlL"I.~""jy,,,." SI'tll. f(,gtil''''oJl.'\JLd"""kli,,e" ;!""" "g r, I'~" Fulio.\1"n"getncIll

IJ, i""""d"llnSlrumo"h,

Rll"CS C,,,cc'p" & :rpe, (ll'()pt ""S. h,',.•,"s. Swaps & ((cpo.,;; rJcroVilt:ve M",Kt, IPlln~",


Page 7: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


I, i ,1;.,\ Iall" ~CI"C',I'1L C """'1" ,<:: Type; ()( Iti,".'. [Ink'o" I("L' I!.s~;. VI",~,cLI(i", Crcd i, I{i,k

Liquidi,y Rd, Tecl1llologic"1 1<;,1", 'i'",dl &f-;.,d",ngc l(i,~'1ji. Risk Reductio" And Risk ,\1al1ugcLllcn, Tech"i'I"""

d, Fer""", III HankiJlg IX Insurance Seewl' Jl1lndi" Sillce 2001.e. Corporate ComiJi""li0I1S-Meaning_fornlS. Objoctives& ~hli,'c.'

Pnr( II: Teudli"g Tcchnigll~' & I-:"aluation~1"r'l;s-4U l~ Poriod,

5. Inlroduclion ToTe,oe'hillgT",hnique" 5 Pcri",l,a, IIlI,-"dllction11. Ailn, & Object;"ts I" Commerce Teachingc, CornLllerce T e"cher lInd Curriclilum In CnnllT1CI'CCMethod, orTcachin~In Commerce 7 Period,". TC'lOhlllg Aid,\), Models OfTe,chil1gc. baluatiol1 In Commerce:O>nccp" Role.Moud.' So l.i,,';[oI;O".'

7. Hoeen! Trcnd In Commo"e Edoc:ltion (i P..-iods" E-1.eami"gb. 1,.I.""rI1il1g Teachillg Method"c. lso.Goon In Trainillg And Comme,ce EdUC;ltion.d. I'ril,atisaliol1 &. Commerce [ducalion .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

M.Phil. Con,me,oe

C"m 1'"1'",';': II: Hec"nl Trend.' In con""e"e ,\nd Man"ge ,ne,,1 All,l T ••",h ing Techniq ne,

_HEFElI.l'"CE BOO!;-Recenl Trend, In C"mmerce & Manageme",- I'"".!

1) Resource Manogemet\t _M.D. litcml, •. Dominatc Publishe" & Dhtrihutor,'116., So"th Alll.lkali, Delhi- 110051

2) 1l",il1cs.' ELhi" &. Corrorate Go,'er"nnce. S.K, Ilh"ti", Deer & Deep Publication Pvt Ud,F- 159, Rnjo",i G"rJen, New Delhi- 110021

JJ C)lob"li,mioll, l-ihc,"li,"li"" & Strategic l\-'bnagernent. V.I' Mich."I.,Him.lay' PublishingHouse, I\e\l' Delhi

4) E. Commeroe An Indian Perspenive - I' ,'I' .Ioseph SJ, Prentice ,1-1"110 r Indio p,'t, Ltd"New Delhi. 110001

5) Resourcc, MMJgemenl ror Sustain.ble Develop"lcnt - Ramnrnju Thrilimabi.H im.layaI'"bli,hi,,~ I lou,", New Deihi

6) ~'1lrltill"li(\nnl CorpoTati(ln In In<li". Dr. M", S, M,,,,yYllSA i'ubii,hers, S.M,S, Highw.y.Ioil',rr. 302003 (Illdio)

IJJ WT(). Slru"I"re funclio"5 Tasks ell" IIel1ge5 . KOlllar Rates .Deep & D,el' Publ icmion 1"'1Ltd.!', I59. I<ajmrr; G"rden. Ne,,' D.lh i-2 I

8) A Shldy Of W, Tn .. K, R, (Jup," __"tl""tic I'uhli,her & Di,..ributLo"",8-2 V;sl,.1 Encl"ve,Opp. Raja"ri Garde", New Delhi-27

9) Bu,i"es< Process Out Sou",ing . S, Nakk irall. Q, Jolin l'ranklin, I!cel' &. Doop PublicationrVLLld"I'-199, R.jouri Gard"n, New Delili- 110029

I 0) Fi,,""ci"1 In'!ll\Itiol1s [\-'jonagel1lerll , Saunders A,'thoh)'. Tato Me-Grow Hill, 2003II) Managemel1l I" 2 I" Ceni"'Y' Jetli K. Nari"Jar, ":"w COl1l"'Y 1'"l>lie",ion. Ne~' Delhi, 2004


Page 8: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

r""'I,,,,~ h'cl"""",S.1 ,,,1,,;,,,,,,,.1';,'-111- Hl:FEI~L"CF BOOK.

I • "c"ch,,,~ 01' C IIm,,"rce _ 'ecr"" Ib, '--'\I'''', ,I )'''" :icmwn 1'1'\ Ltd ..' 3741.1h. AIl""i R""ailary"g'''';.,",e'' kil' J 1,,002

,', \k, "d' O,-"cac,,;ng C''''II''C'CC K \','"k.Ll"""",I". S.k I"bni lla,ba,[)igunlurli (Jh'''''''JR"o..IJ,,"-(,,e,':, 1'l,.'lish,,,~ Hm,,' 48:J'2~.,In,a"1(.-.1.1.1"'''.' ,- (;""-1. 'C" I Jel h, . i IOI\IJ2

1, r.,- ,.ca",i,,~, 'k\\' IcCr!(hk !,""",,',"" - 'I', .';"gie, S"nJhir Shoe",.,:)"01' & Do"p Publicalion I'vL I.Id"-: 19. Raj"",, Garden, No\\ Delhi- 111'027

4) M"Je" OfTeach'ng-lJrucc !c'."C"~""h" IVc' .. I'ron",,, . '"II U r I"d '" I'\'l Ltd,M-97, L'"nnou~hl C "e ,e. "e" :Jelh,- I I OUI

5\ R~ecn' I'rcnd, 10Co'nmercc S'. M,,"'gemem ~duc",iun- V V KltawdeSterling Publi","" :>"l ,~d[,-10. Greer! PMk 1"le,",on ",'e", IJclhi. IIOORG-! G"ooi,,<l1<II1' APMlIllCIl'. (",lI1l1'Oglt.-'" [(nodIla"ga'NO . 5&OO~}

": 1'0'"' Q"":t~1',lligl1er CduoalLOr!' R,lph Ci '.t'wi<. Il()ltgl", H. SmithVanit)' Ilook, In\oroatiCl!l.I,'1_]812. M"y"puri,. ,'e" Deih;. ! 10064lJi-,lrib"wr. IJeer &. I)eop Publ iC'llorI.. I 5~. ROlou,-' Ga,de". "'e" IJc Ih i. I IUO}I




Page 9: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

:'I;(\rth ,\'lahal-a$lllra Uniycl'.,ilv, .)aig,l"n1';1ell II" of C" IIIIIIcrce & ,via II;1:;""'-'-'!.'.

1''"''[J'''''01 Svll"h", roll"1Il..!'I",(\\" E. F. Aug, 2110(,)

Titlc, .vl.l'I1il OJ: gnnl,;,,!:: "lid Financc Lll 0 (;1,,1>,,1S"""ario(i)[Jlionall"lPer:Jl

SEcnON;1) Comrncrcinllblll'illb\Scclor;

_,) Banking Sect'" Rei"ormsIn Indiab) The !,-'alU,e& Prohlem OfNo".I'~,r(l'mi"g ""Ol Ot"Commtrci,,1 Rank.>c) The I',ohlem 01' RCslI'IKluring0 i"flo"" In In,li"d I Rofe or Inlorma,ion 10,1.",,10£.\'In Il,,,,kil1£SectoreJ Univ"",,1 B,,,king: Conc.I'I-lndian bp.,.ience-Re~ul,"nr)- Ch,flenge,I) Vim,,1 Sonking, (jelle,i" [)e;-elopmerll AnJ Rcguh'lion In I"Ji"~J ILI,o! Accord Ii,

i) Three J)ime:l.,i"",11'\pprO<lcl,' ('redi, Risks, )"Urk'll,j,k, & O~era<ionJIRi,ks

ii) Development [) r} P,II"r" (Min '"l '"11Cap it,,1 Super"i"",)' I<ovic\\& .\larke'Diocipline)

iii) Challeng~, &: Illlplica<ionsFor Asia,ivj Sa,it I,sues I" Illlrlelncn'atio" In India,

2) Co-Operative And [{lIn,1 Ballking Sectoroj Til. ,,'>llIre & Prnhlell1Of Non-Perforl11fngA"c;s Of Co-Opera\i I'CA"d Rllt,l

B""ki"g Soclorb) i<sue,OfCort\rol OITo-Operatil'c Sanksc) Ruraf Ranking And liShilured) Mien> [',n""ee Jl-larl,ot:

i) El'olutioniil Micro Fin.nee IIlSlilulion.1Nel"'>lk: Need, i\nd Rdoflniii) SHGS Model Of Mioro Fir"'n~e: ,\ Si lent jI.'lovcmentTo"ard, Empowering

Rur,,1\\'01110"c) Agricul'ural Credi!: Slaws, Issue" &: fUllire Agend,I) The Problem Of ReS!I'liCllIringOf Co-Operali ve ,\nd Rur"1 B"nking

3) Finnncial Sector0) Rdonll,& Develop",o'll' in "l'h" Fin""eial Markets I" Indiab) Problel11sor Regl!lmi"" and S" pervi,ion ol'The I'inane ial Seotor0) Single and Multiple l{e£,lIator" "fThe rinaneial Svstel11dJ Tasks BofDr"'I'he P'rt,e ipe,"!>and Reg"lalorsOf I"u", AIldChallenges IIITho rJevelopmcnts 01'DehLMarkel in IndiaI) \V,T,O, Accord on i'i"',,ei"l Se,.vic~,,, Implication For Indl"g) DerLI'"ti,'", ,\1arktt: Obieclive" I'''netio"',, and Type, "r Dcri,,",il'cs


Page 10: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

~I [ur"-' \1",.I;"t,,) R"r"rrm "",I I)c"rlop,,,ent I" I"d,a', Voro, ;\]:jrt,et

b: ("pi',,1 AlC"{)Lmti.iho""llzoti"..'C) ~k""ing (/ Capital ACC"""LCO" ,-ortib-l,,>,", Sp~cd& SequellcIrlg ;r'c A '!'crilli,a'.lnnI "o,e,n CapiL;]1'\w""H ihc'.IILJlI'.'" 1I1e,,,\II'o,

'I Huroe V"I"tilit" I" Fo'e.' M"r1,o'i) Trend,Ii; C,usc,Iii) Policy Measure,.

,I) FUr<'iguFxch",,~,' I("c,',-,-,i) Concept &~-1e<lniogII) f.:c'"f\'. Ade~u"c} I"d,c",,,,,iii) He"enl 'I rcnds In Ik,o"o IlolJlngsi,-) CO,Ik fiend;""I lknchmorking H",""e .\l,magemenl

'i! C"ulmll",nkiug"J Ch"nging R"lo ufth~ RBI I" The J"dian"""'}b) The Prublem of AUlOr",m)'", 11e ("<nlrai !l""kc) Monel'no Poli",':

iJ Alternative Views 011Mo"c'.,,)' [\,1'cO'ii) Altcrnative MOnelar)' SlrateglCsiii) Globali~"tl(ll\ & Monol"r)' Polic)'

d) Monetary' Policy & Inllalione) Imp,cl of (I,: Price Sh"cks: The t"dian Lxpel'ieneoI') Ltquidily Manag"mont!l, RAI

6) Glohal Financi31 :vTarkcl0) lu!ern"tion"1 Copit,,1 Markel:

i) The Structure and Gwwthii) Offshore B.nkil\g "nd Orfshore Currency Trading

9) Euro Doll.r and ELlrocurTo"cyM.rk~[c) Eurucurrenclc, &..\1"crueconOl~1C5mb,IH}-d) Reglll.ting Intern"ti,,",,1 (Glohal) Banlinge) Reform' of tb. 111"itilalo,at Fin."cial I"stituli"ns.t) I"".s in tmplem~"lIng i'i""n,,,,1 Su<ndard.>and C0Jc,g) Need i'ur Slfcl\~l~cning IlIl"",a1io,,"1 I.inan~i.1 Arc~Ileciure


Page 11: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

, M,Oeow e,i"", ) '""'

I \lib, publishing -'1 ;~05~~HOllse----._-----_._- ---~------'

Publication ; XII No.lI,IFrankel. Jone< Per<on Educali"". A,ia 2004

dh'ni I Himalay. Publi;hi!lg2004; I [OII'C

S""dcram Himalaya Publishing 199)Ilou,e ' 2005, _. - ---

& Puri H;moiaya I'ul>iishing1_~006H01l3C---

'pil. ,\c.dcmi~ Foundmion 2004, - -



HOlcl J John,on


I Indian Economy Sine"'" independen«

I f'inonciallnSlitu!iolls andMarkel'

Him.l.y" Publishing HOllsc

2 8anking Theory and P,"Clic~,



Page 12: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

.'\ol"lh ,\Iahllnl.'ihtra Lllher~it) .. Ialg,wllF,,,.,, II \' 0 f C" '" Illl'l"':e & i\-1'"'" ge '" ellt

Prupused Svllah"s for M.Phif in CO,\l!\-H:aCr.(IV. E. r, I\u~. 20116)

!"ille, M.Phil: : Ot 1\: A(!>-anced eml Accounting(Oplionall'aper)

SH.TJO!\': I

I ) In Irod IIctiOll to cosl Accou n ti 111:- (T heo 1")'"1Id Pro hie ",s)") Mcan.,,~ ,.,-co,t:ng cosl Accnllnlin~"od 0(,,, Accuwnla,,")'J) Ih,i,. cu': C('l1COP"- en" CQ,Icenter ~")r,, C,'IlLO,""J co" """": I''-''l ..'''' c''',; ,IK',"

2) TeclHliqu"s uf .\'\alcl"inl Labol" and O\'rrh""ds cOlltrol'J (I"&'io",,'b) Sl"d lo\'el>'J ~.()Q

J) VFIJ .n,I,-,,,") j-'''~IJ anoi"i"f) Joi' cvalLwio"g) heal"'c,,: ,'~'I"",",,crap, D,focTlves,:,) Me"",,", d labor performancoa"d <05'-

("< -::"tion ,nd Accm",'i"g 01research ,nJ J ••.•I"pmen' co""

3) C "sf Aun Ivsis rOt dccis ion Ill" king_ (pro ,Ie",,)aJ Praclical "pplicOlionof marginaloo'ting.hJ Accept or rejecldc,ision0) Prooingdc(i,ion,d) Make ur btl;-dec"i"n.0) Seieeliol1QfOptilnal 1''''"''01 IlliXf) D'y.rsd ira""" "I' pn>dUCLg) Allernativ" I'iew, "f prod"""o" fac"'lie'.h) Acceptance of ,ddil;on"1 ord""

4) Activily Ba'i~d Costing (Theory and Problems)

5) Targ~t Costing (Thcory)a) Clcr,niti,,"h) Slag« Ln: argo' cO'ling0) rf"Jilion,: VISTargel cO'llllgd) Objeotjl'c; ~f'['orgclco'tinge) rargel c(J'''ng force,f) C~'I AccDl",'ant' yole illTarget cu"lingg) Ad,'antages and Problem, of Target cO'\Ing.


Page 13: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

'J ai E" leqll'i.Q' H~s"u '-cc l'hI n11ing- (I he'J rj )i) F""'"rl',' ;\c~J, Scope "f EllIe'pr;," ((",oLlre-c I'!",,: "\L',ill Sea",lo" Inlcgrn:iol\iii) ,\d\""I"~~SoIU,I'


hi I.ife e\'el" {,,",,jagi) 1"lrOouo[;0I1ii) Life "rc)'clo c(lsli,,~iii:, Stages Orl'roJlIct life cyclejl') ,\d, anl'g.' of lif~cyclocosting\') Life COst planning.yj', Li I" WSl a""'y,i,_1';liThe 1& cyclo cn'ling prucess

HOOKS RFCO.'D1 t:i'>IlEIlI CoS[ Accounting Prineiples and Prootice 8y "iger .nd J"n2 COSIACCOUilLillg il. K. 13.":1 Cost ACC!lun\ing S. N. Mahes"w",;4. Cost Accolln,jrl£ N. K P,,,ed5 COSl Accounling Pri nciples and applicalion N igcr Rnd ShOl'JnaG, Practical CO"ilLg Kilan. Poolled, Verma "nd IIbllj"7 C"'ll\ccmHlling Jail ""d GI1mringS CuSIAcc"""';n" I'rillcipals allti 1'''.01;'.- S P. Jon un,I;;, L. G""rri",~

(Public.Liol1s of ICA I "od IC\\/ A.)



Page 14: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

,\lorlh ,\lahilrllshfra [;nJvenil~', JalgaolJFacility Orc()l11m~rCC& :\bllagerncill

I'roposcd Sl'liahus fur ,H.l'hil(\Y. r. F. Aug. 2uu!»

rille; ]\l.l'hi!, 03 A: Advallc~tl Accolllllan",(Opt1ollal Papcr)

I) "c,"oullting slandard",,) Meani:>g."hjoctLve, "'ll1 ~-lItlClion,Gf Account;ng standal'd Boardj) Swpe ofacCO<JntingsWtl,brd.'c; !'roeed",'e, for ".'''' Ill;an Acco""'Jng st.ndardd) Stalu, of A«o"nling 'Iilildard, i""ed 0) !CAle) Sluoy"rlhe fo:lowing AS

AS. :"0, n.",ipti(m1, I lJi,clo,ul'e or AccoLJn[ingpollu'i"n2, ) V.lllallon of ioventmies1 6 Depl'eei"'"n Accoumlt'g'j 4, Revenue Recognition.'.'0 Acc"unting of lixed Ass."6, ,6 Borro\\',,,£ eO>b

", Ac~ollnting for Human Rcsourcea) IIc<'ounling tor H"m"" Ilesollrce of on urg"n i,",,( n ,1n<1,,,c,,, I Re,pon,ibilityb) Envirnnmenl,l Ace"ul)ling

') 11)1I0ouo[iol1II) S;gni~caoe"Lii)Evaluation.,ea,iv) :-"ali,,,,.llevdv) Envi'unmel11Rep<lrtin~

e) Iilfialion Aeeo""litl~i) C"ncepl RoleIi) Objects.

3) Governmcnt Aecountml! in Ilitliaoj Me"n!ng, objecis & Gene,"! principl.bJ CI.ssi ~calion "f Accounling hood,c; Proceourcd) ComparisOIlwilh commereialllcCQlIo['nge) Role ol'[he C "nd AG. Of India and puhlic Accounts "ommittee

4} Prcparation and Prcscntation of final Accoullt&0) Plcparalion .nd Prc,enl"[;on of fill"! ;\ccounts of juinr "lock ("mparlie, .s par

company L.w Re4Uiremcnr"0) Pro"i.,iull a"d reserve.'.c) Deten"inaliun of Illan"gefla, r.n>Une;"l]Un


Page 15: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

,I', ,lppropri.1Lt'''' OLiL"rp,,'II:',oj rmll,li;f 0'-pronrs to ro>c' 1'")'I'llCrll"r dividend,~) T"""fer of ullpoid di\'idcIld tu in"",.:", "~lIc"';()n 0,;;1 ;".~,~", ;0" 1''''','hi 110m" ,h""" 0I1l1I'''.'''''~l\t or' '"te,,,>t PL" uJ","""it.,I,

5 ) !'ro pa r" f iolt 0 r nn a! t\ ceo IIillS of Ban!<i n r: and E Icc! r:"i1 y .;ntn P'lI"O,

6) Accou'l[ing for Ag,-icullllr,,[ ral'm~ iOlchJ(iing ,jai,) and poultryFarming.

7) AIJ"I\'~L,nnt! Inlo"pr~talinn of n"'lllcial .'[>llo",,:::!!.!a) RMio A,,"I)";5b) Liquidj,;-(0) Pro~t.1bility ""d solve"c)' I<Mio,

Prescribed BooksI. Ad.'""ced ACoolHllanc\' -Sh",I"" Crull'!2. Ad\'MCtd Accountanoy . R. L. "'"p'"], AJ\""cd Fil\"ncinl AccOLJn,i"g . II, ;1, ,"J""',";4 Ad\'HllCed Accountancy • :'1. Ch,kr"hc'rty5, ACcoL",wnc)' _ S K. P.'''!Ii, l--ina"c,"1 ,\1''"0£0'"011' _ '1, ',e"l",","rt ~. I~.7 Adv""oed ,\cc(}lInTil1g (TI,e,,'], and I'ract,ce \ 1'- J "}I";.,,,,I', R",J)'8 Advallced Acooutltallcy 1', C Tt,!W"9 High~,Sciellceof Adl'""ceJ Acwuflli"g _ c. N Ag'"'."i


Page 16: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed



'\'!.!Jl' .\Jahal'il~r:;'-l !!i",T~rtl',,J:ilga"l1.J~~' J:.J..1'!!':.£"£c.A ~~",'gc'~!!i

I'ro(J()",'r) :"'11"1>",, In,. :ll.I'/1I1(W. {'. F, At"'- 2011(,1

Tille; M.Phil, OJ A: liUnlll1l RCSl)t:rcc .\I;llI:l!:cllIcnt(0I"iull,.r p"por)

~E(;no,\'.rlJ U",:tll l~e~()" re~-n"vclo n", eIII '" 1\1"!!.."J::,'nlen t,1: film & IIRM-Cil:IJ'glrlg """""1",h) T,,,illill" ,I<nt'V'dorm""r I'ncI{ tl

'J I\'eed ond -:eChIl;QlIe,

": Rece", T"~nd,c: Org","I.CJDevelop",e",d) h~curivo ilewk'pmell10) Srre", ,'0aoage",eoi

" PorSO""HI,_

a) ,'00:"'.:>£, ":yp".,. :Je"'frlli"""" ".'Id IJ'mt'ns",""," 1l1e(]rr~, t'Y 1'''1''0'',1111,, ~i",.",11'0' or IIlu,\',d""I,

d; ~l;fI"re""c,""1D"~Indi"rJu""

J) Orgalli7.<ltiOIl:l1 Bchaviora) \'ced & Scope ur (J n .n I!I,M-') '"Pprt"chc-, 10Org'II,,", un,l ile""",c":) '."alr' i'lg & Gel"" i,lf rei,' '0, "CJ1l~r"J) (ir""p D1'n"rni"5

e; ,llLe,G,_,u!, ReI",jon & ra"r~""lIeclj,,~ 1",., Croul' Rdar;onn Conl];,I" & Ne~o""tions

4) lfl{cl"Ila[M()oilitv & S~[):lr"lion"J Pm'''(Hio"~: De,nulJonc) Sepa,.,jon0) jl.R.lontrol0) i'e"onaei R",~nfl'h:) COtll'uiEng COS1 l'f HUll"" R",ullr~eg) Personne. InVenlo'l'

Cllrr~nt Trcnd, In Hllman /{c'()lIrCf Man:l"COllCnl• , j ",noon He,,,,,,c," "'CC'''tllli''g" Ilu","" Rcsn,,,co A"d;i-'ng

HUll'''" {~e,,,u,ccInl''''narjon 51's!e",CiI"h"I"~[;"rl -Changing 'vi, or' [he II 1<.Man"gerlot'''ca: '.""cs In II.R.M.'lome'i', V,. Imcrll"I'~,,,tI H.fC\1


Page 17: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

13. Monagclllcni. of Services14 Ma""gellle'H.ofServices15, Ma""gemonl, or'S.C"ict;16. Pe,sonnel and H[lM17, Hlrn,"" k.,ource M"",~emet\t13 Q,,"Hly orworkiog life ..I9. Organi5"(;on"1lleil"';Qur


i,1 11"111",,11.'''0111'"",\1allagl'lIlelll ill S,'I'\]," S~clorSpocial ,-,""os, I',."hle,,,, ",,<I H'lIle,lie' rt'~"rd;,,~-al IOl'(,,..mli,,,,Tcdllwlng.,b) Ll"nkingcJ lI1sur"nc~oj Tra"'pnn,cj Ho(d ,\1at"'"~Ill"nlI) Hospilnl M'~1"gclllcntg) HRM in I"dian Unil'crsitieshi Gusine" Process OliHouring

7) i'l'lan3ging rC,\(JlIrcc" in Virtual Organizat;",!.". VirL"alOrgonizmioll-:vieaning & rclcloneeb Types or"i"",Li organ;/."'i""C, Difrert'''c~, belween uaditio""lirnJ ,inu,,1 orgo'li,otioad, lIKM in vir1uol orgonilaLiOrl

REI"EI1E:-''CE IJOOKSI I-I"m"n ResoLlrcearld persol1"d rne, K. Ashll'athappa2. I-IRM.concepts and i"ues T, N Chhahro3, Personnel Monagemenl: TC-'Iand OH,e, C. B Momori" "nd GIl"nekar4. Human RCSD<rrCODevelopment and Man'ge"'",rt ,\. N, Sh,ikh5, Essenli,I, of I,RM and IndUSlri,,1Relations I"". Ca'.S a"d g"""s. fl. Sul1barao6, i'er>o""1 mgt. and [nduslrial mgt lJh"l;Oliwal7 I'.rsonal fllan"gemcnl C. B, Mamari"8, P.rsonal Admi"istro,;on M, N, Ram"swomy9, Indu'lry"nd [,abor F:.A. R"m",wamy10 I-I""'an Resource M"n"gemcTH R. Subb","oII I-ILlrnonResource Mon"gemcnl L. M. P,asad[2 F:"ellerlce through HRD M. fl. R. Noi,,,",1 T, V [{aQ(Talo

Mc Grall' Ilill, DelhiVenugopal,",GetsonA, M. Sh"rna (Him.loyalG""y Dc>slerProf-Sangita Ja;"N.Kumar & R, Mitwl, An",ull'ublicMiorr 1'1't.Ltd. "ew Delhi


Page 18: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

~~---~-~~-~~,vb, L,'CI"rt'." ,r) Hrs- --~~.-~ """'--.'~-'~-.-

\'o.-rh \lahanl.,htra l.11hersit\', .J"Jgan/lM.I'hi!. in C"""''',,-,'e

I Ipl j Oil" 1SlIl>j eel (6); :\'c" IJ i11lelisions !.!LC O-OPCO-il tion~- --


.l f,'<1ILJro&:n'r"rlanc~Orc~.()" ~'el"rb p. '(oS> Of Lc"Mm;c lkwlopmcm

C"nneml;," M.""""m'nl. :-<"Iilro& l'unCliou,d e""I'er""", Sech,," Vis.A.V;., !nd,"" Le"Ilnn,y,~ Cu"perali,,,, & [<u"omj, 1'1"""ing.

,\h\ \Iarb: I1I11----• rlel"" 'J' <'W'.I'b'gc "j''''1• o,!l'ic'c' ()I', """ling

f" L"", C"()OCJ""", !'ri"c,.llc, '" i'r"el,e".,I (, ~O,1rnIh l "";'y III Cllrr'nl '<;"""rio

Sectiol" r

,'I .''1'0' Of C"Ol'or>lli,'c SOdolk,

,,) 'YI'"' - Need & WNking Of Vario<" Types or SOt;~l;e,lJ: i'ruce"i"g

Cr""'1dJ CU"'"IllCt

""u'm~ LIe

3. en"I"'"",j •.• MO\'omenlln In,lj",~ III Til{' W"rldCn_OI' .\f""<Ill""ll" Indi"

d) ~e;'I.relnGrUllp '" In,lj"

". \i.aning, No'd ~ jll1POrH"cph WorKing

c Impacl orSI-lU I.e [Cw'G1nic DevelOpm'''101 ~!"dor" C""'POJ'1!trve Pracrice" I": 5"e<1e". 8"I"i". Donmark, I;'ael, ."d Canada.I:: ,"r.'"f) l"'e"'oIIO".1 C"Ur'mli", Ai';""ce '" Rd"'io",

Scction : !!4. Ub'raliznli,,,, &,'ori""

"J ;"rrOduction To L,beraillalio" &"lio",'. (,hall'''ge, Boib,C Co_Op Seclur

c) imp."1orJ,PG Oil Co-Or SOClor& E'pec,.lJy 0".S"g,1r IndU,rryC~'Orn."ki"g

'" ..\I'MC O"ir)'

Page 19: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


5, C""l'enltil'C Le~i''''lilJ''' In Ill(I;"

:oj Coop''''';", l.egi.,I"ti"n &: Admil1lSlI'mioll

b) S"'d)' 0 r P",,,isions In Multi State Co-Op ACI,2001

c) Mah.rn,iltra Coop S"cic,io, ,\ct 1960& RlIle, 1961 Witl1Reference To


" Meelings & Movemert!.

lll. Ace,,""" & Audit.

,Hum"n Rcsollrec Uc\'clopmcnla) ImpOr1.nceOfllRDlnCo-op Sed",b) l-iRD Me.ning. Nature & Signi~cance In CooperationcJ Appl;cMion OfHRD PraCl;ces In Coop Sector In IIldi,01 Cooperation [ducmion & Traillinge) M,nagerial Proble"" OrCo"pcrMion .


rho Student Is Expected I'n Wr;lo /lL I.e"gth The Aelllal-") Procedure Of formalion 0 f A I-I}pOllleli",,1Socielyb) Proced,,,c OfAmcndmenll11 Elyelal\'sc) Writing Mimlle, Of AGMd) Broad COlltentOf Amlllal Report I Board or Director's Report0) Broad Contont or lI\\dit Reporl

RRFIlRf;NCE:I. Principle" Problems & P,aclice OrCo_Opera'ion _ T. N, H.jela2, New D;mensions OfCo-Opcralive Management _ Dr. G. S. K.mat3, Co-Operation In India - Dr. B, S. II.h,hur~ C,,-Operotion - Mohan SaraI'5. MultiSlOtcCo-Operalive Societies Act. 20026. Mahorashtra Co-Operative Societie, lIet. 1960& Rliles 1961.7. Gazetteer Of Jalgaon District8, Year Book - The Hindu, Time,_ D<sline EdiliollAnnual Reports & Periodicals OfNCDC. l\CVI, RB[, Ninfian (W.rdha)


Page 20: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

North ;\lahnn,shtra University, JlIlgllon.M. Phil. I" COLll",ercc

Opliotlul Subject: 3: Strategic BusinesSMan~genlent

Olljett' .1 rhe obJett of this p'per i>io de<cribe the "atur" of [ltisin~" Str.tegic; to the students, W"' \0 en.ble them to understand lhe e~I""t bu,i"e" strategies of a nrnt lIndefSiudy

2. It nims .t nt.king 'Iudenl, eval"ale these strategies "is••-vi, the reSlllts achieved.3, 11.1'0 aim, al preparing tho students to ,"gge" the better sub,titute stratcgies (0 the unit

lUdy.Verlb of knowledgeBeing lhe subject telbe studied at p<lstn1a,I,,-de~fcc a"adem]c progmLlllnecOlipledwith

,esearch.based Sllld1,1110swdenl is expected 10ha,'e the reasonable applied knowledge,

Application -A sludenl will be in a positilln to Inake the appraisal of business practices followed bylhe business organization" and will al,o be .blo to devise proptr b"siness siralegies for

the busll\ess IInit',

(I) Conceptual framework(a) Concept of PIJ11T1itlg,;ts feam«'. approachos, Types of Plans,(bj Planning Process _ Objeotives, policies, Stralegies, Procedures,(cj Methods, Rille', programmeS, [Judge", Schedules, Projecls(d) Busine".StTategy Versus Mililary Strategy.

(2) Stcalegic Management(aj Concepl, Process & benof.ts ofSlrategic Management,(b1 Integraling IntuitiOoand Analysi' ;n malting S\rntegic M.nagement Decision(e) Essentbls of Effec!lve SlrOlcgicManagelllcnt(d) [lusiness Ethies and Strategic Managoment

(3) F.a"iro"me"tal Sea"ni"g a"d ladustFY Aualysis(a) External Stralegic Management Audil: its process.(b) Scanning and assessment of Exlernal Forces. Economic Forces, Technological

Forces, Social & Cullural Forces, D~mograrhiC Furces, Political & Legal FOfces,

Ecological forces(c) Assessment of Forces at Global 1o•.el, Eoonomy le"d and Industry level

(4) Delining Bl"illess Strategie<(al Denning Ihe Business(h) Concept"al i"II"', Strategies, proc." & ract~rs inlluenciog the business

de~nition(c) De~ning Prodllcts. Markel>. COI"O","', Beneflciarie', EnvironLllcnr&lhcir

e~pecled belleflt>(d) Object".e"

(i) Types of Corporate Goal,.(ii) Role and Essenlials of ,'altd Objectives(ill) Approach~~ to sctting uf Objectives



Page 21: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed







Corpora Ie Slra rc~io,

(a) N",ure, Scope or"r unctions! Role "f Sirotegy in COI'por.le Slrategy V, p"licy(b) Slralegics of S"rvi"al or Ddensive Srr.rogies(0) Hold Or Maintain, P"II-back & Redeploy, Rerrcachn,ent, Reorg.niz.tion,

DiveSlilure, l-iquidaliol1. " .Slrategies for Gro\\'lh, Markel penetrOlion, Produc( development, M~,kelDel'eloplllenl ',. 'Inlegralioll SI"Hegies Forward lntegMi~n, Backward Integr.tion, Horizontal!nlegrarion, 1 '

Diyers;r,eatioll Strategies, Concentric Dive"ilioalion. Horizont.1 Oiyersilleation,And ConglollleJ'Jle Diversificotion, ,

Stralegy Ana!ysi, ~nd Seteerion(~) Srr:"egy formu larion • I'roco", of Strategy Form ulation

0) Stage I 'Inpll! SlOge(ii) ItlJuslry Allalysi,(iii) The blernal Faclor Ev.luation (EFE) MatrixOv) 'I'he Compelilivc Preili. (CPM) Molr;.'(v) file Imem.1 Foetor Evalumion (JFE) M.'rix.Slug' ,II, M"tchlngSlage0) Teehni4ues LO be used(ii) The Snength_ Weaknesses-Opportunities" Threats (SWOT) Matm(iii) The Sirategic Pnsition "nd Action Evaluation (SPACE) M~trix,(iv) The BOSlun Consulting Group (BCG) Malrix(y) The Internal EXlernal (lE) Mar,i,(vi) The Gralld S"akgy MatrixStoge Ill, Deej'ion Srage(i) The Quanti,"!i vc Stralegic Planning Mot,i, (QSPM)(ii) Delermill'nlSofSt,ategy(iii) SU",cgy sdeerinn and Corporate GoveJ'll""ce(iv) Strategy'implomentalion & Evalualion(v) N.ture nr stralegy Implemenl.tion(vi) Important issues in strategy implementalion':

Establi.'hing Annual Objeoth'es,

(a) Devi'ing Policies, Allocol;ng Resource,. Altering an exi'ling Org.nizalionStructure,

ReSlrucluring & Re-engineering, Revising Reward & Incentive" plansMinimizing resistonoe 10d:angeM'lC~ing M'nagers with Strategy

Developing a SUategy-Suppartive Culture, - Adaptitlg Production/OperationsProcesses,

Developing.n efieCli"e Hum"" Resource funclion, and DownsizingISO 9000, TQM,





Recommended nook,_

I, "Strategic Man'gement, COllcepts & Coses" -,Aulhor _ Fred R. D.vid; Publi,her'Prentice_H.11 of lndia Pri"",e Limited, M-97. Connm'ghl CirCl". New Ddhi _ 110001(indi.n Reprinl_2005j

2. "Corporale Plaoning & Policy" - Author _ C. B, Gupta, Publisher _ Sultan Chand &SOilS, Educational P"hll,hers, 23, Dary. Gonj, !'.'ew Delhi _ 110002

Page 22: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

J 'Slra'cglC .\l"""gemCnI' A"lhoj' I"ck Pearce ano Rich"rd R~blllS"" 1'"bli,l1or_Mc(jr,,,, ,fill, ,\,~\\ \ <Jr.

1 "The CO"c"PI 01 C~rp",,"c ~"',,"g;' _ A"lhur _ A"drews, Kenneth It Publisher.Tar"po,e"al •. Mu",bai

5 "Dy""",,, Bu,i,,",.' St,ategy - rhe Art of PI"nnin~ for Sutcess" . Ami"" ~!l1itl1.Theodore; Publi,"c,. Mel".", H;II, )'-:cwYork

;)evelupmg B"<ine" Slralegie," , ALJt~"f -A"ker, David A ,Publisher John Wiley "ndSons. New York

Recommended Journals_I,Stflltegic Managem'nl Journal2,Harvard Business ReviewJ,B",ine" Horizon,4 Indian Mallagemcnl5.Bu,ine" Today6.Ee<Jnomlc & Polille"IWeeklyI.Semitlar

Rccnmmondcdweb'ik,_I ~w,strategyclub,com2, )"WW", "eS,lslralegic,hlm1 www.olanw",c,OI!'-.:'Slrategv,blm#14, "'ww,onl"'''a,comlslratpl"o/indcx.htm'; www.c!hicsweb,caJcode.'6 www.stel'(ln.ed"'_rho" '" ~ISlralegyI7 www.des.calslate.ed ••lhi.-!.QD.,hlml8. w"w.esuChio,c.,ju/mgmt"!r~9. www.mindloo!",hlm/:O.

Page 23: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed


North Maharashtra University, .Jalgaun.~l.I'hilln CnmmerceW.E-F. From, Ang,2006

Optional Papcl"'-.I:i'1a rkcting MlllIagernentMaximum Ma,ks-IOOTOlal Lec!ure, Anulled: 50 Leel" re, Of 60 Min ute, EncJI.

Section:]I_ [ntrod "ctioJl To M>rrl,e';ng "'a""gemelll.

a. Morketing: Concept, Evollilion,b. MarketingOricnlali"".c. Quality1n Marketing,d, New Trends In Export Marketinge Type,OfMarkc(ing:

,. RelatiOllship MarketingII. Tele MilrkelingtLl, E-Markeling

2. M~rketjllg Managementn, Concept. Scope And In'pot1once Of 4p 's OfMarke'.;nJ!b. Marketing Plans _ Element> And Process or Marketing Planning,c. Marketing Orgaoi,mion - Me.ning & Functions.d. RosD~nsibili[ics Of Marketing Martager.e. MarkellngResou,ce.

3, l>1arketingOf Servicesa So,,'ice Econnmy _ Namre And Scope OfSorvi,.esb. Classification Of Services. - .c, Consumer Services - Food Services, Hotel And Motd Services, Car Services,

Entertainment Se"'iccs, Tratlspor1 Scrvice" Communication Services, ItlsuroneeSe"'ices, Financial Services, '

d Industrial Services - Financial Sen-ioes, Insuronce, Trnn>port& WarehousingServiccs, Engineering Service.', A~vertising& Promotion Services, ManagementConsultancy Servioes,

e. Concepts In Services Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, CuslOmer,Protllable Customer, Measurement Of Customer Satisfaction

f. Growth Of Service Marketing. _ Reas"ns OfGro .•••tb.g, Marketing Mix For Marketing Services.h Marketing Of Banking, Heallh Services, and Courier Services.

4. Social Markelinga The Foundation Of Socia] Marketing, Change And Altitude Formationb Social Advertising.c, M"rketing Educationd. Marketing Family Planning.

5. Dir""t Marketing And On.Line (Tnternct) Marketing.• Diree( Marketing: Meaning, Objeclives, & Cnanneisb. M"keling In The Twenty-First Centuryc. On Line Marketing: Concept, Cbannelsd, Electronic Market - Internet _ E Commerce.e. On-Line Marketing And Traditional Marketing.

6. Marketing ~:nviro"'I1enta. PrescJ11Marketing Environmemln India & China.b, Marketing Management And lesEnvironment

Page 24: M.Phil. - North Maharashtra Commerce Aug 2006.pdf · North Mah"rashtra University, Jalgaon Faculty of Commerce &,\bnagcmcnt Proposed

[ecll"uiogic", Clo."ge And .\larkeli "sd Ind ,an Marketlng Environmenl Arkr Lib.,,1 i,,,li()I].e. M.rkellng ChalicoSes Of l.iberalized Econ~myf, Modern Trend, 10 Morkeling En,iroome"l

'. (;I"hal Markotill£.a [mergence Of Global Marketingb. Globa] Marketing Environmente. Mullin,tiona] C"mpanie<:

I. Corpo",ie StrategyLI Orgaoizalion Strategy

d M~C$ Aod Coo,umer Imereste. MNC< And Social Responsibility.

8 MarkNing Re,ear<h,a. Meaning, Objectives, Importance And Stope Of Morketin~ Researoh,b Pro~le OrMorke\ing Research In Indio.c, Markeling Research Procedure.d Markeli"g Res<arch Fur Strviccs,

lU:FEHENCE BOOKS::) S.A. Sherlekar - Global Markeling M'nogem<ol ,Himo]aya Publishing House - 2000.2) KOller Phillip_ Marke'ing Managemell1, (14" Ed,)3) R.S.Dawar Modorn Markeling ManagemeJot"l!BS l'uhli,hors Distribution Ltd4~ V.S. Romo Swamy - Markeling Managemenl (Planoing Implememation And Conlrol, Global

l'ersp-ective & Indian Conlext)5) J.e. Gandh, - Marketiog Management.6) S. M. lha - S[)ciai Markeling (Himalaya Publishing House)7) Gayalri Verma. On-Line Markeling Principle Aod Current Praclices

New Century Publication,8) V$.Ram.swami And S, Namkuma,i. Marketing Monageme"l9) lai Laddh •. E-Marketing Managemenl (At A Glance) S~raswoli l'mkashan, Aurangahad!0) Dr, D,C Pardeshi - Modero Marketing Managemen!. (Pragoli Prnkashao, Meerut); I) S, M. Jha. - Marketing Of Services: 2) Francis Cherunilam - Imem'liono] Managemenl,(lnciuding Export Mon'g<mem)

Himolaya Publishing House,