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Mountainville 4th Ward Missionaries BAND OF BROTHERS & SISTERS MAY 2014

Mountainville 4th Ward | Missionary Newsletter | 1404 final

Mar 29, 2016



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Mountainville 4th Ward | Missionary Newsletter | 1404 final
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Mountainville 4th Ward Missionaries


MAY 2014

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I'm actually in a trio! Elder Holtby and Elder Atwood. Elder Atwood is from Logan, Utah and Elder Holtby is from Niagara Falls. We are the moving elders so we are the only ones who have a truck. We have to move everyone’s stuff... Members and missionaries. Mostly missionaries though. We have a truck, a trailer and a storage locker.

The mission is exciting! I'm finally able to recognize where I am and am getting more familiar with everything and feel I'm pretty accustomed to the routine. I am currently serving in Surrey, BC, Canada. One cool thing about the area I'm in for anyone who's familiar w/Smallville, Cloverdale is the town where Smallville is filmed. Like where the Talon coffee shop, etc. is. Pretty sweet! We haven't been down that street yet, but when we do I will take a pic for sure!

It’s different, faith is huge. The majority of the people are Hindi, Punjabi or the like. They often don’t understand me. But, I’m exercising my faith everyday to be able to do it better. We go contacting every day at a bus stop and usually meet all of our goals. But, it’s hard approaching people that are so different.

We are on exchanges with Elder Daroy our district leader who is going home near the end of this month. So it was nice to spend time with another missionary that's got a lot of experience! He goes home to Calgary soon, and lived in the Philippines until he was 17. With him we did a "12 Week" for me. For those of you who don't know what 12 week is, it's for new missionaries, done a few days a week just to get me into the lessons and learn how to tract and teach.


So this last week was exciting. We had the baptism on Saturday, it was so good. I am so excited for Taylor and the decision that she is making. The baptism was so great the spirit was so strong. While she was changing, Sis Johnson and I recited the first Vision starting in verse 10 to 17. We have that memorized ourselves but we decided for this time to say it together switching off every other verse. It was so powerful. The spirit was so strong! Just another testimony of the restored truth.

We go to both wards every Sunday so it makes for a long Sunday but it is so amazing! After YSA church Taylor didn't want to go back home so we were like you can come out with us, and she said ok! She spent all day with us! It was GREAT! We were able to meet with Shakur, and Taylor was so helpful in talking to him and answering questions. Especially since she just got baptized and he's preparing to be baptized it just was so perfect. We went over receiving answers and Taylor talked about her conversion and could totally relate. So then it just made him that much more excited to be baptized.. All I can say is how great this gospel is! LOVE IT :)

I love yall so much!! Love Tiff


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Hello everyone. What all is going down on the other side of the world,I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to be a citizen in thecountry you live in, or not pay for water in restaurants, or drive, orall of that stuff you American residents enjoy. Did you know it costsa fortune to get a drivers licence over here, or a car for thatmatter. Often there is only one licenced driver per family here, thatand teenagers can forget about driving. We were doing service for oneDetlef Reidel in our ward this week and he showed us his garage. Hehas worked as a mechanic his entire life and a couple of years ago hetraveled to the US to buy some Harley Davidson motorcycles. He has twoof the three he bought here in Denmark but he hasn’t registered eitherof them because to do that it would cost him about an additional17,000 dollars a piece on top of the purchase price. He paid 13,000for the biggest one of the three. The only time he can drive them iswhen someone wants to buy it from him who doesn’t live close by.Occasionally he calls his son up in Frederikshavn to see if he isinterested in ‘buying’ it from him so he can take it on a ride.

This morning we had a couple of cats in our apartment. They come inalmost every morning when we study. Most of the time they are prettychill but this morning two of them got in a fight in our kitchen so wehad to chase one of them out. There are at least 6 different cats thatlive right around us and 4 of them come in our apartment. A couple ofthem come running every time we open the door. I’m not sure why, wedon’t feed them or anything. We mostly just feed the ducks that runaround between the several little lakes around. Anyway I thought Iwould include a few pictures just to appease my mothers appetite forpictures. One of them also includes a picture of my companion so youcan see him too.

Also this next Sunday is Danish mothers day, so we will be skyping.Those of you in my immediate family can plan on a skype call between 6and 8 our time, or 10-12 am your time. That is when we’ll be doing itbecause we have church from 2-5.

We also knocked into some guy who had about a bazillion bunnies in ashed in front of his tiny little house. Nobody was home so we got somepictures. Apparently they were show bunnies or something because therewere some medals hanging on the wall.


SISTER DANI PORTEROur district is the only one in the mission that has two companionships of sisters and it is so much fun, we still don't see them that much because they are in the Selkirk branch just outside of Winnipeg not in Gateway, but we get to have district meetings and P-day activities together which is so fun.

Our new district leader is training a new missionary from the Philippines which is really amazing since so many of the members in Gateway are Filipino, he has been living in Canada for a couple years but he still speaks Tagolic.

We had a really great lesson with Susan this week I think we finally helped her understand that we wanted her to read the Book of Mormon because it would change her life. We had tried several times before but this time she asked us near the end of the lesson if we new of a good book that could help people uplift themselves, I think she meant like a self help book, but we showed her the paragraph in the introduction to the Book of Mormon that is a quote from the Prophet Joseph Smith and he says that "the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book and that a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book."

Analesia is still doing well in her progression we have been having really good lessons with her and she is comfortable with asking us questions, we really just need for her mom to be willing to bring her to church and allow her to be baptized. I think it is amazing how much happier Analesia is since she started reading the Book of Mormon, oh and her mom is making some progress they have started praying as a family occasionally. We also got word that the Canada Winnipeg Mission is going to start doing online proselyting soon they just have to train everyone which may take a while.

Missionary work is so wonderful, I am always amazed by how quickly I am able to love people and how completely the gospel can change them if they are willing to act on it. It is so important for us to be excited about what we have to share because it can change the world and is the most important thing that anyone can ever learn, because it is what will bring them eternal life.

I love you all so much. Love, Sister Porter

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One of my homies, PANCHITO.

The zone of San Pedro.

My district, the best looking this side of the hemisphere.


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Hey y’all! We were teaching a less-active sister, Sister Lawrence, she knows it’s all true, she’s really close with the ward, but there is some kind of hang-up where she doesn’t really want to come to church. In the middle of our lesson with her, it hit me that she was the perfect “fellowshiper” for our investigator Cheryl. You would have to know Sister Lawrence (you never know what will come out of her mouth). My companion looked at me wide eyed, obviously thinking that I was crazy. So, the next day, Sister Lawrence drives me and my companion over to Cheryl’s house. We show up and there is a funny feeling in the air.... I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was off. We entered her home, and she had set up a huge circle of chairs. Cheryl joined us, Suzy (another less active) joined us, Cheryl’s husband, Jim, joined the circle, and Sister Lawrence, and obviously my companion and myself. We began with a prayer and then immediately, were slammed by a whole bunch of Anti-Mormon material. My companion didn’t say a word the whole lesson. I had to wade through an hour and a half of difficult questions and the whole room was spiritually cloudy and there was an icky feeling in the air. I prayed with all my heart that we could invite the spirit back. In my prayer, I asked for all the help I could get, and then I bore my testimony about how the Book of Mormon is the evidence of everything we believe. I’ve seen, first hand, that people have done all that they could to tear apart Joseph Smith


and his character, they ridicule our beliefs and practices, and they make claims that are so out there, I wonder what they could possibly have against the church that they would go to such great lengths to destroy people’s testimonies. I don’t really know what came out of my mouth, but I sat, in awe, as the lesson completely turned around. All because of the spirit. By the end of the lesson, all five of them committed to come to church (five, including Suzy’s daughter) and said they would each pray and read the Book of Mormon daily. Sister Lawrence has a new fire in her that I’ve never seen before. She’s called us every day since and reported some new spiritual insight that she had while reading. It’s amazing. Sometimes I have no idea what to do next. Sometimes I have tried everything, and it doesn’t work... again. Sometimes I have no idea how to go on. I’m realizing, that in that moment lies is the whole point of mortal existence. Those difficult moments hold the ability for us to become celestial beings. It doesn’t just happen one day when we are

One of my homies, PANCHITO.

The zone of San Pedro.

resurrected! Eternity is now! Eternal life is right now. And we are living it a step at a time. Those moments, where it feels like the world is falling down around you, are precious moments in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Sometimes, He sends us blessings in the form of raindrops. He cherishes our growing pains, because He can see the results. He can see our potential. He has the big picture. We can get a small taste of that “big picture” when we are in tune with the spirit. It’s addicting, and I crave it. Because that is true happiness: feeling His love for us, recognizing our potential, and as a result, serving Him with all our might! We can find happiness and joy in the midst of affliction. I testify of that!

Sister Hulme

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Can I just say how WEIRD it was to listen to Conference in English? I haven't heard that much English in 6 months. Conference was PERFECT. It seemed as if every talk applied to me and what I was doing here and what I will be doing after the mission. I have more direction and purpose in my life that I have ever before. It was one of the most inspiring Conferences I have ever watched in my life. Fabulous. My favorite talk was from Robert D. Hales, ALL about obedience. My notes from that talk are absolutely insane, with underlining, big stars, and LOTS of capitalized letters. Obedience truly is everything. We can't pick and choose the commandments that we want to keep. You want to follow the Lord? You have to TRULY follow Him and keep ALL the commandments. We are never going to reach that perfection, but as long as we have the desire to continually get better, the Atonement of Christ will help us. It's such a huge blessing that we have in our lives. I was thinking about the things that I need to better in myself, and how in the world I was going to do that. I realized there is ALWAYS room to improve. We can't settle with our imperfections. Although we have to accept the fact that we will never reach perfection in this life, we have to strive to get better every single day. As we do that, we will look back at the end of our lives and think, "Wow, look at who I've become. Look at this transformation that I have made in my life. I have truly become the person that I knew I needed to become."


I woke up feeling completely normal. During the day, I didn't think anything of the fact that one year had already passed. It seemed like my 9 month mark was WAY harder, emotionally, for me. But that night, as I kneeled down to pray to my Heavenly Father, it seemed like it all hit me. One year of my life. One year dedicated to my Lord and my Savior. I thought of all the people I had met this year, the lives that have changed, the growth that I have made, and the woman I have become. I just SOBBED, thinking about how perfect this past year has been. I can't express this gratitude I feel for my

mission. I can't believe how quickly my time here is coming to an end. I know that my service here over the past year is exactly what I have expected of myself and what the Lord has expected of me. I have no regrets. Things are going well here. The work is a little... slow, but we have faith that things are going to get better. Gotta keep working hard (: We will do what the Lord needs us to do. Love you ALL. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! LOVES. Sister Card xoxo


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DOBAR DAN, This week has been full of fun. To start off I begin with our attempt to do FHE with the whole branch and to teach them about family history. Let me just say that it did not go very well by the end, because it is a huge problem here in the Balkans with all of the wars that have destroyed churches, records have been destroyed, and family tracing is almost impossible. So that was fun, but we at least got across the most important part to them, that we need to find as many names as possible so that we can do their names in the temple. The Ibraimovic family is excited about this. We met with Mile and had a great lesson with him. He described his feelings for the Book of Mormon as "yellow happiness"!!! He has such a great desire and he loves the way he feels when he is in church and when we are teaching him things. We don’t think he will quite be ready for baptism on the 17th because as he said to me yesterday at church, "this is new to me and I need to take it slow!” I was like yes of course but he just said that he loves, loves, loves how he feels and just wants to be apart of this. He has a sincere desire to be closer to God.

Ljubko has not been doing so great. He just started saying and doing weird things and just kept on talking.  (That is one of the many talents that the Serbian people possess in which they are able to just keep talking and listening at the same time.)  (Side note: if I interrupt you while you are talking when I come home, it is just a cultural thing and I am sorry!)  During one of our lessons with him later in the week Sestra Matthews stopped and said, "Ljubko, you don't have a sincere desire.  Baptism is a covenant that you make between you and God.  This is not a joke. You don't get baptized just because you completed a checklist of things that need to be accomplished before you get baptized.  You can't be baptized just because

you have come to church so many times, or that you want to be baptized.  You have to have a testimony."  Needless to say he took it a little hard. I started reminding him about the spiritual experiences that got him interested in the church.  He had a desire to know the truth.  We thought it ended really well, but then on Sunday he told us that he wants to be baptized and wants to stay in his other church as well, and I think he asked for money. Sad story we will see.

Biggest Miracle of the week is that Gordana (Aleksanders’ mom) came to church!! We had just sent her a message and asked her to come and she did!!! It was such a wonderful miracle. Slagana wrapped her arms around her and talked with her. Things have been hard for her, but we were able to have a great lesson with her after church and we committed her to baptism!!!! It was so great and she wants so badly for Aleksander and Stefan to come to church and go on missions. She really has seen how the gospel has helped her in her life and her families. She has set a date for baptism on June 21st!!

I have grown tremendously and I have come to know and love these wonderful people. The church is so true. The Lord is preparing his Elect everyday. I hope that we all can do our part to lead His elect people around us to the gospel. I love you all so much and hope all is well. Let me know how things are going. I am so grateful for all the prayers and support.


Sestra Palmer

SISTER HANNAH PALMER Travel, Adventures, Miracles, Tracting!!!

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Well family Guess what!

All week I was sick. I am not sure with what because our mission doctor was out of the mission and it really wasnt anything to serious, but either way I could really go out and work. Basically all week I felt so exhausted and I really had no energy. It was a really hard week for me, but I actually learned a lot.

I am really grateful for being sick. I was able to stop and think about all the blessings that I have, and take time out to be grateful for everything that I have. I am so grateful for everything that I have, especially my family. I really am so grateful for all of you. I love you all so much.

This week I also spent a lot of time reading the scriptures and preach my gospel. I got all the way to 3 nephi 11! I love that part, it is the best. I is incredible to see how wicked all the people are. I cannot believe that the people can forget so easily all of the signs that the prophets prophesied of, and just be so wicked. It is also sad to see how these people are destroyed because they are so wicked. But it is also so good to see that there is one constant that keeps everything worth it, and that is our savior. He is the way to ultimate joy. I just love the book of mormon (especially in spanish). If history repeats itself like what happened in the book of mormon, i am pretty


sure it will, we better get ready because it is going to get really bad before anything gets better, but we still have the rock of our savior and when the whirlwinds and fiery darts come our way, we will be protected. Just stay strong. Also another thing that I learned in preach my gospel is developing christlike attributes. I encourage all of you to take 10 minutes and take the survey at the end of chapter 6 in preach my gospel. Do this for family night. I know that you will be able to recognize the things that need the most work, and then you can make those weak things strong. I did this a couple times this last week and I noticed a huge improvement on many of the aspects. I plan on doing this pretty frequently because it is such a great what to show us how we can be more like Jesus Christ.

Anyway, not a ton happened this week, but one thing that I will say is it was a great week. And also here in the CLAM being a district leader is so much work. I spent so much time on the phone all week it was incredible. I love this work so much. I am so grateful to be here. Just barely I had an interview with president weidman and he told me that I am above what he expected me to be at at this point in my mission. Assistant to the president here I come...JK I hope not haha. I love this work so much, and I am really excited for the future and all that it brings. I am so excited to see you on sunday. We will probably be on skype around 5ish on sunday. Well I will see you soon. I am so excited. I love you all so much.

Elder Anderson


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SISTER ADRIANNE BENNETTThis letter will more than likely be short. Why? I was sick in bed for about 3 days. Here's the story...

THE DREAM TEAMFriday morning Sorella Jameson woke up feeling really weird. We decided to stay in and I was up and running around getting things in order when all of a sudden I don't feel well. We both fell asleep and when I woke up, I threw up. Yep, food poisoning! This is the first time I've had to stay inside as a missionary. It's the worst, but oh boy did I need it. Unfortunately we cancelled two member present lessons that day :( Luckily we got sick Friday because Saturday was the conference!!! We stayed home until the last minute, as we still weren't feeling too well. The Saturday session was good and the talks were great. The best part = seeing the Rossi family!!!!! That was the highlight of our Conference. Sunday morning we got to see about the whole branch from Forlì. Both Sorella Jameson and I were ecstatic. We laughed and we cried. It was one of the greatest moments to see all of our members again. Forlì is such a special. They almost closed the branch after the death of Fratello Rossi but it lives on!! Another important part of the conference....we are now the Firenze Stake!!!! Yeah!!! The 10th in Italy and the last district made into a stake. It is such a monumental experience that I will never forget. Also, the Stake President may or may not be in our ward and we may or not see them often ;)

Mother's Day was great in the sense of seeing my family. It's amazing to see how much they've all changed. It's weird to think that I will only see them in about 4 months. It'll come to soon. The rest of Mother's Day wasn't great. We went over to a members house and had dinner. I think it was too rich on my stomach. I died at their house. Luckily, the mother is a nurse and gave me all the right medication. They were so nice, but I went home and passed out. Sorella Jameson was the greatest during all of this. She was always making sure that I was doing okay and grabbing me stuff. We stayed in all morning and into the afternoon on Monday. I was extremely too miss out on GEM cleaning. It's my favorite day in the transfer, but my body wouldn't allow me to get up.

In the afternoon, we got a call from the assistants...drumroll...... WE'RE GETTING SPLIT UP!!! I want to cry. But luckily Sorella Jameson will still be a STL (which means I can see her once a month) in Alessandria, meaning she'll do exchanges in her first city, Genova! Isn't that cool. As for me, I will stay in Pisa and my companion will be.... Sorella Alley!!!! I am so excited!!! We went into the MTC at the same time, were in the same district our first 4 transfers, and we always talked about being STL's together. Our dream is coming true. She'll get here tomorrow and we're going to have a blast!!!


The last day has been all goodbyes... depressing. Everyone loves Sorella Jameson. I'm going to miss her too. We had such a great transfer together. She's always going to be one of my closest friends. We are so weird together, but we know how to work well. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I wish her all the happiness and luck in Alessandria. Happy Mother's day too all you mothers out there. Especially a big shout out to the greatest mom in the world...MINE! Thank you so much for supporting me the whole time during my mission. It's because of your example that I'm on a mission. You're the greatest example of perseverance and loving the Lord. I LOVE YOU!!! I love you all! Have a great week!!!Love, Sorella Bennett

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Dear everyone!I want you to know that I have a firm testimony of the Restored Gospel! This past month my testimony has experienced a lot of growth as I have really hungered and thirsted for it, and as I have done as the scriptures say, ask seek and knock. I have been praying more fervently than ever before! My Faith is strengthening each day. My knowledge is growing as I search the scriptures dilligently. I have grown to know my Savior on a more personal level. A strong burning testimony comes when we seek for it. Over time it builds little by little, day by day. It's amazing to feel the spirit work in my life. I see evidence of God's love and his tender mercies each and every day! I am living the dream here on a mission! I am the one who is spoiled with the best lifestyle you could ever want! It's honestly amazing to be here serving the Lord each day! I encourage each of you to constantly ask seek and knock and I know you will recieve and find and it shall be opened.


This week we have seen a lot of Miracles. It's been amazing to see the Lord working in people's lives to guide them to us or us to them.

We have a new investigator Named J who we found two weeks ago. we were walking through town and it was pretty busy. We had tried to talk to everyone the spirit prompted us to. We had been trying at it for about 30 mins and we were getting a bit tired. we began walking on the way back to the flat. All of a sudden The Lord opened my mouth and said hello to this guy. we talked and he said he would be up to learning more. we didnt' think he was that interested but a few days later we got a text from him and he said he wanted to learn more. He found it intriguing. He is 19 years old and that day had just come from his sister's house where he expressed to her that he decided he wanted to start going to church more. Then he bumped into us. He told us at our lesson last night that he probably wouldn't have stopped if we didn't have american accents. haha pretty cool!

He's on a Baptismal date for June 9th and is reading the Book of Mormon.

E is doing well. We still have a lot to teach him and help him understand but he is solid. He is gonna bring two of his friends with him to church this sunday!He's such a cool guy!

S is really enjoying his family history. He realizes his importance in helping his family members recieve the Gospel. He has already found about 40 names that need their temple work done! wow

I love you all family! England is beautiful and green this spring! it is amazing! I'm excited to skype home for Mothers Day! :)Love you all!Keep the fair

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hey everybody i just want you all to know that I LOVE FAMILY WARDS!!!!! im so much more a family person then a single adult person... i dont know why i just am. I love little kids thats probably why ive already made way more little kid friends in this ward in one week then i did in the YSA ward ha-ha just kidding but kinda serious. Families are just super great and I’m really happy and excited to be here... Oh yeah I’m in the GIBSONVILLE WARD! Its pretty country which I’m happy about also. I’m way more a country out doors girl then a city person. I’ve also come to realize that on my mission. I mean i love the city don’t get me wrong i like visiting the city and i think its beautiful but man... The country is the best! Its so pretty and i just love it! My new companion is sister Santa. And yes thats exactly how you say it S-A-N-F-T sanft. She is from Tonga!! But her family recently moved to las Vegas Nevada. We get along great so far! She has lots of siblings like 6 sisters and 2 brothers or something and she has the longest prettiest thickest black hair EVER super jealous!! She’s been out for 7 and a half months and this is her first time being the one that like knows the area better then her companion since shes been here longer.

Okay so after transfers we had to drive like 2 hours to our area. Its on the very inside edge of the mission and really its beautiful here. But we got dropped off an hour into our ride at a stake center where our car was then we had to drive another hour but when our other ride left was when we realized that neither of us had a gps... We were both planning on trying to do the same thing which is never having to buy a GPS our whole mission ha-ha Heavenly Father showed us. We got lost hard core for like 2 hours and finally we were asking people to direct us to a Walmart so we could get a GPS and people were so nice! They drove us there! We finally got there and sister sanft decided to buy one cuz she said her dad wouldn’t care if she did and i knew my daddy would hahaha still going strong with no GPS :) but anyway sister sanft was all sorry and sad and felt really bad that we kept getting lost and kept losing our keys and kept getting locked out of our apartment and our car but I’m like ITS OKAY I PROMISE if anything i think its funny i totally don’t care. I think she’s just nervous but she’s realizing that I’m not like a super up tight person so i think she’s calming down a bit which is good. Its just funny though really we’ve gotten locked out of our apartment and car multiple times this week ha-ha

So this week has felt really long but normally transfer weeks do but anyway, my first appointment here was a lady named “Diane” or so i thought. They totally set me up you guys i was dying hahahaha i have heard that

this happens to missionaries and it happened to me this week. Okay so we go in and theres loud music playing and this mean looking lady sitting on her couch wither her bible in her hands and a visor on and I’m like hi Diane how are you? Would you mind if we turn down your music? Shes like yeah just a little bit though in like a really mean voice I’m thinking uh oh this is gonna be good. So then she starts asking me the questions we all hate the most to answer shes like asking about plural marriage and blacks not having the priesthood and all these questions about the bible that i DO NOT KNOW and she was just shooting me down and my companion just kept like not saying a word and setting me up to answer these way hard questions and i was like “WHO IS MY COMPANION RIGHT NOW!?!?!” Like i thought she was just like so careless and just all over the place and i was thinking in my mind like what am i gonna do i started like backing down and not saying anything too like just being like sorry ma’am i cant answer your questions and she was just being so rude hahah like telling me how i don’t know anything and all this stuff and literally i felt like i was gonna cry (but i didn’t show that) and then my companion started laughing so hard and i was like I’m sorry ma’am i have no idea why shes laughing and then shes like CUT CUT and SISTER COX aka Diane took her visor off and started laughing and was like just kidding just kidding I’m a member of the ward!!!! I was like “OH MY GOSH” and then i just fell back in my chair like thank the heavens hahahahah it was so bad they got me good. This sister cox is amazing though like shes gone through such hard horrible things and shes still such a strong person. And shes a really good actress ha-ha i felt so dumb. But they said i did pretty good and that i still kept lovingly trying to do my best which is what they were going for so i guess i passed but man that was rough.... hahah

But anyway the rest of my week was way better for some reason i can feel my faith growing a lot. A lot of things happened right when we got here like our district leader had to go home and his comp got transferred so we have this huge area by ourselves now and for some reason i feel like so calm and happy about it like im super super pumped and excited to do missionary work in this area which is great! We’ve made goals and stuff for this area and planned out how we are going to do that and our ward mission leader is great and im just really excited to get this ward on board with missionary work. They are already picking up a little bit so im excited to keep it going. I already love the people here so much!!

We’ve already found some people! Honestly like and increased vision goals and plans is the answer and faith faith faith of course. We’ve been visiting members and less actives and trying to work through them and we’ve found 2 less actives and their wives who aren’t members but who want to learn and want to get baptized already!! They have some issues we have to work through but honestly i know it is by our faith that the lord can work through us. When our faith is high when our vision is high we can be much better instruments in his hands and in his work. And something else ive learned on my mission is you have to be willing to LOVE and to SERVE anyone and everyone. That is what Jesus would be doing and that is what he wants us to do. I know it. And i know this is how we bring people closer to Christ. Also having a good attitude about everything helps too.

The bishop invited us to dinner last night last minute and told us his WHOLE family was going to be in town and pretty much all their kids are less active so they told us to pray about a good message to share so we did and it went great! We shared “good things to come” video and Matt 11;28-30 about taking Christs yoke upon you and when you do you will be strengthened to bear your burdens and things like that it went really well and we all had a really good discussion everyone was listening and paying attention it was wonderful. The spirit was really strong. They thanked us for the message and on the way out the bishop said “thank you sisters that was perfect” :) he was so nice. I LOVE FAMILIES!!! hahaha :) i love the gospel i know its true. I know all of it is true. im so grateful for how I’ve changed on my mission. And I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACES NEXT SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all very much! Thank you so much for your support it means so much to me! Thank you again for everything you do! And i will see you next week!


Sister Devitt :)

ps heres my new address

4162 stonecrest dr. apt #204Burlington, NC 27215


Page 12: Mountainville 4th Ward | Missionary Newsletter |  1404 final

Sister Tiffany Conder ( Jan 2013 - July 2014)Texas Houston East Mission 3565 Delaware Street #501 Beaumont, Texas 77706

Elder Willy Eklof (Aug 2012 – 2014)Florida Jacksonville Mission 8663 Baypine Rd Ste 102 Jacksonville, FL 32256

Elder Mason Smith (Aug 2012 – 2014)Chile Concepcion South Mission Castellon 1063 Casilla 3560 Conception, Chile

Elder Taylor Fruehan (Sept 2012 – 2014)Washington Federal Way Mission 23175 224th Pl SE Ste E Maple Valley, WA 98038

Sister Adrianne Bennett (March 2013 - Sept 2014)Italy Milan Missionc/o le sorelle missionarie Via la Grecca 6747127 Forli FC Italia

Sister Hannah Palmer (March 2013 - Sept 2014)Adriatic North MissionCrkva Isusa Krista Svetaca Posljednjih Dana Svačićev Trg 3/110000 Zagreb CROATIAEmail Address: [email protected]

Sister Jazmyn Card (Apr 2013 - Oct 2014)Brazil Santa Maria Mission Ciaxa Postal 179 Uruguaiana – RS 97501-970 BRAZILEmailAddress: [email protected] BlogAddress:

Sister Melissa Devitt (April 2013 - Oct 2014)North Carolina Charlotte Mission 707 Dunluce Dr. #107 Rockhill, SC 29730

Elder Micah Hannemann (Feb 2013 -2015)California Carlsbad Mission 451 W Bobier Dr. Vista, CA 92083

Elder Justin Bellon (Feb 2013 – 2015)Tennessee Nashville Mission 105 Westpark Dr. Ste 190 Brentwood, TN 37027

Elder Cody Harris (Feb 2013-2015)Argentina Resistencia Mission Casilla de Correo 13500 Resistencia Chaco ArgentinaEmail Address: [email protected] Blog Address:

Elder Jace Ellsworth (March 2013-2015)Malaga Spain Mission

Elder Corbin Petersen (June 2013 -June 2015)Chile Santiago South MissionApartado Postal No. 544 San Bernardo, ChileEmail: [email protected]

Elder Tayler Hendricks (July 2013 -2015)Madrid Spain Mission C Batalla de Bailen N5, 37 Collado-Villalba 28400

Elder Ryan Devitt (July 2013-2015)England Birmingham Mission 187 Penns Lane Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 IJUUnited Kingdom /

Elder Nathan Haug (August 2013-2015)Mexico Oaxaca Mission Huerto de los Olivos #101 France, Trinidad de las Huertas 68120 Oaxaca, Oaxaca Mexico

Elder Michael Nelson (August 2013-2015)Copenhagen Denmark Mission Borups Alle’ 128, 1. Tv. 2000 Frederiksberg DenmarkEmailAddress: [email protected]

Elder Josh Edwards (August 2015)Florida Tallahassee Mission1535 Killearn Center Blvd, Suite C3 Tallahassee, Florida 32309

Sister Adelheid Hulme (September 2013 – March 2015)Nashville Tennessee MissionBlog Address:

Elder Andrew Anderson (October 2013-2015)California Los Angeles Mission1591 E. Temple Way Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801Email Address: [email protected]

Elder Clark Fruehan (October 2013-2015)Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission Cassilla de Correo 2042 Zona Central Santa Crus, Santa Cruz Bolivia

Sister Kasi Conder (November 2013 – May 2015) Ecuador Quito Mission

Sister Danni Porter (January 2014 – July 2015)Canada Winnipeg Mission 845 Shaftesburg Blvd Winnipeg, MB R3P OM5 CANADA

Elder Justin Cloward (February 2014-2016)Canada Vancouver Mission 8440 – Williams Road Richmond, B.C. V7A 1G6 Canada

Sister Mazie ReneerCalifornia Ventura Mission Provo MTC: May 7

Elder Aaron FjeldstedCanada Toronto Mission Provo MTC: May21

Mountainville 4th Ward Missionaries

Sister Zoie FranksCalifornia Los Angeles Mission Mexico MTC: June 11

Elder Jared HansonJapan Sendai Mission Provo MTC: June 18

Elder Jackson CardPeru Cusco Mission Peru MCT: June 17

Elder Sterling LarsenPhilippines Cebu East Mission Provo MTC: July 30

Elder Seth HannemannGhana Cape Coast Mission Ghana MTC: August 21

Elder Jared CollinsChile Santiago East Mission Chile MTC: August 27

Elder Joseph Bailey (September 2013-2015)Mexico Cancun Mission

Mission Calls