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Motorcycle Speedway Construction

Feb 22, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    Motorcycle speedwayFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Motorcycle speedway

    A speedway rider on the track

    Highestgoverning body Fdration Internationale de Motocyclisme

    Nickname(s) Speedway

    First played 1923


    Contact Contact

    Team members 2 at a time on track

    Categorization Outdoor

    Motorcycle speedway, usually referred to as speedway, is a motorcycle sportinvolving four and

    sometimes up to six riders competing over fouranti-clockwiselaps of an oval circuit.

    Speedway motorcyclesuse only one gearand have nobrakesand racing takes place on a flat oval track

    usually consisting of dirtor loosely packed shale. ompetitors use this surface to slide their machines

    sideways, powersliding or broadsidinginto the bends. !n the straight sections of the track the motorcycles

    reach speeds of up "# miles per hour $%%# km&h'.

    (he exact origins of the sport are unknown but there is evidence of a type of speedway racing being

    practised in the )S* before the First World Warand in *ustralia in the late %+%#s and early %+#s. (here

    are now both domestic and international competitions in a number of countries including the Speedway
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    World upwhilst the highest overall scoring individual in the Speedway rand rixevents is pronounced

    the world champion. Speedway is popular incentralandnorthern /uropeand to a lesser extent in *ustralia

    and 0orth *merica. * variant oftrack racing, speedway is administered internationally by the F1d1ration

    2nternationale de Motocyclisme$F2M'. 3omestic speedway events are regulated by F2M affiliated

    national motor sport federations.



    % 6istory


    7 (rack

    8 Motorcycles

    9 :acing

    ; Scoring

    " alculated match averages

    < ompetitions

    o eague competitions

    +.8. !ther competitions

    +.8.7 0ational team
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    +.8.8 3anish rand rix

    o +.9 ?ulgaria

    o +.; !ther nations

    %# See also

    %% Further reading

    % :eferences

    %7 /xternal links

    6istory4edit source@ editbeta5

    ol Stewart races his speedway motorcycle wearing a wooden helmet. hoto taken around %+7#.

    (he early history of speedway race meetings is a subAect of much debate and controversy. (here is

    evidence to show that meetings were held on small dirt tracks in*ustraliaand the)nited

    StatesbeforeWorld War 2. *n *merican rider named 3on Bohns was known to have

    usedbroadsidingbefore %+%8. 2t was said that he would ride the entire race course wide open, throwing

    great showers of dirt into the air at each turn.4%5?y the early %+#s, BohnsC style of cornering was followed in

    the )S D where the sport was initially called EShort (rack :acingE D by riders such as *lbert EShrimpE

    ?urns, Maldwyn Bones and /ddie ?rinck.45onseuently, two long-hold and common beliefs are incorrectG

    first, that 0ew Healand-born riderBohnnie 6oskinsinvented the sport, and second, that the first meeting

    was held on %9 3ecember %+7 atWest MaitlandShowground,in the6unter :egionof 0ew South Wales,

    *ustralia. For instance, a contemporary newspaper report of this meeting, in the Maitland Mercury,

    mentions previous meetings.

    (he first meeting in the)nited =ingdomtook place at 6igh ?eechon %+ February %+

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    *ustralians ?illy alloway and =eith Mc=ay arrived with the intention of introducing speedway to

    the 0orthern 6emisphere. ?oth featured in the %+< 6igh ?eech meeting. (he first speedway meeting in

    the )= to feature bikes with no brakes and broadsidinground corners on loose dirt was the third meeting

    held at 6igh ?eech on + *pril %+

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    *ll 8 riders leaning into the first corner - note the elbows.

    /ach track is between ;# to 89 metres long and it takes approximately one minute to complete four laps.

    For example, >eigh *damsset a record time of 9+ seconds on a 78 metres $%,% ft' track and produced

    an average speed of

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    starting area is also divided into four eual parts $known as gates' by white lines marked at right angles to

    the start line and extending back at least % metre $7.7 ft'. *dditional rules govern the placement of warning

    systems such as lights and also the construction of the starting mechanism. (he minimum track width is %#

    metres $77 ft' on the straights and the bends must be at least %8 metres $8; ft' wide. (he minimum widths

    give each rider adeuate space to safely navigate the track. (he start line and starting gate assembly is

    halfway along one of the two straight sections of the track. Starting gates are simplespring-

    loadedmechanisms that raise two or three strands of tape to start the race.495

    (he F2M regulations reuire licensed tracks to provide a garage or pit area for motorcycles as well as

    medical and press facilities. (rack boundaries are marked by white lines or barriers on the inside and

    outside of the track, any rider who crosses this boundary with both wheels will be disualified unless they

    only did so in the interest of safety or were forced to by another competitor.495

    Stadion olonii ?ydgosKcKin oland, a track using an air-fence

    (he track surface consists of four layers of grading. (he topmost of which must be

    ofshale,granite, brickgranules or other loose material of which no individual piece can be over "

    millimetres $#.< in' in siKe. ompetitors use this surface to slide their machines sideways $powersliding

    or broadsiding'into the bends using the rear wheel to scrub-off speed while still providing the drive to

    power the bike forward and around the bend. (he skill of speedway lies in the overall ability of the rider to

    control his motorcycle when cornering and thus avoid losing places through deceleration. (he use

    ofasphalt,concreteandtarmacfor any layer is prohibited. (he top layer must be levelled or EgradedE at

    intervals during an event by tractors towing specially adapted rakes to evenly re-distribute the surface.

    (racks are watered before and, if needed, during meetings to prevent the surface becoming too dry and to

    protect the public and the riders from dust.495
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    *ir-fence close-up

    Safety reuirements include the use of suspended wire fences, air fences and wooden fences. *ir fences

    are made up of inflated panels installed on the bends. (he fence is designed to dissipate energy byallowing an impacted area to compress and transfer air into the rest of the fence through blow-off valves or

    restriction ports connected to the other sections.4;5(hey are mandatory for tracks in the?ritish /lite

    >eague, olish /kstraliga,Speedway rand rixand Speedway World up. 0eutral Kones outside the

    track provide safe run-off areas for riders and their machinery to minimise the potential risk of inAury to

    spectators.495(he maAority of tracks are dedicated to speedway or other sports such assidecar

    speedwayand banger racing. For larger events, the F2M occasionally sanctions the use of stadiums that

    install temporary tracks such as the?ritish rand rixheld at the Millennium Stadiuminardiff.

    Motorcycles4edit source@ editbeta5


  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    * dirt deflector fitted to a Speedway motorcycle

    Machines used mustG

    Weigh no less than "" kg $unfuelled'

    )se a four-stroke,single-cylinder enginewith one carburettorand

    one spark plugand a maximum capacity of 9##cc

    6ave guards fitted over moving engine parts where reasonable

    )se an additional chain guard to prevent a hand or fingers being cut at

    the nip point where the chain meets the sprocket by a chain

    6ave a peg $3utch eg' fitted to prevent a broken primary chain flailing

    and inAuring a rider or a fellow competitor

    )se shatter resistant plastics where reasonable

    ?e fitted with a dirt deflector

    ?e fuelled by methanolwith no additives

    ?e fitted with an approved silencer

    6ave a handlebar width greater than ;9# mm and less than

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    maximum length of 7# centimetres $% in'' attached to the riderCs right wrist.E4"5(he highcompression

    ratioof the engine can also assist in slowing down a machineN if thethrottleis closed the engine may stop.

    :iders can stop the bike by deliberately laying down the bike on the track and this techniue is used to

    avoid riders who fall in front of a pursuing colleague. ?efore cut outs were fitted an engine was stopped in

    an emergency situation by removing the plug lead from the spark plugor shutting off the fuel supply.

    :acing4edit source@ editbeta5

    :iders in the start.

    :aces $known as heats' consist of four riders racing over four laps from a standing start. :iders wear

    different coloured helmets, traditionally red and blue denote home team riders, and white and yellow&black

    uartered colours denote visiting riders. (he colours also denote starting positions. :ed is the pole, blue

    starts second, white starts third and yellow&black starts on the outside. 2n speedway some finals may have

    six riders depending on the siKe of the track and finals are generally held over six laps. :iders must be able

    to get their bikes to the start line under their own power, without any external assistance and not by pushing

    the machine, then line up in parallel. (he starting area is divided into a grid of four eual parts and the

    riders from each team must take their place in alternate grids or EgatesE.

    * rider who is not at the start line within a reasonable period of time is also liable to be disualified,

    although league matches in the )= allow teams to elect to start the disualified rider fifteen metres back

    from the tapes or replace the disualified rider with a team reserve. (his period of time is standardised to

    two minutes from a time determined by the match referee and usually indicated by a bell, a rotating orange

    lamp or a digital clock readout. *ll riders must be at the tapes under their own power before the twominutes have elapsed. *dditional time between races will be allowed by, and at the discretion of, the

    referee if a rider has two consecutive rides, to allow the rider time to prepare.

    * starting gate consisting of two or more tapes is erected across the start line. (he riders must situate

    themselves not more than %# centimetres $7.+ in' from this and not touch it at any time, they must also

    remain stationary until the tapes are raised. (hese are known as tape infringementsand can result in

    a false startbeing recorded and the rider penalised $disualified, or in league matches in reat ?ritain, a

    %9-metre penalty or replace the disualified rider with a team reserve'. (he race is started with the raising

    of the start tape mechanism operated by the match referee and the riders must proceed around the track inananti-clockwisedirection without both wheels illegally leaving the track boundaries.
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    !nce a race is underway, no rider can receive outside assistance, includingpush-starts,from others.

    6istorically, pushers were allowed at the start of the race. * white line at the 7# metre mark used to

    designate the extent to which a push was allowed but due to safety concerns, assistance is now illegal.

    !ccasionally races consist of six riders but this is rare as most tracks are too narrow to accommodate theextra riders safely.

    Scoring4edit source@ editbeta5

    Speedway operates a sliding scale for scoring $known as the 3-2-1-0method'. (hree points are scored for

    first place, two points for second place and one point for third place. * rider does not score when finishing

    fourth, or failing to finish, or if excluded from a race. (hese points accumulate over the competition, with

    riders points either counting towards individual or team placings. 2n the event of a tie, the race is commonly

    awarded as a dead heat. 2f it is a tie for first place, they will both receive two points. * tie for second place

    earns each rider one point while a Aoint-last finish earns each rider Kero points. (eams can use a tactical

    substitute rule once in a meeting. 2f that team is eight or more points in arrears, they may bring in the use of

    a different rider in their team lineup, to race in any heat except for heat %9. (his may be different in World

    cup or event racing. 2f they are ten or more points behind, a rider with a scheduled ride may go out for

    double points, in which the riders points will be doubled if he beats a rider of the opposing team. *ny rider

    taking a tactical substitute ride or double points ride is denoted by a black and white helmet colour as rather

    than one of the four usual coloured helmets. 2f that rider remains unbeaten by either opposition rider his

    scored points are doubled and also count towards the riderCs calculated match average $M*'.

    Scoring or

    Heats with ! riders

    "lace "oints

    1st 3

    2nd 2

    3rd 1

    th !

    alculated match averages4edit source@editbeta5

    (he sport produces Calculated Match Averages$M*s or averages' for every rider, these are calculated

    from the followingG

    M*s scale from 7.## to %.##, any rider scoring above or below these values will be awarded the

    maximum. (hese averages are used in leagues such as the ?ritish /lite >eague to identify heat-leaders for

    the purposes of choosing which riders to enter for each race.

    *t the start of a season, a rider retains their last recorded M* $or assessed M* if they have neverpreviously established one' until they have competed in six home and six away matches. * new M* is
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    then issued that comes into effect seven days later. (hese are subseuently updated on the %9th of every

    month from May onwards, and come into effect on the first of the next month.

    (hese M*Cs are used in most professional leagues and are altered or weighted depending on the league

    the rider gained the M* in. * rider that has no recorded average will receive an indicative M* for thestart of the season that is assessed on their prior experience in the sport.

    ompetitions4edit source@ editbeta5

    International4edit source@ editbeta5

    #orld (F$d$ration %nternationale de Motocyclisme)

    Seniors &'niors Se

    %ndivid'al"orld Indi#idual$193%&199'

    (rand )ri*$since 199+'"orld Indi#idual ,-21$since 19..' /uropean Indi

    "air "orld )airs$19.!&1993'0$2!13' one /uropean )

    Team"orld eam$19%!&2!!!'

    "orld Cup$since 2!!1',-21 "orld Cup$since 2!!+'

    *n international individual speedway championship has taken various forms since its beginnings in the

    %+7#s. (he present F2MSpeedway rand rix $S'championship organised by Speedway rand rix

    $2Msince ##"' has taken place since %++9. (he S uses a scoring system based on each riders

    overall final position. (he rider who has gained the most points at the end of the tournament is declared

    the World hampion.*ustrailanriderhris 6olderis the current World hampion. (he annual ?ritish

    rand rix is currently held at the Millennium Stadiuminardiff,Wales.

    (he Millennium Stadium,venue of the?ritish rand rix

    Scoring in rand rix events changed in ##9 with riders scoring 7--%-# in their races and these points

    being carried forward to decide the winner of each rand rix. *t the end of the series the highest scorer

    becomes the world champion.

    World Speedway hampions include 2van Mauger$six-time World hampion', fellow0ew Healander?arry

    ?riggs$four-times',!le !lsen$three-times',!ve Fundin$five-times', >ionel Ian raag$inaugural World

    hampion in %+7;',6ans 0ielsen$nicknamed E(he rofessorE, four-times World hampion',(ony

    :ickardsson$six-times', /rik undersenand Bason rump, both three-times World hampions.
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    (he Speedway World upis also held each year, featuring teams from the maAor speedway countries,

    usually in a series of meetings over the space of a week in the summer. (he current champions are

    3enmark $#%'.

    (he Speedway World airs hampionshipwas an annual speedway event held each year in differentcountries. ompeting countries picked their top two riders to represent them. (he first competition was held

    in %+"# and the final competition was held in %++7. From %++8 it was merged with the World (eam up.

    3omestic competitions4edit source@ editbeta5

    Finnish speedwayriders in Speedway /xtraliiga -competition in Oyteri speedway venue.

    Most /uropean countries run their own domestic speedway leagues. (he F2M affiliated governing bodies in

    each country operate league systems, normally comprising severaldivisions, in which the teams gain

    points throughout the season depending on results. (eams are placed into tables,placing them in order

    according to points accrued. Most commonly, each team races every other team in its league at home and

    away in each season, in a round-robin tournament.Meetings traditionally consist of two teams riding

    against each other with four riders in each race with two home team riders and two away team riders.

    Meetings usually feature fifteen heats and each rider is scheduled to ride four or five times. (he team with

    the most points at the end of the meeting is the winner. Most league seasons end withplay-offs- a series of

    meetings between the highest finishing teams to determine a league champion. (he champions may

    bepromotedto a higher division and the team finishing at the bottom are in some countries relegatedto a

    lower division.

    (he maAority of countries supplement the league system with one or more cup competitions. (hese are

    organised on aknock-outbasis, the winner of each match proceeding to the next round and the loser

    taking no further part in the competition.

    (he maAor speedway nations in /urope are the )nited =ingdom, Sweden, oland and 3enmark. (hese

    countries run a number of leagues and have regular fixtures throughout the traditional speedway season

    that runs from March to !ctober. !n a smaller scale, competitions are also held in *rgentina, *ustralia,

    Kech :epublic, 2taly, :ussia, Slovenia and the )nited States. Some countriesC top divisions feature highly

    paid star riders. 2n smaller countries and lower divisions, riders may be part-timers with a second Aob, or

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    United Kingdom4edit source@ editbeta5

    Main article: Speedway in the United ingd!m

    (he )nited =ingdom has three main domestic leagues, the /lite >eague, the remier >eague,and

    the 0ational >eague, as well as two CAuniorC amateur leagues.

    Poland4edit source@ editbeta5

    Main article: Speedway in "!land

    (omasK ollob- a successful olish speedway rider P #%# world champion

    Speedway is one of the most popular sports in oland and is governed by the Main C!mmissi!n f!r

    Speedway Sp!rt #$%&wna !mis'a Sp!rtu (u)l!weg!* $S(+which is a part of the "!lish M!t!r

    Uni!nolski HwiQKek Motorowy $HM'. (he HM is a member of the F2M and the )nion /urop1enne de


    (he olish /xtraleaguehas the highest average attendancesfor any sport in oland. (he first speedway

    meetings in oland were held in the %+7#s and league racing began in %+8

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    hampionshipin##9and##;and since ##7 four olish Auniors have won the)nder-% 2ndividual World

    hampionship. 2n total, seven olish riders have been World hampions at )nder-% level.

    Sweden4edit source@ editbeta5

    Main article: Speedway in Sweden

    Speedway in Sweden is governed by the Swedish M!t!rcycle and Sn!wm!ile .ederati!n #S4,M5+. (he

    first Swedish speedway league was founded in %+8< and copied the ?ritish format of league racing,

    including adopting the Swedish version of several ?ritish teams nicknames.

    (he /lite >eague $/litserien' was established in %+

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    four teams compete in the play-offs in semi-finals and a final. (he winner of the final are the league

    champions. (here is no promotion or relegation and membership of the 3anish >eague is by application

    only.4+5*t the end of each season the top five teams in the 3anish >eague compete in the 6anish Super

    Cup8* an end-!f-seas!n c!mpetiti!n* held as a single event9 t is h!sted y the winning team fr!m the

    previ!us seas!n9

    ?oth 3ivision !ne and 3ivision (wo are the second and third tier and are mostly for amateur riders.

    Meetings are held on Saturdays with a mid-summer break. 3ivision !ne can have a maximum of eight

    teams, with the remaining teams riding in 3ivision (wo. Meetings are staged using a four-team format. 2n

    principle, the team finishing bottom of 3ivision !ne is relegated and replaced by the top team in 3ivision

    (wo as long as their parent club does not already have a team in 3ivision !ne. 6owever, this does not

    always happen for financial reasons. (here is also no promotion and relegation if the bottom team in

    3ivision !ne and the top team in 3ivision (wo are operated by same club. 4+5

    Other competitions4edit source@ editbeta5

    (he 2ndividual Speedway 3anish hampionshipis a competition for riders holding a 3anish passport and a

    valid 3M) licence. :iders must submit their entries at least four weeks before the first meeting of the

    competition. *ny riders who competed in the Speedway rand rix or World hampionship Tualifying

    rounds during the previous season are seeded directly to the Final. (he 3M) may also seed other riders

    directly to the Final at their discretion. /ither one or two semi-finals are staged depending on the number of

    riders entering the competition $excluding the seeded riders who go straight through to the Final'. :iders

    are selected for these rounds according to the previous seasonCs 3anish averages. 2f one semi-final is held,the highest-placed riders $plus two reserves' ualify for the Final. 2f two semi-finals are held, the highest-

    placed riders $plus one reserve' from each meeting ualify for the Final. (he winner of the Final is awarded

    a gold medal and declared 3anish 2ndividual hampion. (he riders finishing second and third are awarded

    silver and bronKe medals respectively. (he final classification also determines which riders ualify for the

    World 2ndividual Speedway hampionship.

    (he 2ndividual Speedway Bunior 3anish hampionshipis a competition for riders holding a 3anish

    passport, a valid 3M) licence, and who are under % years of age on % Banuary in the year of the

    competition. :iders wishing to compete must submit their entries at least four weeks before the firstmeeting of the competition. 2f there are " or more entries, four uarter-finals are staged. 2f there are

    between 98 and "% entries, three uarter-finals are staged. 2f there are fewer than 98 entries, two semi-

    finals are held. :iders are selected for these rounds according to the previous seasonCs averages in 3anish

    matches only. When four uarter-finals are staged, the top eight riders $plus one reserve' in each progress

    to the semi-finals. When three uarter-finals are staged, the top ten riders $plus two reserves' from one

    round, and the top eleven riders $plus one reserve' from each of the other rounds, progress to the semi-

    finals. (he top eight riders $plus one reserve' from each semi-final meet in the Final. (he winner of the Final

    is awarded a gold medal and declared 3anish Bunior 2ndividual hampion. :iders finishing second and
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    third are awarded silver and bronKe medals respectively. (he top five finishers ualify for the World Bunior

    Speedway hampionship.

    (here is a great depth of league speedway for all ages in 3enmark. (he ;!uth /eaguesare for riders

    between eight and eighteen years of age and 77 years of age.

    National team4edit source@ editbeta5

    Main article: 6enmar nati!nal speedway team

    3enmark enter a team in the Speedway World up. (hey won the competition in ##;,##

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    Stadion6aunstetten, a Sandbahn track

    See also4edit source@ editbeta5

    "ikimedia Commons has

    media related to Speedway

    *uto :ace

    3irt track racing


    2ce speedway

    !utline of motorcycles and motorcycling

    (rack racing

    Further reading4edit source@ editbeta5

    Backson, Beremy $% May ##;'. St Austell Speedway: 7he ,arly ;ears

    1=>=-1=?>. 02 Media roup. 2S?0#-"98-7"

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction


    7. #?amford, : P Barvis B.$##%'. B!mes !f

  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction



    Indi#idual ,-21

    eam ,-21

    Champion's Cup




    Indi#idual ,-19

    eam ,-19


    %ce speedway

    "orld ChampionshipsIndi#idual


    /uropean Indi#idual

    ong track

    "orld ChampionshipsIndi#idual


    *overning +odies

    "orld $FIM'

    /urope $,/M'


    Motorcycle speedway

    Maitland, 0ew South Wales

    0avigation menu reate account

    >og in'_Cup,_New_South_Wales'_Cup,_New_South_Wales
  • 7/24/2019 Motorcycle Speedway Construction





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