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CO". ..... , . 'DL5?lA'1 CoP'! Moths-and Butterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) A Faunal Checklist Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, State of Vermont Miscellaneous Publication 116 Vermont l\I1onitoring Cooperative Bulletin No.1 January 1995

Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

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Page 1: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

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Moths-and Butterflies of Vermont(Lepidoptera)

A Faunal Checklist

Agricultural Experiment Station, University of VermontDepartment of Forests, Parks and Recreation, State of Vermont

Miscellaneous Publication 116Vermont l\I1onitoring Cooperative Bulletin No.1

January 1995

Page 2: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by



A Faunal Checklist

Moths and Butter-flies of Vermont (Lepidoptera)I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by J. Boone and J.

r , I . A . Prll ,I . N. n , . Curtis, P. M. Hanson, and B. Heinrich. Collections from Jerichow ll h I II C op r tlon of D. R. Tobi who maintained light trap operations duringull f r to the Zadock Thompson Zoological Collections (UVMl, and R., t it m torlat. J. luzatto and D. Dillner kindly brought the Sphinx eremitus

Sp II t II t ll l tl II W ro kindly provided by; K. B. Bolte, P. T. Dang, J. D. Lafontaine, B. Landry, J.-F.landry, nd A . Mu illur l ntr tor I mel nnd Biological Resources Research, Agriculture and Agrifood, Canada);R. L. Brown 1M I Ipll l l il t III I I I Mu um) ; D. Adamski, J . Burns, D. R. Davis, D. C. Ferguson, R. W.Hodn , M.J ' I' Ill , 11111 1. 1( , II I) In lSmlthsonian Institution); T. L. McCabe lNew York State Museum); W.

. Millo r lUnl v r ltv of Mill" I ); .. Oumter, and F. H. Rindge (American Museum of Natural History); J. E.Rawl/nll ( nu 01 Mil 11111 , N tur I til ! tory); D. F. Schweitzer (The Nature Conservancy); J. G. FranclemontlCornflll Unlv r tV); I I. n III k, Jr.; W rren J. Kiel; M. A. Roberts, and David L. Wagner {University ofConn tlcuu . WIll'I ur uurul I P. A. Opler for permission to cite unpublished butterfly records.

Compiled and edited by

John R. Grehan, Bruce L. Parker',w ro kindly prepared by Glenn Moody Photographers, Burlington. We

Gordon R. Nielsen2, Donald H. Miller3


James D. Hedbor", Michael Sabourin", and M. Scott Griggs6

. L. P. rkor, G. R, Nielsen, D. H. Miller, J. D. Hadbor. M. S. Sabourin, & M. S,ItII of Vormont Il.spidoptera): A Faunal Checklist. A joint Vermont Agricultural, V rm nt publication. Miscellaneous Publication 116, VMC Bulletin 1. 86 pp.

Printed by Queen City Printers Inc.70 1 Plno Street, Burlington, VT 05402

AES Tho AUrl iultur II xp rlrnonl 51Il ion, University of Vermont, provides research results to everyone, without regard to' . r C . coror, II Ili on II orlOlll, sox, rollqlon, age, or handicap. The Experiment Statio n is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ' Entomology Research Laboratory, Department of Plant and Soil Scien ce, University of Vermont, P.o. Box 53400, Burlington, Vermont 05405;

'University Extension System. Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 0.~405. Current address RR1 •Box 1010, Hinesburg, VT 05461; 3Department of Science, Lyndonville State College. Lvndonville, Vermont 05851. P.O. Box 203, South Hero,Vermont 05486; 6763 Blair Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104; -Lovers Lane, Grand Isle. VT 05458.

Page 3: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


Vermont butterfly and moth specimens and recordswidely dispersed among out-of-state collections arenot readily accessible to researchers and personsinterested in the local fauna. This publicationdocuments identifications made primarily from adultspecimens held in the Entomology ResearchLaboratory (ERl), the Carl T. Parsons Collection(CTP), reference collections at various Vermont Stateagencies, and private collections of the authors. Thelist represents a major step forward in theestablishment of a Vermont State voucher inventoryof Lepidoptera. Most of the records are fromspecimens collected in northwestern Vermont (mapp. 87). Many specimens were collected from lighttraps at UVM's Research Forest at Jericho, theVermont Monitoring Cooperative survey sites onMount Mansfield in Underhill, and the HorticulturalResearch Center in South Burlington. The compilationof records took place over the last four years and thelist gives priorltv to the ERL holdings of over 1,460species and 10,000 specimens. The catalogue lists atotal of 1,779 species in 682 genera, with 955macro- moths (Noctuoidea, Sp hio qoide a,Bombycoidea, Geometroidea, Drepanoidea,Zygaenoidea, Papilionoidea, Hesperoideal includino89 butterfly species in 48 genera. Cross reference topublished illustrations are given for some species, andFrench common names are provided where possible.

Past Monitoring EffortsNoted North American entomologists and others havecollected in Vermont for many years, and theParsons' collection, for example, contains specimenshe collected throughout Vermont over a century ago.Albert F. Winn from Montreal forayed into NewEngland in the early 1900's (Winn 1912), and someof the type specimens now housed in the AmericanMuseum of Natural History are from Franklin County.

Insect records over the last 40 years werepublished weekly during the growing season by theUVM Extension Service (Nielsen and MacCollom1965-90), and biennial reports of the VermontDepartment of Forests and Parks and the VermontDepartment of Agriculture provided a historical recordof pest occurrence and management activities in theState (Anonymous 1954-1976). Major forest pestoutbreaks of this century have been reviewed byFowler et al (1986), and Parker et al. (1989).Vermont pest records are now directly entered intothe database of the USDFA-APHIS VermontCooperative NAPIS Program. In addition, thecomputerized records from the "Vermont Pest Surveyand Detection Program" are housed by the USDA atFort Collins, Colorado. Forest pest conditions and


records are reported annually by the VermontDepartment of Forests, Parks and Recreation (Taillonet al. 1982-94) and this agency administers aprouram of long-term monitoring of forest insectsunder the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative.

Future Monitoring and SurveyWe recognize that the presentation of a faunal recordfor Vermont is a dynamic process. Many interestingfacets require further work. The current list could besupplemented by searching for Vermont records inregional collections such as in major institutions inthe eastern United States and Canada. All fieldidentified species listed here need to be confirmed bycollecting or rearing adults, and further specialistconfirmation of identification made where necessary.Development of a data storage and retrieval systemdocumenting Lepidoptera distribution, seasonality,habitat and food requirements for use by local andregional planners and others is highly desirable.

Preface to Catalogue

(a) Incorrect published records

457 Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haw., 1803).Vermont included within the species range byJohnson and Lyon (1976) but the insect is not yetestablished in the state. Introduced on coniferousnursery stock, intercepted and eradicated.

(b) Endangered, threatened, or special interestspecies

Vermont Endangered Species Committee:Subcommittee on Invertebrates. Chairman R. T.Bell. Vice Chairman G. R. Nielsen (Nielsen 1990a).

2446 Argyresthia castaneella Bsk., 1915The chestnut ermine moth was listed in 1988 as ofspecial concern. Not recorded for many years. Hostvirtually exterminated. Removed from list 1990.

4452 Speyeria idalia (Drury, 1773)Listed 1990 as species of special concern.Collected in Pomfret, VT, 17 July 1941 (VermontNongame Natural Heritage Program, VNGH).

4196 Pieris virginiensis (Edw., 18701Listed 1990 as species of special concern. Knownto be associated with rich mesic forests. Records inVermont at the northeastern limit of its range.Common in southern Green Mountain NationalForest, 1994.

6274 Itame ribearia (Fitch, 1848).Listed in the 1985 State Element Ranking Forms

(VNGNH) as probably historically statewide, butpopulations possibly reduced by destruction ofRibas (alternate host of white pine blister rust)during the 1950-60's. Single specimen collected 6July 1991, Bakersfield, Franklin Co. by Jim Hedbor.

8804 Catocala marmorata Edw., 1864.One record only. Listed 1988 as of SpecialConcern. Doubtfully ever present as a breedingpopulation. Removed from list 1990.

9429 Lemmeria digitalis (Grt., 1882.).Listed in the 1986 State Element Ranking Forms(VNGNH) as unknown since a pre-1930 recordfrom Bolton Mountain. Seven specimens collectedin Hinesburg, September-October 1991-1993, andone from Camp Johnson (Colchester), October,1991.

9589 Properigea costa (B. & Benj., 1923).One female caught in a residential area inShelburne, Chittenden County, on July 7 1962 byJohn H. Hessel. The specimen is deposited in thePeabody Museum at Yale. This species isassociated with shale, granite, or limestonebarrens, and could breed in the Champlain lowlandsof Vermont where many limestone outcrops occur.(D. F. Schweitzer personal communication). Listedas Properigea species 1, a species of specialconcern (Anon. 1989).

10336 Lasionycta taigata Lafontaine, 1988.A bog associate. Single record from Moose Pond,Essex County, a female collected 18 June 1975 byT. L. McCabe. A paratype in Lafontaine andKononenko (1988). Listed as Lasionycta species 1,species of special concern (Anon. 1989).

7704 Eacles imperialis (Drury, 1773).Specimen in the Carl T. Parsons EntomologicalCollection (UVM) collected July 1893. Collector notknown. Last seen in Vermont in 1934. A species ofSpecial Concern 1990.

7812 Sphinx drupiferarum J. E. Smith, 1797.Specimen in the Carl T. Parsons EntomologicalCollection (UVM), collected 20 June 1950,Montgomery Village by C. T. Parsons. Individualrecords at West Sandgate, 2 June 1951, andCraftsbury 9 June 1961 (VNGNH). A species ofSpecial Concern 1990. Since listing there havebeen three additional Chittenden Co. records.Milton, 12 August 1984 (GRN), Hinesburg, 4 June1992 (GRN) and 14 July 1992 IGRN).

7796 Sphinx eremitus (Hbn., 1823).Specimen collected 19 July 1990 by Ms JessicaLuzatto in Burton Island State Park, Franklin


County. Last previous record 1940, WindsorCounty. A species of Special Concern 1990.

(c) New Vermont records of general interest

18 Sthenopis argenteomaculatus (Harr., 1842).Widespread in New England (David Wagner,personal communication.). Reared in June 1990from pupae extracted from swamp alders fromOrange Co. by J. R. Grehan and J. Rosovsky. Oneadult collected in Hinesburg, Chittenden Co., 9August 1991 by G. R. Nielsen. Other specimenssince recorded from Jonesville, and Grand Isle.

21 Sthenopis thule Stkr., 1875.Single specimen collected 25 July 1992 at streetlight in South Hero, Grand Isle Co. by Jim D.Hedbor. Species known to feed on willows.

2.2. Sthenopis auratus Grt., 1878.Published record from Camel's Hump at 3,000'elevation (McCabe and Wagner 1989). Observed inJuly 1990 as a common species in JerichoResearch Forest (600'), Richmond, Chittenden Co.Probably common throughout much of Vermont.

4064 Poanes viator viator (Edw., 1865)Not an expected record (D. F. Schweitzer personalcommunication, 1994\. Found common in wetlandat Shaw Mountain Nature Conservancy Reserve,Addison Co. (1994), and two specimens collectedfrom wet meadow at Grand Isle, Grand Isle Co(1993). A mid-western species with previousknown eastern limit in central/western New Yorkwith a possible record at Albany (Shapiro 1974).Generally not a common species (Holmes et al.1991) and rare east of Ohio compared with Poanesviator zizaniae Shapiro, 1971 which is rapidlyexpanding its range with the introduced plantPhragmites australis, and could eventually appearin Vermont.

4611 Deneis jutta (Hbn., 1805-6),Collected and identified from Ferdinand, Essex Co.,6 June 1987 by Donald H. Miller.

8022 Hyparpax aurora (J. E. Smith, 17971.Collected at light on Bear Mountain, southernVermont by Howard Romack.

10414 Lacinipolia implicata McD., 1937.Single individual collected at bait in a residentialbirch-beech-maple forest on Brownell Mountain,Williston, Chittenden Co. on 22 August 1988 byDale F. Schweitzer and Everett Marshall (D. F.Schweitzer collection). Single specimens alsocollected on 16 August 1974 in Hinesburg,

Page 4: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


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Chittenden Co. by Gordon R. Nielsen, and 3September 1991 in Bristol, Addison Co. by Eva N.Doane. An additional 28 specimens have beencollected between 19 August and 3 September1991-1993 at Hinesburg, and 4 specimens fromGeprags Community Park, Hinesburg, August 1994by John R. Grehan.

8702 Zale submediana Strand, 1917.Collected at Jericho Research Forest, ChittendenCo. (May , 19901. Associated with pine barrensand abundant in New Jersey, Cape Cod (MAL andsome parts of the Great Lakes region. Larvae feedon pines. Not an unexpected record and a speciesthat should have been common in the past in sandplain areas near Burlington (Dale F. Schweitzerpersonal communication, 19911.

8350 Zanclognatha martha Barnes, 1928.Collected at Jericho Research Forest (July 1990).Recorded from pitch pine/scrub oak barrens inPennsylvania and northward. The Jerichopopulation may have colonized pines from aremnant pine barren (Dale F. Schweitzer, personalcommunication, 1991).

9992 Pachypolia atricornis Grt., 1874. Adultsrecorded between 12 September and 15 Octoberfrom 1991 - 1994 at the Proctor Maple ResearchForest, Chittenden Co. This species is among theleast often collected noctuids in eastern NorthAmerica. In all cases collectors have noted nounusual habitats or woody plants close by. Habitatsappear to comprise ordinary mesic northernhardwoods on non-acidic soils. The insect isrecorded from NH, VT, NY, MD, KY, MO, IL, MI,and MN. In most of these states there is but oneknown locality and often just from a singlespecimen (0. F. Schweitzer, personalcommunication, 1991).

Literature contributing to identification,common names, and citations.

Anon. 1989. Vermont's Rare, Threatened andEndangered Animal Species, Vermont NaturalHeritage Program, Department of Fish and Wildlife,Waterbury, Vermont. 13 p. October 1989.

Benoit, P. 1975. French names of insects in Canadawith corresponding latin and english names.Agriculture Quebec QA38-R4-30, 214 p.

Bolte, K. B. 1990. Guide to the Geometridae ofCanada (Lepidoptera) VI. Subfamily Larentiinae 1.Revision of the Genus Eupithecia. Memoirs of theEntomological Society of Canada. 151 :57-59.

Brown, R. L. 1983. Taxonomic and morphologicalinvestigations of Olethreutinae: Rhopobote,Griselds, Me/issopus, and Cvdie (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae). Entomography. 2: 97-120.Brown, R. L. 1986. Resurrection of Cetesteoe

Clemens and revision of the Epinotia Vertumnana(Zeller) species-group (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae).Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 4014):326­332

Chapman, P. J. and 8. E. Lienk. 1971. Tortricidfauna of apple in New York (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). New York State AgriculturalExperiment Station, Cornell University SpecialPublication. Geneva, N.Y.. 122 p., plates.(Common namesl

Covell, C. V., Jr. 1984. Moths of Eastern NorthAmerica. A Roger Tory Peterson Field Guide.Easton Press, Norwalk, CT. 406 p. 74 text Figs.,64 plates (most in color). (Common names).

Carter, D. J. 1992. Butterflies and Moths. AnEyewitness Handbook. Darling KindersJey, lnc.,New York, NY. 304 p. 600 color illustrations.

Dang, P. T. 1990. Redefinition of Tribe BactriniFalkovitsh and revised status of Genera TanivaHeinrich and Hulda Heinrich (Tortricidae:Olethreutinae). Journal of the Lepidopterists'Society. 44(2):77-87.

Ehrlich, P. R" and A. H. Ehrlich. 1961. How to Knowthe Butterflies. W. C. Brown Company, Dubuque,Iowa. 262 p.

Eichlin, T. D., and W. D. Duckworth. 1988.Sesioidea: Sesiidae in Oominick, R. B" et al., TheMoths of America North of Mexico, tasc, 5.1: 176p; pI. A-B, 1-4; 40 text fig.

Ferguson, D. C. 1969. A revision of the Moth of theSubfamily Geometrinae of America, North ofMexico (Insecta, l.epidopteral. Peabody Museum ofNatural History, Yale University. Bulletin 29.Newhaven, CT. 251 p.

Ferguson, D. C. 1978. /n Dominick, R. B., fit et., TheMoths of America North of Mexico, Fasc. 22.2,Noctuoidea (in part): Lymantriidae. x + 1-110, 9pl.

Ferguson, Douglas C. 1982. A revision of the genusMecrochito HObner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae},Entomography 1:303-332.

Ferguson, D. C. 1985a. Contributions towardreclassification of the world genera of the tribeArctiini, Part 1 - Introduction and a revision of theNeoerctie-Gremmie group (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae;Arctilnasl. Entomography 3: 181-275.

Ferguson, D. C. 1985b. In Dominick, R. B., at et..Geometroidea: Geometridae (in partl, The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico, Fasc. 18.1: 131 p, 4color pl., 32 text fig.

Ferguson, D. C. 1993. A Revision of the species ofNemetocempe (Geometridae: Ennominael occurringin the United States and Canada. Journal of theLepidopterists' Society. 4 7( 1):60-77.

Ferris, C. D. (ed.l, 1989. Supplement to: Acatalogue/checklist of the butterflies of AmericaNorth of Mexico. The Lepidopterists' Society

Memoir 3. 103 p.Forbes, W. T. M. 1923. The Lepidoptera of New

York and Neighboring States. Part I (PrimitiveForms, Microlepidoptera, Pvralids, Bombvces).Cornell University Agricultural Experiment StationMemoir 68. Ithaca, N.Y. 729 p.. 439 text figures,keys, food index. June 1923. (Common names).

Forbes, W. T. M. 1948. Lepidoptera of New York andNeighboring States. Part II (Geometridae,Lvrnantriidae. Notodontidae, Sphingidael. CornellUniversity Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir274. Ithaca, N.Y. 263 p, 255 text figures, keys,food index. June 1948. (Common names).

Forbes, W. T. M. 1954. Lepidoptera of New York andNeighboring States. Part III (Noctuidae). CornellUniversity Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir329. Ithaca, N.Y. 433 p., 290 text figures, keys,food index. July 1954. (Common names).

Forbes, W. T. M. 1960. Lepidoptera of New York andNeighboring States. Part IV (Agaristidae throughNymphalidae, including Butterfliesl. CornellUniversity Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir371. Ithaca, N.Y. 188 p., 188 text figures, keys,food index. September 1960. (Common names).

Fowler, R. F" l. F. Wilson, and D. M. Paananen.1986. Insect Suppression in Eastern Region National

Forest: 1930-1980. USDA FS North Central ForestExperiment Station, General Technical Report NC­103.56 p.

Gall, l. F. 1990. Systematics of moths in the genusCatoca/a (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). II. Type materialat the Museum of Comparative Zoology, HarvardUniversity, with lectotype designations. Psyche97(1-21:121-129.

Glassberg, J. et al., NABA. 1993. English names forNorth American butterflies. Adoption of policyguidelines and the establishment of english namesfor butterflies found in the northeastern UnitedStates. American Butterflies 1(1): 21-29.

Hagen, R. H., R. C. Lederhcuse. J. L. Bossart, and J.M. Scriber. 1991 . Papilio canadensis and P. g/aucus(Papilionidael are distinct species. Journal of theLepidopterists' Society. 45(41:245-258

Heppner, J. B. 1985. The sedge moths of NorthAmerica (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterigidae). F. & F.Handbook # 1: 254p, 298 fig.

Hodges, R. W. 1971. In Dominick, R. B., et al.,Sphinooidee, The Moths of America North ofMexico, Fasc. 21: xii + 1-158, figs. 1-19, pl. 1-14

Hodges, R. W. 1974. In Dominick, R. B., et al..Gelechioidea: Oecophoridae (in part) The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico, Fasc. 6.2: x + 1-142,figs. 1-32, pI. A, 1-7.

Hodges, R. W. 1978. In Dominick, R. B., et al.,Ge/echioidea (in part): Cosmopteriuidee. The Mothsof America North of Mexico, Fasc. 6.1: lil-x + 1­166, text figs. 1-53, pI. 1-6

Hodges, R. W. et al. 1983. Check List of the

Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico. E. W.Classey Limited and The Wedge EntomologicalResearch Foundation, London. 284 p.

Hodges, R. W. 1986. In Dominick, R. B., at aI.,Gelechioidea: Ge/echiidae (in part) The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico, Fasc. 7.1: xiii, 1-140,figs. 1-31, pI. A-HH, 1-4.

Holland, W. J. 1903. The Moth Book. Doubleday,Page & co.. N.Y., N.Y. 479 p. 263 figures, 48color pI.

Holland, W. J. 1968. The Moth Book. DoverPublications, lnc., N.Y., N.Y. 479 p. 263 figures,48 color pI. (Common names I

Holmes, A. M .. F. H. Quimby, R. R. Tasker, and A. J.Hanks. 1991. The Ontario butterfly atlas. TorontoEntomologist's Association. Toronto, Ontario.

If tener, D. C., J. A. Shuey, and J. V. Calhoun.1992. Butterflies and Skippers of Ohio. OhioBiological Survey Bulletin IX(11 NS.

Johnson, W. T. and H. Lyon. 1976. Insects that feedon trees and shrubs. Cornell University Press,Ithaca and London. 556 p.

Klots, A. B. 1951. A field guide to the butterflies.Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 348 p.

Kononenko, V. s.. J. D. Lafontaine, and K. E.Mikkola. 1989. An annotated checklist of noctuidmoths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidael of Beringia.Entomologicheskoye Obozreniye 3: 549-567.

Lafontaine, J. D. 1987. In Dominick, R. B. et aI.,Noctuoidea: Noctuidae (part). The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico, Fasc. 27.2: 1-237, pi A­FF, 1-8, text fig. 1-2.

Lafontaine, J. D. and V. S. Kononenko. 1986. Arevision of the genus Trichosilia Hampson(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with descriptions of fournew species. Canadian Entomologist 118:1079­1113.

Lafontaine, J. D. and V. S. Kononenko. 1988. Arevision of the Lesionvcte skraelingia (Herrich­Schaffer) species complex (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae}. Canadian Entomologist 120:903-916.

Lafontaine, J. D. and R. W. Poole. 1991. The mothsof America north of Mexico including Greenland.Noctuoidea Noctuidae (part) Plusiinae. The WedgeEntomological Research Foundation, Washington,D.C. 182 p. 22 PI.

Landry, J-F. 1991. Systematics of nearcticScvthriaidee (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea): phylogenyand classification of supra specific taxa, with areview of described species. Memiors of theEntomological Society of Canada-No. 160: 341 p.451 fig., 2 pI.

t.eraut. P. 1978. Ouelques changements dans Ienomenclature des Tortricoidea de France. Alexanor10:338-341

McCabe, T. L. 1980. A Reclassification of the PoliaComplex for North America (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae), New York State Museum Bulletin 432,

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vi + 141,11 maps, 210 fig.McCabe, T. Land D. L Wagner 1989. The biology

of Sthenopis auratus (Grote) (Lepidoptera:Hepialidae). Journal ot the New York EntcrnolouicalSDciety.97:1-10.

McGuffin, W. C. 1967. Guide to the Geometridae ofCanada (l.spidoptera). I. Subfamily Sterrhinae.MemiDrs of the Entomological Society of Canada­No. 50, 67p, 4 color plates, 54 text figures.

Miller, J. V. (ed.) 1992. The common names of NorthAmerican butterflies. Srnithsonian Insititution Press,Washington DC. 177 p.

Miller, L D. and F. Martin Brown. 1981. A catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America North ofMexico. The Lepidopterists' Society Memoir No.2,280 p

Miller, W. E. 1983. Genus Phaneta: new synonymiesand a new species (l.epidoptera: Tortrlcldae).Annals of the Entornoloqical Society of America76(1):98-102.

Miller, W. E. 1985a. Nearctic Eucosma (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae): four new species and three newsvnonvrnles. Annals of the Entomoloqical Societvof America 78(21:244-247.

Miller, W. E. 1985b. Nearctic O/ethreutes: five newsvnonvmies. two revised statuses, and notes(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae}. Proc. of theEntomological Society of WashingtDn 87(2):408­417.

Miller, W. E. 1985c. Pammene perstructana (Walker)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) identified after more thana century. Great Lakes Entomoloqist 18(4): 145­147.

Miller, W. E. 1987. Guide tc the Olethreutine mothsof Midland North America (Tortrlcidae). U.S. Dept.Agric., Forest Service, Agric. Handbook 660. iv +104p.

Munroe, E. 1972-3. Pyra/oidea (Pyralidael inDominick, R. B. et al., The Moths ofAmerica Northof Mexico, Fasc. 13.1: xx, 1-304, pl. 1-13, A-K.

Munroe, E. 1976a. Pyra/oidea (in part) in Dominick,R. B. at al., The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico,Fasc. 13.2a: 1-77, pl. 1-4, A-H.

Munroe, E. 1976b. Pyra/oidea (in part) in Dominick,R. B. et al., The Moths ofAmerica North of Mexico,Fasc. 13.2b: xvii, 81-150, pt. 5-9, J-U.

Neunzig, H. H. 1986. Pyra/oidea: Pyra/idae (in part)in Dominick, R. B. et al., The Moths of AmericaNorth of Mexico, Fasc. 15.2: xi, 1-82, figs. 1-23,pI. A-E, 1-6.

Neunzig, H. H. 1988. A taxonomic study of thegenus Setebrierie (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae:Phycitinael in America North of Mexico, The NorthCarolina Agricultural Research Service, Tech. Bull.287: 95 p, 37 pt., 52 text fig.

Neunzig, H. H. 1990. Pyra/oidea: Pyra/idae (part) inDominick, R. B. et aI., The Moths ofAmerica Northof Mexico, Fasc. 15.3: 165 p, 70 text figs., 7 pI.


Nielsen. G. R. 1990a. Report of the InvertebrateSubcommittee to the Vermont Endangered SpeciesCommittee, 31 October 1990, 15 p.

Nielsen, G. R. 1990b. Vermont Faunal Lists, VFL-1,University of Vermont Extension Service,Burtinqton. Vermont. 4 pp. December 1990.

Nielsen, G. R., and G. B. MacColIDm. 1965-1990.Entomology and Plant Disease (EPD, EPP)Newsletter. UVM Extension Service, Burllnqton.

Opler, P. A. 1983. County atlas of eastern UnitedStates Butterflies (1840-19821, Washington, D.C.(unpublished) .

Opler, P. A., and G. O. Krizek 1984. Butterflies eastot the Great Plains. John Hopkins University press.294 p.

Opler, P. A. and V. Malikul. 1992. A field guide toeastern butterflies. Peterson field guide ND. 4.Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Mass. 396 p., 48 colorpl.

Packard, A.S., 1886-1890. Insects injurious toforests and shade trees. USDA Fifth ReportEntomological Commission Bulletin 7 (Rev.), 306woodcuts, 38 plates, 957 p.

Parker, B. L, K. E. McGrath, S. Moulton, and H. B.Teillon. 1989. History of the Major Forest InsectPests in Vermont. A joint VT Agr., Exp. Station andState of VT publication. RR 57. Univ. VT,Burlington. 32 p.

Poaue. M. G. 1986. A Generic Revision of theCochylidae (Lepidoptera) of North America.Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota,St. Paul, Minnesota.

Poole, R. W. 1989. Lepldopterorurn catalogus (newseries) fascicle 118: Noctuidae. E. J. Brill, Leiden,The Netherlands. 1,314 p. (in 3 volumes).

Razowski, J. 1987. The genera of Tortricldae(Lepidopteral. Part 1: Palaearctic Childanotina andTortriclnae. Acta Zoologica Crace. 30(11 I:141-355.

Rings, R. W" E. H. Metzler, F. J. Arnonld, and D. H.Harris. 1992. The Owlet Moths of Ohio: 20rderLepidoptera Family Noctuldae. Ohio BiologicalSurvey Bulletin IX(2) NS. 219 p. 16 PI.

Riotte, J. C. E. 1980. Sphinx ooecite, A valid NorthAmerican hawkrnoth species (Lepidoptera:Sphingidae). Great Lakes Entomologist. 13(3): 115­130

Riotte, J. C. E. 1987. Designation of a neotype forSphinx poeci/a Stephens (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae).Great Lakes Entomolqist, 20(2):87-91

Robinson, G. S. and E. S. Nielsen. 1983. Themicrolepidoptera described by Linnaeus and Clerck.Systematic Entomology 8: 191-242.

Rockburne, E. W. and J. D. Lafontaine, 1976. Thecutworm moths of Ontario and Quebec. CanadaDept. Agric. Research 8ranch Pub. 1593. 164 p.613 Fig.

Sargent, T. D. 1976. Legion of night: the underwingmoths. University Df Massachusetts Press,

Amherst, Massachusetts. 222 p. 8 PI.Schaefer, P. W. 1986. Biblioqraphv of the Browntail

Moth Euproctis chrvsorrhea (L.) (Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae) and its Natural Enemies. U. of Del.Ag. Expt, Stn. Bulletin 464. Newark, Del. 66 p.

Scott, J. A. 1986. The Butterflies of North America.Stanford U. Press, Stanford, California, 583 p.

Scudder, S. H. 1889. The butterflies of the easternUnited States and Canada with special reference toNew England. Cambridge, Massachusetts.Published by the author. 1,958 p.

Shapiro, A. M. 1974. Butterflies and skippers of NewYork State. Search 4: 1-60. Cornell University,Agricultural Experiment Station.

Solis, M. Alma. 1993. A phvloqenetic analysis andreclassification of the genera of the Pococeracomplex (Lepidoptera: Pvralldaa: Epipaschiinae).Journal of the New York Entornolcqical Societv.101(1):1-83.

Stoetzel, M. B. 1982, 1989. Common Names ofInsects and Related Organisms. EntomolopicalSociety of America. 132 p. (Lepidoptera pp. 163­1761. (Common names).

Tashiro, H. 1987. Turfgrass insects of the UnitedStates and Canada. Cornell University Press,Ithaca, 64 color plates, 90 text figs., 391 p.(Common names)

Teillon, H. 8., 8. S. Burns, and R. S. Kelly. 1982­1994. Forest Insect and Disease Conditions inVermont. Agency of Natural Resources,Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation.Waterbury, Vermont.

Titus, F. A" O. A. Meikle, and K. T. Harrison 1985.Scientific and Common Names of Insects and Mitesof Interest in the Maritimes Provinces. CanadaForestry Service, lntormatlon Report M-X-155,Maritime Forest Research Centre. 130 p. In English.(Common names).

USDA, Forest Service. 1985. Insects of EasternForests. USDA Miscellaneous Publication # 1426.Washinqtcn, D.C. 608 p., 218 ills. (Commonnames}.

USDA-APHIS-PPO. 1951-1975. CooperativeEconomic Insect Report (CEIRI Hyattsville MD. Vol.1 - 25. Superseded by Cooperative Plant PestReport Vol. 1-5, 1976-1980.

USDI-F&WS. 1990. Endangered and ThreatenedWildlife and Plants. Federal Register 50 CFR 17.11& 17.12, 15 April 1990. USGPO, Washington DC.

Vermont Department of Forests and Parks. 1954-76.Biennial Reports of the Vermont Forest Service PestCDntrDI Division, Montpelier (Succeeded by theannual "Forest Insect and Disease Conditions inVermont).

Wagner, D. L. 1988. Taxonomic Status ofKorscbettettus Borner in North America(Lepidoptera: Hepialidael. Journal Df the New YorkEntDmDlogical SDciety. 96:345-354.


WestcDtt, C. 1973. The Gardener's Bug Book. Fourthed. Doubleday & Co. Garden City, N.Y. 689 p.Illustrated.

Wilkinson, C., and M. J. Scoble, 1979. TheNepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of Canada. Memoirs ofthe Entornolcqical Society of Canada -ND. 107: 129p, 61 text figures, 10 pI.

Wilmot, S. H., and T. D. Scherbatskoy (eds.) 1993.Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Annual Report for1992. VMC Ann. Rep. No.2, 138 p. VermontDepartment of Forests, Parks and Recreation, 103South Main St., Waterbury, VT 05671.

Winn, A. F. 1912. A Preliminary List of the Insects ofthe Province of Quebec, Part I Lepidoptera. QuebecSociety for the Protection ot Plants, Annual Heport- Appendix, 103 p.

List FormatSpecimens maintained in the Lepidoptera collection atthe Entomology Research Laboratory, UVM,Burlington, VT., are designated by a collectionnumber in parentheses. Vermont specimensmaintained in other collections are identified asfollows:

(AMNH) American Museum of Natural History, NewYork, NY.

(BMC) Biology Department, Middlebury Colleae,Middlebury, VT.

(CNC) Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ontario,Canada

(CTP) Carl T. Parsons Entomological Collection, UVM,Burlington, VT.

(DFS) Dale F. Schweitzer collection, Port Norris, NJ.(DHM) Donald H. Miller, Lyndonville, VT.(DLW) David L. Wagner, University of Connecticut,

Storrs, CT.(ERl) Entornoloqv Research l.aboratorv, UVM,

Burlington, VT.(FPRMI Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation,

Morrisville, VT.(GRN) Gordon R. Nielsen, Hinesburg, VT.(HR) Howard Romack, Jr. collection, Cambridge, NY.(JDH) James D. Hedbor collection, South Hero, VT.(MCZ) Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard

University, Cambridge, MA.(MS) Michael Sabourin, St. Paul, MN.(MSGI M. SCDtt Griggs, Grand Isle, VT.(NVSM) New York State Museum, Albany, NY.(PMY) Peabody Museum, Yale University, New

Haven, CT.(TlMI Timothy L. McCabe collection, Albany, NY.(USNM) United States National Museum,

Washington, DC.(VDA) Department of Agriculture, FODd and Markets,

Waterbury, VT.(WJK) Warren J. Kiel collection, Whitefield, NH.

Page 6: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


ZEUGLOPTERA Lithocolletinae 6 Anacampsinae · ... 13MicroPterigidae Phyllocnistinae 7 Chelariinae · . . . . . 13DACNONYPHA Gelechioidea Dichomeridinae ... 13Eriocraniidae · ..... Oecophoridae · , . , . 7 CopromorphoideaEXOPORIA Depressariinae , ... 7 Aluctidae ......... 13

Hepialoidea Ethmiinae · . . . . , . 8 Carposinidae , ..... 14Hepialidae Stenomatinae . . , . 8 Epermeniidae · . , ... 14· .......MONOTRYSIA Oecophorinae . . . . 8 Epermeniinae ..... 14

Nepticuloidea Elachistidae · ...... 8 Glyphipterigidae · .. , 14Nepticulidae ....... 1 EJachistinae · ..... 8 YponomeutoideaTischeriidae · . . . . . . 2 Blastobasidae . , .... 9 Plutellidae ....... , 14Incurvarioidea Symmocinae · ..... 9 Yponomeutidae · ... 14Incurvariidae 2 Blastobasinae ..... 9 Argyresthiidae ..... 15· .....

Incurvariinae 2 Coleophoridae · .... 9 Heliodinidae ....... 15. . . . .Adelinae · ....... 2 Coleophorinae , , .. 9 Sesiodea

Heliozelidae 2 Momphidae · ...... 10 Sesiidae · ........ 15· .. , ...DITRYSIA Agonoxenidae · .... 10 Tinthiinae ....... 15

Tineoidea Blastodacninae .. · .. 10 Paranthreninae · ... 15Tineidae 3 Cosmopterigidae · .. 10 Sesiinae . , ...... 15. . . . . . . . .Psychidae · ....... 4 Cosmopteriginae , . 10 Choreutidae ....... 16

Taleporiinae 4 Chrysopeleiinae · .. 10 Choreutinae · ..... 16· .....Psychinae · ...... 4 Scythrididae · ..... 10 Cossoidea

Lyonetiidae 4 Gelechiidae · . . . . . . 11 Cossidae · ....... , 16· ......Gracillariidae 4 Anomologinae , . , . , 11 Cossinae · ........ 16· .....

Gracillariinae . . . . . 4 Gelechiinae · ..... 11

Key to abbreviations and terminology

auth.,B.C.casescat.Col.CWDet,E.&D.ex gen,•F. 18.1F.22.2Fig,fr.H.Host?lrnm,JFl.l.l.&P.LMmine

= of authors= Bolte (1990)= Covell (1984)= casebearer cases only= caterpillar= collected by= cutworm= Determined by= Eichlin and Duckworth (1988)= examined genitalia~ ESA approved common name= Ferguson (1985)~ Fergusen (1978)= figure~ from= Holland (19681~ larval food source= identification uncertain= immature (larval stage)= Landry (1991)

Lafontaine (1987)= Lafontaine and Poole (1991)= leafminers= leafminer mine only


WM.M.MeG. IMn. 13.1Mn. 13.2aMn.13.2bN.15.2N.N.15.3nsp.?nsp.O.&M.PI.RRec.RH.6.1RH.6.2RH.7.1R.&l.S.sheltersSp.


= Miller (1987)= moth= McGuffin (1967)

Munroe (1972·3)Munroe (1976a)Munroe (197Gb)Neunzig (1986)

= Neunzig (1988)= Neunzig (1990)= new species= possibly a new species= Opler and Malikul (1992)~ plate= Rings et al (1992)= recorded by

Hodges (1978)= Hodges (1974)= Hodges (1986)= Rockburne and Lafontaine (19761= Sargent (19761~ housing made by larvae= distinct species, designationnot determined, does not representnamed species in document= identification verified by= Wilkinson and Scobie (1979)

TortricoideaTortricidae .. , . . . .. 16

Olethreutinae . . . .. 16Tortricinae . . . . . .. 22

Cochylidae 25HesperioideaHesperiidae .,..... 25

Pyrginae .... ,... 25Heteropterinae . . .. 26Hesperiinae ... , .. 26

PapilionoideaPapilionidae . . . . . .. 27

Papilioninae . . . . .. 27Pieridae ,. 27

Pierinae . , , .. , . .. 27Coliadinae . . . . . .. 27

Lycaenidae 27Meletinae . . . . . . .. 27Lycaeninae , , .. 28Theclinae " 28Polyommatinae 28

Libytheidae 29Libytheinae .,.... 29

Nymphalidae 29Nymphalinae 29Argynninae 29Melitaeinae "",. 30Limenitidinae ... ,. 30Satyrinae . . . . . . .. 30Danainae . . . . . . .. 31

ZygaenoideaZygaenidae 31Megalopygidae , 31Limacodidae ,. 31PyraloideaPyralidae . . . . . . . .. 32(Series Crambiformes)

Scopariinae . . . . .. 32Nymphulinae .,.', 32Odontiinae . . . . . .. 32Glaphyriinae 33Evergestinae 33Pyraustinae , 33Schoenobiinae .. .. 35Crambinae .. , . . .. 35

ISeries Pyraliformes)Pyralinae ... , ... , 36Chrysauginae .. , .. 36Epipaschiinae .. , .. 37Gallariinae , ,. 37Phycitinae , " 37Peoriinae . , . . . . .. 39

Thyrididae . . . . . . .. 39Thyridinae , , . . . .. 39



Pterophoridae 39Platyptiliinae 39Pterophorinae "" 39

DrepancideaThyatridae " 40Thyatrinae . . . . . . .. 40Drepanidae , 40Drepaninae ,.. 40Oretinae ,.... 40GeometroideaGeometridae ", 40

Archiearinae 40Oenochrominae .. , 40Ennominae 41Geometrinae , 45Sterrhinae , . . . . .. 46Larentiinae .. ,.,. 46

Epiplemidae . . . . . .. 49BombycoideaApatelodidae . . . . .. 49Lasiocampidae . . . .. 49

Macromphaliinae .. 49Gastropachinae '" 49Lasiocampinae .. " 50

Saturniidae 50Citheroniinae . . . .. 50Hemileucinae . . . .. 50Saturniinae 50

SphingoideaSphingidae ." .. ,. 51Sphinginae ""'" 51Macroglossinae .... 52NoctuoideaNotodontidae , ,. 52Arctiidae " 54

Lithosiinae , ., 54Arctiinae , .. 55Ctenuchinae ,.... 56

Lymantriidae ,..... 56Orgyiinae ""'" 56

Noctuidae ,.,..... 57Herminiinae .. , , ,. 57Rivulinae ..... , " 58Hypenodinae .. ,.. 58Hypeninae , .. 59Catocalinae , ., 59Plusiinae . . . . . . .. 62Euteliinae ... ,.,. 64Sarrothripinae .... 64Nolinae ... , , , . ,. 64Acontiinae ' .. , . .. 64Pantheinae 65Acronictinae 66Agaristinae .. ,... 67Arnphlpvrinae .... 67

Cuculliinae . . . . . .. 72Hadeninae ..... '. 74Noctuinae ", .. ,. 77Heliothinae 80

Generic Index .. , . .. 81Collecting Sites 87Color Plates , " 88-95

Page 7: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

The following list is a provisional record of the moths and butterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera in part). Taxonomicformat for supra-generic taxa follows that of Hodges et al, (1 983) except for the butterflies which follows Oplerand Malikul (1992). Known changes in species and generic nomenclature since publication of the Hodges checklistare incorporated. Synonymized names may follow in brackets. Genera are listed in alphabetical order within eachfamily or subfamily. Resolution to subspecies is determined according to the choice of the determinant. Informationon each species is presented in the following sequence:

Genus; Hodges number; Species; author; publication date; ERL collection number, collection code, or fieldidentification; stage if not adult; determined and verified by; year of determination; common name(s); list ofillustrations.



Family MICROPTERIG/DAE (micropterigid moths)

Genus Epimartvria Walsingham, 18981 auricrinella Wlsm., 1898. (629) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. PI.61 (26)


Family ERIOCRANIIDAE (eriocraniid moths)

Genus Dyseriocrania Spuler, 191 03 griseocapitella (Wlsm., 1898). (1167) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. C. PI.61 (25)

Genus Eriocrania Zeller, 18515 semipurpurella (Steph., 18341. (1181) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.


Family HEPIALlDAE (ghost moths or swifts, heplales, f., Fr.)

Genus Korscheltellus Borner, 192531 gracilis (Grt., 1864). (383) Det. J. G. Leonard, 1990. (conifer swift moth, graceful ghost moth,

hepiale gracieuse, f., Fr.)

Genus Sthenopis Packard, 186418 argenteomaculatus (Harr., 1842). (178) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1989. (silverspotted ghost moth, alder

rootborer, hepiale d'argent, f., Fr.) C. PI.7(1 OL H. PL41 (14)22 auratus Grt., 1878. (382) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (hepiale doree, f., Fr.)21 thule Stkr., 1875. (JOH) Det. B. Landry, 1992. (hepiale du saule, t., Fr.)


Family NEPTICULlDAE (nepticulid moths)

Genus Ectoedemia Busck, 190739a argyropeza downesi Wilkinson and Scobie, 1979. (DLWl Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. W.&S. 1.6(1,2152 ?populella Bsk., 1907. (1185) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (poplar petiole gall moth, -galle cotelee du

Page 8: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

i 3

peliol() du trumble. L, f r )46 1virgulae (Braun, 'lH2/l, (L)LW) filii !) I \rV;~unfir', !

Genus Gtaucolepis Braun. 1!J1 !59 saccherelle (Braun. I H'j i) (I'!flld) r..:1itHi lint Ii!

Genus Coptodlsca Walsingham, 1895 (case bearersl256 kalmiella Dietz, 1921. 113291 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993.247 ?Iucifluella (Clem., 18601. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.251 negligens Braun, 1920. (Field) Mine. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus ObruSS8 Braun. 1Dl ~)

37 ochrefasclelln ((:IHH))" J B/Jj, (40, Lh:H U, C, VVi,HJlinf j iBIO Ih;Hd Il"\i:ipk lJlldllliIIiJl"')

38 sericopeze (loll, I fU~lI 11)1 WI D"I D. I. \iV";)",,,. j'I:!!)

Genus Stigmella SciHill';' , 1f\O:i INoPllc"lo IIfjyd"n, IIH'1l92 ?corylifoliella (el,,,n .. 1!jf,'11 (1)1 Wi I)", I) I \iV"UIl"'. 1'1\10 W.&.f".I'10111,2)64 pomivorella (Puck .. IB/OI. 11)1 Wi IlI,1 j) I Wi'O'In' IHill) 1""'llilnlino "pplo loafmillerl W.&S.

PIBIGI79 slingerlandella (KIl .. 1001l) IIlI WI Dm. I) W"\Ji'i'; 1TIC! 1:;lin\Jllilillllf" plum leafrniner) W.&S.

I'll (2),8(11sp. Host: .r10.!IJI,) IJJl1lYIJf.9W 11'11 WI 1'''1 l! I W"Vnoi, I!HlOsp. Host; Q,LU11GHLt rVlJXLt, j t)1 VVj Ikf I) I VVilU!hH, 1rJHO

Genus Tischeria Zullur 1WI')149 aenea F. & I\. 1Hn. IDFWi I)f!\ 0, I W"Ui1fH, IiHlO, (IHil!nb", In,dlllillor)148 agrimoniellu Braun. H)/}. IOFWI Do! I) I W"()lHH, HHHJ129 badiiell« Cham.. lIllb. (OFWI Do! I) 1 . W"I)""'. I n~lo Iwbit" oak loatminerl140 castaneaeeua Charn.. 1illb. IDFW, On! I) I W"lJIl'I\. I uno. (chostnut blotchmlner)12G citrinipennelta UllllI" Hlb!L 11000i DiAl IJ I W"iJIIn,.1 UUl.146 crataeqitotiae Braun. 19/:i. IIJFWllJol I, I W"lJl"". I~Hl0.

145 malifoliella Clern.. HH30. (OFWI Dn! O. I W"I.I""i. 1U90. lapplo loaf trumperminer ", rnineuse dupornmier. I., Fr.1

156 solidagonifoliella CIOIll" I H!,'l II: i 1'1 O,,! 0 L Wil\JIl,,,


Family INCUI1VAllIIOAF (yucca and I.urv 1Il1l11,,;1


Genus Paraclemensia Busck, 1904181 aceritotiella (Fitch, 18b41. 1B31 Dol. .1. H. Gruhen. 1090. (maple leatcutter ", maple casebearer,

coupeIourlle do lorab!e, m.. Fl.) C. I'UHIIII

Subfamily ADELINAE

Genus Adela Latreille, 119fi229 purpuraa Wlk., 1B(;3. (103B) Del. M. Sabourin, 1992. C. PI.62(8)228 ridinqsella Clem., 1B64. 112051 Dol. .J. H. Grehan, 1993

Family HELIOZELIDAE (shield bearers)

Genus Antispila Hubner, 1B25240 ampelopsifoliella Cham., 1B74. (DLW) Del. D. L. Wagner, 1990.232 ?cornifoliella Clem., 1B60. (DLWI Del. D. L. Wagner, 1990.234 nysaefoliella Clern., 1B60. (FieldI Mine. Del. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (tupelo leafminer) C. P1.63(181237 viticordifoliella Clem., 18GO. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.2.. n.sp. Host: Comptonia peregrina. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Hellozela Herrich-Schiiffer, 1853230 aesetla Cham.. 1877. IDLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.


Superfamily TINEOIDEA

Farnilv TINEIDAE (clothes, carpet, grain moths and others; teignes, f. Fr.)

Genus Acrolophus Poev, 1832 (Burrowing webworms)367 morus (Grt., 1881). (1741 Det D. R, Davis, 1991. C. PI.61 (24)

Genus Amydria Clemens, 1B59334 effrentella Clern., 1859, (6321 Det, D. R. Davis, 1993.

Genus Choropleca Durrant, 1914307 vesaliella (Charn., 18731. (13451 Det. D. R. Davis, 1993.

Genus Episcardia Ragonot, 1895325 insectella IF., 17941. 113471 Det. D. R. Davis, 1993.

Genus Homosetia Clemens, 1863z., sp. (655) Del. D. R. Davis, 1993.

GOIlUS Isocorypha Dietz, 1905299 mediostriatella (Clern.. 1865). (1186) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

Genus leucomele Dietz, 1905lB2 miriamella Dietz, 1905. (WJK) Det. D. L. Wagner 1990.

Genus Monopis Hubner, 182541 G dorsistriqella (Clem., 1859). (665) Del. D. R. Davis, 1993. C. P1.64(191417 marginistrigella (Charn., 1873). (11071 Det, D. R, Davis, 1993,421 spilotella Tenastrom. 1848. (9931 Del. J. -F. Landry, 1991, ver. D. R, Davis, 1993.

Genus Nemapogon Schrank, 18022GG granella (L, 17581. 111801 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (european grain or wolf moth, teigne

europeenne des grains, f., Fr.) C. PI.63(10)?fif1 multistriatella (Dietz, 19051. (1344) Det. D. R. Davis, 1993.

sp. (1108) Det, D. R. Davis, 1993.

CiOflUS Niditinea Petersen, 1957,111 fuscella (L, 1758). (11091 Det. D. R. Davis, 1993.

(i,JIIW; Scardia Treitschke, 1830:WB 7approximatella Dietz, 1905. (11031 Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992.

t ienus Tinea Linnaeus, 1758carnariella Clem" 1859. (1105) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992.

liO!) pellionella L., 1758. (GHNI Del. G. R. Nielsen, 1992 (casemaking clothes moth", teigne porte-case,f., Fr.) C. PI.63(14), H. Fig.253

Page 9: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

4 5

Genus Caloptilia Hubner, 1825

Genus Callisto Stephens, 1834664 denticulella (Thunb., 1794). (DLW) D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Tineola Herrich-Schaffer, 1853426 blssetllella (Hummel, 1823). (316) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (webbing clothes moth", teigne des

vstemants. t.. Fr.) C. PI.63(15), H. Fig.252

Genus Xvlesthla Clemens, 1859317 ?pruniramiella Clem., 1859. (1179) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.

Family PSYCHIDAE (bagworm moths) C. PI.2(3)


Genus Solenobia Duponchel, 1842435 walshelle Clern., 1862. (DLW) Larval cases. Det. D. L. Wagner 1990. (Walsh's microbagworm,

porte-case des lichens, m., Fr.)


Genus Astala Davis, 1964443 confederata (G. & R., 1868). (Field) Larval cases. Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1990 (confederate

microbagworm) H. PI.41 (81

Genus Psyche Schrank, 1801437 casta (Pallas, 1767). (1681 Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (casta microbagworm)





alnivorella (Charn., 1875). (995) Det. D. R. Davis, 1991. (alder leafminer, mineuse de I'aulne, f., Fr.)anthobaphes (Mevr., 1921). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.bimaculatella (Ely, 1915). (84) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (soft maple leafcone cat.)burgessiella (Zell., 1873). (125) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (dogwood leafcone cat.)coroniella (Clern., 1864). (532) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.flavella (Ely, 1915). (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (wax myrtle leafminer)fraxinella (Ely, 1915). (1343) Det. D. R. Davis, 1993. (privet-ash leafminer, mineuse du troene, f.,

Fr.)invariabilis (Braun, 1927). (309) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (cherry leafcone cat., gracilaire du

cerisier, m., Fr.)negundella (Charn., 1876). (DLW) Shelters. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (boxelder leafroller,

enrouleuse de I'arable nagondo, f., Fr.)ostryaeella ICham., 1878). (994) Det. D. R. Davis, 1991. (ironwood leafcone cat.)packardella (Cham., 1872). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.?pulchella (Charn.. 1875). (150) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.purpuriella (Charn., 1872). (CTP) Det. D. L. Wagner.rhoifoliella (Charn., 1876). (986) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1991. (poison ivy tentiform LM)serotinella (Ely, 1910). (194) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (black cherry leafcone cat.)stigmatella (F., 1781). (611 Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (willow leafcone caterpillar)superbifrontella (Clern.. 1860). (12941 Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. C. PI.64(24)sp. Host: Acer rubrum. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Family l YONETIIDAE (Iyonetiid moths)

Genus Bucculatrix Zeller, 1839 (ribbed coccoon makers)572 ainsliella Murt., 1905. (277) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (oak skeletonizer ", squeletteuse du chsne, f.,

Fr.) C.PI.63(12)560 canadensisella Charn., 1875. (991) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1991. (birch skeletonizer", squeletteuse du

bouleau, t., Fr.) C. PI.63(16j, H. Fig.250499 cuneigera Meyr., 1919. (1098) Det J. -F. Landry, 1992, ver, D. R. Davis, 1993.577 pomifoliella Clem., 1860. (Field) Coccoon. Det. G. R. Nlelsen.Tapple buccalatrix, ribbed-cocoon

maker) H. Fig.251485 solidaginiella Braun, 1963. (10971 Del. J. R. Grehan, 1992.

sp, Host: Aster cordifolia. (DLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990.sp, Host: "composite". (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.sp, (11101 Det. D. R. Davis, 1993.

Genus Lyonetia Hubner, 1825470 latistrigella Wism., 1882. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.472 speculella Clern., 1862. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Philonome Chambers, 1874462 clemensella Cham., 1874. (CTPI Det. D. L. Wagner.

Family GRACllLARIIDAE (leaf blotch miner moths)


Genus Acrocercops Wallengren, 1881692 astericola (F. & B., 1873), (50) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (aster tentiform blotchminer)697 strigosus Braun, 1914. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Gonus Gracillaria Haworth, 1828G45 syringella (F., 1794). (865) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (lilac leafrniner ", fausse-teigne du iiias, f., Fr.1

Genus leucanthiza Clemens, 1859700 amphicarpeaefoliella Clem., 1859. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.701 dircella Braun, 1914. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Gonus leucospilapteryx Spuler, 1910(J98 venustella (Clern., 1860). (Field) Imm. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Gonus Marmara Clemens, 1863lOG corticola Fitzgerald, 1973. (Fieldl Imm. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.Ion fasciella (Charn., 1875). (Field) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (eastern white pine cambial miner, white-

pine bark miner)109 fraxinicola Braun, 1922. (Field) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.I I (i salictella Clem., 1863. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.I n. sp. Host:~. (Field) Mines. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Clonus Micrurapteryx Souter, 1910B-1 I 7salicifoliella (Charn., 1872). (1184) Del. M. Sabourin, 1993. C. PI.64(7)

(l'lIIur; Parectopa Clemens, 1860G41l ?albicostella Braun, 1925. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.m,e plantaginisella (Cham., 1872). (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.1;1,/ robiniella Clem., 1863. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (robinia blisterminer)

(;"(11'3 Perornlx Spuler, 1910linn conspicuella (Dietz, 1907). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (black birch leafminer)f\/U '1crataegifoliella (Clern., 1860). (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (thornapple leafminerli: /I ?geminatella (Pack., 1869). (1149) Del. D. R. Davis, 1993. (unspotted leafminer, quince tentiform

leafminer)Ii in kalmialla (Dietz, 1907). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (Iaurelleafminer)

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Genus Phyllonorycter Hubner, 1822 (Lithocolletis Hubner, 18251


Genus Chrysaster Kumata, 1961842 ostensackenella (Fitch, 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (yellow locust blotchminer)

Genus Camararia Chapman, 1902803 aceriella (Clem., 1859). IDLW) Dst. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (maple leafminer, maple leafblotch miner,

mineuse de l'erable, I., Fr.)811 caryaefoliella (Clern., 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (hickory blotchminer)815 cincinnatiella (Cham., 1871). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (gregarious oak LM*)817 corylisella (Charn., 1871). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. Ihazel blotchminer)822 guttifinitella (Clern., 1859), IDLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990. (poison ivy leafminer)823 hamadryadella (Clarn., 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (solitary oak leafminerl C. PI.64(10)824 hamameliella (Bsk., 19031. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (witchhazel leafminer, witchhazel

blotchmlner)825 lentella (Braun, 1908). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (birch leaffolding blotchminer)828 macrocarpella iF. & B., 1878). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.831 obstrictella (Clern., 1859). IDLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990. C. PI.63(11)832 ostryarella (Charn., 1871). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. Ihophombeam blotchminer, mineuse de

I'ostrver, f., Fr.)835 quereivorella (Charn., 1879). (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.836 saccharella (Braun, 19081. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (sugar maple blotchrniner)


tiliacella (Cham., 1871). (DLW) Dst. D. L. Wagner, 1990.trlnotella (Braun, 1908). IDLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. Ired maple botchminer)?n. sp. near crataegella Host: Prunus pensylvanica. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 90.sp. near crataegella Host: Amelanchier sp. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.


Genus Agonopterix HObner, 1825889 argillacea (Wlsm., 1881). (347) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. RH. 6.2 PI.2(8-1 0, 16,28)864 atrodorsella (Clern., 18631. (3491 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (beggartick leaffolder) RH. 6.2

PI.1(20,211878 canadensis (Bsk., 1902). (24) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 6.2 PI.1(47),2(1-31ass curvilineella (Beutenrnuller, 1889). (962) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. RH. 6.2 PI.1(11,1218b7 Iythrella (Wlsm" 1889). (1287) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. RH. 6.2 PI.116-8)HG7 pulvipennella (Clem., 1864). (29) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (goldenrOd leaffolder) RH. 6.2 PI.1(26-

29)H82 robiniella (Pack., 1869). (621 Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (locust leaffolderl C. PI.61 (20), RH. 6.1

PI.1(22), RH. 6.2 PI.2(29-33)884 thelmae Clarke, 1941. (10271 Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 6.2 PI.2(36,3718G9 walsinghamella (Bsk., 1902). (959) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. Imyrica leaffolderl RH. 6.2 PI.1(301

(;,"'us Bibarrambla Clarke, 1941II 11 allenella (Wlsm., 1882). (41) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (birch-and-alder leaftier) RH. 6.2 PI.3(28-


Family OECOPHORIDAE (oecophorld moths)



Genus Porphyrosela Braun, 1908843 desmodiella (Clem" 18591. {DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. Itentiform bean LMI


Oonus Depressaria Haworth, 1811lln pastinacella (Dup., 1838). (693) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991. (parsnip webworm", tisseuse du panias,

r., Fr.) RH. 6.2 P1.4112, 13), H. Fig.247 as D. herac/iana

Genus Phylloenistis Zeller, 1848852 populiella Charn., 1875. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (aspen leafminer, poplar

serpentine leafminer, mineuse des feuilles du tremble, f., Fr.)853 vitegenella Clern., 1859. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.854 vitifoliella Cham., 1871. /DLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990.

(;'lflUS Depressariodes Turati, 1925!l08 ciniflonella (Lienig & zeu.. 1846). (1189) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. RH. 6.2 PI.3118-27) as

Martyrhllda ciniflonel/a

ih",,,, Machimia Clemens, 1860

n,.1 tentoriferslla Clem., 1860. (78) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (gold-striped leaftier, deciduous leaffolder,oecophore ~ tente, m., Fr.) C. PI.61 (19), RH. 6.2 PI.5(26-28), Fig.16

bonus Nites Hodges, 1974 (Ieaf1iers)!l<1fl maculatella (Bsk., 1908). (94) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (oak leaftier)

RH. 6.2 PI.5(22,24);Fig.12(e)H4G ?ostryella (McD., 1943). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (hophornbeam leaftier), RH. 6.2

PI.5(18,23), Fig.12(f)

albanotella (Cham" 1875). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (marginal tentiform oak leafminer)apparella (H.-S., 18.. ). (DLW) Det. D. R. Davis, 1990.argentifimbriella (Clern., 1859). IDLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.argentinotella (Clem" 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1992. (golden elm leafrnlner)auronitens (F. & B., 1873). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (alder leafminer)basistrigella (Clem., 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.blancardella IF., 17811. (875) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991, ex. gen. (spotted tentiform leafminer')comptoniella (Darlington, 19491. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.crataeqella (Clem., 1859). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. lapple blotch leafminer")diversella (Braun, 19161. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (huckleberry leafminer)?emberizaepenella (Bouche, 1834). (1296) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993.fitchella (Clem., 18601. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (oak tentiform leafminer)hagenii (F. & B., 18731. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.intermixtus (Braun, 1930). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.lucetiella (Clern., 1859). (1451 J Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994. (basswood blotchminer, mineuse-tache du

tiIIeul, f., Fr.)lucidicostella (Clem., 18591. (1451) Det. D. L. Wagner. 1990. (lesser maple leaf blotchminer)martiella (Braun, 1908). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.morrisella (Fitch, 1859). IDLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.?ostryaefoliella (Clem., 1859). IDLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. Iwrinkled hophornbeam

blotchminer)proplnquinella (Braun, 1908). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (blackcherry leafminer, cherry blotch

miner, mineuse du cerisier tardif, f., Fr.)restrietella (Braun, 1939). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (beech leafminer, mine use du Mtre, f.,

Fr.)robiniella (Clem., 1859), (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (digitate locust leafminer)scudderella iF. & B., 1873). (DLW) Det. D. R. Davis, 1990.

?melarwtalla (Dietz, 19071. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (thornapple leafminer)obllterella (Dietz, 1907). IDLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (river birch leafminer)peragl'inaella (Darlington, 1949). (DLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990.preolosella (Dietz, 1907). (DLW) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990. (highbush blueberry LM)?quadripunctella (Clern., 1861). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (chokecherry LM)sp. Host: Amelanchier. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.







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Genus Psiloeorsis Clemens, 1860955 quereieella Clem., 1860. (DLW) Dat, D. L. Wagner, 1990. (oak leaftier, oecophore du chsne, f., Fr.)

C. P1.64(231, RH. 6.2 PI.5(34-37)957 ?reflexella Clem., 1860. (250) Dat, O. L. Wagner, 1990. (flat leaftier, oecophore des feuillus, m.,

Fr.) C. PI.61 (21 I, RH. 6.2 PI.5(40-431, Fig.18

Genus Semioseopis Hubner, 1825916 aurorella over. 1902. (364) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. RH. 6.2 PI.3(44-46)914 inornata Wlsm., 1882. (18) Oet. D. L. Wagner, 1989. (poplar micromoth) RH. 6.1 PI. 1(21), RH. 6.2

PI.3(34-37)913 merriecella Dvar, 1902. (346) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 6.2 PI.3(33)912 packardella (Clem., 1863). (46) Det. O. LWagner, 1990. RH. 6.2 P1.3(31 ,321, H. PI.48(38) as S.



Genus Ethmia Hubner, 1819986 bipunetella (F., 1775). (685) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991.999 longimaeulella (Charn., 1872). (967) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991.


Genus Antaeotrieha Zeller, 18541015 osseella (Wlsm., 1889). (1465) Det. J.-F. Landry, 1994.1011 schlaegeri (Zell., 1854). (692) Oet. B. Landry, 1991. (stenome neigeux, rn., Fr.) C. PI.62(20)C.

P1.62(201, RH. 6.1 PI.1(91, H. PI.48(41) as Stenoma schteeaerl


Genus Brymblia Hodges, 19741055 quadrimaculella (Cham., 1875). (OLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. RH. 6.2 PI.6(14, 15)

Genus Callima Clemens, 18601046 argentieinctella Clem., 1860. (675) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991, C. PI.61 (161, RH. 6.2 PI.7(10,11)

Genus Decantha Busck, 19081042 boreasella (Charn., 1873). (1111) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1992. RH. 6.1 P1.2(61, RH. 6.2 PI.7(2-4)


Family BLASTOBASIOAE (blastobasid moths)


Genus Gerdana Busck, 19081144 caritella Bsk., 1908. 11293) Det. J. -F, Landry, 1993. RH. 6.1 PI.1(3)

Genus Glyphidocera Walsingham, 18921142 septentrionella Bsk., 1904. (1351) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.11.. sp. (1327) Det, R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Oegoeonia Stainton, 18541134 quadripuncta (Haw., 1828). (1079) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1992. RH. 6.1 PI.1(36)


Genus Asaphocrita Meyrick, 19311170.- n.sp, (787) Det. D. Adamski, 1991.

Genus Holeoeerina McDunnough, 19611221 immaculella (McD., 1930). (1226) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993 (conifer micromoth)

Genus Holocera Clemens, 18631175 chalcofrontella Clem., 1863. (MS) Det. O. Adamski, 1992. (sumac micromoth)

Genus Hypatopa Walsingham, 19071156.- sp. (1112) Oet. O. Adamski, 1993.

Genus Valentinia Walsingham, 19071162 glandulelle (Riley, 1871). (786) Oet. O. Adamski, 1991. (acorn moth, blastobasie des glands, t., Fr.)

C. P1.62(161, RH. 6.1 PI.1(4), H. Fig.248 as H. glandullela

Family COlEOPHORIDAE (casebearer moths, porte-cases, m., Fr.)


Genus Coleophora Hubner, 1822 (casebearers)

Genus Eido Chambers, 18731068 trimaculella (Fitch, 1856). (348) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. RH. 6.2 PI.6(33), Fig.30(c)

Genus Mathildana Clarke, 19411060 flipria Hodges, 1974. (965) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 6.2 P1.6(231, Fig.27(c)1059 newmanella (Clern., 1864). (16) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1989. C. PI.61 (171, RH. 6.2 PI.6(22)

Genus Polix Hodges, 19741058 coloradella (Wlsm., 1888). (1088) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1992. RH. 6.1 PI. 1(25), RH. 6.2 PI.6(19-21)

Family ELACHISTIDAE (elachlstid moths) C. PI.64(9)


Genus Elachista Treitschke, 18331098 hiberna Braun, 1948. (OLW) Oet. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Perittia Stainton 18541... n. sp. Host: Lonicera canadensis. (OLW) Det. O. L. Wagner, 1990.






albovanescens Heinr., 1926. (1299) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993.asterosella McO., 1944. (CNC) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1993.eoenosipennella Clem., 1860. (CNC) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1993.eomptonieJla (McD., 1926). (OLW) Oet. O. L. Wagner, 1990.cornivorella McO., 1945. (DLW) Oet. O. L. Wagner, 1990.eratipennella Clem., 1864. (OLW) Oet. O. L. Wagner, 1990.deauratella Lienig & Zell., 1846. (1374) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1991.detraetella McO., 1961. (CNC) Oet. J.-F. Landry, 1993.gaylussaeiella Heinr., 1915. (CNC) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1993.larieella (Hbn., 1814-1817). (183) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (larch casebearer", porte-case du

meleze, m., Fr.) C. PI.64(14)ulmifoliella McO., 1946. (OLW) Det. O. L. Wagner, 1990. (elm casebearer ", porte-case de I'orme,

m., Fr.)lineapulvella Cham" 1874. (1300) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993.malivorella Riley, 1878. (DLW) Oet. O. L. Wagner, 1990. (pistol casebearer", porte-case virgule du

pommier, m., Fr.)pruniella Clem., 1861. (11901 Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1993. (cherry casebearer', porte-case du cerisier,

rn., Fr.)rosaeella Clem., 1864. (CNC, 1357) Oet. J. -F. Landry, 1993.serratella (L., 1761). (Field) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (birch casebearer', cigar casebearer ", porte-

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130713881 ..1 .


case du bouleau, m., Fr., porte-case fusele du pommier, m., Fr.)splnella (Schr., 1802). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.trilolii (Curt., 1832). (120) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (sweet clover casebearer)sp. (1113) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.In. sp. (CNCI. Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993; slide JFL 990

Family MOMPHIDAE (momphid moths)


Genus Scvthrls Hubner, 18251655 eboracensis (Zell., 18551. (USNM) Det. J. -F, Landry, 1991, C. P1.64(131, JFL. Fig.391663.1 limbella (F., 1775). (1099) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. JFL. Fig.67,68,281

Family GELECHIIDAE (gelechiid moths)



Genus Mompha Hubner, 18251430 brevivittella (Clem., 1864). (1229) Det. J, -F. Landry, 1993.1433 cephalonthiella (Cham" 1871). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.1443 eloisella (Clem.. 18601. (1058) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. C. PI.61 (28)1455 stellella Bsk., 1906. (974) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991.

Family AGONOXENIDAE (agonoxenid moths)


Genus Blastodacna Wocke, 18761461 curvilineella (Charn., 1872). (MS) Det. J. -F, Landry, 1993.1461.. sp.1 (13371 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993,1461.. sp.z (MS) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Glyphipteryx Curtis, 1827 (Chrysoclista Stainton, 185411463 Iinneella (CI., 1759). (167) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (linden bark borer, perceur de I'ecorce du

tilleul, m., Fr.1 C. P1.63(41, RH. 6.1 PI.1(341

Family COSMOPTERIGIDAE (cosmopterigid moths)


Genus Cosmopterix Hubner, 18251496 lernaldella Wlsm., 1882. (1352) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 6.1 PI.3(131; Fig.7(b1,21 (e,fl14.. sp. (195) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1989.

Genus Limnaecia Stainton, 18511515 phragmitella Staint., 1851. (961) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (cattail borer, shy cosmet) C. PI.62(151,

RH. 6.1 PI.1(17),4(5,6);Fig.2(al,9(cI,24(c)


Genus Perimede Chambers, 18741623 erransella Cham., 1874. (MS) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992, RH. 6.1 PI.5(45); Fig.3(hl,38(dl,51 (d)

Genus Walshia Clemens, 18641615 miscecolorella (Charn., 1875). (1286) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. (sweetclover root borer') C.

P1.62(141, RH. 6.1 PI.1(63),4(53-59);Fig.37(cl,50(c)


Genus Asymmetrura J.-F. Landry, 19911662 impositella (Zell., 18551. (CNC) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992. JFL. Fig,27-29,73-751675 scintillifera (Braun, 1927). (CNCI Det. J. -F, Landry, 1992. JFL. Fig.30

Genus Chrysoesthia Hubner, 18251718 lingulacella (Clern., 18601. (Field) Mines. Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.1719 sexguttella (Thunb., 17941. (DLWI Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Metzneria Zeller, 18391685 lappella (L., 1758). (9641 Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. C. P1.62(61, RH. 6.1 PI.1(371


Genus Aristotelia Hubner, 18251738 lungivorella (Clem., 1864). (11151 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.1742 isopelta Mevr., 1929. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.1761 roseosuffusella (Clem., 1860). (1334) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Aroga Busck, 19142184 argutiola Hodges, 1974. (1333) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.2198 ?trialbamaculella (Charn., 1875). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.2198 sp., trialbamaculella complex. (1332) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Arogalea Walsingham, 19101851 cristilasciella (Cham., 18781. (1102) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992.

Genus Athrips Billberg, 18201852 mouffetella (L., 1758). (11501 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Caryocolum Gregor & Povol ny, 19542041.1 pullatella (Tengstrom, 1848). (13731 Det. J, -F. Landry, 1992.

Genus Chionodes Hubner, 18252061 argentipunctella (Ely, 1910). (1372) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.2064 bicostomaculella (Cham., 1872). (11171 Det, R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 6.1 PI,l (48)2069 continuella (Zell., 1839). (1118) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.2072 discoocellella (Cham., 18721. (581) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990.1087 labradoricus (Mosch., 1864). (1328) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.1090 lugubrella (F., 1794). (5801 Dat. J. R, Grehan, 1990. RH. 6.1 PI.1(47)2093 mediofuscella (Clem., 1863). (531) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. PI.62(10)2099 obscurusella (Cham., 1872). (11191 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. (boxelder leafworm, squeletteuse i\

tente de I'erable, f., Fr.)terminimaculella (Kft., 1908). (1370) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.thoraceochrella (Charn., 1872). (1120) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. (Ieafroller, squeletteuse zebree, I.,

Fr.)1094.1 n. sp., name in manuscript (Hodges, 1993). (11211 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

n. sp. #21, name in manuscript IHodges, 1993). (1338) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Gonus Coleotechnites Chambers, 18801/92 atrupictella (Dietz, 1900). (1122) Det. R. W, Hodges, 1993. (spruce micromoth, Iieuse de I'epinette,

I" Fr.) RH. 6.1 PI.1(42)Hl24 obliquistrigella (Cham., 1872). (13351 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

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querclvorella ICham., 1872). (1168) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.



Genus Evippe Chambers, 18731771 prunitoliella Charn., 1873. (1123) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Exotelela Wallengren, 18811839 ?nepheos Free., 1967. IGRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (pine candle moth, mineuse des bourgeons

du pin, f., Fr.)1840 pinifolielia (Cham., 1880). (Field) Imm. Det, G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (pine needleminer', mineuse du

pin, r.. Fr.1

Genus Filatima Busck, 19392169 pseudacacielia (Cham., 1872). (1124) oat. R. W. Hodges, 1993.21.. sp.t (147) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1992.21.. sp.(DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.21.. sn.z (1125) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Gelechia Hubner, 18251946 Iynceella zeu.. 1873. (6951 Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. RH. 6.1 1'1.1 (44)

Genus Anacampsls Curtis, 18272230 agrimoniella IClem., 1860). 111001 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. C. 1'1.64(12)2233 concluselia (Wlk., 1864). (13501 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.2237 innocuelia (Zeli., 1873). 11330) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. (enrouleuse it tete noire, t., Fr.)2243 nlvaopulvella (Charn., 1875). (1367) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1992. RH. 6.1 1'1.1 (52)2248 rhoifructella (Clem., 1860). (1371) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.22.. sp, Host: Ostrya virginiana. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.22.. sp, (1128) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.


Genus Sitotroga Heinemann, 18702260 cerealella (Olivier, 1789). (Field) Imm. Det. G. R. Nielsen. (angoumois grain moth', alucite des

grains, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.6219)


Genus Dichomeris Hubner, 1818 (Trichotaphe Clemens, 18601

Genus Gnorlmoscherna Busck, 19001985 lIaliaeasterelia (Kellicott, 1878). (1096) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992.1986 lIaliaesolidallinis (Riley, 1869). (861) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991, vel'. R. W. Hodges, 1993. (goldenrod

spindlegall caterpillar) C. 1'1.62(11I, H. Fig.244

Genus Neotelphusa Janse. 1958186. sp., Foodplant: Comptonia peregrina. (1354) Det. R. W.Hodges, 1993.

Genus Pseudochelaria Dietz, 19001862 pennsylvanica Dietz, 1900 (1160) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.1864 walsinahaml Dietz, 1900. (694) Det. M. S. Sabourin, vel'. J. -F. Landry, 1991.

Genus Pseudotelphusa Janse, 19581869 belanqerella (Charn., 1875). (1346) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.1874 quercinigracella (Cham., 1872). IFPRM) Imm. Det, D. M. Weisman, 198-.

Genus Ptvcerata Ely, 191 02044 busckella Ely, 1910. (1358) Det. R.W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Taygete Chambers, 18731842 attributella (Wlk., 1864). (1348) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.





bilobella (Zell., 1873). (862) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. RH. 7.1 PI.2(25,261;G(11bipunctella (Wlsm., 1882). (1366) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 7.1 1'1.2(5,6);0(1)copa Hodges, 1986. (11821 Det, M. Sabourin, 1993. RH. 7.1 PI.2128);G(4)flavocostella (Clem., 1860). (520) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. RH. 7.11'1.1(24); Fig.19georgiella (Wlk., 1866). (60) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. RH. 7.1 PI.1137-40);CI3)inserrata (Wlsm., 1882). (11291 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 7.1 1'1.2(35);1(5)?juncidella (Clern.. 1860). (12951 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993 RH. 7.1 PI.3(16);N(51Iillulelia Hbn., 1818. 18631 Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. (palmerworm', chenille pelerine, Fr.) C.

1'1.64(6), RH.6.1 1'1.11551, RH.7.1 PI.111-7);Fig.7,8marginella IF., 1781). (Field) Det. G. R. Nielsen. (juniper webworm', tisseuse du genevrier, f., Fr.)

RH. 6.11'1.11561, RH. 7.1 PI.1114);Fig.12nonstrigella (Charn., 1878). 11233) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. RH. 7.11'1.2(32);1(1)ochripalpella (Zell., 1873). (958) Det., M. Sabourin, 1992, vel'. R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 7.1

PI.2(33);Fig.23plcrocarpa (Mevr.. 1913). (1365) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. RH. 7.1 PI.3(23);Fig.27punctidiscelia (Clem., 1863). (1359) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 7.1 PI.1117-20);Fig.16punctipennella IClem., 1860). (1297) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. RH. 7.1 PI.4(3-5);Fig.15?serrativittelia (Zell., 1873). (10641 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. RH. 7.1 PI.3(1);J(5)stipendaria (Braun, 1925). 1267) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. RH. 7.1 PI.2(23,24);F(5)vaccinielia Bsk., 1915. 11234) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. RH. 7.1 PI.2(2-4);C(5)washingtoniella (Bsk., 1906). (1147) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. RH. 7.1 PI.3(12);MI5)

Genus Teleiodes Sattler, 19601881.- sp. (1126) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

Genus Telphusa Chambers, 18721857 latifasciella ICham., 1875), (11271 Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.1858 longifasciella (Clern., 1863). (926) Det. J. R. Grehan & vel'. J. -F. Landry, 1992. RH. 6.1 1'1.1 (43)

Genus Xenolechia Meyrick, 189518.. sp. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.


Tribe Teliodinisp. 1 (1349). Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.sp. 2 (1353). Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993.

G(lnUS Helcystogramma Zeller, 1877 (Hodges, 1986)ne7 femaldelia (Bsk., 1903). (976) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. RH. 6.1 1'1.1157), RH. 7.1 1'1.3(25-271;0(5)ne9 melanocarpa (Meyr., 1929). (1227) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993. RH. 7.1 1'1.3134)


Family ALUCITIDAE Imany-plumed moths)

Ch.if\lH; Alucita Linnaeus, 1758113 hexadactvla L., 1758. (996) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1992. (six-plume moth) C. 1'1.58(23), H. Fig.238

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Family CARPOSINIDAE (fruitworrns)

Genus Bondle Newman, 18562319 crescentella (Wlsm., 1882). (1169) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.

Genus Carposina Herrich-Schaffer, 18552315 ?fernaldana Bsk., 1907. (1130) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. C. 1'1.62(4)231. sp, (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.

Family EPERMENIIDAE (epermeniid moths)


Genus Epermenia Hubner, 18252328 ?albapunctella Bsk., 1908. (306) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.2329 cicutaella Kft., 1903. (1131) Det. R. W. Hodges, 1993. C. 1'1.64(2)

Family GlYPHIPTERIGIDAE (sedge moths)

Genus Glyphipterix Hubner, 18252341 haworthana (Steph., 1834). (1442) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994.2343 saurodonta Meyr., 1913. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.2341.1 b sistes viridimonti. Heppner, 1985. (1443) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994.


Family PLUTELLIDAE (diamondback moths)

Genus Plutella Schrank, 18022363 porrectella (L., 1758). (1104) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1992.2366 xylostel/a (L., 1758). (59) Det. O. L. Wagner, 1990. (diamondback moth, fausse-teigne des

cruciteres, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.60(25) ..

Genus Ypsolopha Latreille, 17962371 canariella (Wism., 1881). (908) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991.2375 dentel/a (F., 1775). (860) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. (European honeysuckle lealroller', tooth-streak

hooked tip moth, enrouleuse du chevrefeuille, I., Fr.)2380 falciferel/a (Wlsm., 1881). (910) Det, J. R. Grehan & ver. J. -F. Landry, 1992. (fruittree leafroller)

Family YPONOMEUTIDAE (ermine moths)

Genus Atteva Walker, 18542401 punctella (Crarn., 1781). (966) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (Ailanthus web worm moth) C.

PI.61 (13),62(5), H. PI.48(36) as A. aurea, 1'1.48(37) as A. gemmata

Genus Swammerdamia HObner, 18252413 caesiella (Hbn., 1796). (1057) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992, ver. D. R. Davis, 1993. (birch micromoth)

Genus Yponomeuta Latreille. 17962416.1 cagnagella Hbn., 1813. (909) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991, ver J. -F. Landry, 1992. (European spindle

ermine moth. euonymous cat.)2420 multipunctella Clern., 1860. (332) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992, ver. J. F. Landry, 1992. (American

ermine moth, euonymus caterpillar) C. 1'1.62(2), H. 1'1.48144)


Family ARGYRESTHIIDAE (head-standing moths)

Genus Argyre.thia Hubner, 18252435 alternatella Kft.. 1908. (697) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.2449 conjugella zeu.. 1839. (13201 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. C. 1'1.64(3)2457 lloedartella (L., 1758). (1080) Det. J.-F. Landry, 1992.2467 oreasella Clem., 1860. (12) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1989. (cherry shootborer) C. PI.63(3}2481 thuiella (Pack., 1871). (GRN) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (arborvitae lealminer', mineuse du thuva, I.,


Family HELIODINIDAE (sun moths)

Genus Schreckensteinia Hubner, 18252509 festaliella (Hbn., 1818-19). (864) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1991. (blackberry skeletonizer)

Superfamily SESIOIDEA

Family SESIIDAE (clearwing moths)

Subfamily T1NTHIINAE

Genus Pennisetia Dehne, 18502513 marginata (Harr., 1839). (1095) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (raspberry crown borer', raspberry root

borer, rhizophaqe du frambosier, rn., Fr.) C. 1'1.61 (8), E.&D. 1'1.1 (1-3);Fig.3, H. 1'1.46(9)as Bembecia marginata


Genus Albuna Henry Edwards, 18812532 fraxini (Hy. Edw., 1881). (924) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. lash clearwing) E.&D. 1'1.1 (45-47)

Genus Paranthrene Hubner, 18192524 tabaniformis (Rottemburg, 1775). (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (dusky clearwing) E,&D. PI.1(35-3

8);Fig.7, H. 1'1.46(14) as Memythrus tricinctus

Subfamily SESIINAE

Genus Alcathoe Henry Edwards, 18822623 caudata (Harr., 1839). (999) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1992. (clematis borer) E.&D. PI.4(27-30), H.


Cenus Carmenta Henry Edwards, 18811b96 bassiformis (Wlk., 1856), (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (eupatorium borer, ironweed root borer) C.

PI.61(10), E.&D. PI.2(55),3153-55);Fig.33(a,b), H. 1'146(21) as Synanthedon bsssitormis

Gunus Melittia Hubner, 18191b36 cucurbitae (Harr., 1828). (GRN) Dst. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (squash vine borer", perceur de la courge,

m., Fr.) C. 1'1.61 (9), E.&D. PI.2(41, H. PI.46(1) as Melittia satyriniformis

Conus Podosesia Moschler, 1879jr;1l9 syringae (Harr., 1839), (660) Det. J. D. Lafontaine 1991. (lilac borer', ash borer' ,perceur du rene,

rn., Fr., perceur du lilas. m., Fr.) C. 1'1.60(22), E.&D. PI.2(49,50);Fig.29(a,b) H.PI.46(17)

uenus Synanthedon Hubner, 1819?!i';4 acerni (Clem., 1860). (1421 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (maple callus borer", sesie de I'erable, I., Fr.)

C, 1'1.61 (7), E.&D. 1'1.2(18,191, Fig.29(e), H, 1'1.46(28)

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16 17

2546 acerrubrl Engelh., 1925. (Published reference Eichlin and Duckworth, 1988) E.&D. PI.4(6,7)2583 exltlosa (Say, 1823), (857) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (peachtree borer", perceur du pecher, m., Fr.)

C. PI.60(20), E.&D. PI.2(38-43);Fig.27(b), H. PI.46(18, 19) as Sanninoidea exitiosa2563 fulvipes (Harr.. 1839). (467) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. E.&O. PI.2(25);Fig.23(b)2550 pictlpes (G. & R., 1868). (CTP) Det. L. Shangraw, ver. M. Sabourin, 1990. (lesser

peachtree borer", petit perceur du pscher, m., Fr.) C. PI.60117), E.&O. PI.3(12,13);Fig.20(a,b),H. PI.46(24)

2585 pini (Kellicott, 1881). (Field) Imm. Det. G. R. Nielsen. (pitch mass borer", nodulier du pin, m., Fr.)E.&O. PI.2(45);Fig.27(d), H. PI.46(16) as Parharmonia pni

2549 scitula (Harr., 1839). (661) Det. J. D. Lafontaine 1991. (dogwood borer", pecan borer, sesie ducornouiller, r.. Fr.) C. PI.60(21), E.&O. P1.3(1 0, 11); Fig.19, H. P1.46129)

FAMILY CHOREUTIOAE (choreuitid or metalmark moths) C. PI.63(1)






disciqerana (Wlk., 1863). (746) Det. M. Sabourin & P. T. Dang, 1991. Ibirch leaffolder enrouleusedu bouleau jaune, t.,Fr.)' '

dtvlsana (Wlk., 1863). (902) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.81fuscociliana (Clern., 1864). (1071) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (alder leaffolder, spiderweb leaffolder)galeamatana (McD., 1956). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.goodelliane (Fern., 1882). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.laciniana (Zelt., 1875). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.medlofasciana (Clern., 1864). (1389) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. (serviceberry leaffolder) WM. P.82meta melana (Wlk., 1863). 1465) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (clover leaftier, emouleuse du tretle. f.,

Fr.) WM. P.80mira Heim., 1929. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.murlcana (Wlsm., 1879). (DLW) Det. R. L. Brown. WM. P.81nubeculana (Clem., 1860). (312) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (cherry leaffolder, apple leaffolder) WM.

P.80subaequana (Zell., 1875). (727) Det. M. Sabourin & P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. 1".80tineana (Hbn., 1796-99). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. 1".82

Genus Caloreas Heppner, 19772641 teucobasls (Dvar, 1900). (538) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990.

Genus Choreutis HObner, 18252650 pariana (CI., 1759). (430) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (apple-and-thorn skeletonizer", squeletteuse du

pommier et du cenellier, f., Fr.)

Genus Apotornls Hubner, 18252763 albeolana (Zell., 1875). (110) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990.2753 capreana (Hbn., 1814-1817). (736) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. 1".212766 dextrana (McD., 1923). (1288) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.2755 funerea (Mevr., 1920). (314) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. 1".212754 paludicolana (Brower, 1953). (735) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.

Genus Tebenna Billberg, 18202648 onustana (Wlk., 1864). (1191) Det. J. -F. Landry, 1993.

Genus Aterpia Guenee, 18452748 approxlrnana (Helnr., 1919). (1292) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. 1".19

Superfamily COSSOIDEA

Family COSSIOAE (carpenterworms and leopard moth)

Genus Bactra Stephens, 18342706 furfurana (Haw., 1811). (886) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. 1".152708 maiorina Heinr., 1923. (1224) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. 1".152707 verutana Zell., 1875. (887) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. 1".15

Subfamily COSSINAE

Genus Acossus Dyar, 19052675 centerensis (Lint., 1877). (209) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1994.

Genus Catasteqa Clemens, 1861:n34 acerlella Clem., 1861. (51) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (maple trumpet skeletonizer*, squeletteuse-

trompette de I'erable, f., Fr.) WM. 1".78:);333 timidella Clem., 1861. (1183) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. 1".78





Gonus Cydia Hubner, 1825 (l.aspevresia Hubner, 1825) (Carpocapsa Treitschke 1829):3461 albimaculana (Fern., 1879). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. WM. P:92:3469 candana (Fbs., 1923) (1042). Det. W. E. Miller, 1992. WM. 1".93:3471 caryana (Fitch, 1856). (761) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (hickory shuckworm*, foreur des brous, m.,

Fr.) WM. 1".94latiferreanus (Wlsm., 1879). (410) Det, D. L. Wagner, 1990. (filbertworm*, catalina cherry moth,

melissope des glands, f., Fr.) C. 1"1.60(4) as Melissopus letiterreenus, WM. 1".94pomonella (L., 1758). (524) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (codling moth",

carpocapse de la pomme, m.. Fr.) C. 1"1.60(4), H. Fig.241, WM. 1".94?rana (Fbs., 1924). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.rusticella (Clerck, 1759). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (pea moth", tordeuse du pols, f., Fr.) WM.

1".93strobilella (L. 1758). (GRN) Det. P. T. Dang & A. Mutuura, 1991. (spruce seed moth) , tordeuse des

graines de I'epinette, f., Fr. WM. 1".93toreuta (Grt., 1873). (1070) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (eastrn pine seedworm*) WM. 1".94

(l'!flUS Dichrorampha Guenee, 1845:1406 bittana (B5k., 1906). (1230) Det. P. T. Dang & M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.84

12 sedatana (B5k., 1906). (744) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. 1".84)'104 simulana (Clern., 1860). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. 1".84

Genus Ancylis HObner, 18253387 albacostana Kft., 1905. (725) Dat. M. Sabourin & P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. 1".823376 apicana (Wlk., 1866). (726) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (raspberry leaffolder) WM. 1".813372 brauni (Heinr., 1931). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.3367 burgessiana (Zell.. 1875). (240) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (oak leafroller or leaffolder, plieuse du

chene, r.. Fr.) WM. 1".80carbonana Heinr., 1923. (1133) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. 1".81comptana (Prolich, 1828). 1747) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (strawberry leafroller', tordeuse du fralsier,

f., Fr.) H. Fig.240, WM. 1".81diminutana (Haw., 1811). 1148) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.82

Family TORTRICIDAE (tortricid moths, tordeuses, f., Fr.)



Genus Prionoxystus Grote, 18822693 robiniae (Peck, 1818). (501) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (carpenterworm*, charpentier des bois

tsndres, m., Fr.) C. 1"1.7(6,9), H. 1"1.41(10,11)

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18 19


Genus Hendecaneura Walsingham,19003275 shawiana (Kft., 1907). (1422) Del. M. Sabourin, 1993.

Conus Notocelia HObner, 1825n08 trimaculana (Haw., 1811). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

Genus Evora Heinrich, 19262866 hemidesma (Zell" 1875). (1215) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (spirea leaftier, spirea leaffolder, Iieuse de

la splree, r., Fr.) WM. P.37

monltorana Heinr., 1920. (1368) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. (red pine coneworm, perce-cone du pinrouge, m., Fr.) WM. P.51

similana (Clern., 1860). (458) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.53tocullionana Helnr., 1920. (MS) Det. W. E. Miller, 1994. (white pine coneworm, peres-cone du pin

blanc, rn., Fr.) WM. P.51vasena McD., 1925. (1134) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.50n. sp.. bobana complex; name in manuscript (Brown, 1993), (182) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.




Genus Gypsonoma Meyrick, 18953229 adjuncta Heinr., 1924. (42) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.633223 tasciolana (Clern., 1864). (461) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (willow-and-poplar leatroller) WM. P.633226 haimbachiana (Kft., 1907). (1106) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (cottonwood twig borer"1 WM. P.633228 salicicolana (Clern., 1864). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.633227 substltutlonls Heinr., 1923. (DLW) Det. D. I.. Wagner, 1990. WM. P.63

Genus Gretchena Heinrich, 19233264 amatana Helnr., 1923. (405) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.713265 delicatana Helnr., 1923. (895) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.713259 deludana (Clem., 1864). (899) Det. M Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.703261 watchungana (Kft., 1907). (1195) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.71

Genus Grapholita Treitschke, 18293430 angeleseana (Kft., 1907). (1231) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.893438 eclipsena Zell., 1875. (368) Del. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.903439 lnterstlnctana (Clern., 1860). (743) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (clover head caterpillar", tordeuse du

trefle, f., Fr.) WM. P.903428 packardl Zell., 1875. (DLW) Det. D. I.. Wagner, 1990. (cherry frultworm ", noctuelle des cerises. f.,

Fr.) WM. P.883429 prunlvora (Walsh, 1868), (VDA) Det. J. Tunnel. (lesser appleworm", petit carpocapse de la pamme,

m., Fr.) WM. P.89

Genus Hedya Hubner, 18252863 chionosema (Zell., 1875). (890) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (twinspotted budworm) WM. P.362860 separatana [Kft., 19071. (MSI Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.36

Gonus Hulda Heinrich, 19262747 impudens (Wlsm., 1884). (731) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.19 as Endothenia impudens

Conus Lobesia Guenee, 18452729 spiraeae (McD., 19381. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.


Clonus Olethreutes HObner, 18222831 agilana (Clem.. 1860). (932) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.33;tBn albiciliana (Fern., 1882). (396) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. WM. P.33

1 appendicea (Zell., 18751. (935) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (perce-pousse nair de I'erable, m., Fr.) WM.P.31

astrologana (Zell., 18751. (741) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.34atrodentana (Fern., 1882). (14331 Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.26

Genus Ecdytolopha Zeller, 18753497 lnslticiana Zell., 1875. (365) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (locust twig borsr", tordeuse 11 galle du

robinier, f., Fr.) C. PI.60(6), H. P1.48(291, WM. P.95

Genus Endothenla Stephens, 18522738 hebesana (Wlk., 1863). (1164) Del. M. Sabourin, 1993. (verbena bud moth", tarde use de la

verveine, r.. Fr.) WM. P.182733 heinrichi McD., 1929. (MS) Det. P. T. Dang and M. Sabourin, 1993.

Genus Epiblema HObner, 18253203 brightonana (Kft., 1907). (897) Del. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.593190 desertana (Zell., 1875). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.583189 obfuscana (Dyar, 1888). (DLW) Det. D. I.. Wagner, 1992. WM. P.573202 otlosena (Clern., 1860). (1380) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (bidens borer") C. P1.60(31, WM. P.593205 resumptana (Wlk., 1863). (431) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.593186 scudderiana (Clem., 1860). (47) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. H. Fig.239 as Eucosma scudderiana, WM.

P.573172 strenuana (Wlk., 1863). (903) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991 (ragweed borer") WM. P.56

Genus Endopiza Clemens, 18602721 piceana (Free., 1941). (1232) Det. P. T. Dang, 1993. (spruce mlcrornoth)2712 lIiteana Clem., 1860. (730) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (grape berry moth, tordeuse de la vigne, fr., Fr.)

WM. P.16

Genus Episimus Walsingham, 18922701 argutanus (Clern., 1860). (729) Del. P. T. Dang, 1991. (sumac leatroller, enrouleuse du vinaigrier,

r.. Fr.) WM. P.14

Genus Epinotia Hubner, 18253307 crlddleana (Kft., 1907). (1449) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994. WM. P.75 (aspen leafroller)3351 lindana (Fern., 1892). (462) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (dogwood leafroller) WM. P.773286 madiovlridana (Kft., 1908). (525) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.733312 momonana (Kft., 1907). (933) Det, M. Sabourin, 1994. WM. P.763338 nanana (Tr., 1835). (734) Det, P. T. Dang, 1991. (European spruce needleminer, mineuse

europeenne de I'epinette, f., Fr.) WM. P.763306 nisella (CI" 1759). (DLW) Det. R. I.. Brown, 1991. (yellowheaded aspen leaftier, tordeuse des

chatons. f., Fr.) WM. P.753335 nonana (Kft., 1907). (435) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.763336 normanana Kft., 1907. (DLW) Det. R. I.. Brown, 1991.3269 radicana (Heinr., 1923). (1289) Det. P. T. Dang, 1993. WM. P.74 (redstriped needleworm)3302 rectlplicana (Wlsm., 1879). (1050) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.3347 septemberana Kft., 1907. (1264) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.773283 solandriana (I.., 1758). (888) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (birch-aspen Ieafroller, enrouleuse des

bouleaux, f., Fr., enrouleuse du bouleau blanc, f., Fr.) WM. P.733304 solicitana (Wlk., 1863). (13211 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (birch shootworm, tardeuse du bouleau, f.,

Fr.1 WM. P.753310 transmlssena (Wlk., 1863). (1841 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (birch catkin moth) WM. P.763280 lrigonella (I.., 1758). (8891 Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (Ieafroller)

Genus Eucosma Hubner, 18233037 agricolana (Wlsm., 1879). (1062) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. PA93142 cataclystiana (Wlk., 1863). (711) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994. WM. P.543120 derelecta Heinr., 1929. (9061 Del. M. Sabourin, 1991. (goldenrod rootstalk borer) WM. P.533116 dorsisignatana (Clem., 1860). (CTP) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. C. PI.58(241, WM. P.533066 gloriola Heinr., 1931. (1197) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (eastern pine shOal borer, perce-pousse du

pin, m., Fr.) WM. P.51graduatana (Wlsm., 1879). (AMNH) Ver. M. Sabourin, 1992.grotiana Kft" 1908. (1059) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.

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Genus Pammene Hubner, 18253420 perstructana (Wlk., 1863). (1194) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.86

Genus Orthotaenia Stephens, 18292770 undulana (D. & S., 1775). (394) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (dusky leafroller) WM. P.23

Genus Phaneta Stephens, 18522911 awemeana (Kft., 1907). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. WM. PA22910 essexana (Kft., 1907), (DLWI Det. D. L, Wagner, 1990. WM. PA22915 ferruglnana (Fern., 1882). (1061) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.2916 formosana (Clem., 1860). (1077) Det. M, Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.423000 Imbrldana (Fern., 1905). (891) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.2982 klscana (Kft., 19071. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. WM. PA7


Genus Retinla Guenee 18452892 elblcapltana (Bsk., 19141. (107) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (northern pitch twig moth', northern

pitch twig borer, pitch nodule maker, nodulier du pin gris, m., Fr.) WM. P.392889 cornstocklana (Fern., 1879). (191 Det. D. L. Wagner, 1989. (pitch twig moth', pitch twig borer,

nodulier du pin rigide, m., Fr.)2898 gemlstrigulana (Kft., 1905). (3301 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.40

Genus Pseudoqallarla Rag" 18843500 inlmicella (Zell" 18721. (1402) Det. M, Sabourin, 1994.

2929 ochrctermlnana (Kft., 1907). (292) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. PA42998 olivaceana (Riley, 1881), (900) Det, M, Sabourin, 1991. WM. PA72937 parrnatana (Clarn.. 1860), (464) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. M, Sabourin, 1991. (aster flower

head cat.) WM. PA42908 radlatana (Wlsm., 1879). (111) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, WM. P.422928 raracana (Kft., 1907). (460) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.432973 strlatana (Clem" 1860). (1060) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. PA62936 tamanana (Kft., 19071. (1136) Det. M, Sabourin, 1992. WM. PA42913 umbrastriana (Kft., 1907). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.432926 verna Miller, 1994. (1390) Det. M, Sabourin & W. E. Miller, 1994.

Genus Pseudosclaphila Obraztsov, 19662769 duplex (Wlsm., 1905). (243) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (spotted aspen leafroller, enrouleuse du

peupliar, f., Fr.) WM. P.23

Genus Pseudexentera Heinrich, 19403257 ccstomaculana (Clem, 1860). (610) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.703246 cressonlana (Clem., 1864). (437) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (oak olethreutld, oak leafroller) WM. P.673253 faracana (Kft., 1907). (MS) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.673255 kalmlana McD., 1959. (745) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991, WM. P.693247 mali Free., 1942. (1192) Dat. M. Sabourin, 1993, (pale apple leafroller, tordeuse pale du pomrnler.

r.. Fr.) WM. P.68oregonana (Wlsm., 1879). (1193) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (early aspen leafeurler, aspen leafroller,

enrouleuse hative du tremble, f., Fr.1 WM. P.69spoliana (Clern., 1864). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.68 (oak olethreutid leafrollerl?lIacclnii Miller, 1986. (MSI Det. W. E. Miller, 1992. WM. P.69virglnlana (Clem., 1864). (1041) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.70


Genus Rhyacionla Hubner, 182528T7 adana Heinr., 1923. (MSI Det. M. Sabourin, 1994.2867 buoliana (D. & S., 17751. (642) Det. G. R. Nielsen 1991. (European pine shoot moth, perce-pousse

europeen du pin, m., Fr.) WM. P.38

Genus Rhopobota Lederer, 18593278 flnitimana (Heinr.. 1923). (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. WM. P.72

Genus Proteoteras Riley, 18813230 aesculana Riley, 1881. (248) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (mapletwig borer) WM. P.643233 crescentana Kft., 1907. (269) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.643235 moffatiana Fern., 1905. (742) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (mapleshoot borer, perce-pousse de I'erable,

m., Fr.) WM. P.653232 willingana (Kft., 1904). (Field) Imm. Det. G. R. Nielsen. (boxelder twig borer', perceur de l'erable

negondo, m., Fr.) WM. P.64

(:onus Sereda Heinrich, 1923:.1425 tautana (Clem., 1865). (905) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.87, 88

auricapltaae (Wlsm., 1879). (931) Dot. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.33?baeeatana (MeD., 1942). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. (sweetfern leafroller)betulana (Hainr., 1926). (1455) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993.bipartitana (Clem., 1860). (751) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.35cespltana (l-lbn., 1814-17). (901) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.35?clallana (Wlk., 1863). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.28?eomandrana (Clarke, 1953). (MS) oet. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.26conclnnana (Clern., 1865). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.32connectus (McD., 1935). (732) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. WM. P.27corylana (Fern., 1882). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.29costimaculana (Fern., 1882). (WJK) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1990.deprecatorius Heinr., 1926). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.electrofuscus (l-leinr., 1923). (1413). Dat. M. Sabourin, 1994. (sweetfern micro moth)faseiatana (Clern., 1860). (397) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1989. WM. P.32ferriferana (Wlk., 1863). (738) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (hydrangea leaftier) C. PI.58(22)footlana (Fern., 1882). (1416) Det. M. Sabourin, ',994.furfurana (MeD., 1922). (898) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.25galellora (McD., 1956). (767) Det M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.30glaciana (Masch., 1860). (1049) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.35hamamellana (MeD., 1944). (268) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.29Inornatana (Clern., 1860). (892) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.27lacunana (Free., 1941). (1039) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.metallicana (l-ibn., 1796-99). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.34merrickana (Kft., 1907). (893) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.29nanana (McD.,1922). (1146) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.nlgrana (Heinr., 1923). (392) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (enrouleuse nigranum, f., Fr.) WM. P.28nitldana (Clern., 18601. (896) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.25ouvaceana (Fern., 1882). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.26osmundana (Fern.. 1879). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.permundana (Clem., 1860). (242) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (raspberry leafrotler". tordeuse du

framboisisr, t., Fr.) WM. P.31polluxana (McD., 1922). (1135) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.punctana (Wlsm., 1903). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.27quadrifldus (Zell., 1875). (108) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. WM. P.27 (chokecherry leafroller)?serlcorana (Wlsm., 1879). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.30septentrlonana (Curt., 1831). (1264) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.submissana (McD., 1922). (MSI Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.31tillana (l-leinr, 1923). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.28trinitana (McD., 1931). (934) Det, P. T. Dang, 1991 WM. P.35?troglodana (McD., 1922). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.32valdana (McD., 1922). (1414) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.30verslcolorana (Clem., 1860). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. WM. P.30?lIiburnana (McD., 1935). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993. WM. P.28n. sp, near rusticana (MeD., 1922). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.


28462786279428102852281827952849282428122814280127 ..

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Genus Sonia Heinrich, 19233219 canadana McD., 1925. (885) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. WM. P.62

Genus Aphelia HObner, 18253675 alleniana (Fern., 1882). (12911 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (pine-and-clover tier)


Genus Aclerls HObner, 1825

Genus Zeiraphera Treitschke, 18293240 canadensis Mutuura & Free., 1967. (Fieldl Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991. (spruce bud moth·, tordeuse

de I' epinette. f., Fr.) WM. P.66

Genus Taniva Heinrich, 1926

2745 albolineana Kft., 1907. (7331 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (spruce needleminer*, mineuse de l'epinette,f., Fr.) WM. P.19 s Endothenia albolineana

Clonus Clepsis Guenee, 1845'IG84 clemensiana (Fern., 1879). (880) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.:1682 persicana (Fitch, 1856). (1791 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (whitetriangie tortrix', tortricide a triangie

blanc, f., Fr.1Hl86 melaleucana (Wlk., 1863). (181) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (trillium tortrix)

Genus Argyrotaenia Stephens, 18523624 alisellana (Rob" 18691. (48) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.3622 juglandana (Fern., 1879). (883) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (hickory leafroller ", enrouleuse du noyer, f.,

Fr.)3625 mariana (Fern., 1882). (192) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (graybanded leatroller ", tordeuse a bandes

grises, t., Fr.)3607 occultana Free. 1942. {8791 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (fall spruce needle moth, tordeuse d'automne

de I'epinette, t., Fr.) C. PI.61 (2) as A. velutinana3602 pinatubana (Kft., 1905), 1126) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (pine tube moth", tordeuse

tubicole du pin, f., Fr.)3621 quadrifaseiana (Fern., 1882). (757) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (fourlined leafroller, enrouleuse

quadrlliqnee. f., Fr.)3623 quercifoliana (Fitch, 1858). (3991 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (tortrlcld oakworm, enrouleuse du

chene, r.. Fr.1:nj97 velutinana (Wlk., 1863). (241) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. /redbanded leafroiler*, tordeuse a bandes

rouges, r.. Fr.) C. PI.61 (1)

Genus Choristoneura Lederer, 18593637 conflictana (Wlk., 18631. (7221 Det P. T. Dang (1991). (large aspen tortrix', tordeuse du tremble,

f., Fr.)3632 fractivittana (Clem., 1865). (1369) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. (hardwood leafroller, trdeuse des

feuillus, f., Fr.1'lG38 fumiferana (Clem., 1865). (498) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. Ispruce budworm*, tordeuse des

bourgeons de I'epinette, f., Fr.)3G43 pinus Free" 1953. (768) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (jack pine budworm", tordeuse du pin gris, f.,

Fr.):lG35 rosaceana (Harr., 1841). (628) Det. P. T. Dang & M. Sabourin, 1991. (obiiquebanded leafroller*,

tordeuse a bandes obliques, t., Fr.):IG34 zapulata (Rob., 1869), (884) Det. P. T. Dang & A. Mutuura, 1991.






Genus Archips Hubner, 18223648 argyrospila (Wlk., 1863). (530) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (fruittree leafroller*, tordeuse du

pommier, r.. Fr.)ceraslvorana (Fitch, 1856). (7231 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (uglynest caterpillar', tordeuse du cerisier.

f., Fr.)dissitana (Grt., 1879). (422) Det P. T. Dang, 1991. (spruce needle moth)?myrieana (McD., 1923). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.packardiana (Fern., 1886). (1424) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. Ispring spruce needle moth, fir tortrix,

tordeuse verte de I'epinette, f., Fr.)purpurana (Clom., 1865). (3951 Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (omnivorous leafroller, tortricide purpurine,

f., Fr.)rosana (L., 1758). (3101 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (European leafroller, filbert leafroller, tordeuse

europeenne. f., Fr.)semiferana (Wlk., 18631. (1444) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. (oak leafrollerlstriana (Fern., 1905). (894) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (lined spruce needle moth)

bowmanana IMcD., 19341. /4111 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.braunana (McD., 1934). (963) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (alder ieafroller, enrouleuse de I'aulne, f. Fr.)busckana (McD., 1934). (412) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.celiana (Rob., 1869). (432) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (birch leafroller, enrouleuse du bouleau, f. Fr.)cervinana (Fern" 1882). (943) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.chalybeana (Fern., 1882). (56) Det. J, R, Grehan 1991. (lesser maple leafroller)?eomandrana (Fern., 1892). (MS) Det, P. T. Dang, 1992.cornana (McD., 1933). (753) Det. P, T. Dang, 1991. (dogwood leafroller, enrouleuse du cornouiller,

f. Fr.)emargana (F., 1775). /CTP) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.flavivittana (Clem., 18641. (413) Det, P. T. Dang, 1991. (masked leafrollerjforbesana (McD., 1934). (750) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.fragariana Kft.,. 1904. (1459). Det. W. J. Kiel, 1994.fuscana IB, & ssk., 1920). 1438) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (small aspen leaftier)hudsoniana /Wlk., 1863), (MCZ) Det. A. E. Brower, 1947.ksarfottana (McD., 1934). (12251 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.logiana (CI., 1759). (49) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (blackheaded birch leaffolder,

torticide des bouleaux, f., Fr.)maccana (Tr., 18351. (391) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.macdunnoughi Obr., 1963. (434) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.maeulidorsana (Clern., 18641. (904) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991.nivisellana (Wlsm., 1879). (541 Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (apple leaf twister)?nigrolinea (Rob., 1869). (1170) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.oxyeoccana (Pack., 18691. (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991.robinsoniana (Fbs.. 1923). (433) Det, P. T. Dang, 1991.schallerlana (L. 1761). (752) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.semlannula (Rob., 18691. (55) Det D. L. Wagner, 1990.subnivana (Wlk., 1863). (436) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.variana (Fern., 1886). (749) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (eastern blackheaded budworm*, tordeuse a

tets noire de l'epinette, f. Fr.)youngana (McD., 1934). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994.n. sp. semlannula complex; name in manucript (Dang, 1992). (MSI Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

Genus Spllonota Stephens, 18292906 ocellana (D. & S. 1775). (444) Dat. P. T. Dang, 1991. (evespotted bud moth", brown apple

budworm, pique-bouton du pommier, m., Fr.) WM. P.41




35503521 .1

Genus Amorbia Clemens, 1860

3748 humerosana Clem., 1860. (724) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (dusky leafroller, whieline leafroller,tordeuse sombre, f., Fr.)

Genus Anopina Obraztsov, 19623584 ednana (Kft., 1907). (739) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991.

I,onus Cnephasia Curtis, 1826'lb6... stephensiana (Dbld., 1849). (878) Det. P. T. Dang & A. Mutuura, 1991.

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24 25

Genus Coetostathma Clemens, 18603747 disccpunctana Clem" 1860, (1302) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993,

Genus Croesia Hubner, 18253504 curvalana (Kft" 1907), (1270) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993, (blueberry leafworm)3501 forskaleana (L" 1758), (1453) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994.3503 semipurpurana (Kft., 1905), (1271) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993. (oak leaftier", oak leafshredder,

tordeuse printaniere du chene, f" Fr.)

Genus Decodes Obraztsov, 19613573 basiplaganus (Wlsm., 1879), (185) Det 0, L. Wagner, 1990.

Genus Eana Biilberg, 18203568 argentana (CI., 1759). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1994.

Genus Eulia Hubner, 18253565 rninistrana IL., 1758), (398) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1991.

Genus Pandemis Hubner, 18253593 lamprosana (Rob., 18691. (882) Det. P, T, Dang, 1991, (willow-aspen leafroller, enrouleuse des

feuillus, f., Fr.)3594 limltata (Rob" 1869). (526) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1991. (threelined leafroller',

varlspotteo leafroller, enrouleuse triliqnee, f., Fr.)

Family COCHYUDAE (the cochvlld moths)

Genus Aethes BiUberg, 18203807 angulatana (Rob" 1869). (DLW) Det. M, G. Pogue,3808 anqustana (Clem., 1860). (1101) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992,3809 argentilimitana (Rob., 1869). (1254) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993,3810 atomosana (Bsk., 1907). (971) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992,3815 biscana (Kft., 1907). (1298) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.3844 promptana (Rob" 18691. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994,3807.1 sp, near angulatana,(MS) Det. M, Sabourin, 1992,

Genus cochvus Treitschke, 18303806 dubltana (l-ibn., 1799). (529) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (rnlneuse des stobiles du bouleau, t., Fr.

Genus Phtheochroa Stephens, 18293804 baracana (Bsk., 1907). (1163) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.3801 ?birdana Bsk., 1907. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.3805 modestana (Bsk., 1907). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992,3187 vitellinana (Zell" 1875). (1452) Det, M. Sabourin, 1994.

Genus Saphenista Walsingham, 19143852 ?straminoides Grt., 1873. (1259) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993,

n, sp. (DLWI Det. M, G. Pogue

Genus Platvnota Clemens, 18603740 idaeusalis (Wlk., 1859), (459) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (tufted apple bud moth')

Genus Thyraylia Walsingham, 1897'1769 bunteana (Rob., 1869). 14631 Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990,:1/64 nana (Haw., 1811). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993,



,,"'Ius Ervnnis Schrank, 1801icalus (Scudder & Burgess, 1870). (DHM/618) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (dreamy duskywing, hesperia

givree, f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.41! juvenalis (F. 1793), (1272) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (Juvenal's duskywing, hesperie du chene,

f., Fr.1 O.&M. PI,41FI',1l lucilius (Scudder & Burgess, 1870). (JDH) Det. M. Sabourin, 1989, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990.

(columbine duskywing, columbine skipper) O.&M. PI,41

Superfamily HESPERIOiDEA (the skippers)

t4ubfmnily PYRGINAE (Pyrgine skippers)

Family HESPERUDAE (skippers)

\)'HIUS Epargyreus Hubner, 1819II) clarus (Crarn., 1779). (DHM/10201 Det. D. H. Milier, 1991. (silver-spotted skipper', hesperie ~

taches arqontees, f., Fr.) 0.& M. P1.8,39

INCERTAE SEDIS3028 hoffmanana Kft., 1907, (DLW) Dat. M. G. Pogue:1030 hospes Wism., 1884, (1171) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.:)1139 ?marloffiana Bsk., 1907. (1261) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993,:.lB42 oenotherana Riley, 1881, (1076) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1992.:.lllb4 temerana Bsk., 1907. (1302) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992,IIlbl viseana Kft., 1907. (DLW) Det. M. G. PogueIBb8 ?voxcana Kft., 1907. (1260) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.IBI)1 ?zaracana Kft., 1907. (1258} Det, M. Sabourin, 1993.

Butterflies (papillons diurnes. rn. Fr.)

Genus Sparganothis Hubner, 18253726 acerivorana MacKay, 1952, (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (maple leafroller, enrouleuse de I'Mable,

f., Fr.)diluticostana (Wlsm., 1879). (728) Det. P. T, Dang, 1991. (spring dead-leafroller)directana (Wlk., 1863). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (cherry leaf roller, enrouleuse du cerisier. f.,

Fr,)lvcopodiana (Kft" 1907), (1319) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.niveana (Wlsm., 1879). (105) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1991. (enrouleuse de l'ostrver, f.,

Fr.)pettitana (Rob" 1869), (748) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (maple-basswood leafroller, enrouleuse de

Pettit, f., Fr.)reticulatana (Clern., 1860). (7) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1989.sulfureana (Clem., 1860). (313) Det. J, R, Grehan, 1991. (sparganothis fruitworm,

cranberry sparganothis, blueberry leafroller)tristrlata Kft., 1907. (881) Dst. P. T. Dang & M. Sabourin, 1991.umbrana B & Bsk., 1920 (putmanana Free" 1940). (947) Det. P. T. Dang, 1991. (birdsfoot trefoil

leaftier, trefoil webworm).unifasciana (Clem., 1864). (737) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (needle tier)violaceana (Rob" 1869). (MS) Det, M, A, Roberts, 1992.xanthoides (Wlk., 1863). (1137) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

Genus Ptvcholoma Clemens, 18603688 peritana (Clern., 1860). (740) Det, P. T. Dang, 1991. (garden tortrix, tordeuse des jardins, f., Fr.)3689 virescana (Clem., 1865), (1056) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992,





Genus Syndemis Hubner, 18253672 afflictana (Wlk" 1863), (82) Det. 0, L, Wagner, 1990. (fall dead-leatroller)

Genus Xenotemna Powell. 19643693 pallorana (Rob., 1869). (MS) Det. M, Sabourin, 1992.

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3961 persjus (Scudder, 1863) Unpublished record, P. A. Opler 1983 (persius duskywing) O.&M. PIAl

Genus Thorybes Scudder, 18723910 pylades (Scudder, 1870). (DHMI1 035) Det. D. Miller, 1991. (northern cloudywing, hesperle

nuageuse, r.. Fr.) O.&M. PI.40


Genus Carterocephalus Lederer, 18523982 palaemon (Pallas, 1771). (DHM/l021) Det, D. H. Miller, 1991. (arctic skipper, echiquier, m., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.42

Subfamily HESPERIINAE (Hesperine skippers)

Genus Amblyscirtas Scudder, 18724096 hagon (Scudder, 1864). (DHM/1276) Det. W. J. Kie!, 1991. (pepper and salt skipper) O.&M. PI.474105 vialis (Edw., 1862). (DHMI1457) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (roadside skipper, common roadside

skipper, hesperie violacee. f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.47

Genus Ancyloxypha C. Felder, 18624004 numitor (F., 1793). (DHMI1 022) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (least skipper) O.&M. P1.13,43

Genus Atrvtone Scudder, 18724051 logan IEdw., 1863). (1032) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (Delaware skipper) O.&M. P1.13,45

Genus Euphyes Scudder, 18724077 bimacula (G. &. R. 1867). (DHM) Det. D. H. Miller, 1992. (two-spotted skipper) O.&M. P1.13,474072 dion (Edw., 1879). (1031) Det J. D. Hedbor, 1990, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (dion skipper)

O.&M. PI.464078 vestris (Bdv., 1852). (DHM/l024) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (dun skipper, hesperis rurale, f., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.47

Genus Hesperia Fabricius, 17934020c comma laurentina (Lyman, 1892). (DHM/1278) Det, D. H. Miller, 1991. (Laurentian skipper, comon

branded skipper, hesperia laurentienne, f., Fr.) O.&M. PI,:43leonardus Harr., 1862. (1040) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. (Leonardus skipper, Leonard's skipper)

O.&M. PI.13,43metea Scudder, 1864. Unpublished record by P. A. Opler, 1983. (cobweb skipper) O.&M. PI.43sassacus Harr., 1862. (DHM) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (Indian skipper) O.&M. PI.44

Genus Poanes Scudder, 18724059 hobomok (l-larr., 1862). (DHMI1 023) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (hobomok skipper, hesperie hobomok,

r., Fr.) O.&M. PI.454058 massasoit (Scudder, 1864). (JDH) Det. J. D. Hedbor. 1989. (Mulberry skipper) O.&M. PI.464064 viator viator (Edw., 1865). (1419) Det. M. S. Griggs & ver. J. M. Bums, 1994. (broad winged

skipper, besperle vovaceuse. f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.46

Genus Polites Scudder, 18724043 mystic (Edw., 1863). (DHM/1274) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (long dash, hesperle mystique, f., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.444042 origenes (F., 1793). (1034) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (crossline skipper) O.&M. PI.444036 peckius (W. F. Kirby, 1837) (DHM/1277) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (Peck's skipper, hesperia de Peck,

f., Fr.) O.&M. P1.13,444041 themistocles (Latr., 1824). (DHMI1 033) Det. W. J. Kisl, 1991. (tawny-edged skipper, hesperia ~

tache costate, f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.44

Genus Pompeius Evans, 19554048 verna (Edw., 1862). (DHMI1275) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (little glassywing) O.&M. PI.45


Genus Thymelicus Hubner, 1819 (Adopoea Billberg, 1820)4012 lineola (Ochs., 1808). (DHMI1 025) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (European skipper, hesperie des

graminees, r.. Fr) O.&M. P1.13,44

Genus Wallengrenia Berg, 18974047 egeremet (Scudder, 1864) (1273) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (northern broken dash) O.&M. PI.45

Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA (true butterflies)

Family PAPILIONIDAE (swallowtails, queues d'hirondelles, f., Fr.)


Genus Papilio Linnaeus, 17584176.1 canadensis R. & J. 1906. (DHMI1 018) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (northern or Canadian tiger

swallowtail, papillon tigre du Canada, m., Fr.] O.&M. PI.164159 polyxenes F., 1775. (DHMI1 019) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (black swallowtail', parsleyworm*

celeryworm, parsnipworrn, papillon du celeri. m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.2,4,5,144181 troilus L., 1758. Unpublished record by P. A. Opler, 1983 (spicebush swallowtail') O.&M. PI.2,5,14

Family PIERIDAE (whites and sulphurs)

Subfamily PIERINAE (whites, pierldes. t., Fr.)

Genus Pieris Shrank, 1801,1195d napi oleracea (Harr., 1829). (DHM/613) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (grey veined or mustard white,

plaride des cruciferes. f., Fr.) O.&M. PIA,1711191 rapae (L. 1758). (DHM/l 015) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (imported cabbageworm*, European cabbage

butterfly, small or garden cabbage white, pieride du chou, f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.2,4,6,1641!.l6 virginiensis (Edw., 1870). (1138) Det. M. Sabourin, 1990. (West Virginia White, pieri de de Virginie,

f., Fr.) O.&M. PI.17

l'lJlJfamily COLIADINAE (sulphurs)

n""us Colias Fabricius, 1907,]:JIO eurytheme Bdv., 1852. (DHMI1304) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (alfalfa cat.', orange sulphur, or

alfalfa butterfly, coliade de la luzerne, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.2,6,184220 interior Scudder, 1862. (DHM\ 1395) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (pink-edged sulphur, coliade interieur.

rn., Fr.) O.&M. PI.18420!.l philodice Godt., 1819. (DHM/611) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (common or clouded sulphur', coliade

du trefle, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.18

Eurema HObner, 1819,1737 lisa Bdv. & Leconte, 1829. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1970. (little sulphur or yellow, pleride jaune, f.,

Fr.) O.&M. P1.5,20

Family l YCAENIDAE,(gossamer winged butterflies; blues, coppers, and hairstreaks)

(4ubfamily MllETINAE (Harvesters)

Feniseca Grote, 1869'I 0 tarquinius (F., 1793). (DHM/1283) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (harvester, wanderer, piebald,

moissonneur, rn.. Fr.) O.&M. P1.7,21

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Subfamily l,YCAENINAE (coppers)

Genus Epidemia Scudder, 18764260a eplxanthe phaedra (Hall, 1924). (DHM/617) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (Newfoundland copper, bog

copper, cuivre des tourbieres, m., Fr.1 O.&M. PI.21 as t.yceene epixantheGenus Hyllolycaena L. Miller &. F. M. Brown, 19784256 hyllus (Cram., 1775). (DHM/13141 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (bronze or large copper, bronze, m., Fr.)

O.&M. P1.7,21 as t.vceene hyttus

Genus Lvcaena Fabricius, 18074251 phlaeas (L., 17611. (DHM/l 0171 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (small, little, or American copper, cuivre

d'Arnsrlque, m., Fr.) O.&M. P1.7,21

Subfamily THECLINAE (Hairstreaksl

Genus Erora Scudder, 18724349 laetus (Edw., 18621. (DHM/1285) Det. D. H. Miller, 1990, ver. W. J. Kiel 1990. (early hairstreak,

lutin rnvsterieux, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.24

Genus Incisalia Scudder, 18724322 augustinus (Westwood, 1852). (DHM/1318) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (bronze or brown elfin, lutin

brun, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.23 O.&M. PI.234328 niphon (Hbn., 18191. (DHM/6161 Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (eastern pine elfin, lutin des pins, m., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.23

Genus Mitoura Scudder, 18724318 gryneus (Hbn., 18191. (DHMI1305) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (olive hairstreak) O.&M. P1.6,22

Genus Satvrlum Scudder, 18764278 acadicum (Edw., 1862). (DHMI1398) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (acadian hairstreak, porte-queue

d' Acadie, rn., Fr.) O.&M. PI.234282 calanus (Hbn., 1809). (DHM/12821 Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (banded hairstreak, porte-queue du

chene, m., Fr.) O.&M. P1.7,234283 caryaevorum (McD., 19421. (13601 Det. J. R. Grehan, ex. gen., 1993. (hickory hairstreak. porte-

queue du carver. rn., Fr.) O.&M. PI.234285 liparops (Leconte, 1833). (DHM/614) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (striped hairstreak, porte-queue a

bandes brisees. rn., Fr.) O.&M. PI.234275 titus (F., 1793). (DHM) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (coral hairstreak, porte-queue abrope, m., Fr.) O.&M


Genus Strymon Hubner, 18184336 melinus Hbn., 1818. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (cotton square borer", gray or common

hairstreak, porte-queue gris, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.24


Genus Everes Hubner, 18194361 comyntas (Godt., 1824). (DHM/1284) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (eastern tailed blue, bleau porte-

queue de l'est. m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.25

Genus Celastrina Tutt, 19064363 aqriolus (L. 17581. (DHM/6151 Dat. D. H. Miller, 1991. (spring azure, holly blue, azur printanier. m.

Fr.1 O.&M. PI.8;25

Genus Glaucopsyche Scudder, 18724372 Iygdamus couperi Grote, 1873. (DHMI1 016) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (silvery blue, bleu arqente, m.,

Fr.) O.&M. PI.25


Family LlBYTHEIDAE (snout butterflies)


Genus Libytheana Michener, 19434410 bachmanii (Kirtland, 1851). Unpublished record by P. A. Opler, 1983. (eastern snout butterfly,

American snoutl O.&M. PI.8,27 as L. carinenta

Family NYMPHALIDAE (brush-footed butterflies)


Genus Nymphalis Kluk, 18024432 antiopa (L., 17581. (DHMI1 0061 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (mourning cloak", white bordered or

camberwell beutv, spiny elm cat., morio, m., Fr., chenille epineuse de I'orme, f., Fr.1 O.&M.PI. 10,32

californica (Bdv., 1852). (Published reference. Scott, 1986) (California tortoise shell") O.&M. PI.32milberti (Godt., 18191. (DHM/774) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (Mllbert's tortoise shell, petite vanesse,

t.. Fr.) O.&M. P1.4,32vau-album (D. & S., 17751. (DHM/12431 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (compton tortoise shell, false

comma, grande vanesse, f., Fr.1 O.&M. PI.10,31

Genus Polygonia HObner, 181 94421 comma (Harr., 1842). (DHM/l009) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (hop merchant, comma, eastern

comma, polygone virgule, rn., Fr.) O.&M. PI.10,314423 faun us (Edw., 1862). (DHM114561 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (green comma, polygone a taches

vertes, m., Fr.) O.&M. PI.31,1420 interrogationis (F. 1798). (DHM/1244) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (question mark, polygone a queue

violacee, m., Fr.) O.&M. Pl.l0,31'1,129 progne (Crarn., 1776). (DHM/1279) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (gray comma, polygone gris, m., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.31

(j,"",S Vanessa Fabricius, 18074437 atalanta (L., 1758). (DHMI1005) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (red admiral", vulcaln, rn., Fr.) O.&M.

Pl.ll,32-14Jb cardui (L., 1758). (DHMI1241) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (painted ladv", cosmopolitan, belle dame, f.,

Fr.) O.&M. P1.3,1 0,32·\>1:14 virginiensis (Drury, 1773). (DHM) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (painted beautv", American painted lady,

American lady, Hunter's butterfly, vanessede Virgin ie, f., Fr.) O.&M. PI. 10,32

t;"hli"nily ARGYNNINAE

(,'''i1'f; Clossiana Reuss, 1920.HUh bellona (F., 1775). (DHM/12391 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (meadow fritillary, boloria des pres, m., Fr.)

O.&M. PI.27 as Bolorie be//ona·j40~ selene (D. & S., 1775). (DHM/l 013) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (small dashed pearl or silver-bordered

fritillary, boloria a taches aruentees, m., Fr.) O.&M. P1.9,27 as Botorie selene

Euptoieta Doubleday, 1848/ claudia (Cram., 1776). (983) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (variegated fritillary, fritillaire oanachee, f.,

Fr.) O.&M. P1.3,29

Speyeria Scudder, 1872aphrodite (F. 1787). (DHM) Det, D. H. Miller, 1991. (aphrodite, argynne aphrodite, rn., Fr.1 O.&M.

PI.29atlantis (Edw., 1862). (DHM112361 Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (Atlantis fritillary, mountain silver-spot.

argynne de l'Atlantique, m., Fr.) O.&M. P1.9,29

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cvbele (F., 1775). (DHMI1256). Det. D. H. Millar, 1991. (great spangled fritillary, argynne cvbele,rn., Fr.) O.&M. P1.9,29


Subfamily DANAINAE (monarchs)

Genus Danaus Kluk, 18024614 plexippus (L., 1758). (DHM/612) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (monarch", wanderer, milkweed butterfly,

monarque, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.3,4,36Genus Chlosvne Butler, 18704491 harrisii (Scudder, 1862). (DHM/1392) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (Harris' checkerspot, damier de

Harris, rn., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.284490 nyctais (Doubleday, 1847). (1336) Det, J. D. Hedbor, 1989, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (silvery

checkerspot or crescent spot, damier arqente, rn., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. P1.9,28

Genus Euphydryas Scudder, 18724516 phaeton (Drury, 1773). (DHM/1240) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (Baltimore, Baltimore checkerspot,

baltimore, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. P1.9,31

Genus Phyciodes Hubner, 18194481 tharos (Drury, 1773). (DHM/1 013) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991. (pearl crescent, croissant perle, m., Fr.)

0.&1\Il. P1.9,314481.2 salanis (Kby., 1837). (DHM/1458) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991 (northern pearl crescent, northern

crescent) 0.&1\Il. PI.31


Genus Limenitis Fabricius, 18074523 archippus (Crarn., 1776). (DHM/1007) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (viceroy", mimic, mimique, m., Fr.,

vice-rei, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. P1.3, 10,33 as Limenitis archippus4522 arthemis arthemis (Drury, 1773). (DHM/1008) Det. D. H. Miller, 1990. (white admiral, banded

purple, amiral, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.33 as L. a. arthemis4522b arthamis astyanax (F., 1775). (DHM) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (red-spotted purple) 0.&1\Il. P1.10,33

as L. a. astyanax

Subfamily SATYRINAE (the satyrs and wood nymphs; satvres, m., Fr.)

Genus Coenonympha Hubner, 1819 (heath butterflies)4583.. tullia inornata Edw., 1861. (DHM/1026) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (inornate. common or plain ringlet,

satvre tauve, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.36

Genus Cercyonis Scudder, 18754587c pegala nephele (Kby., 1837). (DHM/1 012) Det, D. H. Miller, 1991. (the wood nymph, grayling,

satvre des pres, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.37

Genus Enodia Hubner, 18194568.1 anthadon A. H. Clark, 1936. (DHMI1010) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (northern pearly eye, satvre

perle, m., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.11 ,36

Genus l\Ilegisto Hubner, 18194578 cymela (Crarn., 1777). (DHM/1 011) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (little wood satyr, petit satvre des bois,

rn., Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.11,36

Genus Oenels Hubner, 18194611 jutta (Hbn., 1805-6). (DHMI1386) Det. D. H. Miller, 1987. (jutta arctic, nordique des tourbleras. rn.,

Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.38

Genus Satyrodes Scudder, 18754569 appalachia (R. Chermock, 1947). (DHM/1391) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991, ver. W. J. Kiel, 1991.

(Appalachian eyed brown or Appalachian brown) 0.&1\Il. PI.364568.3 eurydice (Johansson, 1763). (DHMI1245) Det. D. H. Miller, 1991. (eyed brown, satvre ocelle, m.,

Fr.) 0.&1\Il. PI.36


Family ZYGAENIDAE (smoky moths and burners)

Genus Harrisina Packard, 18644624 americana (Guer., 1829). (Field) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (grapeleaf skeletonizer moth) C. PI.57(8)

Family I\IlEGALOPYGIDAE (the flannel moths)

Genus Lagoa Harris, 18414644 crispata (Pack., 1864). (GRN) Imm. Det G. R. Nielsen. (crinkled flannel moth", blackwaved flannel

moth) C. PI.56(9)

Family L1I\1lACODIDAE (slug caterpillar moths)

Genus Apoda Haworth, 18094669 biguttata (Pack., 1864). (429) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. PI.55(25)4G67 y-inversum (Pack., 1864). (650) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. PI.55(21)

Genus Euclea Hubner, 1819;lG97 delphinii (Bdv., 1832). (257) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (spiny oak-slug, limacode epineuse, f., Fr.) C.

P1.55(1 0, 14)

Gonus Lithacodes Packard 186446G5 fasciola (H.-S., 1854). (1132) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. PI.55(23)

GrHlus Packardia Grote & Robinson, 186740G1 elegans (Pack., 1864). (564) Det. T. McCabe, 1990.4G59 geminata (Pack., 1864). (186) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. PI.55(22)

Clonus Phobetron Hubner, 182540n pithecium (J. E. Smith, 1797). (1383) Det M Sabourin 1992. (hag moth", monkey slug, sorclere, f.,

Fr.) C. PI.1(2);56(7,10)OI;1l\US Sibine Herrich-Schaffar, 1855ijfOO stimulea (Ctem., 1860). (Field) Imm. Det G. R. Nielsen. (saddleback caterplllar". sibine urticante, f.,

Fr.) C. PI.1(8);56(8)

Tortricidia Packard, 1864flexuosa (Grt., 1880). (714) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (slug caterpillar) C. PI.55(19)pallida (H.-S., 1854). (802) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991.

.(11)2 testacea Pack., 1864. (187) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (slug caterpillar) C. P1.55(24)

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Superfamily PYRALOIDEA

Family PYRAUDAE(pvralid moths; waxworms, webworms, cerealworms, & driedfruit worms;

pvrales. r.. Fr., pyrales des pres, t.. Fr.)



Genus Eudonia Billberg., 18204737 lugubralis (Wlk., 1866). IMS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Mn. 13.11'1.4(6-12)

Genus Scoparia Haworth, 18124719 basalis Wlk., 1866. 1844) Dst. A. Mutuura, 1991. Mn. 13.1 PI.2138-41),BI10),G(1014716 biplagialis Wlk., 1866. (1139) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Mn. 13.1 PI.2(19-24),B(8),GI7)4718 cinereomedia Dyar, 1904. (563) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Mn. 13.1 PI.2(33-37),GI914717 penumbralis Dyar, 1906. 111981 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Mn. 13.1 PI.2130-32),BI9), G(8)


Genus Munroessa Lange, 19564748 icciusalis (Wlk., 1859). (222) Det. J. R. Grehan & ver. A. Mutuura, 1991. IPotamogeton casebearerl

C. 1'1.57125), Mn. 13.1 PI.4(38-421,C(2),H(3)4751 gyralis (Hulst, 1886). (1030) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1992. C. 1'1.57(261, Mn. 13.1 1'1.5(12-22)

Genus Parapoynx Hubner, 18254764a allionealis itealis (Wlk., 1859). (1206) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993 Ibladderwort casemaker) Mn. 13.1

1'1.6(16,17)badiusalis IWlk., 1859). (118) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver A. Mutuura. 1991. Mn. 13.1

1'1.6(18,19)maculalis (Clem., 1860). (1417) Det. M. Sabourin, 1994. (waterlily casebearer) Mn. 13.1 1'1.615-7,9,10)obscuratis (Grt., 1881). (820) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. C. 1'1.57(29), Mn. 13.11'1.6(13,14)

Genus Petrophila Guilding, 18304777 fulicalis (Clern., 1860). (822) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Mn. 13.1 1'1.7(5,6) as Paragyractis fulicalis

Genus Synclita Lederer, 18634755 obliteralis (Wlk., 1859). (846) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (waterlily laafcutter") C. 1'1.57(27),

Mn. 13.1 PI.5(28-331,CI6)


Genus Metrea Grote, 18824789 ostreonalis o-r., 1882. IDHM) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1994.


Genus Dicymolomia Zeller, 18724889 julianalis (Wlk., 1859). 111651 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. C. 1'1.57(6), Mn. 13.11'1.12(27-31)

Genus Xanthophysa Munroe, 19644879 psychialis IHulst, 1886). (1384) Det, M, Sabourin, 1992. Mn. 13.11'1.12(10-12)



Genus Evergestis Hubner, 18254897 pallidata (Hufn., 1767). (260) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (purple-backed cabbageworm*, pyrale

pourpre du cho.t., Fr.) C. 1'1.57(13), H. 1'1.47145) as E. streminelis, Mn. 13.1 1'1.1156,57)4901 unimacula (G. & R., 18671. (1378) Det. B. Landry, 1994. C. 1'1.58(3). H. 1'1.47156) as Pvrsuste

unimecuie, Mn. 13.1 1'1.1 (64,65)


Genus Achyra Guenee, 18494975 rantalis IGn., 1854). (827) Det. Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (garden webworm" , tisseuse des jardins, f. Fr,)

C. 1'1.56(23), Mn. 13.2a PI.3120-25),EI4), Mn.13.2b 1'1.1'(4)

Genus Anageshna Munroe, 19565176 primordialis (Dvar, 19071. (821) Det. M. Sabourin & A. Mutuura, 1991.

Genus Anania Hubner, 18234958a funebris glomeralis (Wlk., 1859).1428) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. 1'1.58(2), H. 1'1.47150) as Pvreuste

funebris, Mn. 13.2a 1'1.1 (47-521,C(5), Mn. 13.2b PI.N(3)

Gonus Blepharomastix6182 ranalis (Gn., 1854). (14501 Det. M. Sabourin & J. R. Grehan. 1994.

Conus Crocidophora Lederer, 18634fl44 serratissimalis Zell., 1872. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. Mn. 13.2a PI.2{10-12),B(1), Mn. 13.2b PI.L(9)4045 tuberculalis Led., 1863. (261) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. 1'1.57(10), Mn.13.2a 1'1.2(4-6)

Gonus Desmia Westwood, 1831b1 li9 funeralis (Hbn., 1796). 1279) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (grape leaffolder", plieuse de la vigne, t., Fr.)

C. 1'1.56(11), H. PI.47(37)

t!(HlUS Diacme Warren, 1892Ii 143 adipaloides (G. & R., 1867). (450) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990.

',,'nus Eurrhypara Hubner, 1825,IfIb) hortulata (L, 1758). 1263) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (small magpie moth. nettle micromoth) Mn. 13.2a

1'1.1 (72,73),B{7),MI5)

'H"!I.l& Fumibotys Munroe, 19761\)1,0 fumalis IGn., 1854). (1162) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. H. P1.47(55) as Pvreuste tumetis, Mn. 13.2a

1'1.1 (37-41 ),BI2), Mn. 13.2b 1'1.1'19)

Hahncappsia Munroe, 1976neobliteralis (Capps, 1967). (USNM) Det. Capps, 1967 (type specimen). Mo. 13.2a PI.3(82),D{11, Mn.

13.2b PI.N(8)

Herpetogramma Lederer, 1863abdominalis (Zell., 18721. (315) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.aeglealis (Wlk., 1859). 11355) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.pertextalis (Led., 1863). (GRN) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. lIeafroller) H. 1'1.47(541 as Pvreuste pertextalis

Hvmenia Hubner, 1825perspectalis (Hbn., 1796). (824) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. Ispotted beet webworm) C. PI.56{161

I oxosteqe Hubner, 1825commixtalls (Wlk., 1866). (12031 Det. J. R, Grehan, 1993. Mn. 13.2a PI.4{13-19), Mn. 13.2b


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5004 stlctiealis (L., 1761). (5401 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (beet webworrn". tisseuse de la betterave, f.,Fr.) Mn. 13.2a PI.4(1-5I,H(51, Mn. 13.2b PI.O(101

Genus Loxosteuopsls Dyar, 19175117 merrickalis (B. & McD" 19181. (845) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.

Genus Udea Guenee. 18455086 inquinatalis (Zell., 18461. (DHMI Det. M. Sabourin, 1994.5079 rubigalis (Gn.. 1854). (11401 Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (celery leaftier', greenhouse leaftier' , lieuse des

serres, au liuese du celeri, f., Fr.) C. PJ.56(251

Genus Lygropia Lederer, 18635250 rivulalis Hamp., 1898. (823) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.

Genus Mutuuraia Munroe, 19764957 mysippusalis (Wlk., 1859) (826) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. Mn. 13.2a P1.1153-591,C141, Mn. 13.2b


Genus Nascia Curtis, 18354937 acutella (Wlk., 1866). (828) Det. M. Sabourin & A. Mutuura, 1991. Mn. 13.2a PI.1(67-71I,A(31,

Mn. 13.2b PI.L(3)


Genus Acentria Stephens, 18295299 nivea (Olivier, 1791). (12211 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (aquatic or false-caddis, waterveneer mothl

Genus Donacaula Meyrick, 18905317 aquilella (Clern., 1860). (MSI Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993.5319 longirostrella (Clem., 18601. (DLW) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990.5316 melinella (Clern., 1860). (847) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.5315 tripunctella (Rob., 1870). (848) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.

Genus Nomophila Hubner, 18255156 nearctica Mun., 1973. (511) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (celery webworm, lucerne moth, pyrale du

celerl, m., Fr.) C. P1.56(20)

Genus Ostrinia Hubner, 18254949 nubilalis (Hbn., 1796). (514) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (European corn borer', pyrale du mars, t., Fr.)

C. PI.57(20,21j, Mn. 13.2a PI.1(33-36I,B(51, Mn. 13.2b PI.M(3)

Genus Palpita HUbner, 18255226 magniferalis (Wlk., 1861). (1131 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (ash leafroller) C. PI.58(1)

Genus Pantographa Lederer, 18635241 limata (G. & R., 1867). (350) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (basswood leafrcller", enrouleuse du tilleul,

f., Fr.) C. P1.57(141, H. PI.47(38)


Genus Acigona Hubner, 18255474 comptulatalls (Hulst, 1886). (1255) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993.

Genus Agriphila Hubner, 18255399 ruricolella (Zell., 1863). (691) Det. B. Landry, 1991.5403 vulgivagella (Clem., 18601. (333) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, (vagabond crambus', pyrale vagabonde,

f., Fr.) C. PI.58(14)

Genus Arequipa Walker, 186313392 turbatella Wlk., 1863. IMSI Det. B. Landry, 1992.

Genus Catoptria Hubner, 18251>408 latiradiella (Wlk., 1863). (9541 Det. B. Landry, 1991.

Genus Perispasta Zeller, 18754951 caeculalis Zell., 1875. (811) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. P1.56(21,221, Mn. 13.2b


Genus Chilo Zinck., 18175470 plejadellus Zinck., 1821. (14031 Det., B. Landry, 1994.

Genus Crambus Fabricius, 1798 (webworms, lawn moths)

tillHlllS Fissicrambus Bleszvnski, 1963mutabilis (Clem., 18601. (681) Det. B. Landry, 1991. (striped sad webworm)

Genus Chrysoteuchia Hubner, 18256391 topiaria (Zell., 18661. (2391 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (cranberry girdler', subterranean webworml

agitatellus Clem., 1860. (224) Det. B. Landry, 1991. C. P1.58(121albellus Clem., 1860. (5781 Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1991.alienellus labradoriensis Christoph, 1858. (DHM) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1994.dissectus Grt., 1880. (1393) Det. B. Landry, 1994.bidens Zell., 1872. (9551 Det. B. Landry, 1991.girardellus Clem., 1860. (470) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991.laqueatellus Clem., 1860. (683) Det, B. Landry, 1991. (paneled cram bus) C. P1.58(101leachellus (Zinck., 1818). (1043) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (Leach's crambusJluteolellus Clem., 1860. (272) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (yellow crambuslperlellus [Scop., 17631. (684) Det. B. Landry, 1991.praefectellus (Zinck., 1821). (1931 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (silver-striped webworm)saltuellus Zell., 1863. (690) Det. B. Landry, 1991.unistriatellus Pack., 1867. (1173) Det. B. Landry, 1993.youngellus Kft., 1908. (13081 Det. B. Landry, 1993.zeellus Fern., 1885, (GRNI Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

63621>3611,:)41 ab341b11:1421\3651:,378[';J571,:1791\3431,:155t,:Hi31,:14411:149~:1130

Genus Phlyctaenia Hubner, 18254953a coronata tertlalls (Gn., 18541. (825) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (elderberry teattler) C.PI.56(241, H.

P1.47(471, Mn. 13.2a PI.2(15-27I,B(8), Mn. 13.2b PI.M(6)

Genus Spoladea Guenee. 18545170 recurvalis (F., 1794). (956) Det. M. Sabourin, 1990. (Hawaiian beet webworm*1 C.PI.56(151. II

P1.47(281 as Zinekenia faseialis

Genus Sitochroa Hubner, 18254987 chortalis (Grt.. 1873). (985) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. Mn. 13.2a PI.3(47-531,F(5)

Genus pyrausta Schrank, 18025071 acrionalis (Wlk., 1859). (975) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. C. P1.57(221, Mn. 13.2b PI.6(13, 14)5040 bicoloralis (Gn., 1854). 12621 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. PI.571171, H. PJ.47(40) as Cindeptno

bieoloralis, Mn 13.2b PI.5126-30)5058 orphisalis Wlk., 1859. (6271 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. H. PI.47(57) as P. ochoselis, Mn. 13.2b P1.5(5

1015060 subsequalis (Gn., 18541. (950) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (snout moth) C. PI.57(19), H. PI.47(41) 11&

P. insequalis, Mn. 13.2b PI.5(18,22)5060a subsequalis borealis Pack., 1867. (GRNI Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Mn. 13.2b PI.5(19-21,23


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Genus Microcrambus Bleszvnski, 18635420 elegans (Clsm., 1860). (565) Del. J. R. Grehan, 1881. (pretty crambus, webworm) C. P1.64(51

Genus Parapediasia Bleszynski, 18665451 teterrella (Zinck., 1821). (12801 Del. B. Landry, 1883.

Genus Pediasla Hubner, 18255413 trisecta (Wlk., 1856). (258) Del. J. R. Grehan. 1881. (sod webworm. larger sod webworm) C.


Genus Raphiptera Hampson, 18865383 argillaceella (pack., 1867). (1078) Del. J. R. Grehan, 1882.

Genus Thaumatopsis Morrison, 18745438 pexella tzen., 1863). (682) Del. B. Landry, 1881.5438a pexella gibsonella Kfl., 1908. (DHM) Del. J. W. Kiel, 1991.

Genus Thopeutis Hubner, 18185473 forbesellus (Fern., 1896). (1196) Del. B. Landry, 1982.

Genus Urola Walker, 18635464 nivalis (Drury, 1773). (3081 Del. J. R. Grehan, 1881. C. 1'1.48(20)

Genus Vaxi Bleszynski, 18625465 auratella (Clem., 18601. (877) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1881. C. 1'1.59(7)5466 critica (Fbs., 19201. (5331 Det. B. Landry, 1991.


Genus Aglossa Latreille, 17965518 cuprina Zell., 1872. (127) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1881. (grease moth) C. PI.58(6)5516 pinguinalis (L., 1758). (973) Det. M, Sabourin, 1992.

Genus Herculia Walker, 18585526 intermedialis (Wlk., 1862). (8431 Det. A, Mutuura, 1991. (conifer micro moth) C. PI.59(8)5533 olinalis (Gn., 1854). (190) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1990. C. 1'1.59(4)

Genus Hypsopygia Hubner, 18255524 costalis (F., 17751. (259) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1990, (clover havworm " , pvrals du tefle, t., Fr.) C,

PI.59(3\, H. 1'1.47(59)

Genus Pvralis Linnaeus, 17585511 costiferalis Wlk., 1866. (1141) Del. B. Landry, 1893,5512 disciferalis Dvar, 1908. (1142) Det, B. Landry, 1993,5510 farinalis L., 1758. (393) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1890, (meal moth', pvrale de la tarine, f., Fr.1 C,

1'1.59(11, H. 1'1.47(53)


Genus Condylolomia Grote, 18735571 partlcipalls o«.. 1873, (1116) Det. M, Sabourin, 1883, C, 1'1.58(21

Genus Galasa Walker, 18865552 nigrinodis (Zell" 1873), (838) Det. J, R, Grehan, 1991. C. PI.59(6)


Genus Tosale Walker, 18635556 oviplagalis (Wik., 1866), (841) Det. A, Mutuura, 1891, C. PI.58(7,9)

Subfamily EPll'ASCHliNAE

Genus Oneida Hulst, 18885588 lunulalis (Hulst, 1887). (88) Del. J. R. Grehan, 1980,

Genus Pococera Zeller, 18485606 asperatella (Clem., 18601, (128) Det. J, R, Grehan, 1990, (maple webworm, pyrale-tisseuse de

l'erable, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.58(1515605 aplastella (Hulsl, 1888l. (MSI Det. M, Sabourin, 1993. (aspen webworm, pvrale-tlsseuse du

peuplier, r.. Fr,)!,587 melanogrammos (Zell. 1872). (284) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (sweetgum webworm)5595 robus~ella (Zell., 1848). (Fieldllmm. Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1991, (pine webworm", chenille tisseuse du

om, f., Fr.1


Genus Achroia Hubner, 1819b623 grisella (F" 17941, (620) Dsr. J, R, Grehan 1991. (lesser wax moth')

Genus Aphomia Hubner, 1825 (bee moths)b629 sociella (L., 1758). (9571 Det. A, Mutuura, 1991.b630 terrenella Zell., 1848. (1157) Det. B, Landry, 1993.

Genus Galleria Fabricius, 1798f!G22 mellonella (L., 1758). (6041 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991, (greater wax moth', fausse-teigne de la eire, f.

Fr.) C. 1'1.58(13,16)

!>ubfamily PHYCITINAE

Gonus Acrobasis Zeller, 1839hfP3 angusella Grt., 1880. (838) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. N. 15.21'1.4(35-37)hfl88 betulella Hulst, 1890. (Field) Imm. Det. G. R, Nielsen 1990. (birch tubemaker ", pyrale tubicole du

bouleau, f., Fr.) H. 1'1.48(15), N. 15.21'1.6(10-171, Fig,14(f)caryae Grt., 1881. (837) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (pecan nut casebearsr ", pyrale tubicole du carver,

r.. Fr.) N. 15.2 PI.3(29-34I,E(11comptoniella Hulst, 1890. (109) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (sweetfern leaf casebearer". pyrale

tubicole de la comptonls, f. Fr.1 N. 15.21'1.5(31-371, Fig,14(c)demotella Grt., 1881. (835) oer. A. Mutuura, 1991. (walnut shoot moth') N. 15.2 PI.4(30-341,E(4)indigenella (Zetl. 1848). (8331 Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (leaf crumpler', thorn leaf crumpler) H. Fig.228

as Mineola indigenella, N. 15.2 P1.2( 18-33)juglandis (Le8aron,1872). (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (pecan leaf casebearer " , pyrale

du never. t., Fr.1 H. Fig.227 as Mineola ioatenats. N. 15.2 PI.5(1-1 01, Fig.13(d)normella Dyar, 1908, (1187) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993. N. 15.21'1.6(36-40), Fig.14(h)palliolella Rag., 1887. (5391 Det. J. R, Grehan, 1990. N. 15.2 1'1.4(40-441, Fig.13(b)tricolorella Grt., 1878. (834) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (pruneworm, pyraie du cerisier, f. Fr.1 N. 15.2

PI.2(34-451,3( 1-61, Fig.7(a)vaccinii Riley, 1884. (836) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (cranberry fruitworrn", pyrale des atocas, f., Fr.)

N. 15.21'1.2(1-101

Dioryctria Zeller, 1846abietivorella (Grt., 1878). (GRN) Det M. Sabourin, 1992, (fir, pine, and spruce coneworm, pyrale des

cones du sapin, f., Fr.)reniculelloides Mutuura & Mun., 1973. (13791 Det, J, R, Grehan, 1994. (spruce coneworm', pyraie des

conss de l'epinette. f" Fr.1zimmermani (Grt.. 1877). (840) Det. G. R. Nielsen, ver. A. Mutuura, 1991, (Zimmerman pine moth',

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38 39

pitch dropworm, pyrale des pousses du pin, f., Fr.) Subfamily PEORIINAE

Genus Ephestia Guenee, 18456021 elutella (Hbn., 1796). (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (tobacco moth', pyrale du tabac. f. Fr.) N. 15.3

PI.4(35-37), Fig.56, 576020 kuehnlella (Zell.. 1879). (102) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (Mediterranean flour moth', pyrale

mediterranesne de la farine, f. Fr.) N. 15.3 PI.1 (58-60);4(38,39);Fig.58

Genus Peoria Ragonot, 1887

6053 approximella IWlk., 1866). 1327) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. C. PI.59(9)

Family THYRIDIDAE (window-winged moths, gallworms)

Genus Eulogia Heinrich, 19565999 ochrifrontella (Zell., 1876). (295) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. N. 15.3 PI.2(9-13LFig.28

Genus Euzophera Zeller, 18675995 ?semifuneralis (Wlk., 1863). (1381) M. Sabourin & J. R. Grehan, 1994. (American plum borer") N.

15.3 PI.1(30-33);Fig.23(b,d)


Genus Thyris Laspeyres, 1803

6076 maculate Harr., 1839. (351) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (spotted thvris) C. PI.57(2)


Genus AmblYPtilia Hubner, 1825

6118 pica (Wlsm., 1880). (853) Det. B. Landry, 1991. (geranium plume moth)

Oonus Sphenarches Mevrick, 1886!\()90 ontario (McD., 1927). (439) Det. B. Landry, 1991.

Oidaematophorus Wallengren, 1862elliottii (Fern., 1893). (854) Det. B. landry, 1991.

eupatorii (Fern., 1891). (CTP) Det. M. Sabourin, ver. B. Landry, 1991. (oteropbore de I'eupatoire,rn., Fr.)

inquinatus Zell., 1873. (231) Det. B. Landry, 1994.phaceliae McD. 1938. (443) Det. B. Landry, 1991.stramineus (Wlsm., 1880). (1310) Det. B. Landry, 1993.sp., lacteodactylus (Cham., 18731 complex 6213. (441) Det. B. landry, 1991.


Family PTEROPHORIDAE (plume moths, pterophorss, m., Fr.)


Genus Emmelina Tutt, 1905

6234 monodactyla IL., 1758). (1311) Det. B. landry, 1993. C. P1.58119)

Genus Geina Tutt, 1907tlO92.1 sheppardi B. Landry, 1989. (440) Det. B. Landry, 1991.0092 tenuidactyla (Fitch, 1854). (442) Det. B. landry, 1991. (spruce plume moth)

(,onus Platyptllia Hubner, 1825

0109 carduidactvla (Riley, 1869). (1356) Det. B. landry, 1993. C. PI.58(21)0111 ?comstocki Lange, 1939. 11143) Det. B. Landry, 1993.0107 pallidactyla (Haw., 1811). (579) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991.

OMus Trichoptilus Walsingham, 1880tJ 102 lobidactylus (Fitch, 1854). (699) Det. B. landry, 1991.


th","s Adaina Tutt, 1905hj(i() ambrosiae (Murt., 1880). (1309) Det, B. landry, 1993.

Genus Nephopterix Hubner, 18255799 basilaris Zell., 1872. (GRN) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994.5794 vetustella (Dvar, 1904). (830) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.5797 virgatella (Clem., 1860). (829) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (black locust leafroller, pyrale du fevier, f., Fr.)

Genus Meroptera Grote, 18825787 ?pravella (Grt., 1878). (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (aspen leafroller, lesser aspen webworm,

enrouleuse du tremble, f., Fr.)

Genus Oreana Hulst, 18885767 unicolorella (Hulst, 1887). (842) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (Iaddermarked caterpillar)

Genus Pyla Grote, 18825829 fusca (Haw., 1828). (831) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991.58.. sp. (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992.

Genus Plodia Guenee, 18456019 interpunctella (Hbn., 1810-1813). (35) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (Indian meal moth", pyrale lndienue

de la farine, f., Fr.) C. PI.58(20),N. 15.3 PI.4(25-34);Fig.53-55

Genus Ortholepls Ragonot, 18875783 pasadamia (Dyar, 1917). (832) Det. A. Mutuura, 1991. (striped birch pyralid, pyrale a bandes jaunes,

t.. Fr.)

Genus Immyrla Dyar, 19065766 nigrovittella Dyar, 1906. (MS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993

Genus Moodna Hulst, 18906005 ostrinella (Clem., 1860). (978) Det, A Mutuura, 1991. N. 15.3 PI.2(41-44);Fig.35

Genus Phycitodes Hampson, 19175946a albatella mucidella (Rag., 1887). IMS) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993.

Genus Salebriaria Heinrich, 19565773 engeli (Dyar, 1906). (1188) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. N. front cover;Fig.16-19;PI.1 ,2,3(a-d), 12,30Genus Vitula Ragonot, 18876007 edmandsii (Pack., 1864). 1180) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (driedfruit moth") N. 15.3 PI.3(15-18);Fig.4;f

Genus Zophodia Hubner, 18255968 convolutella (Hbn., 1796). (972) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (gooseberry fruitworm ", pyrale des grc'sol,"r1".·.•

r.. Fr.)

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Family THVATIRIDAE (thyatirid moths)


Genus Euthyatira J. B. Smith, 1891 J R G h 1991. (dogwood thyatirid, thyatire a taches roses, 01.,6240 pudans (Gn., 18521. (328) Det. . . re an,

Fr.) C. 1'1.45(12,13)

Genus Habrosyne Hubner, 1821 Grehan, 1990. (lettered habrosyne, false owlet moth,6235 scripta (Gosse, 1840). (141) Det. J. R.

habrosvne roses, f., Fr.) C. P1.45( 14)

Genus Pseudothyatira G~ote, 1865 291) D t J R Grehan 1990. Itufted thyatirid, birch and alder cat.,6237 cymatophoro,des (Gn., 1852). 1 e... ,

thyatire a taches noires, 01., Fr.) C. 1'1.45(11,15)

Family DREPANIDAE (hooktip moths)


Genus Drepana Schrank, 1802 R G h 1989 (arched hooktip masked birch cat., faucille6251 arcuata Wlk., 1855. (10) Det. J. . re an,. ,

.. li9neelp'

f·'k Fr.1)8


1167(21)) Det J R Grehan 1990. (two-lined hooktip, warty birch cat.. faucille6252 bllineata ac., . . .. r

dantelee. t.. Fr.) C. 1'1.46(3)

Genus Eudeilinia Packard, 1876 J. R. Grehan, 1990. (northern eudeilinia, dogwood cat.) C.6253 herminiata (Gno, 1857). (170) Det.

1'1.48(21 )

Subfamily ORETINAE

Genus Oreta Walker, 1855 J R G h 1990 (rose hooktip, faucille rosee, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.46(1)6255 rosea (Wlk., 1855). 1217) Det. . . re an, .


Family GEOMETRIDAE (tooners, inchworms, measuringworms, and cankerworms;arpenteuses, f., Fr., geomiltres, 01., Fr., and pnalenes, t., Fr.)


Genus Archiearis Hubner, 1823 J. R. Grehan, 1990. Ifirstborn geometer, the infant, geomiltr"6256 infans (Mosch.. 1862). (527) Det.

printanier, 01., Fr.) C. 1'1.46(5)


Genus Alsophiia Hubner, 1825 S b . 1991 (fall cankerworm". arpenteuse d'automno6258 pometaria (Harr., 18411. (1166) Det. M. a ounn. .

r.. Fr.1 C. 1'1.46(8);47(8)



Genus Aethalura McDunnough, 19206570 intertexta (Wlk., 1860). (567) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (four-barred grayl C. 1'1.52(19)

Genus Anacamptodes McDunnough, 19206583 ephyraria (Wlk., 18601. (921) Det. K. Bolte, 1992. (pale-winged gray, arpenteuse a taches

triangulaires, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.52(16)6584 humaria (Gno, 1857). (619) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (small purplish gray) C. 1'1.52(1816582 vellivolata (Hulst, 1881). (680) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (large purplish gray) C. 1'1.52(17)

Genus Anagoga Hubner, 18236836 occiduaria (Wlk., 1861). (77) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (the barred umber, American barred umberl C.


Genus Anavitrinelia McDunnough, 19226590 pampinarla (Gn., 1857). (923) Det. K. Bolte, 1992. (cranberry spanworm, common grayl C. 1'1.52(8)

Genus Besma Capps, 19436884 endropiaria (G. & R., 18671. (1361 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (straw besmal C. 1'1.5312116885 quercivoraria (Gn., 18571. 18131 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (oak besma) C. 1'1.53(19,201

Genus Biston Leach, 18156640 betularia (L., 1758). (380) Det J. R. Grehan, 1990. (pepper-and-salt moth", c1eftheaded

spanworm, peppered moth or geometer, arpenteuse cornue, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.54(11)

Genus Cabera Treitschke, 18256677 erythemaria Gn., 1857. (88) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (yellow-dusted cream moth) C. 1'1.48(7)

Genus Campaea Lamarck, 181 66796 perlata (Gn., 1857). (2211 Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (fringed looper, pale beauty, arpenteuse

perles, r.. Fr.) C. 1'1.48(141

Genus Caripeta Walker, 18636867 angustiorata Wlk., 1863. (409) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. Ibrown pine looper, arpenteuse brune du

pin, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.53(17)6863 divisata Wlk., 1863. (2201 Det J. R. Grehan, 1990. (gray spruce looper, arpenteuse grise de

I'epinette, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.53(1816864 piniata (Pack., 1870). (219) Det J. R. Grehan, 1990. Inorthern pine looper, arpenteuse rousse du

pin, f., Fr.1 C. 1'1.53(13)

Genus Cepphis Hubner, 18230835 armataria (H.- S., 18551. (1401 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (scallop moth) C. 1'1.54(4)13834 decoloraria (Hulst, 1886). (759) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991.

Genus Cingilia Walker, 186213898 catenaria (Drury, 1773). (117) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (chainspotted geometer·, chain-dotted

geometer·, arpenteuse catenaire, f., Fr.1 C. 1'1.48(19)

Genus Ectropis Hubner, 18251J597 crepuscularia (D. & S., 17751. (17) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1989. (saddleback looper, the small

engrailed, arpenteuse bossue de la pruche, f., Fr.1 C. 1'1.52(151

Genus Ematurga Lederer, 185313436 amitaria (Gn., 1857). (1208) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (cranberry spanworml C. 1'1.50(20)

('onus Ennomos Treitschke, 182513/97 magnaria Gn., 1857. (381) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. Inotchwing geometer, maple spanworm,

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ttl J"-,'~--'-'-------""""''''''''''-------1IIIII!II!!J.Il42


Genus Eugonobap~a (wGarreln8, 5178)941566) Det 0 F Schweitzer, 1990, (snowy geometer) C, PI.48(6)6965 nivosana n" ' , , ,

Genus Epalis Hulst, 1896 . 19926321 truncatarie (Wlk" 1862), (9691 Det, M, Sabourin, '

Genus Epirranthis Hubner, 1823 , 19916799 substriataria (Hulst, 1896), (445) Det. J, D. Lafontaine, '

Genus Erannis Hubner, 1825 G h 1991 (linden looper' lime tree looper, winter moth,6665 tiliaria (Harr., 1841), 1599) Det, J, R. re an,. ,arpenteuse du tilleul, f., Fr.) C. PI.1(14),4716),51 (13)

Genus Euchlaena Hubner, 1825 (loopers) J R G han 1990, (least-marked euchlaena) C, P1.51119)6739 irraria (B, & McD" 1917), 12651 D~t, M'S r~ " 1990 (Johnson's euchlaena) C, P1.51111)

6729 jOhnS~n~~I~Fit~~'6~~6(~)71{:~~;l D,e~" S~h;ei~~~~~'1990, '(muzaria euchlaena)6725 muzana " ' 0 M S b rin 1991 Ithe saw-wing) C, PI.51 (1516724'11875770)),((;3°;)) D:~' J 'R aG~euhan' 1990', (mottled euchlaena) C. PI.51 (20)6737 t,gnnana ( n" ' , " ,

Genus Eulidonia Packard, 1876 C. PI.51 16) . 990

6637 c? ria ((WWllkk" 118866~))' (Ii;~6~~~tMj S:.b~~~~;n~ 1993, (sharp-lined powder moth)6639 dlscospl ata '" , ,

Genus Itame Hubner, 1823

6287 anataria (Swett, 1913), (1199) Det, J, R, Grehan, 1993, vel', 0, C, Ferguson, 1994,6282 argillacearia (Pack" 1874), (1216) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993, Vel'. D. C. Ferguson, 1994.6286 brunneata (Thunb., 1784), (989). Det, M. Sabourin, 1992, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1994.6299 coortaria (Hulst, 1887). (3031 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (four-spotted itame)

C. PI.50(17)

exauspicata (Wlk., 1861). (1463) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (a looper)loricaria (Evers., 1837). 114121. Det. D, C. Ferguson, 1994. (false bruce spanwormlpustularia IGn., 1857). (490) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (lesser maple spanworm, petite

arpenteuse de l'eraote. f., Fr.) C. P1.48(81

ribearia (Fitch, 18481. 1979) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (currant spanworm',arpenteuse du groseillier, f., Fr.) C. PI.51 (81

subcessaria (Wlk., 1861). (920) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994.sulphurea (Pack.. 1873). (WJK) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991.




Genus Lambdina Capps, 1943

6894a lervidaria athasaria (Wlk" 1860), 1149) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (curvelined looper) C. P1.54(1516888 liscellaria (Gn., 18571. (191) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (hemlock looper, arpenteuse de la pruche, f., Fr.)

C. PI.54(21)

Ganus Lomographa Hubner, 1825

6668 glomeraria [Grt., 1881). (1) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1989. (gray spring moth) C. PI.50(15)6666 semiclarata (Wlk., 1866). (124) Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (wildcherrv looper, bluish spring moth,

arpenteuse ~ petits Iosanqes. f., Fr.) C. PI.49(18)

6667 vestaliata (Gn., 1857). (44) Det. Dat. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (white spring moth, arpenteuse verteplquee. I., Fr.) C. PI.48(13)

arpenteuse nouee, f. Fr,1 C, P1.5519) 1990, (elm spanworm', snowwhite lindensubsiqnaria (Hbn., 18231, (818) Det, 0, C, Ferguson,moth, arpanteuse de I'orme, f. Fr.) C. PI.48(5)


Gensu Eumacaria Pack., 1873 M S b ' ver 0 F Schweitzer 1994, (brown-bordered6272 latilerrugata (Wlk" 1863), (1425) Det, ' a ounn, ,., ,geometer) C. PI.50(19)

Genus Lycia Hubner, 1825 C. PI.54(5,13)

6651 ursaria (Wlk., 1860). (229) Det. J. 0, Hadbor, 1991. (stout spanworm or looper, arpenteusa piquesjaune, f., Fr.)



Genus Eusarca HUb~eHr'b18131813 (718) Det J R Grehan 1991, Iconlused eusarca) C. PI.56(6)6941 conlusana n." . " "

Genus Eutrapela Hubner, 1809 h 1990 (purplishbrown looper, curve-toothed6966 clemataria (J,E" Smith, 1797) 125) Det, J, R, Gre an, 'looper, arpenteuse bituberculee. f" Fr.) C. PI.55111

Genus Heliomata Grote and Robinson, 186)60 J R G han 1990 (common spring moth) C. PI.49(23)6261 cycladata G, & R" 1866, 1216 et, , ,re, '

Genus Hesperumia ~acpkardk' 11887733

(378) Det J R Grehan 1990, (sulphur moth) C. PI.51 (5)6431 sulphurarla ac '" , " ,

Genus Homochlodes Hulst, 18966813 disconventa (Wlk" 1860), (91I Det, J, R, Grehan, 1990,6811 lactispargaria (Wlk" 18611, (15) oe-.o. C, Ferguson, 1989,

Genus Hypagyrtis Hubner, 1818 C F 1990 (pine measuringworm, diamondbackod6656 piniata (Pack., 1870), (300) Det, D, , ergu~~~2 1) .

conifer looper, arpenteuse du pm, f,C' F~,) C. , ,1990 (one-spotted variant, white-spot-of-wood,6654 unipunctata (Haw" 1809), 1301) Det, D, ,erguson, '

dotted-angle-of-wood, arpenteuse losange, f" Fr,) C. PI.51 (9,12)

Genus t.vtrosts Hulst, 1896

6720 unitaria (H.-S., 1854). (379) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1990. (common lvtroslsj C. P1.52(1 01

Genus Melanolophia Hulst, 1896

6620 canadaria (Gn., 1857). (487) Det, D. C. Ferguson, 1989. (Canadian melanolophla, variable redmarkedlooper, melanophs du Canada, rn, Fr.) C. PI.52(3)

6621 signataria (Wlk., 18601. (11) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990, (signate melanolophia, striped green looper,melanophe brunatra, rn., Fr.) C. P1.5212)

Genus Metanema Guenee, 1857

G819 inatomaria Gn., 1857. (172) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (pale metanema, pale looperI C. PI.54(9)

Genus Metarranthis Warren, 1894

G823 angularia B. & McD., 1917. (488) Det, D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (angled metarranthis) C. PI.53(10)G826.2 sp. (unpublished name) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.

6fJ22 duaria (Gn., 1857). (1036) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (ruddy metarranthis)C. PI.53(15)

hypochraria (H.-S., 1854). (198) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (commonmetarranthis) C. PI.54(20)

oblirmaria (Hbn., 18231. (1069) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1992. C. PI.53(11)relractaria IGn., 1857). (1326) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.warnerae (Harv., 1874). (1256) Det. J. R. Grehan & ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.

Genus Iridopsis ':'Iarren, 1894 (336) D t J R Grehan 1991, (bent-line gray) C. PI.52(9)6588 larvana IGn" 1857), e, " ,

(;onus Nacophora Hulst, 1896

!P63 quernaria IJ. E. Smith, 1797). (275) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (oak beauty, nacophore du cMne, Ill.,Fr.) C. PI.54(2)

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Genus SemiOlhisa Hubner, 1818

6326 aemulataria (Wlk., 18611. (1631 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. D. C. Ferguson, ·1994.. (common angle,deciduous tree looper)

bisignata IWlk., 18(6). (45) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (red-headed inchworm, white pine looper) C.PI.50(18)

continuat. (Wlk., 1862). (929) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (curve-lined angle)C. PI.50(8)

granitata IGn., 1857). (1207). Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994.

fissinotata (Wlk., 1863). (196) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (hemlock anglel C. PI.50(11)mellistrigata (Grt.. 1873). 110631 Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (willow looper)

minorata (Pack., 1873). (87) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (minor angle, white pine looper) C. 1.51 (3)oeellinata (Gn.. 1857). 1704) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (faint-spotted angle, locust looper) C.P1.51(4J

plnistrobata Fgn., 1972. (76) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (white pine angle, white pine looper) C.P1.50110)

signaria (Hbn., 1800-09) (1423) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994. (pale marked angle, spruce-fir looper)sexmaculata (Pack., 1867). (305) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (green larch looper, arpenteuse verte dumeleze, f., Fr.)

submarmorata (Wlk., 1861). (1460). Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1994.transitaria (Wlk., 1861). (2641 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (blurry chocolate angle) C. PI.51(1)ulsterata (Pears., 1913). (320) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990.







Genus Sicya Guensa, 1857

6912 macularia (Harr., 1850). (414) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (sharp-lined yellow, twopronged looper, leapinglooper, arpenteuse bi-epineuse, t., Fr.) C. PI.53(14)

Genus Orthof~onis packa;d, ~~~~) (705) Det. J. D. LaFontaine, 1991.6430 f~avlve~at(Wa('kHu ~~60) (121) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990.6428 t,nctsfls " .

Genus Paleacrita Riley, 1876 M Sabourin, 1993. (spring cankerworm", arpenteuse du6662 vernata (Peck, 1795), (286) Det. .prlntemps, r.. Fr.) C. PI.54(8)

Genus Patalene Herrich-Schaffer, 1854 64) D t D F Schweitzer 1991. (juniper geometer) C. PI.54(10)6974a olyzonaria puber (G. & R., 1867). (1 e... ,

Genus Pero Herrlch-Schaffer, 1855 1990 (honest pero) C. P1.56(1716753 honestaria (Wlk., 1860). (90) Det. D. c.:erguson'1990 '(Hubner's perc) C. PI.54(16)6754 hubneraria (Gn., 1857). (73) Det, D. C. erpuson. .

Genus Petrophora Hubner, 1811 C. PI.55(6) J R G ehan 1991. (northern petrophora, leaping looper)6804 subaequaria (Wlk., 1860). (816) Det. . . r ,

Genus Nematocampa Guenee, 1857 R. Grehan, 1990. (filament bearer", horned spanworm,7009 resistaria (H.-S., 1855). (415) Det. J.nsmatocampe, rn., Fr.) C. PI.54(12)

Genus Nepytia Hulst, 1896 0 J R Grehan 1990. (false hemlock looper', evergreen cleora, fausse6906 canossrla (Wlk., 1863). (276) et. )' C· PI 56(1)

arpenteuse de la pruche, f.. Fr. . .



Genus Phigalia Duponchel, 1829 & M. Sabourin, 1991. (small phiqalla) C.6660 strigataria (Minot, 1869). (990) Det. J. D. Hedbor

PI.52(20) 1990. (the half-wing, spiny looper, arpenteusetitea (Cram., 1782). (26) Det. D. C. Ferguson,epineuse des feuillus, f., Fr.) C. PI.52(21)

Genus Plagodis Hubner, 1823 F n 1990 (hollow-spotted plaqodis, birch looper)) C.6844 alcoolaria (Gn., 1857), 1218) Det. D. C. erguso, .

.PI.~3(4,6) t J. R. Grehan, 1989. (fervid plaqodis) C. PI.53(3)fervidaria (H.-S., 1854). (9) De . R G h 1990. (purple ptaqodisl C. PI.53(5)kuetzingi (Grt., 1876). (175) Det, J .. re an, 1990 (straight-lined plagodis) C. PI.53(1)phlogosaria (Gn., 1857). (851 Det. D. C. Fhergus109n8'9 (Ie';'on plapodis, arpenteuse bossue, t., Fr.) C.. . H S 1855 (14) Det. J. R. Gre an, .sermana '-'1 •


Genus Probole Herrich-Schaffer, 1855 R G h n 1990. (alien probole) C. PI.53(12)6837 alienaria H.-S., 1855. (70) Det. J. . reR aG h n 1990 (friendly probole, redcheeked looper) C6838 amicaria (H.-S., 18551. (270) Det. J. . re a , .


Genus Prochoerodes Grote, 18~:;70) 1417) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. {large maple spanworm, arpenteuse bruno6982 transversata (Drury, .du tremble, r., Fr.) C. P1.56(21

Ganus Protoboarmia McDunnough, 1920 I' 1991 (porcelain gray, dashlined looper, arpenteuse6598 porcelaria (Gn., 1857). (489) Det. J. E. Raw InS, .

dodue, f., Fr.1 C. PI.52(7)

Genus Selenia Hubner, 1823 D J R Grehan 1990. (Kent's geometer) C. PI.55(3)6818 kentaria (G. & R., 1867). (31) er. .. ,

Genus Tacparia Walker, 1860

6806 atropunctata (Pack., 1874). (12131 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993.6807 detersata (Gn., 1857). (92) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (leaping looper)

Genus Tetracis Guenes. 1857

6964 cachexiata Gn., 1857. (134) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white slant-line, geomcltre ~ Iigne pale, m., Fr.)C. PI.55(4)

6963 crocallata Gn., 1857. (173) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (yellow slant-line, geometre ~ Iigne toncee, rn.,Fr.) C. PI.55(7)

Genus Xanthotype Warren, 1894

6743 sospeta (Drury, 1773). (812) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (crocus geometer, geometre safran, rn., Fr.) C.PI.51(21)

6740 urticaria Swett, 1918. (236) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (false crocus geometer, geometre tachete,m., Fr.! C. PI.51(18)


Gonus Chlorochlamys Hulst, 1896

7071 chloroleucaria (Gn., 1857). (129) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (blackberry looper, arpenteuse desranees, t., Fr.) C. PI.46(12), F. 18.1 PI.4(27-30), Fig.27(a-c)

Genus Hethemia Ferguson, 1969

7084 pistasciaria (Gn., 1857). (9971 Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (pistachio emerald) C. PI.46(10), F. 18.1PI.4(76-83}, Fig.32(a-c)

Genus Mesothea Warren, 1901

1085 incertata (Wlk., 18(2). (1464) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994. (geometre vert des bois, m.. Fr.) F. 1B.1PI.4(84-88), Fig.(d-f)

Gonus Nemoria Hubner, 1818

7048 mimosaria (Gn., 1857). (302) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (flanged looper, geometre vert, m.. Fr.) F.

Page 30: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

8 . b dwi geometer gsomb1f"Genus Dyspteris. HO.bner, 181 (215) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (the bad-wing, a wing ,7648 abortlvsrla (H.-S:, 1855). I C PI 49(2)

vert de la vtqne, m., Fr. . .

G ee 1857 1994. (wavy-lined emerald, camouflaged looper) C.Genus Synchlora uen1798) (223) Det. D. C. Ferguson,7058 aerat~I.~6'(9). F. 1·S.1 PI.3(61-66). Fig.4(c)

absinthiata (Clerck, 1759/. (274) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. B. Fig. 155. 156,272affinata Pearsall, 1908. (1262) Dar. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig. 117.118,255

albicapitata Pack.• 1876. (AMNH) Dar, F. H. Rindge, 1993. (spruce comb geometer. petite arpenteuseIignee des cOnes de I'spinette, r.. Fr.) B. Fig. 107,108,250

assimilata Doubleday, 1856. (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig. 169. 170.279eimieifugata Pears., 1908. (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig.175, 176,282Columbiata (Dyar, 1904). (2) Oet. J. R. Grehan, & ver, K. Bolte, 1993, ex gen. B. Fig.77, 78,235cretaceata (Pack., 1874). (1048) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. B. Fig. 163, 164,276fletcherata Taylor, 1907. (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig.135, 136,263indistincta Tayl., 1910. (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig.161, 162,275

interruptofasciata Pack., 1873. (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. (juniper looper) B. Fig.143. 144,266lariciata (Freyer, 1842). (992) Oet. K. Bolte. 1991. (fir needle inchworm, petite arpenteuse du sapin,f., Fr.) B. Fig.129, 130,260

miserulata Grt., 1863. (71) Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (common eupithecia, lowbush juniperinchworm) B. Fig.79,80,236, C. PI.47(17)

misturata (Hulst, 1896). (1263} Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993. (tamarack looper) B. Fig.l 05, 106,249patpata Pack., 1873. (1217) Dar, J. R. Grehan & ver. K. Bolte, 1993, ex gen. (small pine looper. petite

arpenteuse du pin, t .• Fr.) B. Fig.67,68,230

perfusea (Hulst, 1898). (1220) Det, J. R. Grehan & ver. K. Bolte, 1993, ex gen. B. Fig.l77, 178.2/33ravocostaliata Pack., 1876. (970) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. B. Fig.127.128

Genus Ecliptopera Warren, 1894 C. PI.47(15)

7213 silaceata (D. & S., 1775). (38) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1990. (the small phoenix)

Genus Epirrhoe HObner, 1825

7394 alternata (MOiler, 1764). (80) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white-banded toothed carpet) C. PI.47(23)

Genus Epirrita Hubner, 1822

7433 autumnata (Bkh., 1794). (311) Det. D. L. Wagner, 1990. (autumnal or november moth, arpenteuseverte veloutse, f., Fr.)

Genus Eubaphe Hubner, 1823

7440 mendica (Wlk., 1854). (304) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (the beggar) C. PI.49(17)

Genus Eulithis Hubner, 1821

7204 destinata (Mesch., 1860). (928) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1992, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.7196 diversilineata (Hbn., 1813). (387) Det. J. E. RaWlins, 1991, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (lesser

grapevine looper", grapevine looper, arpenteuse de la vigne, f., Fr.) C. PI.49(5)explanata (Wlk., 1862). (104) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. O. C. Ferguson. 1993. (white eulithis) C.PI.47(24)

flavibrunneata (McD., 1943). (927) Det. O. C. Ferguson, 1993.

gracilineata (Gn., 1857). (980) Oet. J. E. Rawlins. 1991, ver O. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (greater grapevinelooper)

propulsata (Wlk., 1862). (790) Det, J. E. Rawlins, 1991, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1993.serrataria (B. & McD., 1917) (OHM) Oet. W. Kiel, 1994testata (L., 1761). (850) Oet. K. Bolte, 1991. (chevron moth)




Genus Euphyia Hubner, 1825

1399a unangulata intermediata (Gn., 1857). (53) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (sharp-angled carpet) C. PI.47(22)

Genus Eupithecia Curtis. 1825752974957574

Genus Dysstroma HObner, 1825

7182 citrata (L., 1761). (930) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1992 & ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (dark marbled carpet]7189 hersiliata (Gn., 1857). (416) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990 & ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (orange-lined or

orange-barred carpet) C. PI.49(6)

7187 truncata (Hufn., 1767). (388) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990 & ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (marbled carpet)C. PI.49(3)

7188 wa/kerata (Pears., 1909). (1341) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.






(chickw eed geometer) C. PI.46(21). H.F. Schweitzer, 1991.

1990 . (sweettem geometer) C. PI.46(231, McG. I(86) Det. J. R. Grehan,

(barberry geometer, barberry looper! c(6881 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991.

16 1 PI 3(25-291, Fig.12(nl F 1990. (red-fronted emerald, flanged looper).... ) (64) Det. D. C. erguson,

rubrifrontaria (Pack" 1873pl' 3(21_24)

Fig.12(j-1)C. PI.46(61, F. 18.1. ,


Genus Acasis Duponchel, 1844 0 K Bolte 1992. (olive-and-black carpet) C. P1.46(2517635 viridata (Pack., 18731. (10371 et.. ,

Genus Anticlea Stephens, 1831 63) (1045) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (manylined carpet) C. PI.49(13)7330 multiferata (Wlk .• 18. F 1989

'1' ta Gn 1857 (8) Det. D. C. ersuson. .7329 vaslla ., .

~:~~s Clada~:/~~;:~~ 1(~~., 1863). (13) Det. J. Rj: Grehan~ \998996(~~0~~:i~b~;:~P~~~~~;,4~ellowlined conifer '"

7637 Iimitaria (Wlk., 1860). (43) Det. D. C. ~rg~~~a'Pin f., ·Fr.) C. PI.47(7)green balsam looper, arpenteuse ver e ,


Genus Coryphista Hulst, 18967290 meadii (Pack., 18741.

PI.47( 18)A9( 14)


Genus Cyclophora HObner, 18227139 pendulinaria (Gn., 1857).


Genus Haematopis Hubner, 1823 07146 grataria (F., 1798). (576) Det. .

PI.43(2). McG. I Fig.64,65,97

Genus Idaea Treitschke, 1825 (CTP) Det M. Sabourin, 1991. (red-bordered wave) C. PI.46(16), McG. I4 demissaria (Hbn., 1831). . ., S

711 Fig.57-59,94(a,b).95(a,bl as Sterrha demisssrie 1992. McG. I Fig.60,61,94(f,gl,95(e,f). as .. .. (H f 1767) (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin,7126 dlmidlata un., .


h Moschler 1890 1990. (common tan wave) C. PI.46(19). McG. IGenus Pleuropruc .a 1857) (5771 Det. D. F. Schweitzer,7132 insuisana (Gn., .Fig.66,67,100

Genus Scopula Sc:hra.nk, 1802 41 (803) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (frosted tan wave) C. PI.47(31, McG.17157 cacummena (Morr., 187 . 3(61 a'

Fig.16,17,85 J E Rawlins 1991. (soft-lined wave) C. PI.46(15). H. PIA .,69 inductata (Gn., 1857). (805). Det, . . ,

71 Eois inductete, McG. I FlgA8-53,91 G ha 1991 (larger lace wave, large lace-border) C7159 Iimboundata (Haw., 1809). (299) Det. J. bR. r~ ~cG. I Flg.26-32,89 as S. enucleets

PI.48(2,3). H. PI.43(5) as Svnelvs a/a estene,

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Genus Horisme Hubner, 18257445 intestinata (Gn: 1857). (922) Det. K. Bolte, 1992. (brown bark carpet) C. PI.47(14)

Genus Heterophleps Herrlcn-Schatter, 18547645 refusaria (Wlk., 1861). (122) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (three-patched bigwing) C. PI.47(11)7647 triguttaria H.-S., 1854. (273) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1990. (three-spotted fillip) C. P1,47(1 0)

Genus Hydria Hubner, 18227292 prunivorata (Fgn., 1955) . (266) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990, ex gen. (cherry scalfopshell moth,

Ferguson's scallop shell, chenille a tente du cerisier, f., Fr.) C. PI.47(13)

Family EP/PLEMIDAE (the epiplemid moths)

Genus Calledapteryx Grote, 18687653 dryopterata Grt ., 1868. (151) Oet J R

. . . Grehan, 1990. (brown scoop wing) C. PI.55(12)Genus Ca/lizzia Packard, 18767650 amorata Pack., 1876. (713) Det J

. . R. Grehan, 1991, (gray scOopwing) C. PI.55(13)


Genus Spargania Guenee, 1857

7312 magnoliata Gn., 1857. (1054) Oet JR '. . . Grehan, 1992. (double-banded carpet) C. PI.47(4)

Genus Stamnodes Guenaa, 1857

7333 gibbicostata (Wlk ., 1862). (783) Oet J R G h & M .. . . re an . Sabourrn, 1991. (shiny gray carpet) C. PI.49(1)

Genus Thera Stephens, 18317217 ..

JUniperata (L., 1758). (513) Oet. J. R. Grehan 1990 (oldfield ' .moth, arpenteuse du genevrier, f ., Fr.) , . JunIper spanworm or looper, juniper carpet

Genus Trichodezia Warren, 18957430 a/bovittata (Gn., 1857), (123) Oet J .

. . R. Grehan, 1991. (white-striped black) C. PI.47(9)Genus Venusia Curtis, 1839

7425 cambrica Curt., 1839. (169) Oet 0 F Sch .7428 comptaria (Wlk., 1860) . (369) O'et . D' F SW~'tz~r, 1990. (the Welsh wave, alder looper) C. PI.50(6)

PI.50(3) . . . c wertzer, 1990. (brown-shaded carpet, alder looper) C.

Genus Xanthorhoe Hubner, 18257370 abrasaria (H S 18567388 f .- ., ). (1176) Det. M, Sabourin 1993

errugata (CI., 1759). (81) Oet 0 C F '.7371 iduata (Gn. 1857) (1055) 0 . . erguson, 1990. (red twin-spot) C. PI,49(7)7368 / b ' . et. J. R. Grehan 1992

a radorensis (Pack., 1867). (119) Det J R '7390 lacustrata (Gn., 1857). (760) Oet M Sb '.Grehan, 1990. (Labrador carpet) C. PI,49(10)

, . a ounn , 1991. (toothed brown carpet) C. PI.47(1)

russeliata Swett, 1908. (AMNH) Det . F. H. Rindge, 1993 . B. Fig.171, 172,280satyrata dodata Taylor, 1906. (AMNH) Oet. F. H. Rindge, 1993. B. Fig,153, 154, 271sheppardata McO., 1938. (AMNH) Oet. F. H, Rindge, 1993. (alder looper) B. Fig.149, 150,269strattonata Pack., 1873. (1219) Det. J. R. Grehan & ver. K. Bolte, 1993, ex gen. (spiraea looper) B.

Fig.159, 160,274subfuscata (Haw., 1809). (1218) Det. J . R. Grehan & ver. K. Bolte, 1993, ex gen. B. Fig.93,94,243sp.: satyrata complex (7520) . (AMNH) Det. F. H. Rindge, 1993.

Genus Hydriomena Hubner, 18257235 divisaria (Wlk., 1860). (1324) Det . D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (blackdashed hydriomena, transverse-

banded looper, arpenteuse a bandes transversales, f., Fr.) C. PI.47(12)7229 perfracta Swett, 1910. (1322) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1993,7236 renuneiata (Wlk., 1862). (852) Det . M. Sabourin, 1991, ver. D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (renounced

hydriomena) C. PI.49(9)7254 ruberata (Freyer, 1831). (1323) Det . O. C. Ferguson, 1993,7237 transfigurata Swett, 1912. (335) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver . D. C. Ferguson, 1993. (transfigured

hydriomena) C. PI.49(8)

748775 ..

Genus HydreJia Hubner, 18257423 albifers (Wlk., 1866) . (204) Det, D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (fragile white carpet) C. PI,48(18)7420 condensata (Wlk ., 1862). (1325) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1993.7422 inornata (Hulst, 1896). (66) Det. D. C. Ferguson, 1989. (unadorned carpet, birch looper) C. PI.50(7)7419 lucata (Gn., 1857) (CTP) Det. J . E, Rawlins, 1991 .



Family APATELODIDAE (apetalodid moths)

Genus Oleec/ostera Butler, 18787665 angelica (Grt 1864) (1301)

., . Det. J. O. Hedbor, 1993. (the angel) C. PI.8(18)

Family LASIOCAMPIDAE (tent caterpillars and lappet moths)



Genus Tolype HUbner, 1820

7673 larieis (FitCh, 1856). (486) Det 0 F Sch 'tdu m~leze, rn., Fr.) '" wei zer, 1990. (larch tolype, larch lappet moth, lasiocampe

velleda (Stoll, 1791). (484) Oet. J . R. Grehan 1990 Imoth, lasiocampe ~ ~paulettes, rn., Fr.) C: PI,8(1'7~ arge tolvpe, large lappet moth, vel/eda lappet


Genus Phyllodesma Hubner, 18207687 americana (Harr 1841) (74) 0

C. PI,8(5) " . et. J. R. Grehan, 1990, (lappet moth", papillon a epaulettes, rn.. Fr.)

Genus Operophtera Hubner, 18257437 bruceata (Hulst, 1886) , (479) Oet. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Bruce spanworm*, arpenteuse de Bruce,

f., Fr.) H. P1.42(24) as Rachela bruceata

Genus Mesoleues Hubner, 18257307 ruficillata (Gn., 1857). (165) Det , J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white-ribboned carpet) C. PI.47(20)

Genus Lobophora Curtis, 18257640 nivigerata Wlk., 1862. (116) Det . D. C. Ferguson, 1990, (powdered bigwing, twolined aspen looper,

arpenteuse bilignee, r.. Fr.) C. PJ.48(11)

Genus Orthonama Hubner, 18257416 eentrostrigaria (Woll" 1858). (521) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bent-line carpet) C. PI.50(1,4l7414 obstipata (F., 1794). (512) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (the gem) C. PI.49(12,15)

Genus Perizoma Hubner, 18257316 basaliata (Wlk., 1862). (806) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (square-patched carpet) C. P1.49(16)

Genus Rheumaptera Hubner, 18227293 hastata (L., 1758), (319) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (spear-marked black, argent-and-sable, geometre

noir du bouleau, m., Fr.) C. PI.50(2)7294 subhastata (Nolcken, 1870). (MS) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991, (white-banded black, juniper looper) C,


Page 32: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


O (cecroo!e moth', cecropia, m., Fr.) C.Det. J. R. Grehan, 199 .



"b 1820 t· I'vree d' Amerique, t.. Fr.)Genus Malacosoma Hu ner. J R Grehan 1990. (eastern tent car, , I7701 amsricanum IF., 1793). (281) Det. .' , . Fr.)

C. PI.1(16), 11( 11 h 1990 (forest tent caterpillar·, hvrae des forsts. f.,disstria Hbn., 1820. (282) Det. J. R. Gre an, .


Family SATURNJlDAE (giant silkworm and royal moths)


H"b 1820 3 (p'lnk-striped oakworm', anisote rose duGenus Anisota u n~r, 1773) (536) Det. J. R. Grehan, 199 '7723 virginiensls (Drury, .

chllne, f., Fr.) C. pJ.817, 10)

. 1833 . taworm" rosy maple moth,Genus Dryocampa Hams, J R Grehan, 1990. (green-stllped map ewor ,7715 rubicund a (F., 1793). (65) FDe)t·c 'PI 81151

anisote de I'arable, f., r. . .

9 . . I moth" imperial spinyGenus Eacles HiJbner, 181 CTP) D t J D Hedbor M. Sabourin, 1990. (trnpena ,7704 imperialis (Drury, 17731. 1 F\ C· PI'1(3) 9(5')

cat., papillon impenal, m., r. .' ,


. H"b r 1819 . . . Fr J C Pll(12) 215),10(2,4)Genus Automens u ner. li 1985 (io moth", automens 10, moo . .' ,7746 io (F., 1775), (CTP) Det. J. E. Raw ms. .

Genus Hemileuca Waiker, 1855 J D Hedbor 1991, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (New England buck7732 lucina Hv. Edw., 1887 (9451 Dot. .' ,

moth) C. PI.9161


15 . Fr ) C PI 1(6),2(4),9(8)Genus Actias Leach, 18 G h 1990 (luna moth", papillon tune, m.. . . .7758 luna (L., 1758), (3451 Det. J, R. re an, '

Genus Antheraea HUbne;C1819 17761. (278) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. {polyphemus moth", polypheme

7757 polyphemus. ram., Fr I C PI 1(151 2(61.9(71d/Amenque, m" ' ., I

Genus Callosamia Packard, 186i73) (6071 Dot. J. D, Hedbor, 1990. (promethea moth, spicebush silkworm,7764 promethea (Drury, 1.. . F) C PI 1(7) 2(2} 1019,12)

satumide cu csrtsrer. m. r, .' I I

Genus Hyalophora Duncan, 18417767 cecropia {L., 17581. (471/

PI.11101.2181. 10113)

G Samia HObner, 1819 . . ICTP) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1985.lcynthia moth', ailanthis7;~~s cynthia (Drury, 1773), only in domestication.

silkworm) C. PI.1O( 1}



Family SPHINGIDAE (sphinx or hawk moths, hornworms; sphinx, rn., Fr.]


Genus Agrius Hubner, 18197771 cingulata IF., 1775). (CTPI Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1986. (sweetpotato hornworm" pink-spotted hawk

rnoth.l C. PI.3(1), H. PI.6(3) as Herse ctnaotete, RH. 21 PI.l11 );Fig.2Ia,h,i)

Genus Ceratomia Harris, 18397786 amyntor (Geyer, 1835). (1067) Det, J, D. Hedbor, 1992. (elm sphinx"] C. PI. 3(9), H. PI.4(61, RH. 21

PI.2(6)7787 undulosa IWlk" 1856). (794) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (waved sphinx, shinx ondute. rn.. Fr.1 C. P1.4(1 0),

H. PI.6171, RH. 21 PI.2(12);Fig.4Id,e,h,i)

Genus Laothoe Fabricius, 1807 (Cressonia. Grote and Robinson, 1865)7827 juglandis (J. E. Smith, 1797). (133) Det , J. R. Grehan, 1990. (walnut sphinx", sphinx du never. Ill"

Fr.) C. P1.6(51

Genus Lapara Walker, 18567817 bombycoides Wlk" 1856. (214) Dst. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (northern pine sphinx, pinetree sphinx, sphinx

du pin, m., Fr.) C. PI5(81, H. PI.3(7), RH. 21 PI.613,4,6);Fig.9(a,b,g)

Genus Manduca Hubner, 18077776 quinquemaculata (Haw., 18031. (7801 Det. M. Sabourin. 1991. (tomato hornworm ", five-spotted

hawkmoth, sphinx de la tornats , moo Fr.1 C. PI.3(4), H. PI.4I1! as Protoparce auinouemscutetus,RH. 21 PI. 1(61

Genus Pachysphinx Rothschild and Jordan, 19037828 modesta (Harr., 18391. (2131 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (big poplar sphinx, modest sphinx, sphinx du

peuplier, rn.. Fr.) C. PI.3(3)

Genus Paonias Hubner, 18197824 axcaecatus (J. E. Smith, 1797). (452) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (blinded sphinx, blindeyed sphinx,

sphinx aveugle, m., Fr.) C. PI.6(3)7825 myops (J, E. Smith, 1797}. (212) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (small-eyed sphinx) C. P1.612}

Genus Smerinthus Latreille, 18027822 cerisyi Kby., 1837. (201 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. lone-eyed sphinx, willow sphinx) C. PI.6(1)7821 jamaicensis (Drury, 17731, (132) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1990. (twin-spotted sphinx, sphinx gemina, rn.,

Fr.) C. PI,6(41

Genus Sphinx Linnaeus, 17587796 eremitus IHbn., 18231. {4721 Det, J. Luzatto & ver J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (hermit sphinx, sphinx

ermlte, rn., Fr.) C. PI.5(41, H. P1.6(6) as Hyloicus eremitus, RH. 21 PI.3(5)7802 chersis (Hbn., 1823). 110681 Det, J. D. Hedbor & ver. M. Sabourin, 1992. (great ash sphinx", sphinx

du frene, m., Fr.) C. PI.4(7), H. PI,7(81 as H. cneris, RH. 21 PI.3\9,10),4121;Fig.5Ia)7812 drupiferarum J. E. Smith, 1797. (781) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (piurn tree sphinx, wild cherry sphinx)

C. P1.4(111. H. P1.716} as H. drupitererum, RH. 21 P1.5111}7809 kalmiae J. E. Smith, 1797. (197) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (laurel sphinx, sphinx du laurier, m., Fr.) C.

4(6), H. P1.6(8) as H. ka!miae, RH. 21 PI.5(2)7811 Iuscitiosa Clem" 1859. fHR) Det. H. Romack, 1991. (Clemens' sphinx) C. PI.4(2), H. PI.5(1) as H

tuscitiose, RH. 21 PI.5110,13,16)7810.1 poeclla Stephens, 1828. 1451) Det. M, Sabourin, 1993. C. P1.5(3) as Sphinx gordius, H. P15(13) as

Hyloicus gordius, RH, 21 PI.513,4,7) as S. gordius

Page 33: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by



1819 \ s sphinx\ C. PI.6(20\Genus Amphlon Hubner, 1920 (453\ Det. J. Leonard, 1962. nessu7873 floridensis B. P. Clark, .

. . . • hog sphinx, sphinx deGenus Derapsa Walker, 1856 (211) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (Virginia creeper spninx r

7885 myron (cram.. 1780\. 2)Myron mFr.} C. PI.G(11) G h 1992 (azalea sphinx) C. P1.6(1

, ., 776\ (10471 Det J R. re an, . hinx]7886 poolus (Cram., 1 , . M S· G'riggs, 1994. (hydrangea so II1X7884 versicolor (Harr" 18391 Det. . .

Genus Deidamia Clemens, 1859 Grehan, 1991. (lettered sphinx) C. pI.6(14)7871 inscripta (Harr., 18391. {4541 Det. J. R.

h' x sphinx pandore, rn..Genus Eumorpha HObner, 180~ 11 (JDH) Imm. Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (pandorus sp 111 ,

7859 pandorus (Hbn., 18 .Fr.1 C. p1.3{131

. honeysuckle clearwing,Genus Hem~ri~ Dalman, 181~. (1222) Oet. M. Skinner, 1993. (snowberry clearwll1g,

7855 d'ff,n~~~~~\;u'c~~v~efeuille, rn., Fr.) C. PI.6{~ ~~o (hummingbird clearwing, sphinx cohbrt. rn., Fr.) C.h

b IF 17751 (455) Det. P. M. Hanson, .7853 t vs e·, .


. b dstraw hawkmoth,Genus Hyles Hu"bner , 1819 S b in 1991 (galium sphll1x, e

75) (8091 Det. M. a our, .7893 galli! (Rottemburg, 17 . . d h wkmoth

sphinx du gaillet, m.. Fr.) J E Rawlins, 1986. (white-lined sphinx', white-stripe a ,

7894 lineata (F., 1775\ (CTPI ~et. m' fr.) C. PI.3(14)sphinx a Iignes blanc es. .,

Genus Sphecodina Blanchard, 1~~~} (156) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (Abbot's sphinx) C. PI.619)7870 abbottii (SwaiOSOn, 1 .

Superfamily NOCTUOIDEA

family NOTODONTIOAE (prominents or notodontids)

2 d rominent\ C. Pl.l (5);44{12)Genus Cerur~ ~ch~ank, 180 65. (Field) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. Iblacketche p7942 sc,t,scrtpta Wlk., 18

. minent rusty)ined leaftier ,Genus Clostera Samouelle, 1819 571 0 t J R. Grenan, 1990. (sigmo,d pro ,

95 albosigrna Fitch, 1856. (1 e.·78 donte lune, rn., Fr.) C. PI.42111). R Grehan, 1994 )7901 apica~~~W\k., 1855\. (1001 Det. MD· FS, i'c~?::::it~e~: 1990. (poplar leaftier, notodonte terne. m., Fr.

. G 1882) (2031 Det. . .7898 strtgosa ( rt.. .d rorninent; C. PI.43{9,12\

Genus Dasylophia packr~1~~4 1797\. (6391 Det J. R. Grehan 1991. Iblack;:~z~t~ro~inentlC. P1.44(717957 angUlna (J.. rnl r 62) (640) Det J. R. Grehan 1991. (gray-pa7958 thyatiroides (Wlk., 18 .

. 1992 {yellow-necked caterpillar',Genus Datana Walker, 1855 936\ Del. J. R. Grehan, ver. J. D. Lafontall1e,7902 ministra {Drury, 1773\. (f F ) C PI,43(1) '\1 r. chenille du noVer, f.,

chenille a col jaune, ., r.· M S b rin 1991 (walnut caterpl a ,1866 (8491 Det. . a au, .

7907 integerrima G. & R., .Fr.) C. PI.43(10)


Genus Ellida Grote, 18767930 caniplaga IWlk., 1856), (3861 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (linden prominent) C. Pi.42(131

Genus Furcula Lamarck, 18167936 borealis (Guer.-Meneville, 1832\. 1371 Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (white furcula] C. PI.44115)7937 cinerea (Wlk., 1865). IJDH) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1992. Igray furcula, forktailed cat.] C. P1.44(1417941 modeste (Hudson, 1891). (69) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (fishtailed cat.. modest furcula)7939 occldentalls 1878). 1631) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (tishtailed cat., occidental furcula I

Genus Gluphisia Boisduval, 18287933 avimacula Hudson, 1891. 1208} Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990.7934 lintneri IGrt., 18771. 1366} Det. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (poplar caterpillar)7931 septentrionis Wlk., 1855. (281 Dst. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (common glupnisia, pale green notodontid.

notodonte septanrionale. f., Fr.l C. PI.43(18)

Genus Heterocampa Doubleday, 18417995 blundata Wlk" 1855. (6491 Det. Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991 Iwavy-lined heterocampa] C. P1.4414)7994 guttivitta (Wlk., 1855). (21) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (saddled prominent", maple prominent,

heterocampe de I'erable, t., Fr.1 C. P1.44{617983 obliqua Pack., 1864. (1362) Det. J. R Grehsn, 1993. (oblique heterocampa] C. P1.43117, 19)

Genus Hyparpax Hubner, 18258022 aurora (J. E. Smith, 1797). (HR) Det. H. Romack, Jr, 1990. Ipink prominent} C. PI.4316)

Genus Hyperaeschra Butler, 18807917 georg;ca (H.-S" 18551. (12111 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (Georgian prominent) C. PI.42(8)

Genus lochmaeus Doubleday, 18417999 bilineata (Pack., 1864). (981) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (double-lined or elm prominent, Mterocampe

biravee, f., Fr.) C. P1.42(1417998 manteo Doubleday, 1841, 1534) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (variable oakleaf cat.', Mterocampe du

cnene. i., Fr.) C. PI.42(16)

Genus Macrurocampa Dyar, 18937975 marthesia ICram., 1780). 1982) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (mottled prominent, hardwood cat.) C.


Genus Nadata Walker, 18557915 gibbosa (J.E. Smith, 1797). 1931 Det. J. R. Grehan. 1990 (green oak or vsllowllned cat., white-

dotted prominent, chenille verte du chene. f.. Fr.) C. Pl.431141

Genus Nerice Walker, 18557929 bidentata Wlk., 1855. (244) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (double-toothed prominent, notodonte II

cents-de-sere, m., Fr.) C. PI.43(4/

Genus Notodonta Ochsenheimer, 18107926 scilipennis Wlk., 1862. 11151) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1992. Ihumped caterpillar, notodonte II deux bosses,

m., Fr.17928 simplaria Graef, 1881. (2011 Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (humped caterpillar)

Genus Odontosia Hubner, 18197924 elegans (Stkr., 1885). 1318) Oet D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (elegant prominent, aspen cat., notodonte

elegant, m., Fr.1 C. P1.44(31

Genus Oligocentria Herrich-Schaffer, 18568017 Iignicolor (Wlk., 1855). 1528) Del. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white-streaked prominent, lacecapped cael

C. PI.42(18180/2 semirufescens IWlk., 18651. 1355) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1SSO. (red-washed prominent) C. PI.44/9)

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54 Subfamily ARCTIINAE

Family ARCTIIDAE (tiger moths, woolly bears)

828 0 I' Schweitzer, 1991. (anguloseGenus I'eridea Stephens, 1 . 1797) (207) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. . '

7920 anguloSa (J.E·tS:;t~at., notodonte du ch~ne, 10., Fri}9~' ~~~~~~~~ed prominent, redmarked cat.) C.

prom men , (385) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1 .7919 basitrians (Wlk" 1855). (h late prominent, birch cat"

1'1.43(11) 4 (225) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. coco7921 ferruginaa (Pack" 186 ). Fr) C 1'1.43(13)

notodonte ferruglneuX, 10., . .

Genus Ecpantheria Hubner, 18208146 scribonia (Stoll, 1790) (GRN) Det. G, R. Nielsen. 1992. (giant leopard moth) C. 1'1.16(13), H. 1'1.16(16)

as E. deflorata

Genus Euchaetes Harris, 18418238 egle (Drury, 1773). (810) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (milkweed tussock moth, arctiide de I'ascleplade,

m., Fr.) C. 1'1.12(17)

Genus Halysidota Hubner, 18198203 tessellaris (J.E. Smith, 1797). (238) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (banded tussock moth, pale tussock

moth", halisidote du pommier, t., Fr.) C. 1'1.12(6)

Genus Holomelina Herrich-Schaffer, 18568123 ferruginosa (Wlk., 1854). (1409) Det. J. 0, Lafontaine, 1994. (rusty holomelinal C. 1'1.14(1,6)8114 laeta (Guer.-Meneville, 1832). (298) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (joyful holomelina, ecaille joyeuse, f , Fr)

C.pI.14(15)8118 opella (Grt., 1863). (766) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (tawny holomelina) C. 1'1.14(2,5)

Genus Haploa Hubner, 18208107 clymene (Brown, 1776). (485) Det J. R. Grehan, 1990. (clvrnene moth) C. 1'1.15(15)8112 confusa (Lyman, 1887). (337) Det. M. Sabourin, 1990. (confused haploa, arctiide nuance. 10., Fr.1 C.

1'1.16(8)8110 contigua (Wlk., 1855). (1382) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1994. (the neighbor) C. 1'1.16(1)8111 lecontei (Guer.-Meneville, 1832). (153) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (Leconte's haploa, arctiide de Leconte,

10., Fr.) C. 1'1.16(3,6)

Genus Apentesls Harr., 18418171 nais (Drury, 1773). (3421 Det, J, D. Hedbor, 1992. Inais tiger moth) C. PI.15{9, 10)8169 phalerata IHarr., 1841). (1153) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (harnessed tiqermoth) C. 1'1.15(8,11), H.


Genus Estigmene Hubner, 18208131 acrea (Drury, 1773). (329) Det. R. W, Park, 1986. (saltmarsh caterpillar " , chenille des marais salants,

f., Fr.) C. 1'1.13113,161, H. 1'1.16111,121, Fig.67

Genus Grammia Rambur, 1866 (Apantesis, auth., not Walker, 1855)8176 anna (Grt., 1864). (1312) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (Anna tigermoth) C. 1'1.14119,22)8199 arge (Drury, 1773). (776) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (arge moth) C. 1'1.14(2018187 celia (Saund., 1863). (JDH) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993.8196 parthenice (W. Kirby, 1837). (1427) Det. M. Sabourin, 1990. (parthenice tiger moth) C. 1'1.14(16,17)8197 virgo (L., 1758). (338) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (virgin tiger moth, apantese vierge, f., Fr.) C. 1'1.14(1418175 virguncula (W. Kbv., 1837). (235) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (little virgin tiger moth, apantese petite fille,

r.. Fr.) C. 1'1.14(18)8175a virguncula speciosa (M6seh" 1864). (eTp) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1986.

Genus Cycnia Hubner, 18188231 oregonensis (Stretch, 1873). (622) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (oregon cvcnia) C. 1'1.12(10), H. 1'1.16(191

as Eucheeties oregonensis8230 tenera Hbn., 1818. (4911 Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (delicate events) C. 1'1.13(6)

Genus Aretta Schrank, 18028166a caja americana Harr., 1841, (340) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (great tiger moth, garden tiger moth, .§Calile

martre, r.. Fr.) C. 1'1.15(13)

White lichen moth) C. 1'1.16(12), H.

J R Grehan 1990. (littleDet. .' '


Genus Clemensia Packard, ~:~4 (469)8098 albata Pack., 1 .


I' h moth a footman) C.Genus Crambidia Packard, ~~~~1462) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1994. (pearly-winged IC en ,8051 casta (Pack., 18 6(5)

1'1.16(14) J R Grehan 1990. (pale lichen moth) C. 1'1.1. 1864 (4681 Det. .' ,8045.1 palhda Pack.. .

tman moth lexis bicolo re,Genus Eilem~ Hubner, 1819 701) Det. J. R. Grehan: 19B1. (bicolored moth, a too '8043 blcolor (Grt., 1864). ((2) H PI 13(29) as Lexls blc%r

m"Fr.)C.pI.16 , ..

h I'thosie peinte, f., Fr.) C.Genus Hypoprepia HUbner8i7~;;-3(~26) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (painted lichen mot, I .

8090 fucosa Hbn., 1 . h I'thosie ecanate, f.PI 12(2), H. 1'1.13(42) h 1990. (scarlet-winged lichen mot , I

. 837) (427) Det. J. R. Gre an,8089 miniata (KbY·, 1 'H PI 13(41)

Fr,) C. 1'1.12(5), . .

, moth lichen caterpillar,Genus Lycomorpha Harris, ;::;)9 (1306) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (black-and-yellow Itchen ,8087 ph01us (DMY, 1 . F) C. 1'1.11(161, H. 1'1.13(15)

Iithosle orangee, f., r,



hinx black-rimmed prominent, faux­Genus I'hao.sia HUbpnerk1~~~4. (32) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1990, (false sp I ,

7922 nmosa. ac«. Fr) C 1'1.42(15)ShplOX, m' l ' •

1841 t schizura) C. 1'1,44(2)Genus Schizura DOUbled~YB64) (1307) Det, M. S. Griggs, 1993. (C~~~2U(red-humped caterpillar', red-humped8006 badia (Pack., . 1797) (1421) Det. J. R. Grehan, .8010 concinn~ (J.E·;~'~:~i\Iea b~sse rouge, f., Fr.) C. pl.~~~o8\morning glory prominent, oak and maple

appewor, 1841 (246) Det. J. R. Grehan, ' C 1'142(1921)8005 ipomoeae D~u~:dacYhenilie bossue du ch~ne et de I'er~~~(/'(~~~k_blot~hed s~hizura, humped cat.) C.

humpe c "1864) (159) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, .leptinoides (Grt.. . . t." chenille Iicorne, f., Fr.) C.

1'1,44(161 . 797) (98) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, {unicorn ca ..unicornis (J.E.Smlth, 1 .


. .. 1821 C. 1'1.43(2) 2 ex en (white-headed prominent) .Genus symmensta HUbne~, . h 1797) (226) Det. J. R, Grehan, 199, g (r~d- humped oakworm, chenille ~7951 albifrons (J.E. mit, 6 (808) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991, ex gen. .

952 canicosta Franc.. 194 . I worm chenille a7 oosse rouge du ch8ne" f., Fr.) h 1991 ex gen. (orangehumped map e ,

. 1946. (807) Det. J, R. Gre an, '7953 leucltys Franc.,

bosse orangee, t.. Fr.)

Page 35: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


Genus Lymantria Hubner, 1819 (Porthetria HObner, 1819)

8318 dispar (L., 1758). (352) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (gypsy moth", spongieuse, f., Fr.) C.PI.1(131,45(7,10), F. 22.2 PI. 1(9-1 2);Fig.20, H. P1.38( 12,13) as Porthetria dispar

Genus Orgyia Ochsenheimer, 1810 (Hemerocampa Dyar, 1897)

8308a antiqua nova Fitch, 1863. (389) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (vapourer or rusty tussock moth", redtussock moth, chenille ahouppes rousses, f., Fr.) C. PI.44(20), F. 22.2 PI.8(58-63,65);Fi9.15, H.PI.38(18} as Nototoonue anticus

8314 definite Pack., 1864. (515) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (definite marked tussock moth) C. P1.44(191,F. 22.2 PI.8(1-9);Fig.18(g,h), H. PI.38(17) as Not%phus detinita

8316a leucostigma intermedia Fitch, 1856. (782) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (white-marked tussock moth',white-spotted tussock moth, chenille a houPpes blanches, f., Fr.) C_ P1.1 (11 ).44(17), F. 22.2PI.7132- 37),Ai13, 14);Fig l8(e,f), H. PI.38(20,21 );Fig.182-184 as H. /eucostillma

Genus Leucoma Stephens, 1828 (Stilpnotia Westwood, 18411

8319 .alicis (L., 1758). (770) Del. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (satin moth", papillon satine, m.. Fr.) F. 22.2PI.1(1,2);Fig.21


• h '11 a tente estivale, t., Fr.)Genus Hyphantria Harris, 1841 (280) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (fall webworm ,C eru e8140 cunea (Drury, 1773).C. PI.13(2,5)


h" haiisidote du carver, f.,Genus l.cphocampa Harris, 184" 77) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (hickory tussock mot ,8211 caryae Harr., 1841. ( • isid culee f.,

Fr.) C. PI.12(7) J R Grehan 1990. (spotted tussock moth ,hallsl ate ma ,maculata Harr., 1841. (4011 Det. .. ,Fr.) C. PI.12(9)

28 k d 1'ger moth, ecailleGenus Phraqmatobia Stephens, 18 5) 0 t J. R. Grehan, 1990. (large ruby or dus y re I

8158 assimilans Wlk., 1855. (7 e . .. . . mFr.) C.pareille, f.. Fr.) C. P1.14(1 0) 1990. (ruby tiger moth, arctude fuliqineux, .,. . (l 1758). (341) Det. J. R. Grehan,8156 fuhglnosa.,PI.14(7)

. oth giant tiger moth,Genus Plataretia Packard, 1864 0) (339) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (St. lawrence tiger m ,8162 parthenos (Harr., 185. F) C PI 15(17)

arctiide du Canada, m., r. . .

Family NOCTU/DAE (owlet moths, cutworms, noctuelles, f., Fr., ver-gris, m.. Fr.!Subfamily HERMINIINAE

Genus ChytoJita Grote, 1873

8355 morbidalis IGn., 1854). (326) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990 (morbid owlet) C. PI.41 (24), H. PI.37(231,R_ PI.9(32)

8356 petrealis Grt., 1880. 11435} Det. J. O. lafontaine, 1994. (owlet moth)




Genus Bleptina Guenee, 1854

8370 caradrinalis Gn., 1854. (647) Det. J. R. Grehan & ver. J. E. RaWlins, 1991. (bent-winged owlsr) C.PI,41 (25l, H. PI.37(32l, R. PI.l1 (2,3)

Genus Idia HObner, 1813

8323 aemu/a Hbn., 1813. (3211 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (commom idia, spruce epizeuxis, noctuelle deI'llpinette, f., Fr.) C. PI,41 (12), R. PI.9(2)

americaJis (Gn., 1854). (516) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (american idia) C. PI.39(16), R. PI.9(1)denticulaJis (Harv,. 1875). (763) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. H. PI.37(27} as Epizeuxis denticu/a/is, R.PI.9(4)

IUbricaJis (Gev., 1832). (23) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (glossy black idia) C. PI,41 (15), H. PI.37(29)as E /ubrica/is, R. PI.9(11)

rotundaJis IWlk., 1866). (554) oet. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (rotund idia) R. PI.9(6,7)scobiaJis (Grt., 1880). (1178) Det. J. D. lafontaine, 1993. (smokey idia) C. PI,41 (13), H. PI.37(28) asE scobia/is, R. PI.9(10)

8323.1 sp. (conclsa of Forbes, 1954). (6361 Det, O. F. Schweitzer, 1990. R. PI.9(3)

Genus lascoria Walker, 1859

8393 ambigualis Wlk., 1866. (155) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (ambiguous moth)C. PI.42(7, 10), H. PI.42(2) as Gaberasa ambigua/is, R. Pl.ll (16)

Genus Macrochilo Hubner, 1825

8357 absorptalis (Wlk., 1859). (322) Det. J. R. Grehan, & ver. J. O. lafontaine, 1991. (slant-lined owletl C.PI.41(21) and H. PI.37/19) as Hormisa absorpta/is, R. PI.9(33)

8360 orciferalis (Wlk., 1859). (1144) Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. H. Fig.171 as Sisyrhypena orcderelt:" R.PI.9(38,39)Genus Me/anomma Grt., 1875

8412 auricinctaria Grt., 1875. (1405) oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994.

Family l YMANTRIIDAE (tussock moths)




I t 1936 1990. 'yellow-collared scape moth, ciseps a colGenus Cisseps.Fra~c emon '1818). (944) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1

8267 fulviccllls (Hbn., Plll(12)orange, m.. Fr.) C. .

37 h te che de Virgin ie, f., Fr.)Genus Ctenucha W. Kirby, 18 0 J R. Grehan, 1990. (Virginia ctenuc a, c nu8262 virginica (Esp., 1794). (234) et. .C. PI.12(1)

64 II b "Isabella tiger moth)Genus Pvrrharctla Packard, 18 97) (402) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (banded woo year,8129 isabella (J. E. Smith, 17 .C. PI.1(17), 14( 12)

. C' 1825 bl 1'ger moth) C. PI.13(1)Genus Sptlosoma urt~s, 1855 (630) Det J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (agreea \ Irs 1994. (dubious tiger moth,8134 con~ruaWI., 5) '(GRN) Det. G. R. Nielsen, 1993, ver. J. E. aw In ,

8136 duble (Wlk., 185 . . .. . r moth diacrisiewoollvbearl C. PI.13(7) h 1990 (yellow woollvbear ", Virginian tlge ,. .. 1798) (63) Dat, J. R. Gre an, .8137 vtrgtnlca (F.,.. . PI 13(4)de Vtrglnle, i., Fr.] C. .

Subfamily ORGYIlNAE

dock moth,s Das chira Hubner, 1809 Det J R. Grehan, 1990. (sharp-tine tuss

~;~~ ~orsi~:~~~~~a~~e&de~~~~iIlU~~:;.)..F;~ 1~.) PJ,4~(6'~;fO~~;~~~ ~1959(;~-~~;~:~~~' :~~'Se~Ck moth, pine. G & R 1866). (1317) Det. . ..

8302 obltquata ( ') C PI' 45(2 8} F. 22.2 PI.2/13-27};F,g.11 (c) h ine tussock moth, chenille aparorpv.a .. " D F Schweitzer, 1992. (nort ern pila iata (Wlk., 1865). (4201 Det. . .

p g houppes du pin, r.. Fr.) F. 22.2 Pi.6(10D-3~) fontaine 1994. (variable tussock moth) C. P1.45/31,ns (B & McD 1913). (1400) Det. J. . a ,vagaF. 22~2 PI.3(1·9),4/18-36);Fig.8/a)

9 il moth" cuibrun, m., Fr.)Genus Euproctis HObner, 181'7581 (Published referencel. (Ferguson, 1978) (brownta ,8320 chrysorrhoea (L.,. 38[ 16)F. 22.2 PI.1(5-8);Fig.23(a), H. PI.

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. d althis spruce harlequin,Genus Palthis HiJb.ner, 1825 1311 Oat. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (dark-spotte p ,8397 angulahs (Hbn.. :7~6\. ( Fr.) C. PI.39(25\, H. 1'1.37(25), R. 1'1.11(18)) C 1'139(26) H.PI.42111,

arlequm de I apmetta, m.. G h 1993 (faintspotted palthls .' ,. 4) (1257) Det. J. R. renan. .

8398 asopiahs (Gn.. 185 .R.Pl.ll(20,21)

Genus Phalaenophan~ Grote, 18739\

(323) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (dark-banded owlet) C. 1'1.41 (11), H.8338 pyramusahs (Wlk., 185 .

pI.37(26\, R. 1'1.9(17)

G 1873 1990. (black-banded owlet) C. 1'1,41 (7\, H.Genus Phalaeno~t~la rote, 873 (562) Det. D. F. Schwietzer,8364 larent.o.des Grt.. 1 .

1'1.30(1 \, R. 1'1.9(46) 544) 0 t J 0 Lafontaine, 1994. (cw. dark epidelta\r (Wlk 1859\. ( e··

~~~:~~t(~m., 1899). Det. J. D. LafonJta~neL ~~~~'ine 1994. (pale apidelta] C. 1'1.41(18) as Epide/ta. (Wlk 18591 (1375) Det. . . a '9(41)

metonahs .: I 37'(30) as Philometra metonalis, R. PI.metonalts, H. P.

Genus Renia Guenae, 1854 1445) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994.8386 adSpergillUsl.(B\~SC' 1~~~~)( (819) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. R. Pl.ll(5)'i:°)PI42(4) R Pl.ll{14,15)8384.1 fla1lipuncta IS ey., 569) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. (sober rerua .' "8387 sobriatls (Wlk., 1859). (

1857 ) C 1'141(22\, R. 1'1.9(23,241Genus ZanCIOgn~th(~Led~~~4). (324) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991 . (ea9rIY90zan(clo~~~h:anc'IOg~atha) C. 1'1,41 (17\, H.8351 crur?hs n., 872). (356) Det. D. F. SchweItzer, 1 . van8345 lae1l,gata (Grt.. 1 6) H PI 37(20)

PI.37(21\, R. 1'1.9(19,.20) h 1991 (letteredzanciOgnatha)C.PI,41{l , .' ,8) (517) Det J. R. Gre an,

8340 Iituralis(Hbn., 181 . .R.PI.9(18\ . 1991 R. P1.9(28) 1(20)

martha Barnes, 1928. (552) Det. D. F6S~h;~~:~~zer, 1990. (wavy-lined zanclognatha) C. PI,4 ,ochreipennis (Grt., 1872). (551) Det... c 1'19(21)

H PI 37(22), R. 1'1.9(30,31) h 1991 (grayish zanclognatha) C. 1'1,41 (19)' R. ..' . . 8541 (325) Det. J. R. Gre an" 9(22 27)

pedipolahs (Gn" 1. D D F Schweitzer, 1991. R. PI. r

protumnusalis (Wlk., 1859). (568) et. . '.


Genus Colobochyla Hiibner. 182~) (1044) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. C. PI.39(22\, R. 1'1.11(26)8411 interpuncta (Grt.. 187 .

)C 1'139(21) H.pI.29(14),Genus Ri1lula G~enae: 1852

1854(135) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (spotted grass moth ., ,

8404 proplnquahs Gn. .R. 1'1.11(23)


Genus Dyspyralis Warren. 1891 ) D J D Hedbor 1992. R. PUl (30)8426 iIIocata Warren, 1891. (1154 etj 0 Lafontai~e. 1993. R. 1'1.11(32)8428 nigella (Stkr.. 19001. (12141 Det. . .

Genus Hypendodes D(~yb~~d~~O;~5(~ 081) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1919i94R. (~I;~~~;I?~e hypenodesI C. 1'1.41(9), R.

8420 ca '1908). (1093) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, .8421 fract.hnea (Sm.,

1'1.11(291 2\ 0 t J R Grehan, 1992, ver. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994.'F 1954(108 e.··

palustns gn.. . 1114) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994.sombrus Fgn.. 1954. (



Genus Bomolocha Hubner, 18258445 abalienalis (Wlk., 1859). (3711 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white-lined bomolocha) C. 1'1.40(17,201, H.

1'1.42(5). R. 1'1.1019.10)8442 baltimoralis (Gn., 18541. (1611 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (Baltimore bomolocha) C. 1'1.40(16), H.

1'1.42(4), R. 1'1.10(3,418443 bljugalis (W1k., 1859). (624) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (dimorphic bornolocha) C. 1'1.40(18,21), H.

1'1.42(7); 1'1.42(91 as B. toreuta8452 edictalis (Wlk" 1859). (357) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. lIarge bomotocha) C. 1'1.40(101, H. 1'1.42(111,

R. 1'1.10(18,19)8446 deceptalis (Wlk., 18591. (162) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, vet. J. E. Rawlins. 1994. (deceptive

bomolocha, basswood owlet moth, noctuelle du tilleul, t., Fr.) C. 1'1.40(22), H. 1'1.42(8), R.1'1.10(13,14)

8447 madefactalis (Gn., 1854). (252) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, ver. J. E. Rawlins, 1994. (gray-edgedbomolocha) C. 1'1.41(1), H. 1'1.42(61, R. 1'1.10(16,17)

8441 manalis (Wlk., 1859). (11721 Det. J. R. Grehan. 1993. (flowing-line bomolocha) C. 1'1.40(15), H.1'1.42(3), R. 1'1.10(1,2)

8444 palparia (Wlk., 1861 I. 1247) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991, vet. J. E. Rawlins, 1994. (mottled bornolocha)C. 1'1.40(19), H. 1'1.421101 as B. scutetteris, R. 1'1.1 0(7,8)

Genus Hypena Schrank, 18028461 humuli Harr., 1841. (571) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (hop looper") H. 1'1.42(12,13), Fig.178, R.


Genus Lomanaltes Grote, 18738455 eductalis (Wlk., 1859). (561) Det. D. F. Schweitzer. 1990. (alder caterpillar) R. PI.10(20,21)

Genus Ophiuche Hubner, 18258457 minualis (Gn., 1854). (1161) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. R. 1'1.10(22)

Genus Plathypena Grote, 18738465 scabra (F., 1798). (510) Det. D. F Schweitzer, 1991. (green cloverworm", noctuelle des lagumineuses,

r.. Fr.) C. 1'1.41 (2,5), H. 1'1.42(14), R. 1'1.10(25,236)

Genus Spargaloma Grote, 18738479 sexpunctata Grt., 1873. (1212) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. (six-spotted grayl C. 1'1.40(2), H. 1'1.30(2)

as Hvamia sexpunctete, R. PI.10(29)


Genus Anomis Hubner, 18218545 erosa Hubner, 1821. (1155) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (yellow scallop moth) C. 1'1.39(14), H.

1'1.29(12), R. 1'1.10(30,31), R.&L. Fig.569

Genus Anticarsia Hubner, 18188574 gemmatalis Hbn., 1818. (518) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (velvetbean caterpillar") C. 1'1.39(40, H.

1'1.37(10), R.&L. Fig.564

Genus Argyrostrotis Hubner, 18218764 anllis (Drury, 1773). IGRNI Det. G. R. Nielsen. 1991. (short-lined chocolate) C. 1'1.38(17), H. 1'1.30(41 \

as Agnomonia enllis, R.&l. Fig.544

Genus Caenurgina McDunnough, 19378738 crassiuscula (Haw., 1809). (674) Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (clover looper') C. 1'1.38(3), R.&L. Fig.5418739 erechtea (Crarn., 17801. (671 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (forage looper") C. 1'1.38(2.6), H. 1'1.30114) as

Dresterie erechtea; 1'1.30(151 as D. cressiuscute, R.&L. Fig.542

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,eleeta Grt . 1872. (600) Oet J. O. Hedbor 1 . ..R.&.L. Fig.593, S. PI.3(1) , 991. (yellow·g,ay underw,ngl C. PI.34110), H. PI.31 (8)

sordlda Grt., 1877. (793) Det. M. Sabourin 19 . 'b r., Fr.} C. PI.33(3,51, H. P1.35(7) as C.' pra~~ia~~or~,~~r ~lue5b;rry underwing, likenae des bleuets,

SU nata Grt" 1864. (474) Det, J. E. Rawlins 1991 '1 . h' ,g. 2, S. PI. 7(12, 13, 15, 16)S: PI.4(2) , . yout ful underw,ng) C. PI.36118), H. PI.33(15)

ultron,a (Hbn., 1823). (679) Det. J. R. Grehan 1. '.. pruruar, f., Fr.) C. PI.33(91, H. P1.33(2 4 71' R 9~14(~~lt~on,a or. plum tree underwing, likenee du

unlJugaWlk., 1858. (505) Oet.J. R. Grehan' 1991' . , ..&L. F,g.578, S. PI.6(9,11-13}C. P1.37(91, H. PI.33(5), R.&L. Fig.61 1, s. PI:~~;,~~-marned underwing, Iikenae rougefttre, r.. Fr.)

Genus Drasteria HUbner, 1818

8641 grandirena (Haw., 1809). (1394) Oet M Sabouri .Synedoida srendtren», H. PI.30(27) ~s M I' n,. 1991. (f,?ure-seven moth) C. P1.32{171 as

e IPOtlS timboterts, R.&L Fig 560 as S r d'Ge E I'd' '. . g an Irenanus ucu ra Ochsenheimer 181 68731 cusp idea (Hbn., 18'18). (677) Oet. J. R. Greha

R. PI. 13(6), R&L. Fig.540 n, 1991. (toothed somberwingl C. P1.38(1 I, H. PI.30(20),

Genus Euparthenos Grote, 1876

8719 nubilis (Hbn., 18231. (606) Det J 0 Hedbor 199C. PI.37(5), H. PI.36(2), R·&l~. FIg.585' 1. (locust underwing, eatocale du robinier, m., Fr.1

Genus Ledaea Druce, 1891

8491 perditalis (Wlk., 1859). (1145) Det M Sabo .'. unn, 1993. C. P1.40(71, H. PI.30(4), R. PI.10(34)

Genus Metalectra Hubner, 18238499 discalis (Grt., 1876). (553) Oet M S b .8500 quadrisignata (Wlk., 1858). (50'8) Det



{common fungus moth) C. PI.39(17} R PI 11(39)H PI 3 . . . c vvertzer 1990 If ' . .

. . 0(5) as Homopyralis contrects, R. 11(401' . our-spotted fungus moth) C. PI.4215),

Genus Mocis Hubner, 1823

8743 latiPeFs"gl.G5n4'3' 1852). IGRN) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1994.Ismail mocls) C. PI.38(7), R. PI. 13(7), R.&L.

Genus Pangrapta Hubner, 1818

8490 decoralis Hbn., 1818. (1385) Oet J. . R. Grehan, 1993. (decorated OWlet) C. PI. 39( 15) H PI 30(3)

Genus Panopoda Guenee, 1852 ' . .

8588 carneicosta Gn., 1852. 16861 Det. J R. R.&L. Fig.557 . . Grehan, 1991. Ibrown panopoda) C. PI.40(6), H. PI.36(20)

8587 rUf,margo (Hbn., 1818). (228) Oet J R 'R.&L. Fig.556 . . . Grehan, 1991. Ired-lined panopoda) C. PI.39(3), H. PI.36(19),

Genus Parallelia Hubner, 1818

8727 bistriaris Hbn., 1818. (199) 0 t J R GPI 36( e. . . rehan 1990 Imaple I

. 18), R.&L Fig.539 '. ooper moth, maple cat.) C. PI.31(21/, H.

Genus Phoberia HUbner, 1818

8591 atomaris Hbn., 1818. (466) Oet. J R G hR.&L. F,·g.559 . . re an, 1991 (Common a k hi. a mot C. PI.40(1), H. PI.36(14),

Genus Plusiodonta Guenee, 1852

8534 compressipalpis Gn., 1852. 1769} Det J 0 H dbPI.28(6), R.&L. Fig.565 . . . ear, 1990. (moonseed moth, CW) C. PI.39(GI, H.

Genus Scoliopteryx Germar, 1810

8555 Iibatrix (L., 17581. (5001 Oet. J. R. Grehan 1990, . (the herald, scalloped or European fruitpiercion Inoth


Genus Calyptra Ochsenheimer, 18168536 canadensis (Bethune, 1865). (676) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (Canadian owlet) C. PI.39(6), H. PI.28(8)

as Celpe canadensis, R.&.L. FIg.568

Genus Catocale Schrank, 1802 lunderwings)8834 amatrix (Hbn., 1809·18131. (400) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (the sweetheart) C. PI.37(131, H.

PI.32(12, 13), R.&L. Fig.602,603, S. PI.6(6,8)8878 arnica IHbn., 1818) (MSGI Oet. D, F, Schweitzer, 1994. (girlfriend underwing)8775 antinympha (Hbn., 1823), (424) Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (wayward nymph, sweetfern underwing) C.

P1.3314), H. P1.32181, R.&L. FIg.572, S. PI. 117)8867 blandula Hulst, 1884. (792) Oet. M. Sabourin. 1991, (charming or gray-blue underwing, likenee gris-

bleu, f., FR.) c. P1.33(161, R.&.L. FIg.581, S. PI.8(3,818817 brisels Edw., 1864. (1089) Oet. M. S. Griggs, 1992. (Briseis underwing, likenea Briseis, r., Fr.} C.

PI.36115), H. PI.32(4) as C. groteiana, R&L. Fig.608,609, S. PI.5(7,8)8832 cara Gn., 1852. (814) Oet. J. O. Hedbor, 1991. (darling underwing, bronze underwinq] C. PI.37(20),

H. PI.32(9), R&L. Fig.604, S. PI.6(2)8802 ceroqama Gn., 1852. (423) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (yellow-banded underwing, llkense du tilleul, f.,

Fr.] C. PI.3619), H. P1.34(61, R.&.L. Fig.599, S. PI.511 ,2)8851 cocclnate Grt., 1872. (1342) Oet. M. S. Griggs &. ver. O. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (scarlet underwing) C.

PI.37(6), H. P1.34110), R.&L. Fig.579, S. PI.6(7)8833 concumbens Wlk., 1858. (475) Oet. J. R. Grahan. 1991. (sleepy hawthorne or pink

underwing, likenee rosee, t., Fr.) C. PI.37(3), H. PI.3511 0), R.&.L. Fig.584, S. PI.6(5)8858 crataeql Saund., 1876. (874) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (hawthorn or thorn underwing, likanee de

laubepine, f., Fr.) C. P1.33(81, H. P1.34(121, R.&L. Fig.577, S. PI.8(1\8773 epione (Drurv, 1773). (1420) Oet. M. S. Griggs, 1994. (epione underwing) C. PI.34(3j, H. PI.31 131,

R.&.L. Fig.534, S. P1.1111)8847 gracilis Edw., 1864. (13031 Oet. D. F. SChweitzer, 1994.8864 grynea (Crarn., 1780). (477) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (woody underwing) C. P1.33(1 0), H. PI.35(6),

R.&L. Fig.586, S. P1.7(2218778 habilis Grt., 1872. (602) Oet J. O. Hedbor, 1990. (habilis underwing) C. PI.36(8), H. PI.33(11, 12),

R.&L. Fig.574, S. PI.1(818801 ilia [Cram., 1776). (678) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (ilia underwing, beloved, the wife)

C. PI.37(4,7), H. PI.34(7,17I, R. PI.4(2), R.&.L. Fig.605,606, S. PI.4(5-8)8770 innubens Gn., 1852. (9841 Det. J. 0, Hedbor, 1991. (the bethrothed) C. PI.3611 ,2), H. PI.33(9,1 0))

R.&L. Fig.533,613, S. PI.1{1-318781 judith Stkr., 1874. (709) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (Judith's underwing) C. PI.34(6), H. PI.32(21, S.

PI.1(9)8878.1 lineella Grt., 1872. (5191 Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (girlfriend underwing) C. P1.32114) as C. arnica,

H. PI.32(20) as emics form nerisse R.&L. Fig.589 as C. emice, S. PI.8(23} as C. arnica8822 meskei Grt., 1873. (946\ Det. M. S. Griggs, 1991. (Meske's underwing, llkenae de Meske, f., Fr.1 C.

PI.36(14), H. PI.33(6), R.&L. Fig.610, S. PI.5(4)8876 micronympha Gn., 1852. (10861 Oet. M. Sabourin & ver. J. O. Lafontaine, 1992. IIIttie nymph) C.

PI.32(19};PI.33(7), H. PI.35(4) as C. tretercuie; PI.32(21) as form gisela, R.&L. Fig.587,S. PI.8(9,12,15,18,21)

8863 mira Grt., 1876. (702) Oet. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (wonderful underwing) C. P1.32(21I, H. PI.35(5)as C. jaquenetta; P1.34(131 as C. polygama, R&L. FIg.576, S. PI.8(2}

8798 neogama (J. E. Smith, 1797). (791) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991. (the bride) C. PI.36112), H. PI.36(51, R.&L.Fig.598; Fig.597 as C. subnata, S. PI.4(3,4)

8795 palaeogama Gn., 1852. (1331) Oet. M. S. Griggs, 1993. (oldwife underwing) C. PI.1(9),36(7,101, H.PI.36(3,41, R.&L. Fig.596, S. PI.3(9-121

8806 parta Gn., 1852. (476) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Imother underwing) C. PI.37(18), H. PI.34{111, R.&L.Fig.607, S. PI.5{11, 12)

8865 praeclara G. & R., 1866. (1396) Oet. M. S. Griggs, ver. O. F. Schweitzer, 1994. (praeclara underwing}C. PI.33(11), R.&L. Fig.583, S. PI.7(23}

8803 relicta Wlk., 1858. {421} Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Iforsaken, the relict, white underwing, Iikeneeblanche, f., Fr.} C. PI.35(9), H. PI.32(6,71, R.&L. Fig.600,601, S. PI.419·11)

8785 residua Grt., 1874. (601) Oet. J. O. Hedbor, 1991, (residua underwing) C. PI.35(8), H. P1.31114) as C.obscura, R.&L. Fig.591, S. PI.2(2)

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Genus Diachrysia Hubner, 1821

8896 aeroidesIGrt., 1864). (232) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (dark-spotted looper moth) H. PI.28(17) as Plusia8eriodes, L.&P. PI.1(25i,BI9), R.&l. Fig.530 as P. 8eriodes

8897 halluc" Gey., 1832. (358) Del. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (false looper, plusie vert clinquant, f. Fr.1 H.PI.26(22) as Plusi8 b8/1uca, L.&P. PI.1(26),4(5),C(11. R.&P. Fig.529 as P. b8/1UC8

Genus Eosphoropteryx Dyar, 1902

8905 thyatyroides (Gn.. 1852). 1710) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Ipink-patched looper moth, peach blossomplusia, plusie rosatra, f., Fr.) C. PI.32(9), H. P1.28(181. L.&P. PI.1(


Genus Exyra Grote, 1875

9022 rolandiana Grt., 1877. IDHM) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1991, R.&L. Fig.458 (pitcher-plant moth)

Genus Mega)ographe Lafontaine and Poole, 1991

8907 bi/oba (Staph., 1830). 11 091) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (bilobed looper moth, autographe biloba, m.,Fr.) C.PI.31(12) as Autographa biloba, H. P1.26124) as A. bJ10b8, l.&P. PI.2(1,2),4112i,F(1),R.&L. Fig.517 as A biloba

Genus PseudOP/usia McDunnough, 1944

8890 includens IWlk., 1858). 11001 J Det. M. Sabourn, 1991. (soybean looper', false cabbage looper) C.PI.31115), L.&P. PI.1111, 12),4/3),AI8), R. P1.13(11I, R.&L. Fig.514 as P. 00

Genus Rachiplusia Hampson, 1913

8895 ou (Gn., 1852). (1073) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (gray looper moth) C. PI.31 (8), H. P1.28133) asAutogr8pha au, L.&P. Pi. 1(21 ,22),8(51, R. PI.13(13)


Genus Pseudava Hampson, 1913

8899 purpurigera IWlk., 1858). (859) Det. J. D. lafontaine, 1991. (straight-lined looper moth, CW, plusiepurpurine, r.. Fr.) C. PI.32(4), H. P1.28(13J as Panchrysi8 purpurigera, L.&P.PI.1(37,38),4(61,CI51. R.&L. Fig.528

Genus Plusia Ochsenheimer, 1816

8950 putnam; Grt., 1873. (146) Det. J. H. Grehan, 1990. (Putnam's looper moth, plusie de Putnam, f., Fr.)C. PI.32{3), H. PI.28(15) as Euchalcia putnami, L.&P. PI.1I54,551,4(20),H(8), R.&L.Fig.515 as ChrysaSpidi8 putnami

8952 contexta Grt., 1873. (353) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (connected looper moth) C. PI.3216), H. PJ.28/23)as E. context8, L.&P. PI.1I58,591.H(101. R.&L. Fig.516 as C. context8

6953 venusta Wlk., 1865. (952) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (white·streaked looper moth, plusie gracieuse, f.,Fr.) C. PI.32(2), H. PJ.28(21) as E. venuste, l.&P. PI.1(53),HI7), R.&L. Fig.538 as C.venuste

Genus Syngrapha Hubner, 1821

8940 abstrusa Eichlin, 1978. (449) Det. J. 0 Lafontaine, 1991. l.&P. PI.3131-33)AI16),G/6), R. Pi.13(1118939 alias (Ortot., 1902). (9601 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (sruce climbing CW, autographe de l'epinet1e,

m., Fr.) L.&P. PI.3(34-361.G(7), R.&L. Fig.505

8927 epigaea (Grt., 1874). (1223) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. L.&P. PI.3(13IAI14),F(7),OI5), R. PI.1311~i).R.&L. Fig.510

8926 octoscripta (Grt., 1874). (GRN) Det. J, D. lafontaine, 1994, L.&P. Pi.316-81, 4/13I.F(4J,OI2), fl,PI.13(181, R.&L. Fig.508

8942 rectangula (W. Kby., 1837). (4071 Del. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (salt-and-pepper moth, looper mOIIi.angulated CW, autographe arectangle, m., Fr.) C. Pi.31 (1), H. PI.28(32) as Autographa reclalJ(JlJ/a,L.&P. PI.3/39-41 ),GI9), R. PI.13/191, R.&L. Fig.504

Genus Trichoplusia McDunnough, 1944

8887 ni (Hbn., 1800-1803). 1868) Det. J. D. lafontaine, 1991. (cabbage looper', ni moth, fausse-arpOIII""""du chou, f., Fr.) C. PI.31(10), H. Pi.26(36) as Autographa brassicae (Riley), L.&PPI.118,9),4(2),A/9), R,&L. Fig.513





I0 hsenheimer 1816 D. Lafontaine, 1993. H. PI.28(431, l.&P.Genus Abrosto.a c (1249) Det. M. S. Griggs & ver. J.

8880 avails Gn., 1852. . 532

PI.1(1),4(1 ),A(1 ),1(1) . 1991. H. PI.28(42), L.&P. PI.1(2l,AI2), R.&L. Fig.8861 urentis Gn., 1852. 1254) Det. D. F. Schweitzer,

Genus Allagrapha Franclernont, 1964 J R Grehan 1991 (unspotted looper moth) C. P1.3217), H.8898 aerea IHbn"6

1)8102&-p03p)'1 \11~~7i~el(4)' B18), R.&L: Fi9.531P1.28(1 , . .. , , ,

D h 1944 • tographe du celerl, m., Fr,)Genus Anagr,a~fha ~~b~nnlo~~7;. (200) Det. J, R. Grehan, 1991: (c71ery ~o:er pt~(40-44),4119i,H{6i, R.&L.8924 fa c, ~:a PI.31(71, H. PI.28(37) as Autoareohe simp ex, . .


.. 1821 C PI31(3) H PI.28(31I, L.&P.Genus Autographa Hubner, R G h n 1991. (large looper moth) " ,.3 am la IWlk 1858). 1377) Det. J. . re a , . 519

892 p PI 2(30 3114(111.E(2), R. P1.13(161. R.&L. Fig. 1991 (two-spotted looper M.I C. PI.31 151, H.11 bimac~'ata ('Ste~h., 18301. 11418) Det. J. E. R?W~'~~, .

89 P1.28(19i, L.&P. PI.2(23,24),D(9), R;\FI9'199 1

L.&P. P1.2(13i, R.&L. Flg.523 . C691

2 mappa (G. & R., 1868/. (317) Det. J. R. rGe ahn, 199'1 (common looper moth, plantain looper) ., 852) (494) Det J R re an,. &l F 51 B8908 precationis (Gn,. . PI' 2(3-5) Dt l ). R. P1.13(121. R. . Ig.PI.31 114), H. P1.28128), L.&P.. ,

~~~~s Chr~~~~~~:~~~:o~~6~~.9~84) Det. J. R. Gre~a;,; ~~;;. ~:~~~~~~ "~~::;)~r~~' t'~~i.eF~~~~~~te, f., Fr.)C. PI.32(8), H. PI.28(14) as Polychrysla r ,

1970 . loperM)CPI.31(171,asGenus Ctenoplusia Dufay, 1632) (JDH) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. Isharp-stlgma lO&P PI'll1a) B(1), R.&L.8889 oxygramma (Gey., . H PI 28(301 as Aulographa oxygramm8, . .. ,Agr8pha oxygramma,. . .

Fig.536 as Trichoplusla oxygramma





f Fr 1 C PI 39(121, H. PI.26(22), R.&l. Fig.571decoupurev f., . . .

818 . I noctuelle du pin, f., Fr.) R.Genus Zale Hubner, 1 1865) (30) Det D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (pine za e.8703 duplicata (Bethune, . 37(5) as

PI 12(121 R.&l. Fig.553 . 1992 (maple zale) C. PI.37(17l, H. PI.. M' 1876). (917) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, .

8692 galba;:::o~y';,:"lunifera, R. P1.12(3i, R.&l. Fi9.5{~90 (brown-spotted zale, white pine false looper,8704 helata (Sm., 19081. (33) D~t D. F. SChweltlerpl 38(15i, R. P1.12(21,22,25,261, R.&l. Fig.554 H

fausse-arpenteuse du pin blanc, f., Frh·1 C. ]li90 (horrid zale, large false looper) C. PI.3B(19), .h 'da Hbn 1818 (296) Det, J. R. Gre an, .


R. PI.B(51, R.&l. Fig.555 . s & J R Grehan, 1994. (lunate zale, false looper) C.lunata (Drury, 1773). 11454~ ~~~. M'H~'mG:~~~ralun~t;, R. PI.4(1),12(li, R.&l. Fig.545

PI 37(8 10), H. PI.37(1, as . 1990 (bold-based zale. falselunifer~ (Hb~., 1818). (363) Det D. F·CSC:'~~~~~~" H. PI.·37(17) as Homoptera cingulifera R. PI.1311),looper noctuelle tunifere, f., Fr.) . .

R.&l. 'Fi9.551 F S h eitzer 1991. (colorful zale, large false looper, fausse-minerea IGn., 1852). (154/ De~ fc 'PI ~7~ 21, R: P1.12(2i, R&L. Fig.550

arpenteuse des feuillus, f., r. .. weitzer 1990 R. P1.12(41haeocapna Franc., 1950. (256) Det. D. F. Sch . '1990 R PI 12119,20), R.&L. Fig.552

~ubmedianaStrand, 1917. 1331/ Det: ~ .. ~~;hcahn~~,~~e;: Iblack z~'e, 'Iocust false looper) C. PI.38113i,undularis (Drury, 1773). (638) D~t. J 10) R &l. Fig.549

H PI 3716) as YpSi8 unduleris, R. PI.12(9, ,. -I' d zale) C. P1.37{19i, R. PI.13(3,4), R.&L.uniline~ta·(Grt., 1876). (34) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991 (one meFig.546

Page 39: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


villificans (B. & McO., 1918). (1431 I Oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&L. Fig.456 as CrypIJia vil/ificans(white-lined graylet)


Genus Maliattha Walker, 1863

9050 concinnimacula (Gn., 1852). (160) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (red-Spotted lithacodia) C. PI.30(241. H.PI.29(23) as E. concinnimacula, R.&L. Fig.463

9055.1 synochitis (G. & R., 1868). (293) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (black-dotted Iithacodia) C. PI.30{4} asLithacodia synochitis, H. PI.29(24) as E. synoclJitis, R.&L. Fig,462 as L. svnochtue

Genus Pseudeustrotia Warren, 1913

9053 cameola (Gn., 1852). (233) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (pink-lined or pinkbarred lithacodia) C. P1.30(7)as Lithacodia carneola, H. PI.29(28) as E. cerneote, R.&L. Fig.464 as L. cerneole

Genus Tarachidia Hampson, 1898

9090 candefacta (Hbn., 1831 I. (623) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (olive-shaded bird-dropping moth, ragweedfalse looper) C. P1.301191. R. PI.14{16, 17}, R.&L. Fig.489

9095 erastrioides (Gn., 1852). (522) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Ismail bird-dropping moth, ragweed falsolooper) C. PI.30(17), H. PI.29(54) as Tsrscne erastrioides, R.&L. Fig.489


Genus Lithacodia HUbner, 1818

9048 albidula (Gn., 1852). (669) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. H. PI.29(22) as Eustrotia albidula, R.&L.Fig.461

9046 bellicula Hbn., 1818. (716) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bog lithacodial C. PI.30(31. H. P1.29(301. R.&L.Fig.459

9047 muscosula IGn., 1852). (79) Det. D. F Schweitzer, 1991. (large mossy lithacodia) C. PI.28(17), H.PI.29(26) as E. muscosula, R.&L. Fig.460

Genus Leuconycta Hampson, 1909

9065 diphteroides (Gn., 1852). (283) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. Igreen leuconycta, goldenrod noctuto.noctuelle marbree, f., Fr.1 C. PI.26(19), H. PI.19(9, 10) as Microcoelia dipIJteroides, R.&L.Fig.407

9066 lepidula (Grt., 1874). (575) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (noctuelle a marbrures vertes, t., Fr.) H. PI.19(7)as Jaspidia lepidula, R.&L Fig.408


898 . 1991 (confused meganola) C.Genus Meganola Oyar, 1 998) Oet. J. o. Hedbor & M. Sabourin. .

8983 minuscula tzeu.. 1872). ( 01

PI.31 (2,4), R. PI.l1 (44,46) J R Grehan 1993, ver. J. O. Lafontaine, 1994. R. PI.11 (43,58983.2 spodia Franc., 1985. (1202) et. .. ,

C PI 31(9) R. PI.11(51}Genus Nola Leach, 1815 h n 1991 (blurry-patched nola) .. r

8990 cilicoides (Grt., 1873). (106) De~ J. ~. gr:a~0~taine"1991. (three-spotted nola) C. PI.31 (61. H.8992 triquetrana (Fitch, 1856). (4561 et. . .PI. 13(251. R. PI.l1 (48)

895 i I . bailava) C. PI.31 (22). R.Genus Baileya G.'ote, 1 (144) Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1991. seepong8971 dormitans (Gn., 1852).

PI 10(37 38), R.&L Flg.498 G h 1990 (Doubleday's baileva) C. PI.31(18), R.&L. .' 2) (483) Det J. R. re an, .8969 doubleday. IGn., 185 . . 17 251

Fig 496 . 1991 (eyed baileva] C. PI.31 (23l, H. PI. ( ,oPhthal~ica (Gn., 1852). (188) Oet. O. F. Sch;eltzer, .P1.17(261 as B. doubteaevi, R.&L F,g.49

G8gen7u7s NYC~~~~~:a~~n~\l ~~,21 ~~;~i~;~30) Oet. J. O. Lafontali~~21 ~f~~i~~~II:;, 1::I~~Ileaftier, jieuse du saule,863) (9121 Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, . .

8975 frigidana (Wlk., 1 . H PI 42(15) as N. lintnerana, R.&L. Flg.495t.. Fr.) C. PI.30(251. . .

Subfamily NOLINAE


1865 ) C PI 28(24) H. P1.2915) asGenus Marathyssa Walker, M S bourln 1991. (light marathvssa .. ,basalis Wlk., 1865. (867) Oet. . a ,

8956 Marasmalus ventilator, R.&L. Fig.491 1991 (dark rnarathvssa) C. P1.28(23l, H. PI.29(6) as M.. f"t IWlk 1865) (537) Det. J. R. Grehan, .8955 In ICI a " '.

tntuct«, R.&L F,g,492

Genus Paectea Hubner, 1818 H) 0 J D Hedbor, 1992. C. PI.31(16), H. PI.2914). R.&L Fig.4938957 oculatrb; (Gn., 1852). (JO et...



Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 18~ ~73) (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (curve-lined acontia) C. PI.30111), H.9145 term~i.~;~~~t:S(C;:~;cheter'minimaculata, R.&L. Fig.490

Genus Capls Grote, 1882 0 0 F SChweitzer, 1991. H. P1.37(331. R.&L. Fig.4869059 curvata Grt., 1882. (570) et. . .

b 1818 (tufted bird-dropping moth) C. PI.30(81. H.Genus Cerma .Hu ner, 1826) (285) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991.

9062 ce"n~~.~~T;31. R.&L~ Fig.487 as Chemvris cerintbe

Genus Homophoberia Morrison, 1875 Oet J. R. Grehan, 1992 (black wedge-spot) C. PJ.29(19), H. PJ.29127)9057 apiccsa (Haw.,. 180.9}. 19~5)PI13122) R.&L. Fig.485

as Eustrotie apleosa, .. ,

Genus Charadra Walker, 1865

9189 deridens (Gn., 1952). (597) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (the laugher) C. PI.16(18), H. PI.18(4), R.&l..Fig.12

Genus Colocasia Ochsenheimer, 1816

9184 flavicornis (Sm., 18841. (5) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (vellowhom) C. PI.16(15), R.&l. Fig.89185 propinquilinea (Grt., 18731. (2271 Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (closebanded yellowhorn, clDsebandod

demas) C. PI.16(11), H. PI. 19(3) as Demas propinqUilinea, R.&l. Fig.9

Genus Panthea Hubner, 1820

9177 acronyctoldes (Wik., 1861). (10901 Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. [tuffted spruce car.. black li(JldU.noctuelle marbree de repinette, r.. Fr.' C. PI.16(17l, R.&l. Fig.l 0

9182 furcilla (Pack., 1864). (72) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (eastern oanthea. tufted whitepine CMorpiliw.noctuelle du pin blanc, f., Fr.) C. PI.16(20), H. PI.17(31 J

Genus Raphia Huoner, 1821

9193 frater Grt., 1864. (103) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (the brother, yellowmarked car., chenille ,j /lUI"''',transverses jaunes, t., Fr.) C. PI. l6( 16), H. PI.18(3), R.&L. Fig.19

1991. (dotted graylet) C.Genus Hyperstrotia Hampson, 19109181

(762) Det. M. Sabourin & J. O. Lafontaine,9037 pervertens (B. & McO., 1 R'&l F'g 455 as Cryphia pervertens

PI.28(19l, R. PI.11 (54), . . I .

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Genus Amphipoea Billberg, 1820

9457 americana (Speyer, 1875). (354) Det J R Greh .. as Gortyna ructttens, R.&L Fig.369· an, 1991. (American ear moth) C. PI.26(2), H. PI.26(2)

.nteroceanica (Sm., 18991. (1269) Oet M Sabourin 1991(interoceanic ear moth) R.&L Fi9.37·0 . , , ver. J. R. Grehan, 1994. ex. gen.

velata (Wlk., 1865) (573) 0 t 0 F S .G. velata, R.&l. Fig.368e. . . chweitzer, 1990. (veiled ear moth) C. PI.25(9), H. PI.26(3) as



Genus Alypia Hubner, 1818

9318 langtoni Couper, 1865. (JOH) Det. J. O. Hedbor 19 .Langton's forester, alypie de Langton, s., Fr.) 'H. P~~ 7(~~'1 ~.) E. Raw"~s. 1991. (fireweed cat..

9314 octomaculata (F., 1775). (503) Det J B .' ,R.&L Flg.3,4Fr.) C. PI.15( 16), H. PI.l 7(20,21;, R~~nl~'F~~.~~2 (eight-spotted forester', alypie a huit points, m.,

Genus Eudryas Boisduval, 1836

9301 grata (F., 1793). (344) Det J R Grehan 199 .. C. PI.27(23), H. PI.17(24) ~s Euthi;anoti; 'U~i~au~,~~'7-0d~nYmPh,belle nymphe des bois, f., Fr.)

9299 UOIO (Hbn., 1827-31). (720) Det. J. D. Hedbor 19'9' . Ig.bois, f., Fr.) C. PI.27(25), H. PI.17(23) as E. grat:: ~.~l~~~~I.jwood-nymph, nymphe psrlee des

Genus Psychomorpha Harris, 18399309 epimenis (Drury, 1782). (334) Oet J R G

H. PI.3(9) . . . rehan & J. Boone, 1991. (grapevine epimenisl C. PI.29(1),



Fr.) C. PI.18(13), H. PI.19(4), R.&l. Fig.59

Genus Polygrammate Hbn., 1818

9285 hebraeicum Hbn., 1818. (1470) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1994. C. PI.28(1) R.&L. Fig.419 (the Hebrew)

Genus Simyra Ochsenheimer, 1816

9280 henrici (Grt., 1873). (634) Det J E Rawlins 199 'as Arsilonche albovenosa, ·R.Btl: Fig.60' 1. (Henry s marsh moth) C. PI.18(14), H. PI.18(6)


Genus Achatodes Guenaa, 1852

9520 zeae (Harr., 1841). (708) Det J R GrehanH. PI.26(1), R.&L Fig.445·· ,1991. (elder shoot borer', corn spindleworm) C. PI.27(11).

Genus Amolita Grote, 1874

9818 fessa Grt., 1874. (658) Oet. J. D. LafontaineR.&l. Fig.442 ' 1991. (feeble grass moth) C. PI.27(16), H. PI.29(13),



Genus Amphipyra Ochsenheimer, 18169640 glabella (Morr., 1874). (1175) Oet MS'

Fig.420 . . abounn, 1992. H. PI.20(32) as Pyrophi/a glabella, R.&l.

pyramidoides Gn., 1852. (425) Det J R G h .fruitworm, humped green trui;wo'rm' n~~t~:i'e1990. (Amencan copper underwing, pyrarnid,,'as P; ~yramidoides, R. PI.5(1), R.&L Fi9.411 cUlvree, f ., Fr.) C. PI.26(17), H. PI.20(]O)

tragopoglnls ICI.. 1759). (707) Det. J. R. Grehan 1991 H PI 20(31) P .., '" as . tragopogtnls, R.&L. Fi(J.4 12

Genus Apamea Ochsenheimer 1816 (A . H9351 ,. (G ' gropenna amp., 1908, Crymodes Gn 1841)93 ala n.,. 185.2). (1376) Det. J. D. lafontaine, 1994. R&l. Fi 334"

48 amp~tatn)( (Fitch, 1857). (367) Oet. J. R. Grehan 199 g. •jaune, m., Fr.1 C PI 24(18) H PI 19(45) a H,' d 0. (yellow-headed cutworm. vernli" I' lot"

9382 devastator (Brace, 1819). (574)'0' DF s . a ena aretica, R.&L. Fig. 333et. . . Schweitzer, 1990. (glassy CW, ver-gris vitmux, IYI. ".) C.











Genus Agriopodes Hampson, 19089281 fallax (H.-S., 1854). (10741 Det, J. R. Grehan, 1992. (the green marvel, merveille verte, f., Fr.) C.

PI.26(16). H. PI.18(l) as Diphthera (allax, R.&L Fig.409




Genus Harrisimemna Grote, 18739286 tristignata (Wlk" 1856). (712) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (Harris' three-spot, noctuelle trois-taches, f.,




Genus Acronlcte Ochsenheimer, 18169200 americana (l-larr., 1841). (289) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (American dagger moth", acronvcte d'

Amerique, f., Fr.) C. PI.17(3), H. PI.18(12) as Apatela americana, R. PI.4(4), R.&L. Fig.25dactylina Grt., 1874. (GRN) Det, M. Sabourin, 1993. (alder, or fingered dagger moth, acronycte de

I'aulne, f., Fr.) C. PI.13(19). H. PI.18(17) as A. dectvtine, R.&L. Fig.26axilis Grt., 1874. (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991, ver. J. D. lafontaine, 1992. (exiled dagger moth) C.

PI.17(17). R. PI.13(32)fragilis (Gn., 1852). (651) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (fragile dagger moth, acronvcte fragile, t., Fr.)

C. PI.17(20), H. PI.19(1) as A, (ragi/is, R.&L. Fig.40grisea Wlk., 1856. (662) Det, J. D. Lafontaine. 1991. (gray dagger moth, acronvcte grise, f., Fr.) C.

PI.17(2), H. PI.18(11) as A. grisea, R.&L. Fig.28haesitata (Grt., 1882). (CTP) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. (hesitant dagger moth) C. PI.17(19). R.&L. Fig.44hasta Gn., 1852. (635) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (speared dagger moth, acronvcte du cerisier, f., Fr.)

C. PI.17(15)impleta Wlk., 1856. (JOH) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (yellow-haired dagger moth) C. PI.18(7), H.

PI.18(22) as Apatela imptete, R.&L. Fig,53impressa Wlk" 1856. (872) Det. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. H. PI.18(2l), PI.18(23) as A. brumose, R.&L.

Fig.56 (acronvcta impressionnee, f., Fr.)increta Morr., 1974. (652) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991, ver. O. F. Schweitzer, 1993. C. PI.18(5) as A.

tnctere, R.&L. Fig.46 as A. inctere, 48 as A. hememetis, 49.innotate Gn., 1852. (205) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (unmarked dagger moth, birch dagger moth,

acronvcte du bouleau, f., Fr.) C. PI.17(5). R. PI.13(26). R.&l. Fig.21lnterrupta Gn., 1852. (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. (interrupted or American grey dagger moth,

acronycte des feuillus, f., Fr.) C. PI.17(16), H. PI.19(5) as Apatela interrupte, R. PI.4(5). R.&L.Fig.39 .

leetifica Srn., 1897. (1028) Oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (pleasant dagger moth) C. PI.17(13). R.&L.Fig,35

lepusculina Gn., 1852, (1066) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992 (cottonwood dagger moth', acronvcte dutremble, f., Fr.) C. PI.13(17). H. PI.18(14) as A. tepuscutine, R.&l. Fig.20

lobeliae Gn., 1852. (GRN) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (lobelia dagger moth) C. PI.18(3). H. PI.18(9) asApatela lobeliae

morula G. & R., 1868. (230) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (ochre dalJger moth, elm dagger moth, acronvctemuriforme, f., Fr.) C. PI.17(21), H. PI.18(8) as A. morula. R.&L. Fig.42

oblinita (J. E. Smith, 1797). (1094) Det. J. O. Lafontaine, 1994. (smeared dagger moth, acrovnctesouillee, f., Fr.) C. PI.13(18). R.&L. Fig.57

ovata Grt., 1873. (1399) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&l. Fig.43.retardata (Wlk., 1861). (143) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (retarded dagger moth, maple dagger moth)

C. PI.18(8), R.&L. Fig.51sperata Grt., 1873. (GRN) Oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. R.&L. Fig.54superans c».. 1852. (637) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. P1.17(10), H. PI.18(26) as A. superens, R.&L.

Fig.34tristis Sm., 1911. (1029) Oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (sad dagger moth, acronycte triste, f. Fr.) R.

PI.14(5), R.&L Fig.47vinnula IGrt., 1864). (871) Oet. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (delightful dagger moth) C. PI.17(8, 11). H.

PI.18(25) as Apetete vinnute, R.&L Fig.33

Genus Anterastria9284 teratophora (H.-S., 1854). (1411). Oet J. D. Lafontaine. R.&l. Fig.410 as Agriopodes tetraphora


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Genus Condica Walker, 1856

9696 vecors (Gn. 1852). (558) Dsr, O. F. Schweitzer '. vecors, H. PI,19(31) as Pengea vecors R &1. ~99~'26(dUSkY groundlmg) C. PI.27(2) as Platysenta

9690 vldens (Gn, 1852) (869) Oet M S b .' . . Ig. as P. vecorsPlatyse~ta vid~ns, H. PI.19(2'1) :s ~mn:...1991

R,&(Whit? dashed-dotted groundling) C. PI.25(21) as

.wraens, . l. Flg.425 as P. videns

Genus Conservula Grote, 1874

9548 anodonta (Gn., 1852). (404) Oet. J, R. Grehan, 1991. H. PI.26(20), R.&L Fig.399

Genus Cosmla Ochsenheimer, 1816

9815 calami (Harv., 1876). (1397) Det, M. Sabourin 19 .Calymnia orina, R.&l. FigA41 ,90. (Amencan dun-bar) C. PI.27(21), H. PI.27(1) as

Genus Crambodes Guenaa, 18529661 talidiformis Gn., 1852, (1434) Oet J 0 L f '

R.&L. FigA29 . , . a ontatna, 1994, (verbena moth) C. PI.28(2), H. PI.19(17),








PI.25(6) as Crymodes devastator, H. PI.19(44) as Hadena devestetrix, R.&.L. 345 as C.devastator

duhitans (Wlk., 1856). (406) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. (doubful agroperina) C. PI.25(3) asAgroperina dubitens, H. PI.19(39) as H. dubitens, R.&.L. Fig.341 as A. dubitans

helva (Grt., 1875). (696) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991. (yellow three-spot) C. PI.24(19), H. PI.26(30) asOrthosis helve, R.&.L. Fig.344 as A. helva

impulsa (Gn., 1852). (560) Oet. O. F. Schweitzer & E. L. Quinter, 1990. Fl.&L. Fig.336sp. near Iaterltia (Hufn., 1766). (OHMI Det, O. H. Miller, 1991. Fl.&L. Fig.340lignicolora (Gn., 1852). (1451 Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (wood-colored apamea) C. PI.25(4), H.

PI.20(5) as Hedens Iignicolor, R. PI.14(71, R.&L Fig.330nigrior (Sm., 1891). (GRN) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991. H. PI.19(42) as H. ntorior, R.&l. Fig.328ophiogramma (Esper. [1794]). (914) Det. J. O. Lafontaine, 1992.remissa indocilis (Wlk., 1856). (1438) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. (ignorant apameal C. PI.25(1), R.&L

Fig.335sordens (Hufn., 1766). (290) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (bordered apamea, rustic shoulder knot) C.

PI.25(2) as Apamea tinitime, H. PI.20(9) as Hadena besitinee, R.&L. Fig.339 as A. finitimaverbascotdes (Gn., 1852). (654) Det, J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. H. P1.19(431 as H. verbescoides, R.&L.

Fig.327vulgaris (G. &. R. 1866). (939) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (common apamea) R. P1.14(1 0)vultuosa (Grt., 1875). (641) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (airyapamea) H. PI.20(11) as H. vultuose, R.

PI.14(8), R.&L Fig.331

Genus Chvtonlx Grote, 18749556 palliatricula (Gn., 1852). (101)

PI.19(13, 14), R.&L FigA04


Oet, J. R, Grehan, 1991 (cl k d' oa e marvel) C. PI.25(14,17), H.


Genus Archanara Walker, 18669451 laeta (Morr., 1875). (1316) Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (red sedge borer moth) R.&l. Fig.3639449 oblonga (Grt., 1882). (14281 Oet. J. O. l.afcnataine, 1990. (oblong sedge borer moth, the large

nonagria) C. PI.25(8), H. PI.25(33) as Nonagria oblonga, R.&L Fig.3839450 subflava (Grt., 1882). (913) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1992. (subflava sedge borer, the yellowish noagria)

H. PI.25(34) as Nonagria subflava, R.&L Fig.362

Genus Balsa Walker, 18609664 labecula (Grt., 1880). (114) Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (white-blotohed balsa) C. PI.28(6), R.&l. Fig.4359662 malana (Fitch, 1856). (1247) Det, J, R, Grehan & ver. J. O. Lafontaine, 1993 (many-dotted appleworm)

C. PI.28(3), H. PI.19(18), R. PI.5(2), R.&l. Fig.4339663 tristrigella (Wlk" 1866). (189) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. C. PI.28(4), R.&l. Fig.440

Genus Bellura Walker, 18659523 gortynoides Wlk., 1865. (657) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. (white-tailed diver) C. PI.28(14), R.&l.

Fig.444 as Bellura diffusa9525 obliqua (Wlk., 1865). (206) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (cattail borer moth) C. PI.28(18), H. PI.25(36) as

Sphida obtique, R. PI.15(21), R.&l. FigA43 as Arzama obliqua

Genus Calaena Stephens, 18299453 reniformis (Grt., 18741. (1003) Det. T. l. McCabe, 1992. H. PI.20(33,341 as Helotropha renitorrnis,

R.&l. Fig.367 as H. renitormis

Genus Callopistria Hubner, 18219633 cordata (Ljungh, 1825). (287) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991, (silver-spotted fern moth, noctuelle a taches

arqentees, f., Fr.) C. PI.26(14), H. PI.29(62) as Metathorasa monetitere, R.&L FigA01 as£uherrichia monetifera

9631 mollissima (Gn., 1852). (251) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (pink-shaded fern moth, noctuelle a bandesrosees, f., Fr.) C. PI.26(21), H. PI.29(63) as Euherrichie mollissima, R.&l. FigAOO asHaploolophus mollissima

Genus Chortodes Tutt, 18979437 inquinata (Gn., 1852), (1340) Det, 0, C. Ferguson, 1993, R.&L. Fig,384 as Hypocoena inquinata

Genus Dypterygia Stephens, 1829

9560 rozmani Berio, 1974. (1072) Oet M Sabourin 1 'PI.20(28) as Dypterygia scab~ius~ula, R.&l. Fi~9:; jamencan bird's-wing moth) C. PI.25(16), H.

Genus Elaphria Hubner, 1818

9681 festivoi.d7s (Gn., 1852). (115) Oet. J, R. Grehan 1 '..Oligla festivoides, R. PI.14(30,31 ,35,36) R.&l~~,l.~iestlve midget) C. PI.27(7), H. PI.19(32), as

9678 versicolor (Grt., 1875). (284) Det. J, R. Grehan 1991,g,

v ;. . ,du sapln, rn. Fr.) C. PI.27(9), R. PI.14(37;, R,&l. (Fi~.':~~ted midget, fir harlequin cat., arlequin

Genus Enargia HUbner, 18219549 decolor (Wlk., 1858). (492) Oet J R Gr h

. R.&L FigA36 ' . . e an, 1990, (aspen twoleaf tier, nocteulle decoloree, f., Fr.)

infumata (Grt., 1874). (1436) Oet J FD Lafontai 'mephisto Franc., 1939. (668) Oet' J' 0 Lf . ne. R.&L Flg.434 (birch-aspen noctuid)

. . , a ontams, 1991. R. PI.15(23)

Genus Euplexia Stephens, 1829

9545 benesimilis McD., 1922. (58) Det. M. SabourinPI.20(26) as Euplexia lucipara, R.&L Fig.396' 1991 (American angle shades) C. PI.26(22), H.

Genus Galgula Guenee, 1852

9688 partlta Gn., 1852. (626) Det, M. Sabourin 1991 ( ,G. hepara, R.&L Fig.432 ,. the wedglmg) C. PI.27(13, 14), H. P1.29(31,32) as

Genus Hvdreecla Guenna, 1841

9514 micacea (Esp., 1789), (858) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1991. ( orate .pomme de terre, m., Fr.) C. PI.24(16), R.&l. Fi9.3~5 stem borer, rosy rustrc, perccti(Jc de 1<'1

Genus Hvppa Duponchel, 1845

9578 xylinoides (Gn., 1852). (96) Oet, J. R. Grehan 1990 (commonatocas, f., Fr.) C. PI.25(15, H. PI.20(23), R.&l. Fi

gA24hyppa, cranberry CW, nOCIOuUe dlltj

Genus "Hypocoena" Hamp., 1908

9443 defecta (Grt., 1874). (1432) Det. J. O. Lafontaine,1994 R.&l. Fig,365 as Senta defee/a

Genus Ipimorpha HUbner, 1821

9555 pleonectusa Grt., 1873. (249) Det. 0, F. SChweitzer,1990. (even-lined sallow, blackchookod 'Hip",n

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furcata ISm., 1899). 1795) Det J 0 14 db . _Fig.387 . . . e 01, 1990, ver. D. F. Schweitzer. 1991. H. PI.26(14), R.&L.

impecuniosa (Grt., 1881) (788) D t 0 F S h .R.&L Fig.390 . e.. . c wertzar. 1991. (aster borer) H. PJ.26(5) as P. inquaesita

inquaeslta (G. & R., 1868). (493) Det D F S '. . . 'R.&l. Fig.375 . . . chweitzer, 1990. (sensitive fern borer moth) C. PJ.26(51,

leucostigma (Harr., 1841). (JDH) Det 0 F S h .I'ancolle, f., Fr) H PI 26(7) as P p'urp' .~ C wAeltzer, 1990. (columbine borer', perce-ttqa de

I · h' '" . untesc/s .&L Fig 391 P .ysrmac 'ae Bird, 1914. (784) Det E L Q . 9 . . . as. purpunfascia

nelita (Stkr., 1898). (988) Det E 'L Q'. ulntr 1 94. R.&l. Flg.392nepheleptena (Dyar, 1908). (1280) 'De U1~er, 991. R. PI.15(16), R.&l. Fig.415pterisii Bird. 1907. (473) Det 0 F S~' : F. Schweitzer, 1993. A.&L. Fig.377rigida (Grt., 1877). (255) De~. D. F. ~c;:~~zer, 1991. (braken borer moth) C. PI.26(4),, Fig.393speciosissima (G. & R., 1868). (1250) Det Jtz:rG1991. (rrgld sunflower borer M.) C. PI.26(9)

moth) C. PI.26(3) . . . rehan & vel'. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (osmunda borer

unimoda (Sm., 1894), form thallctri (Lyman 1905) (559 .R. PI.15(18-20), R.&l. Fig.395 as P. f,"g"da' ) Det. E. L. QUinter, 1991. (meadowrue borer)

9480.1 n ... sp.: pterlsll complex. 157) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (Ostrich fern borer)

Genus Phlogophora Treitschke, 18259546 iris Gn., 1852 1210) 0

Brotolomi; iris, R.&~\i~:3~·7Grehan, 1990 (olive angle shades) C. PI.26(13), H. PI.26(19) as

periculosa Gn., 1852. 1502) Det. J. R. Grehan 1990as Trigonophara v-brunneum, R.&L Fig.3'98 . Ibrown angle shades) C. PI.25(10), H. P1.26(lBI

Genus Platyperigea Srn., 1849

9657 multifera .IWlk., 1857). (778) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991 .multtfera, H. P1.19(291, R.&L Fig.428 as P. mUltif~r~speckled rustic) C. PI.28(1) as Platypellf/oi'

Genus Properigea Barnes and Benjamin, 1926

9589 ?costa (B. & Benj., 19231. (PMY) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991.

Genus Protagrotis Hampson, 1903

9374 niveivenosa (Grt., 1879). (GRNI Det. M. Sabourin, 1992. R.&l. Fig.347

Genus Proxenus H.-S., 1850

9647 miranda (Grt., 1873). (621) Det J R Grehan .PI.19(20) as Orthades veco~s,'R.&l. Fi9.43~991. (miranda moth, dandelion CW) C. PI.27(19) H.

Genus Rhizedra Warren, 1911

9395.1 lutosa (Hbn., 1803). (13391 Det. D F. Schweitzer, 1993.

Genus Spartiniphaga McD., 1937

9436 panatela (Sm., 1904). (1441). Det. J. D. Lafontal'ne,1994. R.&l. Fig.430

Genus Spodoptera Guenee, 1852

9665 exigua (Hbn., 1803-08). (855) Det. M. Sabourin 1991 b.asparagus fern cat.l C. PI.28(15) " ( eet armyworm, small mottled willow mOlh.

fruglperda (J. E. Smith, 1797). (773) Det J R Greh 19f., Fr.) C. PI.28(9,12), H. PI.20(37) ~nd F~n'19/918' (fall armyworm'. legionnaire d'uutoruusR.&L Fig.437 ,g. , ) as Laphygma frugiperda, R. "'.b(:ll

ornithogalli (Gn., 1852). (CTP) Det. M. Sabourin 19' .cotton CW) C. PI.28(7) H. PI 20(35) a~ p 9;. (yellow:stnpedarmyworm*. SWGOlpnlillO till .

,. ro ente arntthogallt, R. PI.5(4), R.&!. Fig .»j·l:)

Genus Trachea Ochsenheimer, 1816

9626 delicata (Grt., 1874). (1440) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. H. PI.20(27), R.&l. Fig.403



Genus Ogdoconta Butler, 18919720 cinereola (Gn., 1852). (817) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (common pinkband) C. P1.27(201, H. P1.29(1 I,

R.&l. Fig.447

Genus Nedra Clarke, 19409582 ramosula (Gn., 1852). (625) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. (gray half-spot, CW) C. PI.25(22), H. PI.20(29)

as Actinatia remosule, R.&l. Fig.423


Genus Papaipema J. B. Smith, 18999493 appassionata (Harv., 1876). (1235) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. (pitcher-plant borer moth) C. PI.26(1),

R.&l. Fig.374arctivorens Hamp., 1910. (1204) Det. J. D. Hedbor & ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (northern burdock

borer) R. PI.15(61, R.&l. Fig.388baptislae (Bird, 1902). (1281) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. R. P1.15(51birdi (Dvar, 1908) (1092) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (wild parsnip borer, waterhemlock borer) H.

PI.26(11) as P. marginidens, R. P1.15(31, R.&l. Fig.376 as P. marginidenscataphracta (Grt., 1864). (1075) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (burdock borer", perce-tige de la

bardane, rn., Fr.) C. PI.26(11), H. P1.26(61, R.&l. Fig.394eupatorii (lyman, 1905). (1201) Det. M. Sabourin, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. IJoe-pye weed borer)

R.&l. Fig.417

Genus Oligia Hubner, 18219415 bridghami (G. & R., 1866). (719) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (Bridgham's brocade) C. PI.24(211, H.

PI.20(2) as Hadena bridghami, R.&l. Fig.351chlorostigma (Harv., 18761(14101 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. H. PI.20(13) as H. chlorostiams, R.

PI.14(22)crytora (Franc., 1950). (1200) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. R. P1.14(241exhausta (Sm .. 19031. (61 Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. R. P1.14(181, R.&l. Fig.382fractilinea (Grt., 18741. (918) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (broken-lined bracade, lined stalk borer')

H. PI.20(10) as H. fractilinea, R. PI.14(19-21 ,25-271, R.&l. Fig.356iIIocata (Wlk., 1857). (158) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (wandering brocade) C. PI.25(7), H. PI.20(24)

as Dryabata iltocete, R.&l. Fig.354mactata (Gn., 1852). (550) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. H. PI.20(8) as Hadena mectste, R.&l. FIg.355minuscula (Morr., 1874). 11237) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. R.&l. Fig.352modica (Gn., 1852). (7651 Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (black-barred brocade) C. PI.24(23), H. PI.20(14)

as H. medics, R.&l. Fig.349n. sp. (near tansa (Grt., 1880) 9413). (656) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991.

cat., chenille 11 jouse noires, f., Fr.) C. PI.25(11). H. P1.27131, R.&L Fig.366



Genus Macronoctua Grote, 18749452 onusta Grt., 1874. (870) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (iris borer', perceur de I'iris, m., Fr.) C. PI.25(12),

H. PI.20(18), R.&l. Fig.402

Genus luperina Boisduval, 18289391 passer (Go., 1852). (937) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (dock rustic) C. PI.25(51, H. PI.19(36) as Hadena

passer, R.&L Fig.348

Genus Meropleon Dyar, 19249427 diversicolor (Morr., 1874). (1238) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1993. R.&l. Fig.353 as Oligia diversicalar

Genus lemmeria Barnes and Benjamin, 19269429 digitalis (Grt.. 1882). (785) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. H. PI.26(25) as Anchacelis digitalis, R.&L


Genus Magusa Walker, 18579637 orbifera (Wlk., 1857). (798) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (orbed narrow-wing) C. P1.28(11I, H. PI.21 (2)

as M. dissidens, R.&l. Fig.438

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Genus Xylomoia St?Udin&geMr, 0189

129 17 (13151 Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. R.&L. Fig.3599433 chaqnoni B. c., .


9933.2 n. sp. near sidus (Gn" 1852). (5891 Det. D. F, Schweitzer, 1993. (sidus sallow)

Genus Litholomia Grote, 1875

9884 napaea (Morr., 1874). /1446) Det. E. L. Quninter, 1994. H. PI.25122), R.&L Fig.268

Genus Uthomoia Hubner, 1821

9878 germana (Morr., 1874). (9491 Det. M. Sabourin, 1993. (goldenrod brindle) H. PI.25(12), R.&L. Fig.2GDas L. so/idaginis

Genus Hillia Grote, 1883

9967 iris (Zett., 1839). (MSG) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1994. R.&L Fig.260

Genus Feralia Grote, 1874

10008 comstocki (Grt., 1874). (3) Dar. J. R. Grehan, 1989. (Comstock's sallow, redlined conifer cat., feraliede Comstock, f., Fr.1 C. PI.24121, R.&l. Fig,263

10005 iocosa (Gn., 1852J. (4471 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (Jocose sallow, the joker redlined conifer cat.,feralie joyeuse, r.. Fr.) H. PI.17(321, R.&L Fig.261

10007 major Sm., 1890. (2881 Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1990, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (major sallow, redlinedconifer cat.) R.&L. Fig,262

Genus Homoglaea Morrison, 1876

9881 hircina (Morr., 1876). (556) Det, D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (goat sallow, noctuelle hircine, f., Fr.1 C.PI.25(20), H. P1.261391, R.&L Fig.332

Subfamily CUCUlUINAE

Genus Chaetagleea Franclemont, 1943 S b . 1992 (silky sallow) C. P1.23(21I, H. P1.26(361 as G/aea9950 serlcea (Morr., 18741. (953) Det, M. e ounn, .sericea, R. P1.16(1 01, R.&L F,g.275

Genus Anathix Franclemont, 1937 S hwel 1990 (puta sallow poplar catkin moth, chenille des9962 puta (G. & R., 1868). (543) Det. D. F.. c we'tzer,. ,

fleurs du tremble, f., Fr.) R.&L F'9G·3 2h41990

(dotted sallow) C. P1.24(201, R.&L Fig.3239961 ralla (G. & R., 18681. (497) Det. J. R. re an, .

Genus Calophasia Stephens, 1829 hwei 1991 R PI 15(25110177 lunula IHufn., 1766). (815) Det. D. F. Sc weitzer. ...

Genus Catabena Walker, 1865 . 1991. (fine-lined sallow) C. P1.281101, H. P1.19(151,10033 llneolata Wlk., 1865. (646) Det. J. E. Rawlins,R.&L Fig.446

Genus Adita Grote, 1874 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (fringe-tree sallow) C. PI.23(8), H.10067 chionanthi (J. E. Smith, 1797). (535)PI.21(10), R.&L Fig.249




Genus Uthophane Hubner, 1821

9891 amanda ISm., 1900). (11771 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. R.&L. Fig.285

9910 antennata (Wlk., 18581. (5931 Der. D. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (greenfruitworm*, ashen pinion, noctuenodes fruits verts, f, Fr.) C. P1.23(151, R. PI.6(11, R.&L. Fig.290

baileyi Grt., 1877. (521 Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Bailey's pinion) C. PI.23(121, H. P1.25(19J a"Xylina balleyi, R.&L. Fig.289

bethunei (G. & R., 1868). (138) Det, J. D. Hedbor, 1991, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1994. (Bethune'spinion) C. PI.24(5), R. PI.5(6), R.&L Fig.281

disposita Morr., 1874. (583) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. H. PI.25(13) as X. dispOsita, R.&L. Fig.28Gfagina Morr., 1874. (5941 J. R. Grehan & J. D. Hedbor, 1991. R.&L Fig.295georgiiGrt., 1875. (OHM) Det. W. Kiel, 1991. R.&L Fig.291

grotei Riley, 1882. (39) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Grote's pinion, green fruitworm, 1l0C'"ollocendras, r.. Fr.) C. PI.23(161, R.&l. Fig.288

hemina Grt., 1874. (598) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Hemina pinion, noctuelle binuancee, f., Fr.1 CP1.24(41, H. P1.2519) as Xylina petulce, R.&L. Fig.287

innominata (Srn., 1893). (586) Det, D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (nameless pinion, noctuelle sans nom, f.,Fr.) C. PI.24(7j, H. PI.25(10) as X. innominata, R.&L Fig.282

laticinerea Grt., 1874. (1174) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. (green fruitworm) H. PI.25(17) as Xlaticinerea, R. P1.6121, R.&L Fig.292

oriunda Grt., 1874. (1313) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. R.&L. Fig.293patefacta (Wlk., 1858). (582) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. R.&L. Fig.280

petulca Grt., 1874. (595) Det, D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (wanton pinion) C. PI.23(13,24(GI, n.arFig.283,284

pexata Grt., 1874. (603) Det, D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. H. PI.25(20) as X. pexets, R.&L Fig.7!l(;semiusta Grt., 1874. (584) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. R.&L. Fig.279

unimoda (Lint., 1878). (585) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (dowdy pinion) C. PI.23(14J, H. /,12[,(1O!as X. unimoda, R.&L. Fig.294









Genus Metaxaglaea Franclemont, 1937

9943 inulta (Grt., 1874). (800) Det. M. Sabourin & ver. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (unsated sallow) C. I'I.?:JUUJH. PI.26137) as G/aea inu/ta, R.&L. Fig.311

Genus Cucullia Schrank, 1802 S b . 1991 Ithe asteroid) C. P1.23(31, H. PI.25(271, R.&L.10200 asteroides Gn., 1852. (804) Det. M. a ounn, .

. :ig.243 D M Sabourin, 1991. (brown-hooded owlet, brown-borderedconvex,penrus G. & R., 1868


d4811,ett. f' Fr) C PI 23(4) H. P1.25(291, R.&L Fig.244

cucullia, aster CW, cUCU te e as er,., . .. '.852 (DFS) Det D F Schweitzer, 1988. R.&L F,g.240 .

florea Gn., 1. . . . J R G h 1991. (intermediate cucullia, goldenrod CW, cuculfieintermedia Speyer: 187f 0'F(3

17C51 ~,e~3(1) .H r~1 a;5(301 R.&L Fig.239 as C. intermediade la verge dar, ., r. " ,.. '.

. Dod 1916 (DHM) Det W. J. Kiel, 1992. R.&L Flg.234ormssa G ' 1852' (GRNI Det .J D Lafontaine, 1992. laster CW) R.&L Fig.242posters n.,. . . .

Genus Copivaleria Grote, 1883 Hedbor, 1991. (Grote's sallow) C. P1.23(61, H. PI.21 (14) as10021 grotei (Morr., 1874). 1297) Det. J. D.Psaphidia grotei, R.&L F,g.264

Genus Epiglaea Grote, 1878 . 1991 ( ointed sallow) R.&L Fig.3109947 apiata (Grt., 1874). (1046) Det. M. Sabounhn, & . PDF Schweitzer 1993. Isloping sallow) C.9946 decliva (Grt., 18741. (911) Det. J. R. Gre an ver. . . ,

PI.23(17), H. P1.26(401, R.&L Fig.309

Genus Eucirroedia Grote, 1875 (4951 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (scalloped sallow) C. PI.24(15), H. P1.26(211,9952 pampina (Gn., 18521.R.&L Fig.325

Genus Eupsilia Hubner, 1821 G h 1991 (lost sallow) C. PI.24(13), H. PI.26(42) as9939 devia [Grt., 18751. (591) Det ..J. R. re an, .

Scope/osoma devie, R.&L F'9.319G h & M Sabourin 1991. (Morrison's sallowl C. PI.23(181,9936 morrisoni (Grt., 18741. 1590) Det. J. R. re an. ,

R. PI.6(41, R.&l. Fig.318 S h it t 1991 (three-spotted sallow, chenille veloutee.9935 tristigmata (Grt., 1877). (587) Det. D. F. ewe, ze , .

f., Fr.) R.&L Fig.316 S h it 1991 (straight-toothed sallow) C. PI.24(121, R.&I..9933 vinulenta (Grt., 1864). (588) Det. D. F. ewe, zer, .

Page 44: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by


Genus Oncocnsmts Lederer, 1853 G h 1991 (black-banded oncocnemls, noctuelle a bandes10123 piffardi (Wlk., 1862). (772) Det. J. R.. re ~n, '.. f Fr) H PI 21 (3) as O. etrltssciene, R.&l. Flg.246

norresv r., . . . . 1991 R &l F'g 245d . Grt 1876 (789) Det J D. Lafontaine, ... I .10099 saun erglana.,. . .

Genus Anarta Ochsenheimer, 1816

10332.c luteola G. & R., 1865. (1388) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1990, vel' D. F. SChweitzer, 1991. (small dark yellowunderwing) H. P1.24(28L R.&l. Fig.203

Genus Pachypolia Grote, 1874 P 15(32). . G t 1874 (851) Det J D Lafontaine, 1992. R. I.9992 atricornls 1'.,. . . .

Genus Platypolia Grote, 1895 . R &l F 3029976 anceps (Steph., 1850). (176) Dat. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. . . Ig.

Genus Psaphida Walker, 1865 M S G . & er D F Schweitzer 1993. C. PI.23(7) as Euto/ype10012 electilis [Morr., 1875). (1267) Det. . '. nggs v . . . ,

ejecta/is, H. PI.21 (13) as E. bOmbYCtforlmf,s t . 1991 (figure-eight sallow) C. PI.27(10), H.10019 resumens Wlk., 1865. (448) Dst. J. D. a on ame, .

PI.21(15) R I' & M Sabourin 1991. (Roland's sallow) C. PI.23(10) as10014 rolandi (Grt., 1874). (608) Del. J. E. aw ms . . ,Euto/ype rolendi, R.&l. Fig.258 as E. roland!

Genus Pyreferra Franclemont, 1937 S h' 1991 R &l Fig 276. F 1941 (596) Det D F. c wettzer, .... 0)

9930 citrombra ranc.,. . . G h & M Sabourin 1991. (mustard sallow) C. P1.24{1 ,9929 hesperidago (Gn., 1852). (376) Det. J. R.. re an.. 'P indirecta

H. PI.26(33) as Scopelosome mottetiene, R.&l. Flg.312 as .9932 pettiti (Grt., 1874), (137) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. R.&l. Flg.314

Genus Crocigrapha Grote, 1875

10501 normani (Grt., 1874). (653) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (Norman's quaker, climbing cherry CW,noctuelle du cerisier, r.. Fr.) C. PI.22(13), H. PI.24(43), Fig.226

Genus Discestra Hampson, 1905

10223 trifolii (Hufn., 1766). (916) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. (clover CW, nutmeg, ver-gris du trefle, f., Fr.)C. PI.21 (3), H. PI.23(29) as Mamestra trifo/ii, R.&l. Fig.158 as Scotogramma trifo/ii

Genus Egira Duponchel, 1845

10513 dolosa (Grt., 1880). (609) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (a woodling, lined black aspen cat., noctuelleaffligee, i., Fr.) H. PI.24(20) as Xy/omiges dotoss, R.&l. Fig.222 as X. dotose

Genus Faronta J. B. Smith, 1908

10431 diffusa (Wlk., 1856). (374) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (wheat head armyworm', legionnaire des episde ble, f., Fr.) C. PI.22(14), H. PI.24(34) as Heliophila etbitinee, R.&l. Fig.228

Genus Hadena Schrank, 1802

10317 capsularis (Gn., 1852). (GRN) Det, M. Sabourin, 1992. (capsule moth) C. P1.21{11j as Anepiaceasuteris, R.&l. Fig.209 as A. cepsuteris

Genus Sunira Franclemont, 1950 . 1990. (bicolored sallow, CW) C. PI.24(17), H.9957 bicolorago (Gn., 1852). (496) Det. D. F. Sch:"eltzer,PI.26(29) as Orthosia bicoloreao, R.&l. Flg.321

Genus Himelle Grote, 1875

10502 intractata (Morr., 1874). (JDH) Del. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (intractable quaker, fourlined green fruitworm)C. PI.21 (21), R. PI.7(3)





Genus Homorthodes McDunnough, 1943

10532 furfurata (Grt., 1875). (666) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (scurfy quaker) R. P1.16(18L R.&l. Fig.214

Genus Lacanobia Billberg, 1820

10297 atlantica (Grt.. 1874). (659) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. R.&l. Fig.173 as Po/ia atlantica10298 radix (Wlk., 1857). (TLM) Published record. (McCabe, 1980) (radix CW) H. PI.23(25) as Mameslli!

radix, R.&L. Fig. 180 as P. radix

10299 subluncta (G. & R., 1868). (1248) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. (speckled CW) C. PI.21(15), II.PI.23(27) as M. subjuncta, R. PI.6(6), R.&L. Fig.176 as P. subjuncta

Genus lacinipolia McDunnough, 1937

10414 implicata McD., 1937. (166) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990, vel'. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (implicit archos)C. PI.20(16, 18). R.&l. Fig.163

lorea (Gn., 1852). (645) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bridled arches) C. PI.20(21), H. PI.24(2) "'"Mamestra toree, R.&L. Fig.198

lustralis (Grt., 1875). (1439) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994 R.&L. Fig.194 (cw)meditata (Grt., 1873). (873) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (pinkbacked CW, the thinker, ver-gris I'[),;(" Ill.

Fr.) C. PI.21(18), H. P1.23(211 as M. meditata, R.&L. Fig.193olivacea (Morr., 1874). (506) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (olive arches, dandelion CW) C. PI.20( 141. 1/

PI.23(37) as M. olivacea, R.&L. Fig.199

renigera (Steph., 1829). (373) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bristly cutworm') C. P1.20(11), II. PUWI 'ojas M. renigera, R. PI.7{1 L R.&L. Fig.197

Genus Lasionycta Aurivillius, 1892

10336 taigata Lafontaine, 1988. (NYSM) Det. J. D. lafontaine, 1988.

Genus Leucania Ochsenheimer, 1816

10447 commaides Gn., 1852. (987) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. H. PI.24(42) as ffe/iop/JI/<1 commoidos, fl 1tIFig.232

10459 inermis (Fbs., 1936). (CTP) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (unmarked wainscot, unarmed WaitH"'''l) ,

Genus Xylena Ochsenheimer, 1816 G han 1991 (dot-and-dash swordgrass moth) C. PI.24(9).9874 curvimacula (Morr., 1874). (36) Det, J. R. re, . l F 299

H PI 25(23) as Ca/ocampa curvimecute, R. P1.5(5L R.&. Ig. d h) H PI 25(24). (L: t 1874) (139) Det M Sabourin, 1991. (American or red swor grass mot ..9873 nupera m.,. ..

as C. nupere, R.&l. Fig.298

Genus Sutyna Todd, 1958 . 991 D. F. Scheitzer, 1993. H. PI.23(16) as9989 privata (Wlk., 1857). (1266) Del. M. Sab?unn, 1 , ver.Anvtus privetus, R. PI.15(27), R.&l. Flg.306

Genus Xanthia Ochsenheimer, 1816 5) (481) D t J R Grehan 1990. (pink-barred xanthia or sallow,9965.- sp. near t~gata (Esp., 1788) (996F )' C PI 24

e{1'1)'as' X. toga'ta, H. PI.26(16) as X. f/avago, R.&l.xanthie jaune tachetee. i., r. . .

Fig.322 as X. /utea


Genus Achatia Hubner, 1813 D F S h eltzer 1990 (distinct quaker) C. PI.21 (8), R.&l. Fig.17210518 distincta Hbn., 1813. (4) Det... c WI, .

Genus Xylotype Hampson, 1906 (1455) D t D F Schweitzer 1994. (acadian sallow) R.&l. Fig.2989980 acadia (6G"t& 1

68e6nJ8")1(;;;:.,) Det. D. ~.' S~h~eitzer, 1993. (broad sallow) C. PI.23(19),9979 capax 1'., .

Genus Aletia Hubner, 1821 S . 1990 H PI 24(41) as He/iophi/a minorete, R.&l.10436 oxygala (Grt .. 1881). (97) Del. D. F. chweitzer, ...Fig.237

Page 45: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

Genus Morrisonis Grote, 187410521 confusa (l-lbn., 1827-31). (253) Det. D. F.Schweitzer, 1991, (confused woodgrain, chenille pointillee.

r.. Fr.) C. PI.22(9), H. P1.24115), R.&L. Fig.22110520 evicta (Grt., 1873). (27) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991, Ibicolored woodgrain) C. P1.22(121, H.

PI.24(13, 14) as M. sectitis, R.&L. Fig.22010521.1 latex (Gn., 1852). (68) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (fluid arches or mamestra, chenille latex, t., Fr.) C.

PI.21 (16) as Potia latex, H. PI.23(40) as Mamestra latex, R.&L. Fig.178 as P. latex

Genus Melanchra Hubner, 182010292 adjuncts (Gn., 1852). 1202) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1990. Ihitched arches or marnestra. chenille It taches

trlanqulaires, t., Fr,) C. PI.20112), H. PI.23(38) as Mamestra edjuncte, R.&L. Fig.185 asPolia adjuneta

10295 assimilis (Morr., 1874). (507) oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (black arches) C. PI.21 1191, R.&L. Fig.186 asP. essimltis

10293 picta (l-larr., 1841). (1156) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (zebra caterpillar, chenille zebree. f., Fr.) C.PI.22(3), H. PI.23(34) as M. picte, R. PI.6(5), R.&L. Fig.227 as Ceramiea picte

10294 pulverulenta (Sm., 1888). (TLM) Published record. (McCabe, 1980) R.&L. Fig.187 as P. pulverulenta


Graphiphora oviduea, R. PI.16(20), FI.&L. Fig.213

Genus Pseudaletia Franclemont, 1951

10438 unipuncta (Haw., 1809). (245) DetJ. R. Grehan, 1991 ( .' '.moth, legionnaire uniponctuee, r.. Fr,) C. PI.22~;~rw~rmpl' ;:tI4,toespeck or Ame~,can wainscotR.&L. Fig.236 ' " ) as Hellophila urnpuncrs,

Genus Pseudorthodes Morrison, 187410578 vecors IGn 1852) (667) 0 t J 0 L f .

" . e. , . a ontaine, 1991. Ismail brown quaker) C. PI.22(5), R.&L. Fig,215

Genus Sideridis Hubner, 182110265 rosea (Harv 1874) (648) 0 J

M ., . et. . R. Grehan, 1991. (the rosewingl C Pi 20(19) H PI.23130) asamestra roses, R.&l. Fig.206 '. ,.

Genus Spiramat~r McCabe, 1980 (Lacenobla auth., not Biilberg 1820)10300 grand,s (Gn 1852) (1159) D MS' '

H. PI.23(41) as' Mamestrae~ran·dis~b:.~~~, F;:,;~'51~~a~~/;:~~:~d~' PI.21 19) as Laeanobia grandi"

10301 IutraI~~r~" 1852). (557) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. H. P1.23128) as M. tubens, R.&L. Fig.189 as p.



PI.22(20), fl.&l. Fig.231lnsueta Gn., 1852. 1915) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. Fig.235?Iapidaria (Grt., 1876). (370) Det. D, F. Schweitzer, 1990. H. PI.24(39) as H. multilineamultillnea Wlk., 1856. IDHM) Det. W. J. Kiel, 1992. (many-lined wainscot) C. PI,22(17),, Fig.241pseudargyria Gn., 1852. (361) Det, J. R. Grehan, 1991. (false wainscot) C. PI.22(21), H. PI.24(47)

as H. pseuderovris, FI.&L. Fig.229

Genus Tricholita Grote, 1875

10627 signata (Wlk., 1860). (754) Det. M. Sabourin,R.&L. Fig.21 0 1991. (signate quaker, CW) C. PI,21(20), H. PI.25(/),


Genus Nephelodes Guenee, 185210524 minians Gn., 1852. (482) Dat. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bronzed cutworm", ver-gris bronze, rn., Fr. ) C.

PI.22(15), H. PI,24(33), R. PI.7(4), R.&L. Fig.219

Genus Orthodes Guenea, 185210585 crenulata (Butler, 1890). (22) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (rustic quaker) C. PI.22(1), H. PI.24137), R.&L.

Fig.21610587 cynica Gn., 1852. (541) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (cynical quaker) C. P1.22181, H. PI.24(38), R.&L.

Fig.21710589.1 detracta IWlk., 1857). (5721 Det. D, F. Schweitzer, 1991. (disparaged arches) C. P1.21114) as POlia

detrecte, H. PI.23(24) as Mamestra detracts, R.&L. Fig.190 as P. detraeta10589.2 goodelli (Grt., 1875), (801) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Goodell's arches) C. PI.21(17) as Polia

goodelli, R.&L. Fig.191 as P. goodelli10589.3 obscura ISm., 18881. 11251) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. R.&L. Fig.192 as P. obseura

~~~~~ Trichor.d.estra McCabe, 1980 (Lacanobia auth., not Biilberg, 1820)leg,t,ma (Grt., 1864). 1877) Det. M, Sabourin, 1991 (stri •.

f., Fr.) C. PI.20(17), H. PI.23 22 . p.ed garden. cat. , chenille raves des jardiliS.10307 liIacina (Harv. 1874) 1941) 0 t J( D) ~sfMamestra tustrstis, R.&L. Flg.1 81 as Potia legitima

as M. It'la~ina, R.·&L. Fi9.1e84

~s ? ~/:~~~ne, 1992. (flax CW, ver-qris du lin, rn., Fr.) H. PI.23DH)

rugosa (Morr., 1875). (1087) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. R.&L. Fig.183 as P ru osetacoma (Stkr., 1900). (TLM) Published record, (McCabe, 1980) (tacoma CW) R' &gL F' 182" f'

tacoma . . 'g, as.

Genus Ulolonche J. B. Smith 1888

10567 culea (Gn., 1852): (1361) Det, J. D. Lafontaine 1994 IsheathGraphiphoraculea, R.&L. Fig.212 ' . ed quaker) C. PI.21 (22j, H. PI.25111 'IN

10569 modeste (Morr., 1874). (1401) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&L. Fig.211.






Genus Abagrotis J. B. Smith, 1890

11029 alternata «s«. 1864), 1756) Det. M, Sabourin 1991 .mottled gray CW) C. PI.20(13) H PI 21120) , ver., J. D. Lafo~talne, 1994. (greater rod dan,Fig.154 ' " as RhvnehagrotlS eltemste, R. PI.8(5), 11.&1.

Genus Actebia Stephens, 1829

10924 fennlca ITauscher, 1806).11085) Det, J. D. Lafontaine 1 • . ,f. Fr.) C. PI 19(15) H PI 22(4) N J" 992. (black army cutworm , leglollfwII" "'"' '"

. ,., as oetua renrnce, R.&L. Fig. 104 '

Genus Agrotis Ochsenheimer, 1816

10648 gladiariaMorr., 1874, (951) Det. M. Sabourin 1991 Isargile, m. Fr.) C. PI 19(2) H PI 22( 19) , r '. words~an dart, clay-backed cutworm', ver if' P,

. . ' ., " as ,-ettla glad,anaIpsllon (Hufn., 1766), (359) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (bla k • " . .'

SW?:d-grass moth, ver-gris noir, m" Fr.) C. PI.19(9) ~.;t;.or~9' ,psllon dart, [Jro,,,;y LW. drllkvenerab,los Wlk 1857 (499) 0 t J R G ,. Ig,

PI 22(26) ., r I . . e, . , rehan, 1991. (venerable dart, dusky CW) C 1'1 l'lli'j II. as ,-e tla venerabilis, R.&L. Fig.96 ' "', .

vetu~a1':(~)" 1865. (919) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991 ver J. 0, Lafontaine 19B), (old nH'n dWJI (. , H. PI.22(25) as Porosagrotis vetusta, R.&l. Fig.92

Genus Polia Ochsenheimer, 181610276 imbrifera (Gn., 1852). (480) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (cloudy arches) C. PI.21(7), H. P1.23132) as

Mamestra imbrifera, R.&L. Fig.174nimbosa (Gn" 18521. (360) Det. J. D. Hedbor, 1991. (stormy arches) C. PI.21 (10), R.&L. Fig.155purpurissata (Grt., 18841. 1777) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. (purple arches) C. PI.21112), H. PI.23(26) as

Mamestra purpurissata, R.&l. Fig.177

Genus Orthosia Ochsenheimer, 181610491 alurina (Srn., 19021. (4571 Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (gray quaker) C. PI.22(7)10495 hibisci (Gn., 1852). (547) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991, (speckled green fruitworm, orthosie verte, f.

Fr.) C. P1.2214), H. PI.25(3) as Graphiphora alia, R. PI.7(2), R.&L. Fig.22510490 revicta (Morr., 1876). (546) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (subdued quaker, rusty whitesided cat.,

orthosie gris-vert, f., Fr.) R.&L. Fig.22410487 rubescens (Wlk" 18651. (545) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (ruby quaker, orthosie rousse, f., Fr,) C.

PI.22(10), R.&L. Fig,223

Genus Protorthodes McDunnough, 194310563 oviduca (Gn., 1852), (5421 Det. D. F, Schweitzer, 1990. Iruddy quaker) C. PI.22(2), H. P1.2512) as

Page 46: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

Genus8 coenoPh.ifla Step(Ghr't' 1~~~8) (1429) Oet J. O. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&L. Fig. 131 as Amathes opecitrons1098 a opact rons .,. .

Genus Cryptocala Benjamin, 1921 J R G h 1991 (catocaline dart fausse likenee, f., Fr.) C.11012 acadiensis (Bethune, 1870). (700) Oet. . .. :e an,. '. 'PJ.20(8), H. PI.21 (18) as Rhvnchagrotls gilVlpenms, R.&L. Flg.146


redimicula (MOlT., 1874). (1253) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1993. (fillet dart) C. PI.18(lS), L. PI.6(54.56);L(2);FF(8), R.&l. Fig.64

scan dens (Riley, 1869). (664) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. (White cutworm', ver-gris blanc, m. Fr.) L.PI.1(43,44);C(2), R. PJ.8(1), R.&L. Fig.91

servita (Sm., 1895). (940) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1992. L. PI.6(49-53);L(1);FF(7), R.&L. Fig.63tessellate (Harr., 1841). (663) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1991. (striped cutworm', tessellate dart, ver-gris

rave, m. Fr.) C. PJ.18(19), H. PI.23(4), L. PJ.4(17-28);H(9);EE(13), R.&L. Fig.69velleripennis (Grt., 1874). (1228) Oet. O. F. Schweitzer, 1994. H. PI.22(35), L. PI.5(28,29);J(3), R.&L.






Genus Feltla Walker, 1856

10676 herilis (Grt., 18731. (372). Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (master's dart, dingy CW) C. PI.19(10), H.PI.22(20), R.&L. Fig. 102

10670 jaculifera (Gn., 1852). (504) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (dingy cutworm') C. PI.19(8), H. PI.22(21) asF. subuotbics, R. PI.7(5), R.&l. Fig.l 00

10674 subgothica (Haw., 1809). (1437) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1994. (subgothic dart, dingy cutworm) C.PI.19(11), R.&L.Fig. 103.

10675 tricosa (Lint., 1874). (938) Det, J. O. Lafontaine, 1992. (dingy CW) R. PJ.16(28)

Genus Graphiphora Ochsenheimer, 1816

10928 auger haruspica (Grt., 1875). (698) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (soothsayer dart) H. PI.22(9), R.&L.Fig. 118

Genus Hemipachnobia McOonnough, 1929

10993 subporphyrea (Wlk., 1858). (1209) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1993. R.&L. Fig.113 as H. monochromsu.»


'1' H 1874 (633) Oet M Sabourin 1991. (voluble dart) C. PI.19(5), R.&L. Fig.97votubi IS arv". .. ,


Genus Diarsia HObner, 1821 F S hwei 1990 (smaller pinkish dart) C. PI.21 (1), H. PI.22(5)10919 jucunda (Wlk., 1857). (548) Det. O.. c weitzer. .as Noctua jucunde, R.&L. Flg.123 .

rubifera (Grt., 1875), (1084) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1992. R.&L. Fig.119


Genus Aplectoides Butler, 1878 &l F 14410999 condlta (Gn., 1852). (1004) Oet. M. Sabourin, 1992. R. . Ig.

Genus Cerastis Ochsenheimer, 1816 F S h it I' 1990 (reddish speckled dart) C. PI.20(5), H.10994 tenebrifera (Wlk., 1865). (509) Oet.D.. c wei zer, .PI.21 (33) as Semiophora tenebriiere, R.&L. F,g.l10

Genus Anaplectcldes McOunnough, 1929 F S h it er 1991 (green arches) C. PI.20(15), H. PI.21 (24)11000 prasina(O.&S., 1775). (403) Oet. D... cnwertzer, .

as Adelpbearotis presine, R.&L. Flg.1i9. 1992 (dappled dart) C. PI.21 (2), H. PI.21 (25) as11001 pressus [Grt., 1874). (1083) Oet. J. O. La ontarne, .

Platagrotis oressus, R.&L. Flg.145





Genus Paradiarsia McD., 1929

10992 Iittoralis [Pack., 1867). (14261 Det J. R. Grehan, vel' J. D. Lafontaine, 1994 R.&L Fig.l17

Genus Metalepsis Grote, 1875

10997 fishii (Grt., 1878). (MSG) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&L Fig.l 07

10996 salicarum (Wlk., 1857). (592) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. H. PI.21 (31) as Pachnobia salicarum, R.&L.Fig.l09

Genus Noctua Linnaeus, 1758

11012.1 pronuba (L., 1758). (755) Det, M. Sabourin, 1991. (large yellow underwing)

Genus Ochropleura Hubner, 1821

10891 plecta (L., 1761). (95) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (flame-shouldered dart) C. PI.19(17), H. PI.22(()) ,,,;Noctua ptecte, R.&L. Fig.l 07

Genus Heptagrotis McD., 1929

11010 phyllophora (Grt., 1874). (1406) Det., J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. R.&L. Fig.120 (cw)

Genus Peridroma Hubner, 1821

10915 saucia (Hbn., 1803-08). (775) Oet. J. R. Grehan, 1991, vel'. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (variegatodcutworm", common or alfalfa CW, pearly underwing or unarmed rustic, ver-gris panache. 111" I,)C. PI.20(6), H. Pl.21 (40) as P. seucie, R. PI.813), R.&l. Fig.114

Genus Protolampra McDunnough, 1929

11006 brunneicollis (Grt., 1865). (1246) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. (browncollared dart, CW) C. 1'/.2 1(41,R.&L. Fig.148

Genus Rhynchagrotis J. B. Smith, 1890

11045 anchocelioides (Gn., 1852). (1148) Oet. J. O. Lafontaine, 1994.

11043 cupids (Grt., 1865). (721) Oet. M. Sabourin & vel'. J. O. Lafontaine, 1993. (brown CW) H. 1'1.21(1:)1as R. anchocelioides, R.&l. Fig.161

Genus Eueretagrotis J. B. Smith, 1890 992 R &l Fig 152

11009 attenta (Grt., 1874) (1052) Det. J. R. ~r~h~n, tl

i '19'91' (tw~-spot dart) C. PI.21 (5), H. PI.21 (27),11008 perattenta (Grt.. 1876). (670) Det. J. . a on a ne, .

R.&L Fig.151,153 M S b . 1991 (sigmoid dart) C. PI.21 (6), H. PI.21 (26), R.&l.11007 sigmoides (Gn., 1852). (1051) Oet. . a ounn, .Fig.150

Genus Euagrotis McDunnough, 1929 . e 1991. R. PI.14(43), R.&L. Fig.11610902 forbesi Franc., 1952. (CTP) Det. J. OS' ~aFonta;n992 (snowy dart) C. PI.20(3), H. PI.22(8) as Noctua10903 iIIapsa (Wlk., 1857). (876) Det. M .. a ounn, .

lubricans, R. PI.14(42), R.&L. Flg.112

Genus Euxoa Hubner, 1821 0 F S h eitzer 1991. H. PI.23(7), L. PI.4(32-36);1(1);EE(14),10807 albipennis (Grt., 1876). (478) Det. . . c w ,

R.~L .Fi9


1874) (1377) Oet J. D. Lafontaine, 1994. (Boston dart) C. PI.18( 15), L.1081 2 bostonlensls rt.,. .

PI.2(32,33);E(3), R.&L. Fig.70 L fontaine, 1993. l. PI.3(33-36);G(5);EE(8), R.&L Fig.66declarata (Wlk., 1865). (1158) Det. J. Of a. 1992 (rubbed dart sand CW ver-gris arenicole, m.

deter;~.~~~09~~5p~.'; ~~f~;, ~~tp~2~i3~,ot~I~;(47-~~~~(2); FF(~4)b \:;~~(t~;~:·~L9:~~· ~~arksidedmessoria (Harr., 1841). (717) Oet. J. R. Grehan, , v~r.) ·c . PI 18(16), 'H. PI.22(40), l.

cutworm', reaper dart, ver-grts mOlssonneur, m. r. . .

PI.1(29,30);B(2), R. P1.716), R.&l. FigO·7~ db 1991 vel' M Sabourin 1992. H. PI.23(12), L.obeliscoides (Gn., 1852). (1065) Oet. J. . ecoor, , . .

PI.6(19-23);K(5), R.&L. Fig.68 G h 1991 (red-backed cutworm", ver-gris 11 dos rouge,ochrouaster (Gn., 1852). (715) Oet. J. R. re an, . .m., Fr.) H. P1.23(1 0), L. PI.6(8-11 );K(1);EE(20), R.&l. Flg.84,85

Genus Eurois Hubner, 1821 R G h 1991 H PI21(41) as Peridrome estricte, R.&L. Fig.l0810930 astricta Morr., 1874. (687) Det. J. . re an, 1991' Hpi 21 (42) as Peridroma occults, R.&L. Fig.ll110929 occulta (L., 1758). (673) Det, J. O. Lafontaine, ...

Page 47: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by








11177 nundina (Drury, 1773). (1152) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1992. (goldenrod flower moth) C PI 29(10) HPI.27(33), A.&L Fig.476 " ,.

11118 obseurate Stkr., 1898. (942) Det. M. Sabourin, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (obscure flower moth)H. P1.27(381 as S. tvnx, A.&L Fig.454

11135 rivulosa (Gn., 1852.l. (758) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (ragweed flower moth) C. PI.29(16), H. PI.27(44)as S. meramete, R.&l. Flg.478 as S. marginata

11149 trifascia Hbn., 1818. (6891 Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991, ver D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (three-lined flowermoth) C. PI.29(7), H. PI.27(35), R. PI.16(34), A.BtL Fig.453


A Amphion 52 AristoteliaAbagrotis 1177 Amphipoea 67 ArogaAbrostola 1162 Amphipyra. 67 ArogaleaAcasis 1146 Amydria 3 AsaphocritaAcentria 35 Anacampsis9

13 AstataAchatia 74 Anacamptodes4

Achatodes41 Asymmetrura 1067 Anageshna 33 AterpiaAchroia 1737 Anagoga 41 AthripsAchyra 33 Anagrapha

1162 AtrytoneAcigonia 35 Anania


Acleris33 Atteva 1422 Anaplectoides

Acontia78 Autographa 6264 Anarta 75 AutomerisAcossus 16 Anathix


Acrobasis 37 Anavitrinelia 41Acrocercops 4 Ancylis


Acrolophus16 Bactra 173 Ancyloxypha 26 BaileyaAcronicta 66 Anisota

6450 BalsaActebia 77 Anomis

68Actias 59 Bellura 6850 Anomogyna 80 BesmaAdaina 39 Anopina

4122 BibarramblaAdela 2 Antaeotricha

78 BistonAdita 72 Anterastria


Aethalura 66 Blastodacna 1041 Antheraea 50 BlepharomastixAethes 25 Anticarsia33

Aglossa 59 Bleptina 57.. 36 Anticlea 46 BomolochaAgonopterix . 597 Antispila 2 BondiaAgriopodes 66 Apamea14

Agriphila67 Brymblia 835 Apantesis 55 BucculatrixAgr;us 451 Aphelia 23

Agrotis 77 Aphomia 37Albuna 15 Aplectoides


Alcathoe78 Cabera 4115 Apoda 31 CaenurginaAletia b~J74 Apotomis 17 CalaenaAllagrapha Gil62 Archanara 68 CalledapteryxAlsophiia 40 Archiearis

4940 CallimaAlucita 13 Archips


23 Callisto 1.167 Arctia 55 CallizziaAmblvptilla 39 Arequipa4H

35 CallopistriaAmblyscirtes 26 ArgyresthiaGil

Amolita 67iV,15 Callosamia be)

AmorbiaArgyrostrotis 59 Calophasia . II22 Argyrotaenia 23 Caloptilta b





Genus Ufeus Grote. 187311051 satyricus Grt., 1873. (4461 Det, J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (CW) R. PI.16(23), R.&L. Fig.157

Genus Xestla Hubner, 1818 (Anomogyna Staudinger, 1871)10968 badicollis (Grt., 1873). 1390) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (northern variable dart) C. P1.20(10110955 badinodis (Grt., 1874). (7971 Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (pale banded dart, CWI C. PI.19(18), H.

PI.21 (37) as Agrotis bedinodis, R.BtL Fig.126 as Amathes badinodesbicarnea (Gn., 1852). (408) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (pink-spotted dart) C. PI.20(9), H. PI.21 (35) as

Noctue bicernee, R.BtL. Fig.129 as Amathes bicarnea10942a c-niqrum adela Franc., 1980. (605) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (setaceous Hebrew character moth,

spotted CW, lesser black-letter dart, ver-gris tachete, m., Fr.)collaris (G. & R., 18681. (1461) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991. (the collared dart, CWj C. PI.19(21), H.

PI.22(7) as Noctua cotleris, R.&L Fig.128 as Amathes colterisdilucida (Morr., 1875). (796) Det. J. E. Rawlins, 1991. (dull reddish dart) H. PI.21 (30) as Semiophora

elimata form isnuelis, R.&L Fig.14210942.1 dolosa Franc., 1980. (991 Dst. J. R. Grehan, 1990. (greater black letter dart, spotted CWI C. PI.20(4),

H. PI.22111 as Noctue c-niorum, R. PI.8(4), R.&L. Fig.124 as Amathes c-niorumfabulosa Fgn., 1965. (672) Dst. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. R.&L. Fig.136 as Anomogynea fabulosa

10959.2 mixta (Wlk., 1856). (968) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991, ver. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. R.&LFig.137 as Amathes speciosa

normaniana IGrt., 1874). (362) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (Norman's dart) C. PI.19(19), H. PI.21 (34)as Noctua normeniene, R.&L Fig.127 as Anomogyna normeniene

oblata (Morr., 1875). (671 j Det, J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (rosev dart) H. PI.22(3) as Noctua oblatamixta (Wlk., 1856). (968) Det. M. Sabourin, 1991, ver. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992.perquiritata (Morr., 1874). (1268) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1993. (gray spruce CW, phalene grise de

I'eptnette. f., Fr.) R.&L Fig.138 as Anomogyna perquiritetshomogena (McD., 1921). (799) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. R.&L Fig.139.smithii (Snell., 1896). (523) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1990. (Smith's dart) C. PI.20(7), R.&L Fig.125 as

Amathes smithiitenuicula (Morr., 1874). (1252) Det, J. D. Lafontaine, 1993. R.&L Fig.130 as Amathes tenuicuteyoungii (Sm., 1902). (866) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. R.&L Fig.143 as A. vounat'n. sp.: elimata complex. (5491 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1993.


Genus Spaelotls Boisduval, 184010926 clendestlna (Harr., 1862). (307) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (W-marked cutworm *, clandestine dart,

var-qrls clandestin, m.. Fr.) C. PI.19(13), H. P1.22( 14) as Noctua ctendestine, A.&L Fig.l 05

Genus Heliothis Ochsenheimer, 181611072 phloxiphagus G. & R., 1867. (764) Det. D. F. Schweitzer, 1991. (spotted straw) R.&L. Fig.471

Genus Helicoverpa Hardwick, 196511068 zea (Boddie, 1850). 1771) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (bollworm', corn earworm', tomato fruitworm',

cotton bollworm, sorghum headworm, Boddie, noctuelle de la tomate, f., Fr. ver de I'epis du mais.m., Fr.) C. P1.29(14) as Heliothis zee, H. PI.27(17) as H. ermiqer, R.&L. Fig.451

Genus Trichosilia Hampson, 191810698.2 geniculata (G. & R., 1868). (8561 Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1991. (knee-joint dart) C. P1.19(141 as Fettle

geniculata, H. PI.21 (36) as Agrotis aentcutete, R.&L Fig.l 01 as F. geniculata10698.3 mollis (Wlk., 1857). (1002) Det. J. D. Lafontaine, 1992. R.&L Fig.93 as Agrotis mollis

Genus Schinia Hubner, 1818 (flower moths)11128 arciqera (Gn., 1852). (CTP) Dat. M. Sabourin, 1991 (archigera flower moth) C. PI.29(20), H. PI.27(42)

as S. ercitere, R.&L. Fig.47711164 florida (Gn., 1852). 1555) Det. J. R. Grehan, 1991. (primrose moth, noctuelle rose de I'onagre, f., Frl

C. PI.29(8), H. PI.27(19) as Rhodophora florida, R.&L. Fig.45211117 lynx (Gn., 1852). (703) Det. J. R, Grehan, 1991, ver. D. F. Schweitzer, 1992. (lynx flower moth) C.

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82 83

Caloreas 16 Colocasia 65 E Eueretagrotis 78 Glvphipterlx 14 Hydriomena 48Calvptra 60 Condica 69 Eacles v,50 Eufidonia 42 Glyphipteryx 10 Hyles 52Camera ria 6 Condylolomia 36 Eana 24 Eugonobapta 42 Gnorimoschema 12 Hyllolycaena 28Campaea 41 Conservula 69 Ecdytolopha 18 Eulia 24 Gracillaria 5 Hymenia 34Capis 64 Copivaleria 72 Ecliptopera 47 Eulithis 47 Grammia 55 Hypagyrtis 42Caripeta 41 Coptodlsca 3 Ecpantheria 55 Eulogia 38 Graphiphora 79 Hvparpax v,53Carmenta 15 Coryphista 46 Ectoedemia 1 Eumacaria 42 Grapholita 19 Hvpatopa 9Carpocapsa 17 Cosmia 69 Ectropis 41 Eumorpha 52 Gretchena 19 Hvpena 59Carposina 14 Cosmopterix 10 Egira 75 Euparthenos 61 Gypsonoma 19 Hypenodes 58Carterocephalus 26 Crambidia 54 Eido 8 Euphydryas 30 Hyperaeschra 53Caryocolum 11 Crambodes 69 Eilema 54 Euphyes 26 H Hyperstrotia 64Catabena 72 Crambus 35 Elachista 8 Euphyia 47 Habrosyne 40 Hyphantria 56Catastega 17 Crocidophora 33 Elaphria 69 Eupithecia 47 Hadena 75 "Hvpocoena" 56Catocala v,60 Crocigrapha 75 Ellida , , 53 Euplexia 69 Haematopis 46 Hypoprepia 54Catoptrla 35 Croesia 24 Ematurga 41 Euproctis 56 Hahncappsia 33 Hyppa 69Celastrina 28 Crvptocala 78 Emmelina 39 Eupsilia 72 Halysidota 55 Hypsopygia 36Cepphis 41 Ctenoplusia 62 Enargia 69 Euptoieta 29 Haploa 55Cerastis 78 Ctenucha 56 Endopiza 18 Eurema 27 Harrisimemna 66Ceratomia 51 Cucullia 72 Endothenia 18 Eurois 78 Harrisina 31 Idaea 46Cercyonis 30 Cvclophora 46 Ennomos 41 Eurrhypara 33 Hedya 19 Idia 57Cerma 64 Cvcnla 55 Enodia 30 Eusarca 42 Helcystogramma 13 Immyria 38Cerura 52 Cydia 17 Eosphoropteryx 63 Euthyatira 40 Helicoverpa 80 Incisalia 28Chaetaglaea 72 Epargyreus 25 Heliomata 42 Ipimorpha 69Charadra 65 D Epelis 42 Eutrapela 42 Heliothis 80 Iridopsis 42Chilo. 35 Danaus 31 Epermenia 14 Euxoa 78 Heliozela , , 3 Isocorypha 3Chionodes 11 Darapsa 52 Ephestia 38 Euzophera 38 Hemaris 52 Itame ivA:)Chlorochlamys 45 Dasychira 56 Epiblema 18 Everes 28 Hemileuca 50Chlosyne 30 Dasylophia 52 Epidemia 28 Evergestis 33 Hemipachnobia 78 KChoreutis 16 Datana 52 Epiglaea 72 Evippe 12 Hendecaneura 19 KorscheltellusChoristoneura 23 Decantha 8 Epimartyria 1 Evora 19 Heptagrotis 79Choropleca 3 Decodes 24 Epinotia 18 Exoteleia 12 Herculia 36 LChortodes 68 Deidamia 52 Epirranthis 42 Exyra , . 63 Herpetogramma 33 Lacanobia 75

. .Chrysanympha 62 Depressaria 7 Epirrhoe 47 Hesperia 26 Lacinipolia v,7!5Chrysaster , 6 Depressariodes , 7 Epirrita 47 F Hesperumia 42 Lagoa 31Chrysoesthia 11 Desmia 33 Episcardia 3 Faronta 75 Heterocampa 53 Lambdina 43Chrysoteuchia 35 Diachrysia 63 Episimus 18 Feltia 79 Heterophleps 48 Laothoe 51Chytolita 57 Diacme 33 Eosphoropteryx 63 Feniseca 27 Hethemia 45 l.apara 51Chytonix 69 Diarsia 78 Erannis 42 Feralia 73 Hillia 72 Lascoria 57Cingilia 41 Dichomeris 13 Eriocrania 1 Filatima 12 Himella 75 Lasionycta v,7bCisseps 56 Dichrorampha 17 Erora 28 Fissicrambus 36 Laspeyresia 17Cladara 46 Dicymolomia 32 Erynnis 25 Fumibotys 33 Holcocerina 9 Ledaea 61Clemensia 54 Dioryctria 37 Estigmene 55 Furcula 53 Holocera 9 Lemmeria v.69Clepsis 23 Discestra 75 Ethmia 8 Holomelina 55 Leucania 75Clossiana 29 Donacaula 35 Euagrotis 78 G Homochlodes 42 Leucanthiza r:Galasa .JClostera 52 Drasteria 61 Eubaphe 47 36 Homoglaea 72 Leucoma blCnephasia 23 Drepana 40 Euchaetes 55 Galgula 69 Homophoberia 64 Leucomele 3Cochylis 25 Dryocampa 50 Euchlaena 42 Galleria 37 Homorthodes 75 Leuconycta 6'Geina "Coleostathma 24 Dypterygia 69 Eucirroedia 72 39 Homosetia 3 Leucospilapteryx GCoenonympha 30 Dyseriocrania 1 Euclea 31 Gelechia 12 Horisme 48 Libvtheana 29Coenophila 78 Dvspteris . 46 Euclidia 61 Gerdana 9 Hulda 19 Limenitis 30Coleophora 9 Dyspyralis , , 58 Eucosma 18 Glaucolepis 2 Hyalophora 50 Limnaecia 10Coleotechnites 11 Dysstroma 47 Eudeilinia 40 Glaucopsyche 28 Hydraecia 69 Lithacodes 31Colias 27 Eudonia 32 Gluphisia 53 Hydrelia , . 48 Lithacodia OSColobochyla 58 Eudryas . 67 Glyphidocera 9 Hydria .. 48 Litholomia /3

Page 49: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

84 85Lithomoia 73 Monopis 3 Ostrinia 34 Phylloenistis 7 Ptyeholoma 24 Sphenarehes 39Lithophane 73 Moodna 38 Phyllodesma 49 Pyla 38 Sphinx v,51Lobesia 19 Morrisonia 76 P Phyllonoryeter 6 Pyralis 36 Spilonota 22Lobophora 48 Munroessa 32 Paehypolia vi,74 Pieris iv,27 Pyrausta 34 Spilosoma 56Loehmaeus 53 Mutuuraia 34 Paehysphinx 51 Plagodis 44 Pyreferra 74 Spiramater . 77Lomanaltes 59 Paekardia 31 Plataretia 56 Pyrrharetia . 56 Spodoptera 71Lomographa 43 N Paeetes 64 Plathypena 59 Spoladea 34Lophoeampa 56 Naeophora 43 Paleacrita .. 44 Platynota . , . 24 R Stamnodes 49Loxostege 33 Nadata .. 53 Palpita 34 Platyperigea 71 Rachiplusia 63 Sthenopis v.t. .Loxostegopsis 34 Nascia 34 Palthis .. 58 Platypolia 74 Raphia 65 Stigmella 2Luperina 70 Nedra .. 70 Pammene 20 Platvptltia 39 Raphiptera 36 Strvmon 28Lycaena 28 Nemapogon 3 Pandemis , . 24 Renia 58 Sunira 74Lycia 43 Nematocampa 43 Pangrapta · . 61 Pleuroprucha 46 Retinia 21 Sutvna 74

. .Lycomorpha 54 Nemoria 45 Panopoda ·. 61 Plodia . . 38 Rheumaptera 48 Swammerdamia 14Lygropia 34 Neotelphusa 12 Panthea 65 Plusia .. 63 Rhizedra . . 71 Symmerista 54Lymantria 57 Nephelodes 76 Pantographa 34 Plusiodonta 61 Rhopobota . 21 Synanthedon 15Lyonetia 4 Nephopterix 38 Paonias , . 51 Plutella . . 14 Rhyacionia . 21 Svnchlora 46Lytrosis 43 Nepytia 44 Papaipema ·. 70 Poanes v,26 Rhynchagrotis 79 Synclita 32Nerice 53 Papilio. 27 Pococera 37 Rivula 58 Svndernis 24M Niditinea 3 Paraclemensia 2 Podosesia 15 Syngrapha 63Machimia 7 Nites 7 Paradiarsia . 79 Polia 76 S

..Macrochilo 57 Noctua , . 79 Parallelia 61 Polites .. 26 Salebriaria 38 TMacronoctua 70 Nola 64 Paranthrene 15 Polix 8 Samia 50 Tacparia 45Macrurocampa 53 Nomophila , . 34 Parapediasia 36 Polygonia .. 29 Saphenista 25 Taniva 22..Magusa 70 Notocelia 19 Parapoynx 32 Polygrammate 67 Satyrium 28 Tarachidia 65

..Malacosoma 50 Notodonta 53 Parectopa 5 Pompeius .. 26 Satyrodes 30 Taygete 12Maliattha 65 Nvctsola 64 Parornix 5 Porphyrosela 7 Scardia 3 Tebenna 16..Manduca 51 Nymphalis .. 29 Patalene 44 Porthetria 57 Schinia 80 Teleiodes 12Marathyssa 64 Pediasia .. 36 Prionoxvstus 16 Schizura . . 54 Telphusa 12Marmara 5 0 Pennisetia · . 15 Probole . . 44 Schreckensteinia 15 Tetracis 45Mathildana 8 Obrussa 2 Peoria 39 Prochoerodes 44 Scotioptervx 61 Thaumatopsis 36Megalographa 62 Ochropleura 79 Peridea 54 Properigea v,71 Scoparia 32 Thera 49

. . ..Meganola 64 Odontosia 53 Peridroma 79 Protagrotis 71 Scopula . 46 Thopeutis 36Megisto 30 Oegoconia . . 9 Perimede · . 10 Proteoteras . . 21 Scvthris 11 Thorybes 26Melanchra 76 Oeneis v,31 Perispasta 34 Protoboarmia 44 Selenia 44 Thymelicus 27Melanolophia 43 Ogdoconta 70 Perittia 8 Protolampra 79 Semioscopis 8 Thyraylia 25Melanomma 57 Oidaematophorus 39 Perizoma 48 Protorthodes 76 Semiothisa 44 Thyridopteryx ivMelittia 15 Olceclostera 49 Pero 44 Proxenus , . 71 Sereda 21 Thyris 39Meropleon 70 Olethreutes 19 Petrophila · . 32 Psaphida 74 Sibine 31 Tinea 3Meroptera 38 Oligia 70 Petrophora 44 Pseudaletia 77 Sicya 45 Tineola 4..Mesoleuca 48 Oligocentria 53 Phalaenophana 58 Pseudeustrotia 65 Sideridis 77 Tischeria 2Mesothea 45 Oncocnemis 74 Phalaenostola .. 58 Pseudeva . . 63 Simyra 67 Tolype 4!)Metalectra 61 Oneida 37 Phaneta 20 Pseudexentera 20 Sitochroa 34 Tortricidia 31Metalepsis 79 Operophtera 48 Pheosia .. 54 Pseudochelaria 12 Sitotroga 13 Tosale 37Metanema 43 Ophiuche 59 Phigalia 44 Pseudogallaria 21 Smerinthus 51 Trachea 71Metarranthis 43 Oreana 38 Philonome .. 4 Pseudoplusia 63 Solenobia 4 Trichodezia 49Metaxaglaea 73 Oreta , . 40 Phlogophora 71 Pseudorthodes 77 Sonia 22 Tricholita nMetrea 32 Orgyia 57 Phlyctaenia 34 Pseudosciaphila 21 Spaelotis 80 Trichoplusia InMetzneria 11 Orthodes 76 Phoberia 61 Pseudotelphusa 12 Spargaloma 59 Trichoptilus ]1)Microcrambus 36 Orthofidonia 44 Phobetron 31 Pseudothyatira 40 Spargania 49 Trichordestra /IMicruraptervx 5 Ortholepis 38 Phragmatobia 56 Psilocorsis 8 Sparganothis 24 Trichosilia 80Mitoura 28 Orthonama .. 48 Phtheochroa 25 Psyche 4 Spartiniphaga 71, .Mocis 61 Orthosia 76 Phyciodes 30 Psvchomorpha 67 Speyeria iv,29 LJMompha 10 Orthotaenia 20 Phycitodes 38 Ptvcerata .. 12 Sphecodina 52 Udea ]fJ

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Ufeus . . . . . . . . . .. 80Ulolonche 77Urola 36

VValentina. . 9Vanessa 29Vaxi . . . . . . . . . . .. 36Venusia . . . . . . . . .. 49Vitula .... 38



Major Collecting localities for the Vermont Lepidoptera Catalogue

Site Key

Ii intensive collectinp

* intermittent collectingW

WallengreniaWalshia ....

xXanthia ....Xanthophysa .Xanthorhoe .Xanthotype .Xenolechia .Xenotemna .Xestia .Xylena .Xylesthia .Xylomoia .Xylotype


ZZale .Zancloonatha .Zeiraphera .Zophodia .







1, Mequem bog

2.. Franklin Bog

3. Lovers Lane. Grand Isle

4. Barnes Bay, South Hero

6. Colchester Bog

6. Camp Johnson, Colchester

7, Proctor Maple Research Centor

8. Underhill State Park (BOO m)

9. Mount Mansfield (1160 m)

10. Lyndonville

'1. Victory Bog

12. Molly Bog

13. UYM Horticultural Research Fnrm

14. Jericho Research Forest

15. Williston

16. Shelburne Pond bog

, 7. Charlotte Road, HinOllb\lry

18. Waterbury

'9. Peechem Bog

20, Bristol/Now Haven

21. Ripton Rood. Lincotn

22. Little Pond, Luke Suint CnllnHirl(>

Page 51: Moths-andButterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera) · iii A KN Wl DGMENTS A Faunal Checklist Moths and Butter-fliesof Vermont (Lepidoptera) I ntcmolocv Research Laboratory collection by

.~ ....1 . "'" _ .


1 3Plate 1. Tortricidae, Pyralidae, Incurvariidae













1. Olethreutes albiciliana (2832) (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)7 July 1990, Jericho Research Forest, Jericho, Chittenden Co.

2. Acleris variana [3548) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae) .29 July 1992, reared ex. eastern hemlock, South Burlington, Chittenden Co,

3 . Acleris variana (3548) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae)19 August 1993, 1160 m., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co,

4. Acleris celiana (3533) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae)3 September 1991, Bristol, Addison Co.

5. Sereda tautana (3425) (Tortricidae : Olethreutinae)27 April 1992, Camp Johnson, Colchester, Chittenden Co.

6 . Acleris variana (3548) (Tortricidae: Tortricinae)15 August 1991, 1160 m., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

7. Acleris varian a (3548) (Tortricidae : Tortric inae)15 August 1991, 1160 rn., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

8. Acleris celiana (3533) lTortricidae: Tortricinae)5 April "991 , Williston, Chittenden Co.

9. Epiblema otiosana (3202) (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)31 July 1992, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co,

10 . Cnephasia stephensiana (356J (Tortricidae: Tortric inae)3 July 1991, Hinesburg, Chittenden Co.

11 . Acleris maccana (3549) (Tortricldae: Tortric inae)29 September 1992, Proctor Maple Res. Center, Underh ill, Chittenden Co,

12 . l.oxosteue commixtalis (5016l (Pyralidae: Pyraustinae)10 July 1993, Peacham Bog, Groton State Forest, Caledonia Co,

13. Spargonothis unifasciana (3711 l (Tortricidas: Tortricinae) .,20 June 1992, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

14 . Spargonothis tristriata (3699) (Tortricidae: Tortric inael2 August 1991, Bristol, Addison Co.

15. Cydia candana (3469) (Tortricidae : Olethreutinae)30 April 1992, reared ex sugar maple seeds, Randolph , Washington Co.

16 . Crambus youngellus (5349) (Pyralidae: Crambinae)20 June 1993, Franklin B09, Franklin, Franklin Co.

17. Adela ridingsalla (228) (Incurvariidae : Adelinae)19 June 1993, Jer icho Research Forest, Jericho, Chittenden Co.

18 . Eucosma grotiana (3078) (Tortncidae: Olethreutinae)3 July 1992, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

15 1617 18

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1 2 3









' ..


Plate 2. Geometridae

1. Dysstroma truncata (7187) (Larentiinae)21 July 1993, Underhill State Park, 600 rn, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

2. Dysstroma hersiliata (7189) (Larentiinael28 July 1993, Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill, Chittenden Co.

3. Dysstroma walkerata (7188) (Larentiinae)30 June 1992, Underhill State Park, 600 rn, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

4. Dysstroma citrate (71 82) (Larentiinae)15 August, 1991, 1160 rn., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

5. Eulithis f1avibrunneata (7205) (Larentiinae)15 August, 1991, 1160 m., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

6. Eulithis destinata (7204) (Larentiinae)7 August 1991, 1160 rn., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

7 . Eulithis explanata (7206) (Larentrinael14 August 1992, Franklin Bog, Franklin, Franklin Co.

8. Eulithis testa (7201) (Larentiinae)11 August 1991, Mud Pond, Williston, Chittenden Co.

9. Stamnodes gibbicostata (7333) (Larentiinae)28 August 1991, Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill, Chittenden Co.

10 . Epirranthis substriataria (6799) (Ennominae)24 April 1991, Jericho Research Forest, Jericho, Chittenden Co.

11. Eupithecia cretaceata (7533) (Larentiinae)9 June 1992, Underhill State Park, 600 m, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

12. Perizoma basaliata (7316) (Larentiinae)14 July 1992, Underhill State Park, 600 m, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

13. Xanthorohoe iduata (7371) (Larentiinae)30 June 1993, Underhill State Park, 600 rn. Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

14. Paleacrita vernata (6662) (Ennominae)15 April 1993, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

15. Alsophiia pometaria (6258) (Oenochrominae)27 October 1993, Entomology Research Laboratory, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

1314 15

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- - - ----- - .-.---.- --------------r--....,.,...-;-..----:-~,......-----::='-.........,---.................-------------------~


Correction .

Refer text to following plate..--,,- ,.- ,

1 2 3







Plate 3. Noctuoidea, Sphingoidea, Papilionoidea, Hepialoidea


1. Noctua pronuba (11012.1) (Noctuidae: Noctuinae)6 June 1992, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

2. Sthenopis thule (21) (Hepialidae)July 1992, Barnes Bay, South Hero, Grand Isle Co.

3. Deneis jutta (4611) (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)3 June 1994, Essex Co.

4 . Platarcta parthenos (8162)) (Arctiidae: Arctiinae)29 June 1992, Underhill State Park, 600 m, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

5. Sphinx eremitus (7796) (Sphingidae: Sphinginael19 July 1990, Burton lsland .State Park, Saint Albans, Franklin Co.

6. Haploa clymene 18107) (Arctiidae: Arctiinae)16 August 1992, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

7 . Diachrysia balluca (8897) (Noctuidae : Plusiinae)18 July 1994, Underhill Sate Park, 600 rn, Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

8. Leucoma salicis (8319) (Lymantriidae: Orgyiinael20 June 1991, Barnes Bay, South Hero, Grand Isle Co.



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Refer text to previous plate

Plate 4. Noctuoidea


1. Egira dolosa (10513) (Noctuidae: Hadeninae)30 April 1991, Jericho Research Forest, Jericho, Chittenden Co.

2. Cycnia oragonensis (8231) (Arctlidae: Arctiinae)2 May 1992, Ripton Road, Lincoln, Addison Co.

3. Hellothls phloxiphagus (11072) (Noctuidae: Heliothinae)25 May 1991, Grand Isle, Grand Isle Co.

4. Lacinopolia implicata (10414) (Noctuidae: Hadeninael3 September 1991, Bristol, Addison Co.

5. Xestla mixta (10959b) (Noctuidae: Noctuinae)30 July 1991, 1160 rn., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

6. Apames ophiogramma (9362.1) (Noctuidae : Amphipyrinael28 July 1991, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

7. Cycnia tenera (8230) (Arctiidae: Arctiinae)4 July 1~92, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

8. Pachypolia atricornis (9992) (Noctuidae: Cuculliinae)22 September 1992, Proctor Maple Res. Center, Underhill, Chittenden Co.

9. Anarta luteola (10332 .c) (Noctuidae: Hadeninael18 May 1989, Franklin Bog, Franklin, Franklin Co,

10. Oncocnemis piffardi (10123) (Noctuidae: Cuculliinae)3 September 1991, 1160 m., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

11 . Platypolia anceps (9976) (Noctuidae: Cuculliinae8 September 1991, 1160 rn., Mount Mansfield, Chittenden Co.

12. Oncocnemis saundersiana (10099) (Noctuidae: Cuculliinae)5 September 1973, Manchester, Bennington Co.

13. Dypterygia rozmani (95601 (Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae)22 May, 1992, UVM Horticultural Research Farm, South Burlington, Chittenden Co.

14. Zanclognatha martha (8350) Noctuidae: Herminiinae)20 July 1990, Jericho Research Forest, Jericho, Chittenden Co.

15. Lithophane oriunda (9894) (Noctuidae: Cuculliinae)16 April 1993, Lovers Lane, Grand Isle, Grand Isle Co.


7 8