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Một số điểm ngữ pháp cần lưu ý trong TOEFL, 2011

Jun 04, 2018



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- Very often, if the subject and verb are separated, they will be separated

by a prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase had no effect on the


Subject + [prepostional phrase] + verb

More Examples:

Several theories on this subject have been proposed.

The study of languages is very interesting.

The view of these disciplines varies from time to time.

The danger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly.


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- The following expressions also have no effect on

the verb:

· together with· along with· accompanied by· as

well as

Example:The actress, along with her manager and some

friends, is going to a party tonight.

Mr. Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children,is arriving tonight.

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2. Words that always take singular verbs and pronouns: Some words are often confused by English learners as being plural. The

following words must be followed by singular verbs and pronouns in formalwritten English.


any + singular noun no + singular noun some + singular noun

anybody nobody Somebody

anyone noone Someone

anything nothing Something

every + singular noun each + singular noun

everybody Each person

everyone *either

everything *neither

* Either  and Neither  are singular if te! are n"t used #it or  and nor $

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- Everybody who has not purchased a ticket should be in thisline.

- Somethin is under the table.

- !" either o" you takes a vacation now# we will not be able to

"inish the pro$ect.

- %nybody who has lost his ticket should report to the desk.

- &o problem is harder to solve than this one.

- &obody works harder than him.

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Either / Neither:

When either and neither are followed by or and nor, the verb may

be singular or plural, depending on whether the noun following or 

and nor is singular or plural. Let's check out the following formulas.

neither/either + noun + nor / or + plural noun + plural verb


Neither  Bob nor  his friends are going to the beach today.

Either  Bob or  his friends are going to the beach today.

neither/either + noun + nor/or + singular noun + singular verb


Neither  John nor  Bill is going to the beach today.Either  John or  Bill is going to the beach today.

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%$ N"ne & N"'3.(. None can take either sinular or plural verb# dependin on the noun

 which "ollows it.

n"ne ( "f te ( n"n)*"unt n"un ( singular +er,Example:

&one o" the counter"eit money has been "ound.

n"ne ( "f te ( -lural *"unt n"un ( -lural +er,Example:

&one o" the students have "inished the exam yet.

3.2. No can take either a sinular or plural verb dependin on the noun

 which "ollows it.

n" ( singular & n"n *"unt n"un ( singular +er,

Example:&o ticket is re)uired.

n" ( -lural n"un ( -lural +er,Example:

&o tickets are re)uired.

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.$ Gerunds /s Su,0e*ts'!" a sentence beins with 1+er,(ing2 3gerund4# the verb

must be a sinular. et+s study the "ollowin examples.


- ,orkin "or him is the best choice !+ve made.

- oin out at niht doesn+t seems interestin to me.

- &ot studyin has cause him many problems.

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5$ C"lle*ti+e N"uns- any words indicatin a number o" people or animals are sinular. /he

"ollowin nouns are usually sinular. !n some cases they are plural i" sentence

indicates that the individual members are actin separately.

congress family group committee class

organization team army club crowd

government jury majority* Minority public

* majority can be singular or plural . !" it is alone it is usually sinular0 i" it is "ollowedby plural noun# it is usually plural.

/he ma$ority believes that we are in no daner.

/he ma$ority o" the students believe him to be innocent.

Examples o" collective nouns:

- /he committee has met# and it has re$ected the proposal.

- /he "amily was elated by the news.

- /he crowd was wild with excitement.

- 1onress has initiated a new plan to combat in"lation.

- /he oraniation has lost many members this years.

- ur team is oin to win the ame.

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The following nouns are used to indicate groups of certain animals. They

mean the same as group and thus are considered singular.

flock of birds, sheep school of fish

herd of cattle pride of lions

pack of dogs


+ The flock  of birds is circlling overhead.

+ The herd  of cattle is breaking away.

+ A school  of fish is being attacked by sharks.

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6$ / Nu7,er Of & Te Nu7,er Of '/ nu7,er "f ( -lural n"un ( -lural +er,$$$$$' 7 t sộ ốTe nu7,er "f ( -lural n"un ( singular +er,$$$$' sốExample:

- % number o" students are oin to the class picnic. 4a number

o" many6- /he number o" the days in a week is seven.

- % number o" the applicants have already been interviewed.

- /he number o" residents who have been )uestioned on this

matter is )uite small.

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8$ N"uns are tat al#a!s -lural'/he "ollowin nouns are always considered plural. /hey can not be

sinular. !n order to speak o" them as sinular# we must say 9a -air "f


et+s study the "ollowin examples:

- /he pants are in the drawer.

- % pair o" pants is in the drawer.

- /he pliers were on the table.- /he pair o" pliers was on the table.

- /hese scissors are dull.

- /his pair o" scissors is dull.

scissors shorts pants jeans tongs

trousers eyeglasses pliers tweezers

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Lư u ý:


- Nhóm Môn học: physics (vật lý ),mathematics 


- Nhóm Bệnh tật: Measles (sởi), mumps (quai bị ).Nhóm Tên nướ c : The United States (Nước Mỹ), the

Philipines, …

- Chữ  NEWS: tin tứ c

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Exercise: Choose the correct form of the verb in the following

sentences.(. &either 7ill nor ary 4is 8 are6 oin to the play toniht.

2. %nythin 4is 8 are6 better than oin to another movie toniht.

3. Skatin 4is 8 are6 becomin more popular every day.

9. % number o" reporters 4was 8 were6 at the con"erence yesterday.5. %nybody who 4has 8 have6 a "ever must o home immediately.

. ;our lasses 4was 8 were6 on the bureau last niht.

<. /here 4was 8 were6 some people at the meetin last niht.

'. /he committee 4has 8 have6 already reached a decision.

=. % pair o" $eans 4was 8 were6 in the washin machine this mornin.

(>. Each student 4has 8 have6 answered the "irst three )uestions.

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((. Either ?ohn or his wi"e 4make# makes6 break"ast each mornin.

(2. %"ter she had perused the material# the secretary decided that

everythin 4was 8 were6 in order.(3. /he crowd at the basketball ame 4was 8 were6 wild with


(9. % pack o" wild dos 4has 8 have6 "rihtened all the ducks away.

(5. /he $ury 4is 8 are6 tryin to reach a decision.

(. /he army 4has 8 have6 eliminated this section o" the trainin test.

(<. /he number o" students who have withdrawn "rom class this )uarter

4is 8 are6 appallin.

('. /here 4has 8 have6 been too many interruptions in this class.

(=. Every elementary school teacher 4has 8 have6 to take thisexamination.

2>. &either ?ill nor her parents 4has 8 have6 seen this movie be"ore. 

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:$ C; t < ! ra  ể ả  3ở  iện t iạ 4M t ng * +i=n t ng t ng n;i r ng'ộ ứ ử ổ ố ằ  & u t@i tr thAnhế ởt n th n# t@i s b nhi m anh lAm th kB.ổ ố ẽ ổ ệ ư  

>$ Gi ? n@ ABng *; t t@ ABng t < ! ra ả ị ậ ể ả  3ở  iện t iạ 4

M t ng i ABng ra ng * t ng t ng n;i r ng'ộ ườ ứ ử ổ ố ằ& u t@i tr thAnh t n th n# t@i s b nhi m anh lAm th kB.ế ở ổ ố ẽ ổ ệ ư  

%$ Bng < ! ra@ gi ? n tr"ng Du Aả ả ị ứ  M t ng i ng * t ng t ng n ng ABng trng * n;iộ ườ ứ ử ổ ố ư ử  r ng'ằ& u t@i tr thAnh t n th nế ở ổ ố  vAo nCm noDi th t@i FG bổnhi m anh lAm th kệ ư  B.

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I. FIR! "#$%I!I#$&'&. FormWe use the present simple tense in the if clause and the future with

will   in the main clause.  We usually use a comma (,) when the if  

clause is first, but not when the main clause is first.

If she eats all that ice cream, she will feel terrible.

If I have time, I‘ll phone you later.

You‘ll be hungry if you don’t have some dinner.

They won’t arrive on time if they miss the bus.

Note: We do not use will in the if clause.

If it rains we’ll go to the cinema.

NOT If it will rain we’ll go to the cinema.



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A. Form- We use the past simple form in the if  clause and would  +

infinitive without to  in the main clause.

- We usually use a comma (,) when the if clause is first, but notwhen the main clause is first.

If I h ad enough money, I  would buy that house.

If you didn’t eat so much, you ‘d lose weight.

He ‘d feel better if he didn’t smoke so much.

They wouldn’t play tennis if it w as raining.

Note: We do not use would  in the if  clause.

If I had enough money …

NOT If I would have enough money …

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B. UseSecond conditionals describe unreal, unlikely, or imaginarysituations. 

If we had more money, we’d travel business class.

What would you do if you saw a ghost? 

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A. FormWe use the past perfect (continuous) form in the if  clause

and would  have + past participle in the main clause. 

We usually use a comma (,) when the if clause is first, butnot when the main clause is first.

If you hadn’t studied so hard, you would have failed.

I would have passed if I‘d worked harder.

They wouldn’t have come if they hadn’t wanted to see you. 

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B. Use

- We use third conditionals to describe something thatdidn’t happen, an imaginary situation in the past.

If I had worked harder I would have passed the exam.

(I didn’t work hard, and I didn’t pass the exam.)You wouldn’t have crashed if you hadn’t been driving sofast.

(You were driving too fast, and you crashed.)

- Without using ifHad I worked harder I would have passed the exam.

Had you not been driving so fast, You wouldn’t havecrashed.

1 If they had left the house earlier they (be; negative) so late

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1. If they had left the house earlier, they _______ (be; negative) so lategetting to the airport that they could not check their baggage2. If I finish the dress before Friday, I --- (give) it to my sister for herbirthday.3. If I had seen the movie. I _______ (tell) you about it last night.4. Had Bob not interfered in his sister`s marital problems, there —— (be)peace between them.5. He would give you the money if he _____ (have) it.6. She would call you immediately if she _____ (need) help.7. Had they arrived at the sale early, they ______ (find) a better selection.8. If you have enough time, please ___(paint) the chair before you leave.9. We could go for a drive if today _______ (be) Saturday.

10. If she wins the prize, it will be because she ______ (write) very well. .11. I ——————— (accept) if they invite me to the party.12. If your mother ________(buy) that car for you, will you be happy?13. If he _____(decide) earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.14. Had we known your address, we _______ (write) you a letter.15. If the roofer doesn`t come soon, the rain _______ (leak) inside.16. My dog always wakes me up if he ______ (hear) strange noises.17. If you _______ (see) Mary today, please ask her to call me.18. If he ______ (get) the raise, it will be because he does a good job.19. The teacher will not accept our work if we ______ (turn) it in late.20. If he had left already, he ______ (call) us.21. If they had known him, they ______ (talk) to him.22. He would understand it if you ______ (explain) it to him more slowly.

23. I could understand the French teacher if she ___(speak) more slowly. 

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TBng tin t a 3redundan*!4ừ   Bng dng s"ng s"ng * > t d i ?! tr"ng *ng 7 t *uả ừ ướ ộ :

advance forwardproceed forwardprogress forward

C 3 tả ừ advance, proceed, progress đ u c ngh!a ti n l"n# ti n v ph$a tr c%ề ế ế ề ướ&to move in a forward direction&' () v yậ forward l th a'ừ 

return bac+revert bac+

C , tả ừ return, revert  đ u c ngh!a% &to go bac+# to send bac+&' () v yề ậ back  lth a'ừ 

sufficient enought -ai t ny ngh!a nh nhauừ ư 

compete togethercompete . đua tranh# c nh tranh v i nhau &to ta+e part in a contest againstạ ớ


reason''' because -ai t ny c ngh!a nh nhau' M u đ/ng ph i l &reason''' that&ừ ư ẫ ả

 join together join c ngh!a &to bring together&# &to put together&# &to become a part or a

member of'''&

repeat again repeat c ngh!a &to say again&

new innovation innovation c ngh!a l m t 0 t ng m i &a new idea&ộ ưở ớ

matinee performance matinee . bu i bi u di n chi uổ ể ễ ề

same identical hai t ny ngh!a gi ng nhauừ ố

two twins twins . two brothers or sisters

the time 1 when -ai t ny ngh!a gi ng nhauừ ố

the place 1 where -ai t ny ngh!a gi ng nhauừ ố

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Khi thông tin trong câu bị lặp đi lặp lại không cần thiết th ì nó bị gọi là thông tin thừ a, cần phải loại bỏ phần thừ a đó.

Ví dụ: Người Anh không dùng the time when  mà ch ỉ dùng một

trong hai.It is (the time/ when) I got home.Người Anh không dùng the place where  mà ch ỉ dùng mộttrong hai.It is (the place/ where) I was born.

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Cấu trúc song song trong câu Khi thông tin trong một câu được đư a ra dưới dạng liệt kê th ì các thành phầnđược liệt kê phải tương ứ ng với nhau về mặt từ  loại (noun - noun, adjective -

adjective, ...). Ví dụ: 

&I ()$*

r. enry is a lawyer, a politician,and he teaches.

r. enry is a lawyer, a politician, and ateacher.

-eter is rich, handsome, and many

people like him. -eter is rich, handsome, and popular.

!he cat approached the mouse slowlyand silent.

!he cat approached the mouse slowly andsilently.

he like to fish, swim and surfing.he like to fish, to swim and to surf.

he like fishing, swimming and surfing.

hen teenagers finish highschool,they have several choices/ going tocollege, getting a job, or the army.

hen teenagers finish highschool, they haveseveral choices/ going to college, getting a

 job, or joining the army.

!im entered the room, sat down, andis opening his book.

!im entered the room, sat down, andopened his book.

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Tuy nhiên nếu thời gian trong các mệnh đề khác nhaucủa câu là khác nhau th ì động từ  cũng phải tuân theo

qui luật thời gian. Lúc đó  cấu trúc câu song song về thời của các động từ  (như  ví dụ ở dòng cuối bảng trên)không được áp dụng. Ví  dụ:She is a senior, studies every day, and will graduate a

semester early.

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Một số ngữ  động từ  (phrasal verb) thườ ng gặpĐó  là nhữ ng động từ  kết hợ p vớ i 1, 2 hoặc đôi khi 3 giớ i từ ,khi kết hợ p ở   dạng như   vậy ngữ   ngh ĩ a của chúng thay đổi

hẳn so vớ i ngh ĩ a ban đầu./o break o"": ch m d t# c t F t# Fo n tuy t.ấ ứ ắ ứ ạ ệ/o brin up: nHu ra# F a lHn m t v n Fư ộ ấ ề/o call on: yHu c u 8 F n thCmầ ế/o care "or: thIch 8 tr@n nom# sCn sJc 4look a"ter6

/o check out 4o"8"rom6 a library: m n sDch th vi n vượ ở ư ệ ề/o check out: Fi u tra# xem xKt.ề/o check out 4o"6: lAm th t c F ra 4khDch s n# sLn bay6 MN check in.ủ ụ ể ạ/o check 4up6 on: Fi u tra# xem xKt.ề/o close in 4on6: ti n l i n# ch y l i nế ạ ầ ạ ạ ầ

/o come alon with: Fi cOn v iớ/o count on depend on rely on

/o come down with: m c ph i m t cCn b nhắ ả ộ ệ/o do away with et rid o": t n kh # lo i b # tr khố ứ ạ ỏ ừ ử  /o daw up to dra"t: so n th o 4m t k ho ch# m t h p F n6ạ ả ộ ế ạ ộ ợ ồ/o drop out o" to withdraw "rom: b 4F c bi t lA b h c i a ch n6ỏ ặ ệ ỏ ọ ữ ừ  

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/o "iure out: Pnh dun ra F c# hi u F c.ượ ể ượ/o "ind out: khDm phD ra# phDt hi n ra.ệ/o et by: n h i )ua nAy# s n sJt )ua F cầ ồ ố ượ/o et throuh with: k t thQcế

/o et throuh to: th@n tin F c cho ai# i F c cho 4Fi n tho i6# tmượ ọ ượ ệ ạcDch lAm cho hi uể/o et up: d y8 t ch c.ậ ổ ứ /o ive up: b # t bỏ ừ ỏ/o o alon with: F n B v iồ ớ/o hold on to: v n i v n# duy trẫ ữ ữ /o hold up: c p 8 v n i v n# v n duy tr# v n s n bnh th n#ướ ẫ ữ ữ ẫ ẫ ố ườv n dOn F c 4b t ch p s c Kp bHn noAi ho c s d n lLu6ẫ ượ ấ ấ ứ ặ ử ụ/o keep on doin smt: v n ti p t c kh@n n n lAm ẫ ế ụ ừ  

/o look a"ter: tr@n nom# sCn sJc/o look into: Fi u tra# xem xKtề/o pass out to "aint: n t 4n i F n t # kh@n dOn b F n6ấ ộ ộ ừ ộ/o pick out: ch n ra# l a ra# nh t raọ ! ặ/o point out: ch ra# v ch ra" ạ

/ "i P h d F hi Fể

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/o "iure out: Pnh dun ra F c# hi u F c.ượ ể ượ/o "ind out: khDm phD ra# phDt hi n ra.ệ/o et by: n h i )ua nAy# s n sJt )ua F cầ ồ ố ượ/o et throuh with: k t thQcế

/o et throuh to: th@n tin F c cho ai# i F c cho 4Fi n tho i6# tmượ ọ ượ ệ ạcDch lAm cho hi uể/o et up: d y8 t ch c.ậ ổ ứ /o ive up: b # t bỏ ừ ỏ/o o alon with: F n B v iồ ớ/o hold on to: v n i v n# duy trẫ ữ ữ /o hold up: c p 8 v n i v n# v n duy tr# v n s n bnh th n#ướ ẫ ữ ữ ẫ ẫ ố ườv n dOn F c 4b t ch p s c Kp bHn noAi ho c s d n lLu6ẫ ượ ấ ấ ứ ặ ử ụ/o keep on doin smt: v n ti p t c kh@n n n lAm ẫ ế ụ ừ  /o look a"ter: tr@n nom# sCn sJc

/o look into: Fi u tra# xem xKtề/o pass out to "aint: n t 4n i F n t # kh@n dOn b F n6ấ ộ ộ ừ ộ/o pick out: ch n ra# l a ra# nh t raọ ! ặ/o point out: ch ra# v ch ra" ạ

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/o put o"": tr hoGn# Fnh hoGn

/o run across: khDm phD# phDt hi n ra 4tnh c 6ệ ờ/o run into sb: p ai b t nặ ấ ờ

/o see about to: lo l n# sCn sJc# ch y v yắ ạ ạ/o take o"": c t cDnh MN to landấ/o take over "or: thay th choếto talk over: bAn so n# th o lu n vạ ả ậ ề

to try out: th nhi m# dOn th 4s n ph m6ử ệ ử ả #

to try out "or: th vai# th i n 4( v k ch# bu i bi u di n6ử ử ọ ở ổ ể ễ/o turn in: iao n p# F trnh 8 Fi nộ ệ ủ/o watch out "or: c nh iDc# F m t# tr@n ch n 4c nhRa Fenả ể ắ ừ ảl n nhRa bJn6ẫ

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CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI Câu hỏi đuôi là một dạng câu hỏi rất thông dụng trong tiếng Anh.

Mặc dù câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đuôi cũng giống như  câu trả lời chocâu hỏi YES-NO, như ng câu hỏi đuôi có  sắc thái ý  ngh ĩ a riêngbiệt.

Câu hỏi đuôi được thành lập sau một câu nói khẳng định hoặc

phủ định, được ngăn cách bằng dấu phẩy (,) v ì vậy người đặt câuhỏi đã có thông tin về câu trả lời. Tuy nhiên, thường th ì người hỏikhông chắc chắn lắm về thông tin này.

Nếu người hỏi chắc chắn, tự  tin rằng m ình đã có thông tin về câutrả  lời như ng vẫn hỏi th ì khi chấm dứ t câu hỏi đuôi, người hỏi sẽ lên giọng.

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* Nguyên tắc chung khi lập câu hỏi đuôi:

- Nếu câu nói trước dấu phẩy là câu khẳng định, câu hỏiđuôi phải ở thể phủ định.- Nếu câu nói trước dấu phẩy là câu phủ định, câu hỏi đuôiphải ở thể khẳng định

Cấu tạo của câu hỏi đuôi:- Câu hỏi đuôi gồm một trợ động từ  tương ứ ng với th ì đượcdùng trong câu nói trước dấu phầy, có NOT hoặc không có NOT và một đại từ  nhân xư ng tương ứ ng với chủ ngữ  củacâu nói trước dấu phẩy.

TD: You are afraid, aren't you?

You didn't do your homework, did you?

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Cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi cho các th ì1. Hiện tại đơn với TO BE:

- He is handsome, isn't he?

2. Hiện tại đơn với động từ  thường: mượn trợ động từ  DO hoặcDOES tùy theo chủ ngữ  - They like me, don't they?- She loves you, doesn't she?

3. Th ì quá khứ  đơn với động từ  thường: mượn trợ động từ  DID,quá khứ  đơn với TO BE: WAS hoặc WERE

4. Th ì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn:

mượn trợ động từ  HAVE hoặc HAS 

- They have left, haven't they?

- The rain has stopped, hasn't it? 

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* Nhữ ng trườ ng hợ p đặc biệt cần lư u ý** HAD BETTER: thường được viết ngắn gọn thành 'D

BETTER  ch ỉ cần mượn trợ động từ  HAD để  lập câu hỏiđuôi.

TD: He'd better stay, hadn't he?

** WOULD RATHER: thường được viết gọn là 'D RATHER  ch ỉ cần mượn trợ động từ  WOULD để lập câu hỏi đuôi.- TD: You'd rather go, wouldn't you?

** If the main clause is " I am" , tag question must be "aren'tI?“

EX: I am coming here ,aren't I?

Với I AM NOT, câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là AM I như  quy tắc.+ I am not guilty, am i? 

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If the main clause have "let's",tag question must be "

shall we?"TD: Let's go to the movies, shall we?

If the main clause is request, tag question must be"will you?"

TD: Open the window, will you?If the main clause is invation, tag question must be

"won't you?"TD: Take your seat, won't you?

If the main clause have: "seldom, rarely, hardly, no,without, never,..." , tag question must be affirmation.TD: He never goes to school late, does he?

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/r cắ  nhiệm

Như ng lôi dê măc trong tiêng Anh  $ $ $ % %  

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'Everyday' la môt tinh tư  trong tiêng Anh.   ̀ ̣ ́ ̀ ́  

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/r cắ  nhiệm

cac t diHn ta th@n tin trai n c  % ư& $ ' % ư()  

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Trăc nghiêm vê như ng tư  dê nhâm lân  % ) & $ & $ & $  

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